Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • December 2013
SBR Invades California’s Central Coast R.U.F. Lands At The Bird Museum Porsche Air Bag Systems
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • December 2013
SBR Invades California’s Central Coast R.U.F. Lands At The Bird Museum Porsche Air Bag Systems
The Poker Run & Picnic Pays Off Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade Porsche Manual Transmissions
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • December 2013
Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train R.U.F. At Will Rogers State Park Getting “Road Trip” Ready
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • August 2013
SBR Invades California’s Central Coast R.U.F. Lands At The Bird Museum Porsche Air Bag Systems
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • November 2013
The Poker Run & Picnic Pays Off Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade Porsche Manual Transmissions
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • December 2013
AUSPUFF Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • January 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2013
The Malamut Collection Tour SBR’s Gala Holiday Brunch Cayman Debuts in L.A.
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • June 2013
Autocross At The Camarillo Airport The Ins & Outs of CA Smog Tests R.U.F. Sees Galpin Collection
17th Annual Chili Cook-Off Manual Transmission Service Drums Instrumental In R.U.F. Visit
17th Annual Chili Cook-Off Manual Transmission Service Drums Instrumental In R.U.F. Visit
17th Annual Chili Cook-Off Manual Transmission Service Drums Instrumental In R.U.F. Visit
17th Annual Chili Cook-Off Manual Transmission Service Drums Instrumental In R.U.F. Visit
SBR’s Hawaiian Luau Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Porsche Automatic Transmissions
Zone 8 Autocross At Camarillo Airport R.U.F. Plays In The Rose Bowl SBR Visits The Getty Center
SBR’s Hawaiian Luau Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Porsche Automatic Transmissions
Zone 8 Autocross At Camarillo Airport R.U.F. Plays In The Rose Bowl SBR Visits The Getty Center
SBR’s Hawaiian Luau Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Porsche Automatic Transmissions
Zone 8 Autocross At Camarillo Airport R.U.F. Plays In The Rose Bowl SBR Visits The Getty Center
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2013
SBR’s Hawaiian Luau Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Porsche Automatic Transmissions
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2013
Dinner Drive To The Palms Restaurant R.U.F. Gets Butterflies in Goleta Porsche Exhaust Systems
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • July 2013
El Camino Real XXX Rally 32 Hours, 7 Minutes Screening Porsche Emission Systems: Old & New
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • March 2013
The Best of The Southwest Weekend: Scottsdale & Sedona, Arizona Porsche Oil Leaks
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • May 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2013
Dinner Drive To The Palms Restaurant R.U.F. Gets Butterflies in Goleta Porsche Exhaust Systems
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • July 2013
El Camino Real XXX Rally 32 Hours, 7 Minutes Screening Porsche Emission Systems: Old & New
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • March 2013
The Best of The Southwest Weekend: Scottsdale & Sedona, Arizona Porsche Oil Leaks
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • June 2013
Autocross At The Camarillo Airport The Ins & Outs of CA Smog Tests R.U.F. Sees Galpin Collection
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2013
The Malamut Collection Tour SBR’s Gala Holiday Brunch Cayman Debuts in L.A.
SBR Invades California’s Central Coast R.U.F. Lands At The Bird Museum Porsche Air Bag Systems
Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train R.U.F. At Will Rogers State Park Getting “Road Trip” Ready
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • January 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • May 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • November 2013
El Camino Real XXX Rally 32 Hours, 7 Minutes Screening Porsche Emission Systems: Old & New
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2013
Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train R.U.F. At Will Rogers State Park Getting “Road Trip” Ready
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • August 2013
Autocross At The Camarillo Airport The Ins & Outs of CA Smog Tests R.U.F. Sees Galpin Collection
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013
Dinner Drive To The Palms Restaurant R.U.F. Gets Butterflies in Goleta Porsche Exhaust Systems
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • July 2013
The Best of The Southwest Weekend: Scottsdale & Sedona, Arizona Porsche Oil Leaks
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • June 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2013
The Malamut Collection Tour SBR’s Gala Holiday Brunch Cayman Debuts in L.A.
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • May 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • March 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • January 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • August 2013
The Poker Run & Picnic Pays Off Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade Porsche Manual Transmissions
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • November 2013
The Poker Run & Picnic Pays Off Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade Porsche Manual Transmissions
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • August 2013
El Camino Real XXX Rally 32 Hours, 7 Minutes Screening Porsche Emission Systems: Old & New
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • July 2013
Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train R.U.F. At Will Rogers State Park Getting “Road Trip” Ready
Autocross At The Camarillo Airport The Ins & Outs of CA Smog Tests R.U.F. Sees Galpin Collection
Dinner Drive To The Palms Restaurant R.U.F. Gets Butterflies in Goleta Porsche Exhaust Systems
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • June 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • April 2013
The Best of The Southwest Weekend: Scottsdale & Sedona, Arizona Porsche Oil Leaks
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • May 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • March 2013
The Malamut Collection Tour SBR’s Gala Holiday Brunch Cayman Debuts in L.A.
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • January 2013
Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • November 2013
Zone 8 Autocross At Camarillo Airport R.U.F. Plays In The Rose Bowl SBR Visits The Getty Center
Our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance The Rebel Without A Cause Run
Our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance The Rebel Without A Cause Run
Our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance The Rebel Without A Cause Run
Our 35th Annual Concours d’Elegance The Rebel Without A Cause Run
AUSPUFF Contents Features
R.U.F. Visits Home of Silent Screen Star ....11 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance ..............14 Concours Results.........................................19 SBR Visits LAFD Air Ops Center..................22
Monthly Reports
President’s Column ........................................4 Editor’s Column .............................................4 Channel Islands Breakfast Meeting..............7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24 SBR Board of Directors Meeting.................28
SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 Motor 4 Toys .................................................8 Zone 8 Banquet ...........................................12 Caravan To Carlsbad ...................................17 Pindler Collection & Palms Restaurant .......25 Goodie Store Holiday Sale ..........................29
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 Membership Gallery....................................18 The Tech Page .............................................20 Ordering Name Badges ...............................24 Down the Road............................................26 SBR Breakfast Maps ...................................27 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 The Goodie Store ........................................29 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 The Last Word .............................................32
On The Cover
The covers of Der Auspuff for 2013, another banner year for the Santa Barbara Region.
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors
President DOREEN PANKOW 805-527-8280
Activities BARRY WEINSTEIN 805-241-5641
Vice President JOHN McNAIR 805-494-1527
Treasurer STEVE KALLER 818-489-4225
Past President NICOLAS LIAKAS 818-706-6016 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees
Secretary DICK LANGE 818-865-1498
Membership SUE KINSLING 805-386-8112
Editor MIKE POMERANTZ 805-341-3192
SBR Events Calendar
Editor MIKE POMERANTZ 805-341-3192
December Sunday
7 14 15
Yearly Advertising Rates Rate is for 12 monthly issues. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1870.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $935.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $635.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $330.00
Saturday Sunday
January 2014 4 Wednesday 8 Saturday 11 Friday- 17-20 Monday Saturday
Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Ted Lighthizer 805-527-8280
PCASBR is online:
February 2014 Saturday Saturday Saturday
1 8 15
The President’s Column Doreen Pankow
ecember can be a hectic month for all of us, but it is also a time to get together with our loved ones, celebrate our friendships, and help those who are less fortunate. This month, we will be collecting toys for the Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara. Please bring an unwrapped toy to our December breakfast meetings and to our Holiday Brunch on December 15th at the La Cumbre Country Club in Santa Barbara. Our Holiday Brunch is a wonderful time to reminisce about all the fun drives and outings we’ve enjoyed this past year and to appreciate old and new friendships we’ve developed. Since this is also our Annual Membership Meeting, we will be installing the 2014 officers and board of directors at the event. Don’t forget to submit your ballots by Dec. 9th to SBR’s Secretary, Dick Lange, and vote for the 2014 officers and for the Man and Woman of the Year.
for volunteers to help organize an event or to help out, so please let Barry Weinstein, SBR’s Activity Chair, know of your interest. It really is a lot of fun to be involved with putting on an event, so give it a try! There are several board members who are retiring this year whom I’d like to recognize. Dan Byers served as our Autocross Chair and Co-Chair for the past five years organizing and dealing with all the logistical issues associated with this motorsport competitive event. Brian & Linda Rubino served as our Goodie Store Managers for the past three years and brought a wide variety of inventory to our breakfast meetings and special events, all of which our members have enjoyed. Mike Pomerantz served countless hours this past year as our Editor, allowing us to continue the production of our favorite magazine, Der Auspuff. Robert Watt served as our Concours Chair this past year and was in charge of the Detail Clinic at Lavaggio’s and our 37th annual Concours d’Elegance at the Fess Parker Doubletree in Santa Barbara. Thank you for your time, effort and dedication serving in these board positions.
The Santa Barbara Region is renowned for the number of activities we put on and also for being a very friendly club. Thank you for being a member and for greeting and welcoming our new members at our various events. We are truly blessed to be a part of this active region. I’d like to thank our members who serve on the board of directors and all the other hard-working volunteers who help make all these events happen. We are always looking
As President, I want to thank all of you for your support this past year. It’s been a learning experience for me, and I appreciate your kindness and willingness to help out as volunteers to support our many club activities and events. Thank you!
From The Editor’s Desk
I would like to thank all of the members who contributed to the publication of our monthly magazine. Thank you to all who took photos, wrote articles, proof-read, printed, and distributed the magazine. Also, a huge thank you to the advertisers whose sponsorship make it all financially possible.
Mike Pomerantz
ow, I can’t believe it’s December already! Time just keeps flying by. There are still a couple of great activities remaining this month, and next year starts off with a fabulous trip to Carlsbad. Hope to see many of you there.
As this year comes to a close, so does my term as editor of Der Auspuff. It has been a great experience, and I was glad I could contribute to the success of this wonderful club.
Ted and I wish you all peace and happiness in the coming year. Happy Holidays!
I would like to personally thank John Alfenito, who helped me every step of the way, from the transition of the editorship, preparation of the awesome covers and fliers, and much-needed support as my day-time job became more demanding. I’m now passing the baton back to him, and appreciate his taking on this position once again. I know he has some surprises in store for next year, and he will provide much emphasis on, and prominence to, our 50th anniversary celebration. It’s sure to be a great year! Until next time, see you down the road!
Channel Islands Breakfast November 2, 2013
eith Goldberg, General Manager, and Sam Abergel, Service Manager, with his wife Lacey led a group to our breakfast meeting from one of our sponsors, Rusnak Porsche, in Westlake. Thanks to Keith and the dealership for their generous and continuing support of our club. In December, at our annual holiday celebration, the Officers for 2014 will be announced. Club Secretary Dick Lange handed out ballots to those who wanted to vote at this meeting. President
Doreen Pankow encouraged everyone to vote for officers as well as for their choices for the two people they felt should be honored as PCA/SBR Man and Woman of the Year. Membership Chair Sue Kinsling announced that we had 66 attendees in 45 Porsches at today’s meeting. She also introduced two new club members: Rich Bonjourno from Newbury Park, who came in his 2009 997S; and Mike Brashears from Santa Barbara, who drove over in his 2009 Cayenne S. Sue also announced that this was the first breakfast attended by long-time members Chuck & Bonnie Carter from Oxnard. The Carters drive a 1996 993. Our Activities Chair, Barry Weinstein, announced that he was about to give one of the shortest reports of his career as the next two months of events (the November Wine Tour and the December Holiday Brunch) are already filled to capacity and need no further promotion or explanation. The briefness of his presentation drew loud cheers from the assemblage.
Please welcome new member Rich Bonjourno from Newbury Park. Rich has a 2009 997.2 S.
Say hello to new member Mike Brashears from Santa Barbara. Mike owns a 2009 Cayenne S.
Our other November Porsche Club activities, the PCNA west coast Tech Tactics workshops and our own Street Survival School for young drivers, are also interesting and fun events, well worth attending and still open to participation. =
Let’s give a warm welcome back to long-time members Chuck & Bonnie Carter from Oxnard. The Carters drive a 1996 993.
Santa Barbara Breakfast November 9, 2013
Another Beautiful Day On The Wharf
resident Doreen Pankow welcomed everyone on what was an absolutely beautiful morning to our breakfast meeting at Moby Dick’s restaurant at the end of Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara. Three of our Der Auspuff advertisers from Santa Barbara were introduced to the crowd and thanked for their ongoing support of our club. These were: George Rasher, Financial Advisor with Morgan Stanley; orthodontist Joe Carastro, D.M.D., M.S.; and Robert Watt, a Realtor with Village Properties. Robert Watt was then presented with an award and thanked for being our Concours Chair this year. Our 2013 Concours d’Elegance was an outstanding event with 64 cars parked on the lawn across the street from the ocean at the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort.
Before ending the meeting, Doreen thanked Brian and Linda Rubino for hosting a great event at the Van Nuys airport in October and also for all their service as our Goodie Store Managers for the past three years.
Sue Kinsling, our Membership Chair, was unable to attend. Her husband, Randy Kinsling, assumed her role and announced that we had 42 members in 29 Porsches in attendance. A new member, Gideon Joffe, joined us in his 2007 911 Cabriolet.
She also thanked Ron Williams, who took the meeting pictures today, for all the fine work he has done throughout the year as one of our staff photographers. =
Please welcome new member Gideon Joffe driving a 2007 911 Carrera Cab. Another Chairperson (me!) was unable to attend the meeting, so Doreen took over my duties and announced that both the Grape Harvest Tour this month and the Holiday Brunch in December are sold out. If you want to be on the waiting list for the Holiday Brunch, please send your check and reservation form to me, Barry Weinstein. My address is on the SBR Board of Directors page in the front of this magazine. We do, however, still have room on the Caravan to Carlsbad & Temecula Wine Country trip over the Martin Luther King weekend. The McNairs always organize a fun overnighter, so sign up now as the discounts on PCA-SBR room rates at the Carlsbad Beach Resort are only good until December 15th.
President Doreen Pankow presenting Robert Watt with Concours Chair Award.
The R.U.F. Report
thousand square feet in size with 22 rooms. It cost $130,000 to build in the 1920’s. William Hart shared the home with his wife and sister, the latter of whom was disabled and confined to a wheelchair. The home, which is two stories, with a dramatic foyer and staircase, was designed to be totally accessible to Hart’s sister without use of an elevator. To accomplish this, the house was built into the hillside to allow access to both floors from the rear of the house. We walked up the winding driveway toward the house and were lucky enough to see the small herd of bison that live on the property. The animals were a gift to Hart from Walt Disney and reportedly were gifted after a bison chased Mrs. Disney up a tree!
hursday, October 17th was a beautiful, sunny fall day as sixteen R.U.Fians embarked on our monthly outing which took us over Grimes Canyon with all of its twisties, across the Santa Clara River Valley to old town Newhall. On our way out Hwy. 126, we saw numerous fruit stands festooned with corn stalks and pumpkins reminding us of the imminence of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Our destination was the Willian S. Hart Home and Museum located in a 265-acre park also named for William S. Hart, a very famous actor in numerous silent films. The home, furnishings and land are owned by Los Angeles County, a gift from Mr. Hart.
Some of the interesting facts about the construction of the house included an original redwood floor which was laid without nails; it was set in place by flooding the floor so that the boards swelled tightly together. There is also a projection room behind the walls of the massive den which was used for movie viewing. One of the last rooms we viewed was the family dogs’ bedroom. Hart was a great animal lover, and the dogs enjoyed great comfort in their custom-made beds. After our tour, we walked to the Egg Plantation, a local favorite, once featured on the Food Channel. Everyone enjoyed our tour and commented on how fortunate we are to have so many lovely historic homes to tour in the Southern California area. =
The home was donated completely furnished with many priceless western paintings (many by Charlie Russell and Fredric Remington), North American Indian artifacts and Hollywood memorabilia. The collection is managed by the L.A. County Natural History Museum, and our knowledgeable docent was provided by the Museum. The home itself is situated at the top of a hill overlooking the Santa Clarita Valley. It is Spanish Colonial in style and over ten
37th Annual Concours d’Elegance At Fess Parker’s Doubletree Resort W STORY BY ROBERT WATT, EVENT PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO
hat do you get with more than 60 Porsches elegantly arranged on the lawn overlooking the Pacific Ocean? The Santa Barbara Region’s 37th annual Concours d’Elegance, of course.
The beautiful Fess Parker Doubletree Resort was our host location for the second consecutive year to celebrate the style of Porsche motorcars. Located on Cabrillo Boulevard directly across from the beach, the resort’s location provided open access for everyone to enjoy, including the public, hotel guests, tourists, and locals as they mingled among the Porsches under the amazing Santa Barbara weather. All this made for an exciting, fun-filled day. More than 60 cars were carefully parked on the lush lawns adjacent to the hotel’s famous rotunda. Porsches were carefully arranged into their competitive groups, with five classes of cars showing in a wide variety of style and era. Immediately following the early morning arrival, the competitors went right to work preparing their cars for the judges to view. Following a brief meeting with the judging crew, led by head judge Joe Nedza, the concours officially began at 10:00 a.m. Each car being judged was carefully evaluated, examined, and inspected with attention to detail as the car owner stood by for the anticipated outcome. All the hard work and (somewhat stressful) preparation had everyone ready for the judging. After the judges completed their examinations, lunch was served by the Fess Parker Resort. The delicious meals were served promptly in a relaxing atmosphere under the shade of the rotunda. It was an elegant midday meal and a welcome break from all the hard work of concours competition as everyone shared stories and enjoyed the camaraderie. Following lunch, a 50/50 raffle was held to raise proceeds for this year’s charity, the Gold Coast Veteran’s Foundation. A total of $2,300 was raised, and the lucky winner of the raffle, Jeanne McNair, generously donated her share back to the charity. Jim Brown, our master of ceremonies for the day, announced the day’s events and called everyone together for the awards presentations. As Joe Nedza announced the class and division winners, Concours Chairman Robert Watt presented each welldeserving winner with his or her award. Finally, the Best of Show Award was revealed, with top honors going to Linda and Dave Yerzley for their immaculate 1973 911 S. Incredibly, Linda and Dave won with a perfect score of 240!
We would like to thank all the wonderful people who worked so hard to make our 37th annual concours such a huge success. Our set-up crew included Ted Lighthizer, Doreen Pankow, and Robert Watt, with the registration efforts handled by Sue Kinsling, Nancy Carastro, Susan Stone and Jeanette Bassett. The critical task of traffic control was managed by Ted Lighthizer, Dave Mosesson, Frank Donahue, Mike Jacobs, Gary Weaver, and James Oldham. Car placement was directed by Bob Bassett, Larry Stoops, David Stone, Jim Brown and James Edwards. Timers included Karen Kahn, Iris Eisenbach, Claus Eisenbach, Howard Rubenstein, and Dick Lange with Lisa Bien, Libby Odesky, and Mackenzie Watt making sure score sheets were turned in. Event scorers were Ryan Watt and Joe Nedza. Last, but certainly not least, we’d like to acknowledge and thank our terrific judging crew. Our sincere thanks go to Joe Nedza, Karen Nedza, Oscar Briones, Jeff Waxman, Colleen Stein, Rob Vincent, Alfred Abken, Dave Yerzley, Linda Yerzley, Michael Dolphin, Ted Lighthizer, Carolyn Ewbank, Steve Vinning, Linda Cobarrubias, Doc Pryor, Joe DeMeo, Pat Wadman, Betsy Wadman, Marge Libuano, Steve Conger and Dick Douglass. This year’s group of judges provided efficiency and a professional commitment to evaluating a large number of Porsches in a limited amount of time considering the number of entrants. Without the cheerfully delivered efforts of all of these volunteers, an event of this magnitude would not be possible. Finally, recognition is due to our sponsor for this event, Porsche of Santa Barbara, part of the Santa Barbara Auto Group. We were pleased to have SBR member and Santa Barbara Porsche’s Walt Branscome on hand. We appreciate all he does to support our club, and it’s been invaluable throughout the years. SBAG brought several new Porsches for display at the event, including the new Cayman, 991 Coupe and Cabriolet, a Panamera and a Cayenne GTS. We would also like to thank Zone 8 representative Tom Brown for attending. It was an amazing turnout of cars and people. A picture perfect setting near the beach and ideal weather made for another successful concours show. Again, our sincere thanks to all who participated to make this event a success. We are already looking forward to another fun-filled event in 2014! =
BEST IN SHOW Dave & Linda Yerzley’s 1973 911S repeated as SBR Concours Best In Show winner for a second consecutive year! They were also 1st in the Street Division.
Jack Price’s 2012 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet won the Wash & Shine Division.
Don & Denise Dickey’s 2012 Boxster Spyder was judged best in the Ubergang Division.
Pat & Betsy Wadman’s 1973 911 Targa took top honors in the Full Concours Division.
John Kraus’s 1988 911 Targa captured the award for best in the Unrestored Division.
Billy & Beeber Clevenger’s 1963 356 Jim Brown’s 1973 914 was the winner of Michael Baruer’s 1984 911 Targa won Wash & Shine 3. Coupe was first in class in Wash & Shine 1. Wash & Shine 2.
Carolyn Ewbank’s 1986 928S was at the Steve Vining’s “Silver Anniversary Edition” Amil Garcia’s 2012 Carrera GTS Cabriolet top of Wash & Shine 6. 1975 911S was the Full Concours 4 winner. won the Full Concours 7 Class.
Karen & Joe Nedza’s 1963 356 Coupe took Bill & Linda Feldhorn’s 1960 356 T5-B Stepphen Barber’s 1978 911 SC was the first place in the Street 1 Class. 1600S Roadster won the Street 2 Class. champion of the Unrestored 4 Class.
Linda Cobarrubias & Doc Pryor’s 1997 993 Chet & Joan Yabitsu’s 2002 996 Turbo was Tara & Kenny Brundrett’s 1987 928S4 was at the top of Unrestored 9 Class. Cabriolet won the Unrestored 6 Class. the best in the Unrestored 7 Class.
SBR Membership Gallery
Mike Hodson’s 1978 Minerva Blue 930 on Highway 150. Photo by Mike Shaffner.
Ron Dreher’s 2008 911 S in the Sierra Mountains on a beautiful fall day.
Dave & Linda Yerzley
1973 911S
Jack Price Don & Denise Dickey Pat & Betsy Wadman Dave & Linda Yerzley John Kraus
2012 Carrera 4 GTS 2012 Boxster Spyder 1973 911 Targa 1973 911S 1988 911 Targa
W&S1 W&S 2 W&S 3 W&S 4 W&S 6
Billy & Beeber Clevenger Jim Brown Michael Brauer Jack Price Carolyn Ewbank
1963 356 Coupe 1973 914 1984 911 Targa 2012 Carrera 4 GTS Cabriolet 1986 928S
Don & Denise Dickey
2012 Boxster Spyder
Pat & Betsy Wadman Steve Vining Amil Garcia
1973 911 Targa 1975 911 S “Silver Anniversary” 2012 Carrera GTS Cabriolet
Karen & Joe Nedza Bill & Linda Feldhorn Dave & Linda Yerzley
1963 356 Coupe 1960 T5-B 1600 S Roadster 1973 911S
Stephen Barber John Kraus Linda Cobarrubias & Doc Pryor Chet & Joan Yabitsu Tara & Kenny Brundrett
1978 911 SC 1988 911 Targa 1997 993 Cabriolet 2002 996 Turbo 1987 928S4
The Tech Page
Porsche All-Wheel Drive Systems BY CHRIS ANDROPOULOS Santa Barbara Region Tech Editor
egular readers of this column have been treated to many highlights of Porsche’s innovations over the years, but perhaps none has had as profound an impact on Porsche’s modern vehicle lineup as the all-wheel drive (AWD) system. Dr. Ferdinand Porsche’s first automobile, the Lohner-Porsche of 1896, happened to be an all-wheel drive, gasoline/ electric hybrid vehicle with electric motors in each wheel hub. Today, more than half of all Porsches sold have all four wheels driven. This month’s article will provide an overview of the history of Porsche AWD systems and the evolution of their designs through the years. Potential maintenance and cost differences between AWD and rear-wheel drive (RWD) versions will also be discussed. Ferdinand Porsche had a hand in designing militarized AWD versions of the Volkswagen for military use during World War II, but the Porsche AWD system as we know it has its roots in a 1981 911 Cabriolet concept car equipped with an early iteration of Porsche’s AWD system. The impetus for such an AWD system was Porsche’s desire to enter the top-level rally racing series of the time, known as the FIA Group B series. This series would eventually feature lightweight 600+ horsepower dedicated rally cars storming over narrow rally stages on dirt, gravel, mud, and even snowy roads. The ability to power all four wheels proved to be conducive to effectively transferring such a massive power output to the ground in such slippery conditions. Porsche tested its early, manually controlled AWD running gear in 1983 at the grueling Paris to Dakar off-road race in a specially prepared 911 equipped with the system. Known internally as the Type 953, it surprised everyone, including Porsche itself, by achieving an overall victory in the race. This success spurred the engineers at
Weissach to further develop the AWD system with sophisticated electronic controls for its upcoming Group B race car. As it turned out, Porsche never made the starting grid in the short-lived Group B rally series with its entry (though 959 based racers won Paris-Dakar again), but the resulting supercar, the 959, is wellknown to Porsche enthusiasts. Porsche introduced the 959 as a concept car at the 1983 Frankfurt Auto Show. Its basic 911 body shell, adorned with high tech and lightweight Kevlar composite body panels and wind tunnel-shaped aerodynamics promised to be a high-tech “halo” car that Porsche could use to showcase technologies that could eventually trickle down to “normal” Porsche road cars of the future. The 959 had a 450-horsepower engine with twin turbochargers that operated sequentially, electronically adjustable suspension ride-height and shock absorber damping, and onboard tire pressure monitoring. This (nearly) 200 MPH supercar was packed with high-tech features that are impressive even today but must have seemed to be the stuff of science fiction in the 1980s. A sophisticated, electronically controlled AWD system was, therefore, a logical choice. One of the main challenges facing engineers in AWD system design is how to apportion engine torque to each of the four
driven w h e e l s effectively in various driving situations. Last month’s tech article highlighted the development of the differential for dividing torque side-to-side between two driven wheels, but two additional drive wheels complicate the situation. Traditional four-wheel drive systems (4WD) found in Jeeps, Land Rovers, and other trucks use longitudinal frontmounted engines and transmissions with a driveshaft sending torque to the rear wheels. A chain-driven transfer case attached to the rear of the transmission sends torque to the front wheels via a second driveshaft. When in 4WD mode, the front and rear axles are locked together with a fixed torque split between the two, which is excellent for low traction, off-road situations but can cause drivetrain “windup” during normal road driving situations that can damage the drivetrain. Therefore, these traditional systems are designed to operate as rear-wheel drive only during normal use, with driver-selectable 4WD available when needed. AWD refers to a full time four-wheel drive system with a center differential to distribute torque between the front and rear axles as needed. The Porsche 959 utilizes a wet clutch-pack mounted in the nose of the rear-mounted transaxle. This acts as a “center” differential, which transfers torque to the front wheels via a drive shaft inside a rigid torque tube. The torque split between the front and rear wheels during normal driving is about 40% front and 60% rear, which corresponds nicely with the 959’s weight distribution.
The 959 was the first Porsche design to be equipped with anti-lock brakes, and the wheel speed sensors are used to detect wheel slippage in any of the four wheels in addition to detecting wheel lockup during hard braking. Pressurized brake fluid from the ABS hydraulic pump can apply hydraulic pressure to either the center or rear differentials within 100 milliseconds. If the rear wheels slip, up to 80% if the engine’s torque can be quickly transferred forward until rear traction is regained. The rear differential can split torque sideto-side in the same manner. The driver is able to manually lock either differential for traction in ice or snow. At this point, some readers may be wondering the reason for detailing the AWD system of an almost unattainable supercar from the 1980s of which only 337 were ever built and was never officially sold in the US. The fact is that the 959 AWD system was the blueprint upon which the subsequent 964 Carrera 4 and later systems are based. The 964 C4 debuted as a 1989 model and uses a very similar system to its more exotic cousin, with the main difference being a planetary center differential versus the 959’s wet clutchpack. An electrohydraulic pump provides hydraulic pressure for brake pedal boost, anti-lock braking function, and for center and rear differential locks. Again, the differential locks apply automatically via a microprocessor-equipped control unit monitoring individual wheel speeds or can be fully locked by the driver with a manual switch in the center console. The 964 C4 was designed to broaden the appeal of the 911 concept by taming some of its wayward, tail-happy tendencies and also enabled it to be a sports car for all seasons and conditions. It largely succeeded in the mission, and in fact went too far in the view of some purists, as the AWD system can actually cause understeer in normal driving conditions despite the clever electronics. This, combined with the 220-pound weight penalty of the system, meant that the RWD Carrera 2 introduced in 1990 was the purer drive. Component parts of the 964 C4 system can also be very expensive to replace and difficult to acquire if failure occurs. Regular brake fluid changes are doubly important
in these cars, as brake fluid is circulated throughout the AWD and ABS systems. The Porsche System Tester Scan tool is required to fully bleed the system if repairs are necessary. Porsche was committed to the AWD concept and devised a much lighter, simpler system for the 993 Carrera 4 of 1995. The complex planetary center differential and front and rear hydraulic locks were replaced by a viscous coupling in the nose of the transaxle that is connected to the front of the transmission output shaft. A viscous coupling is a differential that uses a series of closely-spaced clutch plates inside a chamber surrounded by a special siliconebased fluid. The forward part of the viscous coupling is connected via a torque tube as in the 964. During normal operation, only about five percent of the engine’s torque is sent to the front wheels, imparting the 993 C4 with a sporty RWD driving characteristic in most cases. If rear wheel slippage occurs, the heat and friction of the slippage of the clutch plates inside the viscous coupling cause the fluid to harden to an almost solid state, thus effectively locking the clutch plates together. Almost 40% of available torque can be sent to the front wheels, which is less than the previous AWD system, but the engineers from Stuttgart deemed this sufficient for most drivers’ needs. This AWD system weighs exactly half that of the 964 system. The 993 Turbo of the following year was available only with AWD. With a 400 twin-turbocharged horsepower engine, Porsche reckoned that the ultimate traction of four driven wheels was mandatory, and every Turbo since has been AWD. The viscous-coupled system proved viable enough to be carried over to the water-cooled 996 Carrera 4 and Turbo models, with the main difference being a lighter, more conventional front driveshaft to the front wheels versus the previous rigid torque tube design. The normally aspirated 997 C4 and C4S models through model year 2008 also use a variation of this robust system. These cars combine AWD traction with Porsche Stability Management (PSM) for sure-footedness in all conditions. The 997 Turbo of 2007 ushered in the
latest iteration of Porsche’s AWD, known as Porsche Traction Management or PTM. In true full-circle fashion, the center differential reverts to a wet clutch-pack, a la 959. PTM uses an electromagnetic driver that can lock the clutch pack in milliseconds and can transfer all of the available torque to the front wheels if need be. Modern electronics allow for lightningquick response in all driving situations, and the system weighs no more than the simpler system it replaced, so the best of both worlds is realized. This AWD system, combined with an even more advanced PSM stability control system, make the newer 911 Turbo models perhaps the most rapid way to cross a continent on four wheels, no matter the weather or road conditions. The latest 991 adds a visual display in the instrument cluster showing the torque split of the PTM system in realtime. Porsche put its AWD experience to good use when designing the Cayenne SUV. The first-generation Cayenne actually uses a chain-driven transfer case on the rear of the transmission to transfer torque to the front wheels as in a “proper” truck, but contained within the case is a multi-plate clutch-pack actuated via electric motor that can apportion torque between the front and rear wheels on demand, as in Porsche’s fancy sports car systems. A driverselectable, low-range setting operates via a planetary gearset located within the transfer case, providing gear reduction and endowing the earlier Cayennes with serious off-road prowess, even if most owners will never use it. Porsche itself has put the Cayenne’s capabilities to good use, winning the Transsyberia Rally with specially equipped versions several times since 2006. The Cayenne’s AWD system, along with superior handling and power, helped secure its victories in the 4300-mile slog from Moscow to Mongolia and even spawned a special Transsyberia model in 2010. The second generation Cayenne from 2011 eliminates the transfer case in favor of a PTM system similar to that of the later 997s, and the Panamera 4, 4S, and Turbo models use a similar setup. One of Porsche’s main goals when redesigning the Cayenne was to reduce weight, and they were more than successful in this task by dropping 400 lbs. of mass. Elimination of the low-range Continued on page 30
n an overcast October 26th, 38 cars and 76 participants geared up for an amazing adventure with the Los Angeles Fire Department thanks to fellow firefighter and PCA’er Brian Rubino. Meeting at Rusnak Porsche dealership in Westlake Village for a breakfast of bagels and cream cheese, sweet rolls and coffee, we lined up and headed out to our destination, Van Nuys Airport. To begin the drive, we headed into the gently rolling hills at the foot of the Santa Monica Mountain range. We careened east onto Mulholland Drive through the breathtaking curves and slopes of the mountains as the cloud cover cleared into a distant haze. There is truly no vehicle more beautiful or sexy than a Porsche sailing around an inclined, hairpin turn. Well, maybe 38 of them, one right after the other. Sensational!
1800 hp engines and burns 120 gallons of fuel an hour. Makes our Porsches look as green as a Prius! The second aircraft was the Erickson sky crane. These are huge, orange helicopters that appear to resemble giant grasshoppers. An enormous hose hangs down under the belly of the chopper and sucks up water from any reservoir such as lakes, the ocean and even pools if necessary. When full of water, these monsters weigh in at 42,000 pounds. Apparently they are also the fastest aircraft in the world, capable of rising horizontally from sea level to 10,000 feet in minutes. They can carry 2,600 gallons each; that’s 22,100 pounds of water when full. They are absolutely invaluable when fighting a wildfire due to their ability to retrieve water from multiple sources.
We arrived at our destination and had to be escorted onto the grounds in one group as Van Nuys is one of the busiest airports in the country. This faction of the LAFD is housed on the grounds of the airport with numerous types of vehicles and aircraft to fight Southern California’s ever present threat of wildfires. Holding two enormous crash/rescue trucks, these are the big boys that approach the burning aircraft on the runways with such extreme temperatures, the rescue crews must wear protective suits to keep them safe.
The final aircraft was the darling of the trio: the Canadian super scoopers. Rented from Quebec City, Montreal, from mid-August through Christmas for the measly sum of $3 million a month, these “flying fire trucks” as their Canadian pilots refer to them, are awesome. Costing $34 million each, SoCal borrows two every year for our brush fire season. They are a striking taxi cab yellow, almost appearing as a child’s toy, capable of landing on both ground and water with fixed pontoons at the end of its 92-foot wing span. The ability of the pilots is unfathomable as they swoop down onto any water surface, drop their twin 4x6 inch scoops to quickly fill the 1,650 gallon tanks in 10 seconds.
After being divided into three groups, we were first introduced to the Agusta 139 water-dropping helicopter. At a cost of $17 million each, they are the only Agustas in the world with water tanks. The department has three of these with three smaller choppers in addition. The Agusta is capable of carrying 500 gallons of water equaling 4,000 pounds. It hovers a mere 25 – 50 feet above a fire, being buffeted by severe winds and blinding smoke. Once it has dropped its load, it can refill with water in 45 seconds. It has twin
We then ate a great lunch of BBQ chicken and tri-tip and were joined by some of the firefighters. After lunch came the piece de resistance. The Agusta lifted off, did a slow turn around the hanger, then dropped its load of water right in front of the group. What a great ending to a great event. Thanks to the LAFD and Brian Rubino for an absolutely fabulous day. We need to thank these courageous men and women for being the heroes that they are. Living in brush fire regions, we owe them more than we can say. =
Pamuela & Mike Hodson. Don’t be surprised if they wind up with one of these in their driveway.
Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries
43 Years
11 Years
37 Years
10 Years
Paul & Ann Trent Martin Frith Greg Young & Greg Young, Jr.
32 Years
Daniel Lindsay
27 Years
Robert A. Grant & Robert Grant, Jr.
23 Years
Jason & Shelby Duarte
21 Years
Sean McGrath Thomas Ritz
20 Years
Bob & Karen Campbell Robert H. & Kathleen Sommers
17 Years
Gary Moser & Mary Gevina Mike & Becky Palmieri
8 Years
Jeffrey & Rosalee Merrick
7 Years
William & Linda Feldhorn William & Dale Hromadka Earl & Ann Teraoka
6 Years
Erin Cornell Ron & Leeann Jambor John Matias James & Anne Stevens
5 Years
Don & Kristin Galloway Larry Reynolds
Eric & Cathy Zacher
Jeffrey & Anne Cannon Richard & Marianell Seeley
12 Years
Joanne & Fritz Stover Mike & Karen Turek
Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is only a click away. Visit our website,, and click on PCASB Name Badge in the lefthand column. Fill out the order form, send it in with your check, and you’re good to go!
4 Years
Ron Cohen Tony Esfandiari David Thompson
Stanley Smith & Carla Bowman Tom & Marion Taber 3 Years Stephen & Robin Ward Alexander Arce Susan & Bob Brown 16 Years Robert& Ben Cohen Ted Lighthizer & John & Suzanne Kafel Doreen Pankow Herb Lutz Anthony Reda 15 Years Renee Weider Kenneth & Stacie Wild James Young
14 Years
1 Year
Milton Gabaldon Josh Kleinberg Ellen Kramer Matt Malamut & Vincent Mandzak Kerry Steele Angus Thomson
Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers
New Members
Stew Bernstein Thousand Oaks, 1968 912 Mike & Valerie Brashears Santa Barbara, 2009 Cayenne Tommy Brennan Santa Barbara, 2013 Cayenne Daniel & Christi Kaplan Ventura, 2001 Boxster S George North Moorpark, 2008 Cayman Grant Parsamyan Burbank, 2006 Carrera S Sotirios Zafiris Santa Maria, 2013 911
Transfer In Members Harold Blevins, Jr. Montecito, 1970 911T From Kentucky (KY)
Davin Carey Westlake Village 2013 Boxster S From Los Angeles (LA) David Cohn & Alan Cohn Ojai, 2011 Cayman From Metropolitan New York (MNY) Michael Davis Lompoc, 1966 912 From California Central Coast (CCC)
Down The Road
SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest
December 1 December 15
10th Annual Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR’s Annual Holiday Brunch
2014 January 17-20 February 15 March 16 April 4-6 April 11-13 April 26 May 17 May 26 May 31 June 15-21 July 4 July 19 Aug 29 - Sep 1 September 13 September 20 September 28 October 12 October 18 November 15-16 December 7 December 14
Caravan To Carlsbad The Private Pindler Collection & Palms Restaurant Convoy To Country Western Country - Bakersfield Zone 8 Festival of Speed Long Beach Grand Prix The Gimmick Rally Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo Red Rock Canyon State Park 18th Annual Chili Cook-Off Porsche Parade - Monterey, CA City of Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade Santa Barbara Region’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Get Your Kicks on Route 66 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo TBA 38th Annual SBR Concours d’Elegance TBA Warbirds & Wine Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR’s Annual Holiday Brunch
The Zone 8 Page
Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website
Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown
Zone 8 Staff
Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett Webmaster Ken Short Rules Chair Russell Shon
Rally Chair Revere Jones Secretary Skip Carter Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias
Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8
Los Angeles
Orange County
CA Central Coast
California Inland
Santa Barbara
Golden Empire
San Diego
Grand Prix Las Vegas
San Gabriel Southern Arizona
SBR Board of Directors Meeting
November 13, 2013 - 6:30 p.m. Ameci’s Restaurant, Thousand Oaks MINUTES RECORDED BY DICK LANGE The November bi-monthly dinner board meeting was held at Ameci’s Pizza and Pasta Restaurant in Thousand Oaks. Present were: Doreen Pankow, Mike Pomerantz, Barry Weinstein, Chet & Joan Yabitsu, William Griswold, Sue & Randy Kinsling, John Alfenito, John & Jeanne McNair, Ted Lighthizer, Brian & Linda Rubino, Steve Kaller and Dick Lange. The following reports and discussions were presented:
approved an additional $1500 for the postage account. Advertising: No changes in advertiser count and all advertisers are current on their payments. Cliff Sullivan, owner of Premier Coach, is planning to join the Club and to become an advertiser. Goodie Store: Sales at the November breakfasts were $105 (Channel Islands) and $50 (Santa Barbara). The Goodie Store will be having a holiday sale at the Stones’ home on 7 December 2013.
Secretary: The September 2013 bimonthly board meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
Insurance: No report.
Vice President: No report.
Concours: Several Board members visited the Four Seasons Hotel, located in Westlake Village, to obtain information on availability and pricing.
Treasurer: Steve Kaller reported on the following financial statements for October 2013: (1) ending balance sheet, (2) profit & loss. In addition he prepared a report showing profit and loss by event and a projected budget for 2014. Membership: During the month of October, 11 new members joined our region and membership stood at 713 at month end. October’s membership is down 11 from last month’s. Activities: The Autumn Grape Harvest Tour and the Holiday Brunch are completely sold out. Reservations, accompanied by a check, are being accepted for anyone who wants to be placed on a waiting list for the Holiday Brunch. A plan draft has been submitted by Chris Andropoulous to initiate a driver’s education program for the membership.
Rally: No report.
Autocross: The first Autocross in 2014 is scheduled for May 16th and 17th; and the second event is scheduled on September 19th and 20th. They will be held at the Camarillo Airport. Archives: No report. Webmaster: The website has been updated with known calendar events through December of this year. November’s Der Auspuff has been published to the site along with the President’s Column. Safety: No report. Porsche Women: No report.
Editor: No report.
R.U.F.: The visit to the VW Research Facility scheduled for the following day is fully subscribed.
Distribution: The November 2013 issue was mailed out on 30 October 2013 at a cost of $352 for 749 copies. This left a balance of $670 in the postage account after $750 had been deposited in the Club’s account on 2 October 2013. This will cover the December issue mailing. The Board
50th Anniversary: A poster designed by John Alfenito was presented for the Board’s review. Burt Misevic will produce an original artwork to be auctioned off as well as a limited number of signed lithographs. The commemorative journal is in the early production stage. Initial announcement of
celebration date, location, raffle and prizes will be in the January issue of Der Auspuff. Public Relations: No report. Past President: No report. President: Robert Watt was recognized for the outstanding job he did in organizing the Concours d’Elegance. Representatives from the Gold Coast Veterans Foundation attended our Concours event where John and Jeanne McNair as well as James Edwards and Carol Bishop helped sell raffle tickets. A grand total of $2535 was collected for the GCVF at the concours. Old Business: -Charities. The Motor4Toys event is on December 1st and all members are asked to bring unwrapped toys to our next events. We will also collect toys in December for the Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara. -John McNair and Doreen will be in charge of collecting door prizes to be given out to members attending the Holiday Brunch. New Business: -The Board approved the appointment of Kenny and Tara Brundrett as our Concours Co-Chairs in 2014. -The Board approved the appointment of Martie and Rick Theise as our Goodie Store Co-Chairs starting in 2014. -The Board approved a change in the printing methodology for Der Auspuff, to allow us to print in full color at a reduced cost. The recommendation was made by John Alfenito after a competitive study. -The Board approved a 10% rate increase in our advertising charges as a result of going to all color and a review of the market place rates -The Board established a committee, headed up by Barry Weinstein, to make recommendations on a reimbursement policy for members expenses associated with planning activities. -The Board approved a change in the Saturday Channel Islands breakfast venue to the Camarillo Outlet Malls. This change will be effective in January 2014. -The next Board meeting is scheduled for January 8th. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Porsche All-Wheel Drive Systems Continued from page 23
function was part of the sacrifice, and while the current Cayenne is still a stellar off-road machine when equipped with proper tires and is even better on-road, it may not be quite the rock-crawler that its predecessor is. All of Porsche’s AWD models require a certain degree of additional maintenance versus RWD models in the form of additional fluid changes. The front differentials of most models use the same 75W-90 synthetic hypoid gear oil as manual transaxles and should be replaced at the same 60,000-mile intervals. Firstgeneration Cayenne transfer cases use a special fluid that should be replaced at this same interval. Front axle boots are exposed to road elements, and extreme angles from steering the front wheels can develop cracks that eventually split the boots open. This requires front axle shaft removal and disassembly for repair. The rubber center support bearings of Cayenne rear driveshafts can
fail, causing a loud thumping from the center tunnel of the car that can be heard and felt while accelerating. The only factory level repair is to replace the entire rear driveshaft, though aftermarket solutions are available provided the driveshaft and/or rear CV joint has not been damaged from the center support failure. An important precaution on any AWD Porsche from 959 to 911 C4 to Cayenne is to NEVER have the vehicle towed on a hook with only two wheels on the road, as this can cause serious damage to the drivetrain. AWD vehicles should only be towed with a flatbed truck! I would like to thank Der Auspuff readers for another year of support, and I appreciate any and all feedback on these tech articles. See you next year! =
Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.
Next month in
Auctions America, Matt Malamut ..10 Aswell Trophy ...............................32 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................13 Gary Betz Enterprises ....................10 Walt Branscome, SBAG .................10 California Tire Company .................10 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........13 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .......29 Coachcraft ....................................30 DSR Audio ......................................6 Nola D, Force & Associates ............10 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................10 Kundersport ....................................5 Lavaggio ........................................5 Los Angeles Dismantler.................13 McAuliffe Financial Services ...........6 MKS Performance.........................13 Mini of Camarillo, Rick White ........29 Morgan Stanley, George Rasher .....13 NAI Capital, Stephen F. Doll............10 North Hollywood Speedometer ......30 RS Enterprises ..............................29 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ........................6 Strauss Law Group........................29 TC’s Garage ..................................30 Troop Real Estate,Lynn Kuchera .....10 Village Properties, Robert Watt ......30
PCA/SBR Classifieds
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CAYMAN ACCESSORIES – FOR SALE Lightly used All-weather mats (Non-slip, Waterproof, Raised Porsche Logo, 4 Season Mat). MSRP $76.49 – will sell for $40. Like new Porsche Factory Sunshade including convenient storage bag. MSRP $75 – will also sell for $40. Contact Dick at or 818-865-1498. (11/13)
PORSCHE PARTS - FOR SALE Parts for sale; 996 or ?? OEM car jack w foam surround & std. tool kit, 996 drivers front side fan surround (OEM),996 seat adjustment module #996.618.537.01,early 356 bra, Elfrink’s “Porsche Tech Manual”, Clymers “Porsche service/repair handbook”‘65 ‘76. Call for pics/prices. Rich (805) 583-8504 or (10/13)
PORSCHE TIRES - FOR SALE Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli used Porsche Tires, Garage is full! 997, 991, Panamera, 305/30/19, 295/30/19, 295/35/20, 295/30/20, 235/35/19, some 18’s too. 80-90% Tread, $200 for a rear, $100 for a front. Text or call 805-500-6636 (9/13)
1962 356B CABRIOLET Signal Red, Converted to Disk Brakes, Well maintained have owned this car for 15 years and have all records since my ownership. A real head turner! $125,000.00 obo, (805) 488-6929 - Ken Hower (5/13)
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Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at
SBR’s Holiday Brunch
...the last word