September/October 2022 COVER At the overlook on the Two-Door Twisties drive. Photo by Steve Geldman. Photos this page: #10 by Bill Hallier #14 by Bill Hallier #18 by Steve Geldman #20 by Matt Stone FEATURES SBR Explores the Dana Adobe & Cultural Center By Nicolas Liakas Two-Door Twisties By Angel Martinez Cars & Coffee at Lavaggio By Dustin Troyan Das Porsche Museum By Matt Stone 20181410 DEPARTMENTS SBR Board and Appointees SBR Events Calendar and Breakfast Maps President’s Column From the Editor’s Desk Cars & Coffee SBR Donates to Health Care Foundation Membership Report SBR PCADownWebstoretheRoadRegionalAX, DE, and TT PCA Zone 8 Officers Advertiser Directory Classified Ads Parting Shot41403939383834322665432 18 20 10 FUTURE EVENTS 31313029282726 14 DERAUSPUFF Pre-Concours Detail Clinic High Sierra Grand Tour Porsches and Planes at the Santa Paula Airport SBR 44th Concours d'Elegance Oktober Chilifest Wine Country Drive to Alisal River Grill Annual Holiday Brunch

Vice President STEVE DOLL (805)sdollres@outlook.com701-5511
DER AUSPUFF September/October 20222 Yearly Advertising Rates (6 issues) Full Page (8.5 x 11 inches) $935 Half Page (8.5 x 5.5 inches) $467 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $313 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $165 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance is available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commer cial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to pro mote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Bob Clarke, (805) 200-6596 or bobshighwaygarage@gmail.com. Editor DENNIS POWER editor.derauspuff@gmail.comAdvertisingDirector BOB CLARKE bobshighwaygarage@gmail.comContributors JOHN RANDALLALFENITOFISHWICKSTEVEGELDMANBILLHALLIERRODHERSBERGERSUEKINSLINGGARYKRUEGERNICOLASLIAKASANGELMARTINEZLIONELNEFFDOREENPANKOWDOREENSHINNMATTSTONEDUSTINTROYANROBERTWATT Printing MICHAEL DUNWELL SIR SPEEDY PRINTING 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 (805) 484-7999 PCA SANTA BARBARA REGION’S AWARD-WINNING BIMONTHLY MAGAZINE Membership SUE KINSLING President(805)Sue_Kin@hotmail.com386-8112 ROD HERSBERGER Secretary(805)rodhersberger@gmail.com698-1659 TOM SUTPHEN Editor(805)twsutphen@gmail.com680-4930 DENNIS POWER Treasurer(949)editor.derauspuff@gmail.com468-8608 HOWARD RUBENSTEIN (818)hrrca1@gmail.com340-3366GoodieStore JOHN BARRISON Text(820)JohnBarrison@gmail.com203-8070cellmessagepreferred www.flickr.com/photos/pcasbrFlickrwww.facebook.com/pcasbrFacebookwww.pcasb.orgWebsite Der Auspuff www.issuu.com/pcasbrOnline Board Appointees
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official pub lication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Aus puff Editor, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for sub mittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the first of the month preceding the month of publication.
Activities Co-chair LIONEL NEFF Activities(805)zuma13@msn.com890-0588Co-chair ART SHINN (505)artshinn@gmail.com348-7813 DERAUSPUFF Advertising BOB CLARKE Archivesbobshighwaygarage@gmail.com JAMES OLDHAM OldhamJames@msn.com Concours TARA BRUNDRETT tarabrundrett@gmail.com ROBERT & LISA WATT Dealerrobert@wattrealestategroup.comRelations DAVID STONE Insurancedrs993@verizon.net RANDY KINSLING Motorsportsrandkin1@gmail.com GLENN CRAWFORD Public1gunk@sbcglobal.netRelations DICK LANGE SafetyLRLange@pacbell.net JOE NIEDERST SocialJoesAlfa@pacbell.netMedia SAL REYES Webmastersreyes40119@yahoo.com RANDY FISHWICK OurBoxster@outlook.com
Past President REM LAAN (317)gmail.comremmert.laan@294-4884

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 3 Photo by Dennis Power Upcoming Events CARS & COFFEE Location maps below. Camarillo Saturdays, September 3, October 1, and November 5, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Camarillo Outlets Mall at the parking lot in front of Loru’s Cafe. Santa Barbara Saturdays, September 10, October 8, and November 12, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Leadbetter Beach parking lot near Shoreline Beach Cafe CLUB DRIVES AND SOCIAL EVENTS Pre-Concours Detail Clinic—September 10 High Sierra Grand Tour—September 12-14 Porsches and Planes at Santa Paula Airport—October 2 SBR 44th Concours d’Elegance—October 9 Oktober Chilifest—October 15 Wine Country Drive to the Alisal River Grill—November 19 Annual Holiday Brunch—December 11 Camarillo Parking at Camarillo Outlets near Loru’s Cafe Santa Barbara Parking at Leadbetter Beach near Shoreline Beach Cafe Shoreline Beach Cafe 801 Shoreline Dr.Loru’s Cafe 630 Ventura Blvd. Cars & Coffee Locations

Board of Directors Meetings
SBR’s Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of every odd-numbered month beginning at 6:30 p.m. At this time, the meetings are held online via Zoom. Member attendance and participation are encouraged. Contact SBR president Rod Hersberger (rodhersberger@gmail.com) to receive the Zoom link for each meeting. Board meeting minutes are posted on the SBR website: www.pcasb.org/#club_news.
Note Regarding Elections
DER AUSPUFF September/October 20224
Porsche Design is a frequent depositor to my email inbox. Naturally, then, I took interest in Christophorus 403 (page 39) recounting the 50th anniversary of the founding of Porsche Design by brothers Butzi and Peter. As well as describing the discipline that drives Porsche Design, there are pictures and stories of various Porsche Design objects on the pages following. Skip to page 58 for the story and pictures of a 911 Targa 4 GTS 50 Years Of Porsche Design Edition. It is a black beauty compared with a 1972 Targa. I expect these cars will only go to favored customers.
As all Board members are finishing up their first year of two-year terms, there will be no election needed this year. The next nomination process will start mid 2023. PRESIDENT’S COLUMN
Porsche Heritage (Panorama June 2022, page 58) is also building a limited edition of 1,250 911 Sport Classics as an homage to the 2.7 Carrera RS, complete with duck tail. Power is from the 992 Turbo at 543 hp and only a seven-speed manual. Serious collectors are going to be busy fighting over these two! The club always has great driving events. The July Two-Door Twisties drive organized by Angel Martinez, however, offered a more spirited, challenging, and technical riff on the group driving experience. Several times on this 250-plus miles of long straights, tight curves, and roller coaster roads I was reminded of Sir Sterling Moss’ maxim: “Slow In, Fast Out.” It was that kind of drive. We hope to feature more of these because there seems to be already an enthusiastic audience for them. Coming up this autumn are a High Sierra tour, a very special visit to the Santa Paula Airport to view vintage planes, the detail clinic and concours, a wine country tour, and the always popular holiday brunch. Be sure to see the Upcoming Events in the magazine and on the club’s website. And, if anyone has an idea for a drive of any kind, contact activities co-chairs Art Shinn (artshinn@gmail. com) or Lionel Neff (zuma13@msn.com). It might be time for another SUV-only excursion.
The club’s membership and finances are in great shape. Thank you for your continued support. Stay healthy and drive safely.

“It's all about the light,” photographers like to say. And it’s all about the life that our SBR photographers bring to this magazine, we should say. The articles in Der Auspuff are well-written and informative, but it is the images that capture where we’ve traveled, who has done what, and in many cases where we’ve gathered around a meal together. The pictures truly bring life to the stories. Earlier this summer, President Rod suggested we acknowledge the photographers in our midst, those we can always count on to document our events. As your editor, it seems appropriate to do so in my column since I benefit greatly in putting the magazine together. All of those with cameras and commitment have a good eye for composition and the subject matter. Many are quite good at post processing the images to make them even better.
Randy Fishwick Steve Geldman Bill Hallier
Steve Geldman’s cover on this issue and Gary Krueger’s double column of Porsches on the cover and two-page Parting Shot spread at the Bixby Creek Bridge in the May/ June 2022 issue are superb. Bill Hallier is great behind the lens and in front of the computer as well. Nick Liakas and Randy Fishwick are always there when you need them, and Robert Watt loves to capture car events elsewhere, as seen on the cover of the November/December 2021 issue. Thank you, guys—we couldn’t do it without you.
Gary Krueger Nicolas Liakas Robert Watt

DER AUSPUFF September/October 20226 CARS & COFFEE — CAMARILLO July 2, 2022 — 59 members and 53 Porsches Photos on both pages by Randall Fishwick, Steve Geldman, Bill Hallier, Gary Krueger, Dennis Power, and Robert Watt August 6, 2022 — 74 members, 57 Porsches, and 12 alternate vehicles

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 7 CARS & COFFEE — SANTA BARBARA August 13, 2022 —45 members, 28 Porsches, and 5 alternate vehicles July 9, 2022 — 60 members and 36 Porsches

DER AUSPUFF September/October 20228 pcarmarket.com Driven by passion and performance, PCARMARKET is a 24/7 online automotive auction marketplace that focuses on Porsche and other enthusiast automobiles. Selling your car has never been easier, let our team of professionals help guide you through the process. Visit our new Torrance, CA office or call William for an *evaluation and complimentary photo shoot. (424) 999 - 8508 2174 w190 St, Torrance, CA 90504 *For qualified vehicles only, restrictions apply.

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 9

By Nicolas Liakas
Driving trips are the best when we are with Porsche friends and to locations where we learn something new.

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 11
Photo by Dennis Power. This page (top to bottom, left to right) —Photos by Bill Hallier: Trip leader Nicolas Liakas conducts the drivers meeting. The pre-drive gathering place in Santa Barbara. Four eager participants. Shop talk. On the road through wine country.
On a sunny and warm June 25, 38 SBR members, trav eling in 21 Porsches, caravanned from Santa Barbara to Nipomo, winding our way through the Santa Ynez Val ley, wine country, and the agricultural fields of Santa Ma ria. The goal was the Dana Adobe & Cultural Center. The Adobe—or “Casa de Dana”—is on the National Register of Historic Places and was the home of Boston sea captain William Dana, who in 1837 was granted the nearly 38,000acre Rancho Nipomo. The entire Rancho is listed as a Cali fornia Historical Landmark. Adjacent to the restored Adobe is the Cultural Center, a modern building completed in 2016 and consisting of exhibit space, a gift shop, a meeting room, and offices for the administration of the Adobe.
Upon our arrival, we were greeted by three docents who helped us move picnic tables out of the warm sun to inside the Center. The docents then provided the educational expe rience and the tours of the adobe structures and surround ing features, such as the pollinator, kitchen, and Chumash gardens. We listened with great interest about the history of the Nipomo Ranch and the Dana generations of owners and stewards of the land.
Opposite: The historic Dana Adobe as seen from the Cultural Center.

DER AUSPUFF September/October 202212
The Dana family made its presence felt in California for almost 200 years, and not just in the Nipomo area. One ex ample is the connection between the Nipomo branch of the family with those at Dana Point in San Diego County. Part of that presence involved the experience of negotiating owner ship rights with the Spanish owners, then the Mexican gov ernment, and finally with the California Republic when it seized control of the properties, claiming that the land grants were invalid—at least for a long while. We were happy to be able to visit this site and most grate ful for the kindness of the docents and the historical informa tion they provided. Driving trips are the best when we are with Porsche friends and to locations where we learn some thing new. By 3:00 p.m. the last of our members departed for home. It was a special day and experience for all.
Nicolas Liakas is past editor of Der Auspuff. He’s been a member of PCA since 1994 and drives a 2020 992 C4S in Gentian Blue Metallic.
Bottom: A happy group winding up the day's tour.
Photo by Bill Hallier..
Middle: A few of our Porsches at the Cultural Cen ter. Photo by Dennis Power.
Top: Stopping midway for the group to regather. Photo by Bill Hallier.


So there you have it. Just some of the superlatives expressed by club members who participated in the first Two-Door Twisties drive. I say “first” because the overall response was enthusiastic, to say the least.
“Before this drive, I really liked my car. But now . . . I love it!”
On a Wednesday morning last July, 28 Porsches gathered at Paddock Motor Club in Goleta, including 912s, long hood 911s, Boxsters, a GT4, Carreras, Caymans, and Turbos: in all, almost every variety of the most desirable of the Porsche sporting breed. A few ground rules were discussed, including the admonition to drive at your own pace, and passing only when legal and safe. I could tell that there was a tiny bit of apprehension in some of the group, which was inherent to not really knowing what to expect.
Story by Angel Martinez
The drive was advertised as containing lots of twisty bits of all kinds, lots of ups and downs, and some hairpin turns. Adding to the consternation of some, I suspected that it may have been a while since some of the cars had been properly exercised, plus the fact that bathroom breaks would be few and services and cell phone reception would be limited.
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202214
“The route was sublime. The participants were a great bunch of Porsche hoodlums. Gimme more of these!” was all great! Really, couldn’t be better!” drive was delivered as advertised! Highway 58!"

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 15
Two Groups, one led by Henry Hinck and the other by Joe Schneider, got underway at 7:15, bound for a quick detour to my home in Ojai and a bathroom break. From there it was on to Highway 33, one of my favorite roads in our part of California. Keep in mind that this drive occurred on a Wednesday so there were very few cars on the road to interfere with our pace lines. After about 40 glorious miles we stopped for a group photo at a spectacular lookout point just before the turn onto Lockwood Valley Road. And that’s where the fun reached a new level. The drive on this road was spirited and set the pace for the day. People found their own groups of four or five cars each and truly discovered what our cars were designed to do, and do so amazingly well. I found myself “whoop whooping” on many occasions and I wasn’t alone! The thrill ride continued on for about an hour, before the left turn at Mil Portrero Highway, leading up to yet another spectacular terrain change through Pine Mountain Club. Our third break found the group buzzing with energy. Someone said, “It can’t get any better than this!” Just wait, I said to myself.
Opposite: The road overlooking Lockwood Valley. Photo by Dennis Power. Top: The enthusiastic group at the Paddock Motor Club. Photo by Bill Hallier.
Left and above: Drivers assembled at the overlook. Photos by Steve Geldman.

Top: The lineup at the beginning of Highway 58 and Right: Joe Schneider waits patiently. Both photos by Bill Hallier.
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202216 As we made our way down from Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge, taking in yet new and breathtaking views of the valley below in the Carrizo Plain National Monument, we gathered for another stop for fuel and a break in the town of Taft on Highway 33. Again, the variety of scenery and the many terrain changes are what made this such a special drive. Take this route in the fall and you’ll experience it in a completely different way. And in the winter, with the likelihood of snow in the mountain sections, you’ll discover the capabilities of your Macans and Cayennes. From Highway 33 we connected to the fabled Highway 58. I say "fabled" because, well, you had to be there. The 58 is a true driver’s road. One of the best in California. When we first entered the road we were stopped by construction, requiring a pilot truck to escort us in two groups through the fresh pavement being laid down. Come to find out in chatting with the flagman while we waited our turn that the pavement material being used is new and unique. It has a very high percentage of recycled rubber in the asphalt compound and it is the first time this material is being used in the state. Kern County, in cooperation with San Luis Obispo County, is paving the entire length of Highway 58 in this new compound.

What??!! Can you say “GRIP”? I must admit to getting teary-eyed. How could this road possibly get better? Well, we will all just have to wait to find out until the next version of the Two-Door Twisties. Needless to say, there is now de mand among club members for this type of driving event. While there was no wine and cheese available, there was plenty of excellent German beer, sausages, and schnit zel at our destination: Beda’s Biergarten in San Luis Opi spo. There was also that great feeling of having arrived, perhaps a little glassy eyed, at the end of a wonderful day of a driving adventure and of having experienced it all with a group of Porsche lovers, out for a mid-week jaunt, discover ing maybe for the first time what these wonderful cars can do for their souls. Angel Martinez has been a member of PCA since 1999. He owns, restores, and drives a variety of air-cooled Porsches.
September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 17
Photos by Bill Hallier.
This page: The end of a great drive, with German food and beer (for some) at Beda's Biergarten in San Luis Obispo.

DER AUSPUFF September/October 202218
By Dustin Troyan
It was another beautiful Saturday morning at Lavaggio–The Art of Auto Detailing in Agoura Hills. Cars and Coffee was in full swing. The event was organized by Dustin Troyan, who is known to many of us in SBR and is a faithful advertiser in Der Auspuff. With space for about 45 cars, it was packed with enthusiasts. Coffee, donuts, and bagels were provided, as well as the Lavaggio team’s usual hospitality. It was a spectacular day for everyone. The event brought people together who share their passion for automobiles. A wide variety of cars was on display, from hot rods and exotics to some of SBR members' Porsches. Many of the attendees have known each other for years. It was truly a wonderful way to spend a Saturday morning: cars, coffee, and friends—life is good! If you would like to be kept informed of these events at Lavaggio, please send an email to Dustin at dustin@ connectedmediagroup.com
Cars & Coffee at Lavaggio
Photos by Steve Geld man

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 19

Those who have the good fortune to turn their dream into a business owe it to the world to be the custodians of such dreams.
Ferdinand Porsche Porsche’s fabulous museum sits in the heart of the company’s sprawling factory grounds. You won’t have to look hard to figure out that Stuttgart-Zuffenhau sen is a major company town; the fact that the museum’s address is PorschePlatz 1 (Porsche Place 1) ought to tell you something. This breathtaking architectural wonder officially opened to the public in January 2009. The de sign credited Viennese architect Delugan Meissl and writ ten descriptions barely do it justice. Photos help, but you have to see it in person to grasp the sheer power of the design concept. The museum comprises acres of exhibit space, an immaculate workshop, vehicle storage, a truly world class steakhouse restaurant, the company archives, a comprehensive gift shop, and offices. There’s a full ser vice Porsche dealer just across the driveway. A variety of Porsche factory office and assembly buildings surround the museum site. To stand at the museum’s forecourt, you’re truly in the heart of Porscheville.
Story and photos by Matt Stone
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202220

Inside, the gallery spaces are airy, open, and dramatic. High-tech lighting is ideal for photos, and some spaces in clude windows to bring in outdoor light. As you might ex pect of an institution dedicated to the history of a company and family dating back some eight decades, the museum be gins with introductions of the founders and major players in Porsche history, starting with the good doctor himself, Ing. h.c. Ferdinand Porsche (senior) who, as if knowing there would be a museum of such significant global importance, famously said “Those who have the good fortune to turn their dream into a business owe it to the world to be the custodians of such dreams.”
You’ll see early design work from Herr Porsche’s origi nal studios and early vehicles, including the Volkswagenbased Type 64, which introduced the world to rear-engined Porsche platform shapes and proportions that beget the original 356 and can still be seen in the most modern pro duction 911 and Carrera models. The history of the first Porsche works in Gmünd Austria is also well and clearly told, as is the company’s move to set up shop in Stuttgart at the dawn of the 1950s.
Opposite: The front of the Porsche Museum. This page: An array of the various exhibits of historic and iconic race cars.
September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 21
One black Porsche 356 coupe stands out and seems to draw more attention than nearly any other early car on dis play—it being the first Porsche produced at the new fac tories in Stuttgart. It’s a study in elegant simplicity, and is beautifully restored to resemble the day it was completed. Nicknamed “Ferdinand,” it was built in 1950. From then on, visitors follow a remarkable voyage that takes into account the company’s model lineup evolution, to include tractors (affectionately called Schleppers), military vehicles, and the genesis of the company’s efforts in mo torsports, including everything from hillclimbs and rallies to Le Mans, IndyCar racing, and Formula 1. You’ll see the earliest 911s, 959 prototypes, Porsche-engined McLaren F1 machines, and a mouthwatering bevy of 917/956/962 en durance racers.

Matt Stone has been a member of PCA since 2003. He is the author of a number of books about the men and machines of motorsports history.
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202222 Besides the depth, breadth, and beauty of nearly ev erything you see, you’ll be impressed with how few of the cars are surrounded by ropes and stanchions. Naturally, no touching is allowed, but in many cases you’ll enjoy clean and unfettered looks at each exhibit and equally clear photo ops. The signage is informative without being over the top, and there’s a variety of hands-on learning experiences for the youngsters. Personally guided and virtually presented headset tours are also offered. You won’t starve here either, nor be short of shopping opportunities. The museum store has it all, from die-cast models and T-shirts to watches and books. The Coffeebar will help whet your appetite (and satisfy the need for one of those perfectly soft, fresh German pretzels). Boxenstopp means “pit stop” in German, a nice place to sit down for lunch, dining indoors or outside on the terrace at the front of the property. Should you have an evening to invest in truly fine dining, get a table at Christophorus, where the specialty of the house is specially imported US prime beef: fabulous and truly a treat. With some time and planning, you can further round out your visit with a test drive in a new Porsche, and as you’d expect the property is immaculate and fully set up with sen sitivity to any COVID concerns and accessible for those who may be mobility challenged.
Porsche PorscheplatzMuseum1 70435 Stuttgart Zuffenhausen, Germany porschemuseum/info.museum@porsche.dehttps://www.porsche.com/usa/aboutporsche/
Above: A typical, beautifully presented display. Left: The tastefully decorated fine dining eperience, Christophorus.

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 23
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202224 robert@wattrealestategroup.comwattrealestategroup.com805.252.2190 Whether it’s about Porsches or your next dream home, let’s talk! DRE 01206734 RobertDREWatt01441498 A STEADY PRESENCE & TRUSTED ADVOCATE IN ALL MARKET CONDITIONS Fiduciary Financial Advisor with over 25 years of experience as a Certified Financial Planner® Glenn A. Crawford, CFP®, AIF® is a local, independent, face to face Financial Advisor whose clients are his highest priority. Change is constant; having weathered many market cycles, he knows the importance of meeting regularly to continue to develop and maintain a comprehensive, well-engineered financial strategy. Design is important – listening to you and building a relationship creates proactive personalized strategies that ensure your plan aligns with your financial goals. SERVICES INCLUDE PLANNING FOR: Wealth Accumulation / Retirement / Income & Estate Tax Reduction College Funding / Risk Shifting Techniques / Debt Management You may also benefit from his access to CPA’s, Attorneys, and Mortgage Professionals. GLENN A. CRAWFORD, CFP®, AIF® Western International Securities 2555 Townsgate Road, Suite 300/Westlake Village, CA 91361 Office: 805-248-7187 / gcrawford@wisdirect.com / CA Ins. Lic #0777128 Member FINRA and SIPC

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 25 Paint Protection Film & Window Tint INTRODUCINGTHEWORLD’SBESTSELF-HEALINGPAINTPROTECTION!•PaintProtectionFilm-ClearBras•PreventsRockChips&Scratches•UnbeatableWarranty•WindowTintAvailableinStandard&Ceramic•LifetimeWarranty 10Newbury1168805.402.8298ghostshieldfilm.comTourmalineDrivePark,CA91320YEARSEXPERIENCE For more information, call Dustin Troyan at 818.584.3240 and visit www.lavaggio.net

In keeping with its practice to be a good member of the communities in which we live, this year the Santa Barbara Region of PCA selected the Health Care Foundation for Ventura County to receive a donation. Early in July, a check for $5,000 was de livered to the foundation. Established in 2014, the foundation is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of Ventura County Health Care Agency (HCA) to provide quality health care for all, especially at its hospitals, Ventura County Medical Center, and Santa Paula Hospital. The contribution was gratefully received.
At Lavaggio—The Art of Auto Detailing
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202226
Saturday, September 10, 2022, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Prepare your car for competition and fun in less time. You’ll learn new tech niques and discover the latest products to make your car gleam. A review of the Zone 8 Concours competition rules will be discussed to find out what judges look for when examining a car. A live detailing demonstration will show the best way to use the newest products in preparing your Porsche for everything from full Concours to Detail & Shine. Meet at Lavaggio’s beautiful facility in Agoura Hills, 30205 Canwood St. (Reyes Adobe exit off the 101.) Lunch is included. Register at www.msreg. com/detailclinic2022, no later that September 5. Reservations required. Questions?: e-mail Robert Watt at sbrconcours@gmail.com.
SBR Donates to the Health Care Foundation for Ventura County
SBR President Rod Hersberger (far left), Vice President Steve Doll (second from right), and Motorsports Chair Glenn Crawford (right) join staff and volunteers of the Health Care Foundation for Ventura County.

DER AUSPUFF 27 Day 1. We meet in Castaic in time for an 8:00 a.m. departure. The route takes us on I-5, then east on highways 138 and 14 to U.S. 395 at the base of the Sierra Nevada range. After lunch in Bishop, we drive up Tioga Pass for the vistas before heading back down the mountain for dinner and lodging in Bridgeport. Day 2. Leaving Bridgeport, we head north to Monitor Pass and Ebbetts Pass, for tight curves, alpine lakes, and mountain vistas. We’ll arrive in the town of Murphys in the heart of gold country for lunch and a tour of Ironstone Vineyards. After the winery, it’s on to the panoramic drive over Sonora Pass before heading back to Bridgeport for the evening. Day 3. Leaving Bridgeport on our last day, we head south a few miles to take a 16-mile loop around June Lake. It’s then back north to CA 120, east to U.S. 6, and down to Bishop and 395 to the town of Big Pine for lunch. From here it is back home. Cost. The activity fee for the High Sierra Grand Tour is $15 per person. Lodging and meals are to be paid for individually. You will also be responsible for booking your own room at the motel for which we’ve negotiated a rate of about $190 per night (king bed, double occupancy). Details on lodging and more on the drive itself will be provided to those who register. Registration. To register go to www.msreg.com/ highsierrastour. Questions?: contact Doreen Pankow at (805) 428-3423 or dpankow@sbcglobal.net.
September 12-14, 2022
SBR has scheduled three days and two nights on one of California’s most scenic highways—U.S. Route 395. We’ll explore mountain passes on the eastern side of the majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains. Highlights include Tioga, Monitor, Ebbetts, and Sonora passes, plus a visit to the Ironstone Winery in Murphys. The drive takes us through desert and alpine biomes, with Owens Valley and Mono Lake to the east and the steep slopes of the Sierras to the west. Lodging both nights is in the town of Bridgeport. We are limited to 20 vehicles, so don’t wait to sign up.
September/October 2022

DER AUSPUFF September/October 202228
You will want to make sure that your P-Car is detailed and shiny for this event. Our cars will be presented to the public at the Santa Paula Airport on Sunday, October 2.
.Questions?: call or e-mail Ron Mulick at 805-689-1981 or ron@ mulick.com
The airport is open to the public the first Sunday of each month, and while the visitors drool over our cars, we can take a self-guided tour of the hangers, learning about famous past pilots and the history of the airport. Okay, if that is not enough, let’s park a vintage aircraft on the tarmac and you can pose your car next to it and take photos. We will also have a few dedicated SBR photo buffs to take professional-quali ty pictures.TheAviation Museum of Santa Paula consists of what they call the “Chain of Hangars,” each hangar ex hibiting the owner’s unique personal collections. The private displays include antique, classic, and experi mental aircraft; automobiles, including race cars; mo torcycles; an enormous antique radio, juke box, and phonograph collection; paintings and photographs; model aircraft; and a variety of aviation artifacts. Breakfast starts at 8:30 a.m. The restaurant is located at 364 S California Street, Ventura. Park with the group at the top of the parking structure adjacent to the restaurant. We plan to leave the restaurant at 10:00 and arrive at the airport about 10:30. The airport’s address is 28 Wright Taxi Way, Santa Paula. We’ll enter at the 9 Eagles entrance and park on the 9 Eagles and Curtiss taxiways. Registration. The cost for the event, including breakfast, is $35 per person, $10 of which will be donated to the nonprofit Aviation Museum. To join us, go to www.msreg.com/Porschesandplanes
The group starts with an exclusive, buffet break fast at the Aloha Steakhouse, our favorite on-thebeach restaurant in Ventura. We then caravan to the Santa Paula Airport where we’ll park on the taxiway.
Sunday, October 2, 2022

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 29 Porsche Club of America-Santa Barbara Region and Santa Barbara Porsche proudly present our 44th Concours d’Elegance on the Santa Barbara City College West Campus lawn overlooking Leadbetter Beach, the Santa Barbara Channel, and the islands offshore. 721 Cliff Dr. Santa Barbara, CA 93109 CAR PLACEMENT SCHEDULE: 7:00 a.m. for judged Porsches 8:00 a.m. for display Porsches 10:00 a.m. car judging begins We’ve waited two years for this event so don’t miss it. Lunch, silent auction, vendor booths, and more. For complete rules and Concours car classification visit: https://www.zone8.org/events/rules/current.php Preregistration is required before October 1, 2022. To register visit: www.msreg.com/sbr44thconcours Concours Questions: e-mail Robert Watt at sbrconcourschair@gmail.com SBR 44th Concours d’EleganceSBR 44th Concours d’Elegance Sunday, October 9, 2022

outdoors. • Bring a pot of chili for the competition or an appetizer, salad, bread, or dessert to share • Bring your own soft drinks, beer, or wine, and, if you’d like, a six-pack of your favorite beer to share. • Bottled water will be provided • Prizes for the top three chili recipe winners as judged by the members in attendance • Patio dining for 75 guests • Motor court parking for 40 Porsches Saturday, October 15, 2022 1:00 p.m. 23rd Annual OKTOBER CHILIFEST
DIRECTIONS: From the 101 take Santa Rosa Rd. north and turn left on East Las Posas Rd. right on Redondo Ave., then right on Barranca Rd., and then left on Presilla. house is 0.3 miles on the right. per person. dress for
COST: $10
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202230 At the home of Jim & Terry Middlebrook 12029 Presilla Road, Santa Rosa Valley REGISTER BY OCTOBER 7 AT: www.msreg.com/ChiliFest2022 When you register for this event, please select the option for what you plan to bring: chili, appetizers, salad, dessert, or bread. For questions, or undecided about what to bring, e-mail Terry Middlebrook at terrymiddlebrook02@gmail.com or call (805)750-1312.

Rita Hills AVA vineyards on Santa Rosa Rd. The final leg of our tour will take us to the scenic Alisal River Grill in Solvang where we’ll enjoy a delicious BBQ-grilled tri-tip and chicken buffet on their patio overlooking the River Golf Course. After lunch, you may want to visit the Sol vang Vintage Motorcycle Museum nearby at 320 Alisal Rd., Ste 202, or tour some of the local shops. Cost is $72 per person. Register at msreg.com/alisalriv ergrill. For questions about the event contact Doreen Pankow at dpankow@sbcglobal.net or 805-428-3423. For questions about registration, contact Art Shinn at art shinn@gmail.com.
November 19, 2022
he popular SBR Holiday Brunch will take place this year at the beautifully and festively decorated Spanish Hills Country Club, 999 Crestview Avenue, Camarillo. Join PCA friends to celebrate the holidays. In addition to a fabulous buffet, we will acknowledge the officers and board members and announce the Man and Woman of the Year, those volunteers who make our club so active and enjoyable. To help spread the good cheer of the season, please bring an unwrapped toy valued at $10 or more for donation to Unity Shoppe charity. The cost is $65 per person. Register at msreg. com/holidaybrunch2022 by December 3. No refunds after that date. Country club attire appropriate. Questions?: contact Doreen Pankow at dpankow@sbcglobal.net or (805) 428-3423. Sunday, December 11, 2022 – 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Spanish Hills Country Club, Camarillo
Wine Country Drive to the Alisal River Grill
September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 31
Annual Holiday Brunch
Enjoy the fall colors as we drive Santa Ynez Valley backroads, starting from the Porsche Santa Barbara dealership where you’ll enjoy coffee, fruit, and pastries. We’ll catch CA-135 through Los Alamos, drive over the Harris Grade into Lompoc, and continue through Sta.

DER AUSPUFF September/October 202232 We encourage all members to keep their individual profile updated on pca.org, especially your e-mail address so you don’t miss important information from PCA and our own Santa Barbara Region. It is through PCA that we communicate with all of you. MEMBERSHIP REPORT Sue Kinsling Don White Rodney Loehr & Kathryn Arthur Ray & Cindy Arbuckle 2006Ventura911 Carrera 4S Carlos Avelar 2014VenturaCayman Glen Barclay Thousand Oaks 1988 911 Carrera Targa Guy Browning 1965Ventura356 Cabriolet Brian Chudleigh & Chris Nicholson Westlake Village 2022 911 Carrera GTS Milagros & Matthew Ebuen 2018Camarillo911Carrera Thomas & Susan Edwards 2021ValenciaCaynenne S Greg Faulkner Santa Barbara 1973 911T Jeremy Harnish 2001CamarilloBoxster S Sandor Havasi & Marilyn Fordney Agoura Hills 2018 Cayenne S E-Hybrid Collin Hill 1967Goleta912 Glen Holden Santa Barbara 2013 Boxster S Andrew Holt 1991Montecito911Carrera 2 T Henry Hutsell 2022Oxnard911 Carrera GTS Thomas Lewis 2022MoorparkCarrera 4S Rodney Loehr Santa Barbara 2005 911 Carrera Thomas Nasser 2015Palmdale911 Turbo S Joe & Monica Nigro Thousand Oaks 2015 911 Carrera Dennis Patton Newbury Park 2012 911 Turbo S Briana Sapp & Alexander Jillson 2016GoletaCayenne Scott Shepley Westlake Village 1966 911 Doreen Shinn 2021VenturaMacan S Lucca & Ed St. George Santa Barbara 2022 Taycan Turbo Jeff Starin Oak 2007View911Carrera S Bruce Terry 1964Salinas356 Mark Uribe 1999MoorparkCarrera New Members

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 33 55 Years! Anita Banke 32 Years John F.Meaney 31 Years Lawrence & Jo Markham 29 Years Robert Ross 26 Years James Oldham 25 Years Kent & Tori Bodin Thomas & Sarah Gaither 23 Years PeterMichael& Raftery 22 Years Karen Kahn & Roy Hidestad 21 Years Gary & Debra Laird Joan Yabitsu 20 Years Kristina Johnson Daniel Rosenthal 19 Years George & Stacie Anthes CharlesDaniell&Gentzler 18 Years Garrick & Kitty Newman 17 Years Curtis Autenrieth & Maeve Oriordan Steve & Carol Nicholson 16 Years Charles Devlin & Nancy Ann Pidduck Elliot & Joy JonIanGeorgeChristopherFreeman&KendraO’ConnorRasher&JuliaSmith&MaryAnneValois 15 Years JerryPam&Lasnik 12 Years JohnHeather& Gray Richard & Karen Imendorf 11 Years Glenn & Lorraine Crawford George Owen & Linda Kraetsch 10 Years Rich Bongiorno John Gerngross 9 Years Joe & Sherron Mehn Lynn Morris & Carla Romero Ronald & Marlene Sostman 8 Years Dan & Jessie Dugan Kurt & Shannon Kiefer 7 Years John & Pam Foster Diego Gomez & Jana Scarborough 6 Years Dominic & Carol Bonelli Don JeffreyMcMillanWatkins 5 Years James Crowder Devin Park Paul Wren & Paul Wren 4 Years Phillip & Sue Derogatis Jack & Gina Mann Daniel McGregor Bruce & Cathy Milner Andrew & Linda Purdy 3 Years Mark Baettig & Laya Moncrief Aaron Berk Floyd & Jan Hester Steve Columbus & Beverly Mills Tess McKenzie Art Shinn 3 Years (cont.) Mark & Monica Wells David Yarden 2 Years Sean BenMichaelGregoryDuganFowlerKrauchiPrice&Anthy Price Juliana Welsh Monte Wilson 1 Year Lani & Timothy Collins Gregory Davidian Michael Jaramillo Gary Jemelian Mark & Gioia Patla Monique Mansfield Tom SamMikePortWoodsWorley September Anniversaries 51 Years Matthias & Annette Hauck 46 Years Rick & Martie Theise 43 Years John Shutt & Barbara Oldfield 40 Years John & Kendall Mattina 39 Years Steve Brown 36 Years Robert Lyons & Lorie McKean Lyons 29 Years Paul & Uraiwan Hodges RobertBarbara& Wait 24 Years George & Laurie Leis 23 Years David & Mindy Tennen 22 Years Juan Alva 20 Years John & Pam Alfenito 19 Years Jim & Wendy Brown Randy & Claire Fishwick Matt & Linda Stone 18 Years Michael Jacobs & Jessica KimberlySatoLeonard & Gary Dent Jack Price & Aaron Milgrim ArleenJoseph&Scavone 14 Years Steven & Mary Casey Philip Henius & Lizzie BrianFritzRichardWilliamClapman&AlisaKling&LindaLange&GretchenOlenberger&LindaRubino 13 Years Richard Buckner & Robin Liebes Randy & Janet Foster Joe & Jane Niederst 12 Years Pam & Harry Dougherty John & Margriet Sands 10 Years Major& Susan Mirza 9 Years Mike & Valerie Brashears Michael Davis Dan & Christi Kaplan George & Hilary North 8 Years Greg & Rhonda Dumond Joshua Lusby & Trish Powell Steve ChuckNethertonWampler 7 Years Gary & Jane Olmstead Zack Griffin Richard & Sondra Hostin 6 Years Jean-Luc De Fanti Douglas Jones Daren BrettWayneShermanStellyTaylor 5 Years Wolfgang Hoeck Allan Hunt Mary Ellen Lord Glenn & Spencer Overley Mark Renner 4 Years Cory & Josee Bayers Dennis Chang Tony D’Amore Evan ToddVictorHeuserMuradianWilliams 2 Years William Rich Teri Wells 1 Year Laurie Arkin David Bates & Darlene Bierig Sean Carlson Otto BarbaraCipolla&Peter Coeler Rupert RonaldDanVladimirEspirituKytlicaMenderSchultz October Anniversaries
DER AUSPUFF September/October 202234 WEAR YOUR CLUB’S COLORS WITH PRIDE Quality shirts, jackets, and hats are available in a variety of colors and for all seasons. • District Men’s Game Tee • New Era Ladie’s Heritage Blend 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Raglan Tee • Port Authority Men’s Dry Zone Colorblock Ottoman Polo • Sport-Tek Ladie’s Micropique Sport-wick Piped Polo • Port Authority Men’s Active Colorblock Soft Shell Jacket • Eddie Bauer Ladies' Soft Shell Jacket • Port Authority Flexfit Wool Blend Cap • Port Authority Men’s Tall SuperPro Oxford Shirt ORDER AT https://santabarbara.pcawebstore.org SBR MEMBER NAME BADGE Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is quick and easy online. Visit our website, pcasb.org. On the top banner, select Membership and click the link SBR Name Badges. Fill out the order form and follow the instructions as to what to pay and where to send the form. You can order up to two badges with one form. HANS1999MEZGERGT3

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 35 DSR 805-525-3700DESMONDAUDIOWARREN •Festival, Concert & Business Presentation Sound Systems •Event •Musical•Power•GeneratorsProductionDistributionInstrument Rental •Retail Sales New & Used 805-452-2344 • Cell 805-525-3771 • dsraudio@gmail.comFax 110 Calave Street #E, Santa Paula, CA 93060 Paul Bancroft Roofing, Inc. 7706 Deering Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91304 (818) 888-7307 pbroofing.com ALL TYPES OF ROOFING • INSURANCE PROTECTION ROOFING CONSULTANT • INVESTIGATIVE WORK Paul Bancroft PCA Member since 2005467286#LIC.STATE NORTH HOLLYWOOD SPEEDOMETER & CLOCK COMPANY Service & Restoration of VDO Instruments Specializing in: 356 * 911 * 914 6111 Lankershim Blvd., N. Hollywood, CA 91606 818-761-5136 info@nhspeedometer.comwww.nhspeedometer.com

DER AUSPUFF September/October 202236 Awards & Engraving Trevor Ashton www.aswelltrophy.comtrevor@aswelltrophy.com AswellTrophy 235 N. Oxnard Blvd. Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 487-2224 Fax (805) 487-3588 Coachcraft 302 Orange Grove Avenue Fillmore, CA 93015-1938 The Original Coachcraft 805.524.7744 Anthony & Bill Stoessel Since 1940Insurance Collision Repair Custom Auto Body and Paint DownStateRestorationsoftheArtDraftSpray Booth RS ENTERPRISES JASON DUARTE 249 S. Laurel Street Ventura, CA 93001 805-643-1041 Your source for parts and accessories for all Porsche® automobiles!1055E.WalnutStreetPasadenaCA91106www.SierraMadreCollection.com 626.844.4616 • 888.986.4466 R. David Fox Insurance Agency Insurance Lic#: 0738653 1220 Santa Barbara Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-962-3587 DAVID FOX Porsche 356B owner for 49 years and proud PCA supporter

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 37 Helen Salaverria, Brand RusnakPorscheBoutique.com805-267-5963Manager Lori’s Mobile Notary & LiveScan Fingerprinting Specialists are always available, experienced, and professional. Lori’s is one of Santa Barbara’s leading and most trusted Mobile Notary Public and Fingerprinting offices. Our on-demand services are comprehensive and serve multiple businesses & professionals in and around Santa Barbara. Notary Services In-Office (Walk-In/No appointment necessary) and Mobile Live Scan & FBI ID Ink Card Fingerprinting Walk-in during office hours/No appointment necessary Apostille Service Passport Photos & Renewal Services Vehicle Registration & DMV Services Renewals, Ownership Transfers, Replacement Stickers, New & Replacement License Plates, Duplicate Title, one-year Full Registration Trailers, Salvage Title, Boats NEW! Vehicle Vin Verification Services! Provided by CA Vins in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties! (805) 683 - 6350 • lori@lorismobilenotary.com BRUCE A. PENCE, JR., D.D.S General Dentistry 1000 Town Center Drive, #250 Oxnard, CA 93036 805-983-7674 Fax 805-485-9838pencedental.com

DER AUSPUFF September/October 202238 2022 Regional AX, DE, & TT (As per the Zone 8 calendar of events at press time) AX = Autocross, DE = Driver’s Education, TT = Time Trials, and CR = Club Race CCCR = California Central Coast Region, GPX = Grand Prix Region, SDR = San Diego Region, LAR = Los Angeles Region, LVR = Las Vegas Region, and RR = Riverside Region SDR DE & TT at Willow Springs LVR DE at Spring Mountain CCCR DE at Laguna Seca GPX-LAR-SBR DE at Streets of Willow CCCR AX at Santa Maria Airport SDR DE/TT at Chuckwalla RR AX at Auto Club Speedway CCCR DE at Laguna Seca SDR DE/TT at Buttonwillow LVR DE at Spring Mountain Sat & Sun, Sep 17 & 18 Sat & Sun, Sep 24 & 25 Mon, Sep 26 Mon, Oct 10 Sat, Oct 15 Sat & Sun, Oct 22 & 23 Sun, Oct 23 Mon, Oct 24 Sat & Sun, Nov 5 &6 Sat & Sun, Nov 19 & 20 DOWN THE ROAD September 10 SeptemberNovemberOctoberOctoberOctober12-14291519December11January21February18 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic High Sierra Grand Tour Santa Paula Airport SBR Concours d'Elegance Oktober Chilifest Wine Country Drive to the Alisal River Grill Annual Holiday Brunch Magical Mystery Tour Valentine's Day (or close to it) Drive Note: events and dates are subject to change

September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 39 Porsche Club of America www.zone8.org PCA Zone 8 ZONE 8 OFFICERS Zone 8 Representative Lori DeCristo California Inland Region Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias Grand Prix Region Secretary Monica Shea Orange Coast Region ZONE 8 STAFF Autocross Chair Bill Thorp San Diego Region Chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann Las Vegas Region Club Race Advisor Skip Carter Grand Prix Region Concours Chair Janice Witteried California Inland Region Event Information Chair Jim Alton San Gabriel Region Rules Coordinator Tom Brown San Diego Region Rules Technical Advisor Russell Shon San Diego Region Social Media Chair Vinita Khilani Los Angeles Region Time Trial/DE Chair Russell Shon San Diego Region Webmaster Tom Brown San Diego Region Aswell Trophy ........................... 36 Bruce Pence, DDS 37 California Tire Company 36 Coachcraft ................................ 36 Ding Masters ............................ 35 Doll Real Estate Services 36 DSR Audio ................................ 35 Ghost Shield ............................. 25 Glenn Crawford, WIS 24 Koncept Motorwurks................ 35 Lori’s Mobile Notary Service 37 Lavaggio-The Art of Detailing 25 Milpas Motors .......................... 23 Monaco Motors ........................ 37 No. Hollywood Speedometer 35 Paul Bancroft Roofing .............. 35 PCARMarket ............................... 8 Premier Coach 9 RS Enterprises .......................... 36 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ........ IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group BC State Farm Insurance, David Fox 36 Schneider Autohaus ................. 13 Sierra Madre Collection ............ 36 The Porsche Boutique 37 Timbers Roadhouse .................. 35 Village Properties, Robert Watt .. 24 Wheel Concepts 13 Advertiser Directory

DER AUSPUFF September/October 202240 PCA/SBR CLASSIFIED ADS For sale. Contact Rich Jonsson — (818) 324-3457 1) Porsche; The Classic Era, Dennis Adler, 285 pp ($25) 2) Porsche; Schlegemilch and Lehbrink, 407 pp ($25) 3) Classic Cars from 1945 to the Present; Michael Bowler, 303 pp ($15) 4) Porsche Tech Manual; Henry Elfrink, 1 used ($15), 1 like new ($25) 5) Porsche 912 1965-69 Handbook; Kenneth Bell, 145 pp 6)($25)Clymer Publication's Repair Manual 1965-76, 911 and 912 Service Repair Handbook ($20) 7) Driver's Manual Type 356A Oct. 1956 Edition (7 out of 10 condition, no back cover page) ($325 obo) 8) Driver's Manual Type 356B Jan. 1963 Edition (9+ con dition) ($400 obo) 9) Driver's Manual Type 356C June 1964 Edition (9 condi tion) ($220 obo) 10) Plastic, maroon colored, Porsche embossed, service manual cover ($14) Classified ads of 50 words or fewer for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items are free to PCA members in good standing and will run for a maximum of two months. Please notify the Editor if sold. SBR is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items. Please submit ads directly to PCA/SBReditor.derauspuff@gmail.com.Classifieds Must find new a home for our collection of Porsche memorabilia, vintage posters, automobilia, etc. Please contact me at suziandbobsb@gmail.com for a complete list OEM polished center caps OD 3'', ID 2 5/8". Should fit models 76-89 $80 Dan Long 805-405-1198 OEM hood emblem New, fits all models 76-89. $80 Dan Long 805-405-1198.

SBR's on-the-road, go-to photographer Gary Krueger and the "tunnel shot" on the Two-Door Twisties drive.
September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 41


September/October 2022 DER AUSPUFF 43