ROD HERSBERGER (805) 698-1659
ROD HERSBERGER (805) 698-1659
STEVE DOLL (805) 701-5511
Treasurer HOWARD RUBENSTEIN (818) 340-3366
TOM SUTPHEN (805) 680-4930
Editor DENNIS POWER (949) 468-8608
SUE KINSLING (805) 386-8112
Goodie Store
JOHN BARRISON (820) 203-8079 cell
Text message preferred
Activities Co-chair
LIONEL NEFF (805) 890-0588
Activities Co-chair
ART SHINN (505) 348-7813
Past President
Board Appointees
Dealer Relations
Public Relations
Social Media SAL REYES
Website Facebook Flickr
Der Auspuff Online Instagram
Yearly Advertising Rates (6 issues)
Full Page (8.5 x 11 inches) $935 Half Page (8.5 x 5.5 inches) $467 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $313 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $165
Deadline for submission of ad copy is the first of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance is available at no charge.
Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Bob Clarke, (805) 200-6596 or
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editor, or its staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the first of the month preceding the month of publication.
To borrow from John Lennon, Another year over, and a new one just begun . . . let’s hope it’s a good one without any fear.
I hope everyone had a great 2022 with the club and otherwise. All club events were well-attended. Organizers tried some new things with the Monterey Spring Fling, Two-door Twisties, High Sierra Passes, and Porsches and Planes at the Santa Paula Airport. After three-years of not happening, Robert and Lisa Watt and others put on a memorable Concours. Porsche of Santa Barbara was a generous sponsor. Our Holiday Brunch featured a book signing by club member Matt Stone. Congratulations to Woman of the Year Sue Kinsling and Man of the Year Robert Watt. There is more creativity in the works for this coming year.
Porsche Santa Barbara hosted a very well-attended Octoberfest at the dealership. We got to see many club members there. I was not able to attend, but Rusnak
Porsche hosted our December 3 Cars & Coffee at its new facility in Westlake Village. Those who did attend were impressed.
Porsche and PCA have two big-time events in the Golden State later this year. Parade is coming to La Quinta in June and Rennsport Reunion to Laguna Seca in late September. I have heard corral parking for the various models is sold out and rooms are scarce and pricey, but Rennsport is a must-attend event. I have been to all previous ones at Laguna and it was well worth it. One way to participate is to volunteer to park cars. I have done that at all previous events and you get to meet some of the attendees.
The club is always looking for new volunteers at all levels to provide leadership and support. We welcome thoughts on social events and drives as well. Please contact me if you are interested or have ideas on any aspect of the club. Best wishes for 2023!
SBR’s Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of every odd-numbered month beginning at 6:30 p.m. At this time, the meetings are held online via Zoom. Member attendance and participation are encouraged. Contact SBR president Rod Hersberger ( to receive the Zoom link for each meeting. Board meeting minutes are posted on the SBR website:
The ArT of DreAms. In October 2021, Porsche launched a series of interactive art installations in major cities. Paris, Singapore, and Milan were the first sites. This past November, the immersive installation Dream Big by Scottish artist Chris Labrooy was presented at the Pérez Art Museum Miami. As the Porsche Newsroom describes it, “The centerpiece of Dream Big is a white Porsche 911 Carrera 4S. In the hand of a larger-than-life figure with racing driver’s helmet, the Coupe looks like a toy car. The artwork is an homage to the dreams of childhood. With a playful tone, the installation is intended to inspire the beholder to wonder where their dreams will take them next.”
As a museum guy with a few-years stint as administrative head of an art and design college, I was motivated to look up more about the artist whose creative mind led to such an installation. It turns out that Chris Labrooy is a Porsche fan and owner of, first, a 981 Cayman, then a 981 GTS, and currently a 718 Cayman GTS 4.0. He’s always been into cars. As a small boy he played with them, then he would draw them, then drive them in computer games. While training at the Royal College of Art in London, he wanted to study car design. What sets him apart today is his skill as a digital artist.
Labrooy saw the advances in CGI and digital-world technology and moved from making tangible, physical objects to making photo realistic images. Now there is no limit to his imagination. I had look up “CGI.” It means “Computer-Generated Images” and it is what it says: creating or contributing to images in print, video games, films, and videos, among other media, and works in both two and three dimensions. The user can model the real world or create one. What it means for Labrooy is that his imagination can soar and he can create any environment and place any object into that context.
On his website (www.chrislabrooy. com), the artist features digital images of 911s in scenes typical of Palm Springs, such as those shown below. He thinks, "California and the 911 is a perfect combination." I agree. He goes on to say, "In the end, I like a ridiculous idea that is really well crafted." Really well crafted they are.
On Sunday, December 11, Mother Nature cooperated with the Santa Barbara Region when the overnight rain stopped and the sun came out before over 100 members arrived at the Spanish Hills Country Club in Camarillo to once again enjoy their annual holiday brunch. Our hosts, as usual, did a magnificent job in seasonally decorating the banquet room, as well as arranging beautiful table settings.
Members arrived with unwrapped toys to be delivered to Santa Barbara’s Unity Shoppe, to help make the season bright for some less fortunate children this year (see page 27). Special thanks to Rem Laan, Dennis Power, and Art Shinn for delivering these toys after our brunch.
Our president, Rod Hersberger, addressed the members by first acknowledging Doreen Pankow for making the arrangements for this wonderful event and recognizing her past and present contributions to our club. Rod then recognized our sponsors and advertisers, many of whom provided magnificent door prizes, including Rene and Nicole Verbrugge from Porsche Santa Barbara, and Keith and Donna Goldberg from Rusnak Porsche/Westlake. Rod also thanked Bob Clarke, our advertising manager.
At that point, we all enjoyed a fabulous buffet brunch, including a great omelet station, and had time to visit with fellow members. Rod returned to the podium to honor past presidents of our club who were present: Joe Schneider (who is also a past president of the L.A. region), Doreen Pankow, Dave Stone, Rem Laan, and Nick Liakas. Earlier this year, the board honored Joe with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Rod reminded everyone that one of our members, the noted automotive author Matt Stone, was present with a supply of two of his books: The IROC Porsches and Porsche Special Editions, which he was autographing and selling. Rod also acknowledged and thanked all board members and others who had helped with various activities during the year, and the photographers who contribute some wonderful and entertaining photos to the articles in our bi-monthly magazine Der Auspuff. Finally, Rod reminded members that during this year, our group donated $5,000 to a Ronald McDonald facility in Ventura, and $2,500 to The Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara (which is also the beneficiary of our toy drive today).
Tom Sutphen, the club secretary, announced the results of our election of Man of the Year: Robert Watt, who organized our wonderful Concours d’Elegance in October. Woman of the Year is Sue Kinsling, our club membership chair.
Opposite page, top: The toy table, donations awaiting delivery to the Unity Shoppe. Photo by Bill Hallier. Opposite page, lower: The Spanish Hills Country Club.
Photo by Dennis Power
This page, left: Woman of The Year Sue Kinsling is honored by President Rod Hersberger.
Above, top to bottom: Susan and Rod Hersberger with Kathy and Joe Schneider, Matt Stone autographing his books, and the Liakases, Langes and Rubensteins enjoying post-buffet conversation. Photos this page by Dennis Power.
Lionel Neff, activities co-chair, described a few of the upcoming 2023 events (it’s going to be a busy year!). Then he and Art Shinn, the other co-chair, drew names for dozens of great door prizes which were donated by Porsche Santa Barbara, Rusnak/Westlake Porsche, Schneider Autohaus, Ghost Shield, LaVaggio, Premiere Coach, California Tires, Lionel Neff, David and Susan Stone, and others. There were enough prizes to ensure that almost every member who came today left with something.
Rod closed the event by thanking everyone for their support during the year and he was given a round of applause for his leadership.
Doreen Shinn joined PCA in 2022, but has been active before then in managing the club's online registration system.
Top: Activities Co-chair Lionel Neff announces upcoming drives and events for 2023. Photo by Bill Hallier.
Middle: President Rod Hersberger with Nicole and Rene Verbrugge, sales manager of Porsche Santa Barbara. Photo by Dennis Power.
Bottom: A few of the prizes donated for the raffle. Photo by Dennis Power.
On Saturday, December 3, the skies cleared to greet more than 80 SBR members who had been invited to visit Rusnak/Westlake Porsche’s beautiful new dealership. Our hosts for the morning were General Manager Keith Goldberg and Service Director Sam Abergel. They provided an array of delicious refreshments before leading comprehensive guided tours of the 150,000 square-foot facility. From the spacious, two-story showroom and office areas to the 38-bay service department, we were all impressed with this incredible facility. If you were unable to attend, we hear that Rusnak/Westlake Porsche will again be hosting Saturday Cars & Coffee gatherings in 2023. Our sincerest thanks to Keith Goldberg and his staff for hosting our informative visit.
—David Stone
On a pleasant Saturday, October 15, members of the Santa Barbara Region gathered to enjoy one another’s company at the always popular annual chili cookoff. Jim and Terry Middlebrook, for the twelfth year, hosted this year’s competition. This all started when for 10 years, from 1997 through 2006, Bob and Jeanette Bassett hosted the first, friendly competitions at their Camarillo home. Randy and Sue Kinsling also hosted it one year. This year, again, the Middlebrook’s beautiful home and spacious patio overlooking the Santa Rosa Valley provided a delightful setting for eating outdoors and socializing.
Six members brought pots of chili to be tasted and judged. Other members contributed an array of appetizers, salads, breads, and desserts to indulge in throughout the afternoon. The buffet line moved quickly, thanks to the efficiency of our servers and to Carol Barber, who coordinated all the kitchen activities as Chief Chili Wrangler. After feasting on all the scrumptious food and tasting the different chili recipes, the members voted on their favorite chili. All attendees served as judges, taking samples scooped from each separate chili pot and then evaluating and voting for their first, second, and third preference. While the vote-counting team of Claus and Iris Eisenbach counted all the ballots, everyone else sampled a tempting assortment of desserts while awaiting the announcement of the winner of the much-coveted Lady Scoville Trophy.
Top left: The Middlebrook home, where Terry and Jim graciously hosted our 23rd chili cook-off. Photo by Nicolas Liakas.
Top right: The poolside view of Santa Rosa Valley. Photo by Randall Fishwick. Middle left and right: Good food and great company. Photos by Nicolas Liakas Lower right: The kitchen crew providing chili samples for the judging by attendees. Photo by Randall Fishwick.
Terry explained how the region’s chili trophy came into existence. In 1912, Wilbur Scoville devised a method called the Scoville Organoleptic Test, which rated the heat pungency of chili peppers. So, in 2010, Jim and Terry modified a recycled tennis trophy to include some Porsche parts as well as adding a chili pot, apron, and wooden spoon to the female figure that tops the wooden base. This became the first-place trophy for all future chili competitions and was designated the “Lady Scoville Trophy” to honor Wilbur Scoville for his valuable contribution to the art of chili making.
Doreen Pankow announced the three winners of the cook-off and presented them with their gifts. Of course, the chef in first place also gets to have his or her name added to the Lady Scoville Trophy. The outstanding chefs for 2022 are as follows: first place went to Jim Middlebrook, second place to Tara Konrath, and third place to Fred and Paula Herr. This is the fourth time Jim has won first place, and he has also taken second place many times in past years. Once the prizes were presented to the winners, a special presentation was made to the Middlebrooks to thank them for hosting this enjoyable event. Everyone had a relaxing and fun afternoon, visiting with friends and new members. Needless to say, we all went home full of delicious food as well.
In addition to our gracious hosts the Middlebrooks and Chief Chili Wrangler Carol Barber, appreciation goes to the following for help with canopies and table set-up, kitchen set-up, serving, and vote counting: Dominic and Carol Bonelli, Jim and Wendy Brown, Debra and Gary Laird, Claus and Iris Eisenbach, Olga Liakas, Mike and Karen Turek, Patrick and Tara Konrath, Jeff and Rosalee Merrrick, Jeanette Smith, and Mike and Cherie Sagraves. Special thanks also goes to our photographers, Randy Fishwick and Nicolas Liakas.
Doreen Pankow has been a member of PCA since 1997. She is past president of SBR, past Activities Chair, and remains active in club events, Doreen drives a 1995 Carrera in Midnight Blue.
Top left: Kent Bodin and author Doreen Pankow enjoying the party.
Top right: First place and winner of the Lady Scoville Trophy Jim Middlebrook.
Middle right: Second place winner Tara Konrath.
Lower right: The third place team Paula and Fred Herr.
All photos this page by Nicolas Liakas
Saturday, November 19, was a picture-perfect day for a drive, with clear skies and sunshine.
Ninety members met at the Porsche Santa Barbara dealership where Sales Manager Rene Verbrugge welcomed us and provided pastries, beverages, and some fun Porsche key fobs and calendars.
Fifty beautiful Porsches in a variety of colors and models left the dealership at 9:30 a.m. for the start of our picturesque drive through the Santa Ynez Valley. We traveled over San Marcos Pass, past Lake Cachuma, and then headed north through the fun, twisty curves on Foxen Canyon Road, passing several wineries known for their Cabernet, Chardonnay, Burgundy, and Rhone style wines. We turned west onto Alisos Canyon Road and then drove through Los Alamos to Harris Grade, where we enjoyed the tight turns driving over toward Lompoc.
Top: Ready to leave Porsche Santa Barbara. Photo by Randall Fishwick.
Middle: On the road. Photo by Gary Krueger.
Left. On Foxen Canyon road.
Photo by Steve Geldman.
From CA-1 we drove through the Sta. Rita Hills AVA on Santa Rosa Road with its hallmark Pinot Noir and Chardonnay vineyards. The fall colors of orange, brown, and red were displayed beautifully on the leaves of the vineyards and trees. After turning onto CA-246 we drove through Solvang, which was bustling with tourists enjoying the beautiful weather and picturesque town. Solvang has a rich Danish heritage and boasts authentic architecture, thatched roofs, old-world craftsmanship, and traditional windmills.
We arrived at the Alisal River Grill just before noon and everyone gathered on their beautiful patio to enjoy a delicious buffet lunch of chicken, tri-tip, barbecue beans, and various salads and desserts. Several of us stayed on, touring the region on our own to complete what was a fine driving adventure in our own backyard. A special thank you to our photographers who captured a lot of fun memories of this fun outing!!
Doreen Pankow has been a member of PCA since 1997. She is past president of SBR, past Activities Chair, and remains active in club events. Doreen drives a 1995 Carrera in Midnight Blue.
Top: Vineyard in fall color along Santa Rosa Road.
Photo by Leslie Power.
Right: Tables with happy, well-fed SBR members.
Photos by Gary Krueger.
The Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion is held at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca annually in August during Monterey Car Week. This year’s theme—“24 Hours of Le Mans”—kicked off a celebration of the 100th anniversary of this historic race, first run on May 26 and 27, 1923. It’s one thing to view historic race cars in a museum, but it is entirely another to actually see them on the race track, where they were intended to be driven. Cars are accepted into the reunion based on authenticity, race provenance, and period correctness. It's called by some a museum springing to life, where the cars are doing what they were originally intended to do: race.
If you have ever experienced the sound, sense of speed, excitement, and emotions of watching automotive racing live and in person, one could say the historic races are all that, only stepping back in time. From the “Ragtime Racers” featuring pre-1920 race cars and drivers in vintage race gear to classic-era race cars from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and later, actually seeing these cars on track is fascinating. Watching the drivers take to the asphalt is amazing as they don’t hold back on the car's performance, no matter the age of the car or that of the person behind the wheel.
Porsche factory driver Patrick Long was in attendance and drove several cars during the event, most notably a 1988 Kermer Racing Leyton House Porsche 962 #16, a 1968 Porsche 911 T/R #68, and a historic 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302 Trans-Am car of George Follmer #15A. Even his 24 Hour Le Mans Flying Lizard car was there.
Other notable drivers were on track during the event. Bruce Canepa raced a 1989 Porsche 962C #14 and a 1970 AMC Javelin Trans-Am. Zak Brown, CEO of McLaren Automotive, was in the infamous 1981 Porsche 935 of John Paul Jr. #18 and also drove a 1990 Jaguar XJR10 #61. Also participating was celebrity Adam Carolla in his 1979 Dick Barbour Racing Porsche 935 #70 in which Paul Newman and Rolf Stommelen once shared the seat.
Opposite page: 1988 Kermer Racing Leyton House Porsche 962, with Patrick Long at the wheel.
This page.
Mid left: 1929 Bentley.
Mid right: 24 Hour Le Mans Flying Lizard Porsche.
Bottom left: 1989 Porsche 962C raced by Bruce Canepa.
Bottom right: 1981 Porsche 935 of John Paul, Jr.
One of many head-turners was the beautiful 1971 Porsche 908/3 Prototype #1, built specifically for the Targa Floria and Nürbugring during the World Sportcar Championship of 1970 and 1971. And I can’t forget to mention the 1976 Formula 1 Ferrari 312 T2 that Niki Lauda raced.
Another must-see was the amazing curation of the “Le Mans Heritage Showcase Display,” which included a Le Mans winning 1929 Bentley, 1955 Porsche 550A Le Mans Coupe, 1959 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta TdF Coupe, 1960 Porsche 356 Abarth Carrera GTL, 1968 GT40, 1986 Rothmans Porsche 962 #1, and the list goes on.
The only way to appreciate the significance of these cars is to experience them for yourself. It’s impossible to describe in just a few pages all the rich history that can be found at an event like this. One thing is certain, Porsche will be an integral part of any historic event like the Rolex Monterey Motorsport Reunion.
Note: More of my race photos can be found at or on Instagram @rwattphoto.
Robert Watt has been a member of PCA since 2009. He drives a concours-winning 2008 Cayman in Speed Yellow.
Top left: 1979 Dick Barbour Racing Porsche 935.
Top right: 1986 Rothmans Porsche 962.
Middle left: 1976 Formula 1 Ferrari 312 T2.
Middle right: 1968 Porsche 911 T/R.
Lower right: 1971 Porsche 908/3 Prototype #1
Members brought more than 80 toys to the Region’s Holiday Brunch at the Spanish Hills Country Club for the Unity Shoppe to distribute to families in need for Christmas. In addition, new members Tina and Eric Muller contributed $2,500 on behalf of the Region to the Unity Shoppe. Thank you to the Mullers and all of the members who brought toys to the event.
The Unity Shoppe has been providing services to families in need for more than 100 years. Their mission is to provide residents impacted by temporary conditions of poverty, natural disaster, or health crisis with resources, including groceries, clothing, and other essentials, that reinforce human dignity and encourage self-sufficiency and independence. Due to the pandemic and high inflation rate demand for their services has increased significantly in recent years.
After the brunch, region members Art Shinn and Rem Laan drove two Macans full of toys to the Unity Shoppe’s warehouse in Santa Barbara where they presented them to Executive Director Angela Miller-Bevan. The Region has been proud to support the work of the Unity Shoppe for many years and to continue the relationship this year.
It's always interesting to read about the history of Porsche and the family that created it. This is from a 1957 book TREASURY OF FOREIGN CARS by auto historian FLOYD CLYMER*.
*These pages come from a book found during a random straightening-up by my wife Leslie. Books on cars, and especially boats, were collected by her father and have stayed in our home. I thought some of our readers might be interested to see an account about Porsche when the latest model was a 356 A!
January 21, 2023
Get your ticket to ride plus a little help from your SBR friends to launch the New Year. Search the sky to find Lucy and you will sense that things will be getting better in 2023! Simply act naturally.
The “mystery” in the title to this tour is the key to what we have planned to celebrate. We hope you will find it magical as well.
The meeting time and starting point will be provided in mid January to those who register. Driving
directions will be available at the meeting place. This is a “bring your own lunch” event so be creative to add to the magic.
The SBR activity fee of $15 per person is payable at the time of registration. To register, please go to For questions about the drive contact Nicolas Liakas at nicolasliakas@ or 818-706-6016. With questions about registration contact Art Shinn at artshinn@gmail. com or 505-348-7813.
February 18, 2023
Challenge your driving skills on a scenic drive through the twists and turns on Potrero Road and through the sweeping curves on Encinal Canyon to Pacific Coast Hwy CA-1. Then enjoy the picturesque ocean views as we drive along the coastline, ending up at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse in Oxnard for a variety of pizzas, salads, pasta, and beverages. We’ll meet on Saturday, February 18, in Ventura at 9:30 a.m. and depart at 10:00. Driving directions and other specifics will be provided a week or two prior to the event to those who register. The cost is $35 per person, including lunch, and is payable when you sign up. To register, please go to coastalmountaindrive. For questions regarding the event, contact Doreen Pankow at or (805) 428-3423. For questions about registration contact Art Shinn at
On Saturday morning, March 18, experience maritime treasures and stories at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum. But first, we’ll meet at 8:30 a.m. at the parking lot adjacent to the Habit Restaurant (3890 La Cumbre Plaza Lane), departing at 9:00 on a scenic drive through the local mountains. Ending at the museum, the executive director will give us a presentation “13,000 Years of Local Maritime History.” You can then tour the museum on your own to learn about Chumash maritime culture, the 1923 “Honda Disaster” (the largest peacetime naval disaster in U.S. history), local light houses, the fishing industry, deep sea diving, the history of oil in the Channel, and more.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Since all of this activity will make us hungry, we’ll have lunch on the second floor above the museum at the Anchor Rose restaurant: excellent sea food, tri-tip and chicken sandwiches, and fabulous fish and chips, plus an exquisite view of the Santa Barbara Harbor, where commercial fishing vessels and hundreds of yachts are berthed.
The cost of the adventure is $75 per person and includes entrance to the museum and lunch at the Anchor Rose. Register at Questions?: contact Ron Mulick at (805) 689-1981 or For questions about registration, contact Art Shinn at
April 11-13, 2023
This trip has it all in one of California’s most scenic and historically interesting settings. On Day 1 we leave Santa Barbara for a leisurely drive past Morro Bay on Highway 1 to the Ragged Point Inn for lunch. From there it’s down to San Simeon for a tour of Hearst Castle. We’ll then caravan to Paso Robles for dinner on your own and lodging at the Paso Robles Inn.
On Day 2 we sample regional wines and olive oils at Halter Ranch Vineyards, Pasolive Ranch, and Thatcher Winery. Lunch will be at Opolo Winery with a spectacular view and fantastic menu. We end the afternoon with a visit to Paso Robles Municipal Airport and a tour of the Estrella Warbird
Museum. Finally, a festive group dinner will be at the famous Fish Gaucho Restaurant in Paso Robles. Cost for this event is $95 per person and includes lunch at Opolo Vineyards, the group dinner at The Fish Gaucho, and the Club participation fee. Other meals and admission and wine tasting fees are paid individually. Hotel reservations also will be on your own beginning Feburary 15 at the special rate of $147 per room per night. Our limit is 15 rooms and 30 seats at dinner. Registration opens February 10 at Questions?: contact Lionel Neff at (805) 890-0588 or Details will be sent to registered participants.
Scott Deardorff
Santa Barbara 1969 912
Robert & Julia Philibosian
Simi Valley 2002 911 Targa
Jordan Eller
Ventura 2005 911 Turbo S
Jon Crossley
1973 911S
Glen Davis
Santa Barbara 2009 911S
Chris Jones
Santa Barbara 2017 911
Paul Mcdonald
Oak Park 2011 911 Turbo S
Ken & Shannon Goodenough
Santa Barbara 1971 911 Targa
Robert Schwartz Ojai 2006 911S
Yvonne & Kurt Bernhoft
Oxnard 1982 911 SC
Conrad Van Hyning
Simi Valley 2007 911 Targa 4S
Gregory Brody
Santa Barbara 2015 911 GTS
We encourage all members to keep their individual profile updated on, especially your e-mail address so you don’t miss important information from PCA and our own Santa Barbara Region.
Uzelac & Alexandra Chaux
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Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is
online. Visit our website, On the top banner, select Membership and click the link SBR Name Badges. Fill out the order form and follow the instructions as to what to pay and where to send the form. You can order up to two badges with one form.
Lori’s Mobile Notary & LiveScan Fingerprinting Specialists are always available, experienced, and professional. Lori’s is one of Santa Barbara’s leading and most trusted Mobile Notary Public and Fingerprinting offices. Our on-demand services are comprehensive and serve multiple businesses & professionals in and around Santa Barbara.
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Event Information Chair
Jim Alton
San Gabriel Region Rules Coordinator Tom Brown San Diego Region
Rules Technical Advisor Russell Shon San Diego Region
Time Trial/DE Chair
Russell Shon San Diego Region
Webmaster Tom Brown San Diego Region
Concours Chair
Janice Witteried California Inland Region
Social Media Chair
Vinita Khilani
Los Angeles Region
OEM polished center caps
OD 3'', ID 2 5/8". Should fit models 76-89 NOW $50
Dan Long 805-405-1198
OEM hood emblem New, fits all models 76-89. NOW $50 Dan Long 805-405-1198.
For sale. Contact Rich Jonsson — (818) 324-3457
1) Porsche; The Classic Era, Dennis Adler, 285 pp ($25)
2) Porsche; Schlegemilch and Lehbrink, 407 pp ($25)
3) Classic Cars from 1945 to the Present; Michael Bowler, 303 pp ($15)
4) Porsche Tech Manual; Henry Elfrink, 1 used ($15), 1 like new ($25)
5) Porsche 912 1965-69 Handbook; Kenneth Bell, 145 pp ($25)
6) Clymer Publication's Repair Manual 1965-76, 911 and 912 Service Repair Handbook ($20)
7) Driver's Manual Type 356A Oct. 1956 Edition (7 out of 10 condition, no back cover page) ($325 obo)
8) Driver's Manual Type 356B Jan. 1963 Edition (9+ condition) ($400 obo)
9) Driver's Manual Type 356C June 1964 Edition (9 condition) ($220 obo)
10) Plastic, maroon colored, Porsche embossed, service manual cover ($14)
PCA/SBR Classifieds
Classified ads of 50 words or fewer for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items are free to PCA members in good standing and will run for a maximum of two months. Please notify the Editor if sold. SBR is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items. Please submit ads directly to
Bob J. Roe 1934-2022
Bob Roe loved sports cars, especially MGs and Porsches. He did body-off restorations on an MGB-TD and a 914-6 Porsche. Bob enjoyed years competing in various Porsche track events and participating in the national club’s social activities throughout the U.S. and Canada. To travel in comfort visiting far flung race tracks, he and his wife Suzi Sheller took up RVing, and ended up visiting all 48 contiguous states and the Canadian provinces. He met Suzi in 1987 at a Porsche club event in Santa Barbara. A member of the Porsche Club of America for almost 40 years, he served in many capacities in the Santa Barbara Region, including president and newsletter editor.
Bob was born in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. He attended New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (now New Mexico State College) in Las Cruces, receiving a BS in Mechanical Engineering using the college’s co-op program, alternating school with work at White Sands Missile Range conducting rocket launches. After graduation, Bob moved to California where he worked for Douglas Aircraft, Rocketdyne, and Northrop, before settling in at ITTGilfillan, from which he retired in 1993. He specialized in radar designed for military and civilian applications using sophisticated proprietary CAD programs. He received several patents for his work.
Bob was 88 on November 7 when he passed away peacefully from the effects of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Suzi was by his side. At his request, there will be no formal service. Donations in his memory may be made to the Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Association or your favorite charity.
Two columns across with a 1/4" gap would be 3.625 pixels wide by 2.240 high (say 2.25 high.
Three columns across with a 1/4Z" gap would be 2.333 wide by 1.442 high. For comparison, ratio of 8.5 by 11.0 paper is 1:1.294.
For two across the size is 3.636 wide by 2.810 high.
For three across the size is 2.333 wide by 1.809 high.