JAN Der Auspuff

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Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • January 2013

The Malamut Collection Tour SBR’s Gala Holiday Brunch Cayman Debuts in L.A.

AUSPUFF Contents Features

The Malamut Museum Tour........................10 SBR Holiday Brunch ....................................15 2013 Elected Officers ..................................17 SBR Man & Woman of The Year ................18 Cayman Debut at L.A. Auto Show ..............21 Porsche Headlights Illuminated ..................22

Monthly Reports


President’s Column ........................................4 From The Editor’s Desk..................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24


SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 Dinner Drive to The Palms Restaurant..........5 Central California Coast Weekend Tour .....12 Murder Mystery Train – Fillmore ................19 Zone 8 Concours d’Elegance .......................25


Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 The Tech Page .............................................22 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 Down the Road............................................32


On The Cover 2013 Cayman Debut at the L.A. Auto Show. Photo by John Alfenito. DER


Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • January 2013


The Malamut Collection Tour SBR’s Gala Holiday Brunch Cayman Debuts in L.A.

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

President DOREEN PANKOW DPankow@sbcglobal.net 805-527-8280

Activities BARRY WEINSTEIN BarryNVal@gmail.com 805-241-5641

Vice President JOHN McNAIR JJMcNair3@verizon.net 805-494-1527

Goodie Store BRIAN RUBINO BrianRubino@verizon.net LINDA RUBINO LRRubino@verizon.net

Treasurer STEVE KALLER Steve@kallermgmt.com 805-984-2501

Past President NICOLAS LIAKAS NicolasLiakas@yahoo.com 818-706-6016 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees

Secretary DICK LANGE LRLange@pacbell.net 818-865-1498

Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net Archives JAMES OLDHAM oldhamjames@msn.com Autocross DAN BYERS dan_byers@mac.com STEVE DOLL sdoll@naicapital.com Concours ROBERT WATT fineartphotoz@yahoo.com Distribution CHET & JOAN YABITSU yabitsu@charter.net

Membership SUE KINSLING Sue_Kin@hotmail.com 805-386-8112

50th Anniversary NADINE TRACY nadine356@gmail.com Insurance JAMES EDWARDS james.f.edwards@hotmail.com P.M.S. OPEN Public Relations NICOLAS LIAKAS nicolasliakas@yahoo.com Rally DOREEN PANKOW dpankow@sbcglobal.net R.U.F. JOHN & JEANNE MCNAIR jjmcnair3@verizon.net

Editor MIKE POMERANTZ DerAuspuff@gmail.com 805-341-3192

Safety WILLIAM GRISWOLD wngriswold2@hotmail.com Webmaster RANDY FISHWICK randy@my964.com



SBR Events Calendar


DerAuspuff@gmail.com 805-341-3192

Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER Director tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net

January 2013



February 2013

Printing MICHAEL DUNWELL Sir Speedy Printing 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 805-484-7999

Yearly Advertising Rates

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Ted Lighthizer 805-527-8280 tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net

PCASBR is online:

www.pcasb.org www.facebook.com/PCASBR www.flickr.com/groups/pcasb


The President’s Column Doreen Pankow


am honored to serve as your President for 2013 and want to thank all of you for your support. Under Nicolas Liakas’ leadership, the Santa Barbara Region has concluded a very successful year, and I can only hope to be as effective and gracious a leader as Nick. I still remember the first SBR breakfast that Ted and I attended at the Camarillo Airport. Nick and Olga identified us right away as new members and immediately invited us to sit with them for breakfast. Nick’s gift of recognizing and welcoming new members has done a lot to spur the growth of our region’s membership over the past years. Fortunately, Nick will now serve as Past President and thus still be on the board to provide guidance and hopefully keep me out of trouble. We have a lot of great people serving as Board members for 2013, and we look forward to serving the club and keeping it on a financially stable course. New positions are being held by

From The Editor’s Desk Mike Pomerantz


s the new editor of Der Auspuff, I am pleased and honored to present you with my first edition of this award winning monthly magazine. It’s been called a newsletter in the past but has evolved into a beautiful magazine by our past editors Nick Liakas, Janice Herndon, and John Alfenito.

I’ve been a member of this awesome club since December of 1996 when my late wife Adri and I attended our first breakfast at California 66 in Ventura. The very first overnight event we attended was the Pozo Run during a very rainy, washed-out weekend. Even with the bad weather we still had a blast and knew we had joined a wonderful group of people who were passionate about Porsches. Although Adri’s passion was more about Poodles, she too became passionate about the club, the cars, and the people. Since the club has given me so much enjoyment over the years, I really wanted to give something back. After a few years of being inactive in the club, I really wanted to become active again. In 2007 I opened my own printing business and was very interested

John McNair as Vice President, Nicolas Liakas as Past President, Barry Weinstein as Activities Chair, Steve Kaller as Treasurer, Mike Pomerantz as Editor, Ted Lighthizer as Advertising Chair, William Griswold as Safety Chair and Robert Watt as Concours Chair. You’ll find the Board member names and contact information near the front of the magazine. I would also like to thank and acknowledge the Board members who are leaving after having served two or more years of dedicated service. They include John Alfenito as Editor for 4 years, Michael Brovsky as Past President, Jim Brown as Treasurer and previous Insurance Chair, Don Kuckenbaker as Advertising Chair, Karen Turek as Porsche Mademoiselle Society Chair and Mike Turek as Safety Chair. Please thank them for their years of service to the club. I’m optimistic about 2013 being another great year and hope to keep our focus primarily on car club activities including lots of driving tours, motor sports and social events. The desire to drive our Porsches with a group of other car enthusiasts is what initially attracts people to join PCA Santa Barbara Region. But it’s the friendships that develop and the camaraderie we enjoy with other club members that keeps us coming back and staying involved. New and prospective members often comment on how friendly our club members are and how active our club is, so please keep up the great job of welcoming new members and encouraging them to participate in our events. Ted and I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year!! in printing Der Auspuff since being passionate about printing and Porsches. I contacted Janice Herndon, the current editor at the time, who happened to be looking for a new Der Auspuff printer. I bid on the job and won it! Now, this was really exciting! An opportunity to print the monthly magazine for the club I so much enjoyed. Whenever the Der Auspuff was in the shop, it was always given special treatment and top priority. I was proud to be a part of such a wonderful publication. After several years of printing and becoming very intimate with Der Auspuff, it became time for me to move on from my printing business into a new career. However, since Der Auspuff had been my pet project for so many years, I still remained involved with the printing and distribution of it. When John decided it was time to pass the baton to someone else, I had a slight, fleeting thought about becoming the editor, but knew it was a huge undertaking. So that’s where my thought stayed, fleeting. It wasn’t until I got “the call” from Nick asking me to consider becoming the next Der Auspuff editor. To his surprise I didn’t hang up, but was actually honored that he had asked me, and that he and John were confident I could do the job. Even though I had printed the magazine, I was not familiar with all of the front-end details. Nick assured me that John would help with the transition. John has done a tremendous job teaching me the ropes and has offered continued assistance. John Alfenito has set the bar extremely high, but I am honored to take the baton and continue publishing such a beautiful magazine. I have a few new ideas for the magazine, so stay tuned in upcoming issues.

Camarillo Breakfast December 1, 2012

High Humidity Lowers Turnout STORY & PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO


kay, it was raining. Maybe not the kind of rain they have in Seattle, but it was wet. And, it’s not as if our precious Porsches would melt in the precipitation, but it does give one pause when thinking about all the other drivers sliding around out there on the highways. There were understandably many “alternate vehicles” parked in the Way-Point Café’s busy parking lot, but 15 Porsches made the scene at our December Breakfast, finding ample parking on the runway apron. Included among the Porsches was the 2011 Panamera S of new members Scotia & Roger Alves of Camarillo. The Alveses were attending their first club event, and we all reassured them that rain on our breakfast was an unusual sight. In fact, we were unsuccessful in recalling the last time the weather had been so unkind to us. Probably more than three years ago.

It’s not often you see the Way-Point Tree without a few beautiful 356 Porsches nearby, but December’s inclement weather made for a lonely portrait.

There were a total of 58 members, friends, and guests in attendance, including Santa Barbara Auto Group’s Gary Greenheld and Walt Branscome. Because of the small number of participants, the business portion of our meeting was skipped. Ted Lighthizer and Doreen Pankow, our Activities Co-Chairs, passed out fliers with the upcoming SBR events listed for future reference. As we headed off to complete our Saturday, we were all hoping for a clearer Sunday for the Motor4Toys charity toy drive in Woodland Hills scheduled for the next day. =

Please say hello to new SBR members Scotia & Roger Alves of Camarillo. Welcome to the club!

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Santa Barbara Breakfast December 8, 2012

December Breakfast Club in Santa Barbara STORY & PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO


t was a beautiful morning on Stearns Wharf as our region gathered for its December Breakfast Club meeting, traditionally the smaller of our two monthly get-togethers. President Nick Liakas, chairing his final breakfast meeting as our leader, welcomed members, friends and guests.

New member Leonar Himelsein from Santa Barbara and his fiancé Sandra.

Visiting us from the Los Angeles Region were Jeff Peck and Colleen Stein. Colleen, who has joined us at Moby Dick’s before, provided all interested parties with fliers for the upcoming Zone 8 Banquet in January. She outlined the full day of activity scheduled for January 19, 2013, and encouraged us all to partake. Next, incoming Activities Chair Barry Weinstein gave brief descriptions of February’s drive to The Palms restaurant in Carpinteria and March’s ride on Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train. Both events need advance reservations, and Barry reminded us to sign up early for the fun. It was also revealed that our Holiday Brunch, which would take place the next week, was sold out! Doreen Pankow, filling in for Membership Chair Sue Kinsling, told us there were 38 people at breakfast and 27 Porsches on the pier. She introduced new members Leonard Himelsein and his fiancée Sandra from Santa Barbara. They were driving their brand new 991 Cabriolet from SBAG. Also, new members Milton & Grace Gabaldon from Camarillo were with us. They own two 914s. And Mark & Mary Jacobs attended their first breakfast. They’re from Ventura and drive a 1986 944 Turbo. Please introduce yourself to these nice new members when next you see them. =

Mary & Mark Jacobs of Ventura

Milton & Grace Gabaldon from Camarillo

The Malamut Museum Tour



he event was very much anticipated with 80 members and guests registering to attend the drive and tour including a barbecue lunch at the museum. The morning of the event on November 17, 2012, came along with rainy skies. However this did not dampen the spirits of 68 hearty souls driving 36 cars from completing the drive from the Way Point Café in Camarillo to the Malamut Museum in Thousand Oaks. Prior to leaving the parking lot at 9:15AM, the group was addressed by William Griswold, Ted Lighthizer, and Nicolas Liakas. They welcomed everyone braving the elements, and reminded What a sight to see! Beautiful Porsches lined up in formation. everyone that this was a before heading down the backside into Hidden Valley, home day to observe the speed to many horse ranches, then a quick glimpse of Lake Sherwood restrictions, watch for falling before continuing on to our final destination of the museum in rocks and debris on the Thousand Oaks. We want to thank all participants for a safe drive roads, and especially look out to the museum and acknowledge the assistance of Ted Lighthizer for two-wheeled motorists for volunteering to drive the rear sweep car in case of unanticipated and bicyclists on the narrow issues or problems. canyon roads. The parade of Porsches arrived at the museum at 10:30AM and The spirited drive, though was greeted by the other members attending the group’s tour. When slowed down a bit because Mike Malamut opened the doors, the immediate response was awe of the rain, started out with a and surprise as the group of 80 members and guests filed into the run through the agricultural museum. The PCA-SBR R.U.F. group had toured the museum a Mike Malamut, Curator, welcomes fields leading to the Pacific few years ago, but to the accomplishment of Mike Malamut, the the group. Coast Highway. Heading number of vehicles and memorabilia had increased to the point south on Highway 1, the impressive group of Porsches and alternate that a second building was opened to accommodate the display of vehicles ranged from a pristine 1976 930 turbo, one of three vehicles. originally ordered and toured in Germany by one family before Once our group was in the museum and had an opportunity having them shipped to the United States, to a brand new 2013 911 to sample some very tasty pastries, coffee, and tea, Nicolas Carrera S recently delivered Liakas addressed us to one of our newest and introduced Mike members, Alan Bennett, Malamut. With a little who was accompanied by prodding, Mike Malamut his father-in-law, Harvey told us how he started as a Sisskind. After several miles VW mechanic, purchased of enjoying the view of the several automobile Pacific Ocean, the sun tried dealerships in the Los to peek through the clouds Angeles area, finally about the same time the selling the dealerships parade of Porsches turned to concentrate on the north onto Mulholland collecting and expansion Highway, and proceeded up of the museum which the Santa Monica Mountain has been on-going for Range in a series of twists, the past 30-plus years. switchbacks, and turns. The museum exhibits The previous mention of are organized in series falling rocks and debris paid of nameplates, styles and Building number two of the Malamut Museum. dividends almost immediately types and very unique as there were several locations that had to be carefully negotiated. vehicles accompanied by period memorabilia which brought I am pleased to report that all vehicles and drivers were successful back fond memories for everyone growing up in the last 50 years. in missing the obstacles. We continued to the top of the mountain Who remembers the 5 cent Coca-Cola machine or a Bob’s Big

All of the beautiful 356’s at attention! Boy restaurant, hand crank gas pumps showing 19 cents a gallon or porcelain and neon advertising signs for Ford, Fiat, Pep Boys, Rexall Drug and Sundries, Mobil Gas or the Oasis Hotel and Café? While walking around the museum, what was noticed and remarked on by all was the quality of the vehicles on display. Because Mike was a VW mechanic, there is an excellent collection of old Beetles and transporter vans, all in original or restored condition. Included in this display is a rare mobile caravan attached to a 23-window transporter, early 1950’s Beetles and even a VW Thing. Adjacent to this collection was a series of microcars, all of which were restored to better-than-new condition. The attention to detail was unparalleled, with each vehicle finished in period colors and bright trim work. While touring the facility, one could not help but be amazed at the quality and diversity that the collection is based around. In the collection is a completely restored Mercedes 220 Cabriolet, Mercedes Gullwing, Mercedes 190SL and an extremely rare Toyota 2000GT (you may remember one used in the James Bond movie “You Only Live Twice”). As you moved around the collections

Speedsters and 356 A, B, C and SC coupes and convertibles. The real standouts of the Porsche collection were a restored 1962 356 Carrera 2 GS and a special bodied 356 roadster Rometsch with very unique front and rear profiles. Following the tour of the vehicles and much discussion, the group adjourned to the lunch area set up in the middle of the museum. The barbecue fare consisted of chicken and ribs, salads, beans and garlic bread provided and cooked on site by The Meat Locker of Thousand Oaks. Prior to leaving, the group extended many thanks and appreciation to the host and curator, Mike Malamut, for sharing a lifetime of being a “car guy” and putting together such a beautiful collection of quality vehicles and memorabilia. This was a wonderful experience and, despite the weather, was enjoyed by all attending the event. =

Volkswagen Row.

The Woody Corner.

Extremely rare Toyota 2000GT there were three 1963 Corvettes, a Shelby Mustang, a collection of early Japanese imports from Datsun, Subaru and Honda, a Berkley Roadster with a chain drive motorcycle engine, assorted early Jaguars, 40’s woody station wagons and even a very rare Helms Bakery truck. If you grew up or lived in Southern California in the 50’s and 60’s you’ll remember that these trucks drove up and down the street selling bakery goods. Without a doubt, the best part of the museum for us Porsche people was the collection of rare, fully restored early vehicles. The line-up included four 912 coupes and a Targa, a beautiful blue 1970 911S, a 1955 Continental previously reviewed by the R.U.F. group,

The group enjoying the delicious BBQ lunch.

Memorial Day Weekend May 24-27, 2013 Explore Morro Bay & California’s Central Coast


ome join us for a fun-filled trip to Morro Bay and the Central Coast over the 2013 Memorial Day weekend.

Morro Bay’s most distinctive and recognizable landmark is Morro Rock, also sometimes called the “Gibraltar of the Pacific.” It is the last of a line of long-extinct volcanoes formed about 23 million years ago, which include nine peaks ranging from San Luis Obispo to Morro Bay. These peaks are aptly named the Nine Sisters because they are all in

a row, and in close proximity. At a height of 576 feet, Morro Rock has been an important marine navigational aid for over 300 years. It’s also a bird sanctuary and home to nesting Peregrine Falcons. Morro Bay Estuary provides a nourishing habitat to more than 250 species of birds and over two dozen endangered and threatened species. In Morro Bay, you can browse boutiques and shops, or play golf on the world-champion ocean front

Morro Bay Golf Course adjacent to the hotel. Discover a coastline of dunes, paddle down a silent estuary to spy on beautiful and rare birds, or sail into the wild Pacific just beyond the breakwater. Morro Bay is also a great home base for visiting the rest of San Luis Obispo County. The world famous Hearst Castle is just a short drive north of Morro Bay, past the charming towns of Harmony and Cambria. To the east, you will find local wineries offering tastings of the famous Central Coast varietals.

Morro Rock

We’ll depart Friday May 24th from Santa Barbara and travel North on US-101 to enjoy the beautiful views of the coastline before turning inland. At San Luis Obispo, we’ll head northwest on the CA-1 to our first stop at the Morro Bay Rock to stretch our legs. Then take a short drive to enjoy lunch at the Embarcadero Grill while overlooking the bay. Following lunch, we’ll take a scenic back roads drive to the Tolosa Winery & Vineyard and indulge in tasting some of the Central Coast wines. Then we’ll drive back to the Inn at Morro Bay, our home for the weekend, where you’ll have time to get settled in before dinner. We’ll enjoy cocktails and a gourmet dinner at the Windows on the Water restaurant while watching the sunset. On Saturday morning, you’ll be free to explore the area on your own before meeting for an early afternoon tour of the Piedras Blancas Light Station in San Simeon. You can tour the town of Morro Bay or drive up to Cambria, a magical seaside village

tucked amongst towering pines. Here, you will find art galleries, excellent restaurants, an oldfashioned saloon, boutiques and a great boardwalk along Moonstone Beach. Or drive up to San Simeon and tour the Hearst Castle. There is also a great viewpoint to see the birthing grounds of elephant seals about two miles before the Piedras Blancas Light Station. On Sunday morning, we’ll drive to the Montaña de Oro (Mountain of Gold) State Park, which is just southwest of Morro Bay. The park’s name comes from the golden wildflowers that bloom in the

Piedras Blancas Light Station

spring. This park features rugged cliffs, secluded sandy beaches, coastal plains, streams, canyons, and hills, including the 1,347-foot Valencia Peak. The best-known beach is Spooner’s Cove, across from the campground. Wildlife in the park includes black tailed deer and the black oystercatcher. We’ll take a 2 ½ mile round trip easy hike on the Bluff Trail where you’ll enjoy spectacular views of the bluffs overlooking the ocean and experience the beauty of the spring flowers in bloom along the flat hiking trail.

The Inn at Morro Bay We’ll then head over to Avila Beach via Perfumo Canyon Road which takes you up over the top of the mountain and then winds its way down to the ocean. Avila Beach is often the warmest beach in the county, nestled beneath scenic Point San Luis. This seaside town’s attractions include two piers, ocean-view restaurants, deep-sea fishing, mineral springs, and an

Hearst Castle

original Victorian lighthouse. At the end of the Hartford Pier, you can enjoy lunch at the Olde Porte

Tolosa Winery Inn which is known for its fresh seafood or dine at the Fat Cats Café near the Hartford pier entry.

You can spend the rest of the day exploring Avila Beach and Pismo Beach or return to Morro Bay for shopping, hiking or golfing. Cocktails and a group dinner will be held that evening in the Orchid Room at our hotel so you can just relax at the end of the day and enjoy the company of your fellow club members. The fee for this trip is $145 per person which includes a lunch and two dinners including gratuities and tax, a wine tour, a light station tour and the activity fee. Interested parties please contact Doreen Pankow at dpankow@sbcglobal. net to reserve a spot.



aturday nights are out, and Sunday brunch is in! One of the most successful Holiday Parties in recent memory occurred on December 16, 2012 at the stately and beautiful La Cumbre Country Club in Santa Barbara. One hundred and one of our members and guests attended the gathering, and everyone agreed that the new format and venue were a welcome change. Holiday decorations throughout the elegant dining room, plus a log-burning fireplace, enhanced the seasonal celebrations. The responsive staff provided excellent service.

and a one-of-a-kind framed poster from our 1996 Concours d’elegance presented at the Sherwood Country Club. The latter was the first of fifty copies bearing the original signatures of Freeman Thomas and Jesse Alexander, prominent automobile designer and photographer, respectively. The brunch presentation by the country club was utterly superb! The variety and quality of the offerings were marvelous. Feel free to ask anyone in attendance, and they will tell you that the setting (overlooking colorful gardens and the lush golf

Nick Liakas handing over the PCA-SBR helm to Doreen Pankow. The constant light rain (an unending allday drizzle) did not affect the high spirits of the attendees, but it did substantially reduce the number of Porsches parked by the front entrance. Still, each sedan and SUV carried unwrapped toys to be delivered to Santa Barbara’s Unity Shoppe. The gifts were piled high onto a table adjacent to displays of our door prizes and raffle drawings. Another table contained several items that were to be auctioned. They included expensive car care kits manufactured by Porsche, certificates for maintenance and service for our Porsches,

course) and the menu were outstanding. Champagne and mimosas flowed unabated, the salads and the appetizers and the breakfast items and the prime rib and the side dishes and the dessert plates always amazed and their contents were quickly devoured. The feeding frenzy ended about 90 minutes after the first group of members loaded their plates, and the formal agenda for the day was introduced. (Before the festivities began, the membership observed a moment of silence in remembrance and support of the victims and families in Newtown, CT. The tragedy

affected the entire nation, and the pain and sorrow will remain in the deepest recesses of our collective hearts and souls for decades yet to come.) Special guests and invitees were introduced and welcomed, and they were followed by expressions of thanks to the several past presidents of our club who were in attendance. Further, members of the 2012 Board of Directors were recognized for their service to the club, and board members who retired from service were presented with unique plaques in honor of their work. We announced that Ted Lighthizer was once again voted 2012 Man of the Year, while Doreen Pankow was the repeat recipient of the 2012 Woman of the Year award. Congratulations! Club secretary Dick Lange certified the election results and declared that the 2013 officers will be Doreen Pankow (President), John McNair (Vice President), Dick Lange (Secretary), Steve Kaller (Treasurer), and Barry Weinstein (Activities Chair). Doreen then identified all the other members who will serve on the board for the New Year. Of course, there were dozens of door prizes presented to just about everyone who attended. The raffle followed and then the auction for the aforementioned unique items. Proceeds from the latter two will be presented in equal shares to the Special Olympics Committees of Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties at our February 2013 breakfast meetings. The total funds collected at the party plus those received at the New Members Celebration (via a fifty-fifty raffle) this past June totaled approximately $2,500.00. Thanks to all who contributed to this effort. The gathering was to recess at 2 p.m., but that did not happen. So many of our members lingered behind to mingle and thereby extend this wonderful occasion. Plans are already under way for the 2013 Holiday Party; stay tuned. =

Harriet & James Edwards

Kenny & Tara Brundrett

Wendy & Jim Brown

Chet & Joan Yabitsu

Steve & Janet Kaller

Mike & Karen Turek

SBR’s 2013 Elected Officers

Newly elected 2013 Officers (L-R): President Doreen Pankow, Vice President John McNair, Secretary Dick Lange, Treasurer Steve Kaller, and Activities Chair Barry Weinstein.

Marge & Burt Misevic

Beverly & Michael Brovsky

Man & Woman of The Year! Ted Lighthizer & Doreen Pankow

Tom Brown (PCA Zone 8 Representative), Angie Toyama, and Anita Banke

William Griswold and Kent Bodin

SANTA BARBARA REGION MAGNETIC NAME BADGES Our official, strong plastic name badges won’t harm your clothing because they’re held on magnetically! Featuring the SBR logo and customized with your name and Porsche model, a PCA/SBR name badge is the perfect accessory for our next gathering. Badges are only $13 each, including shipping and handling, and usually arrive within three weeks from the time we receive your order. Send your request today. Be sure to include the NAME and PORSCHE MODEL you want listed on the badge. Make your checks out to PCA/SBR and send to:

PCA/SBR Badge 1836 N. Nowak Avenue Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Third Generation Porsche Cayman Makes An Impressive Debut At The L.A. Auto Show



he Los Angeles Auto Show is always an event a lot of us look forward to. But, when this prestigious gathering of the industry’s finest includes the debut of a new Porsche model (or two), the anticipation is only heightened.

The base Cayman features a 2.7-liter, 275 hp flat six, which with the Sport Chrono package and optional PDK transmission will go 0-60 in 5.1 seconds. The Cayman S boosts horsepower to 325 in its 3.4-liter power plant and, equipped as above, will hit 60 mph in 4.4 seconds. The Cayman has been reengineered from top to bottom.

From any angle the new Cayman looked ready for action.

Once again this year, Porsche promised a few new “reveals” for the L.A. Auto Show, and we were not disappointed. Making its international debut was the 2013 Porsche Cayman, the third generation of Porsche’s “hardtop Boxster.” As in previous iterations, the new Cayman will initially be available in two varieties.

Hall at L.A.’s Convention Center were quite impressed with the subtle, yet complete, transformation of the Cayman’s overall look.

SBR’s Art Grimmitt enjoying the redesigned Cayman interior. It’s lower, longer, lighter, faster, more efficient, and more powerful than the model it replaces. It has a longer wheelbase, a wider track and larger wheels. Also, the interior has been redesigned with more space for both occupants.

The 2013 991 Carrera C4S with its distinctive rear reflector bar.

All the SBR members who were lucky enough to attend PCNA’s early Friday (11/30/12) morning breakfast in Petree

Additionally, the Porsche 991 Carrera C4S made its North American debut at the Los Angeles Auto Show. Its distinctive red light strip between the rear lights will immediately identify the new all-wheel drive 911. Porsche also showed a Panamera Platinum Edition, which will be available as both two and fourwheel drive models. The new Cayman will be in dealerships in the Spring of 2013 starting at $52,600, or $63,800 for the Cayman S. =

The Tech Page



s the daylight hours become shorter, and darkness comes earlier each day, the headlight system on your Porsche is an appropriate subject for my first technical article of 2013. I will briefly outline the evolution of lighting systems in Porsches and highlight some of the unique features and challenges presented by each. Traditional headlight bulbs employ a thin, tungsten wire, known as a filament, located inside a sealed chamber. When an electrical current is run through it, the filament acts as an electrical resistor, and glows brightly. The light from the filament is reflected by a silver, mirror-like material located behind the bulb, and is then focused by a glass lens that helps to cast the light down the road. For many years, Porsches used “sealed beam” headlights, which refers to a modular headlight design that incorporates the light bulb, reflector, and headlight lens into a single unit. In the 1940s, the U.S. Department of Transportation mandated that a standardized, round, seven-inch, sealed beam headlight be used in all automobiles sold in the USA. All U.S.-spec Porsches until 1983 were equipped with these units.


Meanwhile, European Porsche customers enjoyed halogen headlight bulbs beginning in the 1960s. These halogen headlights featured halogen gas-filled bulbs that allowed the filaments to burn more brightly with a whiter light. They also lasted much longer than traditional headlight bulbs. The halogen bulbs have since been standardized by light bulb manufacturers


into types and sizes - H1 through H9. These bulbs are available separately from the reflectors and lenses as individual replacement bulbs. This “composite” headlight design allows automobile manufacturers much more freedom in headlight design, which enhances styling, aerodynamics, and packaging efficiency. While halogen bulbs eventually found their way into the U.S. DOT-mandated sealed beam headlights, our government was nonetheless steadfast in upholding the universal headlight design into the 1980s. For many years, European-spec H1 and H4 headlight upgrades have been available in the aftermarket to convert U.S.spec sealed beam Porsche headlights, but they are marketed for “off-road use” only. While the Euro-spec headlight upgrades are arguably a safety upgrade due to their superior lighting characteristics, it is technically illegal to install these headlights onto a street-legal U.S.-spec car due to glare concerns. The 1987 Porsche 911 was the first U.S.-spec car to sport proper H5 headlight technology. These 911s are distinct from earlier models with their larger headlight lenses and narrower painted headlight trim rings.

Litronics & HIDs

The next major advance in Porsche headlight technology came with the introduction of the 1996 911 Turbo, also known as the 993 Turbo. This flagship Porsche supercar came standard with “Litronic” high-intensity discharge headlights, also known as HID or xenon headlights. These superior headlights were subsequently available as an option on all other Porsche models, and are prevalent in many modern cars today. The main advantage of HID or xenon headlight systems is that they achieve a much brighter light output and a favorable lighting pattern compared to the highest output halogens. Xenon bulbs emit a distinctive blue/white output in contrast to the yellower light of halogen bulbs. In addition to greater light output, HID systems consume less current than comparable halogen systems despite their electrical complexity. “Xenon” refers to the type of gas with

which the headlight bulb chamber is filled. The bulb contains two tungsten electrodes that replace the traditional filament wire. When the headlight is activated, an igniter initiates an electrical arc between the two electrodes, much like an ignition coil fires a spark plug. The initial voltage required to overcome the resistance of the xenon gas and metallic salts inside the bulb can be over 15,000 volts! Once the optimum chemical composition of the bulb’s internal elements is reached, a much lower constant voltage of about 80 volts is maintained by an electronic control unit for each HID bulb. This control unit is sometimes referred to as a “ballast” because it contains an electronic ballast to help regulate current and voltage in each bulb. HID headlight bulbs typically take several minutes to “warm up” and reach full lighting capability. For this reason, many first generation HID systems, including Porsche’s early Litronic system, use conventional halogen bulbs for the high beam headlights and for flash-topass, as HID bulbs cannot activate quickly enough for these functions. The newer HID systems use the xenon bulb for both the high and low beam settings and are known as “Bi-xenon” headlights. Each headlight assembly contains a motor that either activates a shroud that covers and uncovers the lens for low and high beam operation, or it moves the entire headlight “pod” up and down. A major concern pertaining to the design of HID systems is that the brilliant light output has the capability to glare into the vision of oncoming drivers. Most Porsches with HID headlight systems feature an automatic headlight leveling system to ensure that the vertical headlight aim does not change with different passenger and luggage loads. This feature is required by

current European Union regulations to prevent the intense light from HIDs from glaring into oncoming traffic. Automatic headlight washer systems are also stipulated in the same EU regulations. The Porsche automatic leveling system (also known as the HBA system) uses level sensors on the front and rear suspension arms to help determine ride height and thus regulate vertical headlight aim. Care must be taken when suspension work is performed, otherwise the vertical aim of the headlights could be compromised. Headlight aim should be checked whenever major suspension work is performed, such as installing aftermarket lowering springs or coilover systems.

LITRONIC HID UNIT The latest Porsche cars are available with the Porsche Dynamic Lighting System (PDLS). PDLS features headlight pods that swivel in response to the onboard steeringangle sensor, enabling the driver to be able to see the road when it becomes curvy. This system can also change the headlight output and distribution based on vehicle speed. As with any complex modern electrical system, the HID headlight systems and their requisite leveling and cornering systems can have issues. Xenon headlight bulbs typically last much longer than comparable halogen bulbs, but they do have a limited service life. It can be difficult to determine if a xenon bulb has failed based on a visual inspection. Sometimes the “globe” inside the bulb can have burnt appearance, but this characteristic is not always present as is the typically obvious broken filament of a traditional bulb. If a xenon bulb fails, its replacement cost is tenfold that of a halogen bulb at nearly $200! It also must be noted that the lighting color of a xenon bulb can change as it ages. If a single bulb is replaced, the lighting color

of the new bulb can be slightly different from that of the existing bulb, even if the exact same bulb manufacturer and part number is used. This in generally not a cause for concern as the color of the light from the newer bulb will gradually become closer to that of the “aged” bulb. The igniter elements of HID systems can sometimes fail and cause the headlight to not function. The electronic control units themselves can also malfunction, and the symptoms can vary from no light output at all to dim or discolored and flickering headlights. A faulty headlight switch or other electrical issues can also cause flickering or inoperative headlights in HID-equipped Porsches. Due to the high voltage output of HID headlight systems and the risk of electrical shock, it is recommended to leave any service or repair of these headlight systems to trained professionals. My shop does not recommend installing aftermarket HID conversions into conventional halogen headlight housings. There are myriad universal HID conversion kits available on the internet for a very low cost compared to factory components, but they should be avoided. Besides the quality concerns that arise from cheap components, traditional halogen headlights do not contain the proper reflectors and lenses to effectively focus the unique xenon lighting spectrum. These bulbs indeed emit a brighter light, but the extra heat they generate can melt the surrounding lenses and bulb holders. The resultant headlight output will most likely look “cool,” but the lighting pattern could be scattered and diffuse and therefore ineffective and unsafe. The only proper way to convert a newer Porsche to HID headlights is by using factory components. All modern Porsches since the 993 series 911 feature removable headlight units that are released by using a special tool that is included in the factory tool kit in the luggage compartment. The entire headlight unit must be removed for bulb replacement, and care must be taken to ensure that the headlights are properly snapped into place when they are reinstalled. Improper installation can cause poor contact in the electrical connection, leading to dim light bulbs and possible connector damage from electrical resistance. The plastic lenses of modern Porsche headlight assemblies can also cloud and

become yellow with oxidation from age and use. Besides being unsightly, this clouding greatly reduces the lighting output of the headlights. Unsurprisingly, replacement lenses are not available separately from complete (expensive) headlight units. Luckily, there are a number of aftermarket plastic lens polishing kits available that can help to reverse the effects of oxidation and clarify severely clouded lenses. While the polished lenses will never be quite as clear as they were when new, the polishing process is an inexpensive way to improve nighttime visibility and safety. Also, the easily removable Porsche headlight units allow for effective polishing away from the car without the hassle and worry of masking off the surrounding painted areas.

BI-XENON ARRAY It is clear that Porsche lighting systems have been refined over the years along with all other onboard systems. By that same token, the headlights in a modern Porsche are designed as a complete system and must be treated as such. Periodic service and headlight aim checks will enable you and your Porsche to drive confidently into the night and be ready for anything in your path! =

Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.

Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries 48 Years

John G. & Dianne Howe

19 Years

Linsey & Joan Orr

12 Years

Thomas & Jonathan Confar

11 Years

Larry & Elena Colson Michael & Pamuela Hodson

10 Years

43 Years

17 Years

Jim & Theresa Middlebrook

Raymond Jordan Carol Mathieu

35 Years

16 Years

9 Years

28 Years

15 Years

James & Dottie Rowins Joseph & Nancy Carastro James & Priscilla Larson

24 Years

Robert & Pamela Keller

James & Diana Eastin Michael & Elena Dejulio Laura Gandy & Kevin Kapov

John Fujii & Janie Kasarjian Peter & Jeanine Hubbard Frank Miceli Michael & Sharon Polito David & Valerie Willett

14 Years

8 Years

Mary Ann Pare

Jeff & Robert Affronti Lee & Diana Criger Andrew & Konnie Gault

21 Years

13 Years

22 Years

Michael R. & Jan Koevenig

20 Years

Kevin & Diane Grizard Donn & Kathleen Shipley

Robert & Julie Ballog Robert & Shirley Yount, Jr.

Fermin Cortes

7 Years

Richard Donahue Douglas Brown & Lenny Scrogins David & Mickey Hill Daniel & Lisa Holden

5 Years

James Richardson & Linda Ward Thomas & Mathew Sutphen Joe Wilcox

4 Years

Michael Caterino & Katie Hopp Louw Jacobs Thomas & James Sideris Victor Villard Dr. Carol Ann Wolfgang

3 Years

Steven & Karen Ruhl Doug & Ann Steinriede

2 Years

Donald Dickey Alexander & Peter Fang Joe Fisher Emanuel V. Hajek Robert Mason Corwin M. Toyama

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers New Members

Michelle Cramer Santa Barbara, 2013 Carrera Milton Gabaldon Camarillo, 1974 914 Josh Kleinberg Los Angeles, 2013 911 Ellen Kramer Oxnard, 2013 Boxster Kerril Steele Santa Ynez, 1999 Carrera Angus Thomson Newbury Park, 1978 911SC

Transfer In Members Tony Esfandiari Woodland Hills, 2006 911 From Los Angeles (LA)

Robert Prieve Thousand Oaks, 1997 911 From California Central Coast (CCC) Matt & Linda Stone Glendale, 1989 911 From Los Angeles (LA) David J. Thompson Broomfield, CO, 2009 911 From Rocky Mountain (RMT)

Thank you for renewing your membership and continuing to choose to be a part of the Santa Barbara Region. Please remember that you can log-on to the PCA.org website to change your membership information in order to continue to receive your event emails and Der Auspuff. We hope to see you at a breakfast meeting or an event soon. Sue Kinsling, Membership Chair

Down The Road

SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest

January 11-14 February 16 March 16 April 5-7 April 19-21 April 20 April 27 May 11 May 24-27 July 4 July 20 August 24 September 7 September 21 September 28 October 13 October 26


Best of The Southwest - Arizona Backroads Drive to The Palms Restaurant Lunch on Fillmore’s Murder Mystery Train Zone 8 Festival of Speed Long Beach Grand Prix SBR Rally School Camarillo Autocross El Camino Real XXX, Boucher/Schneider Rally Central California Coast Weekend Tour City of Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade 17th Annual SBR Chili Cook-Off Progressive Dinner Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Camarillo Autocross Van Nuys Airport Tour of Firefighting Air Fleet 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance Luncheon Tour of The Getty Museum Some dates tentative.



The Zone 8 Page

Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org

Zone 8 Staff

Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann dwitteried@hotmail.com scott@renegadehybrids.com Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza vvvince@aol.com jcnedza@aol.com Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org Rules Chair Russell Shon rules@zone8.org

Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com

Santa Barbara

Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8 www.zone8.org

Los Angeles www.pcala.com

Arizona az.pca.org

Orange County pcaocr.org

CA Central Coast ccc.pca.org

Riverside www.riversidepca.org

California Inland cai.pca.org

Santa Barbara www.pcasb.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

San Diego www.pcasdr.org

Grand Prix gpx.pca.org Las Vegas www.lvrpca.org

San Gabriel vista.pca.org/sgb Southern Arizona saz.pca.org

SBR Breakfast Locations Camarillo

Moby Dick Restaurant


Way-Point Café


Largest Porsche Event in the West April 5-7, 2013

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AUSPUFF For everything SBR - event updates, activity fliers, membership information, name badge order forms, ‘Der Auspuff’ online, event photos, and much more, visit our website.


PCA/SBR Classifieds

ADVERTISER DIRECTORY American Global Standards .............7 Aswell Trophy ...............................28 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................14 Gary Betz Enterprises ....................14 Walt Branscome, SBAG ...................8 California Tire Company .................14 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ..........8 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .........9 Coachcraft ....................................28 Courtesy Body Shop ......................14 DSR Audio ....................................30 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ..................8 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .......9 Los Angeles Dismantler.................28 Neil McAuliffe ................................6 MKS Performance...........................8 North Hollywood Speedometer ......30 RS Enterprises ................................7 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC George Rasher ..............................28 Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ......................29 Anthony Strauss ...........................14 TC’s Garage ....................................8

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1997 CARRERA 993 C-2 FOR SALE Arctic Silver with classic grey interior. 43,000 miles-Excellent condition. Always garaged and dealer-serviced. Many options. Comes with all records including original window sticker. $41,900. PCA member, Bill (805) 966-6545 or hromadka@usc.edu (1/13) 2008 PORSCHE CARRERA S – FOR SALE One owner, always garaged at home and at work, never raced or tracked. Fantastic condition! 6-speed manual, Carrara White, black leather interior, Power/Heated seat packages, BOSE high-end audio package, 19” wheels with brand new Michelins, 50K miles driven and service up-to-date to 60K. Price: $49,900. Jeff Parkhurst 805-479-1304 (01/13) 996 HARNESS BAR AND SHORT SHIFTER KIT – FOR SALE Sparco 996 Harness Bar, Silver, model 30004S, complete with all hardware and instructions. Almost new condition except for small scratch on “Sparco” label. New $449, selling for $349 + shipping. Factory short shifter lever and console assembly, part number 986.424.010.03. $250 + shipping. Contact David at dcverde@cox.net or (805) 963-5848. (12/12) 1997 CARRERA 4S – FOR SALE Red with Black interior. Engine rebuilt top and bottom by Jason Duarte (805-643-1041). Very clean. Beautiful. Runs great. New front tires. New battery. 141,000 miles. $41,000. PCA member. Dave (805) 338-0508 or dlcunningham1@adelphia.net (11/12) PORSCHE PARTS – FOR SALE Four wheel lug locks with key. 996 programmable key (2 button, will need new blade). Standard 996 tool kit. Plastic 996 front radiator fan surround. 996/Boxster+ black floor mats, set of four. Late model 996+ car jack with foam surround. Also, bra for 356. For info, pics, prices, contact Rich at (818) 324-3457 or titleitrich@yahoo.com (10/12) WHEELS, AND MORE – FOR SALE Four used 996 Turbo rims (8/18 front, 11/18 rear) hollow spoke. $1400, or best offer. Two used 997S rear rims (11/19). $400, or best offer. Also, new 997 Turbo lip spoiler, black $100. Call Bobby at (805) 708-3855 or rsdiaz@silcom.com (10/12) WANT TO BUY – USED SPORT SEAT Looking for a used, driver’s-side Sport Seat to use in early Porsche 911/912. Contact Peter Raftery at (805) 339-0441 or rafterys@dock.net (10/12) 1979 911SC TARGA – FOR SALE White exterior with black interior. Seats were covered for protection. Upgraded A/C, upgraded chain tensioners, added oil cooler under right fender for additional cooling. Original paint, clean, no rust, excellent condition. Runs great. 147,000 miles. $23,000. Call Merle (760) 952-1108. (06/12) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at DerAuspuff@gmail.com


Next Month In


The Best of The Southwest

...the last word

Motor 4 Toys Donation

SBR members enjoy a break in the rain at Motor 4 Toys in Woodland Hills. From L to R: William Griswold, Aaron and Jack Price, Ron Cohen, Dick Lange, and Howard Rubenstein.

Unity Shoppe Toy Delivery

Santa Barbara Region members visited the Unity Shoppe on Tuesday, December18, and brought with them dozens of Christmas gifts for the charity’s use and distribution. The gifts were collected at our region’s Holiday Brunch and at the November and December breakfast meetings. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the collection. From L to R: Dave & Susan Stone, Nicolas Liakas, John McNair, Doreen Pankow, Jeanne McNair (standing) and Nadine Tracy.


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