JAN Der Auspuff

Page 1





Second Annual Street Survival School For Teens Our Santa Barbara Gala Holiday Brunch The Grape Harvest Tour in Solvang



Macan Debuts at Los Angeles Auto Show..............9 Tire Rack Street Survival School............................11 Grape Harvest Tour To Solvang..............................15 SBR’s Holiday Brunch in Santa Barbara.................18 R.U.F. Visits VW Group Test Center.......................25


11 25

President’s Column...................................................4 From The Editor’s Desk.............................................4 Channel Islands Breakfast.......................................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast..........................................7 Member Anniversaries & New Members.............28

Future Events

Santa Barbara Region Events Calendar...................3 Pindler Collection & Palms Restaurant..................14 Zone 8 Banquet......................................................24 Convoy To Country Western Country.....................30 PCA Zone 8 Concours.............................................32


SBR Board of Directors & Appointees.....................2 The Tech Page - Chris Andropoulos.......................22 SBR Breakfast Maps..............................................27 Zone 8 Listings - Contacts & Websites.................27 Name Badge Ordering Information........................28 The Goodie Store...................................................29 SBR Classifieds......................................................31 Directory of Advertisers.........................................31 The Last Word........................................................32


On The Cover The new Porsche Macan makes its North American debut at November’s Los Angeles Auto Show. More on page 9. Photo by John Alfenito DER





Second Annual Street Survival School For Teens Our Santa Barbara Gala Holiday Brunch The Grape Harvest Tour in Solvang

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.


President DOREEN PANKOW DPankow@sbcglobal.net 805-527-8280

Activities BARRY WEINSTEIN BarryNVal@gmail.com 805-241-5641

Vice President JOHN McNAIR JJMcNair3@verizon.net 805-494-1527

Goodie Store RICK & MARTIE THEISE theisem@aol.com 818-999-0401

Treasurer STEVE KALLER Steve@kallermgmt.com 818-489-4225

Past President NICOLAS LIAKAS NicolasLiakas@gmail.com 818-706-6016 SANTA BARBARA REGION BOARD APPOINTEES

Secretary DICK LANGE LRLange@pacbell.net 818-865-1498

Archives JAMES OLDHAM oldhamjames@msn.com

Autocross TED LIGHTHIZER tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net

Concours KENNY & TARA BRUNDRETT californiasat@gmail.com

Membership SUE KINSLING Sue_Kin@hotmail.com 805-386-8112



Editor JOHN ALFENITO DerAuspuff@gmail.com 818-436-9204


Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net

Distribution CHET & JOAN YABITSU yabitsu@charter.net 50th Anniversary NADINE TRACY nadine356@gmail.com Insurance JAMES EDWARDS james.f.edwards@hotmail.com

Porsche Women NOLA FORCE nolaforce@gmail.com

Public Relations NICOLAS LIAKAS nicolasliakas@yahoo.com

Rally DOREEN PANKOW dpankow@sbcglobal.net

R.U.F. JOHN & JEANNE MCNAIR jjmcnair3@verizon.net

Safety WILLIAM GRISWOLD wngriswold2@hotmail.com

Webmaster RANDY FISHWICK randy@my964.com

Website - www.pcasb.org Facebook - www.facebook.com/PCASBR Flickr - www.flickr.com/groups/pcasb Issuu - www.issuu.com/pcasbr




Editor JOHN ALFENITO DerAuspuff@gmail.com Managing Editor SUSAN STONE SE.Stone@verizon.net Associate Editors BIRGITTA BAKER JEANNE MCNAIR Advertising Director TED LIGHTHIZER TLighthizer@sbcglobal.net Technical Editor CHRIS ANDROPOULOS chris@schneiderautohaus.com Contributors TORI BODIN DON EARL NICOLAS LIAKAS TED LIGHTHIZER JEANNE MCNAIR DOREEN PANKOW RON WILLIAMS Printing MICHAEL DUNWELL SIR SPEEDY PRINTING 1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 895-484-7999



CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Camarillo Outlets 8:00 a.m. NEW LOCATION See page 5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Ameci’s, Thousand Oaks 6:30 p.m. SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick’s 8:30 a.m. CARAVAN TO CARLSBAD jjmcnair3@verizon.net


CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Camarillo Outlets 8:00 a.m. NEW LOCATION See page 5 SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick’s 8:30 a.m. PRIVATE PINDLER COLLECTION TO THE PALMS RESTAURANT steve@kallermgmt.com See page 14


Full Page (8.5 x 11 inches) $1870.00 Half Page (8.5 x 5.5 inches) $935.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $635.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $330.00

Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Ted Lighthizer 805-527-8280 tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net


CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Camarillo Outlets 8:00 a.m. NEW LOCATION See page 5 SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick’s 8:30 a.m. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Ameci’s, Thousand Oaks 6:30 p.m. COUNTRY WESTERN COUNTRY CONVOY TO BAKERSFIELD lrlange@pacbell.net See page 30

www.facebook.com/PCASBR JANUARY 2014 AUSPUFF DER

Yearly Advertising Rates (12 issues)




e have some exciting changes coming in 2014 that I think you’ll all enjoy! First, you may have already noticed that Der Auspuff is now in full color. This is a big change we’ve been wanting to make for quite some time. The January edition marks the debut of the all-color look for our magazine. We hope you like it. Another big change is the relocation of our first Saturday breakfast meeting back to Camarillo at the Camarillo Premium Outlets. We’ll park our Porsches in front of Panera Bread and Johnny Rockets, located on the west side of the Edwards Theatre off Ventura Blvd. See the announcement map on the adjacent page. These restaurants will be open for business and offer coffee, pastries and breakfast, so you can choose your own venue. Both locations have patios where many members can sit outside and enjoy the view of all the cars. There is also room for a large number to sit inside at Panera Bread. So bring your favorite Porsche out on Saturday, January 4th, to enjoy this new location. 2014 is SBR’s 50th Anniversary year, and we have a big celebration planned for Saturday, July 19th, so put this date on your calendar now. After a fun drive, we’ll return to the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort in Santa Barbara for a gala luncheon and celebration party. Nicolas Liakas, Nadine Tracy, David Stone, Nancy Maletz, and Joan Jonsson have been planning this

anniversary event since early 2013. There is also another team putting together a commemorative journal. Check out the details on page 6 of this issue to learn more. There will be an exciting raffle with awesome prizes. This celebration event is one we will all remember!! We have a lot of great people serving as board members for 2014, and we all look forward to serving the club and keeping it on a financially stable course. Filling the vacated positions are John Alfenito returning as Editor, Rick & Martie Theise as Goodie Store Managers, and Kenny & Tara Brundrett as Concours Co-Chairs. You’ll find the board member names and contact information on page 2 of every Der Auspuff issue. Please remember to thank these dedicated members next time you see them as they all work very hard to ensure we have fun and safe events! I’m optimistic about 2014 being another great year, and I hope to keep our focus primarily on car club activities including lots of driving tours, motor sports and social events. The desire to drive our Porsches with a group of other car enthusiasts is what initially attracts people to join PCA Santa Barbara Region. But it’s the friendships that develop and the camaraderie we enjoy with other club members that keep us coming back and staying involved. New and prospective members often comment on how friendly our club members are and how active our club is, so please keep up the great job of welcoming new members and encouraging them to participate in our events. Ted and I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year!



t seems like only a few weeks ago I turned over the reins (okay, computer files) to Mike Pomerantz as he took over the editorship of this fine magazine. Well, we exchanged files again late last month, and I am now back in the saddle at Der Auspuff. Mike did a terrific job in 2013, but the demands of his actual occupation (unlike me, Mike is gainfully employed) made continuing as editor impossible. So, after a brief discussion at a recent board meeting, I agreed to return as editor. It’s a job I enjoy, and I’m looking forward to 2014 and the changes it’s sure to bring.



One of the first changes should be obvious: Der Auspuff is now a full-color publication. Without boring you with the technical stuff, we’ve changed printing processes at our long-time printer, AUSPUFF JANUARY 2014

Sir Speedy of Camarillo. This adjustment allows us to have color on every page rather than on only eight pages as we’ve done in years past. It’s a welcome change, allowing endless possibilities for great photos, more creative marketing opportunites for advertisers, and, hopefully, an overall better experience for readers. As always, your input is welcome. Also in 2014, SBR celebrates its 50th Anniversary. As Doreen indicated above, there are a lot of wonderful things planned for this commemoration, not the least of which is the giant raffle for some extremely cool prizes. Many more details to come, but I direct you to Nicolas Liakas’s introductory column on our 50th Anniversary in this issue (page 5). It’s going to be a fun year for the Santa Barbara Region. So, I’m back as your editor, ready to publish 12 colorful issues of our monthly magazine as we all prepare to recognize and celebrate the 50th year since our region’s founding. I’m truly looking forward to it all.


Beginning Saturday, January 4, 2014, SBR’s First Saturday Breakfast returns to CAMARILLO...in the newest section of The Camarillo Premium Outlets! Come early (open at 7:30 a.m.) and take advantage of abundant, no-hassle parking. Sample the breakfast offerings from Panera Bread or Johnny Rockets. Both will be open and ready to serve us with a variety of menu items. We’ll hold our short meeting in the parking lot and, once again, enjoy each other’s company as we admire the assembled Porsches.

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110 Calave Street #E, Santa Paula, CA 93060 DER







t has been an extraordinary journey! It’s been 50 years since our Santa Barbara Region was granted a charter by the Porsche Club of America to form a chapter. Yes, 50 years, five decades, half of a century – and what an adventure it has been. The charter was issued on June 15, 1964. We will celebrate the occasion on July 19, 2014 to avoid conflict with the scheduling of the 2014 parade in Monterey.

facing Cabrillo Boulevard. At the feast, we will be joined by state, county and local officials as well as by officers of The Porsche Club of America. A live musical group will provide entertainment, and we hope to have well-known ceSARY NNIVER 50TH A lebrities (Santa SBR'S Barbara residents) make an appearance.

Join us in celebrating our golden anniversary. Our day will start with a continental breakfast at the Porsche Santa Barbara showroom. That will be followed by a drive along State Street which will continue onto the back roads of the San Marcos Pass into the Santa Ynez Valley. We will return to Santa Barbara for a late lunch at the Fess Parker Doubletree Hotel.

Here is what is bound to be the highlight of the day: We will conduct a drawing to determine the winners of two prizes. First place will receive a seven-day tour FOR TWO of European countries, including a visit to the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, organized by Fast Lane Travel, plus coach airfare from Los Angeles. Second prize



Our Porsches will be grouped by years of production and will park on the lawn


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will be a trip FOR TWO to the Porsche Sport Driving School in Alabama, including coach airfare. Details on the raffle to be eligible for the drawing will be specified in the February issue of Der Auspuff and its subsequent monthly issues, but here is a hint: only 500 tickets will be sold! Look also in Der Auspuff for information on a beautiful 50th Anniversary Journal that will surely become a collector’s item. It will bring back many memories and achievements. This celebration of YOUR club will long be remembered. Be sure to take part, sign up early, purchase the raffle tickets and journal – and help us launch the next half-century of the Santa Barbara Region!

CHANNEL ISLANDS BREAKFAST • 12/O7/2O13 Rainy Day At Final Whale’s Tail Breakfast


inter weather limited the number of Porsches on hand, only nine, but 44 brave souls bundled up for the final breakfast gathering at The Whale’s Tail. Next month, back to Camarillo (new location details on page 5). =

New members Laura & Mike Whittington of Camarillo

Interested Porsche owner and potential new member, Dennis Polen of Oxnard, stopped by for breakfast. Happy to report Dennis is now a new SBR member. Welcome!

The S.S. Salad Bar was decorated for the holiday season, as was the entire restaurant.




n the day before our annual Holiday Brunch, 32 members and 20 Porsches gathered at Moby Dick’s on Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara. =

Victor Grandidier and his son, Philip, from Goleta attended their first SBR event at December’s Santa Barbara Breakfast. JANUARY 2014 AUSPUFF DER

Joe Linden from Solvang is a recent transfer to SBR from the Orange County Region.




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The 918 Spyder

The new Turbo Cabriolet

The new Porsche Macan

The 50th Anniversary 911 JANUARY 2014 AUSPUFF DER


orsche celebrated two world premieres and three North American debuts at the 2013 Los Angeles Auto Show in November. The much anticipated Porsche Macan compact SUV (on the cover), the automaker’s fifth model line, was unveiled to an international audience at the L.A. Convention Center in Petree Hall during the Porsche press conference on Wednesday, November 20. Further world debuts included the 911 Turbo Cabriolet and 911 Turbo S Cabriolet models. These top-of-the-line, open air 911 sports cars accelerate from zero to 60 mph in 3.3 and 3.1 seconds respectively, reaching a top track speed of up to 195 mph. Additionally, the Porsche 918 Spyder was shown for the first time at an auto

show in North America. This plug-in hybrid super sports car carries the traditional Porsche DNA into a ground-breaking sports car concept. Designed from the start to be a high-performance hybrid, the 918 Spyder offers an unprecedented combination of performance by combining the 887-hp output of a super sports car and the virtually silent propulsion of an electric vehicle. The 918 Spyder is able to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in less than 2.8 seconds and offers extraordinary low fuel consumption. The Porsche Panamera Turbo S and Panamera Turbo S Executive models were also on display shortly after their world debut at the Tokyo Motor Show. The Turbo S models are the fastest, most powerful and most luxurious models in the Panamera range, offering power output of 570 hp and a top track speed of 192 mph, plus a particularly extensive range of technol-

ogy and luxury features. For the first time ever, an Executive version of the Panamera Turbo S is available with a wheelbase that is extended by 5.9 inches. The Los Angeles area is not only home to one of the most important auto shows of the year, it is also Porsche’s most important market with 17 percent of all cars sold in the U.S. Given the Los Angeles area’s proximity to such a large number of Porsche customers, the company is currently building a first-of-its-kind experience center in the area. At the end of 2014, the new Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles will offer a world-class test track and handling course, including special surfaces which replicate inclement weather conditions where customers and auto enthusiasts can hone their driving skills and try out the latest Porsche models. The experience center, located in Carson, California, will also be the new home of Porsche Motorsport North America, currently located in Santa Ana, California. =



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or the last six months, Doreen Pankow and I have been planning and organizing SBR’s second Tire Rack Street Survival (TRSS) School for young drivers ages 15 to 21. TRSS is an all-day event where the students attend one hour of classroom instruction in both the morning and afternoon and also drive their own cars for one hour through a variety of driving exercises in both the morning and afternoon sessions. Students and parents also participated in a semi-truck and trailer demonstration to discover all the dangers and blind spots inherent with such a vehicle and with other traffic sharing the road. Parents and students learned firsthand how important it is to be properly buckled up and holding the steering wheel at 9 and 3 o’clock when the airbags go off. To prove the point, Larry Koh with RUSNAK/Westlake BMW set off three airbags for the group to show how powerful airbags are when they go off.

SBR’s Frank Donahue, a TRSS instructor, takes a student through the popular skid pad.

We had 32 students and 25 parents in attendance at this year’s TRSS, which was the goal from the start. Six students were from SBR members, and one student came from the CA Inland Region of PCA. We also had a number of students from members of the L.A. Chapter of BMWCCA.

Continued on page 12

Don Earl (left) another of the many SBR/TRSS Instructors, gets a big smile from one of his students. There were a lot of happy faces all day at this worthwhile event. JANUARY 2014 AUSPUFF DER

After the students were registered, they were assigned their personal in-car coach for the day. Each in-car coach was as-


STREET SURVIVAL SCHOOL Continued from page 11

signed one or two students, and they provided guidance and instruction for all the driving exercises throughout the day.

Once again this year, Jerry Lasnik (far left) served as our classroom instructor.

We set up four different driving exercises for the students to practice hard, straight line braking and hard braking with a turn, lane avoidance, slalom and skid pad. Each student had approximately 15 minutes of practice at each exercise. We reconfigured some of the exercises in the afternoon session to keep the students interested and engaged, and were they ever! The skid pad exercise was clearly a favorite. I have never seen so many happy students with their parents in my life. I made it a point to stop and ask each parent I saw how they thought things were going, and all parents questioned stated they were thankful that the Porsche Club was sponsoring the school and hoped we would do more in the future. Parents were encouraged to attend and many did attend the classroom sessions in the morning and afternoon with their sons and daughters. For the second year in a row, all classroom instruction was taught by Jerry Lasnik, an SBR member and retired Agoura High School teacher.

SBR’s Technical Editor Chris Andropoulos (left) puts a student through her paces.

It was great to see and meet Jim Gude, Past President of CA Inland Region of PCA, who attended the event to learn more about what it takes to put on a TRSS so that he, too, can put one on for his region. SBR’s TRSS would not have been a success financially (self-funded) without the donations of service or products from the following businesses or organizations: BMWCCA Foundation, Tire Rack Corporation, PCA, Michelin Tire, Enterprise Car Rental, Starbucks, MKS Performance Camarillo, Motoring Magic T.O., Black Gold Industries, T.O.’s Meat Locker, DSR Audio, SOLTEK PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION,3M Meguiars Products, J.W Enterprises and Affordable Tables and Chairs of Camarillo.



TRSS Chief Instructor Ted Lighthizer AUSPUFF JANUARY 2014

An airbag deploying sends a traffic cone skyward with an impressive amount of energy.

It takes over 50 volunteers to put on a TRSS with 20 being in-car coaches who have taken and passed an online, in-car coaches course to certify their knowledge level for the job of coaching young adults. We had 20- to 30-knot winds all day long

with temps in the 50’s to 60’s, but no one complained about the tough conditions. It was pretty amazing looking back; I guess we all felt the pain was worth the gain. My sincere thanks to all the 50 or so volunteers who worked tirelessly all day long in such miserable conditions. You ROCK. In 2012, over 5000 teenagers died in motor vehicle crashes, the leading killer of American youths aged 16 to 19, accounting for more than 40 percent of fatalities in that age bracket. To reduce that number, Tire Rack Street Survival has developed this non-profit national driver education program aimed at teaching teens the skills they need to stay alive behind the wheel.

After lunch, the students had a chance to experience firsthand just what you cannot see from the driver’s seat of a giant big-rig. Now they know why it’s called a “blind spot.”

The goals of the Tire Rack Street Survival program are to teach students some of the basics of car control and to improve their competence as drivers. The drivers learn to understand how their actions govern a car’s responses and, as a result, become safer, more effective drivers on the road. I believe the TRSS School program is the most meaningful project I have ever done for someone else in my life, and this feeling is shared by most who participated in the program. To learn more about putting on a TRSS School in your area or where schools are scheduled, visit www. streetsurvival.org. Should anyone reading this story have questions on what it takes to put on a TRSS or would like to hold a TRSS event in the future, you are welcome to contact me at tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net

Every participant walked away with a diploma and a greater respect for driving.

Remember -- Safety First. Everything else can wait. It’s about more than driving – it’s about living! =

An event of this magnitude cannot happen without a large group of volunteers. Here, many of our coaches and staffers gathered on the Camarillo Airport runway. DER



An Exclusive Visit To The Very Private

Pindler Collection

Plus A Scenic Drive For An Early Dinner At The Palms Restaurant in Carpinteria

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our journey will begin with a viewing of the awesome and very private post-WW 2 car collection of Curt Pindler. From here we will take off on a 60-mile early dinner drive over some of the most picturesque back roads Ventura County has to offer. Our final destination will be the popular Palms Restaurant in Carpinteria. We’ll meet at Rusnak Porsche/Westlake at 9:30 a.m. for a light continental breakfast. From there it’s only a short hop to Moorpark where Curt Pindler has graciously offered to personally present his amazing high-end automobile collection to our members. We will be treated to a rare showing of the finest of his restored Porsche 356s & 911s, Gullwings, Ferraris, and American cars. Upon departing the Pindler Collection, plan on enjoying a spirited back-road drive to the Palms Restaurant in Carpinteria. Not once will our tires touch freeway. The Palms is a fun place where you can enjoy an extremely tasty steak, chicken, or fish dinner at an unbelievably low price. In fact this entire day, including the breakfast at Rusnak, the tour of the Pindler collection, your complete dinner, including tax, tip, and activity fee is only $29.00 per person. Dinner includes entrée, salad, baked potato, beans, rolls, coffee, tea, milk or soda. You may choose a rib eye, top sirloin steak, or New York strip steak dinner. For poultry lovers teriyaki chicken breast is on the menu. If you prefer fish and seafood your choices are: Atlantic salmon or a shrimp & scallop dinner. Additional drinks from the bar will be at your own expense. How come so cheap for the entire day? Primarily, because we will be dining at the famous Palms Restaurant, where much of the merriment begins as we all gather around their huge grills and, shoulder to shoulder, cook our own individual entrées. This large restaurant has been reserved in its entirety for our club. To take part in this fun-filled day, fill out the reservation form below and send it to Steven Kaller with your check as soon as possible. Get your registrations in early. Historically, our Palms dinner drive has always sold out quickly, as we are limited to accepting only 110 reservations! Mail this completed registration form, with your check, made out to PCA/SBR, to arrive no later than February 3 to: Steve Kaller, 30423 Canwood St., Suite 227, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (No refunds after February 7) NAME(S): ________________________________________________________

_____ @ $29.00 EACH = TOTAL $ __________




EMAIL: _____________________________________ HOME PHONE: _________________ CELL PHONE: __________________ AUSPUFF JANUARY 2014



s Santa Barbara (or Southern California) locals, it’s not often we are able to experience the changing of seasons. Fog banks are as close as we get to snow, and the palm trees sway just as they do in July. Nonetheless, as fall breaks, a wine tour is the seasonal activity of choice. While we may not feel a true change from season to season, a drive into Santa Barbara’s wine country will grant the perfect glimpse of fall colors as the grapevines reflect hues of yellow and red. If we can’t visit a ski lodge, we might as well frequent wineries. Who would say no? Well, 52 Porsches and 104 Porsche Club members could not. Gathering at the Santa Barbara Auto Group on a clear morning, everyone browsed the new floor models and enjoyed coffee, pastry and cookies before breaking up into groups and taking off up the 101. Police sightings didn’t slow us down, but the group did take a second to regroup on the side of road before finishing the descent into the Santa Ynez Valley. And of all the beautiful sights we found throughout the afternoon, a line of Porsches that stretches farther than the eye could see just may have stolen first place. We continued along the curves of the valley roads into Lompoc, managing to fit every car into the Lafond Winery grounds. In fact, the rooster crowed to mark our arrival while the engines purred into perfect photographic position. Lafond Winery was lush with wildflowers with several picnic tables arranged strategically to take in the view of the vines. After about an hour of tasting, the club headed through Buellton en route to our second destination. The Zaca Mesa Winery was overwhelmed with our numbers (and enthusiasm for wine) as they ushered us into the sunny courtyard where they poured straight Continued on page 16

GRAPE HARVEST TOUR Continued from page 15

into our eagerly presented glasses. At this point in the tour, keys started exchanging hands as drivers and passengers switched positions. There’s no sense risking one too many sips of wine when you’re in a Porsche! Smiles were on every member’s face as we decided to venture to lunch with one last drive through the country roads. Past grazing cows on twisting roads, we finally found ourselves in a Scandinavian setting.



The tourists and citizens of Solvang must’ve been scratching their heads wondering how they missed a Porsche parade on their calendars as the club passed through town. One after another, the cars turned corners while tourists fumbled for the camera app on their iPhones. There’s nothing quite like the warm feeling of caravanning the streets while passers-by enviously wish they could jump into any available passenger seat.


We pulled into the River Grill with stomachs growling just like our engines and were happy to see a beautiful spread of food awaiting our arrival. Members enjoyed a fresh selection of breads, meats, cheeses and side salads as we loaded our plates with just enough room to grab a cookie on the way to our seats. And the brain food was much needed as Past President and tour leader Nicolas Liakas unleashed trivia on the group! If you ever dreaded having your paper graded in middle school, you can only imagine how several of us felt forgetting historical names and events from the past five decades. (I must also point out that some of us were at an unfair advantage being only a toddler in the ‘90s!) But of course, there were some “Jeopardy” diehards in the group that took home A+ papers while the rest of us helped ourselves to another cookie. By the end of lunch, the entire group was content from a day of wine, wheels, and wrong answers.

Enjoying their first driving event with the club were Donna & Chip Bell

If you weren’t fortunate enough to join this year’s wine adventure, not only should you place it on your 2014 agenda, but also you should ask a lucky participant for a copy of the driving directions and do it yourself! Don’t let the short glimpse of the seasons pass by without taking advantage of the sunny skies, crisp air and changing colors. Nominate a designated driver, pack a picnic basket and head off into the valley. The 104 members on this excursion would agree, you won’t be sorry! = New members Ron & Helen Tanabe from Simi Valley






ur members enjoyed another successful holiday party at the stately and beautiful La Cumbre Country Club in Santa Barbara. It was decorated beautifully for the season with garlands, wreaths and lighted trees. The tables in the elegant dining room were set with sparkling glasses, silverware and festive centerpieces, and the dining areas had views of the beautiful gardens and lawns.



Over 110 members arrived with unwrapped toys to be delivered to Santa Barbara’s Unity Shoppe to help bring joy to less fortunate children this holiday season. The gifts were piled high onto tables adjacent to the fireplace along with the display of door prizes for our members and awards for SBR’s retiring board members.


When the majority of participants had arrived, we all enjoyed a sumptuous brunch including limitless champagne and mimosas. The brunch presentation was superb and included delicious breakfast items, prime rib, salmon, and a variety of fruit, salads and desserts. Needless to say, we all thoroughly enjoyed the fare and the conversations with our fellow members and friends. A Sunday brunch is the perfect time to celebrate friendships we’ve developed with other members and to recognize all our members who have contributed a lot of time to make our club so successful. So following the meal, our President went to the podium to begin the acknowledgements. Special guests were welcomed including Walt Branscome from Santa Barbara Auto Group with his wife Rebecca and all our

Der Auspuff advertisers in attendance. Walt was presented with a special plaque to thank SBAG for their ongoing sponsorship and generous financial support of our club. We were also honored to have nine past presidents in attendance. As your president, I provided a brief overview of SBR’s activities and competitive motorsport events in 2013 and thanked all our members who served as coordinators, volunteers and participants, making these such successful and fun events. I also thanked everyone for their generous contributions to the charities we supported this year: Gold Coast Veterans Foundation, Motor 4 Toys, and the Unity Shoppe. A silent auction was held raising over $1000 for the GCVF thanks to the generous gift donations from Santa Barbara Auto Group, Schneider Autohaus, MKS Performance, Matt Stone, and Rick Theise.

Dick Lange announced the Man and Woman of The Year. Our Activities Chair Barry Weinstein was named Man of The Year, and I was honored, as your president, to be named Woman of The Year. Dick also certified the election results and announced that the 2014 officers will be: Doreen Pankow, President; John McNair, Vice President; Dick Lange, Secretary, Steve Kaller, Treasurer; and Barry Weinstein, Activities Chair. I then introduced the replacements for the open board positions: John Alfenito returns as Editor; Rick & Martie Theise take over as Goodie Store Managers; and Kenny &

Tara Brundrett will serve as Concours CoChairs. The rest of the board appointees remain unchanged. To thank our members, John & Jeanne McNair gave away dozens of great door prizes to those in attendance. I then announced some changes and a couple of special events that everyone should put on their 2014 calendars. June 1521st is the Porsche Club of America’s National Porsche Parade, which returns to Monterey, CA for 2014. July 19th is the celebration of the Santa Barbara Region’s 50th anniversary, which will be held at the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort in Santa Barbara. Also, we are moving our firstSaturday-of-the-month breakfast meeting back to Camarillo starting in January. Finally, we hope you’re already enjoying the new Der Auspuff, which debuts its allcolor format with this issue. I closed the meeting with thanks to everyone for their support this past year and my high hopes for another exciting year ahead. =


The 2013 Board members were recognized for their service to the club, and board members who retired were presented with awards in appreciation of their many contributions. Dan Byers served as our Autocross Chair and CoChair for the past five years. Brian & Linda Rubino were our very successful Goodie Store Managers for the past three years. Mike Pomerantz served as our Editor for 2013, and Robert Watt was our Concours Chair.



Continuing for a second year as our elected Board of Directors are (l-r) Secretary Dick Lange, Treasurer Steve Kaller, President Doreen Pankow, Activities Chair Barry Weinstein, and Vice President John McNair.




Recognized for their outstanding service to our club in 2013 were President Doreen Pankow and Activities Chair Barry Weinstein. They were presented with the perpetual plaques honoring them as the Santa Barbara Region’s Man & Woman of The Year. AUSPUFF JANUARY 2014


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Porsche Steering Systems BY CHRIS ANDROPOULOS Santa Barbara Region Tech Editor


ny regular reader of automotive publications has likely noticed copious amounts of ink lamenting the lack of steering feel imparted by most of the newfangled electric power steering systems. The new 991 series 911 and 981 series Boxster and Cayman models from Porsche are the poster children for this new wave of electron-driven steering systems. Zuffenhausen’s sports cars have long been the benchmark for “proper” steering feel and communication, and Porsche’s introduction of electronic power steering (EPS) has been accompanied by much hand-wringing from Porschephiles. This month’s column will provide a brief synopsis of the evolution of Porsche steering systems, and will attempt to quantify which qualities of steering systems translate into good steering “feel” and why the newest EPS systems do not provide the same level of feedback as their predecessors. The Porsche 356 uses a VW-derived steering system of the traditional wormand-sector type, with a steering “box” containing the steering gear. The end of the steering shaft has a worm gear drive or grooved channels in which a chain of ball bearings rides. A “worm nut” rides on the recirculating ball-chain and has gear teeth that mesh with and rotate a sector shaft that is attached to the “Pitman arm” of the steering linkage. Steering the wheel rotates the Pitman arm, which is attached to the main steering linkage and tie rods. The entire steering linkage forms a movable parallelogram, which is why this type of system is sometimes referred to as such. This is a basic, rugged system found in many older cars and is still used in many trucks and larger SUVs as its layout favors a raised ride-height while maintaining proper steering geometry.



The 911 introduced the modern rackand-pinion steering gear, and every Porsche since has used this system, as do the majority of cars on the road today. The rack and pinion is a simpler, more AUSPUFF JANUARY 2014

compact steering gear that contains a toothed flat “rack” gear that moves in response to the spiral-grooved pinion gear attached to the steering shaft. The tie rods are directly attached to the steering rack, and more direct and precise steering is possible as there are fewer movable parts when compared to a conventional system. So, why do Porsches tend to have more steering “feel” when compared to other vehicles? Most automakers purposely design the steering system with the goal of reducing the amount of road feel transferred from the front wheels to the steering wheel. This isolation is appropriate for luxury cars, but most sports car drivers want to “feel” the road and experience the kickback through the steering wheel as the front wheels traverse every nook and cranny in the road surface. Many Porsches have steering racks directly mounted to the chassis, and if there are mounting bushings, they tend to be smaller and stiffer than those used on most other cars. This, combined with precise suspension and steering geometry design and quick steering gear ratios, ensures that the steering wheel of a Porsche writhes in the driver’s hands and communicates the road surface with almost Braille-like detail. This amount of feedback can be beneficial to experienced drivers, as the very first instance of sudden front tire slippage from understeer or the front brakes locking is transferred through the steering wheel, and the driver can adjust accordingly. Hydraulic power steering systems tend to dampen road feel when compared to manual steering systems. The rearengined 911 did not even offer power steering in its first quarter century of production as there is not much weight over the front axle of the earlier cars. As the 911 evolved, increased equipment levels and wider front tires meant that steering effort became greater, especially at low speeds. A late ‘80s 930 can be a bear to parallel park! The front engined 928 had power steering from the start, and it became standard on the 944 after 1984.

The 1989 964 models ushered in the era of power steering in Porsche 911s, much to the chagrin of traditionalists (sound familiar?). Even with hydraulic power steering, the 911 series from 964 to 997 remained the steering feel benchmark by which all other cars were judged. Hydraulic power steering systems use an engine-driven hydraulic pump to transfer fluid to the steering gear. The Porsche system uses a torsion bar at the end of the steering shaft to rotate a hydraulic spool valve in response to steering effort. The more the steering wheel is turned at low vehicle speeds, the more the spool valve opens to admit pressurized fluid from the pump to fill the voids in the steering rack housing and assist rack movement. Both the power steering pump and rack have mechanical bypass valves built in to bypass fluid to the fluid reservoir while driving straight ahead and/or at higher engine speeds when less steering assistance is needed. Cayennes and Panameras take the variable power assist system a step further with the optional Servotronic system. This system uses an electronic control unit to operate a valve on the steering gear in response to vehicle speed. At idle and low speeds, the valve is fully open to admit the maximum amount of hydraulic fluid for steering assistance. This ensures fingertiplight steering effort at parking lot speeds, but the valve closes off and provides minimal power assist at higher speeds for better road feel. Power steering systems require periodic maintenance in the form of fluid level and drive belt condition checks with each service. Earlier systems use ATF (red in color) as hydraulic fluid, and late 993s and all subsequent models use special Pentosin hydraulic fluid that is green in color. These fluid types cannot be mixed with any other type of power steering fluid! Any fluid leaks should be repaired as soon as possible to avoid damaging the pump from a lack of fluid. Leaking hoses should be repaired or replaced, and if the steering rack seals are leaking, replacement of the entire rack is usually necessary as rebuilds are not always successful. Power steering pumps

rarely fail, but if this ever does occur, the fluid reservoir should be replaced as it usually contains the system filter. Electronic power steering (EPS) systems came into vogue in the last halfdozen or so years for a predictable reason: government fuel economy regulations. Automakers are sweating over every last tenth of a MPG to meet these standards, and modern electronics allow for a compact EPS system to help achieve this

involvement? Because Porsche itself states in its technical documentation that the system was engineered to only provide what it deems as necessary feedback to the driver through the steering wheel, and “negative or unnecessary interference is filtered out.” Porsche is looking to increase market share and broaden the appeal of its sports cars to drivers of luxury cars like Mercedes and BMW. Unfortunately, certain aspects such as steering feel are lost in the process.

The latest GT3 uses a mechanically identical EPS system as its more plebeian 991 (and 981) cousins, but Porsche engineers carefully calibrated the software to allow more feedback to filter through to the driver’s hands. The steering wheel does not chatter with quite the enthusiasm as its 997 predecessor, but it is at least a step in the right direction. Time will tell if Porsche or the aftermarket will develop software to reprogram the steering feel of its everyday EPS-equpped models. =

The Porsche/ZF Electronic Power Steering system

The Porsche/ZF EPS system (pictured above) uses a conventional rack and pinion with an electric motor attached. The motor moves in response to the steering wheel angle and effort, and uses a toothed drive belt to drive a ball nut that rides over a ball chain/worm gear section on the steering rack and assist the driver’s steering effort. The motor’s power consumption is minimal during cruising as it only runs when the steering wheel is turned. With the optional Power Steering Plus system, the EPS control unit performs vehicle speed-variable assist functions as in the Servotronic system, ensuring minimal power consumption while steering the wheel at higher speeds. So far, the EPS system sounds like a win-win scenario, so why all the fuss about anodyne feel and lack of driver

The EPS system is able to filter out “noise” by using the electric motor to counteract most kickback from the front wheels. If one of the front wheels hits a mid corner bump, the EPS control unit senses the resultant movement of the rack and determines that this movement was not a result of the driver turning the steering wheel. The motor is used to initiate a counter-movement of the rack, and hardly a trace of this is transferred to the driver’s hands. The EPS system is in constant communication with the PSM/ ABS system and can electronically sense if one side of the vehicle is on a lower traction surface than the other, and it will provide a slight countersteering effort as necessary to keep the vehicle on the driver’s intended path. This is an excellent safety system in such a powerful and capable vehicle but is regarded as yet another demerit in the eyes of purists. Nonetheless, Porsche’s EPS systems are light years ahead of other manufacturers’ systems (some of which use the exact same EPS hardware). Many other systems feel as artificial as playing a video game, with the fact that the vehicle is actually turning as the only indication that that steering wheel is in any way connected to the front wheels.

Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.


goal. Modern hydraulic power steering systems do not sap as much power from the engine as older systems do, but even with Servotronic-equipped systems, there are fuel economy gains to be realized by eliminating the pump completely. Also, the elimination of hydraulic fluid pumps and lines allows for tighter vehicle packaging, and it minimizes the environmental impact of new and waste hydraulic oil.








n November, 23 R.U.F. members were given the great opportunity to take a tour of the Volkswagen Group of America Test Center California in Oxnard. We were grateful to R.U.F. member Tom Duck for arranging the tour and to Matthias Barke, General Manager of the facility, for personally conducting our tour. We learned that the newly built, 65,500-square-foot facility houses a vehicle emissions laboratory, including a climate chamber, parts analysis and large workshop. In addition to emission testing of VW products, the test center is an engineering hub for vehicle field testing and product development and employs 50 highly skilled workers. Also, 300-400 workers are visiting every year. VW Group sells cars under the Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti marques in the US. Any of these products might be randomly tested at the facility as all manufacturers must test for vehicle emissions in California in order to sell their vehicles in the state. Anything that has to do with the powertrain of a vehicle can be tested here, and the testing is done for the life of the car, from pre-production and even after the car has been purchased

and is in use by a consumer. (Random solicitations are sent out by VW Group to car owners from all over the U.S. to bring their cars in for testing.) After introductory remarks by Mr. Barke, our first stop on the tour was the test center’s state-of-the-art garage where mechanics work on the cars with highly technical tools and specifically designed car lifts. Unlike many automotive garages, this one was immaculately clean and quiet. We were able to observe dynomometer testing of a vehicle in one of the emissions labs. The chamber can simulate all types of climates. Myriad data is collected and precisely monitored while the vehicle is being “driven” by a live operator in the car inside the chamber. We also viewed the evaporative chambers which are stand-alone structures inside the test center. These chambers are hermetically sealed and measure fuel vapor release to comply with government set standards. The carefully controlled chamber is necessary because any number of environmental factors can affect the outcome of the testing. In addition to the highly technical emissions testing on VW products, there

is ongoing testing of prototype cars in various stages of development. The test center hosts teams from Europe for VW and Audi numerous times throughout the year. At the completion of testing these cars, the prototypes are either shipped back to Germany or are demolished at a salvage yard in Oxnard. The destruction is monitored by a VW representative. Our group was given a surprise at the end of the tour when it was announced by Tom Duck that two of the prototypes were being taken to the salvage yard. We were invited to witness the cars -- an Audi S8 and an Audi A6 -- being demolished. Although the demolition was very rapid, it was also very dramatic! A 67-ton Caterpillar 330 with a gigantic grapple mechanism picked up each car individually, swinging it around while exerting four tons of pressure per cubic foot, collapsing the cars into unrecognizable debris. Many of our members snapped pictures and grimaced at the sight. We learned that 97% of the destroyed cars’ materials is recycled. After the prototypes were demolished, we regrouped and went for a delicious lunch at Lure Fish House and enjoyed lively talk about our informative and entertaining field trip. =

The beautiful Audi S8 prototype before and after its date with “the grappler.” Hard to watch. DER





January 17-20 February 15 March 15 & 16 April 4-6 April 11-13 April 26 May 17 May 25 June 15-21 July 4 July 19 August 29-Sept. 1 September 13 September 20 September 27 October 12 October 18 November 15 & 16 December 7 December ??

Caravan To Carlsbad The Private Pindler Collection & Palms Restaurant Convoy To Country Western Country Zone 8 Festival of Speed Long Beach Grand Prix The Gimmick Rally Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo Picnic & Tour, Red Rock Canyon Porsche Parade - Monterey, CA City of Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade Santa Barbara Region’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Get Your Kicks on Route 66 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo 18th Annual Chili Cook-Off (new date) 38th Annual SBR Concours d’Elegance TBA Warbirds & Wine Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR’s Annual Holiday Brunch



(Some events subject to change.) AUSPUFF JANUARY 2014



Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org

Zone 8 Staff

Zone 8 Region Websites

Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann dwitteried@hotmail.com scott@renegadehybrids.com Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza vvvince@aol.com jcnedza@aol.com Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com

Rules Chair Russell Shon rules@zone8.org

PCA Zone 8 www.zone8.org

Los Angeles www.pcala.com

Arizona az.pca.org

Orange County pcaocr.org

CA Central Coast ccc.pca.org

Riverside www.riversidepca.org

California Inland cai.pca.org

Santa Barbara www.pcasb.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

San Diego www.pcasdr.org San Gabriel vista.pca.org/sgb

Grand Prix gpx.pca.org

Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com

Las Vegas www.lvrpca.org

Southern Arizona saz.pca.org

Santa Barbara Region Breakfast Maps Santa Barbara Breakfast Second Saturday of the month

Camarillo Breakfast First Saturday of the month







Panera Bread & Johnny Rockets 640 East Ventura Blvd. Located in the newest section of the Camarillo Premium Outlets


(Maps not to scale)




At the end of the pier On Stearns Wharf



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Moby Dick Restaurant 220 Stearns Wharf Santa Barbara 93101 805.965.0549





MEMBERSHIP PAGE Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries

10 Years

49 Years

17 Years

James & Diana Eastin

John Fujii & Janie Kasarjian Peter & Jeanine Hubbard Frank Miceli Matt & Linda Stone Michael & Sharon Polito David & Valerie Willett

44 Years

16 Years

9 Years

John G. & Dianne Howe

Michael & Elena Dejulio Laura Gandy & Kevin Kapov

James & Dottie Rowins

36 Years

15 Years

Joseph & Nancy Carastro

25 Years

Robert & Pamela Keller

Jeff & Robert Affronti Lee & Diana Criger Andrew & Konnie Gault

23 Years

14 Years

Donn & Kathleen Shipley

Mary Ann Pare

13 Years

22 Years

Thomas & Jonathan Confar

Michael R. & Jan Koevenig

21 Years

12 Years

20 Years

11 Years

Larry & Elena Colson Michael & Pamuela Hodson

Robert & Julie Ballog Robert & Shirley Yount, Jr.

Raymond Jordan Carol Mathieu

Linsey & Joan Orr

18 Years

Jim & Theresa Middlebrook

Gary Betz 1591 Los Angeles Ave., Ste. 15 Ventura, CA 93004 Phone (805)659-3311

Sales Professional




4 Years

Steven & Karen Ruhl Doug & Ann Steinriede

8 Years

3 Years

Douglas Brown & Lenny Scrogins Richard Donahue & Birigitta Baker David & Mickey Hill Daniel & Lisa Holden

Donald Dickey Alexander & Peter Fang Joe Fisher Corwin M. Toyama

2 Years

John & Adrienne Demboski

7 Years

1 Year

Bob Muschitz

6 Years

James Richardson & Linda Ward Thomas & Mathew Sutphen Joe Wilcox

Rodger & Scotia Alves Robert & Patty Duarte Marco & Tony Gerace Mark & Mary Jacobs David & Judy Jones Frangina Spandau

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers

Transfer In Members

William Adams Ventura, 2006 911

Mark & Rachel Peters Thousand Oaks 2004 Turbo From Los Angeles (LA)

Ari Mattson Ventura, 2009 Cayman David Montanaro Kirkland, WA 1988 911 Erik Stassinos Santa Barbara, 1985 Carrera

Scott Squires Newbury Park 1981 911 SC From CA Central Coast (CCC)


Walt Branscome Porsche Santa Barbara 402 South Hope Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Phone: 805-682-2000 Fax: 805-682-7133 Cellular: 805-708-2807

Michael Caterino & Katie Hopp Louw Jacobs Thomas & James Sideris Victor Villard

Fermin Cortes

New Members

Gary Betz Enterprises, Inc.

5 Years

2014 Certified Porsche Sales Professional Email: wbranscome@sbautogroup.com http://santabarbara.porschedealer.com

Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is quick and easy online. Visit our website, pcasb.org, and click on PCASB Name Badge in the lefthand column. Fill out the order form, send it in with your check, and your personalized name badge will be on its way!


Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store! MKS Performance, Inc. Michael Schatz

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1221 Avenida Acaso, Unit G Camarillo, CA 93012-8748 USA phone +1-805-322-8077 fax +1-805-322-8073 mschatz@mksperformance.com www.mksperformance.com

Neil G. McAuliffe, PCA/SBR Member since 2003

McAuliffe Financial Services, Inc. Call us at

300 Esplanade Drive, Suite 1660 Oxnard, CA 93036

Stephen F. Doll

Senior Vice President DRE License 01013707

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EXPLORE UNIQUE CALIFORNIA HISTORY AT THE HOME OF THE “BAKERSFIELD SOUND” THE COUNTRY WESTERN MUSIC MADE FAMOUS BY BUCK OWENS & MERLE HAGGARD THEN, TOUR THE LITTLE KNOWN BUT STRIKINGLY SIGNIFICANT COLONEL ALLENSWORTH STATE HISTORIC PARK Join your fellow SBR members on an exploration of two unique California historic sites! Our first destination on Saturday, March 15, via exciting and scenic back roads will be THE BUCK OWENS’ CRYSTAL PALACE in Bakersfield, a shrine to the brand of country music made famous by Mr. Owens and his band, The Buckaroos. We will enjoy a fabulous show and multi-course dinner at The Palace after touring the museum dedicated to Country Western music and artists.

Col. Allensworth

Sunday morning we will have breakfast at our hotel and then travel to the COLONEL ALLENSWORTH STATE HISTORIC PARK, which is shrouded by the eerie feeling of a ghost town. The location was the experimental community occupied by African-Americans after the Civil War up through the 1930s. Allensworth was the first African-American to attain the rank of Lt. Colonel during the Civil War, and his efforts at this site were intended to create a self-sustaining community for those seeking freedom and independence from the remnants of a slave society. After lunch on the premises, we will begin our return trip home.

The two-day adventure includes lunch Saturday, the tour of the Buck Owens’ museum, dinner and show at The Crystal Palace, Sunday breakfast, tour of the Colonel Allensworth State Historical Park, lunch at the Colonel Allensworth Park and SBR activity fee, all for only $107.00 per person! You must book your own hotel room individually by calling the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel (661-323-7111) by February 13, 2014, in order to get our special group rate of $99.00 plus tax. Please mention the Porsche group when reserving your room. Your reservation form and check must be received no later than February 27, 2014. No refunds after March 4th.

CONVOY TO COUNTRY WESTERN COUNTRY Please complete and mail this form with your check to Howard Rubenstein, PO Box 4855, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 no later than February 27, 2014. No refunds after March 4th.

Name(s): _______________________________________ Phone: __________________ Cell: __________________ Email: _________________________________________ Check Amount (payable to PCA/SBR): ___________________ Please include your meal selections with your registration form.

Buck Owens’ Crystal Palace

Vittles Saturday Lunch Saturday lunch will be at the hotel. Menu provided at the restaurant. Saturday Dinner All dinner entrées include salad, squaw bread, biscuits, mashed potatoes, green beans, soda, iced tea, or coffee. Indicate your selection(s) for dinner: _____Filet Mignon _____Palace Halibut _____N.Y. Strip Steak _____Full Rack BBQ Baby Back Pork Ribs _____Chardonnay Chicken Breast Select your dessert(s): _____Chocolate Cake _____Cheesecake _____Carrot Cake Sunday Lunch Sunday lunch entrées are from Honey Baked Ham Company and include chips, a freshbaked cookie, and a drink. Indicate your selection(s) for your box lunch: _____Honeybaked Ham Classic Sandwich _____Honeybaked Turkey Classic Sandwich _____Prime Roast Beef Sandwich _____Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad



Questions? Please contact Howard Rubenstein 818-340-3366 hrrca@hotmail.com or Dick Lange 818-865-1498 lrlange@pacbell.net. AUSPUFF JANUARY 2014

ADVERTISER DIRECTORY Auctions America, Matt Malamut...10

PCA/SBR Classifieds

Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.

1975 PORSCHE 914 2.0 – FOR SALE Original owner. Well maintained. 911 Blue/Grey color. Pull-out Kenwood stereo. Air Conditioning. Bra and winter cover. Nearly new set of tires. Cat converter removed by law. $10,000. Contact Dennis Polen (818) 704-6044. (01/14)

Aswell Trophy..................................8 Automotion..................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing.......................8 Gary Betz Enterprises.....................28 Walt Branscome, SBAG..................28 California Tire Company..................21 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services.........21

1947 “VASAK POLAK” WHIZZER BICYCLE – FOR SALE Authenticated 1947 “Vasak Polak” Whizzer bicycle. This bike was purchased from the Vasak Polak estate sale after his death and was a gift of the Schwinn family to Vasak for his 60th birthday. The bike was restored by Schwinn and is in excellent running condition. Bill of sale signed by Brian Redman showing transfer of ownership from Vasak. Price: $4500.00. Rich Buckner (805) 368-5718. (01/14)

Coachcraft.......................................8 DSR Audio.......................................5

Lavaggio, The Art of Detailing...........6 Los Angeles Dismantler..................31 McAuliffe Financial Services..........29 MKS Performance..........................29 Morgan Stanley, George Rasher......21 NAI Capital, Stephen F. Doll.............29 North Hollywood Speedometer.........5 RS Enterprises.................................5 Rusnak Westlake Porsche............. IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group..............BC Schneider Autohaus.........................6 Strauss Law Group.........................10 Troop Real Estate, Lynn Kuchera......21 Village Properties, Robert Watt.......10

2011 TURBO S – FOR SALE White with aero package, sports seats, custom black interior with fire extinguisher, yellow stitching and seat belts to match brake calipers! Custom black wheels and new rear tires. Recently serviced at Rusnak. 41k miles, never “launched.” Have all records. $135,000, (209) 471-9411- John Gray (01/14) CAYMAN ACCESSORIES – FOR SALE Lightly used All-weather mats (Non-slip, Waterproof, Raised Porsche Logo, 4 Season Mat). MSRP $76.49 – will sell for $40. Like new Porsche Factory Sunshade including convenient storage bag. MSRP $75 – will also sell for $40. Contact Dick at lrlange@pacbell.net or 818-865-1498. (11/13) PORSCHE PARTS – FOR SALE Parts for sale; 996 or ?? OEM car jack w foam surround & std. tool kit, 996 drivers front side fan surround (OEM),996 seat adjustment module #996.618.537.01,early 356 bra, Elfrink’s “Porsche Tech Manual”, Clymers “Porsche service/repair handbook”‘65 ‘76. Call for pics/prices. Rich (805) 583-8504 or titleitrich@yahoo.com. (10/13) PORSCHE TIRES – FOR SALE Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli used Porsche Tires, Garage is full! 997, 991, Panamera, 305/30/19, 295/30/19, 295/35/20, 295/30/20, 235/35/19, some 18’s too. 80-90% Tread, $200 for a rear, $100 for a front. Text or call 805-500-6636 (9/13) 1962 356B CABRIOLET – FOR SALE Signal Red, Converted to Disk Brakes, Well maintained have owned this car for 15 years and have all records since my ownership. A real head turner! $125,000.00 obo, (805) 488-6929 - Ken Hower (5/13) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at DerAuspuff@gmail.com

Next month in


Caravan To Carlsbad JANUARY 2014 AUSPUFF DER



Steven Z. Freeman, CPA.................21






SBR was well represented for the 10th Annual Motor 4 Toys charity car show in Woodland Hills in December. Our Porsches delivered lots of toys for the cause.


Porsche Club of America, Santa Barbara Region 3708 Greggory Way #5 • Santa Barbara, CA 93105


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