SEP 2013 Der Auspuff

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Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013

17th Annual Chili Cook-Off Manual Transmission Service Drums Instrumental In R.U.F. Visit

AUSPUFF Contents Features

SBR Members Featured In “Excellence”.....14 17th Annual Chili Cook-Off..........................15 Porsche Manual Transmissions: Part II........20

Monthly Reports

President’s Column.........................................4 Editor’s Column..............................................4 Channel Islands Breakfast Meeting..............7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting.................9 R.U.F. Report.................................................11 Member Anniversaries & New Members...24



SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic.............................5 Camarillo Autocross.......................................8 Getty Center Tour.........................................12 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance...............19 Air Operations Tour, Van Nuys Airport.........23 Autumn Grape Harvest Tour.........................25 Holiday Brunch.............................................30 Caravan To Carlsbad....................................32



Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 Membership Gallery....................................18 The Tech Page..............................................20 Ordering Name Badges................................24 Down the Road............................................26 SBR Breakfast Maps....................................26 Zone 8 Listings.............................................27 The Goodie Store.........................................29 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers...............................31

On The Cover




The Brovskys’ beautiful new Cayman S on the Middlebrooks’ motocourt at this year’s Chili Cook-Off. Photo by Don Earl

Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013

17th Annual Chili Cook-Off Manual Transmission Service Drums Instrumental In R.U.F. Visit

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

President DOREEN PANKOW 805-527-8280

Activities BARRY WEINSTEIN 805-241-5641

Vice President JOHN McNAIR 805-494-1527


Treasurer STEVE KALLER 818-489-4225

Past President NICOLAS LIAKAS 818-706-6016 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees

Secretary DICK LANGE 818-865-1498

Membership SUE KINSLING 805-386-8112

Editor MIKE POMERANTZ 805-341-3192






Distribution CHET & JOAN YABITSU

50th Anniversary NADINE TRACY Insurance JAMES EDWARDS

Mademoiselles NOLA FORCE

Public Relations NICOLAS LIAKAS





September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •



SBR Events Calendar



Advertising TED LIGHTHIZER Director

September Saturday


Associate Birgitta Baker Editors Jeanne McNair Susan Stone Contributors JOHN ALFENITO CHRIS ANDROPOULOS DON EARL NICK LIAKAS JEFF PARKER BARRY WEINSTEIN RON WILLIAMS CHET Yabitsu Printing Michael Dunwell Sir Speedy Printing

1161 Calle Suerte, Suite E Camarillo, CA 93012 805-484-7999

Wednesday Saturday

PRE-CONCOURS DETAIL CLINIC Lavaggio, Agoura Hills - see page 5

Saturday Saturday

Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request.

Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00

Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Ted Lighthizer 805-527-8280

PCASBR is online:

AUTOCROSS 21 CAMARILLO Camarillo Airport - see page 8 OF THE GETTY CENTER 28 TOUR Los Angeles - see page 12

October Saturday Saturday

Yearly Advertising Rates

ISLANDS BREAKFAST 7 CHANNEL The Whale’s Tail 8:00 a.m. OF DIRECTORS MEETING 11 BOARD Ameci’s, Thousand Oaks 6:30 p.m. BARBARA BREAKFAST 14 SANTA Moby Dick’s 8:30 a.m.


ISLANDS BREAKFAST 5 CHANNEL The Whale’s Tail 8:00 a.m. BARBARA BREAKFAST 12 SANTA Moby Dick’s 8:30 a.m. ANNUAL CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE 13 37TH Fess Parker Doubletree Resort Santa Barbara - see page 19


OF LAFD AIR OPERATIONS UNIT 26 TOUR Van Nuys Airport - see page 23

November Saturday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Saturday

ISLANDS BREAKFAST 2 CHANNEL The Whale’s Tail 8:00 a.m. BARBARA BREAKFAST 9 SANTA Moby Dick’s 8:30 a.m. OF DIRECTORS MEETING 13 BOARD Ameci’s, Thousand Oaks 6:30 p.m. GRAPE HARVEST TOUR 16 AUTUMN Solvang - see page 25 ANNUAL TIRE RACK 23 2ND STREET SURVIVAL SCHOOL FOR TEENS Camarillo Airport - see page 28 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


The President’s Column Doreen Pankow


ummer is nearing an end, but there are still lots of great car events in September you can enjoy. In last month’s President’s Column, I talked about the upcoming Pre-Concours Detail Clinic on September 14th at Lavaggio, a premiere detail facility in Agoura Hills and our sponsor for this event. You will learn how to better prepare your car for competition (or fun) in less time and learn some new detailing techniques. So sign up for this clinic and learn how to prepare your Porsche for our Concours d’Elegance on October 13th at the Fess Parker Doubletree in Santa Barbara. Our Region is hosting a PCA Zone 8 Autocross open to all licensed drivers 18 and older in street legal vehicles on Saturday, September 21st, at the Camarillo Airport. New at this autocross, licensed minor aged drivers of PCA members, 16 and 17 years old, can drive solo under PCA’s Junior Participation Program. A maximum of 65 cars will be allowed, so all drivers will get at least four practice runs in the morning and a minimum of three timed runs in the afternoon. The course is on a closed section of the runway with plenty of run-off room with nothing to hit. The course will have chalked lanes with cones, length a half mile with one or more slaloms, a decreasing radius lollypop turnaround and other turns and braking challenges. Also new at this autocross, Ted Lighthizer, SBR’s Autocross Chair, will be presenting trophies

to the first place winner in each Porsche class, thanks to our friends at RUSNAK/Westlake Porsche. So come out and win a trophy!! The LA Getty Center tour on September 28th will start out at Rusnak/Westlake Porsche where we’ll enjoy coffee and pastries. Then we’ll take a scenic drive down Pacific Coast Highway and iconic Sunset Boulevard to the Getty Center where you can explore the museum on your own or sign up for a tour. The Getty Center presents an amazing collection of European and American art from the Middle Ages to the present against a backdrop of dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and breathtaking views. A delicious box lunch will also be provided. The Special Olympics Santa Barbara Chapter is hosting its 2nd Annual Coast Village Classic Car Show on Sunday, September 22, from 8am to 3pm in the scenic village of Montecito. Cruise down Coast Village Road and enjoy the 150 unique and illustrious cars provided by Cars and Coffee and local entries. Check out an impressive display of collectible cars, visit the shops and restaurants, and enjoy a wonderful day at the coast. Our club supported the Special Olympics as our charity last year. The $50 entry fee to register and display your car in the show will be used to support this Special Olympics program. Or if you just want to view the cars, parking and admission are free. For the more adventurous, you might want to participate in the 2013 Targa Newfoundland from September 14th – 21st that starts out at St. John’s, Newfoundland. This is an internationally recognized race and draws competitors from across the world. It is a seven-day road course that covers 2000 km through the eastern and central portions of the island. So if it’s too late to plan for this year’s event, you might want to think about participating in this fun adventure next year as it’s an annual event. Enjoy the rest of the summer driving your favorite Porsche!!

From The Editor’s Desk Mike Pomerantz


here sure are lots of great club events coming up between now and the end of the year. Make sure to sign up for the Concours d’Elegance on October 13th at the Fess Parker Doubletree in Santa Barbara. This is a beautiful venue and will be a great place to get some good pictures of your prized Porsche!

Speaking of pictures, I’m still looking for members to submit good, high resolution photos of their Porsches to include in the monthly Membership Gallery of Der Auspuff. If you don’t have your camera or iPhone 5 with you, ask one of our excellent photographers to take one for you.


On October 26 we’ll be touring the Firefighting Air Fleet at Van Nuys Airport. We have an opportunity to meet the firefighters who man the LAFD’s aerial firefighting fleet of helicopters and crash rescue equipment. This will also be an opportunity to have lunch with them, and see a flyby and demonstration. It’s sure to be a fun afternoon, so sign up soon. The annual Autumn Grape Harvest Tour in November is always a great time. We will visit some beautiful wineries, and a spectacular lunch is planned. Make sure not to miss out on this one. Sign up soon; it’s sure to sell out! We’ll wrap the year up with the lavish Holiday Brunch at La Cumbre Country Club, and then it starts all over again next year with the Caravan to Carlsbad in January. The fun never stops! Until next time, see you down the road!

September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •



SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 11AM-2PM AT LAVAggIO IN AgOURA HILLS In preparation for our 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance, we’ve scheduled a Detail Clinic to teach you how to better prepare your car for competition (or fun) in less time. Gain new techniques and discover all the latest products to make your car sparkle. Learn the Zone 8 competition rules and find out exactly what the judges look for when examining a car. Expert instruction will be provided. A detailing demonstration will show the best way to use the newest products in preparing your Porsche for everything from full concours to wash & shine. Plus, lunch will be served at the beautiful Lavaggio facility at 30205 Canwood Street, Agoura Hills (Reyes Adobe exit off the 101). The total price for the entire clinic and lunch is only $20.00 per person (at the door). If you plan to attend, please make your reservation no later than September 7, 2013. RSVP to Concours Chair Robert Watt at: 805-682-5979 or • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013



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September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

Channel Islands Breakfast August 3, 2013

Alternate Vehicle Month - Great Cars!

organizing to the fire department’s air operations center at Van Nuys Airport. Read about it in this Der Auspuff and sign up ASAP! This is one event that is certain to sell out quickly. =



ur monthly breakfast meeting at the Whale’s Tail in Oxnard was opened with a welcome to our sponsors: Sam Abergel from Rusnak Westlake Porsche and Walt Branscome from the Santa Barbara Auto Group. Next, Doreen announced that the Santa Barbara Special Olympics, a charity we supported last year, will be hosting the Coast Village Classic Car Show in Montecito on Sept. 22nd as a fundraiser. PCA/SBR club members are invited to attend. Ted Lighthizer talked about the Sept. 21st Autocross. Trophies will be given out at this event for the first place winner in each Porsche class. There are so many Porsche classes that a large percentage of the entrants will probably leave with a trophy to place on their mantel. Membership Chair Sue Kinsling said that 119 participants signed the roster. From the large number of chairs occupied solely by SBR attendees and guests, we are certain there were many more than 119 at the meeting. 41 Porsches were counted in the parking lot – not nearly enough cars to carry even those who signed in. Also, this being “Alternative Vehicle month,” we wondered whose red woody was out there. James Oldham drove in his Ferrari. Jon and Betsy Lutz rode to the meeting in a motorcycle and side car. The McNairs came in their TR-6. We have little idea how many more came in their alternate rides.

Say hello to new members Allen and Michelle De Los Santos from Simi Valley in their 1984 Carrera.

Please welcome new member Pam Mortensen from Oxnard driving a 1988 911.

The McNairs came in their TR-6. New SBR members at the breakfast included: Phillip LaPointe from Santa Clarita in his 2001 911; Allen and Michelle De Los Santos, who drove to the Whale’s Tail from Simi Valley in their 1984 Carrera; and Pam Mortensen from Oxnard joined our club at the meeting. Pam drives a 1988 911 Your Activities Chair then spoke on the next few months’ upcoming events. (All details regarding this information are available in the Der Auspuff you are reading.) Brian Rubino was introduced and talked about the drive, visit and lunch he is

Please say hello to new member Phillip LaPointe from Santa Clarita in his 2001 911. • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region


Requirements: Safe and mechanically sound car. Please review PCA Zone 8 website autocross rules for helmet and seatbelt requirements This event will be run in compliance with Zone 8 rules. Complete results will be posted on the SBR website ( within two weeks of the event.


Where: Camarillo Airport. Las Posas exit off the 101 in Camarillo. Take Las Posas south, turn right on Pleasant Valley Road, turn right on Airport Way to T-intersection. Turn right and follow the signs.

• • • • • • • • •

Schedule: (times approximate) 6:30 a.m. Registration Check In at Airport Gate 6:45 a.m. Tech Inspection begins 8:00 a.m. Mandatory Drivers Meeting 8:30 a.m. Practice Runs begin 2:00 p.m. 3 Official Timed Runs (to 4:30 p.m.)


Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.

Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Event day registration (if not sold out) $100 per driver cash only. Extra lunches $20 cash only. Enrollment limited to 65. Pre-registration is encouraged to reserve your space. Course work is mandatory in order to run this Autocross. Porsche drivers: This IS a Zone 8 sanctioned event for points. More than one person may drive a car, but each driver may drive only one car. Each driver must submit a separate Entry/Registration form. One check may be written for multiple drivers, but the check must identify all those covered by the check. Questions? Contact TED LIGHTHIZER at 805-527-8280 or

CAMARILLO AUTOCROSS ENTRY/REGISTRATION FORM Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: ____________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Car/Model: ______________________________________ Year: ____________ Color: _________________________ Requested Car Number: _________________________ (Subject to change due to computer program limitations.) Porsche Class: _____________ (Please review class info in Zone 8 Rules - - Non-Porsche is Class X.) Are you a PCA member? YES or NO (Circle one) If yes, which region? ___________________________________ Are you available to help set up on Friday afternoon, September 20th? YES or NO

(Circle one)

Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85, which includes lunch for one. Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Mailed entries must be received no later than September 14, 2013.

Send Check & Entry/ Registration to:

Total Amount Enclosed: ______________________

Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund.


Ted Lighthizer 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93063

September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

Santa Barbara Breakfast August 10, 2013

Another Beautiful Day at the Wharf!



ugust being “alternative vehicle month” for PCA/SBR, Sue Kinsling walked the parking lot outside Moby Dick’s restaurant on Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara and counted one motorcycle, one Mini and two BMW’s in addition to the 32 Porsches parked there. 42 attendees signed in to the meeting. Doreen welcomed the members, sponsors, and guests who attended. Sponsors Walt Branscome from SBAG and the Hincks, Paula and Henry, from Schneider Autohaus, joined us at breakfast. Other attendees announced by Sue included new members Bruce Dobrin & Karla Shelton from Santa Barbara, who drove to the meeting in their 2005 911. Michael Edick, a PCA member from Pinegrove in Northern California, also joined us. Angie Redpath from Targa Newfoundland told us about the upcoming week-long 2000 KM race this coming September 14th 21st. Targa Newfoundland is an internationally recognized event and draws competitors from all over the world. It’s an annual race with several divisions, so it is open to drivers of all skill levels. Angie is in California promoting interest in the 2014 race but also said there is still room if someone wants to register for the 2013 race. Any takers from PCA/SBR? Doreen concluded the meeting by thanking Brian and Linda Rubino for running the club’s Goodie Store for the last three years. They’ve contributed greatly to the success and enjoyment of Michael Edick, a PCA member our club. Not only have they from Pinegrove in Northern managed the Goodie Store but California. have organized, led and helped

Angie Redpath from Targa Newfoundland told us about the upcoming week-long 2000 KM race this Sept. 14th - 21st.

Henry Hinck’s 911. out with many activities and events over the years. In fact, in October Brian has set up a fun drive, tour and lunch at the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Air Operations Center in Van Nuys. This will take place during during the height of the Southern California fire season. It should be an exciting and interesting tour. Signup forms are in this month’s Der Auspuff. Regarding the Goodie Store, we are still waiting for someone to step up and take over this very important club function. If you are curious as to what this entails, please let any of your Board members know or, better yet, contact the Rubinos directly. They’ll be glad to tell you all about this position. =

Please say hello to new members Bruce Dobrin & Karla Shelton from Santa Barbara driving a 2005 911.

Joe & Nancy Carastro enjoying their RUF Cayman. • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


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September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

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The R.U.F. Report



wenty R.U.F.ians in eleven cars followed the drum beat and signed on for a tour of the Drum Workshop (DW) in July. When we arrived at this world class drum manufacturing facility, we were greeted by our employee guides, who split us up into two groups for a comprehensive tour of this fascinating venue. The DW, which was founded in 1972, employs 150 people and handles every step in the production of drums and drum hardware. The finished products are very high-end drum sets and are used and endorsed by a pantheon of drummers for big name performers such as Beyonce, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Usher, Neal Young, Tina Turner, Barbara Streisand and many, many more.

We also learned about the exotic woods that may be used in production of custom drum sets, some of which take up to six months to create. Woods are brought in from all over the world and include ivory ebony, birdseye maple, macassar ebony, olive, ash, burl and flakey oak. Well-known performing artists come to the DW to select the woods they want in their drum sets. The custom sets can cost upwards of several thousand dollars.

We first learned that drum shells, which are made in-house, start with sheets of wooden veneer, each 1/36” thick. Multiple sheets are glued to the desired thickness and then bonded using specially designed machines exerting 2600 pounds of pressure to create the round shell. The direction in which the shell grain runs affects the tone produced. For example, vertical running grain will produce a lower tone. Technician installing and tuning drum heads. DW also has its own R&D department, including a high-tech 3-D printer to create prototypes. One interesting side note of the tour was to learn that a substantial number of the employees are active musicians. One of the guides, who is a drummer, told us he’s worked there since he was 18 and has been there many years. It was clear from his enthusiasm that he loves his job and where he works.

Drum shell coming out of the hot press. We were able to witness the whole manufacturing process from shell formation, buffing, sanding, assembly, painting (which includes graphic designs), and hardware installation. The final step after quality control is tuning of the drums. The DW employs two full-time tuners, who are also drummers themselves.

Dick Lange rocking out! We were all grateful to Linda Kuckenbaker, who came for the tour, and suggested this venue in Oxnard for a R.U.F. trip. Following the tour, we all went to Lure Fish House in Camarillo for a delicious lunch and animated conversation about all that we had just experienced and learned. = Drum assembly area. • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


World Class Cars Plus World Class Art Equals A Winning Combination

PCA/ SBR Tours The Getty Center in Los Angeles Saturday, September 28, 2013 Enjoy a scenic drive down Pacific Coast Highway and iconic Sunset Boulevard to the beautiful Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Explore the museum on your own or sign up for a tour. A box picnic lunch is included.

We’ll meet at Rusnak Porsche Westlake at 8:00 a.m. for coffee and pastries, departing at 8:30 a.m. The fee is $25 per person (includes lunch & activity fee). There is no charge for museum admittance, but there is a $15-per-car parking charge to be paid individually upon arrival. The Getty Center presents an amazing collection of European and American art from the Middle Ages to the present against a backdrop of dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and breathtaking views. Space is limited.

R.S.V.P. to Jeffrey or Rosalee Merrick: 310-455-2510 or Complete and mail this form to: The Merricks, PO Box 1634, Topanga, CA 90290 Name(s): ____________________________________________Phone #: ___________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________Check Amount (payable to PCA/SBR): __________ Indicate one box lunch selection and one beverage per person on the menu below.

Mediterranean Vegetable Box - Baked eggplant and sweet red pepper, wilted arugula and caramelized garlic aioli on a baguette.

Roasted Turkey Deli Box - House-roasted turkey with cheese, crisp greens, and tomato relish on rustic herb bread. Beef Deli Box - Beef with cheese, crisp greens, and tomato relish on rustic herb bread. Smoked Ham Deli Box - Smoked ham with cheese, crisp greens, and tomato relish on rustic herb bread. Grilled Chicken on Ciabatta Box - Grilled chicken with rosemary fig jam, provolone, pesto mayonnaise,and mixed greens on Ciabatta bread.

Antipasti Salad Box - Salami, prosciutto, shaved parmesan, oven-roasted tomato, balsamic glazed mushrooms, pepperoncini, artichokes, olives, and pepper caponanta with artisan bread.

Beverage Choices 12




September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

Diet Coke



3968 Camino Ranchero Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 •

805–445–9146 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013




ur Past President and current Public Relations coordinator Nick Liakas and a well-known photographer/writer, Peter Wu, from the Excellence Porsche Magazine had arranged a photo shoot of three model years of the 911 Turbo. The target release date for the magazine was the October 2013 issue along with the Porsche Buyer’s Guide supplement. Initially, Nick was contacted by Excellence, figuring that the SBR Club in all probability would have among its membership the three specific models they were looking for; these were the 930 Turbo, the rare 964 Turbo and the 996 Turbo. Our Club had ownership of two of these; the 1977 930 Turbo owned by Randy & Sue Kinsling and the 2002 996 Turbo owned by Chet & Joan Yabitsu. The third model was a 1991 964 owned by Tom Ridings who is also a PCA member of the Orange Coast Region. What was interesting is that the 964 Turbo models were built for three years.... 1991, 1992 and 1994. Excellence was interested only in either the 1991 or 1992 models since they had the 3.3 liter engine, whereas the 1994 year model had the 3.6 liter engine. This made the 964 harder to find due to its rarity. The 1975, 1976 and 1977 930 Turbos all had the 3.0 liter engine with more “boost dialed in” at the factory. The 996 Turbos came with the 3.6 liter engine. The object of the article was to show the progression of the Porsche Turbos through the decades as exemplified by these three models. The photo shoot took place on June 3, 2013, at a venue called Rabbit Springs Dry Lake, a high desert, flat lake bed located on Highway 247 between Apple Valley and Lucerne Valley, east of Victorville. The temperature was a “cool” 85F degrees, much cooler than the predicted 102F degrees. But it was windy. The winds were generated by the Powerhouse wildfire at Lake Hughes to the west

and blowing easterly. The wind was probably a steady 20 to 30 mph with occasional higher gusts of 40 knots. Needless to say, we were constantly wiping down our cars between each photo take session. Of course, the girls were not pleased with this wind because it messed up their hair. The photo shoot began around 3:30 pm and continued into dusk, around 8 pm. We were constantly racing the clock for the optimum sunlight for maximum color rendering. The most challenging part of the event was Peter Wu’s desire for a sequence of moving vehicle shots where all three cars moved in a tight triad formation with separations of 15 to 20 feet from each other. This sequence was done with our Jeff Parker driving Peter’s lead car at a steady 30 to 35 mph while Peter was shooting from his trunk. All the while the trunk lid was falling down on his head as he was shooting and shouting instructions to Jeff. Chet was the third car in the rear of the triad formation, desperately trying to maintain the speed set by Jeff, yet not running behind nor running into the rear of the other two cars in front. Needless to say, Chet had his right foot on the accelerator while his left foot was lightly on the brake pedal, very focused ! The resulting photos with the late to evening sunlight spraying on the cars and the background mountains were dramatic with eyepopping coloration. As graphically illustrated in the accompanying photograph, at “wrap-up” around 8 pm, the pictures we took with our “point & shoot” cameras came out on the dark side. On the other hand, the photos as shown in the Excellence issue imply that Peter took all of his pictures in daylight; this just goes to show what separates the amateurs from the professionals. This was a very interesting experience for all of us, and much different than the previous single car photo shoot sessions; certainly more involved with complex staging and race against the clock. =

Randy & Sue Kinsling and Chet & Joan Yabitsu from Santa Barbara, along with Tom Ridings from the Orange Coast Region.


September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •



n July 20, 2013, the weather was delightful, just enough overcast to tone down what can sometimes be an oppressive heat wave during the month of July in Southern California. Eighty-eight PCA-SBR members in 50+ vehicles (mostly Porsches and a few alternative vehicles) showed up at the home of Terry and Jim Middlebrook for our 17th Annual Chili Cook-Off. This was the seventh time the Middlebrooks hosted the event. Jeanette and Bob Bassett, long-time members of our club, held the cook-off at their home for the first ten years of this annual party. It took almost a quarter of those attending to provide the talent and volunteerism necessary to help put this event together. Everyone brought a food item to share, including twelve who entered their pots of chili in the contest. Three of the twelve entrants were declared winners. Third place winner of a wall plaque commemorating her victory was Marti Thiese. Marti and her husband, Rick, are newcomers to our club, having joined the Santa Barbara Region less than a year ago. This was the first time they’ve attended this event. C ongratulations, Marti! Second place winner was one of our most active club members, Jeanne McNair. Jeanne has been a member of the club for over twelve years. She and her husband, John (our Vice President), also currently serve as our RUF Co-Chairs, who organize and supervise about 12 midweek events a year for our “Retired Becky Lundberg - First Place Winner! and Unemployed Folks.” For winning second place, Jeanne was also awarded a wall plaque to hang in her kitchen. Our grand prize winner was Becky Lundberg. Becky is an 18year club member. For her victory, Becky’s name will be engraved on the three-foot tall Lady Scoville trophy, which she will display in her home for the next 12 months. To all those who volunteered to help put this event on, my wife Val and I, on behalf of the entire club, offer our heartfelt thanks. In addition to the Middlebrooks, Doreen Pankow, and Ted Lighthizer, over 20 people helped to set up the tables, chairs and tents, served the food, directed parking, counted ballots, and cleaned up. All this was done in addition to everyone bringing food to share. To all who helped set up and take down the tables, chairs and tents, counted the ballots, and directed the parking, our thanks go out to you. This group of hard-working volunteers included Gary Weaver, Joe Niederst, David Stone, Mike Pomerantz, Don

Earl, Doug Maletz, Nick Liakas, Dave Mosesson, Ed O’Connor (guest), Don Earl, Dick Lange, Brian Rubino, Howard Rubinstein, Jeff Merrick, Bob Bassett, and Larry Stoops.

Jeanne & John McNair - Second Place Winner! Our thanks also go out to our special ladies who set up the food and served the chili. This group included Phyllis Weaver, Olga Liakas, Luz Mosseson, Linda Lange, Susan Stone, and Rosalee Merrick. If we missed anyone, we sincerely apologize. As most of you know, eyes and memory are among the first things to go. One final note: Surprisingly, former membership chair, former club president and long-time member David Stone almost won the event by default! Dave was helping to park cars in the Middlebrooks’ motor court, and being the gentleman that he is, he carried in most of the pots of chili to the kitchen for the contestants. Phyllis Weaver checked in the chili pots and kept a list of who brought what for the balloting. Being as busy as she was, each time Dave dropped a pot off, she noted Dave’s name as the member who cooked it. Had she not realized her mistake after 4 or 5 pots were counted, she never would have been able to decipher who was the cook of each pot, and Dave would probably have won by default. =

Marti Thiese (On Right) - Third Place Winner! • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


SBR 1 Annual Chil Photo G



September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

17th li Cook-Off Gallery


Our hosts, Terry & Jim Middlebrook - Thank you!!! • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


SBR Membership Gallery

Gary & Phyllis Weaver’s 1995 993 Carrera at the Middlebrooks’ house for the Chili Cook-Off. Photo by Don Earl.

Concours Sunday, October 13 Support SBR’s 2013 Charity With A

50/50 CASH RAFFLE! The mission of the Gold Coast Veterans Foundation (GCVF) is to improve the quality of life for veterans and their families in the tri-county area. GCVF supports numerous local organizations, including: • • • • • •

TICKETS $5.00 EACH OR 5 FOR $20.00. You may also donate by writing a check directly to GCVF, if you prefer.


The Ventura County Veterans Home Veterans Resource Center at CSUCI Reins of H.O.P.E. Ventura County Veterans Court The Military Collaborative GCVF Service Center

The GCVF Service Center is a “one-stop-shop” that provides free space and support for non-profit and volunteer veteran service providers.

GCVF is a non-profit 501(c)3 - EIN 27 2105467

September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

Porsche Club of America – Santa Barbara Region And Porsche of Santa Barbara Proudly Present

Our 37th Annual

Concours d’Elegance By The Sea Sunday, October 13, 2013 On the beautiful grounds of the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort 633 East Cabrillo Boulevard in Santa Barbara

FULL CONCOURS DIVISION C-1 All Closed 356 C-2 All Open 356 C-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) C-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) C-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) C-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) C-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) C-8 914-4, 914-6 C-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 STREET DIVISION S-1 All Closed 356 S-2 All Open 356 S-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) S-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) S-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) S-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) S-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) S-8 914-4, 914-6 S-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UNRESTORED STOCK DIVISION UR-1 All Closed 356 UR-2 All Open 356 UR-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) UR-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) UR-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984 -1989) UR-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) UR-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996,1999 -Y-10) UR-8 914-4, 914-6 UR-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UBERGANG DIVISION UG-1 Boxster UG-2 Cayman UG-3 911 Carrera (991, 2012-On) UG-4 Cayenne UG-5 Panamera WASH & SHINE DIVISION W&S-1 All 356 W&S-2 911, 912 (1965-1973) 911, 911Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983), 914-4, 914-6 W&S-3 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) 911 Carrera & Turbo, (964, 993, 1989-1998) W&S-4 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 991 1999-On) W&S-5 All Boxster, Cayman W&S-6 All 924, 928, 944, 968 W&S-7 Cayenne, Panamera SPECIAL CATEGORIES DIVISION SC-1 Special Interest SC-2 Current Competition SC-3 Limited Production Complete rules at Zone 8 website:


Pre-registration $80 - includes one plated lunch ($100 day of event)

Display Only

Pre-registration $60 - includes one plated lunch ($70 day of event)


Plated Lunch $40 (if not registered)


Car placement 7:00 a.m. Judging begins 10:00 a.m. Awards presentation 2:15 p.m.

PCA/SBR 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance Registration Form Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________ City/ST/Zip: __________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email: ________________________________________ Concours Class Entered: ________ Porsche Model: __________________________ Model Year: __________ Body Type: _______________ Color: ___________________ Are you a PCA Member? Check one. Yes:__________ No: ____________ Additional Lunches: __________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: _____________ Lunch Menu (enter number of each selection) Slider Duet (BBQ Pulled Pork & Bacon Cheese Burger w/Fries) _________ Chicken Cobb Salad _________ Stuffed Ravioli w/Mushroom, Ricotta & Spinach (Veg) ______

Concours Questions? - Robert Watt at To register: Fill out the registration form (also available at, make check payable to PCA/SBR and mail to: Sue Kinsling, 5182 Kingsgrove Drive, Somis, CA 93066 Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund. • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


The Tech Page

Manual Transmissions: Part II BY CHRIS ANDROPOULOS Santa Barbara Region Tech Editor


ast month’s tech article provided an overview of the basics of manual transmissions, gear ratios, and a description of Porsche’s unique synchronizer system. This month we’ll go more in-depth about the service requirements of and common repairs for Porsche’s manual transmissions and clutch systems. I’ll also provide some tips on shifting and clutch operation that will maximize the life of your Porsche’s clutch and transmission, and minimize the prospect of costly repairs. Before we delve into the specifics of Porsche transmissions, I must point out a couple of errors in last month’s intro to manual transmissions. I mistakenly mixed up the “large” and “small” gears of each gearset when describing gear ratios and tooth count: in lower gear ratios the smaller gear (usually on the input shaft) with a lesser tooth count drives a larger gear with more teeth, and in overdrive gears a larger gear drives a smaller one to allow the driven wheels to rotate at a greater speed than the engine. But, the overall concepts of torque multiplication and engine speed versus road speed remain the same. Also, in an unintentional affront to the 928 community, I neglected to mention that Porsche redesigned the manual gearbox of its GT car for the 1987 model year and changed to conventional Borg-Warner synchronizers (Porsche-type synchros were used until then). I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Porsche’s manual gearboxes are generally very robust and reliable with normal use. The gearbox oil level should be checked at every service, and should be changed every 30,000 miles or five years. If the gearbox is used for race track events, the gear oil should be changed at least once a year. The gearbox drain plugs on most Porsches have magnets built in to catch any ferrous debris; a small amount of fine metallic “fuzz” on the magnet is normal, but any


larger chunks of metal should be cause for concern. The synchronizer rings and dog teeth are wear items, and replaceable if worn. If there is any grinding while shifting or if there is an excessive amount of resistance when shifting normally into any gear, suspect synchronizer wear (a dragging or improperly adjusted clutch can also cause grinding).The Porsche-design synchronizer components do not take kindly to abuse, rushed shifts, or improper use of the clutch. When shifting a Porsche-synchro transmission, one should ensure that the clutch pedal is completely depressed; if it is not, the dog teeth of the gear being shifted out of can break. Before shifting completely into the next gear, there should be a pause to allow for the synchronization to take place; you can actually feel it working! Then, it should

slip into gear easily. Care should also be taken when shifting from neutral to 1st or reverse when stopped: a rushed shift will result in grinding and worn parts. The 915 gearboxes in particular have an undeserved reputation for having poor shift quality, but operator error, worn shift bushings, and improper rebuilds are more culpable than Porsche’s design. A properly built and maintained 915 is a joy to drive and will last many years. The later Porsche transmissions use conventional synchronizers and generally have a smoother shift action. The six-speed transaxle introduced in the 993 features triple-cone synchronizers for 1st and 2nd gears for the ultimate in shift smoothness. Despite being easier to shift, the same precautions should be applied to these transmissions and to any other; abusive

September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

shifting can and will break parts and cause heartache when the repair bill is due. Another relatively common bad habit with any manual transmission is to rest one’s hand on the gearshift while driving in gear. This is a big no-no! Doing this continually will cause wear to the shift forks and detents, and eventually the transmission will pop out of gear under load. An expensive transmission rebuild will ensue. The clutch is considered a normal wear item of the power train. Early Porsches with cable-actuated clutches should have the clutch cable tension checked with each service and adjusted, if necessary. If the clutch cable is too loose, the clutch may not be able to completely disengage, and grinding during shifts may result. If the cable is too tight, the clutch might not completely engage, and may slip. The conventional clutch cable systems of 356/912/914 and early 911s require about 1-inch of free play at the pedal after adjustment. The 1977-1986 911s use a more sophisticated clutch cable system with a helper spring on the transmission and an adjustment screw for setting the pedal free play. The adjustment procedure is simple yet specific, and we often find these systems misadjusted. Also, some aftermarket cables for these later 915 cars are too long and need modification in order to achieve proper adjustment. Clutch cables can break with age and use. If grinding and difficult shifting occurs only when the engine and transmission are warmed up, suspect a stretched or fraying clutch cable. The cable should be replaced ASAP to prevent a date with a tow truck. Hydraulically operated clutch systems do not normally require periodic adjustment. The pedal free play can be adjusted, but this is generally not necessary unless the pedal components have been disassembled. The hydraulic clutch circuit draws fluid from the same reservoir as the brake circuit in most Porsches. Therefore, its fluid should be changed biannually at the same time as the brake fluid. Clutch master and slave cylinders can eventually fail with age, with

the usual symptom being fluid leakage in the driver’s footwell and/or at the transmission, and eventually a clutch pedal that stays on the floor. Clutch component life largely depends on how and where the car is driven. A clutch can last well over 100K miles in a car that is driven mostly on the highway with fewer shifts per mile and/or a skilled driver, whereas a car that is frequently driven in stop-and-go traffic and experiences many hill starts can wear out the clutch in 30K miles or less. Minimizing clutch slippage and learning to perfectly match engine RPM with wheel speed on upshifts and downshifts is the key to a long clutch life, while teaching your 16-year-old how to drive a manual transmission in your Porsche may well be the key to a short-lived clutch. Steep hill starts should be performed with the parking brake engaged while releasing the clutch pedal and applying throttle or by using the “heel-toe” method of holding the brake with the ball of the foot and pivoting the foot to apply throttle with the side of the foot while easing out the clutch pedal. Both methods take practice, but once mastered, either will add many miles to clutch life. When a clutch finally does reach the end of its service life and requires replacement, the transmission needs to be removed for clutch component access in most Porsches. The two-sided clutch friction disc is the usual wear component in question. As mentioned in last month’s column, the clutch disc is sandwiched between the engine flywheel and the clutch pressure plate. Each time the clutch is engaged, a small amount of the friction material (similar to that of a brake pad) on each side of the clutch disc wears away. Eventually, the disc becomes thin enough in profile to cause the diaphragm spring of the pressure plate to “over-center” past its normal range of motion. This causes the clutch pedal effort to be stiffer than normal, and it can happen so gradually that the everyday driver of the car may not notice until the clutch begins to slip. (It should be noted that in some 996/997 and Boxster/Cayman models, a broken clutch pedal boost spring can also cause an overly stiff clutch pedal.) A slipping clutch is usually a result of the friction disc wearing too thin, causing the pressure plate to be unable to provide enough clamping force

to effectively transmit engine torque to the gearbox. Slippage usually occurs during heavy acceleration and higher engine RPM at first, and will gradually worsen until the car is rendered immobile. Once the transmission is removed, the usual components to be replaced during a clutch job are the clutch disc, pressure plate and the release bearing, also known as a “throwout” bearing. The clutch release fork and related components should also be inspected and replaced if necessary. 911s with 915 transaxles in particular are prone to dirt and rust ingress in the release fork shaft bores. This causes an overly stiff clutch pedal. Early 996 models and six- speed 986 Boxster S models should receive updated clutch forks and pivots during clutch replacement to minimize creaking during clutch pedal operation. The engine rear crankshaft seal (AKA the “rear main seal”) and the transmission input shaft seals should be inspected and replaced if necessary. The conventional flywheel of an earlier Porsche can be resurfaced if it is not worn below a specified minimum thickness. It is strongly recommended to have the flywheel resurfaced any time the clutch components are replaced to ensure even wear-in of the new clutch disc and minimize the chance of clutch chatter during engagement from uneven contact. Excessive clutch slippage or a clutch disc worn down to its rivets can score and damage the flywheel surface beyond repair in extreme cases. Virtually all Porsches manufactured after 1990 use a dual-mass flywheel (pictured above). The dual-mass flywheel design is comprised of two flywheels joined together. The inner flywheel is bolted to the engine crankshaft, and the outer flywheel is riveted to an intermediate plate housed within the inner flywheel. The outer flywheel with friction surface has the clutch bolted to it, and is able to rotate independently of the inner flywheel approximately 15 degrees in either direction. Long dampening springs are mounted circumferentially inside the inner flywheel housing to cushion

the movements of the outer section. The dampening action of the dual mass flywheel greatly reduces the amount of vibration from the engine that is transmitted through the drivetrain. This allows for much smoother operation at lower engine speeds, and reduces gear rattle from the transmission. The extra flywheel mass (4050 lbs. versus the 1520 lbs. of the average single mass flywheel) facilitates moving the vehicle from rest, as the engine will not stall as easily if the clutch is hastily released. The main drawback of the dual mass flywheel is that because the outer half containing the wear surface is able to move independently of the inner flywheel, it cannot be accurately machined for resurfacing. The entire dual mass flywheel assembly must be replaced if the wear surface is excessively scored or cracked. The dampening springs can also wear out and cause excessive movement and clunking during clutch engagement and sudden engine load changes. Early 964 dual mass flywheels were problematic and were replaced in droves, while an excessively worn flywheel can cause false misfire fault codes and a flashing “check engine” light in ‘96-98 993 models. All late model manual transmission Porsches except for certain GT3 RS models feature dual mass flywheels, which should be inspected closely any time the transmission is removed for clutch repair. Watch this space next month for the final installment of the transmission trifecta, in which Porsche’s two-pedal transmissions will be dissected! = Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara. • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013



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September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •




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George Rasher

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2013 TOUR THE LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT’S AIR OPERATIONS CENTER AT VAN NUYS AIRPORT We’ll meet at Rusnak Porsche Westlake at 8:00 a.m. for an 8:30 a.m. departure. It’s a half-hour drive to Van Nuys Airport, the busiest general aviation airport in the world, where we’ll regroup at the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Air Operations Center. We will tour the LAFD’s aerial firefighting fleet of helicopters and crash rescue apparatus that protects the airport. We’ll see the Sikorsky Air Crane and the Canadian Super Scoopers. We can talk with the men and women who operate these amazing aircraft, and we’ll sit down to lunch with the firefighters in the fire station. There will be a flyby with the helicopter and a demonstration water drop so don’t forget your camera. PER-PERSON COST IS $30 (INCLUDES LUNCH & ACTIVITY FEE). Please have your reservations in by October 12. No refunds after that date. Please try to time your reservations to arrive before August 20 or after September 26. (Rubinos on vacation.)

Send reservations, along with your check payable to PCA/SBR, to BRIAN RUBINO, 1002 LA GRANGE, NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 805-498-1053 or Or contact Activities Chair BARRY WEINSTEIN 805-241-5641 or • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries

37 Years

Barrett & Patti Bunce

35 Years

Harvey & Fynn Wilson

27 Years

Robert & Stephanie Diaz

26 Years

John H. & Pamela Riffero II

25 Years

Steven Conger

23 Years

16 Years

14 Years

7 Years

Tim & Julia Francis Salvador & Cynthia Joann Melendez II Peter & Michael Raftery Tim & Collette Mason

Ertunga & Naime Berkoz Roy C. & Stephanie Charles Elliot Eichner Keith & Mary Ana Moore Jon & Mary Ann Valois Carl & Nancy Wesely

12 Years

6 Years

13 Years

22 Years

11 Years

Robert Ross

17 Years

Del & Marsha Brunner Bernard & Sylvia Jones James Oldham & Christopher Duran Edward Sanders

Vincent Johnson Chuck & Elaine Miwa Daniel Rosenthal

10 Years

George & Stacie Anthes Mark Brenner Dennis & Shirley Carpenter Evan Davis & Rosella Oliver Charles Devlin Randall & Claire Fishwick Charles & Daniell Gentzler Henry Williamson

SBR MEMBER NAME BADGE Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is quick and easy online. Visit our website,, and click on PCASB Name Badge in the lefthand column. Fill out the order form, send it in with your check, and your personalized name badge will be on its way!


8 Years

Emmet & Steven Estren John & Janice Koehler Steve & Carol Nicholson Steve & Sharon Zinn

John F. Meaney

20 Years

Garrick & Kitty Newman Robert & Kathleen Wulf

Kent & Tori Bodin Richard & Robin Di Orio Thomas & Sarah Gaither

Michael & Eric Riba Chester & Joan Yabitsu

Lawrence & Jo Anne Markham

9 Years

Rick Harris & Sherry Radis Jerry & Pam Lasnik John S. & Mathew Richard

4 Years

Mark & Christie Biddison Power Johnson & Jan Van Atta Stephen Keneally & Julia Giannangelo Brian & Tami Palmer

3 Years

P.J. Brice Glenn & Lorraine Crawford Ori & Malka Fogel Richard & Karen Imendorf Lars Knoppel Lucy Laurel Christian & Celeste Marx Georges Owen & Linda Kradetsch

1 Year

Alex & Oz Arconian Alan Bennett Tara & Kenneth Brundrett Erik Bielitzer & Lisabeth Thomson Stanfell & Alexander Boone Doug & Arlene Braun Christopher Garville Peg Jarrott Wayne & Gloria Kerbaugh Donn & Susan LeRoy Kirk Lindsey Howard & Phyllis Rubenstein Mikael & Brenda Via

Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers

New Members Jimmy Carroll Camarillo 2007 997

Hilda Roberts Goleta 2013 Boxster

George Clark & Alicia Fahey Oak Park 2003 Boxster

Helen & Ron Tanabe Simi Valley 1988 Boxster

Allan & Michelle Delossantos Simi Valley 1984 911

Christopher Vasquez & Kelsey Vosough Woodland Hills 1988 911

Bruce Dobrin & Karla Shelton Santa Barbara 2005 911 Gideon Joffe Goleta 2007 Carrera Roger Katz & Melinda Maryott Oxnard, 1976 912E

September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

Lee Wan Ventura 2013 Boxster Thomas & Terri Wiggins Ventura 2001 911

SBR’s Annual Autumn Grape Harvest Tour Saturday, November 16 Drive the wild and rarely driven roads of Santa Barbara’s North County and indulge all your sensory challenges. Experience the magnificence of your Porsche as we navigate along Drum Canyon, Palmer Road, Alisal and Ballard Canyons and other fascinating by-ways. Along the way we will visit a couple of very well known wineries and sample (in minute amounts) their offerings. Our day will start at The Santa Barbara Auto Group at 9:00 a.m. for a continental breakfast. It will include a stop at the renowned Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort for a mid-afternoon extravagant deli buffet lunch at its River Café. Feed on salads, then make your own sandwiches with a variety of meats, cheeses, fixings, assorted fresh baked breads, dessert, and partake all the coffee, tea or lemonade you can consume. We will have exclusive use of the huge patio overlooking the River Golf Course and its pastoral surroundings. The conclusion of this adventure will be a self-directed tour of and shopping in Solvang. Visit one of its Danish bakeries and take home mouth-watering pastries! Stay as long as you like, and return home on your own schedule. Register early as this annual event sells out quickly. The cost per person is $37.50 and that includes the continental breakfast, the buffet lunch (inclusive of tax and gratuities) and the SBR Activity Fee. To reserve your spot, send in your payment ASAP as indicated in the registration coupon below. Make your check payable to PCA/SBR. Full details and driving directions will be forwarded to those who register for the event. Mail to Nicolas Liakas, 5910 Grey Rock Road, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (818-706-6016) Name(s) ____________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________ Phone (home or office) _________________________________ Cell ________________________________________________ Payment Enclosed (@ $37.50 per person*) __________________ *No refunds after 11/05/2013 Net proceeds from this event will benefit SBR’s 2013 charity, Gold Coast Veterans Foundation. • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


Down The Road

SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest

September 14 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio September 21 Zone 8 Camarillo Autocross September 28 Getty Museum Tour & Lunch October 13 37th Annual Concours d’Elegance October 26 Van Nuys Airport Tour of Firefighting Air Fleet November 16 Annual Autumn Grape Harvest Tour November 23 SBR Street Survival School for Teenage Drivers December 1 Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills December 15 SBR Annual Holiday Brunch January 17-20 Caravan To Carlsbad

Santa Barbara Region Breakfast Maps Santa Barbara Breakfast Second Saturday of the month

Channel Islands Breakfast First Saturday of the month




W. C













September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •





(Maps not to scale)











At the end of the pier On Stearns Wharf





Moby Dick Restaurant 220 Stearns Wharf Santa Barbara 93101 805.965.0549




The Whale’s Tail 3950 Bluefin Circle Oxnard 93035 805.985.2511 Just off S. Harbor Blvd. In Channel Island Harbor

The Zone 8 Page

Porsche Club of America

Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown

Zone 8 Staff

Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett Webmaster Ken Short Rules Chair Russell Shon

Rally Chair Revere Jones Secretary Skip Carter Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias

Steven Z. Freeman, CPA Certified Public Accountant



Fax 805.374.6781 2251 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8

Los Angeles


Orange County

CA Central Coast


California Inland

Santa Barbara

Golden Empire

San Diego

Grand Prix Las Vegas

805 278 1400 ext 103 805 701 5511 cell 805 278 1414 fax

San Gabriel Southern Arizona

Stephen F. Doll

Senior Vice President DRE License 01013707

300 Esplanade Drive, Suite 1660 Oxnard, CA 93036

/// AUGUST 1-3, 2013



Matt Malamut Car Specialist 805.231.6410 AUCTIONSAMERICA.COM • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2O13 PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA • SANTA BARBARA REGION presents the Street Survival School For Teenage Drivers at the Camarillo Airport

IT’S ABOUT MORE THAN DRIVING – IT’S ABOUT LIVING! Only Licensed or Permitted drivers, AGES 15-21 are eligible to sign up. Register at: The primary emphasis of The Tire Rack Street Survival® program is a “hands-on” driving experience in real world situations. We use your own car to teach you about its handling limits and how you can control them. Students are given two hours of classroom training interspersed with a series of driving exercises with a coach while driving their own car. Students practice various braking and avoidance exercises using a variety of cone configurations, and they practice controlling their cars on a wet skid pad. Challenging courses are created in a controlled area to allow the students to experience abnormal car behavior, and then learn the proper way to handle the new situation. This provides the students with useful skills to help avoid accidents, and to learn how to keep their cars under control in a skid.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2013 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Camarillo Airport Cost: $75 per student (includes lunch)

For more information go to: or call 502-649-4871

The students will become more observant of the traffic situation they find themselves in. They’ll learn to look far enough ahead to anticipate unwise actions of other drivers. As the students master the application of physics to drive their cars, they will make fewer unwise driving actions themselves.


September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

PCA/SBR local contacts: Ted Lighthizer Doreen Pankow


Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store!

Robert Watt 805.252.2190 License # 01441498

4050 Calle Real, Suite 120 • Santa Barbara • California • 93110 The Best Place for Porsche & BMW Parts or Accessories

Parts for repair, restoration & racing. Covercraft, P21S, Lloyd Mats, Zymol, Einszett, Swepco, Wheelskins, & more!

Walt Branscome

Don’t see what you need—CALL US @ 760‐295‐3330 !

Porsche Santa Barbara 402 South Hope Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Phone: 805-682-2000 Fax: 805-682-7133 Cellular: 805-708-2807

Tom & Bev Gould PCA members over 30 years

1315 Hot Spring Way #105, Vista, CA 92081 Tel: 760‐295‐3330


Sales Professional

2013 Certified Porsche Sales Professional Email: • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


Santa Barbara Region Holiday Brunch

Sunday, December 15, 2013, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.

HOLIDAY PARTY BRUNCH MENU La Cumbre Country Club Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Danish & Pastries on the brunch tables Limitless Champagne and Orange Juice COLD BUFFET INCLUDES Assorted Cheeses, Breads, etc. Assorted Salads per chef Seafood Fresh Fruit Lavosh HOT BUFFET INCLUDES Prime Rib Eggs Benedict Grilled Salmon Bacon, Sausage, Ham Roasted Red Potatoes French Toast Omelet Station Waffle Station Dessert Table Assorted Petits Fours DRESS CODE REQUIREMENTS Ladies: Dresses, skirts, pant suits, or coordinated ensembles. Men: Suits or sport coats and trousers. Shorts, denim or designer jeans are not allowed in any area of the club. Cellular phone use is prohibited in all areas except outside in the front parking lot.

La Cumbre Country Club 4015 Via Laguna Santa Barbara, CA 93110

$45.00 per person SBR Holiday Brunch La Cumbre Country Club Name: Number of persons: Amount Enclosed: Email Address:

R.S.V.P. no later than December 9 with funds payable to PCA-SBR c/o Barry Weinstein 2820 Blazing Star Drive Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

The Holiday Party will include the installation of the 2014 SBR Officers & Board of Directors. Please bring an unwrapped toy valued at $10 or more for donation to charity. Cancellations after December 9 will not receive a refund.


September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

Advertiser Directory Auctions America, Matt Malamut...27 Aswell Trophy................................22 Automotion..................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing.....................22 Gary Betz Enterprises.....................10 Walt Branscome, SBAG..................29 California Tire Company..................10 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services.........10 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S.........22 Coachcraft.....................................22 DSR Audio.......................................6 Nola D, Force & Associates...............6 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA.................27 Kundersport...................................13 Lavaggio.........................................5 Los Angeles Dismantler..................29 MKS Performance..........................22 Mini of Camarillo, Rick White.........10 Morgan Stanley, George Rasher......22 NAI Capital, Stephen F. Doll.............27 North Hollywood Speedometer.......22 RS Enterprises...............................27 Rusnak Westlake Porsche............. IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group..............BC Schneider Autohaus.........................6 Matt Stone....................................13 Strauss Law Group...........................6 TC’s Garage...................................29 Troop Real Estate,Lynn Kuchera......10 Village Properties, Robert Watt.......29

PCA/SBR Classifieds

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PORSCHE TIRES - FOR SALE Michelin, Bridgestone, Pirelli used Porsche Tires, Garage is full! 997, 991, Panamera, 305/30/19, 295/30/19, 295/35/20, 295/30/20, 235/35/19, some 18’s too. 80-90% Tread, $200 for a rear, $100 for a front. Text or call 805-500-6636 (9/13) 1997 CARRERA 4S – FOR SALE Red with Black interior. Engine rebuilt top and bottom by Jason Duarte (805-643-1041). Very clean. Beautiful. Runs great. New front tires. New battery. 141,000 miles. $38,000. PCA member. Dave (805) 338-0508 or (8/13) PORSCHE CAR COVER – FOR SALE New water-resistant outdoor cover in silver fabric with colored Porsche Crest logo. Tailored to the contours of the Cayman, it offers excellent protection against a wide range of weather elements. Cover will fit the 2006-2008 Cayman and Cayman S models. MSRP $316 – will sell for $200.Contact Dick at or (818) 865-1498. (8/13) 1973 1914 2.0 - FOR SALE Yellow. Seldom driven last few years. PCA/SB documented history (prior Doug Partridge car) engine rebuilt locally 30K miles ago [with Webers] less than 100K on car. Needs little. $10K. Car is in Nipomo. Some pictures available. Joe Boucher 805-931-0990. (8/13) 2010 CAYENNE TRANSSYBERIA – FOR SALE Rare Transsyberia Trim package Cayenne S. 36,000 miles. Black/Black with orange trim (inside and out), a real head turner. Certified Pre-owned warranty, all the off road goodies: air suspension, PDCC, Off road Technology package, tow package, A/C , Factory GPS system, removable light bar, back-up camera, Satellite radio, Lojack, Alcantara. Lots of goodies, Looks & drives great, Must see, No accidents, Title in hand, Well maintained. Can email window sticker with full details and complete options list. $54,995, Tom, 619-491-0150, (8/13) 2002 911 TURBO-FOR SALE Silver with black leather 6 speed. Concours condition! Highly modified 996 TT stage 3 power kit 575 HP, headers, GT2 clutch. 997 TT front factory body fenders, hood, head lamps & LED lights. 997 SG front bumper, 997 tech art rear wing. 47k miles. Greg Posner (818) 590-7517. (6/13) 2003 Carrera 4S - For Sale Excellent condition concours award winning car, seal grey with black & grey leather interior, 23,400 original miles always garaged and dealer serviced, never raced. Many options Asking $41,500 Must See! Contact Robert at 805-252-2190 or email (5/13) 1962 356B Cabriolet Signal Red, Converted to Disk Brakes, Well maintained have owned this car for 15 years and have all records since my ownership. A real head turner! $125,000.00 obo, (805) 488-6929 - Ken Hower (5/13) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • September 2013


Caravan To Carlsbad & Temecula Wine Country MLK Holiday Weekend, January 17-20, 2014 Come join us for our 7th annual January getaway on MLK weekend, 2014. This year we will travel to the beachside town of Carlsbad where we’ll stay at the Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort. Our hotel is located within walking distance of the beach and the quaint downtown of Carlsbad with its many shops and restaurants. We will depart on Friday January 17th mid morning from Westlake Costco (meet at 9:15 a.m. for 10:00 a.m. departure) and arrive at our hotel with time to settle in and enjoy a walk on the beach (or a trip to the shops) before we meet at Norte restaurant for our welcome dinner. Norte is located on the same property as our hotel. On Saturday we will set out for the Temecula Wine Country. Our first stop will be at the boutique Doffo Winery where we will enjoy tapas and a wine tasting while strolling among the owner’s collection of over 100 racing and vintage motorcycles. We will then go to the lovely Thornton Winery for a tour and demonstration of champagne making, followed by lunch paired with a variety of wines to taste and enjoy. The rest of the afternoon and evening is on your own to explore more of Temecula’s wineries, travel to the mountain town of Julian or return to the coast to explore the nearby beach towns of Encinitas, Solana Beach, and La Jolla. Sunday we will tour the Spanish-style Carlsbad ranch that was once owned by Leo Carrillo, best known as the Cisco Kid’s sidekick, Pancho. This property has been lovingly preserved and has the warm feel of early California hacienda life with its red tiled roofs, flocks of peacocks, and sprawling grounds covered with native flora. We will have a docent- led tour and will see the inside of many of the structures, including the house, which are not ordinarily open to the public. Sunday night we will enjoy a group dinner at Vigilucci’s Cucina which is a short walk from our hotel. The cost for three days, which includes two dinners, one lunch, two wine tastings, two wine tours, tapas and motorcycle collection, and the activity fee is $175 per person*. We have arranged a special group rate for the Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort of $150 per night with a complimentary Continental Breakfast offered on Sunday and Monday mornings at the resort. Based on availability you may upgrade to a premium room for an additional $30 per night. To make a room reservation call the hotel at 800-235-3939 and indicate you are with PCA Santa Barbara Region. Our room block is effective until December 15, 2013, so reserve early. Mail enrollment form and check (Payable to PCA/SBR) to: Jeanne & John McNair 1836 N. Nowak Ave, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 (805-494-1527) Name(s): __________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________________________ Payment enclosed (@$175 per person*) ______________________ _______ persons will attend Leo Carrillo Ranch tour on Sunday 1/19/14 * No refunds after 12/15/2013


September 2013 • Santa Barbara Region • Porsche Club of America •

Porsche Club of America, Santa Barbara Region 3708 Greggory Way #5 • Santa Barbara, CA 93105


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