AUSPUFF Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2012
SBR’s Annual Progressive Dinner The Porsche World Roadshow Pre-Concours Detail Clinic
AUSPUFF Contents Features
Pre-Concours Detail Clinic at Lavaggio.......13 SBR’s Annual Progressive Dinner ...............16 Porsche World Roadshow at Fontana.........19 Your Tech Questions Answered ..................22 New Boxster Tech Session at Rusnak ........23 P.M.S. Visits Lotusland ................................25
Monthly Reports
President’s Column ........................................4 From The Editor’s Desk..................................4 Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7 Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9 Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24
SBR Events Calendar.....................................3 Tire Rack Street Survival School® ...............6 Best of The Southwest................................10 Concours d’Elegance By The Sea................12 The Malamut Collection Tour......................15 SBR Holiday Brunch in Santa Barbara ........18 Wine Country Harvest Tour .........................21 Goodie Store Holiday Sale ..........................29
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors.....2 The Tech Page .............................................22 Down The Road - Future Events..................26 Zone 8 Listings ............................................27 SBR Classified Advertisements...................31 Directory of Advertisers ..............................31 The Last Word .............................................32
On The Cover The beautiful, new 2013 Boxster S in classic Guards Red. Photo credit PCNA DER
AUSPUFF Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • October 2012
SBR’s Annual Progressive Dinner The Porsche World Roadshow Pre-Concours Detail Clinic
Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.
Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors
President NICOLAS LIAKAS 818-706-6016
Activities DOREEN PANKOW TED LIGHTHIZER 805-527-8280
Vice President STEVE KALLER 805-984-2501
Goodie Store BRIAN RUBINO LINDA RUBINO 805-498-1053
Treasurer JIM BROWN 805-559-1004
Past President MICHAEL BROVSKY 805-453-5456 Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees
Secretary DICK LANGE 818-865-1498
Membership SUE KINSLING 805-386-8112
Editor JOHN ALFENITO 818-436-9204
AUSPUFF Editor JOHN ALFENITO 818-436-9204
SBR Events Calendar October
Advertising DON KUCKENBAKER Director 805-984-9406
Yearly Advertising Rates
Price is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only. Four-color, as available, rates on request. Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00 Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Graphic assistance available at no charge. Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Don Kuckenbaker 805-984-9406
PCASBR is online:
The President’s Column Nicolas Liakas
ach region in this great country of ours has its unique beauty and offers exciting and different driving experiences. I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to drive in 44 of our contiguous states, missing out on some of the Mid-Atlantic states, as well as Nebraska and Arkansas (to the best of my recollection). Most of these drives were conducted in a Porsche, ranging from the 1995 Guards Red 993 Cabriolet all the way to our current 2008 997 Black Turbo Cab. Now during October, I will once again be viewing the brilliant fall colors of the New England states, but unfortunately, not in a Porsche. I will be daydreaming, however, as to how different the trip could have been in a Porsche, any Porsche. Here’s why. Olga, our two daughters and I visited New England several years in the early fall, especially before the girls started attending school. During those trips, we explored many “roads less traveled” as I insisted on following secondary routes through the Green Mountains in Vermont, the Presidential Mountain Range in New Hampshire, or along the coast of Maine. I scheduled trips to coincide with county fairs, or to attend holy mass on a mountaintop in Vermont conducted by the friars of a seminary by the town of Weston. The family was drenched by blazing fall colors, did not get distracted by Ben & Jerry’s or Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, but did immerse itself in the history and beauty of New England. Still, there was something missing. Before I could ever contemplate the ownership of a Porsche, I wondered as I made every turn or climbed every hill on those back roads what I could have felt as a Porsche driver. It may sound silly now, but the “Porsche experience,” for which there is no substitute, streamed by my imagination and daydreams. (Putting family and career first required that my dreams remained exactly that; reality prevailed.) Regrettably, I will have to keep dreaming. This October’s trip will be accomplished by driving a van as two other SBR couples will be joining Olga and me for the tour. After an almost 30year absence, I truly look forward to returning to familiar, and enjoying new (to me), sights. However, not all is lost. The tour will end in New York City, and I have made arrangements with my nephew to drive his 997 Cab in northern New Jersey for photo opportunities under the falling leaves. Thereafter, I can state that I drove in the fall colors that are admired by all. See? The Porsche experience lives.
From The Editor’s Desk John Alfenito
irst of all, I would like to publicly thank David & Susan Stone for turning my 66th birthday into a club event at the August 25th Progressive Dinner. Aided, no doubt, by my lovely wife, who spilled the beans that it was my birthday, Dave & Susan commissioned the amazing Carrera GTS cake (see page 17) which replicates my car. Naturally, no one at the party wanted to cut into such a work of art, so Pam & I carefully brought it home. How was it? Let’s just say the grandkids had no compunctions about digging into Grandpa’s car cake. We had it down to the rims in no time! Thanks again for making my birthday extra special this year. Secondly, if you haven’t heard yet, Mike Pomerantz has stepped up and agreed to be editor of this fine publication beginning with the January 2013 issue. Mike, whose Sir Speedy store in Oxnard was our printer for several years, is quite familiar with Der Auspuff and will make an excellent editor. I will happily assist Mike in any way I can until he tells me to stop bugging him. Seriously, I do plan to stay involved with the art direction and photography in our magazine, but I will happily turn over the day-to-day tasks to Mike sometime in December. Thanks for stepping up, Mike. I know it seems daunting, but you will thoroughly enjoy being the new editor.
Camarillo Breakfast September 1, 2012
Labor Day Weekend Off To A Running Start STORY & PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO
etting together on the first day of a long holiday weekend doesn’t get much better than this. It was nothing but clear skies and pleasant temperatures for our first breakfast meeting of September as 112 members and guests arrived at the Way-Point Café in 70 Porsches. Those of us who arrived early were greeted by the unwelcome spray of the lawn sprinklers irrigating the grass adjacent to the patio. So, unable to park on the wet turf, cars scrambled to fill in the spots on the tarmac. We’ve determined that it’s not the Way-Point folks who control the sprinklers; it’s the Airport management. Your board of directors will make an effort to change the airport’s lawn watering schedule in the future. President Nicolas Liakas, back among us after some sick leave, welcomed everyone and introduced Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer to promote the lineup of future club events. As always, the full SBR activities calendar is in every issue of Der Auspuff as well as being available instantly via our website. Participation is limited at some gatherings, so be sure to sign up early for any event you’d like to attend.
Membership Chair Sue Kinsling introduced new members Roger & Scotia Alves from Camarillo, who joined us for their first breakfast. Roger & Scotia have a 2011 Panamera. Everyone who signed in at breakfast once again received a free ticket for our pre-concours drawing. Two winning numbers were drawn by Concours Chair Dick Douglass, and the recipients of $50 gift certificates from Lavaggio were Wendy Brown and George Owen. =
George Owen (left) accepts a $50 gift certificate for Lavaggio from Concours Chair Dick Douglass
Wendy Brown also took home a Lavaggio gift certificate as a winner of our pre-concours drawing
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Santa Barbara Breakfast September 8, 2012
Porsches, Volleyballs, & The U.S. Navy STORY & PHOTOS BY NICOLAS LIAKAS
ell, what do you know? The SBR members and the lineup of gorgeous Porsches on the wharf were not the only major attractions for visitors and tourists on September 8. The professional beach volleyball tournament erected a huge tent-covered stadium on West Beach and would soon become the site of athletic, tanned bodies serving missiles to their equally toned opponents. Just off shore was another muscular and potent sight, a guided missile destroyer of the U.S. Navy in port for the weekend. Still, the kaleidoscope of colors and shapes projected by our 19 Porsches (including two Cayennes) proudly displayed by our 34 attendees held their ground.
Meet new member Kim Buha from Thousand Oaks.
Officers of the club made all of the obligatory announcements as usual. Among those in attendance were new members Kim Buha of Thousand Oaks, who drives a 2002 911 Carrera, and Richard Wykoff of Carpinteria, who owns a 2000 Boxster. We were pleased to host a friend of Joe Schneider, Jim Miller of Seattle. Many of our members were attending other events today. Three dozen or so participated in the detail clinic at Lavaggio in Agoura Hills, while 18 others were scheduled to take part over the weekend at the PCNA track event at the Auto Club Raceway in Pomona. I am sure all will have wonderful tales to pass on to the rest of us as they rejoin our breakfast meetings in October. =
Say hello to Richard Wykoff of Carpinteria, another new member.
For the sixth year in a row, the Santa Barbara region will enjoy a January getaway for the pleasure of our members. This annual event will take place January 11 through 14, 2013, and will take us to Scottsdale, Arizona. We will be staying at the Hyatt Place hotel in the lovely Old Town section of Scottsdale. We have arranged a special rate of $139.00 per night which includes breakfast. Our hotel is within easy walking distance of the Art District with its plethora of galleries, Scottsdale waterfront, Scottsdale Fashion Square with its worldclass shopping, and many wonderful restaurants. We will depart Friday, January 11, 2013, from the Westlake Costco and travel to our hotel in Scottsdale, which will be our base for the trip. We have arranged a welcome reception dinner buffet at
Cien Agaves restaurant in Old Town, which is a short walk from our hotel. We will begin our weekend in a relaxed cantina setting with a private room all to ourselves. On Saturday morning, we will travel as a group to the beautiful red-rock town of Sedona for a day of exploration in town and the surrounding environs. We have arranged to have lunch at the Enchantment Resort, an exclusive, high-end property located in its own private canyon. Here, amidst the stark beauty of the red rocks, we will select from a specially prepared menu. After lunch, the afternoon and evening will be on your own to visit the many local attractions, including Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village; the quaint mining town of Jerome; Montezuma Castle National Monument, home of one of the best preserved cliff
dwellings in North America; as well as many fine shops and restaurants in the town of Sedona. Sunday will be a day on your own to enjoy the many attractions of Scottsdale, a world-class destination in and of itself. You will be provided a packet of information about both Scottsdale and Sedona on the day of our departure.
restaurant is also within walking distance of our hotel. The cost for the weekend is $135.00 per person, which includes the buffet reception, lunch at the Enchantment Resort and dinner at CafĂŠ Forte as well as the activity fee. If you want to join the tour of Taliesin West, the total cost will be $161.00 per person. When you enroll, you must indicate that you intend to participate in that excursion.
Taliesin west We are offering an optional excursion on Sunday at 9:45 a.m. to Taliesin West, the desert masterpiece designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for his winter home and studio in the foothills northeast of Scottsdale. The cost of admission and private tour is $26.00 per person in addition to the cost of the weekend. The tour must be reserved in advance when you make reservations for this trip. For Sunday evening, we have reserved a restaurant located amidst the art galleries of Old Town. We will have the entire restaurant for our use to enjoy the camaraderie with old and new friends. This
red rocks of sedona Hotel reservations can be made by calling Hyatt at 888-492-8847. Request your reservation for the Hyatt Place Scottsdale and identify yourself as a PCA-SBR member to obtain the group rate. PLEASE NOTE: Early reservations are a MUST as the hotel has guaranteed the block rate until November 30, 2012, only. Reservations after November 30, 2012, will be at the standard rate on an as-available basis. Reserve now and join us for a wonderful tour of the beautiful Southwest.
Send to: Jeanne McNair, 1836 North Nowak Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Make checks payable to: PCA/SBR Names: ___________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Weekend cost: $135.00 at ___________ participants equals ________________ Taliesin West: $26.00 at _____________ participants equals ________________ Check total: _________________ Cancellations after December 14, 2012 will not receive a refund.
Porsche Club of America – Santa Barbara Region And Porsche of Santa Barbara Proudly Present
Our 36th Annual
Concours d’Elegance By The Sea Sunday, October 14, 2012 On the beautiful grounds of the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort 633 East Cabrillo Boulevard in Santa Barbara
FULL CONCOURS DIVISION C-1 All Closed 356 C-2 All Open 356 C-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) C-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) C-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) C-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) C-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) C-8 914-4, 914-6 C-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 STREET DIVISION S-1 All Closed 356 S-2 All Open 356 S-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) S-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) S-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) S-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) S-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 1999-2011) S-8 914-4, 914-6 S-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UNRESTORED STOCK DIVISION UR-1 All Closed 356 UR-2 All Open 356 UR-3 911, 912 (1965-1973) UR-4 911, 911 Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983) UR-5 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984 -1989) UR-6 911 Carrera & Turbo (964, 993, 1989-1998) UR-7 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996,1999 -Y-10) UR-8 914-4, 914-6 UR-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968 UBERGANG DIVISION UG-1 Boxster UG-2 Cayman UG-3 911 Carrera (991, 2012-On) UG-4 Cayenne UG-5 Panamera WASH & SHINE DIVISION W&S-1 All 356 W&S-2 911, 912 (1965-1973) 911, 911Turbo, 930, 912E (1974-1983), 914-4, 914-6 W&S-3 911 Carrera & Turbo (1984-1989) 911 Carrera & Turbo, (964, 993, 1989-1998) W&S-4 911 Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997, 991 1999-On) W&S-5 All Boxster, Cayman W&S-6 All 924, 928, 944, 968 W&S-7 Cayenne, Panamera SPECIAL CATEGORIES DIVISION SC-1 Special Interest SC-2 Current Competition SC-3 Limited Production Complete rules at Zone 8 website:
Pre-registration $80.00 - includes one buffet lunch ($90.00 day of event)
Display Only Pre-registration $60.00 - includes one buffet lunch ($70.00 day of event) Lunch
Buffet Lunch $35.00 (if not registered)
Car placement 7:00 a.m. Judging begins 10:00 a.m. Awards presentation 2:15 p.m.
PCA/SBR 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance Registration Form Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________ City/ST/Zip: ______________________ Phone: ______________________ Email: _________________________________ Concours Class Entered: ______ Porsche Model: ____________________ Model Year: _______ Body Type: _____________ Color: ________________ Additional Lunches: _______ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ________ Concours Questions? - Dick Douglass at To register: Fill out the registration form (also available at, make check payable to PCA/SBR and mail to: Sue Kinsling, 5182 Kingsgrove Drive, Somis, CA 93066 Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
he sound of finely tuned German automobiles echoed across the Santa Monica Mountains as 37 members of the Santa Barbara Region of the Porsche Club of America occupied the lovely Lavaggio parking lot in Agoura Hills. A tradition, now in its third year at Lavaggio, was about to commence, and there is one word that embodied the moment: passion. A finer car club may not exist. Of course, I am biased. The passion and kindness that the club has shown me over the years has been endless, and I hold a special spot for it in my heart. I appreciate the club and the level of excellence that it illustrates. What a truly fine group of individuals. The parking lot at Lavaggio was filled with Ferdinand’s finest, and it made the perfect
backdrop for the 2012 Pre-Concours Detail Clinic. Club members and guests were able to attend the event, and I believe every one of them had an outstanding time. Dick Douglass, who is chairing SBR’s Concours d’Elegance on October 14 in Santa Barbara, opened the meeting and kindly introduced Lydia Derian (Lavaggio General Manager) and me. The “partnership of passion” that exists between Lavaggio and SBR is deeply rooted in the elegant care of our Porsches. Lavaggio is even more fanatical than SBR members when it comes to the essence of automotive detailing, polishing and waxing. At Lavaggio, a “car wash” is truly a mini-detail. Our equipment can prepare a car for the most demanding concours detailing, including undercarriage and wheel cleaning. The well-considered demonstrations fully prepared the attendees for the October 14 Concours. Each participant appreciated
the processes and techniques employed by the experts at the clinic. The demos ranged from proper equipment and products (towels, polishes, waxes, brushes) to how to inspect every nook and cranny to make certain that not a speck of dirt or residue will be found anywhere on the car once the detailing tasks are completed. Noteworthy, and a bit of a surprise, was the discussion of the human health issues that can be brought on by an unclean car – exterior and interior. Speaking for myself, Lydia and Lavaggio, we have such a great time when the Santa Barbara Porsche Club is at our facility. The level of sophistication, appreciation, positive energy, knowledge and passion all make for a wonderful day. We really don’t consider it work, more like hanging out with our extended car family. We hope that everyone who attended had a great time. I know we did! We encourage the tradition to continue, and we look forward to seeing you at the concours. =
(L-R) Debbie Hilton, Dick Douglass, and Jeffry Waxman
(L-R) Debbie Hilton, Dick Douglass, Lavaggio General Manager Lydia Derian, and Marketing Director Dustin Troyan
Dick Douglass (left) with new SBR member James Pacino
The Auto Gallery brought by a new Pagani Huayra for all to see.
Since 1972
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1958 Speedster All numbers matching $197,500 USD
From a simple tune-up, to award-winning complete restorations. By appointment : : Enclosed Pick-up, Delivery and Storage is available.
BUY! Purchase an Investment Caliber 356 Porsche. Many More Available. Visit 1964 C Coupe - 912 Engine - Excellent driver $28,000 USD
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1965 C Cabriolet Lovely restoration Available soon
Convenient, private, secure sale of Your 356. You remain anonymous until sold. No calls, just me. No Lookie Lous.
PHONE/FAX 661-251-3500 :: ::
No affiliation with or approval of Porsche AG or Porsche Cars North America is intended or implied
This is your chance to see self-proclaimed “motorhead” Mike Malamut’s eclectic car collection of American, European, Japanese, and Micro/Mini vehicles from the ‘40s, ‘50s, ‘60’s and beyond, including displays of amazing automobile memorabilia. In usual SBR tradition, there will be a spirited, scenic drive prior to the museum tour. Originating at the Way-Point Café, we’ll cruise down PCH and then head over the Santa Monica Mountains to Mike Malamut’s Vintage Car Museum in Thousand Oaks. We’ll meet at 8:45 a.m. for a 9:15 a.m. departure. After our tour, there will be a catered barbecue lunch served at the museum prepared by the Meat Locker. The cost for all this fun and camaraderie is only $25-per-person. Price includes lunch, activity fee, gratuity, and tax. Our hosts for this event are William & Diane Griswold, who can answer any of your questions: (805-407-0027) or Please R.S.V.P. and mail your checks, payable to PCA/SBR, to: Diane Griswold, 23 Christina Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93012 before November 14, 2012 Name(s): ________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________________ Amount Enclosed: __________________ Cancellations within 72 hours of this event will not receive a refund.
Our wonderful hosts for the first course: Bob & Kathleen Wulf.
Susan & David Stone hosted our third course.
t was a picture perfect day, and the Santa Barbara Region of PCA was enjoying three of the club’s favorite pastimes: driving Porsches, good food, and camaraderie. Our region has been holding a Progressive Dinner, combined with a spirited drive on winding roads, since the late 1960s. The event includes stops at a member’s home for a first course of salads and appetizers, then on to a fine restaurant for the main meal, and a final stop at a different member’s home for desserts and coffee. Let’s begin.
Panamera along with many different Boxster and Cayman models were all in the group. Many of the Cabriolet drivers went “topless” enjoying the perfect So-Cal weather. After the drivers’ meeting, we were ready to start the 50-mile tour. Our journey would include stops at two members’ homes, and dinner at the Safire Grill in Camarillo. Ted Lighthizer and Doreen Pankow, the club’s Activities Co-Chairs, led the group on the first 33 miles of our drive which took us from Westlake Village through the Santa Monica foothills via Potrero Road to Hueneme and Wood Road and then over the freeway to the Camarillo Spanish Hills, ending at the residence of Robert & Kathleen Wulf, our first stop.
On Saturday, August 25, 2012, 79 SBR members driving 40 Porsches gathered for check-in and the start of this year’s Progressive Dinner. There were many different Porsche models represented, from Wayne Greko’s concours winning 1973 Porsche 911 RSR to Bob Wulf ’s 2013 Porsche 911 model 991. Plus a Cayenne, a
At the Wulfs’ home, we were treated to a delicious variety of salads and appetizers including Caesar, spinach and fruit salads, fresh shrimp, meatballs, pot stickers, and trays of cheese and fresh vegetables. Our hosts graciously let us tour at will their beautiful custom home, which was designed by the renowned architect, Marshall Lewis, of Marina del Rey. Highlighting the dramatic
Several custom cakes filled the dessert table at David & Susan Stone’s, including one featuring the PCA logo.
Our favorite marque got the tasty treatment at Stones’ house as part of the delicious cavalcade of unique cakes.
Enjoying salads and more at the Wulfs’, (l-r) Wayne Greko, Janice Herndon, Duane Landis, and Houri Greko.
On the patio of the Wulfs’ spectacular home, (l-r) Michael & Beverly Brovsky and Kelly & Frank Ladwig.
architecture were the beautiful and colorful paintings, sculptures and other art works the Wulfs have collected over the years on their trips to interesting places around the globe. The Wulfs’ garage also attracted attention as it contained a stunning collection of cars including a 1981 Ferrari 308 GTSi, 1997 Aston Martin DB-7, 2001 Bentley Amage, 2008 Ford Mustang “Bullitt” model, 2009 Dodge Challenger, 2003 Mini Cooper S, a 1989 VW Westphalia camper van and, of course, the brand new 2013 Porsche 911 Model 991. After we completed our tours of the home and garage, the group was off on the second leg of the event, a ten-mile drive through Spanish Hills and the back roads of Camarillo to the Safire Grill. The entrées included fresh broiled Pacific salmon, New York steak, shrimp scampi, baked chicken and chicken parmesan served with the usual accompaniments. Yummy!
rendition of “Happy Birthday,” John, along with other volunteers, began to cut and serve the cakes. We left John’s replica birthday cake intact, but put a big dent in the other three, which included a spice cake with a Porsche crest embossed on top, a chocolate marble cake with the SBR logo, and a lemon cake with the PCA logo. Susan made a delicious variety of homemade cookies and also offered an assortment of fresh fruit.
After enjoying a sumptuous meal, we drove three miles to our final destination, the home of Dave & Susan Stone. Once inside, we were treated to four beautifully decorated and decadently delicious cakes, all in Porsche themes. One was modeled after John Alfenito’s Carrera GTS including a license plate reading “#1 EDITOR” in honor of his birthday. After we all sang a loud
The group’s sincere thanks go out to our hosts: Bob & Kathleen Wulf and Dave & Susan Stone. We greatly appreciate their generosity, warm hospitality and the sharing of their lovely homes. Their efforts helped to make our 2012 Progressive Dinner one of the best yet. If you are interested in being a host home for next year’s event, please contact Ted or Doreen. =
The custom cake replica of John Alfenito’s Carrera GTS, which went home with John & Pam.
Editor and birthday boy John Alfenito cuts into the SBR logo cake as Wayne Greko and Olga Liakas look on.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Stones’ beautiful home and magnificent back yard. Dave & Susan had their lawns and flower beds manicured to perfection with lots of inviting areas for people to sit and enjoy some conversation and the cool, comfortable evening temperatures. It was a perfect end to another fun-filled, memorable SBR event.
HOLIDAY PARTY BRUNCH MENU La Cumbre Country Club Sunday, December 16, 2012 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Danish & Pastries on the brunch tables Limitless Champagne and Orange Juice COLD BUFFET INCLUDES Assorted Cheeses, Breads, etc. Assorted Salads per chef Seafood Fresh Fruit Lavosh HOT BUFFET INCLUDES Prime Rib Eggs Benedict Grilled Salmon Bacon, Sausage, Ham Roasted Red Potatoes French Toast Omelet Station Waffle Station Dessert Table Assorted Petits Fours DRESS CODE REQUIREMENTS Ladies: Dresses, skirts, pant suits, or coordinated ensembles. Men: Suits or sport coats and trousers. Shorts, denim or designer jeans are not allowed in any area of the club. Cellular phone use is prohibited in all areas except outside in the front parking lot.
n Sunday, September 9, 2012, my son Chris and I arrived at the sprawling Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, California, with high hopes and more than a bit of nervous energy. Yes, this was the much anticipated September 7-9, 2012, Porsche World Roadshow . The real deal with fast, beautiful Porsches, certified Porsche instructors, and the constant exhaust roar from NASCAR racers circling the outer track throughout the day. Wow. What could be better? Upon arrival, we registered, grabbed a blueberry muffin, chugged a bottle of water and wandered around asking questions and enjoying the elegance and the technology. A beautiful loaded Panamera sat in the center of the registration center, many beautiful Porsches were to be seen everywhere, including 991s, and two XBox 360 simulation driving machines were available to test our make-believe skills. Well, my simulation experience was a bit daunting. For starters, I launched the
Porsche over an embankment in the Alps and ended up driving backwards or the wrong way, after which one of the Porsche guys said he hoped this wasn’t my real driving style, although someone chimed in that the steering was indeed a bit sensitive. Yes, it was. Before the driving started, Michelle Juzeszyn, Manager of Event Marketing and Sponsorship, PCNA, was kind enough to brief me on this tremendous program. There are 13 U.S. events starting in June in New York, then on to other cities including Los Angeles, then ending in Charlotte, NC. She emphasized that the best way to experience a Porsche is to drive one - and I couldn’t agree more. On this day, there were four sessions of about 66 drivers each, including, I’m sure, some from our Santa Barbara club. The whole experience lasted about three hours. When our time came, our group filed into the classroom where instructors from the Porsche Sport Driving School at Barber Motorsports Park near Birmingham, Alabama, delivered a fascinating short course on cornering dynamics, apexes, speed = radius, driving positions, and
safety. There was not a yawn in our group. Then we headed out into the searing, triple-digit heat for our baptism by fire – the real deal. First, we drove the new Boxster S through the autocross, a scaled down track with a series of tight, technical corners. This included heart thumping acceleration, hammer braking, and tricky turns. I must admit that a few pylons were flattened. Then off to the Technology Drive where we “experienced” the hybrid-drive Panamera and the Cayenne models along with their V8 powered counterparts. And who says “green” can’t be fun? And fast. Very fast. Finally, we did the big one on the “real” track. We could tell the Porsche folks were dead serious when we were issued race helmets and thoroughly re-briefed about absolute safety and rock-hard track etiquette. No fooling around here and no passing. The Carrera, the Carrera S, and the Panamera GTS were lined up waiting for us. Upon command, we hurtled around the track alternatively in each of those modernday rockets, formed in a procession of sorts led by a certified driver. Continued on page 20
The entire porsche family was there
PORSCHE WORLD ROADSHOW - Continued from page 19 Now, this wasn’t an experience for the weak of heart or Sunday drivers. We tried to follow the instructor’s lines through the demanding turns and maximize performance. The start was mind-boggling acceleration for a short distance, then into a serious turn section and onto a long straightaway where I was reluctant to do anything but hold on, let alone look at the speedometer. That ended abruptly into more complicated turns where I met my match and I realized my son Chris was screaming for good reason. Once we stopped - finally - the instructor somberly
approached me and asked good-naturedly but a bit sarcastically, “Who did the dust?” Regardless, each of the wider, longer, lower, more powerful Porsches performed magnificently. The PDK, the Sports Plus, the Torque Vectoring, the PASM, the ABS, the ASR, the air conditioner for sure, ad infinitum, did not let us down, but of course the innovative start-stop and coasting functions were turned off waiting for a more gentle day. Nevertheless, we know that even Porsches do not drive themselves, but for sure they are to be driven.
SBR’s Dick Lange tries out the new Boxster S
The lineup of new Boxster S’s proved very popular.
And I must cite a lesson learned: Don’t go too fast too soon, but if you must, do so in a Porsche. They are elegantly beautiful. They are technically without peer, and as the Porsche 991 Owner’s Manual instructs: “Don’t open the sunroof when exceeding 120 mph.” Thanks to the Santa Barbara Region/ PCA and PCNA for such a terrific event. If you are interested in pictures and more detail, go to porscheworldroadshowusa. com/media, and enjoy your Der Auspuff magazine. =
New Cayennes and Panameras got the track treatment, too.
Santa Barbara Region Wine Country Harvest Tour
Paso Robles, October 27-28, 2012 Join us for the 2012 Wine Country Harvest Tour! Experience some of the greatest Porsche roads on the Central Coast - with soaring vistas and vineyards in their fall splendor. Taste award-winning wines and a special winemaker s luncheon at Calcareous Winery & Vineyards located at the pinnacle of Peachy Canyon Road above the town of Paso Robles. Stay in the historic Paso Robles Inn on the town square of Paso Robles for a reception and Harvest Tour Dinner Saturday evening in the original ballroom built in 1891. A beautiful Sunday morning drive will take us to a restored 1885 Victorian farmhouse, home of Halter Ranch Winery. Across the covered bridge the magic happens, where, set into the vineyards a new 32,000 square foot winery complex with soaring windows, skylights and underground caves beckons. We will have a special personalized tour and discover the true winemaking experience. We ll gather Saturday morning, October 27th, 9:00 a.m. at Santa Barbara Auto Group for coďŹ&#x20AC;ee and pastries prior to our 9:30 a.m. departure. Joining us will be Porsche s newest and best oďŹ&#x20AC;erings, including the fabulous new Boxster and the new Cayenne Diesel. All the new Porsches will be available to drive during our weekend! Space is limited to 35 rooms, so sign up early, and call the Paso Robles Inn (800-676-1713) before September 18th for reservations. Be sure to mention you re with the Porsche Club Santa Barbara Region for the special deluxe room rate of $170.00. Restaurants, wine tasting rooms, boutiques, and unique emporiums are all within easy walking distance of the historic inn. Cost for the entire weekend is $75 per person, including activity fee. Send your check, payable to PCA/SBR, to Michael & Beverly Brovsky, 1237 S. Victoria Ave., PMB 440, Oxnard, CA 93035. Questions? Email Cancellations after October 10, 2012 will not receive a refund.
The Tech Page
prevent discharging of the battery. The car will then need to be unlocked manually with the key blade in the door.
or this month’s tech article, I’d like to answer some frequently asked questions that I get here at the shop. I would also encourage any readers of Der Auspuff to submit any technical questions to me at chris@ I will answer all questions and, who knows, yours could be printed right here in a future issue! Q1: My 2006 Porsche is not my daily driver. Should I lock the car while it is parked in the garage or leave it unlocked? Which is better for the battery? When a modern Porsche is locked with the key remote, the drain on the battery will be slightly greater due to the radio antenna circuit in the alarm system being kept awake to monitor for remote signals. For this reason, the remote locking feature is automatically disabled after 5 days to
To answer the question, if the car sits often but usually not for more than 5 days, it may be prudent to leave the car unlocked as the battery will not discharge quite as much. However, I recommend using a modern digital battery trickle charger on any car that sits parked more often than it is driven. The battery will last much longer, and the nuisance of dealing with a dead battery on a modern Porsche as outlined in my March 2012 article will be avoided. Q2: If I am not putting enough miles on my car annually to follow Porsche’s recommended service intervals, what do you suggest for service? Should the oil be changed annually regardless of mileage? We always recommend annual oil changes on any car, regardless of mileage. The additives in any engine oil have a shelf life and can wear out, reducing their effectiveness. Water also accumulates in the crankcase of the engine and can react with the oil over the long term, possibly forming sludge if the oil is changed infrequently enough. The brake fluid should be changed every 2 years on any car regardless of mileage, as brake fluid absorbs water from the air.
trickle charger
Q3: I’m considering the purchase of a used Porsche. What can I expect to pay a shop to perform a pre-purchase inspection for me? Does Schneider Autohaus offer pre-purchase inspections? It is strongly recommended to have a Porsche specialist thoroughly inspect any pre-owned car. Potential mechanical problems can be identified, and any
accident damage or paintwork can usually be detected by a sharp eye. At Schneider Autohaus, we typically spend 1 to 2 hours on a pre-purchase inspection, depending on the age and mileage of the car. It is likely not necessary to remove the spark plugs and perform a compression check or cylinder leakdown test on a two-yearold car with low mileage, but these engine checks are vital on older cars to determine the health of the engine. We also check the function of all electrical components and perform a full computer system scan on the newer cars. A full written report is also provided. Labor charges at Schneider Autohaus are $135 per hour, so a two-hour PPI would cost $270.00. Q4: Why does my 2005 Boxster cough a little blue smoke on start up? It does not happen every time, but I know other Boxster owners who report the same phenomenon. The Boxster has a horizontally opposed, “boxer” engine cylinder layout like that of many of its Porsche brethren. This means that the cylinders lay flat and parallel to the ground. When the car sits for a few days, most of the engine oil accumulates in the oil sump at the bottom of the engine. In some cases and when the oil level is high enough, some oil can seep from the crankcase and into the horizontal cylinders. If any oil gets past the piston rings, it will be burned in the combustion chamber immediately after the next engine startup, causing a puff of bluish oil smoke from the tailpipes. This is completely normal in any boxer engine and should not cause alarm if it is occasional or only happens after the car has been sitting for a few days. However, if a Boxster, Cayman, 996 or 997 suddenly starts spewing a large amount of bluish oil smoke on startup, it may be a sign of a problem with the crankcase ventilation system. There is a device on the engine known as the air/oil separator that is tasked with helping to vent crankcase pressure back into the engine’s intake system. The
oil separator has a built-in crankcase vent valve that contains a spring-loaded rubber diaphragm to prevent engine oil from being drawn into the intake system. It is common for this rubber diaphragm to tear with age and mileage, which causes excess oil to be ingested and burned in the engine.
does not often result in sudden and massive oil ingestion. The exhaust usually only smokes excessively on startup, and the first symptom is often a “check engine” light caused by a lean running condition due to a large vacuum leak from the crankcase to the engine intake. Rough running, heavy oil
The Boxster’s Boxer engine The first sign of crankcase vent valve/ oil separator failure is usually excessive smoking only on startup, but the problem can quickly escalate on the mid-engine Boxster and Cayman models due to different breather hose routing than that of the the rear engine 996s and 997s. If heavy smoking from the exhaust suddenly occurs in a Boxster or Cayman, stop the engine as soon as possible and get a tow to a Porsche specialist. When the crankcase vent valve fails on a Boxster or Cayman, the engine can ingest enough oil to hydro-lock and damage the engine! After the failed oil separator is replaced, the center intake pipes should be removed to clean out any excess oil. If left unchecked, this oil can coat the oxygen sensors and catalytic converters in the exhaust and cause premature failure. In extreme cases, the exhaust system needs to be removed in order to clean out all of the oil. On the 2005 and later 987 models, the mass airflow sensor sits in at a low point in the intake pipe compared to earlier models and often needs replacement after oil separator failure due to oil contamination. Crankcase vent valve/oil separator failure on the water cooled 996 and 997 series 911s can be a bit more insidious since the failure
consumption and strange whistling noises will eventually follow if the oil separator is not soon replaced. A competent Porsche repair facility can easily and quickly measure the crankcase vacuum on any engine to determine the health of the crankcase ventilation system and prevent any future issues. =
Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspuff advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.
New Boxster Tech Session At Rusnak October 30th
ake a personal and close look at the magnificent new 2013 Boxster and find out why the press and the automotive community are full of praise for this newest entry from Porsche! Rusnak Westlake Porsche will hold a TECH SESSION at its gorgeous new facility exclusively for SBR members on October 30, 2012, 6:30 p.m. The master technicians and staff will explain and demonstrate all the fabulous enhancements made to the roadster that is bound to win many automotive awards for its style, driveability and engineering. Join your fellow SBR members for this exclusive tech session and see what all the buzz is about. Register with Nicolas Liakas at by no later than October 26, 2012. Space is limited, so register now. Snacks and refreshments will be available. =
Membership Page Porsche Club of America SBR Member Anniversaries 46 Years
Lawrence & Astrid Hammett
45 Years
Anita Banke
44 Years
Matthias & Roswitha Hauck
33 Years
John Shutt
27 Years
Steve Brown
26 Years
Robert & Lorie Lyons
14 Years
Mike & Darrell Malamut Scott & Stacey Marshall
13 Years
David & Mindy Tennen
12 Years
Juan E Alva Oscar Esquivel & Christine Taylor Hassan & Purita Rashid Kevin Smith & Norma Camacho Charles & Pam Will
11 Years
George & Mara Eglajs
Gary & Debra Laird Richard & Anne Llewellyn William Luehm & Helen Scheffler Jeff Pierson Gary & Ann Robertson William Vaughan
10 Years
23 Years
Norman Russell & Janet Benner
22 Years
Paul & Uraiwan Hodges
SBR MEMBER NAME BADGE Ordering a durable, magnetic SBR name badge is only a click away.
Visit our website,, and click on PCASB Name Badge in the lefthand column. Fill out the order form, send it in with your check, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re good to go!
John & Pam Alfenito Paul Porteous Anthony & Michelle Strauss
9 Years
4 Years Continued
David & Toni Barr Michael Jacobs Kimberly Leonard Ron Polanski & Betsy Bourne Arlene & Joseph Scavone
Jimmy Jimenez William & Alisa Kling Richard & Linda Lange Fritz & Gretchen Olenberger Bela Racz Robert Sadler Desmond Warren Greg West
7 Years
3 Years
Scott Nelson
8 Years
David Cunningham & Lela Henke Raphi & Peggy Hanessian Marty & Pamela Harris George & Angel Reyes Jr Morrey & Mitchell Wasserman
6 Years
Gerald & Andres Malovos George & Kim Rasher David & Meghan Shrontz Nadine Tracy
5 Years
Bruce & Ann Bartlett David Pierce Jack Price
4 Years
Brian Adlawan Steven Casey Steve & Ilene Freeman Philip Henius
Richard Buckner & Robin Liebes Randy Foster Dustin Gelbard Georges & Brendan Geller Eric Iwafuchi Joe & Jane Niederst Greg Schafer Janice & Donald Wilson
2 Years
Dennis Archie Creighton Carver Lawrence Coelho & Lisa Amos John & Timothy Sands
1 Year
Robert & Susan Harman Michael S. King John & Mary Kirk John McClelland Larry M. Young
Santa Barbara Region New Members & Transfers New Members
Alex & Oz Arconian Santa Barbara 1995 993
Tara & Kenneth Brundrett Thousand Oaks 1987 928 S4
Alan Bennett Thousand Oaks 2013 911
Christopher Garville Camarillo 1999 996
Stanfell & Alexander Boone Thousand Oaks 2011 Spyder
Peg Jarrott Santa Barbara 2008 Cayman
Doug & Arlene Braun Agoura Hills 2009 911
Donn & Susan LeRoy Santa Barbara 2008 911
Kirk Lindsey Santa Maria Howard & Phyllis Rubenstein Westlake Village 2010 911 Mikael & Brenda Via Camarillo 2006 Boxster
Transfer In Members
Erik Bielitzer & Lisabeth Thomson Orcutt, CA 2001 996 Turbo from California Central Coast
The P.M.S. Report
The Adventures of Ladies In Lotusland
STORY & PHOTOS BY KAREN TUREK P.M.S., The Porsche Mademoiselle Society (L-R): Shelly Schneider, Amy Webb, Jane Niederst, Doreen Pankow, Claudia LaCabe, Pamuela Hodson, Nadine Tracy, Janet Kaller, Nancy Carastro, Iris Eisenbach, Nola Force, Diane Macdonnell, Karen Kahn, Karen Turek, and Becky Lundberg
n September 15, 2012, our group of 17 women visited Lotusland in Montecito, the botanical wonder and former home of Madame Ganna Walska. Madame Walska was a well-known Polish opera singer and socialite. She purchased the estate in 1941 and spent the next 43 years of her life designing unusual display gardens filled with exotic plants. Even though the weather on the day of our visit was very warm, we had a nice breeze as we toured the gardens. Our group split in two, each led by a very knowledgeable and interesting docent. Our docent, Craig Morgan, happened to be a fellow Porsche enthusiast. He is currently rebuilding a cocoa brown, 1967 Porsche 912. During the course of our tour, he would ask us, “What’s better than a 911?” The answer, “A 912”. He really got a kick out of that. As we toured parts of the 37 acres, we went through beautiful fern, Japanese, cactus and butterfly gardens. Other features were
water stairs, a horticultural clock, Neptune fountain, and koi ponds. We saw beautiful water lilies, and of course the famous lotus in bloom. We really learned a lot about the sexual reproduction of the cycads and many other plants. Some were quite obviously male plants; the female plants not quite so obvious. The story of Madame Walska was also very interesting. She was married six times. Her husbands were among the wealthiest men in the world. After divorcing husband number six, she continued to purchase extremely rare plants, selling her 95-carat yellow diamond (!) as well as her cherished Faberge egg to finance her hobby. After a pleasant and informative two-hour walking tour, we headed over to Stella Mare’s for some French Cuisine. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch and conversation. Thanks to Pamuela Hodson for planning our fun day. =
After their adventure in Lotusland, the ladies lunched at Stella Mare’s.
Down The Road
SBR’s Upcoming Events & Dates of Interest
October 14 October 20 October 27-28 November 17 December 2 December 16
January 11-14
36th Annual Concours d’Elegance Tire Rack/SBR Street Survival School For Teens Wine Country Harvest Tour A Visit to The Malamut Collection Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills SBR Holiday Brunch in Santa Barbara Best of The Southwest - Arizona
SBR Breakfast Locations Camarillo
Moby Dick Restaurant
Way-Point Café
The first Saturday of each month in Camarillo... The second Saturday of each month in Santa Barbara.
The Zone 8 Page Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website
Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown
Zone 8 Staff
Autocross Chair Chief Driving Instructor David Witteried Scott Mann Club Race Coordinator Concours Chair Vince Knauf Joe Nedza Time Trial/DE Chair Dave Hockett Webmaster Ken Short Rules Chair Russell Shon
Rally Chair Revere Jones Secretary Skip Carter Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias
Zone 8 Region Websites PCA Zone 8
Los Angeles
Orange County
CA Central Coast
California Inland
Santa Barbara
Golden Empire
San Diego
Grand Prix Las Vegas
San Gabriel Southern Arizona
SBR Board of Directors Meeting
September 12, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. Sheraton 4 Points/Ventura
P.M.S.: No report.
The September dinner board meeting was held at Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura. Present were: Nick Liakas, Steve Kaller, John Alfenito, Sue & Randy Kinsling, Brian Rubino, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Don & Linda Kuckenbaker, Jim Brown, Michael Brovsky, Randy Fishwick, Barry Weinstein, Mike Pomerantz, Steve Doll, and Dick Lange. The following reports and discussions were presented: Secretary: The July 2012 board meeting minutes were approved as submitted. Vice President: No report. Treasurer: Jim reported on the following financial statements for the month of August: (1) monthly income statement, (2) statement of cash flows and (3) ending balance sheet. Bank reconciliations and bank statements were forwarded to Steve Kaller for his review. Membership: During the month of August, 12 new members joined our region and membership stood at 702 at month’s end. August’s membership is up three from last month. Activities: The following events are still open and available for participation – Camarillo Autocross (September 22); The Gimmick Rally (September 29); 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance (October 14); The Tire Rack Street Survival School for Teens (October 20); Wine country Harvest tour (October 27-28); Tour of Malamut’s Vintage Car Museum (November 17). Recommendation made and approved to support members donating toys for the holiday season. Editor: The October Der Auspuff contains coverage of the Progressive Dinner, the Detail Clinic, the Porsche World Roadshow, and P.M.S.’s trip to Lotusland.
Safety: The board approved the appointment of William Griswold as the new chair effectively immediately.
Distribution: The September issue was mailed out on August 24th at a cost of $331 for 724 copies.
R.U.F.: No report.
Advertising: Sponsorship status was discussed including current receivables.
Public Relations: No report.
Goodie Store: Board approved a request for up to $2000 in additional purchases to support the Concours and the upcoming holidays. In addition two at-home sales at the Rubino residence are planned to facilitate holiday shopping on November 18th and 29th. Insurance: We are current on all certificates. Rally: The Board approved the appointment of Doreen Pankow as the new chair for 2013. Concours: Preparations are underway for the October event. Autocross: No report. Archives: No report. Webmaster: Website has been updated with current information.
50th Anniversary: No report.
Past President: No report. President: Board positions and committee assignments are being identified for 2013. The new Rusnak Porsche facilities in Westlake village are now occupied and open for business. Plans for the opening celebration are underway. Old Business: None. New Business: Changes to the bylaws were approved by the Board prior to submittal to the membership for its approval. The Board approved the appointment of Mike Pomerantz as the Editor for 2013 as well as approving the purchase of hardware and software, up to $2000, to support the publication of Der Auspuff. A nominating committee of Michael Brovsky, Steve Kaller and Sue Kinsling was formed to identify candidates for office in 2013. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The Goodie Store
Support The Club. Shop The Goodie Store! Ever wish you could shop The Goodie Store without your “significant other” looking over your shoulder? You know, like maybe a little holiday gift shopping? Well, now you can! On Sunday, November 18th (10am-2pm), and again on Thursday, November 29th (12n-5pm) you can gift shop at the Rubinos’ residence and choose from the full inventory of all The Goodie Store has to offer! It’s the GOODIE STORE HOLIDAY SHOPPING EVENT! NOVEMBER GOODIE STORE SALE
Please call Linda in advance (805) 498-1053 to let her know which day you’ll be there. The Rubinos are at 1002 La Grange, Newbury Park, CA 91320. Shop for him. Shop for her. Shop for the kids. Sunday, November 18th and Thursday, November 29th. Remember, cash or checks only. Sorry, no credit cards.
American Global Standards ...........14 Andy’s Detail ..................................7 Aswell Trophy .................................8 Auto Gallery ...................................5 Automotion .................................IBC Paul Bancroft Roofing....................27 Gary Betz Enterprises ......................9 Walt Branscome, SBAG ...................7 California Tire Company .................14 Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ........14 Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .........9 Coachcraft ....................................31 Courtesy Body Shop ......................32 DSR Audio ......................................8 Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................14 Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .....14 Los Angeles Dismantler...................4 Neil McAuliffe ..............................30 MKS Performance...........................4 North Hollywood Speedometer ......27 RS Enterprises ..............................27 Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFC Santa Barbara Auto Group .............BC Schneider Autohaus ........................8 Anthony Strauss .............................9 TC’s Garage ....................................8
PCA/SBR Classifieds
Want to reach even more readers? Post your ad on our Facebook page.
PORSCHE PARTS – FOR SALE Four wheel lug locks with key. 996 programmable key (2 button, will need new blade). Standard 996 tool kit. Plastic 996 front radiator fan surround. 996/Boxster+ black floor mats, set of four. Late model 996+ car jack with foam surround. Also, bra for 356. For info, pics, prices, contact Rich at (818) 324-3457 or (10/12) 2004 CAYENNE 6 TIP TRONIC – FOR SALE Titanium/Black. Stunning condition. MPG 17 city, 21+ highway. 18” spare tire, 6-disc CD changer. Non-smoker. Soft-look leather, Bi-Xenon headlights, 18” Turbo Wheels with colored crests. 4 new Michelin tires. All records and books. 137k miles. Own the best SUV for only $12,000. Contact Doug (40-year PCA Member) at (805) 208-0670 or (10/12) WHEELS, AND MORE – FOR SALE Four used 996 Turbo rims (8/18 front, 11/18 rear) hollow spoke. $1400, or best offer. Two used 997S rear rims (11/19). $400, or best offer. Also, new 997 Turbo lip spoiler, black $100. Call Bobby at (805) 708-3855 or (10/12) WANT TO BUY – USED SPORT SEAT Looking for a used, driver’s-side Sport Seat to use in early Porsche 911/912. Contact Peter Raftery at (805) 339-0441 or (10/12) 1979 911SC TARGA – FOR SALE White exterior with black interior. Seats were covered for protection. Upgraded A/C, upgraded chain tensioners, added oil cooler under right fender for additional cooling. Original paint, clean, no rust, excellent condition. Runs great. 147,000 miles. $23,000. Call Merle (760) 952-1108. (06/12) 2001 BOXSTER S – FOR SALE 51,000 miles. White with tan top. Good condition. For sale at $16,000. Must sell due to overseas travel arrangements. Contact Carolann Wolfgang at (805)448-2751 or with any questions. (05/12) USED PORSCHE TIRES – FOR SALE Michelin and Bridgestone used Porsche tires for sale. Garage is full! 305/30/19, 295/30/19, 265/35/19, 235/35/19, some 18s, too. 80-90% of tread left. $125 for a front. $225 for a rear. I can meet or ship. Contact or text me your tire size at (805) 500-6636. (05/12) WANT TO BUY – ‘65-’73 911 Looking for a coupe or Targa for a reasonable price. Nice example or a “project” considered. Call Jay at (909) 583-1894 (05/12) BILSTEIN SPORT FRONT STRUT INSERTS – FOR SALE Pat # 34-050507. Fits 911 to 1989. List price new: $222.60 each. Used, 300 miles. $200/pair. Contact Joe Schneider (805) 962-8015 or (04/12) Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at
Next Month In
...the last word
Where’s The Sport Button Again? When The Auto Gallery was kind enough to bring a brand new Pagani Huayra to the Detail Clinic last month, it was hard not to stare. The Huayra boasts a V-12 Bi-Turbo, 720 HP engine which will reportedly propel the car to a top speed of 235 mph. While the car itself is “poetry in motion,” take a look at the steering wheel with all its buttons and switches. Truly amazing! Thanks to Ted Lighthizer for this picture of an interior that borders on “steampunk!”