HybriDfMA hyTower Overview - PCE Ltd

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Hybrid Approach



Smart Connectivity


Follow on trades

Systems Integration – Modular Façade Panels

Systems Integration – Façade Finishes

Systems Integration – Balconies

Systems Integration – M&E

Systems Integration – Partitions

Real Time Data Capture & Tracking


Key Design Considerations

Golden Thread

Embodied Carbon

Supply Chain – Flexibility & Scale

RIBA Overlay Alignment

Logistics & Site Operations


Case Studies – Brent Cross Plot 14

Case Studies – Fulton & Fifth

Case Studies – Chapel Wharf

Case Studies – N06 East Village

Case Studies – Commercial Road

Case Studies – East Side Locks

Case Studies – Dakota Hotel Why


HybriDfMA hyTower® Overview

hyTower® is a hybriDfMA building system that is straightforward to manufacture and assemble for buildings up to 50-storeys tall. It comprises of offsite manufactured components that can be easily transported and safely erected and fixed on-site. It provides a complete structural frame with integral core, internal walls, an integral façade and M&E integrations.

Using our ‘Kit-of-parts’ system, much like how modern cars are manufactured, allows the key components to be interchanged so that the most appropriate ones for the job can be used without design changes and delays. Smart connectivity allows for these components to seamlessly fit together on-site, with all fixings being cast in during the manufacture stage. Other hybriDfMA systems can be integrated into the design if necessary as they work seamlessly together.

hyTower® is overall a safe and quick system that provides quality and cost certainty for our clients.

HybriDfMA hyTower® system project Commercial Road.
HybriDfMA hyTower® approach.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Hybrid Approach

DfMA Mindset - Concept to Completion

Successful delivery of Design for Manufacture and Assembly requires the team to adopt a mindset that allows an offsite approach to be maximised. The benefits of DfMA are amplified when the approach is adopted for both structure and façades along with the M&E and follow on trades. The design should be developed to suit offsite manufacture methods and a product based delivery model with an integrated approach to onsite delivery.

Systemised Design Approach

PCE’s range of HybriDfMA sector-specific structural systems provides clients with optimal safety, quality, value, and speed of construction.

By leveraging standardisation and repeatability across design, manufacture, and assembly, PCE provides structural solutions that are both efficient and predictable. Common connection principles and supply chain flexibility allow our design team to configure each proven system, engineering kits of parts that bring bespoke architectural visions to life. Our material flexibility and supply chain strategies allows PCE to deliver truly hybrid structures.

Our offsite strategy is meticulously managed through rigorous quality control procedures and advanced digital innovation, eliminating unpredictability and uncertainty in complex projects whilst guaranteeing the highest levels of quality.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Delivery

Pre Contract

The principle of the hyTower® System is to configure structures with integrated facades from a ‘kit of parts’ approach. The buildings are broken down into elemental components which, wherever possible will be manufactured offsite in factory controlled conditions and then assembled on site and connected together using insitu concrete techniques. From an initial concept, a delivery strategy is identified and fully costed at an elemental level giving both cost and programme certainty from the outset.

Each stage of the process is digitally controlled by PCE’s project delivery teams, from the structural engineering design through to the fabrication and assembly drawings and then through the offsite manufacturing and onsite assembly stages where smart integration of the M&E and windows takes place.

HybriDfMA hyTower® system project Brent Cross Plot 14.

Stage 1 - Cladding

Stage 4 - Beams

Stage 2 - Cores

Stage 5 - Pods and

At PCE, each of our HybriDfMA system build approaches comprise of a ‘kit of parts’, which pieces together through repeatable components, standardised methodologies, and ‘smart’ connectivity. This repeatability allows us to design, manufacture, and install with pace, precision, and predictability, without compromising quality. We are able to maintain the highest standards of excellence, ensuring quality and performance, regardless of project scale.

Cores & Stairs
Stage 3 - Vertical Structure - Walls and Columns
Utility Cupboards
Stage 6 - Floors

Key to the quality and efficiency of the system is the way that the components successfully interface with each other. Fabrication and specification information for each component is created by the hyTower design specialists ensuring complete control of how structural components are manufactured and integrated within the system. Interchangeability of components is then achieved through common connection principles creating flexibility of material selection and construction methodology.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Interchangeability

Flexibility of Grid and Shape

hyTower® Square

hyTower® Rectangular

hyTower® Parallelogram

hyTower® Circular

hyTower® C -Type


The hyTower® system offers the same levels of design flexibility as traditional reinforced concrete frames and can be efficiently configured to suit almost any floor plate arrangement. Structure can be configured as a series of columns providing an open, flexible floor plate, or as a series of shear walls to divide the residential plots.

hyTower® Heights

N06 East Village in London.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Follow On Trades

Concurrent Construction – The operational benefits of

PCE contruction works take place with a team of just 12 operatives

Integrated structural facade ensures structure is wind and weathertight as it is installed. This allows earlier acess for followon-trades (yellow zone), reducing overall programme

access operatives


of the DfMA approach

access & egress for all operatives via stair cores

Floor levels can be loaded out with bathrooms, utility cupboards, modular M&E, plasterboard and partition materials

Level under construction

2 clear floors between current construction level snd levels accessible to follow-on-trades

Temporary Weathering layer

Scaffold-less construction with no external access required

No propping or temporary works to levels below construction

HybriDfMA hyTower® Systems Integration

Modular Façade Panels

Architectural Finishes: Refer to WA17 submittal Brick Finish; Heathflower Gunsmoke Grey Handmade Covadonga Green Camtech Merlot Handmade Reconstituted Stone Finish; C288-BN12000-LAE



Wall: Refer to ENG 23 submittal


Exploded visual of sandwich panel system.

Insulation & Cavity Barrier: Refer to WA17 submittal TROK Rockwool Insulation ARC CCS150 Cavity Sock (to window and door openings only on all four edges)

A key aspect of the system is having an integrated façade that forms part of the structural system and is constructed concurrently with the concrete frame. This approach allows a weather-tight building to be created progressively, unlocking the early commencement of ‘follow-on’ trades and removing the structure and envelope from the critical path much earlier in the construction phase. With appropriate temporary weathering measures, the M&E installations along with internal ‘fitout’ activities can progress whilst the superstructure is being assembled just two clear levels above. This principle of concurrency during the construction phase along with the removal of wasteful activities such as scaffolding results in overall construction programmes being reduced by up to 50%.

Fulton & Fifth integrated façade. Façade and floor unit edge interface.


Modular Façade Panels are usually delivered as a ’sandwich’ construction with an inner leaf of structural concrete forming the internal line of the external wall, a cavity-less non-combustible insulative core, and a thin external leaf of concrete that can either be finished decorative concrete or have applied veneers such as traditional brickwork or terracotta. This ‘sandwich panel’ system comes with factory engineered tolerances, the highest levels of quality and consistency and provides excellent levels of robustness, thermal performance and fire resistance. The internal face of the external envelope is a monolithic reinforced concrete skin providing fire compartmentation to the perimeter of the building along with Passivhaus levels of airtightness through complete integration with the buildings fenestration.

Façade panels at Commercial Road.
Façade panel 3D orthographic drawing.
External Joint Considerations.
Façade panels at Brent Cross Town Plot 14.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Systems Integration


Façade Panels

Window Integration

Our integrated façade panels arrive to site with the windows preglazed as the glass is added during the manufacture process. Cast-in conduits and plug sockets are also added during this stage to reduce the need for onsite labour during the build.

This approach allows for the freedom to create a façade that matches design intentions. The higher quality of construction in the factory environment, allows high standards of thermal and acoustic performance overall.

Windows are cast-in at the factory.
Integrated façade with pre-glazed windows.

Balcony Connectors and MVHR ducts

Façade panels can also be integrated with balcony connectors depending on the needs of the building. These connectors form a critical link between the balcony and the building structure, transferring loads and accommodating potential movements. For high rise construction, these need to have excellent load-bearing capabilities to ensure the balcony can withstand various forces without compromising structural integrity.

Space for a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) system can also be cast-in during the manufacture process to minimise on-site works.

Brent Cross Plot 14 façade breakdown.
Cast -in space for MVHR duct.
Fulton & Fifth assembled façade with balcony conectors.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Systems Integration

Façade Finishes

Reconstructed Stone – recon. for short and also known as architectural or self-finished concrete, simulates the appearance and quality of natural stone. Because of its strength, three-dimensional adaptability and the quality of textures, reconstructed stone enables architects to create in a way not possible with any other material.

Reconstructed Stone
Chapel Wharf
Grace House
University of Warwick

Applied / Veneered Finishes

Traditional building materials such as natural stone, as well as brick, terracotta and ceramic tile, can be applied to precast concrete in a process known as veneering. The veneer material is incorporated during the casting phase and the resulting product benefits from all of the advantage of precasting, whilst maintaining the look and feel of traditional building materials and techniques.

Mount Oswald
Commercial Road
Fulton & Fifth
Brent Cross Plot

HybriDfMA hyTower® Systems Integration


Different balcony configurations are easily integrated with the hyTower system through smart connectivity back to the structure. Cantilever steel or concrete balconies are fixed back to the structure through proprietary thermal break systems which are cast within either the structural façade panel or within the structural slab. Structural Steel balconies can be pre-fixed to the façade panel prior to assembly or they can be fitted to the structure once the modular façade panels are in place. Concrete balconies can be either pre-manufactured offsite integral with the internal structural slab components or they can be propped and cast into the structural slab on site.

In either scenario the balcony can be a ‘finished unit’ with the balustrade, soffit and deck finishes already in place.

Lodge Road balconies being constructed.
Fulton & Fifth balconies installed.
Fulton & Fifth balcony ready for assembly.

Inset balconies are formed as part of the structural slab system with proprietary thermal breaks embedded within the structural slab zone to create a recessed thermal line. Again, this approach can either be done offsite as part a pre-manufactured structural slab component or on site in conjunction with pouring insitu concrete to form a composite slab system.

Concrete Balcony
Concrete balcony at Chapel Wharf in Manchester.
Steel Balcony
Grace House, St John’s Wood balconies being assembled.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Systems Integration


Bathroom pods and utility cupboards can be easily integrated within the hyTower system as there is no backpropping required to the floor plate. This means the floor plate is completely open giving the flexibility to pre-load the construction deck with modular M&E components prior to the next floor plate being assembled. In addition, the main risers and services distribution openings are extremely accurate both in terms of geometry and verticality so pre-assembled volumetric M&E riser modules can be easily slotted into the structure as assembly works progress.

Brent Cross Plot 14 M&E bathroom pods. Fulton & Fifth utility cupboard.
Bathroom pod assembled onsite.

Localised services distribution such as electrical containment or hot water distribution can be integrated within the structural components resulting in the ‘first fix’ M&E already being in place when the ‘fit-out’ works commence. This approach to integrated services dramatically improves predictability of quality and streamlines onsite delivery with primary distribution routes already being set-out. This approach also allows internal finishes such as direct decoration or floor finishes to be applied directly to the concrete structure, further reducing the extent of ‘follow-on’ works and reducing both risk and time.

Cast-in M&E within the ceiling space.
M&E module being fitted at N06 East Village.
Cast-in M&E within the ceiling space.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Systems Integration


Partitions being manufactured in the factory.

The hyTower® system supports various integration levels for lightweight partitions, aiding follow-on trades. With no back propping required, the open floor plate allows for an integrated partition approach. Pre-cut, pre-packaged components can be preloaded as the superstructure rises, creating a ‘kit of parts’ for each apartment, ready for fit-out. Alternatively, a fully modular partition system can be assembled alongside the vertical structure. Early engagement and pre-planning ensure tight tolerances across delivery, allowing components to fit precisely and perform as intended. This accuracy benefits structural installation as well as internal interfacing, such as partition walls, making it easier for fit-out interfacing with greater accuracy and simplicity. In turn, this helps enable faster construction, streamlining fit-out processes and accelerating construction timelines.

Partition 3D Model.

Platerboard pack ready to be installed.

Partitions being assembled on site.

Specwall Partitions at Assembly Building C.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Real Time Data Capture & Tracking

The hyTower® design is coordinated with the architecture and M&E in Revit with every component and its interfaces fully detailed within the 3D model. This elemental model allows every interface to be interrogated prior to sign off of the design ensuring that all tolerances and structural connections are fully coordinated. This model is also utilised to track and monitor project progress through design, fabrication and assembly. Each stage of the delivery process is tracked digitally in real time utilising the BIM model to visually monitor and display the progress of each and every structural component within the system.

PCE’s digital system benefits from Ynomia, a real-time tracking and traceability system co-developed by PCE. Innovations like Bluetooth trackers and OCR text recognition ensure effortless and accurate data capture in the field or factory through a streamlined, intuitive app. This bypasses the need for manual entry. Captured data automatically integrates into an interactive 3D digital twin, providing real-time status tracking and storing vital information such as unit type, dimensions, and historical progress. This trackability, from design conception through to installation, covers every component, façades, M&E, pods, and more. The PCE/ Ynomia solution is not just project location based like others; data is captured across the entire value chain, regardless of location.

Ynomia Digital Twin showing the data captured in a hybrid project.
Digital Track & Trace

Design Status

Once the geometrical model is available, metadata is embedded within each component to allow tracking and data collation throughout the components lifecycle. Engineering, modelling and detailing status is monitored by tracking each design process for each element type on the project. The Engineering status report gives real time visibility of where the components are within the design stages.

Manufacture Status

Once the structural element detailing is completed the fabrication drawings can be released to the factory for manufacture. Manufacture programmes are coordinated with the assembly sequence and agreed in advance of production commencing. Manufacturing is tracked on a daily basis with automated reporting directly linked to the BIM model. Manufacturing Quality Assurance records are also digitally embedded within the BIM model providing a fully auditable digital trail through the offsite manufacturing stages.

Construction Status

Once the structural element arrives on site, it is inspected and signed for digitally by the assembly team. Once signed for the element can be safely lifted and positioned within the structure. The assembly team will complete a Quality Assurance check once positioned with all site quality control documentation being completed in real time and digitally linked to the BIM model. Once installed and signed-off, each element has a complete digital passport which has all relevant quality control documentation embedded within the BIM model along with real time tracking of project status on site.

Component being scanned and checked in by online system.
Componentised digital model.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Benefits


FIRE RESISTANT – system constructed from noncombustible materials including the envelope

THERMALLY EFFICIENT –removal of cold bridging with the removal of metallic connections within the façade

AIR TIGHT – monolithic concrete construction and integrated EPDMs and air seals to glazing

FLEXIBLE – no down-stands and vertical structure concealed within the architectural finishes

ROBUST – concrete construction requires little or no maintenance

DURABLE – 60 year Design Life easily achievable

ACCURATE – factory engineered tolerances

ACOUSTICS – excellent resistance to noise

VIBRATION – structure borne vibration mitigated

INTEGRATION – high degrees of coordination with façade, services and finishes

COMPLIANT – designed and constructed in accordance with Eurocodes and British Standards

COORDINATED – structured design development and decision making

SIMPLE – coordination takes place offsite


PROGRAMME – 30% reduction in construction programme

PRELIMS – time related reductions

SITE MANAGEMENT –significant reduction in site activities and manpower

DESIGN FEES – stage 4 and 5 design completed by hyTower team

SCAFFOLDING – removal of external access

FENESTRATION – factory installation improves productivity and reduces risk

RISK – significant reduction in risk through systemised delivery approach

PREDICTABILITY – much greater certainty of time and quality outcomes

COST CERTAINTY – elemental cost certainty from Stage 3 design FINISHES – reduction/removal of internal linings and finishes

ACCURACY – reduced risk for follow-on trades

INTEGRATION – simplified coordination and reduced costs for follow-on trades

HybriDfMA hyTower® Benefits


SPEED – significant reduction in site programmes

QUALITY – factory engineered quality

SAFETY – significant reduction in site hazards along with integrated safety mitigation measures

ACCURACY – constructed to much tighter tolerances than traditional construction

COORDINATION – pre-planning much simpler with other trades

PREDICTABILITY – construction phase fully planned and coordinated

DIGITAL – real time visibility at every stage of delivery

MAN HOURS – reductions of upto 80%

DELIVERIES – reductions of upto 50%

WASTE – reduction of upto 90%

NOISE & DUST – removal of noisy and dusty activities

DAMAGE & REWORK –weathertight construction methodology

LOGISTICS – simplified approach with minimal stacking and storage on site

REMOVAL OF ACTIVITIES –no requirement for back-propping, falsework and scaffolding

FLEXIBILITY – critical path shifts to fit-out much earlier


MATERIAL EFFICIENCY –optimised material selection based on performance


MAPPING – fully audited mapping of Stages A1-A5 at an elemental level

CEMENT REPLACEMENTS –upto 70% cement replacements can be used

DESIGN EFFICIENCY –optimised design solutions based on carbon content

MATERIALS SOURCING –supply chain selection through EPD’s and sustainability strategy

CARBON BALANCING – carbon content balanced between concrete grades and reinforcement content

FACTORY CONTROL –optimised processes with removal of waste and sustainable energy and resource usage

WASTE – significant reduction in site waste

SITE LOGISTICS – reduction of upto 50%

SITE OPERATIONS – man hours reduced by upto 80%

FACADES – simplified approach with significant reductions in materials

Image curtesy of Curtins.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Key Design Considerations

Stability System and Core Arrangement

As with any tall building, the core arrangement is key as it provides the main stability system. The ratio of the core area to overall building area should be no less than 15% and the core/s should be placed around the centroid of the building axis where possible. Hybrid precast cores tend to have slightly thicker wall sections than conventional insitu reinforced concrete construction so wall zones need to be considered carefully before fixing a spatial layout.

M&E Coordination and Integration

Primary services distribution both vertically and horizontally need to be carefully coordinated as early as possible within the design stages. Major ‘builderswork’ openings will be formed within the structural elements offsite and can be problematic to modify once formed. Preassembled modular risers and service distribution units can be integrated during assembly but the M&E specialist must be appointed early within the process. Routing of primary services can also be embedded within the structural elements but this strategy must be adopted from the outset.

N06 East village building core.
Routing of primary services at Brent Cross Plot 14.

Façade Integration and Thermal Performance

The integrated structural façade is a key component of the hyTower system and requires early engagement with the client and architect. The modular nature of the façade must be considered in the development of the façade arrangements with careful thought into the articulation of where the vertical joints can be concealed. The Sandwich Panel façade tends to be approximately 20-25% thicker than traditional façade zone build-up as all of the insulation is placed between the inner and outer leaf of concrete.

DfMA Optimisation

The key to efficiently using the hyTower® system and maximising the value for money is to optimise all the opportunities the DfMA build approach presents. Wherever offsite integration is available, it should be pursued. This can be installing the permanent balustrade system within the stair cores offsite, integrating the lift controls and embedded fixings within the lift cores, using bathroom pods, utility cupboards and integrating a modular riser strategy within the cores.

Fulton & Fifth staircase installed with handrail.
Façade panels being installed at Fulton & Fifth.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Golden Thread

PCE has developed and implemented digital systems that significantly improve the capture, collation, and analysis of data. This enables PCE and its supply chain to make fast, informed, and effective decisions at the touch of a button. It also means extensive information is captured in a centralised mechanism, aiding in Golden Thread compliance.

Through API connectivity, PCE coordinates advanced field data collection tools, innovative digital twin technology, and an intelligent CDE. The systems autonomously communicate, capturing data once for automatic distribution across all relevant platforms.

Supplier Quality Information form.

Ynomia tracking of a component on Fulton & Fifth.

PCE’s digital system, leveraging Ynomia, integrates Bluetooth trackers and OCR text recognition for seamless data capture, eliminating manual entry. This data feeds into an interactive 3D digital twin, enabling real-time tracking from design to installation for all components, including façades, M&E, and pods. Unlike other solutions, the PCE/Ynomia system captures data across the entire value chain, not just project locations, enhancing DfMA delivery efficiency. This approach allows for flexible installation of components not bound by specified location parameters, thus allowing any component within a particular component type to be installed in any relevant location, rather than every unique component having a unique installation location.

Digital dashboard and reporting mechanisms enable improved operation, not just internally to PCE, but across its supply chain, too. It enables assessment of how efficiently the digital systems are implemented across the supply chain, as well as capturing data such as the stacking and sequencing of loads, incorrect tagging of components, safety issues, and general quality standards. This insight facilitates continuous improvement, enabling PCE to work with the supply chain to enable better performance, coordination, and outcomes both operationally and commercially.

Ynomia tracking tag on component connection.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Embodied Carbon

All of our employees are encouraged to play their part in delivering projects with a reduced carbon footprint, from receipt of enquiries through to the final project handover. Externally the company is collaboratively involved with industry and government research initiatives to progress new sustainability ideas and techniques.

We evaluate the embodied carbon content at every stage of structural delivery. This includes assessment from manufacture to handover, including design, construction, and logistics. Digital capabilities and material expertise help our team identify causes of carbon and opportunities to reduce it, including carbon calculators and heat mapping. This enables our engineers to better accommodate differing sustainability

targets, whilst providing the tools and insight for better decision making and carbon-reducing opportunities and initiatives.

Our internal sustainability team:

• Develops our sustainability strategies

• Monitors carbon measurements across the organisation

• Oversees our Carbon Toolkit

• Support developing industry-wide best practice

• External collaboration and circular assessment for wider application

• Support with internal sustainability training

• Expertise to guide carbon-reduction from RIBA Stage 2

PCE is now a carbon neutral business.

In 2020 LETI provided guidance on what good looks like in the context of the climate emergency for new buildings. PCE over recent years have been following these targets to help reduce our overall embodied carbon emissions.

Carbon Assesment Tool by LETI.
Carbon calculation from Fulton & Fifth.

Improved Mix Design

PCE has been working alongside Accelar, using outputs from the internally designed Concrete Carbon Calculator to develop a new concrete mix design with lower embodied carbon. It was recognised that by replacing a proportion of cement with alternative materials, the environmental impact of the concrete construction can be lowered. Full scale productions were conducted for multiple components using five different mix designs. The result was an improved mix achieving a carbon saving of 12%.

Hybrid Materials

Through common connection principles and with access to top-tier offsite specialists, our structural solutions can easily accommodate a hybrid of structural materials, combining precast concrete, reinforced steel, and engineered timber. This means the right product is used for sustainability targets as they can improve energy systems, reduce transport and overall lower carbon emissions.

Assembly C using sustainable solutions within the build.
The Fitzrovia W1 built using the sustainable ‘Green Beam’ in the hybrid frame structure.
Deltabeam Green being used on-site.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Supply Chain: Flexibility & Scale

At PCE, our manufacturing capabilities are extensive. Thanks to our innovative supply chain model, which thrives on robust relationships with top-tier manufacturers throughout the UK and Europe, we have near ceiling-less capacity on production scale. Backed by comprehensive manufacturing knowledge and expertise, we have the flexibility and freedom to handpick the best manufacturers and materials for each unique project’s needs. This flexibility allows us to accommodate extensive manufacturing needs with confidence, consistency, and certainty.

All of PCE’s current supplier factory loactions.

We manufacture a diverse range of components from materials like timber, reinforced concrete, and steel, all while upholding the highest standards of quality, safety, and reliability. Our systemised kit of parts, powered by repeatable, optimised components, allows us to configure components within a set of rules, seamlessly adapting to unique project needs. This provides the freedom to interchange components and materials while enjoying the benefits of our proven smart connectivity and precise integrations.

Supplier factory storage yard of stacked PCE components.

In the same way PCE components are standardised, so too are the connection details used to reliably interface them. Our design specialists capture key design metrics such as fabrication and specification details. In doing so, PCE has established common connection principles for all components. This creates consistency and certainty amongst component interfacing, enabling predictable and reliable connection detailing. Achieving proven and consistent connection detailing helps replace complexities with consistencies. This gives us the freedom and flexibility to interchange components and materials, without causing delay or jeopardising quality.

PCE’s supply chain model offers improved flexibility in construction. By collaborating with top-tier manufacturing specialists across the UK and Europe, we have the freedom to select the best manufacturers and materials for each project’s distinct architectural and engineering requirements. Whether it’s aesthetics, structural integrity, sustainability, or scale needs, our approach ensures an adaptable, tailored fit. This flexibility gives the freedom of choice, whilst maintaining the guarantee of precision and excellence in every build.

Access to manufacturing automation and technology.
Façade panel being manufactured at one of our many supplier factories.

HybriDfMA hyTower® RIBA Overlay Alignment

The RIBA plan of work for DfMA projects is the backbone for offsite project delivery. As an offsite specialist, this playbook together with PCE’s methods for project delivery align with these well-established principles, ensuring effective deliverance of an offsite DfMA strategy. For the successful delivery of a project in line with the RIBA stages of work PCE would look to harness the benefits of early involvement at stage 2, all the way through to project delivery on site in stage 5.

The concept, developed, and technical design stages are far more effective when developed off the back of stage 2 engagement. This ensures continuity throughout the decision-making period of early to late design development, ensuring alignment with the desired offsite strategy. The successfulness of this strategy also relies on the timely engagement of other parties in the project team, enabling collaboration and coordination with other trades early enough, who are reliant on, or influencing the offsite strategy.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Logistics & Site Operations

With extensive experience in the construction delivery of DfMA solutions, we are experts in the development of practical, deliverable construction phase logistics plans which respond to the sensitivities of a projects location and surroundings whilst ensuring the works can be delivered efficiently, safely and to the highest levels of quality. Utilising the latest digital tools, our multi-skilled project teams analyse every phase of the on-site assembly to ensure a robust, transparent logistics plan is communicated to all stakeholders.

London project Fulton & Fifth.
Façade component being assembled at Fulton & Fifth.

Every component and activity is meticulously planned to the minute during the construction phase with the sequence of assembly, the on site methodology for accessing and undertaking the works, the temporary design requirements and the specification are all part of the decision making process when developing the construction programme. BIM models contain key assembly data and are used to communicate and coordinate the days activities within our own assembly teams and the wider project resources.

Digital Bluetooth tags attached to each structural component allow us to track when each component is in transit, where it is on the journey from the Offsite facility to site, when it arrives on site, when it is installed and when it is ‘signed-off’ as complete. This ‘end to end’ digital process gives real time progress data along with creating a fully auditable trail of a components timeline, which is linked to a digital inventory of a components full QA/ QC records, all of which is synchronised with a Digital Twin which is linked to our BIM models.

Offloading of a façade panel at Brent Cross Plot 14.
Façade panel component being delivered to site.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Compliance

Testing timber moisture levels.

The hyTower® system is constructed from industry recognised materials, i.e. concrete, steel, bricks, and mineral fibre insulation. All components are manufactured in accordance with relevant British and European Standards and accredited quality systems with full traceability and chain of custody for raw materials, components, assemblies, fixtures and fittings. Where applicable, components and structural assemblies are supplied with a CE mark. Most components are manufactured within the UK with only a small number of specialist components being sourced via mainland Europe.

Façade panel being tested for fire proofing.

Robustness and longevity of materials and components

We believe passionately in creating buildings that last, and the climate emergency demands that we do not use materials or assemblies that cannot meet their design life. It’s critical that we do not create a ‘weak link’ in our buildings.

PCE components are manufactured:

• Compliant with Eurocodes and all relevant British standards

• Robust and compliant with all relevant Building Regulations

• Compliant with all relevant industry Best Practice

• Fire resistant

• Thermally efficient and Air Tight

• Excellent for both acoustic attenuation and resistance

• Excellent for Vibration

• Durable, with a design Life of 60 years

• Accepted by all major insurers and warranty providers

• BIM level 2 Accredited

Commercial Road under construction.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Case Studies

Brent Cross Plot 14

As part of the new Brent Cross masterplan, PCE have been engaged to design and build 3no. Residential Blocks (Plot 14) forming 281 Build to Rent apartments. The 25,000m2 development rises to 12 storeys with the residential blocks being delivered using our hyTower® system build approach with superstructure and façade delivered concurrently. Blocks are arranged around a common courtyard but are independent to other plots on site other than a shared Basement.

Brent Cross Plot 14 artists impression.
Brent Cross Plot 14 differing façade panels.
Brent Cross Plot 14 in construction.


• 3 Blocks – A, B and C, ranging from 6 to 12 storeys above podium

• hyTower® Structure commences from Level 1 with the pcc structure being supported on a insitu RC Transfer Deck

• Facades have a mix of both brick and reconstructed stone finishes

• Windows and balconies are to be integrated within the façade solution

Brent Cross Plot 14 façade with Juliet balconies.
Brent Cross Plot 14 artists impression.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Case Studies

Fulton & Fifth


PCE Ltd were appointed by property developer Regal London as specialist design and build contractors using the hyTower® System for the new London urban renewal project at Wembley, called Fulton & Fifth. The mixed-use development includes 846 residential units in five tower blocks ranging from 15 to 24 storeys tall.

They are constructed from a 2 and 3 storey podium structure which will house retail, leisure, recreational and light industrial spaces. Fulton & Fifth has been designed for Regal London by Concept Architects JTP and Engineers Terrell with Quantity Surveyors GIA. Delivery Environmental Consultants are Whitecode Design Associates, with Delivery Architects Ryder Architecture and Engineers HDR Inc. The hyTower® system was the client’s preferred approach to providing the structural frame, internal finished walls, bathroom, utility pods and building envelope for the project.

London project, Fulton & Fifth being


• A substantial reduction in

• man-hours of up to 80%

• Up to a 50% reduction in site deliveries significantly benefits logistics

• The development will include 876 residential units

• 30,000 sq. ft of flexible commercial space across five blocks

• The five blocks will range from 17-28 storeys high

• Features a dynamic 3-storey podium structure with parking and commercial spaces

• Using a selection of optimum materials, based on structural integrity, embodied carbon, and desired aesthetics

Two of the Fulton & Fifth project blocks being constructed.
Fulton & Fifth façade with balconies.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Case Studies

Chapel Wharf

Developer Dandara‘s 995

Build to Rent apartment scheme at Chapel Wharf, a 4.2 acre site adjacent to the Lowry Hotel and between the River Irwell and Chapel Street in Salford, Manchester was built by Main Contractor Sir Robert McAlpine. PCE Ltd worked with Sir Robert McAlpine during the tender period to develop an Offsite design and build solution for the four high rise apartment blocks that comprise the development and range from 13 to 23 storeys in height. This collaborative approach resulted in the four precast concrete structures, with a contract value to PCE of approximately £24million, being erected on site over a 22month programme. Each towerblock was built with crosswall construction with precast concrete components being used for the crosswalls, cores, balconies, solid floor slabs, stairs and landings. Offsite manufactured architectural precast concrete sandwich panels were used to clad the structures.

Chapel Wharf finished structure.


• 30% reduction in programme compared to an onsite insitu concrete build

• Zero reportable accidents

• 1st fix M&E integrated into structural components during their offsite manufacture

• No requirement for any external scaffolding

Chapel Wharf completed apartments.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Case Studies

N06 East Village

A revolutionary new system of offsite construction for the UK was delivered by a team consisting of Mace Group, PCE Ltd and Oranmore Precast Ltd to provide 524 residential apartments in Stratford, East London. The project, with an overall value of £179 million, known as East Village N06, was part of the regeneration of the former 2012 London Olympics site. The scheme was developed for client Get Living, with Architects Hawkins Brown and Structural Engineer Walsh. The team, working in collaboration, developed an innovative off-site engineered Hybrid construction approach known as HRS (High Rise System), which provides clients with a fast and high quality multi-storey structures for residential occupation.

N06 East Village completed.

PCE’s role in the collaboration was to provide pre-construction expertise, detail design, planning, off-site and on-site assembly with its directly employed multiskilled construction teams and using its well proven HybriDfMA processes. PCE has established extensive experience and a firstclass track record for delivering offsite engineered structures for high-rise buildings using its ‘kit of parts’ philosophy. In total 3,995 offsite factory engineered units were delivered to the East Village N06 project for PCE to assemble over a 12-month construction period. Precast concrete columns provide vertical load transfer whilst precast concrete stairs and landings are installed progressively within the stability cores to provide safe access and egress during construction works.

N06 during construction.
Integrated façade panel being lifted into place.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Case Studies

Commercial Road

PCE Ltd was appointed by property developer Regal London to design and build an offsite engineered HybriDfMA structural solution using their Trademark protected hyTower® Building System for a 14 storey aparthotel in Whitechapel, London, for lease to the StayCity Wilde hotel chain. hyTower® was the client’s preferred System to provide the structural frame and building envelope for the project, providing the client with all the benefits of PCE’s HybriDfMA approach, delivering speed, quality, value and a safe assembly method on site by the PCE directly employed in-house multi skilled site team. The System had already been used to provide structural frames to a height of 66 metres, and is also suitable for taller projects.

The hyTower® Building System for this project comprised a mix of structural precast concrete and steel components including columns, walls, pre-stressed concrete solid floor slabs, stairs and landings. The architectural finished brick-faced sandwich wall units that form the building’s envelope had all windows and glazing installed at the manufacturing facility prior to their delivery.

Commercial Road completed building image.


• 156 apartments high rise building structurally delivered in just 17 weeks

• Defect Free

• Completed with just 9,500 man hours accident and incident free

• No requirement for any external scaffolding

• Progressive Pre-positioning of bathroom pods and materials onto each floor level ready for following trades

Commercial Road building façade.
Commercial Road building entrance.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Case Studies

East Side Locks

PCE Ltd were approached by main contractor John Sisk to complete the Birmingham East Side Locks student accommodation development, following the administration of the original specialist frame contractor. PCE mobilised a 35 man strong team within two weeks and initially working with 3 erection crews and crawler cranes erecting 300 tonnes of precast concrete units per day, including architectural finished units, for this stunning high rise development including one tower of 18 storeys. On-site construction was carried out by PCE to the highest quality that can be achieved, together with savings in programme periods and enhanced environmental benefits. Despite rapid progress, site safety, as always with PCE, was of the highest priority.

Construction close to completion.

Finished structure.

Façade panel being lifted into place.

HybriDfMA hyTower® Case Studies

Dakota Hotel

PCE Ltd were appointed by GMI Construction Group PLC to design and build an offsite engineered structural HybriDfMA system for the nine storey five star deluxe hotel for the Dakota Boutique hotel chain built on Ducie Street, Manchester. The luxury hotel holds 137 bedrooms over 8 levels with the 9th level containing executive suites.

PCE were responsible for the design and build of the superstructure using their well proven offsite engineering HybriDfMA approach, with the structural stability to both the lower steel frame and upper concrete construction being provided by the stair and lift shaft cores constructed using PCE’s PreFastCore system. The overall project was designed by Leeds based KPP Architects and International Consulting Engineers, the JPG Group.

Floor solution with safety rail build lifted onto site.
Finished building façade.

HybriDfMA hyTower®

Why PCE & hyTower®

Being an EOT business means PCE are equally owned by its employee partners. As business owners, our people take ownership for PCE’s continued success and enjoy the rewards that come with it; the more successful our business, the more reward we collectively enjoy.

Offsite Manufacture - offsite factory manufacturing for quality and efficiency

Pre-Assembly - smart solutions, smart integration

Innovation - active thinking, practical solutions

Digital - digitally enabled for tomorrow’s challenges

HybriDfMA - optimising material choices and construction techniques

Supply Chain - flexibility and scale

Sustainability - sustainable solutions, efficiently delivered

Health & Safety - at the core of all our procedures

Continuous Improvementstriving for excellence

People - great people at the heart of everything we do!

The PCE team on-site at Chapel Wharf in Manchester.
The PCE team on site at Fulton & Fifth in London.
The PCE team on site at Commercial Road in London.

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