February 2011 Charolais Banner

Page 16

Clear Lake Charolais 1ST ANNUAL BULL SALE March 5, 2011 • At the farm • Tiger Lily, Alberta Polled/S • FFBB Lariat PLD 828U x SDc Victoria 51r Just a sample of the 30 BULLS that will be selling Looking forward to seeing all our friends MArch 5Th. Call for directions to the farm. For more info or a catalogue, give us a call. CLEAR LAKE CHAROLAIS Box 9, Tiger Lily, AB T0G 2G0 780-674-5992 • clearlakecharolais@xplornet.ca • Loretta Facette Tim Facette 780-880-7766 • John Fitzgerald 780-880-7762 TEF 20X Polled • SVY AD Invincible 748T x JWX Silver Girl 154P acc 105X Charolais Banner • February 2011 3

124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 546-3940 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: http://www.charolaisbanner.com email: charolaisbanner@sasktel.net ISSN 0824-1767

Helge By, Manager/Publisher

Candace By, Managing Editor email: charolaisbanner@sasktel.net

Susan Penner, Production/Design e-mail: charolais.susan@sasktel.net

Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 email: robertsonp@xplornet.com

Scott Kasprick, Web Design Ph 204-573-2250 scott@reaxiongraphics.com

FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 5107 42nd Street, Olds, AB T4H 1X1 Res. (403) 507-2258 Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 email: sbanner@telusplanet.net Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada

Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Office (306) 546-3940 Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res. (306) 584-7937 Cell (306) 536-4261 email: charolaisbanner@sasktel.net

Liaison française Cynthia Beck (306) 436-2007 CBeck@charolais.com

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Payable by credit card at www.charolaisbanner.com

All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST)

1 yr. $42.00 3 yrs. $105.00 USA

1 yr. - $75, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $115 3 yrs. - $200, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $320 Overseas

1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $120 3 yrs. - $210, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $330

Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.

The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility

On the cover…

The B.O.S.S. Bull and Female of 2010. For complete details go to page 38.

Photo: GRP Ltd. Design: Susan Penner

4 Charolais Banner • February 2011
Obituary - Morley Shepardson 14 Manitoba Charolais Association AGM .....................................................17 Rolling D Dispersal 18 Crystal D Dispersal ....................................................................................19 Sandan Sale ...............................................................................................21 New Country Dispersal 22 Bar J Dispersal ...........................................................................................31 Charburg Dispersal ....................................................................................32 Obituary - Harry Collingridge 33 Oops! ..........................................................................................................34 Female Sale Summary 36 B.O.S.S. Report...........................................................................................38 From the Field ..............................................................................................6 Du champ .....................................................................................................8 From the CCA General Manager 10 Do Directeur Généralde l’ACC ..................................................................10 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News ..........................................14 Charolais Life 16 Beef Information Centre News.................................................................20 Beefs & Bouquets ......................................................................................33 Herd Health 34 Calendar .....................................................................................................48 Index 50 February 2011 VOL. 45, NO. 1 Features Departments
for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810 Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada charolaisbanner@sasktel.net
Charolais Banner • February 2011 5

The Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting is going to be held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on June 14th. The association celebrated its 50th Anniversay last year and the AGM has never been east of Quebec so it is time. Candace and I were asked if we wanted to help put a tour together to go along with the meetings and since we weren't doing anything else this spring, we eagerly agreed.

It has been fun visiting with many of the breeders down there to get advice on what to see and do and I think we have an interesting itineray set up. We are going to visit a number of farms and bus across three provinces to see some of the natural beauty and diversity the east coast can deliver. We sent an email out to all breeders awhile ago to get a read on how many are interested in attending. It has been reassuring how positive the response has been. Many people from the west have never been to the Eastern region of this large country and felt this would be a good opportunity to see it and some of the breeders. I know you will find the hospitality exceptional.

We have set it up so those that only want to stay for a couple of days in PEI and take in the AGM can, but I think riding along the rest of the trip, getting to know breeders you have never met before, is always a fun time. Busing time is a great way to network and share ideas with cattlemen from right across Canada. If you haven't responded about joining us yet, please do so quickly, as that time of year rooms can be in short supply. The hotel room price jumps dramatically each week as summer and tourist season approaches. It is also easier to plan meals, buses and everything else when you have more solid numbers early. I hope you take this opportunity to combine pleasure with a little

business and come along.

The fall female sales ended positively and you can see the complete results later in this issue. With one more sale and some larger sales, not only were the numbers of cattle sold up, but the average was up over $200 and the total gross up nearly $500,000 from the 2009 sales. We witnessed some new breeders buying some numbers to establish herds and also in 2009 there were a few Charolais herds bought privately and added into some existing purebred herds of other breeds. I have also heard of other breed purebred breeders shopping around looking for Charolais to compliment their operations. Times are going to get exciting in the Charolais business... I can feel it.

I want to review some things that are not new, but can't be forgotten either when having a female sale or selling some females in a consignment sale. This past fall these concepts were reinforced at sales:

People do not want to buy question marks. What I mean by that is most of us want to know when the female that is selling is going to calve. Whether it is January or April, it is better to know and present this information than leave it as a question. There are some people that do not want them to calve in January but would love to buy a March calver. By having long exposures and no observed breeding date or early close pregnancy check, you may lose both of the buyers mentioned as they don't know when she is due. An A.I. service or observed breeding date to a promoted sire will definitely provide you with the greatest return. Think about what you want to buy. Is it something that is bred to Joe Smoo sometime between April 1st and July 31st? Probably not.

The other fact is that people like to buy fat cattle. Many say they don't but don't believe them as I have seen buyers say one thing and do another more often than not. More people will

From the Field

pay more money for fat cattle than those that shy away from them.

Bull selling season is upon us and I will say the same thing here. Feed is still your cheapest commodity in selling bulls. We are marketing a performance breed so they better be expressing some performance or why should they buy them.

Another point I will bring up is that integrity and accurate information is very important for long term success in this business. If you want repeat customers, you have to be selling what you say you are. Back in the frame chase days there were some breeders that would move birth dates to make the cattle bigger at a supposed younger age. They are no longer in the business. The cattle never continued to develop as they should have being that age. The same thing is true for birth weights. If you sell a bull as a 91 lb. birth weight and he was actually 108 lbs., you may fool the buyer once but you are hurting yourself and unfortunately the whole breed by doing this. I must say that I believe there is a miniscule percentage that may be doing this, but one is too many. If a commercial producer buys what he believes is a small birth weight and what should be an easy calving bull and has big calves and problems, he is not going to be happy. He will probably tell some neighbours and not use another bull from you and maybe not from this breed. You always have to ask yourself in all aspects of your operation "is this good for my long term success". If it isn't, do what would be.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the bull sales this spring and if Craig Scott or I can be of any assistance in helping you market your bulls or locating a herdbull for you, let us know.

Until next time, Helge

6 Charolais Banner • February 2011
In the Bar J Dispersal, 9 sons averaged $3,883 with over half going to purebred herds. Sale stats at 34 month: 2,565 lbs., Frame 7, 45 cm • CE 68 BW .5 WW 51 YW 107 M 11.5 TM 37 relder@sasktel.net Michael & Judy & family 306-267-5655 Jay Forsyth Box 3, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0 204-739-2678 Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 306-458-2688 wilgenbusch@sasktel.net Homozygous Polled MERIT 8676U Winn Mans The Game 102L • Low Birth Weights and Easy Calving Become a part of a great one ... Limited Semen packs available High Seller Bar J Dispersal at $19,000 Charolais Banner • February 2011 7

Du champ

L’assemblée générale annuelle « AGM » de l’association canadienne du charolais sera tenue le 14 juin au Charlottetown, île de Prince Edouard. La « AGM » n’a été jamais tenue à l’est du Québec, est tellement maintenant le temps. Candace et moi ont été demandés si nous voulions aider à organiser une excursion pour coïncider avec les réunions, nous avons dit oui.

Pour le conseil et les idées en voyage il était intéressant à visiter avec des éleveurs de la côte est. Je pense que nous avons organisé un itinéraire intéressant. Nous visiterons un certain nombre de fermes et prendrons une excursion d’autobus à travers trois provinces pour voir la beauté et la diversité normales de la côte est. Pour une idée de combien de personnes sont intéressées à venir, nous avons envoyé un courriel aux éleveurs. La réponse a été très positive. Beaucoup de gens de l’ouest n’ont jamais été à la région de l’est de ce pays. C’est une grande occasion de voir et de rencontrer des éleveurs dans l’industrie. Je sais que vous trouverez l’hospitalité exceptionnelle.

Le voyage est organisé que les gens qui veulent rester seulement dans IPE et s’occupent de l’AGM puissent le faire. Je pense que faisant le voyage par autobus et se rencontrer les éleveurs pour la première fois et toujours beaucoup de fun. Le temps passé faisant une promenade à l’autobus est une grande manière au réseau et à partager des idées avec des éleveurs de l’autre côté du Canada. Veuillez nous contacter rapidement si vous n’avez pas répondu à nous au sujet de venir en voyage. Les salles d’hôtel deviennent plus chères pendant l’été, et la saison de touriste s’approche. Il est également plus facile de projeter des repas et des autobus requis quand vous avez un nombre à travailler avec. J’espère que vous

venez en ce voyage et saisissez l’occasion de combiner des affaires avec du plaisir.

Les ventes femelles d’automne 2010 ont fini avec optimisme. Les détails complets sont plus tard en ce magasin. Comparé aux ventes de 2009, il y avait plus de bétail vendu en 2010, la moyenne par animal augmenté de 200$, et les totaux bruts augmenté presque de 500.000$. Nous avons vu de nouveaux éleveurs qui ont acheté des bétail pour établir leurs troupeaux. Il y avait quelques troupeaux charolais qui ont vendus en privé et se sont ajoutés aux troupeaux existants d’autres races. J’ai également entendu parler des éleveurs d’autres races recherchant le charolais pour complimenter leurs opérations. Les temps vont devenir excitant dans les affaires du charolais….je peux le sentir.

En vendant des femelles charolaises, je veux passer en revue les choses qui ne sont pas nouveaux, mais ne peux pas être oublié non plus. Cet automne passé ces concepts ont été renforcés. Les gens ne veulent pas acheter des points d’interrogation, ça veut dire qu’ils veulent savoir quand une femelle va vêler, s’elle vêle en janvier ou avril. C’est mieux de savoir et fournir ces informations que les laissent en question. Vous pouvez perdre des acheteurs en raison des dates exposées trop longue de multiplication, en raison d’aucune date de multiplication observée, ou la vérification tôt de grossesse. Pensezvous à ce que vous voulez acheter ; achetez-vous une femelle multipliée à un taureau divers qui pourrait vêler n’importe quand entre les 1er avril et 31 juillet ? Probablement pas.

Un autre fait est que les gens aiment acheter de gros bétail, qu’ils admettent à lui ou pas.

La saison de vente de taureau est ici. L’alimentation de vos taureaux est toujours le produit le meilleur marché en vendant vos taureaux. Nous vendons une race de performance,

Du champ

donc les taureaux qui vendre faudrait exprimer la performance, ou pourquoi les gens ont-ils acheter ?

Un autre point est que l’intégrité et l’information précise est très importante pour le succès à long terme dans cette industrie. Si vous voulez des clients de répétition, vous devez se vendre ce que vous dites. Il était un fois qu’il y avait quelques éleveurs qui ont changé des dates de naissance pour rendre leur veau plus grand à un plus jeune âge supposé. Le peuple qui a fait cela n’est plus dans l’industrie. Ces animaux n’ont jamais continué à se développer comme ils devraient. Le même est vrai pour des poids de naissance. Si vous vendez un taureau disant qu’il avait 91 livres à naissance, et vraiment il avait de 108 livres à naissance, vous pouvez duper l’acheteur une fois, mais vous blessez vous-même et malheureusement toute la race en faisant ceci. Je crois qu’il y a un pourcentage minuscule de personnes qui donne les poids de naissance en mensonge, mais un est trop. Si un producteur commercial achète ce qu’il croit est un taureau de poids de naissance petit, il faudrait avoir un taureau qui donne la facilité de vêlage. S’il y a des problèmes avec la facilité de vêlage, l’acheteur ne va pas être heureux. Il dira son histoire à ses voisins et n’emploiera pas probablement un autre taureau de vous et peut-être pas du charolais. Vous devez toujours se demander dans tous les aspects de votre opération ‘est-ce-que cette décision est bonne pour mon succès à long terme?’ Si le réponse est non, alors fait ce qui est bon pour votre succès.

J’attends avec intérêt de vous voir aux ventes de taureau ce printemps. Si Craig Scott ou moi peut vous aider en « marketing » vos taureaux, ou en trouver un taureau pour votre troupeau, laissez-nous savoir.

À la prochaine, Helge

8 Charolais Banner • February 2011
• February 2011 9
Charolais Banner

With the re-introduction of Keeping Track in the May, August and December issues of the Banner, the GM’s article will be dropped and featured in a condensed form in the February and October issues, so brief is the objective this month.

January Updates

2320 - 41st Avenue N.E.

Calgary, AB T2E 6W8

Phone: (403) 250-9242 Fax: (403) 291-9324 Email: cca@charolais.com Home Page: www.charolais.com



President: Darren Paget, Donalda Secretary: Jeralyn Rasmussen, Innisfail


President: Orland Walker, Hudson Bay Secretary: Dave Blechinger, Rosetown


President: Harry Airey, Rivers Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie


President: Brian Coughlin, Cobden Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest

QUEBEC President: Steeve Poulin, St-Odilon Secretary: Laurent Jourdain


President: David Francis, Crapaud, PE Secretary: Jennifer MacDonald, St. Mary’s, Kent Co., NB


General Manager: NEIL GILLIES Registry: JUDY CUMMER French Liaison: CYNTHIA BECK 306-436-2007 CBeck@charolais.com


PRESIDENT: LYLE BIGNELL Box 1055, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 (403) 742-6792 Fax (403) 742-8128 email: lylebignell@hotmail.com

1st VICE-PRESIDENT: WADE BECK Box 5, Lang, SK S0G 2W0 Ph (306) 436-4564 email: wcbeck@sasktel.net

2nd VICE-PRES: CAMPBELL FORSYTH Box 3, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0 (204) 739-2678 Fax (204) 739-2678 email: cmforsyt@mts.net

PAST PRESIDENT: CAM SPARROW Box 256, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 (306) 668-4218 Fax (306) 934-1621 email: asparrowfarms@yourlink.ca


JENNIFER MACDONALD 580 McNairn Rd., St. Mary’s Kent Co, NB E4S 1V3 (506) 955-1989 Fax (506) 853-5358 email: jenimac@nb.sympatico.ca

BERNARD BEGIN 1630 Rg St-Martin, Ste-Marie, PQ G6E 3A8 (418) 387-7514 Fax (418) 387-5623 email: louberfarm@hotmail.com

BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 (613) 646-9741 (613) 312-0270 email: cornervu@nrtco.net

BRENTSAUNDERS RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0 (519) 986-4165 Fax (519) 986-4273 email: saunders@bmts.com

URSULA CORPATAUX Box 397, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph/Fax (403) 742-3337 ucorpataux@xplornet.com

DORY GERRARD RR 2, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7 (403) 227-5632 Fax (403) 227-2583 email: info@gerrardcattlecompany.com

JOHN WILGENBUSCH Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 (306) 458-2688 Fax (306) 458-2371 email: wilgenbusch@sasktel.net

The start of the year is always a challenge as membership renewals and enrolment deadlines create a scramble for breeders and office staff alike. Between January 1st and the 18th, Judy had received 334 emails related to member’s WHE issues, as well as countless phone calls from members needing assistance. As may be expected she has fallen behind in the response time and is prepared to try and catch up by working from home in the evening. We apologise for this situation and have already postponed WHE billing until all questions have received an answer and all members that enrolled last year have been contacted regarding this year’s intentions.

As a reminder to sellers of Charolais

females please transfer the animals that have been sold as soon as you have a free moment. We have received a significant number of calls from breeders who have purchased registered breeding stock and their purchases are not showing up on the enrolment forms. On the back of the certificate please indicate the new buyer, a breeding date if bred, a signature and send it into the office. The good news is that the cost of the transfer has been paid for under the enrolment fee.

The web site has been relocated to a hosting service as a result of the website server being hacked this past fall. A redesign with new updated content is underway, and new this month is that CCA merchandise is now available. The CCA has partnered with Drive Sportswear in Calgary to release a new line of merchandise for winter 2011. Orders can be placed by phone, fax or email and are available through March 15th, 2011. At that time a new listing of spring and summer apparel will be posted.

Les Mises à Jour du Janvier

Neil Gillies, Général Directeur, Canadian Charolais Association

Le début de l’année est toujours un défi parce que les renouvellements d’adhésion et les dates-limites d’inscription « WHE » créent une bousculade pour les éleveurs et le personnel de bureau. Entre le 1er janvier et le 18 janvier, Judy a reçu 334 courriels concernant l’enregistrement complet du troupeau « WHE ». Elle a également reçu des appels téléphoniques trop nombreux à compter des membres ayant besoin d’aide. Avec la quantité de travail à faire, il y a un plus long temps de réponse aux questions. Judy essaie à se rattraper en travaillant en soirée de chez elle. Nous faisons des excuses pour cette situation et nous avons déjà remis la facturation de WHE à plus tard, jusqu’à toutes les questions ont répondu et tous les membres qui se sont inscrite l’année dernière ont été contactés concernant des intentions

de cette année.

Un rappel aux gens qui se sont vendus femelles charolaises - transférez svp les animaux aussitôt que possible après la vente. Nous avons reçu beaucoup d’appels téléphoniques des éleveurs qui ont acheté des animaux enregistré ; ces animaux ne sont pas sur les formes d’enrolment. Sur le dos du certificat d’enregistrement, écrivez svp le nouvel acheteur, son adresse, une date de saillie si multiplié, une signature et envoyez-le au bureau. Les bonnes nouvelles sont que le coût du transfert a été payé sous le frais d’inscription.

Le site web de l’ACC est remodelé et mis à jour. Les nouvelles marchandises de l’ACC sont disponibles pour l’hiver jusqu’au 15 mars. Vous pouvez voir les marchandises sur le site web. Des commandes peuvent être envoyez à Drive Sportswear, Calgary, par le téléphone, le fax ou l’E-mail ; leur information de contact est sur le site web de l’ACC. Après le 15 mars 2011 une nouvelle liste de ressort / d’habillement d’été sera disponible.

10 Charolais Banner • February 2011
Neil Gillies, General Manager, Canadian Charolais Association THE CCA GENERAL MANAGER
WELLS “THE ULTIMATE 0163• Polled • Born March 11, 2010 GDSF Jr Platinum 20K x RAC Latitude 0188 PLD BW 88 WW 901 • BW -.2 WW 36 YW 60 M 3 TM 21 WELLS MR. WHITE BISON 0416• Polled • Born March 2, 2010 Sparrows Fargo 811U x Thomas Mr Cigar 4768P BW 90 WW 820 • BW 1 WW 34 YW 56 M -3 TM 14 WELLS “THE ROCK” 0596• Polled • Born March 20, 2010 GDSF Tried and True 58U x BHD Amplifie M176 BW 90 WW 942 • BW 1.4 WW 42 YW 72 M 3 TM 24 WELLS MS RED HOT MAMA 9402 Her full brother sells: WELLS “THE BOMB” 0402 • Polled TR Red Smoke x GDSF Jr Platinum 20K BW 90 WW 856 • Born May 1, 2010 BW 3.2 WW 33 YW 67 M 5 TM 22 15446 419th Avenue, Conde, SD 57434 U.S.A. Richard & Heather Wells • Jason & Nina Jo Wells 605-784-3409 • 605-784-7824 www.wellscharolaisranch.com For a catalogue or more information, please call, or visit our website: WELLS MR DYNAMITE 0437• Polled • Born March 24, 2010 TR Red Smoke x ACE Prime Up 981 BW 89 WW 758 • BW .4 WW 20 YW 51 M 7 TM 16 All bulls available in WELLS 29TH CHAROLAIS BULL SALE Saturday, April 2nd, 2011, 12:30 p.m. Hub City Livestock Auction, Aberdeen, SD U.S.A. Selling 65 Yearling Bulls Including 15 Red Factor 20 Open Heifers Charolais Banner • February 2011 11

Join us for the Canadian Charolais

red Soil w atlantic Shores w Charolais w Maritime Hospitality


Monday, June 13 arrival in Charlottetown, peI Social

TueSday, June 14 CCa aGM president’s Luncheon Founder’s Hall, the Home of Confederation Lobster on the Wharf supper

WedneSday, June 15 Tour Havenview Charolais Tour Cornerstone Charolais national park - anne of Green Gables, Cavendish Boardwalk and Beach Lobster Supper

THurSday, June 16 Tour Lady Fane Charolais and potato farm Tour LXL Charolais, nB Tour Fundy Charolais, nS

FrIday, June 17 Tidal Bore rafting Tourist activities

SaTurday, June 18 Tour ringuette Charolais, nS drive through the annapolis Valley Tour Boyd Crouse’s Charolais and Christmas tree farm Lunenberg peggy’s Cove for supper

Sunday, June 19 Citadel, Halifax pier 21 – Canada’s Immigration Heritage port (one in five Canadians has a connection here) tour & supper

Monday, June 20 depart from Halifax, nS

SponSorS: w
12 Charolais Banner • February 2011 Helge & Candace By • 306.584.7937 For more information contact:
Cornerstone Charolais
Havenview Charolais
LXL Charolais
ringuette Charolais

Association AGM in the Maritimes

June 14th – 19th, 2011


3 nIGHT CCa aGM paCkaGe (June 13, 14, 15): includes 3 nights accommodation, all meals on Tuesday and Wednesday, and tour bus and tour admissions. does not include alcoholic beverages or airfare. price: double occupancy $550, if paid by credit card $567. Single occupancy $785, if paid by credit card $808.50.

7 nIGHT BuSIneSS & pLeaSure paCkaGe (June 13–19): includes 7 nights accommodation, meals Tuesday through Sunday, tour bus and tour admissions. does not include alcoholic beverages or airfare. price: double occupancy $1350, if paid by credit card $1400. Single occupancy $1800, if paid by credit card $1855. due to low vacancy availability during tourist season, early registration is necessary. a minimum $300 late fee will be assessed to each registration after May 1.

registration deadline with 1/3 payment: March 1. Total payment must be received by May 1. please make cheques payable to: By Livestock, 124 Shannon road, regina, Sk  S4S 5B1

address ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Tel __________________________ email ________________________________________________________________ q 3 night aGM package room: q Single q Two double beds q Business & pleasure package room: q Single q Two double beds Method of payment: q Cheque q Credit Card Mastercard or VISa no: ___________________________________________________________ expiry date: ______________________ amount: $________________________ The registration form is also available on the neWSpage at: www.charolaisbanner.com Charolais Banner • February 2011 13

CCYA National Board charolaisyouth@gmail.com

President: Michael Hunter 780-581-9005 mike_hunter40@hotmail.com

Vice-President: Russell Gallelli russellgallelli@live.ca

Treasurer: Brandon Sparrow bis265@mail.usask.ca

Secretary: Candace Alexander candace641@hotmail.com

Director: Luke Marshall futureal@telusplanet.net

Director: Kirstin Sparrow kp.sparrow@hotmail.com

Director: Autumn Jackson a_jackson_22@hotmail.com

Director: Michael Hogg topcharolais@hotmail.com

CCYA 2011 Conference Executive

President: Brandon Sparrow Vice-Pres: Sarah Weinbender

Secretary: Kirstin Sparrow

Treasurer: Katie MacMillan

CCYA Provincial Presidents

AB: Russell Gallelli 403-804-7442

MB: Haylan Jackson 204-564-2547

ON: Candace Alexander 519-353-5029

SK: Brandon Sparrow 306-292-9820

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Darwin Rosso 306-693-2384

ON: Katrina Coughlin 613-897-0044

MB: Erin Jackson 306-251-0492

AB: Loretta Paget 780-877-3985

Youth Coordinator: Katrina Coughlin katrina_coughlin@hotmail.com


Denver 4-H Judging Competition

Hello everyone.

With the New Year underway and another calving season started, I hope that everyone is doing well. The rush and excitement of Christmas and New Year’s is over and the next best thing coming up is the CCYA conference to be held in Saskatoon this summer.

The New Year brought my fellow national board members and me to Saskatoon for the annual winter meeting. This was my first time attending these meetings and it was a great time. We have made some slight changes to some of the programs and are currently developing a new program that you should be sure to watch for on the website.

Just following the meetings I was given the opportunity to participate in the Denver Western National Roundup 4-H Livestock judging competition. I attended the competition with three fellow teammates, a chaperone, and the Hippology team, from Alberta. I was given this opportunity through the Alberta 4-H program by qualifying through the Alberta 4-H provincial judging competition in August at Lakeland College. There we competed in judging beef, dairy, swine, sheep, and horse classes. The top contestants were given a choice of the trips available. This was my first time to the competition and I was fortunate enough to place high enough that I

was able to choose the trip to Denver.

It seems like just yesterday that I was picking that trip and now I have already been and gone. The trip was definitely one that I will never forget. The competition was from the sixth to the ninth of January. The entire Renaissance Hotel in Denver was booked for all the contestants. There were approximately 500 4-H competitors from all over North America involved in the contests concerning the Agricultural Industry.

Various activities besides the judging competition were planned but the highlight of them all was the pin exchange. You wouldn’t believe the amount of people that couldn’t believe that we were from Canada. Some even thought of us as foreign!

At the competition we judged beef, sheep, swine, and goats, a variety of ten classes were placed. Oral reasons were given on two classes of each species excluding the goat class. The Americans sure take it very serious as the highlight of our achievements was ninth place team in the goat judging!

The trip was a great experience and I encourage anyone with such an opportunity to take it. We weren’t known as the team from Alberta, we were known as Team Canada as we were the only Canadian team there. I encourage those of you from other provinces to get involved with such an opportunity.

Morley Shepardson

Morley Shepardson of New Liskeard, ON passed away on January 15, 2011 in his 78th year (1932-2011).

Charolais people may remember Morley and his son, Darwood. They operated Sunny Ridge Farms, a purebred Charolais and Simmental breeding operation which was part of the promotional group Up-North Charolais. Morley was instrumental in pulling together the 7 purebred breeding operations around New Liskeard at that time, and making

them a Charolais family to help promote the breed. Sunny Ridge ran a performance bull group during the time they were involved with Charolais, and helped form the first all breeds bull sale, which is now the longest running continous bull sale in Ontario, the Northern Powerpac bull sale.

Morley was a director for the Temiskaming Cattlemen’s Association in the period 1969 through 1991, and continued on as the SecretaryTreasurer until 2003. He was President of the Ontario Cattlemen's Association in 1979-80, and was President of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association in 1989-90. While he was with the

Temiskaming association, he became a Charter Member of the ‘Northern Cattle & Stocker Sales’, and struck with it for 42 years. He was a founding member of the Beef Information Centre. He became a leader in the genetic evaluation program, both provincially and nationally. With this experience, he became the first non-governmental person to become President of the National Advisory Council, an organization dealing with livestock genetic research work in Canada.

Darwood served as president of the Ontario Charolais Association during the 1980s as well.

14 Charolais Banner • February 2011
Charolais Banner • February 2011 15

Charolais Life

This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email charolaisbanner@sasktel.net for print in upcoming issues.

Doug Howe, White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw, was nominated for this prestigious award by the Saskatchewan Charolais Association and approved worthy of being a recipient for outstanding contribution to the livestock industry, to his community and the province.

Since 1927, 240 people have been honoured to receive this award. Doug accepted the award on behalf of the Howe family, recognizing that it takes excellent support at home to make contributions of this nature possbile.

Robertsons Win in International

Pigeon Competition

On January 6th, 7th and 8th the U.S. National Pigeon Association hosted their Grand National Show in San Diego, California. This show was billed to be the biggest and best to be held in North America in recent years. It can be compared to the Westminster Kennel Club show in dogs, but in the Pigeon breeding world.

Breeders were in attendance from 18 countries and over 1000 rooms were booked by breeders and their families attending the resort where the show was held. In total 6,500 pigeons were shown. Clint Robertson (Bar J Charolais, Amaranth, Manitoba) along with his sons Justin, Max and Ty, drove down to this event and took their birds to compete against the best in the world. Each Breed had its own specialty show with judges from around the world that specialized in that breed.

Clint specializes in a variety called Jacobins and it was the largest Jacobin show in North American history with 545 birds in that breed show.

After 3 days of judging Clint ended up winning Grand Champion Jacobin and this bird went on to win Supreme Champion Structure pigeon of the entire show. This was the ultimate win for any breeder.

Justin specializes in a breed called Voorburg Shield Croppers and he won best in each of the three colours he breeds. Justin also breeds Jacobins in a different colour pattern from his dad and he won two major colour classes within the breed.

Max Keeps a breed called West of England Tumblers and he had tough competition with close to 400 birds in that variety. Max won 1st place young Red hen in a very strong class and this bird went on to win Champion Junior

bird in the breed. Max also was awarded a special prize presented at the NPA banquet for the top Junior (presented to a junior who promotes and favorably represents the hobby of pigeon keeping). This award included a $900 digital camera. San Diego Fox news then interviewed both Max and Ty and they appeared that night on the evening news talking about the show and the hobby of pigeon keeping. It was a great experience followed by a day at Disneyland and then a 39 hour drive back to Manitoba.

Clint will be judging a large Jacobin show in Saudi Arabia in early February.

Wilgenbusch – Martinson Wed Craig

Wilgenbusch and Tricia Martinson were married on August 7th, 2010. Craig, a CCYA alumni, is the son of John & Brenda Wilgenbusch, Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite. Tricia’s parents are Dayle & Dixie Martinson of Midale. Craig is involved in the day to day Charolais operations and Tricia is employed in Midale. They reside on their farm near Halbrite, Saskatchewan.

16 Charolais Banner • February 2011
We can only print what we receive. Remember to submit your news and/or photos for the Charolais Life column. Send your articles to: charolaisbanner@sasktel.net NEWS
Howe Receives Saskatchewan Livestock Association Honour Scroll Dale, Lois and Doug Howe with presenter Bob Blacklock

Manitoba Charolais Association Annual General Meeting

Harry Airey of Rivers was elected president of the Manitoba Charolais Association at their 42nd Annual General Meeting held January 8th in Brandon. The rest of the Executive include Ernie Bayduza, Dauphin, as 1st Vice-President; Hans Myhre, Dauphin, as 2nd Vice-President; Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie, as Secretary-Treasurer and Carman Jackson, Inglis, as Past-President.

Keri Hinsburg, Rapid City was re-elected to the board while Kevin Stebeleski, Oakburn; Jeff Cavers, LaRiviere and Shawn Airey, Rivers were newly elected to the board replacing retiring directors Carman Jackson; Bert McDonald, Brookdale and Jeff Beyak, Winnipegosis.

The financial report for the last fiscal year ending April 30, 2010 showed a net profit of over $10,000 on a budget of $35,000. At meeting time there was nearly $20,000 of cash and receivables.

In committe reports the promotion committee spent their advertising dollars in the MCPA Cattle Country, on radio advertising, sponsoring the MCPA AGM, at Ag Days and on the website.

The 4-H committee reported 97 prizes went to kids showing Charolais influence cattle in 2010. They talked about the fact that the 4-H Council is not going to distribute breed association tokens anymore. Letters have been sent to see if this can be reversed.

The Manitoba Bull Test Station has 143 bulls on test this year with 29 being Charolais from four contributors. There was much discussion on the ration and situation there.

The Heart of Canada Show is set for July 15th in Harding.

The MCYA report announced that the new co-chair youth advisors are Donna Jackson & Barb Airey.

CCA director Campbell Forsyth

along with CCA General Manager

Neil Gillies gave a report on things at the national level and invited input from the meeting participants. Information on the CCA AGM in the Maritimes in June was also presented.

Gery Bowes also gave a report of his fieldman duties this past year from going to calf sales, to bred cow sales to beef days and more.

In new business Bert McDonald presented the idea of having a picnic this summer in Manitoba and offered to host it at Brookdale. It was well accepted and will be held on June 26 with display pens available for breeders to bring cattle.

The meeting was followed by a multi-breed awards banquet and social in the evening. A great place to visit with breeders from all breeds in Manitoba.



Charolais Banner • February 2011 17
AIREY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF MCA 2011 Manitoba Charolais Association Board of Directors Row (l-r) Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie (Secretary/Treasurer); Ernie Bayduza, Dauphin (1st Vice-President); Harry Airey, Rivers (President); Hans Myhre, Dauphin (2nd Vice-President); Carman Jackson, Inglis (Past-President); Doug Hunter, Roblin. Row (l-r)Shawn Airey, Rivers; Keri Hinsburg, Rapid City; Ian Milliken, Reston; Jim Olsen, Portage la Prairie; Kevin Stebeleski, Oakburn; Rob Gilliland, Virden and Campbell Forsyth, Eriksdale (CCA Director). Missing is Andre Steppler, Miami Harry Airey presents Donna & Carman Jackson of High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis with the Breeder of the Year Award as voted on at the AGM Ken & Karen Atkinson, of Hartney, received the Manitoba Charolais Commercial Breeder of the Year.


Rolling D Dispersal

Rolling D Charolais Dispersal Sale

December 10, 2010 • Dropmore, MB

Gross Average

20 Cow/Calf Pairs $76,025 $3,801

51 Bred Cows 105,475 2,068

27 Bred Heifers 54,250 2,009

4 Heifer Calves 4,550 1,138

1 Mature Bull 6,600 6,600

102 3/4 Lots $246,900 $2,403 Semen sold $4,005

Total Gross $250,905

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler

Sale Manager: D Bar L Livestock

With over 30 years in the Charolais business, Bob and Elaine Digby felt it was time to slow down a little. Breeders from New Brunswick to Alberta took advantage of the opportunity to select from this time proven family operation. Many new people were buying their first Charolais and doing it in volume. Some good buys were made throughout, with the good quality animals finding strong demand.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pair

Lot 59, ROLLING D PRETTY BABE 27P (Polled, 24.1 Milk EPD), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of a Snowpoint Pol Unltd 701F daughter, bred to HTA Bravia 855U. Sold for $6,100 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily, AB.


LADY 84X (Double Polled/s, Red Factor, 98 YW EPD), sired by HTA Pursuit 646S. Sold for $5,000 to Kay R Charolais, Waskateneau, AB.

Lot 58, ROLLING D FRAN 16P (Polled, 22.3 Milk EPD), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of an A-Jay's Fast Track 71B daughter, bred to HTA Pursuit 646S. Sold for $3,800 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis.

Lot 58A, ROLLING D CHESTNUT 98X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 25.6 Milk EPD), sired by HTA Red Connection 743T. Sold for $2,300 to Doug Snell, Neilburg, SK.

Lot 69, ROLLING D MONTANA 423P (Double Polled, 1.7 BW EPD), sired by Westdale Montan Pld 13M, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter,

bred to Rolling D Trademark 935W. Sold for $4,750 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin.

Lot 69A, ROLLING D STARDUST 80X (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 94 YW EPD), sired by HTA Pursuit 646S. Sold for $1,100 to Doug Snell.

High Selling Bred Cows

Lot 93, ROLLING D DESIRE 16M (3rd Gen. Polled, 56 WW EPD, 112 YW EPD), sired by Keys Polled Converse 56H, out of an A-Jay's Fast Track 71B daughter, bred to HTA Bravia 855U. Sold for $5,600 to HTA Charolais, Rivers.

Lot 14, ROLLING D EXPRESS 804U (3rd Gen. Polled, 101 YW EPD), sired by SHSH Pld Broker 1P, out of a Snowpoint Pol Unltd 701F daughter, bred to HTA Bravia 855U. Sold for $5,100 to Dog Patch Acres, Leroy, SK.

Lot 14, ROLLING D RUTH 85T (Double Polled, 1.6 BW EPD), sired by Dogpatch Acres G.I.C. 32N, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter, bred to Harvie Jager 65J. Sold for $4,000 to C2 Charolais, La Riviere.

Lot 53, ROLLING D ELSIE 813U (Polled, 25.7 Milk EPD), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of a WCR Prime Cut 764 Pld daughter, bred to HTA Red Connection 743T. Sold for $3,700 to Lonesome Eagle Farm, Ste. Anne.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 27, ROLLING D PATTI 912W (Double Polled, 53 WW EPD), sired by HTA Pursuit 646S, out of an Sparrows Vendetta 14H daughter, bred to HTA Bravia 855U. Sold for $4,650 to HTA Charolais.

Lot 105, HC WHIRLWIND 927W (3rd Gen. Polled, 104 YW EPD), sired by Rolling D Summit 21S, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter, bred to HTA Bravia 855U. Sold for $3,450 to Dog Patch Acres.

High Selling Mature Bull

Lot 25, HTA Pursuit 646S, sired by HEJ Ripper 66P, out of an SVY Guardian Pld 969J daughter. Sold for $6,600 to Dale Jorgensen Charolais, Del Bonita, AB.

18 Charolais Banner • February 2011
Lyle & Wendy Bignell bought for themselves and others Curtis Turnbull bought 12 cows for his Pincher Creek operation Mic Zentner selected some high sellers in volume Raymond and Barb Airey added some high sellers to their HTA operation Tim Facette & John Fitzgerald purchased the high selling female Tim Bullick consulted and bought a number on order Doug Snell purchased 15 head


Crystal D Dispersal

Crystal D Charolais Dispersal Sale

December 17, 2010 • Regina, SK

Gross Average

89 Cow/Calf Pairs $228,325 $2,565

20 1/2 Bred Cows 40,400 1,971

24 Bred Heifers 37,100 1,546

5 Heifer Calves 6,400 1,280

1 Pregant Recipient 1,500 1,500

4 Bull Calves 6,300 1,575

2 Yearling Bulls 8,250 4,125

1 Two-Year-Old Bull 4,600 4,600

2 3/4 Mature Bull 16,000 6,036

1 Semen Interest 6,100 6,100

150 1/4 Lots $355,575 $2,367 Semen Gross $8,395

Total Gross $363,970

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

Buyers from four provinces and two states came and bought in volume from this big sale. With strong demand on the front end there was some good buying throughout on this red factor herd developed over the past 14 years. The cornerstone of the program, Moore’s Lariat was still very impressive looking at nearly 10 years of age. Dennis and Donna have been very involved in shows, sales and at the board level and will definitely be missed in Charolais circles.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs

Lot 6, CRYSTAL D SNAZY 18S (Polled, Red Factor), sired by Maungahina Towkay T13, out of a Midaway Terminator 17E daughter, bred to Moore’s Lariat 136L. Sold for $4,500 to Dog Patch Acres, Leroy.

Lot 6A, Crystal D Xactly 62X, sired by Moore’s Lariat 136L. Sold for

$1,800 to C2 Charolais, LaRiviere, MB.

Lot 11, CRYSTAL D LAPETITE 6L (Double Polled/s, Double Red, -1.3 BW EPD), sired by Onoway Stonewalker 85Z, out of a Midway Terminator 17E daughter, bred to Crystal D Trigger 35T. Sold for 42,000 to Laue Charolais, Hanover, KS.

Lot 11Z, CRYSTAL D XAARON 80X (3rd Polled, 3rd Gen. Red, 93 YW EPD), sired by Crystal D Uranium 52U. Sold for $3,600 to RHM Charolais, Marwayne, AB.

Lot 93, CRYSTAL D PRESTIGE 8P (Double Polled, Double Red, 21 Milk EPD), sired by Moore’s Lariat 136L, out of a Deer Creeks Romeo 5C daughter, bred to JWX Silver Bullet 524W. Sold for $3,600 to Charhead Ranch, Indian Head.

Lot 93A, CRYSTAL D XTACY 54X (3rd Gen. Polled, 3rd Gen. Red, 92 lb. BW), sired by Crystal D Sir Boom 60S. Sold for $1,200 to Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.

High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 131, HARVIE MS MOLSON 53M (Double Polled, Red Factor, National Champion Female), sired by Harvie Jager 65J, out of a KJP Sky Fire 51T daughter. Sold for $13,400 for 1/2 interest to Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 30, CRYSTAL D WYNNE 110W (Double Polled, Double Red), sired by Crystal D Sir Boom 60S, out of an RKG Houston 108J daughter, bred to Harvie Crystal D Trigger 35T. Sold for $2,600 to Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.

High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 132, CRYSTAL D EXELLENT 35X (Double Polled, Double Red, ET), sired by Moore’s Lariat 136L, out of Harvie Ms Molson 53M. Sold for $3,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite and Elder Charolais, Coronach.

High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 68, CRYSTAL D WHISTLER 16W (Double Polled, Double Red, 1.4 BW EPD), sired by Crystal D Sir Boom 60S, out of a Wheatheart Jock 46J daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Reese Cattle Co.

High Selling Two-Year-Old Bull Lot 120, CRYSTAL D URANIUM 52U (3rd Ge. Polled/s, 3rd Gen. Red, 112 YW EPD), sired by Crystal D Sir Boom 60S, out of an AJC Eldorado 6G daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston, AB.

High Selling Mature Bull Lot 133, HARVIE CRYSTAL D TRIGGER 35T (Double Polled, Double Red, 1.2

Charolais Banner • February 2011 19
Dr. Melanie Roth & Kim Williamson selected a few top ones for their Charhead operation Simone Reese bought a number including Ms Molson & Whistler The Moulding families added to their Laruel Creek & Sands O Gold operations Mike McCormick took a bunch back to his Minnesota operation including Lariat Brant Laue added some top cattle to his long time Kansas red factor operation Jackie Sproule bought a number for her Pincher Creek operation Mic Zentner purchased some high sellers a part of the Silver Bullet semen rights continued on page 20


December 2010 Food Trends Report

The Food Trends Report is a monthly review of food trends among Canadian home cooks. CanadianLiving.com has been an authority in the Canadian online food community since 1996 and welcomes over 1.3 million visitors monthly.

Canadian Food Craving of the Month Searches for Beef Stew increased 2000% over 2009. "What I’ve seen across the board is continuing resurgence in recipes that your grandmother would have made for you – core Canadian recipes like beef

stew,” explains Canadianliving.com Food Editor, Colleen Tully. What’s In?

•NEW TREND for 2010Beef Tenderloin

•NEW TREND for 2010Making your own bread

•NEW TREND for 2010Italian cooking

•Cheesecake - Up 4000%

•Cookies - Up 2000% Behind What’s In “Decadent cheesecake and beef tenderloin moving up in the trends is


BW EPD, 22.2 Milk EPd), sired by Maungahina Towkay T13, out of Harvie Ms Molson 53M. Sold for $11,000 for 3/4 interest to Wawadash Farms, Alsask.

High Selling Semen Interest

Lot 156, JWX SILVER BULLET 524W (Homozygous Polled, .9 BW EPD, 104 YW EPD), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a S$ Montana

a good reflection that Canada’s healthier economy is making its way to the dinner table,” suggests Tully. What’s Out?

• Appetizers - Down 35%

• Christmas cookies - Down 30%

• Chicken - Down 15%

Behind What’s Out

“The appetizer boom of 2009, which saw a huge increase in interest, looks like it's finally slowing down. Home cooks are rediscovering the rustic flavors of heartier meats after a solid year of increased interest in poultry. “

Silver daughter. Sold Saskatchewan semen rights for $6,100 to Temple Farms, Carrot River and Dog Patch Acres, Leroy.

President: Darwin Rosso

Secretary/Treasurer: Murray Blake

Cedarlea Farms

Garner & Lori Deobald

Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0

Phone/Fax: 677-2589


Wood River Charolais

Murray & Nicole Blake

Box 86 McCord, SK S0H 2T0 Phone: 478-2520


N3 Stock Farms

Lyle & Lynn Wilson

Box 37, Admiral, SK S0N 0B0

Phone: 297-6263

Rosso Charolais

Darwin & Kevin Rosso #78, 325 4 Ave. SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 Phone: 693-2384 rosso.c@sasktel.net

Char-Top Charolais

Glen & Lyn Sauder Box 569 Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 Phone: 672-3979

Prairie Sky Farms

Lloyd & Christina Daniels Box 185, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0 Phone: 868-4429

20 Charolais Banner • February 2011
White & Red FactoR • 50 cow/calf Pairs or Bred cows •10 Replacement heifer calves •1 herdsire •12 Yearling Bulls Contact Doug Hayduk at Home: 780.985.3335 Cell: 780.446.5268 Castine Cattle Co. Purebred Herd disPersal

Sandan Charolais Country Classic

Sandan Charolais Country Classic Sale

December 11, 2010 • Erskine, AB

Gross Average

5 Heifer Calves $15,150 $3,030

9 Bred Heifers 19,850 2,205

7 Bred Cows 21,600 3,085

6 Cow/Calf Pairs 30,950 5,158

27 Lots $87,550 $3,242

Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

High Selling Heifer Calves

Lot 1, SDC FREEDOMS FLAME 82X (Polled, 2.8 BW, 44 WW, 75 YW), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of an SDC Progress 16M daughter. Sold for $3,300 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily.

Lot 2, SDC HOPE 19X (Polled, 3.4 BW, 52 WW, 94 YW), sired by Wrangler DoubleShot 11S, out of an SDC Ferrugo 45N daughter. Sold for $3,100 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 5, SDC WILLOW 14W (1.3 BW, 37 WW, 63 YW), sired by MGM Merlot, out of a BKJ Buckaroo 836H daughter. Sold for $3,800 to Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury.

High Selling Bred Cows

Lot 16, SDC LOVE GAME 100U, sired by Pinay, out of an SVY Freedom PLD 307N daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK.

Lot 19, SDC SLIPPEN 184U (Polled, 4.7 BW, 51 WW, 94 YW), sired by Wrangler Doubleshot 11S, out of an SDC Progress 16M daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Reese Cattle Co.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pair

Lot 26, SDC MAYA 82S, sired by HEJ Ripper 66P, out of an MIB Magic 43M daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Reese Cattle Co. Lot 26A, SDC XENA 68X, sired by Wrangler Doubleshot 11S. Sold for

$3,400 to Reese Cattle Co.BW EPD, 22.2 Milk EPd), sired by Maungahina Towkay T13, out of Harvie Ms Molson 53M. Sold for $11,000 for 3/4 interest to Wawadash Farms, Alsask.

High Selling Semen Interest Lot 156, JWX SILVER BULLET 524W (Homozygous Polled, .9 BW EPD, 104 YW EPD), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of a S$ Montana Silver daughter. Sold Saskatchewan semen rights for $6,100 to Temple Farms, Carrot River and Dog Patch Acres, Leroy.

Charolais Banner • February 2011 21
Legacy Farms from Botha bought 4 lots
Cattle Co at Didsbury were volume buyers selecting 5 head
Clear Lake Charolais took the high selling heifer calf home Reese
Ramblin’ with Rodney by F. Rodney James A 260 page memoir including: • over 700 pictures • history of the first importations of Charolais to Canada • the beginning and growth of the Charolais industry • the development of the Charolais Banner • many other ventures and adventures $35 plus $10 shipping Send orders to: Rodney James 44 Sandstone Ridge Crescent, Okotoks, AB T1S 1P9
Jim & Michael Hunter selected 3 head


New Country Livestock Complete Dispersal

New Country Livestock Complete Dispersal December 11, 2010 • Erskine, AB Gross Average 4 Heifer Calves $11,750 $2,937 6 Bred Heifers 15,150 2,525 22 Bred Cows 71,700 2,987 7 Cow/Calf Pairs 45,900 6,557 1.5 Bulls 9,300 6,200 40.5 Lots $153,800 $3,797

Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

High Selling Bred Heifer

Lot 63, DBAR MISS ROCKSTAR 930W (Polled, 3 BW, 47 WW, 83 YW), sired by DBAR Survivor 220M, out of an SVY Bedrock PLD 816H daughter. Sold for $3,300 to Charworth Charolais, Balzac.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs

Lot 60, DBAR MS SURVIVOR 434P (Polled, 3.6 BW, 41 WW, 74 YW), sired by DBAR Survivor 220M, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily.

Lot 60A, DBAR LADY 36X (Polled, 3.1 BW, 40 WW, 72 YW), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N. Sold for $6,500 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily.

Lot 45, DBAR FREE STAR 537R (Polled, 4.2 BW, 34 WW, 65 YW), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of an AJC Red Baron 4B daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK.

Lot 45A, DBAR FREESTAR 18X (Polled, 3.4 BW, 39 WW, 73 YW) sired by DBAR Synergy 721T. Sold for $4,800 to Ivy Livestock, Dutchess.

High Selling Bred Cows

Lot 40, DBAR MYSTIC 239M (Polled, -1.1 BW, 37 WW, 56 YW), sired by Gerrard Kinko 36K, out of an AJC Red Baron 4B daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Chomiak Charolais, Mundare.

Domes Charolais

Don, Barb, Michelle & Stacey

Box 208, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 306.948.2036

John & Monica, 306.948.5260

Lee’s Charolais Farm

Leroy, Martha & Corwin Wiens

Box 218, Dalmeney, SK S0K 1E0 306.254.4255

Qualman Charolais

Ken & Lorraine Qualman

Box 25, Dundurn, SK S0K 1K0 306.492.4634

Voegeli Brothers Charolais

Max, Norman, Dorothy & Darlene

Box 130, Maymont, SK S0M 1T0


Dennis & Lissa Serhienko-306.389.2136

Lot 46, DBAR JOCELYN 843U (Polled, 2.2 BW, 35 WW, 65 YW), sired by DBAR Duramax 430P, out of an AJC Red Baron 4B daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury.

High Selling Bull

Lot 80, DBAR synergy 721T (Polled, 2.6 BW, 44 WW, 81 YW), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of an HTA Frosty 328C daughter. Sold for $6,600 to Miller Land and Livestock, Jarvis, ON.

22 Charolais Banner • February 2011
Tim Facette & John Fitzgerald purchased three high selling lots Circle Cee Charolais bought 2 high selling lots Cathie & John Chomiak selected 3 lots Demarah Farms was a volume buyer taking 6 lots Mike Elder and Donna Ross, Elder Charolais and Lyle Bignell, Buffalo Lake, both bought in volume
President: Lorraine Qualman Sec/Treasurer: Darlene Voegeli Past President: Dennis Serhienko


The Convenient Way to Buy Semen Just call ahead and have your semen delivered to a bull sale near you that we will be attending – or we can arrange to have it shipped to you anywhere. Craig Scott • 403.651.9441 Helge By • 306.536.4261 Email: charolaisbanner@gmail.com Check out our 2011 offering of time tested, proven sires that will keep your program profitable. HICKS REVOLVER 14R • $40/straw SOS PLD DETONATOR 8M • $60/straw . 10 straws/$500 PLEASANT DAWN MARSHALL 70P • $60/straw . 10 straws/$500 JLP HADDOCK 71N • 5 straws/$375 . 10 straws/$600 . 20 straws/$1000 MSW RED MIST 27R • 10 straws/$500 SVY KABOOM PLD 7113T • 10 straws/$600 . 20 straws/$1000 LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD • $40/straw/minimum of 10 JR CURTIS CHANNING 306N • $20/straw/minimum of 20 anner B SEMENSALES
Banner Semen Sales 3 Helge By 306-536-4261 Craig Scott 403-651-9441 charolaisbanner@gmail.com anner B SEMENSALES
BW 101 lbs. 205 DW 790 lbs. 365 DW 1402 lbs. SC 42.5 cm CE 96 BW .7 WW 37 YW 92 M 20.7 TM 44 Forsyth Bros. Charolais Campbell & Molly, Jay Box 3, Eriksdale, MB R0C 0W0 (204) 739-2678 MXS VERMILLION 527R 2006 National Reserve Junior Champion Bull Detonator son FFBB RAYDER PLD 5108R Detonator son Sire: LHD Mr. Perfect 416Y Dam: P-3 Lady Monte 0-80Z Semen Available $60/Straw • 10 Straws/$500 Sylvan & Karen Martens Box 85, Glenbush, SK S0M 0Z0 Ph/Fax (306) 342-2099 Mike Panasiuk & Bob Burla Salmon Arm, BC V1E 3C3 Ph (250) 832-8209 Cell (250) 517-8521 springsidefarms@sunwave.net PMC 277034 • Awesome Daughters – the right size with great udders & lots of milk • Super Sons – high performance bulls with great feet, great hair coats & large testicles • Calving Ease & Moderate Birth Weights – successfully used on heifers • Homozygous Polled Genetics That Breed On–• In 2008 two granddaughters (heifer calves by FFBB Roper) sold for $9200 and $9000 at Agribition and the Alliance Sale Helge By 306-536-4261 Craig Scott 403-651-9441 charolaisbanner@gmail.com Explosive Expansion for your herd anner B SEMENSALES 4 Banner Semen Sales
Pleasant Dawn Marshall 70P Homozygous Polled PMC 287671 Pleasant Dawn Charolais Tully & Arlene 204-855-2402 cell 204-748-7595 Trent & Ashley 204-855-3078 email: tahatch@rfnow.com Pleasant Dawn Spawn 765W National Reserve Junior Champion Bull • Marshall Son Three-Year-Old Marshall daughter Long, feminine, nice udder Proven Consistency in… Calving ease Big tops and fabulous eye appeal Performance and excellent feet Muscle and thickness of quarter Large scrotal Great hair coats and quiet dispositions OUTCROSS PEDIGREE: LECA MUDDY CHAPS 49F LEK ARNOLD 14J LEK MS 20/20 109D PLEASANT DAWN 20/20 709G PLEASANT DAWN GERI 702J PLEASANTDAWNSTEAK 702G CE 71 BW 1 WW 49 YW 91 M 19.6 TM 44 BW 98 lbs. Adj. 205 DW 711 lbs. (no creep) 365 DW 1405 lbs. Exportable Semen $60/straw • 10 straws/$500 Helge By 306-536-4261 Craig Scott 403-651-9441 charolaisbanner@gmail.com anner B SEMENSALES Banner Semen Sales 5
6 Banner Semen Sales
Glen & Lori Mangels RR 1, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0 306-769-4132 Covering the Bases from Birth to Beef QPmC 297918 • mSW Craven red x a-Jay’S merCury CE 84 BW .3 WW 54 YW 107 M 19.3 TM 46 Internationally accepted & appreciated, with the australian semen rights sold pending availability 3Homozygous Polled 3 Homozygous Red 3 Proven Calving Ease Successfully used on heifers 3 Moderate framed and Easy Fleshing Sons and Daughters are mellow and attractive with hair and muscle 3 Excellent Performance Top 25% for CE and BW Top 10% WW and Top 4% YW Top 3% REA and Top 10% MB RED MIST DAUGHTER Nice udders, broody female RED MIST SON– High Seller at Circle X Dispersal for $6200 to Diamond K Ranch Helge By 306-536-4261 Craig Scott 403-651-9441 charolaisbanner@gmail.com Semen 10 Straws/ $500 anner B SEMENSALES Banner Semen Sales 7
Elder’s Mystical Madame 154X Sired by Kaboom National Jr. Heifer Calf Champion and High selling Heifer Calf in the National Sale SOS PLD DETONATOR 8M MXS VERMILLION 527R MXS ESPEON 122L SVY FREEDOM PLD 307N SVY FIRST DATE 506R SVS NEOSTRATA 5N SVY KABOOM PLD 7113T POLLED PMC317582 CALVING EASE • HIGH MATERNAL • SOUND STRUCTURE • HEAVY MUSCLE Kaboom combines the best qualities of both Vermillion and Freedom –• Fabulous eye appeal with an abundance of muscle • Kaboom is an absolute powerhouse of an individual. He packs an incredible amount of muscle onto a very sound structured and wide based frame. Kaboom is exceptional footed and big testicled, along with having a great temperament. • High seller at Sterling Collection 2008 Heifer pen approved –• Top 1% CE and BW WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS John & Brenda, Colin, Conrad & Erica, Craig & Tricia Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 306-458-2688 wilgenbusch@sasktel.net ELDER CHAROLAIS FARM Ron & Donna 306-267-4986 Mel 306-267-5709 Michael, Judy & family 306-267-5655 Box 81, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 email: relder@sasktel.net VOEGELI BROS. CHAROLAIS Max, Norman, Dorothy & Darlene Box 130, Maymont, SK S0M 1T0 306-389-4605 Dennis & Lissa Serhienko306-389-2136 Helge By 306-536-4261 Craig Scott 403-651-9441 charolaisbanner@gmail.com BW 87 LBS. CE 100 BW -3.7 WW 38 YW 72 M 21 TM 40 Semen Available 10 straws $600 • 20 straws $1000 Contact: anner B SEMENSALES

Bar J Dispersal

Bar J Charolais Dispersal Sale

December 20, 2010 • Ste. Rose, MB

Gross Average

25 Cow/Calf Pairs $137,400 $5,496

6 Bred Cows 10,600 1,775

17 Bred Heifers 43,800 2,576

6 Heifer Calves 14,700 2,450

4 Bull Calves 14,400 3,600

1 Two-Year-Old Bull 19,000 19,000

59 Lots $239,950 $4,067

Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Manager: D Bar L Livestock

The Robertsons have always bred good performance cattle and we saw a full house of both commercial customers and purebred breeders come to buy a herdbull or to add some of their top females to their herds. From the first animal in the ring, Merit 8676U, to the last being the heifer calf donated to the Grant Moffat & Dale Norheim memorial funds, the sale was strong. There were many volume buyers as cattle sold to five provinces and the 18 bull calves averaged over $3,900 with a top of $6,000.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs

Lot 43, GILLILAND BROS. FANCY 14P (3rd Gen. Polled, .5 BW EPD), sired by SVS Mastercard 2M, out of an A-Jay’s Pure Country 57D daughter, bred to Merit 8676U Pld. Sold for $4,650 to Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON.

Lot 43A, BAR J WISKEY JACK 96X (92 lb. BW, 832 lb. 205 DW, 1,210 lbs.), sired by Merit 8676U Pld. Sold for $5,500 to Sundance Charolais, Amaranth.

Lot 30, BAR J TARA 75T (Double Polled, 105 YW EPD, 28.4 Milk EPD), sired by FFB Rayder Pl 5108R, out of a Pleasant Dawn Hotshot 51F daughter, bred to Merit 8676U. Sold for $3,100 to Triple K Charolais, Napannee, ON.

Lot 30A, BAR J MAJESTIC 103X (3rd Gen. Polled, 839 lb. 205 DW, 102 YW EPD, 1,095 lbs.), sired by Merit 8676U. Sold for $5,300 to Velda Rose Charolais, Mariapolis.

Lot 37, SOS PARADISE 27R (3rd Gen. Polled, -.2 BW EPD, 23.4 Milk EPD), sired by SOS Smokin Joe 20L, out of a Chardel Turbo 964J daughter,

bred to Bar J Silverado 14S. Sold for $3,400 to C2 Charolais, La Riviere.

Lot 37A, BAR J MARSHAL 67X (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 96 lb. BW, 1,210 lbs., 1.2 BW EPD), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S. Sold for $4,600 to Bullied Charolais, Holland.

Lot 31, BAR J SANDY 2S (Double Polled, 27 Milk EPD), sired by Rosso New Horizon 8L, out of a JCF Lonestar 15J daughter, bred to JWX Silver Buckle 524U. Sold for $2,000 to Sundance Charolais.

Lot 31A, BAR J REMINGTON 78X (3rd Gen. Polled, 95 lb. BW, 1,170 lbs., .3 BW EPD), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U. Sold for $5,100 to CharLew Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 15, BAR J SILVER LACE 43W (Double Polled, 99 YW EPD, 24.1 Milk EPD), sired by FFBB Rayder Pld 5108R, out of a Bar J Diamond Red 16E daughter, bred to JWX Silver Buckle 524U. Sold for $6,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK.

Lot 13, BAR J PRINCESS ANNE 41W (Double Polled, 52 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD), sired by FFBB Rayder Pld 5108R, out of a Green Acres Judge 709W daughter, bred to Bar J White Lightning 13W. Sold for $4,200 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin.

High Selling Heifer Calves

Lot 57, BAR J DESIGN 70X (3rd Gen. Polled, 930 lbs.), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Bar J Diamond Red 16E daughter. Sold for $4,700 to Elder Charolais.

Lot 58, BAR J CADBERY 84X (3rd Gen. Polled, 1,030 lbs.), sired by Merit 8676U, out of a JCF Lonestar 15J

on page 32

Charolais Banner • February 2011 31
TOPS AT $19,000
Campbell & Molly Forsyth purchased a few including the Merit 8676U herdsire Mic Zentner & Doug Harcourt took four in total Clint & Dwight Marchant purchased eight between them Robert Taylor took nine bred females Jared Preston, who selected seven for their Double P Double R herd, visits with Clint Robertson Doug & Michael Hunter added the second high selling bred heifer to their herd Michael Elder bought the high selling bred heifer and heifer calf

Charburg Dispersal

Charburg Charolais Dispersal Sale

December 17, 2010 • Brandon, MB

Gross Average

18 Cow/Calf Pairs $56,300 $3,128

17 Bred Cows 25,375 1,493

13 Bred Heifers 25,450 1,958

3 Heifer Calves 3,025 1,008

2 Bull Calves 1,650 825

1 Two-Year-Old Bull 3,500 3,500

1 Mature Bull 4,700 4,700

55 Lots $120,000 $2,182

Auctioneer: Gene Parks

Sale Manager: D Bar L Livestock

In their 25 years in the purebred Charolais business, Herb Hinsburg along with his dad Ed had built a very functional set of females. Buyers from across Canada came and selected from this feminine set of cattle which saw both established and new breeders participating.

High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs

Lot 36, CHARBURG SHERRI 8U (Double Polled, -2.4 BW EPD, sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of a Sparrows Muscat 33K daughter, bred to Rosso Uso 24U. Sold for $3,000 to Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON.

Lot 36A, HCC UNCLE CRACKER 21X (3rd Gen. Polled, 852 lb. 205 DW, 1115 lbs.), sired by Tri-N Cracker Jack 370U. Sold for $3,000 to Zilkey Charolais, Manitou.

Lot 38, CHARBURG BARMAID 19U (.9 BW EPD, 1,550 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of a Keys Handyman Pld 255H daughter, bred to LAE Texas 705T. Sold for $2,500 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, SK.

Lot 38A, CHARBURG KELSEY 15X (Polled, 78 lb. BW, 24.5 Milk EPD), sired by Tri-N Cracker Jack

370U. Sold for $2,600 to Corey Burnside, Gladstone.

Lot 13, CHARBURG ELIZA JANE 2P (Double Polled, 27.7 Milk EPD, 1,640 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Cossack 11L, out of a KCH Billy Ray Pld 2B daughter, bred to Rosso Uso 24U. Sold for $2,700 to Sunrise Charolais.

Lot 13A, CHARBURG FACEBOOK 38X (3rd Gen. Polled, 25.1 Milk EPD, 867 lb. 205 DW), sired by Rosso Uso 24U. Sold for $2,000 to Meadows Charolais, Reston.

High Selling Bred Cow

Lot 14, CHARBURG MISTY 3P (Double Polled, .7 BW EPD, 1,865 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Cossack 11L, out of a Charburg Kandyman Pld 8K daughter, bred to LAE Texas 705T. Sold for $2,600 to Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake, SK.

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 44, CHARBURG LILY 5W (Double Polled, 1,300 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Alcatraz 18N, out of an ROC Prairie Care Pld 50Z daughter, bred to Sparrow Muscat 33K. Sold for $3,000 to Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie, QC.

Lot 45, CHARBURG VICTORIA 7W (Double Polled, 21.7 Milk EPD, 1,285 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Cossack 11L, out of a Foxx The Big Dealer 235J, bred to Sparrows Alcatraz 18N. Sold for $2,900 to Sunrise Charolais.

Lot 49, CHARBURG GRETA 22W (Double Polled, 96 YW EPD, 1,390 lbs.), sired by LAE Texas 705T, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter, bred to Sparrows Alcatraz 18N. Sold for $2,600 to Sunrise Charolais.

High Selling Mature Bull

Lot 2, LAE TEXAS 705T (Double

Polled, 59 WW EPD, 124 YW EPD, 2,445 lbs., 44 cm), sired by M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $4,700 to Bar H Charolais, Grenfell, SK.


daughter. Sold for $3,900 to Double P Double R Charolais, Ste. Rose with all proceeds going to the Grant Moffat & Dale Norheim memorial funds.

High Selling Bull Calf

Lot 51, BAR J MATRIX 72X (Double

Polled, 103 lb. BW, -.9 BW EPD, 1,125 lbs.), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Pleasant Dawn Hotshot 51F daughter. Sold for $6,000 to HEJ Charolais, Innisfail, AB.

High Selling Two-Year-Old Bull

Lot 1, MERIT 8676U (Homozygous Polled, 1.4 BW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 2,565 lbs., 45 cm), sired by Winn Mans JD 338N, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale.

32 Charolais Banner • February 2011
Rocky Payne purchased six cows over the phone Perry Zilkey bought the high selling bull calf Doug Harcourt selected a couple including the high selling bred cow Bernard Begin purchased the high selling bred heifer Kevin Haylock, a volume buyer, added the proven Texas to his Saskatchewan program Jim Baker took five back to Ontario to his expanding Sunrise operation

Ashcroft Farm, Swan River, MB

Bar H Charolais, Grenfell, SK (3)

Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK (2)

C2 Charolais, La Riviere

Bridgeman Land & Livestock, Rapid City (6)

Don Baranuik, Eden (4)

Royal Oak Farms, Morden KCH Charolais, Rapid City (3)

Gary Filipchuk, Garland White Pride Charolais, Melita (2)

Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB (2)

Griffith Farms, Oak Lake (4)

Dave Versluys, Erickson (4)

Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON (5)

Meadows Charolais, Reston

Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake, SK (3)

Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK (6)

Dog Patch Acres, Leroy, SK

Cory Burnside, Neepawa (3)

LEJ Charolais, Portage La Prairie

R and G McDonald Livestock, Sidney Kerry Fast, Brandon (4)

Jordan River Charolais, Carrot River, SK (2)

Zilkey Charolais, Manitou

Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, SK

Erixon Charolais, Lyleton (2)

Vermeulen Farms, Ceylon, SK (5)

Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie, QC Brian Ormiston, Courtice, ON

Herb & Cindy Hinsburg

T: 306-522-1517

C: 306-748-0696

E: hinsburgcindy@yahoo.com

Ed & Margaret Hinsburg Box 321

Rapid City, MB R0K 1W0

T: 204-826-2114

Beefs and Bouquets

When I picked up the December 2010 Charolais Banner and began reading Helge’s “From the Field”, I was taken aback by the comment “I think that we in the Charolais business should start asking invisible breeders for their excuses for not showing or even showing up” at the fall shows. I assume that since we did not show Charolais cattle at the fall shows we


Harry Collingridge of Rossburn, MB passed away at the Shoal Lake Strathclair Health Centre on Friday, January 14, 2011 at the age of

are indeed “invisible breeders”, giving me justification to reply to this query.

There are some wonderful people in the Charolais industry; some show and some do not (many of which simply don’t have the resources or desire to show). I don’t think it is fair that breeders that are not showing their Charolais cattle be required to justify themselves for not coming to the shows. Everyone promotes their Charolais in their own way–breeders

set up booths at trade shows, display their cattle at a local bull congress or advertise in the local newspaper, or promote via word of mouth. Showing cattle is not the only method of breed promotion.

We are all working towards the common goal of promoting the Charolais breed, and we are all visible in our own way.

Harry Collingridge

82 years. The Collingridges were Charolais breeders, promoters and supporters for decades. They even attended the CCA 50th celebration in Moose Jaw last June. Harry is survived by his wife Johanna, son Rodney Collingridge of Thetis Island, BC, daughter Kathy Fraser of

Winnipeg and grandson Patrick Fraser of Winnipeg. If friends so desire donations may be made to the Rossburn Health Centre, Shoal Lake Strathclair Health Centre or a charity of their choice.

Charolais Banner • February 2011 33

Seminal vesiculitis is an infection involving the most predominant secondary sex glands of the breeding bull. These are paired glands, which sit on the floor of the pelvis and produce the majority of the seminal fluid. This fluid is mixed with semen on ejaculation. Varying degrees of seminal vesiculitis (sv) are detected in 1-10 % of breeding bulls when checked for breeding soundness. You need a rectal exam to detect this infection, as there are no outward signs.

Infection is related to several factors. Young bulls on a high nutritional plane, onset of puberty, sexual aggressiveness (bulls riding one another) and housing (crowded conditions) all have been shown to cause an increase in prevalence. Young bulls housed together are often seen mounting one another and it is believed the infection could ascend up the urinary tract. I also believe the intense irritation to the region from mounting and breeding one another contributes to the condition. Concurrent diseases may result in infection developing from the hematogenous (blood borne) route. Pneumonia, kidney infection (pyelonephritis), arthritis, and other blood borne infections may localize in these glands. Omphalophlebitis (also known as navel infection) may spread into the blood stream or go up the umbilical vessels toward the urinary bladder. This close approximation with the sv may lead to scarring and infection from direct contact. The organism involved is often the same one seen in abscesses in cattle so is very difficult to treat.

A congenital malformation of the


Seminal Vesiculitis

duct system not allowing adequate flow of seminal fluid on ejaculation may contribute to a few of the cases but these would be hard to differentiate from true infectious causes.

Most cases of sv demonstrate no clinical signs. Cases have to be very advanced before you might see pain on urination, straining or tail swishing. The infection can descend down to the rest of the reproductive tract causing the same infection in the testicles or epididymus resulting in swellings and pain. Almost all infections are detected when veterinarians perform breeding soundness exams (semen evaluations). They initially detect them when palpating the secondary sex glands. They will detect swelling and lack of lobulation to the glands. For young purebred bulls before one year of age it is an excellent idea to have your veterinarian palpate the glands. This may avoid selling your client a potential dud bull. Combine this with the same time you have the bulls testicles measured. In severe cases pain on palpation with large abscesses will be detected. Your veterinarian can massage the area and collect a seminal sample to check for evidence of pus. In some low-grade cases no changes may be palpated but he/she will detect pus cells in the semen sample.

Pus is very detrimental to semen quality and several important decisions need to be made with regards to severity of infection and prognosis for recovery. Palpation in initial cases starts with enlargement progressing to lack of lobulation in the glands and finally to adhesions or scarring in the area. Many cases in young bulls will clear up spontaneously with time. Older bulls should be culled immediately. Other times on young bulls veterinarians

elect to try antibiotics and several have proven successful over the years including erythromycin, sulfas or more recently micotil, excenel and draxxin. The choice will depend on which ones your veterinarian has had success with. A lengthy period of treatment is necessary. In severe cases in extremely valuable yearling bulls, removal of the effected gland is possible. This procedure is performed by referral at large animal surgery clinics. Aggressive antibiotic treatment occurs pre and post operatively. Cases must be carefully selected and are more favorable when only one seminal vesicle is involved. The majority of severe cases are shipped for slaughter.

It is extremely important to note that veterinarians cannot pass a bull on semen quality if any amount of pus is detected in the sample. Therefore any clinical cases will need to be rechecked at a later date. As mentioned previously many yearlings will clear up spontaneously but it is wise to leave one to two months between rechecks. Any infections not cleared by then are unlikely to and should be culled.

Preventive measures for purebred breeders stem right back to birth. Measures to prevent navel infections are important. When housing yearlings give them lots of space. If any bulls start getting ridden excessively they should be pulled out. A thorough semen evaluation should identify any clinical cases before they are sold. Good management and vaccination practices prevent other serious diseases, which could be the precursor to a secondary disease such as seminal vesiculitis (SV). Do these things and SV will be a rare occurrence in your bull battery!

in the December issue. The Reserve Grand Champion Bull was LXL Little Chunky 14X (LT Western Spur), LXL Charolais Farm, Haute Aboujagane, NB.

34 Charolais Banner • February 2011
The Reserve Grand Champion Bull at the Maritime Charolais Show was labeled incorrectly in the show report Oops!
Charolais Banner • February 2011 35 Having trouble sniffing out new markets? Your site at www.charolaisbanner.com could be the answer. Craig Scott H 403.502.2258 • C 403.651.9441 Helge By B 306.546.3940 C 306.536.4261


Notes: (Applicable to the following chart)

• Statistics were compiled from Canadian Charolais Female Sales which were reported to the Charolais Banner in 2010.

• There were 13 sales reporting in 2010; 2 more than in 2009.

• In total there were 121 7/8 more lots sold in 2010, and an increase in overall average of $206 from last year.

• Not included in the summary are individual embryos of which 6 sold, grossing $1200 and averaging $200; Semen straws of which 51 straws sold grossing $4020 for an average of $78.80.

General Summary

Number of 2010 Sales 13

Total Lots Offered 641 5/8 Average Sale Size 47 1/4 lots Total Gross Dollars $1,908,700 Overall Average per Lot $2,769

Overall Sale Averages More Than $3,000: Canadian Showdown Sale $5482 CWA National Charolais Sale $4919

Bar J Dispersal


Eastern National Sale $4053

New Country Livestock Dispersal $3797 Sterling Collection Sale $3587 Sandan Production Sale $3242 Uppin' The Ante Sale $3059

Sales With 30 + Lots:

Crystal D Dispersal

150 1/4

Rolling D Dispersal 102 3/4 Bar J Dispersal 59 Charburg Charolais Dispersal 55 Uppin' The Ante Sale 41 New Country Livestock Dispersal 40 1/2 Sterling Collection Sale 38 Autumn Prestige Sale 38

Top Gross Dollar Sales:

Crystal D Dispersal $355,575 Rolling D Dispersal $246,900 Bar J Dispersal $239,950

New Country Livestock Dispersal $153,800 Sterling Collection Sale $136,300 Uppin' The Ante Sale $125,400 Charburg Charolais Dispersal $120,000 Eastern National Sale $118,050

1994 42 341 $4,688 345 $2,733 469 $2,336 283 $2,247 1995 32 300 $3,379 279 $1,674 445 1/2 $2,004 229 $1,836 1996 30 256 $3,104 241 $1,721 406 $1,645 229 $1,721 1997 35 440 $3,480 363 $1,882 431 1/2 $1,914 259 1/2 $1,646 1998 27 276 $3,443 287 $1,868 339 $2,020 180 $1,868 1999 19 149 $4,518 119 $2,429 280 $2,483 150 $2,110 2000 19 290 $5,116 122 $2,338 313 $2,543 189 $2,301 2001 20 179 $5,394 262 $2,609 337 $2,937 163 $2,255

2002 16 32 $5,784 49 $2,836 254 $2,778 160 $2,310

2003 15 141 $4,978 167 $2,192 204 $2,534 90 $2,290

2004 17 193 $4,149 132 $2,129 252 $2,010 110 $1,938

2005 21 158 $3,184 153 $2,010 240 $2,139 111 $2,204

2006 16 169 $4,241 168 1/2 $1,960 215 1/2 $2,709 132 1/2 $2,237

2007 23 402 $2,992 325 $1,596 257 $2,120 115 $2,072

2008 15 135 $3,594 172 $2,136 166 $2,353 102 $2,725

2009 12 81 $3,496 131 $2,492 179 $2,225 93 $2,256 2010 13 189 $3,634 141 $2,501 189 $2,472 86 $2,431

36 Charolais Banner • February 2011
# of Sales No. Average No. Average No. Average No. Average

2010 Charolais Female Sale Statistics

No. Ave. No. Ave. No. Ave. No. Ave. No. Ave. No. Ave. No. Ave.

Alberta Fall Harvest 3 $4,166 11 $2,377 15 $2,766 29 $2,768 $80,300

Autumn Prestige Sale 5 $3,900 3 $2,267 19 $1,726 10 $1,658 1 $2,500 38 $2,057 $78,175

Bar J Dispersal 25 $5,496 6 $1,775 17 $2,576 6 $2,450 5 $4,520 59 $4,067 $239,950

Canadian Showdown Sale 4 1/2 $9,022 5 $5,320 3 $2,633 3 $3,450 1 $5,000 16 1/2 $5,482 $90,450

Charburg Charolais Dispersal 18 $3,128 17 $1,493 13 $1,958 3 $1,008 4 $2,463 55 $2,182 $120,000

Crystal D Dispersal 89 $2,565 20 1/2 $1,971 24 $1,546 5 $1,280 1 $1,500 10 3/4 $3,930 150 1/4 $2,369 $355,875

CWA National Charolais Sale 5 $4,140 8 $3,006 1 $3,000 2 $14,250 15 1/2 $4,919 $76,250

Eastern National Sale 3 $5,933 6 $3,208 11 $3,990 7 $2,579 2 $3,275 1/8 $12,500 29 1/8 $4,053 $118,050

New Country Livestock Dispersal 7 $6,557 22 $2,987 6 $2,525 4 $2,937 1 1/2 $6,200 40 1/2 $3,797 $153,800

Rolling D Dispersal 20 $3,801 51 $2,068 27 $2,009 4 $1,138 1 $6,600 102 3/4 $2,403 $246,900

Sandan Production Sale 6 $5,158 7 $3,085 9 $2,205 5 $3,030 27 $3,242 $87,550

Sterling Collection Sale 7 $5,379 28 $2,886 2 $3,175 1 $11,500 38 $3,587 $136,300

Uppin' The Ante Sale 6 $4,092 4 $2,713 14 $2,904 14 $2,782 3 $3,467 41 $3,059 $125,400

Average/Totals 189 $3,634 141 $2,501 189 $2,472 86 $2,431 12 $3,817 25 3/8 $5,383 641 5/8 $2,975 $1,909,000





1176 1/12 $2,426 $2,853,133

$2,185 75 1/2 $5,260 774 1/4 $3,112 $2,409,676

$4,717 104 $4,263 1031 $3,403 $3,492,265

$2,817 96 $5,657 1054 $3,406 $3,590,470

$1,792 79 $4,451 590 $3,022 $1,782,960

$2,275 70 $5,404 676 3/5 $3,141 $2,125,075 0 $0 4 $3,488 56 1/6 $5,711 746 $2,879 $2,147,125 6 $1,475 8 $3,681 77 3/5 $3,837 755 3/5 $2,534 $1,914,985 0 $0 10 $2,895 78 1/2 $3,378 770 11/12 $2,881 $2,221,225 1 $1,500 5 $3,380 72 $3,410 1177 $2,352 $2,768,275 0 $0 4 $4,440 25 1/2 $3,972 603 1/2 $2,732 $1,648,520 0 $0 5 $3,840 31 1/2 $6,458 519 3/4 $2,769 $1,439,025 0 $0 12 $3,817 25 3/8 $5,383 641 5/8 $2,975 $1,909,000


Charolais Banner • February 2011 37
Female Sale Trends OPEN FEMALES FLUSH/RECIPS BULLS/SEMEN TOTAL LOTS SALE GROSS No. Average No. Average No. Average No. Average 42 $2,680 31 $2,031 150 2/3 $8,998
59 $1,805 4 $2,975 143 1/4
2 $1,400 9 $2,555 107 1/2 $3,418
2 $925 8 $2,919 128 1/4
8 $2,628 86
Sale Name Cow/Calf Pair Bred Females Bred Heifers Heifer Calves Embryo/Flush Bulls/Semen TOTALS GROSS
1690 $3,211 $5,427,661
$3,970 1459 3/4 $2,304 $3,363,250
1250 1/2 $2,138 $2,674,080
$3,749 1,651 $2,424 $4,002,485

We would like to commend all the Charolais Exhibitors in 2010 for a job well done. A great amount of effort and expense goes into exhibiting cattle. We often wonder how many of us realize the spin offs and the free promotion the breed receives from these few breeders who carry the torch for the Charolais industry. Congratulations on a great year and thank you!

The Banner Of Show Sires, or B.O.S.S., was developed in 1984 and is administered by the Charolais Banner. It is the only purebred publication that sponsors such a program. The B.O.S.S. program was set up as a method of keeping track of the winnings of the Charolais animals in the show ring. The shows that receive B.O.S.S. designation are decided by the Charolais Banner and spread out evenly across Canada.

B.O.S.S. Points are awarded accordingly:

By Category By Class

20 pts. Grand Champion 10 pts. – 1st 15 pts. Res. Grand Champion 8 pts. – 2nd 10 pts. Sr. & Jr Champions 6 pts. – 3rd 5 pts. Res Sr & Jr. Champion 4 pts. – 4ths 2 pts. – 5th

Canadian Western Agribition, because of its National Status in 2010, received double B.O.S.S. points.

Shows with 40 plus entries receive full points; 30 – 39 entries received ¾ points and less than 30 entries receive ½ points.

The B.O.S.S. program has become an effective method of recognizing the most popular bull and female on the show road each year. The B.O.S.S. Chart is very detailed and takes hours for our administration to ensure accuracy.

We do believe the chart provides a number of great results in which we can base decisions. After all, popularity of type is a very important marketing tool.

The B.O.S.S. chart breaks down points given to animals from all the B.O.S.S. designated shows and tabulates bulls gaining 10 points or more. The chart also illustrates all bulls from 1984 to present that have gained 250 points or more.

2010 B.O.S.S. PROGRAM RESULTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: (68 bulls received points)

The top 5 B.O.S.S. Bulls gaining points were:

5. BXB DATELINE SON 65R............................137

4. SPARROWS COACH 467S............................161

3. MVX COUGARHILL HANK 720G..............182

2. SPARROWS SANCHEZ 715T......................196

1. SVY FREEDOM PLD 307N..........................411

This makes SVY FREEDOM PLD 307N the B.O.S.S. Show Sire of the year for the 4th consecutive year.

The top 5 Females that competed for the honour of B.O.S.S. Show Female in 2010 were:

5. HICKS XCEPTIONAL 8X..............................55

4.MEDONTE UNTOUCHABLE 8U................56

3. DBAR MISS ELEGANCE 635S....................60

2. HF MUSTANG SALLY 904 PLD..................61

1. SVY STARSTRUCK 559R............................80

This makes SVY STARSTRUCK 559Rthe B.O.S.S. Female of the year.

The top 5 Bulls that competed for the honour of the B.O.S.S. Show bull in 2010 were:

5. JMB DATELINE 38X......................................55

4. SHARODON WYATT 3W............................64

3. CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W............................70

2. HICKS REMINGTON 31U............................94

1. PCC SUDDEN IMPACT 848U....................115

This makes PCC SUDDEN IMPACT 848U the B.O.S.S. Show Bull of the year.

2010 did not have any bulls reaching the 500-point mark or the honour of B.O.S.S. Status.

In the 27 years the B.O.S.S. Program has been running 175,597 points have been awarded.

38 Charolais Banner • February 2011 PCC SUDDEN IMPACT 848U - 2010 B.O.S.S. SHOW BULL PCC SUDDEN IMPACT 848U.......................................................................115 HICKS REMINGTON 31U..............................................................................94 CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W..............................................................................70 SHARODON WYATT 3W................................................................................64 JMB DATELINE 38X.........................................................................................55 JSR USHER 32U.................................................................................................48 GERRARD JAMBALAYA 10X.........................................................................48 PLEASANT DAWN SPAWN 765W................................................................48 SPARROWS SEMINOLE 927W ......................................................................46 SVY FOCUS PLD 15X.......................................................................................40 ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X .....................................................................36 STEPPLER DOC HOLIDAY 61X.....................................................................35 CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X.....................................................................31 GERRARD POLAMALU 31X..........................................................................30 PLEASANTDAWN TOP DOG 71S.................................................................30 LAE X-CITEMENT 27X....................................................................................30 HICKS WONDERFUL 33W.............................................................................29 JWX STERLING SILVER 313U........................................................................27 DUBUC XAIROS 18X.......................................................................................26 HICKS CARBINE 14X .....................................................................................26 PLEASANT DAWN RHINO 851X ................................................................23 SKW ANTONIUS 77X .....................................................................................23 CHARHAVEN X-PLOSION 101X..................................................................20 DVY WHAMMY PLD 962W...........................................................................20 ELDER’S TOMAHAWK 142X ........................................................................20 SVY SILVERADO PLD 36X ............................................................................20 SVY STARSTRUCK 559R.................................................................................80 HF MUSTANG SALLY 904 PLD.....................................................................70 DBAR MISS ELEGANCE 635S........................................................................60 MEDONTE UNTOUCHABLE 8U..................................................................56 HICKS XCEPTIONAL 8X................................................................................55 CORNERVIEW WILLOW 7W.........................................................................50 LAE SASSY SANCHEZ 906W.........................................................................40 DBAR SHE’S COUNTRY 910W .....................................................................40 ELDER’S MYSTICAL MADAME 154X..........................................................39 HIGH BLUFF GELIA 112W.............................................................................38 LA MISS INTEGRITY 12W..............................................................................36 MVY LADY 30X................................................................................................35 SCX MISS DUKE 72U.......................................................................................30 POST MISS BRAVO 601U................................................................................29 ACC MISS TRIM 823U.....................................................................................28 BLACKBERN WYOMING 6W........................................................................27 JMB MS PARADISE 25X..................................................................................27 CORNERVIEW XQUISITE 24X.......................................................................26 MVY WYNONA 95W.......................................................................................26 SVY STARSTRUCK 14X...................................................................................26 ML PLD GINNY 1W.........................................................................................24 HICKS WASABI 13W ......................................................................................23 GGD TIARA 731T.............................................................................................23 ELDER’S MYSTIQUE 200X ............................................................................20 TOP BOSS FEMALES OF 2010 TOP BOSS SHOW BULLS OF 2010

Final B.O.S.S. Points

1984 to 2010 (bulls with 250 points or more)

2010 Totals ACA Designate (olds) Agribition Edmonton Farm Fair Lindsay MB Livestock Expo Maritime Fall Fair Expo Boeuf (Quebec) Renfrew Saskatoon Fall Fair Toronto Royal

ABC Latoro 263G 46 16 30

Bar J Silverado 14S 93 68 25

Beck's Ricky Bobby 10S 16 8 8

BXB Dateline Son 65R* 137 68 65 4

CAD Ladies Man 12P 10 10

Cedardale Stately 21S 11 5 6

Cedardale Trademark 33T 11 3 8

Cedardale Tyrant 31T 14 7 3 4

CS Pld Junction 4J 11 11

DBar Survivor 220M* 32 12 20

DBar Synergy 721T 40 10 20 10

EC No Doubt 2022P* 103 32 4 42 7 7 12

FFBB Roper Pld 5106R 10 4 6

Gilliland Diago 7R 12 12

HEJ Magnum 26R 28 3 16 9

Hicks Revolver 14R 10 10

JDJ Smokester J1377P ET 16 4 11 1

Jezebel 12 12

JSR Blossom 20R 15 15

JWX Reality Red 73U 37 20 17

JWX Silver Buckle 524U 26 24 2

Kay-R Grid Iron 400S 70 70

KMAC Thurston 66T 12 12

LAE Textile 734T 18 16 2

Loub Mr Louber Skymont 153R 11 11

LT Bluegrass 4017 82 16 18 6 12 30

LT Predictable Wind 2079 12 12

LT Rio Blanco 1234P* 28 10 10 8

LT Western Spur 2061 14 14

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld* 54 18 15 21

Merit 5293R 20 20

MNE Park Model 50P 16 16

MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G* 182 33 112 15 23

MVY TNT 69T 36 26 10

MXS Optimum 813U 24 24

MXS Vermillion 527R 10 10

PCC Balistik 441P 31 12 19

PCFL Ultimate 14R 54 16 38

Pleasant Dawn Marshall 70P 101 18 50 3 30

Pleasant Dawn Max 70S 12 12

Rancard 17 17

Rolling D Design 730T 24 24

SCX Duke 138P 35 20 15

Sharp Hills 26K 11 8 3

Shelco Made Easy 512R 27 21 6

Sparrows Alcatraz 18N 17 9 8

Sparrows Alliance* 10 10

Sparrows Birmingham 758T 51 38 7 6

Sparrows Coach 467S 161 67 94

Sparrows Cossack 11L* 23 23

Sparrows Eldorado 361L 75 12 45 18

Sparrows Oak Ridge 66R 42 16 26

Sparrows Sanchez 715T 196 10 118 36 33

Sparrows Vintage 75R 101 56 9 7 30

Steppler 83U 32 24 8

Steppler Distinction 38T 19 8 11

SVS Nobleman 25N 20 5 9 6

SVY Ad Invincible P 748T 13 3 10

SVY Freedom Pld 307N* 411 15 222 41 27 23 84

SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T 52 52

SVY Pilgrim Pld 655S 45 10 20 15

TLC Integrity 5087P 43 8 30 5

TR Mr Fire Water 5792 50 50

TR Red Smoke 20 20

Virgil SC 20 20

WCR Sir Fa Mac 2244 18 18

WESC Hicks Revolver 14R 132 38 27 27 40

Winn Man's Original 548R 14 8 6

2010 TOTAL BOSS POINTS 3150 98 1444 101 160 284 92 236 159 132 446

Charolais Banner • February 2011 39


Roxy's Jack Dempsey 63R*.............................6942

Chardel Reebok*..............................................4398

SVY Freedom Pld 307N*.................................3086

JSC Chairman 103U*.......................................2907

SLY Eastwood Pld 32F*...................................2601

CCC Elevations Knockout*............................2592

LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld*.........................2556

BR MF Krugerrand*.........................................2482

HTA Northern Light 357C*............................2386

MSW Kapone*..................................................2307

Sparrows Sheriff*.............................................2142

KC Stolichnaya H016*.....................................1732

Keys Polled Compass*....................................1693

FVC Tango 907Y*.............................................1481

MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G*........................1416

V A L&T Big Discovery 27U*.........................1404

Sparrows Alliance*..........................................1399

Silver Creek High Rise H099*........................1360

Brampton Fourstar*.........................................1342

Wildor Raven 6M*...........................................1333

Poker King Jr. GV18G*....................................1249

Hickory Lane Professor*.................................1235

HTA Whitehot 105A*.......................................1076

Pembina Powerplay 81P*...............................1058

E-Cee Katmandu 200B*...................................1051

Tall Cool One*..................................................1049

JWK Impressive D040ET*...............................1046

MNE Exclusive 17E*........................................1036

Pembina Ultravox 3U*....................................1014

Donnyweir Prophet 1K*..................................1013

A-Jay's Fast Track 71B*....................................1007 Wat-Cha Streamline 114N*.............................1001

Great Houdini E.T.*...........................................968

HHP Monte Carlo*............................................947

Nashville Goldstar 12U*...................................936

RPJ Eveready 403D*..........................................897

Sparrows Cossack 11L*.....................................875

SVC Futurist 809X*............................................865

HTA Tundra*......................................................822

KJP Sky Fire 51T*...............................................795 Spains Show Me Polled*...................................789 DC Bea Cool*......................................................784 Willowvale Projector 90C*................................783 2UP Peugeot ET*................................................771 Dbar Survivor 220M*........................................763 LHD Cigar E46*..................................................754 HFCC Pld Bond 19L*.........................................700 LT Rio Blanco 1234P*.........................................696 CS Mango 256M*...............................................687

BXB Dateline Son 65R*......................................679

NZL Polled Raven*............................................679

MNE Golden Eagle 25W*.................................672

SVY Guardian Pld 969J*....................................667

LT Unlimited Chaps*.........................................648

MVX Cougarhill Jake 767G*.............................631

ABC Iceman 811*................................................622

Double H Showman's Dynamo*......................622 HFCC Evolution 5L*..........................................616

Sharphills Hurricane 154D*..............................609

JBJ AJ 787G*........................................................608

RA Big Cat 9017 Pld*.........................................602

JSC Alladin 101P*...............................................594

ACF Apocalypse 40M*......................................572

WH Rambo*........................................................567

WDW Specialist 421S*.......................................557

WDW Prestige 65U*..........................................548

WKM Polled Enticer*........................................542

VMN Habanero Pld 137L*................................540

Wat-Cha N'th Degree 50N*...............................524 Hicks Kasino 11K*.............................................522

SVY Bedrock*......................................................514

BKJ Buckaroo 836H*..........................................512

Keys Polled Fusion 163E...................................488

Bar EW Pld Casino 637F...................................484

RCC Royal Masterpiece....................................480

CS Pld Junction 4J..............................................472 Carlson's Ice 301C..............................................459

Chardel Intrepid.................................................455 Crystal D Pierce 40P..........................................451

CF Polled Classic................................................436

DYV Clearcut 14H.............................................430

Sparrows Sanchez 715T....................................426

BCR Polled Unlimited.......................................407

E-Cee New Direction 6Z...................................407

JSC Superstuff 24M............................................403 HTA Skyliter.......................................................397 ASC Eliminator 032...........................................393

BR Cujo RCH7....................................................392

LHD Mr Perfect..................................................389

HSF Polled Creation 46M.................................386

Sir QCR High Gear 2P.......................................379 HTA Desert Storm..............................................377

A-Jay's Mercury 70D.........................................376 MSW Y2K............................................................372

JSC Express 102L................................................371

M6 Gridmaker 104 Pld ET................................370

Sparrows Eldorado 361L..................................365 CJH Turning Point 3X.......................................364

EC No Doubt 2022P...........................................363

Harvie Jager 65J..................................................362

Baldridge Fasttrack............................................360

WCR Prime Cut 764...........................................355

Soderglen Grandorr 4111U...............................351

Granada's Red Ace 17B.....................................349

Lazy Jr. Zing 32Z................................................347

SCC Millenium J002P........................................345

Wat-Cha Amalgamated.....................................340

ABC Latoro 263G...............................................337

LT Ramrod 4148.................................................335

Curtis Wallace 141H..........................................330

RCC Royal Chip I 4192......................................328

Green Acres Butler 902Y...................................323

Double Hooks Cashmere 524P........................320

Sir EC 20\20 Pld.................................................318

EVC Hot King 24D............................................313

Bar J Silverado 14S.............................................312

MLU Congress...................................................307

Sparrows Advantage.........................................307

SVC Classical Coke............................................306

Silver Creek Thunderbolt.................................305

JSR Equity 17M...................................................304

Charco Monte 41H.............................................303

The Colonel MM 250770...................................303

DYV Dynamo 14D.............................................301

NZL Top Gun.....................................................301

SVS Preserve 7B.................................................299

RCC Royal Express 3269 (P).............................298

LANC Visitation 3S...........................................293

Target Derrick 11D.............................................293

HEJ Ripper 66P...................................................291

VET Dr Spock 1S................................................289

Bridor Haldrey 5H.............................................286

WDZ Mongo.......................................................280

RKG Thriller Pld 45D........................................277

Belmont's Sonar 3N...........................................271

GV Raven 2S.......................................................271

LT Western Spur 2061........................................269

Keys Front Page 189H.......................................268

Sparrows Coach 467S........................................265

SVS Nobleman 25N...........................................260

FH-RRR Sequoia................................................259

Sparrows Oak Ridge 66R..................................258

Keys Handyman Pld 255H...............................258

MNE Banjo 70B..................................................255 SVS Mastercard 2M...........................................255

Skymont Ease 2078............................................251 MXS Vermillion 527R........................................250


Pat Silbernagel (403) 637-2521

Box 64, Water Valley, AB T0M 2E0


John Hoff (403) 528-4150

Box 418, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G2


George Stewart - (780) 352-4817

Tom & Carey Stewart - (780) 352-5902 RR 1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0 mapleleafcharolais@xplornet.com


Roy & Marie Mulkay – (780) 636-3598 Box 240, Spedden, AB T0A 3A0


Chester Patton - (519) 925-5243 RR#2, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 PattonFarms@aol.com


John & Rowana Rudiger (403) 242-5464 cell (403) 650-2106 30286 Old Banff Coach Road, Calgary, AB T3Z 2E1 rudigerranch@aol.com


Kelly & Pam Stephen Box 26, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 (306) 435-2087 cell (306) 435-7383 kellyandpam@rfnow.com


Jack & Brandon Holdsworth (403) 863-0847 93 Gateway Dr. SW, Calgary, AB T3E 4K1


Bill & Jean Winters - (613) 432-4762 Robert & Lorraine - (613) 433-3204 RR#5, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z8

40 Charolais Banner • February 2011
with 250 points or
BOSS Bull (500 points or more). The Banner of Show Sires (BOSS) program was developed and is administered by the Charolais Banner. Points are awarded to sires based upon their progeny’s placings at recognized BOSS shows across Canada.
Points, 1984 to 2010 (bulls
more) *indicates
Canadian Full French Charolais Breeders
Charolais Banner • February 2011 41 Services
Alberta Breeders
42 Charolais Banner • February 2011
Charolais Banner • February 2011 43
British Columbia Breeders Manitoba Breeders
44 Charolais Banner • February 2011 High Bluff Stock Farm Carman & Donna Jackson Box 75, Inglis, Manitoba R0J 0X0 Ph.(204) 564-2547 www.familytraditionbullsale.com Maritimes Ontario Breeders Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt Bryce &Dana Hakkesteegt T:613.475.3532 F:613.475.5128 Cell:613.848.6917 13 Lawson Settlement Road,RR #3,Brighton,ON K0K 1H0

Quebec Breeders Saskatchewan Breeders

Charolais Banner • February 2011 45
46 Charolais Banner • February 2011 USA Breeders

Charolais Banner

• $400 sale attendance fee, plus 2 pages in the Charolais Banner or 1 page in the Connection

• Business Card in the Banner & Connection $350/yr

Charolais Connection

1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a Classified 80 n/a 1”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) Classified 140 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

• Pictures – $10

• Photos taken by fieldmen – $25

• Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt)

• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts

• Catalogue prices available on request


HEJ Charolais Bull Sale Innisfail, AB

Beck/McCoy 2nd Annual Bull Sale, Milestone, SK MARCH

A. Sparrow Farms Charolais Bull Sale, Vanscoy, SK

Sandan Charolais Bull Sale Erskine, AB

Hi-Weigh Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB

Best of the Breeds Bull Sale Leross, SK

Perrot/Martin Charolais Bull Sale, Naciam, SK

Charolais Banner • February 2011 47
to attend these leading events in 2011!
6 Pasture Ready Bull Sale
SK Keep in touch 24 hours a day through www.buyagro.com “the shortest drive to your next herdsire is your hard drive” – Previews – Sale Catalogues – Breeder Pages PROVEN WEBSITE DESIGNS What are you waiting for?
Toshowcase your program, call Bryan Kostiuk at (306) 933-4200
Impact Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK
POLEY #4, 3342 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Office: (306) 933-4200 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Email: info@tbarc.com Ted Cell: (306) 221-2711 Chris Cell: (306) 220-5006
ad deadline. The
The Banner cannot be responsible
errors in advertisements
after the
Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any
On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.
•Pictures – $10
• Photos taken by fieldmen – $25
• 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt)
• Overruns are $1 each
• Position pages will be given to yearly contracts
• Catalogue prices available on request
Ads Black & White Full Colour
Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125
Publishing Deadlines AD DEADLINE MAILING March Connection Feb 9 Mar 1 May Banner April 20 May 4
Black & White Full Colour
Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1” Business Card 45 n/a Classified 80 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)


February 12

P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. First Bull Sale, Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

February 15

Canada ’s Largest One Iron Charolais Bull Sale, Rawes Ranches, Strome, AB

February 19

St Martin Test Station Sale

February 21

6th Annual "Tip The Scale Sale", 1:00 pm, at the Vikse family farm, Donalda, AB

February 25

HEJ Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

February 26

Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Optimum Genetics, Regina, SK

February 26

Chomiak 7th Annual Bull Sale, Viking (AB) Auction Market

February 26

Ste Odile Test Station Sale

February 26

Asbestos 1 Test Station Sale

March 2

Maple Leaf Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Vold Jones Vold Auction Mart Ponoka, AB

March 2

Calgary Bull Sale Charolais Show, 10 a.m., Calgary, AB

March 3

Calgary Bull Sale, Charolais Sale, 11 a.m., Calgary, AB

March 4

South Central Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

March 5

High Country Bull Sale, Pincher Creek, AB

March 5

Ferme Louber Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saint-Marie de Beauce, QC

March 5

Calendar of Events

March 17

Clear Lake Charolais Bull Sale, at the farm, Tiger Lily, AB

March 6

92nd Annual Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale Show, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds

March 7

92nd Annual Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds

March 10

Valley Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Valley Auction Mart, Armstrong, BC

March 10

Charolais Power 2011, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Cattle Trading Corp., Veteran, AB

March 11

A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, at the farm, Vanscoy, SK

March 11

8th Annual Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grande Prairie, AB March 12

Neilson Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Heartland Livestock, Yorkton, SK

March 12

Horseshoe E Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK

March 13

106th Annual Regina Bull Sale, Evraz Place, Regina, SK

March 14

New Country Livestock and Guests Bull Sale, Bashaw, AB March 16

Wawadash Farms Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Cattle Trading Corp., Veteran, AB

March 17

Hirch Charolais 1st Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping Association, Brooks, AB

Buffalo Lake Charolais and Shorthorns Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart

March 17

8th Annual Family Tradition Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore, MB

March 18

Northern Alliance Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Spiritwood (SK) Stockyards

March 18

Double L Ranch Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

March 18

P-3 Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Medicine Hat, AB

March 19

Rollin' Acres & Guests 1st Annual Bull Sale

March 19

Sandan Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Erskine, AB

March 19

27th Annual North Central Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Nilsson Bros. Livestock Exchange, Clyde, AB

March 19

Pleasant Dawn Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB

March 19

Lanoie Bros. Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK

March 19

Vinoy Test Station Sale

March 19

Quyon Test Station Sale

March 19

Cornverview Charolais Bull Yard Open House, at Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, ON

March 21

White is Right Bull Sale, Perlich Bros. Auction Mart, Lethbridge, AB

48 Charolais Banner • February 2011

March 22

Provost Bull Sale, Provost, AB

March 23

Hi-Weigh Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Neepawa (MB) Fair Grounds

March 24

Diamond W Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Valley Livestock Sales, Minitonas, MB

March 25

Winn Man Farms 10th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Winnipegosis, MB

March 25

Stauffer Land & Livestock “Ranchers Select” Bull Sale, 1:00 PM, at The Stauffer Sale Barn, Eckville, AB

March 26

Pride of the Peace Charolais and Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Agriplex, High Prairie, AB

March 26

Alameda Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Alameda (SK) Auction Mart

March 26

Forsyth Bros. & Tee M Jay Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Ashern (MB) Auction Mart

March 26

CSS Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Paynton, SK

March 26

Southland Breeders Bull Sale, Rockglen, SK

March 26

Impact Angus & Charolais Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales

March 26

Transcon's Mountainview Simmental, Angus & Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB

March 27

Murphy Livestock Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Western Pride Auction Mart, Bonnyville, AB

March 27

Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Parkland Livestock Auction, Leross, SK

March 28

Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, at the farm, Olds, AB

March 28

North West Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Kramer's Big Bid Barn, North Battleford, SK

March 30

Perrot-Martin Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Naicam, SK

March 30

Sullivan Lake Charolais 1st Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Vold Jones Vold, Ponoka, AB

March 31

Elder Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., on the farm, Coronach, SK

March 31

McKeary/Loewen & Guests Bull Sale, Bow Slope Auction, Brooks, AB

April 2

Saunders Charolais 6th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Keady (ON) Livestock Market

April 2

Vermillionaires 25th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Nillson Bros. Livestock Exchange, Vermillion, AB

April 2

Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale, at the test station, Carberry, MB

April 2

Maritime Bull Test Station Sale, at the Nappan (NS) Bull Test Station

April 3

Cattleman's Classic Multi-Breed Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB

April 4

8th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK

April 5

Souris Valley Multi-Breed Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Taylor Auction Mart, Melita, MB

April 6

White Cap/Rosso Charolais & Howe/Cockburn Red Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw, SK

April 9

S.E. Sask Breeders 37th Annual Charolais Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Square D Sale Site, Langbank, SK

April 9

Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Hoard Station Sale Barn, Campbellford, ON

April 12

Top Cut Charolais Bull Sale, Mankota (SK) Stockman's Weigh Company

April 14

Size Matters Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the Sliding Hills Charolais farm, Canora, SK

April 16

Cornerstone Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart

April 16

Cedardale Cattle Co. Charolais Bull & Heifer Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Nestleton, ON April 16

Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 29th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, SD April 30

Wienk Charolais 42nd Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Lake Preston, SD

April 30

Asbestos 2 Test Station Sale

June 14

Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, Charlottetown, PE

June 15 to 19

Canadian Charolais Tour of the Maritimes

June 22

T Bar C Invitational Golf Tourney, Dakota Dunes Gold Club, Saskatoon, SK

June 26

Manitoba Charolais Association Picnic, 1:00 p.m., Brookdale (MB) Community Centre

July 20-23, 2011

CCYA Conference and Show, Prairieland Exhibition Park, Saskatoon, SK

June 10-22, 2012

World Charolais Congress, United Kingdom

Charolais Banner • February 2011 49

Advertisers Index

Alta 41

Altwasser Charolais 43

Amabec Charolais..........................................44

Anchor J Charolais 41

Andemar Cattle Company 44

B Bar D Charolais 44

Bar Diamond Farm & Cattle 41

Bar H Charolais ..............................................45

Bar Punch Ranch (CFFCB) 40,41

Bar 7 Easy Charolais (CFFCB) 40,41

Bar-J Charolais 43

Beau Char Charolais 41

Beck Farms 45

Be-Rich Farms 42

Blackbern Charolais 44

Bo-Jan Enterprises 45

Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. 41

Bricney Stock Farms 45

Bridor Charolais 44

Brimner Cattle Company 45

Buffalo Lake Charolais 42

By Livestock 12,13

Carey, Brent 41

Castine Cattle Co. 20,42

Cavandown Charolais 44

Cedardale Charolais ......................................44

Cedarlea Farms (Cypress) 20

Charburg Charolais 33,43

Charhead Ranch 45

Charla Moore Farms 45

Char-Maine Ranching ...................................42

Charolais Journal 41

Char-Top Charolais (Cypress) 20

Charworth Charolais Farms 42

Chomiak Charolais 5,42

Circle Cee Charolais Farms ............................42

Clear Lake Charolais 3,42

Cornerview Charolais 44

Cougar Hill Ranch 45

Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co. 45

Crystal D Charolais ........................................46

CSS Charolais 46

C2 Charolais 43

Davis-Rairdan 41

DCHAR Stock Farm 42

Diamond W Charolais 46

Domes Charolais (Hub) 22

Donmoore Farms 46

Double L Ranch 42

Dubuc Charolais 45

Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle 44

Eaton Charolais 46

Elder Charolais Farms 7,30,46

Ericson Livestock Services 41

Everview Charolais (HiWeigh) 44

Fawcett Cattle Company Inc. 42

Fischer Charolais 42

Fleming, Billy 41

Fleury, Michael 41

Foat Valley Stock Farm 42

Footprint Farms 42

Forsyth Bros. Charolais (HiWeigh) 7,26,44 4-G Charolais Ranch 46

Future Farms 42

Genex ...............................................................9

Gerrard Cattle Co. 42

Gilliland Bros. Charolais 46 Grant Farms 42 GRP Ltd. .........................................................41

H.S. Knill Company Ltd. 41

Happy Haven Charolais 43

Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co. 43

Harvie Ranching 42

HEJ Charolais ................................................42

Hicks Charolais 25,44

High Bluff Stock Farm (HiWeigh) 44 Horseshoe E Charolais 46

HTA Charolais Farm (HiWeigh) 44 Hunter Charolais (HiWeigh) .........................44

JMB Charolais (HiWeigh) 44

Jordan River Charolais 29,46 Kaiser Charolais Farm 42 Kanewischer, Jerry 41

Kay-R Charolais ............................................42

KCH Charolais 43

Kirlene Cattle 44 Kruk Charolais 43

La Ferme Patry de Weedon 28,45

Land O' Lakes Charolais ................................44

Langstaff Charolais 45

Leemar Charolais 42

Lee's Charolais Farm (Hub) 22

LEJ Charolais 43

Lindskov-Thiel Charolais Ranch 46 LiveAuctions.TV 41

Loewen Charolais 42

Maple Leaf Charolais (CFFCB) 40 Martens Cattle Co. 26,46

McAvoy Charolais Farm 46 McKay Charolais 43

McKeary Charolais 42

McTavish Charolais ........................................46

Meadows Charolais 43

Medonte Charolais 45

Miller Land & Livestock 45

Mulkay Cattle Co. (CFFCB) 40 Murphy Livestock ..........................................42

Mutrie Farms 46

Nahachewsky Charolais 46

New Country Livestock 42

N3 Stock Farms (Cypress) 20

P & H Ranching Co. .......................................42

P Bar 3 Charolais Inc. 43

Packer Charolais 45

Parklane Charolais 43

Patton Charolais (CFFCB) 40,45

Perrot-Martin Charolais ................................46

Pine-Lane Farms 45

Pleasant Dawn Charolais 27,43

Poley, Chris 41

Potter Charolais 45

Prairie Cove Consulting ................................41

Prairie Gold Charolais 46

Prairie Sky Farms (Cypress) 20

Qualman Charolais (Hub) 22

Rammer Charolais (HiWeigh) .......................44

Ranch Ostiguy Charolais 45

Rawes Ranches 43

Reykdal Farms Charolais 43

Ringuette Charolais 44

Rollin' Acres Charolais ..................................45

Rolling D Charolais (HiWeigh) 44

Ronos 45

Rosso Charolais (Cypress) 20

RRTS Charolais ...............................................43

Rudiger Ranch (CFFCB) 40,43

Saddleridge Charolais 43

Sand Rose Charolais 46

Sandan Charolais Farms 43

Saunders Charolais ........................................45

Scarth Cattle Co. 44

Sharadon Farms 45

Skeels, Danny 41

Sliding Hills Charolais ....................................46

Snake Valley Farms 43

A. Sparrow Farms IFC

Springside Farms 26

Sproule Charolais 43

Stephen Charolais Farm (CFFCB) .............40,46

Steppler Charolais (HiWeigh) 44

Stock, Mark 41

Stockmen's Insurance 41

Sullivan Lake Charolais (CFFCB) .............40,IBC

Sunrise Charolais 45

T Bar C Cattle Co. 15,47

Temple Farms 46

Turnbull Charolais 43

Velda Rose Charolais .....................................44

Voegeli Bros. Charolais (Hub) 22,30

Wawedash Farms Ltd. 46

Wells Charolais 11

Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company ................45

White Cap Charolais 46

White Heather Charolais 43

Wienk Charolais 46

Wilgenbusch Charolais 7,30,46,OBC

Winters Charolais (CFFCB) 40

Wood River Charolais (Cypress) 20

Wrangler Charolais 43

50 Charolais Banner • February 2011 LOOKING TO FIND SOMEONE?
Jack & Brandon Holdsworth 403-863-0847 93 Gateway Drive S.W., Calgary, AB T3E 4K1 jack@failsafecanada.com Ron Prediger, Herd Manager 403-783-2773 www.sullivanlakecharolais.com Breeding Seedstock for Profit, Improvement, Disposition and Performance Call for details on our Performance Bonus Program JR CURTIS CHANNING 306N 555 Curtis Wallace x LWR Channing 2C CE 22 BW 4.8 WW 43 YW 87 M 16.6 TM 38 Our Full French Sire 2006 World Champion Full French Bull Semen: $20/Straw. Minimum 20 Straws LT EASY BLEND 512T444 LT Unlimited Ease 9108 x WCR Prime Cut 764 BW 95 lb. •CE 84 BW -.6 WW 52 YW 103 M 23.1 TM 48 Calving Ease Plus Performance Semen: $40/Straw. Minimum 10 Straws LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P 666 WCR Prime Cut x HCR Senator 9025 CE 38 BW 2.1 WW 57 YW 125 M 23.9 TM 52 Performance and Style Helge By 306-536-4261 Craig Scott 403-651-9441 charolaisbanner@gmail.com anner B SEMENSALES
John & Brenda, Colin, Conrad & Erica, Craig & Tricia Wilgenbusch Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 • Tel 306-458-2688 Fax 306-458-2371 • wilgenbusch@sasktel.net SNOW & BULLS...We have lots of both JWX 73X • Pierce x Y2K Full brother to Reality Red • BW 108 lbs., WW 794 YW 1284 lbs. • BW 3.8 WW 57 YW 96 M 17.5 TM 46 JWX 814X • Kaboom x Silverado BW 91 lbs., WW 805, YW 1335 lbs. BW -1.5 WW 44 YW 84 M 22.2 TM 44 JWX 718X • Solid x Nobleman BW 101 lbs., WW 751, YW 1289 lbs. BW 0 WW 41 YW 80 M 24.9 TM 45 JWX 10X • Silverado x Katz BW 100 lbs., WW 787, YW 1392 lbs. BW .8 WW 40 YW 80 M 27 TM 47 JWX 1X • Silver Buckle x Junction BW 93 lbs., WW 777, YW 1276 lbs. BW -2.1 WW 42 YW 86 M 26.7 TM 48 8th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale April 4th, 2011 5 Two-Year-Olds 60 Yearlings

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