May 2011 Charolais Banner

Page 54

Thanks also to all our other bull buyers this spring and Wilgenbusch Charolais, who purchased the pick of our bred heifers at the National Sale last fall at Agribition. G.BROS ULTIMATE 918X • JMB Dateline 754T son Sold to Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville; Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston & Charla Moore Farms, Redvers G.BROS HOMBRE 908XHOMOZYGOUS POLLED JMB Dateline 754T son • High Seller at the Alameda Bull Sale to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston, AB. Box 254, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 Greg, Dayna & family 306-928-4841 Ron Gilliland 306-928-2118 Homozygous Polled • SE Sask High Seller at $25,500 ROCKING HEART POWER 11X SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S • Sold to Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB in the SE Sask Sale.
2011 3
Charolais Banner • May

HEJ Charolais 26

Clear Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle 27

High Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Charolais Power . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Louber Farm 28

A. Sparrow Farms . . . . . . . . . . .29

Horseshoe E Charolais . . . . . . . .30

Obituary – Don Domes 30

Northern Alliance . . . . . . . . . . .31

Regina Bull Sale 31

Family Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Buffalo Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

New Country 33

Rollin’ Acres & Patton . . . . . . . .34

P - 3 Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Pleasant Dawn 35

Obituary – Edgar Philpott . . . . .35

North Central Alberta 36

Alameda 36

Hi-Weigh Breeders 37

Obituary – Tom Rookes . . . . . . .37

Diamond W 38

Mountainview . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Winn Man Farms . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Best of the Breeds 39

Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

CSS 40 Forsyth/Tee M Jay 41

Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Elder Charolais 42

Saunders Charolais . . . . . . . . . .42

Perrot-Martin Charolais . . . . . . .43

Harvie Ranching 44

Cattleman’s Classic . . . . . . . . . . .44

North of the 49th 45

Souris Valley 46

SE Sask Breeders . . . . . . . . . . . .46

White Cap / Rosso Charolais 47

Top Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

Size Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

Top 10 High Selling Bulls 48

Cornerstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

Obituary – Gary Deroo 49 Sales in Brief 50 Bull Sale Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 CCYA Essays 54

124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 546-3940 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email: ISSN 0824-1767

Helge By, Manager/Publisher

Candace By, Managing Editor

Susan Penner, Production/Design

Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856

Scott Kasprick, Web Design Ph 204-573-2250

FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 5107 42nd Street, Olds, AB T4H 1X1 Res. (403) 507-2258 Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada

Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Office (306) 546-3940 Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res. (306) 584-7937 Cell (306) 536-4261 Liaison française Cynthia Beck (306) 436-2007

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Payable by credit card at

All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST)

1 yr. $42.00 3 yrs. $105.00 USA

1 yr. - $75, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $115 3 yrs. - $200, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $320 Overseas

1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $120 3 yrs. - $210, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $330

Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.

On the cover…

Calves on grass are always a nice sight. These calves are pictured at Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, Alberta.

Photo: Helge By Design: Susan Penner

The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement.

Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK.

Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd.

Publication No. 40047726

Registration No. 9810

Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada

4 Charolais Banner • May 2011
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
SCA Newsletter 13 Is CCYA Worth It? . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Obituary – Reg Oram 20
CCYA Conference & Show . . . . .21
Carbon Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Vikse - Tip the Scale 24 P & H Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Obituary – Ron Rouse . . . . . . . .25
From the Field ..............................................................................................6 Du champ .....................................................................................................8 Herd Health ...............................................................................................12 Charolais Life .............................................................................................14 Keeping Track 15 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News ..........................................20 Calendar 65 Index...........................................................................................................66 May 2011 VOL. 45, NO. 2 Departments Features
Calving Ease Proven – Vigor & Short Gestation CE BW WW YW M TM EPD 77 -.1 60 130 23 53 Percentile Ranking 30 20 1 1 25 1 BW 91, Adj 205 DW 917, Adj 365 DW 1,602 Sparrows Durango 585P Winn Mans Lanza 610S Winn Man Merit 036K Sparrows Alliance 513G Sparrows Delight 74L RLTC Miss Trim 74A Thank you to Blackbern Farm, Foresters Falls, ON and Kirlene Cattle Co., Brighton, ON, for purchasing the Canadian semen rights in... Fargo At 3 Years of age • Sparrows Fargo 811U (Polled) High Selling Bull in A. Sparrow Farms 2009 Sale 15446 419th Ave, Conde, SD 57434 (605) 784-3409 • Richard and Heather (605) 784-7824 • Jason and Nina Jo For semen in Canada contact Keith Black 613-646-2673 Kirby Hakkesteegt 613-475-3532 $60/straw or 20 straws for $1,000 Semen stored at Eastern Breeders, Kemptville, ON Charolais Banner • May 2011 5

Congratulations to all who had a great spring selling bulls. It truly was very good with increased demand and higher prices being displayed at sales right across the country. It is also a testament to the breeders who have built a product that is in demand and getting stronger. There were a number of factors contributing to the increased demand and prices but optimism is the only explanation I have that pushed most sales in all breeds as high as they were this spring. I don't think anyone could have predicted at the start of the year just how good the sales this spring would be. The interesting thing I see is that the market has continued to strengthen with some $1,700 fat steers that should continue to keep this market strong for many years to come. We all know the prices are finally where they need to be and they need to stay here for a number of years to get the equity back that was lost in the years since 2003.

Were all the sales great? No, but the few that were not, in most cases, had some weather issues attached. If weather wasn't a factor then we need to look at what was.

I have always said that breeders need to use their bull pen as a barometer of what their customers want. We all need to listen close to our customers and produce what they are asking for. If you don't, they won't be your customers for long. If they want lower birth weights, you need to introduce genetics that will do that or

make sure that you are not feeding too much birth weight on. If they want more meat or more growth then you need to find the bulls that will give you this.

The other thing to look at closely is your total operation. Everyone has limitations and the key to removing these limitations is to first identify them and then to correct them. People will not spend money buying your excuses, so you need to fix the problems. Some of the things I see are:

There are those that can breed very good cattle but can't market them to their fullest potential. Some can genetically breed good cattle but can't get them fed well enough to capitalize on their potential. Then there are those that can market well but don't have the product to keep up to the marketer's potential.

What is holding your operation back from reaching its full potential? If you are having trouble identifying your weakness then look at what is most dissatisfying in your year – that is probably your weakness. Or, ask someone in the industry, like a successful breeder to help you with this. Once you have identified the problem you must move forward and fix it. Again use the resources that are available to you. Most breeders will give you advice and there are nutritionists out there getting paid to help you if feed is your shortfall. If you feel you are not finding or keeping customers you need to look a few simple things. Remember you need to treat your customers how you would like to be treated. Personal contact is still your best way to keep happy customers and if you haven't

From the Field

been following up with your buyers a couple times a year, then you need to start. Spending time off the farm isn't always easy but is necessary if you are going to develop new customers down the road. Wherever you feel you need help, get it so you can ride the wave that is going to be fun for hopefully many years to come.

A busy summer awaits the Charolais industry starting with the AGM in the Maritimes where 75 people from outside of the Atlantic provinces are booked to attend. I encourage all to attend the T Bar Invitational Golf Tourney as it is a great fundraiser that benefits the youth of the cattle industry. The end of June everyone from across the country is invited to Manitoba for their picnic. It would be a great time to do some herd touring there and relax and visit with the friendly Manitobans. The third week in July the Canadian Charolais Youth Conference and Show is being held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In conjunction with this the Saskatchewan Charolais Association is holding their AGM and all are welcome to these events.

There is complete information on these events and more throughout this magazine but if you have any questions, give us a call. I would also encourage you to give Craig Scott or myself a call to schedule a herd visit and picturing of your program for the Annual Herdsire edition which is put together in July. Your cowherd and herdbull pictures are also great for marketing your bulls next spring.

Until next time, Helge

6 Charolais Banner • May 2011
POINTS TO PONDER See the news as it happens at
Helge By
Charolais Banner • May 2011 7 PLEASANT DAWN RHINO 851X Pleasant Dawn Marshall 70P son Purchased by LAZY S CHAROLAIS, Beaver Lodge, AB PLEASANT DAWN RIO 136X Pleasant Dawn Rio 26P son Purchased by DOG PATCH ACRES, Leroy, SK PLEASANT DAWN MAGNUM 70X HEJ Magnum 26R son Purchased by VALLEY’S END CHAROLAIS, Central Butte, SK PLEASANT DAWN CHAROLAIS We appreciate our customers Thank you to all the cattlemen who bid on and purchased bulls this spring, including these purebred breeders… Brimner Cattle Co., Manor, SK Charhead Ranch, Indian Head, SK Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB Campbells Charolais, Griffin, SK Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB Nahachewsky Charolais, Norquay, SK Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale, SK Odden Charolais Ranch, Colome, SD Van Buuren Charolais, Pipestone PLEASANT DAWN CHAROLAIS Box 40, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Tully & Arlene Hatch & Kevin Hatch T/F 204-855-2402 Trent & Ashley Hatch T 204-855-3078 C 204-748-7595 Thanks also to: Doug & Marianne, Jim, Kristi & Michael Hunter Box 569, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 E: T: 204-937-2531 C: 204-937-7737 Sparrows Sanchez 715t son to Beck Farms, Lang, SK HC X-mAn 40X SVY Kaboom Pld 7113t son to P-3 Charolais, medicine Hat, AB HC X-Periment 34X Hunter Charolais says Thank You... to all our bull buyers this spring, including these purebred breeders at the Size Matters Bull Sale Also to: Allen McLeod, Claresholm, AB LEJ Charolais, Portage La Prairie Jordan River Charolais, Arborfield, SK Hunter CHarolais

Félicitations à chacun qui a vendu des taureaux ce printemps. Les ventes étaient très bonnes avec une demande accrus et des prix plus élevés à travers le pays. C’est également un testament aux éleveurs qui ont construit un produit qui est à la demande et en devenant plus fort. Il y avait un certain nombre de facteurs contribuant à la demande accrus et aux prix élevés ; l’optimisme est la seule explication que j’ai qui a poussé la plupart des ventes dans toutes les races aussi hautes qu’ils étaient ce printemps. Je ne pense pas qu’au début de l’année n’importe qui pourrait avoir prévu juste comment bon les ventes seraient. La chose intéressante que je vois est que le marché continue à renforcer avec les gros bouvillons vendent pour $1.700. Ils devraient continuer à maintenir ce marché fort pendant beaucoup d’années à venir. Nous tous savons que les prix sont finalement où ils doivent être et les prix doivent rester au même niveau pendant plusieurs années à récupérer les capitaux propres qui ont été perdus depuis 2003.

Est-ce-que toutes les ventes étaientelles merveilleuse ? Non, pas toutes étaient merveilleuse, mais les peu qui n’étaient pas bonne, dans la plupart des cas, a eu de mauvaise temps. Si le temps n’était pas un facteur puis nous devons regarder ce qui était.

J’ai toujours dit que les éleveurs doivent employer leurs taureaux comme baromètre de ce que leurs clients veulent. Nous avons le besoin d’écouter à nos clients et produit ce qu’ils demandent. Ils ne seront pas vos clients pour long si vous n’écoutez pas. S’ils veulent les poids inférieurs de naissance, vous devez présenter la génétique qui fera cela ou n’alimentez pas trop vos vaches à

donner le poids de naissance. S’ils veulent plus de viande ou plus de croissance puis vous devez trouver les taureaux qui vous le donneront.

Aussi une chose à regarder étroitement est votre opération agricole totale. Chacun a des limitations. La clef à enlever ces limitations est d’abord les identifier puis les corriger. Les gens ne dépenseront pas l’argent achetant vos excuses, ainsi vous devez fixer les problèmes. Il y a quelques exemples que je vois :

Il y a des gens qui peuvent multiplier le bétail très bon mais ne peut pas les lancer sur le marché en pleine potentiel. Certains des gens peuvent multiplier génétiquement de bon bétail mais ils ne peuvent pas les alimenter assez à profiter. Alors il y a ceux qui peuvent lancer leurs animaux sur le marché bien mais n’a pas les animaux de bonne qualité.

Qu’empêche votre opération agricole d’atteindre son potentiel ? Examinez l’année si vous avez l’ennui à identifier votre faiblesse. Quel secteur êtes-vous la plus mécontent? Aussi vous pouvez demander un éleveur réussi de vous aider. Lorsque vous avez identifié le problème puis avancez et le fixez. Employez encore les ressources qui sont disponible à vous. La plupart des éleveurs vous donneront des conseils et il y a des nutritionnistes disponibles à aider si vous voulez apprendre plus au sujet de l’alimentation. Si vous estimez que vous ne pouvez pas trouver ni garder des acheteurs, regardez alors quelques choses simples : rappelez-vous de traiter vos clients comment vous voudriez être traité. Le contact personnel est toujours votre meilleure manière de garder les acheteurs heureux. Si vous n’aviez pas continué à parler avec vos acheteurs des temps en temps pendant l’année, il faut que vous commence. Il n’est pas toujours

Du champ

facile à trouver le temps de faire la visite dehors de la ferme mais c’est nécessaire si vous voulez développer des nouveaux acheteurs. Améliorez vos opérations agricoles pour que vous tiriez bénéfice des bons prix de bétail, qui continuent si tout va bien pendant beaucoup d’années à venir.

Un été occupé attend l’industrie du charolais commençant avec l’AGM dans le Maritimes. Il y a 75 personnes réservées d’être présentes qui viennent de l’extérieur des provinces atlantiques. J’encourage tous à assister au tournoi de golf de T Bar C car c’est un grand collecteur de fonds qui bénéficie la jeunesse de l’industrie de bétail. Chacun de l’autre côté du Canada est invité à Manitoba pour assister à leur pique-nique à fin juin. Ce serait un grand temps pour faire le tour de troupeau et faire la visite avec les gens amical de Manitoba. La troisième semaine en juillet il y a la Conférence et l’Exposition de l’Association Canadienne de la Jeunesse du charolais tenue à Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. En même temps que ceci l’association du charolais de Saskatchewan tient leur AGM et tous est bienvenue à ces événements.

Il y a l’information complète sur ces événements et plus dans ce magasin mais si vous avez n’importe quelles questions, nous donne un appel. Je vous encouragerais également à donner Craig Scott ou moi-même un appel pour programmer une visite de troupeau et pour prendre les photographes de vos taureaux pour l’édition annuelle de « Herdsire » qui est assemblée en juillet. Vos images de troupeau de vache et de vos taureaux sont également excellentes à faire le marketing de vos taureaux le printemps prochain.

À la prochaine, Helge

8 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Helge By
• May 2011 9
Charolais Banner

Ontario Charolais Association AGM

The 2011 OCA AGM took place March 26th in Trenton, Ontario.

In elections Kelly Langstaff of Wallaceburg was elected to replace retiring director Mark Degurse of Mooretown. Keith Black presented the Ontario point show awards and Brent Saunders gave an update on the Canadian Charolais Association business.

Lengthy discussion was held on the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair in Toronto in November. The Ontario Association is hosting the National Charolais show at the Royal this year. The National sale will be held in conjunction with the Royal All Breeds Beef Sale.

A banquet supper followed the meeting as well as a silent auction and also a short live auction that was capably handled by Colin Montroy.


Lanoie Bros. Charolais, St. Victor, SK, made this Beaver Creek Torque son the high seller at the Cattleman’s Classic sale. They also purchased an easy calving T-Rex son.


White Pride Charolais, Melita, added this Torque son to their purebred herd.

Also selecting Beaver Creek bulls were: Brunau Charolais, Great Falls; Ardiel Farms, Brandon (2); Sherry Gates & Peter Juba, Foxwarren Gord, Lisa, Ashley, Tristan & Kate-Lyne Nykoliation 204-748-1265

Banner • May
• •
We invite your tour of our pasture this summer
3Gord Tomlinson presents Jacqui & Wayne Mack, Campbellford with the OCA Recognition Award 5 2011 ONTARIO CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS (l-r) Gord Tomlinson, Norwood, President; Kirby Hakkesteegt, Brighton; Doris Aitken, Mount Forest; Secretary/Treasurer; Brian Coughlin, Cobden, Past-President & National Director; Chester Tupling, Shelburne; Keith Black, Foresters Falls; Brent Saunders, Markdale, National Director; missing Brad Buchanan, Guelph, Vice-President; Kelly Langstaff, Wallaceburg; Andy Miller, Fenelon Falls, Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton & Owen O'Neil, Dundalk
Charolais Banner • May 2011 11 STEPPLER DOC HOLIDAY 61X Thanks to C2 Charolais, La Riviere, for purchasing Doc Holiday, our High Seller at the Hi Weigh Bull Sale. Box 7, Miami, MB R0G 1H0 Dan & Pat T 204-435-2021 Andre & Katie T 204-435-2463 C 204-750-1951 STEPPLER CHAROLAIS We at Steppler Farms want to thank all our commercial buyers that purchased from our program and these purebred breeders for their purchases this year as well: •Defoort Stock Farms, Cypress River •Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley, ON •Eagle Nest Cattle Company, Portage •SKE Charolais, Hartney •Triple C Charolais, Steep Rock (Volume Buyer) •Zilkey Charolais, Manitou ROLLIN’ ACRES CHAROLAIS Full French Charolais RR #3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 Chester Tupling • 519-925-2938 cell: 705-627-0672 Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings Patton Charolais Full French Chester Patton RR 2, Shelburne, ON (519) 925-5243 ROLLIN’ ACRES OH YEAH 8X Purchased by Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. and Loval Farms PCL CHIEFTON 25X Purchased by Echo Springs Charolais Thanks also to Stephens Charolais, SK and Blake Marchant, MB for purchasing. We invite you to our 2nd Annual Sale the 3rd Saturday in March, 2012. Guest consignor: Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood, ON. Thank you to all for making our first sale a great success. Special thanks to these purebred breeders...

Much has been written about the classic lead poisonings we see when cattle consume lead plates from broken down batteries. There are many other causes of poisoning in cattle which can cause death and for which there is no antidote. We must prevent these whenever possible. I have personally seen some of these and will go over areas where they are encountered and stress why pastures need a quick check over each spring before cattle are released.

There was a recent veterinary report by Drs Barry Blakley, Lorrie Fraser and Cheryl Waldner on poisoning by Sodium Chlorate a herbicide and type of soil sterilant. Because it has sodium in it there is a salty taste which attracts cattle. Our practice also experienced this same poisoning several years ago where a producer lost over ten cows when some sodium chlorate had been left on a pasture. The cattle gained access when they were turned out in the spring. This case went to court, but the judge ruled the producer was at fault for not checking the pasture before the cattle were released and was as much to blame as the person that had left the product.

Cattle are inquisitive and are not fussy eaters, so will nibble at most things. The products like sodium chlorate and battery plates which are also salty are especially hazardous. My best advice is when checking pastures pay close attention to three main areas. One is fence lines, especially along roadsides. Products can be thrown out of vehicles and get onto your pastures. We have known about batteries for a long time but many more are now used for electric

Check Pastures at Turnout for Potential Poisoning

fences and solar water pumps. Don’t leave these when they are no longer charging. Remove them and have them properly recycled. Your problem typically will not be right away but after several years when the batteries crack, break open and expose the extremely toxic lead plates. After several years of overgrowth they become extemely hard to find.

The second hazardous area is old garbage dumps and burrow pits. Most farmers had an area where old metal equipment and other miscellaneous garbage was left to decompose or was burned. Check these areas closely every spring and fence them off if possible. Weathering and the freeze thaw cycle may expose hazardous products that were buried long ago. Have a check through these areas both at spring turnout and late in the fall when pastures are short. This is when cattle searching more forage will start to root in bush areas. Calves are very inquisitive and often will be the first to show clinical signs. Also because of their smaller size, they need a lower dose to develop clinical signs.

The third and most common source of poisoning is around abandoned yard sites. Most old yard sites on the prairies are left perhaps because of a sense of nostalgia history and preserving our heritage so they are never properly cleaned up. Doors breakdown or other openings are created for access to buildings. Cattle will explore these areas and old garages especially could contain several old products which could be very harmful to cattle. Years ago all the paints were lead based and there was much less control on herbicides, insecticides, cleansers and the like. Containers or bags breakdown over time. These old garages have kept the

elements like rain or snow from breaking down the products. While these old archived sites may contain some treasures, like stashes of money, they may also contain very harmful products for your livestock. Check them out.

Any time you rent or take over new pasture be sure to ask the owner if there are any old yard sites, dump areas, or other places the public has access too. The yard sites may be secluded in the bush and hard to find. Other questions asked may be, has any stuff been hauled in like fill dirt or other products from industrial sites? Has their been any gas or oil activity where lots of people, equipment and products have accessed the land?

Check your own premises closely this spring before turnout and properly remove and recycle old batteries and any other toxic chemicals not in use. Even if livestock recover from toxic ingestion with products such as lead there is also the age old question when would the milk or meat be fit to be consumed? These various compounds can often cause permanent internal organ damage resulting in poor doing, unproductive animals in the future as well. For some of the insecticides there may be an antidote, but that is if they are found in time and that rarely is the case as most of these poisonings occur at pasture in the spring or fall when cattle are not being observed as closely.

Be diligent, check this spring and let’s try to avoid the panic call of several dead stock. This is especially traumatic when it is found to be preventable. This is true to the saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

12 Charolais Banner • May 2011

Annual General Meeting

July 22, 2011 • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

(Praireland Exhibition Center)

Tattoo Year: The letter “Y”

THEME: “YOUTH” - “Our Future”


1:00 p.m. Annual General Meeting in conjunction with CCYA Conference

• Agribition Updates

• Rules & Regulations

• Fieldman Open Forum

Gerry Bowes – What He does – Where He Goes Russian Heifer Updates – Garner Deobald Stockgrowers Report – Garner Deobald

3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Coffee Break

4:00 p.m. Guest Speaker

5:00 p.m Corral Attendance Social –Floral Hall

6:00 p.m. Supper & Socializing - (BYOB) Floral Hall (2 mi. South on Highway 11 to Grasswoods Shell, 2 ½ mi. East on Floral Roadnorth side of road)

Silent Auction will be run throughout the afternoon and evening . (If you would like to donate a silent auction item to advertise your business, please do)


Block of Rooms have been booked at:

Travel Lodge – 106 Circle Drive. Saskatoon – (306) 242–8881 Super 8 Motel – 706 Circle Drive E. Saskatoon – (306) 384-8989

Deadline for room reservations – June 22/2011


Travel Inn Resort Campground - 3.2 km. South on Highway #11 & Floral Road Site 513 - Compartment 1- RR#5 – Station Main – Saskatoon (306) 373-6806 Gordon Howe Campground – 1640B Ave. P South – Saskatoon – (306) 975-3328

Prairieland Exhibition Camping

Registration for Supper: $25.00 per Adult $10.00 for 13 and under 6 and under free

Contact Donna Ross for room reservations: (306) 267-4986 Mail Registrations to: Dave Blechinger, Box 6, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0

Saturday CCYA Grooming Finals & Confirmation Show at Praireland Exhibition Park. See CCYA ad for more events on the weekend.

Saskatchewan Charolais Association

Board of Directors:

Orland Walker306.865.3953

Donna Ross306.267.4986 Donna McMorris306.333.4904

Dave Blechinger306.882.4081 Greg Gilliland306.928.4841 Mike McAvoy306.237.4464

Layne Evans306.252.2245 Dennis Metz306.731.2800 Carey Winbender306.563.6678

The 49th Saskatchewan Charolais Association
Charolais Banner • May 2011 13

Charolais Life

This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.

Welcome Royal & Scarlett Winder

with the Oklahoma National Guard, doing research for their Agriculture Development Mission to Afghanistan. Fawn is the daughter of Carman and Donna Jackson, High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, Manitoba.

Jackson Jay Ringuette was born on April 29, 2010 to Jason and Jen Ringuette, Ringuette Charolais, Bridgetown, NS.

Royal Grace and Scarlett Prairie were born February 13th to Adam, Alysen, Phoenix and Titan Winder, Donmoore Farms, Raymore, SK. Royal weighed 5 lb. 9 oz. and Scarlett weighed 6 lb. 8 oz.


Fawn Jackson graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.Sc. in Natural Resource and Agricultural Economics. Fawn graduated on the Dean's List and with first class standing and was recogonized with scholastic distinction in Animal Science. This year she is attending Oklahoma State University to attain a Masters of International Agriculture. Her graduate research assistantship is

Autumn Jackson Convocates Autumn Jackson graduated from Lakeland College with a Diploma in Agribusiness, majoring in crops. Autumn is a director on the CCYA National Board and is the daughter of Carman and Donna Jackson, High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, Manitoba.

Welcome Amelia Ormiston

Jennie and Matthew are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Amelia Margaret Ormiston. She was born March 28, weighing 8 lb. 9 oz. Amelia was welcomed into this world by her grandparents Michael and Christine Ormiston, Windyview Farm, Omemee, ON.

14 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Huys – Langstaff Wed William Huys married Lyndsay Langstaff on August 28, 2010. Lyndsay is the daughter of Kelly Langstaff, Langstaff Charolais, Wallaceburg, ON. Welcome Jackson Ringuette Jackson Convocates
WE CAN ONLY PRINT WHAT WE RECEIVE. Remember to submit your stories and/or photos for the Charolais Life column. Send your articles to:



MAY 2011

This is the second edition of the re-introduction of the Keeping Track newsletter that will be published in the May, August and December Banners. The intent of Keeping Track is to update the membership on news items and updates that occur mainly through the administration of the CCA office. Editorial content will be provided by Judy Cummer, keeping you posted on news and happenings in the Registry Department, and Neil Gillies informing you of news and information on the Association’s directors and committees. Cynthia Beck will provide a shortened version in the French language.

2320-41st Avenue Calgary, AB T2E 6W8

T: 403.250.9242 F: 403.291.9324 email:

Some of you would have spotted me this spring as we changed the approach in attending a handful of breeder bull sales across the country as a show of support from the administration. It seems to have been well received as it provides an opportunity for some one-on-one visits on Association issues, as the mood within the community was definitely more upbeat due to the significant increase in commercial cattle prices. Next year we will continue this approach by visiting different bull sales and I have indicated that Manitoba and Ontario will be on the list. The bull sale statistics should be significantly improved over previous years and a full report from the Banner staff is featured in the May banner edition. The month of June 2011 will be a noteworthy first in the 51 years of existence of the CCA as the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled to be held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The AGM has been held in all regions of the country except the Maritime Provinces and although the region does not have a large numbers of breeders or enrolled cows, however in the spirit of a national organization their turn is due. Candace and Helge By are acting as event coordinators and they have an exciting and diverse itinerary that will fill the scrapbook with memories. Please contact Candace or Helge for more details.

The CCA Annual Report which is presented at the event will be posted on the website after the event in order that members will be able to review the 2010 year in detail.

The Association’s committees –Breed Improvement Committee

Chair Campbell Forsyth Market Development Committee Chair Brent Saunders Education Youth Export Chair Brent Saunders Public Relations Committee Chair Wade Beck Finance Committee Chair Jennifer MacDonald By-Law Committee Chair Cam Sparrow

All of these committees have been active in 2011. Items and issues have included: Update show guidelines, proposed research project on Residual Feed Intake, make-over of WHE disposal codes and a major rewrite of all of the genetic parameters posted on the CCA website, 4 new ads have been created in partnership with T Bar C, formation of a new bank account complete with federal charity status that includes CCA scholarship funds, proceeds from the auction of a fibreglass bull at the 2010 AGM and proceeds donated by the homecoming committee from the 2010 AGM. The fund now has over $35,000.00 on hand. Also, the scholarship application forms are being revamped. The website has new managers and is in the process of a significant upgrade.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 15


Any bred females purchased in the Fall of 2010 that you didn’t have in your name prior to Enrollment deadline please phone the office to get them enrolled once you receive their registration certificates. Two year old bred heifers (W’s) you have until December 31, 2011 to enroll with no late charges.

Calving deadline for 2011 calves is June 1st, 2011 if you want your BW EPD’s submitted for the spring EPD run.


If you know you have been a member of the Canadian Charolais Association for 25 or 40 years please contact the office (403) 250-9242 or email


In accordance with Article IV of the By-Laws of the Canadian Charolais Association, you are hereby officially notified of the 52nd Annual Meeting and Convention of the Canadian Charolais Association, to be held on Tuesday June 14th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m., at the Best Western in Charlottetown, P.E.I.

NOTE: Only Active Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Association, and each active member or his/her proxy shall have one vote; only an active member in good standing may act as a proxy for a member and no member shall vote as proxy for more than three (3) other members. A member in good standing is a member who is not in default of any of the ByLaws hereof, and who is not in arrears in payment of any membership fee, dues, or other monies to the Association, and who is not under suspension from the Association.

On a different track the World Technical Conference (WTC) will be held in the Dijon region of France in mid May and President Lyle Bignell and Neil Gillies will be in attendance. The WTC is held every two years in different countries that have a substantial Charolais cow population. The WTC is limited to 2 delegates from Charolais International member countries and each country is expected to present technical papers on a topic that is set by the host country. The 2011 topic is genomics. The World Charolais Congress is held every other year and caters more to a tourist visitation of the host country. The 2012 version is in the U.K. in June with visits to England, Wales, Scotland and North Ireland. This event is open to anybody and all are welcome.

One other event that will end up being a resounding success is the Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show in Saskatoon, SK in July 20-23 2011.

I strongly urge members, Charolais

enthusiasts, friends, neighbours, and curious folk to attend, if only for a day as the young people involved provide a passion that is catching. Recommended as a must see!

Another important piece of information is the application forms for The Dale Norheim scholarship award and the CCA scholarship awards that are available to any person enrolled in post secondary education. As long as the applicant has had some involvement with the Charolais industry the application will be adjudicated by the Education Youth Export (EYE) Committee this fall. Applications need to be submitted to the CCA by October 15th 2011. The forms are available on the CCA’s website.

In closing, the summer months are full of Charolais activities and I am looking forward to visiting with many of you at the various events that are scheduled. Please contact the office if you have something you would like to talk about.


I, _______________________________of _____________________________

being an active member in good standing of the Canadian Charolais Association, hereby appoint ________________________________________ to be my nominee to vote and act for me on my behalf at the CCA Annual General Meeting, to be held on June 14th, 2011, and at any adjournment/s thereof.

Dated this _______ day of ____________, A.D. 2011.

Signature of Nominator

Account #of Nominator *A CCA mail out including the official proxy form is being mailed to all active members 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

16 Charolais Banner • May 2011


Bienvenue à la deuxième édition du bulletin « Tenir Compte » qui sera édité en mai, en août et en décembre. L’intention de « Tenir Compte » est de mettre à jour l’adhésion sur les nouvelles et les mises à jour qui se produisent principalement par l’administration du bureau de l’ACC. Le contenu éditorial sera écrit par Judy Cummer pour vous mettre à jour sur des nouvelles dans le département d’enregistrement. Neil Gillies vous informera des nouvelles et de l’information sur les directeurs et les comités de l’association. Cynthia Beck traduira une version en abrégée en français. 2320-41st Avenue Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 T: 403.250.9242 F: 403.291.9324 email:


Comme démonstration d’appui de l’administration, l’association a changé son approche en assistant à quelques ventes de taureau ce printemps. Le directeur général de l’ACC, Neil Gillies, a fait la visite à quelques une. Il a été bien reçu parce qu’il présente l’occasion de tête-à-tête sur des questions de l’association. L’année prochaine nous continuerons cette approche en visitant ventes de taureaux différentes et Neil a indiqué que Manitoba et Ontario seront sur la liste à visiter. Un rapport des statistiques de vente de taureau est disponible plus loin en cette édition du « Charolais Banner. »

L’assemblée générale annuelle (AGM) de l’ACC est prévue pour être tenue en Charlottetown, île de Prince Édouard en juin 2011. L’AGM a été tenue dans toutes les régions du pays sauf que les provinces maritimes. Bien que la région n’ait pas un grand nombre d’éleveurs ou de vaches inscrites, leur tour est dû dans l’esprit d’une organisation nationale. Candace et Helge By sont des coordonnateurs d’événement. Ils ont un itinéraire passionnant et divers prévu. Veuillez contacter Candace ou Helge pour plus de détails.

Le rapport annuel de 2010 de l’ACC a présenté à l’AGM sera signalé sur le site Web à une date ultérieure pour que les membres passent en revue en détail

l’année 2010.

Les comités de l’association –Comité de l’amélioration de la race – président du comité Campbell Forsythe

Comité de développement du marché - président du comité Brent Saunders

Comité de l’exportation, de la jeunesse et d’éducation - président du comité Brent Saunders

Comité de relations publiquesprésident du comité Wade Beck

Comité de finances - président du comité Jennifer MacDonald

Comité de règlement - président du comité Cam Sparrow

Les comités ont tous étés actifs en 2011. Les points et les questions ont inclus : mettre à jour les directives d’exposition, projet de recherche proposé sur la prise résiduelle d’alimentation, réécriture des codes de réformes, 4 nouveaux publicités, formation d’un nouveau compte bancaire avec le statut fédéral de charité qui inclut des fonds de bourse de l’ACC - montant de l’enchère d’un taureau de fibre de verre à l’AGM de 2010 et montant donné par le comité organisateur de l’AGM de 2010. Les fonds ont maintenant plus de 35.000,00$. En outre les formulaires de demande de bourse sont récrits. Le site Web a des fournisseurs nouveaux et le site est en train de recevoir des améliorations.

La conférence technique du monde (WTC) sera tenue en mai

Charolais Banner • May 2011 17



Si vous avez acheté en automne de 2010 les femelles multiplié et ne les faisiez pas enregistrer à votre nom avant la date-limite d’inscription, entrez en contact svp avec le bureau pour les inscrites. Vous devez avoir leurs certificats d’enregistrement du vendeur. Vous avez jusqu’au 31 décembre 2011 à inscrire sans les frais de retard vos génisses avec la lettre de tatouage ‘W’, née en 2009. Membres de 25 et 40 ans - Si vous avez été un membre de l’association canadienne du charolais pendant 25 ou 40 années veuillez contacter le bureau (403) 250-9242 ou par courriel


En accord avec l’article IV des règlements de l’Association Canadienne du Charolais, vous êtes officiellement avisé de la (52) cinquante deuxième Assemblée Annuelle et Convention de l’Association Canadienne du Charolais, qui aura lieu le mardi 14 juin, 2011 à partir de Best Western, Charlottetown, I.P.E.

NOTE : Seuls les membres actifs et en bonne règle sont autorisés à voter lors d’une réunion de l’Association, et chaque membre actif ou sa procuration aura un seul vote ; seulement un membre actif et en bonne règle peut représenter par procuration un autre membre et aucun membre ne peut représenter plus de trois (3) autres membres. Un membre en bonne règle est un membre ne contrevenant à aucun des règlements de l’Association, qui ne possède pas des arriérés de paiement auprès de l’Association, que ce soit ses cotisations de membresou d’autres sommes, et qui n’est pas suspendu par l’Association.

dans la région de Dijon de la France. Seulement deux délégués de chaque pays qui sont membres du « Charolais International » peuvent être présents. Nos délégués seront le président de l’association, Lyle Bignell, et Neil Gillies. Chaque pays doit presenter les exposés techniques sur une matière qui est décidée par le pays d’accueil. La matière de 2011 est les génomiques. Le congrès mondial du charolais est tenu tous les deux ans et approvisionne davantage à une visitation touristique du pays d’accueil. La version 2012 est au Royaume-Uni en juin avec des visites en Angleterre, au Pays de Gales, en Écosse et nord Irlande. Cet événement est ouvert à tout le monde et tout est bienvenu.

Un autre événement qui sera un grand succès est la Conférence et l’Exposition de l’Association Canadienne de la Jeunesse du charolais seront tenues à Saskatoon, SK le 20 au 23 juillet 2011. D’autres détails sont fournis plus tard en cette édition. C’est un événement fantastique de famille et l’enthousiasme de la jeunesse est certainement contagieux. J’invite fortement des membres, des fervents du

charolais, des amis, des voisins, et les curieux à être présents en tant que jeunes impliqués fournissent une passion qui est contagieuse. Recommandé comme un doit voir !

Une information importante est les formulaires de demande pour les bourses d’étude de Dale Norheim et de l’ACC sont disponible à toute personne inscrite dans l’éducation postsecondaire. Le demandeur doit avoir eu une certaine participation avec l’industrie du charolais. L’application sera jugée par le Comité d’exportation de la jeunesse d’éducation (OEIL) cet automne. Des applications doivent être soumises à l’ACC avant le 15 octobre 2011. Les formes sont disponibles sur le site Web de l’ACC.


Si vous avez été un membre de l’association canadienne du charolais pendant 25 ou 40 années veuillez contacter le bureau (403) 250-9242 ou par courriel


Je, _________________________ du __________________________ étant un membre actif en bonne règle de l’Association Canadienne du Charolais, par la présente, nomme __________________ en tant que mon mandataire à voter et me représenter lors de l’Assemblée Annuelle de l’ACC, qui aura lieu le 14 juin 2011, ainsi que lors de toute(s) ajournement(s) de celle-ci.

Signé le _______ jour du mois de _________________, 2011.


Signature et numéro de compte du membre

18 Charolais Banner • May 2011

Is CCYA Worth It?

I got involved in the Junior program through my family’s Charolais interest. When I was twelve, the family attended the Saskatchewan Charolais Association Picnic and Junior Show at Beechy. I was introduced to other Charolais juniors from across the province and became friends with many. The next two Junior Shows and Provincial Picnics were held at Floyd Glass’s near Prince Albert and at the Deroo family farm near Unity. I attended these not because my famly wanted me to, but because I felt I had to be there and be part of the industry.

My strongest memory of the Beechy Junior Show was of the showmanship class. Dale Norheim was the judge and I was intense and keen. In his comments he called me cocky and I’ve never forgotten it. I never really understood what he meant and had to question my parents about it later, but it was good to hear. It made me think about what I was doing.

When I was in my twenties, because the junior age was 25 then, I attended an American Junior Show in 1986. Eight of us went to learn how they ran their program so we could design a program in Canada. We thought the competition was long with a lot of emphasis on classroom activities and competition. We felt the program needed to be more fun if we wanted to get kids enthused to attend.

Clint Robertson, Victor Rosso, Kevin Boon, Brent Allison, Elliot MacGregor, Kim Rintoul and Lorna MacMillan and I attended the U.S. conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. We came home with lots of plans for a Canadian organization. Victor Rosso spearheaded the group and a conference was held in Olds, Alberta in 1987. It is interesting to see how many of the group and those that attended in Olds are still involved in the cattle business.

I went to work for a Hereford outfit and it took me away from the Charolais industry for a few years. Now I have kids involved in 4-H and I wanted them involved in the CCYA. Mostly because of the type of people it attracts – grounded, solid people with good interests. It keeps them interested and involved in cattle. It gives them a reason to keep up and keep learning. I saw a definite change in their interest after their first conference. It has kept one of my daughters in 4-H longer than if she hadn’t gone to CCYA. She had fun and her interest grew through the participation with other kids. I have even seen their school friends change. Their friends have to have interests in their lives other than boys and tvs. It’s important to cultivate relationships that will broaden their interests in healthy ways. CCYA made it cool, or okay to be a farm kid interested in cattle.

The program has also instilled an interest in the genetic part of the business. Now when the Charolais Banner comes, they pick it up to see who is doing what and who is being written about. They just have more interest overall.

Attending as a parent is awesome. They do such a great job of having the older kids help the younger kids. Kids have to do it instead of parents standing over them telling them what to do. For many kids, this is their first experience working with cattle without parental help. When the seniors help the juniors, the kids have more fun and take ownership of their work. For many it is the only time they can feel like it is their accomplishment.

Parents get to sit back and watch their kids grow. They do things at CCYA they would never do at home without grumbling. It gives them so much confidence to be able to do things without their parents.

When my kids come home from a conference, they talk about the seniors

that helped them the most and took the time to talk to them. I know that it will help my kids be better seniors because they understand the importance of helping others. They have first hand knowledge of what it meant to them.

The people that made this program what it is, really need a big pat on the back. It is a really great program. The emphasis is not on competition, or winning the show; it is on the fun and friendship the kids make along the way. When the kids win a judging class, they know it is because they did it. It means so much more to them.

By not having parents to rely on during the week, the kids are encouraged to step out of their shell. They have to learn to interact with people and speak for themselves.

My kids participate in 4-H and many years their steers are bought by the same people. This winter we had the buyers come out for supper one night. The kids sat and visited with them all evening. When we went to the barn, they went to the barn. The interaction never stopped. The buyers were astounded at the kids interest and ability to hang out with adults. A lot of this ability comes from their parentless interaction at CCYA. It has such a huge affect on their confidence.

It is another reason I feel strongly that CCYA Alumni should be asked to judge future conferences. We give all of these kids all of this confidence and ability to judge and they don’t get to use it for many years. They should continue to use it and grow in larger capacities. It’s a good training ground for larger shows.

Another great thing about CCYA is the borderless activity. Kids from across Canada to participate as one group, there are no competitions that put kids from one province against kids from another province. The emphasis is on fun and friendship and through this they gain a big education in life and in cattle.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 19

It’s that time of year again – the cows are headed to pasture, school is out (for University anyways!) and the annual summer highlight, CCYA Conference and Show registration form is ready to be filled in! In just a few short months youth from across Canada will be joining together for another great time at CCYA 2011 in Saskatoon, SK. The dates for this year’s conference are Wednesday July 20 to Saturday July 23. The organizing committee has a fun-filled week planned for all attendees that guarantees another exciting conference. But before you start filling in the registration form, make sure to remember that the annual Essay Competition is also

CCYA National Board

President: Michael Hunter 780-581-9005 •

Vice-President: Russell Gallelli

Treasurer: Brandon Sparrow

Secretary: Candace Alexander

Program Updates

underway. This is a great way to earn some cash and polish up on your writing skills. This year the CCYA National Board decided to make the topic the same for all age categories, and it is: “Why Charolais?”

This topic is wide open to interpretation so the essays should be interesting for the judges to sort through! The deadline for applying is June 1 so check out the website ( for all the information including prize money & rules and regulations.

Registration forms for this year’s conference must be mailed to Katie MacMillan by June 15, and all the information can be found on the next couple of pages. As well, please review all the rules and regulations so you are familiar with the conference

Director: Luke Marshall

Director: Kirstin Sparrow

Director: Autumn Jackson

Director: Michael Hogg

CCYA 2011 Conference Executive

President: Brandon Sparrow

Vice-Pres: Sarah Weinbender

Secretary: Kirstin Sparrow

Treasurer: Katie MacMillan

CCYA Provincial Presidents

AB: Russell Gallelli 403-804-7442

MB: Haylan Jackson 204-564-2547

and show before attending. We recommend all members arrive no later than 1 p.m. on Wednesday, for that is when the fun will begin, as we kick off the conference with a new educational quiz!

A big thank you goes out in advance to all the sponsors and breeders who have committed to supporting our show. The conference cannot run without your sponsorship, and we thank you for your donations.

If there are any questions please don’t hesitate to contact myself, or any member of the organizing committee and we will be glad to assist you. July is just around the corner and I look forward to seeing everyone in Saskatoon for another memorable CCYA Conference and Show!

SK: Brandon Sparrow 306-292-9820

CCYA Provincial Advisors

SK: Darwin Rosso 306-693-2384

ON: Katrina Coughlin 613-897-0044

MB: Erin Jackson 306-251-0492

AB: Loretta Paget 780-877-3985

Youth Coordinator: Katrina Coughlin

ON: Candace Alexander 519-353-5029

Reginald Oram

Reginald Oram passed away April 25th at the age of 87. Reg and Betty Oram raised seven children on the Valley's End

Ranch at Central Butte, Saskatchewan. They were pioneers in the Charolais business and all their surviving children are still involved in Agriculture with many of their grandchildren having participated or still participating in the Canadian


As parents we we get to sit and visit, learn about each others programs and watch the kids. Yes, we help out where necessary, holding animals for them to judge, etc., but it’s help that doesn’t interfere with their growth.

I know that even from my short

involvement with Charolais Youth in my younger days, I have made lifelong contacts and friends in the industry. I know the same is true for my kids. They talk through the internet with kids across Canada. They have a common interest that

Charolais Youth Association. Reg is survived by Betty, his wife of over 60 years and children Murray, Kathy Martin, Judy MacMillan, Kerry, Kim Harder and Mark, plus 20 grandchildren and just the beginning of many great grandchildren.

allows a friendship to develop. Each year they look forward to seeing their friends and making new ones.

If you wonder if the program is worth the investment, without a doubt the answer is yes. The benefits are more than you can imagine.

20 Charolais Banner • May 2011

Buckle down in the Bridge city

July 20-23rd, 2011 • Prairieland Park Ag Centre • Saskatoon, SK


Tuesday, July 19 12:00 - 8:00..........................................Cattle begin to arrive

Wednesday, July 20

8:00 - 1:00................Cattle Arrive/Weigh-In/Registration (PLEASE ARRIVE PRIOR TO 1:00 P.M.) 12:00 - 1:00....................................................................Lunch 1:00 - 4:00........................Intro Meeting/Educational Quiz 4:00 - 5:00......................................................................Chores 5:00 - 6:00......................................................................Supper 6:00........................................................Welcome and Mixer

Thursday, July 21 8:00 - 9:00..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 9:00 - 12:00..............................................Individual Judging 12:00 - 1:00....................................................................Lunch 1:00 - 4:00..........................Team Judging/Team Marketing 4:00 - 4:30......................................................................Chores 5:00 ............................................Keep and Cull and Supper

Friday, July 22

8:00 - 9:00..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 9:00 - 12:00..............................Group Photo/Showmanship 12:00 - 1:00....................................................................Lunch 1:00 - 4:30............Team Grooming/Individual Marketing 4:30 - 5:00......................................................................Chores 4:30 -5:00................................................Provincial Meetings 5:00..............................Supper and Activities at Floral Hall

Saturday, July 23

Travelodge Hotel 1-888-278-4209 Block Code: CG316E

Four Points Sheraton 306-933-9889

The Travelodge Hotel is the host hotel for the conference and the location of the awards banquet. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at both hotels under the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and will be held until June 15, 2011.

If you wish to camp, there are fully serviced camping sites available at Prairieland Park at $40 for the week.


The Saskatoon International Airport is 5 minutes from the host hotel. Please inform Brandon Sparrow of your travel itinerary if you are flying to Saskatoon and transportation can be arranged if needed. There is also a free airport shuttle for the Travelodge Hotel.

For more information contact: Brandon Sparrow – C: 306.292.9820 E:

Katie MacMillan – C: 306.716.1953 E:

donations for the silent auction would be greatly appreciated from anyone to help raise funds for the conference

platinum sponsors

Canadian Charolais Youth Conference & Show
8:30 - 9:30..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 10:00 - 11:00......................................Team Grooming Finals 11:15 - 12:00..............................Provincial Meetings/AGM 12:00 - 12:45..................................................................Lunch 12:45 - 1:00..............................................Closing Ceremony 1:30 - 4:00..........................................................Conformation 4:30 - 5:00........................................Chores/Cattle Released 6:30....................................Banquet and Awards Ceremony * Schedule is subject to change
Saskatoon Livestock Sales
Charolais Banner • May 2011 21
Saskatchewan Charolais Association AgendA



1. Entry The Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA) show and Conference is open to all youth members in Canada or foreign countries who are registered members of their respective associations. Canadian members must have paid their $15.00 active membership fee to the CCYA or their $25 active membership fee to the CCA to be able to participate in the conference (see for more information). CCYA members may include their $15 membership fee with their application form for the Conference and Show. Registration for the Conference enters the youth members in all competitions.

2. Ages Ages The age division for the competitions will be: Junior: 12 and under; Intermediates: 13-16 years; Seniors; 17-21 years, as of January 1 of the current year.

3. Photography Competition The photography competition is open to all participants. The photograph must be taken by the youth member exhibiting it. Photos should depict the purebred or commercial Charolais industry. Points will be awarded on clarity, quality, originality and relationship to the Charolais industry. Presentation and/or framing is not permitted. Photos must not be larger than 8” X 10”. Bring your photo entry to the conference and enter when you register. Only one photo per exhibitor will be accepted. Pictures entered in past competitions will not be accepted.

4. Art Competition The art competition is open to all participants. All artwork must be done by the youth submitting it. The artwork must depict something directly related to the Charolais industry. It cannot contain photographs. Any medium may be used: pencil, crayon, pastel, paint, fabric, wood, clay, etc. Originality is the key. Presentation and/or framing are encouraged but no points are awarded on this basis. Artwork must be brought to the conference and entered when you register. Only one entry per exhibitor will be accepted. The highest placing between photography and artwork competitions will be used in aggregate and scholarship points. Artwork entered in past competitions will not be accepted.

5. Showmanship Competition The showmanship competition will be divided into the three age categories. Animals will be made available for participants not exhibiting in conformation. If the youth have their own animal, it must be used for the competition. Showmanship will be a non-fit/dry-brush competition; animals that have been fitted will not be allowed to be used for the competition. The assigned ring marshal’s decision will be final.

6. Team Grooming Competition The team grooming competition will be twenty minutes in length. Teams of junior, intermediate and senior participants will be arbitrarily made prior to the show. Yearling heifers will be used exclusively for the competition. Heifers are to be washed and clipped prior to the competition but dressing prior to commencement will result in disqualification. Teams will be evaluated on the use of equipment, knowledge, skill, involvement, final appearance and presentation of the heifer. The judge will select up to three teams in each split to bring their heifer back to compete for the overall title. Teams that qualify for the final, if available, will have an hour to groom an unclipped animal. If not available, teams will have an additional 5 minutes per team to touch up the original animal in the show ring. The use of unethical or artificial fitting practices will result in immediate disqualification and under no circumstances will be tolerated.

7. Team Selling/Judging Competition All participants will choose between team marketing and team judging. This will be chosen at the time of registration. Teams will be made up of two members who are in the same age category. Teams will be made prior to the conference, but the committee reserves the right to modify teams based on actual attendance.

a. Team Selling. Each team will have approximately 5-7 minutes to sell an animal, embryo, semen or related product to a prospective buyer. Teams will be judged on knowledge, enthusiasm, group cooperation/involvement, and overall ability to convince and sell.

b. Team Judging The hosting province has the authority to choose if one or two classes will be judged. If expected to judge two classes, in the first class one team member will be responsible for the ring-person duties and the other will place the class and give a set of oral reasons to the audience. In the second class the team members will alternate positions.

8. Individual Marketing Individual Marketing Individual marketing evaluates participant’s ability to promote a product (or service). Time is given at the conference; participants are not permitted to use/submit materials in advance. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing campaign

Junior:Individuals are given a choice of individual selling, or developing promotional item - one of: a radio ad, or a magazine ad. Tape recorders and art supplies will be provided for the ads. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing campaign.

Intermediate: Participants will be required to compare and critique two advertisements of the same medium, and will be judged on logic and effectiveness. Participants will be judged in originality, and content. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to complete their questionnaire.

Senior: Individuals will be required to develop a marketing plan for a specific scenario. The product/service will be selected by the organising committee prior to the conference. A set of questions will be provided as a template for the plan, as well as necessary background information. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing plan. Plans will be submitted in writing and will be judged on logic, clarity, creativity and originality, and effectiveness.

For Intermediates and Seniors the top 5 participants, based on their written marketing piece, may be asked to return and given a face-to-face sales pitch to the judge.

9. Keep and Cull Competition Participants will compete individually and learn the basics of keeping females in the herd on the criteria of past performance and appearance. Members will be given EPD’s and a farm based scenario according to the competitors age category, as developed by the judge prior to competition, and will be expected to select three females from a pen of five. A class will be held by the judge prior to the competition to explain the fundamentals of EPD’s and what the industry is looking for in today’s producing animals.

10. Judging Competition Members will compete individually and will judge classes of steers, females, and bull calves. Participants will be expected to complete written reasons on three classes and oral reasons on one class, as determined by the organizing committee. The time limit for each class will be 20 minutes.

11. Oral Reasons Members will compete individually by presenting one set of oral reasons on previously judged steers, yearling heifers or bull calves. Only junior members will be allowed to refer to their judging cards while giving their oral presentation. There will be a time limit of two minutes.

12. Herdsmanship Competition The organizing committee will group youth exhibiting with those youth without cattle at the Conference and Show. This allows for juniors without cattle to help those with cattle and to meet new people. All members are encouraged to help keep their alley swept and clean and to help one another out. Teams will be limited to a maximum of six members and will be made by organizers according to the youth members’ experience/age and the number of animals to be cared for by the team. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners.

All families with cattle will be in the same herdsman group unless notified by the families that this is unwanted. Farm signs will not be permitted.

13. The Grant Moffat Memorial Ambassador Award Members will be evaluated on the helpfulness, willingness, encouragement, spirit, and general attitude towards the conference and fellow participants. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners. Members will be evaluated in their respective age categories. A ballot will be filled out by CCYA members attending the Conference and Show and will also be used in the judging process.

14. Education Awards Education award monies will be awarded on an overall point basis at the conference and show. Eligibility requirements are listed in the CCYA Policies and Procedures, section 21. The amount of education award monies will be $1800, with $1000 for 1st, $500 for 2nd and $300 for 3rd place, based on the breakdown of the following competitions: Judging (40% - 10% steers, 10% heifers, 10% bull calves, 10% oral reasons), Ambassador 20%, Showmanship 10%, Photography or Art (best of) 5%, Keep and Cull 10%, Individual Marketing 15%.

15. Aggregate Competition Members will compete for the aggregate award in each of the three age divisions. Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art – best 5%, judging 25%, showmanship 10%, Herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, oral reasons 5% and 5% for bringing cattle. The first and second place winners in each division will be awarded belt buckles to recognize their accomplishments. Additional monies may be awarded at the discretion of the Conference and Show organizing committee.


Conformation Classes Offered

a. Bull Calf born in 2011

b. Heifer Calf born in 2011

c. Yearling Heifer born in 2010 d. Commercial Yearling Heifer born in 2010 (visible Charolais crossed).

e. Female born in 2009 with natural 2011 calf

f. Female born in 2008 or previous with natural 2011 calf.


g. Bull calf progeny from Genetics program, born in 2011.

h. Heifer calf progeny from Genetics program, born in 2011.

i. Yearling heifer progeny from Genetics program, born in 2010.

j. Female born in 2009 from Genetics program, with natural 2011 calf.

k. Female born in 2008 or previous from Genetics program, with natural 2011 calf.

l. Best purebred, designated, red factor animal in the show. The overall champion female class will consist of the champions from classes B, C, D, E & F. Entry deadline is June 15, 2011 and no entries postmarked after this date will be accepted.

17. Prizes All prizes and placings will be announced only at the banquet on the final night, with the exception of conformation


1. Absolutely NO parent/adult participation will be allowed. Barn bosses and ambassador volunteers will be monitoring the barn, wash rack, and tie-out areas at all times. Any parent/adult participation may result in a deduction of aggregate and scholarship points from the youth member in question. Senior members are encouraged to help the junior members. This includes the set-up and take-down of the stall.

2. All purebred animals entered must be registered with the CCA. Crossbred heifers do not need to be registered. Calves should be registered and must be tattooed by show day. No tattooing will be permitted on the grounds. Original registration certificates must accompany purebred cattle to the show, including all calves. Tattoos will be checked upon arrival.

3. Members showing animals that are owned by them or their family can enter as many head as they choose, keeping in mind that they are responsible for showing their entries. Members who cannot bring their own cattle but wish to enter the conformation show may enter an animal belonging to another Charolais breeder. However, members entering cattle not owned by them or their family are limited to only one entry.

4. Animals must be shown by the youth member entering them unless more than one entry is in the class.

5. There is no limit placed on the number of entries per class, however, the youth will be responsible for finding other youth to help them show.

6. The entry fee is $15 per class. Calves may be split off cows, but in the case of a pair that goes on to the finale, the heifer calves will be ineligible to be shown in the heifer calf division.


. Classes will be determined after the entry deadline and will contain approximately eight to ten animals.

8. All animals are expected to be broke to lead. If in a case where the animal in question poses a threat to the safety of the other participants, the owner will be asked to remove the animal from the show barn. The Barn Boss will have final say.

9. A bedding base will be provided to all participants. Exhibitors will be responsible for their own feed for the duration of the conference. Night tie-outs will be available, as well as pens for nurse cows.

10. For all CCYA members the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited on show grounds or during any show activities. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate disqualification and removal from the remainder of the Conference and Show.

11. Unethical fitting practices are not allowed in any of the competitions. This includes the use of artificial tail heads, and artificial fillers such as stomach filling; unless deemed necessary by a veterinarian.

12. Surgical alterations are not permitted on any animal being exhibited, unless a valid veterinarian certificate is produced that explains the reason for them.

13. All participants are expected to participate in all events, unless illness forces them out of competition. Youth not participating in all events will lose aggregate and scholarship points. Any youth that chooses not to participate in all events may be disqualified from all competitions and show, and forfeit any prizes or awards that they may have otherwise earned.


. The show shirt is expected to be worn for conformation, showmanship and team grooming. Name tags are to be worn at all times.

15. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee, Agricultural Society, or any of the show advisors or volunteers is not responsible for loss, injury or accident to animals, property or humans for the duration of the Conference and Show.

16. By submitting the entry form and signing the Code of Conduct, the youth member agrees to abide by all the above rules and regulations for the competitions and the cattle show. A group of adult advisors, including the Youth Coordinator have been appointed by the hosting Conference and Show Organizing Committee to enforce the rules and regulations. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee has the power to, at any time, intervene to settle disputes or clarify the rules.

22 Charolais Banner • May 2011

Mail entries by June 15th to:

Katie MacMillan, Box 460, Asquith, SK S0K 0J0 • Make cheques payable to Saskatchewan Charolais Youth Association

* Separate cheque required for CCYA Membership ($15.75) payable to CCYA

Livestock Registration


The Canadian Charolais Youth Association strives to promote respectful behavior in all areas of its Conference and Show by youth participants and parents.Both the participant and their parents/guardian must sign this form prior to the youth participating in any Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show.

As a participating youth in the Canadian Charolais Youth Association I agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct:

1. Offer constructive support of my fellow participants.

2. Show appreciation of good work by competitors.

3. As a visitor to conference/show facilities and motel/hotel, respect the property and regulations of the host facility/motel.

4. Recognize the integrity of the judges and officials and respect the difficulty of their decisions and accept their decisions with good sportsmanship.

5. Respect the feelings of all participants and the efforts made by all.

6. Learn at least one new skill during the course of the conference/show.

7. Express thanks to organizing members, sponsors, and officials for helping to present the Conference and Show.

8. By word and deed, offer leadership to new conference/show members.

9. Refrain from using alcohol or drugs during the entire time of the Conference and Show.






Adult Registration $150 – Children under 5 FREE


Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name: Adults & Guests will have the opportunity to sign up for various activities or volunteer positions at the youth registration booth.


• All youth members attending the show are required to pay their annual CCYA membership of $15.75 which funds the semi-annual newsletter, purchase incentive program, leadership scholarship and essay competition. Please enclose a separate cheque for this amount payable to the Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA).

•Animals can be borrowed from a family who does not have a participating youth member, but ONLY ONE (1) animal can be registered per participating member.

•Members showing animals owned by them, their family, or a family with a participating youth member can enter multiple animals.

•List each entry separately

•Additional livestock entries can be submitted on a separate sheet of paper

•Photocopies of livestock registration papers must accompany entry form.

•Please note the changes to this year's rules and regulations and make sure that you have met all of the requirements.

•A signed Code of Conduct must accompany all youth member registrations, absence of the signed form will render youth member ineligible to partake in the Conference & Show.

•Registration fee is $150 per youth. This includes merchandise, meals for Wednesday supper through Saturday night Banquet and all competitions except the cattle show. Registration fee for Adults includes all meals and banquet ticket.

•First-time participants will receive a $50 rebate from the CCYA after the conference, but should pay the full registration amount

• Cheques should be made payable to Saskatchewan Charolais Youth Association.

Date Signature Print name Parent/Guardian
Do you want your family as one herdsman group or in mixed groups? ❑ One Group ❑ Mixed Groups Class Name/Tattoo Registration # Birthdate Entry Fee
............................................................................................................................................................Birthdate: .......................... Address: ...................................................................................................................Town: ................................................................... Postal Code: ...............................Email Address: ..........................................................................Tel: .............................................. # of Conferences Attended: ............Allergies (asthma, dietary restrictions, etc.)........................................................................... Individual Marketing Competition –Juniors only have a choice between: (Check One) ❑ Individual Marketing ❍ Magazine Ad or ❍ Radio Ad (time and materials will be provided) or ❑ Individual Selling Team Event (choose one) ❑ Team Selling or ❑ Team Judging T-Shirts:
ccYA 2011 conference & show officiAl regisTrATion form
Youth (Circle size) XS (2-4) S (6-8) M (10-12) L (14-16) XL (18-20) Adult (Circle size) Sm Md Lg XL XXL Wind Pants: Youth (Circle waist size) Sm: 24 Md: 26 Lg: 28 XL: 30 Adult (Circle waist size) Sm: 26-28 Md: 30-32 Lg: 34-36 XL: 38-40 XXL: 42-44
Charolais Banner • May 2011 23

In my last communiqué I encouraged fellow Charolais breeders to take advantage of obtaining additional revenue from the offset market over and above what they would receive from the generation of offsets from their farms and ranches. The response was okay but less than expected. Some agents are receiving over $90,000 a year and who in the agriculture industry could not use that kind of additional revenue for not much work? Charolais breeders should be an agent even if it is for signing up their own lands.

In checking this out we were told our agent contracts where too complicated so we have responded and made them much simpler. I hope that many of you take advantage of the opportunity, especially as other provinces are now in the process of instituting a program similar to Alberta.

You also need to be aware that just because an individual province does not have a program in place that there are major organizations working on

Carbon Offset Updates

getting farms signed up so that when there is a program, they will already have suppliers in place to provide saleable offsets. The biggest aggregator in Alberta was signing up farms as early as 2005 even though the program did not take effect until the summer of 2007.

British Columbia has a program in place but it only affects government agencies at the moment. They are moving to have industry included by 2012. Saskatchewan is moving slowly but it is certainly expected their program will be in place later this year.

It is expected that it will mirror Alberta’s program with small changes to reflect the different eco zones that exist in Saskatchewan. Manitoba is also moving forward with a program of their own and we have submitted requested feedback as to how their program should look and operate. It is expected they will have their program in place by 2012 as well. We do not at this time have a real feel for the rest of the country but there is no doubt,


programs will be looked at, especially in Ontario, as they are the second largest polluter in Canada next to AB.

Now aside from additional protocols that will be approved this year for agriculture, the biggest change to the program is happening at the end of this year in regards to look back. At present if an operator has all the necessary documentation for any specific protocol they can actually claim back to 2002. At the end of this year that will change and the created offsets will only be eligible for current years and on a go forward basis. If anyone has not claimed for their offsets, you will lose the look back opportunity and leave a considerable amount of money on the table. This not only affects the farm operator but also agents or potential agents. The time to get involved is now, do not wait.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for additional information.

Vikse Family Farm “Tip The Scale”

Angus & Charolais Bull Sale

Lot 27, VFF TIME OUT 2X (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 38.5 cm), sired by SDC Time Out 88T, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $6,750 to JNL Ranch, Chinook.

This was the first offering of Charolais bulls for the new breeders, the Vikses. The Vikses have hosted a very successful Red Angus sale for a number of years. They added Charolais to their operation to help service their clients and it went over very well with buyers selecting both Angus and Charolais bulls.

High Selling Bulls

Lot 21, VFF SANCHEZ 34X (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a KBK Locomotive 6L daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Paradice Ranch, Medicine Hat.

Lot 26, VFF TIME OUT 39X (Polled, 106 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by SDC Time Out 88T, out of a Chardel Turbo 964J daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Jim Weller, Daysland.

Lot 41, VFF DETONATOR 8X (Polled, 83 lb. BW, 35 cm), sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 daughter. Sold for $5,900 to Hand Hills Ranching, Linden.

Lot 22, VFF SANCHEZ 9X (Polled, 86 lb. BW, 42.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a JWK Impressive D040 daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Hand Hills Ranching.

Lot 38, VFF FREDOM 23X (Polled,

107 lb. BW, 35 cm), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of a Chardel Turbo 964J daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Hand Hills Ranching.

Lot 37, VFF FREDOM 13X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 34 cm), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of a BKJ Buckarro 836H daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Blake Alton.

24 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Vikse Family Farm “Tip The Scale” Angus & Charolais Bull Sale February 21, 2011 • Donalda, AB Gross Average 19 Yearling Bulls $88,000 $4,631
Auctioneer: Ron Pederson Jim Weller selected a high selling bull Trent Abraham, Hand Hills Ranching was a volume buyer taking 3 high selling bulls

P&H Ranching Co. Ltd 1st Edition Bull Sale

P&H Ranching Co. Ltd 1st Edition Bull Sale

February 12, 2011 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average

39 Two Year Old Bulls $182,200 $4,671


Don Raffan

After 75 years of selling bulls by private treaty and consignment sales, P&H held their own annual bull sale. They had a great set of two year old bulls on offer. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat customers buying in volume. With this being the first sale they wanted to honor the memory of Duane’s father, Gordon Parsonage, So Duane donated the proceeds of lot 13 to the Red Deer Hospice Society and the Innisfail Pro Rodeo saddle bronc riding. With donations and the sale of the bull, over $18,000 was raised.

High Selling Bulls

Lot 6, PH WYOMING WIND 91W (Polled, 105 lb. BW, 44 cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of a PH Del Rio 621F daughter. Sold for $8,400 to Church Ranches, Balzac.

Lot 1, PH WYOMING WIND 102W (Polled, 105 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of an SVC Heza Targetpower 25E daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Church Ranches.


Ron was born and raised on the family homestead north west of Stettler. He settled next door to the family farm where he became one of the founding and most influential members in the early days of the Canadian Charolais industry. The CharRouse Ranch with the CR herd letters, was well known into the 70s. Sir Charrouse Bacchus 16Z was a highly used bull in the artificial insemenation industry. Ron and Charlotte’s Charolais career took them

Lot 8, PH

WYOMING WIND 54W (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 41 cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of an SVC Heza Targetpower 25E daughter. Sold for $6,300 to Little Valley View Ranch, Forestburg.

Lot 13, PH

WYOMING SMOKE 69W (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 39.5 cm), sired by JDJ Smokester J1377P, out of a LKPR Challenger, 208M daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Rey Creek Ranch, Merrit, BC.

Lot 3, PH WYOMING WIND 64W (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 42 cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of a PH Cowtown PLD 13M daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Highway 21 Feeders, Acme.

Lot 5, PH WYOMING WIND 13W (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 43cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of an SVC Heza Targetpower 25E daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Valley Of Hope Charolais, Innisfail.

Lot 9, PH WYOMING THUNDER 77W (Polled, 86 lb. BW, 42.5 cm), sired by LT Thundering Wind 5200P, out of an SVC Heza Targetpower 25E

Ron Rouse

to live in Arkansas for a decade in the 70s where they made many more lifelong friends. The family had a wonderful and memorable time working in the Charolais industry in the United States and Canada. Ron and Charlotte and the girls returned to Central Alberta in the 80s for his remaining years. In business, as in life, he was always a gentleman of pride, morals, truth and integrity.

While Ron did numerous things through the years, the one thing that remained constant was being part of the agricultural industry. What he enjoyed most were his quiet moments

on the farm/acreage where ordinary days always turned into extraordinary times filled with family and friends. If a man’s life is measured by the amount of friends he has, Ron was blessed with a really big life.

He lived a life few are privileged to know, in which the memories of each day always exceeded the last. He was proud that he could count family members among his very best friends. He is survived by his wife of over 40 years, Charlotte, his three children, Brad; Zarina (Gavin) Ouellette and Shelley Rouse, as well as one grandchild, Jacob Ouellette.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 25
daughter. Sold for $5,300 to High River Colony, High River.
Highway 21 Feeders bought 3 bulls Rey Creek Ranch was the volume buyer selecting 9 bulls Little Valley View Ranch bought a new herdsire Gordon Church bought the 2 high selling bulls
1934 – 2011

HEJ Charolais Annual Bull Sale

HEJ Charolais Annual Bull Sale

February, 25 2011 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average

43 3/4 Yearling Bulls $160,100 $3,659

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

This was one of the first sales of the spring, and it was a great way to get started. This sale was up $944 over last year. Bulls were sold to both purebred and commercial producers with bulls going across western Canada and one U.S. state.

High Selling Bulls

Lot 33, HEJ XCALIBER 104X (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 38 cm, Red Factor), sired by JS Freedom 2U, out of an HEJ Magnum 26R daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Odden Charolais, Colombe, South Dakota.

Lot 7, HEJ SOLIDARITY 24X (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 41 cm, Red Factor), sired by TR Red Smoke, out of a Bar J Hotpoint 63F daughter. Sold

3/4 interest for $6,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais and Sandrose Charolais, Halbrite, SK.

Lot 1, NINA HEJ BEZINGA 1X (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an Anchor J Bart 31H daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais.

Lot 18, HEJ XPLORER 29X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 43 cm, Red Factor), sired by HEJ Trapper 53T, out of a Merit Data Buster 73K daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Gordon Resch, Veteran.

Lot 12, HEJ X-CELERANT 11X (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 38 cm), sired by TR Red Smoke, out of an HEJ Magnum 26R daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Coldstream Ranch, Vernon, BC.

Lot 15, HEJ XTREME 76X (Polled, 100 lb. BW, 43 cm, Red Factor), sired by HEJ Gigabyte 42U, out of an SDC Ferrugo 45N daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Gordon Resch.

Lot 29, HEJ COGNAC 33X (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 41 cm, Red Factor), sired by JS Freedom 2U, out of a Main The Rock 38R daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Dean Volk, Oyen.

Clear Lake Charolais 1st Annual Bull Sale

sired by Pro-Char CPTN Morgan 8U, out of an EXL Trade Wind 472P daughter. Sold for $3,400 to Michael Percy, Barrhead.

This was the first sale for Clear Lake Charolais. A great set of bulls were on offer and were sold to local producers.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, ACC SCREAMIN EAGLE 105X (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 37.5 cm), sired by SVY AD Invincible 748T, out of a S$ Montana Silver daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Darren Breitkreitz, Fort Assiniboine.

Lot 24, CLEAR LAKE JR MORGAN 22X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 36.5 cm),

Lot 12, ACC ELI 124X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by ACC Hercules 31R, out of a Hicks Lex 13L daughter. Sold for $3,250 to Keith Schole, Pichardville.

Lot 27, ACC NIGHTSTER 107X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Ransom 709T, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 daughter. Sold for $3,000 to Horn Valley Trucking, Barrhead.

Lot 4, CLEAR LAKE BLUE 10X (77 lb. BW, 34.5 cm), sired by Pro-Char

CPTN. Morgan 8U, out of a DAE red Chandler 412P daughter. Sold for $2,750 to Corner Creek Charolais, Mayerthorpe.

High Selling Mature Bull

PRO-CHAR CPTN. MORGAN 8U (Polled, 45cm), sired by Harvie Redemption 36P, out of a GXR Mr Carlo 2E daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Tri-N Charolais, Lenore, MB.

26 Charolais Banner • May 2011
UP OVER $900
Coldstream Ranch was the volume buyer selecting 6 bulls John Wilgenbusch bought a high seller for himself and teamed up with Sandrose Charolais on another high seller
Clear Lake Charolais 1st Annual Bull Sale March 5, 2011 • Tiger Lily, AB Gross Average 16 Yearling Bulls $39,900 $2,493 3 Mature Bulls 8,500 2,883 19 Bulls 48,400 2,547
Gordon Resch, a repeat buyer, bought 2 bulls
Auctioneer: Billy Fleming Power Point: Charolais Banner
Corner Creek Charolais was a volume buyer taking 4 bulls home to Mayerthorpe Merv Nykoliation took the high selling mature bull to his Manitoba operation Darren Breitkreitz selected the high selling bull SOLID LOCAL SUPPORT

SALE UP $1,200 Beck Farms Bull Sale

Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. 2nd Annual Bull Sale

February 26, 2011 • Regina, SK

Gross Average

2 Two Year Old Bulls $7,800 $3,900

28 3/4 Yearling Bulls 117,300 4,080

30 3/4 Lots $125,100 $4,068

Autioneer: Chris Poley Sale

This second annual sale which again featured Charolais bulls from Beck Farms, Lang, along with Gelbvieh & Hereford bulls from McCoy Cattle Co., saw a bigger, more active bidding crowd than last year. This, along with bulls selling to further distances, pushed the average up with no Charolais bulls selling under $3,000.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 22, BECK'S TORCH 034X (Double Polled/s, 825 lb. 205 DW, 98 YW EPD, 1,335 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by Beck's Ricky Bobby 10S, out of a Winn Mans The Game 102L daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek.

Lot 19, BECK'S GENERAL 029X(Double Polled, 51 WW EPD, 1,370 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Authentic 6S, out of a Winn Mans The Game 102L daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Delbert Nostadt, Kendal.

Lot 23, BECK'S FREEZE 035X (Polled, 872 lb. 205 DW, 1,427 lb. 365 DW, 39 cm), sired by HTA Rhapsody 390N, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $4,900 for 3/4 interest to Prairie Sky Farms, Avonlea.

Lot 26, BECK'S HEAT 038X (Double Polled, 1,395 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by Beck's Ricky Bobby 10S daughter, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Henderson Farms, Lumsden.

Lot 21, BECK'S FIRE 033X (Double Polled, 803 lb. 205 DW, 1,345 lbs., 43 cm), sired by HTA Rhapsody 390N, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Dylan Williams, Glenavon.

Lot 2, BECK'S SIZZLE 003X (Double Polled, 95 lb. BW, 1,470 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Panama 826U, out of a Winn Mans The Game 102L

daughter. Sold for $4,800 to White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB.

Lot 44, CTP MR YOUR DESTINY 120X (Polled, 99 lb. BW), sired by LAE Revolver 502R, out of a Pro-Char Gauge 7 L daughters. Sold for $5,000 to E. Piegin. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek.

Lot 41, CTP MR TAKE OFF 43X (Polled, 110 lbs BW), sired by LAE Revolver 502R, out of an MFSW Chief

5N daughter. Sold for 4,500 to E. Piegin. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais.

Lot 75, JS HANDYMAN 7X (Polled, 104 lb. BW), sired by FFBB Lariet PLD 828U, out of a JS Merit’s Chiefton 226K daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Waterton Colony. Consigned by Sproule Charolais, Pincher Creek.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 63, JS GRANITE 24W (Polled, 94 lb. BW, Red Factor), sired by HEJ Red Granite 90T, out of a JS Hansome 114M daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Link Ranch. Consigned by Sproule Charolais.

Lot 52, JS RED PIERCE 10W (Polled, 80 lb. BW, Red Factor), sired

by JWX Red Pierce 54T, out of an MGM Merlot daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Link Ranch. Consigned by Sproule Charolais.

Lot 56, JS NITEHAWK 16W (Polled, 88 lb. BW, Black), sired by MIB Nitehawk 107N, out of a JS Merit’s Chiefton 226K daughter. Sold for $4,300 to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston. Consigned by Sproule Charolais.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 27
Mike Litofer of Downie Lake Colony selected four bulls Lloyd Daniel bought a new herdsire
37th Annual High Country Bull Sale March 5, 2011 • Pincher Creek, AB Gross Average 18 Yearling Bulls $65,700 $3,650 24 Two Year Old Bulls 85,000 3,541 42 Lots $150,700 $3,588
Delbert Nostadt took the second high seller Dylan Williams was volume buyer taking five
Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins High Selling Yearlings
AVERAGE UP $300 37th Annual High Country Bull Sale
Steve Quinton purchased a high selling two year old bull


Charolais Power Bull Sale 2011

Bull Sale 2011 March 10, 2011 • Veteran, AB


Gross Average

18 Yearling Bulls $86,500 $4,805 76 Two Year Old Bulls 269,800 3,550

94 Lots $356,100 $3,790

Auctioneer: Dan Skeels

Once again these three breeders put together an outstanding set of yearling and two year old bulls. With such a large selection, producers came to buy in volume, this helped to keep the average strong throughout the entire sale.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 3, FOOTPRINTS SIR 6X (Polled, 94 lb, BW, 38 cm), sired by LLW Double Take PLD 104H, out of a Midway Red Reflection 66J daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Jason Paulgaurd, Provost. Consigned by Footprint Farms, Esther.

Lot 6, FOOTPRINTS SIR 9X (Polled, 85 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Birmingham 758T, out of a DRD Saskatchewan Wind 5J daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Fawcett Cattle Co. Consort. Consigned by Footprint Farms. Lot 9, FOOTPRINTS SIR 15X

(Polled, 96 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Birmingham 758T, out of an SVS Mastercard 2M daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Marvin Bird, Veteran. Consigned by Footprint Farms.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 45, FAWCETTS MECCA 57W (Polled, 104 lb, BW, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Mecca 134R, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Footprint Farms. Consigned by Fawcett Cattle Co, Consort.

Lot 85, LEGL DIESEL 95W (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 41 cm), sired by Stauffers Diesel 106R, out of a PCC Beefmaker 333N daughter. Sold For $6,600 to Nester Ranching, Cessford. Consigned by Letniaks Charolais, Consort.

Lot 100, LEGL BEEFMAKER 141W (103 lb.BW, 37 cm), sired by PCC Beefmaker 333N, out of a Hopewell Skyforce 615F daughter. Sold for $6,300 to Nester Ranching. Consigned



Auctioneer: Luc Breton

by Letniaks Charolais.

Lot 39, FAWCETTS MECCA 45W (Polled, 112 lb. BW, 42 cm), sired by Sparrows Mecca 134R, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Nester Ranching. Consigned by Fawcett Cattle Co.

Louber Farm Bull Sale

Coronach, SK and Forsyth Charolais, Eriksdale, MB.

The Bernard Begin family saw interest from across the country and solid support from within Quebec to have another good sale. These yearling bulls with just a bit more age are in strong demand.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 2, MR LOUBER WINNER 817W (Polled, 1/2 French, 101 lb. BW, 70% LMY, 1,627 lbs., 36 cm), sired by Virgil, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $14,000 for 2/3 interest to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK; Elder Charolais,

Lot 6, MR LOUBER BLANCO 784W (Double Polled, 98 lb. BW, 101 YW EPD, 22.7 Milk EPD, 1,587 lbs., 36cm), sired by LT Rio Blanco 1234 P, out of an SCM Montana Marbler G216 daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Claude Lemay, St-Gerard des Laurentides.

Lot 14, MR LOUBER TOP DOG 860X (Polled, 92 lb. BW, .7 BW EPD, 25.4 Milk EPD, 1,402 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Top Dog 71S, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $4,750 to Patrick Jalbert, SteGermaine Boule, Abitibi West.

Lot 4, MR LOUBER 153R-796W (Double Polled, 98 lb. BW, 57 WW

EPD, 103 YW EPD, 1,656 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Loub Mr Louber Skymont 153R, out of a 2UP Peugeot daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Danny Bergeron, St-Ferdiand D'Halifax.

Repeat customer Claude Lemay purchased the second high seller

Lot 1, MRLOUBER FRENCH GLADIATOR 793W (Polled, 1/2 French, 107 lb. BW, 1,565 lbs.), sired by Snoopy, out of an SCM Montan Marbler G216G daughter. Sold for $4,250 to J.P. Quirion, St-Honore De Beauce.

28 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Power Trevor and Brad Fawcett selected a high selling yearling Nester Ranching was a volume buyer taking 5 bulls PFRA bought 9 bulls Travis Foot, Footprint Farms bought the high selling two year old bull
Louber Farm
Sale March 5, 2011 • Ste-Marie, QC Gross Average 29 2/3 Yearling Bulls $103,050 $3,473

A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale

A.Sparrow Farms Bull Sale

March 11, 2011 • Vanscoy, SK

Gross Average

2 Two Year Old Bulls $6,600 $3,300

48 Yearling Bulls 233,000 4,854

50 Lots $239,600 $4,792

Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Sale Consultant: T Bar C Cattle Co.

Multitudes of repeat customers were back to select from the consistent offering put forth by the Sparrow families. Nine bulls sold to purebred breeders from Ontario to Alberta and into the U.S.A. while many of the good commercial producers were spending over $5,000 to get a Sparrow bull.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 18, SPARROWS PATRIOT 24X (Polled, 111 lb. BW, 822 lb. 205 DW, 54 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 1,495 lbs., 38 cm), sired by ABC Latoro 263G, out of a Sparrows Alliance 361L daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB.

Lot 4, SPARROWS STANFORD 4X (Double Polled, 95 lb. BW, 889 lb. 205 DW, 1,496 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Sparrows Cerveza 106S daughter. Sold for $10,500 to White Heather Charolais, Crossfield, AB.


47X (108 lb. BW, 809 lb. 205 DW, 54 WW EPD, 1,485 lbs., 37.5 cm) , sired by ABC Nuevo, out of a Sparrows Alliance daughter. Sold for $9,500 to White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB.

Lot 48, SPARROW HAMPTON 70X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 882 lb. 205 DW, 23.6 Milk EPD, 1,435 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Wawedash Eastwood 7L daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Wells Charolais, Conde, SD.

Lot 13, SPARROWS THORNTON 19X (98 lb. BW, 99 YW EPD, 1,416 lbs., 38 cm), sired by ABC Latoro 263G, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Salty Lake Ranch, Watrous.

Lot 14, SPARROWS MAGNUM 21X (Polled, 87 lb. BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 1,387 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $6,600 to White Heather Charolais.

Lot 36, SPARROWS SELKIRK 53X (91 lb. BW, -.6 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 1,344 lbs., 36 cm), sired by ABC

Nuevo, out of an ABC Latoro 263G daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Dustin Harty, Edam.

Lot 8, SPARROWS SULTAN 10X (Polled, -1.4 BW EPD, 20 Milk EPD, 1,502 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $6,400 to Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle Co., Ripley, ON.

Lot 1, SPARROWS WESTFIELD 1X (Double Polled, 87 lb BW, -.5 BW EPD, 876 lb. 205 DW, 1,560 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrows Cerveza 106S daughter. Sold for $6,300 to Denise Boggust, Paynton.

Lot 29, SPARROWS MIDLAND 37X (108 lb. BW, 22.8 Milk EPD, 1,505 lbs., 39 cm), sired by ABC Latoro 263G, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $6,200 to White Lake Colony.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 29
Repeat buyers Denise Boggust & Steve Harty bought again Barry & Simone Reese added the high seller to their good Alberta herd Jason & Nina Wells took at red factor bull to the U.S.A. RAISE YOUR HERDS PROFILE AND VALUE Be a part of the 45th Annual Herdsire Edition. Call today! 306.546.3940
Rob Ross selected two for their White Heather operation Rick Klassen was a volume buyer again Jerry Hofer of White Lake Colony purchased two high sellers


Horseshoe E Bull Sale

Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale

March 12, 2011 • Moose Jaw, SK

Gross Average

8 Two Year Old Bulls $35,600 $4,450 40 1/3 Yearling Bulls 169,800 4,210 48 1/3 Lots $205,400 $4,250

A good active bidding crowd filled Johnstone Auction Mart to purchase from this long time program. Eight bulls sold to breeders from Ontario to Alberta with commercial producers from across the province purchasing the rest.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 45, LAE WASHINGTON 950W (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 95 lb. BW, 1,930 lbs., 44 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Sydney Smailes, Orkney.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 23, LAE X-CEPTIONAL 46X (3rd Gen. Polled, .3 BW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 1,390 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of an HTA Platinum 676S daughter. Sold for $9,500 for 2/3 interest to Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw & Wood River Charolais, McCord.

Lot 5, LAE X-TREME BLUE 12X (3rd Gen. Polled, 86 lb. BW, 818 lb. 205 DW, 1,510 lbs.), sired by LT Bluegrass 4017 P, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $8,200 to

Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley, ON.

Lot 17, LAE X-PLOSIVE 29X (3rd Gen. Polled, 81 YW EPD, 25.3 Milk EPD, 1,595 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an MNE Exclusive 17E daughter. Sold for $8,000 for 2/3 interest to Borderland Cattle Co., Rockglen.

Lot 8, LAE X-ACT-O-MUNDO 18X (Double Polled, .3 BW EPD, 1,540 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Lanoie Bros. Charolais, St. Victor.

Lot 2, LAE X-TRA BLUE 6X (Polled, 88 lb. BW, -1.8 BW EPD, 1,440 lbs., 40 cm), sired by LT Bluegrass 4017 P, out of an HTA Platinum 676S daughter. Sold for $6,000 to R Bar Charolais, Weldon.

Lot 12, MNE X-CALIBUR 2X (Polled, 848 lb. 205 DW, 1,615 lbs., 36 cm), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 P


Don Domes passed away February 11th, 7 months and 11 days after being diagnosed with lung cancer. He is survived by his wife Barbara; son John (Monica); daughters Michelle (Adrian) Bomok;

Stacey (Travis) Kolenosky; four grandchildren and his parents George and Martha Domes.

Don was a great outdoorsman who loved farming and hunting and fishing. Their home has many trophy horns he had enjoyed getting with his children. They started in the Charolais business in 1986 and with his family

Donald Domes

were very active showing and selling in the 1990s. A female they raised JDB Teardrop 13C was BOSS Show Female of the Year in 1996. They were members and marketed cattle through the Hub Breeders group and the North West Bull Sale in Lloydminster.

Don always had a smile and a laugh that made him a joy to know.

30 Charolais Banner • May 2011
ET daughter. Sold for $5,200 to David Esmond, Eyebrow.
UP $900
Sydney Smailles bought the two high selling two year old bulls David Esmond purchased three bulls for $14,300 Les & Sandra Eremenko bought three bulls for their Maple Creek operation Roger Lanoie selected two for their purebred operation Murray Blake & Darwin Rosso teamed up on the high selling bull
1951 – 2011


Northern Alliance Bull Sale

13th Annual Northern Alliance Bull Sale

March 18, 2011 • Spiritwood, SK

Gross Average

2 Two Year Old Bulls $7,900 $3,950 32 Yearlings 106,900 3,341

34 Lots $114,800 $3,376

Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer

Martens Cattle Co., Glenbush, had the high average in this three breed sale once again. Three bulls with the MXS prefix sold into purebred operations and a solid repeat commercial base selected the rest. Eight sons of Erixon's Spitfire averaged $4,261.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 26, MXS HEADLINE 904W (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 874 lb. 205 DW, 1,463 lb. 365 DW, 2,065 lbs., 43 cm),

sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld daughter. Sold for $4,400 to Dale Jacobson, Glenbush. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 4, MXS RIGHT TIME 16X (Polled, 94 lb. BW, 949 lb. 205 DW, 1,685 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Erixon’s Spitfire 127T, out of an MXS Vermillion 524R daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Pine Bluff Charolais, Love. Lot 6, MXS THE GREAT ONE 26X (98 lb. BW, .2 BW EPD, 883 lb. 205 DW, 1,400 lbs., 38 cm), sired by sired

by Sparrows Alcatraz, out of an MXS Algonquan 506R daughter. Sold for $6,000 RHM Ranching, Marwayne, AB.

Lot 8, MXS TOP GUN 32X (Polled, 858 lb 205 DW, 92 YW EPD, 1,490 lbs., 43 cm), sired by MXS Algonquan 506R, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone.

Regina Bull Sale

25X (Polled, Red Factor, 103 lb. BW, 81 YW EPD, 1,430 lbs.), sired by Wrangler On Fire 49T, out of a Prairiewind Kairo 29U daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Dean Degelman, Odessa. Consigned by Charhead Ranch.

Auctioneer: Brent Carey

There were four Charolais consignors to this long running sale. Numbers were down but the sale average was up over $700. In total 117 bulls of six breeds sold to average $3,599.

High Selling Yearling Bulls


1X (Polled, Red Factor, Grand Champion Bull, 832 205 DW, 1,596 lbs., 44 cm), sired by MEL Charheads Verdi 73T, out of a Morroe's Hank 1130L daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Qu'Appelle Trails Ranch, Eyebrow. Consigned by Charhead Ranch, Indian Head.


Lot 97, CHARHEAD MISTER MEL 29X (Polled, Red Factor, 90 lb. BW, .3 BW EPD), sired by Wrangler On Fire 49T, out of of Charhead's Martel 7P daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Galen Keller. Consigned by Charhead Ranch.

Lot 80, SKW PRESTON 48X (Polled/s, Res. Grand Champion Bull, 85 lb. BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 985 lb. WW, 1,466 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Birmingham 758T, out of a Pleasant Dawn McGwire 265J daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Murray & Judy Foster, Birch Hills. Consigned by Creek's Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek.

Lot 77, SKW ANTONIUS 77X (Polled, 90 lb. BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 890 lb. WW, 1,378 lbs.), sired by EC No Doubt 2022P, out of a WJR Stone Cold

316J daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Future Farms, Innisfail, AB. Consigned by Creek's Edge Land & Cattle.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 31
Wendall Weston purchased the third high seller
SK Gross Average 2 Two Year Old Bulls $7,100 $3,550 15 Yearling Bulls 57,450
17 Lots
Raymond & Betty Paschke purchased the high selling bull
106th Regina Bull Sale March 13, 2011
FEWER BULLS – AVERAGE UP David Esmond purchased the high seller along with two others Dean & Elmer Degelman bought the second high seller


Family Tradition Bull Sale

8th Annual Family Tradition Bull Sale

March 17, 2011 • Dropmore, MB

Gross Average

7 Two Year Old Bulls $23,000 $3,286

41 1/4 Yearling Bulls 155,750 3,776

48 1/4 Lots $178,750 $3,705

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore and High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, had another very good set of bulls on offer that found homes from Ontario to Alberta with six bulls going to breed purebred cows. Five Simmental yearling bulls also sold averaging $3,220.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 17, HBSF EXPRESS 77X (Polled, Red Factor, 102 YW EPD, 27.2 Milk EPD, 1,500 lbs., 38 cm), sired by HTA Durmax 642S, out of a Moore's Lariat 136L daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Kruk Charolais, Souris. Consigned by High Bluff Stock Farm.

Lot 1, HBSF EXTRA 2X (Polled, 1/2 French, 53 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 1,650 lbs., 39 cm), sired by

Silverstream Performer P38, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $13,750 for 3/4 interest to Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake. Consigned by High Bluff Stock Farm.

Lot 28, ROLLING D JOHNNY CASH 4X (Double Polled, 95 lb. BW, 55 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 1,535 lbs., 43.5 cm), sired by HTA Bravia 855U, out of an F&F HH Rambler 2111 ET daughter. Sold for $6,250 for 3/4 interest to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily, AB. Consigned by Rolling D Charolais.

Lot 29, ROLLING D CADILLAC 17X (Double Polled, 851 lb. 205 DW, 1,500 lbs., 41 cm), sired by HTA Bravia 855U, out of a Snowpoint Pol Unltd 710F daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Bar M7 Farms, Eriksdale. Consigned by Rolling D Charolais.

Lot 43, ROLLING D SAGEBRUSH 74X (Double Polled, 55 WW EPD, 809 lb. 205 DW, 1,550 lbs., 38 cm), sired by HTA Bravia 855U, out of a Sparrows Vendetta 14H daughter. Sold for $5,500 for 3/4 interest to R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney.

Consigned by Rolling D Charolais.

Lot 40, ROLLING D LAREDO 41X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 1,535 lbs., 37 cm), sired by HTA Pursuit 646S, out of an MVX Couarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $4,750 to J.S. Ranch, Warren. Consigned by Rolling D Charolais.

Lot 44, ROLLING D SABRE 82X (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, 1,425 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by HTA Red Connection 743T, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $4,700 for 3/4 interest to Lonesome Eagle Farms, Ste. Anne. Consigned by Rolling D Charolais.

Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale

This sale was up $941 over last year. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat buyers all within 75 miles of Stettler.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Auctioneer: Allen McMillan

What a difference a year can make.

Lot 6, BLC BLINDSIDE 9X (Polled, 99 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by RGP Senator 761S, out of a DBAR Survivor 220M daughter. Sold for $5,600 to

Brian Garlock, Youngstown.

Lot 26, BLC SENTINAL 47X (99 lb. BW, 40.5 cm), sired by RGP Senator 761S, out of an RGP Real Estate 129R daughter. Sold for $5,300 to James Ford, Youngstown.

Lot 14, BLC WORLD SERIES 28X (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 35.5 cm), sired by

32 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Doug Hines was the volume buyer taking seven for $18,200 Brian Kruk purchased the high seller Allan McDonald came with his son Ron who added a high seller to his purebred herd
Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale March 17, 2011 • Stettler, AB Gross Average 27 Yearling Bulls $101,100 $3,744 19 Two Year Old Bulls 67,800 3,568 46 Lots $168,900 $3,671
Tim Facette & John Fitzgerald bought Johnny Cash Trent & Ashley Hatch selected the second high seller


New Country Livestock & Guests Bull Sale

New Country Livestock & Guests Bull Sale

March 14, 2011 • Bashaw, AB

Gross Average

33 3/4 Yearling Bulls $161,550 $4,786

2 Two Year Old Bulls 11,100 5,550

35 3/4 Lots $172,650 $4,829

Auctioneer: Brent Carey

PowerPoint: Charolais Banner

Four of the most progressive breeders once again put together a great set of bulls. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat buyers both commercial and purebred breeders. This sale produced the high selling bull of the spring.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 36, CML DIABLO 2X (Polled, 91 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a Merit Vintage 4065P daughter. Sold 3/4 interest for $31,000 to Thomas Ranch, Harold, SD, and Polzin Cattle Co., Darwin, MN. Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane.

Lot 21, GRANT’S PLAYBOY 3X (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 38 cm), sired by JDFJ Playboy 85U, out of a Maple Leaf Benchmark 501R daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK. Consigned by Grant Farms, Bowden.


(Polled, 104 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by LT Bluegrass 4017, out of a 2UP Peugeot daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Salstrom Farms, Ponoka. Consigned by New Country Livestock, Donalda.

Lot 38, CML BLOCKBUSTER 4X (108 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an MXS Vermillion 527R daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Hawkview Charolais, Calgary. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.

Lot 26, GRANT’S SYNERGY 41X (Polled, 113 lb. BW, 36 cm), sired by DBAR Synergy 721T, out of an Anchor J Bart 31H daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Louber Farm, Ste-Marie, PQ.

Consigned by Grant Farms.

Lot 30, CIRCLE CEE NOTORIOUS 16X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 35 cm), sired by LHD Cigar E46, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G. Sold for $5,100 to ABT Cattle Co., Ponoka. Consigned by Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 28, Top Grants Chavez 944W (Polled, 105 lb. BW, 45 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Demarah Farms, Bowden. Consigned by Grant Farms.

Baldridge Fasttrack 82F, out of a RGP Senator 761S. Sold for $5,100 to Brian Garlock.

Lot 1, BLC STETSON 4X (98 lb., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Caracas 230S, out of an SCR Magic 640 daughter. Sold for $4,600 to James Ford.

Lot 3, BLC SUDDEN IMPULSE 6X (Polled, 80 lb. BW,

38 cm), sired by RGP Senator 761S, out of a BLC Permafrost 36P daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Merv Teows, Stettler.

High Selling Two Year Olds Lot 37, RPJ EXL TRITON 918W (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an EVC Lightwind

28J. Sold for $4,500 to Stan Natisted, Stettler.

Lot 41, CWW WHOPPER 14W (104 lb, BW, 42 cm), sired by NAV Preston 14P, out of a Moore’s Sir Lancelot 108L daughter. Sold for $4,300 to Tim Duncan, Big Valley. Consigned by Wilkie Ranch, Big Valley.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 33
Salstrom Farms bought a high selling yearling ABT Cattle Co. was the volume buyer taking 4 bulls Troy Thomas and Chirs Polzin selected the high selling yearling Ron & Mike Elder selected a high selling bull Merv Teows bought a high selling bull BUFFALO LAKE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 32

Rollin' Acres & Patton Charolais Bull Sale

March 19, 2011 • Hanover, ON Gross Average

4 Two Year Old Bulls $14,300 $3,575

21 Yearling Bulls 79,550 3,788

25 Lots $93,850 $3,754

Auctioneer: Carl Wright

Sale Consultants: Carl Wright and Colin Montroy


Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 22, PCFL BUDLITE 1W (Full French, 90 lb. BW, 22.9 Milk EPD, 2,250 lbs.), sired by PITT Prince, out of a PCFL Maximilian 106G daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Blake Marchant, Cartwright, MB. Consigned by Rollin' Acres Charolais, Shelburne.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X (15/16 French, Toronto Royal Bull Calf Champion, 98 lb. BW, 13 month weight 1,450 lbs., 39 cm), sired by PCFL Ultimate 14R, out of a PCFL Norduff 38H daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co.,

Norwood & Loval Farms, Warkworth. Consigned by Rollin' Acres Charolais. Lot 4, PCFL CHIEFTAN25X (Full French, 95 lb. BW, 757 lb. 205 DW, 10 month weight 1,209 lbs., 41 cm), sired by PCFL Whisky-Jack 21T, out of a PCFL Rio Grande 32M daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Echo Springs Charolais, Hawkstone. Consigned by Patton Charolais, Shelburne.

Lot 3, PCFL BISMARK 136W (Full French, 98 lb. BW, 764 lb. 205 DW, 14 month weight 1,445 lbs., 40 cm), sired by PCFL Wrangler Magic 26T, out of a PCFL Maximilian 106G daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Stephens Charolais, Moosomin, SK. Consigned by Patton Charolais.

Lot 13, PCFL CAVALIER 12X (Full French, 89 lb. BW, 11 month weight 1,261 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by PCFL Wildfire 9T, out of a PCFL Tucson 23P daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Fred DeNoer, Lucknow. Consigned by Patton Charolais.

Lot 7, WHISKEY HOLLO XTREME 7X (Polled, .9 BW EPD, 760 lb. 205


P Bar 3 Bull Sale

out of an HEJ Ripper 66P daughter. Sold for $4,900 to Park Livestock, Medicine Hat.

DW, 11 month weight 1,220 lbs., 43 cm), sired by ACC Hercules 31R, out of a Baldridge Fasttrack daughter. Sold for $3,900 to Greg McCracken, Roseneath. Consigned by Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood.

Auctioneer: Don Peacock

This sale features the largest selection of Charolais bulls in southern Alberta. The sale was up $700 over last year. Most of the bulls were sold to many time repeat buyers.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, P-3 MR SPECIALIST 0-4X (Polled, 88 lb. BW, 38.5 cm), sired by HBSF Specialist 108U, out of a WCR Prime Cut 764 Pld daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Paradice Ranch, Seven Persons.

Lot 41, P-3 MR TRI-N 0-121X (Polled, Red Factor, 82 lb. BW, 34.5 cm), sired by Tri-N Santos PLD 48S,

Lot 45, P-3 MR RIPPER 0-130X (Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by HEJ Ripper 66P, out of an MSW Y2K. Sold for $4,700 to Bignell Cattle Co., Youngstown.

Lot 15, P-3 MR WESTERN SPUR 054X (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 37.5 cm), sired by KMAC Cigar Spur 23T, out of an MSW Y2K daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Charworth Charolais, Balzac.

Lot 48, P-3 MR TRI-N SANTOS 0137X (Polled, Red Factor, 94 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by Tri-N Santos PLD 48S, out of an MSW Craven Red 29M daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Travis Duncan, Warner.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 65, P-3 MR RIPPER 9-113W

(Polled, Red Factor, 84 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by P-3 MR Pleasant Dawn 7112T, out of an HEJ Ripper 66P daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Hawk Haven Ranch, Compeer.

Lot 62, CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 54W (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 42 cm), sired by PCC Navigator 403P, out of an CSS Sir Clear Cut 14N daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Haystock Grazing, Hayes.

34 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Rollin' Acres & Patton Charolais Bull Sale
Blake Marchant bought the high selling two year old Gord & Shauneen Tomlinson consigned and teamed up on the high selling bull
P Bar 3 Charolais 40th Annual Bull Sale March, 18, 2011 • Medicine Hat, AB Gross Average 56 Yearling Bulls $173,900 $3,105 16 Two Year Old Bulls 59,800 3,737 72 Lots $233,700 $3,245
Kelly Stephens took a bull back to Saskatchewan Darryl & Grant Shuttleworth, Charworth Charolais selected a new herdsire

Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale

Bull Sale

March 19, 2011 • Virden, MB

Gross Average

3 Two Year Old Bulls $9,700 $3,233

44 1/3 Yearling Bulls 167,050 3,768

47 1/3 Lots $176,750 $3,734

This solid program producing bulls for everyone offered an all polled offering of white, tan & red yearlings and two year olds. Good birth weight bulls with performance sold into four provinces and one state, with this being their highest average and most bulls sold. Many repeat customers were on the buyers list showing their previous purchases have worked for them.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 8, PLEASANT DAWN RHINO 851X (3rd Gen. Polled, National Show Class Winner, 98 lb. BW, 24.8 Milk EPD, 1,650 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Marshall 70P, out of an SKE Gangster 16G daughter. Sold for $8,750 for 2/3 interest to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB.

Lot 11, PLEASANT DAWN RIO 136X (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 0 BW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 1,575 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Rio 26P, out of a Pleasant Dawn Excel 489M daughter. Sold for $6,600 for 2/3 interest to Dog Patch Acres, Leroy, SK.

Lot 1, PLEASANT DAWN MAGNUM 70X (3rd Gen. Polled, .6 BW EPD, 825 lb. 205 DW, 1,625 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by HEJ Magnum 26R, out of a PF Impressed 620 daughter. Sold for $6,300 for 2/3 interest to Valley’s End Charolais, Central Butte, SK.

Lot 3, PLEASANT DAWN BONUS 601X (3rd Gen. Polled, Double Red, .1 BW EPD, 26.4 Milk EPD, 1,550 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 56T, out of a Belmont's Indiana 9J daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Charhead Ranch, Indian Head, SK.

Lot 2, PLEASANT DAWN MATCH 465X (4th Gen. Polled/s, 95 lb. BW, 843 lb. 205 DW, 1,665 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Max 70S, out of a Pleasantdawn Marshall 70P daughter. Sold for $5,500 for 2/3 interest to Brimner Cattle Co., Manor, SK.

Lot 5, PLEASANT DAWN MAXIMUM 138X (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, -.2 BW EPD, 1,530 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Max 70S, out of an LT Western Edge 4057 Pld daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.

Lot 50, PLEASANT DAWN EXTRA 314X (3rd Gen. Polled, 889 lb. 205 DW, 1,590 lb. 365 DW, 100 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Marshall 70P, out of an SKE Gangster 16G daughter. Sold for $5,300 for 2/3 interest to Nahachewsky Charolais, Norquay, SK.

Lot 49, PLEASANT DAWN MAG 912X (4th Gen. Polled, 84 YW EPD, 27.9 Milk EPD, 1,440 lbs., 40 cm), sired by HEJ Magnum 26R, out of a Belmont's Indiana 9J daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB.

Lot 14, PLEASANT DAWN ARAGORN 14X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 94 lb. BW, 100 YW EPD, 1,695 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Aragorn 2P, out of a Pleasant Dawn Everet 23L daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Neil Hainsworth, Deloraine.


Edgar Philpott of Central Butte, Saskatchewan, passed away during the night of April 14th at the age of 97. Healthy and sharp to the end, he is survived by Lily, his wife of 52 years;

daughters Vionne (Reg) Stewart; Florence (Bob) Petersen; Rosalie (Ken) MacKenzie; son Bill; nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Edgar’s cattle breeding prowess started in the Shorthorn breed under the name of Butte Lee Farms and then

Edgar Philpott

in 1967 and on, in the Charolais breed as first Butte Lee Farms and then teaming up with the Orams under Oram & Philpott Charolais. In 1975 he was awarded a "Builder of the Breed" by the American Shorthorn Association and in 2006 he was inducted into the Saskatchewan Livestock Association Honour Roll.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 35
Pleasant Dawn Charolais 9th Annual
Curtis Turnbull took a herdbull to Alberta Mic Zentner bought the second high seller Mark Oram added a herdbull to their Valley's End herd Roy Schweitzer purchased the high selling bull Dr. Melanie Roth & Kim Williamson selected a red factor bull for their Charhead operation

27th Annual North Central Alberta Charolais Bull Sale

27th Annual North Central Alberta Charolais Breeders Bull Sale March 19, 2011 • Clyde, AB

Gross Average

26 3/4 Yearling Bulls $105,400 $3,940

17 Two Year Old Bulls 64,000 3,765

43 3/4 Lots $169,400 $3,872

Auctioneer: Travis Rogers

An outstanding set of bulls was on offer at this long running sale. A large selection of red factor bulls helped drive the average up by $955 over last year. Bulls were sold right across western Canada.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 35, WRANGLER FRENCHIE 2X (106 lb., 37.5 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Major Jag 620S, out of an MLR Miss Gin JR 449P daughter. Sold for $7,400 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis and Sandan Charolais, Erskine. Consigned by Wrangler Charolais, Westlock.

Lot 22, PRO-CHAR MOHICAN 34X (Polled, Red Factor, 110 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by Wrangler Headliner 28N, out of a Pro-Char Guage 7L daughter. Sold for $6,250 to P-3 Charolais Ranch, Medicine Hat.

Consigned by Pro-Charolais, Glenevis.

Lot 23, PRO-CHAR CIDER 36X (Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by JWX Triple Play 34T, out of a CER Lion 32L daughter. Sold for $5,900 to Herb Johnson, Barrhead. Consigned by Pro-Charolais.

Lot 26, PRO-CHAR REMINGTON 26X (Polled, 108 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Pro-Char Mongo 57U, out of an SOS Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Spruce View Charolais, Andrew. Consigned by Pro-Charolais.

High Selling Long Yearling

Lot 18, PRO-CHAR PLAYER 105W (Polled, Red Factor, 95 lb. BW, 48 cm), sired by JWX Triple Play 34T, out of a GXR Mr. Carlo 2E daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Davies Livestock, Medicine Hat. Consigned by Pro-Charolais.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 13, PRO-CHAR MASTER 65W (Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb. BW, 39.5 cm), sired by JWX Triple Play 34T, out of a STER Platinum Navajo 2B daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Davies Livestock. Consigned by Pro-Charolais. Lot 14, PRO-CHAR TP 67W (Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by

Alameda Bull Sale

1,742 lbs., 43 cm), sired by JMB Dateline 754T, out of an SVS Mastercard 2M daughter. Sold for $9,700 for 3/4 interest to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston, AB. Consigned by Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale.

JWX Triple play 34T, out of a Pro-Char Guage 7L daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Keith Yuill, Gunn. Consigned by Pro-Charolais.

The three Charolais consignors to this multi-breed sale brought out another good set of bulls. More bulls were tried with not all finding homes but the average staying steady with last year. Bulls sold to the three prairie provinces.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 20, G.BROS. HOMBRE 908X (Homozygous Polled, 93 lb. BW, 52 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 22.9 Milk EPD,

Lot 21, G.BROS. RINGLEADER 914X (Homozygous Polled, 88 lb. BW, -1.3 BW EPD, 1,608 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Beaver Creek Redzone 211S, out of an A-Jay's Pld Classified 99G daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Calvin Lamport, Carnduff. Consigned by

Gilliland Bros. Charolais.

Lot 1, CHARLA MOORE MR 11X (3rd Gen. Polled, 92 lb. BW, -.6 BW EPD, 1,530 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a JWX North 40 55N daughter. Sold for $4,300 to Walter Morrow, Alameda. Consigned by Charla Moore Farms, Redvers.

36 Charolais Banner • May 2011
UP OVER $950
Bob Herman, P-3 Ranch bought a high selling yearling Bill Davies bought two high selling bulls David Prokuda, Pro-Char Charolais teamed up with Sandan Charolais on the high selling yearling
44th Annual Alameda Bull Sale March 26, 2011 • Alameda, SK Gross Average 28 3/4 Yearling Bulls $87,400 $3,040 Auctioneer: Brad Knutsen Sale Manager: Norquay Auction Services
Lorne Lakusta, Spruce View Charolais selected a new herdsire
Steve Quinton purchased the high seller over the phone Calvin Lamport selected the second high seller Walter Morrow bought another good one from this sale


Hi-Weigh Breeders Bull Sale

Hi-Weigh Breeders Bull Sale

March 23, 2011 • Neepawa,MB

Gross Average

50 1/2 Yearling Bulls $233,600 $4,627

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

Six leading Manitoba breeders contributed to this long running sale with bulls selling to five provinces including 14 to purebred operations.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 23, HTA THOR 92X (Double Polled, 99 lb. BW, 892 lb. 205 DW, 1,570 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Merit 5323R, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $20,750 for 3/4 interest to CSS Charolais, Paynton, SK. Consigned by HTA Charolais, Rivers.

Lot 35, STA GIBSON'S FINEST 3X (Double Polled/s, 97 lb. BW, 831 lb. 205 DW, 26.1 Milk EPD, 1,677 lbs., 40 cm), sired by SVS Nobleman 25N, out of a Dim Creek Dividend 43M daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, ON. Consigned by Rocking Bar A Charolais, Rivers.

Lot 40, STEPPLER DOC HOLIDAY 61X (Double Polled, 1,037 lb. 205 DW, 1,625 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Sparrows Oakridge 66R, out of a Sparrows Berlin 30M daughter. Sold for $10,000 to C2 Charolais, La Riviere. Consigned by Steppler Charolais, Miami.

Lot 12, HTA SCHEEN 43X (Double Polled, 100 lb. BW, 896 lb. 205 DW, 1,682 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Merit 5323R, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Down East Charolais, Belleisle Creek, NB. Consigned by HTA Charolais.

Lot 46, JMB DATELINE 3X (Polled, 80 lb. BW, 818 lb. 205 DW, 1,679 lbs., 40 cm), sired by BXB Dateline Son 65R, out of an MNE Green Light 15G daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Blake Marchant, Cartwright. Consigned by JMB Charolais, Brookdale.

Lot 14, HTA LISTON 45X (Double Polled, 53 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 1,647 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Merit 5323R, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Keith Caul, Devlin, ON. Consigned by HTA Charolais.

Lot 4, HTA NIKKEL 11X (Double Polled, 97 lb. BW, 862lb. 205 DW, 1,694 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Durango 585P, out of an LT Rio Blanco1234 P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Rolling D Charolais, Dropmore. Consigned by HTA Charolais.

Lot 8, HTA CEZAR 27X (Double Polled, 97 lb. BW, 52 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 24.7 Milk EPD, 1,614 lbs., 43 cm), sired by HTA Scorpio 874U, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $6,000 for 3/4 interest to Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora, SK. Consigned by HTA Charolais.

Lot 33, HTA MAX 124X (Polled, 965 lb. 205 DW, 110 YW EPD, 1,514 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by KCH Remington 41T, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Aces High Charolais, Roseneath, ON. Consigned by HTA Charolais.


Thomas Lyle Rookes, of Manson, MB, passed away peacefully at the age of 57 with his wife and loving family by his side, in Edmonton, Alberta, after losing his battle with cancer. Tom and Dorreen Rookes raised Charolais cattle under

the farm name Harmony Westward Ranch at Manson, Manitoba. A second generation Charolais breeder whose parents Bill and Lila Rookes were early members of the Manitoba Charolais Association and a part of the West Man Charolais Breeders group. Tom was President of the Manitoba Charolais Association in 1987 and was a director of the

Tom Rookes

Canadian Charolais Association from 1988 to 1991. Predeceased by father William Rookes, and brother Gordon Rookes, he leaves behind his wife of 29 years, Dorreen Rookes, his children Eldon Spears and Kimberly (Christopher) Zapesocki, 5 grandchildren, Mother Lila Rookes, and siblings Jack (Betty) Rookes, and Valerie (Gary) Watson, and numerous nieces and nephews.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 37
Blake Marchant added a JMB bull to his program Brett & Brian Coughlin came from Ontario to buy the second high seller Jeff Cavers bought a herdbull from Steppler Charolais Keith Caul took a bull back to northern Ontario Cam & Betty Ann Stewart purchased the high seller

Diamond W Bull Sale

Diamond W 9th Annual Bull Sale

March 24, 2011 • Minitonas, MB

Gross Average

3 Two Year Old Bulls $10,050 $3,350 28 Yearling Bulls $86,900 $3,104

31 Lots $96,950 $3,127

Auctioneer: Randy Hart Sale Manager:

The Walkers of Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan have been taking bulls to the Swan River valley to have a sale for nine years now. Each year the quality of the bulls has improved and the local customer base has solidified. This year was the best sale ever with another nine Angus and Red Angus bulls selling to average nearly $2,700. The overall sale average was up over $600 from last year with the most bulls ever sold.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 38, DIAMOND W BOLIVAR 131W (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, 961 lb. 205 DW, 2,100 lbs., 44 cm), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Kirby Kleiboer, Hudson Bay, SK.

High Selling Yearling Bulls


(3rd Gen. Polled, 105 lb. BW, 885 lb. 205 DW, 1,490 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Granadas Red Ace 17B daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Jason Wenzel, Minitonas.

Lot 25, DIAMOND W CAHILL 75X (3rd Gen. Polled, 101 lb. BW, 830 lb 205 DW, 22.4 Milk EPD, 1,550 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Boliver 121S, out of a Granadas Red Ace 17B daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Clayton Woodley, Minitonas.

Lot 4, DIAMOND W DUSTER 88X (3rd Gen. Polled, 800 lb. 205 DW, 1,600 lb. 365 DW, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of an MNE Front Row Centre 4F daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Soura-Horan Farms, Bowsman.

Lot 24, DIAMOND W CONMAN 54X (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, 1,420 lbs., 37 cm), sied by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Brent Hohen, Minitonas.

Lot 28, DIAMOND W BOLIVAR 80X (3rd Gen. Polled, 100 lb. BW, 1,400 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a Sparrows Cossask 11L daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Kevin & Lynn Rusk, Kenville.

Lot 32, DIAMOND W COSSACK 104X (Polled, 90 lb. BW 1,420 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of a 4-G Windgust 970J daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Shane Spencer, Benito.


Farms, Botha. Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co., Innisfail.

Lot 36, GERRARD JAMBALAYA 10X (Polled), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Packer Charolais, Chatsworth, ON. Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co.

High Selling Two Year Olds

Lot 48, JSR PCC WIESER 49W (Polled), sired by Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of an SVY Freedom PLD 307N daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Rainalta Cattle Co. Rainier. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais, Bowden.

Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock


Lot 35, GERRARD GRANITE 8X (Polled), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Legacy

Lot 41, GERRARD POLAMALU 31X (Polled), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of an RPJ Impressed 121L daughter. Sold for $6,600 to P&H Ranching, Innisfail. Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co.

Lot 45, GERRARD DEDICATION 33W (Polled), sired by SVY Freedom PLD 307N, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Soderglen Ranches, Airdrie. Consigned by Gerrard Cattle Co.

38 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Martin Horan added another of many to their operation Kevin Wenzel purchased one for himself and the high seller for his son Jason Clayton Woodley bought the second high selling yearling
Mountainview Simmental, Angus & Charolais Bull Sale March 26, 2011 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 8 Yearling Bulls $39,250 $4,906 12 Two Year Old Bulls 45,750 3,813 20 Bulls $85,000 $4,250
Kirby Kleiboer selected the high selling two year old bull
Auctioneer: Don Oberg
Selling Yearling Bulls
Angus & Charolais Bull Sale

SALE UP $900 Winn Man Bull Sale

Winn Man Farms 10th Annual Bull Sale

March 25, 2011 • Winnipegosis, MB Gross Average

5 Two Year Old Bulls $20,350 $4,070 44 Yearling Bulls 150,950 3,431

49 Lots $171,300 $3,496

Auctioneer: Kim Crandall

The first sons of MB Ali Trade U1059 attracted some big interest and the four sons on offer averaged over $10,000 with a top of $25,000. Bulls sold into three provinces with six going to breed purebred cows.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 51, WINN MANS KANSAS 9135W (Polled, 86 lb. BW, 1,845 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Winn Mans JD 338N daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale.

Lot 53, WINN MANS VAQUERO 9139W (91 lb. BW, 14 year old dam,


1,700 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Sire EC 20/20 daughter. Sold for $4,750 to Jeff Neiman, McCreary.

Lot 52, WINN MANS MERIT 9128W (102 lb. BW, 1,860 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Merit 7329T, out of a Winn Mans Riata 514R daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Gilis Ogg, Laurier.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 20, WINN MANS SKAGGS 663X (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 760 lb. WW, 1,400 lbs.), sired by MB Ali Trade U1059, out of a Sparrows Durango 585P daughter. Sold for $25,000 to A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK.

Lot 18, WINN MANS QUIGLEY 539X (Polled, 99 lb. BW, 840 lb. WW, 1,490 lbs., 42 cm), sired by MB Ali Trade U1059, out of a Winn Mans JD 338N daughter. Sold for $5,500 to HTA Charolais, Rivers & Everview Charolais, Binscarth.


Lot 19, WINN MANS SAGINAW 538X (Polled, 91 lb. BW, 860 lb. WW, 1,404 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by MB Ali Trade U1059, out of a Sparrows Madrid 7M daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, SK.

Lot 21, WINN MANS MACDADDY 264X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 792 lb. WW, 1,360 lbs.), sired by MB Ali Trade U1059, out of a Sparrows Talisman 412J daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Terry Sliworsky, Meadow Portage.

Best of the Breeds Bull Sale

lb. BW, .3 BW EPD, 24.9 Milk EPD, 1,475 lbs., 36cm), sired by SVS Nobleman 25N, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Newhill Farms, Hague. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres.

Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake and Dog Patch Acres, Leroy once again sold a good set of Charolais bulls in this five breed sale that saw 64 bulls sell to average $3,218.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull


24W (Double Polled, 94 lb. bW, 2,210 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Dogpatch Triple X 36S, out of a ChardelWesterly 728G daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Nick Yewsuk, Punnichy. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 14, DOGPATCH DETONATION 10X (Double Polled, Double Red, 90

Lot 1, HBC MOSAIC 1X (Double Polled, 87 lb. BW, 1,625 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Crystal D Pierce 40P, out of a Belmont's Indiana 9J daughter. Sold for $4,300 to Kevin & Lisa Belof, Dysart. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais.

Lot 2, HBC SANTA FE 4X (Polled, 100 lb. BW, 99 YW EPD, 1,590 lbs., 41 cm), sired by LKPR Challenger 208M, out of a WCR Prime Cut 764 Pld daughter. Sold for $4,100 to John Barsi, Melville. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais.

Lot 15, DOGPATCH ATOMIC 3X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 85 lb. BW, -2.6 BW EPD, 1,600 lbs., 43 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Lazy S Mr Redman 81Y daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Doug Hines, Saltcoats. Consigned by Dog Patch Acres.

Lot 3, HBC CHILLIN 5X (Double Polled, 104 lb. BW, 96 YW EPD, 1,645 lbs., 42 cm), sired by RPJ En-V 625S, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld daughter. Sold for $4,000 to R&S Slock Farms, Fenwood. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais.

Lot 5, HBC TEAMSTER 8X (Double Polled/s, 98 lb BW, -.5 BW EPD, 22 Milk EPD, 1,605 lbs., 42 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Wunder Farms, Foam Lake. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 39
7th Annual Best of the Breeds Bull Sale March
• Leross, SK Gross Average 4 Two
26 Lots $87,500 $3,365
Terry Sliworsky added two more Winn Man bulls to his operation
27, 2011
Year Old Bulls $13,700 $3,425
Yearling Bulls 73,800 3,355
Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. John Barsi took the third high seller Kelly Neufeld selected five for Young Farms of Canada at Hague Cam Sparrow bought Skaggs


3rd Annual Impact Angus & Charolais Bull & Female Sale

March 26, 2011 • Saskatoon, SK

Gross Average

23 3/4 Yearling Bulls $61,800 $2,602

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, supply the Charolais bulls to this sale which is shared with Angus breeders J & S Cattle and Triple L Angus. The quality offering did not receive the dollars deserved with some good buying throughout. Volume buyers included the PFRA who selected four for $10,800 and Perdue Ranching Co-op who took three bulls for $7,800.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls


(Polled, 110 lb. BW, 1,870 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Northbank Ben 2N, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Little Farms, Biggar.

Lot 79, MLP WINSTEN 23W (Polled, 110 lb. BW, 84 YW EPD, 1,890 lbs, 43 cm), sired by JMB Thor 735T, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $3,000 to Perdue Ranching Co-op, Perdue.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 62, MVY XPLORER 29X (Polled, 96 lb. BW, .5 BW EPD, 1,420 lbs., 39 cm), sired by HVA Upstate 8U, out of an LAE Paragon 404P. Sold for $4,600 for 3/4 interest to K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB.

Lot 57, MVY XACT 12X (Polled/s, 91 YW EPD, 23.1 Milk EPD, 1,585 lbs., 40 cm), sired by JMB Thor 735T, out of

a JDB Power Stroke 7G daughter. Sold for $3,400 to Charona Farms, Asquith.

Lot 63, MVY X-FACTOR 22X (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 90 YW EPD, 1,470 lbs., 39 cm), sired by JMB Thor 735T, out of a JDB Power Stroke 7G daughter. Sold for $3,200 to Greg Lovell, Elk Point, AB.

Lot 55, MVY XAVIER 6X (102 lb. BW, 826 lb. 205 DW, 24.3 Milk EPD, 1,570 lbs.), sired by PCC Balistik 441P, out of an RPJ Mr Elite 147L daughter. Sold for $3,000 to Stoney Ridge Ranch, Perdue.

CSS Charolais Bull Sale

sired by CSS Sir Navigator 37T, out of a MXS Algonquan 506R daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite.

Auctioneer: Brent Carey

PowerPoint: Charolais Banner

A cool day did not hamper this annual sale with a large crowd on hand. This helped drive the average up $350 over last year. Bulls were sold right across Canada with many repeat customers buying in volume.

High Selling Bulls

Lot 30, CSS SIR JR NAVIGATOR 89X (Polled, 106 lb. BW, 39.5 cm), sired by CSS Sir Navigator 37T, out of a SVS Model IMP 12M daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Keith Olsen, Loon Lake.

Lot 31, CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 95X (Polled 102 lb. BW, 39.5 cm), sired by CSS Sir Navigator 37T, out of an HTA Stockman PLD 534E. Sold for $5,600 to Clarence Leer, Makwa.

Lot 27, CSS SIR JR NAVIGATOR 80X (Polled, 100 lb. BW, 39.5 cm),

Lot 3, CSS SIR JR NAVIGATOR 7X (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by CSS Sir Navigator 37T, out of an HTA PLD Rain 258M daughter. Sold for $4,700 to Douglas Lake Ranch, Douglas Lake, BC.

Lot 7, CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 19X (Polled, 104 lb. BW, 37.5 cm), sired by PCC Navigator 403P, out of an Erixon’s Bronson 208H daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Douglas Lake Ranch.

Lot 28, CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 19X (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by PCC Navigator 403P, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Morris Garnier, Dewberry, AB.

Lot 19, CSS SIR NAVIGATOR 64X (Polled, 94 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by PCC Navigator 403P, out of a CSS Sir Clear Cut 14N daughter. Sold for

$4,300 to Douglas Lake Ranch.

40 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Reg Little bought the high selling two year old bull
CSS Charolais Bull Sale March 26, 2011 • Paynton, SK Gross Average 34 Yearling Bulls $122,050 $3,533
DOUGLAS LAKE VOLUME BUYER AGAIN Clarence Leer bought a high selling bull John Wilgenbusch bought a new herdsire Keith Olsen selected the high selling yearling Douglas Lake Cattle Co. took 6 bulls back to BC

Forsyth/Tee M Jay Bull Sale

Forsyth/Tee M Jay 7th Annual Bull Sale

March 26, 2011 • Ashern, MB

Gross Average

2 Two Year Old Bulls $5,800 $2,900

42 Yearling Bulls 123,100 2,931

44 Lots $128,900 $2,930

Auctioneer: Buddy Bergner

Sale Consultant: Kanewischer Auctions

Solid support from the commercial producers in the interlake of Manitoba saw 11 more bulls sell this year with the average near steady with last year. Four bulls went to breed papered cows across Manitoba as well with Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale supplying the high sellers.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 35, FFBB COCOA PLD 59X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 94 lb. BW, .2 BW EPD, 1,455 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Cocoa 30P, out of an Elder’s Stinger 115S daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Brian Olafson, Faulkner.

Lot 21, FFBB CAP PLD 10X (Double Polled, 94 lb. BW, 810 lb. WW, 1,510 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Whitecap Domination 63T, out of a Keys Handyman Pld 255S daughter. Sold for $4,900 to Albert Monkman, Lundar. Lot 46, FFBB MERIT PLD 108X

(Polled, 90 lb. BW, 87 YW EPD, 1,292 lb. 365 DW, 39.5 cm), sired by Elder's Stinger 115S, out of an ABC Caja Quebrada daughter. Sold for $4,900 for 1/2 interest to DH Charolais, Dauphin.

Lot 28, FFBB VISION PLD 33X (Double Polled, 870 lb. 205 DW, 106 YW EPD, 1,605 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Whitecap Domination 63T, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Destiny Cattle Company, Moosehorn.

Lot 23, FFBB RED BUCKLE PLD 16X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 75 lb. BW, -2.7 BW EPD, 22.3 Milk EPD, 1,345 lbs., 40 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of an Elder's Cocoa 30P daughter. Sold for $4,800 to Beaver Creek Charolais, Virden.

Lot 27, FFBB DETONATION PLD 31X (Double Polled, 98 lb. BW, 83 YW EPD, 1,455 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Whitecap Domination 63T, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $4,600 to LEJ Charolais, Portage La Prairie.

Lot 45, FFBB DOMINATER PLD 101X (Double Polled, 96 lb. BW, 830 lb. 205 DW, 1,615 lb. 365 DW, 40 cm), sired by Whitecap Domination 63T,

out of an SOS Mr Valentine Pld 39M daughter. Sold for $4,400 to Jeremy Miller, Eriksdale.

Lot 39, FFBB RED PLD 79X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 82 lb. BW, -.3 BW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 1,370 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Elder's Cocoa 30P, out of a Rolling D Spitfire 6P daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Brian Olafson, Faulkner.

Douglas Test Station Sale

April 2, 2011 • Douglas, MB Gross Average

18 2/3 Yearling Bulls $50,200 $2,689

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler

141 bulls of 9 breeds finished the test this year. 93 were offered for sale with 81 selling for an average of $2,849 which is up over $600 from last year. 28 Charolais bulls from four consignors finished the test with a 3.79 lb/day ADG and a 3.42 lb/day WDA.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 969, EVC RED ETYMOLOGY 12X (Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb. BW, 4.68 lb. ADG, 26 Milk EPD, 64.7

%LMY), sired by HTA Red Connection 743T, out of a Pleasant Dawn Morgan 15S daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Troy Reynolds, Carberry. Consigned by Everview Charolais, Binscarth.

Lot 967, EVC RED CONNEXION 2X (Polled/s, Red Factor, 98 lb. BW, 4.3 lb. ADG, 27 Milk EPD, 65.2 %LMY), sired by HTA Red Connection 743T, out of an HBC Powerdrive 406P daughter. Sold for $3,400 to Eric Linde, Hilbre. Consigned by Everview Charolais.

Lot 968, EVC CAPITALIZATION 6X (Polled/s, 94 lb. BW, 4.34 lb. ADG, 26 Milk EPD, 66.9 %LMY, 37.5 cm), sired by HTA Red Connection 743T, out of a

Pleasant Dawn Morgan 15S daughter. Sold for $3,400 to Eric Linde. Consigned by Everview Charolais.

Lot 973, EVC RED ERYTHROS 26X (Polled, Red Factor, .9 BW EPD, 80 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 38.5 cm), sired by HTA Red Connection 743T, out of an HBC Powerdrive 406P. Sold for $3,200 to Ken Daymond, Cypress River. Consigned by Everview Charolais.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 41
Hans Myhre purchased a herdbull Gord Nykoliation bought a calving ease herdbull Rae & Jim Olsen added a bull to their LEJ herd Manitoba Bull Test 47th Annual Sale
SALE UP $500
Kevin Boucher won the award for the high gaining bull



34 Yearling Bulls $130,550 $3,840


Elder Charolais cleaned out the calving barn, moved in some bleachers and had a very successful power point sale. The solid set of bulls with meat and growth were displayed just outside, in portable windbreak pens, with bulls selling to many repeat commercial customers and to breeders in two provinces. Volume buyers included the PFRA who took four for $13,600 & Colin Palmer who bought three for $9,400.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, ELDER'S SHERIFF 103X (Homozygous Polled, ET, 107 lb. BW, 876 lb. WW, 1,617 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Marshall 70P, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Diamond W Charolais, Hudson Bay.


160X (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 109 lb. BW, 26.2 MIlk EPD, 1,503 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an Elder's Mustang 382M daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Troy Gordon, Kisbey.

Lot 31, ELDER'S PRAVUANCE 187X (3rd Gen. Polled, -.8 BW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 22.7 Milk EPD), sired by MXS Optimum 813U, out of a GMC Rainman 1N daughter. Sold for 5,500 to Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale, MB.

Lot 6, ELDER'S SILVER BAR 113X (Double Polled/s, 86 lb. BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 1,626 lbs., 39 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an Elder's Cocoa 30P daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Bruce & Geraldine Gibb, Lintlaw.

Lot 4, ELDER'S SILVER SON 109X (.2 BW EPD, 27.2 Milk EPD, 1,548 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an MXS Mersyndol 211M daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Lloyd Elder, Coronach.

Lot 5, ELDER'S TOMMI UP 111X (1.2 BW EPD, 26.7 Milk EPD, 1,547 lbs., 38 cm), sired by MXS Optimum 813U,

out of a Chardel Frontier 852H daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Arlo Setrum, Coronach.

Lot 19, ELDER'S SILVER MOON 146X (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 115 lb. BW, 3.4 BW EPD, 1,505 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an Elder's Charismatic 845J daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Garnet Marin, Radville.

Lot 2, ELDER'S SILVER OLYMPIAN 106X (102 lb. BW, 25 Milk EPD, 1,465 lbs., 37 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an Elders Prairie Fire 783H daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Planz Farms, Coronach.

Saunders Bull Sale

Lot 5, JSR XTREME 21X (Polled, 99 lb. BW, 22.4 Milk EPD, 1,700 lbs., 41 cm), sired by SVY Freedom Pld 307N,

42 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Elder Charolais 1st Bull Sale March 31, 2011 • Coronach, SK Gross Jerry Kanewischer Sale Manager: By Livestock Troy Gordon selected the second high selling bull Don Railton added a herdbull to his DRD operation
Saunders Charolais 6th Annual Bull Sale April 2, 2011 • Keady, ON Gross Average 25 Yearling Bulls $101,200 $4,048 Auctioneer: Scott Kuhl Blockman: Tim Bullick Sale Consultant: Jack McCoubrey
Andemar herd
Saunders Charolais and added in
sale average
selling bulls
Geraldine & Bruce Gibb purchased a high seller Orland & Ivan Walker bought the high sellerLloyd Elder & Calvin Planz each bought
With the dispersal of the
last year,
is now just
were some Simmental
One Simmental. The
was up a whopping $1,100
five top
going to Ledbetter Charolais, Lockhart, TX from the Cattle In Motion online video. High
Chester Tupling & Gord Tomlinson teamed up on a bull


SALE OF THE SPRING Perrot-Martin Bull Sale

Perrot-Martin Charolais Annual Bull Sale

March 30, 2011 • Naicam, SK

Gross Average

16 Two Year Old Bulls $74,900 $4,681 39 3/4 Yearling Bulls 229,100 5,764 55 3/4 Lots $304,000 $5,453

The Perrot-Martin operation put up a Coverall building that will double as a calving barn and moved the sale to the farm. What a great move. If there is ever doubt about taking a sale to the farm, this should answer the questions. 14 more bulls were sold and the average rocketed up over $2,500 from last year. Nine bulls sold into purebred herds from four provinces and two states. Many commercial buyers took two or three of this high quality offering.

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Lot 60, KCM HUMMER 989W (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 1,880 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by RPJ Hummer 786R, out of a Shelco Bud 340N daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Lyle Martin, Broadview. Lot 63, RPJ COMMANDER 9119W (Double Polled, 105 lb. BW, 99 YW

EPD, 1,920 lbs., 30.5 cm), sired by Rosso Commander 4R, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Seven M Farms, Porupine Plain.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 19, RPJ CARRERA 53X (Double Polled, 95 lb. BW, 59 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1,580 lbs., 41.5 cm), sired by Whitecap Laredo 232T, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $30,000 for 3/4 interest to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite & Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB.

Lot 1, KCM PROWLER 2X (Double Polled, 91 lb. BW, -.4 BW EPD, 21.9 Milk EPD, 1,680 lbs., 38 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of a Baldridge Fasttrack 82F daughter. Sold for $19,000 for 3/4 interest to McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB and Kay-R Charolais, Waskateneau, AB.

Lot 20, RPJ MALKIN 61X (Double Polled, 98 lb. BW, 930 lb 205 DW, 108 YW EPD, 1,445 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by Whitecap Laredo 232T, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $10,000 for 3/4 interest to Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, ND.

Lot 23, RPJ SIDNEY CROSBY 37X (Polled, 107 lb. BW, 892 lb. 205 DW, 61

WW EPD, 111 YW EPD, 1,515 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Whitecap Laredo 232T, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $8,100 to ASF Cattle Co., Sylvania.

Lot 37, KCM SANCHEZ 7X (Double Polled, 91 lb. BW, -.3 BW EPD, 1,430 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $7,000 for 3/4 interest to Rambur Charolais, Sidney, MT.

Lot 5, KCM WARRIOR 20X (Double Polled, 104 lb. BW, 809 lb. 205 DW, 1,590 lbs., 36.5 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $6,200 for 3/4 interest to Pacamaniuk Bros., Minitonas, MB.

out of a JSR Just Right 39J daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Where Eagles Soar Charolais, Markdale.

Lot 16, JSR XENOS 2X (Polled, 89 lb. BW, -.8 BW EPD, 1,660 lbs., 41.5 cm), sired by LT Bluegrass 4017 P, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $5,900 to Ledbetter Charolais.

Lot 12, JSR XHALE 40X (Polled, 93 lb. BW, 1,580 lbs., 40 cm), sired by PCC Sudden Impact

848U, out of a JSR Just Right 38J daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Larry Moggy, Manitowaning. Lot 24, JSR XYLON 5X (Polled, 83 lb. BW, 23.6 Milk EPD, 1,435 lbs., 39 cm), sired by SVY Freedom Pld 307N, out of a JSR Trump 7N daughter. Sold for $4,900 to Rollin' Acres Charolais, Shelburne & Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood.

Charolais Banner • May 2011
Gary Rudychuk purchased five on order Rod McLeod came from Alberta and selected Prowler Michael Saufert bought a couple, including the second high selling two year old Andrew Tschetter selected the first three Charolais bulls for the Star City Farming Co-op Doug & Marianne Hunter teamed up with John Wilgenbusch on Carrera Many time repeat customers John & Ed Pacamaniuk bought again SAUNDERS BULL
Pat Palmer purchased the high selling bull

Harvie Ranching Bull Sale

Harvie Ranching 2nd Annual Bull Sale

March 28, 2011 • Olds, AB

Gross Average

21 Yearling Bulls $80,900 $3,842

2 Two Year Old Bulls 8,500 4,250

23 Lots $89,400 $3,887

Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

This was the second annual bull sale for the Harvies. A large crowd was on hand to select from an outstanding set of bulls. Bulls were sold right across Canada and into the U.S.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 9, HARVIE POUNDER 91X (Scurred, 108 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by Silver Stream Performer P38, out of a Harvie Jager 65J daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Joshua Hycamp, ND.

Lot 15, HARVIE TRIGGER 110X (Polled, Red Factor, 102 lb. BW, 35

cm), sired by Harvie Crystal D Trigger 35T, out of a Harvie Jager 65J daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Anchor J Charolais, Cochrane.

Lot 18, HARVIE RED VINANZA 88X (Scurred, Red Factor, 100 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by Winn Mans Vinaza 815U, out of a Harvie Redemption 36P. Sold for $5,500 to Hand Hills Ranching, Linden.

Lot 2, HARVIE EXPRESS 21X (Polled, Red Factor, 102 lb. BW, 37 cm), sired by Silver Stream Performer P38, out of a Harvie Mojo 115M daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Hand Hills Ranching.

Lot 19, HARVIE INVINCIBLE 73X (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 39 cm), sired by Winn Mans Vinaza 815U, out of a Harvie Redemption 36P. Sold for $4,000 to Jim Pulyk, Vermilion. Lot 10, HARVIE PERFORMER 94X

(98 lb. BW, 36 cm), sired by Silver Stream Performer P38, out of an LKPR Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for $4,000 to Doug Price, Acme.

High Selling Two Year Olds

Lot 22, HARVIE WESTERN 195W (Polled, 105 lb. BW, 45 cm), sired by Harvie Redemption 36P, out of a Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Lomond Grazing, Lomond.


Cattleman's Classic Bull Sale

sired by Dim Creek Revenue 430R, out of a Merit 77K daughter. Sold for $4,250 to Bruneau Charolais, Great Falls, MB. Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais, Virden.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Closed roads and snow hampered the attendance at this multi-breed sale. As a result the front end sold alright but we didn't have enough people to get all the bulls traded. Four Charolais breeders put forth a solid set of white, tan and red bulls for the buyers with bulls selling across the three prairie provinces with five bulls going to breed purebred females.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 61, BEAVER CREEK HARDCORE 299W (Polled, Double Red, 1.8 BW EPD, 2,185 lbs., 43.5 cm),

Lot 51, BEAVER CREEK XFIRE 266X (Double Polled, Double Red, 845 lb. WW, 86 YW EPD, 1,525 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Beaver Creek Torque 222T, out of a Merit 77K daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Lanoie Bros. Charolais, St. Victor, SK. Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais.

Lot 53, BEAVER CREEK XENOXX 23X (Double Polled, Red Factor, 98 lb. BW, 910 lb. WW, 1,545 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Beaver Creek Torque 222T, out of an EVC Hot King 24D daughter. Sold for $3,700 to White Pride Charolais, Melita. Consigned by Beaver Creek Charolais.

44 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Trent Abraham, Hand Hills Ranching bought 2 bulls
11th Annual Cattleman's Classic Bull Sale April 3, 2011 • Virden, MB Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $4,250 $4,250 11 Yearling Bulls 34,200 3,109 12 Lots $38,450 $3,204 Auctioneer: Ward Cutler
Jim Fenton added a new herdsire to his Anchor J operation Roger Lanoie came and bought two including the high seller Scott Murray selected a herdbull Bruneau Charolais purchased the high selling two year old


North of the 49th Bull Sale

8th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale April 4, 2011 • Halbrite, SK

Gross Average

8 Two Year Old Bulls $36,800 $4,600 53 3/4 Yearling Bulls 255,100 4,746

61 3/4 Lots $291,900 $4,727

Wilgenbusch Charolais had another great sale with a very strong commercial following willing to pay for this quality offering. 12 bull sold to purebred breeders in four provinces and four states. White, tan & red bulls offered something for everyone with Igenity and Leptin testing along with Ultrasound data providing as much information for the buyers as any sale. The two year old bulls sold steady all between $4,000 and $5,000. A great family supplying great hospitality rounded out this event.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 3, JWX THREE PEET 73X (Homozygous Polled, Double Red, 57 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 4.75 Marbling, 8 Tenderness, 44 cm), sired by Crystal D Pierce 40P, out of an MSW Y2K daughter. Sold for $11,500 for 3/4 interest to Langstaff Charolais, Wallaceburg, ON.

Lot 1, JWX BUCKLE 1X (3rd Gen. Polled, 92 lb. BW, -2.1 BW EPD, 26.7 Milk EPD, 4.35 Marbling, 1.405 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by JWK Silver Buckle 524U, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter. Sold for $10,000 for 3/4 interest to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB.

Lot 4, JWX XCLUSIVE 10X (Homozygous Polled, .8 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 67.23 %LMY, 1,596 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an RPJ Katz 519E daughter. Sold for $8,300 for 3/4 interest to Erixon Charolais, Lyleton, MB.

Lot 8, JWX MR REALITY 56X (Polled/s, 3rd Gen. Red, 842 lb. 205 DW, 63 WW EPD 107 YW EPD, 1,565 lbs., 40 cm), sired by JWX Reality Red 73U, out of an AJC Eldorado 6G daughter. Sold for $7,750 for 3/4 interest to Sandrose Charolais, Fort Qu'Appelle.

Lot 6, JWX COPPER KETTLE 718X (Double Polled, Double Red, 0 BW EPD, 24.9 Milk EPD, Leptin TT, 1,435 lbs. 39.5 cm), sied by SRK Solid 12U, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $6,600 for 3/4 interest to Elder Charolais, Coronach & Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale, MB.

Lot 10, JWX XCITING 871X (Double Polled, 78 lb. BW, -3.4 BW EPD, 1,383 lbs., 37 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Lang's Red Soldier 22S daughter. Sold for $6,600 for 3/4 interest to Chell Doud, Radville.

Lot 2, JWX ALEJANDRO 630X (Homozygous Polled, 1,437 lb. 365 DW, 23.4 Milk EPD, 16.5 REA, 43.5 cm), sired by Bar J Silverado 14S, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 ET P daughter. Sold for $6,000 for 3/4 interest to Perrot-Martin Charolais, Naicam.

Lot 13, JWX TOMAHAWK 505X (Polled, Double Red, 99 CE, -2.1 BW EPD, 1,489 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by

Lang's Red Soldier 22S, out of a Belmont's Indiana 9J daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Effertz Key Ranch, Velva, ND.

Lot 20, JWX BUCKLE UP 601X (3rd Gen. Polled/s, 82 lb. BW, -4.4 BW EPD, 28.6 Milk EPd, 1,442 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 ET P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Brevig Charolais, Lewistown, MT & Silver Spur Land & Cattle Co., Saratoga, WY.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 45
Kelly Langstaff took a red bull to Ontario Curtis Turnbull purchased a great heifer bull Kevin Erixon added a Silverado to his herd Kevin Caton bought a power tan bull Jeff Claffey selected five for the PFRA Mike Elder & Campbell Forsyth teamed up on a tan bull Rosemarie & John Perrot & Kevin Effertz both bought herdbulls Val & Gord Miller took a new herdbull back to Alberta


Souris Valley Bull Sale

Souris Valley Breeders Bull Sale

April 5, 2011 • Melita, MB

Gross Average

3 Two Year Old Bulls $7,800 $2,600 13 Yearling Bulls 33,700 2,593

16 Lots $41,500 $2,594

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler

Five area Charolais breeders and four Hereford breeders again teamed up for this sale. A quality offering was presented with good buying throughout and not enough buyers to take all the bulls. These breeders have turned out some top bulls in the past and it is unfortunate that more people don’t go looking here.

High Selling Two Year Old Bull

Lot 16, ERIXON'S ALPHA 74W (Polled/s Red Factor, 89 lb. BW, -.2 BW EPD, 2,125 lbs., 48 cm), sired by GDSF Red King 39M, out of a S$ Montana Silver daughter. Sold for

$3,000 to Marvin Goforth, Pierson. Consigned by Erixon Charolais, Lyleton. High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 15, ERIXON'S THUNDER 49X (Polled/s, Red Factor, 88 lb. BW, 22.9 Milk EPD, 1,490 lbs., 41 cm), sired by G. Bros Tempo 67T, out of a GDSF Red King 39M daugher. Sold for $3,500 to Ramsey & Halls Cattle Co., Sinclair. Consigned by Erixon Charolais. Lot 28, LTK MAGNUM 27X (Polled, 98 lb. BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 29.9 Milk EPD, 13 year old dam, 1,460 lbs., 38.5 cm), sired by SVS Nobleman 25N, out of an LTK Unlimited Cody 21A daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Garth & Barb Elliot, Pipestone. Consigned by LTK Cattle Co., Tilston.

Lot 10, ERIXON'S ERNIE 16X (Polled, Red Factor, -2.9 BW EPD, 840 lb. WW, 1,575 lbs., 40 cm), sired by G. Bros Tempo 67T, out of a GDSF Red King daughter. Sold for $3,000 to

S.E. Sask. Bull Sale

Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale.

April 9, 2011 • Langbank, SK Gross Average

23 1/2 Yearling Bulls $91,700 $3,902

Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Manager: By Livestock

Three area breeders brought out a strong set of bulls for this 37th Annual sale. The quality ran deep with good interest in the front end bulls but some good buying was done throughout. Square D Herefords sold seven two year old bulls to average $2,614 and six open commercial heifers to average $1,350.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 26, G. BROS ULTIMATE 918X (Homozygous Polled, 94 lb. BW, 1.8 BW EPD, 1,600 lbs., 42 cm), sired by JMB Dateline 754T, out of a 4-G Duramax 260R daughter. Sold for $25,500 for 3/4 interest to Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville; Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston & Charla Moore Farms, Redvers. Consigned by

Lot 9, MCTAVISH ENDEAVOR 63X (3rd Gen. Polled, 101 lb. bW, 888 lb. 205 DW, 97 YW EPD, 1,630 lbs., 40.5 cm), sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of a McTavish Silverado 74H daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Shawn Szafron, Moosomin. Consigned by McTavish Charolais, Moososmin.

Lot 7, MCTAVISH ADVANTAGE 4X (108 lb. BW, 812 lb. 205 DW, 96 YW EPD, 1,585 lbs., 40 cm), sired by Gilliland Diago 7R, out of a JDDM Night Life 728G daughter. Sold for $4,900 to Harvey McDougal, Moosomin. Consigned by McTavish Charolais.

Lot 32, ROCKING HEART POWER 11X (Double Polled, 860 lb. WW, 105 YW EPD, 1,510 lbs., 41 cm), sired by SVY Pilgrim Pld 655S, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB. Consigned by Gilliland Bros. Charolais.

Lot 13, MCTAVISH CUTTING EDGE 10X (3rd Gen. Pld, Red Factor, 834 lb. 205 DW, 1,430 lbs., 39 cm),

Repeat customer Harvey McDougal purchased another top selling bull

sired by Rolling D Design 730T, out of a Diamond R Red Knight 10N daughter. Sold for $3,600 to Mike & Cindy West, Langbank. Consigned by McTavish Charolais.

46 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Terry Colemans, Carnduff, SK. Consigned by Erixon Charolais. David Halls & Bonnie Ramsey teamed up on a high seller Garth & Barb Elliot purchased three including a high seller South East Sask. Breeders 37th Annual Bull Sale SALE TOPS AT $25,500 Shawn Szafron selected the second high selling bull Garner & Lori Deobald teamed up with Brock Evans & Jordan Moore on Ultimate


High Selling Two Year Old Bulls

Bull Sale

High Selling Yearling Bulls


April 6, 2011 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average

24 Two Year Old Bulls $104,400 $4,350 17 3/4 Yearling Bulls 63,600 3,583 41 3/4 Lots $168,000 $4,024

This long running sale was the best it has ever been. Rosso Charolais supply the two year old bulls and White Cap Charolais provide the yearlings. Solid commercial support from across the province and breeder interest from Alberta to Ontario pushed the average up at this video sale. The Red Angus sale was also steamy with 40 1/3 yearling bulls averaging $5,954 with a top of $30,000.

Lot 12, ROSSO PRIMETIME 38W (Polled, 2,010 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Rosso Tumoe 47P, out of a Rosso Rival 5L daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale.

Lot 23, ROSSO RELIANCE 81W (Polled, 75 YW EPD, 28 Milk EPD, 1,946 lbs., 42 cm), sired by Rosso Zephyr 27N, out of a Pleasantdawn Dblornot 71M daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Robert Stuart, Cabri.

Lot 1, ROSSO INNOVATOR 19W (Polled/s, 1/2 French, 51 WW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 930 lb. WW, 2,105 lbs., 39 cm), sired by DWK Till's Echo 3N, out of a Rosso New Horizon 8L daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Blaine Barnett, Moose Jaw.

Lot 27, WHITECAP INNOVATOR 48X (Polled, 95 lb. BW, .2 BW EPD, 1,510 lbs., 39.5 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a CJR Centerstage 52J daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek.

Lot 28, WHITECAP CREDIT 72X (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 950 lb. WW, 1,530 lbs., 38 cm), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $5,300 to Thistle Ridge Cattle Co., Taber, AB.

Lot 30, WHITECAP ENDEAVOR 122X (Polled, 1.2 BW EPD, 83 YW EPD, 1,455 lbs.), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Whitecap Justice 67R daughter. Sold for $4,500 to B Bar D Charolais, Mount Forest, ON.

Top Cut Bull Sale

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 21, CEDARLEA XPLOSIVE 44X (Polled, 97 lb. BW, -.4 BW EPD, 94 YW EPD sired by Sparrows Reno 824U, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $5,250 to Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek.

Chardel 206M daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Downie Lake Colony.

Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville and Wood River Charolais, McCord supply the Charolais bulls while three Red Angus breeders and one Gelbvieh breeder round out the offering. This year's sale was stronger with good commercial support from across the province.

Lot 7, CEDARLEA XCEPTION 11X (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 95 YW EPD), sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of a CSS Show Boat 5J daughter. Sold for $4,200 to Clint Marshall, Glentworth.

Lot 26, WOOD RIVER LANZA 136X (Polled, .6 BW EPD, 750 lb. 205 DW, 81 YW EPD), sired by Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U, out of a

Lot 11, CEDARLEA XPRESSO 23X (Polled/s, 112 lb. BW, 50 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD), sired by SOS Polled Detonator 8M, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Don Bochek, Hodgeville.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 47
White Cap/Rosso Charolais and Howe/Cockburn Reg Angus 21st Annual Bull Auctioneer: Brent Carey
UP $900
Stephen Wielgosz selected the high seller for their Creek'sEdge operation Ben Tams purchased the second high selling yearling for his Thistle Ridge herd Bev Rae bought Endeavor for his Ontario herd Bob & Robbie Stuart took the second high selling two year old
21st Annual Top Cut Bull Sale April 12, 2011 • Mankota, SK Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $2,000 $2,000 24 Yearling Bulls 78,950 3,290 25 Lots $80,950 $3,238 Auctioneer: Bruce Switzer
Greg Gilliland purchased the high selling two year old bull
Mike Litofer selected some top bulls for the Downie Lake Colony

Size Matters Bull Sale

5th Annual Size Matters Bull Sale

April 14, 2011 • Canora, SK

Gross Average

38 3/4 Yearling Bulls $133,250 $3,439

Auctioneer: Michael K. Fleury Sale Manager:

This sale has just gotten better each year. Three solid, sincere, breeding operations sold 11 more bulls and saw the average move up over $250. A strong repeat customer base combined with some new ones and purebred breeders from across the three prairie provinces helped make this the best sale yet by far. Hunter Charolais from Roblin, Manitoba, had half of the bulls, a powerful set and set the pace for the sale.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 1, HC X-PERIMENT 34X (3rd Gen. Polled, 100 CE, 84 lb. BW, -4.9 BW EPD, 24.1 Milk EPD, 1,410 lbs.,

38.5 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of an RDGC Kalamazoo 387F daughter. Sold for $7,500 for 3/4 interest to P-3 Charolais, Medicine Hat, AB.

Lot 15, HC X-MAN 40X (3rd Gen. Polled, 108 lb. BW, 23.3 Milk EPD, 1,540 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an A-Jay’s Mercury 73D daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Beck Farms, Lang.

Lot 6, HC X-CALIBUR 15X (106 lb. BW, 748 lb. 205 DW, 1,615 lbs., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter. Sold for $5,200 to Anton & Ingrid Kreutner, Roblin, MB.

Lot 19, HC X-PEDITION 52X (3rd Gen. Polled, 102 lb. BW, 801 lb. 205 DW, 1,540 lbs., 43 cm), sired by Elders Special Edition 835U, out of a Sparrow Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $5,100 to LEJ Charolais, Portage La Prairie, MB.

Lot 20, HC X-END 57X (Polled, 96 lb. BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 1,530 lbs., 37 cm), sired by SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, out of a Sparrows Vendetta 14H daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Allen McLeod, Claresholm, AB.

Lot 8, HC X-EMPT 20X (3rd Gen. Polled, 1.3 BW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 1,575 lbs., 40 cm), sired by DYV SVY Rio 17P, out of a CS Pld Junction 4J daughter. Sold for $4,900 to Jordan River Charolais, Arborfield.

Lot 17, HC X-LINE 47X (3rd Gen. Polled, 110 lb. BW, 1,530 lbs., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $4,500 to Gerry Roe, Millarville, AB.

Lot 10, HC X-RAY 23X (106 lb. BW, 83 YW EPD, 1,535 lbs., 36 cm), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an HC Riviera 510E daughter. Sold for $4,400 to DR Thul Farms, Drinkwater.

48 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Bob Herman purchased the high selling bull
and purchased Wade
added the second high sellerto their program
Glen Mangels consigned
Rae & Jim Olson added a herdsire to their LEJ herd TOP 10 SELLING BULLS IN CANADA, SPRING 2011 PRICEBULL’S NAME SELLER $31,000 CML Diablo 2X McLeod Livestock $30,000 RPJ Carrera 53X Perrot-Martin Charolais $25,500 G.Bros Ultimate 918X Gilliland Bros. Charolais $25,000 Winn Mans Skaggs Winn Man Farms $20,750 HTA Thor 92X HTA Charolais $19,000 KCM Prowler 2X Perrot-Martin Charolais $19,000 Sparrows Patriot 24X A. Sparrow Farms $14,000 Mr Louber Winner 817WLouber Farms $14,000 HBSF Express 77X High Bluff Stock Farm $13,750 HBSF Extra 2X High Bluff Stock Farm
Anton Kreutner bought a power bull

Cornerstone Bull Sale

Cornerstone 5th Annual Bull Sale

April 16, 2011 • Whitewood, SK Gross Average

18 Yearling Bulls $55,800 $3,100

Auctioneer: Brent Carey

Sale Manager: Doug Howe

Brimner Cattle Co., Manor presented a good set of white and tan yearling bulls that saw many local repeat customers support this decades old program. WRAZ Red Angus supplied two year old and yearling Red Angus bulls along with some purebred heifers and groups of commercial heifers. The whole sale was stronger than last year.

High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 133X, BRIMNER BULL 133X (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 93 YW EPD, 1,510 lbs., 41 cm), sired by KMAC Serio 32S, out of a Belmont’s Indiana 9J daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Lazy K Land & Cattle, Wawota.

Lot 46X, BRIMNER BULL 46X (Polled, .1 BW EPD, 22 Milk EPd, 1,520 lbs., 39 cm), sired by G.Bros Standout 8S, out of a Belmont's Indiana 9J daughter. Sold for $5,200 to John Wilson, Wawota.

Lot 135X, BRIMNER BULL 135X (Red Factor, 108 lb. BW, 791 lb. 205 DW, 1,400 lbs., 37 cm), sired by G.Bros Standout 8S, out of a Twin Birch Lad 7L daughter. Sold for $3,800 to Dwayne Bartok, Esterhazy.

Lot 70X, BRIMNER BULL 70X (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 50 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 1,450 lbs., 37.5 cm), sired by HBC Encore 834U, out of an EC No Doubt 2022 P daughter. Sold for $3,750 to Maurice Colleaux, Wauchope.

Lot 17X, BRIMNER BULL 17X (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 23 Milk EPD, 1,510 lbs., 42 cm), sired by HBC Encore 834U, out of a Silver Foxx Forever 34F daughter. Sold for $3,700 to Ross Petterson, Wawota.


Gary James DeRoo passed away March 16th following a brave battle with cancer. A celebrationof life was held on Monday, March 21, 2011, his birthday.

Gary was born March 21, 1947, the eldest child of Marcel and Mary (Jack) DeRoo. He grew up on the family farm in the Ruth district, northwest of Unity, SK. He attended Grades 1-8 at Ruth School and graduated at St. Thomas College in North Battleford. In 1968, he married the love of his life, Christine Serby of North Battleford. They had 42 wonderful years of married life. Together they raised 5 children: Carrie, James, Kathy, Tim and Joanne. They lived on the family farm until moving

into Unity in 2002.

Gary’s true love was always the cattle. Gary and his dad, Marcel, were impressed with the Charolais breed and imported their first cow from France in 1970, under the name DeRoolais Ranch. In later years, Gary formed a partnership with Lionel and Janet Schmidtz to form Bluewater Charolais. Many years were spent showing cattle throughout the province. He was one of the exhibitors at the first Agribition in 1971. The DeRoo family has many good memories of showing cattle, bull and female sales and the people associated with that throughout the years.

Gary enjoyed life to the fullest. He was passionate about volunteering, be it 4-H or Special Olympics. Gary loved curling, the Blue Jays and the Riders.

His true joy came from the pleasure and unconditional love he gave and received from his 12 grandchildren.

Gary is survived by his loving wife, Christine. He will be fondly remembered and sadly missed by his 5 children and 12 grandchildren: Carrie (Chad) Nicholas, Emma, Megan and Kalla of Milestone, SK; James (Sherri), Grady and Dylan of Calgary, AB; Kathy (Tyler) Huber, Zach, Karson and Clay of Aneroid, SK; Tim (Debra), Cameron, Kera and Peyton of Vermilion, AB; Joanne (Kyle) Down, Gavin of Lloydminster, SK. There are numerous extended family members and friends that will miss his happy ways.

Gary was predeceased by his two infant sons, Mark(1971) and Scott(1983); his parents, Mary and Marcel and his in-laws, Bill Serby and Dorothy Serby.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 49
SALE UP $800
John Wilson selected the second high seller Dwayne Bartok bought two Repeat customer Brent & Lynn Ketcheson purchased two top bulls
1947 – 2011
Gary Deroo

Bull Sales in Brief

Hill 70 Quantock “Barn Burnin” Bull Sale

Feb. 5, 2011 • Lloydminster, AB

Gross Average

29 Two Year Old Bulls $109,050 $3,760 29 Yearling Bulls 106,100 3,659

58 Lots $215,150 $3,709

Rawe Ranches Ltd 28th Annual Bull Sale

February 15, 2011 • Strome, AB


92 Two Year Old Bulls$422,050 $4,588

Maple Leaf Charolais Bull Sale

March 2, 2011 • Ponoka, AB


35 Bulls $107,450 $3,070

Calgary Bull Sale

March 3, 2011 • Calgary, AB


4 Yearling Bulls $9,600 $2,400

Lloydminster Bull Sale

March 7, 2011 • Lloydminster, SK


3 Two Year Old Bulls $13,400 $4,466 20 Yearling Bulls 68,500 3,425 23 Lots $81,900 $3,561

Valley Charolais Bull Sale March 10, 2011 • Armstrong, BC


22 Yearling Bulls $76,000 $3,460

Northern Classic Simmental & Charolais Bull Sale

March 11, 2011 • Grand Prairie, AB


10 Yearling Bulls $35,200 $3,520

Range Ready Bull Sale

March 12, 2011 • Yorkton, SK


17 Two Year Old Bulls $48,450 $2,850

Wawadash Farms Bull Sale

March 16, 2011 • Veteran, AB

Gross Average

33 Two Year Old Bulls $114,840 $3,480

Lanoie Brothers Charolais Bull Sale March 19, 2011 • Moose Jaw, SK


34 Yearling Bulls $75,550 $2,222

Double L Ranch & Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale

March 19, 2011 • Innisfail, AB


39 Yearling Bulls $140,750 $3,804

Sandan Charolais Bull Sale March 19, 2011 • Erskine, AB


6 Two Year Old Bulls $20,100 $3,350 17 Long Yearling Bulls 53,500 3,147 27 Yearling Bulls 91,700 3,396 50 Lots $165,300 $3,306

Stauffer’s Ranchers Select March 25, 2001, • Eckville, AB GrossAveraage

34 Yearling Bulls $112,750 $3,316

4 Two Year Olds 14,850 3,713 38 Lots $127,600 $3,358

Southland Breeders Bull Sale March 26, 2011 • Rockglen, SK


25 Yearling Bulls $58,750 $2,350

3 Two Year Old Bulls 8,400 2,800 28 Lots $67,150 $2,398

Murphy Livestock Charolais and Angus Bull Sale March, 27 2011 • Bonnyville, AB GrossAverage

17 Two Year Old Bulls $75,600 $4,447

North West Bull Sale

March 28, 2011 • North Battleford, SK GrossAverage

2 Two Year Old Bulls $5,800 $2,900

8 Yearling Bulls 26,550 3,319

10 Lots $32,350 $3,235

Vermilionaires Bull Sale

April 2, 2011 • Vermilion, AB GrossAverage

73 Two Year Old Bulls $290,250 $3,976

15 Yearling Bulls 41,150 2,743 88 Lots $331,400 $3,766

Maritime Bull Test Station

April 2, 2011 • Nappan, NS GrossAverage

21 Yearling Bulls $59,100 $2,814

Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale April 9, 2011 • Campbellford, ON GrossAverage

20 Yearling Bulls $52,000 $2,600

9 Open Heifers 14,850 1,650

29 Lots $66,850 $2,305

JTA Diamond Charolais Bull Sale April 12, 2011 • Moose Jaw, SK GrossAverage

5 Two Year Old Bulls $16,200 $3,240

6 Yearling Bulls 15,900 2,650

11 Lots $32,100 $2,918

Cedardale Charolais Bull & Heifer Sale April 16, 2011 • Nestleton, ON GrossAverage

23 Yearling Bulls $88,200 $3,835

12 Open Heifers 27,400 2,283

35 Lots $115,600 $3,303

2011 Quebec Test Station Results

Station Lots Gross Average

Lac St Jean 5 $21,300 $4,260

St Martin 36 100,476 2,791

Asbestos 1 20 37,800 1,890

Vinoy 8 16,752 2,094 Quyon 11 33,704 3,064

50 Charolais Banner • May 2011

Spring Bull Sale

Alameda Bull Sale 33 – $3,088 28 – 3/4 $3,040 33 – $3,088 28 3/4 – $3,040 $101,900 $87,400

Andemar & Saunders 1 – $3,400 1 – $2,100 27 – $2,961 29 – $2,947 $85,500

Saunders Bull Sale 25 – $4,048 25 – $4,048 $101,200

Asbestos 1 Bull Test Station 15 – $3,371 20 – $1,890 15 – $3,371 20 – $1,890 $49,550 $37,800

Asbestos 2 Bull Test Station 20 – $2,116 20 – $2,116 $42,325

Beck Farms Bull Sale 2 – $3,900 29 – $2,886 28 3/4 – $4,080 29 – $2,886 30 3/4 – $4,068 $83,700 $125,100

Best of the Breeds Bull Sale 4 – $3,425 15 – $3,070 22 – $3,355 15 – $3,070 26 – $3,365 $46,050 $87,500

Buffalo Lake Charolais 10 – $3,390 19 – $3,568 29 – $2,503 27 – $3,744 39 – $2,730 46 – $3,671 $106,500 $168,900

Calgary Bull Sale 18 – $4,700 6 – $2,608 4 – $2,400 24 – $4,177 4 – $2,400 $100,250 $9,600

Cattleman's Classic 2 –$2,650 1 – $4,250 18 1/4 –$2,923 11 – $3,109 20 1/4 –$2,896 12 – $3,204 $58,650 $38,450

Cedardale Charolais 25 – $3,192 23 – $3,835 25 – $3,192 23 – $3,835 $79,800 $88,200

Char-Maine Ranching 44 – $3,060 57 – $3,118 44 – $3,060 57 – $3,118 $131,600 $177,700

Charolais Power 70 – $3,568 76 – $3,550 15 – $3,800 18 – $4,805 85 – $3,620 94 – $3,790 $307,800 $356,100

Clear Lake Annual Sale 3 – $2,883 16– $2,493 19 – $2,547 $48,400

Cornerstone Annual Sale 16 – $2,253 18 – $3,100 16– $2,253 18 – $3,100 $36,050 $55,800

CSS Charolais 5 – $3,460 31 2/3 – $3,183 34 – $3,533 31 2/3 – $3,183 39 – $3,573 $100,800 $139,350

JTA Diamond Charolais 5 – $3,240 9 –$2,250 6 – $2,650 9 –$2,250 11 – $2,918 $20,250 $32,100

Diamond W Charolais 1 – $2,750 1 – $2,000 3 – $3,350 23 – $2,491 28 – $3,104 25 – $2,482 31 – $3,127 $62,050 $96,950

Dim Creek Farms Sale 2 – $2,400 1 $2,200 3 – $2,333 $7,000

Double L Ranch 34 – $2,810 39 – $3,804 34 – $2,810 39 – $3,804 $95,550 $140,750

Eastern Select Sale 1 – $2,500 10 – $2,395 20 – $2,600 11 – $2,404 20 – $2,600 $26,450 $52,000

Elder Charolais 34 – $3,840 34 – $3,840 $130,550

Family Tradition Bull Sale 1 – $2,500 5 – $2,460 7 – $3,286 38 1/2 – $3,118 41 1/4 – $3,776 44 1/2 – $3,030 48 1/4 – $3,705 $134,850 $178,750

Forsyth & Tee M Jay 2 – $2,900 32 2/3 – $2,994 42 – $2,931 32 2/3 – $2,994 44 – $2,930 $97,800 $128,900

Gerrard Cattle Co. Sale 2 – $3,000 7 – $3,671 9 – $3,522 $31,700

Harvie Ranching Sale 3 – $3,200 2 – $4,250 27 – $3,377 21 – $3,842 30 – $3,366 23 – $3,878 $101,000 $89,200

HEJ Charolais Sale 35 – $2,715 43 3/4 – $3,659 35 – $2,715 43 3/4 – $3,659 $95,050 $160,100

High Country Breeders 22 – $3,560 24 – $3,541 20 – $2,910 18 – $3,650 42 – $3,255 42 – $3,588 $136,650 $150,700 Hill 70 Quantock 20 – $3,628 29 – $3,760 22 – $3,289 29 – $3,659 42 – $3,450 58 – $3,709 $144,900 $215,150

Hi-Weigh Breeders 5 – $2,820 46 1/2 – 3,659 50 1/2 – $4,627 51 1/2 – $3,578 50 1/2 – $4,627 $184,250 $233,600

Horseshoe E Charolais 11 – $3,473 8 – $4,450 34 – $3,303 40 2/3 – $4,175 45 – $3,344 48 2/3 – $4,221 $150,500 $205,400

Impact Bull Sale 1 – $4,000 5 – $3,040 19 – $2,603 23 3/4 – $2,602 24 3/4 – $2,774 23 3/4 – $2,602 $68,650 $61,800

Lac St-Jean Test Station 9 – $3,311 5 – $4,260 9 – $3,311 5 – $4,260 $29,800 $21,300

Lanoie Bros. Annual 3 – $2,400 32 – $1,998 34 – $2,222 35 – $2,033 34 – $2,222 $71,150 $75,550

Lloydminster Bull Sale 5 – $2,760 3 – $4,466 24 – $3,166 20– $3,425 23 – $3,561 $88,900 $81,900

Louber Farms 34 2/3 – $4,119 29 2/3 – $3,473 34 2/3– $4,119 29 2/3 – $3,473 $142,800 $103,050

Maple Leaf Annual Sale 36 – $2,954 35 – $3,070 8 – $2,494 44 – $2,870 35 – $3,070 $126,300 $107,450

Maritime Test Station Sale 18 – $2,136 21 –$2,814 18 – $2,136 21 –$2,814 $38,450 $59,100

MB (Douglas) Bull Test 11 – $2,164 18 2/3 – $2,689 11 – $2,164 18 2/3 – $2,689 $23,800 $50,200

Merit Pasture Power 36 – $3,701 36 – $3,701 $133,250

Murphy Livestock Bull Sale 24 – $2,908 17 – $4,447 24 – $2,908 17– $4,447 $69,800 $75,600

Neilson Cattle Co. Bull Sale 15 – $2,440 15 – $2,440 $36,550

New Country & Guests 1 – $3,000 2 – $5,550 32 – $3,684 33 3/4 – $4,786 33 – $3,663 35 3/4 –$4,829 $120,900 $172,650

North Central AB Breeders 9 – $3,233 17 – $3,765 18 – $2,766 26 3/4 – $3,940 27– $2,922 43 3/4 – $3,872 $78,900 $169,400

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) 11 3/4 – $4,145 8– $4,600 44 1/2 – $4,203 53 3/4 – $4,746 56 1/4 – $4,191 61 3/4 – $4,727 $234,700 $291,900

North West All Breeds 2 – $290 8 – $2,556 8 – $3,319 8– $2,556 10 – 3,235 $20,450 $32,350

Northern Alliance 2 – $3,950 33 1/2 – $3,274 32 – $3,341 33 1/2 – $3,274 34 – $3,376 $109,675 $114,800

Northern Classic Bull Sale 15– $2,897 10 – $3,520 15 – $2,897 10 – $3,520 $43,450 $35,200

Northern Power Pac 5 – $3,150 5 – $3,150 $15,750

P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. 39 – $4,671 39 – $4,671 $182,200

P Bar 3 Charolais 1 – $3,100 16 – $3,737 50 – $2,510 56 – $3,105 51 – $2,523 72 – $3,245 $128,700 $233,700

Perrot-Martin Charolais 12 – $3,500 16 – $4,681 29 3/4 – $2,728 39 3/4 – $5,764 41 3/4 – $2,950 55 3/4 – $5,453 $123,150 $304,000

Pleasant Dawn 6 2/3 – $3,420 3 – $3,233 36 – $3,713 44 1/3 – $3,768 42 2/3 – $3,667 47 1/3 – $3,734 $156,450 176,750

Quyon Bull Test Station 12 – $2,996 11 – $3,064 12 – $2,996 11 – $3,064 $35,950 $33,704

Range Ready Bull Sale 17 – $2,850 17 – $2,850 $48,450

Rawes Ranches 86 – $3,656 92 – $4,588 86 – $3,656 92 – $4,588 $314,400 $422,050

Regina Bull Sale 5 – $3,060 2 – $3,550 36 – $3,057 15 – $3,850 41 – $3,057 17 – $3,797 $125,350 $64,550

Rollin Acres & Patton Charolais 4 – $3,575 21 – $3,788 25 – $3,754 $93,850

Rudiger Ranch FinalÈ 3 – $5,083 6 – $3,833 2– $1,850 11 – $3,814 $41,950

Sask. Breeders




$82,200 $91,700

Charolais Banner • May 2011 51
26 –
23 1/2 –
26 – $3,162 23
– $3,902
2011 Charolais
Statistics MATURE BULLS TWO-YEAR-OLDS YEARLINGS TOTAL SALE GROSS (no. – average $) (no. – average $) (no. – average $) (no. – average $) (Bulls Only) Sales 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

2011 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics

MATURE BULLS TWO-YEAR-OLDS YEARLINGS TOTAL SALE GROSS (no. – average $) (no. – average $) (no. – average $) (no. – average $) (Bulls Only) Sales 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011

Sandan Charolais

1 –$4,500 15 –$2,673 23 – $3,200 34 3/4 –$3,063 27 – $3,396 50 3/4 $2,961 50 – $3,306 $149,150 $165,300 Saint-Martin Bull Test Stn 27 – $3,285 36 – $2,791 27 – $3,285 36 – $2,791 $88,700 $100,476 Saint-Odile 1 Bull Test Stn 9 – $3,222 9 – $3,222 $29,000

Size Matters Annual Sale 28 –≠ $3,163 38 3/4 – $3,439 28 – $3,163 38 3/4 – $3,439 $88,550 $133,250

Souris Valley Breeders

Southland Breeders

5 – $2,890 3 – $2,600 23 – $2,371 13 – $2,593 28 – $2,464 16 – $2,594 $69,000 $41,500

2 – $2,000 3 – $2,800 20 – $2,495 25 – $2,350 22 – $2,450 28 – $2,398 $53,900 $67,150

A. Sparrow Farms

3 – $2,717 4 – $3,713 26 – $2,825 34 – $3,316 29 – $2,793 38 – $3,358 $81,000 $127,600

2 – $2,950 2 – $3,300 40 3/4 – $6,163 48 – $4,854 42 3/4 – $6,013 50 – $4,792 $257,050 $239,600 Stauffer (Ranchers Select)

Tip The Scale Bull Sale 19 – $4,631 19 – $4,631 $88,000

Transcons Mountain View Bull Sale 12 – $3,813 8 – $4,906 20 – $4,250 $85,000

Top Cut Bull Sale

2 – $2,800 1 – $2,000 26 – $2,388 24 – $3,290 28 – $2,418 25– $3,238 $67,700 $80,950

Valley Charolais Bull Sale 1 – $3,700 29 – $2,678 22 – $3,460 30 – $2,712 22 – $3,460 $81,350 $76,000

Vermillionaires Group 65 – $2,893 73 – $3,976 7– $2,164 15 – $2,743 72 – $2,828 88 – $3,766 $203,200 $331,400

Vinoy Bull Test Station 10 – $2,475 8 – $2,094 10 – $2,475 8 – $2,094 $24,750 $16,752

Wawedash Farms 33 – $3,480 33 – $3,480 $114,840

White Cap/Rosso 28 – $2,479 24 – $4,350 10 3/4 – $4,516 17 3/4 – $3,583 38 3/4 – $3,044 41 3/4 – $4,024 $117,950 $168,000

White Is Right Bull Sale 35 – $2,920 35 – $2,920 $105,350 Winn Man Farms Bull Sale 5 – $4,070 33 – $2,595 44 – $3,431 33 – $2,595 49 – $3,496 $85,650 $171,300

GROSS Dollars $ $32,400 $8,500 $1,763,250 $2,503,340 $5,002,650 $5,934,432 $6,734,050 $8,445,972 LOTS-Average 8-$4,050 3-$2,833 546 11/12-$3,227 645-$3,881 1597 1/4-$3,097 1652 1/2-$3,592 2151 2/3-$3,130 2300 1/12-$3,672

Sales Averages

Up More Than $700

Perrot-Martin Charolais $2,503

Murphy Livestock Bull Sale $1,539

Beck Farms Bull Sale $1,182

New Country & Guests $1,166

Hi-Weigh Breeders $1,049

Double L Ranch $994

White Cap/Rosso $980

North Central AB Breeders $950

Lac St-Jean Test Station $949

HEJ Charolais Sale $944

Buffalo Lake Charolais $941

Vermillionaires Group $938

Rawes Ranches $932

Winn Man Farms Bull Sale $901 Horseshoe E Charolais $877

Cornerstone Annual Sale $847

Top Cut Bull Sale $820

Valley Charolais Bull Sale $748

Regina Bull Sale $740

S.E. Sask. Breeders $740

P Bar 3 Charolais $722

Two-Year-Old Averages Over $3,700

New Country & Guests $5,550

Perrot-Martin Charolais $4,681

P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. $4,671

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) $4,600

Rawes Ranches $4,588

Lloydminster Bull Sale $4,466 Horseshoe E Charolais $4,450

Murphy Livestock Bull Sale $4,447

White Cap/Rosso $4,350 Harvie Ranching Sale $4,250 Cattleman's Classic $4,250

Winn Man Farms Bull Sale $4,070

Vermillionaires Group $3,976

Northern Alliance $3,950

Beck Farms Bull Sale $3,900

Transcons Mountain View Bull Sale $3,813 North Central AB Breeders $3,765 Hill 70 Quantock $3,760 P Bar 3 Charolais $3,737 Stauffer (Ranchers Select) $3,713

Sales with 40+ Lots

Charolais Power 94 Rawes Ranches 92

Vermillionaires Group 88 P Bar 3 Charolais 72 North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) 61 3/4 Hill 70 Quantock 58 Char-Maine Ranching 57 Perrot-Martin Charolais 55 3/4 Hi-Weigh Breeders 50 1/2 Sandan Charolais 50 A. Sparrow Farms 50

Winn Man Farms Bull Sale 49 Horseshoe E Charolais 48 2/3

Family Tradition Bull Sale 48 1/4 Pleasant Dawn 47 1/3 Buffalo Lake Charolais 46

Forsyth & Tee M Jay 44

HEJ Charolais Sale 43 3/4

North Central AB Breeders 43 3/4

High Country Breeders 42 White Cap/Rosso 41 3/4

Perrot-Martin Charolais


Transcons Mountain View Bull Sale $4,906

A. Sparrow Farms $4,854

Charolais Power $4,805

New Country & Guests $4,786

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) $4,746

Tip The Scale Bull Sale $4,631

Hi-Weigh Breeders $4,627

Lac St-Jean Test Station $4,260

Horseshoe E Charolais $4,175

Beck Farms Bull Sale $4,080

Saunders Bull Sale $4,048

North Central AB Breeders $3,940

S.E. Sask. Breeders $3,902

Regina Bull Sale $3,850

Harvie Ranching Sale $3,842

Elder Charolais $3,840

Cedardale Charolais $3,835

Double L Ranch $3,804

Rollin Acres & Patton Charolais $3,788

Family Tradition Bull Sale $3,776

Pleasant Dawn $3,768

Buffalo Lake Charolais $3,744

HEJ Charolais Sale $3,659

Hill 70 Quantock $3,659

High Country Breeders $3,650

White Cap/Rosso $3,583

CSS Charolais $3,533

Northern Classic Bull Sale $3,520

52 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Yearling Averages Over $3,500

Sales Grossing $130,000 +

Rawes Ranches $422,050

Charolais Power $356,100

Vermillionaires Group $331,400

Perrot-Martin Charolais $304,000

North of the 49th (Wilgenbusch) $291,900

A. Sparrow Farms $239,600

P Bar 3 Charolais $233,700

Hi-Weigh Breeders $233,600 Hill 70 Quantock $215,150 Horseshoe E Charolais $205,400

P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. $182,200

Family Tradition Bull Sale $178,750

Char-Maine Ranching $177,700

Pleasant Dawn $176,750

New Country & Guests $172,650

Winn Man Farms Bull Sale $171,300

North Central AB Breeders $169,400

Buffalo Lake Charolais $168,900

White Cap/Rosso $168,000 Sandan Charolais $165,300

HEJ Charolais Sale $160,100

High Country Breeders $150,700

Double L Ranch $140,750

CSS Charolais $139,350

Size Matters Annual Sale $133,250 Elder Charolais $130,550

$5,483,175 2005 64 3 $2,400 644 1/2 $2,858 1088 5/12 $2,657 1735 11/12 $2,739 $4,754,928

2004 67 3 $2,367 589 $2,427 1159 1/2 $2,390 1751 1/2 $2,403 $4,208,325

2003 69 3 $3,583 799 3/4 $2,968 1389 $2,826 2202 5/6 $2,877 $6,338,363

2002 76 9 $3,161 961 $3,204 1667 5/6 $3,095 2637 5/6 $3,114 $8,215,407

2001 71 11 $3,391 1084 $3,596 1801 $3,087 2896 1/12 $3,272 $9,476,325

2000 73 3 $3,467 971 $3,216 1521 1/4 $2,752 2495 1/4 $2,935 $7,323,043

1999 61 9 $3,092 928 $2,851 1325 1/2 $2,486 2262 1/2 $2,638 $5,968,094 1998 66 10 $3,445 912 $2,884 1545 1/4 $2,534 2467 1/4 $2,667 $6,580,454 1997 62 13 1/4 $4,925 1038 3/4 $2,756 1383 1/2 $2,503 2434 1/2 $2,624 $6,388,423 1996 73 11 1/4 $3,053 1091 $2,436 1587 2/3 $2,338 2682 11/12 $2,381 $6,386,758 1995 76 11 $3,152 1139 $2,901 2019 1/3 $2,521 3169 1/3 $2,660 $8,429,677 1994 77 16 $2,734 1287 $3,122 1487 1/4 $2,872 3084 1/4 $2,884 $8,893,468 1993 87 14 $3,043 1337 $2,736 1773 $2,479 3294 $2,593 $8,543,440 1992 81 31 $2,889 1382 1/4 $2,577 1503 $2,255 3151 1/4 $2,396 $7,550,565 1991 78 11 $2,543 1325 1/4 $2,592 1482 1/4 $2,296 2936 1/4 $2,500 $7,340,941 1990 71 22 $2,645 1315 3/4 $2,839 1407 1/2 $2,408 2745 1/4 $2,616 $7,181,960 1989 65 12 1/2 $3,304 1335 1/8 $2,817 1167 7/8 $2,484 2574 1/2 $2,662 $6,854,090 1988 60 22 $3,040 1179 $2,943 1154 $2,468 2354 $2,742 $6,453,080 1987 52 21 $3,154 1286 $2,572 880 $2,284 2223 $2,513 $5,586,000 1986 46 32 $2,150 1212 $2,396 664 $2,019 1941 $2,314 $4,491,650 1985 52 39 $2,642 1141 $2,302 714 $1,889 2399 3/4 $2,201 $5,280,900 1984 44 37 $2,098 1112 1/2 $2,633 671 1/4 $2,121 1829 1/2 $2,521 $4,611,675 1983 38 20 1/2 $2,832 857 $2,739 398 $2,391 1122 1/3 $2,473 $3,686,050 1982 27 15 $2,898 714 1/4 $2,203 224 $2,066 1,391 3/4 $2,648 $2,775,600

2011 Spring Bull Sale Summary

Highest Overall Average in 30 years!

According to statistics, the 2011 overall sale average was the highest in the 30 years that the Charolais Banner has been compiling bull sale results.

There were 68 sales reporting in 2011 with the overall average up $542 and 148 2/5 more lots selling. Total gross sales were up by $1,711,925.

A quick overview shows 30 sales up over $300 in average and 14 sales grossing more than $130,000. There were 21 sales selling more than 40 lots. 66% of all sales reporting

had an overall increase in average from 2010 total sale average.

Mature bulls were down in average by $1217 with only 5 less selling in 2011.

There were 98 7/12 more two-year-old bull lots selling in 2011 with an increase in average of $654. There were 35 sales, with two-year olds selling, that had a two-year old average above $3000.

There were 56 5/6 more yearling lots selling in 2011, realizing an increase in average of $495. Of all the sales with yearling

bulls selling, 47 of the yearling sales averaged over $3000.

Bull Sale Chart Notes:

•Statistics are from fall 2010 sales with more than 10 bulls and spring 2011 bull sales

•No U.S. bull sales are included in the chart.

•The sales with fall long-yearlings were treated as two year old bulls.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 53 30 Year (1982-2011) Charolais Bull Sale Trends MATURE BULLS TWO-YEAR-OLDS YEARLINGS TOTALLOTS SALE Year # of Sales No. Average No. Average No. Average No. Average GROSS
2011 68 3 $2,833 645 $3,881 1652 1/2 $3,592 2300 1/2 $3,672 $8,445,975 2010 69 8 $4,050 546 5/12 $3,227 1597 1/4 $3,092 2151 2/3 $3,130 $6,734,050 2009 70 1 $4,000 606 $3,288 1552 13/60 $3,223 2158 13/60 $3,242 $6,999,675 2008 68 3 $5,783 565 1/2 $3,076 1495 7/12 $2,905 2072 4/5 $2,933 $6,079,275 2007 65 4 1/2 $5,011 544 3/4 $3,330 1433 7/10 $2,820 1983 19/20 $2,964 $5,879,625 2006 66 4 $2,988 557 $3,101 1277 11/12 $2,930 1838 11/12 $2,982

CCYA Essay Winners

An Unforgettable C.C.Y.A.


– Shelby Evans, Kenaston, SK Junior – $125

When the bell rings on the last day of school, the first thought to cross my mind is “Only a few more weeks until C.C.Y.A.” Each year C.C.Y.A. is my favorite event of the summer and I have loved every conference. I have been attending since 2004 and I have had a great time at every conference, but my all-time favorite show and conference was in Olds, Alberta, in 2008. I was ten years old and had a blast!

One of my favorite memories of the Olds Conference was the Mixer. Every year I love the mixer, but this year it was the best! There were so many events and everyone had a chance to participate. My favorite events were the messy but fun ones One of them had us applying whipped cream, shaving cream and chocolate syrup onto other people’s faces. A more challenging event involved people putting fizzy candies into their mouths and then taking a sip of Sprite. You then had to hold that in your mouth as long as possible.

The mixer was awesome, but even better was the rodeo! It included some of the most terrifying and thrilling moments of my life! The rodeo was so much fun, but for eight seconds I was scared to death. I will never forget that night when a big black bull rolled out of a stock trailer and I met my worst enemy: the horned, black mechanical bull. I dreaded the moment someone would ask me to ride the bucking beast. After a lot of encouragement from my ‘friends’, I got onto my enemy. The next eight seconds were a blur as I held on for my life as the bull rocked back and forth. To my surprise, it was actually a lot of fun! After this, we roped some longhorn steer. I had never roped before, so it was quite a challenge.

My partner and I had no luck in roping any of the steers until we spotted a slow and sick one and walked up to him and slipped the rope right over his head. That’s smart cowboy work!

The C.C.Y.A. Conference in Olds was an amazing week packed with tons of fun. I loved every second of it and it will always be unforgettable to me. I can’t wait for the next C.C.Y.A. to start because I know it will once again be a blast!

CCYA Conference and Show – Tyson Black, Foresters Fall, ON Junior – $75

I belong to CCYA which means Canadian Charolais Youth Association. This is a group of young people under the age of 21 who like Charolais cattle. Do you know what Charolais cattle look like? They are the cows in the field that are all white from head to tail. My family raises Charolais cattle in Foresters Falls.

Last July I went to CCYA camp in Peterborough, Ontario. We packed the truck full of feed and clothes and loaded the trailer with 8 cows. My sister Courtney, mom, dad and I all got into the truck to start our long drive. We were off for a week of fun.

When we got to Petergborough we unloaded everything. The camp was at the fairgrounds. We were put into groups with 6 other kids from across Canada. Ben was from Alberta, Alberta was from Toronto, Haylen was from Manitoba. What a mix of people! In total I think there were 100 kids at the camp.

First we had a mixer to meet all the other kids. We were split into new groups and did relay races that got everyone wet and dirty. It was so much fun. At the end we had to make someone look like a cow with shaving cream, chocolate syrup and toilet paper.

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to go feed and wash the cows. My sister Courtney dislocated her knee on the very first morning while feeding grain. She spent the rest of the morning in the hospital while we finished up chores. We split into groups and had to judge bull calves and yearling heifers.

There were four animals in each class and we had to place them in order from best to worst. We gave reasons why we placed them in the chosen order. I even had to say my reasons to the judge. After we went to dance class with Amy. She tried to teach us to two step, but it didn’t work.

The next morning I paired up with my new best friend Wyatt. We had to make something to sell to the judge in the marketing competition. We made a drawing of a farm with all the buildings, tractors and a pond with fish. We walked up to the judge and told him all about the farm and the benefits of owning it. We placed second in our age group. The judge liked our excitement so much that he mentioned it at supper to everyone at camp.

Each night for supper we got on a bus and went to different farms to eat and do other activities. At one farm we judged cows and at the other farm we judged steers. I’m not really good at judging yet.

On Friday morning we showed our cows in showmanship class. Since we were the youngest we had to wait all morning to go into the showring. I took in 6U and she behaved like a puppy dog. Everyone was amaged by how well she behaved. I came in first. The judge left right after the show and came up to Beachburg Fair. She saw my grandma and grandpa and told them she had judged this little kid that thought he knew it all. Sometimes a little confidence goes a long way.

I made a magazine advertisement for Blackbern Farm with coloured paper and pictures. I got first.

We had a banquet on Saturday

54 Charolais Banner • May 2011

night where they gave out the prizes. I took in a big haul, 2 blankets, a suitcase and a clock. I had a great time. There was a dance after but I was too tired to party. We went back to the hotel and had crazy people set off fireworks outside our window.

While we were at camp I turned 8. They bought a cake and had a birthday party.

The last day we went back to the barn and got our cattle and stuff. We went home tired but happy. The Best C.C.Y.A. Conference Ever –Calina Evans, Kenaston, SK Junior – $50 CCYA conferences are always a good time. Even though I just turned ten, I have many years of memories already. The best ones are from when I was still too young to even register. I was a tag-along and it was great!

In the July of 2004, C.C.Y.A. was held in Cold Lake, Alberta. I was only four and did not know what to expect. We drove through rain and storms and arrived in the dark. It was the first big road trip for mom and us girls. I wondered why we came.

The first morning at the barns everyone was talking to me, and treating me like they already knew me. I met two new girls who looked around my age, so we hung out together. Soon I learned their names: Lee-Ann Demers and Mackenzie Schnulle. We stuck together the whole week and still talk, laugh and hang out when we see each other. Lee-Ann introduced me to Erin Murphy, who was much older than us, and we had lots of fun. She entertained us the whole conference and took a million pictures of us. We even got to act like models for her. She made crafts with us and gave us snacks.

One night at the conference, we went to the beach to swim. It was exciting, but I know why they call it ‘Cold Lake’. Lee-Ann and I played in the sand and saw two boys run into poison ivy and came out screaming ‘itchy, itchy, itchy!’ It was hilarious.

Before I left Cold Lake, Erin Murphy gave me a photo album with all of the pictures of the things we did. Once we got home, I got a huge package in the mail. It was a box of sea shells form Erin, and I still have it. These memories will always be a special part of my C.C.Y.A. experiences. Now I’m older and compete in all of the events. I have a great time at every conference, but you just can’t beat that first year. Showing cows and doing chores are alright, but friends and fun are what really make CCYA the best part of every summer.

Beef Production in Canada and Australia – Shae-Lynn Evans, Kenaston, SK Intermediate – $200

Australia and Canada are two very well known countries in beef production. Both countries are spoken highly of when it comes to exporting and marketing beef. Many of our practices are similar, but there are a few surprising differences that most people don’t know.

To most people, Canada, especially the prairies, is known for agriculture and cattle production. Across Canada there are 4.65 million beef cows that produce 3.6 billion pounds of beef per year. In Australia there are 13.5 million beef cows which produce 4.2 billion pounds of beef per year. Canada exports forty-nine percent of its total beef and cattle produced. It is the sixth largest beef exporter in the world, producing 2.1 percent of the world’s beef supply. Australia exports sixty-seven percent of its total beef production and is the second largest beef producer in the world. Australia provides 3.5 percent of the world’s beef supply. Australia has a larger beef herd than Canada and exports a larger percentage of the beef they produce.

On average, Canadians eat approximately 47.2 pounds of beef per person per year, whereas Australians eat 71.5 pounds of beef per person per year. That is really supporting the beef

industry! The herds in Canada range a lot in size, with the average being sixty-one head. Herds are based on Bos Taurus breeds (Charolais, Angus, Simmental, Hereford, etc.). Australia’s cattle herds are typically smaller. There are many people who just have cattle as pets, and only have ten cows, though there are large ranches in Queensland. Australian herds are made up of Bos indicus-cross cattle in the more arid regions. This helps to lengthen the life expectancy of the cattle in hot dry areas. Northern regions consist of more traditional Bos Taurus beef breeds.

Much like Canada, Australia is very dependent on the American dollar and economy. When the American dollar is low, trade and exports suffer in other countries, but when the American dollar is higher, our exports, including beef, benefit.

Throughout times of BSE, Canada’s market suffered immensely. However, Australia, which has a very negligible risk of BSE benefited from the disease. When America limited trade with Canadians, they turned to Australia. Australia also captured much of the Japanese beef imports.

Although the beef industries in Australia and Canada are similar in some ways, the differences they have result from their different climates, market conditions, economic factors, consumer preferences, and the world trade policies that affect them.

Ultimately, every country’s beef producers are driven by the economics of the cattle industry and will strive to produce what is in demand by their consumers.

Canadian Beef Production vs Brazilian – Courtney Black, Foresters Fall, ON

Intermediate – $100 Brazil and Canada are both major producers of beef cattle. There are similarities between the two countries, but there are also many differences.

One of the bigger differences is the number of cattle in each country.

Charolais Banner • May 2011 55

Brazil feeds around 165 million head of cattle, where as Canada feeds only around 4.8 million head. Brazil’s number of beef cattle is so high because Brazil has seen an increase in their productivity, due to the improvement in animal genetics through the use of cross breeding programs in the Center West Region. Brazil has increased its national herd size 24% since 1994.

Brazil’s exports have also expanded over 450% in volume and 385% in value. This change happened because of the availability of natural resources and the favourable exchange rate.

Another difference between the productivity of the two countries is how the cattle are raised. In Brazil the cattle are almost all raised on grass pasture because of the weather. The cattle are raised on three types of beef operations; grass-fed small enterprises which are less than 500 head/year, medium specialized operations which are over 1000 head/year, and grainfed/grass-fed large commercialized beef operations. When the grass pastures are too dry, depending on the season, farmers switch to corn or soybean meal to replace grass. Only 4% of cattle that are killed per year get fattened in feedlots. Most cattle are sold directly to slaughter houses from the farm.

The cattle in Brazil after being raised almost their whole lives on grass pasture are slaughtered at the age of 4, whereas compared to Canada the slaughter age is just 2 years.

In Canada, the cattle are raised differently as the seasons change. The cattle are normally bred in June and July so that they will be born in March or April. The farmers breed their cattle like that so that the calves aren’t kept out in the cold winters.

Also, in Canada there is a process called “Backgrounding”. This is where they take the smaller calves and feed them high forage feeds, to increase their weight to approximately 350 kg. At least one half of calves produced in Canada, are backgrounded before they start on a high energy feedlot finishing program. After weaning, the smaller calves that were being backgrounded are fed forages and grain through the winter in order to

gain weight at 680 grams to 1 kg per day. In the spring the smaller of the calves are sent to feedlots to gain weight at a rate of 1.2-1.4 kg per day. The larger calves are moved into feedlots and are fed high energy and high grain feed rations. The feedlots in Canada range in size from a few hundred head capacity to very modern operations feeding over 40,000 at one time.

Another difference between the two countries is the cost of production. The costs in Brazil are estimated to be 50% lower than in Canada. The costs are so much lower because of the differences in weather conditions. Brazil doesn’t need as many facilities (barns) because of the hot weather all the time. They also don’t need to switch the feeding system when the seasons change. Brazil can continue growing crops all year round.

These examples show how Brazil and Canada have some similarities, but a lot of differences in their beef production. However, Brazil still looks up to Canada for ideas toimprove their industry like Artificial Insemination and cross-breeding. The genetics of the Canadian Charolais are highly desirable.

The Future Is Technological – Megan Rosso, Moose Jaw, SK Senior – $300

An improved farming method in today’s agriculture industry is the input of Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Radio

Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and new CCIA technology. The new regulations and technology will improve animal disease traceability, age verification and the Canadian Livestock Tracking System (CLTS).

“Radio-frequency identification is the use of an object applied to or incorporated into a product, animal or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves” ( RFID consists of interrogators which are readers and tags, also called labels. The tags are a small round button

with a 14-digit number and barcode that you place in the ears of cattle. The reader scans the barcode and shows you the number by just a push of a button and placing the reader in front of the cattle’s ear. RFID has become a crucial part in animal identification management.

Darcy Eddleston claims that, “ de- listing the bar-coded tag will advance traceability initiatives.” This was an important step to enhancing our ID nationally and traceability system. With the new RFID technology it’ll be easier for animal tracking, which is not only important for human welfare but also for the sustainability of the Canadian Livestock industry. Agriculture Canada claims that this new technology is crucial for the advancement of the tracking system and maintaining the speed of business that the producers require to continue to be competitive in the marketplace.

The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency has come up with a new, faster leading version of the Canadian Livestock Tracking System (CLTS) called the CLTS Lite. The Canadian Livestock Tracking System is a trace back system designed for the containment and the suppression of animal disease. This new and improved program allows users to go through the system quicker because it doesn’t have the extras that slow down access for rural and dial up users. This program works with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to ensure food safety.

Age verification is when a breeder attached the animal birthdates or their calving start date to the identification number, found on the RFID tag. The importance of this is for marketing purposes. This allows for import or export of beef and cattle easily because of the restrictions on age for this type of market. “The Canadian animal identification system strengthens consumer and market confidence and is a leading innovation of the beef industry” (Ministry of Agriculture & Lands). Age verification supports access to domestic and export markets and builds capacity to seize emerging market opportunities. Produces use this system in their

56 Charolais Banner • May 2011

cow/calf production to register their calves for market. It is certified for beef projects to meet any age related requirements as well.

Radio-frequency identification tags and new Canadian Cattle Identification Agency technology will improve age verification, animal disease traceability and monitoring, and the Canadian Livestock Tracking System. New technology and regulations put forth strengthen the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency. The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency and the Canadian Livestock Tracking System will continue to grow and improve for the cattle producers of future generations.

The Green Future of the Family Farm – Autumn Jackson, Inglis, MB Senior – $200 Theodore Schultz (1945) identified the agriculture problem with both “the low earnings of most farm people and the great instability of income from farming.”

As a young agriculture enthusiast I often wonder: Does a farm problem still exist today, and what does the future hold for young western agriculture enthusiasts?

The family farm has been the backbone of western Canada for many years. The family farm has survived financial and environmental stresses that many other businesses would not be able to withstand. But in a world where large corporations are taking over, why are family farms able to survive? Two of the key reasons family farms are still the main producers in agriculture are 1) their incentive to work is high (farm families gain from improving or working harder) and 2) transaction costs are minimized (farming has many stages of production so the jobs are always changing).

I believe the future will not see the disintegration of the family farm, although changes are on the horizon. The current market is demanding that farms increase in size to be competitive. Economies of scale

reduce long run average costs, and therefore bigger farms have larger influence in selling and buying, benefit more from economic booms, and are able to survive economic lows.

When a farm increases in size, it is able to achieve an absolute advantage, meaning that it is able to perform an activity with the fewest labour hours (due to the larger equipment and newer technology). The more technologically advanced a farm is, is very likely to be directly related with the farm profits.

A healthy environment is not something that people in the past expected to pay for. A healthy environment can be categorized as a public good. Public goods are often under-produced in the open market. Today, and in the future, we will see a change as people are becoming more and more willing to pay a premium for products produced with the environment in mind.

In the past few years, grocery shoppers’ carts have been filled with organic products and locally produced food, both believed to be products for the environmentallyconscious consumer. However, as more scientific knowledge is being gained about these products, they are proving to not be as environmentallyfriendly as consumers first perceived them to be; in some cases, they are even less environmental than the conventional method of farming. This is leaving an ever-expanding empty niche market waiting to be developed.

In the future, one could expect more participation in programs such as moral suasion; this would involve formal and informal educational programs that encourage farmers to change their management practices.

Farmers will hopefully become more eager to learn environmentallyfriendly production methods because the market is demanding environmentally-friendly products. Conservation farming will be the future for the western agriculture industry.

Conservation farming includes ideas such as minimal soil disturbance, permanent soil cover and crop rotations. Conservation farming

is more management intense, but aims to reduce the need for fertilizers and fuel (a large farm input), maintain current production, and remain economically viable.

To quote an old Indian Proverb, “We do not inherit the earth, we borrow it from our children.” Farming is a way of life and a heritage that goes back many generations. Farm families recognize the importance of conserving the land for generations to come, but also recognize the present need to put a meal on their home table, as well as the tables of families around the world. Agriculture needs to be socially, economically, and environmentally feasible, and the green family farms seem to be the way of the future for us, the young western agriculture enthusiasts.

Domes Charolais

Don, Barb, Michelle & Stacey Box 208, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 306.948.2036

John & Monica, 306.948.5260

Lee’s Charolais Farm

Leroy, Martha & Corwin Wiens Box 218, Dalmeney, SK S0K 1E0 306.254.4255

Qualman Charolais

Ken & Lorraine Qualman Box 25, Dundurn, SK S0K 1K0 306.492.4634

Voegeli Brothers Charolais

Max, Norman, Dorothy & Darlene Box 130, Maymont, SK S0M 1T0 306.389.4605

Dennis & Lissa Serhienko-306.389.2136

Charolais Banner • May 2011 57
President: Lorraine Qualman Sec/Treasurer: Darlene Voegeli Past President: Dennis Serhienko
58 Charolais Banner • May 2011 Services Alberta Breeders Be Wise... Advertise! 306.546.3940
Charolais Banner • May 2011 59
60 Charolais Banner • May 2011
Manitoba Breeders
British Columbia Breeders
Charolais Banner • May 2011 61 High Bluff Stock Farm Carman & Donna Jackson Box 75, Inglis, Manitoba R0J 0X0 Ph.(204) 564-2547 Maritimes Ontario Breeders
62 Charolais Banner • May 2011 Quebec Breeders Saskatchewan Breeders
Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt Bryce &Dana Hakkesteegt T:613.475.3532 F:613.475.5128 Cell:613.848.6917
Lawson Settlement Road,RR #3,Brighton,ON K0K 1H0
Charolais Banner • May 2011 63 USA

Canadian Full French Charolais Breeders


Pat Silbernagel

(403) 637-2521 Box 64, Water Valley, AB T0M 2E0


John Hoff (403) 528-4150 Box 418, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G2


George Stewart - (780) 352-4817

Tom & Carey Stewart - (780) 352-5902 RR 1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0


Roy & Marie Mulkay – (780) 636-3598 Box 240, Spedden, AB T0A 3A0


Chester Patton - (519) 925-5243 RR#2, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7


John & Rowana Rudiger (403) 242-5464 cell (403) 650-2106 30286 Old Banff Coach Road, Calgary, AB T3Z 2E1


Kelly & Pam Stephen Box 26, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 (306) 435-2087 cell (306) 435-7383


Jack & Brandon Holdsworth (403) 863-0847 93 Gateway Dr. SW, Calgary, AB T3E 4K1


Bill & Jean Winters - (613) 432-4762 Robert & Lorraine - (613) 433-3204 RR#5, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z8


President: Darwin Rosso Secretary/Treasurer: Murray Blake

Cedarlea Farms

Garner & Lori Deobald Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0

Phone/Fax: 677-2589

Wood River Charolais

Murray & Nicole Blake Box 86 McCord, SK S0H 2T0 Phone: 478-2520

N3 Stock Farms

Lyle & Lynn Wilson Box 37, Admiral, SK S0N 0B0 Phone: 297-6263

Rosso Charolais

Darwin & Kevin Rosso #78, 325 4 Ave. SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 Phone: 693-2384

Char-Top Charolais

Glen & Lyn Sauder Box 569 Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 Phone: 672-3979

Prairie Sky Farms

Lloyd & Christina Daniels Box 185, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0 Phone: 868-4429

64 Charolais Banner • May 2011 Be Wise... Advertise! 306.546.3940
Plan to attend these leading events in 2011! June 6 Pasture Ready Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK June 21-22 T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK July 20-23 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference & Show, Saskatoon, SK Keep in touch 24 hours a day through “the shortest drive to your next herdsire is your hard drive” Previews – Sale Catalogues – Breeder Pages PROVEN WEBSITE DESIGNS What are you waiting for? TED & MINA SERHIENKO • CHRIS POLEY #4, 3342 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Office: (306) 933-4200 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Email: Ted Cell: (306) 221-2711 Chris Cell: (306) 220-5006 Toshowcase your program, call Bryan Kostiuk at (306) 933-4200

Calendar of Events

May 31

Johnstone’s 39th Annual Last Chance All Breeds Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Market, Moose Jaw, SK

June 6

Pasture Ready Bull Sale, Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales

June 14

Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, Charlottetown, PE June 15 to 19

Canadian Charolais Tour of the Maritimes

June 22

T Bar C Invitational Golf Tourney, Dakota Dunes Gold Club, Saskatoon, SK

June 26

Manitoba Charolais Association Picnic, 1:00 p.m., Brookdale (MB) Community Centre

July 11-15

Summer Synergy, Olds (AB) Ag Society

July 20-23

CCYA Conference and Show, Prairieland Exhibition Park, Saskatoon, SK

July 22

Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM, Saskatoon, SK July 29, 30 & 31

Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup, Neepawa, MB August 31 - September 4

Interior Provincial Exhibition, Armstrong, BC September 11

Renfrew Fair, Renfrew, ON (A BOSS Show)

September 24

6th Annual Uppin’ the Ante Female Sale, Gold-Bar Livestock, Guelph, ON September 30 - October 2

Olds Fall Classic, Olds (AB) Ag Society

October 9

Erin Charolais Show, Erin, ON (A BOSS Show)

October 15

Autumn Prestige Sale, 6:30 p.m., Lindsay (ON) Sale Barn

November 3-6, 2011

Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon, MB (A BOSS Show)

November 4

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair National Charolais Show, Toronto, ON (A BOSS Show)

November 5

Royal Agricultural Winter Fair National Charolais Sale, Toronto, ON November 5-13

Edmonton Northlands Farmfair, Edmonton, AB (A BOSS Show)

November 9-12

Saskatoon Fall Fair, Prairieland Exhibition, Saskatoon, SK (A BOSS Show)

November 24

Canadian Western Agribiton Charolais Sale, 11:30 a.m., Regina, SK

November 25

Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, 2:30 p.m., Regina, SK (A BOSS Show)

June 10-22, 2012

World Charolais Congress, United Kingdom

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On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement.

No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.

Banner • May 2011 65
• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) • Overruns are $1 each • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request • $400 sale attendance fee, plus 2 pages/Charolais Banner or 1 page/Connection • Business Card in the Banner & Connection $350/yr Charolais Banner PUBLISHING DEADLINES AD D EADLINES August Banner July 21 Mailing: August 11 Fall Connection September 14 Mailing: September 28 October Banner September 28 Mailing: October 12 Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1” Business Card 45 n/a Classified 80 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contractbuy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request Charolais Connection Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a Classified 80 n/a 1”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) Classified 140 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) AD RATES

Advertisers Index

Alta 58

Altwasser Charolais 60

Amabec Charolais..........................................61

Anchor J Charolais 58

Andemar Cattle Company 61

B Bar D Charolais 61

Bar Diamond Farm & Cattle 58

Bar H Charolais 62

Bar Punch Ranch (CFFCB) 59,64

Bar 7 Easy Charolais (CFFCB) 58,64

Beau Char Charolais 59

Beaver Creek Charolais .................................10

Beck Farms 62

Be-Rich Farms 59

Blackbern Charolais 5,61

Bo-Jan Enterprises 62

Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. 58

Bricney Stock Farms 62

Bridor Charolais .............................................61

Brimner Cattle Company 62

Buffalo Lake Charolais 59

Canadian Charolais Association 15-18

Carey, Brent 58

Castine Cattle Co. 59 Cattle In Motion 58

Cavandown Charolais ...................................61

Cedardale Charolais 61

Cedarlea Farms (Cypress) 64

Charburg Charolais 60

Charhead Ranch 62

Charla Moore Farms 63

Char-Maine Ranching 59

Charolais Journal 58

Char-Top Charolais (Cypress) 65

Charworth Charolais Farms ..........................59

Chomiak Charolais 59

Circle Cee Charolais Farms 59

Clear Lake Charolais 59

Cornerstone Charolais 61

Cornerview Charolais 61

Cougar Hill Ranch 63

Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co. ...................63

CSS Charolais 63

C2 Charolais 60

Davis-Rairdan 58

DCHAR Stock Farm 59

Diamond W Charolais 63

Domes Charolais (Hub) 57

Donmoore Farms ...........................................63

Double L Ranch 59

Dubuc Charolais 62

Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle 61

Eaton Charolais 64

Elder Charolais Farms 63

Ericson Livestock Services 58

Everview Charolais (HiWeigh) 61

Fawcett Cattle Company Inc. 59

Fischer Charolais ............................................59

Fleming, Billy 58

Fleury, Michael 58

Foat Valley Stock Farm 59 Footprint Farms 59

Forsyth Bros. Charolais (HiWeigh) 61 4-G Charolais Ranch 63

Future Farms ..................................................59

Gerrard Cattle Co. 59

Gilliland Bros. Charolais 3,63

Grant Farms 59 GRP Ltd. 58

H.S. Knill Company Ltd. 58

Happy Haven Charolais 60

Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co. ........................60

Harvie Ranching 59

HEJ Charolais 59

Hicks Charolais 62

High Bluff Stock Farm (HiWeigh) 61 Horseshoe E Charolais 63

HTA Charolais Farm (HiWeigh) 61

Hunter Charolais (HiWeigh) 7,61 JMB Charolais (HiWeigh) 61

Jordan River Charolais ..................................63

Kaiser Charolais Farm 59 Kanewischer, Jerry 58 Kay-R Charolais 59 KCH Charolais 60

Kirlene Cattle 5,62 Kruk Charolais 60

La Ferme Patry de Weedon ..........................62

Land O' Lakes Charolais 62 Langstaff Charolais 62

Leemar Charolais 59

Lee's Charolais Farm (Hub) 57 LEJ Charolais 60

Lindskov-Thiel Charolais Ranch 64

LiveAuctions.TV .............................................58

Loewen Charolais 59

Maple Leaf Charolais (CFFCB) 64 Martens Cattle Co. 63

McAvoy Charolais Farm 63 McKay Charolais 60

McKeary Charolais 59

McTavish Charolais 63

Meadows Charolais 60

Medonte Charolais ........................................62

Miller Land & Livestock 62

Mulkay Cattle Co. (CFFCB) 64

Murphy Livestock 59

Mutrie Farms 63

Nahachewsky Charolais 63

New Country Livestock 60

N3 Stock Farms (Cypress) ..............................65

P & H Ranching Co. 60

P Bar 3 Charolais Inc. 60

Packer Charolais 62

Parklane Charolais 60

Patton Charolais (CFFCB) 11,62,64

Perrot-Martin Charolais 63,IBC

Pfizer Animal Health .......................................9

Pine-Lane Farms 62

Pleasant Dawn Charolais 7,61

Poley, Chris 58

Potter Charolais 62

Prairie Cove Consulting 58

Prairie Gold Charolais 63

Prairie Sky Farms (Cypress) 65

Pro-Char Charolais 60

Qualman Charolais (Hub) 57

Rammer Charolais (HiWeigh) 61

Ranch Ostiguy Charolais 62

Rawes Ranches 60

Reese Cattle Co. ...........................................IFC

Reykdal Farms Charolais ...............................61

Ringuette Charolais.......................................61

Rollin' Acres Charolais 11,62

Rolling D Charolais (HiWeigh) 61

Ronos 62

Rosso Charolais (Cypress) 65

RRTS Charolais 60

Rudiger Ranch (CFFCB) 60,64

Saddleridge Charolais 60

Sand Rose Charolais 63

Sandan Charolais Farms 60

Saskatchewan Charolais Association 13

Saunders Charolais 62

Scarth Cattle Co. 61

Sharadon Farms 62

Skeels, Danny 58

Sliding Hills Charolais 63

Snake Valley Farms 60

A. Sparrow Farms IFC

Sproule Charolais 60

Stephen Charolais Farm (CFFCB) 63,64

Steppler Charolais (HiWeigh) 11,61

Stock, Mark 58

Stockmen's Insurance ....................................58

Sullivan Lake Charolais (CFFCB) ...................64

Sunrise Charolais ...........................................62

T Bar C Cattle Co. ..........................................64

Temple Farms 63

Turnbull Charolais 60

Velda Rose Charolais 61

Voegeli Bros. Charolais (Hub) 57

Wawedash Farms Ltd. 63

Wells Charolais ................................................5

Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company 62

White Cap Charolais 63

White Heather Charolais 60

Wienk Charolais 64

Wilgenbusch Charolais 63,OBC

Winters Charolais (CFFCB) 64

Wood River Charolais (Cypress) 65

Wrangler Charolais 60

66 Charolais Banner • May 2011 LOOKING TO FIND SOMEONE?
Box 358, Naicam, SK John, Rosemarie & Anita Perrot T/F 306.874.5496 Collin & Kimberly Martin T/F 306.874.2186 RPJ Carrera 53X BY WHITECAP LAREDO High Selling Bull to Wilgenbusch Charolais & Hunter Charolais KCM Prowler 2X BYHTA SENATOR 8130U 2nd High Selling Bull to McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Thank you to all our buyers for giving us a great sale. A special thanks to these purebred breeders for adding a Perrot-Martin bull to their program. • Buffalo Lake Charolais • Doll Charolais • McAvoy Charolais • FDKL Charolais • Southview Charolais • Rambur Charolais • Temple Farms
JWX THREE PEET 73X Homozygous Polled Red Pierce son to: Langstaff Charolais, Wallaceburg, ON JWX BUCKLE 1X Silver Buckle son to: Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB JWX XCLUSIVE 10X Homozygous Polled Silverado son to: Erixon Charolais, Lyleton, MB John & Brenda, Colin, Conrad & Erica, Craig & Tricia Wilgenbusch Box 4, Halbrite, SK S0C 1H0 T 306-458-2688 • F 306-458-2371 • • Perrot-Martin Charolais • Elder Charolais • Forsyth Bros. Charolais, MB • Bar H Charolais • Miller Farms, AB • Effertz Key Ranch, ND • Brevig Charolais, MT • Silver Spur Land & Cattle, WY • Sand O’ Gold Charolais • Greg Slack, SD JWX MR REALITY 56X Reality Red son to: Sand Rose Charolais, Ft. Qu’Appelle

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