On behalf of everyone in the Beaver District 4-H Beef Clubs I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you to our annual 4H steer sale. I’m very proud of the time and effort every member has put into their 4H project. Over the last 8 months they have fed, groomed, halter broke and cared for these steers to produce some of the finest beef on the market.
The 4-H members strive to produce this top-quality product in an ethical and sustainable manner on their family farms. Every day the 4-H members are following by the motto “ Learn to do by doing” the lessons needed to become the successful cattle producers of tomorrow.
This year the Beaver District has 28 top quality market steers up for offer at this sale. Take a look through the catalogue and get to know our 4-H members and the projects that they’ve invested so much time into. I’m sure you’ll find one that catches your eye. We look forward to seeing you at our sale and THANK YOU in advance for supporting our members through your attendance and bidding.
If you have any questions or are unable to attend and would like to bid on one of these steers, please feel free to contact me at 780-878-8460.
Matthew Spruyt Beaver District 4-H Council PresidentMonday,
Our 4-H District guides our members to select quality livestock and maintain consistent nutrition, health and daily care. There is a need to start with a good animal and maximize its potential so that you are left with quality Albertan beef to consume.
The 4-H program and its many supporters have helped send thousands of our youth away to universities, colleges, and trade schools. They have returned to become our business leaders, agronomists, teachers, caregivers, farmers, mechanics, welders, and the list goes on. One thing is for sure when you purchase a 4-H steer, you are not just investing in a child’s future, but also in the future of this district.
Members strive to finish their market steer to weigh an average of 1400 lbs. Ideally an average yield of 62% or more is desired. This results in approximately 600 lbs. of take-home beef. If you were to buy this beef from the grocery store, it would cost $5,542.00.
You can save $592.00 by purchasing a 4-H steer instead of buying it at a grocery store. Best of all you know that it is home grown and you are supporting local youth.
Tofield Packers
Ken & Darbi Rawluk
Maxwell Simmentals
Darryl & Deb Snider
Dee Jay Plumbing & Heating
Hilltop Corral Cleaning
Waskwei Creek Hogstead Farms
Ron & Linda Yarham
Heiberg Farms
Brent & Susan Christensen
Stockyard Veterinary Services
Vision Credit Union
What is 4-H?
S3 Cattle Co.
Arnold & Mary Hanson
Preston Komarnisky
Viking Veterinary Clinic
4-H is a youth leadership development organization which fosters the growth of communication skills, life skills, building youth leaders and bringing families and communities together. In our district we strive to abide by the 4-H motto
“Learn to do by doing!”
Learn to do by doing
Lamb Ford x 2
Viking Auction Market x 2
Perogy Trucking
R&C Yuha Farms
Keith Spruyt x 2
Myron Sharun Liquid Feed Sales
Adam Hall
Parrish & Heimbecker
Hoyme Refrigeration
Mizera Family
Vision Credit Union
Webbs Machinery
Wye Knot Massage-Tofield
Robert & Adele Cameron
Home-Time Realty
Crop Management Network
Tofield Packers x 2
D2 Electric
Holden Country Bottle Depot
LMG Mechanical
Chris & Jackie Hunter
Lutz Land & Cattle
Lefsrud Seed & Processing
Brydon Trucking
Hogstead Welding
Wyllie Bros.
Nova & Mark Fritz
Cheryl & Joey Leung
Pipke Farms Ltd.
Central Agencies
We are very grateful for the support from businesses & individuals
There are a few options of how you can support 4-H in Beaver District:
You can attend the show and sale to place your own bid on a market steer.
You could group together family, friends, business partners &/or neighbors to purchase a half of a steer each.
Can't make it to the sale? We have you covered with our purchasing committee. Please contact Matt at 780-878-8460, he would be happy to hear from you. Your business or family can make a donation directly to our district for any denomination. All donations go directly towards activities, events or item enhance our district for our members.
1. 2. 3. 4.I am 11 years old. I am a junior. This is my third year in 4-H. This year my steer's name is Kash. He is my third steer. He is a calm and quiet steer. He is a black and white Maine Anjou.
I am a senior member in my 7th year of 4-H. Besides showing my project animals year round, I also enjoy being a 4-H Youth Leader for inter-club activities. My steer “Charles” is a Charolais and Simmental-Angus cross that has shown a steady rate of gain. He should be an excellent purchase at our Beaver District show and Sale! Hope to see you there!
I am 10 years old from Viking and this is my 3rd year in 4-H and I have loved every minute of it. This year I have a steer and heifer. Roan was born April 26, he is out of a Simmental x black Agnus cow. Roan's sire is ¾ Simmental and ¼ Black Angus. Roan is a very efficient eater, he has never been off his feed and he is growing and filling out nicely. Roan is a very attractive, quiet steer. I am very much looking forward to showing my steer and heifer at our 4-H District Show.
I am 10 years old. I am a junior. This is my first year in 4-H and I'm really enjoying it! I'm learning how to lead and care for my steer. My steer is a black Maine Anjou. His name is Grizzly.
I am a first year intermediate and I have been in 4-H for four years plus a few years being a Cleaver. This year I have a homegrown, Simmental cross steer, his approximate current weight is 1050 pounds.
Steers Name/ Breed: Stewie-Charolais cross Years in 4-H: 8 years as a full member and 3 Cleaver
Career Highlights: Winning grand champion steer at club show twice.
This is my 5th year in 4-H and I really enjoy showing my project animals through the year, and all the awesome other activities 4-H offers! “Scorch” is a Simmental-Angus cross born March 4. Hope to see you at our sale!.
This is my fourth year in 4-H. My steer's name this year is Hemi. I really like that Hemi is thick throughout his body and is very easy going.
Steers Name/ Breed: Doug- Charolais/Simmental
Years in 4-H: 10
Career Highlights: Throughout my 4-H years I have been lucky enough to win grand champion steer, heifer, cow/calf pair and supreme female all in one year as well as winning grand champion steer a second time. I think Doug would look pretty cool in someone’s deep freeze.
This is my third year in 4-H. This year I have a steer and heifer project. My steer's name is Ronald. I picked Ronald because his mom has raised good calves in the past. He also has a lot of depth and length.
I am from the Viking 4-H Beef club. My steers name is Francis. He is always running for the grain!
Steers Name/ Breed: Gabe- Angus/Simmental Years in 4-H: 5 years as a full member and 3 years as a Cleaver.
Career Highlights: Winning reserve grand champion at club show and district. This year my steer is from the cow I raised.
This is my steer named Mr Kenny. This is my 4th year in 4-H. My steer is a kind and gentle animal that has grown up lots. Hopefully the buyers are happy with my animal.
I am 11 yrs old and a junior member of the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi-Club. This year I have a 2 & 3 yr old cow/calf pair project as well as my first steer project. This is my steer Rascal and he is a commercial Angus. I am feeding Rascal a barley and silage ration. He is free of antibiotics and hormones. This prime specimen of a steer will fill your freezer with lots of grade A cuts of meat!
I am a 2nd year junior member of the Holden 4-H Beef Club. My steer is a Hereford x Shorthorn named Kasey. He is a red roan and brockle face. When I am not showing cattle in the summer and fall months, I enjoy art and baking.
I'm 10 years old and this is my second year in 4-H. Merle is my first steer project. He has some more growing to do before sale day, so he can fill your freezer. Hope to see you at the sale.
I’m from the Viking Beef Club and I have been in 4-H for 10 years now. This year my steer is named Tex. We are still working on our people skills but I am super excited to show him off at this year's Beaver District Sale!
I have been a Holden 4-H Club member for 12 years! I appreciate all the opportunities and experiences my years in 4-H have given me Over the years I have developed a strong passion for Livestock Judging which has drastically improved my cattle herd as a result. I have been able to learn a lot about the process of producing beef through the years. I have done the Provincial Carcass Competition. My steers are implant free and grain finished. I’m excited for the years to come in the beef industry, and I plan to farm once I am done my Ag Business Degree at the University of Saskatchewan.
I am an intermediate member of the Holden 4-H Beef Club. I have been a member for 9 years. I joined the club because I enjoy being a part of the ag industry through showing cattle in 4-H and by attending JR Shows throughout the year. My steer's name is Black Licorice and he is 50% Shorthorn and 50% Simmental.
I am a Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi-Club member who seems to have grown up in the club. I started out as a Cleaver member. I have never been one to just watch, I am eager to step in and get hands on to help. Along side my older sister and brothers we get it all done; training, prep, and shows. I have taken the knowledge I have gained from when I was too young for my own project and excitedly applying it to my first steer, “Ned” for the 2023 4-H Beaver District Show and Sale.
This is my 7th year in 4-H. I am the president of the Tofield 4-H Beef & Multi-Club. This is my steer Elmer. I also have a 2 yr old cow/calf pair named Dixie and Lady. I am feeding Elmer a barley and silage ration and he is free of antibiotics and hormones. Elmer is a very nice framed steer that will have great prime cuts of meat with great marbling. He is a great looking steer but he will look even better on your BBQ!
This is my 10th year in 4-H! I am grateful for the places 4-H has taken me and the cattle herd that I have been able to start as a result of that! Over the years I have learned alot about the process of raising and finishing beef. My steers are and have always been implant free and grain finished. I am grateful for the people who have helped me and taught me so much about this industry and raising cattle. I look forward to the opportunity to continue growing my herd as well as mentoring and supporting the younger members!
Meet Scoobs! This is my first year in 4-H. My calf is challenging as he is stubborn but we work through it together. I love hockey and am a goalie.
This is my second year of 4-H. I am a junior this year, and get to show my first steer Karl. Karl is a Simmental Angus cross. My favorite thing about Karl is the markings on his face. He is the sweetest boy.
Meet Chunks! This is my second year in 4-H. I am enjoying the experience from 4-H and I love basketball.
Steers Name/ Breed: Will- Charolais/ Simmental Cross Years in 4-H: 11 years and 1 year as a Cleaver
Career Highlights: Through my years in 4-H, I have had great success winning with my females and some of my steers as well. One of my greatest 4-H highlights is watching my younger sister win reserve champion at the club and district with the steer I raised and won the previous year with his mom as a pair.
I am a junior member of the Holden 4-H Beef Club. This is my 3rd year in 4-H and I really enjoy all the activities and working with my animals. My steer this year is a Red Angus and Charolais cross named Chubs. Chubs loves to eat, get brushed and licks my jacket. I'm looking forward to showing him! Chubs and I hope to see you at our Beaver District 4-H Achievement Day Show & Sale!
This is my steer Stewart. I am a senior member at the Holden 4-H Beef Club and have been part of the club for 11 years. I live outside of Bruce on the family farm and cattle have always been a huge part of my life.
The Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club is celebrating our 78th year as a 4-H club. Currently we have 20 members and 8 cleavers. Thirteen of these members have beef projects, 10 have sheep projects and 5 have poultry projects. We have a great group of hard working and community minded members. We’ve all put a great deal of time and effort into our projects throughout the year to get them ready for the show and sale. I would like to invite you to join us at the Beaver District 4-H Show and Sale and show your support for the 4-H members
Seirre Spruyt
Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club.
The Holden 4-H Beef Club was established in 1946. Since then it has been a staple in the community of Holden, as it is an active club that likes to remain involved in not only Holden, but the community of Bruce as well. Some of the club’s traditional functions outside of achievement day and monthly meetings are: the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in Holden, Highway Cleanup along highway 855, as well as working with the Bruce Ag Society and the Bruce Hotel at fundraisers. All of the members are so thankful to have the support of so many amazing people!
Quinten Albrecht
Holden 4-H Beef Club.
I would personally like to invite you, on behalf of the club, to the Beaver District Show & Sale. The Viking 4-H Beef Club is currently in its 79th year of operation. This year we have seven members, 3 Seniors and 4 Intermediates. Our members are raising a variety of different cattle breeds, both steers and females as project animals. The district show opportunity to showcase our projects, compete for the District Champion and Reserve titles, and mark Viking 4-H Beef will have 5 market steers for sale. The club and I will be happy to see you at the Show an
Luke Brooke President of the Viking 4-H BeefClub.
Did you know?
In Beaver District members have other projects besides market steers.
All three beef clubs have members with a female project. These projects can include heifer, two-year old cow/calf, and three year old cow/calf projects.
In the Tofield 4-H Beef and Multi Club there is the addition of sheep and poultry projects. The sheep projects include ewe lamb, yearling ewe, mature ewe and flock. In the poultry project the projects include market eggs and breeding projects. These projects will be shown during the lunch break at the district show and sale.
A shout out to all the members of Beaver County Multi-Club. This club has a variety of projects and showcases them the first Saturday of June at Holden's Farmer's Day.
Lastly, Beaver District clubs welcome Cleavers. Cleavers are 6-8 years of age. They are truly the future of the clubs and district.
There are many ways to be involved with 4-H in our district,