THE DEANS March 2020
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Welcome to the March Edition On page 7 we have ‘exciting news’ from Dolphin Computer Upgrades about World Backup day. We agree that it is vital to back up your files, and would like to add that you need to ensure you back up your email data too. A few years ago we lost about 2 years of email history due to an oversight in this department, so now everything is streamed to an online back up service. Obviously you should speak to one of the IT experts who appear in the magazine to discuss the best solution for your data. Following up on my successful completion of a couple of running events last year I’ve booked onto several sporting events this year too. One of the most fun sounding is the Heroes Run in May, organised by RISE, who also arrange the 8k undercliff run in October. I’ve opted for the 5k version of the event as I run this distance regularly so am confident of completing it. My biggest challenge will be finding a suitable costume, so far I’m favouring Wonder Woman, I’m just not sure I have the looks or the physique to get away with it! if you are interested in finding out more please see our article on page 62 of this issue. Samantha - Editor
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Page 7 Dolphin Computer Tips Page 17 Clifden House Page 25 Health Tips Page 37 Friends of Beacon Hill Page 40/41 Local History Page 43 Neighbourhood Watch Page 44 / 45 What’s On & Events Page 49 Pippa’s Guardians Page 53 RISE Heroes Run Page 55 Rottingdean Bowls Club Page 55 Local Photographer Page 57 Cinema Saltdean Page 58 Dogs Word Search Page 59 12 Challenges for Martletts Page 61 Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions Page 63 Local Therapist Page 64/65 SUFC Women’s Team Page 70 Index of Advertisers Cover picture: Colette Langton Printing: Holbrooks Printers Ltd Distribution: M A Distribution Disclaimer: The Deans Magazine Ltd does not necessarily support or endorse any views put forward by contributors or advertisers. Any information or advice provided here should be used at the readers’ discretion
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Computer tips from Dolphin Computer Upgrades 126
World Backup Day Having read last month’s Deans Magazine, you’ll be aware we have been sharing our Tips and Advice with you for over 10 years. Among the recurring themes we have written about is the need to backup your computers, laptops, tablets and phones. March 31�� is World Backup Day – barely a day goes by without there being some sort of national day, and we’d be more than willing to accept the premise that IT related “days” are perhaps the most boring. Compare this to, say, National Chocolate Cake Day, or Bring Your Dog To Work Day – how much more engaging are cake and our furbabies? The internet has become integrated in our lives and the majority of the population have access to some form of online device. Whether we use technology for work or pleasure it plays an essential role in modern living. But the maintenance, upkeep and repairs needed for our
equipment causes us stress and inconvenience, areas we would rather not bother with. This year alone we have had to tell too many people that all of their data has gone – their hard drives were so badly damaged that everything was lost. We have also been able to share good news and managed to retrieve all the precious data off a couple of damaged machines. You cannot prevent computers from failing, it will happen to every machine at some point – but you do have the power to ensure that everything on your computer, and your phone, remains accessible to you regardless of damage, loss or theft. Is World Backup Day boring? It is indeed. Is it really required? Unfortunately so. If you can spare five minutes this week, just take a look at what you have on your computer and ask yourself how you would feel if you lost all of it – for good.
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Clifden House News
5 Tips for Choosing a Dementia Care Home Dementia is a progressive disease, and sadly no cure. As the disease progresses, your loved ones’ needs may be best met in a specialist dementia care home. Nial Joyce of Clifden House Dementia Care Centre, Seaford, offers his advice on how to choose the best care setting for your loved one. Location, location, location It might seem sensible to choose the care home nearest to you but you should also consider how close it is to other friends or relatives who wish to visit regularly. Is there ample parking and easy access via public transport? The surrounding area is important for residents – is it on a busy road, in a quite suburb, near the sea, hills and so one. Access to a garden and calming outdoor areas is highly desirable. Plan and prepare Be aware that some of the homes you may be interested in may not have vacancies but will have waiting lists. Draw up a list of questions to ask in advance of visiting the homes. Questions should include; what services are included, ongoing staff training and staff turnover rates. It is useful to visit with a friend and compare notes afterwards. Visit more than once and at different times of day. Lunchtimes are good, as you will see the quality of the food provided and how staff interact with residents. Music matters Enquire about activities available for residents and how these are tailored to individual needs. For example, we place emphasis on the power of music. Research shows that the auditory system of the brain seems to be the last of the senses to leave us. This is evidenced by the improvements in behaviours and engagement we witness in residents following our varied music sessions. Music appears to be able to reach those that are no longer able to communicate easily and provides great comfort. Personal touches Ask to see a variety of room options so you can assess the space available and how you could personalise with familiar objects. The care setting should be specially designed and decorated, because dementia can affect
the way a person perceives their environment. The dĂŠcor should include highly contrasting colours and sufficient lighting. Patterns, especially on floors, can be confusing so should be avoided. Trust your instinct Some of the most valuable advice you can receive is a personal recommendation. Ask friends and family for their suggestions, especially if they have experience in this area. Ultimately, you have to make the decision based on the needs of your loved one and where you believe they will be happiest. At Clifden House, we strongly believe that quality of care should be a given in any care home setting. We are passionate about delivering quality of life to all our residents, regardless of how advanced their dementia is. We will answer any questions you may have and aim to make this transition as easy as possible for you and your loved one. We are happy to assess residents of non-dementia care homes in order to see if we are better able to meet their needs. Equally, you are very welcome to bring friends or relatives in for lunch or an activity afternoon, and maybe take a well-earned breather yourself! Please call 01323 896460 to make an appointment.
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Bridgeford’s Best Bites
Applied Kinesiology Many people think that Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a treatment, whereas it is actually a diagnostic tool that is used in combination with other standard methods of diagnosis to assess aspects of health. What is AK? AK is a non-invasive system of evaluating how a person’s body functions using manual muscle testing as a feedback mechanism. Used correctly, it should help to evaluate the best form of treatment or therapy for an individual patient. Basically, when a muscle does not test as functioning properly, the practitioner will investigate the reason and apply the remedy that restores normal muscle test response to help the patient. I tell my patients it is like we are using the muscle responses to have a conversation with their nervous system, as muscle testing is primarily concerned with neuromuscular function and how it relates to structural, chemical and mental physiology. Treatments may involve joint mobilisation, myofascial techniques, cranial techniques, acupuncture meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management and various reflex procedures. After treatment, it is possible to retest to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment on the individual. Origins of AK Doctor George Goodheart, a USA chiropractor first introduced manual muscle testing to evaluate body function in 1964. Knowledge and research into AK has grown considerably since then, expanding its dimensions as a diagnostic tool of bodily dysfunction, modifying and evolving techniques and introducing new ones. Even in the early days of AK, it was apparent how the use of many treatment methods in Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Homeopathy produced improved neuromuscular function, which could be directly measured using AK. Triad of Health In AK, balance of the major health areas is represented by each side of an equilateral triangle representing structural, chemical and mental factors of health. A person with ill health will have an imbalance in one or more aspects, distorting the triad. Each aspect can affect the other, e.g. a chemical imbalance can affect organs such as the gut or liver and affect also mental and physical health. AK helps the practitioner to evaluate the triad’s balance and apply the therapy towards creating a balance on all sides to restore health. What can be Treated? The basic structural issues that may take you to a healthcare practitioner, e.g. back, neck and joint pain, sciatica, headaches and migraine, postural abnormalities, disc injuries, nerve irritation, acute onset and minor sports injuries. Additionally, other functional and systemic disorders may be addressed, including hormone related issues, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, sleep pattern and stress related disorders.
What to Expect in an AK Treatment? When visiting an AK practitioner, expect to be involved. The practitioner will first take a detailed medical history and perform the standard diagnostic tests, followed by a variety of muscle tests to assess areas of dysfunction. They will test for basic mechanical defects, the possible connection of visceral (gland or organ) dysfunction, stress levels in the body and where indicated cranial and pelvic distortion and toxicity/allergy problems. The practitioner and patient work together during manual muscle testing, giving the patient the opportunity to be actively involved in their treatment process. This helps the patient to have greater understanding of their treatment process and thus adopt a greater sense of responsibility towards their health; they can also experience the feedback via the muscle testing. AK uses the principal that the body is a self-maintaining, selfcorrecting mechanism and its innate wisdom knows what is wrong; the practitioner needs to ‘ask’ the right questions to discover the nature of the imbalance and watch the body’s response when it says ’yes please’. Treatment may involve a combination of structural work, guidance in self- treatment, nutritional support, remedies and treatment to aid stress related problems. We are happy to advise you on your health matters and happy to create exercise or educational videos on Aether Bios YouTube channel. Lin Bridgeford DO KFRP MICAK MICRA FSCCO MSc Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Senior Yoga Teacher Master Hypnosis and NLP Practitioner Aether Bios Clinic Saltdean 01273 309557 07710 227038 YouTube search Aether Bios OR Lin Bridgeford Instagram linbridgeford contains all my articles as blogs
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Friends of Beacon Hill
Beacon Hill Nature Reserve As Winter draws to a close, with Spring just around the corner, so the Scrub Bash Season comes to an end. By the end of March we will have logged 18 outings since we picked up our tools again back in September 2019, which add up to nearly 300 work hours. Not bad for a bunch of volunteers who are for the most part retired. The areas on the North East side of the Nature Reserve that we’ve cleared this season may look a bit barren at the moment but the grass will soon fill in and once Spring kicks in we will, hopefully, be blessed with a great show of flowers. The Scrub Bash stops in Spring as we don’t want to disturb the ground nesting Skylarks but that doesn’t mean the Friends get a rest. Off into the woods we will go to maintain and repair the steps and pathways. Along with paths we also have a session ivy ringing which is a job that is done once a year. The ivy creeps up the trees and the leaves create a canopy above that is susceptible to catching the wind, pulling the trees up and out of the ground. By ivy ringing we merely cut the stem at the base of the tree leaving a 20cm gap so that its water supply is
thwarted and thus the ivy dies. The ivy takes months to actually die down which means that any birds nests that might be up there will be empty after the Spring activity. The 4�� of the new noticeboards has been erected at the Longhill Road entrance to the Nature Reserve. This is a dedication noticeboard that was kindly donated by an Ovingdean resident in memory of her late husband. There will be a total of 6 new noticeboards dotted around the Nature Reserve to replace the originals that were erected some 10 years ago. Never fear, the old wood will be put to good use along the paths and steps in the woods. We always look forward to having new members so come along and join in the conservation conversation. Please join us in sturdy footwear, gardening gloves and, if you have them, bring secateurs. 01273 983000
Looking more like Rock Stars than volunteers we have have decided to call our band ‘The Mammas and (Tree) Poppers.
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Local history - Article 94
Mike Laslett
The Sussex Domesday Book
What is the Domesday Book? After the death of Edward the Confessor, Harold, Earl of Wessex, was crowned as the next Saxon King of England but this was contested by William, Duke of Normandy. The outcome, as I am sure you know, created the most famous date in English history: 1066. This was the date of The Battle of Hastings, when Harold was defeated by William in what we call the Norman Conquest.
William gave Rottingdean to Hugh fitzGolde. The old Saxon lord at Rottingdean, Haminc, was allowed to retain a detached portion of land known as Frog Firle, Alfriston.
Latin Text which mentions Rottingdean
The Original Latin Text of the 1086 Domesday entry for ROTTINGDEAN
Bayeux Tapestry (Embroidery) depiction of Harold’s death
William the Conqueror wanted to know the value of his kingdom so he could tax it accordingly. To achieve this, he commissioned the Domesday Book of 1086. To manage Sussex, the county was divided into six north – south strips called rapes, each controlled by a Norman baron from a castle. For their efforts they were rewarded with land taken from the Saxons. Rottingdean was in the rape of Lewes, controlled by William de Warenne.
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Hugo tenet de Willelmo Rotingdene in Welesmere hundredo. Haminc tenuit de Goduino. Tunc et modo se defendebat pro ii hidis et jacuit in FERLE quod tenet comes Moritonii in suo rapo. Terra est ii carucarum. Ibi sunt in dominio cum x bordariis. T R E valebat xl solidos et post xx solidos. Modo ix solidos A rough translation of the Latin text Hugh (fitzGolde) holds land from William (de Warenne) at Rottingdean in the Hundred of Wellsmere. Haminc (the Saxon lord) had been the tenant of (King Harold) Godwinson. Together with the land at Frog Firle the Rottingdean land equalled two hides. (A hide varied but would be about 100 acres) There were Ten bordars. (Smallholders with their own homes) In the reign of Edward the Confessor the land was worth 40 shillings, then 20 shillings, now 60 shillings. (Obviously things dipped at the Conquest but assumedly improved with Norman management!)
41 Where is the real Domesday Book? The Domesday book was so called because like the Final Judgement in the Bible it could not be appealed! The book was kept until the 13�� Century in the Exchequer at Winchester. When this moved to the Palace of Westminster the book went too. From the 1740’s it was kept in The Chapter House of Westminster Abbey. From 1859 it was kept at the Public Record Office and is now kept by its successor The National Archive, Kew. It has rarely left London but one occasion when it did so was in 1862 when it was sent to The Ordnance Survey in Southampton. This was in order that this replica could be produced using a newly developed process known as Photo-zincography with the approval of The Chancellor of the Exchequer, William Gladstone.
Domesday Book Replica from 1862
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Neighbourhood Watch
Fire Safety Advice Fire Kills Did you know... •you should test your smoke alarms at least once a month? •you should have a smoke alarm on every level of your home? • your local Fire and Rescue Service do free home visits to make sure your home is fire safe? The Fire Kills campaign returns early in the year promoting these, and other fire safety behaviours to adopt around the home. Neighbourhood Watch members can support this campaign by reaching out to vulnerable and isolated neighbours to ensure their house is fire safe. Visit for helpful
tips and advice. It only takes one accident to start a fire. Fire Kills. Let’s prevent it. A friendly reminder as we enter a new decade When signing and dating legal documents, bills etc write the year 2020 in its entirety do not shorten to just 20! For example, 3�� March 2020 being written as 3/3/20 could be modified to 3/3/2017 or 3/3/2018 and your signature would now be on an incorrect document. Protect yourself – think before abbreviating 2020. For more information about Neighbourhood Watch please contact Secretary Linda Hood 01273 306441/
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44 Mondays Weight Watchers Friendship Centre behind Peacehaven Evangelical Church 8.15 & 9.30am Nickie 07910 407102 Weaning Clinic drop‐in at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean. The first Monday of the month only (exc. Bank holidays) (FREE) Pilates - Nicki Lawes 9.15 & 10.15, term time only. St Margarets Cottage, Rottingdean 07796 447934 Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Yoga ‐ 10am to Noon. Renata 01273 301245 or 07775537484 Ovingdean Village Hall Fun & Fit Pilates 8.30 - 9.25am, Cardio HIIT - 9.30 -10am, Pilates 10.05-11am, Body Sculpt 11.05 - 11.50am Saltdean Scout Hut - Karen 01273 306171 Yoga 10-11.30am , 5-6.30pm Contact Yvette 07486 096497 Zumba with Olivia 11am - 12pm St Martins’s Hall, Longridge Ave, drop in £5, FB - Zumba with Olivia 07879 777571 Aether Bios Clinic 12-6pm NCT Deans Bumps and Babies 1.30pm - 3.30pm Lido Community Room, Saltdean. Exercise to Music ‐ 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Woodingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Womens Ins�tute ‐ Second Monday of the month. 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall Yoga – Monday and Wednesday evening and Thursday morning Breeda Duggan 233608. Sdean Community Centre Scouts (10.5 to 14 yrs) 7.30 – 9.30pm. Old Parish Ln, Wdean Mowgli Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm. Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Explorer Scouts (14 years – 18 years) Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Brownies ‐ Term �mes 5.45pm to 7.00pm. Waiting list Samantha: 07870899832. Ovingdean Village Hall Nia Dance Class: 5-6PM Rottingdean Village Hall - Helena 01273 583299 Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE. Phone 01273 705685 for details. Pregnancy Yoga 6.15-7.15 St Martin’s Church Hall: Heather 07974 250207 Ellie Mark Yoga (BWY/LYTTC) All abilities welcome 7.15-8.45pm Private Studio, small Classes (max 8) Monthly booking 07968 198503, Zumba 7-7.50pm Woodingdean Youth Centre, Warren Rd, £5, first class is FREE. 07795956793 Hatha Flow Yoga 7.30 to 8.30pm St Martins Hall, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean 5 Rhythms Dance 7.30 to 9.30pm Rottingdean Village Hall. £10 or £8 students/over 65’s. Neda - 07779 033129 Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 9.30 to 10.30am. lvl 2, 10.4511.45am lvl 1, 6.45 to 7.45pm lvl 3, 8.00 - 9.00pm lvl 2 private studio. Small classes of 4/5 people. £48 course - 6 classes. Tracy Armfield 07877 878532 Weight Watchers – Monday evenings 7.00pm – 8.30pm Sarah Evans 605749. S’dean Community Centre St Margaret’s Women’s Group 2nd Monday of the month, 7.30pm in the cottage, The Green, Rottingdean
Tuesdays Quiz night 1�� Tues of month, St Nicholas Hall, Sdean,7pm, £3, licensed. 01273 585059 Cinema - 4�� Tuesday St Nicholas Hall, Sdean, 7pm, £5.50, licensed. Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Saltdean & District Choir – Tuesday 9.45am Audrey Pickles 01273 303596. Saltdean Community Centre Church Service ‐ 10.00am.Holy Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Yoga 10-11.30am , 6-7.30pm Contact Yvette 07486 096497 Mum & Baby Yoga 10.30-11.30am St Martin’s Church Hall: Heather 07974 250207 The Senior Tea Club 10.30am-12.30pm for tea & chat. Telscombe Civic Centre Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435. Conversa�onal French 10.30am‐12pm, Our Lady Lourdes Church Hall, Steyning Road, Ro�ngdean. 01273 390179. All proceeds go to CAFOD Fun & Fit 8.55‐9.25am ‐ Body Conditioning, 9.30 ‐ 10.30 ‐ Pilates, Ovingdean Village Hall. Karen 01273 306171 Baby and You 10.30am‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age Clinic, Warren Road, Woodingdean. (drop‐in for expectant parents and parent/carers with babies who are not yet walking) ‐ (FREE) U3A Tai Chi 10.30 - 11.30am Methodist Church Hall, The Ridgeway, Woodingdean Over 50’s Keep Fit Classes – Tuesday 1.30 – 2.30 pm £3.00 per session. Tea and Coffee included. St Mar�ns Church Hall, Longridge Ave. Saltdean
What’s On Parents/ Carers/ Babies/ Toddlers Tuesday 9‐12pm Pam Turner 01273 306553.Woodingdean Community Centre Zumba Fitness - Rottingdean Public Hall 6.00 - 7.00PM, (discounts available) Helen Ford 07919 406917 FB Helen Ford Zumba Fitness Royal Sco�sh Country Dancing Society – Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm during school �me. Saltdean Junior School. Pam & Ray Archer 01273 684417 Pilates @ Saltdean pilates 6.00 - 6.45pm Pregnancy Pilates, 7.15-8.15pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Shoulder Rehab Classes 7.10, Longhill Sports centre Pilates - Nicki Lawes 18.45 & 19.45. St Margarets Cottage, Rottingdean 07796 447934 Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 6.30pm – 8.30pm Woodingdean - Old Parish Lane. Ro�ngdean Contact: Caroline: Scout HQ,Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Second Tuesday of the month Woodingdean Hor�culture Society ‐ 7.30pm Woodingdean Community Centre The Group A club for unattached men & women age 50+, meet in Brighton 3�� Tuesday of every month, walks, dinners, theatre, etc Slimming World ‐ Tues: 9.30am, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, St Patricks, Woodingdean. Natalie 07854 845876
Wednesdays Saltdean Crafters Craft group meet first Wednesday of the month Saltdean Community Centre (Lido) 7.30 -9.30pm, £7 all materials provided. 07506692178 Ellie Mark Yoga (BWY/LYTTC) All abilities welcome 9.15-10.45am and 7.00-8.30pm Private Studio, small Classes (max 8) Monthly booking 07968 198503, Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Crawlers and Toddlers Drop‐in (Free of charge) 9.15am ‐ 10.30am (confident crawlers to 2 years) at St Margaret’s Co�age Ro�ngdean (next to the church and opposite the pond) Preschooler Song & Dance Class 6 months - 6 years boys & girls Baby Ballet® Tinies 9.30am-10.05am Baby Ballet® Movers 10.15am 3 Week trial £15, Kelly 07799 603263 Pilates - Nicki Lawes 9.15 & 10.15. St Margarets Cottage, Rottingdean 07796 447934 Funky Feet (modern dance) Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Classes for adults and children Ring Vanessa on 273227 Weight Watchers The Lady of Lourdes Church Hall,R.dean Tai Chi – Wednesday mornings 10 – 11.15 Andrea 01273 304472 Scout Hut, Longridge Avenue. Bios Yoga Saltdean Lido12-12.30pm (Pranayama) for health. 12.302pm yoga for health Play Group Lady of Lourdes Church Hall Rtgdean, 1.15 3pm 0-5 Year olds £2.00 per family. French for Fidgets Parent & Toddler Class, 1.30: 2.15pm Rtgdean Village Hall Liz Watson 07976 368052 The Ro�ngdean Wednesday Bridge Club 6.15pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean Call Derrick Stirling 01273 306261 for details. Art & Cra� Club – Wednesday a�ernoon 1 -4pm Irene Beardwell 303745, St Nicholas Church - Taverner side room. Yoga ‐ 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Wood‐ ingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 3.30pm‐5.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138 Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Serenity Yoga - Hatha Yoga (Beginners welcome) 7.00-8.15pm, & 8.30 - 9.45pm St Nicholas Church Hall Nikki Tuke 07813 125795 Zumba Fitness 7.00- 7.50pm Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 - Diane 07795 956793 Al-Anon Meeting 7.15 for 7.30pm start Telscombe Civic Ctr. Contact 0207 4030888 or Sue 07590675496 American Partner Dancing 7.30 - 9pm W’dean Community Centre, beginners welcome: Chester 07519 818112 Or Lesley 07885986857 Meditation/Self Healing Group 7.00 - 8pm, Saltdean. Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551607171 Strong by Zumba 7-8pm 8-9pm Zumba fitness St Martins Church Hall, Longridge Ave, Saltdean BN2 8LR FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes. Brighton Male Voice Choir 7.30-9.30pm. Woodingdean Methodist Church, Ridgeway BN2 6PA Tom Ryan 07899 874969
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Zumba Kids with Olivia Rottingdean Village Hall at 3:45-4:45pm. Term time. 4-11 year olds. First class Free 07879777571 FB: zumbakidswitholivia Slimming World 5.30 & 7.30PM Wdngdean Yth Centre, Warren Rd. Contact Ali - 01273 300680/07821 179343 Southover Badminton Club 8 - 10pm, Deans Leisure Centre, Contact Dan (07812 658834), Lesley (01444 233965) Zumba - 7.30pm. Contact Sundari 07907 185135 St Martins Church Hall Also Saturday 9.15am, £5 drop in. T.S.Valiant N.T.C. meets @ Woodingdean School 6.30-8.30pm on Weds. Age 7 upwards. Contact 01273 676784.
Thursdays Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Fun & Fit 8.00 - 8.40am Conditioning & Pilates, Saltdean Scout Hut - Karen 01273 306171 Downs Baptist Church, Woodingdean Three youth clubs to suit age 8-16 at Rudyard Kipling Primary School, BN2 6RH. Contact: Sean Older 01273 232414 Open House Friendship Club 1.30 to 4.00pm Woodingdean Community Centre Coffee Shop ‐ 10‐12 Woodingdean Methodist Church, The Ridgeway. 304812 Make some new friends. Yoga 10-11.30am Contact Yvette 07486 096497 Healthy Child Clinic ‐ 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean (FREE) .Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Healthy Child Clinic – 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at The Deans Gateway Children’s Centre, Rudyard Kipling School (FREE) Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Aether Bios Clinic 10am-6pm Dance/Exercise Class St Nicholas Church Hall 1.30-2.30pm Territa 07931 930770 Weight Watchers 6.00pm Peacehaven Evangelical Church, Mayfield Avenue, Peacehaven Sue Ca�, 390652 for futher informa�on. Bios Yoga Saltdean Lido 7-8pm yoga for health beginners/intro Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE Phone 01273 705685 for details. Zumba 7.30-8.20pm Falmer Village Hall (Opp Pond) £5, First Class FREE. 07795 956793 Ro�ngdean Wine Club ‐ Second Thursday in the month, Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean, 7.30 Pm Further details, Mervyn Peatfield 01273 240164 Gardening Club‐ First Thursday of the month. 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall. Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Lindsey Delow: Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 7.00pm - 8.00pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Mar�n Carr: 07801 687172 Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Tai Chi & Qigong 6.45pm‐8.45pm Ro�ngdean Public Hall, Park Road, Ro�ngdean Info from Evelyn Hills 01323 501634 Zumba Fitness 7.30 - 8.25pm Longhill Sports Ctr see for details. Pilates - Nicki Lawes 19.00 & 20.00. St Margarets Cottage, Rottingdean 07796 447934 1st Thursday in the month Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild ‐ 1.45PM at Saltdean Lido Lower Hall - NOTE NEW VENUE, Saltdean, 01273 302373 2nd Thursday in the month U3A mee�ng 2.1 5 p m St . Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Last Thursday of the month Lunch Club ‐ W’dean Methodist Church ‐ 307496/ 887618
Fridays Ellie Mark Yoga (BWY/LYTTC) All abilities welcome 9.15-10.45am and 7.00-8.30pm Private Studio, small classes (max 8) Monthly booking 07968 198503, Children’s Art Club ‐ 3.30‐5.15pm Clair Ma�hews 07843275520. Saltdean Community Centre Fun & Fit Pilates - 9.15- 10.10am; Circuit Fun 10.15 - 10.45am, Pilates 10.50 11.45pm, Beginners Pilates 11.50 - 12.45pm Whiteway Centre Rottingdean. Karen - 01273 306171 Slimming world – morning – Mandy Crew 542827 Saltdean Community Centre. Exercise and Tone ‐ 9 am to 10am. Ovingdean Village Hall. Gentle exercise to music. Sandy 07966 534473 Gentle Exercise & Chair Yoga for Over 50’s simple techniques for stiffness, pain, etc. Saltdean Comm. Centre 10.45am-12pm £4.50 Contact Emma SBRCP/NFSH 07551 607171 The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club 1.20pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean - Colin Campbell 01273 300386 or Monica Watts 01273 608881.
45 Olivia’s Mini Movers Stay play soft play group 10.30am - 12.15pm St Martin’s Hall, Longridge Ave, £5 per parent & child includes hot drink & biscuits, sibling discount £2.50. FB Olivia’s Mini Movers 07879 777571 Tots & toys 1.15pm ‐ 2.45pm. For carers with babies, toddlers and pre‐school children. Meet at St. Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean. (term �me only). Laura 07980 242283. Social Dance Group‐ 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Lizzie 01273 300533. Ovingdean Village Hall Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Line Dancing Beginners 11.30am - 1pm Intermediate 1.30 - 3.30pm W’dean Comm Centre - Steps Dance Club Chester 07519 818112 Lesley 07885 986857 The Senior Tea Club Meet 2-4pm for tea & chat. St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Vale. Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435.
Saturdays Zumba Fitness 9.15-10.15am The Hub, Big Park, Piddinghoe Ave, Peacehaven FB: zumba with Lucie, drop in £6, £40 for 10 classes. Aether Bios Clinic 10am-5pm
Local Groups Brighton Male Voice Choir Tom Ryan‐ Secretary 01273 688005 07899 874969 Or G.Meeton 01273 241755 Four Deans Stroke Club 01273 303236 Ro�ngdean Preserva�on Society 01273 304752 The Grange Museum and Art Gallery Ro�ngdean 01273 301004 Mon/Tues 10am ‐4pm Closed Weds Thurs/Fri/Sat 10am‐4pm Sunday 2pm ‐ 4pm Ro�ngdean Drama Society� Ro�ngdean Writers Tim Davies 07814 987688 Ro�ngdean Camera Club Brian Knight 01273 302605 Ro�ngdean Cricket Club 01273 309325 Rottingdean Bowling Club Norman Watson 01273 301290 The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club Contact Colin Campbell - 01273 300386 or Monica Watts - 012373 608881 Ro�ngdean Wine Club Tony Woodhall 01273 309697 The Deans Orchestra Barry Mar�n 01323 895927 St Nicholas Church Hall Hire for parties, etc. 01273 302192 Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild 01273 302373 Saltdean Lido 01273 888308 WSLAT & Rottingdean LAT 01273 291011 S’dean Bowling Club Sec:T Hammond 01273 887618 S’dean Residents Association Sdean, Rdean & Odean NH Watch Linda Hood, Secretary 01273 306441 Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Woodingdean Swimming Pool 01273 673265 Woodingdean Rainbows and Brownies Elizabeth 01273 272670 Five Deans U3A Eileen 01273 300274
Pilates - Nicki Lawes 8.30 & 9.30. St Margarets Cottage, Rottingdean 07796 447934 Zumba Toning With Helen, 11am - 12pm. Rottingdean Public Hall. (discounts available) tel: 07919 406917 web: Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Zumba Fitness 10.00- 10.50am Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 Diane 07795 956793 Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 9.30am‐12.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138. janesalis‐ Sacrament of Penance ‐ 10.30am, 5.45‐ 6.15pm. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean
Biblical Dance, circle style for men, wo men and children ‐ Held occasional Sundays at St Mar�n’s Church Hall, Longridge Ave from 3‐4pm. Contact Judy Law 01273 307034 for next mee�ng Church Service ‐ 10am. Woodingdean Methodist Church The Ridgeway Wdean. Church Service ‐ 8am.Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Sunday Mass ‐ Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean 6.30pm (Sat) 10.30am Sun also 9am St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Woodingdean. Info 01273 302903 Downs Baptist Church Family friendly Service & Sunday School 10.30am meet at Woodingdean Primary School. DBC Youth Church Service (age 11-21) 6pm at Rudyard Kipling Primary School. DBC Adult service 6pm Rudyard Kipling Primary School.
IMPORTANT: Please check with the event organiser before a�ending. We try to keep these lis�ngs as up to date as possible but there may be some inaccuracies. Please let us know of any errors you discover.
Church Service 10.00am Sung Eucharist - St Wulfrans Church Ovingdean Church Service ‐ 10.15am. St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue Saltdean
Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club Denton Island, Newhaven, BN9 9BA 01273 514664 Woodingdean Bowls Club Dave Swainston Secretary 01273 303305 Peter Leigh Chairman 01273 271259 Neighbourhood Watch Linda Hood - 01273 306441 Local Community Centres Saltdean Community Hall hire: 07810560337 or 07900907305
Ro�ngdean Whiteway Centre Whiteway Lane Ro�ngdean, Brighton BN2 7HB 07913 753493 for Education 07840 088 575 for letting Ro�ngdean & Saltdean Lions Club info@ro�ngdeanandsaltdeanlions. 0345 8339617 Ro�ngdean Public Hall Park Lane Available for Hire 01273 302092 Woodingdean Community Centre Warren Road 01273 685940 Woodingdean Youth Centre Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BB 01273 600606 Southover Badminton Club Dan (07812 658834) Lesley (01444 233965) Beacon Hill Nature Reserve Meet 2ⁿ� Weds & 4�� Fri of month at 10am, Longhill Rd entrance to the reserve. Contact Louise 01273 983000 for details or to join Friends of Beacon Hill. Local Churches St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Secretary: Rob Upward 01273 309097 bookings for private hire available online. St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Brighton ,BN2 8HE 01273 302192 Local Police Contacts Saltdean, Rottingdean & Ovingdean Police Community Support Officer Zack Price 101 ext 27369, 01273 470101
Local Libraries LE = Libraries Extra Woodingdean Library Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BA (01273) 290800 Monday 9am‐5pm Tue/Wed 9am‐7pm LE Thu 9am‐5pm Fri 9am‐5pm LE Sat 9.30am‐5pm LE Sun 11am -5pm LE Ro�ngdean Library The Grange, Ro�ngdean BN2 7HA (01273) 290800 Monday 9am‐5pm Tue 9am‐7pm LE Wed 9am‐5pm Thu 9am‐7pm LE Fri 9am‐5pm LE Sat 9.30am‐5pm LE Sun 11am -5pm Saltdean Library Saltdean Lido, Saltdean BN2 8SP (01273) 290800 Mon 9am‐7pm LE Tue 9am‐5pm Wed 9am‐7pm LE Thu 9am‐7pm LE Fri 9am‐5pm Sat 9.30am‐5pm Sun 11am -5pm LE Local Community Websites www.saltdeanresidentsassociatio�
Events & Announcements Deans Praise Group Meet 8pm on the first Friday of the month - an informal group for members of any church or none, living in the Deans, to get together to worship, sing and make music for the joy of it! All are welcome In local churches or occasionally homes. For more information contact Shirley Ross 01273 301075 or Phil Parsons Songs of Praise We meet at 3.15pm on the second Wednesday of every month (except August) in Ovingdean Village Hall. It's a time to sing some favourite hymns, to listen to some favourite readings, to reflect and to enjoy a time of fellowship over a delicious afternoon tea. All are very welcome to this informal and happy occasion. For more information please contact: Pat Andersen 01273 306084 or Shirley Ross - 01273 301075 Adult and Children’s Ballet Wednesdays The Whiteway Centre Rottingdean, Whiteway Lane, BN2 7HB Adult ballet 2.15-3.15pm Beginners & experienced welcome From 3 years Ballet for 3-5 year olds, 3.30-4.00pm Ballet for 5-10 year olds, 4.00-4.45pm Various ballet from 4.45-5.30pm Contact Wendy Tucknott 07963237516, 01273 703328 Zumba Adult Classes with Olivia Saltdean Lido Community Hall Wednesday 7pm-8pm St Martins Hall, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean £5 per class, £20 for five. All ages and abilities welcome 07879 777571 Exercise Saltdean with Gareth Burnell St Martin’s Hall, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean. Mon - Bands & Weights 9.15am Thu HIIT 7pm, Pilates 8.05pm Fri HIIT 8.15am, Pilates 9.15am £7 per class, contact me for discounts on block bookings 07745 309812 FB Balanced Life & Fitness
Local Venues Woodingdean Woodingdean Methodist Hall to r ent for par�es etc. 01273 304812 Beulah Fletcher Woodingdean St Patrick’s Church rooms to rent meetings & classes - Bernadette 309118 Ro�ngdean Scout HQ is available for private hire. Contact Kate on 01273 306383 for further informa�on If you are part of a local group and would like your info. to appear on this page send your details to the email address at the bottom of the page
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Host Families Sought
Pippa’s Guardians Every year, thousands of school age overseas students are educated at independent schools across the UK. When their school closes for half term holidays and exeat weekends, they need a great host family who will provide a home away from home. Pippa’s Guardians has been providing high quality Guardianship services to international students for 21 years and understand the value of a good home and how a host family can positively impact on a student’s well being. The families we look for are welcoming and interested in other cultures. Having children of similar ages helps (most students are between 14 and 19 years) but isn’t the most important thing as we have many successful host families who have younger children or children away at University or some that are retired with grownup children. Internet access is very important, and each student will need their own bedroom with a desk or somewhere quiet for homework. Being part of a family and experiencing day-today family life enhances students’ study and plays a part in improving their English language. As well as receiving a generous payment, there are many other advantages in being a host family. It is a great opportunity to introduce your family to other cultures and languages. Sharing your traditions and family life with an overseas student and knowing that you are helping them during their time in the UK is very gratifying. Long-term friendships often develop, and many host families keep in touch with the students and their families once they are back home. We are very keen to find families locally. Our students are currently based at Roedean School, Brighton College and Lancing College, so please do spread the word if you know anyone who might be interested. For further information contact: To advertise call 01273 586527 or email
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Local Green Initiative
Solutions For Saltdean How can we help nature to help us, and make the Deans even more beautiful? We are currently facing two global environmental emergencies: biodiversity loss and climate change. Many of their underlying causes are linked to unsustainable development and our everyday actions. Nature-based solutions are actions that work with wildlife and natural processes to help mitigate and overcome society's challenges. For example, forest restoration could counter up to two thirds of the accumulated carbon dioxide emissions in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing decisively to limit global warming below 1.5°C. Restored natural landscapes can draw down carbon from the atmosphere, and protect us from flooding. What is so hopeful is that we can play a part in our towns by organised planting of trees and wildflowers along verges and on waste ground. We need the council's permission and cooperation to implement this on our streets but are working towards a programme of tree planting wherever possible beginning with Bannings Vale and Crowborough rd. With tree specialists we the ’ Saltdean Trees ‘group will soon be organising the planting of trees and wild flowers on the back half of roadside verges.
Saltdean Residents Association are making admirable progress with their plans to plant trees in various suitable places and Saltdean school has planted seven trees. However all of us can do more in our own gardens/outdoor spaces. Converting our gardens into car parking spaces has increased the risk of flooding and a reduction in biodiversity and beauty of our towns and villages. However it is now possible to make efficient car parking spaces combined with grass, allowing us to have the best of both worlds. You could also consider adding small trees or bee and insect friendly flowers in pots. and in your lawns. Try to keep some of those bold little dandelions as they are one of the earliest flowers that bees love and thrive on and they really are so pretty. If you really can't bear a dandelion in your lawn why not dig them up and move them to their own little bed. The bees won't mind where they are. We all need to work together to meet our biodiversity and climate targets in order to leave a world fit to live in for our children. We are really fortunate to live in this glorious place, let's all of us help give it the care it deserves. For more information about our local conservation projects and how you can get involved, visit the inspiring Greenhavens website or Facebook group
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Local News
Rottingdean Bowls Club There is a definite spring in the steps and smile on the faces of our members who are looking forward to the start of the 2020 outdoor season in April. Bob Markham, one of our members, has been appointed as Vice-Captain of Sussex Bowls this year and Captain in 2021. As a result of this prestigious appointment the next two years will be very exciting with many County players and officials scheduled to visit: Indeed, a great honour for our club
The club’s AGM was held in February and Anne Sherwood was appointed President , Joe Dixon and Margaret Kimber were elected as this year’s Club captains. Our annual coffee morning will be on March 14�� at 10.00 in Ovingdean village hall where full information regarding the 2020 season will be available One of our sponsors, InterSport , selling bowls items, will attend Date for your diary: Club Open Weekend May 2ⁿ� & 3�� More details next month
During the winter months we employed an outside specialist company to carry out extensive work to improve the bowling green while at the same time many members worked on the surrounding garden borders. Work was also carried out outside, on the area surrounding “The Green” where footpaths had become badly overgrown with ivy and unruly shrubs. Our dedicated ‘gardeners’ have enhanced not only the approach to the Bowling Club but also the approach to Rottingdean village complementing the great work done by volunteers of Rottingdean in Bloom.
Local Photographer Local photographer Andy Brentnall has submitted this amazing picture to us. His description of the scene is: 'This rainbow was captured from Grand Ocean looking east towards Telscombe Tye.'
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Cinema Saltdean
(Cert 12A) Tragic, Sensational Biopics owe a lot to whoever is in charge of editing them. ‘Rocketman’, last month’s offering at Cinema Saltdean, owned up to being a fantasy but, importantly, its editor was none other than Sir Elton himself. Maybe there is more latitude with biopics that concern subjects who are no longer with us. ‘Judy’, a biopic about Judy Garland who died on 22 June 1969. This is Renee Zellweger's Oscar-winning performance, playing the part with on-stage verve and vigour and off-stage vulnerability. Down on her uppers and with a reputation that branded her ‘difficult’ (and broke), U.S. hotels became less likely to want her to stay with them. Tour dates were becoming fewer. Life had become hard without a manager. London beckoned and, despite a resistance to cross the pond because of having to leave her children in the States (“I have to leave my children to go and earn enough money to be with my children”), Judy arrived in London, in 1968, thirty years after ‘The Wizard of Oz’, to headline at The Talk of the Town, a prestigious venue. Unsupported, without her children, but being offered a new lease of life with an already adoring fan-base; what could go wrong? Well, drug misuse, alcoholism, a marriage break-up and custody struggles, to name but a few, that all contributed to the turmoil during Garland’s London run. On arrival in London, Judy is assigned a personal assistant, Rosalyn Wilder, played by Jessie Buckley (‘Wild Rose’, ‘Chernobyl’ ‘Taboo’) as an efficient, nononsense character, who, in reality, tried to save Judy during this turbulent period. Being forcibly signed up to a boot camp was no different from being under contract to MGM; except at boot camp they give you breaks.
filming of ‘The Wizard of Oz’, all served to increase Judy’s resilience and nurture her rebellious streak. These were tools that she would later need in coping with her private life. ‘Judy’ comes alive when Zellweger is on stage, which doesn’t happen until over thirty minutes into the film. There are terrific moments both during the onand off-stage sequences, as Judy battles with stage fright, becomes unable to sing, and turns up late for her opening night: there is much tension in the air. Off-stage, there is the constant longing for true friendship and love and the battling with her own demons. The essence of Garland is here; proud, brash, vulnerable and indefatigable. There is also the saddest version of (ironically) ‘Get Happy’ that you will ever hear, as the film nods in the direction of Garland’s gay icon status. Director Rupert Goold (‘King Charles II’, ‘True Story’ and ‘The Hollow Crown’) keeps things moving at a good pace; and his handling of the stage numbers is perfect. Judy Garland died six months after the London gigs. Another Oscar winner next month: it’s ‘‘Joker’. Jon
Judy Tuesday 24�� March. Doors: 7:00pm Film 7:30pm (Duration 1hr 58mins)
Judy was a product of the MGM machine: at MGM you were either tough or you were out and Judy was rarely out. All of this supervised by ‘camp commandant’, Louis B Mayer (Richard Cordery – ‘The Wife’, ‘About Time’) presenting as a benevolent figure to Judy, yet actually being the monster at the heart of all things. Long working hours, and holidays denied, food forbidden, in case Judy put on weight during the To advertise call 01273 586527 or email
Renee Zellweger as Judy Garland
Word List
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Local Person
12 Months, 12 Challenges Local Chris Page aims to complete 12 challenges in 12 months for Martlets Energetic Saltdean resident has Chris Page has completed his first two challenges as part of a year of adventures to raise money for Martlets in memory of his Grandma, Betty Smith who was cared for by the hospice.
Marathon on the 8th March and an inflatable 5k on the 10th May.
Chris committed to completing 12 challenges in 12 months to raise money after his close friend came up with the idea to do something different to raise money. or head to to sign up to one of their events I know all the money raised goes to an amazing cause.
So far I have been able to raise an incredible £870 and am so grateful for all the encouragement from friends and family – including Rebecca! I just hope to keep going and raise as much as possible for this amazing charity. Any help would be fantastic my Just Giving page is
Chris who works for Visions Holiday Group commented: “I have always liked a challenge and this time I wanted to take on something big and really push myself all year to achieve a personal goal and to fundraise for Martlets. “When Gran was ill she really wanted to stay in her own home where she felt comfortable and secure. Martlets cared for her so well at home and gave her amazing end of life care and I felt that I wanted to do something to say thank you and to help other people in a similar situation. “The idea for doing 12 challenges in 12 months all started when I went on holiday with my close friend, Rebecca, to South Africa and there was an ‘Ultra Trail’ event happening in Cape Town that she persuaded me to do. The challenge was the hardest thing I have ever done but it made me want to keep on pushing myself, so when Rebecca suggested why not do 11 more and make it a year of challenges - I had to say yes!” “I haven’t done anything like this before and I’ll probably be exhausted by the end of the year, but knowing I am doing it for such a great cause will keep me going. I have so far completed the Cape Town Ultra Trail 21k and Guildford Trail 10k. The weather has meant that I wasn’t able to do the Worthing Half Marathon or the Tunbridge Wells Half as both events were cancelled so my next challenge is the Richmond Half
Chris Page
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Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions
Lions March Update We are pleased to report that on Saturday 28�� March, we shall be in attendance at the Longridge Avenue Co Op whereby we will pleased to meet you, and have a chat on the services we provide and our general fundraising activities. Please check our website for confirmation – you will find the address below. It will soon be time to have a go at winning one of our very special Easter Eggs. These will be located in various venues around the Deans in the two or three weeks running up to Easter and you have a 1 in 100 chance to win a large egg for just £1. With such good odds, please pop along and this year and have a punt. The list of participating venues will be available on our website as we approach Easter.
team trapped in a cave by flood water. One of the lead divers was John Volanthen who the Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions Club sponsored to attend a Scout World Jamboree in Australia many years ago. John attended both of these Scout Groups. If you would like more information on any of our service or fundraising activities or would like to lodge an interest in helping us at our fundraising events please contact Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions on 03458 339617 or email at If you would like to make a donation to us please click on the ‘Donate’ button on our website: ( Lion Roger Bluff
On the assistance side, major ongoing service activities include the ‘Message in a Bottle’ scheme and we also support several local drop off points for used spectacles. These spectacles, once collected, are sent for refurbishment for use in the developing world. Also, our lunches and summer outings for our senior citizens are a very important part of our service to the local community. This year we are planning a very special VE Day Anniversary celebration for our seniors. We are always looking to find people that need help in our community. If you know someone in need please do ask them to get in touch with us so that we can see if we can help. In recent months we have been pleased to support a number of local families in desperate need. Towards the end of last year Lion President Geoff Rhodes, supported by other Lions, was pleased to present a book for them to keep to every child in the reception class at Our Lady Of Lourdes Primary School in Rottingdean, Woodingdean Primary School and Saltdean Primary School. This was part of our ongoing project to provide every reception class child in all the primary schools in our area with a book to help start them on a lifetime of reading. Also, Lion president Geoff Rhodes and Lion Andy Wavell were pleased to present a copy of the book, ‘The Cave’, to both 23rd Brighton (Rottingdean) and 42nd Brighton (Saltdean) Scout Groups. The book gives an account of the daring rescue of a Thai football To advertise call 01273 586527 or email
Upcoming Event
Heroes Run Super heroes RISE! It’s back! The biggest super-hero themed fun run returns to Hove Lawns on Sunday 17�� May 2020 and it’s going to be better and more heroic than ever. Book now and save 20% until the end of January. People from around Sussex will come together, decked out in their favourite superhero garb, to raise money for local domestic abuse charity RISE. All the money raised from the run will go directly towards funding RISE’s vital services, including the refuge, helpline, counselling, and group therapy. Among last year’s nearly 400 runners was four-year-old Wonderwoman Ce-ce Royal from Portslade (pictured below). She said, “I really enjoyed the RISE Heroes Run. I liked getting to wear fancy dress and run with my friends, and I can’t wait to do it again!” She got to cross the finish line twice when she joined her Auntie who was taking part in the adult race dressed as the Incredible Hulk. The perfect event for the whole family to attend, there will be activities and games for everyone to take part in on the day, including face painting and a return of last year’s popular dog fancy dress show (pictured below). If you’d like to enter the funniest, happiest, wackiest race in the UK, visit
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Please note that this is a fundraising event for RISE. Your registration fee helps us to cover the cost of running this event, but it’s your fundraising / donations which help fund our vital services, supporting families who have been affected by domestic abuse. A fundraising target of £50 will make a huge difference to us, but of course we are grateful for every penny. We are also in need of superhero volunteers to help with runner registration, stewarding and staffing the water station, so if you can lend a hand please contact RISE on
Last year’s popular dog fancy dress show is set to return
Local Therapist
Pain Therapist Penny Koster Myofascial Release - the gentle release of connective tissue. I have a beautiful log cabin in my garden where I work from, it is an incredibly relaxing and gentle space. I have been a therapist for many years, I have a lot of different qualifications and training, but the therapy I am most passionate about and know first‐hand works completely is myofascial release, myofascia is the connective tissue which joins everything together, covers everything, fills all the gaps holds you together, it has the memory of your life, it relays messages to your brain faster than the nervous System, every single thing that happens to you in your life whether it be good or bad is stored in your subconscious and your fascial system, The fascia is like a giant web made up of collagen, elastin and ground substance it covers you from top to toe with no orifices unlike your skin, it moves constantly within your body, it penetrates, covers, protects every organ, muscle, ligament, tendon, bones everythingwe are fascia, scar tissue is damaged fascia that has gone hard and dehydrated, that is why generally women get more lower back problems then men because they have hysterectomies, C-sections and end up with fascia that is damaged, dehydrated and hard (scar tissue) so no longer moves and consequently pulls on areas like the lower back, fascia can become hardened dehydrated and stop moving and therefore cause problems, discomfort, pain, disease for many many different reasons I generally call it life. Another example because we are one complete unit everything is connected you could have a pain in your shoulder and the pain could possibly originate in your lower back, or maybe your neck or both. Myofascial release is being called the missing link and I passionately believe this to be true, I believe in the not too distant future everyone will be having these treatments. The
cause of discomfort, pain is the collagen layer of the fascia, this is the layer that has to be released from its stuck, dehydrated, no longer moving position! An Analogy if you step on a hosepipe the flow is impaired. I am highly trained in myofascial release, I am trained to Body read to know where the problem is and then to un-stick it.. The whole world needs to know about this treatment! I feel very passionately that everyone should understand how it works, and as much as possible be able to do it to themselves and each other. There is no such thing as 'I have that pain because I'm getting old' No-one needs to have pain! Exceptions being if you break a leg or have an accident et cetera, I give these treatments which are extremely powerful but at the Same time very gentle, I also educate people so that they can self-care in the future and when they have a pain they understand why it's happening, and what they can do about it, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE HAS TO BE IN PAIN. Everyone is different sometimes it takes longer than others, IT IS WORTH THE WAIT! If you're interested in having a treatment and want to learn more about myofascial release and myself please go to: or phone me on 07951 117826
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Local Group
Stand With Us For most people in England women’s football is a new phenomenon inspired by the exploits of the English women’s senior team in the last two World Cups. For others, like the ladies of Saltdean United Women FC it is part of their daily lives. Saltdean Ladies, also known as the ‘Tigers’ are a newly established side who were created in 2017/18. They are connected to Saltdean FC, play in Hill Park in Saltdean and train in BACA. It was the first time in the club’s history that they had a ladies’ team and the club are now looking to progress and build a youth team for the girls’ section. After recruiting many local players, the ladies competed in the Sussex County Women & Girls Football League (SCWGFL) in the 17/18 season where they finished in second position behind local neighbours, Newhaven Ladies. Saltdean Ladies gained promotion to the South East Counties Women’s League – Premier in 2018 and had a very successful year. They gained promotion yet again to step 5 in the women's pyramid but also lifted the League Cup trophy after beating Ashford 2-1 in the final. In the Summer of 2019, the club decided to change their name to Saltdean United Women FC in a statement to make a clear signal of togetherness and unity at the club but also keeping with modern day thinking on equality. The Tigers are now competing in the London and South East Premier against teams such as Queens Park Rangers
Development and Fulham Fc. This was a big step up for them and the team are currently 8th in the league. Injuries played a big part in some poor results with a lack of squad depth hurting the team. Since Christmas however, there has been a change in mood and results. The Tigers with a couple of new signings in the January transfer window are finally playing the football they are capable of. The team finally understands that they are where they are supposed to be and each one of them should be proud of the work and commitment they have shown and now is the time to step up and push on to the next level that they are all capable of reaching. Now is the time to be ambitious. The short-term aim for the club is to stay up this year and then next year, the aim is very simple, promotion to the national league. This will only be possible with the support of the people of Brighton and if you are a member of this club and community when that happens it will be something special. Football should be a community sport and that is what it is in Saltdean. So why not come and be part of the Saltdean Women FC family, become a tiger and roar us on in Hill Park, in Saltdean, on Sunday 1st March at 2pm when the girls take on Dulwich Hamlet. Take the first step and stand with us.
To advertise call 01273 586527 or email
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Preschool Kipling Lions Preschool 58 Property Maintenance All Gutters 25 Cleaner Windows Gutter Cleaning 66 Hampton Home Improvements 4 Local Saltdean Builder 31 ML Property Maintenance 3 The Home Improvement Co. 39 The Maintenance Man FC & 41 Record & CD collector Records Wanted 66 Reiki Moonlight Healing 13 Removals & Deliveries Bob’s Transport 28 Restaurants, Cafe,Take Away Maloncho 67 Roofing Clarkes Roofing 18 Hine Roofing Ltd 12 Peake Roofing 20 Ridgeline Roofing 21 Saltdean Roofing 31 Rubbish Clearance Greenacre Recycling 60 Jim Gustard House Clearance 6 Solicitors The Deans Legal Services 27 Walkers Solicitors 10 Sports Therapist Geoff Atkinson 4 Student Accommodation Wanted Pippa’s Guardians 49 Support Groups Cardiac Patient Involvement Grp 56 Taxi Service South Coast Taxi FC & 34 Tree Care EH Treecare 18 Tiling MasterTiles BP Vets Coastway Veterinary Group 48 New Priory Vet 54 Window & door fitting & Replacement SRC Double Glazing 14 Sussex Windows & Doors 38 Window Repair Magician FC & 8 Yoga Yoga in Saltdean 24
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