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THE DEANS February 2017


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Welcome to the February Edition Most of us are familiar with the saying about not seeing a bus for hours then they all turn up at once, this month’s magazine has a similar theme, we hardly ever have pictures of helicopters, yet this month we have two! Please see the Lifeboat history article on page 40/41 and the Lions feature on page 61 to see for yourself. Friends of Beacon Hill Nature Reserve are back this month with an update, and as always looking for anybody willing to lend a hand whilst enjoying the great outdoors - page 11. Our film review is on page 59 this month, and meet a local Weight Watcher Coach on page 63 for news of her award. As always the magazine is available on our website: www.deansmagazine.co.uk along with at least 6 months of past editions in case you missed something earlier. Don’t forget to keep sending in your articles and local news, there is no charge for this and it could just be the shot in the arm your group needs to boost membership. Keith - Editor

Page 7 Dolphin Computer Tips Page 11 Beacon Hill Nature Reserve Page 25 Health Tips Page 37 Local History Page 41 Brighton Lifeboat History Page 43 Neighbourhood Watch Page 44 / 45 What’s On & Events Page 59 Cinema Saltdean Film Review Page 61 Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions Page 63 Local Person Page 70 Index of Advertisers Cover picture: Colette Langton Printing: Newnorth Distribution: M A Distribution Disclaimer: The Deans Magazine Ltd does not necessarily support or endorse any views put forward by contributors or advertisers. Any information or advice provided here should be used at the readers’ discretion


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Computer tips from Dolphin Computer Upgrades Computer Tips & Advice 89


Computer Training Keeping your computer skills up to date can be a real challenge for some people, but it’s well worth your while investing in computer training to help you make the most of your technology and to ensure you keep safe whilst online. You will find online classes or you can get help either on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. IT tuition can help you get to grips with your computer and show you how you can connect to the wider world through the internet, skype and social media. Training can help you make the most of your existing skills, or support you in learning new skills, help you learn more about emails, navigation between websites, and how to organise files and folders and much more. Computer Training can help you with the following: ● How email and Skype can help you stay in touch with family and friends. ● How the internet can help you research an interest. ● How to shop on-line safely. ● Find out how computers might help you take a more active role in your clubs or societies. ● Research your family history.

● How to use iPads, tablets and smart phones to their fullest. ● How to use the different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. ● Moving pictures from a camera to your computer, and how to send photos or documents with emails (attachments). ● How to use WordPress to manage your own website. Educating yourself in the world of technology will help you gain the confidence and skills to do more with your Computer or Tablet. Using a computer can be easier than you think and age isn’t a barrier to learning new skills. Your local Library should have information about any training classes in your area, or if you would rather more bespoke training please do get in touch with us.


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Friends of Beacon Hill


Beacon Hill Nature Reserve The weather has been kind to the Friends this winter and we have had many a happy morning scrub bashing. The ever growing brambles are being tackled on the east side of the hill and we will hopefully be seeing a much improved floral show on our chalk grassland this summer. The sheep are on their 5�� of 6 rotations and due to be off the hill sometime in February. The reason they stayed longer than in previous years is that there was more lush grass for them to graze on in autumn rather than the weather beaten offering in the bleak winter months. Funds were raised at the Rottingdean Fair for the addition of new benches and we are pleased to announce that one of the two new benches has been erected. It has been placed on the westerly path towards St Dunstans offering a lovely spot to sit and take in the view. A second bench is ready to be erected and will be replacing the bench by the Dew Pond. The original bench is dedicated to David Christie and we will be moving his plaque onto the new one. We are still trying to contact his family to advise of the improvement in his dedicated bench and would be grateful to hear from anybody that knows them.

New volunteers are always welcome to join us, meeting 10.00 at Longhill Road, Ovingdean, entrance to the Nature Reserve. Tools are provided but please wear study shoes/boots/gloves. If you would like further information we can be found at :E-mail : FOBeaconHill@gmail.com Telephone : 01273 983000 Facebook : www.facebook.com/beaconhillrottingdean

We meet on the 2ⁿ� Wednesday and 4�� Friday of the month. Upcoming dates are 27�� January, 8�� and 24�� February, 8�� and 24�� March.




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25 years experience













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Osteopathy tips

Bridgeford’s Best Bites:

Coccyx Pain (Coccydynia) Coccydynia is a pain felt in the coccyx or tailbone. It can accompany injury or strain to the coccyx or surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons. The word coccyx comes from the Greek word meaning cuckoo, referring to its beak-like shape pointing towards the front of the body. ing tissues; muscles, ligaments, nerves, fascia, etc., for Anatomy: The coccyx is the last few vertebrae at the base of the movement, strength and functionality and assess nerve pathspine. It consists of small, loosely fused bones that attach to the ways. Perform orthopaedic and neurological tests and detersacrum, the triangular bones at the base of the spine just above mine the root cause. Treat to reduce tension, nerve irritation the cleft of the buttocks. It is helpful with weight bearing when and pain. Advice regarding exercise and stretching of back, butsitting and is an important attachment site for various muscles, tocks and legs. Treatment may include manipulation, deep soft tendons and ligaments. tissue massage, trigger point therapy, muscle energy techSymptoms: Pain and tenderness in the area just above the butniques, fascial techniques, dry needling, etc. tocks is the main symptom. This may be dull or achy and occasionally sharp. The pain can be aggravated when sitting down, moving from sitting to standing, standing for long periods, having sex, emptying the bowels or during a menstrual period. The pain may extend to the back, buttocks and hips and may cause sciatica. Bending over, driving and other daily tasks may be difficult and the pain may affect sleep. Serious coccyx injury may involve spinal cord injury causing severe back or neck pain, loss of bladder or bowel control, weakness in arms or legs or paralysis in part of the body. Causes: Trauma such as a direct impact, fall, accident or injury may bruise, dislocate or fracture the coccyx. Other common causes include poor posture and childbirth; prolonged or repeated strain on the coccyx from poor posture while driving and sports such as rowing and cycling; being over-weight can put more pressure on the coccyx, being under-weight can remove the natural cushioning for the coccyx. Less common causes can be bony growths on the coccyx, arthritis, if it is too rigid or too flexible and in rare cases, infection from a pilonidal abscess, or cancer. Often there is no obvious causes and it may relate to wear and tear due to ageing and wearing down of the cartilage, causing the bones to fuse.

We are happy to advise you on your health matters and offer a free 15 minute joint and spinal check, without obligation. Lin Bridgeford DO KFRP MICAK MICRA FSCCO MSc Registered Osteopath & Kinesiologist & Yoga Teacher Aether Bios Clinic Saltdean 01273 309557 07710 227038 www.osteo-info.co.uk www.biosyoga.co.uk

Yoga in Saltdean Introduction ALL LEVELS Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm

Diagnosis: You will need to see your doctor if the pain persists, self help doesn't ease the pain, the pain is very severe or you have bleeding, high temperature or pain away from the coccyx. The doctor will examine you to check for more serious causes of the pain, such as fracture or infection. X-rays, injections, MRI or a CT scan may be required as well as blood tests to help diagnose the cause.

Saltdean Lido Community Hall Saltdean Park Road, BN2 8SP (at the side by the car park, Blue Door)

Treatment: Self help treatment includes avoiding sitting or standing for a prolonged time, using hot and cold packs applied to the tailbone, using a special coccyx cushion with a space cut out to allow freedom from pressure on the coccyx, avoiding wearing tight trousers that may put pressure on the coccyx. Laxatives may be helpful if opening the bowels aggravates the pain; over the counter pain medication may also be helpful.

Lin Bridgeford Senior Yoga Teacher

The doctor may prescribe stronger pain killers or anti-inflammatory medication. Corticosteroid injections, combined with local anaesthetic or nerve block injections may be used to reduce pain and inflammation. Stretching exercises to relax the muscles around the tailbone, postural advise, massage and manipulation may be recommended. Surgery is only recommended in severe cases and may involve removing some or all of the coccyx (coccygectomy) and this can have a long recovery time. Osteopathic/Manual Management: Take a detailed case history to understand the nature of the problem and surrounding issues. Examine the coccyx, pelvis, back and legs and all surround-

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www.biosyoga.co.uk 07710 227038




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Local history - Part 57

Mike Laslett


The Accounts of Edward Sanders


Sanders kept his accounts in a book which had been started by his uncle David Turner. Turner was a carpenter and undertaker who worked as a wheelwright at Court Farm, Rottingdean for William Brown until he died in 1897, leaving a widow, Sarah. Some more unusual entries in the accounts were for removing a window to extract the coffin and for collecting bodies from Brighton Station. His building work was varied and included such jobs as making a sideboard for Rudyard Kipling and laying and removing a temporary floor for Christmas dancing for Steyning Beard at Down House. He also carried out work for the schools and inns.

Accounts Book

Sanders was born in Hertfordshire but lived with David and Sarah from at least the age of six at 29 Rottingdean High Street. After Turner’s death he lived at 4 Vicarage Terrace where he continued his trade as a builder.

The Grange

Vicarage Terrace

Wood Family Vault

The account book covers the period May 1898 to February 1904 and details not only his work as a builder but also the funerals he undertook. It was quite common for carpenters to make coffins at the time, a tradition continued by Margetts and Cooke in the village, which will be the subject of a further article. In those six years he carried out eighty seven funerals of which fourteen were infants under one year, five were children and eleven were unknown souls washed up on the beach, often at Portbello or Black Rock. On a more cheerful note he charged for opening the family vault to allow Mrs Wood at the age of 103 years 9 months to join her forbears!

The Grange was the Vicarage at this time and it its upkeep proved too much for the Rev. Walter Tower who resigned due to the cost of upkeep. Eventually one of his successors did gain permission to sell it for a more modest property. The expense of maintaining the building is obvious from Sanders estimates. On one occasion he quoted not only for papering the bedrooms and attics but mending eleven sash windows and applying three coats of paint on the bath! In the plumbing department a complete new cesspit drainage system (including three outside WCs and one inside with a mahogany seat) would require two cwt (224 pounds) of lead piping. As if this wasn’t enough metal, there was to be a new ten gallon copper for the laundry, perforated zinc mesh on the larder door and window (to keep the flies out) and more lead around the pantry sink. Outside there were two greenhouses, two cold frames and kennels to maintain. No wonder the poor Vicar couldn’t afford the upkeep! Edward’s teenage son, Edward junior, became a carpenter too but sadly he was killed during The Battle of The Somme on 18 August 1916. His name appears on the Rottingdean War Memorial.

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40 Local History Feature

Brighton lifeboats A short monthly series on their history Part eleven - More from the Eighties August is traditionally a month with very varied, sometimes violent, sea conditions. The incident by the Palace Pier in '85 which was described in the last issue being typical. In 1986 conditions were even more severe. Early in the morning of the 26th with a south-west force 8 - 9 blowing a crew member heard a radio call from a yacht being guided towards Brighton Marina… Knowing the conditions in the entrance were so severe Station Secretary Dennis Mitchell receiving a Letter of this was unlikely to succeed, the crew were alerted and Thanks on behalf of the Station. gathered at the station. The 32ft well found yacht with During the next couple of years the boat was kept busy a professional crew of three on board was returning as the crew were now averaging some 50 - 60 call-outs from France. Their original target had been Lymington a year. By 1989 B539, Brighton's original boat, had but the sea conditions were so severe that they could reached the end of it's operational life and it's only travel downwind and Brighton was the port they replacement B577 arrived on 21st July 1989 and was were being swept towards. craned into the water just after 11.00hrs. At 11.27hrs it At 09.27hrs an auxiliary Coastguard watching from the was paged to it's first call-out - a small motor vessel Marina saw a red flare fired from the yacht which with mechanical failure drifting ashore near Hove. Since almost immediately was overwhelmed by the huge it had only just reached shore and with four passengers waves some 200 metres from the marina entrance and still on board it was taken under tow and returned to vanished from sight leaving only a small liferaft on the the Marina. surface. B577 was named the "Graham Hillier and Tony Cater" in The Atlantic 21 B520 on temporary duty, immediately memory of two nineteen year old friends who had launched but was forced to go some 400 metres out tragically died when their car crashed into the river before being able to turn and come to the liferaft's Thames. Their respective families had set up a fund in position which was by now only about 70 metres from their home area of Surrey and had raised £10,000 the Harbour Wall. While approaching the casualty the towards the cost of the new boat. This was augmented lifeboat was swept by a large wave which swamped one with another £15,000 being raised by the East of the engines which didn't restart. Continuing on one Grinstead RNLI Fundraisers. The naming ceremony took engine the Helmsman manoeuvred alongside the place on 29th September 1989 exactly seven years to liferaft which had one person clinging to it. At this the day from the accident. The boat was "handed over" moment a huge wave rose up, raising the boat's bow by Mrs Jill Cater on behalf of the Donors to Capt. Miles nearly vertically in the air, and with the force of the Wingate who accepted it on behalf of the RNLI before wind pitchpoled the lifeboat bow over stern, [the first handing it into the care of the Brighton Station. time this had happened to this class of boat]. The crew A Service of Dedication followed conducted by the Rev training came in immediately, the righting mechanism Cuthbert Le M. Scott, the Station Chaplain after which was triggered and the boat righted in about twelve Mrs Sylvia Hillier officially named the boat. seconds. The boat was now broad side on to the One of the early shouts was a call from the Coastguards conditions and while the crew were attempting to get to assist a yacht with eight persons on board which, in back in it capsized twice more throwing two crew clear near gale force conditions, had been dismasted. The of the boat which was blown ashore so close to the lifeboat made four approaches taking one crew off each harbour wall that the Marina crane was later able to time before escorting the yacht back to the Marina. extend it's jib over the wall and recover it to the boat Another interesting shout, different to the usual ones, yard. was to the skipper of a local angling boat one of whose The three casualties and the three crew were all swept party had caught a 44lbs Stingray. While attempting to past the Marina east arm and came ashore in it's lee. return the fish to the water it had lashed out with it's The casualties were taken straight to hospital, tail and the sting had gone right through the skippers fortunately all being released unharmed the same day. calf muscle. The venom is both powerful and dangerous One had been incredibly lucky having been in the cabin since it attacks the central nervous system and the man when the boat overturned and sank. The only injuries was in great pain with partial local paralysis setting in. sustained to crew were on the Newhaven boat, One of the lifeboat crew was put aboard to bring his launched simultaneously to the same call-out and boat back to harbour and the casualty was rushed back which was laid on it's side while leaving their harbour. to a waiting ambulance and straight to hospital. The lifeboat, while apparently in good condition was Fortunately all ended safely after a few days although withdrawn from service to be checked. A replacement the skipper had to endure ribbing which went of for was on it's way within an hour and by 14.30hrs was much longer. operational and ready for service. For this Service, Senior Helm A Young [now retired] If your firm, club school,etc. would like a talk on the Helm R Cohen[ now Station Operations Manager] and RNLI, a Station visit, or to assist with fundraising please Helm S Todd [now full time Helm at Tower Bridge] were contact Margaret Kimber on 07786 446901 all awarded the Thanks of the RNLI on Vellum. The See us online at www.deansmagazine.co.uk

41 Crew’s view of the Coastguard helicopter coming in to pick up a casualty.

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Neighbourhood Watch

Action Fraud Action Fraud has received several reports from victims who have been sent convincing looking emails claiming to be from Amazon. The spoofed emails from "service@amazon.co.uk" claim recipients have made an order online and mimic an automatic customer email notification. The scam claims recipients have ordered expensive equipment e.g. iPhone, watches, Bose stereos etc. The email cleverly state that if recipients haven't authorised the transaction they can click on the help centre link to receive a full refund. The link leads to an authentic looking website, which asks victims to confirm their name, address and bank card information. The suspicious emails will often contain the following: ● Links to websites that look like Amazon.co.uk but aren't Amazon.co.uk ● Attachments or prompts to install software on your computer.

● Typos or grammatical errors. ● Forged (or spoofed) e-mail addresses to make it look like the e-mail is coming from Amazon.co.uk. Amazon will never ask for personal information to be supplied by e-mail. More information about identifying suspicious emails claiming to be from Amazon can be found at https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/di splay.htmlnodeld=201489210 To report a fraud or cyber crime call 0300 123 2040 For more information about Neighbourhood Watch contact Secretary Linda Hood 01273 306441 nhw.sro-sec@hotmail.co.uk or check out the website www.salteanrottingdeanovingdeannhw.co.uk


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What’s On

Mondays Civil Service Pensioners Alliance – Monday morning month‐ ly Evelyn George 308665. Saltdean Community Centre Weaning Clinic drop‐in at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean. The first Monday of the month only (exc. Bank holidays) (FREE) Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Yoga ‐ 10am to Noon. Renata 01273 301245 or 07775537484 Ovingdean Village Hall Fun & Fit Pilates 8.30 - 9.25am, Cardio Blast - 9.30 -10am, Pilates 10.05-11am Gentle Aerobics 11.05 - 11.50am Saltdean Scout Hut - Karen 01273 585506 NCT Deans Bumps and Babies 1.30pm - 3.30pm Lido Community Room, Saltdean. Deansbumpsandbabies@gmail.com Exercise to Music ‐ 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Woodingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Womens Ins�tute ‐ Second Monday of the month. 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall Yoga – Monday and Wednesday evening and Thursday morning Breeda Duggan 233608. Sdean Community Centre Scouts (10.5 to 14 yrs) 7.30 – 9.30pm. Old Parish Ln, Wdean Mowgli Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm. Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Explorer Scouts (14 years – 18 years) Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Brownies ‐ Term �mes 5.45pm to 7.00pm. Waiting list Samantha: 07870899832. Ovingdean Village Hall Nia Dance Class: 6-7PM Rottingdean Village Hall - Helena 01273 583299 Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE. Phone 01273 705685 for details. Zumba 7-7.50pm Woodingdean Youth Centre, Warren Rd, £5, first class is FREE. 07795956793 Zumbadianelewis@aol.co.uk 5 Rhythms Dance 7.30 to 9.30pm Rottingdean Village Hall. £10 or £8 students/over 65’s. Neda - 07779 033129 Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 9.30 to 10.30am. lvl 2, 10.4511.45am lvl 1, 6.45 to 7.45pm lvl 3, 8.00 - 9.00pm lvl 2 private studio. saltdeanpilates@hotmail.co.uk. Small classes of 4/5 people. £48 course - 6 classes. Tracy Armfield 07877 878532 Weight Watchers – Monday evenings 7.00pm – 8.30pm Sarah Evans 605749. S’dean Community Centre St Margaret’s Women’s Group 2nd Monday of the month, 7.30pm in the cottage, The Green, Rottingdean

Tuesdays Quiz night 1�� Tues of month, St Nicholas Hall, Sdean,7pm, £3, licensed. 01273 585059 Cinema - 4�� Tuesday St Nicholas Hall, Sdean, 7pm, £5.50, licensed. www.cinemasaltdean.org. Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Saltdean & District Choir – Tuesday 9.45am Audrey Pickles 303596. Or Pamela Reynolds 583701 Saltdean Community Centre Church Service ‐ 10.00am.Holy Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Healing Clinic Drop in 10.00am - 1pm Saltdean for help with physical, mental, emotional conditions and animals Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551 607171 www.spiritualhealingandyoga.com The Senior Tea Club 10.30am-12.30pm for tea & chat. Telscombe Civic Centre Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435. Conversa�onal French 10.30am‐12pm, Our Lady Lourdes Church Hall, Steyning Road, Ro�ngdean. 01273 390179. All proceeds go to CAFOD Fun & Fit 8.55‐9.25am ‐ Strength Blast, 9.30 ‐ 10.30 ‐ Pilates, Ovingdean Village Hall. Karen 01273 585506 Baby and You 10.30am‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age Clinic, Warren Road, Woodingdean. (drop‐in for expectant parents and parent/carers with babies who are not yet walking) ‐ (FREE) Healthy Child Clinic 1.30pm – 3pm at the Saltdean Children’s Centre (Outreach) in Boomerang Kids Nursery, Saltdean Barn,Arundel Drive West, Saltdean. Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers.‐ (FREE) U3A Tai Chi 10am St Mar�ns Church Hall, Longridge Ave. Academy of Dancing 3.55 –7 pm. Charlene Benford 01323 899149 Saltdean Community Centre Over 50’s Keep Fit Classes – Tuesday 1.30 – 2.30 pm £3.00 per session. Tea and Coffee included. St Mar�ns Church Hall, Longridge Ave. Saltdean Parents/ Carers/ Babies/ Toddlers Tuesday 9‐12pm Pam Turner 01273 306553.Woodingdean Community Centre Zumba - Rottingdean Village Hall Tues 6.30 - 7.30PM, Helen Ford 07919 406917 www.helenfordzumba.com Royal Sco�sh Country Dancing Society – Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm during school �me. Saltdean Junior School. Pam & Ray Archer 01273 684417 Pilates 7.45 - 8.45pm Deans Leisure Centre, Falmer Road Contact Jan Davies - 07904 187257

Pilates @ Saltdean pilates 6.00 - 6.45pm Pregnancy Pilates, 7.15-8.15pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / saltdeanpilates@hotmail.co.uk Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 6.30pm – 8.30pm Woodingdean - Old Parish Lane. Ro�ngdean Contact: Caroline: Caroline@idltd.com Scout HQ,Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Second Tuesday of the month Woodingdean Hor�culture Society ‐ 7.30pm Woodingdean Community Centre Slimming World ‐ Tues: 9.30am, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, St Patricks, Woodingdean. Natalie 07854 845876

Wednesdays Saltdean Sewing Group - Last Wednesday of the month 7-9pm, Saltdean Community Centre (Lido), £5, homemade cake, refreshments, sewing & chat, please bring along a quarter metre of fabric for the craft project each month. Corrina 07875 292000 material_girl@me.com Saltdean Crafters Craft group meet first Wednesday of the month Saltdean Community Centre (Lido) 7.30 -9.30pm, £7 all materials provided. 07506692178 Sea Swim Fitness ‐ 7.00am.Saltdean Beach. http://seaswimfitness.blogspot.co.uk Miss Fit Club 9.30 - 10.30am Saltdean Park Yoga for Health & Wellbeing 9.30 - 10.45am, Saltdean Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551 607171 www.spiritualhealingandyoga.com Dizzy Tilly Kids ‐ ac�vi�es 0 – 4 yrs – music, puppets, bubbles,stories and play. 9.30am & 11am ‐ Clare Derby 308706 . St Mar�ns Hall, Saltdean Dizzy Tilly party fun time! For children's parties age 2-6years taking bookings now! Crawlers and Toddlers Drop‐in (Free of charge) 9.15am ‐ 10.30am (confident crawlers to 2 years) at St Margaret’s Co�age Ro�ngdean (next to the church and opposite the pond) Body Boost - 9.45am aerobics, 6.15pm Dancercise, Saltdean Community Centre, Lesley Jeavons 915097 Funky Feet (modern dance) Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Classes for adults and children Ring Vanessa on 273227 Academy of Dancing 5.10 –7.20 pm. Charlene Benford 01323 899149 Saltdean Community Centre Fun & Fit Core & Arms Blast 1.15 -1.55PM S.dean Scout Hut Karen 01273 585506 Weight Watchers 10.am. The Lady of Lourdes Church Hall,R.dean Stretch and Tone 10 am to 11am. Ovingdean Village Hall Baby and You 11am – 12.15pm Drop‐in (Babies from 6 weeks to Crawling) at St Margaret’s Co�age, Rotdn Tai Chi – Wednesday mornings 10 – 11.15 Andrea 01273 304472 Scout Hut, Longridge Avenue. Play Group Lady of Lourdes Church Hall Rtgdean, 1.15 3pm 0-5 Year olds £2.00 per family. French for Fidgets Parent & Toddler Class, 1.30: 2.15pm Rtgdean Village Hall Liz Watson 07976 368052 The Ro�ngdean Wednesday Bridge Club 6.15pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean Call June Hill 01273 307623 for details. Art & Cra� Club – Wednesday a�ernoon 1 -4pm Irene Beardwell 303745, St Nicholas Church - Taverner side room. Yoga ‐ 2.30pm to 3.30pm. Church of the Holy Cross, Wood‐ ingdean. £3. Ella 737054 Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 3.30pm‐5.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138 janesalisbury@ntlworld.com Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Serenity Yoga - Hatha Yoga (Beginners welcome) 7.00-8.15pm, & 8.30 - 9.45pm St Nicholas Church Hall Nikki Tuke 07813 125795 Zumba Fitness 7.00- 7.50pm Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 - Diane 07795 956793 zumbadianelewis@aol.co.uk Al-Anon Meeting 7.15 for 7.30pm start Telscombe Civic Ctr. Contact 0207 4030888 www.al-anon.org.uk or Sue 07590675496 American Partner Dancing 7.30 - 9pm W’dean Community Centre, beginners welcome: Chester 07519 818112 Or Lesley 07885986857 stepscwdc@gmail.com Meditation/Self Healing Group 7.00 - 8pm, Saltdean. Emma (BRCP/NFSH) 07551607171 Brighton Male Voice Choir 7.30-9.30pm. Woodingdean Methodist Church, Ridgway BN2 6PA Tom Ryan 07899 874969 www.brightonmailvoicechoir.co.uk Pilates – Weds eve‐ Danielle 584984. S’dean Comm Centre

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Slimming World 5.30 & 7.30PM Wdngdean Yth Centre, Warren Rd. Contact Ali - 01273 300680/07821 179343 Southover Badminton Club 8 - 10pm, Deans Leisure Centre, Contact Dan (07812 658834), Lesley (01444 233965) southoverclub@hotmail.co.uk Zumba - 7.30pm. Contact Sundari 07907 185135 St Martins Church Hall Also Saturday 9.15am, £5 drop in. T.S.Valiant N.T.C. meets @ Woodingdean School 6.30-8.30pm on Weds. Age 7 upwards. Contact 01273 676784.

Thursdays Morning meditation 7.30-8.30am Open Art Café, 6 Nevill Road Rottingdean Drop-in £3 info: Theresa Sundt 01273 303571 Downs Baptist Church, Woodingdean Three youth clubs to suit age 8-16 at Rudyard Kipling Primary School, BN2 6RH. Contact: Sean Older 01273 232414 office@downsbaptistchurch.org Gentle Yoga for over 60’s/ anyone with physical problems Simple exercises for stiffness,pain,lack of coordination, focus/concentration, Saltdean Emma(BRCP/NFSH) 07551607171 www.spiritualhealingandyoga.com Church Service ‐ 10.00am.Holy Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Open House Friendship Club 1.30 to 4.00pm Woodingdean Community Centre Coffee Shop ‐ 10‐12 Woodingdean Methodist Church, The Ridgeway. 304812 Make some new friends. Healthy Child Clinic ‐ 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at Hazel Co�age, Warren Road, Woodingdean (FREE) .Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Healthy Child Clinic – 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 11‐12 noon at The Deans Gateway Children’s Centre, Rudyard Kipling School (FREE) Weighing, measuring and drop‐in session for children up to 5yrs and their carers. Weight Watchers 6.00pm Peacehaven Evangelical Church, Mayfield Avenue, Peacehaven Sue Ca�, 390652 for futher informa�on. Weight Watchers 6.45pm Woodingdean Community Centre. Habakkuk Harriers running Club 7.00pm Running in and around Woodingdean. FREE Phone 01273 705685 for details. Weight Watchers‐ 6.00pm The Church of the Holy Cross, Woodingdean Zumba 7.30-8.20pm Falmer Village Hall (Opp Pond) £5, First Class FREE. 07795 956793 Zumbadianelewis@aol.co.uk Ro�ngdean Wine Club ‐ Second Thursday in the month, Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean, 7.30 Pm Further details, Tony Woodhall 01273 309697 Gardening Club‐ First Thursday of the month. 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Ovingdean Village Hall. Beaver Scouts (6 years to 8 years) 6.00pm – 7.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Lindsey Delow: lindsey.delow@me.com Seeonee Cub Scouts (8 years to 10.5 years) 7pm – 8.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Pilates @ Saltdean Pilates 7.00pm - 8.00pm level 1 Private studio. Contact Tracy Armfield on 07877878532 / saltdeanpilates@hotmail.co.uk Small classes of 4/5 people. £48.00/course of 6 classes Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.00pm Ro�ngdean Contact Mar�n Carr: 07801 687172 Scout HQ, Whiteway Lane, Ro�ngdean Tai Chi & Qigong 6.45pm‐8.45pm Ro�ngdean Public Hall, Park Road, Ro�ngdean Info from Evelyn Hills 01323 501634 1st Thursday in the month Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild ‐ 1.45PM at St Martins Church Hall, Saltdean, 01273 302373 U3A mee�ng 2.1 5 p m - 2 . 3 0 p m St . Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Last Thursday of the month Lunch Club ‐ W’dean Methodist Church ‐ 307496/ 887618

Fridays Sea Swim Fitness 7am, S’dean beach http://seaswimfitness.blogspot.co.uk Children’s Art Club ‐ 3.30‐5.15pm Clair Ma�hews 07843275520. Saltdean Community Centre Fun & Fit Pilates - 9.15- 10.10am; Circuit Blast 10.15 - 10.45am, Pilates 10.50 - 11.45pm, Beginners Pilates 11.50 - 12.45pm Whiteway Centre Rottingdean. Karen - 01273 585506 Slimming world – morning – Mandy Crew 542827 Saltdean Community Centre. Stretch and Tone ‐ 10 am to 11am. Ovingdean Village Hall. The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club 1.20pm The Whiteway Centre, Ro�ngdean - Colin Campbell 01273 300386 or Monica Watts 01273 608881.

45 49 Tots & toys 1.15pm ‐ 2.45pm. For carers with babies, toddlers and pre‐school children. Meet at St. Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean. (term �me only). Laura 07980 242283. Social Dance Group‐ 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Lizzie 01273 300533. Ovingdean Village Hall Scouts (10.5 years to 14 years) 7.30pm – 9.30pm Li�le Gilwell, Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Line Dancing Beginners 11.30am - 1pm Intermediate 1.30 - 3.30pm W’dean Comm Centre - Steps Dance Club Chester 07519 818112 Lesley 07885 986857 Stepscwdc@gmail.com Dizzy Tilly Kids! - activities 0-4yrs, puppets, stories, music, bubbles & play 10:30am St.Martins Hall, Saltdean - Clare 01273 308706 www.dizzy-tilly-kids.com The Senior Tea Club Meet 2-4pm for tea & chat. St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Vale. Open to Senior Deans residents, free - donations accepted Maria - 07584052837 or 01273 307435.


Fun & Fit Run, walk, stagger 8.15-9.15am Sdean Car park Karen 01273 585506

Local Groups Brighton Male Voice Choir Tom Ryan‐ Secretary 01273 688005 07899 874969 Or G.Meeton 01273 241755 Four Deans Stroke Club 01273 272815 / 01273 303236 Ro�ngdean Preserva�on Society 01273 304752 The Grange Museum and Art Gallery Ro�ngdean 01273 301004 Mon/Tues 10am ‐4pm Closed Weds Thurs/Fri/Sat 10am‐4pm Sunday 2pm ‐ 4pm Ro�ngdean Drama Society www.ro�ngdeandramasociety.co.uk Ro�ngdean Writers Tim Davies 07814 987688 rottingdeanwritersgroup@outlook.com Ro�ngdean Camera Club Brian Knight 01273 302605 www.rottcc.co.uk Ro�ngdean Cricket Club 01273 309325 Rottingdean Bowling Club Norman Watson 01273 301290 www.rottingdeanbowlingclub.co.uk The Ro�ngdean Bridge Club Contact Colin Campbell - 01273 300386 or Monica Watts - 012373 608881 Ro�ngdean Wine Club Tony Woodhall 01273 309697 The Deans Orchestra Barry Mar�n 01323 895927 St Nicholas Church Hall Hire for parties, etc. 01273 301885 Saltdean Townswomen’s Guild 01273 302373 Saltdean Lido 01273 888308 WSLAT & Rottingdean LAT mary.mears@brightonhove.gcsx.gov.uk 01273 291011 S’dean Bowling Club Sec:T Hammond 01273 887618 S’dean Residents Association www.saltdeanra.org.uk Saltdeanra@googlemail.com Sdean, Rdean & Odean NH Watch Linda Hood, Secretary 01273 306441 nhw.sro-sec@hotmail.co.uk Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Roger.j.bluff@btinternet.com Woodingdean Swimming Pool 01273 673265 Woodingdean Rainbows and Brownies Elizabeth 01273 272670 Five Deans U3A Eileen 01273 300274 www.fivedeansu3a.org.uk

Saltdean Writing Bureau Group 1�� & 3�� Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm Volunteer Bureau, Longridge Ave. Roger Bluff 07932 458071 Roger.j.bluff@btinternet.com Zumba Fitness 10.00- 10.50am Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall. Free 1�� class then £5 Diane 07795 956793 zumbadianelewis@aol.co.uk Jane Salisbury School of Dance ‐ Ballet, Tap and Funky Freestyle, (from 3yrs upwards) 9.30am‐12.30pm, St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean 01273 275002, 07855955138. janesalis‐ buryschoolofdance@gmail.com Sacrament of Penance ‐ 10.30am, 5.45‐ 6.15pm. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean Saturday night dance 7.30pm – 10.30pm – Doug Hann 01273 691767 St Nicholas Church Hall


Church Service ‐ 10am. Woodingdean Methodist Church The Ridgeway Wdean. Church Service ‐ 8am.Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Church Service 10.00am Sung Eucharist - St Wulfrans Church Ovingdean Sunday Mass ‐ Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Ro�ngdean 6.30pm (Sat) 10.30am Sun also 9am St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Woodingdean. Info 01273 302903 Downs Baptist Church Family friendly Service & Sunday School 10.30am meet at Woodingdean Primary School. DBC Youth Church Service (age 11-21) 6pm at Rudyard Kipling Primary School. DBC Adult service 6pm Rudyard Kipling Primary School.

Church Service ‐ 10.15am. St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue Saltdean Biblical Dance, circle style for men, women and children ‐ Held occasional Sundays at St Mar�n’s Church Hall, Longridge Ave from 3‐4pm. Contact Judy Law 01273 307034 for next mee�ng

IMPORTANT: Please check with the event organiser before a�ending for the first �me. We try to keep these lis�ngs as up to date as possible but there may be some inaccuracies. Please let us know of any errors you discover.

Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club Denton Island, Newhaven, BN9 9BA 01273 514664 Woodingdean Bowls Club Elaine Vickers Secretary 01273 301445 David Billings Chairman 01273 692123 Neighbourhood Watch Linda Hood - 01273 306441 nhw.sro-sec@hotmail.co.uk Local Community Centres Saltdean Community Hall hire: 07810560337 or 07900907305

Local Libraries Woodingdean Library Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BA (01273) 296928


Ro�ngdean Whiteway Centre Whiteway Lane Ro�ngdean, Brighton BN2 7HB 01273 307431 For Le�ng 07840 088 575 Ro�ngdean & Saltdean Lions Club info@ro�ngdeanand saltdeanlions. org.uk 08458 339617 Ro�ngdean Public Hall Park Lane Available for Hire 01273 302092 Woodingdean Community Centre Warren Road 01273 685940 Woodingdean Youth Centre Warren Road Brighton BN2 6BB 01273 600606 woodingdeanyc@btconnect.com Southover Badminton Club Dan (07812 658834) Lesley (01444 233965) southoverclub@hotmail.co.uk www.twitter.com/southoverclub Beacon Hill Nature Reserve Meet 2ⁿ� Weds & 4�� Fri of month at 10am, Longhill Rd entrance to the reserve. Contact Louise 01273 983000 fobeaconhill@gmail.com for details or to join Friends of Beacon Hill. Local Churches St Mar�ns URC Longridge Avenue, Saltdean Secretary: Rob Upward 01273 309097 St Nicholas Church Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Brighton ,BN2 8HE 01273 302192 www.saltdeansaintnicholas.org.uk Local Police Contacts Woodingdean, Saltdean, Rottingdean & Ovingdean Police Community Support Officer Kate Mitchell - 07912 892658 kate.mitchell@sussex.pnn.police.uk

Opening hours Monday 10am‐1pm 2‐5pm Tuesday Closed Wednesday Closed Thursday 10am‐1pm 2‐7pm Friday Closed Saturday 10am‐1pm 2‐4pm Ro�ngdean Library The Grange, Ro�ngdean BN2 7HA (01273) 296918 Opening hours Monday 10am‐1pm 2‐5pm Tuesday/Weds Closed Thursday 10am‐1pm 2‐7pm Friday Closed Saturday 10am‐1pm 2‐4pm Saltdean Library Saltdean Lido, Saltdean BN2 8SP (01273) 296920 Opening hours Monday Closed Tuesday 10am‐1pm 2‐7pm Wednesday/Thurs Closed Friday 10am‐1pm 2‐5pm Saturday 10am‐1pm 2‐4pm Local Community Websites www.woodingdean.info www.saltdeanresidentsassociation.com www.ro�ngdean.uk.com Local Venues Woodingdean Woodingdean Methodist Hall to rent for par�es etc. 01273 304812 Beulah Fletcher Woodingdean St Patrick’s Church rooms to rent meetings & classes - Bernadette 309118 berskin@hotmail.com Ro�ngdean Scout HQ is available for private hire. Contact Kate on 01273 306383 for further informa�on

If you are part of a local group and would like your details to appear on this page here then please e‐mail your details to the e‐mail address below

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Pursuits 4U Singing & Dancing Every Wednesday 2 till 4pm at Rottingdean Village Hall Dementia Event Rottingdean Village Hall 2 till 4pm Contact: 07825 292995 Yoga in Saltdean, Introduction ALL LEVELS Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm Saltdean Lido Community Hall Saltdean Park Road BN2 8SP (at the side by the car park, Blue Door) www.biosyoga.co.uk 07710 227038 Lin Bridgeford Senior Yoga Teacher




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Cinema Saltdean Film Review

Love & Friendship Director : Whit Stillman Writers: Jane Austen, Whit Stillman Stars: Kate Beckinsale, Jemma Redgrave, Steven Fry Comedy, drama and romance: they all seem appropriate for our Valentine’s month film ‘Love & Friendship’. Set in the 1790s, ‘Love & Friendship’ centres on beautiful widow Lady Susan Vernon, (Kate Beckinsale) who has come to the estate of her inlaws to wait out colourful rumours about her dalliances, that are circulating throughout polite society. Whilst there, she decides to secure a husband for herself and her rather reluctant debutante daughter, Frederica. Based on an early Jane Austen novella ‘Lady Susan’, ‘Love & Friendship’ has all that any self-respecting Jane Austen fan may want; duplicity, desire and fortune-hunting, all zipping along and led by Lady Susan Vernon, a charmer and schemer played with verve and precision by Kate Beckinsale. Lavish costumes, well-observed social etiquette, with some sly tongue-in-cheek moments, add to this heady mix. The world of Jane Austen is something of a departure for Beckinsale. After fourteen years slaying vampires in the Hollywood blockbuster ‘Underworld’ franchise, that provided little opportunity for virtuoso acting talents, ‘Love & Friendship’ comes as a refreshing and more challenging proposition. On a plane last year, I was flicking through the film choices and came across a film called ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’: intrigued, I thought I’d give it a go. The film was hugely enjoyable and succeeded in being faithful to both genres of Zombie and Austen. The reason I mention this is by way of noticing that Austen’s writing can survive most treatment – even zombies. Consider the myriad of TV productions and films that have gone before.

Cert. U

The Daily Telegraph described Kate Beckinsale’s performance in this film as her best in twenty years. She is ably assisted by an interesting and familiar cast including including Jemma Redgrave (Howard’s End); Stephen Fry popping up as Mr Johnson (as an amiable but ineffective husband); and James Fleet (who played Hugo in ‘The Vicar of Dibley’) as Sir Reginald DeCourcy. The Telegraph give the film a five star rating, noting that ‘it’s one of the deftest feats of literary interpolation in ages. And guarantees wicked surprises right on to the merry finale’. So there! Whether you are a fan of Jane Austen or not, there is much to enjoy here; fine sets and costumes and a quintessentially English plot - a real antidote to the February weather. … and we’ll see you on Tuesday March 28�� for the audience choice film! Jon

Purists of the author’s work should not be put off (no zombies here, I promise!) and no liberties are taken with Austen’s preoccupations or interests. The script is deftly executed by Whit Stillman, who is also the Director, and who has a clutch of TV screenplays and films to his name. The script abounds with verbal wit, with lovers of both high and low comedy taken care of. The sets fulfil the Austen brief of lavish costumes and lovely estates. To advertise call 01273 586527 or email info@deansmagazine.co.uk



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Rottingdean & Saltdean Lions


February Lions Update This month we have some good news on a District-wide Lions club fundraising project. Also, we ask for some volunteer support for our important Centenary fundraising activities and celebrations in 2017. Lions clubs from Kent, Surrey and Sussex have just reached a fundraising target for an important lifesaving campaign. Back in 2012 they started a challenge to extend the flying hours of the air ambulance service in our region. At the time these services could only fly during daylight hours. The plan was to provide night flying equipment so that air ambulances could operate 24/7. The Lions agreed to raise £250,000 in just ten years. Well I am pleased and delighted to announce that these Lions clubs have met this target in less than half this time. We now have the country’s only truly 24/7 helicopter emergency medical service.

now being drawn up to spend the remainder on supporting the provision of night landing facilities at hospitals across our region.

We are shortly to present Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance with a cheque for £1,000 which will mean that over recent years, I am privileged to report, Rottingdean and Saltdean Lions have contributed over £10,500 to them from the funds we have raised during numerous local events.

From a more down to earth perspective, our fundraising activities have also recently supported, for example, the Senior Citizens Christmas lunches, which in December had two sittings with 73 senior citizens partaking at a net cost to the Lions of £725. These meals were thoroughly enjoyed.

Our funds that we have contributed have been used to provide night vision helmets and goggles, and other specialist equipment along with two ambulance cars which are vital to support the night service. Plans are

We are always looking to find people that need help in our community. If you know someone in need please do get in touch with us so that we can see if we can help – thank you.

Initial night flying started in late 2013, and since that time, over 1,500 extra patients with life-threatening conditions have been attended. On behalf, of the Lions clubs involved in this project, I would like to congratulate all that have been involved. Pooling resources in this manner means that projects of this size can be considered and successfully achieved. Everyone involved should be justly proud.

Air Ambulance

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Local Person


Sally Evans My name is Sally Evans and I'm a local Weight Watcher Coach who joined Weight Watchers in April 1991 and lost 86lbs to achieve my Goal Weight. I was very proud of my achievement and wanted to inspire others as my Weight Watcher Coach had me. So in 1993 I trained to become a Coach and have been helping members live healthier, happier and more confident lives over the last 23 years.

I live in Saltdean and run the meeting on a Monday night at the Community Centre, Saltdean Park Road at 7pm.

There are over 1500 Coaches in the UK and this year I was awarded the much coveted accolade of Diamond Coach. To achieve this, I'm always proactively looking at ways to make a difference to my members and their weight loss journeys and also my community having raised over ÂŁ1.000 for charities by raffles and cake making etc. I'm also helping mentor newer Coaches in their roles too. For me this is a job I am very passionate about Weight Watchers & feel privileged to have been awarded Diamond status.

To advertise call 01273 586527 or email info@deansmagazine.co.uk

Sally with her Diamond Coach Award



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Kitchens & Installation Paul Vincent 16 Landscaping GPD Fencing FC+48 Garden & Landscape 50 KP Landscapes 22 Letting Agents Carruthers & Luck 39 Comptons Sales & Lettings FC + 12 M. Trower 47 Lock Smiths ASL Locksmith 35 Lee’s Locks 31 Mindfulness Mindful Living Skills 50 Mortgage Advice Jarlands Mortgage Consultancy 41 Music Lessons Lance Taylor Drum Tuition 11 Jay & Rachel De Cock 16 Osteopathy Aether Bios 24 Painting & Decorating AH Gordon 45 Alan Dean 60 RB Services 53 Richard’s Decorating & Maint 53 Steve Emery 25 Personal Trainers WillPower 16 Pet Services Cats Club Brighton 20 K9 Carers 16 Rottingdean Dog Walking services 63 Photography Colette Langton Photography 64 Miguel Amortigue Photography 21 Pilates Classes Fun & Fit 63 Jan Davies 35 Plasterer A & A Plastering 45 Bell Plastering & Damp Proofing 11 Plumbers & Heating Engineers Abba Heat 36 Black Rock Plumbing 23 Btn Plumbing & Bathrooms 2 Btn Plumbing Direct 6 Expert Heating Engineers 5 LS Taylor Heating 38 Lxer & Franklin Heating Engineers 23 Nigel Down 35 Paul Hallett 48 Pete Hill 43 Watertight Services 42

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