FEBRUARY 19, 2023

FEBRUARY 19, 2023
Welcome and Prayer of Adoration
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
The Church’s One Foundation
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer NEW
MATTHEW 7:12-27
Speak To My Heart
Invitation and Benediction
Congregational songs are listed in bold italic .
This month we will feature selected musical pieces by African-American composers to celebrate Black History Month. Look for this symbol throughout the month to indicate these compositions.
Kevin Bond’s production expertise has been vital to the success of some of gospel music’s most recognizable artists, including Kirk Franklin, Donnie McClurkin, and Yolanda Adams. Among his accolades are 10 Grammy Awards and 30 Stellar Awards. Kevin currently serves as the Director of Worship and Arts at the Greater Travelers Rest Baptist Church in Decatur under the pastorate of E. Dewey Smith, Jr. and he serves as CEO of his music production company, Bonded Music. He is also founder of F.L.O.W. (Follow the Leading Of the Wind), a band of studio musicians he organized to educate and instruct up and coming artists.
Kevin and his wife, Toni, reside in Atlanta, Georgia, with their children: Alex III, Tayler Alexia, Kiara, and Phillip.
The Officer Nominating Committee has begun its work to nominate the Class of 2026 for the Session. Please submit your recommendations for Elder online at PeachtreeChurch.com/Nominate
Begin the Lenten season with a service of music, meditation, and the imposition of ashes.
Please join us as we welcome and prepare our hearts for the Lenten Season with spiritual formation practices designed to draw us toward God as we walk with Jesus towards the cross.
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Larry Brock | St. Joseph
RC Dear | Northside
Steve Huntley | Home Hospice Care
Tony Pinto | Wellstar North Fulton
Richard Egan | 2/13
Ed Hill | 2/13
Ed Hill | 2/13
Husband of Theresa Hill
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Ed McCrady