Psalm 8 | What is Man that You are Mindful of Him?
Psalm 137 | How Can We Sing In A Foreign Land?
Psalm 13 | How Long?
Psalm 22 | Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Psalm 121 | Where Will My Help Come From?
Hopeful: Choosing Anticipation Over Despair
Psalm 40 | Waiting: From Pit to Rock
Psalm 118 | Rescuing: From Surrounded to Salvation
Psalm 16 | Rising: From Death to Life
Psalm 42 | Hoping: From Tears to Trust
Vulnerable: Asking God for What You Need
Psalm 39 | Hear Me
Psalm 139 | Search Me
Psalm 67 | Bless Me
Psalm 25 | Remember Me
Faithful: Relying on God in Uncertain Times
Psalm 62 | Salvation: A Rocky Shelter
Psalm 91 | Trust: A Feathered Nest
Psalm 130 | Patience: A Watchful Guardian
Psalm 18 | Help: A Sure Step
Psalm 85 | Righteousness: An Unlikely Kiss
Persevering: Struggling with God
Psalm 2 | The Raging Nations
Psalm 70 | The Slow Response
Psalm 142 | The Cave Prison
Psalm 88 | The Closest Friend
Teachable: Following God’s Guidance and Wisdom
Psalm 119 | A Bright Lamp
Psalm 37 | A Heart’s Desire
Psalm 127 | A Deep Sleep
Psalm 73 | A Forever Portion
Psalm 32 | A Loving Eye
Unifying: Pursuing a Deeper Togetherness
Psalm 133 | The Goal: Dwelling in Unity
Psalm 55 | The Problem: A Lack of Trust
Psalm 34 | The Solution: The Lord is Good
Psalm 15 | The Result: A New Way to Live
Gracious: Healing Our Brokenness
Psalm 36 | Aware
Psalm 51 | Admit
Psalm 31 | Trust
Psalm 103 | Remember
Grateful: Giving Thanks Every Day
Psalm 100 | Because You Belong to Him
Psalm 50 | Because He is Not Silent
Psalm 136 | Because of His Love
Psalm 107 | Because of Your Story
Joyful: Celebrating the Savior
Psalm 131 | Joy as Humble Presence
Psalm 46 | Joy as Peaceful Presence
Psalm 63 | Joy as Loving Presence
Psalm 23 | Joy as Hopeful Presence
Psalm 146
“Justice without strength is helpless, strength without justice is tyrannical. ... Unable to make what is just strong, we have made what is strong just.”
– Blaise Pascal
What is Justice?
• Biblical
• Hebrew “mishpat” over 200 times in OT. (Psalm 146:7)
• Relational
• Restoration is the goal.
• Vital
• He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the L ord require of you but to do justice , and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)
• Apolitical
• 3 Do not put your trust in princes , in human beings, who cannot save.
4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. (Psalm 146:3-4)
How to participate in God’s Generous Justice?
Psalm 146:7-9
• Make right
• Give bread
• Set free
• Open eyes
• Lift up
• Love right
• Keep close
• Sustain vulnerable
• Frustrate evil
5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the L ord their God. (Psalm 146:5)
Daily Dwell: February 23-March 1
“The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow…” - Psalm 146:9
Please join Peachtree’s Hospitality Ministry to help greet and welcome guests as they come to worship! If you have a passion for serving others and enjoy making people feel at home, we would love to have you on board.
Today | 12:30pm | Room 2315
Register to attend by scanning the QR code.
Deadline: Tonight at midnight
The Officer Nominating Committee has begun its work to nominate the Class of 2028 for the Session. Please submit your recommendations for Elders online at
Running now through Mother’s Day
Each Sunday, the shuttle will pick up congregants at Powers Ferry Square and drop them off in front of Family Commons. After the service, the shuttle will take them back to Powers Ferry Square.
The shuttle will run from 8:15am-12:30pm.
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Richard Burge | Briarwood Rehab
Dick Kimball | Home Hospice Care
Rex Pless | Northside Hospital (Duluth)
Jennifer Sparks Wolcott | 2/11
Ann White | 2/17
Larry Armstrong | 2/14 Father of Scott Armstrong, Grandfather of Abby and James Armstrong
Dr. Leslie Werder Cooper | 2/8 Sister of Meridy Werder King, Aunt of Emma and Sophie King, Niece of Cathy and Marbury Rainer
Mary S. Fellows | 2/18 Mother of Hank Fellows, Grandmother of Chris and Thomas Fellows and Susie Tulloch, Great Grandmother of Henry, Amelia and Robert Fellows and Maddie, Hannah, Ollie and Poppy Tulloch
James (Jim) Smith | 2/3 Father of Miriam McLemore, Grandfather of Alli, Luke, and Ty McLemore
Ann White | 2/17 Mother of Cathy Williams
The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of