Prelude Twelve Disciples in the Temple Welcome and Prayer of Adoration All Creatures of Our God and King Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Come Thou Fount Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer In His Hands Filled Acts 6:1-15 Dr. Richard Kannwischer | Senior Pastor Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Let Us Praise God Together Invitation and Benediction Postlude Congregational songs are listed in bold italic. 8:45 10:00 Order of Worship
Call to Worship Spirit of the Living God | Holy Spirit O Come to the Altar Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Doxology Life of the Congregation King of Kings Filled Acts 6:1-15 Dr. Richard Kannwischer | Senior Pastor Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Invitation and Benediction Postlude 11:15Order of Worship Follow us on Instagram @Peachtree1115 for weekly updates on our worship sets. It’s a great way to learn and listen to the music before you arrive each Sunday!
February 11-21 India – Women March 4-11 Costa Rica – High School April 1-8 Costa Rica – Families Spring Cuba – Young Adults April Guatemala – Men Mid-July Malawi, Africa Glimpses Into Going Global 2023 MISSION TRIPS Learn more India Women’s Mission Trip Informational Meeting October 9 | 10am and 12pm | Room 4307 Contact Nancy Ike at
Grow in grace. Live your faith. Become more like Jesus. ADDITIONAL COURSES OCTOBER 16–NOVEMBER 13 SUNDAYS | DINNER AT 5 pm | CLASSES AT 5:45 pm REGISTER NOW AT HOW TO ARTICULATE YOUR FAITH AND GOD’ S STORY Rev. Cody Jensen THEOLOGY OF WORSHIP AND THE ARTS Dr. Stephen Newby | Dr. Vernon Whaley | Dr. Raymond Wise
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Dick Friese St. Joseph
Dr. Steve Huntley Home Hospice Care
Ron Panarelli 9/21
Ron Panarelli 9/21
Husband of Ginny Panarelli, Father of Anthony Panarelli
Wilma Birch 9/22
Mother of Betty Ereckson
Dawn Currier 9/25 Wife of Steve Currier
Sarah Grissom 9/26
Mother of Cheryl Weldon Joan Harrington 9/26 Aunt of Vicki Franch Robert Altman 9/28 Father of Doug Altman, Grandfather of Will and Ben Altman
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of the members of the Peachtree Presbyterian Women who have been promoted to the Church Triumphant
Penny Parker | 11-21-20 Betty Jean Lewis | 10-23-21 Judith North | 12-09-21
Gladys Sanders | 02-17-22 Brenda Sweatt | 08-07-22 by the Peachtree Presbyterian Women
We are glad you joined us today at Peachtree!
We want to know more about you, and are happy to receive your prayer requests or answer any questions you may have.
Please scan the QR code below or visit , fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!
If you prefer a physical card, please ask one of our greeters or ushers.
Connect with Us 3434 Roswell Rd NW | Atlanta, Georgia 30305