“Are you living by design or default?”
Stephen R. Covey
“Virtue is what happens when wise and courageous choices have become second nature.”
N. T. Wright
When Jesus leaves, and the Spirit comes…
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. // Acts 2:42-47 (ESV)
What they did
□ Teaching (learning together)
□ Serving (working together)
□ Gathering (eating together)
How they lived
□ Devoted
□ Together
□ Praying (praising together)
□ Sharing (trusting together)
□ Helping (giving together)
□ Routine (daily)
□ Gift (favor/grace)
□ Attending (worshiping together)
□ Thanking (celebrating together)
You are invited to place your estimate of giving card in the offering plate today or you can present your estimate of giving online or simply scan the QR code.
December 22 | 5pm
December 23 | 7pm
December 24 | 3pm | 5pm | 7pm
The majesty of the Advent season is captured in music, message, and the beauty of sharing the light of Christ with candles, as we are led by our choir and orchestra and sing our favorite Christmas hymns.
Nursery is available for children up to three years of age during our 5pm service on December 22, as well as, our 3pm and 5pm services on December 24.
December 24 | 10am
Join us for this interactive service for families of toddlers and young preschoolers. This delightful telling of Christmas will capture hearts of children and parents alike. Sing your favorite carols and experience God’s story in a fresh way. Live animals will be on the Peachtree Green Space before and after the service.
Nursery is available for children up to three years of age for this service.
Registration is required for in-person services and will open Monday, December 2 at 10am.
We will be livestreaming our 5pm service on December 24 at
December 1 | 4-6pm
Peachtree Green Space by the Sanctuary
Enjoy festive crafts, holiday treats, commemorative photos, and a special Christmas special Christmas magnolia tree lighting at 5:40pm with Dr. Richard Kannwischer.
Visit to register.
December 1 | 6pm The Sanctuary
The Christmas Festival Concert (formerly the Christmas Pops Concert) is a holiday favorite! Invite your family and friends to enjoy this sparkling evening of music, featuring the choir, orchestra, handbells, soloists, and congregational participation.
Invitations in the Interruptions
December 5 | 7-8:30pm
Kellett Chapel
The Christmas season is filled with joy, anticipation, laughter, and candlelight. Yet, it can also bring distractions, endless to-do lists, interruptions, and anxiety. As we prepare our hearts for the Advent season, let’s take a moment to recognize God’s presence amid life’s chaos.
Join us for a special evening in his presence as we gather at his feet to welcome the greatest interruption the world has ever known: Jesus.
Visit to register.
IRISH CHRISTMAS with Keith & Kristyn Getty
December 8 | 6:30pm
Peachtree Church is excited to present Grammy-nominated artists and hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty. We invite you to join us for an unforgettable Christmas celebration with music that has delighted and inspired generations of worshipers.
Sanctuary seating is sold out. Limited seating for the livestreaming of the concert is available in our Fellowship Hall at
December 15 | 5pm
The camel, donkey, angels, wise men, and shepherds are returning to the Sanctuary for the children’s Christmas pageant! Join us as we reenact the Christmas story and celebrate the true reason for the season.
Close Date: December 8 | 11:59pm
Price: $15 per dedication
If you would like to take part in decorating the Sanctuary with beautiful Christmas poinsettias by honoring or remembering your loved ones, you may purchase poinsettias online at
Join us on November 10 as we welcome lawyer, author, and speaker Justin Earley. Justin frequently speaks at businesses and legal events on habits, technology, and mental health; and at churches and conferences on habits, spiritual formation, and parenting. He is known in the Peachtree community as a recurring guest on our Overflow Podcast.
Peachtree Express Is Back
November 17 through the Advent Season
Each Sunday, the shuttle will pick up congregants at Powers Ferry Square and drop them off in front of Family Commons. After the service, the shuttle will take them back to Powers Ferry Square. The shuttle will run from 8:15am-12:30pm.
Join us in welcoming the following 136 new members to Peachtree!
Cameron Anderson
Janie Anderson
Abbie Angell
Bryce Angell
Jennifer Arrendale
Caroline Ashworth
Kevin Ashworth
Jackson Bailey
SJ Bailey
Casey Barber
Helen Barber
Alexandra Barlow
Scott Barlow
Fred Battisti
Natalie Battisti
Jennifer Bell
Tom Bell
Jay Bess
Ally Bickelhaup
Rhett Blair
Robbie Blair
Kristen Blake
Meghan Brieck
Matthew Buchtrup
Jim Caswell, IV
Russ Chandler
Jenny Clay
Will Clay
John Coleman
Linda Coleman
Shelby Connors
Brett Coogan
Susan Cowie
Travis Cowie
Sheilah Davis
Tommy Davis
Alec Denton
Laura Denton
Duke Dewrell
Jenny Dewrell
Rollin Downs
Allison Espenlaub
Jake Espenlaub
Zoe Fisher
Haddon Foster
Jacqueline Garner
Leah Garrison
Susan Glander
Candler Goodman
Shields Goodman
Megan Hamilton
Paul Hamilton
Amanda Hanrahan
Mary Janet Harden
Catherine Henson
Kenny Henson
Sam Herbert
Sarah Herbert
Lois Ann Hernquist
Tammy Herrington
Tommy Herrington
Emily Heslin
James Heslin
Allen Hill
Haynes Hill
Holly Hill
Mary Katharine Hill
Hillary Horton
John Horton
Edward Hudson
Max Hudson
Dallis Joiner
Martha Stewart Joiner
KD Jones
Madison Jones
Patty Keller
Mary Lau
Peter Lau
William Letzer
Chandler Letzer
Ryan Llewellyn
Frank Lyles
Jackie Lyles
Jenny Magee
Laura McDonald
Todd Alan McDonald
Hunter McElroy
Donnie Merren
Lauren Merren
Anna Montague
Elford Morgan
Leslie Morgan
Angela Morris
Jarrett Moss
Jane Blair Myers
Babs Newray
Caroline Nichols
Jack O’Keefe
Angelina Odemchuk
Vitaly Odemchuk
Jeff Pafford
Kaki Pafford
Allison Perry
Milton Perry
Doug Probst
Patty Probst
Jennifer Reddaway
Mark Reddaway
Mary Helen Reddaway
Mary Scott Robertson
Emory Rogers
Lauren Rogers
Shannon Rogers
Megan Rojas
Rob Rojas
Emma Ross
Mark Schaler
Rachel Schaler
Cade Songy
Katy Songy
Amanda Spence
Mark Spence
Carter Stanley
Kate Stokes
Lucy Suddreth
Shayne Thompson
Tyler Thompson
Megan Tracy
William Tracy
Caroline Upchurch
Will Upchurch
Caroline Varalla
Robert Varalla
Katherine Whitt
Tyler Whitt
Chapman Wilkinson
Katie Wilkinson
If you’re on a journey searching for God, new to the city, or looking for a church to join to grow in your faith, you are welcome here at Peachtree! We invite you to take a next step by joining us for our Exploring Peachtree class to learn more. Visit
For centuries, the Christian Church has recognized those who have been “promoted to the church triumphant.” In our services today, in the closing hymn/song, we will remember those members of this community of faith, who in the last twelve months have gone on to enjoy the direct and eternal presence of our loving God.
Gary Schubert | 10/ 21
Scott Arnold | 10/ 24
Barbara Schneidewind | 10/ 31
Betty Wyatt | 10/ 31
Ed Michaels | 11/ 8
Michi Kono | 11/ 22
Beth Stanford | 11/ 24
Sue Hukari | 11/ 26
Mary Pless | 12/ 1
Carol Hughes | 12/ 3
Susan Traynor | 12/ 17
Rose Bell | 12/ 18
Mynelle Harris | 12/ 20
Linda Warren | 12/ 31
Mary Margaret Harris | 1/ 2
Bob Randolph | 1/ 9
Fletcher Fogle | 1/ 25
Jimmy Williams | 1/ 23
Dorothy Farmer | 2/ 3
Jane Simms | 2/ 19
Maryann Gillespie | 3/4
Jane Whiteman | 3/ 9
Chris Curschmann | 3/ 22
Wynn Clay | 3/ 27
Bill Teegarden | 3/ 31
Patty Fryer | 4/ 2
Elisabeth Dillard | 4/ 2
Peggy Dominey | 4/ 2
Gary Mutz | 4/ 3
John Roark | 4/ 10
Dorothy Whitman | 4/ 16
Bob Slater | 4/ 29
Dora Dennard | 5/ 9
Reid Conyers | 6/ 1
David Bradfield | 6/ 7
Curtis Walker | 6/ 15
Mack Secord | 7/ 3
Mack Johnson | 7/ 8
Jack Brown | 7/ 22
Alvin Graham | 7/ 28
Natalie Spalding | 7/ 28
Huw Williams | 8/ 9
Betty Mathis | 8/ 14
John Roberts Maddox, Sr. 8/ 14
Duncan Beard | 8/ 31
Chip Traynor | 9/ 11
Jenny Pruitt | 9/ 27
Wiley Ansley | 10/ 16
Linda Sessler | 10/ 19
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Richard Burge | VA Hospital
Mary Jordan | East Cobb Nursing & Rehab
Evelyn Jane Davis | 9/20 Lindsay and Austin Davis
Cheryl Davis | 5/18
Faye Moore Carlisle | 10/2 Sister of Patsy Dickerson
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in honor of
Those who served in the Armed Forces of the United States