Order of Worship

As we’ve explored the overarching story of God and the world through Quest in 2022, we’ve been reminded that we can be a part of God’s ongoing restoration story today. One way we’re inviting you to do that is by making a faith commitment to the mission of Peachtree in 2023.

December 21 | 7pm
December 23 | 5pm | 7pm December 24 | 3pm | 5pm | 7pm
The majesty of the Advent season is captured in music, message, and the beauty of sharing the light of Christ with candles, as we are led by our choir and orchestra and sing our favorite Christmas hymns. Nursery is available for children birth-age 3 during the 3pm and 5pm services.
If you cannot attend one of our in-person services, join us on December 24 at 5pm at PeachtreeChurch.com/Watch for a special candlelight service online.
Young Families Service
December 24 | 10am

Join us for this interactive service for families of toddlers and young preschoolers. This delightful telling of Christmas will capture hearts of children and parents alike. Live animals will be on the front lawn. Sing your favorite carols and experience God’s story in a fresh way. Nursery is available for children birth-age 3.
PeachtreeChurch.com/Christmas Registration is required for in-person services and will be available Sunday, December 11, at
An Advent Invitation

Waiting in Quiet Expectation
Thursday, December 1 | 7pm
Please join us as we welcome and prepare our hearts for the Advent Season with spiritual formation practices designed to draw us toward God as we wait in quiet expectation.
Fair Trade Market
Sunday, December 11 | 8:30am–1pm
Join us for a special holiday shopping event offering unique and beautiful items created by artisans in the worldwide Fair Trade network.
Christmas Pops
Sunday, December 11 | 5–6:30pm
Our beloved Christmas Pops Concert is a holiday favorite! Invite your family and friends to enjoy this sparkling evening of music, featuring choir, orchestra, handbells, soloists and congregational participation.
Family Christmas Pageant and Jerusalem Village
Sunday, December 18 | 3-8pm
The camel, donkey, angels, wise men, and shepherds will return to the sanctuary for the children's Christmas pageant after a two-year absence (5-6pm). Travel to the fellowship hall before or after the pageant to experience a walkthrough, interactive Jerusalem Village. Come taste, smell, and see Jerusalem as it may have been when Jesus was a child. There will be hot chocolate provided and live animals on the front lawn of the church.
If you would like to take part in decorating the Sanctuary with beautiful Christmas poinsettias by honoring or remembering your loved ones, you may purchase poinsettias online at PeachtreeChurch.com/Christmas Poinsettia orders must be placed by midnight December 4.
Coming Soon Christmas Bridges
On November 24, we will release an original recording of classic Christmas songs by the Peachtree Church worship team on Apple Music and Spotify. Watch for more details next week!
For a full listing of Advent events, visit PeachtreeChurch.com/Christmas

Bridge Christmas Party

Bridge is a community of twenty-somethings looking for connection and fellowship in Christ while crossing from college to adulthood. If you’re still getting started in learning what adulting is all about and you’re not already connected at Peachtree, Bridge is designed for you. Join us on December 6 for light bites and drinks as we kick off this group and share with you what we have planned for 2023. We’d love to meet you there.


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Jon Gray | UAB Hospital
Dr. Steve Huntley | Home Hospice Care

Madeleine Elizabeth McKelvey | Piedmont
Lynn Neal 11/9
Mother of Pam Fellows, Grandmother of Chris Fellows, Susie Fellows Tulloch & Thomas Fellows, Great Grandmother of Henry, Amelia & Robert Fellows and Hannah, Ollie & Poppy Tulloch
Kerry Sanford 11/11 Brother of Angela Cribb
Corbin Crafford Hume 11/12 Mother of Brooke Pendleton
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of David P. Lanier and C. Bruce Corley by their loving family
Connect with Us
We are glad you joined us today at Peachtree! We want to know more about you, and are happy to receive your prayer requests or answer any questions you may have. Please visit PeachtreeChurch.com/ConnectCard , fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!