December 25, 2022

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DECEM BER 25, 2022


Order of Worship Prelude Angels We Have Heard on High Welcome and Prayer of Adoration It Came Upon A Midnight Clear Hark! the Herald The Angels Sing Joy To The World Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer


Unwrapping the Presence of Jesus 1 John 1:1-4 Rev. Cody Jensen | Associate Pastor Go Tell It on the Mountain Invitation and Benediction Postlude

Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.

JOIN US FOR A NEW SERMON SERIES BEGINNING JANUARY 8 The prevailing theme of Jesus’ ministry is the idea of new life — renewal and restoration, forgiveness and freedom, grace and growth, a new covenant between God and his people. The Gospel of Matthew reveals the story of Jesus. The letter to the Romans explains the significance of Jesus. As we enter into this narrative together, we will invite God to write a new chapter in our lives and the life of Peachtree Church.

finish strong end of year giving

Traditionally, strong giving in the month of December significantly outpaces giving during the rest of the year. Our budget is based on this consistent pattern and we need your help to finish strong again in 2022! Your incredible generosity and faithfulness year after year makes all of our ministry possible…and we don’t take it for granted. Thank you!

Learn more and give at

SU N DAY, JA N UA RY 1 Next Sunday, January 1, we will have one in-person worship service at 10am. There will be no programming for children or students but nursery will be available. We hope you can join us in-person, but if not, join us at 11am for Peachtree Online at

Connect with Us We are glad you joined us today at Peachtree! We want to know more about you, and are happy to receive your prayer requests or answer any questions you may have. Please scan the QR code below or visit, fill out the form, and someone will connect with you!

If you prefer a physical card, please ask one of our greeters or ushers.

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