Christmas Festival Concert 2024

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Hark, the Herald Angels Sing | MENDELSSOHN

chancel choir


Dr. Richard Kannwischer | Senior Pastor

Sing We Now of Christmas | arr. Kevin McChesney

chancel bells

God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen | arr. Keith Getty chancel choir and peachtree youth Choir

God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay; remember Christ, our Savior, was born on Christmas Day to save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray:

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,

O tidings of comfort and joy.

In Bethlehem, in Israel, this blessed Babe was born, and laid within a manger upon this blessed morn, the which His mother Mary did nothing take in scorn:

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy.

From God our heavenly Father a blessed angel came, and unto certain shepherds brought tidings of the same. how that in Bethlehem was born

the Son of God by name:

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,

O tidings of comfort and joy.

The shepherds at those tidings rejoiced much in mind, and left their flocks a-feeding in tempest, storm and wind, and went to Bethlehem straightway, this Son of God to find.

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,

O tidings of comfort and joy.

Now to the Lord sing praising, all you within this place, and with true love and brotherhood each other now embrace; this holy tide of Christmas all others doth deface

O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,

O tidings of comfort and joy

We Wish You a Merry Christmas | arr. Chris Ridenhour Orchestra

People Look East | arr. Karen Roth peachtree youth bells

Willie, take your little drum; with your whistle, Robin, come! When we hear the fife and drum, tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan, when we hear the music play, Christmas comes to us this day.

Thus the men of olden days loved the King of kings to praise: when they hear the fife and drum,

tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan, when they hear the fife and drum, all the children with joy shall come.

God and man are now become more at one than fife and drum. When you hear the fife and drum, tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan, when the music has begun, all the people sing as one.

Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day | arr. Howard Helvey chancel


Tomorrow shall be my dancing day: I would my true love did so chance to see the legend of my play, to call my true love to my dance:


Sing O my love, O my love, O my love, my love, my love; This have I done for my true love.

Thus was I born of a virgin pure, of her I took fleshly substance; thus was I knit to man’s nature, to call my true love to my dance: REFRAIN

In a manger laid and wrapped I was, so very poor, this was my chance, betwixt an ox and a silly poor ass, to call my true love to my dance: REFRAIN


Good Christians All, Rejoice | IN DULCI JUBILO

On This Day, Earth Shall Ring | arr. Anna Laura Page

peachtree youth bells

Patapan | arr. Howard Helvey chancel choir

Mary, full of innocence, carrying the Holy Prince, you’re almost there, you’re almost there.

Mother of the Living Word, trusting in the voice you heard, you’re almost there, you’re almost there.

You’re almost where the angels see redemption’s plan unfolding. All hope is in the Son you’ll bear; you’re almost there.

A lonely road, a willing heart, prayer for strength to do your part;

you’re almost there, you’re almost there.

Trust the Father to provide Bread of Heaven prophesied; you’re almost there, you’re almost there.

You’re almost where the waiting ends, delivering the life within, the answered prayer, Emmanuel; you’re almost there.

You’re almost where the journey ends, where death will die and life begins, the answered prayer, Emmanuel; you’re almost, almost there.

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus | arr. Marianne Forman peachtree youth choir

Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free; from our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee; Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art; dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart!

Joy to those who long to see Thee, Dayspring from on high appear; come, Thou promised Rod of Jesse, of Thy birth we long to hear!

Over the hills the angels singing news, glad tidings of a birth; “Go to Him your praises bringing; Christ the Lord has come to earth.”

Born Thy people to deliver, born a child, and yet a King, born to reign in us forever, now Thy gracious Kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit rule in all our hearts alone; by Thine own sufficient merit, raise us to Thy glorious Throne!



In the darkness of cold winter lies a mother with her baby. Robes of velvet I would bring him, songs of welcome I would sing him.


Allelu, allelu, alleluia, alleluia be joyful tonight!

Christ our Savior, born in Bethlem, bringing gladness and delight.

The sweet Virgin holds her baby, rocks him gently in her arms: hands so loving to caress him; hands so humble fit to bless him. REFRAIN

Alleluia, alleluia, Christ is born.

Out of the Orient Crystal Skies | Richard Zgodava chamber chorale

Out of the Orient crystal skies, a blazing star did shine, showing the place where poorly lies a blessed babe divine.

This shining star three kings did guide even from the farthest east, to Bethlehem where it betide this blessed babe did rest.

He was born of a maid of royal blood who Mary was called by name, a sacred rose which once did bud by grace of heavenly flame.

And for the joy of his great birth a thousand angels sing,

glory and peace unto the earth, where born is this heavenly King.

Out of the Orient a star did shine, alleluia alleluia, and for the joy of his great birth a thousand angels sing alleluia, alleluia, a thousand angels sing, glory and peace unto the earth, where born is this heavenly King.

Sing of the joy of his great birth, glory and peace unto the earth.

From out of the Orient crystal skies a blazing star did shine, showing the place where poorly lies a blessed babe divine.


All Is Well | Michael W. Smith todd fields and karyn list, soloists

All is well, all is well. Angels and men, rejoice. For tonight, darkness fell into the dawn of Love’s light. Sing, “alle,” sing “alleluia.”

All is well, all is well. Let there be peace on Earth. Christ is come, go and tell

that He is in the manger. Sing, “alle,” sing “alleluia.”

All is well, all is well. Lift up your voice and sing. Born is now, Emmanuel, born is our Lord and Savior. Sing, “alleluia,” sing “alleluia.”

All is well!

Bogoroditse Devo | Sergei Rachmaninoff chancel choir


Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, Mary full of grace, the Lord is with You. Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have borne the Savior of our souls.


What Child Is This? | GREENSLEEVES

All Through the Silent Night | Joel Raney chancel bells

Sing this night, for a boy is born in Bethlehem, Christ our Lord in a lowly manger lies; bring your gifts, come and worship at his cradle, hurry to Bethlehem and see the son of Mary!


See his star shining bright in the sky this Christmas Night! Follow me joyfully; hurry to Bethlehem and see the son of Mary!

Angels bright, come from heaven’s highest glory, bear the news with its message of good cheer: “Sing, rejoice,

for a King is come to save us, hurry to Bethlehem and see the son of Mary!” REFRAIN

See, he lies in his mother’s tender keeping; Jesus Christ in her loving arms asleep. Shepherds poor, come to worship and adore him, offer their humble gifts before the son of Mary. REFRAIN

Let us all pay our homage at the manger, sing his praise on this joyful Christmas Night; Christ is come bringing promise of salvation; hurry to Bethlehem and see the son of Mary! REFRAIN

Green and silver, red and gold, And a story born of old.


Truth and love and hope abide, This Christmastide, this Christmastide. Holly, ivy, mistletoe, And the gently falling snow. REFRAIN

From a simple ox’s stall Came the greatest gift of all. REFRAIN.

Children sing of hope and joy

At the birth of one small boy. REFRAIN

Let the bells ring loud and clear, Ring out now for all to hear. REFRAIN

Trumpets sound and voices raise In an endless stream of praise. REFRAIN

Green and silver, red and gold, And a story born of old. REFRAIN

This Christmastide | Donald Fraser chancel choir

A day, a day of glory!


Day, a Day of Glory | Barlow Bradford chancel choir

A day that ends our woe!

A day that tells of triumph against our vanquished foe!

Yield, summer’s brightest sunrise, to this December morn: lift up your gates, ye Princes and let the Child be born!

With Gloria in excelsis archangels tell their mirth: with Kyrie eleison men answer upon the earth: and angels swell the triumph, and mortals raise the horn, lift up your gates, ye Princes and let the Child be born!

He comes, His throne the manger; He comes, His shrine the stall; the ox and ass His courtiers who made and govern all: the “House of Bread” His birthplace, the Prince of wine and corn: lift up your gates, ye Princes and let the Child be born!

Then bar the gates, that henceforth none thus may passage win, because the Prince of Israel alone hath entered in: the earth, the sky, the ocean His glorious way adorn: lift up your gates, ye Princes and let the Child be born!


Chuck Roberts | Senior Associate Pastor


Lynn Barry

Elizabeth Castillo*

Karen DeZearn

Susan Di Chesere

Wendy Eavenson

Heather Ellison

Sheila Fraser

Staci Graham

Janet King

Stephanie Kirkpatrick

Gail Lewallen

Barbara Malm

Alyssa Martin*

Kathy Milligan

Emily Nelson*

Nancy Newman

Babs Newray

Suzanne Niemela

Beth Stephenson

Ellen Warden

Agnes Van Rin


Mary Hoffman | Senior Director of Music

Steven Wooddell | Organist

Heather Ellison | Chancel Bells Director

Sarah Dempster | Youth Bells Director

Meredith Baker | Senior Children’s Music Associate

Todd Fields | Interim Contemporary Worship Leader

Jason Maynard | Principal Pianist

Sean Savage | Youth Music Assistant

Kameron Christie | Youth Bells Assistant

Lara Longsworth | Youth Choir Assistant



Sarah Akana

Marie Bowles

Teresa Cross

Sarah Dempster

Christi Downing

Jennifer Hanna*

Lara Longsworth*

Alvard Mayilyan*

Emily Monroe

Judith Norback

Kathy Pais

Gala Pope

Kathryn Roberts

Cathy Sasser

Mary Saville

Jeanne Scarborough

Tiffany Stewart

Christine Tye

Louise Wilson

Jane Word


Jeff Akana*

Floyd Atteberry

Steve Bing

Sam Grisham

Jonathan Hart*

Bill Henderson

Stephen Rogers

Sean Savage*

Don Sheffield

Jack Staples


Robert Cribb

Richard Ellison

Thomas Ellison

Stan Everett

Benjamin Grisham

Gene Horn

Richard Kauffman

Dennis Lewallen

Ray McConnell

Tim Parham*

Rich Perkey

Evans Scarborough

Wendel Stephens*

Van-Arc Wright*

* denotes Staff Singer



Kameron Christie

David Ellison

Thomas Ellison

Luca Lemos

Charlotte Longsworth-Gaare

Philip Savage

Robert Savage

Cameron Thaler

Carter Wilson

Thomas Ellison

Joni Hart

Luca Lemos

Charlotte Longsworth-Gaare

Philip Savage

Robert Savage

Cameron Thaler


Lynn Barry

Richard Ellison

Thomas Ellison

Matthew Furr

Jessica Gelston

Susan Gornall

Suzann Moore

Tiffany Stewart

Christine Tye

Ellen Warden

Jim Wood


Karen List | Featured Vocalist

The Choral Guild of Atlanta

Emily Daggett Smith | Violin

Jessica Shuang Wu | Violin

Joseph Skeric | Viola

Guang Wang | Cello

Tim Aucoin | Bass

Sam Skelton | Woodwinds

Mace Hibbard | Woodwinds

Katie Smith | Oboe

Debby Grove | Bassoon

Marla Feeney | Flute/Irish Flute

Luke Weathington | Flute

John Bryant | Trumpet

Yvonne Toll | Trumpet

Jason Eklund | French Horn

John Pirtle | French Horn

Derrick Jackson | Trombone

Ed Nicholson | Trombone

Phil Truex | Bass Trombone

Diedre Agustin | Harp

Joel Morris | Timpani

Paula Williams | Auxiliary Percussion

Dr. Wooyoung Kwon | Guest Pianist


For information on how you can become a Friend of Music, contact the Peachtree Music Ministry at or scan the QR code


($5,000 +)





Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Brannon

Ms. Dot Fisher

Mrs. Sally Hinkle

Mr. Jim Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Stiles Kellett, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Lou Bunte

Mrs. Peggy Dominey

Mrs. Emily Monroe

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moore IV

Ms. Annette Satterfield

Friends of Frank Skinner

Mrs. Jane Young

Mr. Clay Hilley

Max & George Lane




Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Bargeron

Mrs. Nancy Berry

Friends of Eleanor Dearolph

Friends of Jean Guest

Friends of Dave Hudak

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Sharpe

Mr. & Mrs. John Shevlin



Ms. Virginia Dilkes

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Slater

Friends of Cynthia L. Smith


($99 & under)

Friends of Eleanor Cool

Mr. Dale Ashworth

Ms. Sheldon Staples

Mr. & Mrs. Will Mack

Friends of Helen Nemesnyik

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Nichols

Mr. Richard Oliver & Mrs. Marge Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Beau Terrell

December 22 | 5pm

December 23 | 7pm

December 24 | 3pm | 5pm | 7pm

The majesty of the Advent season is captured in music, message, and the beauty of sharing the light of Christ with candles, as we are led by our choir and orchestra and sing our favorite Christmas hymns.


December 24 | 10am

Join us for this interactive service for families of toddlers and young preschoolers. This delightful telling of Christmas will capture hearts of children and parents alike. Sing your favorite carols and experience God’s story in a fresh way.

We will be livestreaming our 5pm service on December 24 at CHRISTMAS EVE ONLINE SERVICE

Nursery is available for children up to three years of age during our 5pm service on December 22, as well as our 10am, 3pm, and 5pm services on December 24.

Invitations in the Interruptions

December 5 | 7-8:30pm Kellett Chapel

Join us for a special evening in his presence as we gather at his feet to welcome the greatest interruption the world has ever known: Jesus.

December 15 | 5pm The Sanctuary

The camel, donkey, angels, wise men, and shepherds are returning to the Sanctuary for the children’s Christmas pageant! Join us as we reenact the Christmas story and celebrate the true reason for the season.

Registration is required for in-person services and will open Monday, December 2 at 10am. For additional information and registration links for all of our Advent events, visit

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