Apr 28 Bulletin

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APRIL 28, 2019

The Church Never Defeated Revel ation 2–3

GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude Immortal, Invisible (God Only Wise) Welcome & Call to Worship The Lion and the Lamb Prayer of Confession Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer So Will I (100 Billion X) Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow*


THE CHURCH NEVER DEFEATED Revelation 2–3  (Pew Bible 1914 –1917)

Dr. Richard Kannwischer  Senior Pastor FOLLOWING GOD INTO THE WORLD Blessed Assurance Invitation & Benediction Postlude

Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.

* In the 8:45 & 11:15 services, children are invited to come forward and be escorted to their classrooms.

SENIOR SUNDAY Each year, we give our high school seniors the opportunity to bless our congregation by serving in key parts of our Sunday morning services on what has become known as “Senior Sunday.” This morning you will see our Peachtree seniors serving in multiple capacities; whether it be greeting, singing from the chancel, or praying, each student has come with a heart to express their gratitude for the impact Peachtree has had on them. This is a pivotal moment as they prepare to walk with the Lord into the next chapter of their lives, and it is a privilege for them to lead this morning. On behalf of the senior class, student ministry staff, and senior class advisors, thank you for supporting and nurturing them in their faith journey.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” DEUTERONOMY 31:8




Katie Tanner Jack Googe Ben Lyday Anna Mitnitsky Caroline Gaster Hayden Moore

Jack Whitten Henry Sharp

Lucy Gash Thomas Pierce Tase Karamanolis Chase Karamanolis Carson Bargeron

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center & the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.


Life of the Congregation


CITY PLUNGE (FIFTY6) JULY 25 –27 City Plunge is a fun-filled local missions opportunity for rising 5th and 6th graders, where our students serve local mission partners throughout the city during the day and spend the night in the Lodge. PeachtreeChurch.com/CityPlunge

CAMP DUCKTOWN (MIDDLE SCHOOL) JUNE 9–13 Camp Ducktown is our yearly summer camp designed specifically for rising 7th and 8th grade students to build community and learn about faith in a fun environment with white water rafting, paintball, horseback riding, ropes courses, and the blob! PeachtreeChurch.com/Ducktown

CAMP RUTLEDGE (HIGH SCHOOL) JUNE 23– 28 Join us for the best week of the entire year! The 76th year of Camp Rutledge will be filled with volleyball games, watermelon hunts, eating fried chicken, and discovering what it means to have a relationship with Christ. PeachtreeChurch.com/Rutledge There are a bunch of great ways to get involved in the Student Ministry at Peachtree either as a participant or a volunteer. For more information, please contact: Jade Williford | JWilliford@PeachtreeChurch.com

SUNDAY BRUNCH May 5 | 11:00–12:00, 12:15–1:15 Make your reservation now for Peachtree’s last Sunday Brunch until September. Enjoy a great time of food and fellowship before the summer break. SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.com/Brunch

CHILDREN’S SPRING MUSICAL May 8 | 6:00 pm | Sanctuary See Peachtree’s children tell the story of Joseph through music in So Long, Joe! Come early to enjoy a delicious spaghetti supper in the Fellowship Hall. SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.com/Musical

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 3–6 | 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Throw on your camera strap and buckle your seatbelt for a wild adventure. As you seek out exotic animals, you’ll also find snapshots of real-life encounters with Jesus in Scripture. SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.com/VBS

WOMEN’S SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays or Wednesdays Beginning June 11 Join us for a six-week summer study of Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton, enhancing our understanding of seven key spiritual practices. PeachtreeChurch.com/SacredRhythms

Prayer of Confession

Loving God, we admit today that we want things to be easy; we want life to go the way we want it and not have to struggle at all. But we know that this world and our lives are broken. Forgive our comfort-seeking ways, and help us to trust in Your provision for us. Hear now the confessions we make in silence…


Just as families keep in touch about joys & sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.

HOSPITALS Rex Pless Grady Bob Slater St. Joseph Kate Winne Emory

MEMBER DEATHS Helen Aderhold  4/21 Mother of Tom Aderhold Arthur Johnston  4/19 Husband of Joyce Johnston Ellen Peck  4/17 Mother of Susan Letts Pat Raney  4/18 Helen Truslow  4/15

To submit Milestones for you or a member of your family, contact Celeste Cody at 404.842.5853 or CCody@PeachtreeChurch.com.


An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service & leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:


Carlton Whitney Caroline Whitney


Avery Cole Margaret Cole

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God & in loving memory of: Jim Kincaid, Jr. by his wife, Diana, and his parents, Glenn & Jim Kincaid

Exploring Peachtree PeachtreeChurch.com/ExpPeachtree

Exploring Peachtree is an exciting, interactive class designed for those who are interested in learning more about Peachtree, a relationship with Jesus Christ, specific ways to get more involved, and membership. During our time together, we’ll have a light breakfast. Childcare is provided through our Children and Family Ministry. We look forward to personally meeting you and helping you grow in your faith in Jesus Christ, along with getting more involved at Peachtree!

UPCOMING DATES May 19 August 25 September 29

CONTACT Melissa Wilson Administration - Belong Communities 404.842.2572 MWilson@PeachtreeChurch.com

Thanks for joining us at Peachtree! We’re glad you’re here & would love to get to know you. Name(s):

I/We are new to Peachtree

I’m interested in learning about joining




Under 20



To submit the Connect Card, tear at perforation & place with offering

Connect Card


Phone: Email:

I would like to learn more about the following ministries: (check all that apply)

Grand Adults






Sunday School Young Adults

Children & Family (birth–4th grade)

Student (5th–12 th grade) Other:

Prayer request(s):

3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, Ga 30305 PeachtreeChurch.com

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