DECEMBER 22, 2019
JOHN 14:28–31
8:45 | 10:00 GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude Break Forth, O Beauteous, Heavenly Light Welcome & Prayer of Adoration Once in Royal David’s City Prayer of Confession See page 14 O Little Town of Bethlehem Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Next Steps This Christmastide Joy to the World*
John 14:28 – 31 (pew Bible 1676) Dr. Richard Kannwischer, Senior Pastor
RESPONDING TO GOD’S GRACE Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Invitation & Benediction Postlude
Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.
* In the 8:45 & 11:15 services, children are invited to come forward and be escorted to their classrooms.
11:15 GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Call to Worship Raise a Hallelujah Messianic Prophecy: Isaiah 9:6 –7 King of Kings Carol Medley Pastoral Prayer Next Steps Seasons*
John 14:28 – 31 (pew Bible 1676) Dr. Richard Kannwischer, Senior Pastor
RESPONDING TO GOD’S GRACE O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Invitation & Benediction
On Sunday, December 29, there will be no 8:20 communion or 8:45 traditional services. Please join us at either the 10:00 traditional or 11:15 contemporary services.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center and the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.
M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 3 Family Christmas Pageant | 5:00 pm | Sanctuary Experience the story of Christmas. Hear the great story of Jesus’s birth. Join with the angels, shepherds, and wise men as we worship the Christ child through song, word, and a special candle lighting experience. Visit the nativity animals on the front lawn before or after the service.
T U E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 4 Young Families Service | 10:00 am | Sanctuary Join us for this interactive service for families of toddlers and young preschoolers. This delightful telling of Christmas will capture hearts of children and parents alike. Sing your favorite carols, and experience God’s story in a fresh way. Visit the nativity animals on the front lawn before or after the service.
Communion Service | 12:00 pm | Kellett Chapel Come and adore Him through instrumental music, the singing of familiar carols, and Christmas communion.
Traditional Candlelight Services 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 pm | Sanctuary The majesty of music and the message of Jesus’s birth fill these candlelight services. The Chancel Choir, accompanied by orchestra, leads us in our celebration on this Holy Night. On Christmas Eve, nursery for children birth –3 years is available through 9:00 pm.
C H R I S T M A S AT PE AC H T R E E T E L E V I S I O N S PE C I A L Tuesday, December 24 | CBS46 | 11:30 pm PA R K I N G & PE AC H T R E E E X PR E S S Parking is available on campus in the main parking lot, the Dogwood Parking Deck, the Magnolia Lot, and at our Peachtree Express locations. Our Peachtree Express shuttle provides bus service from two satellite parking facilities. Buses run on Christmas Eve from 1:30 –7:30 pm. Cates Center Located at 110 East Andrews Dr. between West Paces Ferry Rd. & Roswell Rd.
Powers Ferry Square Located half a mile north of the church on the west side of Roswell Rd.
HELP US GREET GUESTS ON CHRISTMAS EVE With the thousands of guests who will worship with us at Peachtree on Christmas Eve, we invite YOU to serve through our Hospitality Ministry as a greeter. Join us as we join Christ daily in the restoration of all things. Sign up at:
Sundays, Feb 9–Mar 22 9:45 –11:00 am Room 2315 an introduction to marriage
If you’ve been married for less than two years, this interactive and engaging opportunity is for you. Join other couples as we explore key areas for building a strong foundation for your marriage. Communication | Conflict In-Laws | Boundaries Finances | Intimacy | Faith
Register + Info:
READ THE BOOK Sign up to receive the Word of God in your inbox. New plans start January 1.
F E B R U A R Y 2 1 – 2 3 , 2 0 2 0 | L E G A C Y L O D G E AT L A K E L A N I E R
Join us beginning January 5 for our sermon series based on C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. Each week, Dr. Richard Kannwischer will bring a message of challenge and encouragement from one of the seven books in this compelling collection of fantasy novels with theological Christian themes.
Tom Key at Peachtree
Each week during the Further Up and Further In series, Peachtree will host acclaimed Atlanta actor, director, and playwright, Tom Key. Mr. Key will participate in our Sunday worship each week, delivering a dramatic reading from The Chronicles of Narnia series of novels.
Family Movie Night featuring
Sermon Series Schedule January 5
Deep Magic Ezekiel 37:1–10
January 12
You’re Bigger 2 Corinthians 4:1–18
January 19
The Cure Had Begun Romans 6:1–14
January 26 Remember the Signs Deuteronomy 8:1–16 February 2
Sunday, January 12 | 4:30 pm Join us for this family movie classic. Hot dogs, popcorn, soft drinks, and candy will be served. Please register to attend at
for the schedule of sermons and correlating books as well as other opportunities and resources to engage this literary masterpiece.
What it Means to be King 1 Kings 19:1–13
February 9 Narnia Awake Genesis 1:1–2:3 February 16
Chapter One of the Great Story Revelation 21:1–7, 21:22–22:5
Poinsettias IN MEMORY OF Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Abernathy
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Byers, Sr.
E. Rembert DuBose
Janis B. Abernathy
Jane Caldwell
H. Carl Duckworth
Mrs. Joanne Addison
Milton VanLeer Cannon
Mary C. Duckworth
James W. Allred, Sr.
Dorothy S. Card
Dee Dee Duensing
Lori Lynn Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Carroll
Lee A. Duley
Mrs. Dessie Ansley
Sylvia Casteel
Linda Egan
John & McBane Archer
Margaret Willins Chandler
Mrs. Norma Eller
Mary & Richard Arnold
Charles Chandonia
Eunice & Joseph Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ashworth
Ernest Chapa
Coley Evans, Jr.
Lisa Ashworth
Susan & Joe Chapman
Cromwell Evans
Adrienne T. Bailey
John B. Chapman
Donald D. Evans
Dee Bailey
Melanie Davis Chitty
Tim Fairman
Eileen R. Young Baliko
J. Frank Clark
Emily Francis Fallon
Denise Barauskas
Dr. & Mrs. Grady Clinkscales, Sr.
Ray Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Barber
David Cook
Floyd W. Fite
Patty Barnes
Marjorie Cook
Millie M. Fite
Thomas W. Barry
Chuck Cope
Luke Fogle
Margaret Baseman
Nell Gramling Cope
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fossum
Ken Beacham
Marjorie Cotter
Brandon R. Foy
R. S. Beacham
Roy Cotter
Elizabeth Mitchell Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Bean
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cross, Jr.
Nancy N. Freeman
Dorothy & Robert Beer
Gwen Cross
Mrs. Lucille H. Friese
Julie Lawrence Bellem
Mark Anthony Cross
Mrs. Mabel M. Friese
James Meade Bicknell
Charles J. Currie, Jr.
Mr. Richard G. Friese
William Newton Blake
Dorrance F. Dalrymple
Mr. Robert M. Friese
Ted & Estelle Bogle
Peter Daniel
Mr. Harold Fryer
Shelby Boles
Neita Gage
Steve H. Bomar, Jr.
Rev. Patricia & Mr. Robert Davies
Warner A. (Sonny) Bonner, Jr.
Alneta Idella Davis Martha H. Deal
H. Burton Gay, III
Jim & Cindy Borem
Rev. Kenneth Dean
Spencer Watson Bowles
Bob DeBorde
Lynn Bradford
Martin Pringle deButts
Chris Brigman
Hank Dilcher
Charlotte & Jim Brown
Charles E. Dilkes
Mrs. Grace Wilson Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Dille
Scott Bryant
Jennifer Jones Dodge
Louis F. Bunte
Philip William Dodge
Rachel J. Bunte
Samuel Dominey
William F. Burke
Rev. Randy Driggers
Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Garrard Totsy & John Gilstrap Anna Hale Gonsalves A. J. & Peggy Gordon Joanne Grady Melissa Grady Lee & Betty Graham Joanna Gramling Bonnie Graves Mary Graves Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Frank Grundeis
Jean Guest
Retta S. Kern
Sue Meek
Martha James Hagood
Dorothy Kibbey
Mrs. Alice DePass Miller
Kate & Byron Hale
Il Soon Kim
Frank Millians
J. Dan Hall
Jim Kincaid, Jr.
Helen Millians
Ila Mae & James Oscar Hamilton
Anne Woodworth Krause
Mr. & Mrs. Cooper Mills, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Haynes Hargrett
Dorothy Wilce Krause
The Rev. & Mrs. J. Fred Moore
Robert F. Krause, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. James Evere H. Moore
The Rev. Dr. W. Frank Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Harris, Sr. James Harris Donna Harvard Michelle Gignilliat Harvey Barbara Haughey Richard Haughey Angeline Hayes Winifred Hazelton Thelma Higginbotham Robert A. Hill Bob Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. R. Earl Howard Ridley Howard David Hudak Mr. Hutchinson Sunny Hutchinson Thomas Owens Hutchinson Charles Hyatt Julia Izlar Christine Jackson Arthur Johnston Shelley Johnston Dr. & Mrs. Iverson W. Joines Betty C. Jolly Larry Jones Martha Jones Martha Turner Jones Scott Jones Dr. Winfield Riley (Casey) Jones
Andrea Kudlacz Teri Lynn Kuhlman Olga Kuykendall Robert P. Kuykendall William Kuykendall Ruth LaVelle Polley Lawrence Min Hyung Lee Mr. & Mrs. Walker I. Lewis William & Louise Lewis Esther Liddell Martin Lifer Evald & Linda Lindgren Tom Livengood Peggy Lockwood Sarah Monroe Lopes John Lubniewski Gordon M. MacGregor Mary Bland MacGregor Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macy Ana Mangione Nicholas Marshall Bill Martin Helen & John Martin James “Jimmy” Walker Martin Martha Lee Mathews Alma McCartney Dallas McCartney Luanne McClelland Anne McClurkin Andrew McCullough
Darryl P. Jordan
Betsy McGhee
Juanita H. Keeton
J. Michael McKenna
Maureen Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. James McKesson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kennedy
Mr. James McKesson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil W. Kent
Mr. & Mrs. M. E. McLemore, Sr.
Bob Munson Tommie & Francis Murphy Don & Jane Murray Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mutz John C. Nemesnyik Dr. & Mrs. John Newton Henry & Betty Nichols Nick Niemer Alexander Nix Edward E. Noble Randy & Betty Nord Mrs. V. C. (Helen) Nygaard Joel V. O’Neal Fred & Dolores Osario Cam Owens Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Owens Kent Owens Steve Owens Bobby L. Parker Nancy & Bill Parker Nancy F. Parker Clay Parramore Joyce Payne Russell Pearson Bob & Ellen Peck Mr. Robert Pee Mr. & Mrs. John Peterson Marilyn Pippen Jim Pittman Mrs. Beverly Plumlee Dr. & Mrs. James E. Poe Philip L. Porter Edward D. Powers Arlie O. Pritchard, Jr. Mrs. Nell S. Pritchett
Burton Purcell
Julius Bell Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Wattles
Fred & Louise Ratchford
Rita Smith
Roy Weathersby
Beatrice Ratigan
Louise Stackhouse
Shirley Weathersby
Jack Ratigan
Robert Stackhouse
Marion L. White
Hope Nicole Ray
Dorothy & Doug Stahle
Mr. & Mrs. Tom White
Ms. Barbara Reed
Jim Stallings
Phyllis & George Whitehead
Spurgeon Richardson, Jr.
Jack Stanton
Vernon C. Whitman
Ethel & Kelsa Rowan
Peter & Nancy Stanton
Dr. & Mrs. John Wigton
William Joseph Rowston
Lawrence V. Starkey, Jr.
Rev. Herman Joseph Williams
David P. Rudder
Mary Gladys Kincaid Stephenson
Ms. Suzanne Williams
Mrs. Polly DePass Stephenson
Gwen Williamson
Kevin Brian Rudder Steven Rudder Dr. & Mrs. Nelson B. Rue Mr. Nelson B. “Skip” Rue, III Jack Sanders Al Saylor Arthur G. Schoeck Delores Schubert Dr. Melvin Schubert Ruth Schubert Marie & Ryland Scott Edward Seikus George Sherwood, Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Stephenson Mr. John Stevens, Jr. Peter Steward Barbara & Bert Storey H. James Stout Pat & Bob Stowell Mary-Austine Banner Swick Mrs. Eva S. Taylor Barbara Thomas Charles Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William Threlkeld
Ethel Williamson Hick Williamson Jean C. Willingham Mrs. Annie C. Wilson Connie Winter Nathan Winters Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Wolfe Garret & Lucille Wolters Mrs. Hayden Wood Mr. Charles Woodall, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Carter Woolfolk, Jr.
Blanche Todd
Dr. & Mrs. Dillard Worthington
Mamie Tomberlin
Ann R. Wotton
Charlotte & Jack Troutman
Grigsby Hart Wotton
Mr. & Mrs. Turinsky
George W. Wray, Jr.
Carolyn Tye
Jack R. Wray
Hazel Unser
Arcille & Cyril Wright
Ray Unser
J. Warren Yoder
Mrs. Ann Walkden
Mrs. Joan Young
Anne Walker
Joe B. Young
Dr. Henry F. Warden
William D. Young, Sr.
Mrs. Henry F. (Sally) Warden
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zazworsky
Hootie Adams
Margo & Bill Boden
Carter Neal Cagle
Tinsley Adams
Sandra B. Bomar
Davis Harrison Cagle
Agape Sunday School Class
Don Brown
Julianna & Spencer Cagle
Danalyn & Edwin Akins
Taylor Brown
William Spencer Cagle
Kate Alexander
Wil Brown
Jamie Lynn Catrett
Mrs. Judy Bicknell
Mary Lewis & Hugh Bryant
Hugh B. Chapman
Dong In Shin Mrs. Clarice S. Shipp Ben S. Shippen Anne & Larry Shippey Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Signore Bob Smith Mr. C. Elmer Smith Caroline Elise Smith Cindy L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Geo. L. (Sally) Smith, II H. W. Smith
Joe W. Chapman, III
Alison Jowers
Vic & Becky Pentz
Celeste Cody
McKamie Jowers
Patti Purcell
Betty Crawford
Sophie Jowers
Shawn Reilly
Elle Crawford
The Kannwischer Family
Kaki Rice
Jim & Betty Crawford
Tom & Lee Kent
Mary Frances Richardson
Davis Clayton Crouch
Jay & Rebecca Madden
Chuck & Lib Roberts
Jack Curcio’s 2019 Confirmation at Peachtree Presbyterian
Blake Maguire
Kelly Robinson & Daniel Rue
Liam Maguire
Amanda & Jonathan Rue
Matt Maguire
Elizabeth Brooke Rue
Virginia Maguire
Lorie & Mack Secord
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Manis, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Siegel
Kaye Manross
Marsha Sims
Merry Marry
Kathryn Ann Smith
Leisa Marshall
Carson Staples
The McAnally Family
Jack Staples
Alden McDonald
Lois Stout
Eloise McDonald
Laura & Sam Sykes
Gator McDonald
Liz Tash
The McIver Family
The Trinity
Kathy Milligan
Scott & Lauren Tucker
Rodney & Kathy Milligan
Mrs. Ann Tulloch
Lauren Womack Milmine
Frances Twomey
Liz Mitchell
Mike & Frances Twomey
Maddox Morgan
Vicki Franch’s Bible Study
Mr. & Mrs. William Morgan
Dorothy Whitman
Lynn & Alan Neal
Joe Wibel, II
Jack Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph B. Williams
Morgan Neill
Robyn Williamson
Ginny Nickles
Mark & Kate Winne
Virginia & Mack Nickles
Brandy Womack
Joe & Whitney Novak
Cheryl Womack
Sierra Novak
Steven Wooddell
Kelli O’Flaherty
Anne Carson Wray
Fraser Parker & Robert Bairstow
Barbara Wright
Richard Parker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Howard Young
Celie Cuttino Mr. & Mrs. Judson Cuttino Quinn Cuttino Dr. Linton & Ann Dangar Lynn Dawson Nancy Jane Dawson Joseph B. Deeds Sarah Dempster Jack & Karen Duggan David D. Duley Jonathan L. Duley Maple Duley Heather Ellison Carolyn & Wayne Flora Hal & Vicki Franch Mrs. Gerry Fryer Barry Gaeddert Malcolm Gailey Cynthia Gay The Goodwin Family Adelaide & Calvin Griffin Shannon Wood Hagood Nell F. Hall Sara R. Harrington Liz Head Brooks Heiser Heritage Sunday School Class Big Ed & Theresa Hill Charles Hodnett Mary Hoffman Amelia Holley Claire Holley Megan Holley Cody & Roz Jensen
Elizabeth Payne Peachtree Business Office Peachtree Chancel Choir Peachtree Missions Ministry Peachtree Music Ministry Peachtree Sextons Peachtree Staff
Brandon H. Young Hailey Young Jane & Bill Young, Jr. S. Talbot Young Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Young Mr. & Mrs. William D. Young, Jr. William D. Young, III
Prayer of Confession O Prince of Peace, we long for You to rule in our hearts, but we confess today that we live in a world that does not express peace. Our families are fractured, our relationships seem based on competition, and we point fingers of blame rather than extend hands of friendship. Forgive us for the times and ways we refuse to allow Your peace to control us. Heal us with Your joy. This we confess in Jesus’s name, even as we continue to confess in silence…
Milestones BIRTHS
Isla James Kirwan 12/5 Bailey & Mike Kirwan
Evelyn Grace Wilson 12/5 Meg & Casey Wilson
Alden Caswell Piemont
Betty Seely Manor Care
Mary Cheshire Grady
Daisy Smith Home Hospice Care
Kathy Pais Curtis Walker Piedmont Piedmont
Caroline Thome 12/16 Daughter of Mandy & Julian Thome; Sister of Collins & Tove Thome; Granddaughter of Pam & Alex Mullen; Niece of Marnie & Mark Crumpler, Holly & Todd Pollock, Audra & Harry Thompson, Hope & Steve Carter
Tracy Tilgner 12/11 Husband of Khadijah Tilgner; Father of Jackson Tilgner
Advent Wreath Advent candles help us keep watch for the coming of Jesus. Today, we light the candle of love, signifying God’s love for us in sending His son to earth.
Anne & Lee Cross
Dana & Bill Tucker; Haley and Colin
Sarah & Brooks Ficke; Savannah and Bryce
An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service & leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:
Annabelle Edenfield Molly Schaffer
Madeline Sappington Claire Sappington
END OF YEAR GIVING We are a people blessed and are therefore called by God to bless others. Your sacrificial commitment enables ministry in our community and mission throughout the world. As we come to the end of 2019, will you ensure you have completed your commitment and consider an additional gift to answer God’s calling? As the year draws to a close, there are three ways to make your 2019 gifts comply with IRS regulations:
The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of: Spencer Watson Bowles by his loving parents, Marie and Chris
CHECK Checks must be dated and postmarked by December 31, 2019, to be included in your 2019 giving.
CREDIT CARD Gifts can be submitted online with a credit card. Transactions must be completed by December 31.
TEXT Text 404.800.7578 and enter any amount, then the keyword “Annual” (e. g. “500Annual” creates a $500 gift). Follow the link to complete your gift. Text gifts can be made using any major credit card.
Belong Communities at Peachtree are a place to gather, learn, serve, and care. Let us know your preferences and we will help find the right community for you.
Tear at perforation and place with offering.
Name(s): ______________________________________________ I/We are interested in joining the church I/We are new to the church
Phone:_______________________________________ Email:________________________________________ Single 20s
Married 30s
Sunday mornings Mid-week
Women only communities Men only communities
PE ACHTREECHURCH.COM/BELONG I would like additional information: (check all that apply)
Children and Family (birth – 4th grade) Hospitality Missions
Music Prayer Student Ministry (5th–12th grade)
3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30305