Dec 23 Bulletin

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December 23, 2018

A Shepherd’s Joy Luke 2:8 –20

8:45 | 10:00 GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light Prayer of Adoration Once in Royal David’s City Prayer of Confession The First Noel Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Here’s a Pretty Little Baby Joy to the World



Luke 2:8–20  (Pew Bible, page 1591) FOLLOWING GOD INTO THE WORLD Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Invitation & Benediction Postlude

Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.


Mary, Did You Know? Joy to the World O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer Noel


Dr. Richard Kannwischer  Senior Pastor

The First Noel Invitation & Benediction Postlude

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center and the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.

Life of the Congregation




Family Christmas Pageant 5:00 pm | Sanctuary M O N DAY, D ECE M B E R 2 4 Young Families Service 10:00 am | Sanctuary Communion Service 12:00 pm | Kellett Chapel Traditional Candlelight Services 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 pm | Sanctuary Childcare for children birth – 3 years is available from 10:00 am–7:00 pm on Christmas Eve. Parking is available on campus in the main parking lot, the Dogwood Parking Deck, the Magnolia Lot, and at our Peachtree Express locations.

READ THE BOOK New Reading Plans Begin January 1 Read the Book is a daily email plan that sends a few chapters a day to your inbox. With it, easily read the whole Bible in a year in only ten to fifteen minutes a day.

STEPHEN MINISTRY Are you or someone you know hurting? We’re here year-round with confidential Christian care at no cost provided by trained Stephen Ministers. GriefShare and Divorce Recovery groups begin January 28.

2019 WOMEN’S RETREAT February 22–23 | Legacy Lodge Join the women of Peachtree as we learn from speaker and author, Adele Calhoun, about the spiritual practices of celebration, scripture, solitude, and silence.

LOGO DECALS Display your Peachtree pride! Stop by the Williams Center after the service today, and grab a decal with our new church logo. Put it on your car, computer, or anything else to show the world your church home.

Poinsettias IN MEMORY OF Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Abernathy

Donald R. Buffington, Sr.

Frances Diaz

Janis B. Abernathy

W. Glenn Bullock, Sr.

Gabriel Diaz

Rachel & Louis Bunte

Hank Dilcher

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Byers, Sr.

Charles Edward Dilkes

Darby Byrd

Rev. Randy Driggers

Jane Oglesby Caldwell

Rem DuBose

Bob & Jean Callahan

Dottie Duensing

Thomas Cape

Lee A. Duley

Dorothy S. Card

Mrs. Norma Eller

Mr. & Mrs. Wade Carroll

Joe & Eunice Ellis, Sr.

Sylvia & Clarence Casteel

Edwin James Elrod

Margaret Willins Chandler

Coley L. Evans, Jr.

Ernesto Chapa Joe & Susan Chapman

Katharine Cameron Evans

John B. Chapman

Emily Francis Fallon

Shirley Ann Chauvin

Glenn Fields

Jill Bailey Chenet

Mary Alicia Fields

Mary & Richard Arnold

Fred P. Christian

Harold & Evelyn Figley

Howard & Muriel Ashworth

Dr. & Mrs. Grady Clinkscales, Sr.

Ray Fisher

Lisa Ashworth

David & Marjorie Cook Blucher & Peggy Cooper

Millie Fite

Adrienne T. Bailey Ann & Paul Baker

Bruce Corley

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Baker, Sr.

Marjorie Cotter Roy Cotter

Elizabeth Mitchell Freeman

Eileen Young Baliko

Mr. Michael Coulon

Robert Fricke

Thomas Barry

Mrs. Lucille H. Friese

Victor Batts

Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cross, Jr.

Ken Beacham

Gwen Cross Mark Anthony Cross

Mr. Richard G. Friese

R. S. Beacham Julie Lawrence Bellem

Charles J. Currie, Jr.

Anne Berry

Hildee Cyphers

Elizabeth Berta

Dorrance F. Dalrymple

Caroline Blake

Peter K. Daniel

William N. Blake

Mr. Robert & Rev. Patricia Davies

Rena & Bill Adams Helen Adox Roy Dean Adox Sandy Adox Virginia Knight Allen Mrs. Betsy Altman Mr. & Mrs. Carl Anderson Lori Lynn Andersen Nicole Anderson William Anderson Mrs. Hamilton G. Ansley William Clifford Arbery Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J. Armstrong

Betty Bloodworth Mr. & Mrs. Paul Blumensaadt

Carol Campbell Davis George Derwin Davis

Meme Bobo

John Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bogle

Patsy DeBorde

John Bonner

John Delzotto

Earl Bradshaw

Coyne Drew Demaray

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Brown

Patricia Coyne Demaray

Earl & Katie Bryant

Sterlyn Denney

W. Scott Bryant

Mrs. Polly DePass Stephenson

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Buckner

Pego Dempster

Charles & Lois Deriso

Donal D. Evans

Floyd Fite Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fossum Nancy Freeman

Mrs. Mabel M. Friese Mr. Robert M. Friese Harold Fryer Ruth Galvin Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Garrard Richard Garrett Burt Gay Michael Lancaster Geiger June Gerding Elba Gilman Totsy & John Gilstrap Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Gordon Katy Granden James A. Grotz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Frank Grundeis Darryl Guttery Sadie Guttery Paul Hoskins Hackett

Martha James Hagood

Betty Kopco

Ann Strasburg Means

Thomas W. Haish

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Krafft

David Meriwether

Ilamae & James Hamilton

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kraft

Jane Meriwether

Mimi & Claude Hamilton

Stan Kreimer, Sr.

Frank Millians

Bevelyn L. Hardy

Andrea Kudlacz

Helen Millians

The Reverend Dr. W. Frank Harrington

Teri L. Kuhlman

Jean Milne

Mr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Harris

Lorraine & Ray Lambert

John Milne

David P. Lanier, Jr.

Jonathan Milne

M’lou Larkin

Sandy Milne

Ruth laVelle

Sarah Monroe Lopes

Polley Lawrence

Rev. & Mrs. J. Fred Moore

Min Hyung Lee

William R. Morrison

Abram Leffler

Tommie Lou & Francis F. Murphy

James Harris Barbara L. Haughey Richard S. Haughey Winifred Hazelton Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Higgison Bob Hilliard Carroll Hilliard Bob Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hollingsworth

Helen Leffler Rodney Lemos Sofia Lemos Chris Letts Gwynne Letts

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mutz Mrs. Judi Nance John C. Nemesnyik Carter Nevius Dr. & Mrs. John & Scott Newton

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hoppe

Jim Letts

Kenneth Neil Horton

Esther Liddell

Mr. & Mrs. R. Earl Howard

Linda Lindgren

Ridley Howard

Sarah Lonsberry

Gene & Dorothy Hudson

Betty Lourie

William Huff

Dr. Herbert Lourie

Sunny Harris Hutchinson

John Lubniewski

Thomas Owens Hutchinson

Dr. & Mrs. Stuart R. Oglesby, Jr.

Meredith Mabry

Benedito Antonio Oliveira

Clarence J. MacDonald

Fred & Dolores Osorio

Jacqueline A. MacDonald

Roland E. Overvold

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macy

Cam Owens

Nicholas Marshall

Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Owens

Helen & John Martin

Kent Owens

Jim Martin

Steve Owens

Martha Lee Mathews

Cullum Owings

Charles Mayfield

Bennett Elliott Page

Linda Mayfield

William Page

Sarah McAuliffe

Bill Parker

Anne McClurkin

Nancy F. Parker

George Kelly, Sr.

Dr. William J. & Mary McGanity

Clay Parramore

Angela Kennedy

Betsy McGhee

Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. James H. McKesson

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil W. Kent

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McLain

Tom & Louise Pendleton

Dorothy M. Kibbey

Mr. & Mrs. Paul McLaughlin

Jack Peppers

James S. Kidd

Jan Perrett

Jim Kincaid, Jr.

Jennie (GiGi) McLemore

Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. King

Marshall (BaPop) McLemore

Mr. & Mrs. John Peterson, Sr.

Charles Hyatt Dr. Don Hyatt Shelley Johnston Dr. Iverson W. Joines Mary M. Joines Martha Turner Jones Darryl P. Jordan Lorice M. Kassouf Vernon J. Kassouf Frances G. Keim M. J. Kelly

Chip Koella

William & Louise Lewis

Ted McRoberts

Alexander Reid Nix Ed Noble Randy & Betty Nord Clarissa Odom Terry Odom

Frances & Carl Patrick Joyce Payne Robert Pee

Mrs. Marilyn Pippen Jim Pittman

Dr. & Mrs. James E. Poe

Julius B. Smith

Conrad & Patricia Tvedt

Philip L. Porter

Lorene Smith

Ernest Trotter

Edward Powers

Rita Smith

Hazel Unser

Mrs. Nell S. Pritchett

Roy P. Smith

Ray Unser

Neil Pruitt, Sr.

Sam Smith

Eric Vetter

Richard H. Pugmire

Thomas Lee Smith, Jr.

Anne Walker

Fred & Louise Ratchford

William Robert (Bob) Smith

Dr. Henry F. & Mrs. Sally Warden

William Robert (Bobby) Smith, Jr.

Betty Watson

Frances Wilson Spencer

Shirley Weathersby

Bea & Jack Ratigan Hope Nicole Ray Jim Read Dot & Joe Reese

Roy Weathersby

Gabrielle Reynolds

James Thomas Spencer, Jr.

Jack F. Ritter, Jr.

Sarah Florence Spencer

Dr. Richard Rohrer

Dorothy & Doug Stable

Ethel & Kelso Rowan

Jack Stanton

Mr. Bill Rowston

Lawrence V. Starkey, Jr.

David Rudder Kevin Rudder

Mary Gladys Kincaid Stephenson

Jackie Sadler

Mr. Robert M. Stephenson

James L. Wilbanks, Jr.

Al Saylor

Sally Catherine Stevens

Ellen & Eugene Williams

Art Schoeck

Sloane Elizabeth Stevens

Ethel Williamson

Dolores Schubert

John Stevens, Jr.

Gwen Williamson

Dr. Melvin Schubert

Peter Steward

H. P. Williamson

Ruth Schubert

H. James Stout

Jean C. Willingham

Marie B. Scott

Pat Stowell

Annie C. Wilson

Dr. & Mrs. Asa Elmore Seeds

Bruce Sugimoto

Guy Anders Wilson

Roy F. Sugimoto

Connie Winter

Nancy Sellers

Theresa Swindall

Harriett Wolfe

Dr. Thomas F. Sellers, Jr.

Sheila Tamvacakis

Mrs. Clarice S. Shipp

Keith P. Tash

Mary Anne McClurkin Wolfe

Anne & Larry Shippey

Mrs. Eva S. Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Signore

Eloise Terry

Bill Sims

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Thompson

Frank & Ruth Ann Skinner

Doris Thornton

Mr. George Welch Susan Yancey Whitaker James White Marion White Mr. & Mrs. Tom White Vernon C. Whitman Anne C. Wilbanks

Walter H. Wolfe Hayden Mugler Wood Mr. Charles B. Woodall, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Dillard Worthington George Williamson Wray, Jr.

Frank Skinner

James Thurman

Alva L. Smith

Mildred Thurman

Bob Smith

Mamie Tomberlin

Mr. C. Elmer Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Troutman

Cindy L. Smith

Eleanor Turcotte

Mr. & Mrs. Geo L. Smith, II (Sally)

Ann Turinsky

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zazworsky

John Turinsky

Vera Zeckets

Jack Turner

William Zeckets

Liam Adams

Ellen Beard

Hunter Bremer

Richard D. V. Armstrong

Margo & Bill Boden

Taylor Bremer

The Baldwin Family

Sarah Borders

Mary Elizabeth Barker

Phil & Barbie Bosshardt

Mamie & Big Hugh Bryant

Amelie Valentine Beard

Hank Bremer

H. W. Smith

Terry V. Young Van H. Young William D. Young


Stephen Bryant

Jamie Lynn Catrett

Tom & Lee Kent

Peachtree Church Staff

Hugh B. Chapman

Il Soon Kim

Peachtree Elders

Joe Chapman, III

Richard M. King

Linda S. Christian

Betty Kreimer

Peachtree First Responders

Celeste Cody

Max Lane

Donna & Bruce Cook

Darla Lanier

Heather Crane

Bob Long

Betty Crawford

Allie Lourie

Elle Crawford

Jackson Lourie

Celie Cuttino

Wesleigh Lourie

Coley & Judson Cuttino

Jay & Rebecca Madden

Ashley Danaher

Blake Maguire

Charlotte Danaher

Liam Maguire

Ed Danaher

Matt Maguire

Carlton & Jerry Davis

Virginia Maguire

Lynn Dawson

Wardie Martin

Nancy Jane Dawson

Alden McDonald

Libby DeCamps

Eloise McDonald

Porter DeCamps

Hudson McDonald

Will DeCamps

Mr. Albert McGhee

Joseph B. Deeds

Frank & Mary McHenry

Lauren DeLoach

Rosemary Miller

June Dempsey

Kathy Milligan

Damien Diaz

Rodney Milligan

Jeane DuBose

Pat Milne

David D. Duley

Liz Mitchell

Jonathan L. Duley

Kate Moore

Jacqueline Dunn

Michael Moore

Kelly & Andy Trotter

Heather Ellison

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Moore, IV & Family

Dale & Millie Tucker Scott & Lauren Tucker

Terry Moore, V

Betty Williams

Laura & Billy Morgan

Mrs. Alison Womack Jowers

Vicki & Hal Franch Bob & Patty Fryer Malcolm Gailey Cynthia Gay

Maddox Morgan

Meriwether, Robert & Annie Glass

Ruth T. Morrison Linda Motley

Boyd Guttery

Alex & Pam Mullen

Shannon Wood Hagood

Jack Neill

The Hale Family

Morgan Neill

Nell F. Hall

James R. Nemeth

Sara R. Harrington

Ginny Nickles

Liz Head

Kelli O’Flaherty

Charles Hodnett

Fraser Parker

Mary Hoffman

Karen Parker

Cody & Roz Jensen

Richard Parker

Ellen Jobson

Richard Parker, Jr.

Ms. Beaty McKamie Jowers

Wright T. Paulk

Calder Justice Whitney Justice

Peachtree Business Office

The Kannwischer Family

Peachtree Chancel Choir

Nancy Kelly

Peachtree Children’s Music Department

Elizabeth Payne

Peachtree Hospitality Peachtree Music Ministry Peachtree Orchestra Peachtree Sextons Peachtree Session Vic & Becky Pentz Bill & Missy Pierce Chuck & Lib Roberts Mrs. Betsy Rowston Clarelle Sauls Lorie & Mack Secord Josh J. Siegel Marsha Sims Toni Stanton Mrs. Susan Staples Lois Stout Bob Stowell Laura Sykes Sam Sykes, II Sam Sykes, III Liz Tash Deanne Townsend Eva L. Triplett

Brandy Womack Mrs. Cheryl Womack Mrs. Lauren Womack Milmine Chesley K. Wood Steven Wooddell Anne Carson Wray Barbara Wright Becky & Howard Young Bill Young, III Brandon Young Hailey Young Jana H. Young Jena & Steve Young Margaret & Bill Young Talbot Young Maxwell Zeckets Nicholas Zeckets

Prayer of Confession

God of grace and truth, You came among us as light shining in darkness. We confess that we have not welcomed the light or trusted good news to be good. We close our eyes to Your glory in our midst, expecting little and hoping for less. Forgive our doubt and renew our hope that we may receive the fullness of Your glory, and live in the truth of Christ the Lord. This prayer we offer in His name, even as we continue our confessions in silence…


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.

HOSPITALS Pat Beard  (no visitors) Northside Kate Winne Emory

FAMILY MEMBER DEATH Alice (Ali) DePass Miller  12/13 Daughter of Alice Stevens Ronald Lee Zimmermann  12/17 Father of Eric Zimmermann Grandfather of Whitney & Nikki Zimmermann

Sunday morning flowers may be dedicated to the honor or memory of a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion, such as a baptism. For details or to reserve a date, contact Marsha Sims at 404.842.3146 or The flowers this morning are donated by The Peachtree Flower Fund.

To submit Milestones for you or a member of your family, contact Celeste Cody at 404.842.5853 or



An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service and leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:


Grace Graham

ADVENT WREATH Advent candles help us keep watch for the coming of Jesus. Today, we relight the candle of hope and light the candle of peace, remembering that Jesus is our hope and peace.


Betsy & Lou Bunte


Janet & Joe King, Joseph and Mary Evelyn


Trish & Jeff Sprain, Lily

End of Year Giving

We are a people blessed and are therefore called by God to bless others. Your sacrificial commitment enables ministry in our community and mission throughout the world. As we come to the end of 2018, will you ensure you have completed your commitment and consider an additional gift to answer God’s calling? As the year draws to a close, there are three ways to make your 2018 gifts comply with IRS regulations:

CHECK Your check must be dated and postmarked by December 31, 2018, to be included in your 2018 giving.

CREDIT CARD Submit your gift online with a credit card. As with any gift, the transaction must be completed by December 31, 2018, to be included in your 2018 giving. You can do this by clicking the “Give Now” button on our Giving page. Follow the steps, and you will receive an email confirmation when your charge goes through.

TEXT Text 404.800.7578 and enter any amount, then the keyword “Annual” (e. g. “500Annual” creates a $500 gift). Follow the link to complete your gift. Text gifts can be made using any major credit card, including American Express.

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Sunday School Young Adults

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Prayer request(s): 3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30305

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