Easter 2019 Bulletin

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GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude Living Hope Welcome Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Life of the Congregation Here on Earth  from A German Requiem | Johannes Brahms


ENDGAME: THE START NEVER FINISHED Revelation 1:12 –18  (Pew Bible 1913–1914) Dr. Richard Kannwischer, Senior Pastor

FOLLOWING GOD INTO THE WORLD O Praise the Name (Anástasis) Invitation & Benediction Hallelujah  from Messiah  |  G. F. Handel Postlude: Toccata  from Symphony V | Charles-Marie Widor

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center & the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.

GIVE GIRLS THE GIFT OF EDUCATION The first witnesses to Christ’s resurrection were women— women who had come to serve. In communities around the world, women seek new opportunities to serve and use their gifts for God’s purpose. It seems appropriate that our Easter offering this year supports the enormous potential of young women.

Forman Christian College Pakistan

When women have the opportunity to become who God created them to be, it not only changes their lives for the better, but the lives of all those around them, too.

Blessings Sichamba

“ Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future.” – Proverbs 31:25


HOW TO GIVE Put cash or checks in the Easter offering envelope and drop in the plate. If giving by check, write the word “Easter” in the memo. Text 404.800.7578 and enter any amount, then the keyword “Easter” (e. g. “500 Easter” creates a $500 gift). Follow the link to complete your gift. Give online any time at PeachtreeChurch.com/EasterGiving

Life of the Congregation THE PEACHTREE







DAVID BROOKS T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 2 5 | 7 P M | S A N C T U A R Y We are excited to welcome New York Times columnist and best-selling author, David Brooks, to Peachtree as the inaugural speaker in the Pentz Speaker Series. He will talk to us about his incredible new book, The Second Mountain. Come explore what it takes to lead a meaningful life in a selfcentered world. Books will be available for purchase, and David will be on hand for signing. This event is free and open to the public so be sure to register and save your spot.

Register: PeachtreeChurch.com/Brooks The Peachtree Pentz Speaker Series is designed to bring leading thinkers to inform and inspire those in the Atlanta area for Christian living in a complex culture.





HABITAT FOR HUMANITY BUILD Saturdays Through May 11 Together, we will build a new home over the course of eight Saturdays. Dust off your work gloves, get ready to hammer, and be a hard hat hero! SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.com/Habitat

SUNDAY BRUNCH May 5 | 11:00–12:00, 12:15–1:15 Make your reservation now for Peachtree’s last Sunday Brunch until September. Enjoy a great time of food and fellowship before the summer break. SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.com/Brunch

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 3–6 | 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Throw on your camera strap and buckle your seatbelt for a wild adventure. As you seek out exotic animals, you’ll also find snapshots of real-life encounters with Jesus in Scripture. SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.com/VBS

CHILDREN’S SPRING MUSICAL May 8 | 6:00 pm | Sanctuary See Peachtree’s children tell the story of Joseph through music in So Long, Joe! Come early to enjoy a delicious spaghetti supper in the Fellowship Hall. SIGN UP: PeachtreeChurch.com/Musical

Easter Lilies IN MEMORY OF Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Abernathy

Don Buffington, Sr.

Lee A. Duley

Dean Adcox

Rachel & Louis Bunte

JoAnne Dunagan

Eunice Herrington Burke

Betty Dyke

Tel Larson Burke

Sam Dyke, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Byers, Sr.

Mary Margaret Eidbo

Bob & Jen Callahan

Susan Elmore

M. VanLeer Cannon

Mary Endsley

Dorothy S. Card

Coley Evans, Jr.

Ernest Chapa

Donald D. Evans

John B. Chapman

Margaret Falk

James St. Clair

Cindy Ferguson

Charles Clark

Peggie Ferguson

Terry G. Clark

Gene Ferrari

Marjorie Cody

Ron & Brenda Findley

Blucher & Peggy Cooper

Ray Fisher

Janet Cooper

Charlie Flowers

Nell G. Cope

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fossum

Helen Adcox Sandy Adcox Mrs. Joanne D. Addison Charles Allen Hunter Allen Mary Allen Virginia Knight Allen Betsy Altman Lori Hetzel Anderson Nicole Anderson Mrs. Dessie Ansley Mary & Richard Arnold Howard & Muriel Ashworth Lisa Ashworth Mary Awand Adrienne T. Bailey James L. Bailey Ann & Paul Baker Mr. & Mrs. William T. Baker, Sr. Eileen R. Young Baliko

Elizabeth Coppedge Bruce Corley Marjorie Cotter Roy Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Alden E. Coward Mary Caroline Cowden

Elizabeth Mitchell Freeman Robert Fricke Marjorie Fricke Garrett Mrs. Lucille H. Friese Mrs. Mabel M. Friese

Ann Louise Cox

Mr. Richard G. Friese

Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cross, Jr.

Mr. Robert M. Friese Harold Fryer

Mrs. Ken Beacham

Miss Gwendolyn Diane Cross

Mr. John D. Gailey

R. S. Beacham

Mark Anthony Cross

Julie Lawrence Bellem

Charles J. Currie, Jr.

Richard Garrett

Nene “Meemaw” Bibb

Mrs. Hilda Cyphers

James Bicknell

Peter Daniel

Shelby Boles

Carroll & Joan Davidson

John Bonner

Mr. Robert & Rev. Patricia Davies

Mr. & Mrs. Marion Glover

Mr. Reuel & Mrs. Betty Davis

Mary Elizabeth Graves

Wendell Baliko Mary Bangert Thomas W. Barry

Warner A. “Sonny” Bonner, Jr. Paula Borchers Gloria Thomas Borders Julia Pate Borders William H. Borders, Jr. Myra Boyette Alison D. Brannen Rebecca Breedlove Mrs. Cindy J. Brooks

Coyne Drew Demaray Patricia Coyne Demaray H. Sterlyn Denney Charles & Lois Deriso Gabriel Diaz Chuck & Ginny Dilcher Mary E. Dilkes

Sam Brooks

Gloria S. Dooley

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Buckner

Rev. Randy Driggers

Christian Drez

Charles & Mildred Garner H. Burton Gay, III Betsy Keller Glass Frederick Marion Glass, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Gordon Barbara Gray Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Frank Grundeis Paul Hoskins Hackett Martha James Hagood Thomas W. Haish Claude & Mimi Hamilton George Harden Bevelyn L. Hardy Ruthe Harrill

Rev. Dr. W. Frank Harrington

David Lanier

Peggy & Tom Merritt

James Harris

John Laubach

Mrs. Alice DePass Miller

Ruth LaVelle

Helen Millians

Polley Lawrence

Mr. & Mrs. Cooper Mills

Min Hyung Lee

Mr. & Mrs. W. Hardy Mills

Chris Letts

Sarah Monroe Lopes

Gwynne Letts

Rev. & Mrs. J. Fred Moore

Jim Letts

Evelyn Morris

Louise & William Lewis

Mr. & Mrs. George G. Morris

Barbara L. Haughey Richard S. Haughey Winifred Hazelton Pat Hennessy Arthur Hesselman Carole Hesselman Bob Hilliard Carroll Hilliard Movi Hinton Alfred E. Hirschfeld Winifred M. Hirschfeld Rita Weiblen Hjorten Bob Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hoppe Mr. & Mrs. J. Troy Horn

Esther Liddell John Lubniewski Sally Lund

Tommie & Francis Murphy

Raymond Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Mutz

Meredith Mabry

“My Beloved Ginger”

Clarence J. MacDonald

Mr. J. James Naphin

Jacqueline A. MacDonald

Mr. & Mrs. James Naphin

Marty Mann

Nicholas Napolitano Rev. Art Nelson

Kenneth Neil Horton

Nathalie & Lawrence Mann

Mr. & Mrs. R. Earl Howard

Walter O. Marquis

David Hudak

Nicholas Marshall

Dana Hurtado

Virginia W. Marshall

Francisco Hurtado

Helen Martin

David Shawn Ingalls

Jack Martin

Mr. Hugh M. Inman

Martha Lee Mathews

Shelley Johnston

Andrew Mayberry

Marjorie & Carroll Jones

Charles Austin Mayfield

Martha Turner Jones

Linda Beebe Mayfield

Darryl Patton Jordan

Sarah McAuliffe

Colonel James H. Kasler

Andrew McCullough

Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Owens

Paul Keb

B. Forace McDaniel

Kent Owens

M. J. Kelly

Genny McDaniel

Steve Owens

Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Kennedy

Elizabeth A. McGhee

Nancy F. Parker

Mr. & Mrs. Cecil W. Kent

Mr. & Mrs. Walt McKendrick

Clay Parramore

James S. Kidd

J. Michael McKenna

Il Soon Kim

Mr. & Mrs. James H. McKesson

Jim Kincaid, Jr. Libby Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Kloppenberg Gilbert Kloster Grace Reeves Knight Thomas Koteski Mr. & Mrs. Donald Krafft Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kraft Andrea Kudlacz Teri Haughey Kuhlman

Mr. James McKesson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul McLaughlin Ann Strasburg Means Howard Meek Miranda A. Meek Susan Janice Hirschfeld Meek Mrs. Roxie Horne Merrill Bill & Marylaura Merritt

John C. Nemesnyik Mr. & Mrs. Robert Newcomer Alexander Reid Nix “Noble” Betty & Randy Nord Helen & Verner Nygaard Lowell Olmstead Joel O’Neal Fred & Dolores Osorio Cam Owens

Barbara Peacock Russell G. Pearson Robert Pee John Peppers Jan Perrett Mr. & Mrs. Steve Petrachek Janette Pinson Mr. R. C. & Mrs. Beverly Plumlee George Podenak Dr. & Mrs. James E. Poe Philip L. Porter

Edward D. Powers

Cindy L. Smith

Louis Valentino

Mrs. Nell S. Pritchett

Mr. & Mrs. Geo L. Smith, II

Betty Vason

Janet & George Purvis

Mr. & Mrs. Grant B. Smith

Hamp Vason

Reinette Radwan

H. W. Smith

Pete & Helen Vergos

Louise & Fred Ratchford

Julius Bell Smith

Anne Walker

Hope Nicole Ray

Rita Smith

Dr. Henry F. Warden, Jr.

Mr. David E. Read

Robert Boynton Smith

Mrs. Jane Reese

William Robert (Bob) Smith

Mrs. Henry F. (Sally) Warden, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio Signore Robert Betty Robison Corwin S. Robison Jacqueline Roblek Dr. Richard G. Rohrer Dr. & Mrs. Nelson B. Rue, Jr. Jackie Sadler Eleanor & Hans Sahlin Mr. & Mrs. H. Elliott Savage Al Saylor, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Roland Scheinpflug Joseph Schneider Murphy Schneider Dolores Schubert

Joanne Washburn

William Robert (Bobby) Smith, Jr.

Mr. Roy Weathersby

Dr. & Mrs. Richard R. Snowden

Ruth Weiblen

Richard Sorrell Mr. Ron St. Amand Louise Stackhouse Robert Stackhouse Dorothy & Douglas Stahle Peter & Nancy Stanton Lawrence V. Starkey, Jr. Martha Steffens Mary Gladys Kincaid Stephenson Mrs. Polly DePass Stephenson

Shirley Weathersby Mr. & Mrs. Nils Wennerholm John B. White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom White Vernon Whitman Dr. & Mrs. John H. Wigton Charles C. Williams John Williams Mary Jeff Williams Gwen Williamson Jean C. Willingham Annie C. Wilson

Dr. Melvin Schubert

Mr. Robert M. Stephenson

Constance Winter

Ruth Schubert

John Stevens, Jr.

Edward Seikus

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wolfe

Mr. Peter S. Steward

Virginia Shenk

Hayden Mugler Wood

Dorothy & John Sturges

Harold Shepherd

Mr. Charles B. Woodall, Jr.

Dr. D. Brendan Sweeney

Sara “Sally” McArthur Shigley

Keith P. Tash

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Worthington

Mrs. Eva S. Taylor

George W. Wray, Jr.

Rosa Lee Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Bud Wright

Woo & Bill Thomason

Devyn & Darby Wurzbacher

Dong In Shin Mrs. Clarice S. Shipp Ben Shippen Anne & Larry Shippey Mr. & Mrs. Alex Sipos Mr. & Mrs. John Sipos Frank Skinner Bob Smith Mr. C. Elmer Smith Caroline Smith

Jerry Tidwell Blanche Todd Mamie Tomberlin Gordon B. Trulock James Tucker Janet Tucker Hazel Unser Ray Unser

Nathan Winters

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Yakobowski J. Warren Yoder Terry V. Young William D. Young, Sr. Margret Zapp Vera Zeckets William Zeckets

IN HONOR OF Hootie Adams


Taylor Brown

Richard D. V. Armstrong

Linda Beckham

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Burkardt

The Baldwin Family

Margo & Bill Boden

Carter Neal Cagle

Mary E. Barker

Sarah Borders

Davis Harrison Cagle

Beverly Barksdale

Don Brown

Julianna & Spencer Cagle

William Spencer Cagle

Sara R. Harrington

Elizabeth B. Rue

Marie Cardi

Heritage Sunday School Class

Kelly Robinson & Daniel Rue

Barbara Hesselman

Lorie & Mack Secord

Miss Aria Dawn Inman

Mr. & Mrs. Josh Siegel

Mrs. Betty Ann Inman

Elizabeth Fowler Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Cody Jensen

Kathryn Ann Smith

Martha Jones

Rita Buckner Smith

Wallace & Bobbie Jones

Virginia Smith

Amelia Katz

Liz Tash

Lydia Katz

Lauren Tucker

Danica & Ashby Kannwischer

Rev. & Mrs. Scott Tucker

Brandon & Ben Castellon Jamie Lynn Catrett Susan Chambers Elizabeth Y. Clark Walter & Wells Conant Bruce & Donna Cook Eleanor Coppedge Frances Coppedge Genevieve Coppedge John Coppedge Owen & Nina Cotton Betty Crawford

Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kannwischer

Elle Crawford

George H. Lane, III

Jim & Betty Crawford

Darla Lanier

Celie Cuttino

Rev. Dr. Jay & Rebecca Madden

Mr. & Mrs. Judson Cuttino

Vicki Franch’s Bible Study Ann White Beth White Mrs. Vernon Whitman Robyn Williamson Anne Carson Wray

Mrs. Leslie P. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Manis, Sr.

Nancy Jane Dawson

Wilma Martin

Brandon H. Young

Eleanor Dearolph

Christopher, Emily & Lawson McAnally

Mr. & Mrs. E. Howard Young

Alden McDonald

Hailey Young

Eloise McDonald

S. Talbot Young

Gator McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Young

Joseph B. Deeds Damien Diaz Jack & Karen Duggan David D. Duley Jonathan L. Duley Ali Dunagan Annie Dunagan Rev. Dr. Bryan Dunagan Collier Jane Dunagan Wheeler Dunagan Jacqueline Dunn Mary Kent & Jeremy Ellis Heather Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fouts Conrad & Rachel Fowler Dr. Hal & Rev. Vicki Franch Dr. & Mrs. Bob Fryer Rev. Dr. Barry Gaeddert Mr. & Mrs. Charles Edward Glasscock

Albert S. McGhee Frank & Mary McHenry Eleanor Mengel Kathy Milligan Rodney & Kathy Milligan Liz Mitchell Maddox Morgan Mr. & Mrs. William Morgan Linda Motley Mrs. Elvera Naphin Mr. & Mrs. Alan Neal Jack Neill Morgan Neill Virginia & Mack Nickles Joe & Whitney Novak Sierra Novak

Eric, Katherine, Lillian & William Goodwin

Blake Orinski

Judy & Duncan Gray

Peachtree’s Mission

Adelaide & Calvin Griffin Shannon Hagood

Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Chuck Roberts

The Hale Family

Sue Robinson

Dana & Stan Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Skip Rolloff

Nell F. Hall

Amanda & Jonathan Rue

Peachtree Chancel Choir

Barbara Wright

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Young, Jr. William D. Young, III Max Zeckets Nicholas Zeckets


Just as families keep in touch about joys & sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.

WEDDINGS Katie McDowell & Allen Post  4/20

BIRTHS Taylor Emily Shimp  4/1 Laurie & Bill Shimp Grandparents: Marti & Jim Rogers and Mary & Bill Shimp

HOSPITALS Fred Nemeth Northside Kate Winne Emory

MEMBER DEATHS Bob Stowell  4/9 Father of Karen Parker

To submit Milestones for you or a member of your family, contact Celeste Cody at 404.842.5853 or CCody@PeachtreeChurch.com.


An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service & leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:


Rachel Axelson Nathan Wright


Henry Shell Ford Gartland

Exploring Peachtree PeachtreeChurch.com/ExpPeachtree

Exploring Peachtree is an exciting, interactive class designed for those who are interested in learning more about Peachtree, a relationship with Jesus Christ, specific ways to get more involved, and membership. During our time together, we’ll have a light breakfast. Childcare is provided through our Children and Family Ministry. We look forward to personally meeting you and helping you grow in your faith in Jesus Christ, along with getting more involved at Peachtree!

UPCOMING DATES May 19 August 25 September 29

CONTACT Melissa Wilson Administration - Belong Communities 404.842.2572 MWilson@PeachtreeChurch.com

Thanks for joining us at Peachtree! We’re glad you’re here & would love to get to know you. Name(s):

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Under 20



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Connect Card


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I would like to learn more about the following ministries: (check all that apply)

Grand Adults






Sunday School Young Adults

Children & Family (birth–4th grade)

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3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, Ga 30305 PeachtreeChurch.com

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