Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.
Congregational Introit* Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*
Hymn of Praise** Morning Has Broken #464 Lighting of Candles
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Hymn of Response* Springs of Living Water Invitation and Benediction* Postlude Allegro from Sonata II, Felix Mendelssohn
Placing the Bible Prayer of Confession Merciful God, like the woman at the well we are thirsty people. We work hard for things that meet our physical needs, but these things alone leave us empty. Possessions and position, food and shelter — these cannot satisfy the deepest yearnings of the soul. Forgive us for neglecting the living water that comes only from you. Forgive us for chasing lesser things and expecting ultimate and lasting joy. Pour out your grace and satisfy our thirst as we continue our confession in silence…
Offering Our Gifts Set Me as a Seal Richard Nance Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; For love is strong as death, set me as a seal upon your heart. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; For love is strong as death, set me as a seal upon your heart. —Song of Solomon 8:6–7
Assurance of God’s Forgiveness
Doxology* Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #544
Congregational Response* Fairest Lord Jesus #135 (v. 4)
Life of the Congregation**
OBEY YOUR THIRST John 4:4–19 (Pew Bible 1651–1652) Vic Pentz 8:45, 10:00, 11:15
The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of: A.B. Martin & Lynn B. Martin by Jeanne Martin
Those who are able, please stand. Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Family Room off of the Williams Center.
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Jay Madden Pastor for Mission Vicki Harrington Franch
Hallie Ann Black 5/6 Laura & Marty Black
Pastor for Pastoral Care
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Marnie Crumpler Executive Pastor Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation
Shelby Boles (no visitors) North Fulton Hospital Fred Cox Home Hospice Care Margie Glover Home Hospice Care
Vic Pentz Senior Pastor Mark Crumpler Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation Brandon Harris Young Adult Fellow
Edgar Hollingsworth Dekalb Medical Center
Marion Morgan Home Hospice Care
The Chancel Choir Mary Hoffman Director of Music Andy Bayles Assoc. Dir. of Music & Worship Kenneth Axelson Interim Organist William Nichols Worship Fellow Anna Dodd Horn Mary Beth Bryant Cello Butch Sievers Percussion
Gabriella Loomis 8:45 Jackson & Dylan Mathis 10:00 Caden McLary 11:15
MEMBER DEATHS Helen Gaston 5/26
Al Saylor 6/1 Husband of Marian Saylor Julie Bellem 6/1 Wife of Matt Bellem; Mother of Addie Bliss & Harris Bellem; Daughter of Polley & Shep Lawrence; Sister of Shep Lawrence & Sister-in-law of Jessica Lawrence; Aunt of Caitlin & Caroline Lawrence
PLACING THE BIBLE Hyland Justice 8:45 Margaret Long 10:00 Teresa Cross 11:15
Paul was blinded, shipwrecked, thrown in jail, and so much more. In everything that happened, he told people about Jesus. What a great example of how to live UpNOut for Jesus! This past week we walked 900 kids through fun, fellowship and learning! With our guest artist, Mr. Mike, leading worship and many of our pastors sharing the gospel, we watched the kids grow in their love for the Lord.
10:00, 11:15 Sanctuary 11:15 Summit No 8:20 or 8:45 worship No Sunday School
Thank you to the 400 volunteers who were committed to investing in the lives of the kids! We look forward to more stories of what God has done at VBS 2015. peachtree-church.org/vbs
Clayton Ashely Jack Ballou William Black Hunter Bremer Joe Chapman West Collins Nate Davies Kyle Ennis Jeremy Garr Justin Garr Ivy Gaustad Jack Gearon Katherine Gooding Dustin Hadley Lauren Hadley Matthew Hagood Andrew Hamilton Jack Holder Davis Houk Amelia Ike Maggie Inman Hardie Jackson Olivia Johnston Callie Kennedy Will Letcher Cedrik Maisonneuve Mac Major Bliss Mallory Grayson Martin Margaret McCamey Ansley McGee Mary Harris Morgan Hannah Nohstadt Matthew Oliver Alex Patrick Ross Pounders Benton Richards Margaret Richards Anthony Riggio Merisa Riggio Parker Robinson Madeleine Sibert David Stromquist Haley Tucker Christine Tye
School Graduating From
The Westminster Schools North Atlanta High School The Westminster Schools The Westminster Schools Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School The Westminster Schools Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School The Lovett School The Lovett School The Lovett School Riverwood International Charter School The Lovett School Mount Pisgah Christian School Pace Academy Pace Academy The Westminster Schools The Westminster Schools The Lovett School The Westminster Schools Brandon Hall School Pace Academy The Lovett School North Atlanta High School Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School Woodward Academy Ben Franklin Academy The Lovett School Mount Vernon Presbyterian School North Atlanta High School The Westminster Schools Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School Riverwood International Charter School Riverwood International Charter School Woodward Academy Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School The Lovett School The Lovett School Saint Francis High School Riverwood International Charter School Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School Riverwood International Charter School Mount Vernon Presbyterian School The Lovett School Riverwood International Charter School
School Going to
Auburn University Undecided University of Georgia Rhodes College Clemson Univesity University of Georgia University of Southern California California Polytechnic State University University of Alabama University of Alabama Georgia Southern University Princeton University United States Naval Academy Miami of Ohio University Bucknell University University of Virginia Vanderbilt University University of Georgia University of North Carolina University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Clemson University Southern Methodist University University of Mississippi Clemson University DePaul University Young Harris University Auburn University University of California, Santa Barbara University of Georgia Wake Forest University Southern Methodist University University of Georgia University of Alabama University of Georgia Auburn University University of Mississippi University of Texas at Austin Duke University University of Mississippi University of Mississippi Virginia Tech University of California, Berkley Auburn University Texas Christian University Georgia Institute of Technology
Cameron Armstrong Halley Bowman Smith Curry Connor Dobbs Mallie Easterlin Ruth Fisher Helen Hall Jimbo Izlar Patrick Kennedy Jeffery Klein Brittney Mayerson Becca McIver Spencer Middleton Wesley Nichols Will Nichols Mary-Katherine Ock Kate Powell Kelsey Jane Richards Avery Robinson Daniel Rue Greg Selbo Scott Selvey Charlie Sherman Kate Skelton Lindsey Skelton Blake Stevens Kurt Stoffer Richard Taylor Michael Thomas Trey Williams Whitney Zimmermann
School Graduating From
University of North Carolina Georgia College and State University Georgia College and State University Wake Forest University Auburn University University of Georgia University of South Carolina University of North Carolina University of South Carolina University of Georgia Kennesaw State University Lafayette College University of Georgia (graduating December 2015) University of Georgia Vanderbilt University Georgia College and State University University of Georgia Duke University Georgia Institute of Technology University of North Carolina Texas Christian University University of Georgia (graduating December 2015) University of Virginia Auburn University University of South Carolina University of Birmingham Southern Methodist University University of Alabama University of Virginia Southern Methodist University University of Texas
The Peachtree Summer Fellows program is for students who are pursuing God’s calling in their lives and discerning if serving the church is where God is directing their futures. The Fellows program is framed around three values: knowing, being, and doing, which represent a holistic approach to learning, faith formation and practical experience. This is the third year of the Fellows program, which employs college and seminary students for 10-weeks of hands-on ministry. Join us in supporting these emerging leaders as we continue our commitment to raising up the next generation of Jesus followers. peachtreefellows.org Pictured from left to right: Mary Wade Ballou, Wesley Nichols, Brandon Harris, William Nichols, Kierra Payne, Sam Grisham, Jade Williford, Neale Madden
The Combined Choirs and Handbell Choirs of Peachtree Presbyterian Church and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.
Conductors: Tony Thompson, Juan Ramirez, Trey Clegg, Mary Hoffman, Kenneth Axelson, and Heather Ellison; Andy Bayles, piano; Kenneth Axelson, Trey Clegg, organ
The New Creation Chorale and the Atlanta Community Symphony Orchestra; Persis Bristol, mezzo-soprano, Sean Savage, tenor,Stephen McCluskey, baritone; Yannie Tan, piano, Adrian Romoff, piano
June 14, 2015 4:00 pm Sanctuary ICE CREAM ON THE LAWN FOLLOWING THE CONCERT Nursery available for children 5 and under. A free will offering will be taken to support Peachtree’s Music Ministry.
Welcome to Peachtree. We’re glad you’re here! ( ) I/We are new to Peachtree ( ) I would like to learn more about joining Peachtree ( ) Please update my address/ contact information ( ) I would like to learn more about:
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (please circle one) Your Name: Spouse’s Name: (if applicable) Street:
During June, help us stock the shelves at Buckhead Christian Ministries for the busy summer months. There are 2 ways you can help: bring food to Peachtree and drop in collection bins around the church campus or text “25 FOOD” to 404-800-7578 for a $25 donation (or as much as you like). peachtree-church.org/feedatlchildren
City, State, Zip: Phone: Email:
( ) Single
( )
( ) I/We have kids aged newborn– 4th grade ( ) I/We have kids 5th –12th grade
The Gym at Peachtree offers a wide variety of classes, a weight room, an extrawide cushioned track for walkers/joggers, complete locker facilities, two full-sized courts for pickup basketball, and more. Discounted memberships are available for Peachtree members. Contact Jan Smith for a free one-week trial. peachtree-church.org/the-gym | jsmith@peachtreepres.org
I would like to join a volunteer team for: ( ) Usher/Greeter ( ) Children’s Ministry ( ) Student Ministry ( ) Music Ministry ( ) Media Production I would like prayer:
* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.
Register now for Peachtree MOPS 2015–2016 Season! Real moms, real topics, real relationships. peachtreemops.org
We all face challenges figuring out when to say yes or no. Find out how to make wise decisions. peachtree-church.org/bestyes