May 5 Bulletin

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The Song Never Silenced Revel ation 4 – 5

8:45 | 10:00 GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude: Oh, How I Love Jesus  arr. Anna Laura Page Order My Steps Prayer of Adoration Holy, Holy, Holy Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Worthy Is the Lamb  from Messiah Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow*


THE SONG NEVER SILENCED Revelation 4 – 5  (Pew Bible 1917–1919)

CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENT Communion O How Good It Is / Shepherd of My Heart

RESPONDING TO GOD’S GRACE The Day of Resurrection Invitation & Benediction Postlude

Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.

* In the 8:45 & 11:15 services, children are invited to come forward and be escorted to their classrooms.


Call to Worship What a Beautiful Name Life of the Congregation Agnus Dei Prayer of Confession Revelation Song / Agnus Dei*


Dr. Richard Kannwischer  Senior Pastor

Communion Ever Be

Holy, Holy, Holy Invitation & Benediction Postlude

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center & the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.

Life of the Congregation

Today 11 am–12 pm or 12:15 –1:15 pm Fellowship Hall

$12/adults $5/ages 3 –10 Children 2 and under free

Join us for the last Sunday Brunch until September. Come connect with your Peachtree community and enjoy a delicious brunch, meet new friends, and fellowship with your faith community.

CHILDREN’S SPRING MUSICAL May 8 | 6:00 pm | Sanctuary See Peachtree’s children tell the story of Joseph through music in So Long, Joe! Come early to enjoy a delicious spaghetti supper in the Fellowship Hall. SIGN UP:

GRADUATE RECOGNITION Submission Deadline: May 22 On June 2, Peachtree will recognize the Class of 2019. For a student to be included, please submit full name, graduating high school, and university attending to Caroline Young.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 3–6 | 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Throw on your camera strap and buckle your seatbelt for a wild adventure. As you seek out exotic animals, you’ll also find snapshots of real-life encounters with Jesus in Scripture. SIGN UP:

WOMEN’S SUMMER BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays or Wednesdays Beginning June 11 Join us for a six-week summer study of Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton, enhancing our understanding of seven key spiritual practices.

4th Grade Bibles

Today, we present our 4th graders with their own Bible, representing our commitment to the infallibility of scripture and the spiritual growth of the next generation. Rylie Albert Charlotte Beacham Lily Beacham Caroline Birdsey Annie Cary Bates Castellaw Sam Chasteen Cole Clayton Margaret Cole Ford Gartland Tuck Greene Fannie Bradley Hinson Wyatt Johnson Piper Johnson Trenton Knudsen

Jack Marquis Penelope McCraw Paige McMillan Luke Moorhead Alexia Morlan Marie Morlan Oliver Naples Logan Newsome Christian Oliver Katelyn O’Meara Franklin Pickens Andrew Robers Alison Rubinas Emma Rubinas Clark Sanders

Jack Sanders Madeline Sappington Carter Smith Megan Snipes JD Stratton Harrison Todaro Cate Turner Luke Vorpahl Merridy White Jamison White Grayson Whitty Shug Williams Cooper Wooden


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.

HOSPITALS Kate Winne Emory

MEMBER DEATHS Cromwell Evans  4/28 Husband of Marilyn Evans

FAMILY MEMBER DEATHS Helen Bell  4/20 Mother of John Bell Catherine Jarema  4/15 Mother of Janet Gannon Grandmother of Bryan Gannon

To submit Milestones for you or a member of your family, contact Celeste Cody at 404.842.5853 or


An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service & leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:


Caroline Short Rees Thompson


Garrett Morgan

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God & in loving memory of: Peggy & A. J. Gordon by their daughter, Judy Collier

Young Adults

If you are single or married, and in your 20s and 30s, we hope you will consider becoming a part of the Young Adult community at Peachtree! We offer a weekly Sunday morning gathering as well as social events, service opportunities, weekend retreats, and more. Our Sunday morning community meets in room 2202 at 10:00 am. We gather for breakfast, socializing, and a lesson led by Cody Jensen, Minister of Young Adults, or the Young Adult leadership team.

UPCOMING EVENTS Community Gatherings (May 9, May 17) Beach Retreat (May 24–27) Community Gathering at Fado’s (May 31)

CONTACT Cody Jensen Young Adults Minister 404.842.3158 Anne Henry Belong Communities Coordinator 404.842.2174

Thanks for joining us at Peachtree! We’re glad you’re here & would love to get to know you. Name(s):

I/We are new to Peachtree

I’m interested in learning about joining




Under 20



To submit the Connect Card, tear at perforation & place with offering

Connect Card


Phone: Email:

I would like to learn more about the following ministries: (check all that apply)

Grand Adults






Sunday School Young Adults

Children & Family (birth–4th grade)

Student (5th–12 th grade) Other:

Prayer request(s):

3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, Ga 30305

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