UNEXPECTED TOGETHERNESS belonging at the heart of the gospel
October 21, 2018 The Pitch | Luke 10:25 – 35
8:45 | 10:00 GATHERING AS GOD’S PEOPLE Prelude Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above Prayer of Adoration Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Sacrament of Baptism See pages 6–7 Jesus Shall Reign* Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer I Know That My Redeemer Lives Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Luke 10:25–35 (Pew Bible 1612–1613) FOLLOWING GOD INTO THE WORLD There Is a Balm in Gilead Invitation & Benediction Postlude
Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.
* In the 8:45 & 11:15 services, children are invited to come forward and be escorted to their classrooms.
None But Thee Amazing Grace Baptisms*  See page 8 Life of the Congregation Pastoral Prayer The Way
Dr. Richard Kannwischer  Senior Pastor
Revelation Song Invitation & Benediction Postlude
If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of each service are available in the Williams Center and the Nursing Mothers & Infants Room off the Williams Center.
Life of the Congregation
Food Drive for Buckhead Christian Ministry Your church staff is always looking for ways to help you develop and strengthen your faith. This afternoon, you will receive an e-mail invitation to join RightNow There are 2 ways you can help: Media, an extensive video collection of faith-based Right Now Media programming you will be able to access on your Bring Awaiting food to Information Peachtree and place it in the phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV. collection bins located in Family Commons, Gym,has andvideos 2nd floor double elevatorsyouth, outside RightNow Media for everyone—kids, Fellowship Hall parents, married couples, college students, single adults,
1 2
working professionals—all aimed at helping you grow. Want us to do the buying? Peachtree isGo investing in this resource and making it to PeachtreeChurch.org/BCM available to your noofcost. convinced andfamily buy a at bag foodThat’s from how the web. we are that$25 you will find great inspiration in these equals one bag of food. video programs, often referred to as ‘The Netflix of biblical learning and spiritual growth’.
containers of: Watch for yoursmall/medium personal invitation this afternoon. Sign exploring the more than Beansup now and begin Instant Grits Ramen Noodles 20,000 programs and studies that will encourage Canned Fruit Instant Oatmeal Riceyou in the knowledge and understanding of your faith! Canned Tuna Jelly Soup
Canned Vegetables
Mac & Cheese
Spaghetti Noodles
Chicken Broth
Peanut Butter
Spaghetti Sauce
QUESTIONS: RightNow@PeachtreeChurch.org Cornbread Mix
MORE INFO: PeachtreeChurch.org/RightNow
Life of the Congregation OUR VISIUAL IDENTITY See and hear the story behind our new visual identity released during worship last Sunday. The design is inspired by a key element of architecture and the colors are motivated by the two primary sacraments of our tradition. VISIT: PeachtreeChurch.org/Logo
GENEROSITY 2019 Next week, we will make our commitments to God’s mission at Peachtree. Please bring your completed card to church on October 28 as we anticipate the restoration work we will accomplish in 2019 with God’s blessing and guidance.
FEED OUR ATLANTA CHILDREN Through October 31 Help stock the shelves at Buckhead Christian Ministries for children who are food insecure. Bring food to the church or let us buy a bag of groceries for you. LEARN MORE: PeachtreeChurch.org/BCM
SUNDAY BRUNCH November 4 | 11:00–12:00, 12:15–1:15 Connect with your Peachtree community in the Fellowship Hall and enjoy traditional brunch favorites. Seating is limited, so make your reservation today. REGISTER: PeachtreeChurch.org/Brunch
Baptisms 8:45 Lawson Reid McAnally Son | Born: 5/5/18 Parents: Emily & Christopher McAnally Grandparents: Jacki & Jud Boedecker; Jim McAnally; Sandy McAnally JOSHUA 1:9
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Andrew George Thompson Son | Born: 5/16/18 Parents: Elizabeth & Garrett Thompson Siblings: Catherine (3) Grandparents: Betty & Bill Anderson; Trish & Gary Thompson PROVERBS 3:1–4
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
Madison Elizabeth Willi Daughter | Born: 6/6/18 Parents: Bonnie & Brett Willi Siblings: Collier (3) Grandparents: Betsy & John Willi; Ingrid & Peter Williams JOSHUA 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
10:00 Elizabeth Reid (Reid) Anastasi Daughter | Born: 12/13/17 Parents: Erin & Pete Anastasi Grandparents: Dean & Bob Anastasi; Mary & Lawrence Attaway JEREMIAH 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Elsie Collins Simpson Daughter | Born: 3/25/18 Parents: Emily & Andrew Simpson Siblings: Hagan (6); CeCe (3) Grandparents: Brenda & Ray Collins; Peggy & Steve Simpson PSALM 143:8–10
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
Tatum Elisan Sturgis Daughter | Born: 4/16/18 Parents: Alden & Colin Sturgis Siblings: Hutson (7); Sutton (5) Grandparents: Liz & Armin Brecher; Susan & Jim Sturgis PROVERBS 3:5–6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
William Lake Tankersley Son | Born: 4/16/18 Parents: Christina & Lake Tankersley Grandparents: Lisa & Jerry Bordelon; Melinda & Wayne Quigley; Karen & Mike Tankersley ISAIAH 40:31
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Baptisms 11:15 Isabel Hayes Gordon Daughter | Born: 4/4/18 Parents: Caroline & Adam Gordon Siblings: Graham (6); Charlotte (3) Grandparents: Jeanie & Bob Cook; Mary & Neal Gordon MATTHEW 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Benjamin Wells (Ben) Kerr Son | Born: 12/29/17 Parents: Lindy & Jeff Kerr Grandparents: Susan & John Kerr; Holly & Don Zimmerman PSALM 139:14 –16
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Stuart Garner McKnight Son | Born: 5/22/18 Parents: Henley & Todd McKnight Siblings: Emory (5); Molly (3) Grandparents: Devany & Fletcher Groves; Cindy & Jeff McKnight Great-Grandparents: Joyce & William Henley; Nell McKnight PSALM 3:3
May God be your shield and your glory and the one who holds your head high.
BAPTISM AT PEACHTREE At Peachtree, we celebrate both infant and believer baptism. For infants, baptism marks the official beginning of the partnership between the church and the family to raise the child as Jesus’ disciple. When a child is baptized, the parents make a profession of faith on behalf of their child. As the parents claim that Jesus is their Lord and Savior, they also make commitments to raise their child to know Jesus Christ. In baptism, a child becomes a part of the church family, but they must one day make their own decision to follow Jesus Christ.
The child being baptized must be 18 months of age or younger.
At least one parent must be an active and local member of Peachtree Presbyterian Church.
At least one parent must attend a Baptism Workshop prior to the Baptism Sunday selected (even if prevously attended for another child).
To register your child, visit: PeachtreeChurch.org/Baptism
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
FAMILY MEMBER DEATH James S. Kidd  9/28 Father of Mary Elizabeth Barker
To submit Milestones for you or a member of your family, contact Celeste Cody at 404-842-5853 or CCody@PeachtreeChurch.org.
An acolyte plays an important role in our traditional worship, bringing the light of Christ into the service and leading us out into the world to be the light of Christ. Today’s acolytes:
John Copeland Sarah-Virginia Copeland
Ford Gartland Shug Williams
The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of: Peter K. Daniel by his loving family
Belong Communities
PeachtreeChurch.org/Belong Belong Communities offer great opportunities for building relationships, growing in your faith, and serving others. We’re excited to announce a new online tool that makes it easy to find a community that fits your schedule and preferences. We have several new communities that have recently started and many existing communities that are ready to welcome you. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” —Matthew 18:20
CONTACT Rebecca Madden Director of Connections RMadden@PeachtreeChurch.org 404.842.2173 Anne Henry Community Coordinator AHenry@PeachtreeChurch.org 404.842.2174
Thanks for joining us at Peachtree! We’re glad you’re here and would love to get to know you. Name(s):
I/We are new to Peachtree
I’m interested in learning about joining
Under 20
To submit the Connect Card, tear at perforation and place with offering
Connect Card
Phone: Email:
I would like to learn more about the following ministries: (check all that apply)
Grand Adults
Sunday School Young Adults
Children & Family (birth–4th grade)
Student (5th–12 th grade) Other:
Prayer request(s): 3434 Roswell Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30305 PeachtreeChurch.org