January 19, 2025

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8:30 | 9:45


All People That on Earth Do Dwell

Welcome and Dwell Litany

Left Every Voice and Sing

Life of the Congregation *

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Dwell In the House




He Leadeth Me

Invitation and Benediction


* For 9:45 service only



Praise Gratitude

Call to Worship and Dwell Litany

Life of the Congregation

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer





Sons and Daughters

Invitation and Benediction


Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.



Dwell: Living in God’s Presence with the Psalms

Psalm 90 | God’s Greatest Desire

Psalm 27 | Why We’re So Afraid

Psalm 1 | How to Dwell (And Not Dwell)

Psalm 135 | The Power of Prayer


Amazed: Loving the One to Whom You Pray

Psalm 19 | God is Creator

Psalm 145 | God is Sovereign

Psalm 86 | God is Faithful

Psalm 146 | God is Just


Curious: Bringing Your Questions to God

Psalm 8 | What is Man that You are Mindful of Him?

Psalm 137 | How Can We Sing In A Foreign Land?

Psalm 13 | How Long?

Psalm 22 | Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Psalm 121 | Where Will My Help Come From?


Hopeful: Choosing Anticipation Over Despair

Psalm 40 | Waiting: From Pit to Rock

Psalm 118 | Rescuing: From Surrounded to Salvation

Psalm 16 | Rising: From Death to Life

Psalm 42 | Hoping: From Tears to Trust


Vulnerable: Asking God for What You Need

Psalm 39 | Hear Me

Psalm 139 | Search Me

Psalm 67 | Bless Me

Psalm 25 | Remember Me


Faithful: Relying on God in Uncertain Times

Psalm 62 | Salvation: A Rocky Shelter

Psalm 91 | Trust: A Feathered Nest

Psalm 130 | Patience: A Watchful Guardian

Psalm 18 | Help: A Sure Step

Psalm 85 | Righteousness: An Unlikely Kiss


Persevering: Struggling with God

Psalm 2 | The Raging Nations

Psalm 70 | The Slow Response

Psalm 142 | The Cave Prison

Psalm 88 | The Closest Friend


Teachable: Following God’s Guidance and Wisdom

Psalm 119 | A Bright Lamp

Psalm 37 | A Heart’s Desire

Psalm 127 | A Deep Sleep

Psalm 73 | A Forever Portion

Psalm 32 | A Loving Eye


Unifying: Pursuing a Deeper Togetherness

Psalm 133 | The Goal: Dwelling in Unity

Psalm 55 | The Problem: A Lack of Trust

Psalm 34 | The Solution: The Lord is Good

Psalm 15 | The Result: A New Way to Live


Gracious: Healing Our Brokenness

Psalm 36 | Aware

Psalm 51 | Admit

Psalm 31 | Trust

Psalm 103 | Remember


Grateful: Giving Thanks Every Day

Psalm 100 | Because You Belong to Him

Psalm 50 | Because He is Not Silent

Psalm 136 | Because of His Love

Psalm 107 | Because of Your Story


Joyful: Celebrating the Savior

Psalm 131 | Joy as Humble Presence

Psalm 46 | Joy as Peaceful Presence

Psalm 63 | Joy as Loving Presence

Psalm 23 | Joy as Hopeful Presence



Psalm 1

In terms of how we live, the Psalmist essentially offers two ways:

1. One way pulls you down

2. Are you at an inflection point in your life?


: a time of significant change in a situation; a turning point. We live in a world of seemingly endless choices.

Daily Dwell: January 19-25

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the L ord …” - Psalm 1:1-2

We invite you to join us for the 11th annual Seeds of Hope packing event! This is our opportunity to serve those in Malawi and Liberia by helping them battle food insecurity.

Planting Hope. Growing Food.

January 24-26

Friday: 4-6pm Saturday: 9-11am* | 11:30am-1:30pm* 2-4pm | 4:30-6:30pm Sunday: 11am-1pm* | 1:30-3:30pm

* Childcare is available for children up to age 4. Children 5 years old and older can participate with adult supervision.

Together we will pack seeds for over 100,000 gardens for our partners in Malawi and Liberia. Each garden will feed 6–8 people for a year plus produce seeds for the future planting season.

Family Ministry Grand Opening

Sunday, January 26

Join us Sunday morning for the grand opening of Family Commons, Children’s Ministry Spaces, and The Lodge. We will have regular programming at all three services and special treats!

In the evening, we will have an open house for Family Ministry Spaces, a family serving opportunity with Seeds of Hope, food trucks, and programming for students.

To register for the evening open house and dinner, scan the QR code. Registration is required.

The Challenges of Parenting

Dr. Richard Kannwischer with

Join us as Family Ministry partners with Honour Academy for a series just for parents: navigating technology, emotions, and faith with Biblical wisdom and practical tools on February 2, 9, and 16. Registration is required. Scan the QR code to register.

Steeple Coffee was created to foster connection for our church and community. The coffee bar will offer locally sourced coffee and hand-crafted espresso drinks as well as a light food menu of sandwiches and salads, housemade baked goods, and cookies made by Wonderfully Made, Peachtree's ministry for adults with intellectual disabilities.

Follow us on Instagram for updates and giveaways!

Wonderfully Made is a program for adults with intellectual disabilities. Cultivating Community is our mission.

Wonderfully Made Bakery Ribbon Cutting

Tuesday, January 28

Join us for the grand opening of the Wonderfully Made Bakery followed by a volunteer meeting at 12:30pm. 11:30am | First Floor of the Lodge

Follow us on Instagram at @wonderfullymadecommunity

Grow in grace. Live your faith. Become more like Jesus.

FEBRUARY 2, 9, AND 16 | 6-7:30PM

Please join us for Honour Academy in 2025! The winter semester will begin in February with four classes covering various topics, including parenting, Biblical genres, beloved Bible passages, and the death of the Messiah.

Scan the QR code to register.

Programming available for children of all ages.

We’re excited to introduce Scripture Cards—a meaningful resource for your family! Designed to complement the Dwell series, these cards feature 52 weekly memory verses from the Psalms, offering a wonderful way to deepen your connection with Scripture throughout the year.

Be sure to pick up a set of Scripture Cards for your family in the Nest Lobby and Elementary Hallway and begin this enriching journey today!


Interested in serving at a Peachtree wedding?

February 2 10:45-11:15am Room 2306

February 2 12:15-12:45pm Room 2306


This Monday marks the remembrance of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King served the Lord Jesus Christ with gladness. We encourage each other to run the Christian race well.


Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.


Richard Burge | VA Hospital

Bob Dawson | Northside Cherokee

Nancy Dawson | Northside Cherokee

Dick Kimball | Home Hospice Care


Bob Foy | 1/11

Husband of Jane Foy

John Graham | 1/3

Father of Staci Graham

Melba Young Adams | 1/14

Mother of John Adams

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Elizabeth Smith Coppedge

by her parents, Rebecca and John Coppedge, and her sisters, Evie, Eleanor and Frances

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