Oct 5 Bulletin

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Peachtree is a community of Jesus followers inviting people to follow God in heart, mind, and strength.

Assemble in God’s Name Prelude

Offering Our Gifts I Am the Resurrection  Dan & Heidi Goeller


Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life

John Azumah Professor at Columbia Seminary

Choral Introit Go Down, Moses  arr. Thomas Keesecker Congregational Introit * Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Prayer of Adoration*

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me shall never die! Do you believe? I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me shall never die!

Jay Madden Pastor for Mission 10:00

Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life

John Azumah Professor at Columbia Seminary

Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow  #544 *

Give Praise to God

Hymn of Praise ** The Church’s One Foundation  #437

Listen to God’s Word

Life of the Congregation**

Exodus 3:11–15  (Pew Bible, 90–91) Chuck Roberts  8:45, 10:00, 11:15

* Those who are able, please stand.

Pastor for Mission 11:15

Placing the Bible

Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Jay Madden


Chuck Roberts Pastor for Congregational Life

Mark Crumpler  Pastor for Teaching & Spiritual Formation

Vicki Harrington Franch Pastor for Pastoral Care

Celebrate the Sacrament (See pages 4–5)

Go in God’s Name

Hymn of Response* God of Grace and God of Glory  #358 Invitation and Benediction* Postlude* ** Ushers will seat latecomers at this time.

If your young child needs attention during worship, live broadcasts of the service are available in the Williams Center and the Mothers and Infants Room off of the Williams Center.

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in Loving Memory of: Members of the Peachtree Presbyterian Women who have been promoted to the Church Triumphant in 2013–2014: Rachel Bunte, Louise Cochrane, Sally Patterson, Minnette Pugmire, Margaret Ramsay, Loyce Sandifer, Virginia Torbert, Eleanor Thumser, and Margaret Weill by the Peachtree Presbyterian Women

Leading the Music

The Chancel Choir The Praise Singers  8:45, 10:00 The Kingdom Singers  8:45, 10:00 The Peachtree Youth Choir  11:15 Mary Hoffman  Director of Music Kenneth Axelson  Interim Organist Andy Bayles  Staff Pianist John Phillips  Youth & Children’s Accompanist Anna Dodd  Horn Jessica Wu  Violin Hannah Lee  Cello Paula Williams  Percussion Jake Parker  Percussion Jacob Sherwin  Percussion

Lighting the Candles

Matt Ellis, Addie Ellis  8:45 Emilie Jacobus, Katie Jacobus  10:00

Placing the Bible Craig Scott  8:45 Bill Schaeffer  10:00 David Robertson  11:15




Lynn Rossman & Joe Lanier, III  9/27 Small Prayer Chapel Heidi Kloster & Chip Hinkel, Jr.  9/27 Sanctuary


Olivia Grace Carroll  9/21 Mallory & John Carroll Avery Elizabeth Holden  8/3 Jordan & Colin Holden Ansley Wyatt Simpson  9/16 Nancy & John Simpson

Hospitals Bill Carnes Manor Care

Tom Cummings Manor Care Mary Hanes Manor Care Ed Hill Eastside Medical Center

DR. JOHN A. AZUMAH Dr. John Azumah is Associate Professor of World Christianity and Islam at Columbia Theological Seminary. Originally from Ghana, he grew up in a Muslim family before becoming a follower of Jesus as a teenager. He has taught at Peachtree and throughout the world on ChristianMuslim relations. Dr. Azumah assists communion today as we celebrate World Communion Sunday by gathering around the Lord’s table with congregations around the globe. (For more information on World Communion Sunday, see page 5.)

Betty Hull Rehab Facility in Monroe, GA Tom Sellers Salud (Suwanee, GA) Ned Stiemke St. Joseph Ron Toland Wellstar Cobb

Member Death

Margaret Ramsay  9/28 Wife of Arlen Ramsay

Family Member Deaths Carol Golon 9/25 Sister of Jeff Heal


CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENT The Communion Prayer Pastor: Jesus said: “I am the bread of life. All who come to me shall not hunger, and all who believe in me shall never be thirsty.” People: We are hungry and thirsty. O Lamb of God, we come! Pastor: Come, Holy Spirit. Come. Open our eyes to the mystery of Christ’s presence in these ordinary things, in these our ordinary lives. May they be for us the very essence of the living Christ in our midst. Through the broken bread… People: We participate in the Body of Christ with believers around the world. Pastor: Through the cup of blessing… People: We participate in the new life Christ gives and are sent to share that life with the world. Pastor: Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, and on these gifts of bread and wine. Make them be for us the body and blood of Christ that we, together as a new creation and a new community around the world may be for the world the body of Christ, redeemed by his blood. By your Spirit help the body of Christ be one, to bear fruit until Christ comes in final victory and we feast at his heavenly banquet. Through your Son Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in your holy Church, all honor and glory is yours, Almighty God, now and forever. Amen.

Words of Institution/Distribution of the Bread & Cup At the 8:45 & 11:15 services, you are invited to come to the elders stationed around the sanctuary to receive the elements. Please partake of the bread as you receive it. Carry the cup back to your seat. Take a moment to give thanks for God’s kindness, shown in Christ’s shed blood for you (Romans 11:22). We will partake of the cup together after all have been served. At the 10:00 service, the elders will distribute the communion elements to the pews. We will partake of the cup together after all have been served.

Unison Prayer of Thanksgiving Gracious and loving God, you have made us one in the body of Christ, and nourished us at your table with holy food and drink. Thank you for feeding our hunger and relieving our thirst. Now send us into the world to do the work you have given us to do: to find the lost and lonely, to heal broken souls, to free prisoners, and to love in Jesus’ name. Grant us strength to persevere in resisting evil, and to proclaim in all we say and do your good news in Christ Jesus our Savior. Amen.

World Communion Sunday The first Sunday in October is designated as World Communion Sunday, which celebrates our oneness in Christ with all our brothers and sisters around the world. Paul tells us that we are to “discern the body” when we partake of Holy Communion, mindful that we note our relationship to all our brothers and sisters in Christ in the celebration. Whenever we gather in worship we do so as part of a global church. This Sunday our communion table features a tablecloth created especially for Peachtree in honor of the partnership shared for many years between Peachtree and the Independent Presbyterian Church of Caicó, Brazil. The hand embroidered inscription reads “united in evangelization of the northeast Sertão” region.

“I am the bread of life. All who come to me shall not hunger, and all who believe in me shall never be thirsty.”

There are 3 ways you can help: 1. Bring food to Peachtree and drop off at collection bins located in the Family Commons, Lodge, and on the first floor of the Gym.



During the month of October, Peachtree is collecting non-perishable food for BCM.

Small/medium containers of the following items are needed: Peanut Butter | Instant Grits | Spaghetti Noodles Canned Tuna Chicken Broth | Jelly | Canned Vegetables | Spaghetti Sauce | Mac & Cheese Beans | Cornbread Mix | Rice | Instant Oatmeal Soup | Ramen Noodles | Canned Fruit

2. Donate by texting “25FOOD” to

404-800-7578 to give $25 to buy a bag of food (change the number to donate any amount you wish)

3. Donate online to buy a bag: peachtree-church.org/mission

Kara Powell, PhD, is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute and a faculty member at Fuller Theological seminary. Named by Christianity Today as one of “50 Women to Watch”, Kara serves as an advisor to youth specialties and also speaks regularly at parenting and leadership conferences. Kara is the author or co-author of a number of books including The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family.

PHILIP YANCEY has more than 15 million books in print and is published in 35 languages worldwide, making him one of history’s best-selling evangelical Christian authors. Come hear this leading writer and thinker.



November 12 TIME

7:00 pm LOCATION

Peachtree Sanctuary

“Why does the church stir up such negative feelings?” This perennial question is more relevant now than ever: in a twenty year span starting in the mid-nineties, research shows that favorable opinions of Christianity have plummeted drastically—and opinions of Evangelicals have taken even deeper dives. In this book, Yancey explores what is Good News and what is worth preserving in a culture that thinks it has rejected Christian faith.


CONNECT CARD Welcome to Peachtree. We’re glad you’re here!

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for my heart to praise

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Spouse’s Name: (if applicable) Street:

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits. —Psalm 103:2 The reasons to praise and thank God in our lives are too many to count, if we stop running and notice them. Our homes, our work, our church —the blessings are everywhere. Record your praises at: peachtree-church.org/10kReasons

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[ ] I/We have kids aged newborn– 4th grade [ ] I/We have kids 5th –12th grade

Looking for a place to get connected in community with other working women and grow your faith? Then come to the Word Before Work kickoff on Tuesday, October 7, from 7:15–8:30 am in the Canyon of the Lodge. wordbeforework.org

I would like to join a volunteer team for: [ ] Usher/Greeter [ ] Children’s Ministry [ ] Student Ministry [ ] Music Ministry [ ] Worship Video Production I would like prayer:

* Please fold and drop in the offering plate.

Come hear from former Atlanta Brave, Sid Bream, as he shares the work that Jesus Christ has done in his life. The dinner costs $100 a plate. To ask about sponsoring a table, contact info@lifegatecenter.org. To purchase tickets, visit LifeGate online and click on the Champions for Change button. lifegatecenter.org/

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