Material Autogestivo para preparación de la certificación de comprensión lectora en inglés con IESRC

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Material de apoyo autogestivo para preparar el examen de acreditación de Inglés.

Maestría en Ambientes, Sistemas y Gestión en Educación Multimodal

Mtra. Julia Martínez Fernández Junio 2021


Index/índice Theme 1.- Essential word classes Introducción / text entry 1.1. Nouns 1.2. Pronouns 1.3. Verbs 1.4. Adjectives 1.5. Adverbs Activity 1. Reading comprehension on the importance of information technology in education 1.6. Prepositions 1.7. Conjunctions 1.8. Interjections 1.9. Articles 1.10.Numbers, Dates, Time Activity 2. Evaluate knowledge on essential words Theme 2.- Verb Tenses: 2.1 Present Tense 2.2 Past Tense 2.3 Future Tense Activity 3. Glossary review Activity 4. Difference between passive and interactive narratives Activity 5. Reading comprehension on basic knowledge of information technology in education. Theme 3.- Sentence structure 3.1 Affirmative Sentences 3.2 Negative Sentences 2

3.3 Questions Sentences 3.4 Simple and Complex Sentences 3.5 Comparative & Superlative 3.6 Gerund and Infinitive 3.7 Used to Theme 4. Reading comprehension on Education Technology 4.1. Acronyms and abbreviations Activity 6. Exercise on Acronyms and abbreviations Theme 5. Reading comprehension exercises Theme 6. Recapitulación Recapitulation


Presentación El inglés es el tercer idioma del mundo en número de hablantes que lo tienen como lengua materna (entre 300 y 400 millones de personas), así como el tercero más hablado, por detrás del mandarín y el español, si se cuenta también a quienes lo tienen como segunda lengua, que son 200 millones de personas más. Además, es el idioma predilecto en los medios de comunicación; periódicos y libros son escritos en inglés más que en otro lenguaje, al igual que el 75% de la información en línea. NIÑO-PUELLO, M. I. R. Y. A. M. (2013). El inglés y su importancia en la investigación científica: algunas reflexiones. Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal-RECIA, 243-254. Debido a la gran cantidad de literatura científica y técnica que los científicos y técnicos publican día a día, en inglés, resulta de gran importancia que los postulantes puedan comprender textos técnicos, para estar actualizados en la temática que se abordará en la Maestría y Doctorado de Ambientes, Sistemas y Gestión en Educación Multimodal.


Mapa de contenidos

Este material se encuentra estructurado en cinco grandes temas los cuales se organizan de la siguiente manera:

Inglés básico, técnico y comprensión de textos

Essential word classes

Conoce las clases de palabras esenciales del idioma inglés para una mejor comprensión de textos

Verb Tenses

Conoce los tiempos y como conjugar los verbos en presente, pasado y futuro

Sentence structure

Conoce la estructura de oraciones para una mejor comprensión te textos en inglés

Reading comprehension of technical texts on Climate Change and Biodiversity

Comprende textos en inglés para acceder a información técnica sobre educación y tecnología


Lecturas tipo para practicar la comprensión de textos


Tema 1. Essential word classes Introducción al tema: El inglés tiene cuatro clases de palabras esenciales, a saber: nombres (nouns), pronombres (pronouns), los verbos más importantes (verbs), adjetivos (adjectives), adverbios (adverbs), preposiciones (prepositions), conjunciones (conjunctions), interjecciones (Interjections), artículos (articles), números (numbers), fechas (dates), la hora (time), etc. 1.1 Nouns A noun is a part of speech that names a person, place, park; thing, cup; idea, dream; action, law; or quality, dignity. Proper nouns refer to the individual name of a person, place or thing. Examples might include Barcelona, Leonardo da Vinci, or things: Pemex. Nombres Los nombres son partes del lenguaje, que dan nombre a personas, niños; lugares, parque; cosas, tazas; ideas, sueños; acciones, ley; ó cualidades, dignidad. Los nombres propios se refieren al nombre de las personas, Juan,Lopez; lugares, Xochimilco, Barcelona; ó cosas: Pemex. 1.2 Pronouns. A pronoun is used instead of a noun or noun phrase in a sentence. A pronoun may take place of the name of a person, place or thing. Pronoun examples: I, me, we, they, you, he, she, it, yours, himself, ourselves, its, my, that, this, those, us, who, whom, etc. Pronombres. Los pronombres se utilizan en lugar del nombre, y de un nombre en una oración. Puede ir en lugar del nombre de una persona, lugar o cosa. Ejemplos: Yo tú, nosotros, ellos, él, ella, eso, de ustedes, el mismo, nosotros mismos, sus, mi, eso, esto, esos, nosotros, quien, quienes, etc. 1.3 Verbs. Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence; and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen. Verbos. Los verbos son palabras que describen acción, estados, presencia, etc; y forman la parte más importante del predicado de una oración, tales como oir, convertir, ser, suceder. There are sixteen verbs used in Basic English. 6

1.- To come (tu cám) …………………venir 2.- To let (tu let) ………………………dejar 3.- To go (tu gou)……………………... ir 4.- To put (tu put)……………………… poner 5.- To take (tu teik) …………………… tomar 6.- To give (tuguiv) …………………… dar 7.- To get (tu guet) …………………… conseguir 8.- To keep (tu kiip) ………………….. mantener 9.- To make (to meik) ……………….. hacer 10.- To do (tuduu) …………………… hacer 11.- To seem (to siim) ……………… parecer 12.- To say ((tu sei) ………………… decir 13.- To see (tu sii) …………………..ver 14.- To send (tu send) ………………enviar 15.- To be (tu bii)…………………….ser ó estar 16.- To have (tu jav) …………………haber o trener 1.4 Adjectives A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it. There are three degrees of adjectives: Positive, comparative, superlative. These degrees are applicable only for the descriptive adjectives. Examples: red, quick, happy (red ball, happy boy, quick rabbit). Adjetivos. Una palabra o frase que define un atributo, para modificar o describir un nombre. Hay tres grados de adjetivos Positivo, comparative y superlative, que sólo se aplican a los adjetivos descriptivos. Ejemplos: rojo, rápido, feliz, (pelota roja; niño feliz; conejo listo) 1.5 Adverbs are words or phrases that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. Example: gently, quite, then, there. There are five types of adverbs, that of manner, time, place, frequency, and degree.


Adverbios son frases o palabras que modifican o cualifica un adjetivo, verbo u otro adverbio o un grupo de palabras, que expresan una relación de lugar, tiempo, circunstancia, manera, causa, grado, ertc. Ejemplo: quieto, suave, entonces, ahí. Hay cinco grupos de adverbios: de manera tiempo, lugar, frecuencia y grado. Activity 1: Comprensión de lectura. Reading Comprehensión La comprensión de lectura es una habilidad compleja, que consta de por lo menos tres componentes: el lector (que utiliza su conocimiento previo para hacer inferencias sobre el contenido de un texto), el texto (que transmite tanto los aspectos lingüísticos como los conceptos que el autor desea transmitir) y la tarea (la demanda cognoscitiva que el lector aporta para comprender el texto y resume para contextualizar. Durante el proceso de lectura estos componentes interactúan y son inseparables. García Jurado Velarde, R. G. (2009). Reading comprehension is a complex ability that consists of at least three components: the reader (activates prior knowledge, and connect the applicable prior experiences to the reading), the text (that transmits concepts from the author): and the reader set purposes, predict, and decode text (identify word and sentence meanings). Also summarize to bring meaning forward. These components interact and are indivisible. Propósito: Que el participante pueda comprender el texto en inglés, sobre la importancia de las tecnologías de información en la educación. Indicaciones: El participante leerá con cuidado el siguiente texto, párrafo por párrafo, para poder contestar las 7 preguntas correspondientes. Hew, K. F., Lan, M., Tang, Y., Jia, C., & Lo, C. K. (2019). Where is the “theory” within the field of educational technology research?. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 956-971.

Abstract Critics often characterise the study of educational technology as under‐theorised. To test this assertion and to determine the extent of this criticism, the present paper reports an in‐depth analysis of the 503 most recent empirical articles published in three selected education‐technology‐related journals (Computers & Education; Learning, Media and Technology; and British Journal of Educational Technology). These journals were selected because they publish studies related to all education settings rather than focusing on only a certain segment such as 8

higher education; they have broad geographical catchment; and they were the most highly ranked journals in terms of their 2017 journal citation impact factor. The present paper examines how explicitly existing theory was identified in previous research, how theories were applied and how often these theories were advanced in education technology research. In the majority of cases, explicit engagement with theory was absent. Many studies either were wholly bereft of theories or made vague use of theory. Where theory was explicit, the articles were more likely to use theory to conceptualise the research, to inform the data collection or analysis process and to discuss the results. Very few articles reported findings that help us to learn something new about a particular theory (ie, little evidence of theory advancement). Questions: 1.- How were the assertion and criticism tested? ( ) Conducting a survey ( ) Offering a seminar ( X ) Conducting an in depth analysis ( ) Asking different teachers ( ) Guessing 2.- How many Journals were selected? ( ) None ( ) Five hundred and three ( ) Twenty (X ) Three ( ) Twelve 3.- Why were those Journals selected? ( ) They publish studies on computing ( ) They publish studies on basic education ( ) They publish studies on marketing ( X ) The publish on all education environments ( ) They focus on higher education only 4.- How was their geographical influence? ( ) Very focused ( ) just for the European community ( X ) Very broad indeed ( ) none of the above 5.- Why were they the most highly ranked journals in 2017 ( X ) Journal citations ( ) Articles published 9

( (

) Number of pages ) Number of scientist involved

6.- Critics often characterise the study of educational technology as under‐ theorised because: ( ) Theory was very highlighted ( X ) Explicit engagement with theory was absent ( ) Lack of information ( ) It is deeply studied ( ) It is very confusing 7.- . Many studies either were wholly bereft of theories or: ( ) Presented many theories ( ) Presented no theories ( X ) Make little use of the theory (….) Make use of several hypothesis

1.6 Prepositions. Prepositions are words that link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. Prepositions usually describe the position of something, the time when something happens and the way in which something is done, although the prepositions "of", "to" and "for" have some separate functions. Preposiciones. Son palabras que unen nombres, pronombres y frases a otras palabras en una oración. Generalmente describen la posición de algo, el tiempo cuando algo pasa y la manera en que algo es realizado, aunque las preposiciones “de”, “a” y “para” tienen algunas funciones separadas. 1.7 Conjunctions. Conjunction is the joining together of elements and it is a word that connects sentences, phrases or clauses. An example of conjunction is: classmates coming together to solve a math problem. An example of conjunction is the word "and." Conjunciones. Son palabras que unen elementos, conectan frases, oraciones y cláusulas. Un ejemplo de conjunción es: alumnos se reunen para resolver un problema matemático. Un ejemplo, la palabra “y”.


1.8 Interjections. An interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the emotion or feeling of the author. These words or phrases can stand alone, or be placed before or after a sentence. Many times, as within the examples of interjections below, you'll notice many interjections are followed by an exclamation point. Examples: Boo, eh, hmm, aah, oops, yeah, wow, etc interjecciones. Son parte del lenguage que demuestran la emoción o sentimiento del autor. Éstas palabras de frases pueden ir solas ó ir antes o después de luna oración. Muchas veces, con los ejemplos de las interjecciones que siguen, son palabras espontáneas que pronunciamos en un momento determinado para expresar una fuerte emoción. Llevan acento tónico y en un escrito van entre signos de admiración o exclamación. Ejemplos: ¡ah!, ¡uf!, ¡zas! 1.9 Articles: They are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. English has two types of articles: definite and indefinite. There are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. Artículos: Son palabras que definen a un nombre como específico o inespecífico. En inglés hay dos tipos de artículos: definido e indefinidos. Hay tres artículos: un,uno, el ó ella. Van antes que los nombres, o equivalentes de los nombres, ó como un tipo de adjetivo. El artículo definido (the) es utilizado antes de un nombre para indicar la identidad del nombre es conocida por el lector. 1.10. Numbers, Dates, Time. A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure and label. The original examples are the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth. Número. Es un objeto matemático utilizado para contar, medir o etiquetar. Ejemplo: son los números naturales: 1, 2, 3, 4 y subsecuentes. Dates: A date is a specific time that can be named, for example, a particular day or a particular year. What is the date today? Fechas: Es un tiempo específico que puede ser denominado, por ejemplo, un dia en particular ó un año. ¿Qué día es hoy? Time: It is defined as the duration in which all things happen, or a precise instant that something happens. An example of time is the Renaissance Era. An example of time is breakfast at eight o'clock in the morning. An example of time is a date at noon next Saturday. 11

Tiempo: Se define como el lapso en el que pasan las cosas. Ejemplos de tiempo: la era del Renacimiento; el desayuno es a las ocho de la mañana. Ejemplo también de tiempo: la cita es a medio día del próximo sábado.

Activity 2: Evaluate knowledge on essential words, based on activity 1, reading comprehension. Evaluar conocimientos adquiridos sobre palabras esenciales, enfocado la lectura de comprensión de la actividad 1 Propósito/purpose: Que el participante reconozca las palabras esenciales y su significado. Indicaciones/directions: 1.- Cruce la palabra incorrecta en cada oración. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence This/these is the Information technology This/these are the computers This/these is the new platform This/those agreements are outdated 2.- Trazar una línea entre las columnas con la descripción correcta. Draw a line to match the two columns Global Wow Environment Six o´clock For

(6) (7) (9) (4) (10)

1.- Date 2.- Proper name 3.- Verb 4.- Time of the day 5.- Pronoun



6.- Adjective



7.- Interjections



8.-Relative pronoun




And Whom

(11) (8)

10.- Preposition 11.- Conjunction

¿Tienes alguna duda? Documento para consultar 12

García Jurado Velarde, R. G. (2009). Una propuesta para la enseñanza de la comprensión de lectura en inglés. Perfiles educativos, 31(123), 60-78. Échale un vistazo Máximo 2 videos: Videos en inglés (para la compresión del ingles o de medio ambiente) videos buscaría fuentes institucionales. The future of education technology What is educational technology? Educational technologies tutorials

Activity 3 Consultar glosarios en inglés de términos sobre Tecnologías educativas. Glossary review on EducationalTechnologies Propósito/purpose: The participant will continue reading comprehension activities on technical texts, by reviewing the following glossaries, to be familiar with the meaning of words related to Educational Technologies. El particiante continuará con actividades para comprender textos técnicos, revisará los glosarios en inglés, para familiarizarse con el significado de las palabras sobre Tecnologías de información para la educación. Indicaciones/directions: El participante, después de consultar los glosarios, elaborará su propio glosario de términos técnicos en con 20 palabras que reflejen alguna problemática de su comunidad. Buscar información en: The participant will review the glossaries to elaborate his (her) own with 20 words, involved in issues related to the community. 13 ary_final_040113.pdf

Activity 4. Comprender la diferencia entre narrativas interactivas y pasivas. Understand the differene between passive and interactive narratives Indicaciones/directions: El participante leerá con cuidado cada párrafo del siguiente texto y elaborará uno de 4 párrafos, lo complementará con información contenida en la liga que se menciona a continuación. Deberá contener artículos, números, fechas, preposiciones, conjunciones, que serán subrayados. The participant will read carefully the following text, paragraph by paragraph, write a four paragraph text, to be complemented with information from the following link: Hamidi, F; et al. (2011). Information Technology in Education ScienceDirect. It should contain articles, numbers, dates, prepositions, conjunctions, to be underlined.

Roth,C.;H.Koenitz. 2017.Towards Creating a Body of Evidence-based Interactive Digital Narrative Design Knowledge: Approaches and Challenges. ABSTRACT

In the context of this paper we take design knowledge as the methods applied by the creators (for example game designers in the case of games) of interactive experiences in contrast to for example the design of authoring tools or the design of game engines and similar computational systems. Such knowledge about rule-based game design is widespread as evidenced by numerous book publications and many university-level programs of study. In contrast, there is considerable less academic or profesional knowledge on the design of interactive narratives – for example, book publications focused on this topic number in the single digits and in academic programs the topic only exists on the margins. This paper proposes the use of empirical research methods as means to address this situation and examines specific challenges. On this foundation, we introduce a research effort to gather transferable interactive narrative design knowledge and report on a first user study. Finally, we provide guidelines and discuss future research. Koenitz, H., Roth, C., Dubbelman, T., & Knoller, N. (2017, November). What is a Convention in Interactive Narrative Design?. In International Conference on 14

Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 295-298). Springer, Cham.

Activity 5 Continuar con la comprensión de textos al adquirir conocimientos básicos sobre tecnología de la información en la educación. Continue reading comprehension activities on basic knowledge on information technology in education. “The role of information technology has resulted in the widening of educational access, giving people the chance to study for a qualification or a new career in their auxiliary time. Information technology (IT) has played a major role in extending the grasp of the education sector. More people who are educated, can now access career trainings and even degree courses online. Most universities now suggest lecturers to place their teaching materials online so that students can access them outside of regular lectures and tutorials. Anyone who has a computer and the will to learn can study for a degree and/or a career change (Jeffels, 2010). The students are going to be educated by the use of information technology in educational institutes because information technology provides more creative teaching plan, lesson plan, and instruction to enhance the knowledge of students. Search engines on internet make the research easier and provide up-to-date information and quick search with only a mouse click. The internet also ensures the student that he/she will have accurate and viable information (Randash, 2010). With education becoming more oriented towards practical aspects rather than the theoretical, and with competition among education providers intensifying, institutions across the world are investing heavily in technology to provide their students with faster, clearer and up to-date information. And, in this internet age, when the competition amongst educational institutions has also gone global, Pakistan‟s educational institutions do not want to lag behind. Most of them now use the latest technology, gadgets and software solutions to enhance and enrich the overall learning experience for students; serve the other stakeholders like parents, effectively; and manage their tangible and intangible resources, efficiently (Pandey, 2011).” Propósito/purpose: The participant will acquire basic knowledge of information technology in education by reading comprehension of the following text. Que el participante aprenda nociones básicas sobre tecnologías de información para la educación, mediante la comprensión de la lectura del siguiente texto: 15

Indicaciones/directions: Leer con cuidado, cada párrafo del siguiente texto, para responder las preguntas correspondientes: Read carefully the following text to answer the following questions: Questions/ Preguntas: 1.- What is the result of information technology, IT? Cuál es el resultado de las tecnologías de información: A) To minimize knowledge B) To wide the access of information C) To disrupt the learning process E) All of the above (Todas las anteriores) 2a) b) d) e)

Name advantages of IT: Ventajas de las tecnologías de información: Opportunities to study on line Closing education gap Widening the educational opportunities All of the above (Todas las anteriores)

3.- Give example of the TI benefits: Dar ejemplos de beneficios de las TICs A) Usage during pandemia B) Usage in telecommunications C) Usage in every day teaching activities D) Usage for working activities E) All of the above (Todas las anteriores) 4.- Which other stakeholders could be benefited? A) Teachers B) Physicians C) Workers D) Parents E) All of the above (Todas las anteriores)

Theme 2. Verb Tenses En esta unidad se abordarán los fundamentos para la conjugación de los verbos en tiempo presente, pasado y futuro. Se revisarán los tiempos: simple present: present continuous, present perfect y present perfect continuous; simple past, past 16

contínuos, past perfect and past perfect contínuos. Simple future, future continuos and future perfect. Verbos, son palabras (partes del lenguaje) que indican una acción o estado. Es la principal parte de una oración, cada oración lleva un verbo. Hay cuatro tipos principales de verbos: A verb is a word (part of speech) that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb. There are 4 types os main verbs: Action verbs. Verbos de acción. Verbos transitivos son los que pueden tener un nombre unido directamente a ellos. Ejemplo: pegar a la pelota, escribir un libro, contestar una pregunta. Transitive verbs are those that can have a noun attached directly to them, example: hit ball, write book or answer question. Verbos intransitivos: son los que no pueden ir unidos directamente a un nombre, necesitan la ayuda de una preposición, como en: caminar a la tienda, cumple con las reglas, proceda con la investigación. Intransitive verbs are those that cannot attach directly to a noun, they need the help of a preposition, as in walk to the store, comply with the regulations, proceed with the inquiry. Verbos que no muestran acción: describen sentimientos, deseos, posesiones, emociones y opiniones. Se utilizan en oraciones continuas. Los más comunes son: ser, aparecer , aparecer (existencia), mirar, sonar, oler, gustar, sentir (sentidos), querer, preferir, amar (desear), tener, poseer (posesión), pensar, creer, considerar (opinión), etc No-action verbs are used to describe states, senses, desires, possession, emotions and opinion. Non-action verbs are not usually used in continuous tenses. The most common verbs are: be, seem, appear (existence); look, sounds, smell taste feel (senses); like, want, prefer, love, (desire); have, own, possess (possession); think, believe, consider (opinion), etc. Verbos infinitivos, llevan la palabra “to” antres de “it”. Se pueden utilizar de muchas maneras, incluyendo como el sujeto de una oración. Comer, soñar, aprender, etc. Infinitive verb: a verb with the word “to” in front of it. They can be used in many ways including as the subject of a sentence. to eat, to dream, to learn. 17

Gerundios: son palabras que se forman con verbos pero que pueden actuar como nombres, utilizados después de preposiciones, después de ciertos verbos, ejemplo de jerundios, los verbos contienen la terminación “ando” “endo”: bailando, comiendo, diciendo, leyendo, etc. Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but can act as nuns, used after prepositions, after certain verbs. examples of gerunds, notice the verbs they contain, and notice that every single one of them ends in ing. Dancing, telling, reading, etc. Verb to be El verbo ser o estar puede servir como el principal o como auxiliar. Cuando es el principal, acopla un sujeto gramatical con u adjetivo (adjetivo predicado), como en: John es grande o el atarddecer es hermosos. O une un sujeto gramatical con otro nombre (predicado), como en Mary es presidenta, o la guerra es un infierno. O también puede unir una sujeto gramatical con una frase como en: El libro está en la mesa, ó él viene del sur. The verb to be can serve either as a main verb or as an auxiliary verb. When it acts as a main verb, it typically couples grammatical subject with an adjective (predicate adjective), as in John is big or The sunset is beautiful. Or it couples a grammatical subject with another noun (predicate noun), as in Mary is president or War is hell. Or it might couple a grammatical subject with a phrase, as in: The book is on the table, or he is from the south. When it acts as an auxiliary verb, the verb to be forms the progressive tense, as in We are studying grammar, or the passive voice, as in The ball was hit by John. Cuando actúa como verbo auxiliar, la forma del verbo ser forma el tiempo progresivo, como en: nosotros estudiamos gramática, o la voz pasiva, como en: la bola fue lanzada por John. Linking verbs are non-be verbs that link a grammatical subject to an adjective (Watermelon tastes good), to a noun (She seems an honest woman), or to a phrase (He looks out of sorts). Verbos que unen, son los que unen un sujeto gramatical a un adjetivo (la sandia sabe bien) ó a un nombre (Ella parece una mujer honesta), o a una frae (Él se ve fuera de lugar) Auxiliary verb. The fifth kind of verb is not a main verb, but an auxiliary verb, also called a helping verb. It does not form a sentence all by itself. Instead, it hooks up with a main verb and helps it show various tenses or conditions or states, as in By the time I arrived, he had completed the assignment. 18

Vertbo auxiliar. La quinta clase de verbo no es el principal, sino un verbo auxiliar, también llamado verbo de ayuda. No forma una oración en si mismo. Se une al verbo principal y atyuda a mostrar varios tiempos o condiciones o estados. Ejemplo: Para cuando llegue, el había terminado la tarea.

2.1. Present Tense The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous Tiempo presente: se usa para describir lo que está pasando ahora, o lo que pasa de manera contínua. Simple present: I read every night; Present continuous: I am reading; Present perfect: I have read many books; Present perfect continuous: I have been reading since I was 4 years old. Presente simple: Yo leo cada noche; presente contínuo: yo estoy leyendo; presente perfecto; he leído muchos libros; presente perfecto continuo: he estado leyendo desde que tenía 4 años. 2.2 Past Tense. The past is used to describe things th at have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago). Tiempo pasado: Se usa para describir cosas que ya ocurrieron: temprano en la mañana, ayer, la semana pasada, hace tres años. Simple past: Last night, I read an entire novel. Pasado simple: Anoche, leí una novela completa. Past continuous: I was reading a novel last night. Pasado contínuo: Estaba leyendo una novela anoche Past perfect: I had read at least 100 books. Pasado perfecto: He leído al menos 100 libros Past perfect continuous: I had been reading for at least a year before my sister learned to read. Pasado perfecto continuo: He estado leyendo desde un año antes de que mi hermana aprendiera a leer. 19

2.3 Future Tense The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now). Tiempo futuro, describe cosas que todavía no han pasado. Ejemplo: después, mañana, la semana entrante, el año próximo, dentro de tres años). Simple future: I will read as much as I can this year. Futuro simple: Voy a leer tanto como pueda este año Future continuous: I will be reading novels next week. Futuro continuo: Estaré leyendo novelas la próxima semana Future perfect: I will have read at least 50 books by the end of next year. Futuro perfecto: Habré leído al menos 50 libros para fines del próximo año.

Theme 3. Sentence structure En esta unidad se repasará la manera en que las palabras son organizadas en la estructura de una oración. Simple sentences, affirmative and negative. La oración simple, afirmativa y negativa; 3.1 Affirmative sentence, an affirmative (positive) form used to express validity or truth of a basic assertion. The boy plays foot ball. Oraciones afirmativas (positivas) se utilizan para expresar validez o verdad de una aseveración básica. El niño juega football 3.2. Negative Sentences, a phrase that denotes disagreement or rejection towards something. The boy does not play foot ball. Oraciones negativas, son las que denotan descontento, o rechazo hacia algo. El niño no juega foot ball. El niño no juega foot ball. 3.3 Questions Sentences, is a sentence that asks a question. Does the boy play foot ball? Oraciones interrogativas, son las que hacen una pregunta. ¿El niño juega foot ball? 3.4 Simple compound. Simple sentence has only one subject and one predicate: All of us returned home. Compound Sentences consist of two or more coordinates clauses joined by a conjunction. The sun rose and everything looked brigh.


Simple compuesto. Una oración simple tiene solo un sujeto y un predicado: Todos regresamos a casa. Oraciones compuestas: consisten de dos o más cláusulas coordinadas unidas por una conjunction. Salió el sol y todo brillaba. 3.5 Comparative & Superlative: a sentence could include Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: Oraciones con adjetivos comparativos y superlativos: las oraciones pueden incluir adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. Examples of adjectives and their comparative form Ejemplos de adjetivos comparativos: Tall - taller alto-más alto Fast - faster Rápido-más rápido Big - bigger Grande- más grande Delicious = more delicious Delicioso- más delicioso Excellent = more excellent Excelente- más excelente Good = better Bueno-mejor Examples of adjectives and their superlative form: Ejemplos de adejetivos y sus formas superlativas Tall = tallest alto-más alto Fast = fastest Rápido-el más rápido Big = biggest grande – el más grande Delicious = most delicious Delicioso deliciosísimo Excellent = most excellent Excelente- excelentísimo Good = best Bueno- el mejor Examples of comparative and superlative adjectives in a sentence: 1) I think Lisa is shorter than Pam. Pienso que Lisa es más baja que Pam 2) Of all the boys, Paul runs the fastest. De todos los niños, Paul es el que corre más rapido. 3) In the music show, the horns were the loudest instruments. En el concierto, los cornos eran los instrumentos más ruidosos. 4) I think my sister is prettier than I am. Creo que mi hermana es más bonita que yo. 21

5) Jordan is a better mathematician than Will is, but Will is the best scientist in the class. Jordan es mejor matemático que Will, pero Will es el mejor científico de la clase. 3.6 Gerund and Infinitive. Gerunds are formed with the letters “ing.” For example: Thinking; Acting; Walking; Talking; Fishing; Caring; writing, listening. El gerundio se forma con “-ing”. Por ejemplo: Pensando; actuando, caminando; hablando; pescando; cuidando, escribiendo; escuchando. Infinitives. Infinitives are prefaced with the word to. For example: To think; To act; To walk; To talk; To fish. Los infinitivos en inglés se forman con la palabra “to”. Ejemplo To think, to act, etc. 3.7 Used to Use to or Used to: Se usa “used to” para hábitos o estados en pasado – situaciones que no son ciertas ahora: She used to have a boyfriend, but now she’s single. '”Use to” was once commonly used to mean "to be in the habit or custom," this sense now only occurs in the past tense: 'used to'. “Use to” usually denotes something that is routine: “I am used to make my bed before I go to work” to “use to” usually occurs with did as in “did you use to go there? “ Used also refers to actions and situations in the past which no longer happen or are no longer true. It always refers to the past: She used to sig in a choir, but she gave up. Theme 4. Technical English for Information Technology in Education 4.1 En este tema se aprenderán acrónimos y abreviaciones y su importancia en los temas de Tecnologías de la Información. Participants will learn acronyms and abbreviations and its importance


Acronyms can be a set of initials representing a name, organization, or the like, with each letter pronounced separately. Los acrónimos son un juego de iniciales que representan un nombre, organización, etc, con cada letra pronunciada de manera separada. Abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase: Abreviación es la forma acortada de una palabra o frase. Activity 6. Acronyms and abbreviations El participante resolverá un ejercicio de combinar las columnas de acuerdo al significado de sus acrónimos y abreviaciones. The participant will match the columns according to the acronyms. Propósito/purpose: The participant will review the importance of acronyms in information technologies and education. El participante repasará la importancia de los acrónimos en el tema de tecnologías de información en la educación. Indicaciones/directions: a) El participante combinará las columnas escogiendo la opción correcta. The participants will match columns based on their meaning. b) The participant will write a four paragraph text on the theme of information technology, using present, past and future tenses; and affirmative and negative sentences. El participante escribirá un texto de cuatro párrafos sobre el tema de tecnología de la información, utilizando oraciones en pasado, presente y future; y oraciones afirmativas y negativas. Se comentará con los compañeros de clase.

Match the columns based on their meaning: 1. CAL

Computer Literacy and Information Technology ( 5 ) 23

2. ABE

Desktop Publishing ( 6 )

3.- AST

Initial Teacher training (10)

4.- BTEC

Computer Assisted Learning (1)


National Union of Teachers (7)

6.- DTP 7 .- NUT

Advanced Skills Teacher ( 3) Individual Learning Plan (9)

8.- ICT 9.- ILP

Businees and Technology Education (4) Adult Based Education (2)

10.- ITT

Information and Communication Technology ( 8 )

4.2 Reading Comprehension on Soft Skills Comprensión de lectura sobre habilidades básicas Falta cuadro verde Actividad 7 Reading comprehension on Soft skills. Comprensión de lectura sobre habilidades básicas Propósito/purpose: The participants will read the following text to demonstrate his understanding of it, by filling the blanks in the following paragraphs. El participante demostrará su entendimiento del siguiente texto técnico. Indicaciones/directions: El participante leerá el siguiente texto técnico y llenará los espacios en blanco de los párrafos que a continuación se anexan. Soft Skills When thinking about careers, professional advancement, or even job hunting, we usually emphasize so-called “hard skills,” meaning skills that are directly connected to our ability to perform a particular task or do a certain job. These skills can be evaluated or measured, as they are the result of degrees, certificates, specialized knowledge, seminars, continuing education, vocational training, and so on. 24

“Soft skills,” on the other hand, are more difficult to measure or quantify, as they usually do not come from a degree or specialized training, but from life experience, personality, and attitude. They are often called “people skills,” as they typically relate, in some form, to how we deal or interact with other people. For example: Are we able to motivate and lead people? Can we communicate well with others? Some commonly mentioned soft skills would include, among others: creativity, team work, written and verbal communication, management and leadership, flexibility, and organization. These types of skills are important, as they help to form a well-rounded person and employee. They can provide a competitive edge in a job search. Soft skills are relevant to just about every industry or job, because people are always key, in one way or another. For both a job-seeker and an employer, these are so-called “transferable skills,” and are highly sought after. The employee can utilize these soft skills across various jobs or settings, and this is also a plus for employers, which look favorably on adaptability and strong interpersonal skills.

QUESTIONS 1. Hard skills are directly connected to performing... 2. Soft skills are often called... 3. One example of a soft skill would include... 4. Another soft skill would be when one... 5. Soft skills are also... ANSWERS 1. a particular task or certain job 2. people skills 3. written and verbal communication 4. motivates and leads people 5. transferable skills 25

5.- Exercise Lectures Short Reading 1 Read the text and answer the questions: Five scenarios Education-as-usual. Traditional education institutions remain the trusted source of learning and the most effective vehicle for jobs an prosperity. Higher Education consolidates, global talent platforms emerge and goverment remains the core source of funding around the world. Regional Rising. Regional alliances dominate the competitive education landscape, supported by strategic and political cooperation. Cooperative blended delivery and regional talent hubs cross-load labor supply and demand to strengthen regions. Global Giants. This global free market environment has fostered the emergency of “mega-organizations” with ubiquitous brand recognition and the scale to achieve significant efficiencies and industry power. Peer-to-peer. Learning on line through rich, personalized human to human experiences dominates the post-secondary and skills training sectors. Blockchain technology fundamentally reconfigures credentialing and unlocks the collective creativity and IP of teachers. Robo Revolution. Al drives a complete revearsal in “who leads learning”, with virtual tutors and mentors structuring learning paths, providing assessment tasks, giving feedback, adjusting according to progress and organizing human tutoring when needed.

Questions 1. Robo Revolution 2. Peer-to-peer 3. Education-as-usual 4. Global Giants 5. Regional Rising 6. Funding for higher education usually comes from: 7. Education drives advantages in 8. Regional alliances could receive support from 9. Peer to peer learning supports education in 10. Virtual mentors could not provide


Answers 1. With on line mentors 2. Person to person teaching 3. Common most effective way for Jobs 4. Promotes brand image 5. Involves geographical coalitions 6. public sector 7. almost everything 8. governments 9. college 10. instant reply Short reading 2 Read the email and answer the questions Hello Peter, I am visiting my aunt in Spain this summer. I am in Cercedilla, a quite town near Madrid. The house is in the country and it is surrounded by many trees and flowers. I go with her for a walk every day to pick fruits in the field. It is 1 km from supermarkets and shops. I love to eat Spanish food, paella, sea food and desserts! We go out for dinner on Sundays. I wish you were here! Hope you are doing well, Iris QUESTIONS 1. Which country is Iris visiting? 2. What is the name of the town? 3. Where is the house located ? 27

4. Who does Iris visit? 5. What is Iris favorite Spanish food? 6. There aren´t flowers in the field 7. Shops are a walking distance

ANSWERS 1. Spain

2. Cercedilla

3. In the country

4. Her aunt

5. Sea food

6. False

7. True Short reading 3 John Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is John Smith. I am 19 and a student in college. I go to college in New York. My favorite courses are Geometry, French, and History. English is my hardest course. My professors are very friendly and smart. It’s my second year in college now. I love it! I live in a big house on Ivy Street. It’s near the college campus. I share the house with three other students. Their names are Bill, Tony, and Paul. We help each other with homework. On the weekend, we play football together. I have a younger brother. He just started high school. He is 14 and lives with my parents. They live on Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me sweets and candy when they come. I really miss them! QUESTIONS 1. Where does John Smith go to college? 2. What is John Smith’s hardest course? 3. Who shares a house with John Smith? 28

4. How old is John Smith’s younger brother? 5. What does John Smith’s Mom bring him when they visit? ANSWERS 1. New York 2. English 3. Bill, Tony, and Paul 4. fourteen 5. Sweets and candy

Short reading 4 blog Posted Friday, December 23 My life Hello, I´m Eric and I´m 44 years old. I live in Mexico City. I am a pediatrician. I work in a hospital. I´m a researcher on infectious diseases. I´m not Mexican, I´m from Costa Rica. I´m married to Paty, She´s a nurse. We have a daughter, Mabel. She attends kindergarden. Answer (T) true or (F) false 1.- Eric works in bank 2.- Eric is 55 years old 3.- They have a son in college 4.- He is a lawyer 5.- Paty is a chef 6.- He isn´t Mexican 7.- Mabel is a teenager 29

8.- Eric lives in Costa Rica 9.- He married Josefina 10.- Eric is a dentist 11.- They are from the US

Short reading 5 Read the interview and answer the questions 1. How long have you been writing your blog, Khatri? For about ten years. It has been fun 2. Your indian cooking tips are very useful. How long have you been making cooking videos? Since last year. I started in high school. I love to cook, so I started making videos. 3. There are some excellent recipes on your blog. Have you been taking professional lessons? No way, I have learned everything from my Grandma. Cooking is such an important part of Indian family life. My grandma has been cooking since she was five years old. She learned from her grandma. That´s amazing, Khatri. Thank you QUESTIONS 1. When did Khatri start writing his blog?

2. When did he start making cooking videos? 3. Who taught him Indian cooking? 4. What kind of food does he cook? 5. How long has he been making videos? 30

6. How old was the grandma when she started cooking?


1. 10 years ago 2. In high school 3. His grandma 4. Indian 5. since last year 6. 5 years old


1. F

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. F

6. T

7. F

8. F

9. F

10. F

11. F

Short reading 6 Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park, located in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, was established as the first national park in the United States. The park is a popular destination for visitors who enjoy ecological tourism as it offers forests, mountains, and abundant ecosystems to explore. Some of Yellowstone’s most well-known landmarks are its geothermal hot springs and geysers, the most famous of which is named Old Faithful. Last fall, Lisa and her friends decided to take a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. They arranged to stay at one of the park’s many convenient campsites. For their camping trip, they brought their backpacks, sleeping bags, and a cooler of food and drinks. They pitched their tents immediately upon arriving to their campsite. 31

During their trip, Lisa and her friends hiked the many trails of the park, exploring its natural surroundings. In the forest, they saw a lot of local wildlife. Lisa was surprised to see a family of grizzly bears, some gray wolves, and even bald eagles flying overhead. Outside of the woods, they admired the beauty of some of Yellowstone’s natural cascades. Since Yellowstone contains many hot springs and the world’s largest area of active geysers, Lisa and her friends visited many different geyser sites. They even spent an afternoon swimming in Yellowstone’s Boiling River. Of all of the sites, Lisa and her friends agreed that Old Faithful was the most impressive. Lisa and her friends waited patiently for the geyser to erupt. After about 40 minutes, a stream of boiling water over 100 feet tall sprayed from the ground and up into the air. Fortunately, no one got wet! QUESTIONS 1. Yellowstone is an important national park in the United States because:

2. When did Lisa and her friends visit Yellowstone National Park? 3. Where did Lisa and her friends stay during their visit to the park? 4. All of the following are animals that Lisa saw during her trip except: 5. Why did Lisa and her friends wait patiently when visiting Old Faithful? ANSWERS: 1. It is the country’s first national park. 2. Last autumn 3. At a campground 4. Wild horses 5. The geyser took about 40 minutes to erupt.

Theme 6. Recapitulación: En este módulo se abordan lecciones de inglés básico, para que el participante aprenda, o en su caso, repase conocimientos. También se revisan glosarios en la temática de tecnologías de información en educación y se llevan a cabo lecturas de comprensión sobre el tema, en inglés. Lo anterior dado que el conocimiernto científico y técnico que se genera en el mundo en esta materia se publica en este idioma, al igual que más del 75% de la información disponible en línea. 32

Para saber más


Descripción NIÑO-PUELLO, M. I. R. Y. A. M. (2013). El inglés y su importancia en la investigación científica: algunas reflexiones. Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal-RECIA, 243-254. García Jurado Velarde, R. G. (2009). Una propuesta para la enseñanza de la comprensión de lectura en inglés. Perfiles educativos, 31(123), 60-78. García Jurado Velarde, R. G. (2009). Una propuesta para la enseñanza de la comprensión de lectura en inglés. Perfiles educativos, 31(123), 60-78.

Zapata, C. (2011). 2. Estrategias de comprensión lectora en libros de inglés como lengua extranjera. Revista EDUCAREUPEL-IPB-Segunda Nueva Etapa 2.0, 15(3), 27-52.

Documento descargable

Warschauer, M., Shetzer, H., & Meloni, C. F. (2000). Internet for English teaching (p. 7). Alexandria, VA: Tesol. Harper, C., & De Jong, E. (2004). Misconceptions about teaching English‐language learners. Journal of adolescent & adult literacy, 48(2), 152-162. Erben, T., Ban, R., & Castaneda, M. (2008). Teaching English language learners through technology. Routledge. Ballantyne, K. G., Sanderman, A. R., & Levy, J. (2008). Educating English Language Learners: Building Teacher Capacity. Roundtable Report. National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs.


Sitio web

Sitio web: file:///C:/Users/Administrator/Downloads/855.full.pdf Actividad para foro: Read and exchange ideas with your colleagues in a virtual fórum. Give feedback to at least one of your colleagues' Ideas. Comprensión de texto – inglés técnico Estrategias de comprensión





Comprensión de textos en inglés. Comprensión en inglés. Video



Kurt, S. "Educational Technology: An Overview," in Educational Technology, November 18, 2015. Retrieved from

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