02 2012
Issue 141
Editor’s Note
Our Readers
Say Cheese!
What’s On
Monthly Notepad
Global Eye
Our Picks
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Mummies Let Their Fingers Do the Shopping 媽媽愛網購?
Pregnancy Flowers and Plants – Not for Your Baby?! 花花草草 大肚要小心
Baby Zone Baby on the Move, Safety in the Home 寶寶識爬了 家中安全至重要
Learning Teach Kids about Money And Saving The 10 Vital Lessons Your Child Must Learn! 新年過後學理財 10堂課教精孩子
Behaviour Better Bedtimes, More Sleep 孩子不想睡?
Siblings Aging Gap: Is Bigger the Better? 子女間差幾歲最好?
Healthy Recipe Shrimp Scampi Linguini 大蝦炒意粉
Playground The Upcycleables 環保砌手作
Health Autism: Few Signs to Raise Your Flag 自閉症 其實很普遍
Out & About Blaze the Eco-Trails – Family Style 5條最佳親子行山徑
What’s Hot
Mother - and - daughter ribbon hair clips -- my little lady pointed to them and said“pretty, pretty!”. 母女裝絲帶髮飾,囡囡指著大叫「靚靚」﹗
Bow Ties & Ribbons Publisher Michelle Liu
Chief Editor Emily Choi
Editor Ealon Li
Reporter Angie Lee
Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Villy Leung
Sales and Marketing Manager Desmond Lam, Teresa Ng
Senior Sales & Marketing Executive Selina Choi
As I write this article, Chinese New Year is less than two weeks away. This is my second year celebrating Chinese New Year with my two little darlings. I quite enjoy the festive atmosphere and I’m anticipating the arrival of CNY. Most of our closest friends have become parents in recent years, and our circle of daddy and mummy friends has been hosting various gatherings to celebrate different occasions for the whole family. For this year’s CNY, the theme of one of our gatherings is “Bow Ties & Ribbons” – so these topped my CNY shopping list. Facing a tight timetable as a working mum, I resorted to online shopping, which cost me less time and money to obtain the items for the gathering’s “appointed dress code” and most importantly, what I desired. Indeed, online shopping has become a big hit among parents. Its popularity is attributed to three things that it seems to guarantee: speed, quality, and price. In this issue’s Feature, we talk about online shopping and its trend, sharing with you more of today’s online shopping world.
Web Master
Valentine’s Day will arrive two weeks after that. It’s time to prepare some sweet surprises for my big and small valentines at home. Shopping can be tiring after a long day’s work. Before recharging my body to hang out, how about charging my phone first – that will surely allow me to shop wherever I want online during my bus journey.
Daniel Tse
Senior Designer Chow Kwok Wang
Designer Natalie Wong
Photography Art Direction Chow Kwok Wang
Father - and - son bow ties -- my hubby and my little gentleman just love them. 親子煲呔,老公囝囝好鍾意﹗
Baby da Vinci Photography
Administration & Subscriptions Ariel Ng
Advertising Department (852) 3741 1720 sales@peegaboo.com
小小煲呔伴絲帶 在發稿的這一刻,距離中國新年只有個多星期。今年是我跟兩個寶寶度過的第二個農曆 新年,好享受節日的氣氛亦好期待春節的來臨。身邊的朋友,不少已升級做爸媽,過時 過節,幾家大小走在一起,一同親子的溫馨gathering也因此多了。今個農曆年,我們其 中一個聚會的主題是「Bow Ties & Ribbons」,小煲呔和小絲帶也就登上囝囝、囡囡要 添置的春節新裝那shopping list上。時間緊迫,對於雙職媽媽的我,online shopping就幫 我用上最少的時間、理想的價錢,買到合心水的「大會指定服飾」。
Published by: Peegaboo Corporation Limited 10/F, Jonsim Place 228 Queen’s Road East Wai Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3741 1720 Fax: (852) 3741 1725 Email: info@peegaboo.com Printed by: Asia One Printing Limited 13/F, Asia One Tower, 8 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2889 2320 www.asiaone.com.hk
All rights reserved. No part of The Parents’ Journal may be reproduced or used in any form – graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopied – without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect to any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue, or for any errors, omissions or mistakes in any such advertisements or references.
的確,online shopping成為不少爸媽的至愛,因其達到了購物的三大原則:快、靚、 平。今期的Feature,我們就探討了網購的趨勢,讓父母多一點了解今日的網購世界。 再過兩星期,又到Valentine’s Day,是時候為我的「大小情人」準備禮物。下班後會有 點累,身體未「叉好電」怎上街……不要緊,倒不如先把手機叉好電,車程中走到網上 商店逛個夠。
Emily Choi Chief Editor Correction Notice:
Please note the following correction to this magazine of January 2012, vol.140, on p.51, the retail price of “Dragon Trunki”, distributed by Bloom & Glow Ltd. should be HK$499 instead. We regret the error.
更正啟示: 本雜誌2012年1月號,第140期51頁內包括了Bloom & Glow Ltd.代理分銷的龍年產品介紹,當中 Dragon Trunki手提行李箱之正確零售價,應為HK$499,特此更正。
本刊保留一切版權。未經出版人同意,不能複印或以任何形 式(包括圖像、電子、技術和影印)使用《育兒天地》任何部 份。出版人、編輯和作者對本刊廣告或相關文字的任何錯 漏,及所介紹之產品、貨物或服務一概毋須負上法律責任。 www.facebook.com/Peegaboo
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Lillian Cheung
What’s up
We are a Christian family with two lovely daughters, Emmy and Micah. Both of them are happy kids, their laughter make our day a lot easier. I am thankful to God for giving us two little angels. I used to be a “Tiger mom” when my daughter turned 2 years old (she is now 4). That means, I had been shouting at her for almost 2 years! In fact, this is not my actual character. I am a gentle person when I am with my friends and colleagues. I just couldn’t hold my temper whenever my daughter was being naughty. However, I noticed that my yelling just could not improve her behaviour, but leaving her crying like crazy and turning her into an even naughtier kid – my daughter became hot tempered and that she got mad easily. Eventually, I knew something must went wrong – I was too harsh on her, making her afraid of me. I once apologised to my daughter and promised that mummy would not yell at her ever again. From that day onwards, our bond is getting stronger and sweeter. I found that kind words are always the most powerful tools to stop bad behaviours!
Do you have any family traditions or routines? Emmy and Micah love going to church on Sundays where they could meet friends and attend Bible classes. Micah is the younger one and only 10 months old, she likes playing with “church aunties”.
Your Voice
Send an email to editor@peegaboo.com with the subject ‘What’s Up’. Then we will send out the questions for you to answer. If your sharing is published, you will receive a HK$1,000 voucher from Moments Child & Baby Portraiture. 你只需以「What’s Up」為主旨,電郵至editor@peegaboo.com,我們 即會寄出問題供你回答。你的分享一經刊登,即可獲得由兒童凝像攝 影送出價值港幣1,000元禮券。
Fashion Shoot
你們的利是封好特別,我 朋友拿唔到啊! - 峰峰媽咪
LOVE is in the air! Elano and Henri perfectly manifested the meaning of “bro-mance” on their first acquaintance! Once met, they quickly found each other as a matching pair, jogging and bouncing around the studio non-stop during the photoshoot for this issue. 睇完你們嘅專題故事, 我也不禁拿那些問題問 問自己。 - Ying Li
Want to register your child for our fashion shoot? You are welcome to send your child’s front photo along with information below to: model@peegaboo.com.
Very touching!
- Elizabeth Yuen
好快打成一片,將現場玩到反轉。哈哈,彷彿是失散多年的小兄 弟!想你孩子也參與我們的Fashion Shoot嗎?請將正面近照連同 以下資料電郵至model@peegaboo.com。 (1) Child’s Name 孩子姓名 (2) Sex 性別 ( 3) Date of Birth 出生日期 (4) Contact No. 聯絡電話 (5) Preferred Time 首選時間
Give us your voice at: editor@peegaboo.com
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Caitlin Scaysbrook 12 mths Tung Chung
Ashton Zenn Ang 7 mths Aberdeen
界 世 花 花er Power
Nadya 4 yrs Cyberport
Bethanie Yuen 16 mths Homantin
Paige Lui 5 mths Hong Kong Abigail 3 yrs Taipo
Gift of the Month
小紅狗Patrick布公仔 (Valued at HK$109)
Theme for March: Baby, Don’t Cry! (Closed)
Theme for April: I Love Easter Eggs!
3月主題:寶寶想哭了?﹗ (經已截止上載)
Want to upload your kid’s photos and receive the update on the monthly theme in time? Go to Peegaboo.com and join the “Say Cheese” group now! 想上載孩子照片並即時知道每月主題更新,並了解參加辦法,請即上 Peegaboo.com,加入「Say Cheese」群組!
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Sit Yu Ching 11 mths Chai Wan
Jovi Yung 6 mths Tuen Mun Lau Kwun Hang 10 mths Sham Tseng
Echo Darkins 13 mths Stanley
Sherlock Ma 5 mths Sham Tseng
Shum Yuen K i 11 mths Kowloon Bay
Bonus gift for Star of the Month 「每月之星」額外獎賞 All these winning photos would be uploaded to facebook.com/peegaboo. Don’t forget to click “Like” to spread the joy!
Aqua Doodle 水寫沐浴畫墊 (Valued at HK$180) Prize sponsor:
得獎照片將會上載至 facebook.com/peegaboo,記得上嚟 click「Like」,讓全世界知道!
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Feb HARRY哥哥帶你 CHOK入管樂世界 希望一邊見到著名的魔術表 演者Harry哥哥新奇有趣的 表演、一邊欣賞音樂認識管 樂器?就不能錯過這場由香 港愛樂管樂團主辦《Harr y 哥哥帶你chok入管樂世界》 教育音樂會!屆時樂團指揮 譚子輝先生將聯同Harr y哥 哥以及一眾年青樂手,教你 認識音樂、愛上音樂!歡迎3歲或以上的大小朋友。
Exhibition on Cartoonist Louie Yu Tin 漫畫家雷雨田捐贈文物展 Louie’s cartoon series featuring Wong Lung Woo, means “addlebrained” in Cantonese. The cartoon highlighting social injustice, government corruption and the hardships earned
When: Feb 11
huge popularity in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau. Louie also drew other types of
Where: 香港浸會大學大學會堂
cartoons and wrote fiction and film reviews.
Website: urbtix.cityline.com.hk
漫畫家雷雨田透過「王龍烏」等主角身上發生的烏龍事,批判戰後廣州社會之不公平、官 場的黑暗,揭露民生疾苦;面世以來,其漫畫深受廣州、香港及澳門等地讀者的歡迎。除了
Musical: Annie 音樂劇《小安妮》
「烏龍王」外,雷氏亦繪畫過不同的漫畫作品、撰寫小說和影評,是一位多元化的創作人。 When: Feb 22 – Jun 4
red-headed orphan will be Ever yone’s favourite little its Broadway beginnings bound in Hong Kong! From this heart-warming rags-toto the classic film musical, nture; from the hard-knock adve riches stor y of Annie’s luxurious home of Oliver New York orphanage to the has been told all over the Warbucks; is a stor y that world for decades. 後改 編成 經典電影 音樂 劇 以百老匯 音樂 劇為 起點,其 述出身卑微但 勇敢 堅強的安 《A NNI E小安妮》,故事講 約孤 兒院,歷 盡艱辛,最後 妮,如何逃離 痛苦 恐怖的紐 養,入住豪華大宅。小安 被億萬富商O liver Warbucks收 各地。 妮的故事賺人熱淚,風靡世界 10 When: May 31 – Jun PA 香港演藝學院歌劇院 Where: Lyric Theatre, HKA com Enquiries: www.hkticketing.
Where: Hong Kong Heritage Museum 香港文化博物館 Enquiries: www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk
Confucius Carnival 夫子廟會 This carnival celebrates Chinese culture and the Chinese New Year with a five-hour stage performance, themed street performances, booth displays and games. There will also be a display of traditional Chinese costumes. 這個以推廣傳統中華文化和價值為的廟會,將呈 獻一系列活動供遊客及市民參加,包括中華文化舞 台表演、主題街頭表演及攤位遊戲等。現場更會展 出傳統華服,讓大眾認識華夏優美的服飾文化。 When: Feb 4 Where: Paterson Street, Causeway Bay銅鑼 灣百德新街 Enquiries: 2891 0735
百家寶學府又開學啦! 導師級陪月員劉桂卿將 於 講座分享豐富的陪月經 驗,公開育嬰技巧及烹 調 食療 補品 心得,讓 孕媽 媽輕 鬆掌 握坐 月及 照顧 嬰兒的必學攻略,適合 孕媽媽參加。該講座由 雀 巢香港有限公司贊助。(詳 情見p.71) When: Feb 17, 6:30-8pm Where: Peegaboo Aca demy 百家寶學府 Enquiries: 3741 1720
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
至叻孕媽BB飲食教室 百家寶學府2月另一推介講座。高級註冊營養師黎 嘉豪將於講座分享專業的營養知識,幫孕媽媽解 構新生兒的營養需要,及從日常生活及食物中, 吸取充足營養以改善體質,適合孕媽媽參加。該 講座由雀巢香港有限公司贊助。(詳情見p.71) When: Feb 24, 6:30-8pm Where: Peegaboo Academy 百家寶學府 Enquiries: 3741 1720
ipad app Smart White Board HD 白板HD
• A 4-year-old mainland boy has a 30cm
• 內地一名4歲男童肚臍位置長出
lump on his umbilicus that oscillates
while breathing. Their parents did not
take notice at the beginning until his
physical strength went down. They send
their son to the hospital just to find out
that the lump was actually his heart!
Doctors say it is a miracle to be alive with
his developmental abnormality where his heart is growing on his tummy.
• 法國肥胖情況日益嚴重,發明具 爭議性Dukan瘦身法的著名營養
• To tackle rising obesity in France,
師Pierre Dukan早前建議法國的
Pierre Dukan, the nutritionist behind the
popular and yet controversial Dukan
Diet, suggested France should give extra
You can find many kinds at the app store, this one is
exam marks to students succeeded with
plain, clear, and easy to operate. One finger is a marker, with a light swipe. It was No. 1 in Hong Kong, No. 2 at
weight loss.
two fingers become an eraser, three fingers is a delete-all
• 英國愛丁堡一名7歲男童面對祖
• A 7-year-old boy from Edinburgh battled
Taiwan, and a No. 4 in China! Less is more!
his grief of losing his grandmother by
這類白板黑板app在app store有很多,但這一個勝在介
taking up running in a 2.5km Junior Bupa
Great Winter Run. He raised hundreds
of pounds for the charity.
了一個2.5公里的少年馬拉松, 並為慈善團體籌得大量善款。
港區教育類app下載量第一,台灣區第二,中國大陸區第 四,十分風光!
Micro Blog
Great Quotes
我開心到唔識喊!最激動係有次千嬅出席活 動,着住對7吋高踭鞋,條裙又長,我勁驚! 丁子高透露千嬅懷孕3個多月的心情。他表示 仔或女都沒所謂,但會嚴管老婆出街,等胎兒 大一些才安心。
氣多凍都暖在心頭 我媽咪話佢有「陪伴症」,一定要有人喺身 邊。 曹敏莉為囡囡發明的新名詞。她接受電台訪問
@楊千嬅:只是個肚是圓的,仍在習慣中 ^ ^
時大讚6個月的女兒精乖、易湊、鍾意瞓覺。 Like a ship avoiding icebergs… the internal lists, the children’s doctors’ appointments, the letters to write, the school projects… Sarah Jessica Parker, producer and actress from
movie Sex and the City and I don’t Know How
She Does It, says in an interview of how she
bb say hello嗎?
juggles multiple careers with 3 children. Her birth was emotional and extremely peaceful – we are in heaven. New mum and diva Beyonce and husband Jay-Z made a statement announcing the birth of their daughter, Blue Ivy Carter.
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Home Style Dippin’ Dots 我是點點藝術家
This is a home make-over exhibition by Japanese avant-garde artist Yayoi Kusama. Entitled “The Obliteration Room,” she allowed children to freely stick colourful polka dots at the white furniture she gathered and recreated. This exhibition is now held at the Gallery of Modern Art at Queensland. Free admission, if you have a chance to get there before March 11! 以點點聞名世界的日本藝術家草間彌生, 去年在澳洲買了許多純白家俬擺設,然後 將大大小小不同顏色的圓形貼紙分發給小 朋友,讓他們在這間全白屋內盡情貼貼。經 過一段時間的洗禮,便成為這個名為「The Obliteration Room」的作品。若於3月11日 前去昆士蘭,一定要去Gallery of Modern Art看這個超有型展覽啊,免費入場!
Bathroom Child-Only 超出色兒童廁所
Add some dose of imaginative and playfulness to the bathroom. Swiss Bathroom designer brand Laufen specially created FloraKids, kids bathroom series using round shapes and child-size facilities surrounded by vibrant colours. With this set at home, toileting will never be dull again to the kids. 好sharp的顏色啊!這不是遊樂場,而是著名衛浴品牌Laufen特別為小 朋友設計的兒童廁所。這裡除了有大膽的配色,洗手盆、馬桶等廁所主 要設施均是小朋友的size,全部去掉了棱棱角角,更加添了有助培養小 朋友如廁好習慣的把手等,十分可愛。 www.laufen.com
Circular Toy Car Rainbow 玩具車畫出彩虹
Another good example of recyclable art! British artist David T. Waller took his time to collect 2,500 old toy cars in forming this whimsical rainbow-layering installation. Children will sure be impressed and fall in love at this toy car magical spectacle, and hopefully next time they will think twice before tossing their old toys. 這架車車玩厭了?不要丟掉,捐給藝術家吧。來自英國的David T. Waller用了2,500架舊玩具車拼湊出了這個名為「Toy Atlas Rainbow」 的裝置藝術作品,令人眼前一亮,說不定小朋友見到會想「重拾舊 愛」!不過別輕舉妄動,藝術家耗了好大精力先將它們按顏色排列,然 後做出這麼漂亮的漸層效果的。 davidtwaller.com
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Dancing in the Rain 快樂鋁水瓶 American pop artist James Rizzi is renowned for creating artworks full of child-like simplicity with vibrant colours. His design in SIGG bottles with colourful rainy day designs transforms the quality of sustainable aluminum-made bottle adding vividness
and optimism. 活潑率真、快樂人生是流行藝術家James Rizzi的一貫風格。今回,他將色彩繽紛的畫作獻給瑞 士鋁水瓶SIGG。Rizzi的輕鬆風格,遇上SIGG的輕巧品質,配襯出一份獨特的生氣和童真。
Grilling Go Chic 燒烤色香味
Indoor family grilling dream come true! Bodum has extended its stylish designs from coffee machines to barbecue grills! Bodum’s designers have recreated barbecuing with a dose of chic and sleekness. The grill sizes are ideal in Hong Kong home settings, where they can be easily assembled and portable. Its enchanting colours also add panache to your home décor. 燒烤爐不一定是你想像中的冰冷鋼鐵色。以咖啡機出名的Bodum撈過 界,帶來全新形象的型爆燒烤爐,以一身糖果色彩,為你的摩登家居 裝修畫龍點睛。難得的是,幾款model的大小都十分適合香港的住所, 組裝和攜帶亦非常容易。
Beyond the Dragon Roar 繼續龍玩意
Align the dragons on your side! There are more things a dragon can do other than the roars and scaring little children. It can be a smooth snuggle for kids to role play dinosaurs after bath using Cuddleroar Toddler Towel that made with silky soft organic cotton. It can also turn itself into a durable hand luggage as Dragon Trunki, with spacious rooms for your toys, games, and books! 這邊廂沖完涼披上絲柔軟熟的有機棉恐龍造型毛巾 Cuddleroar,綠色龍戰士出動!另一邊廂把玩具書 簿都裝入Trunki特別推出的紅色中國龍造型手提箱, 騎上它變身紅色龍騎士!新年雖過,依然有這麼多 「龍」玩意,小朋友們當然很興奮!
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win a Cuddleroar Toddler Towel. 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答 簡單問題,有機會贏取Cuddleroar Toddler Towel一條。
Dragon Trunki, HK$499
Cuddleroar Toddler Towel, HK$449
Info: ① Available at major supermarkets and retail outlets ② www.jervisbaybarbecues.com, 2792 7268 ③ www.gloomandgrowasia.com, 3583 3253 PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Text | Ealon & Angie Edit | Emily & Ealon English Translation | Angie Chinese Translation | Ealon Art | Wang & Natalie Model | Elano, Jestin Heard, Dilara, Henri Miguel Li, Willow Darkins
Photography | Baby da Vinci Photography 2311 5211
Flat B4, 2/F, Prat Mansions, 26–36
Clothes | La Compagnie des Petits (Causeway Bay) 2882 2240 Shop 207, Level 2, Windsor House
Prat Avenue, TST
311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
There was a time when we enjoyed shopping for self, but now we
This feature is about the confessions of a group of shopaholics.
spend mostly on our kids: learning kits, healthful foods... the list goes on and on. In fact, we mummies can hardly squeeze in any time to shop! But it’s all worthwhile when we want the best for our kids. Thanks to the Internet and online shopping that
bring us back the joy of shopping and
saving time. Let’s take a look and hear what these mummies have to say on this topic! 據說,個個女人都是天生購物狂。結婚前如是,做 了阿媽之後更如是,花錢的手筆有增無減,只不過
從前是為自己買東西,現在,大部份 都是為囝囝囡囡買東西,看到這個有助孩子學 習、那個有益孩子健康,通通都要抱回家。 但很多媽媽說,她們根本沒甚麼逛街的時間啊!噢, 這對女人來說有些悲哀,但作為媽媽,只要一想到這 些時間都是花在孩子身上,或為了孩子犧牲的,就頓 覺一切都值得了。幸好有互聯網,有網絡購物,可以 幫媽媽們搶回這些失去的逛街購物的時
間和樂趣。如果你不曾接觸過這種時光,讓我們 帶你去睇睇!
On Dilara, 3.5 yrs T-shirt HK$229 Dress HK$339
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Taobao Hype 淘寶大熱
A series of outdoor ads about a lifestyle magazine for youngsters appeared some time last year and caught our eyes. But its theme set off a phenomenon that swept through all demographics: whether you were a student, a white collar lady, a full-time mum, or even a construction worker (my colleague told us!). They were all discussing this “Taobao” thing. Have you encountered anyone at your workplace showcasing some goods and saying “I got this from Taobao at a bargain-basement price!”? 前些日子,地鐵、巴士站、的士車身,都鋪天蓋地出現了一本雜誌 的廣告。雖然該雜誌是針對年輕人的潮流雜誌,但卻掀起了一股跨 越了各個年齡層的潮流:中學生、OL、師奶、地盤阿叔(我們同事 親歷)都在談論「淘寶」這樣東西。作為爸爸媽媽的你,有沒有遇 過身邊同事朋友突然跟你展示戰利品,然後附帶一句:淘寶買的, 好平,好抵!
On Willow Darkins, 4.5 yrs Coat HK$779 T-shirt HK$229 Jeans HK$339
Taobao in Hong Kong 淘寶在香港 Some say Taobao has revolutionised the way mainlanders shop. This is totally true. Taobao has advanced to become an entrepreneur’s heaven, where many people have made their first fortune. This is not difficult to perceive. As a “factory to the world” producing an infinite numbers of goods, China boasts the most Internet users of any country. The country’s citizens are also emerging as the biggest online spenders, leading to this expeditious development of Taobao. It made a record breaking online sale of RMB 3.36 trillion on “Singles’ Day” last year (November 11). Founded in 2003, Taobao had few Hong Kong users. Last year, with the add value service of Taodot, and pick-up services available at convenience stores which provided a comprehensive service, Taobao’s popularity in Hong Kong surged. The term has landed a place as Google Hong Kong’s 2011 hottest keyword search – Top No. 8. 有人說:淘寶改變了一代內地人的消費模式,這話一點也不假。它 更是很多內地人的創業園地,靠它賺到第一桶金的大有人在。當中 原因不難理解:中國至今仍是「世界工廠」,每天都有無數商品在 生產;中國亦擁有全球最多的網民,他們是超龐大的消費人群,淘 寶超速發展是理所當然的事。去年11月11日的購物節,一日銷售額 就創了33.6億人民幣的紀錄。 早在03年創立的淘寶網一直有零星香港用家。去年,隨著買點數增值 帳戶、便利店取貨等配套的完善,淘寶開始在香港紅起來。Google公 佈的香港2011年度熱門關鍵字搜尋排行榜,「淘寶網」排第8位。
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Low-cost is King 「平」字當頭 “It’s cheap!” is most often heard when it comes to Taobao. As many Taobao sellers are also the manufacturers from “the factory of the world,” shoppers benefit from making purchases directly from them. Are Taobao’s cheap goods really “cheap” (low quality)? Yes and No. No, if you know how to dig up high quality goods at low cost. Prices asides, you can also find goods that are special, innovative, or specially-made imported ones. 說到淘寶,許多人的第一個反應會是「平」。皆因淘寶很多賣家都是身處「世界 工廠」的生產者,消費者直接從他們那裡買東西,縮減了中間層層的剝削,自然價 廉。不過別以為「便宜沒好貨」,只要懂得淘,許多貨品都價廉物美。而除了平, 在淘寶還能買到「特別」。很多創意精品、旅行時見到、香港沒有的東西都可在淘 On Willow Darkins, 4.5 yrs
Coat HK$679 Skirt HK$299 Tights HK$189
Why parents go Taobao? 爸媽為何淘寶?
On Elano, 5 yrs (on left)
Everyone wants the best quality items at the lowest prices. But if you are a mummy or daddy (full time or working), another reason you might be addicted to Taobao is time: it is a 24-hour market that saves you heaps of actual shopping time.
Shirt HK$279
For example: Christmas. It’s a time of gatherings, and gift-giving to relatives and your dear kids. You might run from one shopping mall to another without making any purchases. Moreover, the daily gathering of the family after work leaves you with no time to do the actual shopping. With Taobao, you can quietly browse one shop after another while your kids are in bed, put the items into the cart, make inquiries if the shop owner is online, and a simple click completes your purchase. All done on your computer.
Parka HK$269
T-shirt HK$229 Pants HK$349 On Henri Miguel Li, 4 yrs (on right) Shirt HK$229 Pants HK$369
用最划算的價錢買到最優質的貨品是所有人的願望,但若 你是爸爸媽媽(無論全職抑或上班族),你迷上淘寶可能 多一層原因:淘寶為我們慳了好多時間,或者說,幫我 們「賺」很多時間。皆因淘寶甚麼都有,甚麼時候都可 以買,是真正的一站式、全天候。 譬如聖誕節,許多爸媽都需要為親友買禮物,幫囝囡買 衫褲文具。但如果要在香港買到這麼多種類的東西,可 能要跑好多個商場、好多個地方,卻未必有心水收穫。 況且你可能放工後就要趕著回家,爭取多一些親子時 間,根本沒時間逛街。但若趁孩子睡後打開淘寶網,逐 個輸入你購物清單上的物品,不太挑剔的話,幾小時便能 找齊所有東西。如果賣家online,溝通一下便可落單,之後 便等待貨品送到你手了。
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Last year Taobao gained in popularity and was the source of much varied attention. Some people admit to being addicted and obsessed, while others reject and resist Taobao’s lure. We asked some mums to list their reasons for their love and hate of Taobao, and attempted to analyse them. 淘寶網去年開始才在各方推波助瀾下時機成熟,成為香港城中熱話。 但這股熱潮中,有人迅速迷上,不能自拔,有人依然抗拒,無心接 觸。我們分別找來一些媽媽們愛淘寶、不淘寶的理由,並大膽嘗試對 這些理由進行拆解,希望能讓你對淘寶網多一點認識。
Goods from other countries
代購可買到其他 國家的東西 Many Taobao shops can get goods from other countries you can’t find in Hong Kong, and at slashed prices. 你知嗎,很多淘寶店鋪可幫你在歐 美日韓代購名牌,隨時平過香港, 或款式更新。
It opens your eyes to the world. 有時逛淘寶有助增廣見聞。
You can get unique and special goods
可以買到許多 特別的東西
Unwrapping is the most exciting
享受收到貨拆 包裹的那一刻 Every delivery makes a “Boxing Day!” 像Boxing Day拆禮物般 興奮!
It’s bittersweet for mums! 這一點對媽媽們真是悲 喜交集!
Saves time shopping
省去逛街 的時間
Delivery to your door
有人送貨上門 Logistics is another skill that needs mastering at Taobao. 想買幾多就幾多,不用擔心「無手拎」。
8 Reasons Mummies Go Taobao 媽媽愛淘寶的8個理由 Open 24 Hours
Low cost
平 Typical reason mummies going for Taobao; the more you buy, the more it costs you. 這是許多媽媽上淘寶的原 因。平是相對的,淘寶旺 旺讓你買多了東西,荷包 一樣扁。
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好多選擇 It’s a bigger world in Taobao. 一入淘寶深似海!
It’s a remedy to mummies who are unable to do outdoor shopping, but time also flies when shopping at Taobao! 雖然這彌補了大家湊B沒時間逛街的缺憾, 但淘寶好容易讓人一看就幾個鐘過去了!
Calculate exchange rate
Quality concerns
擔心內地貨品的 質素
The rise of RMB may be a disadvantage to shoppers. 人民幣升得快,價格優勢 其實越來越小。
Unable to see the actual product
Many shoppers had unpleasant experiences. 不少買家都有不愉快的經驗。
8 Reasons Mummies DON’T Go Taobao
媽媽不淘寶的8個理由 Over-abundance of variety
Create new account seems daunting
太多選擇 This will consume more of your time. 的確,這反而可能耗去你更多 的時間。
開account似乎好 複雜 Special payment settings discourages new users. 特有的付款模式,的確讓很多用 戶擔心卻步。
沒有摸到貨品 不放心 Difficulty to analyse as product photos can be fine-tuned. 許多賣家會處理圖片,質感這樣 東西,最難辨別。
Waiting hassle
不喜歡等貨到的感覺 Plus the risk of lost package and damage during delivery! 而且貨品運送途中亦有丟失、損 壞的風險。
Not familiar with their local terms
On Elano, 5 yrs Coat HK$389 T-shirt HK$239
A disadvantage in getting your desired items. 這十分不利於你要搜索到想要的東西。
Pants HK$369
A lot of reading to do before purchase
不喜歡購物要 看那麼多字
This is unavoidable – other buyers’ comments are the best judge of the product quality. 這一點幫不到你,閱讀其他買家的 文字評價等,是你了解產品質素的 重要依據。
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See What They Bought from Taobao… 淘寶經歷大分享
Taobao Buyer 1
Indoor Shopper 沒時間行街媽媽
Michelle Designer 設計師
With one baby girl named Maddie, aged 6 months 有個6個月大的女兒Maddie My Taobao debut: A table lamp, a year ago. 第一次在淘寶買東西:1年前,買枱燈。 Approx. spending & no. of transactions: HK$4,000 and 20+ transactions 至今在淘寶花費了:約4千蚊,交易次數超過20次 Bad experiences: Made a purchase without receipt from the buyer, cancelled transaction. 不愉快經驗:訂了貨遲遲不發貨,最後要取消訂單。
Most of my purchases on Taobao are outerwear, toys, travel accessories, and baby goods. Since having Maddie, I cannot afford the luxury of outdoor shopping anymore. Taobao has everything: a great variety, and affordable prices. In fact, many goods in Hong Kong are imported from China. The factories also make extra goods to sell. Shopping at Taobao saves me time and money. 我主要買衣服、玩具、旅行用品、嬰兒用品。有了小朋友之後, 平時沒有時間去行街找需要的東西,網上甚麼東西都有,款式又 多,相對平。其實香港很多東西都是從大陸入貨,而且國內很多 工廠會多做一些貨賣出來。所以在網上購物價廉物美又省時間。
Showcasing Past Purchases 戰利品展示
Toys 益智玩具 RMB 20-25 I t ’s a l o c a l m a i n l a n d b r a n d I encountered at a toy store in Shenzhen. It sells for much cheaper on Taobao with express delivery! This saves me time picking it up in Shenzhen. 它是國內品牌,在深圳玩具城見 過。淘寶價平很多又有快遞,不用 從深圳拿回來。
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Adorable Bibs 得意口水肩 RMB 5.99一條 each I first saw some my friends had purchased. The quality was fairly good and half the price I pay in Hong Kong. I ended up buying a batch. 朋友買了一些,見到質量OK, 價錢卻是香港一半,所以一次買 了很多條。
Taobao Buyer 3 Taobao Buyer 2
From Wedding Goods to Baby Goods 從結婚用品到BB用品
Furniture Shopper 淘回一屋傢俬
AD Agency Staff 廣告人 Newlywed, figuring out a name for future baby 新婚,但已開始為將來的孩子起名
Administrator 行政人員
My Taobao debut: A pair of shoes 2 years ago. 第一次在淘寶買東西:兩年前,買鞋。
With a 4-month-old son 囝囝現時4個月大 My Taobao debut: A table lamp in 2009 第一次在淘寶買東西:2009年,買檯燈。 Approx. spending & no. of transactions: not more than HK$500 and 5-6 transactions in several months. 至今在淘寶花費了:不多於HK$500,交易次數月5-6次。 Bad experiences: Quality of purchased goods varies. Reading comments about product is a requisite before making purchase. 不愉快經驗:貨品質素始終有參差,所以搜購的同時要多看購 買者對貨品的評語作參考。
It was a year before my wedding day and I couldn’t find an ideal wedding head accessory. My colleague introduced me to Taobao, and I really found one that I wanted, with prompt delivery to boot. Superb! When I was pregnant, I fell in love with Taobao, searching for things for my son. Now I mostly search for baby clothes. I have also bought shoes, home furnishing, etc. Taobao has everything. You can find quality goods with a reasonable price if you take the time to search.
Approx. spending & no. of transactions: Cannot recall the total spending, 80+ transactions. 至今在淘寶花費了:已經計唔到,交易次數超過80次 Bad experiences: Received product varied from product photos, wrong sizes, wrong colours. 不愉快經驗:貨品和相片有出入,錯size、錯色。
“Cheap” is all I can say about it! First few purchases were tees, pants, shoes, toys and iPhone accessories. When I moved to a new house a while back, my colleague told me that it’s pretty safe to buy furniture on Taobao. I decided to try, and found some shops with good feedback from other shoppers. This experience earned my confidence for future purchases. Some Taobao shops have an actual store in Shenzhen and I went shopping there. Most of the goods purchased are good quality indeed, and the fact is they are very cheap! I will consider getting my baby furnishings from Taobao when I have kids, but I am still concerned about whether the products are safe for them or not. 一個字:平!之前多買衫、褲、鞋,玩具,及iPhone配件,早
Showcasing Past Purchases 戰利品展示
Showcasing Past Purchases 戰利品展示
Baby CNY Outfit BB新年服 HK$78 It might look a bit big for a 4-month old. But this is a rare catch and the quality is good. 大多數新年服都是兩件頭,對 於4個月的BB是大了一點,所以 難得找到這件新年服,而且品 質很好。
Wedding Head Accessory 婚紗頭飾 HK$58 Superb deal, fairly good quality, and fast delivery. 價錢便宜,品質亦不錯,而且商 戶發貨很快。
Copied Antique Chandelier 黑色仿古吊燈 HK$319 A chandelier with style! The broken effects of the holder are as though it has been burned. Gorgeous! 非常有設計感的一盞吊燈,其中幾條燈架特 別做了斷開的效果,又有些似被火燒過的 效果,好靚!
Marble Dining Table 石面飯檯 HK$1682 Marble-made table top, the texture makes it look so good! 真石面,望上去、摸上去 質感都好好。
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The Rise of
Group Buying
Years ago, you probably never even heard the term “group buying.” Today its pervasiveness is astonishing: e-mails and Facebook flood our lives with updates of daily deals. Group buying, simply put, is discount deals on merchandise, services, or coupons where a large number of people are willing to buy the same item. It’s a win-win situation for both sides: sellers can sell a huge number of commodities, and customers save a great sum of money. 一年多前,你可能完全未聽過「團購」這個名詞。一年多後的 今天,你的電子郵箱每天都會收到來自團購網的訂閱電郵,你 的Facebook上每天都有人轉發最新的團購優惠。團購風潮, 瞬間席捲全城。 所謂團購,就是買家們在團購網站集合到足夠的「落單」人 數,便可以以優惠價格購買或使用來自第三方的賣家的產品、 服務或優惠券。簡單來講,就是賣家薄利多銷,買家買到著 數,慳到錢。
Dining is the Hottest 飲食產品最多 Groupon is the pioneer of group buying sites and also the most visited one in Hong Kong. Having dubbed itself as “a daily deal on the best stuff to do,” its primary services are dining, spa, skincare, and fitness. These are also the top selling services in Hong Kong. For parents, the most attractive deals are home furnishings, photography studios, and family travel deals. 香港人上得最多的團購網,當屬這類網站的開山鼻祖Groupon。它 對自己的自我簡介是「低於一折餐飲、水療、美容、健身」,這 也概括這裡賣得最多的產品——飲飲食食、扮靚享受,非常啱 香港人。而對各位爸爸媽媽來講,最吸引的莫過於一些家用電 器、家庭攝影套餐、酒店旅行套餐的優惠了。
On Henri Miguel Li, 4 yrs T-shirt HK$239 Jacket HK$389 Jeans HK$349
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It’s Still Hot! 熱潮未減退 Those crazy price-slashing deals are enough to get anyone to open their wallet. However, the rise in complaints from group buying, mostly due to conflicting terms and conditions, unsatisfactory product or service quality, and inflated original prices, may keep a clamp on your wallet, at least for a little while. Despite these allegations, the group buying fire has not simmered down! In order to compete with new local online group buying sites, a greater variety of services can be seen on Groupon. 很多時候,團購網的超低折扣和價格,的確會令你「嘩」一聲,然後即刻有落單、 俾錢的衝動。不過據新聞報導指,去年消委會接到的有關團購的投訴增多了,原 因多為未細閱條款細則引致糾紛、產品質素未如理想、原價格虛高等。雖 然如此,團購的熱潮似乎未有減退。近來,有不少本地創立的團購網 湧現,你亦會發現每天在Groupon上出售的產品數量越來越多, 種類越來越豐富。
On Jestin Heard, 3.5 yrs (on left) Sweater HK$389 Shirt HK$279 Pants HK$349 (on right) T-shirt HK$249 Jeans HK$359
Specification is the New Hot 「專業化」是新趨勢 The group buying fire has swept across the world in the last 2 years, with hundreds of online group buying sites scattered all over the place. Hong Kong is no exception, with more local group buying sites emerging. The saturation and fierce competition of this market has led each of these sites to look for new ways to maintain the confidence of its customers. Some analysts predict group buying in 2012, rather than providing customers with comprehensive products and services, will instead focus specifically on one or a few product types. In this way the quality of merchandise and services can be more easily monitored. For example, one particular group buying site provides only cosmetics, travel, and leather goods. In this way, customers will have greater confidence in their slash deals. 在美國、中國大陸,團購過去兩年間的發展猶如暴風席捲,過百個團購網遍地開花。香港 雖然地方小,亦有多間本地創立的團購網迅速彈起。市場迅速飽和,捱得住的團購網紛 紛尋求新進步,留住顧客。有分析人員指,2012年團購網站的一大發展趨勢是專業 化,即出現販售化妝品、旅遊、鞋包等專類產品的團購網。因為專業化團購網站 只專注於一類商品,產品質素更易監控,服務質素亦更易保證。這樣,買家才 可以既買到著數,又買得放心。
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Mama Shops in Groups Online shop created by mum to mums
媽媽團購大不同 We often hear our colleagues clamouring around their computer screens, saying how good the bargain is at “Today’s Deals.” Many working mummies join their coworkers in their first group buying endeavour for some dining and entertainment deals. But as parents, we know that our ultimate goal is deals for our kids. We cannot resist any bargains from babies’ accessories to children’s books. Our eyes light up when we find a great slashing of prices on these kind of daily deals. This is probably the reason why mummy Ginny Tse, founder of Mamaishop.com, understands the needs of parents and established this group-buying site for parents. 時不時聽到同事指著電腦螢幕上的「今日優惠」大叫「好抵啊!」, 不少OL媽媽都曾貪新鮮,跟著同事一起團購,但來來去去都是一些 吃喝玩樂的東西。做了爸媽的都知道,這些對我們來講都是「浮雲」 ,我們的荷包早已圍繞著我們的孩子轉,他們吃的、穿的,尤其是學
Ginny Tse Founder of Group Shopping Site Mamaishop.com 我愛Mama團購網 創辦人
習會用到的。所以,專門販賣嬰幼兒用品、早教用品的團購網,爸媽 更願意每天上去望多幾眼,看看每天的「今日優惠」。這大概正是 「我愛Mama團購網」(www.mamaishop.com) 建立的初衷——網站創 辦人Ginny Tse說她和她的員工們很多都是為人父母,知道父母們真正 需要哪方面的實惠。
What made you think of establishing a parenting group buying site?
為甚麼會想到成立一個專為媽媽們而設、出 售嬰幼兒產品的團購網?
Speaking about Mamaishop.com, I should start with our “woaimama” Facebook Fan Page. I was a new mum a few years ago and just recently had my second child. I found I had many baby caring queries that I could not find the answer to – either online or in books. At that time, I hoped to find a way for new mums and experienced mums to gather, share, and support each other. When my son had chicken pox, another mum told me, “No worries, it happened to my son too.” In this way I was able to find comfort and support. So I started this Facebook Page where all mummies can instantly answer you at anytime, anywhere. It turned out we were right. We currently have over 100,000 people and it is the largest Facebook group for local mummy community.
Every mummy knows household expenses go up with a kid in the family. So they look around to save big. Therefore we already recognised the potential when group buying had just started in Hong Kong, to gather slash bargain goods online for parents. Many full-time mums with no domestic helpers may not have time to do actual shopping. It is a huge money and time saver to get the goods online and get them delivered at home or to daddy’s office.
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Facebook組群。我自己也是媽媽,剛剛生完第二個小孩。 幾年前生第一胎的時候,我亦是一個新手媽咪。在實戰中, 我發現很多湊BB、照顧BB的問題,原來書中、網上的文章未 必能幫到我。那時候,我便希望有一種途徑可以將一班有經驗 的媽媽、或者同樣是新手的媽媽集結在一起,大家一起share大 家遇到的問題,就好似同一時間有人默默support你一樣。就如 那次我擔心兒子發水痘的情況,即時有人跟我說:「唔使驚, 我囝囝都是這樣的」,我會立刻放心一些。所以生完第一胎不 久,便在Facebook建立了「我愛Mama」Fan Page,畢竟現時 每個人都會用Facebook,從Facebook上得到的回應也是最即 時、及時的,即使半夜三更問餵奶的事情,可能很快有人答覆 你。事實證明我們的想法是對的,現時我們的Fan Page已有超 過10萬人like,是全港最大的Facebook媽媽群組。 而做媽媽的都知道,家中多了小朋友,消費自然高了,所以很 多時候買東西都會希望慳一些。所以年多前團購網在香港興起 時,我們亦順理成章地想到,為媽媽們搜羅一些價廉物美的東 西,放在網上讓媽媽們團購。我們很多全職在家湊孩子的媽 媽,可能沒有家傭幫手,根本抽不出太多時間上街買東西。 如果能在網上落單,再送到家中或爸爸的辦公室,絕對是一 件慳錢又慳時間的事。
What’s the difference between Mamaishop.com and other group buying sites? 我愛Mama團購網和其他團購網站有甚麼不同? • I think the point is that our site targets group buying for parents. The merchandises on our site focus on babies, household, and parents’ needs , and all these products and learning courses are guaranteed on their exceptional qualities. Our sales department is mostly composed of mums; they use parenting perspectives and look for things suitable for families. • Besides, our two existing platforms, Facebook and Mamaishop. com, offer a level of frankness and honesty that all our members can see. So when one mum posts a comment on Facebook about products’ quality issue, over 100,000 fans will be able to see it, and we can further monitor the quality of the merchandise we have on the site. • In addition, we ask the shops to provide a delivery service to the door as this is a huge convenience for full-time mums who need to take care of their babies at all times. • 我想最重要的一點在於我們是針對媽媽這個群體的團購網,所販售 貨品全都圍繞著BB、家居或媽媽們真正需要的東西,而且所揀選產 品、課程等都是有品質、有口碑。我們銷售部門的同事幾乎都是媽 媽,所以更懂得從媽媽的角度出發,知道甚麼東西適合小朋友。 • 另外,我們是先有Facebook組群,再有團購網。一旦有媽媽買到的 貨品有問題,在Facebook一講,10萬粉絲都會即時看到。所以我們 網站的透明度是相對高很多,我們對貨品質素的把關亦更嚴格。 • 此外,我們亦會盡可能地要求商戶提供送貨上門的服務給買家們,畢 竟我們的用戶多為全職媽媽,這會給她們很大的方便。
• Contact the email of group buying sites’ customer service if you have any enquiries concerning the products and see if they are able to instantly solve your concerns.
Tips to Parents on Group Buying 給家長的團購小貼士
• Take the time to read the site’s terms and conditions carefully, including issue dates, product ingredients, etc. Do not purchase the products simply based on their deals. • Mummies can try to verify if the products from one particular group buying site are the best deal, compared to the price of the same products listed in other local retail shops. • 如果對產品有任何疑問,可透過該團購網的客戶服務電郵地址查詢,看對 方能否即時地回答到你的問題。 • 認真了解這次交易的條款及細則,包括到期日、產品原料等等,不要看到 價錢抵就按「購買」。 • 有時候某件產品在某個團購,可能未必是市面上最平的,媽媽們亦可以嘗 試查證一下。
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Small Online Shops
On Dilara, 4 yrs (on left) T-shirt HK$229 Jeans HK$339 Knitted Vest HK$489 (on right) Knitted Dress HK$329 Cardigan HK$389
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The massive power of social networking fosters opportunities for these sellers to survive and earn profits rent-free. As shoppers, we benefit from accessing a great variety of commodities at reduced prices. Along with Taobao and group shopping, we are delighted to explore other online shops that are creative, at a bargain, or offer used goods at the following three online shops/online platforms, and present them for your consideration. 網絡世界讓許多有一身好武功、有一堆好寶貝的小賣家、小店主得以 在網上發圍,不用煩惱昂貴的鋪租,一樣能經營下去,甚至獲得非常 好的營業額和利潤。亦正因如此,我們才可以在網上買到各類又平又 靚又獨特的產品。除了淘寶和團購,我們亦好樂意為各位家長發掘其 他創意小店、實惠小店、二手小店。以下三個網店/網店平台,有以 換物形式出售嬰幼兒衣服的,有賣二手童圖及學習材料的,有網羅世 界各地創意手作家品的,全部是有小朋友的我們絕對需要的東西,所 以頗具代表性。
Secondhand Bookstore 二手書天地
以諾媽媽天地 ort.shopping.babysky.hk
For years, Yahoo! Auction Hong Kong has been one of the most commonly known platforms for online shoppers to search for goods. A top seller at Yahoo! Auction, a devoted mother started this online bookstore independently from Yahoo. Many of the books are useful English storybooks in good condition with great slash prices for brand new ones. This site offers a great variety of storybooks for young children in affordable prices. It also enjoys a good reputation for timely delivery and secure purchases. 多年來,Yahoo!拍賣都是香港人最常用的網上購物平台。這間「書店」在Yahoo!拍賣十分 出名,是一位媽媽一手一腳建立打理的,所售書籍多為實用、新凈的二手英文故事書,但 價格卻十分划算。而且這里種類繁多,交貨及時,信譽十分良好。
Online Flea Bazaar 阿媽愛手作
Etsy was launched in 2005. Calling itself “the world’s handmade marketplace,” Etsy not only gives shoppers an alternative selection of handmade and vintage products outside of renowned brands, it also serves as an exchange platform to align artists of all kinds together. This is a great community of mummies who are also talented at making handmade crafts and accessories specially for children and babies. If you’re a mum looking for something for your kids, you will be able to find all kinds of items ranging from hand knitted dolls to kids’ clothing and accessories. It also contains a blog section for sellers to share some informative and warmhearted guides and how-to tips. 建立於05年的Etsy稱自己為「全球手作市場」,這裡不但有不同於知名品牌的獨特手作和懷舊產品,更是各類藝術家們的交流平 台。如果你是喜歡為孩子、嬰兒自製手作的媽咪,你一定會找到知音。如果你想買到得意獨特的兒童產品,這裡有很多手織公仔、 兒童服裝及配飾任你揀。另外,你亦可以在這裡看到賣家寫的blog,讓你更了解產品,甚至試著自己動手做。
Sustainable Exchanges 換物救地球
Seesaw Seesaw www.seesawseesaw.com
Your kids are growing taller and bigger and they can no longer fit into the clothes you bought them just a while back! Seesaw Seesaw is an online platform specially for parents to swap their children and baby accessories with others. Every parent’s donation of his or her items in good conditions will receive Seesaw Points. Those points are used to trade the donations from other parents at the assigned Seesaw Parties. Cash are allowed to be paid with insufficient points, and self pick up is also available. It’s a great eco-friendly approach to ensure the new items in your baby’s wardrobe won’t go to waste. 買的新衫還來不及穿,孩子就又長大長高了?Seesaw Seesaw是一個親子及嬰兒用 品網上換物平台,媽媽們捐出包裝尚完好的物品即可獲得一定數量的點數,在各區 定期舉行的Seesaw Party上,便可憑點數購買其他人捐出的衣服及其他貨品。沒有 點數可用現金購買,沒法參加Party亦可聯絡自行取貨,總之不要讓沒穿過的衣服就 放在衣櫃裡浪費了。
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win a bottle of Pre-Care Stain Remover. 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取Pre-Care Stain Remover一樽。 Special thanks: Seesaw Seesaw
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not a lecture about online shopping, but a way of exploring the dynamics of this phenomenon. This feature is
Online shopping, whether Taobao, group buying, or other types of online shops, is a mastery of wisdom that
accumulated experience.
comes with
Try it out and you will see... 這次的專題故事,我們只求
並沒有要教你如何在網上購物。 網上購物是一門很大的學問,是一件需要經驗累積的事情。 如果你心郁郁想試試在淘寶、團購網或其他網店購物,你想知道你
試一兩次, 體驗一兩次,或許能更容易地找到答案。 到底喜不喜歡、適不適合這些消費模式,
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s t n a l P d n a s r e w o l F for Your Baby?! – Not
草 草 花花 心 小 要 肚 大
Green plants can serve as natural indoor air fresheners, allowing for an effective and balanced interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Beside their air-cleansing role, green plants can also serve to soothe the volatile emotions of expecting mothers. However, when it comes to choosing the right plants, avoid any that may cause skin or other irritations; these may pose an adverse effect on pregnant women and their unborn children.
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綠色植物,是房間內的天然空氣清新 器,通過光合作用能夠有效進行氣體 交換,保持室內氧氣和二氧化碳的比 例均衡。除了淨化空氣之外,還有助 孕媽媽調節心情。然而,孕媽媽選擇 盆栽的時候,要避免發出刺激性氣味 和易引起皮膚過敏的花草,以免孕婦 身體和胎兒產生不良反應。
Harmful 有害 Jasmine, Asphodel, Magnolia, Sweet-scented Oleander, and Christmas Flower: These floral plants contain strong aromas that may irritate pregnant women’s nervous systems, resulting in the dulling of the olfactory sense, a jaded appetite and even headaches, nausea and vomiting; in the most severe cases, it may cause instability in fetal development, or a miscarriage. 茉莉、水仙、木蘭、夾竹桃、聖誕花: 具有濃郁香氣等花卉,有可能刺激孕婦的神經,會引起孕婦嗅覺不 靈,食欲不振,甚至引起頭痛、噁心和嘔吐。嚴重的還可能導致胎兒 不穩;甚至流產。
Evening Primrose, and Clove Lilac: These flowers draw in oxygen and breathe out at night time. The decrease of the amount of oxygen indoors is disadvantageous to the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. They need plenty of oxygen to maintain their high metabolism. 夜來香、丁香: 這等花卉在夜間吸進新鮮的氧氣,吐出二氧化碳從而奪走居室內的氧 氣,導致室內空氣含氧量下降,對孕婦及胎兒的健康十分不利。因為 孕婦代謝旺盛,需要充分和新鮮的氧氣供應。
Rohdea Japonica, Hyacinthus Orientalis, Pelargonium, Harbinger-of-spring: The chemical elements from the pollen or the juice of these flowers may easily cause an allergic reaction. Since bacterial resistance of women declines during pregnancy, acute allergic reactions can occur when the pollen falls on the skin or is inhaled, causing symptoms of pain, itchiness or oedema. 萬年青、馬櫻丹、洋繡球、報春花: 花粉或汁液易引起過敏,因為一般都含有某些化學成分。孕婦在懷孕 期間抵抗力下降,如果花粉落到皮膚上或被吸入呼吸道,會發生急性 過敏反應,出現疼癢、皮膚茹膜水腫等症狀。
Floral plants with a mild fragrance that release oxygen day and night are the most suitable for pregnant women. In terms of working women who are expecting a baby, it is even more important to choose the right kinds of potted plants due to various kinds of odors and noxious gases, and lack of sufficient sunlight in offices.
香氣清淡、白天晚上均能釋放氧氣的花草種 類,最適合孕媽媽。對於上班一族的孕媽, 辦公室裡有著各種氣味和有毒氣體,同時欠 缺陽光,選對合適的盆栽更加重要。
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Healthful 有益 The Cactus, and Ball Cactus: This species of anti-radiation plant is helpful for resisting electromagnetic waves in offices. Gardening specialists recommend these kinds of plants be placed next to computers; this is because thorny cacti contain considerable moisture and can easily absorb and defuse radiotoxins from electromagnetic fields in the surrounding environment and reduce both indoor and outdoor pollution. 仙人掌、仙人球: 這類防輻射植物有助對抗辦公室中的電磁波,有園藝專家建議可以將 其放在電腦旁。由於仙人掌類帶刺的身肉質厚並含豐富水分,易於吸 收和化解周圍環境的電磁場輻射毒素,減少室內外的污染。
Chinese Aloe, Bartlett Pear, Tangerine, Cantaloupe and Little Pumpkin: Chinese aloe can absorb some harmful substances such as formaldehyde; as for those pregnant women who work for long hours at a computer, it is better to place some fruit beside the computer as a natural smell absorbent. 蘆薈、啤梨、桔、哈密瓜、小南瓜: 蘆薈能吸收室內一些有害物質如甲醛等,長期在電腦前工作的孕媽媽, 亦可在電腦前擺放水果,以作自然吸收劑和除味劑。
Chlorophytum Comosum, Sansevieria Thunb, Orchis Cyclochila, and Monstera Deliciosa: These kinds of ornamental foliage plants are natural scavengers. They do not give off irritating odours; they not only purify the air, but are also hardy. 吊蘭、虎尾蘭、一葉蘭、龜背竹: 這類葉狀植物是天然的清道夫,不會散發出刺激性的氣味,不僅可以 淨化空氣,又有較強的生命力。
Epipremnum Aureum: Its heart-shaped leaves make for effective interior decor. This plant can break down poisonous substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide and nicotine released from textile fabrics, wall surfaces and air pollution. 黃金葛: 心形葉子有室內裝飾作用,能通過類似光合作用的過程,把織物、牆 面和煙霧中釋放的有毒物質,如甲醛、苯、一氧化碳、尼古丁等,分 解為植物自有的物質。
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Ficus Benjamina: It is one of the most beautiful indoor ornamental plants and a very effective air purifier; it not only increases humidity that is beneficial to our skins and breathing, but is also capable of absorbing formaldehyde, dimethylbenzene and ammonia gas, further purifying the air. 垂葉榕: 是房間裡的漂亮裝飾,亦是十分有效的空氣淨化器,可以提高房間的濕度有益於 我們的皮膚和呼吸。同時它還可以吸收甲醛、二甲苯及氨氣並淨化混濁的空氣。
Dracaena Marginata: It is suitable for the dim and dry environment of an office. Its leaves and roots can absorb dimethylbenzene, toluene, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde, breaking up these substances into innoxious ones, and inhibiting harmful carcinogens. 千年木: 能適應辦公室的昏暗及乾燥環境,葉片與根部能吸收二甲苯、甲苯、三氯乙烯、 苯和甲醛,並將其分解為無毒物質,能抑制有害物質。
A few tips for expectant parents It would probably be best to choose varieties of plants and flowers that can be easily looked after and are hardy (do not wilt or die easily), being mindful of pregnant women’s mood swings. It would probably be best not to add new varieties of plants in every corner. Having more indoor plants does not necessarily mean better health. Generally speaking, it is sufficient to place 1 large or mediumsized plant and 2 - 3 small potted plants. 最好選擇一些比較好照料的、生命力非常強的品種,避 免植物的枯萎或死亡,影響孕媽媽的心情。 最好不要動輒在室內增加新植物品種,因為室內養的花 草,並不是越多越好。一般來說,大中型植物1盆,小型 植物2-3盆便已足夠。
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Baby on the Move Safety in the Home
寶寶識爬了 家中安全至重要 Text | Helen Binge
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Helen Binge Helen is a trained paediatric physiotherapist and developmental specialist. She is also the founder of Physiobaby and a mother of two. She offers developmental assessments, consultation regarding baby’s growth, development and posture, and provides specialist Physiotherapy treatment for babies and children. She is also a founder member of the Nest 4 Mums clinic, a community service for new parents that meets each Tuesday afternoon. Helen是受過專業訓練的兒科理療師及兒童發展專家,Physiobaby創辦者,及兩個孩子的母親。 她擅長為孩子的成長、發育和身體姿勢作評估,提供詳細的諮詢服務,並為兒童進行專業的物 理治療。另外她也是Nest 4 Mums創辦者之一,每逢星期二都會把新寶寶父母組織到一起,為他 們提供社區服務。 www.physiobaby.com
Your baby is growing up fast and becoming more mobile. This is a thrilling time for parents, to see their baby crawl on all fours or take their first steps. However exciting, it can be an exhausting and a potentially hazardous phase. Your baby learns to move speedily and is curious, so there will be times when an extra pair of hands and eyes in the back of your head would seem like useful additions!
So what can you do practically do to keep baby safe? Here are some safety guidelines to help you “baby proof” your home.
趴著走路或是邁出第一小步,所有父母都會異常興奮。 不過,興奮之餘,我們應該清楚這是最累、最容易出現危 險的時期。小寶貝這時候好奇心極強,總是四處亂跑。 所以父母有時候真希望自己變成三頭六臂,後腦上都長 著眼睛,以防萬一! 怎樣才能有效地保護小寶寶的安全呢?下面是幾個安全
Keep the toilet lid closed.
Keep all breakables, plastic bags,
aerosol cans, cleaning agents and
sharp objects, locked away or well out of
baby’s reach.
When cooking, always turn pot handles away from the front of the stove top.
Electrical cords should be in good
Buy edge and corner protectors for
condition and out of reach and safety
furniture that might be same height
sockets should be fitted to all unused power
as baby’s head.
到的地方;在所有未使用的電源插座上安裝安 全護套。
Install stair gates on all stairways, top and bottom and keep them locked too!
在所有樓梯頂部和底部安裝門欄,同時將其緊 鎖!
Screen and bar all upper storey windows and never leave anything that
your child could climb on to reach them. This is especially relevant in our high rise Hong Kong living.
用紗窗或橫板擋住樓層窗戶,永遠不要在窗戶周 圍放置物品,以免寶寶爬到上面。這對於香港的 高樓住宅來說,尤為重要。
Never leave baby alone on a change table or in the bathtub, not even for 2
不要讓寶寶單獨留在尿布枱上或是浴缸裡,即使 是兩秒鐘都不可以。
Remove all poisonous plants from your house, terrace or garden.
Make sure all heavy items such as television screens are well
attached to wall or floor and cannot fall. 確保所有重物(如電視機螢幕等)穩固地附於牆 壁或地板上,以免跌下,傷害寶寶。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Keep all medicines in childproof containers and make sure they
are in a locked medicine cabinet, well out of reach.
Always use a non slip bath mat in the bath.
Be aware of dangling window and blind cords. Tie them up out
Remove all small ornaments or
of the way.
other objects that could be a
choking hazard for your baby. 移開所有小裝飾或其他小件物品,以免寶寶吞 食、造成窒息。
Do not use dangling tablecloths. Your baby can pull down the cloth and
everything on them! 當心桌布邊懸蕩,防寶寶將桌布連桌上物件拉下來!
Make regular checks on safety of any swings, slides, walkers or
other baby equipment. 定期檢查鞦韆、滑梯、學行車或其他兒童設備是 否安全。
Never put anything poisonous into a bottle that previously held
Never leave your baby unattended
something harmless like juice.
near a swimming pool.
Note • Many of the baby proofing items, such as electrical socket protectors, are readily available in Hong Kong. Bumps to Babes has a good supply of these products. • You may also want to take a Child Safety and CPR course, so you are more aware and feel more confident what to do in an emergency. Several of these are offered in Hong Kong. • In short, never leave your baby unattended. Parental supervision is of utmost importance. • If you do need to go into another room leaving baby unsupervised, think of investing in a play pen, when they can move and play in safety. • The list is not exhaustive and there does seem a lot to organise but a parent must be on the lookout once baby has discovered the joys of mobility. You just need to be one step ahead! • This is the beginning of an adventurous childhood in which exploration plays a great part. Don’t be overly protective, just follow the guidelines along with some good common sense and enjoy the delights of their discovery too.
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• 許多保護寶寶安全的物品,例如電源插座防護套,都可以在香港 買到。Bumps to Babes店裡有許多這樣的產品。
• 你可能會想參加兒童安全及心肺復甦法訓練課程,以便應對緊 急狀況。香港許多地方也可以找到這樣的課程或培訓。
• 一句到尾,不要把寶寶放在一邊不管。父母的看護是寶寶最安 全貼心的保障。
• 如果你必須離開寶寶到其他地方,那就為寶寶準備一個遊戲床, 安心地讓寶寶在那裡安全地玩耍。
• 當然,這裡的建議不可能涵蓋所有方面。但是,一旦你的寶寶 發現了四處活動的樂趣,你就必須提高警惕,好好安排一下。
• 這是愛冒險、愛探索的童年的開始。要採取措施,但不要緊張。 合理地照顧和保護你的孩子,並跟他們一起在探索和發現中尋 找樂趣。
查詢 : 3741 1720 / info@peegaboo.com
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Teach Kids about Money and Saving
The 10 Vital Lessons Your Child Must Learn!
10 堂課教精孩子
Text | Rachel Incoll
There are 10 basic money skills that every child should learn before they enter the teenage years. It’s never too late to learn, but most children are far more receptive to ideas from their parents before they hit the age of thirteen, than after. 每一個小朋友都應在踏入青少年期之前,掌握以下10項基本理財技 巧。雖說有心不怕遲,但大部分小朋友在13歲前,最易接納父母的 勸告,所以家長還是應該把握時機。
1 Money doesn’t grow on trees! One of the best known and oldest quotes around. It is important that children understand from early on that money is a limited resource, that mom and dad’s bank account will eventually run dry if they keep making withdrawals from it. 錢不會從天而降!我們常 常說這句話。孩子應該自 小明白一個非常重要的概 念:錢是有限的資源,也 就是說如果爸媽不斷到銀 行提錢,終有一天會耗盡 戶口裡的錢。
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With thes e les and sons truly well lear n child t, yo shou ur prob ld h lem ave man n o fina aging nces their in a man ner prop er the c , a n d a v redit oidin trap. g
的孩子 能學會 以上的 ,他們 理 將來便 財務問 不 會遇上 題,也 能避免 咭的圈 掉入信 套。 用 財原則
People go to work to earn money. Money is something that needs to be earned, you are never going to become financially secure sitting around not doing anything, and expecting handouts from people. 每個人必須工作才能賺取金錢。錢是需要賺回來的,如果一 個人終日無所事事,只靠別人資助,將永遠無法建立鞏固的 經濟基礎。
Credit cards are a form of borrowing. Believe it or not, surveys have shown that an alarmingly high number of teenagers don’t realise that credit cards are a form of borrowing. If they don’t understand this basic concept, it leaves them at risk of running up crippling credit card debts. 信用咭是借貸工具之一。你可能覺得不可置信,但有很多年輕人並不知道使用信 用咭是借貸的一種,這情況使人擔憂。如果他們不明白這個基本概念,將來很有 可能會因為不善運用信用咭而導致債台高築。
There is good debt and bad debt. No debt is really all that good, but some forms of debt will make you money while others cost you money. Good debt can include a home loan, investment loan or business loan, as these items have a tendency to make money above the amount of interest you have to pay. Bad debt can include credit cards, personal loans or car loans, as these items never make you any money.
Avoid borrowing money where possible. Wherever possible, money should be saved rather than borrowed as borrowing attracts extra costs such as interest, which can in some circumstances, double the amount of money you need to repay.
If you don’t have the cash to buy something, then you can’t afford it. 如你不能以現金購買某件物品,即表示你買不起它。
Spend less than you earn. Many people these days are spending 10% to 20% above what they earn, creating a vicious cycle of high credit card interest rates, long hours at work to pay the credit cards and in some cases bankruptcy. The knowledge of how to budget your money seems to have been lost, make sure your child learns this important lesson! 你花費的金額絕不能超過你賺取的數目。現時有很多人的花費比他們所能 賺取的金額超出10%至20%,結果導致惡性循環:信用咭利息高昂,欠債 人需要超時工作,償還高築的債務,有時更是弄至破產收場。現今人們好 像忘記了應有的理財技巧。家長應確保子女學習這重要的一課!
A portion of your money should be given to the needy. Around 10% of your money should be given to those who are in need/charities. 把一部分的收入給予有需要的人。你應把大約10%的收入捐贈予慈 善機構或有需要的人。
9 Pay yourself first. This is what I call your sanity money! Allow 10% of your money for yourself to spend however you wish. 留錢給自己用。這是理智用錢的原則!預留10%的收入給自己,讓 自己可以隨心所欲,購買想要的東西。
Save at least 10% of your money. Like budgeting, the skill of saving money seems to have been lost over the last 20 years, with fewer people than ever before regularly saving a proportion of their income. 最少儲蓄10%的收入。儲蓄這美德和理財 技巧一樣,在過去20年被人們遺忘了。 現今很少人有固定把部分入息儲起來的 習慣。
About The Author Rachel Incoll is the author of Kids Money Tips. She has helped show thousands of parents how they can teach their children everything they need to know about money in just a few simple steps. Visit her site http://www.kidsmoneytips.com to find out how your child can learn to save and manage their money more effectively. www.peegaboo.com | PJ
Managing Money in Different Age Groups
Text | Greg R Smith
Money expert Greg R Smith tells parents how and when to teach their kids about money. He said: “Teach them young and they will carry forward that knowledge and live a better financial life.” He provides a few tips: 理財專家Greg R Smith教家長如何指導子女善用金錢。他說:「孩子應從小學會以正 確態度對待金錢,給孩子灌輸理財知識,使他們長大後善於管理自己的財務。」他向 家長提供了以下貼士。
3-7 1. Show them the value of money by explaining what $10 can and can’t buy. It may be an idea to do this whilst walking down the super market aisle or toy aisle (if you are game!). 2. Let them watch you pay for things. You may even start by letting them hand over the cash or pressing the OK button on the ATM. 3. Do not give them notes. Pay their pocket money in coins as your children need to understand how to allocate their money. 4. Show them how to visualise their goals. Get them to draw what they want to save up for. Keep the goals realistic otherwise they will very quickly lose interest.
What they learn:
• Different things have different values. • Money simply doesn’t grow on trees and that you have to work for your money. • You have to allocate your money for different things. 1. 向孩子解釋金錢的價值,例如10元可以買到甚麼、不能買到甚麼。帶孩子去超級市 場或玩具店,選購貨物時,正是進行這個活動的大好時機。
2. 讓孩子看見你買東西時要付錢。你可以讓他們付錢給收銀員,或提款時由孩子來按 「OK」鍵。
3. 不要給這個年紀的孩子紙幣。給他們零用錢時,最好給硬幣,這使他們較容易分配金錢。 4. 向孩子解釋如何想像他們的目標。指導他們寫下儲蓄目標。目標要符合實際,否則他們很快會 對目標失去興趣。
他們要學習的是: • 不同的貨物有不同的價值。 • 金錢不會從天而降,每個人都需要工作來賺取金錢。 • 購買不同的物品時,要懂得分配金錢。
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7-12 1. Get them interested in looking at their bank statements and following how much money they are saving. This will get them used to scanning banking paperwork. 2. Get them to start thinking of a long term saving goal and work out how long it will take them to reach that goal. 3. Give them a combination of notes and coins for their pocket money. This will really strengthen their allocation abilities and efficient usage of spare change. 4. Start showing them the family bills and explain positively that the bills have to be paid to keep the family going.
What they will learn:
• Saving is a planned activity and something that needs a bit of thought rather that just putting away what’s left over. • The value of small change. • It takes a fair bit of money and good money management skills to keep a roof over their head. 1. 教他們閱讀銀行對帳單,讓他們知道自己有多少存款,增加他們對理財的興趣,也使他們養成閱讀 銀行戶口資料的習慣。
2. 引導孩子開始訂立一個長遠的儲蓄目標,計算要儲蓄多久才能達到目標。 3. 給孩子零用錢時,給他們一些硬幣和一些紙幣。這樣可以加強他們分配金錢的能力,有效利用零錢。 4. 開始給孩子看家裡水電雜費等的帳單,向他們解釋爸媽如何繳付帳項,維持一家的收支平衡。
他們要學習的是: • 儲蓄不只是把餘錢儲起來,而是需要籌劃和細心盤算的活動。 • 零錢的價值。 • 要生活有保障,必先有一筆可觀的金錢和熟練的理財技巧。
About The Author Greg R Smith is money expert from Australia who is recognized for his gift to translate the often complex money world into simple over the kitchen table language. He is a qualified financial planner with over 20 years experience and is also a best selling author, TV presenter, columnist, public speaker and radio presenter. He is also the inventor of a revolutionary money box that will change the way children learn about money forever.
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Tina Stephenson is a Child Behaviour Management Specialist and has been helping parents understand and manage children’s behaviour; from toddlers to teenagers for the last 10 years. Tina Stephenson 是兒童行為管理專家,10年內幫助過無 數家長,從幼兒到青少年都是她的服務對象。
Better Bedtimes, More Sleep
孩子不想睡? Text | Tina Stephenson
leep, precious sleep; most adults are chronically short of sleep. Every working day we fall asleep on buses, trains and planes; within 5 minutes of departure, most buses are full of gently snoring adults. We dream about sleep at our desks at work and we usually spend the first several days of holiday times just trying to catch up on it. Most parents can’t remember the last time they awoke in the morning feeling refreshed and energised, there just never seems to be enough time to get enough sleep. Which can make it all the more confusing and frustrating when we can’t get our children to get to sleep at night. As soon as bedtime approaches most children begin to think of ways they can stay up later. Some nights there are even tears and temper tantrums at bedtime. And then when you finally are able to get them off to bed, 10 minutes later you hear your child softly calling “Mummy I can’t sleep, can I have a drink of water?” Bedtime is a frustrating time in many people’s homes. But resistance to going to bed is quite normal and there are many reasons why children do not like to be tucked in for a long night. Most days are long and busy. We see our children briefly before we are rushing off to work and school. And then the evenings are filled with lessons, classes and homework. Before we know it, its bedtime! I think the biggest reason that many children resist going to bed is because they are trying to get more time with their parents. When bedtime comes around it is as though they suddenly realise that the day is over and some children feel a genuine anxiety and sadness that the precious time with their parents is coming to an end. Or
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maybe they have not seen their parents at all that evening… However long our working hours and however much homework there may be, it is very important to spend some good quality time with your child everyday. And I don’t mean watching TV, taking them to a lesson or doing homework, those things may seem important, but spending time together talking, reading aloud or playing quiet games is much more important. Try your best to set aside at least one hour every evening with the TV off; sharing, quiet, relaxed activities with your child. In fact this hour together is also a great lead up to the beginning of the bedtime routine. I promise that just setting aside this time and putting aside all the tasks for the day on a consistent basis to spend some quality time with your child will begin to ease bedtime frustrations. But the key to smooth bedtimes (at least most of the time) is establishing and sticking with a good bedtime routine.
The bedtime routine
The first step in establishing a good bedtime routine is to set a bedtime and stick to it, with very few exceptions. Children need at least 10 hours sleep per night to maintain healthy growth of their body and mind. So in setting a bedtime consider the child’s wake up time and the fact that they should be able to sleep for at least 10 hours and then add at least one hour for the bedtime routine. I know an hour sounds like a lot of time, but I think the second biggest reason it is difficult to get children off to bed is because they have not been given enough time to unwind and relax in preparation for bedtime and sleep.
TV is stimulating, video games are exciting, home work demands concentration and focus, it is unrealistic to expect children to be able to just stop doing things that are demanding and instantly drop off to sleep. It is like this for everyone, but most of us are so sleep deprived that it becomes easy to drop off to sleep at anytime. A child who is falling asleep in front of the TV must be quite exhausted to be able to sleep in the middle of all the excitement. Children need time to get ready to go to sleep, both physically and psychologically. The bedtime routine can start with a warm bath or shower, brushing teeth and getting into their pajamas. These actions send clear messages that the activities of the day have stopped and it is time to get ready to rest. The bedtime routine should also start with the TV being turned off. It is very hard for a child to go off to get ready for bed with other family members still staying up to watch their favourite shows and movies. TV is just too distracting and too tempting for a child (and an adult) so in order have a real bedtime routine the home should be quiet and the lights dimmed. The next step in a bedtime routine should be stories until bedtime. Reading stories together before bed is an excellent activity. Reading to your child increases their vocabulary, improves their sentence structure and makes them more interested in reading and learning. But also it is a soothing and relaxing activity for both parent and child. And finally, when the established bedtime comes, it is time to put down the story-book and turn out the lights. Your child may complain, but they are much more likely to drift off to sleep after all of the relaxing activity and attention from their parents.
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眠多寶貴!很多成年人都長期缺乏睡眠。無論巴士上、地 鐵上、飛機上,每天早上都能看到憨憨入睡的人們。大多 數上班族都會在逼巴士時眯上雙眼,即使只有短短十幾分
鐘車程。工作時,昏昏入睡常常有;假期前幾天總會蒙頭睡上幾天, 補補覺。最後一次睡到自然醒、精神百倍地投入一天的工作是甚麼時 候?大多數做父母的早就不記得了吧?好像怎麼也找不到充足的時間 好好睡一覺。 然而許多家長都很迷網兼沮喪:為何每天晚上哄孩子睡覺都那麼難。 快到睡覺的時間,很多孩子都會想出各種捱夜的點子。有時候,為了 讓孩子上床睡覺,家長甚至會訴諸「暴力」,讓孩子哭喊不止。可剛 把他們氹到床上10分鐘,他們又會輕聲叫道:「媽媽,我睡不著,想 喝杯水!」每天趕孩子上床睡覺的時間對很多家庭都是極盡煎熬的。 不過,他們不想上床睡覺是很正常的事情。孩子不想鑽進被窩,暖暖 地睡個好覺,也是有很多原因的。
良好作息習慣是關鍵 建立良好作息習慣的第一步,就是制定並保持固定的睡覺時間,而且 不要有太多例外情況。兒童每天晚上至少需要10小時的睡眠,才能夠 保證他們健康的身心發育。所以,在制定睡眠時間時,要考慮到孩子 的起床時間,保證孩子10小時的睡眠;而且至少還要再增加一小時的 時間,用來跟孩子互動。我知道一小時聽起來很長,但我覺得孩子晚 上不想上床睡覺的第二大原因,是他們沒有足夠的時間放鬆下來,無 法安靜地躺在床上。
PJ Promotion
The ISF Shuyuan Program
Investigating Culture and Civilization 弘立「書院」項目 探索文化與文明 The Independent Schools Foundation Academy (“The ISF Academy”), a future-focused school strongly grounded in Chinese cultural values, caters to the increasing demand for Putonghua-English immersion education of the highest calibre in an enquiry-based learning environment.
弘立書院是一所放眼未來,植根中華文化的非牟利學校。 弘立書院提供一套獨特的教學模式,在傳統中華文化和現 代價值觀的基礎上,以優質的普通話和英語沉浸式課程, 讓學生學習各種知識,接受不同的文化差異。
The ISF Academy has recently founded its “Shuyuan” program, a unique learning experience offered by no other school in the world. It was introduced in order to bring the spirit of the traditional Chinese Shuyuan into the 21st century through the systematic study of ancient classics and a comparative study of Eastern and Western cultures.
弘立最近成立一項新課程——「書院」項目,此乃弘立獨 一無二的科目,可以肯定地說,全世界也沒有任何一所學 校會提供這樣的課程。弘立成立「書院」項目,是發揚傳 統書院的精神,希望在二十一世紀的今天,通過學生有系 統地學習古代經典,對東西方文化進行深入的比較研究。
But what exactly is Shuyuan? In Chinese history, a “shuyuan” was a nongovernmental institution of officials and scholars that functioned as a repository for books; and a place where scholars could lecture and conduct research, develop academic schools of thought, and promote academic freedom.
事實上,甚麼是「書院」呢?中國遠古早有著悠久的書 院傳統歷史。書院,是和官學相對的民間辦學機構;它的 職能:一,為藏書,二,為文人講學和研究經典的場所, 三,為著書立說,發展學術交流和提倡學術自由的地方。
The Shuyuan Program at The ISF Academy provides students with a new learning experience and a space for personal growth. It was founded on the belief that wisdom only comes from a deep understanding of virtue and from its practice in daily life. In this program, students need to be strongly committed to the vision and mission of the school, including the Eight Virtues + One and the IB Learner Profile. The program is taught in small classes, alternating between a Chinese and a Western focus. It includes classical literature, mythology, historiography, and biography as well as drama, poetry, and works on statecraft, philosophy, and religion. Students undergo systemic linguistic training in how to read classical texts. By looking to the past and closely studying challenging texts, students discover where they have come from. With that knowledge they are wellplaced to then start asking themselves “where do we go from here?”. It is this type of inquiry which makes ISF Academy students and the Shuyuan Program unique.
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弘立創立「書院」項目,是希望給予學生一種新的學習 體驗,建構個人成長的空間。這是建基於我們相信,學生 潛心研究這科目,累積前人的智慧,可以用到今天的生活 上,與二十一世紀的發展接上軌道。 要選修「書院」這門課,學生必須對弘立書院的創校願景 和理念、「八德一智」,和國際文憑學科有堅定的信念和 承諾。課程以傳統中國書院的概念為藍圖,以小組講座形 式展開,中西主題交替進行;課程以作品流派分類,包括 經典文學的介紹、神話、史著和傳記的組合;將來更會加 入戲劇、詩歌單元,及有關治國、哲學和宗教等著作。學 生在老師的薰陶下,可以自由地互相交流,在熱熾和富挑 戰的氣氛下成就全人學習。 回顧古時,學生深入研習艱澀難懂的文字,他們考究出文 字的演變與根源。有了這些知識,他們自覺地反思一個問 題:「人類文明該何去何從呢?』這正是弘立書院學生和 「書院」項目獨特之處。 The ISF Academy 弘立書院 website: www.isf.edu.hk
3 Siblings Aging Gap: Is Bigger the Better? 子女間差幾歲最好? The arrival of a new family member is always wonderful to the expected parents; it would bring new changes to the family in a whole new perspective. It would be more grateful to hear if a second child or more is coming on your way. While celebrating the second (or further) incoming, parents should not left the older child behind, as the age differences of the two siblings may affect their psychological development. As a specialist in children psychology and family therapy, Dr. Louis D.S. Kok believes that while closer age gap might be easier to provoke jealousy and rivalry between siblings, it can also form a closer and intimate siblings bonding if it is handled properly. For siblings with larger age gaps, he suggests a different kind of attention.
有新家庭成員到來,父母當然感到無比開心,但他們 亦將迎來各種新的挑戰。第二個孩子或者第三第四個 孩子的誕生總會令人歡欣雀躍。然而,父母在慶祝新 寶寶到來的時候,不要把家裡面大囝大囡拋諸腦後, 因為兄弟姐妹之間的年齡差異會對他們的心理發育產 生一定的影響。 兒童心理及家庭療法專家郭迪舜博士認為,兄弟姐妹 間的年齡差距越小,越容易產生嫉妒,引發爭吵。不 過如果處理得當的話,他們也會變得親密無間。對於 年齡差較大的孩子,郭博士建議對孩子們採取不同的 關注方法。
Dr. Louis D.S. Kok 郭迪舜博士 Dr. Louis Kok is the Principal Psychologist at the Hong Kong Institute for Children’s Mental Health. He is also a professional member of Amercian Counseling Association and other family therapy associations. He specialises in child psychology, family counseling, and pastoral care. 郭迪舜博士是現任香港兒童心理健康中心執行總監,首席心理學家,資深牧靈(教牧)輔導導 師。他榮獲美國心理學會(APA)院士、美國輔導協會專業會員、及多個國際專業輔導協會會 員。擅長兒童心理、家庭治療及牧養關顧輔導。
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In a board definition, age differences between siblings of approximately 3 years and above is considered a large gap. There are no right gaps between siblings, as the differences depend on family backgrounds and their personalities. Despite these facts, there are a number of factors for parents to be aware before and after birth.
總括來講,兄弟姐妹間的年齡差距在3歲 左右或以上就算是比較大了。當然,孩 子間也沒有所謂最適合的年齡差距,因 為每個家庭都有不同的背景、家庭成員 的性格也各不相同。 Photo | Disney Junior
Older siblings’ psychological concern
From his previous experiences in meeting families with siblings’ big age gaps, Dr. Kok found that most of the older siblings appeared indifferent toward the news of their younger brother or sister arrival to the family. Some appeared reluctant and felt the news about the arrival of a new family member unimpressive to them. It may be the case because they have been the center of parents’ attention over the years, and now their attention is being taken partly or totally towards their younger brother or sister. Some children who tend to be more independent have already adapted the lifestyle of being alone. They may felt distressed toward their younger siblings, especially the ones who developed a dependency toward their older ones for a sense of security. These older siblings expressed annoyance and felt frustrated that their personal space was intervened by their younger siblings.
哥哥姐姐心裡在想甚麼? 郭博士曾與很多家庭接觸過,他發現在一個家庭,如果孩 子們的年齡差很大,大多數大點兒的孩子對弟弟妹妹的誕 生無動於衷。有些甚至表現出厭惡,感覺家庭新成員的到 來與他們毫無關係。可能是因為大點兒的孩子以前一直是
父母的掌上明珠,現在父母卻要把部分或者全部精 力投入到弟弟、妹妹的身上。 一些漸漸獨立的孩子已經習慣了三口之家的生活方 式,弟弟妹妹的到來,特別是對哥哥姐姐很依賴、 希望得到安全感的弟弟妹妹,會讓大孩子們感到很 壓抑。個人空間被弟弟妹妹「無故」攪亂,也會讓 他們心煩意亂,抑鬱沮喪。
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Avoiding hostility: what can parents do?
Dr. Kok suggests a few advices to make this family moment a wonderful and intimate experience instead of a dilemma. Before the birth of the second child, parents should prepare and equip their older children going through this family journey. This can also serves as both a bonding and family education for the whole family. • Parents should let children understand and accept the news gracefully. Get children involved in mother’s pregnancy and give them a chance to understand the whole motherhood experience. For example, parents can show their children the ultrasound photo of the baby, and give them a chance to raise questions about the baby in mum’s tummy. • From time to time, parents should hold a family meeting to discuss the things they expect after childbirth. Use the time to discuss the changes of family structure and rescheduling of household chores, such as their time for bath or mealtime. • Parents should give older children an inclusive family atmosphere that “we are one family”, reminding them that their love and care to every child will keep in an equilibrium. Parents should candidly advise them that, although they might take some of their time in caring for the new baby, but the love towards the older child will never cease. • For some older children, the arrival of younger siblings may mean they are advancing to a new phrase as a “leading sibling.” They may be responsible in taking care of the younger ones while parents are away. Parents should acknowledge and give praise of their responsible role from time to time. Some older children may take this caring role as a burden, as they see this responsibility is a one way contributing effort with no rewards. In this case, instead of forcing them to mature big brother/sister, parents can turn their role as a “playful companion” to their younger ones. In this way, older children will ease their pressure and both children can have a good time.
42 孩子間生敵意,如何避免?
下面是郭博士提供的幾項建議,可以幫助這些家庭避免尷 尬處境,建立親密無間的家庭關係。第二個孩子出生之 前,父母應該教育、引導大孩子一同迎接弟弟或妹妹的
到來。這同時也會加強整個家庭的聯繫,產生積極作用。 • 父母應讓大孩子正確地理解並接受這個訊息,讓他們參 與,與母親一同感受十月懷胎的期待與期盼。譬如可以 給他們看小寶寶的超聲波圖片,讓他們懷著好奇的心情 詢問各種關於媽媽肚子裡小寶寶的事情。 • 父母應該不時地召開家庭會議,討論小寶寶到來之後的 事情。可以趁這個機會討論以後家庭結構的變化和對家 庭瑣事的安排,譬如洗澡或是吃飯的時間等等。 • 父母應該給大孩子一種包容的家庭氛圍,告訴他們「我 們是一家人」。讓他們知道,父母對每個孩子的愛和關 懷都始終如一,不偏不倚。父母應該坦誠地告訴他們, 雖然爸爸媽媽會分出一點時間照顧小寶寶,但對他們的 愛永遠不會改變。 • 對於一些大點兒的孩子來說,他們可能將承擔起「老 大」的角色。父母不在的時候,他們要照顧小點兒的 孩子。他們這樣做時,父母應該予以認同並不時獎勵 他們。一些孩子可能會覺得這是負擔,因為他們覺得這 只是單方面的付出,毫無回報。這時,父母不可以強硬 地要求他們照顧弟弟妹妹,而是應該轉變一下他們的角 色,讓他們成為小點兒孩子的「玩伴」。這樣,他們會 輕鬆許多,兩個孩子都會過得很開心。
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Dr. Kok emphasises that for parents who “accidentally” carrying a younger children, he advises parents not to tell both siblings that this is an accidental birth. This may pose hostility between the siblings as the older one take the younger as a redundant member and a burden to the family, which may affect their future relationship-building. Instead, parents can look upon this positively as a surprised gift to the family, which brings every member to a whole new level of perspective in every way. 郭博士強調,對於「意外」懷孕的父母,不應告訴孩子 們這是「意外」懷孕。這樣會在兄弟姐妹中間產生敵 意。大孩子會認為這個小東西是家裡的累贅和負擔,這 樣會影響他們以後正常關係的建立。相反,父母應該積 極樂觀地將小寶寶看作天賜的禮物,讓所有家庭成員都 懷著感恩的心情,迎接新成員的到來。
Overcoming family gaps Every member is a precious pearl to the family spirit, where each plays a significant part in learning and growing from each other. In the second season of Disney’s television programme Good Luck Charlie, every member of the Duncan family is trying to adjust their lives to the birth of their fourth child, Charlotte “Charlie” Duncan. When her parents, Amy and Bob goes to work, they asked her siblings, Teddy, Gabe, and PJ to take care of her. In each episode, Teddy the
Photo | Disney Junior
older sister creates a video for Charlie’s future reference in getting to know their family and advice as a teenager that she will eventually go through, where it filled with chuckles and laughter! Good Luck Charlie will start showing on February 3, Fridays at 9 p.m. on the Disney Junior Channel (now TV 441 & bb TV 311 & CABLE TV 135). 每位家庭成員都是家庭的精神支柱,扮演互相學習和成長的重要角色。 在Disney Junior頻道劇集《我愛夏莉》第二季中,鄧肯家庭的每個成員仍
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在適應家中第四個小生命夏莉的誕生。她徹底地改變了眾人的生活習慣! 由於爸爸鮑伯及媽媽艾咪需要上班,他們要求3個年長的孩子:阿 傑、泰蒂和蓋伯於日常生活照顧小妹妹。三兄妹需要學 習如何照料夏莉如的起居飲食及幼兒學習,期間更鬧出 不少笑話及趣事。而且在同一時間,阿傑、泰蒂和蓋伯 也需面對學校方面和朋友相處的各種問題。阿傑建議把 他們日常照顧夏莉的細節拍攝下來作個紀錄,希望影片 作為夏莉的成長及大家相處的珍貴紀錄。《我愛夏莉》 將由2月3日起逢星期五晚上9時於Disney Junior頻道 (now TV 441、bb TV 311、CABLE TV 135)播出。
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Shrimp Scampi Linguini 大蝦炒意粉 Ingredients • 1 box of whole-wheat linguini • 1 whole garlic, roughly chopped • 2 pounds of peeled, deveined large shrimp • 4 tbsp of organic butter • 1 bunch of Italian parsley, roughly chopped • 1 large lemon zest • 1/2 lemon, juiced Method 1. Boil a pot of generously salted water (sea salt preferred). Add a generous dose of extra olive oil in the pot. Place the linguini in the boiled pot of water and stir. Cook for about 13 minutes or until al dente. Drain the linguini and set aside. 2. In a large pan, melt butter in medium-low heat. Add the roughly chopped garlic with the butter. Stir until garlic turns slightly brown. 3. Add the peeled, deveined shrimp into the pan. Cook the shrimp until it turns a lovely coral color. 4. Quickly toss the linguini in the pan.
材料 • 全麥扁意粉1包 • 蒜頭1個,切碎 • 大蝦2磅,剝殼、去腸 • 有機牛油4湯匙 • 意大利歐芹1根,略略剁碎 • 檸檬皮1大塊 • 檸檬半個,榨汁 做法 1. 煮一鍋鹽水(最好用海鹽),加入橄 欖油,水滾後放入意粉攪拌,煮13分 鐘或至咬下去足夠嚼勁,然後瀝乾備 用。 2. 在大平底鍋以中低火融化牛油,加入蒜 片拌炒至顏色微黃。
5. Take the pan off the burner and lightly toss the lemon zest and the lemon juice in the pan.
3. 將蝦加入鍋中,煮至顏色變橙。
6. Garnish with the Italian parsley right before serving.
5. 鍋離火,加入少許檸檬皮和檸檬汁。
4. 倒入意粉快速翻炒。 6. 上桌前加入意大利歐芹伴碟。
The above recipe (in English) are extracted from Homespun cookbook published by Morningstar Preschool and Kindergarten to raise money for Room to Read’s Local Language Program. Available at Bookazine • MetroBooks • Swindon Book Co. Ltd. • Kelly & Walsh • Hong Kong Book Centre • il Bel Paese • Just Green Convenience Stores • www.ShoppeTales.com www.MorningstarSchools.com
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Few Signs to Raise Your Flag 自閉症其實很普遍
ll children develop differently and parents are avid observers of one of life’s most amazing miracles. Seeing your child walking, learning to talk and turning into a little person makes all the hard work worth the effort. However, for some parents the process might be quite different. For some parents, an ever-pervasive worry starts to set in when their child fails to meet common milestones or begins to exhibit behaviour that might not seem so normal. One disorder that has been growing in prevalence is Autism Spectrum Disorder. Once considered a very rare debilitating disorder, it is now relatively common and the fastest growing developmental disability in the world with 1 out of every 110 children born diagnosed with Autism. The first thing that parents often notice is that their child’s speech is behind or in some cases not happening at all. The frequency of communication initiations may be very low and mostly related to getting things that they want as opposed to initiations that are for more social purposes. Some children may talk in jargon or repeat phrases from adverts or jingles from books or the TV. Parents may notice that: • Their child does not come to them very often to initiate play, show things, or share their experiences by pointing at things in their environment. • Eye contact may be more fleeting and not used effectively to regulate interactions, for example, looking at the parent to share an enjoyable moment or to see if the parent is looking at what they are doing or showing.
Toby Mountjoy
Text | Toby Mountjoy
• It may also be apparent that their child may not show interest in other children and prefers to play by themselves when in a playgroup or when they spend time with other children. Other features of autism that parents may observe: • Their child may be more difficult to engage in play and activities. • Their child may not pay very good attention or frequently walk away from parent initiated activities or interactions. • Some children will also engage in odd behaviour like clapping or flapping their hands frequently, walking on tiptoes, lining objects or toys up, closely regarding objects or the wheels of vehicles. If you are a parent with concerns about your child, the best thing to do is to schedule an appointment to do an assessment with a psychologist experienced in the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders. The worst thing you can do is to ignore the issue and hope it will go away. Many children fail to get help for their condition as parents wait for the situation to improve. Although it can be a difficult step to accepting that there may be something not quite right with your child’s development, it is a critical step in helping your child to overcome their difficulties. Without this help, your child may lose the critical time to receive intervention at an early age. With the advancement in diagnostic tools, most children with autism can be reliably diagnosed by the age of 2; earlier diagnosis is even possible for children as young as 18 months.
s in Los Partnership, a global agency with its headquarter Toby Mountjoy is the Associate Driector of Autism ed Certifi a Board e in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and is Angeles. He holds a Masters of Science degre individuals with autism for 16 years. Behaviour Analyst. He has been working with tjoy為集團副 全球性的兒童發育障礙治療機構。Toby Moun 自閉兒童夥伴集團總部設在美國洛杉磯,是一家 者方面, 而且是合資格的行為分析師。他在治療自閉症患 董事,他取得應用行為分析專業理學碩士學位, 已有16年的實踐經驗。 www.autismpartnership.com.hk
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個兒童都有各自的成長歷程,而家長就是這一偉大的生命奇跡最 熱切的見證者。看著自己的孩子慢慢學會走路、學會開口說話, 像個小人一樣站在你面前,再辛苦也值了。可是,對一些父母來
說,這個過程可能十分不一樣。有些孩子無法達到正常發育的指標、行為跟 別的小孩有別,令到他們的父母整日憂心忡忡、無法安眠。 自閉症的個案正不斷增加。自閉症曾被認為是極其罕見的病症,而現在已比 較普遍,是全世界蔓延最快的發育障礙病症:每110個新生兒中就有一個被 診斷為有自閉傾向。
Currently there is no known cause for autism and currently there is no “cure”. People claiming that they know the cause of autism or that they can cure autism by offering guaranteed treatment outcomes should be avoided. You only have to go to the internet to read that there is a plethora of treatments offered ranging from the traditional to the absurd. Autism has long been a hotbed of alternative treatments and new therapies claiming to treat the disorder with little or no scientific evidence are everywhere for an unassuming parent. It is recommended that parents place their trust in scientifically proven approaches that have shown to be effective. One widely used approach in the USA is Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA). ABA is the most scientifically proven treatment for autism today. It is an intensive approach that seeks to catch up a student’s deficit skills as quickly as possible. ABA is holistic and teaches children language and communication skills, play skills, emotional regulation and social capabilities.
自閉兒童的父母一般最先注意到的,是孩子開口說話較晚,甚至從不說話。 他們的主動交流意願很低,大多時候只是想取得東西,而非與社交有關的活 動。有些孩子還會從書本上或電視廣告裡學一些術語,重複地念這些片語。 自閉兒童的父母也會注意到,孩子一般不會主動找他們玩耍、向他們展示物 品,或是指著自己小地盤上的東西,跟他們一起分享快樂的經歷。目光接觸 時,孩子的眼神總是遊移不定,無法達到正常交流的目的,比如說,他們不 會嚷著爸爸媽媽跟自己一起分享快樂的時光,也甚少看看爸媽是不是留意自 己在做甚麼事情。自閉症患兒對其他小朋友缺乏興趣,在操場上或是跟其他 小朋友在一起的時候,他們總是喜歡一個人躲著自己玩。 自閉兒童的父母還會注意到:他們的孩子較難投入到某一遊戲或活動當中。 對於父母發起的活動或交流,孩子總是無法集中注意力,經常走開。有些孩 子還會出現較特殊的行為,比如說:經常拍手或擊掌、踮著腳尖走路,將物 品或玩具排成一排、整天在研究瑣細的東西或車輪等。 如果你對自己的孩子有任何疑慮,最理智的做法就是預約在自閉症診斷方面 有經驗的心理學家,諮詢一下和做個評估。最可怕的是,有些家長會對此置 之不理,以為孩子會自己好起來。每年都有許多兒童,正因為父母的忽略而 錯過了最佳的治療時機。雖然誰都不願意接受自己孩子發展有別的現實,但 這也是幫助孩子克服困難最關鍵的一步。否則,你的孩子可能會失去及早接 受治療的時機。隨著診斷工具有所改進,我們可以對兩歲的兒童作出可靠的 診斷。有時,也可對18個月的嬰孩作出診斷。 目前,人類對自閉症的病因並不瞭解,也沒有完全治癒的良方。請不要相信 那些自稱了解自閉症成因、向你保證可以完全治癒自閉症的江湖遊醫。網上 對自閉症的治療方法可謂「百家爭鳴」,你打開電腦上網,一看便知。長久以 來,自閉症一直是非傳統療法滋生的溫床。各種新式療法,既無科學根據,亦 無實踐證明,一開始便揚言可以治好自閉症,矇騙善良卻又心存顧慮的父母。 所以,請各位爸爸媽媽要信賴有科學證明的方法,因為這才是對你的孩子最 有幫助的治療。其中應用行為分析法Applied Behavioural Analysis (簡稱 ABA),已在美國得到廣泛應用。ABA是當前治療自閉症最科學的方法,採用 強化治療,幫助兒童在最短的時間內突破發展中存在的障礙。 ABA治療法是 整全的方法,不僅可以提高兒童的語言和溝通能力,同時還能幫助他們積極 參與遊戲、調節情緒,全面培養兒童的社交能力。
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Loc a Trip l 本地 s 玩
the Blaze Blaze the e l y t S y l i Eco-Trails Eco-Trails Fam 5條最佳親子行山徑 Text | Angie
This month is all about getting back to our roots. What better way to do it than to explore the countryside? The goods of exposing kids to botanical nature, overcoming rough and long routes with confidence, it’s healthy and a perfect getaway from urban life. We asked Charles Lee, an eco-tour specialist, to recommend some family-friendly trails and practical tips for parents.
Photo | www.hktraveler.com
Charles Lee 李以強 Charles is the founder of HKTraveler. com, an informative Hong Kong hiking guide; he is also a registered tour and outbound tour escort and tour columnist. He possesses extensive outbound touring experience with knowledge of numerous hiking trails, and is committed to promoting family hiking and ecological tourism.
我們找來生態旅遊專家李以強為父母們推介一些適宜一家大小的 行山線路,及親子行山需要留意的事項和貼士。
書,致力推廣親子行山及生態旅遊。擁有多年行山領隊經 驗,熟悉本港多條行山徑。定期為「旅行家」會員帶領行山 及生態旅遊活動。
Tze Lo Lan Shan Path to Stanley
紫蘿蘭山徑 至 赤柱
Duration: 3 hours Suitable Ages: All ages Characteristics: Straight routes with scenic views of water in the direction of Deep Water Bay, Repulse Bay, South Bay, and Stanley. How to get there: Take Bus 6 or 61 from Central’s Exchange Square (or at Admiralty and Wan Chai’s Queen’s Road East); get off at Wong Nai Chung. 全程時間:3小時 適合年齡:任何年齡 特色:大部份路程沿引水道,平坦易行,下望深水灣、淺水灣、南灣及赤柱等優 美海景。 前往方法:在中環交易廣場巴士總站乘搭6/61(亦可在金鐘、灣仔皇后大道東中途 站上車),於黃泥涌峽下車。
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Quarry Bay Tree Walk
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes Suitable Ages: All ages Characteristics: Labels for plants can be found, as well as communal stoves built during World War II. How to get there: Walk along Mount Parker Road from Quarry Bay MTR Station for 20 minutes till you see the entrance to the Tree Walk. 全程時間:漫步約1小時30分鐘 適合年齡:任何年齡 特色:沿途有樹木名稱簡介,可欣賞大戰遺物——爐灶。 前往方法:鰂魚涌地鐵站步行往柏架山道上山,行約20分鐘可見研習徑入口。
Mangroves Tour at Chek Keng
Duration: 3 hours Suitable Ages: All ages Characteristics: Located at inner coastal area of eastern Sai Kung, 6 varieties of mangroves can be found in Chek Keng. Clear waters and mountain ranges. How to get there: Holidays: Take Bus 96R from Diamond Hill MTR Station to Pak Tam Au bus station (Terminal at Wong Shek Pier). Regular days: Take Bus 92 from Diamond Hill MTR Station to Sai Kung. Take Bus 94 to Pak Tam Au bus station. 全程時間:3小時 適合年齡:任何年齡 特色:赤徑位處西貢港灣內,是目前可找到6種紅樹品種的地方之一。 遠離繁囂,海水清澈,風平浪靜。 前往方法: 假日:鑽石山地鐵站乖搭96R巴士到北潭坳站下車(總站黃石碼頭)。 平日:鑽石山地鐵站乖搭92號巴士到西貢再轉乘94號到北潭坳站下車。
www.peegaboo.com | PJ
High Junk Peak Country Trail
Duration: 2 hours Suitable Ages: All ages Characteristics: Located at the Clearwater Bay, the steep hills have entitled one of the “sharp peaks.” You also get to view the winding coast lines and trail full of greens. How to get there: Take Bus 91 from Diamond Hill MTR Station; get off at Ng Fai Tin. 全程時間:2小時 適合年齡:任何年齡 特色:釣魚翁屹立於清水灣半島,山勢峻峭挺拔,遠近可見,是三尖中較易接近 的尖山。本路線可俯瞰西貢蜿蜒彎曲的海岸線及翠綠的山林景色。 前往方法:九巴91號由鑽石山荷李活廣場開出,於五塊田下車。
Lung Tsai Ng Yue
Duration: 3 hours Suitable Ages: 6 and up Characteristics: Jiangnan courtyard décor has won the title of “Mini West Lake.” The lake is filled with lotus leaves. How to get there: Take Bus 11 after Exit B from the Tung Chung MTR Station. Get off at Keung Shan Stop (with its terminal at Tai O). 全程時間:3小時 適合年齡:6歲起 特色:悟園位處大嶼山大澳龍仔,其江南庭園設計的建築特色有「小西湖」之美 譽。滿塘荷花九曲橋,亭台樓閣水中映。 前往方法:東涌地鐵站B出口巴士總站乘搭11號巴士在羌山龍仔站下車(見觀音寺 牌坊即下車,終點站為大澳)。亦可在梅窩碼頭乘搭1號巴士於羌山龍仔站下車。
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
For Parents & Kids 親子行山
Tips and Suggestions 小貼士 Selecting a Trail: Factors to consider 選擇行山路線:考慮要全面 Charles believes country parks and hiking trails in Hong Kong are safe and user-friendly for most visitors. When it comes to hiking with younger kids, some considerations in choosing the right trail are: • • • • • •
Hiking Distance: consider choosing short routes for young kids Difficulty Level: start with easy trails Alternative Routes Available: so that you can depart if necessary Resting Areas and Recreational Facilities Weather: best to hike on cool and dry days Grassland: Trails with abundance of flat green areas for children to have some play time other than hiking.
李Sir認為,香港的大多數郊野公園和行山徑都是老少都適合的。如果帶較小的孩子 一起去的話,就需要考慮以下一些因素,選對路線: • • • • • •
行山距離:選擇路程較短、適合小朋友的路線 難度級數:應從好走易行的小道開始 備用路線:必要時可揀選幾條,要離開原有路線時作後備 休憩設施:考慮行山途中的休息場所和娛樂設施 天氣:最好在天清氣爽的時候行山 安全草地:選擇在附近有平坦、廣闊綠地的路線。這樣孩子在行山之餘,可以四 處玩耍。
Before Hiking: What You Need 行山前的準備
In the Wild – Hikers Alert! 郊野行山注意事項!
• Proper hiking footwear • Dress light • Functional backpack to hold all items, so that you can hike “empty-handed” • Mosquito sprays and related products • Sun screen • Clean backup outfit after sweaty hiking • Dry snacks and water • Digital camera • A small ball or toys to play on the green
• • • •
• 準備行山時要穿的鞋子 • 衣著要輕便 • 配備多功能背囊,將所有必要物品都放入 去,以便「空手」遠足 • 驅蚊噴霧劑 • 防曬準備 • 準備清潔用品,以便在滿頭大汗後使用 • 小吃和水 • 數碼相機 • 小球或小玩具,以便孩子在綠地上玩耍
Sudden change of weather – leave trail as soon as possible. Check telephone reception. If lost, try to retrace steps to original route. Plan a stop halfway along the trail to allow everyone to have a short break and refuel. • Signs from children feeling over-exhaustion: take break immediately and depart if necessary. • Avoid adding unplanned extra routes in the middle. It’s easy to get lost. • • • •
天氣突變時,及時離開。 檢查電話接收信號。 如果迷路了,試著回到最初的路線上。 安排中途休息的地方,讓大家停下來,休息一下:吃點東 西、喝點水。 • 發現孩子過度疲勞時, 立刻休息;有必要的 話,應該折回。 • 避 免 中 途 加 入 未 知 路 線,這樣很易會迷路。
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Explore Further at Home App
Enjoy Hiking This app was launched by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and shows various hiking trails in Hong Kong, where you can choose a trail according to your family preference. With this app in hand, you are never too far away from natural settings. Free on iTunes & Android Market. 這個由香港漁農自然護理署推出的app,展示了 香港各地的行山路線。你可以根據自己的家庭情 況,選擇合適的行山路線。一個app在手,郊野 行山無慮無憂!Apple Store和Android Market都 有得免費下載。
The Cat in the Hat Your kids are now fascinated by flowers, plants, insects and other fauna. Parents can expand this exploration with Disney’s television programme The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That! where our beloved Dr. Seuss leads his friends Nick and Sally, the Fish, Thing One and Thing Two to discover the natural adventures! The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That! is now showing every night at 10:00 p.m. on the Disney Junior Channel (now TV 442 & bb TV 312 & CABLE TV 136). 行山之後,你的孩子是不是愛上大自然的花草樹木、 昆蟲小鳥?家長可以跟孩子一起看Disney Junior頻道 的《萬能貓博士》,擴闊他們對大自然的知識。萬能 貓博士引領和尼克和莎莎,及他的兩個稀奇古怪的小 幫手丁一和丁二,帶我們踏上自然科學的神秘旅程。 《萬能貓博士》現於每晚10時在Disney Junior頻道播 出。(now TV 442 、bb TV 312 、CABLE TV 136)
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
For 0-3 yrs My First Farm Friends: Books in a Barn
Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack Lynley Dodd HK$66
Betsy Wallin HK$133
Hairy Maclary is looking for some peace and quiet for his afternoon d o z e b u t h e’s f o l l o w e d b y a yellow duckling, Zachary Quack everywhere. Eventually they curl up together for a doze in the sun!
This irresistible set of 4 illustrated board books depicts the story of daily life with 4 farm animals — chicken, goat, cow, and pig — on the farm while introducing basic vocabulary words.
陽光普照的下午,Hairy Maclary正想 找個安靜地方小休,黃色小鴨Zachary Q uack卻一直在後面跟著,怎也擺 脫不了。最後牠們兩個一起在陽 光 下打盹!
雞、羊、牛、豬,每本書一種動物, 以立體動物圖和基本詞彙帶出有趣 的農場世界,集成這一套豪華禮盒 裝圖書。
For 4-6 yrs My Silly Body and Book Paul Hanson & Eric Nagourney HK$98 A full-colour illustrated cardboard reveals every part inside your body: organs, bloodstream, ner ves, and muscles—with captions that describe what each does. 想知大腦、心臟裡面長怎樣?這本 全彩圖文 並 茂的書會像照全身X 光一樣,看到身體裡裡外外,探究 其 結構 和構造,讓你對自己的身 體更了解。
My Fairy Winter Wonderland Maggie Bateson & Louise Comfort HK$176 Read this story where the fairies will bring you scene by scene to unfold this magical world of frozen waterfalls, snowy markets and cosy cabins. 小朋友請翻開這本精彩有趣童話繪本, 這裡有結了冰的魔法瀑布、冰雪市場和 舒適無比的小木屋!小仙女將帶你從 這個場景到下一個場景,每處都閃閃 發光,讓你感覺置身於仙女王國之中!
For parents Oxford Illustrated Children’s Dictionary & Thesaurus Published by Oxford University Press HK$220 Children’s dictionary and thesaurus all-in-one! A perfect tool for writing support. From the world’s No. 1 dictionary publisher. Exclusively sold by BOOKLODGE in Hong Kong. 字典和詞典二合為一,能協助小朋友英文寫作的最佳工具書。由世界第一大字典出版 商出版,香港由BOOKLODGE獨家發售。
* The above titles are all available at www.booklodge.com.
PJ | www.peegaboo.com
Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure 2011 《小姐與流氓 2:小流氓勇闖大世界》
Lady and the Tramp 《小姐與流氓》 閃鑽珍藏版
Ages: 3+ yrs DVD: HK$98
Ages: 3+ yrs DVD:HK$128
Share the wonder and enchantment in Lady And The Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure. This time, Scamp joins a notorious pack that includes streetwise Buster and a sweet stray Angel. Will Scamp choose the collar-free life with his new pals or the pampered home life? With nonstop laughs and paw-tapping songs, this animation is a new breed of Disney family fun!
Experience the thrilling adventures of Lady, a lovingly pampered cocker spaniel, and Tramp, a freewheeling mutt with a heart of gold. This heartwarming tale now charms a new generation of families and fans with its exquisite animation, unforgettable songs and one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Treasure Buddies 《迪士尼寶貝狗》 Ages: 5+ yrs DVD: HK$98 Disney’s irresistible talking puppies: Budderball, B-Dawg, Rosebud, Buddha and Mudbud are back in this epic adventure with their new friends, Cammy and Babi. In a race against the devious cat, all must avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and explore a mysterious tomb — all in search of the greatest treasure known to animalkind. 迪士尼寶貝狗系列一年一度全新鉅獻!肥仔、型仔、玫瑰妹妹、 福祖和烏卒卒,將會走入古埃及的神秘遺址,與新朋友一起踏上 刺激好玩的尋寶之旅!為了對付邪惡的貓首領,寶貝狗和新相識 的駱駝甘美、馬騮仔巴比等動物,一起避過危險的陷阱和機關, 闖入神秘墓穴找尋關係著動物界命運的大寶藏!
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win a DVD! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「Jetso」區,並回答簡單問題, 贏取DVD一隻﹗
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NSI Nurture Lotion 保濕滋潤乳液 NSI possesses more than 60 years of professional experience in providing the finest selection of quality nail polish and skincare products. NSI Nurture Lotion contains Jojoba Oil and Grapeseed Oil, which are effective in moisturising and soothing skin. With Jojoba Oil’s ability to resemble the natural oils produced by human skin, and Grapeseed Oil’s ability to perform moisture retention, NSI products provide perfect treatment for damaged and stressed skin conditions. NSI擁有超過60年經營美甲及護膚產品的經驗。旗下的保濕滋潤乳液(手 部及身體護理)特別加入荷荷芭油及葡萄籽油,有效保濕和及舒緩皮膚。 荷荷巴油是世界上最接近人體所產生的自然油份,所以可使皮膚容易吸收 並可作鎮靜皮膚的功效,而葡萄籽油具具有抗氧化、重組皮膚組織及鎖水 功能,提供全面性肌膚收復治療,使肌膚更滋潤亮白。 www.arkglobal.com.hk 2838 5560
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win 3
bottles of NSI Nuture Lotion (2oz/ bottle, total value of HK$96) + 30% discount on all NSI products. 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取NSI Nuture Lotion保濕滋 潤乳液3支 (每支2oz,共值HK$96) + 購買所有NSI產品可獲七折優惠。
《成語真有趣圖 解100例》 看趣味小故事 輕鬆學成語 《成語真有趣圖解100 例》嘗試把遙遠的過去和 五光十色的現代結合,取 材自生活瑣事,把成語編 寫成趣味小故事。故事的 背景就是現代的生活,主 角就是朋友、家長,你和 我﹗此書從《香港小學學 習字詞表》中選取了最常 用的200條成語,每條均以四格漫畫形式來解構,並有作家筆 下的經典文句例子,深入淺出,有趣幽默,讓家長及孩子從字 裡行間輕鬆體會使用成語的妙處。
立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答 簡單問題,有機會贏取《成語真有趣圖解100例》一本(價值 HK$62)。 鳴謝:商務印書館
Laboratory JaneClare Revitalise Your Skin from Aging 為細胞補充能量 As winter sets deeper, the ability of our skin’s metabolic activity start diminishing. Laboratory JaneClare becomes our saviour with their key products: WOW Reborn Power Cream skin helps aged or damaged skin to regain its youthful look and vitality; the Blueberry Revital Firming Mask strengthens the skin’s moisture barrier and improves its resilience and firmness. 進入冬季,肌膚細胞代謝機能放緩,吸收力減弱。 靚媽一族急需為細胞注入能量,讓肌膚 重拾活力朝氣。Laboratory JaneClare 品牌之冠「再生修護乳霜」及另一皇牌 「藍莓薰香活膚緊緻面膜」含強效補濕 抗氧化配方,為肌膚灌注水分,兩者能幫 靚媽們的肌膚重獲光澤和彈性。 www.janeclare.com.hk
Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the ‘Jetso’ section and answer a simple question to win 2pcs of Laboratory JaneClare “Blueberry Revital Firming Mask” (Total valued at HK$220). 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會 贏取Laboratory JaneClare藍莓薰香活膚緊緻面膜2片(共值HK$220)。
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REEBOK Kids Versa Pump Fury “Mini-Me” REEBOK Classics 照顧小朋友足部健康
Baby Central New Showroom Retail, Café, Playzone All-In-One 新陳列室開張
Reebok, for the first time, launched a mini version of its classic series Versa Pump Fury and Pump Omni Lite. Kids Versa Pump Fury adopted magical tapes for kids’ convenience. Both series adopted vibrant colours and received certification by the American Podiatric Medical Association, recognising the sneakers’ ability to ensure and cater children’s health and developmental needs. Furthermore, both comes with a “Pump Icon,” making adorable beeps on every step of the way.
Baby Central first retail showroom is now available! Customers can now browse through everything from its online shop at this 5,000 sq ft showroom, so they can now try before they buy! An indoor playzone was created for the kids to play whilst the parents can do comfortable shopping or have a snack at the café, all at the same spot!
Reebok Classic首次推出袖珍版兒童鞋Kids Versa Pump Fury及Versa Pump Omni Lite系列,
Baby Central第一個零售陳列室現已開張!現在,父母可以在這 個5,000平方尺的陳列室內舒舒服服地飽覽Baby Central網上商 店的商品,爸媽們現在可以試用產品,覺得合適才成交!陳列 室內還特別建了一個playzone給孩子,爸媽可以安心購物,或在 café那邊嘆個下午茶。 7/F, BT Centre, 23 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen
讓酷愛潮流的家長能與子女一起「潮」裝上陣! 前者靈感來自Reebok經典鞋款Versa Pump Fury,鞋跟採用魔術貼設計,穿脫更為 方便。後者靈感則來自Reebok另一經 典鞋款Pump Omni Lite,新款採用醒目 顏色。兩款兒童鞋不止同時獲得美國足健醫 學學會APMA認證,足證此鞋款能照顧兒童足部健康發展的 需要,同時亦設有可發出咇咇聲響的「Pump Icon」,令小 朋友對這對既好玩又型格的兒童鞋愛不釋手。 www.reebok.com/HK
K-Magic 奇智寶盒 Device for the New Generation 新世代啟智玩具 K-Magic is an educational device specially for children aged 0 to 6. This interactive device is designed by K’s Kids, an innovative team with many years of toy making experience. The K-Magic Sets features 3.5 square inches of high resolution monitor including Music for Babies Cards, Baby’s First Words Cards, Educational Game Cards, and 20-minute Built-in Cartoons (in English, Japanese, Putonghua, and Cantonese). These interactive activities cover all children’s needs to foster their developmental and intellectual potentials. Its carrying bag and hanging strap can be placed next to the bed and in the back of the cars add the convenience to interactive learning at any place at anytime. 勇奪多個創意性親子兒童玩具獎項的K’s Kids,以集合多年製作玩具的 智慧,並加入劃時代的新思維,為孩子製作更多更有教育意義和啟發智 能的玩具!由K’s Kids開發的革命性啟智學習產品K-Magic「奇智寶盒」 ,採用了3.5英吋高清彩色顯示屏,並結集「60分鐘音樂精選」、「240 個英文生字」、「288個互動遊戲」及「20集益智卡通」(包括英語、 日語、普通話及廣東話四種語言)於一身,全面照顧 0-6歲幼童於不同 成長階段的需要,全方位開發兒童的大腦學習潛能,並有助培養兒童的 情緒智商。體積適中的K-Magic更可安裝在嬰兒床邊,汽車椅背及嬰兒 手推車上,讓寶寶隨時玩、隨時學! Kmagic.kskids.com 2108 0388
K-Magic Combo Set $1,699 • K-Magic First Born Set $1,129 • K-Magic Standard Set $1,099
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