Pj 142

Page 1

03 2012

Issue 142



Editor’s Note


Our Readers


Say Cheese!


What’s On


Monthly Notepad


Global Eye


Our Picks

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Sex Talk with Kids-How? 性 你會點教?


Interview Ricky Yau Letting Children Resonate with Piano Music 邱世傑 讓孩子與鋼琴有共鳴


Pregnancy Having Trouble Breathing? How to Cope with Shortness of Breath in Pregnancy? 懷孕後期呼吸變急促?


Baby Zone When Baby Won’t Sleep 為何BB不肯覺覺豬?


Health Breakfast for Children: Something Different 孩子早餐 不要例牌


Learning High IQ = Good Language Skills? 智商高 = 語文能力高?


Expert Says The More Tutoring, the Better? 補習愈多愈好?


Playground Create Your Own Fairy Forest 砌出童話森林


Healthy Recipe Gourmet Mac N’ Cheese 芝士椰菜花焗通粉


Out & About Macau Family Playtime 澳門親子去處多


Column Snails and Puppy Dog Tails 小生命尊重小生命


Event Highlight






What’s Hot

Publisher Michelle Liu

Chief Editor Emily Choi

Editor Ealon Li

Reporter Angie Lee

Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Villy Leung

Sales and Marketing Manager Desmond Lam, Ronald Li

Web Master Daniel Tse

Senior Designer Chow Kwok Wang

Designer Natalie Wong

Photography Art Direction Chow Kwok Wang

Photography Baby da Vinci Photography

Administration & Subscriptions Ariel Ng

Advertising Department (852) 3741 1720 sales@peegaboo.com

Welcome Kasper! Before I star ted writing, I received an email from my boss David, bringing us the great news – his wife, our CEO Michelle, gave birth to their second child! Below is the message: What a dramatic day...Michelle and I went for a walk on Bowen Road...we walked to the end point – Adventist Hospital, and Michelle started to have contractions! Yeah! So we walked straight in to check in. Haha!!! After more than 5 years and 10 months, we entered the delivery room again and are happy to welcome “Big Dragon Kasper”, naturally born on 2012/02/12, weighing 8.9lbs. We are blessed! Thanks to our family and friends for their support! It was absolutely dramatic! It is the perfect arrangement from above! At Peegaboo we are all excited about the arrival of Kasper! Despite the fact that I’m already a mother of two, while looking at the tiny chubby face of Kasper, I could still overwhelmingly feel the joy and contentment that a newborn baby brings to his parents – an unbeatable and irreplaceable feeling! From our offices, we wish Kasper and every Dragon baby in your family good health and happiness!

巨龍寶寶,歡迎你﹗ 發稿前兩天,收到老板David的電郵,得知她跟太太,亦即是我們的CEO Michelle的第二 個寶寶出世了﹗電郵內容是這樣的: 「多麼戲劇化的一天……我和Michelle於寶雲道散步……行到盡頭——港安醫院,Michelle 突然開始陣痛﹗Yeah! 於是我們直接走入醫院check in. Haha!!! 5年10個月後的今日,又 一次來到產房——我們的細囝『巨龍Kasper』於2012年2月12日誕生了,重8.9磅﹗多謝 家人及朋友的支持和關心﹗非常感恩!」 這簡直是上天的完美安排﹗百家寶公司上下都為「巨龍」Kasper的到來感到興奮﹗已經

Published by: Peegaboo Corporation Limited 10/F, Jonsim Place 228 Queen’s Road East Wai Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3741 1720 Fax: (852) 3741 1725 Email: info@peegaboo.com

生了兩個小孩的我,看見相中Kasper肥嘟嘟的小面龐,仍然強烈感覺到初生嬰兒帶給父 母的那份喜悅和滿足——是至高無上的、是無可取替的﹗ 在此,願Kasper和你們的龍BB,個個都肥肥白白﹗健康快樂﹗聽教聽話﹗

Printed by: Asia One Printing Limited 13/F, Asia One Tower, 8 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2889 2320 www.asiaone.com.hk

All rights reserved. No part of The Parents’ Journal may be reproduced or used in any form – graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopied – without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect to any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue, or for any errors, omissions or mistakes in any such advertisements or references.

Emily Choi Chief Editor Correction Notice:

Please note the following correction to this magazine of February 2012, vol. 141, on p. 63, the channel for “Good Luck Charlie” should be Disney Channel; and on p.72 the Disney Junior Channel programme should be The Cat In The Hat Knows A Lot About That. We regret the error.

更正啟示: 本雜誌2012年2月號,第141期63頁內介紹《我愛夏莉》劇集頻道應為迪士尼頻道;及第72頁介紹 的迪士尼兒童頻道節目應為《萬能貓博士》,特此更正。

本刊保留一切版權。未經出版人同意,不能複印或以任何形 式(包括圖像、電子、技術和影印)使用《育兒天地》任何部 份。出版人、編輯和作者對本刊廣告或相關文字的任何錯 漏,及所介紹之產品、貨物或服務一概毋須負上法律責任。 www.facebook.com/Peegaboo


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What’s up

Chiu Yuet Yi To some people, I am too young to be a mother, at around 20, to have two daughters: 8-year-old Kitty, and 21-month-old Julia. Switching the role from a student to a full time housewife was not quite easy at the beginning. When I was in college, I followed what other people planned for me. But now, I am the one doing all the planning for my children. Although I am not Kitty’s biological mother, I treat her as if she were my birth daughter. I am delighted to see that Julia and Kitty love each other very much. Kitty sometimes tells me that she doesn’t like her birth mother because her mum has done something really bad against her. But I told Kitty to let go the past, and move on. I taught my little girl that she has to love her biological mother in the way she loves me! That is what Jesus teaches us “We have to love both our friends and our enemies!”

What present will you give your child on his/her 10th birthday? I do not have any idea what do give on their 10th birthday, but I am sure the love from my husband and I (e.g. a true love kiss) will be the greatest birthday presents. They may forget the meaning of love if we are too materialistic. What is the most embarrassing thing your child ever said? It was when Kitty asked me how to have a baby. I didn’t know how to answer because she is not old enough to understand, and it seems too difficult to explain in a simple way… [Ed: Our Feature story on p.25-41 will help]

Your Voice

Send an email to editor@peegaboo.com with the subject ‘What’s Up’. Then we will send out the questions for you to answer. If your sharing is published, you will receive a Sponsor: HK$1,000 voucher from Moments Child & Baby Portraiture. 你只需以「What’s Up」為主旨,電郵至editor@peegaboo.com, 我們即會寄出問題供你回答。你的分享一經刊登,即可獲得由 兒童凝像攝影送出價值港幣1,000元禮券。

Fashion Shoot To c o m p l y w i t h t h i s month’s Feature on sex education, we asked our little models for some

頗為全面,了解 多咗。 - 不網購媽媽

原來家有孕婦不宜種聖 誕花!多謝你哋提供的 知識。 - Tina Tina

sedentary poses. Yet it’s kids’ nature to be active! You see, Sheung Sheung can’t help messing with the props in the studio! Want to register your child for our fashion shoot? You are welcome to send your child’s front photo along with information below to: model@peegaboo.com. 為了配合今期的專題,我們要求小模特兒去做一些比較靜態的姿 勢,但活躍好玩是孩子的天性,你看雙雙,只顧抓住公仔不放! 想你孩子也參與我們的Fashion Shoot嗎?請將正面近照連同以下

Colourful news! - Hazel

Give us your voice at: editor@peegaboo.com


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資料電郵至model@peegaboo.com。 (1) Child’s Name 孩子姓名 (2) Sex 性別 (3) Date of Birth 出生日期 (4) Contact No. 聯絡電話 (5) Preferred Time 首選時間

Amber Lam 15 mths Quarry Bay

Kayden Wan 8 mths Tin Shui Wai

寶寶 想哭了 ?! Baby, D on’t Cr y!

Elliott Kiln 6 mths Ap Lei Chau

Hoi Lam 6 mths Tsuen Wan

Daraco Wan 4 mths Tseung Kwan O

Lee Ho Man 9 mths Tseung Kwan O

Gift of the Month


Amma, Tell Me About Ramayana! 一本 (Valued at HK$98)

Theme for April: I Love Easter Eggs! (Closed)

Theme for May: I Love MaMa (Recruiting) 4月主題:我愛復活蛋﹗ (經已截止上載)



Want to upload your kid’s photos and receive the update on the monthly theme in time? Go to Peegaboo.com and join the “Say Cheese” group now! 想上載孩子照片並即時知道每月主題更新,並了解參加辦法,請即上 Peegaboo.com,加入「Say Cheese」群組!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Elise Sasa Lam 11 mths Sheung Shui

Or Pak Hong 2.5 yrs Tuen Mun

Jovian Chan 6 mths Lamtin

Sophie Shum 7 mths Ma Wan

All these winning photos would be uploaded to facebook.com/peegaboo. Don’t forget to click “Like” to spread the joy! 得獎照片將會上載至 facebook.com/peegaboo,記得上嚟 click「Like」,讓全世界知道!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Tung Tung 11 mths Shek Kip Mei

Nicole Wong 17 mths Kwai Chung

Bonus gift for Star of the Month 「每月之星」額外獎賞 Amma, Tell Me About Holi! AND Amma, Tell Me About Diwali! (Total valued at HK$196)

Mar 360°分娩全接觸 婦產科專科醫生將以專業角度分享有關產前檢查、分娩 知識、產後護理及母乳哺飼須知等等,各位孕媽媽萬勿 錯過。該講座由雀巢香港有限公司贊助。(詳情見p.58)

Hong Kong International Literary Festival 2012 香港國際青少年讀者節2012 Featuring overseas and local authors, the Festival has become an important and significant

When: Mar 16, 6:30-8pm

event with programmes that include winners of the world’s leading literary prizes such as

Where: Peegaboo Academy 百家寶學府

Man Booker, Nobel Prize in Literature, Pulitzer Prize, etc. A range of workshop, seminars,

Enquiries: 3741 1720

and symposiums are held to enhance interactions between readers and authors. Among them, Bring Me a Book (HK) Foundation organise “A Family Reading Affair,” a 2-day workshops to provide guidances on children reading, writing, and speaking. Children will get to participate in interesting handcrafts and interactive book-reading with specialists. 香港國際青少年讀者節已成為每年閱讀界的一件盛事,其中包括本地及海外文學獎得主,如 英國曼布克獎、諾貝爾文學獎、普利策獎等文學家,讀者節中將會舉行一系列研討會和專題 討論會,以加強讀者和作者之間的交流。其中,跟書伴我行香港基金會聯合舉辦的「A Family

產前產後10大攻略 她豐富的陪月經驗,公開育 導師級陪月員 將於講座分享 ,讓孕媽媽輕鬆掌握坐月及 嬰技巧及烹調食療補品心得 適合孕媽媽參加。該講座由 照顧嬰兒的必學攻略,絕對 情見p.58) 雀巢香港有限公司贊助。(詳 When: Mar 23, 6:30 -8pm y 百家寶學府 Where: Peegaboo Academ 1720 Enquiries: 3741

Reading Affair」將於柴灣青年廣場舉行。這個為期2天的研討會,會對家長作出兒童讀、講、 寫的指導。兒童亦可以參加有趣的手工藝品工作坊,並與專家互動閱讀。 When: Mar 17-18 Where: Youth Square, Chai Wan 柴灣青年廣場 Enquiries: www.youngreadersfestival.org.hk

Hong Kong Flower Show 香港花卉展覽 The annual Hong Kong Flower Show is your opportunity to literally take the time to smell the flowers! On show are a rich profusion of potted plants, beautiful floral arrangements as well as gorgeous landscape displays by local, Mainland and overseas participants. 香港花卉展覽是康樂及文化事務署推廣園藝和綠 化意識的重點項目。除了可以欣賞到花型 秀麗、顏色奪目的主題花「風信子」之外,你更 可以觀賞到來自本地、內地及海外園藝機構 展出悉心栽培的盆栽、造型優美的花藝擺設, 以及色彩繽紛的園景設計。 When: Mar 16-25, 9am-9pm Where: Victoria Park 香港維多利亞公園 Enquiries: 2601 8260

The Little Big Club - Live In Concert This concert stars all your child’s favourite characters, in one fun, song and dance, musical show! Starring Barney and feature some of his friends in this 90 minute show are

Art of Falling 跌倒的藝術

Barney、Thomas、Bob the Builder,這個音樂會一次過齊集

Ming Ri Institute for Ar ts Education proudly presents “Parachutists or On the Art of Falling”, a physical theatre specially for children. Combined with physical movements, dance, humor and rhythm, the play has highly praised by


audience of all ages.


明日機構首度邀請國際兒童及青少年戲劇協會(ASSITEJ International)秘書長 Ivica Šimić 重 新執導舞蹈形體兒童劇場「Parachutists or On the Art of Falling」香港版,以形體、舞蹈、幽


When: Apr 6-9 Where: Star Hall, ITEC, Kowloon Bay 九展 Ticketing: www.urbix.hk

默、節奏觸動兒童和青少年的心,定將不同年齡人士歡迎。 When: Mar 17-18, 24-25 Where: 荃灣大會堂文娛廳 Ticketing: www.urbix.hk


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ipad app Bongo Touch Kid

• A boy from Los Angeles who enrolled

• 一 位8歲就上大學的洛杉磯男


university at age 8 has written a book


USD 0.99

offering guidelines explaining hard work and


commitment can accomplish everything.


There is no genius involved. • A transgender man from the UK has

• 英國日前爆出該國第一位「男性

become the first British “male mother”. This


unnamed man, who was born a woman but


lives as a transgendered man, has given birth to a son last year.

• 瑞士研究指出,兒童在幼年就可

• A study from Switzerland indicates children in their early years are likely to become

能出現自私的情況。他們會在7 至8歲時才學會分享的美德。

selfish. They learn to develop the virtue of sharing by the time of age 7 or 8. Even you haven’t tried that before, you might by chance

• 中國計劃發出一項新規定,禁止

have seen others playing. Now it’s available for children,

• A new regulation passed in China banning


with 15 songs that kids will fall into. The level is also tuned

orphanages to give certain surnames to


for kids to enjoy the beats.

newborns without parents as in labeling


太鼓達人,各位爸爸媽媽未玩過應該都見過別人玩過吧? 現在它出了兒童版啦﹗度身揀選了15首小朋友會喜歡的歌

them as orphans. Instead common Chinese family names are used.


Micro Blog

Great Quotes

@小S:現在懷孕7個多月,最困難的事是剪腳指 甲,突然發現他們離我好遠!原來我們之間有阻 礙,是這種感覺啊!

@陳琪:她今天玩得十分高興! 而我就付出$90/lbs的代價換她的快樂



其實我個人好鬼為食,好鍾意周圍搵好嘢食, 咁啱早幾個月我得閒,拍完戲收工冇嘢做,又 得我一個人,咪試吓自己煮囉!同埋我想煮 quality food畀兩個仔,所以一得閒就會諗煮 個健康早餐畀佢哋食,起碼我會知道佢兩個擺 咗啲咩落肚! 這是霆鋒在抱怨柏芝對囝囝飲食照顧不當嗎? 如果佢出嚟唱《小玩意》,我就會喺屋企唱 《垃圾》,細蚊仔會對住我唱《你沒有好結 果》,我哋屋企有 4人小圈子投票, 2票反對, 1票贊成, 1票白票,我哋尊重結果,香港未有 普選,樂壇都冇,所以復出唔成立。 林海峰笑稱家中已作投票,透露一家不贊成彭 羚復出唱歌。

@吳君如大美女:右邊的布娃娃是我女 兒從小的最愛永不離手,以防掉了我買 了五隻後備,每次她一摸就知道是真是

我想生龍B,所以要努力『造人』,快啲泵大 家蔚個肚。 洪天明心急恨生龍B。

假,經過六年來我數十次的修補,唉, 馬騮仔辛苦了。 @黃偉文:親愛的,你你我我誰不是修補過幾百次,誰不是身邊有一堆冒 牌貨,全靠愛我們的人都是「一摸就知道是真是假」,我們才不致被「後 備」取代吧!呼~好險!感恩!


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每晚食完一碗飯又一碗,肥到成個波咁! 郭羨妮自爆胃口大增,懷孕5個月已有130磅。


Tezuka Osamu’s World 手塚治蟲之特展

This exhibition is currently held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts till April 4, and that it pays tribute to one of Japan’s greatest comic book artist, Tezuka Osamu. Manga fans and visitors get to see his 160 precious original copies and 16 comic works. Children can also experience the production process of creating a comic animation. It is said that the exhibition will move to Shanghai after April. 許多手塚迷都錯過了去年暑假台北的「手塚治蟲的世 界特展」,原來它最近換了場館再展出。4月4日前到台 中國立台灣美術館便可見到大師筆下的16部漫畫、160 張珍貴手稿,小朋友更可在互動體驗區藉由電腦和相關 工具,學習將4格漫畫轉變為動畫的製作過程。據說4月 後特展會再移師上海。香港,幾時有? tezuka.ishow.gmg.tw


Furniture Artistic Factory 聘請兒子搞藝術

Dutch artist Lucas Maassen loves to use all kinds of experiments to illustrate his creativeness. This time, he hired his 3 sons: Thijme, Julian, and Maris, to do freestyle colour-paintings on some wood-made furniture. After a week of collaboration, the painted furnitures amazed many by revealing the fascination of childhood wonder. 荷蘭搞鬼藝術家Lucas Maassen喜歡用各種各樣的實驗來實現他獨特 的創意。這次他「聘請」了自己9歲的Thijme、7歲的Julian和Maris三個孩 子,將只有基礎架構的各種原木傢俱任由孩子們隨意創作。經過長達一 星期時間的「合作」,這些傢俱呈現出充滿夢幻感的童趣色彩,令人不禁 為小朋友的創造力感到驚訝。 www.lucasmaassen.nl

Flying Books up to the Oscars 奧斯卡提名動畫 The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore has been nominated for this year’s Oscar’s best animated short film. The film contains old schooled and cutting edge elements: it pays tribute to the silent film era while using an iPad app to capture the hearts of young and old. Booklovers should not miss this film that which is about the curative powers of books, especially when it is now available free to watch online! 每年奧斯卡,大人們都會留意誰是最佳男女主角誰得最佳影片。其實 每年提名最佳動畫短片的作品,好多都適合小朋友收看。今屆有一部 《The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore》,先以iPad app俘獲孩子的心,再演變為動畫短片,放上網免費任睇,未獲獎先 引起大迴響。愛書的孩子必看! vimeo.com/35404908


PJ | www.peegaboo.com


Luxury Wraps for Newborns 蠶繭形高貴包被

The Baby Bach Cocoons are luxury new-born baby wrappers made by SU BACH, a high-end baby fashion brand based in London. Elegantly designed, SU BACH’s products are made of the finest fabrics such as GOTS-certified cotton, Italian silk and French lace. The cocoons can spread out as changing mats and the zippers are nickel-free, great for delicate baby skin! 這是甚麼?它叫Cocoons,即是像蠶繭一樣包住小寶寶的包被,來自倫敦 的高級嬰兒時尚品牌SU BACH,選用GOTS認證有機棉製成,以意、法兩地 的優質物料裝飾,高貴感十足。而包被的拉鍊設計更可讓你解開攤平變成墊 子,非常實用;拉鍊亦不含鎳,絕對適合小baby幼嫩肌膚。

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a SU BACH Luxury Baby Bach Cocoon (Valued at HK$2,600). 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,贏取SU BACH高貴 嬰兒包被一張 (價值HK$2,600)。



100% Handmade Soap 全人手製造肥皂

What’s so special about this soap? This So...Soap recruits regular housewives as soap-makers from our local communities. Blending quality saponified plant- based oils, magnetized nano-filtered water and natural essential oils, totally handmade and encased with recyclable bottles. How meaningful it is to contribute to the community when the whole production is meant to save the earth! 區區一塊肥皂,有何特別?這「區區肥皂」,不區學歷地先在各區招募婦女成 為肥皂師,再以優質皂化植物油、過濾水、天然香薰油等100%純天然成分全 人手製成有機肥皂液,裝入回收再利用的豆漿樽,然後不經分銷直接把產品送 到你手中,而你用後的殘餘24小時內就會分解於水中。整個過程務求減輕地球 負擔,同時促進社區發展,當中意義絕對不簡單﹗ Subscribe PJ now to get a set of Body Soap + Hand Soap from So...Soap! (Valued at HK$218). 訂閱《育兒天地》,有機會獲得區區洗身 + 區區洗手肥皂液一套 (價值HK$218)。 訂閱詳情見p.86。



Anti-Door Jam Dumbbell 愛子防夾小啞鈴

International studies revealed how common it is for average 5 year old children injuried their fingers by doors at home. A Hong Kong architect and a beloved father raised his lightbulbs after seeing common flaws on door devices, and invented this dumbbell–looking Smart Door Stop. It automatically slips into an open door gap when the door opens, and leaves a gap when the door closes to prevent children from jamming their fingers at the door hinges and door locks. 國際醫學研究指出,小孩被門夾傷十分普遍,年齡多小於5歲,且多發生在家中。本 地一位建築師兼愛心爸爸,有鑒於坊間類似裝置缺點多多,靈機一觸,發明了這個 「幼兒防夾啞鈴」。當用家開門時,啞鈴會即時自動攝入門隙。隨後關門時,啞鈴 因仍處於門隙中,故此可防止小孩於門鉸及門鎖兩側被夾傷。


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Talk with Kids – How?


Text | Ealon & Angie Edit | Emily & Ealon English Translation | Angie Chinese Translation | Ealon Art | Wang & Natalie Model | Sheung Sheung, Fung Cheuk Yu, AJ, Joseph Wong

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Avoidance Creates More Problems 不教問題多

Why Sexual


for Young Children is So Important?

幼兒性教育 點解咁重要? Text | Tina Stephenson

“Mummy, Where do babies come from?” It is a question most parents dread and few are ready for, especially from very young children. Most parents are intimidated about talking to their children about sex, never mind having to begin these difficult conversations when their child is still just an innocent little toddler. But toddlers, kindergarteners, children and teens all need to learn about their own and others sexuality. Starting from before they can talk children are curious about all of the strange and wonderful parts of their bodies and the bodies of both their parents. From our earliest months we are great explorers of the world. Young children explore everything! And the world of sex is simply another thing to explore and investigate. And it is critically important that you do talk to your child openly about their body parts, privacy, biology and eventually relationships and sexuality, so many all-important aspects of understanding the workings of sex from a very young age. But I think that what most parents intuitively understand, and why they are often so intimidated about talking about providing is sex education to their young child is that talking about sex is not just a normal everyday type of education, it is an education steeped in trust, open communication, future dangers and taboos. It is intimidating, but it is vitally important. Talking


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openly and honestly about sex and how it works sets a strong foundation for talking about difficult and complex topics. And it is never too early to build a foundation of open and honest communication with your child. 「媽咪,我是從哪裡來的?」這是一個多數家長都害怕被問到、而 又未準備好怎回答的問題,尤其是當這問題由年紀很小的孩子提出 時。很多香港家長都害怕跟孩子談性,不知該如何談性,更遑論在 孩子還是純真幼兒時,就要開始這艱難的對話。 無論是學步幼兒、上幼稚園、上小學的孩子,抑或青少年,都需要了 解性方面的事,無論是關於自己的,還是關於別人的。孩子都會對 自己的身體、父母的身體的一些「獨特的部位」感到好奇,父母應 在這之前便開始性教育。人類在出世後的頭幾個月內便開始對世界 進行偉大的探索。小孩子對一切事物都喜歡探索,性世界只是其中 一項。身體部位、私隱、生物學上的性、人與人的關係、性行為, 有太多重要的性知識需要孩子在幼年時了解了。我認為大多數家長 可能很直接地覺得(也許他們害怕和小孩子進行性教育的原因亦在 於此):談論性不是一項日常的教育類型,它是一項關乎信任和坦 誠、充滿隱憂和禁忌的教育。大家害怕講性教育,但又明白它極為 重要。其實,開誠佈公地和孩子談論「我從哪裡來」這類基本的性 問題,對於日後更複雜的話題絕對是很好的基礎;而和孩子建立坦 率、真誠的溝通習慣,從來都不嫌早。

Privacy and Protection


There are many important reasons to talk openly about sex and sexuality to your child from very early on in their life. Most importantly it is well known that adults and other children who are looking to sexually victimize young children, tend to look for children who understand little about sexuality. Children whose parents are clearly very uncomfortable talking about sex, and try to avoid the topic, create openings for people who are, all too willing to talk to curious young children about sex. Education is key to protecting your child from other adults and children who may have bad intentions and questionable motives for wanting to talk to your child about sex. If your child can get satisfying answers from you to their questions, they won’t go seeking other adults and older children who will answer their questions. Having an open dialogue with your child also gives you a terrific opportunity to teach them about privacy and the sacredness of their own body. You can teach them that although it is quite fine to talk to you (their parents) about sex talking to other people even other children, is not okay. That these are private questions and that the body parts associated with their curiosity about sex are also private. That these things should be talked about with mummy and daddy only, no one else, and if someone else does try to talk to them about these private things then they should tell you. This provides another layer of protection for your child because they come to understand that others should not be asking them questions or seeking to touch them in sexual ways. 在孩子幼年時候就坦誠談論性的原因有很多。其中一個眾所周知的重 要原因,便是那些意圖以性侵犯幼兒的成人或其他兒童,都傾向於向 不了解性知識的孩子下手。父母如對談論性感到極度尷尬,並儘量避 免此類話題,其實變相是讓那些善於利用孩子對性的好奇的壞人有機 可乘。這世界有一些人會帶著不良意圖和孩子講性的東西,想你的孩 子遠離他們,教育是關鍵。如果孩子能從你口中得到問題的滿意答 案,他們就不會向其他成人或較大的孩子尋求解答了。 與你的孩子坦誠交流,亦是一個很好的機會讓你教導孩子甚麼是私 隱,而身體是不可侵犯的。你可以教育他們,與爸爸媽媽談論性完 全沒問題,但不可以隨便與其他人、甚至其他小朋友講這個話題。 告訴他們這些都是私隱,而與這些問題有關的身體部位也是私隱。 告訴他們這些事情只能與爸爸媽媽談論,不可以向其他人提及。如 果有人試圖向他們談及這些私隱問題,應該立即告訴父母。這將為 你的孩子提供了多一重保護,他們會因此明白其他人不應該以性的 東西向他們提問或試圖觸摸他們。

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Starting with simple vocabulary


But, sex education for your child is not just about danger; it can also be a little bit silly. It is inevitable that children will ask lots of questions about their own body parts as well as the bodies of their parents. What’s this mummy? What’s that, why do you look different than daddy? These are perfectly natural questions, and show clearly that your clever child is paying close attention to the people that make up their world. Making comparisons, noticing similarities and wondering why are all aspects of a healthy developing mind. So when your child asks about body parts, answer them honestly and openly. I strongly encourage you to teach them the proper names of body parts, but as well as more clinical proper names you can also teach them the silly names you like to use or even make up silly names together. Don’t be afraid to laugh about the silly names. But always remember to stress that these are private and personal parts of the body.

當然,對孩子進行性教育並不只為了讓他們不被侵犯。性 教育亦可以好歡樂。無可避免,孩子會對自己的身體部位 以及父母的身體提出許許多多的問題。媽媽,這是甚麼? 那是甚麼?為甚麼你看上去和爸爸不一樣?這些都是十分 正常的問題,而且清楚表明,你聰明的孩子正對他的小世 界裡的人進行著仔細的觀察,進行比較,注意到相似和相 異,並提出問題。這些都是大腦健康發育的表現。因此, 當你的孩子針對身體部位發問時,請坦誠地回答他們。我 強烈建議你教給他們身體各部位的正確名稱,但在告訴他 們臨床專用名詞的同時,你也可將你喜歡使用的搞笑別名 一起教給他們。笑一笑這些別名亦無礙,但始終記住強調 這些都是私隱,是私人的身體部位。

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Where do babies come from?


The next logical question that all children will ask is the often dreaded “Where do babies come from?” To begin with this question is much easier to handle if you have already talked openly about the body parts involved. It seems the best advice is to be as open and honest in answering this questions as possible. Some children will accept that the baby comes from “mummy’s tummy”. But all children will eventually learn that this was basically a lie to avoid answering the question properly. And do you want to teach your child that you will lie to them, or that you will provide incomplete answers to important questions? It is best to explain sex in as simple and straightforward way as possible. That it is about placing particular body parts together, because when you love and trust someone that feels good, that it is something only adults do, and that sex involves love and trust, and that finally it can create a baby. We all know the answers to these basic sexual questions, or we wouldn’t be parents in the first place so don’t be nervous. Your children rely on you to help them with life’s big questions. Honest reliable sex education from as early as possible is a great opportunity to build a solid foundation for open and honest communication.

下一個任何孩子都會提出的可怕問題就是:「我是從哪裡來 的?」如果你已經坦誠地談論過有關的身體部位,這個問題的回 答就會容易得多。最好的建議,是在回答這個問題時應盡可能地 坦率真誠。有些孩子會接受嬰兒來自於「母親的肚子」。但是所 有的孩子最終會知道,這說法基本上是避免完全回答這個問題的 「謊言」。你想讓孩子覺得你會對他們說謊,或者對重要的問題 提供不完整的答案嗎?最好的辦法,是盡可能用簡單明瞭的方式 來闡述性。性是將特定的身體部位放在一起,因為當你深愛並信 任某個人時,這會感覺很好,性是只有成年人才可以做的事情, 而且性涉及愛與信任,最後它會創造出一個嬰兒。 我們都知道這些基本的性問題的答案,或者首先我們還未為人父 母,所以不必緊張。你的孩子需要你幫助他們解決生活中的各種 問題。儘早提供真誠可靠的性教育,是為坦誠的交流打下堅實基 礎的絕佳機會。

Tina Stephenson-Chin Tina is a Child Behaviour Management Specialist with 10+ years of experience. She is Supervising Lecturer of the Open University-Sunshine House International Preschool Diploma Programme in Enlightened Early Childhood Education. 擁有逾10年經驗的兒童行為管理專家,現為公開大學、Sunshine House國際幼 稚園合辦的幼兒早期啟蒙教育文憑的監察講師。

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Source of Photos / 圖片來源: Tak Tak Kar Kar Sexuality Education Series - Where did I come from? 《德德家家幼兒性教育圖書系列》之《我從哪裡來?》

Controversial Sex Ed. Materials 性教材惹爭議


I ntercourse Is it a must?

性行為 的部份要講嗎? 30

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“Mummy makes eggs in her uterus. The eggs are round-shaped like unscrambled eggs.” “Daddy makes sperms in his testicles. The sperms are tadpole-like with pointy heads and long tails.” These lines are taken from the educational series Where did I come from? published by The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK). Released in 2005, it quickly raised much online criticism in mainland China. Some praised its clarity of language while others expressed concern over its provocative illustrations. We wonder if similar diversified views also exist in today’s Hong Kong. In fact, Where did I come from? is the third book from the “Tak Tak Kar Kar Sexuality Education Series”, material that is recommended for 3-6-year-old children and their parents. When discussing sex, what is considered too conservative or too liberal? Do we need to talk about sexual intercourse? How do we address it? How do parents handle this discussion while balancing both sides? We are delighted to ask Ms. Maggie Yu from FPAHK to elaborate on the above. 「媽媽的卵巢製造卵子。卵子的形狀圓圓的,像個荷包蛋。」「爸爸的睾丸製造精子。 精子的形狀像蝌蚪,頭尖尖,尾巴長長。」 這些句子,節錄自香港家計會出版的《我從哪裡來?》教育繪本。這本早在05年出版的 圖書,去年在內地互聯網上引起熱烈的討論。有人讚它「通俗易懂」,亦有人擔心某些 描繪性行為過程的圖片「過激」。我們懷疑,這樣兩極化的看法在今時今日的香港,可 能同樣存在。其實《我從哪裡來?》是《德德家家幼兒性教育圖書系列》的第三本,叢 書封面上注明「適合3-6歲兒童及其家長」。究竟針對幼兒的性教育,怎樣是保守,怎 樣是過火?性行為的部份要講嗎?要怎講?當中的「度」和準則,做家長的又該怎樣把 握呢?我們請來家計會教育主任余寶燕小姐和我們講講。

Yu Po Yin, Maggie 余寶燕 Maggie is currently an educational officer at The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong. She holds a Bachelor Degree of Social Science and a Master Degree of Social Science in Behavioural Health. 余女士現為家計會教育主任,擁有社會科學學士及社會科學(行為健康)碩士 學位。

Q A What were the criteria and principles taken into consideration when developing the “Tak Tak Kar Kar Sexuality Education Series”? 該套《德德家家幼兒性 教育圖書系列》是為3至


e felt that sex education should start as early as possible. The earlier you can discuss the issue with kids, the better you will succeed in establishing an intimate bond. It promotes intimate exchange through sharing a personal issue. We also felt the need for parents to honestly provide their children with real and factual information about sex. We do not encourage parents to skip the topic to avoid embarrassment. Instead we should use children’s curiosity and offer correct information and attitude. These are the things we wanted children to understand, and that became the criteria in creating the series. We hope parents can use these resources as a guide for family sex education, explaining correct information about sex to their children.




關係。透過分享這些貼身的性議題,能促進這種親密的交流。 我們亦認為有需要和小朋友坦白對




用他們的好奇去灌輸一些正確的性知識和性態度,這些是我們想做到的事情,於是才會有了這樣的 構思。我們希望家長可以利用這些書籍去和小朋友做一些家庭教育,解釋正確的性知識給他們。

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Yo u m e n t i o n e d t h a t y o u consider children’s needs in designing sex education material. So from your understanding of parents of 3-6-year olds, what are some common questions related to sex that you hear the most? 你提到你們在設計性教育資源時,會 考慮對象和需要。那麼,以你們接觸


any children tend to ask a lot of “Why”, such as “Why am I a boy and not a girl,” “Why is Mummy’s chest bigger than mine?” “Why do girls sit on the toilet?” and “Why does Daddy have a beard?” etc., which are more physiologically-related based on observation. Older children tend to ask questions arising from what they see in the media, such as issues about marriage, or imitating poses from models in magazines.




麼我是男不是女、為甚麼媽媽胸部比我大、為甚麼 女仔坐廁便便、為甚麼爸爸生鬍鬚等,多是一些由 觀察引申的生理上的問題。大一些的小朋友可能會 較受傳媒影響,問及例如結婚的問題,或模仿模特 兒做類似的動作等。

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Q A S o m e p a re n t s worry about the explicitness in the book Where did I come from?, where some wording might pose embarrassment. Or parents fear children will imitate the acts in the book. How do you feel about this?

某些家長擔心《我從哪裡 來》一書的內容過激,怕 小孩子在日常生活中使用 某些令人尷尬的詞彙、模


e believe what makes this book controversial is the picture that fully shows the sex organs during sexual intercourse. We felt this is part of sexual education. For example, when discussing about the joining of a sperm and an egg, parents should not avoid mentioning how the sperm meets the egg simply to avoid embarrassment. We suggest that when children raise these questions, parents should be frank and honestly explain things to them. It is their natural-born curiosity driving their questioning and not what’s involved with this debate. Therefore, parents should not take this too sensitively or personally, but naturally share information with them. 我相信爭議性較大的是一些講及性交的圖片。我們認為這也是 性教育的一部分:精子卵子結合,但為何精子會遇到卵子呢? 家長不要因為怕尷尬而跳過不解釋這部分。




因為其實小朋友的好奇是來自天性的,對所有事都會問。而不 是因為這個話題涉及性,而令他們特別好奇,所以爸媽不需要 太敏感,自然地和孩子們分享就可以了。


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Q A What are the things parents should be aware of when they discuss “sexual intercourse” topics with children? 孩子就性交這事情發 問,家長的回答應遵循 甚麼準則,注意哪幾 方面?


gain parents should be honest in telling them every correct answer related to sex. For example, parents can explain to them sexual intercourse is when Daddy’s penis is inside Mummy’s vagina. During this process the sperm meets the egg. This way, children feel they are learning something. If children ask for more, you can further explain to them this is the whole process: from sexual intercourse, the meeting of sperm and egg, to Mummy’s pregnancy. Adults will tend to think further of the issues associated with sex, but children’s curiosity only arises from lack of knowledge about their own physiology. When discussing sex, parents should also be aware of the issue of privacy, and male and female sexual parts. We need to guide their attitude in facing these concerns. For example: we need to explain that the reason behind the act is that we are in love, married, and want to have children, and this act is a form of communication in expressing our love. But this is an adult act, and also private and personal. It is neither a topic that should be discussed in public casually, nor is it an act that they are permitted to imitate. As long as you are providing an informative explanation and offering a correct attitude, they won’t make a big deal out of it, and it will serve to satisfy their thirst for knowledge.

如果小朋友真的問爸媽性行為方面的問題,家長應該要坦白地告訴他們,類似這個 模式:性交就是爸爸的陰莖放入媽媽的陰道裡,這時精子就會遇見卵子了。小朋友 聽完,會覺得自己學懂了一些知識。 有些小朋友可能會不滿足答案一再追問。你可以跟他們解釋說:由性交、精子 和卵子結合、到懷孕是一個正常的生理過程。大人或許對性方面有過多的聯 想,但是在小朋友心中,他只是對生理構造不理解及好奇而已。 另外,無論是和孩子談論到性交的問題時,還是談論到一些關於私隱、 男女重要部位等話題時,家長都要同小朋友解釋一些「態度」上要面對 的事情。例如講及性交時,我們應該和小朋友解釋有這個親密行為是因 為爸媽相愛、結婚、想有小朋友,所以會有此親密接觸去表達愛意。但 是這個行為是很私人的,要人大了才可以做的。而且這個話題不是隨便可 以拿出來跟人分享的,亦不可以隨便模仿。只要你是從知識開始跟小朋友 解釋,然後灌輸性方面的態度,小朋友聽完後不會覺得有甚麼大不了,也滿 足他們的好奇心及求知慾。

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Sex Ed. Around the World 世界各地點教「性」 ?

Mainland China中國內地 This sex education textbook The Footsteps of Growth is Beijing’s first such textbook for elementary school students. It has triggered similar criticism and discussion for its sexually explicit descriptions and illustrations. You may be shocked by its illustrations that possess a sense of 80-ish style Japanese comics. 這套《成長的腳步》被稱為北京首部小學性教材,但同 樣因為出現描寫性行為的詞彙和圖片而引起爭議。你看 過亦可能會嚇一跳,因為其配圖竟然使用80年代日本少 女漫畫的畫風繪製。

Sweden 瑞典 Since last fall, all schools in Sweden have added sex education topics to lessons. Some examples are: explaining maternity leave in math lessons or discussing gender-related sports in physical education. The reason schools are doing this is because they realise there is a lack of understanding about sex among teenagers who assume sex education is only a part of extracurricular activities. 去年秋季開始,瑞典開始將性教育融入中小學各學科。 譬如在數學堂講授父母育嬰假期的天數,在體育堂討論 運動項目是否和性別有關等等。瑞典教育部這麼做,皆 因他們意識到很多青少年對性教育的認知不足,包括覺 得性教育只是幾堂零碎的額外課程。

UK 英國 BBC Active released a sex education DVD for 9-11-year-old children, Entitled Sex and Relationship Education, the video has been used by many British primary schools. It vividly displays a “woman on top” sexual position with a child voiceover saying, “Ooh it looks like they are having fun,” along with completely nude scenes. Many parents were astonished by the explicitness of the video, and government officials are initiating an investigation. 早前BBC Active為9至11歲小學生製作、已獲英國多間小學採用的《Sex and Relationship Education》光碟 中,出現「女上男下」的體位交合的動畫,並有兒童旁白說「噢,他們看來很開心。」還有真人男女全裸 片段。不少家長對光碟的露骨內容感到震驚,教育部官員已承諾調查。


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Korea 韓國

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In order to establish sex education in primary schools, Korean publishers have released a series of fairy tales about sex for children. This book Help me, Nanny, is about how children should protect themselves from sexual abuse. 為了進行小學低年級的性教育,韓國的出版社 出版了一系列兒童性教育的童話書。這本給小 學一年級的《幫幫我,洗衣奶奶》,主要內容 是小朋友們對付性暴力保護自己的方法。


Last year, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education announced that it would add related materials about different sexual orientation to gender equality education for primary and secondary students. It raised a huge uproar among parents; they allied themselves against such action. The Ministry immediately tried to calm the controversy down, claiming the related education materials are not for students but only serve as reference resources for teachers. 去年台灣教育部宣佈在中小學性別平等教育中,納入「同志教 育與多元情慾」內容,引起軒然大波,大批家長連署反對。教 育部連忙跳出來撲火,指《認識同志教育資源手冊》等三本被 認為有問題的教材,並非給孩子看的課本,而是教育部編寫給 老師參考的資源手冊。

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Th e Ba The Basics sics

Sex Talk with a Strategy 孩子的性問題

基礎 基礎篇



to Kids’ Open Questions

調整態度 應對冇難度 Ask “why”

Identify the questions


• Praise your kids’ “courage” in asking. 你可以讚賞子女提問的「勇氣」。 • Quickly browse your “knowledge base,” to see if you are able to handle their questions. 快速搜尋自己的知識庫是否有足夠「彈藥」回 答孩子的問題。


• Ask your kids to clarify their intention and find out what prompted the enquiry, whether the information they got hold of is correct. These can affect what and how to talk to them. 提出反問能了解孩子問問題的真正意圖、有甚麼事情引致他提出這個問題、他現時了 解和掌握的資訊是否正確。這些判斷能影響你接下來講甚麼。 • As kids are getting smarter and more mature nowadays, they sometimes already have an understanding and answers in mind when they enquire about sexuality. They do so either to confirm the answers or test parents’ reaction. If parents can answer these questions honestly, they will have more confidence in you and will be more willing to talk to you. 現在的孩子聰明又早熟,有時他們問一些性問題時,已經有了解或答案了,問出來有 時是想印證自己的想法,有時亦可能在試探家長的反應。家長誠實的回答,能讓孩子 對你更有信心,更願意和你健康地談性。

Simplify the answers


• Parents should not act vague or hesitant. Children may wonder what the reasons are for the inhibition, and this will only serve to increase their curiosity. 首先不要有支支吾吾,說一些不說一些的感覺,這樣會令孩子覺得談性是禁忌, 反而讓他們更好奇。 • The answers should be clear and direct. Your answers may go beyond their understanding. You need to tell them the “direct” answer. 你的回答應該簡單、直接。你的答案隨時超出孩子所問的問題,這些內容未必是年紀較 小的孩子能理解的,你要找到最「中」的答案。 • Children of different age groups, gender, and personalities will perceive and understanding sexuality differently from others. Parents should talk to them accordingly. 不同年齡、性別、性格的孩子,接收和理解性知識的能力會有差異,家長應該因材施教。 • When talking about sex organs, parents should not replace the parts with “nicknames”. In fact, children shall perceive sexuality as a natural and normal thing. 家長在講到性器官時,別因為怕尷尬而用一些代名詞去形容它們。其實使用學名和孩子 講性,能讓他們覺得性是一件很自然的事。


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ts The Experrt Maintain humour


Create opportunities

自製機會 儘量幽默

• Integrate sex education into family schedule. For example, before and after bath time, and toilet time are suitable for discussing these issues. 日常生活中有許多時刻,譬如沖凉 前後、如廁時,都是適合和孩子講 性的。家長不妨自製這樣的機會。

• Parents should discuss sexuality in a humorous way, so children can approach the topic in a more healthy manner. Parents can make use of picture books and stories to discuss sexuality with children. 在談論性的時候輕鬆、幽默地應對,能讓孩子對待性 的態度更健康。家長可在平日裡藉助優質的圖畫書, 用故事和孩子講性。

Stay objective


• Each of us is different in terms of our education, religious beliefs, moral values, etc. Parents might include their own perceptions when talking about sexuality. It is recommended for parents to stay objective, explaining only the facts that will help children establish their own concepts and attitude. 我們都有自己的教育程度、宗教信仰、道德觀念等,回答孩子性問題的時候很容易 加上自己的看法。有專家建議,在性的問題上,家長的回答應儘量保持客觀,只解 釋事實,避免加上自己的價值觀判斷,才有助孩子建立自己的一套觀念。

What should parents do to be considered a good teacher?

怎樣才算得上是孩子性教育的好老師? • When your kids have the guts to ask, it only means you are given the chance to make satisfying answers; But when your kids are willing to ask you a second, or third question, it means you are an excellent, open, and caring parent. • When discussing sexuality, parents should send this signal to kids: “I am OK to answer this; if I can’t, I will find this out for you,” in creating a platform for the family to discuss sexuality, so that children are willing to raise questions to parents about sexuality. • Let them ASK. • Skill and knowledge in answering sex questions are crucial, but attitude toward sex is the most critical. •


再問你第二、第三次性問題,才證明你是位合格、甚至是位開明及關心 孩子的父母;

• 父母要發出「性問題?OK!我會答;就算我不會答,我也會為你找答案」的 訊號,令家庭成為一個性教育平台,讓子女知道有關性的問題都可以向父母詢 問或求助;

• 讓他們問; • 家長的技巧及知識很重要,但態度更重要。

Source: http://www.hkedcity.net/article/parent_ad_sexed/051012-005/page2.phtml

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Online Obscenities 網上不當性內容



Siupan Chan 陳紹斌 Siupan has been working in the IT industry for more than 12 years and has extensive IT technical and consultancy experiences. He is currently the Principal Consultant at Trend Micro and an expert in the provision of strategic planning, requirements analysis and technical support for large scale IT users and key channel partners in Hong Kong. Siupan在IT界工作逾12年,現為趨勢科技香港區首席顧問,為許多專 業人仕和企業提供策略性規劃和需求分析。

Can Do?

家長如何 防與守

Here are a few tips for parents from Siupan Chan, the Principal Consultant at Trend Micro: • If possible, try to keep computers in a common area where everyone can see the ongoing Internet activity. • Beware of websites from search engine results as they cannot guarantee whether the contents of those search results are safe. Normal websites should not contain improper pop-ups ad/websites. • Install Anti-virus software that equips the ability to filter and block access to websites and pop-up screens with potentially inappropriate material.

Since most of the kid’s questions about sexuality is more prone to their curiosities, as long as parents are holding an attitude that is positive, open, with a sense of humour, no matter how embarrassing the questions might be, parents will ultimately give children satisfying answers. More parents are concerned about children exposing to inappropriate materials on the Internet, especially when they are not under parental guidance. Is the online world really that dangerous? Children in their early years are less likely to actively search for inappropriate online content. However, they may unintentionally access provocative photos from media, occasional pop-up browser screens that contain inappropriate content, or perform online searches through search engines containing websites that are less secure. 小朋友所問的關於性的問題多出於好奇,就算再尷尬,只要家長 秉持正確、開放、幽默的態度,就不怕給不到孩子滿意的答案。 許多父母反而更擔心的是,年幼孩子接觸互聯網上氾濫的不當

• Parents should adjust their own online browsing habits and try to avoid browsing websites that are likely to contain unhealthy content. • Parents should guide children towards a correct online attitude. They should teach children to distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate types of online material. • Parents should stay up to date on the latest information. Being knowledgeable about privacy settings and software downloads such as parental control and web filtering will help parents avoid the risk of having inappropriate content reach their children.

來自趨勢科技的香港區首席顧問陳紹斌為家長們提供了幾點建 議,供父母參考:

• 盡可能將電腦安裝在家裡的公共區域,這樣大家都可以看到 電腦頁面上的內容;

• 留意孩子們通過搜尋引擎查到的網頁,因為這些結果未必都是 安全的;正常的網站不會包含不合適的彈出廣告(網頁);


• 安裝防毒軟體,將潛在不良資訊的網頁及快顯視窗過濾;


• 父母應調整自己的網頁瀏覽習慣,儘量不要瀏覽可能包含不

而,他們觀看的網路媒體、瀏覽的網頁則可能會彈出一些包含不 良資訊的視窗或挑逗性的圖片;這些不健康的內容也可能通過搜 尋引擎,在孩子上網搜尋資料時出現。


• 父母要培養孩子正確的上網態度,引導孩子區分哪些是健康 的內容,哪些是不健康的;

• 父母應掌握最新的網絡威脅資訊,了解電腦的隱私設置及軟 體下載資訊,可以不時地進行「家長控制」、過濾網頁等操 作,這樣可以避免孩子接觸網頁不良資訊的風險。


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In cases where parents catch children in the act of viewing unhealthy content, parents might feel nervous but: • Do not simply turn off the screen. Children might become more curious about that website. Parents should try to use this opportunity to explain why this material is not appropriate for them, and explain proper online behaviour. • Use parental control to block access to those websites in the future. • Blacklist websites with inappropriate material. Parents can file a complaint to their respective governmental institution in charge of Internet safety and privacy.

如果看到孩子正在瀏覽不健康的資訊,父母可能會比較激動,但 陳先生建議: • 不要直截關閉當前頁面。這樣的話,孩子可能會對這個網站 更加好奇。父母應利用這個機會向孩子說明他們瀏覽的資訊 不健康,並教導他們如何正確地上網; • 使用「家長控制」操作,攔截這些網頁; • 將包含不良資訊的網頁列入黑名單;父母也可以向互聯網安 全及私隱的政府官方機構進行投訴。

The world of social media is another platform for people to share their lives with others. Facebook is the most popular one in Hong Kong. Some parents might even open accounts for children to share family photos with their friends. Mr. Chan has something to advise parents regarding this: • If parents have already set up an account for their children, parents should monitor their online activity of social networking. • Avoid adding strangers as “Friends”. This might expose them to inappropriate material and even potential danger.

社交媒體是人們分享自己生活點滴的一個平台,Facebook是香港 最流行的一個社交網絡,一些父母甚至會為孩子申請帳號,讓他 們跟朋友仔分享家人的照片。陳先生建議各位家長: • 如果你已為孩子申請了Facebook帳號,請監控孩子在社交網 絡上的動態; • 不要將陌生人加為「好友」,這樣可能會招來不良資訊,甚 至發生危險。

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Sex Talk Made Easy 輕鬆性教育

Books Can Help


Sexuality Education Activity Book for Kids

《性教育幼兒樂》 親子性教育活動冊 Language: Bilingual / 語言:雙語

This book is suitable for parents and age 2-6 kids to use. It encourages parents educating sex through family activities, so that kids can improve their English comprehension and logical reasoning while establishing a basic foundation of understanding sexuality. There are 21 activities which cover 5 of the sexuality education topics: family, body parts, boys and girls, origin of life, and self-protection.

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全書適合家長陪同2至6歲幼兒使用,鼓勵家長在日常親子活動中注入性教育元素,讓 孩子輕鬆學習英文生字、辨別顏色或訓練邏輯思維的同時,也可以吸收基礎性知識, 為建立良好及健康的性觀念打下基礎。當中21個活動,覆蓋性教育5大範疇:家庭、 身體、 男女仔的不同、生命起源及保護自己。

Where Willy Went...

《小威向前沖》 Sexuality Education Sticker Book for Children

《性教育‧貼得樂》 親子性教育貼紙書 Language: Bilingual / 語言:雙語

This sticker book can be used as an interactive resource for parents to guide children about sexuality using pictures. The Book is divided in 4 criteria: knowing their bodies, understanding gender differences, and concepts and skills to protect against child sexual abuse.


Language: English & Chinese versions 語言:分中、英版本

This book is narrated by Willy the sperm, spreading positive messages of never giving up. He shared a “secret of imperfection,” that he inherits the code of papa’s weakness in math onto him. This is a book filled with humourous love. 另一本和孩子講「你從哪裡來」的圖書,但 這一次是從精子的角度出發。而且故事還 向孩子灌輸了永不放棄的精神,更分享了 「不完美的秘密」:精子小威身上有一些記 錄爸爸數學不好的密碼,這些密碼會隨著





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《小奈奈的表白》 語言:中文

教育局對性教育的課程目標講明: 「性教育不是狹隘的局限於探討與 生殖有關的生理知識,而是關乎個人認識自己、認識與他人的 關係。」現時3、4歲的孩子就會說「我喜歡誰誰誰」,家長應 該幫助他們認識甚麼是「喜歡」呢?這本書很適合用來教這一 課,它是日本全國學校圖書館協議會選定圖書,有助孩子建立 健康的人際關係,培養同理心,並學習尊重、肯定他人,以及 如何適當表達善意。

Sexuality Education Dolls: “Tak Tak” and “Kar Kar”

性教育教材布公仔: 「德德」和「家家」 Teaching Manual: Bilingual 使用手冊:雙語

《孩子100個 Sex Q&A》 語言:中文

結集了100個孩子從2歲起可能會 發問的性問題,當中包括不同主 題,有關生命的由來、生理好奇、 保護身體、性別角色、性行為 以及性病、傳媒性意識等。

They are a pair of sexuality education dolls designed by the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong to help parents, teachers and sexuality educators in conducting sexuality education to children. They are no ordinary dolls, as they have sexual organs and secondary characteristics. A teaching manual in both languages are available.








侵犯或青春期教育等的課題時, 讓他們透過觀察和接觸更易建立 自我形象。布公仔「德德」擁有陰 莖、陰毛、腋下毛;「家家」有發 育的乳房、陰道、陰毛和腋下毛, 並能誕下嬰兒呢!

《我從哪裡來? 跟孩子輕鬆談性》 語言:中文

這是一本全面的指南,讓家 長教導年紀較大的孩子去了 解性行為。此書能助父母於灌 輸孩子性知識之前,先裝備好 自己。家長還可以透過書中豐 富多彩的圖片,向子女解釋各 方面有關性的資訊。

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PJ Promotion

LCM Examination

Fun English Learning for a Recognised University Certificate

快快樂樂 考出大學認可證書 “Help! Help! There’s a fire in my house! Come help me!” A girl screams for help and a team of little “firefighters” comes to the rescue, striving to put out the “fire” using fire hoses. The scene quickly changes, and now a few “injured” children are being taken care of by a group of “nurses” who are checking wounds and comforting them. These children were role-playing under the guidance of a Western teacher during an activity session of the LCM Speech for Early Learning at Little Prince Learning Centre. 「救命啊!救命啊!火燭了!快來 救救我!」女孩大聲呼救,一隊小 消防隊員隨即趕來救援,奮力用水 喉撲滅「大火」。而另一邊廂,幾

Emphasis on Communication 重點在溝通

Established in 1887, the London College of Music (LCM) is an academic school of the University of West London. LCM offers an integrated set of assessment examination in speech, music, drama and communication held in more than 40 countries around the world. Examinations are held in June and December in Hong Kong with registration deadline at the end of March and Betty Sham, LCM September, respectively. In order to prepare children to take the Speech Exam LCM examinations, instead of using traditional methods such as Development Manager vocabulary dictation or memorisation, LCM Speech for Early Learning is developed with the idea of children engaging in interactive communication. “The courses provide a fun learning environment where children can utilise their English communication skills through real life events they can relate to, such as occupation or animals role playing.” Ms. Betty Sham, LCM Speech Exam Development Manager, further explained the importance of developing a strong English foundation through communication, “For young children to learn English where this is not their native language, role playing is much easier for them to understand and develop a foreign language rather than routine dictation or memorisation. This also helps develop their communication and social skills through interactive activities where they learn and have fun.”


成立於1887年的倫敦音樂學院,是英國University of West London的一所學院,在全世界40多個




分別於三月及六月下旬截止報名。LCM Speech for Early Learning課程摒棄傳統的單詞聽寫或死記



的LCM Speech for Early Learning



們的英語溝通技巧。」LCM英語評刻試課程發展經理沈美池小姐(Betty)深信互相溝通,可以 打好英語基礎。「對小孩子來講,英語並非他們的母語,所以角色扮演較重複的默寫或死記更有 助於他們理解和掌握這個語言。寓教於樂的互動活動,更有助於提高他們的溝通及社交技巧。」


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Lifting Sense of Achievement 提升成就感

“Children do not feel like they are going through a typical examination with memorisation and exam papers. Instead, examiners are actively engaged in conversation with children and role-playing with them.” Betty explained about the distinctiveness of LCM from other English examinations: “Instead of only rating children’s grammar accuracy or effective vocabulary use in conversations, the examiners look at the whole picture – are the children confidently expressing themselves? This is actually good for young children to take this exam without feeling pressured.” Furthermore, children who pass the LCM examinations are granted certificates by the University of West London. It is an internationally recognised qualification awarded by a UK university. “This is a truly positive encouragement for children to have an early sense of achievement and raises their self-confidence,” Betty said.

提到LCM與其他英語考試的區別,Betty說:「學生們 不會覺得是一般典型的考試要考驗學生記憶或試卷形 式,相反,考官會積極與孩子交流,並觀察他們的角 色扮演。考官關注他們能否自信地表達自己及觀察他 們整體的表現而進行評分。這對小朋友大有好處,皆 因他們不會在考試中感到壓力。」 此外,通過LCM考試的小朋友會收到由University of West London頒發的證書——這可能是孩子第一張由 英國一所大學授予的國際認可證書。「這會是一個非 同凡響的鼓勵,兒童會從中獲得莫大的成就感和自信 心。」Betty表示。

Chat with a parent 對話家長 “See Tim loves to show me characters she role played in class, screaming ‘Help me, Police!’ and pretending to drive a police car,” Ms. Mak shared. She recalls the fun she witnessed as her three and a half year-old daughter role played. “It makes her look forward to every class, and I am happy to see her English improving day by day.”

「思甜喜歡在我面前表演她在課堂上扮演的角 色,譬如大叫『警察,救命!』,或扮演駕駛 一輛警車。」麥小姐回憶起3歲半大的女兒做 角色扮演表演時的情景,笑容滿面,「她總是 無比期待下一次的課程,我也很高興看到她的 英語一天天進步。」

As a parent and a former English teacher, Ms. Mak loves the 麥女士本身曾任職英語教師,她很高興LCM的 fact that the LCM approach is helping her child communicate 教學方式能讓她的孩子透過表演、表達去用英 effectively in English through presentations. “Not only is it a good Ms. Mak and daughter 語,去進行有效的溝通。「這不單是一個讓孩 opportunity for children to learn to appreciate each other, raise their 子學會相互欣賞、提升自信心和英語學習興趣的好機 self-confidence and interest in English learning, but the structure of LCM learning 會,LCM學習體系還全面融合了普通學校的教學大綱 is also fully integrated with typical school syllabi and curriculum guidelines, and 及課程指引,涵蓋英語聽、說、讀、寫等四方面。」 covers the four areas of English: listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.”

For further details about LCM Speech examination, please visit www.lcmexam.hk www.peegaboo.com | PJ


邱世傑 Ricky Yau

Letting Children Resonate with Piano Music

讓孩子與鋼琴有共鳴 Text | Angie

Photo | Supplied by Ricky Yau

Although Ricky Yau has already earned a reputation as a pianist educator with a list of students from parents of celebs to moguls, in his humility he prefers to lay low. Instead he was more willing to share his education principles and aspirations. From our conversation it was apparent that he has a flame to contribute to musical education. 提到鋼琴教育家邱世傑(邱Sir),在城中可謂名聲赫赫。許多明星的孩子、富豪的孫輩都曾是 他的學生,但邱Sir似乎並沒有想多說他贏得名人熱捧的勝券,他更為願意分享他對兒童鋼琴教 育的理念和抱負。年輕的他,對音樂教育充滿使命感。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Boosting Persistence to Boosting Confidence 從堅持到自信


“It only takes one second to give up and walk away from the piano, but to hold on takes enormous courage and strength with continuous, non-stop practice.” Mr. Yau recognised this over his years of teaching experience encountering different students. But his little students perform musical pieces as well as adults in competitions and performances; they are even able to read all the bass and treble clef notes, and play a basic piece with both hands spread across two octaves, all within a month or two; this may take a year or more for others.


When asked about his secret, Mr. Yau said, “It’s a sense of achievement.” Using reproachable manners in forcing children to practice piano will absolutely pose an adverse effect. Rather, appropriate encouragement is the only way to raise their interest, and to motivate their confidence to carry on. “The key is to shorten the time in getting through the most arduous barriers, and in achieving a sense of accomplishment as soon as possible.”


We can perceive his educational philosophy as a sense of accomplishment derived through a higher form of motivation, namely that of being nobly recognised by the audience. Under his professional guidance, his students’ musical potentials begin to thrive through all kinds of musical competitions and performances. “A stronger sense of accomplishment boosts their confidence in enchanting the hearts of audiences.” Their piano playing mastery matures under this positive cycle.


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卻需要無比的勇氣和毅力,需要持之以恆的練習。」見 過太多學生的邱Sir深知這一點。但他的小門生很多都出 類拔萃,人仔細細,就已能像大人般在比賽舞台或公開 表演中完整地彈奏難度極高的作品,能迅速讀懂所有的 高低音譜號,能一雙小手左右跨越四個八度,能用一兩 個月時間學會一般要一年甚至更長時間練成的作品。

在這一代小朋友來講,靠打罵強逼他們練琴的做法絕對 是倒行逆施,適當、正確的鼓勵才是讓初起步的孩子有 興趣、有信心繼續在鋼琴的路上前行的動力。而邱Sir 說:「更關鍵的是排除各種障礙,縮短孩子獲得來自彈 琴的成功感的時間。」 這是邱Sir的音樂教學哲學。我們或者可以理解為:成功 勵。在他的教導下,許多孩子都爆發了不同凡響的音樂 潛能,在各種高級別的競賽和表演中嶄露頭角。邱Sir 說:「擁有的成功感越大,能捉住觀眾的心的那份自信 魅力亦會越大。」在這樣一個良性循環中,小朋友的鋼 琴造詣成長得飛快。

“That one minute of getting children to switch on their ‘lightbulbs’ to establish a passionate connection to the musical piece they are learning is worth more than hours and hours of skill practicing.” 「與其讓孩子花幾小時狂練 琴技,倒不如找到讓他們 『叮』一聲對音樂有共鳴的方 法,而這個過程可能只需要一 分鐘。」

SOUL is the thing 最緊要有共鳴

Mr. Yau said he sometimes felt frustrated with some parents for having an incorrect mindset at the beginning in focusing piano learning solely on skill building. “But their children’s artistic temperament has ceased to thrive.” He suggested parents should attune their attitudes toward inspiring children’s musical interest, “acquiring their wisdom of piano and musical interest is not accomplished through perfecting their skills and techniques, but by appreciating music as an art form through every learning experience.” Mr. Yau believes appreciation is the way to enrich their musical and artistic soul, and he uses every opportunity during lessons to ignite their spirit and establish a resonance with the musical pieces they are learning. He further said there is no one singular strategy in raising students’ musical sensation. He insisted that every child is unique in terms of the way each perceives music. He jokingly referred to the process of nurturing their musical interest to “taking a girl you like out to dinner.” “The way this girl says yes to your dinner invitation is bound to be different from the next one.” Therefore, he strives to establish a relationship with his students through different means, as every student comes from a different family background and develops relationships accordingly. He admitted “that one minute of getting children to switch on their ‘lightbulbs’ to establish a passionate connection to the musical piece they are learning is worth more than hours and hours of skill practicing.” Mr. Yau certainly sees his passion to nurture little souls as a meaningful commitment. His speaking tone turns upbeat and enthusiastic as he refers to his decision to seek new students this year. Referring to his n e w students, he hopes that they will develop their very own stories using piano just like his current students; and he himself shall lead the way in every profoundly amusing story. 邱Sir不時會遇到一些覺得孩子學琴初期,只需著重技術層面訓練的家 長。聽到這樣的想法,他總是很洩氣,「他們孩子的藝術素養可能就此 停滯不前了。」他認為做家長的理應以正確的態度,幫助孩子增強對音 樂的興趣。「想小朋友掌握鋼琴的精髓,一味靠提高『技術』是沒用的, 有效的做法應該是在一次次學習過程中,學會欣賞這種獨特的藝術形式。 」邱Sir相信,要培養孩子的藝術靈魂,學懂「欣賞」才最重要。所以他 說他總是把握每一次讓學生對作品產生共鳴的教學機會。 那麼這種對音樂的感知能力有培養的秘方嗎?邱Sir說沒有,他開玩笑似 的把這比喻為「和女孩約會」,「就好像用同樣的方法邀請對方吃晚飯, 有的女孩會欣然接受,有的女孩卻會拒之千里。」所以邱Sir說他通常會 因應學生的家庭成長背景選擇不同的建立彼此關係的方法。「與其讓孩 子花幾小時狂練琴技,倒不如找到讓他們『叮』一聲對音樂有共鳴的方 法,而這個過程可能只需要一分鐘。」 從邱Sir充滿激情的豪言中可以聽出,他對小孩子的鋼琴教育早已有使命 般的情感。很快是他今年招新的時候了,他希望新學生能一如他現在教 的那些孩子那樣,譜出他們和鋼琴的故事;而他自己亦將以他匠心獨具 的鋼琴哲學,成為這故事裡的那個領路人。

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He kissed the piano! 他吻了鋼琴!

Mr. Yau is gratified by his students’ fascination and their unconditional love of piano and music. With some agitation, he shared this about one of his students: “He kissed the piano.” He blushed and chuckled, “I’m not kidding. My little boy came to me and said he pressed his lips to it.” His eyes filled with appreciation and pride for his students’ love of music. Spending time to share stories about classical music and pianists is a must during his piano lessons “in bridging an emotional connection between the learner and the piano to enable them to perform a musical piece with enormous sentiment, and to intensify their piano and musical interest.”

每當自己的學生流露出對鋼琴、對音樂的著迷和熱 愛,作為老師的邱Sir都會感到欣慰。他用激動的口 吻跟我們分享著他的學生的故事,「有個小男孩有 天跑過來告訴我:他吻了鋼琴!我講真的!」邱Sir 說他教琴過程中,一定會花時間跟孩子們分享古典 音樂史的故事、鋼琴家們的故事。「讓學生和鋼琴 間架起情感上的聯繫,可以幫助他們在表演時更有 感情,亦可以令他們更愛音樂、更愛鋼琴。」

Ricky talks about his students 邱Sir說學生

Jing Li 李靖衡 “She is another 5-year-old girl with real pianistic talent, and the best thing about her is that she is a persistent and hard little worker.” Jing captivated Mr. Yau not only because of so much effort she put into perfecting her art, but for a little 5-year old to travel back and forth from her home in Shenzhen to Hong Kong twice per week for piano lessons, was nothing short of amazing. “Jing always comes to every lesson 101% prepared. She

Andy Lee 李承聰 “I didn’t find him impressive at the beginning.” Mr. Yau recalled that his relationship with Andy wasn’t love at first sight. “He didn’t strike me as a child with real artistic potential.”

never disappoints me.” He added, “And of course the effort her family has made in nurturing her best has not gone to waste.” She is now able to play various sonatas and has already passed grade 5 exams with satisfactory results. There will be more performances

Mr. Yau decided to give this little boy a try. Not surprisingly,

coming her way.

their first year was hardly a honeymoon. “He didn’t meet my


expectations at first. I spent a lot of time in raising his artistic temperament.” Andy’s musical potential blossomed under his teaching; he won the first runner-up at the Steinway & Sons International Youth Piano Competition in 2011. He was the youngest among all the winners. There will be another

力。」最讓邱Sir感動的還不僅止於小靖衡對鋼琴的百份 百投入,而是5歲的她每週兩次往返深港兩地只為學琴的 那份持之以恆。「她上堂前總是做好101分的準備,從來 沒讓我失望過。」

musical performance this coming June where he will get to


perform at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium.

要,才不致於她的天賦被浪費。」現時小靖衡已懂得彈多 首奏鳴曲,並以優異成績通過鋼琴5級考試,接下來還有



「在我眼中,不像是真正有藝術潛質的孩子。」邱Sir還是 姑且讓他一試,第一年果然不太好過:「他沒有達到我的 預期,我花了很多時間培養他的藝術氣質。」但在邱Sir 的教導下,Andy突飛猛進,在2011年的施坦威國際青少 年鋼琴比賽獲得第二名,並且是所有得獎者中年紀最小的 一個。今年6月他更會踏上伊館舞台表演。


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Ricky Yau is currently looking for 4 students born in year 2007/2008. He welcomes our readers to enquire and schedule an interview time. Please call 9874 4444 for any queries. 邱Sir現正招收07、08年出世的學生,名額4個,歡迎我們的讀者查詢或 約見面試。有意請致電9874 4444。

Mia Bartholomaeus Mia is a qualified Yoga teacher and Mother of two. Has practised and taught Yoga in Hong Kong, Tokyo and now Australia. Former Lululemon Athletica Ambassador and currently teaching private, group and corporate Hatha Yoga classes, believes that a healthy lifestyle and finding clarity of mind should start with the breath. Mia是一位合資格瑜伽老師,亦是兩個孩子的媽媽。她曾在香港和東京實習並教導瑜伽,現於澳洲從事的相 關工作。她以前是健身服連鎖生產商Lululemon Athletica的形象大使,現在則為個人、團體和公司提供Hatha 瑜伽課程服務。她認為健康的生活方式、純淨的心靈都和呼吸密切相關。

Having Trouble Breathing?

How to Cope with Shortness of Breath in Pregnancy?


呼吸變急促? Text | Mia Bartholomaeus

There are a multitude of symptoms and changes to your body that come with pregnancy, one of these symptoms is a shortness of breath. 懷孕會給人的身體帶來很多的反應和變化,呼吸變急促就是 其中之一。

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Health benefits

懂得呼吸讓你更健康 An increase in hormone called progesterone stimulates the respiratory centre in your brain directly affecting the lungs due to your body and your babies need for more oxygen. Then, as your pregnancy progresses, breathing will become more laboured as the growing uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm. Toward the end of your pregnancy, breathing may become easier as the baby drops and allows room for your lungs to expand. However, if you are carrying “high” or multiples, this may not be the case. By being aware of your breath and learning valuable breathing techniques it will help you throughout your pregnancy and assist with contractions during your labour. You will find the correct balance between the inhalation of oxygen and the exhalation of carbon dioxide. Your lungs will become stronger and there will be an increase in oxygen to your blood, your body will function more efficiently creating a healthier body for you and your baby. Not only does breathing more efficiently help you on a physical level, some of the breathing techniques will also have a calming effect during times of stress and help you to relax those nights you have trouble drifting off the sleep.

Changing Body and Baby Bonding 改變身體和寶寶的關係

Ujjayi breathing is a Yoga Pranayama (breathing technique) where you inhale completely through the nose and exhale completely through the nose. You will hear a deep sound at the back of the throat on the exhalation. Ujjayi breathing is also both calming and balancing and increases the oxygenation in the blood. The sound in the back of the throat helps you become more aware of the breath as well as having a meditative quality. During these times of meditation you can focus on your breath and find a deeper connection with your changing body and bonding with your growing baby. Ujjayi breathing is safe to practise while pregnant however, not all breathing techniques are created equal. Avoid Pranayama’s which increase the body’s temperature, holds the breath for a long time or contracts the stomach. Stop immediately if you become over exterted or dizzy and always practise Pranayama under the guidance of a trained instructor. Ujjayi呼吸法是一種完全通過鼻腔進行呼氣和














懷孕期間嘗試Ujjayi 呼吸法是非常安全的,但並非所有






有壓力或眩暈時應立即停止 Ujjayi 呼吸法,並在受過訓





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Correct posture plays a role 正確姿勢很重要

Other things you can do which help the shortness of breath is to have good posture as well as sitting upright instead of slouching. This will allow your lungs to expand as much as possible. Exercising throughout your pregnancy also helps strengthen the respiratory and circulatory systems. While you are sleeping prop yourself up with pillows or lie on your left side while elevating your head. If your breath becomes short and laboured, this may also be a sign that your body needs to rest or you are over exerting yourself. If your breathing is accompanied with a persistent cough, becomes abnormally rapid, there is a worsening of athsma, there is chest pain when you breath, if you look pale or feel as though you are not getting enough oxygen it may be an indication that you have a more serious condition and you need to seek immediate medical attention. There is never a time when the simple act of breathing becomes so important. It nourishes you and your baby with life giving oxygen, helps reduce stress levels, helps you to relax, bond with baby and assists with labour. While the symptoms of pregnancy may seem never ending, your breath will return to normal after you have given birth. 其他幫你應對呼吸短促的方法包括保持端正的坐姿,而不是慵懶 地坐下。這會使你的肺部盡可能地擴大。在整個孕期進行這種練 習還可加強呼吸及循環系統。入睡時可用枕頭支撐身體,或者抬 頭時倚靠左側臥躺。如果呼吸變得短促而費力,這可能意味著你 需要休息或者你過於勞累。 如果呼吸伴隨著持續的咳嗽,而且咳得很頻繁,出現了更嚴重的 哮喘,胸部疼痛,看起來非常虛弱或者感覺呼入的氧氣總是不 夠,這可能預示著你狀態很糟糕,應及時尋求醫生幫助。 只有在懷孕期,呼吸這一簡單的行為才變得如此重要。它帶來氧 氣,滋養你和腹中的胎兒,幫你減輕壓力,變得更為放鬆,加強 你與胎兒的聯繫,並使你順利分娩。也許孕期症狀一直都會存 在,但是生產之後你的呼吸將會回到正常水準。

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When Baby

Won’t Sleep 為何BB不肯覺覺豬?



Text | Li Jin




Z 54

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ongratulations on your new baby! AND welcome to the world of sleeplessness! Every new parent has been through it – baby keeps waking up in the middle of the night to feed and play, baby cries every night at a certain time, baby doesn’t want to sleep at all both in the morning and night. Enough to drive you up the wall yet? The problem is that when baby does not get good sleep, neither does the whole family. Sleep deprivation can affect your work, moods, appetite and health. It’s especially difficult when you have other small children in the family who needs constant attention too.

喜你喜添貴子!亦歡迎你來到「無得瞓」新紀 元!相信每個初為人父母的都會經歷這樣的痛 苦——小寶寶到深夜仍兩眼睜睜,要餵奶要玩

耍,或者在每晚特定的時間哭鬧,無論白天晚上都不願睡覺。 是否聽一聽就已感到心煩氣躁了? 寶寶睡不好,全家人都睡不好。睡眠不足會影響你的工作、情 緒、食慾及健康。尤其當你還有其他小朋友需要時間照料,更 令人煩惱。 為甚麼寶寶不肯睡覺?你可以做些甚麼?讓我們來找答案吧!

Why isn’t baby sleeping and what can you do about it? Let’s find out!

Why does baby keep waking up? 為甚麼寶寶不停醒來? Babies have different sleep cycles from adults. Adults have a 90-minute sleep cycle comprising 75% deep sleep and 25% dream or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, while babies have a shorter sleep cycle. Their sleep cycle is 45 minutes comprising 20 minutes of deep sleep and 25 minutes of REM sleep.


That’s why your baby keeps waking up every hour or so in the first few weeks. “But don’t worry, as this is only temporary,” says Dr M. Paranjothy, Consultant Paediatrician from Assunta Hospital. “Your baby’s sleep cycles will usually stabilise after 3 months and he should be sleeping longer hours. He’ll also wake up and sleep at the same time like everyone else.”

科顧問M. Paranjothy醫生表示:「寶寶的睡眠週期通常會在3

睡眠。而嬰兒的睡眠週期短許多,只是45分鐘,包括20分鐘的 深睡眠和25分鐘的REM睡眠。 這就是你的寶寶在最初幾週每隔一小時左右就會醒來的原因。 「不過不用擔心,這些只是暫時的。」馬來西亞Assunta醫院兒 個月後穩定下來,那時他的睡眠時間會更長。他還會與其他人 在一樣的時間睡覺、起床。」




Why is baby sleeping throughout the day? 為甚麼寶寶整個白天都在睡覺? During the first month, your baby cannot tell the difference between day or night. Some babies tend to stay awake in the day time, but the surprising thing is that most babies like to stay awake in the middle of the night, when you can’t keep your eyes open!


“You need to train you baby on day and night activities. When he wakes up in the night, keep the lights dimmed and the environment silent. Don’t encourage the night waking by playing, singing to him, watching television or turning all the lights on,” advises Dr M Paranjothy.


持清醒,但令人驚訝的是,大多數嬰兒都喜歡在你累到睜不開 眼睛的深夜醒著! 「你需要訓練寶寶在白天和夜間的活動。當他在夜晚醒來時, 視或打開所有的燈,只會鼓勵他在半夜醒來。」M Paranjothy 醫生建議。

About The Author Parenting2u.com is an unique online resource for parents and parents-to-be, with up-to-theminute information and entertainment they want and the sense of community they crave—all based on the power and knowledge of Parenting and Babytalk brands. www.peegaboo.com | PJ


My baby is easily jerked awake 我的寶寶容易驚醒 Some babies are naturally light sleepers and can be awakened by even the slightest sounds – door opening, phone ringing, even the sounds of birds or a cockerel crowing. This is frustrating for moms as the lack of sound sleep makes him very cranky.


For smaller babies, swaddling in a large nappy or cotton cloth can stop baby being easily awakened. Some parents have also found that placing a small pillow or bean-bag on baby’s body will keep him reassured as he feels that he’s being held in your arms.


或雞叫等都會吵醒他。由於缺少深睡眠,寶寶脾氣很壞,這讓媽媽們 十分苦惱。 對較小的嬰兒而言,將其包裹在大棉布中可以使寶寶不那麼容易被吵 因為這讓他感到是被抱在你的懷中。

Should baby sleep on his back, tummy or side? 寶寶應該平躺、趴著還是側身睡覺? “All three are alright as long as your baby’s face is unobstructed by pillows, towels, soft toys or anything else. Also ensure your baby’s mattress is not too soft that he sinks into it and has difficulty breathing,” says Dr M Paranjothy. There’s also the misconception that sleeping on the back will flatten baby’s head at the back. Dr M Paranjothy reassures parents that this is untrue but adds that sleeping on the back might shorten baby’s sleeping time as he’ll be more easily awakened unless he is swaddled. Sleeping on the side, holding a small bolster or on the tummy, is more reassuring for babies as they have something to hang on to for comfort.


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「只要你寶寶的臉沒有被枕頭、毛巾、毛絨玩具或其他任何東西捂住, 這三種姿勢都是可行的。此外,確保寶寶的床墊不是太軟,不會陷入其 中而呼吸困難。」M Paranjothy醫生說道。 平躺睡覺會讓寶寶的後腦勺變平同樣是一個誤解。M Paranjothy醫生 告訴家長這並不是屬實的。同時,他指出平躺睡覺可能會縮短寶寶的 睡眠時間,又補充道,除非用寶寶被包裹起來,否則會更加容易被吵醒。 側身睡覺、抱著長枕或趴著睡覺對寶寶來說更為安心,因為他們會因 為握住某物而感到慰藉。

Must I buy a baby cot? 我必須買一張嬰兒床嗎? Every experienced parent will tell you that the baby cot is the most under-utilised baby equipment they bought because baby will only sleep in it for the first few months. It becomes unsafe for your baby to sleep in a cot when he has learnt how to climb out of it as he might do so when you are not looking! Getting a small mattress and placing it beside your bed is probably a more practical option until he can sleep in his own bed. This also makes it easier for you to breastfeed him at night, as you can share his mattress without leaving your poor spouse to sleep alone. 有經驗的父母會告訴你嬰兒床是他們買過的使用率最低的裝備,因 為寶寶只會在最初的幾個月睡嬰兒床。當他學會如何從嬰兒床中爬出 來時,睡嬰兒床對寶寶而言就變得不安全了,因為他可能會在你沒注 意時爬出來! 在寶寶能在自己的床上睡覺前,在你的床邊放上一個小褥墊很可能是 一個更為實際的選擇。這也更易於你在夜間餵奶,你可睡到他的褥墊




My baby keeps waking up ever y few minutes and crying 我的寶寶每隔幾分鐘 便醒來哭鬧


Babies cry to communicate a need. Check whether your baby is hungry because he did not latch on properly during breastfeeding. Also check whether his diaper is wet, or whether he is too cold, too hot, too tired or needs to be burped. If all else fails, he probably has colic, which is wind trapped in the stomach. You may offer some gripe water, hold him against your shoulder to burp him or rub some baby medicated oil on his tummy to soothe the pain. If you are breastfeeding, avoid foods such as cabbage and beans that might give your baby colic.



寶寶的哭鬧是在表達某種需求。看看你的寶寶是不是餓了,他可能在餵 奶時沒有正確地含住乳頭。再檢查下他的尿布是不是濕了,抑或他是不 是太冷、太熱、太累或需要打嗝。

如果這些都不是,他可能是因為胃中存有氣體而腹絞痛。你可以為他 掃風,抱起他讓他趴在你的肩上,輕拍其背,排出胃中氣體,或者在肚 子上擦一點嬰兒藥用油來舒緩疼痛。如果你是母乳餵養,避免進食捲 心菜及豆類,因這些食物可能令嬰兒腸內產氣過多,導致腹絞痛。

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Breakfast for Children:

Something Different 孩子早餐 不要例牌

Text | Nancy Lam


reakfast plays a profound impact on children’s development. Research indicates that children who skip breakfast hinder their health, growth, and concentration. Even their achievement in literacy and math take a nose dive. Breakfast means “break the fast”. For the sake of children’s health, how can we not give them a nutritional breakfast? Typical Hong Kong style breakfasts are mainly high in fat: steak and sausage, noodles with luncheon meat, etc. Although they provide more than enough energy, since they are mainly composed of fat, they are not able to be broken down into glucose, the only form of energy that the brain can use. Therefore they are not beneficial to children’s health. The recipes on next page are nutritionally balanced, and the servings can be adjusted according to children’s height, weight and amount of exercise.

Nancy Lam 林詩敏 A Registered Dietitian, member of the Hong Kong Dietitians Association, Nancy has over 10 years of experience in nutritional health. Currently


aregistered dietitian at the MSL Nutritional Diet


Centre, she has published works discussing


advice on dieting and children nutrition via her

餐的英文釋名Breakfast,原來語意為「Break the fast」,即解作打破禁食。故

時下「例牌早餐」多以牛扒腸仔、餐肉公仔麵、炒麵等高脂食物為主。雖然所提供的能量 充足有餘,但可惜其熱量主要來自脂肪,而脂肪卻並不能分解成為腦部唯一能運用為能源

obesity and health, shared nutritional information with parents at Peegaboo.com, and also shared personal blog. 英國註冊營養師,香港營養師協會會員,具超 過10年營養護康經驗,現為「米施洛營養護康




《健康從心開始》及《小孩不胖》(審校),曾 於百家寶親子網與家長分享幼兒營養資訊,另有 個人網誌「營養師林詩敏營地」,與眾媽媽交流 健康Keep Fit及幼兒營養心得。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Two Vitality Breakfasts

Recommended by Dietitian

2款活力早晨全餐 註冊營養師教你做 Yogurt Crepe with Fruits 乳酪鮮果班戟 Ingredients 材料 (10 servings 10件份) 1 cup self-raising flour 自發粉1杯 1/3 cup honey 蜜糖1/3杯 2 eggs 雞蛋2隻 1/2 cup low fat milk 低脂奶1/2杯 2 teaspoons oil 油2茶匙 5 strawberries (chopped) 士多啤梨5粒(切粒) 1/2 cup blueberries 藍莓1/2杯 1 cup low fat yogurt 低脂乳酪1杯 Method 做法 1. Sift flour. 篩自發粉,備用; 2. Beat the eggs; add milk and honey. Slowly add the flour. Mix till it becomes pasty. 雞蛋打勻,拌入奶和蜜糖,然後慢慢加入自發粉 中,拌勻至糊狀; 3. Heat a wok. Add 2 teaspoons of oil. Put 1 tablespoon of paste mix into the wok and fry till golden brown. 燒熱鑊,下油,放一湯匙麵糊於鑊中,煎至金黃 色; 4. Spread yogurt on the crepe; add fruits on top. 將乳酪淋在班戟上,再鋪上水果; 5. Spread a small dollop of yogurt on top of the fruits. Serve. 最後再淋少量乳酪於水果上,即可。 Suggestion 建議 This is a breakfast full of carbohydrates, vitamin C, and calcium, which are good for children’s vitality. Choose their favourite type of fruit or fruit jelly (jam). 富碳水化合物、維他命C和鈣的早餐,能提高小朋友 的活力,班戟可選用小朋友喜愛的水果或塗果醬。


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Rainbow Omelet 彩虹滑蛋 Ingredients 材料 (1 servings 1人份) 2 mushrooms 磨菇2粒 2 tablespoons of tuna in canned water 水浸吞拿魚2湯匙 1 tablespoon of chopped tomatoes 番茄粒1湯匙 1 teaspoon of chopped onions 洋蔥粒1茶匙 1 egg 蛋1隻 2 tablespoons milk 牛奶2湯匙 1 teaspoon oil 油1茶匙 Dash of salt 鹽少量

Method 做法 1. Rinse the mushrooms. 磨菇切片洗淨,備用; 2. Add eggs, milk and salt. Mix well. 打蛋,加入奶和鹽,拌勻; 3. Crush tuna using a spoon and add to mixture. 用匙壓碎吞拿魚,加入蛋汁中; 4. Heat the wok; add 1 teaspoon of oil. Stirfry the onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes. 下油炒香洋蔥粒和磨菇後,拌入番茄粒; 5. Add eggs and fry till done. Serve. 炒熟蛋上碟,即成。

立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答 簡單問題,贏取《小孩不胖:133個健營飲食秘密》一本 (價值HK$88)。Special thanks to: 米施洛營養護康中心


Suggestion 建議 This breakfast can be accompanied with toast and milk, making it a nutritionally balanced diet which is good for the brain. 菜式可配以多士和鮮奶進食,造成均衡 且富有健腦營養素的早餐。

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High IQ = Good Language Skills? 智商高 = 語文能力高? Text | Dr. Anna Lee

Dr. Anna Lee D r. L e e i s t h e f o u n d e r o f D r L e e ’s L a n g u a g e a n d D y s l e x i a Tre a t m e n t C e n t re (www.dyslexiacentre.hk). She is a specialist speech therapist in dyslexia who obtained her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Liverpool, UK. 榮獲英國利物浦大學認知心理學博士的Dr. Anna Lee,是文穎語言及讀寫障礙治療中心 (www. dyslexiacentre.hk) 的創辦人,亦是言語治療師及讀寫障礙專家。

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When will you describe a child as “intelligent”? When he or she can speak 3 languages fluently, memorise 10 newly learned vocabularies, or do complex mathematical calculations? Indeed, good memory, language and logical thinking skills are all associated with high intelligence. Intelligence also refers to the ability to profit from past experiences and adapt to new environment, the ability to analyse rationally, exercise judgments and solve problems efficiently. Gardner (1983) proposed 6 types of intelligences, called multiple intelligences. They are (1) linguistic; (2) logical-mathematical; (3) spatial; (4) musical; (5) bodily-kinesthetic; (6) interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences. Every normal person will develop all these intelligences in varying degrees. The Wechsler Intelligence Scales include a verbal scale and a performance scale. The scores from these two scales will represent different IQs and they together yield a full scare score and an average IQ. Discrepancies of the scores from the two scales can indicate an individual’s different competences in verbal and non-verbal (spatial and logical relationships) abilities. Therefore, a high average IQ doesn’t necessarily mean good language skills. 甚麼時候你會覺得一個小孩子聰明?當他能流利地說3 種語言?當他很快便能記住10個新詞? 或當他能解決 一個複雜的數學題? 的確,記憶力、語言能力及邏輯思考力都跟智力有關。 智力也指從經驗中學習而適應新環境的能力,作理性的 分析和判斷,解決困難的能力等。 美國發展心理學家 加德納 (1983) 指出智力可分為6種,包括語文、邏輯 數理、空間感、音樂、運動、自我及人際分析智力; 而每個人都會不同程度地發展這6種智力。 韋氏智力測驗中包含一個言語量表,一個行為操作量 表。兩個可合併而計算出一個平均的智商系數。兩個 量表分數的不同代表語言及圖形邏輯能力的差異,所 以平均智商高並不一定代表語文能力也高。


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Case 1 Brian, a 5-year-old Cantonese-speaking boy, has high performance IQ, but he could only express himself in limited vocabularies and short sentences. A detailed language assessment revealed that he has a specific language impairment. After more than one year of language intervention, he can now tell simple stories. 5歲的樂樂在圖形邏輯能力上的智商很高,但他說話時詞 彙很少,只能用簡單的句子來表達自己。語言評估顯示 他患有語言障礙。經過一年多的言語治療,他現在已能 說簡單的故事。

Case 2 Valerie is a 10-year-old gifted girl. She showed great talent in piano playing, and has already finished grade 8. However, she also has dyslexia. She forgot easily how to read and write words that have just been taught. After receiving intensive intervention on reading and writing, she is already making great progress. 10歲的詠詩是一個資優的女孩,她已考獲八級鋼琴的資 格。但她同時亦患有讀寫障礙,對文字的記憶很短暫, 常常執筆忘字。經過一連串的讀寫訓練,她現在已經大 有進步。

Ways to enhance children’s IQ




Although intelligence is, to a large extent, inherited, it can be enhanced by environmental stimulation. 雖然智能大都是天生的,但可透過環境的刺激而提升。

Intelligence comes from rich everyday experiences. Let your children participate in daily routines and other activities. Children learn by observing and doing things. 智慧來自豐富的生活體驗。盡量讓你的孩子參 與日常生活的事情及不同的活動。小孩子都是 靠觀察和親身經歷而學習。

Whenever children ask why, try not to give direct answers to them immediately, but guide and help them find out the answer themselves. This can lead them to think independently. 當孩子問為甚麼,避免立刻說出答案,應盡量引導他們自己 找出答案,這樣可訓練他們獨立思考。


Let your children solve problems by themselves. This can train their problem solving skills.



If children have a different opinion as you, try not to say they are wrong immediately, but try to understand why they have such thinking, and let them imagine the consequences if things happen in the way they think. 如果孩子跟你有不同的意見,先不要說他們錯; 可以多了解他們的想法,讓他們想像如果真的如 他們所想,事情會有甚麼後果。

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Ways to enhance children’s language skills



Language is an essential skill to express and stimulate thoughts. 語言能表達及刺激思維。

Read aloud stories with your children – you can ask each other questions and share your opinions. You can even ask them to guess the endings of the stories. This is a good activity for parents and children to learn to listen to each other, and to enhance the parent-child relationship. 和孩子朗讀故事——你們可互相問問題及分享意 見。你甚至可讓他們猜猜故事的結局。這樣可讓 你們學習互相聆聽,從而增進親子關係。


Increase children’s vocabularies by letting them watch educational television programmes and read books of various subjects, so that they have the precise words to express themselves. 讓孩子透過有教育性的電視節目及不同類型的書籍吸收詞 彙,讓他們有適當的詞彙表達自己。


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Give them opportunities to retell past experiences and express their opinions. Ask them “why” and “how” questions, so that they can explain in detail.


讓孩子有機會敘述自己的經歷及發表意見,你可盡量問「為 甚麼」和「怎樣」的問題,讓他們嘗試解釋。

Encourage your children to write journals or invent stories, as writing helps children organise their thoughts. 鼓勵孩子寫日記或創作故事;寫作可幫助小 孩子整理思維。


The More Tutoring, the Better? 補習愈多愈好?


s syllabus at schools gets increasingly in-depth and wider spectrum, students are not able to absorb all the knowledge with limited time. To bridge the difference between the students’ abilities, more tutorial lessons are being added on school days. Also, there are various tutorial classes on homework guidance, subject-oriented tutoring, exam preparation, etc. to meet different needs of students. Recently, the tutoring phenomenon has spread down to primary and even kindergarten levels. Is it really a case of the more tutoring, the better? It is a given that “learning is more about scoring”. Living in a highly competitive city like Hong Kong, it is not unusual for parents to be anxious about their children’s academic achievement. In order for children to obtain the highest scores possible in raising their competitiveness, parents are enrolling them in various tutorial, examination preparation, and interest classes. Yet children might become exhausted by too many tutoring, which makes them lost interest instead of improves their results. In addition, one-way teaching approach in tutorial class leads to students’ tendency to rely on the tutors for guidance. To counteract this, parents should not focus solely on academic results but take the responsibility to nurture children’s independent thinking, self-learning, courage to overcome obstacles and positive attitude to pursue the dreams. Therefore, parents should choose learning centres that share similar vision, with a systematic approach to foster learning and diminish children’s

今學校課程愈趨艱深,涉獵 範圍甚廣,但受教學時間所 限,學生往往未能吸收所有

知識。為縮窄學生能力之間的差異,校內 紛紛增設「補底班」、「增潤班」;而校 外亦有各種不同的補習班,如功課輔導、 專科補習、應試班,以切合不同學生的需 要。近年,人人皆「補」的現象更由小學 蔓延至幼稚園。究竟補習是否有效?又是

dependencies, as well as nurture the following abilities: 1.Discipline in learning – initiative to do homework every day at a specific time. 2. Target setting – be able to develop short term, middle term and long term learning goals. 3.Eager ness in lear ning – to actively read books and search for knowledge. 4. Self-learning – be able to solve problems instead of seek for assistance.

否愈多愈好? 常言道,「求學不是求分數」,但身處競 爭激烈的香港,家長難免緊張孩子的學業 成績。為追求斐然的成績,提升競爭力, 大多數父母都會為子女報讀許多不同的補 習班、考試班和興趣班。然而,過量的補 習只會讓孩子疲於奔命,不但未能有效改 善成績,也容易失去學習興趣;再者,補 習社一般都以直接教授的方法灌輸知識, 使學生容易產生依賴性。作為父母,不應 只著眼於孩子的學業成績,更重要的是培 育他們視學習為己任,懂得獨立思考、自 律學習,並勇於挑戰、積極向前,為自己 的理想而奮鬥。因此,家長在選擇校外課 程時,應精挑一間與自己培育子女理念相

Kumon = Tutorial class? Kumon is different from any other tutorial classes that emphasizes character-building as well as improves academic result. Through continuous daily study, students are able to foster a positive learning attitude, self-learning ability and problem solving skill. Kumon materials, teaching method and centre flow aim to provide guidance for students to facilitate self-learning, from where students will develop independent thinking and learning initiative.

公文式 = 補習社? 公文式與坊間補習社截然不同,差別在於課程提升學生 學業成績的同時,亦重視品格培養;透過每天持續學 習,學生能培養出良好的學習態度、自學能力、解難 能力等終身技能。公文式的教材、指導方法及學習流 程,均以「引導學生能夠自學」為目標,使學生學會主 動思考及學習。

近,有系統地培養學習自主性及減低孩子 依賴性的教育機構,並留意以下幾點: 1. 培養孩子的學習紀律,如每天主動、定 時做家課。 2. 培養孩子的目標感,懂得為自己訂立短 期、中期及長期學習目標。 3. 培養孩子的學習積極性,主動閱讀課外 書,尋求學問。 4. 培養孩子的自學能力,遇到學習難題 時先自行嘗試解決,而非立即尋求他 人協助。

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Exploration of Savvy Scientists

We are making o ur own volc ano! 我們正在 自 火山呢! 製

at ARISTLE Gifted Institute

輕鬆做個資優科學家 In a group project about the wonders of nature, students gather to create the effect of an erupting volcano. They actively take notes of the experimental process. They then go on a field trip to see how plants grow in the greenhouse, and at the end, the group delivers a research presentation to the class. This secondary school science research project is actually completed by a group of primary school students. n, Ms. Akhee Jaha the Senior Tutor of ce. Ministry of Scien 科學部高級導師 n Ms. Akhee Jaha

Ms. Akhee Jahan took her students to watch the Space Museum Omnimax Show Sea Rex. Ms. Akhee Jahan帶領學生到太空館觀賞全天域 電影《古海龍王》。

The project is part of the ARISTLE MAD Scientists Programme from ARISTLE Gifted Institute (ARISTLE). The Progamme is designed for young students to explore Science just like secondary school students would, through clear and interactive activities and group projects. It encourages students to analyse, classify, measure, make predictions and communicate through experiments just like real scientists. ARISTLE believes young children are equipped with scientific curiosity that drives them to discover and explore. Furthermore, students are able to enhance their social, communication, and problem solving skills through group projects. Every presentation is also a precious step in gaining selfconfidence and team spirit, it also provides a great motivational boost to scientific creativity and curiosity. 看,一班小朋友正埋頭研究如何「讓火山爆發」!這是一個探索大自然奧妙的小 組項目,整個實驗過程小朋友都認真地做著筆記。他們亦去到溫室實地考察,了 解溫室植物的生長。最後,他們會在課堂上分組作研究報告。他們是一班小學 生,卻已經能完成一個中學程度的科學項目。 該項目是雅士圖資優培訓中心自然探索智能培訓課程的一部分,該課程旨在透過 明確的互動及團隊活動,讓這些小朋友像中學生一樣進行科學探索。這個課程能 讓孩子們學會像一個小小科學家一般:分析、分類、測量、預測及溝通。 雅士圖認為,幼兒階段的小朋友已具備發現和探索科學的好奇心。此外,他們亦 能透過小組項目提高他們的社交、溝通及解決問題的能力。課堂上的每次演講同

Greenhouse Lab: a field trip to the HK Botanical and Zoological Garden 溫室實驗室: 學生們到香港 動植物公園作實地考察 。

樣是珍貴的學習機會,小朋友能藉此獲得自信,提高團隊合作精神,從而增強自 己的創造力及對科學的好奇心。

ARISTLE Gifted Institute 雅士圖資優培訓中心

is ts present th The studen s t to the clas group projec 紹這個 介 上 堂 課 學生們在 研究報告。

Address: Unit A & B, 10/F., Coda Plaza, 51 Garden Road, MidLevels Central, Hong Kong 中環半山花園道51號科達中心10樓A至B室 Tel: 2801 7920 Email: info@aristle-gifted.com Website: www.aristle-gifted.com www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Gourmet Mac ‘N Cheese 芝士椰菜花焗通粉 Ingredients • 1 large packet of whole-wheat cavatappi, penne or macaroni pasta • 1 whole cauliflower, cut into bite size pieces • 1/2 stick butter • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped • 1 cup of heavy cream • 4 cups organic whole milk • 1 pound sharp, old aged cheddar cheese, grated • 1 cup fresh parmesan cheese, grated • 1½ cups coarsely shredded sharp old aged cheddar cheese • 1 tbsp of paprika • ½ tsp of chilli powder • Kosher salt • ½ cup of whole-wheat panko bread crumbs Method 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook according to package instructions for el dente results. 3. Steam or boil cauliflower until cooked through (not soft) for about 15 to 18 minutes. Evenly place cooked pasta and cauliflower in a large deep baking dish. 4. In a large saucepan, melt the butter over the medium heat. Add garlic and stir until softened. Add cream and milk, stir and bring to a simmer. Stir in both grated cheeses until cheese is melted and fully incorporated into the mixture. Add paprika, chilli powder and kosher salt to taste. 5. Ladle sauce over the pasta and cauliflower and mix well. Generously sprinkle the shredded cheddar and bread crumbs evenly on top of the pasta and cauliflower.

材料 • 全麥通粉1大包 • 椰菜花1整個,切至易入口的塊狀 • 牛油半磚 • 大蒜2瓣,剁碎 • 鮮奶油1杯 • 有機全脂奶4杯 • 濃味陳年車打芝士1磅,磨碎 • 巴馬芝士1杯,磨碎 • 略略切碎的濃味陳年車打芝士1杯半 • 辣椒油1茶匙 • 辣椒粉半茶匙 • 鹽適量 • 日式全麥麵包糠半杯

做法 1. 焗爐預熱至1750C(3500F) 2. 煲滾一鍋鹽水,倒入通粉,按說明煮至變 軟。 3. 將菜花蒸或燙15至18分鐘至熟而不軟,和通 粉一起倒入深烤盤中。 4. 在大平底鍋以中等熱度將牛油熔化,加入蒜 末拌炒至變軟,倒入鮮奶油和牛奶攪至沸 騰,再加入兩款磨碎了的芝士煮至完全熔 化,以辣椒油、辣椒粉、鹽調味。 5. 將醬汁和通粉、菜花攪勻,灑上切碎的車打 芝士、麵包糠。 6. 焗20至25分鐘至麵包糠金黃色、芝士起泡。

6. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until bread crumbs are golden brown and cheese is bubbling over.

The above recipe (in English) are extracted from Homespun cookbook published by Morningstar Preschool and Kindergarten to raise money for Room to Read Local Language Publishing Program. Available at Bookazine • MetroBooks • Swindon Book Co. Ltd. • Kelly & Walsh • Hong Kong Book Centre • il Bel Paese • Just Green Convenience Stores • www.ShoppeTales.com www.MorningstarSchools.com


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Macau Family Playtime

澳門親子去處多 Text | Allan Lee

Photo | Allan Lee, Image Bank Sweden

If you think Macau is only about satisfying your taste buds and throwing dice, think again. There are plenty of places that are ideal for families. Experience a different kind of journey with our travel columnist Allan to Macau, Taipa, and Coloane! 別以為澳門只是適合吃喝玩樂的開心地,其實這裡 有好幾個新奇好玩的親子好去處。讓我們的旅遊作 者Allan帶你一家人來個澳門、氹仔、 路環三連遊!


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Ove rse Tips as 海外 遊

Allan Lee 李家輝 Allan ardently loves travelling and writing. He is a newspaper and magazine columnist. Allan熱愛旅遊及寫作,乃報章雜誌的專欄作 者。

Fun Science Gallery 3號館 兒童樂園廳 Transporting Coal 運煤

Children Science Gallery 4號館 兒童科學廳

Exploring Aqua-physics 了解水之物理學

Macau Peninsula 澳門半島

Macau Science Center


Once in Macau, a modernistic silvery conical structure immediately strikes the eye next to Fisherman’s Wharf. It is the Macao Science Center. The Center is an ideal site for families to spend half a day. There are interactive experimental zones for children to explore, observe and experience Science in the Exhibition Centre. Parents can also guide their children’s learning and play together! The game zone next to McDonald’s is a paradise for younger children. The Planetarium on the other side plays various 2D and 3D sky and space theatre shows. There is an experimental flight zone in between. The scenery surrounding the Science Center is wonderful and ideal for viewing at sunset.

Sports Health Gallery 12號館 運動健康廳 Fuel Saving Driver 齊作慳油司機

當大家搭船到澳門時,會見到一座頗富時代感的銀色建築坐落於漁人碼頭附近, 那便是落成逾兩週年的澳門科學館。澳門科學館是一家大小可以玩上半天的好地 方。在展覽中心裡,有很多益智體驗遊戲,讓小朋友從瀏覽、觀察及體驗去了解 科學。父母亦可從旁講解及協助子女學習,甚至與子女同樂。 較小的小朋友,在麥當勞旁的兒童遊樂區必定令他們樂而忘返。而在展覽中心另 一邊是天文館,定期播放不同題材的2D及3D天象及球幕節目。兩者中間還有飛 行體驗區,而科學館外更是景色優美,也是欣賞日落的好地方。

Transportation Take Bus No. 12 from Macau Ferry Terminal for several minutes. You can also take Bus No. 3A, 8, and 10A to the Macao Science Center. The opening hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Sunday. Closed Thursdays and the day before Chinese Lunar New Year.

Macao Science Centre is a combined version of Hong Kong Space Museum and Science Museum. Now it only takes one trip to understand both Astronomy and Science. 澳門科學館可說是香港太空館及科學 館的結合版,來一趟便可同時了解天 文學與科學兩個範疇。

可從澳門外港碼頭乘坐12號巴士前往,數分鐘後便到達。其他巴士如3A、8及10A也經過 澳門科學館。開放時間為星期一至日早上10時至下午6時,逢星期四及農曆年除夕休館。

Macau Family Travel Tips 澳門親子旅遊小貼士 • There are long queues of people crossing the borders in and out of Macau. It is strongly recommended to conduct an electronic immigration clearance when entering Macau to save time. • MOP is the currency used in Macau, where 1 MOP = 0.97366 HKD. Since HKD can be used in Macau, there is no need to exchange currency.

• 澳門過關人數眾多,經常大排長龍,建議大家在澳門入境時 辦理電子過關手續,以後便不需花費太多時間排隊過關。 • 澳門貨幣為MOP,兌港幣滙率為MOP 1約兌HK$0.97366, 通常可用港幣交替使用,所以不必兌換。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Taipa 氹仔

Parque Natural da Taipa Grande (Grand Taipa Country Park)


Has anyone ever gone to Grand Taipa Country Park before? Although I’ve been to Macau many times, I had never heard of this park. I never knew there was a grass slope for sledding in the park! Plastic sleds are available for use at the slope. Children can choose to ride with or without an older family member. There are similar facilities in other countries; the differences here are use of astroturf and free of charge. There are other recreational facilities for kids in this park, including a barbeque area for families to spend a BBQ night. It’s also a wonderful idea to just take a family stroll together. 不知大家有沒有到過大潭山?到過澳門很多次,但從來不知有這個山存在,更 不知那裡有一風摩小朋友的遊樂地——大潭山滑草場。 滑草場已經為遊玩人士預備了很多膠兜,小朋友可以自己坐,也可以和一位大 人同坐,從上安全地滑下,刺激非常。之後要拿回膠兜回到起點,排隊再來。 其實外國有些主題公園也有類似的遊樂設施,所不同的是大潭山所舖的是人造 草,並且費用全免。 除了滑草場外,大潭山還有其他的兒童遊樂設施,並且有燒烤場,一家大小在 此共享燒烤樂也是一個不錯的選擇。在此欣賞迷人美景,消閒散散步,走走環 山徑,絕對適合安排一家同遊。 Transportation Grand Taipa Park located near Macau International Airport. There are buses available to the airport (Bus No. AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, and 26); alight and walk toward the Golden Crown China Hotel Macau. Take an elevator to the 9th floor and walk towards the grass sledding area. The opening hours are Tuesday – Friday 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays 10:30 – 5:30 p.m. Closed Mondays. 大潭山臨近澳門機場,可乘坐往機場的巴士(AP1,MT1,MT2,N2及26號),然後步 行到對面的澳門金皇冠中國大酒店,乘升降機到9樓,步行往大環山滑草場。滑草場開放 時間為逢星期二至五下午2時半至5時半,星期六、日及公眾假期上午10時半至下午5時 半,逢星期一休息。


• Transportation in Macau is pretty convenient. Bus is a cost-effective choice. Prepare sufficient coins as no change can be given on the bus. You can use smart cards but these are only available for purchase through bus companies. • For more travel information about Macau, check out their website at www.macautourism.gov.mo with links to other sites. PJ | www.peegaboo.com

• 澳門交通方便,乘搭巴士很划算,車內不設零錢找換, 請備輔幣。現在澳門也有一種乘搭巴士用的智能咭,但 只可在市區的巴士公司購買,碼頭沒有銷售。 • 旅遊澳門詳情可參看官方旅遊網站www.macautourism.gov.mo,有其他景點的介紹。

Coloane 路環

Parque de Seak Pai Van


A pair of national treasures reside at the Seak Pai Van Park in Coloane – Hoi Hoi and Sum Sum. They spend most of the time napping in the Macao Giant Panda Pavilion but once they know it’s meal time they act extremely energetic – which is the best time to visit! There are time limits for visiting the pandas: 6 sessions per day, an hour per session. You can order tickets in advance through www.macaupanda.org.mo or 2833 7676. Opening hours are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., closed Mondays. If a public holiday falls on a Monday, the pavilion will be closed the following day. In the pavilion, panda breeders introduce visitors to their habitats. You can choose to wait for their meal time. Visitors can also collect stamps and panda stickers in the park. There is a workshop in protecting pandas which includes all kinds of DIY animal model-making and gallery visits held every weekend between 2 – 5 p.m. You can also make a stop at the Macao Giant Panda Information Centre to learn more about protecting pandas through various games. Opening hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday to Sunday.

在路環的石排灣郊野公園,棲息著一對國寶——大熊 貓開開與心心。他們在澳門大熊貓館悠然自得,經常 懶洋洋地睡覺,但一到餵食時間,馬上龍精虎猛,這 亦是大家參觀的最佳時機! 參觀大熊貓館,有時段限制,1小時1節,每天 6 節 , 欲 免 向 隅 , 可 先 訂 票 , 詳 情 請 瀏 覽 w w w. macaupanda.org.mo或2833 7676查詢。開放時間 為上午10時至下午1時,下午2時至5時,逢星期一休 息。若星期一為公眾假期,則順延至翌日休館。在大 熊貓館裡,會有養殖熊貓員介紹熊貓的生活習慣,之 後便可去等待熊貓享受美食的時間。 在石排灣郊野公園,大家還可以收集所有蓋章及熊貓 貼紙。極受小朋友喜歡的保育大熊貓工作坊,有各式 活動如大熊貓及動物造型DIY及大熊貓畫廊等,逢周 末及假日下午2時至5時舉行。大家也可參觀澳門大 熊貓資訊中心,開放時間為逢星期二至日上午10時 至下午5時,費用全免。大人與小朋友都可透過各式 遊戲認識大熊貓,並加強保育意識。

Transportation Take Bus No. 15, 21A, 25,26,16A,50, or N3 to Parque de Seak Pai Van. 到石排灣郊野公園可乘坐巴士15、21A、25、26、16A、50及N3號。

• There is a 24-hour Macau tour hotline (853) 2833 3000 to enquire on tour info about food, hotels, sightseeing, entertainment, shopping, and transportation.

• 澳門旅遊熱線是 (853) 2833 3000,24小時專人接聽,可諮詢美 食、酒店、觀光景點、娛樂項目、購物、交通等旅遊資訊。

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Azita Crerar Azita Crerar lives and writes in Macau, in the company of her husband and children. Follow her blog at www.kidsmacau.com.

Snails and Puppy Dog Tails 小生命尊重小生命 Walking home from school several weeks ago, we happened to come across a millipede in the middle of the sidewalk. My kids spent a good five minutes with their eyes glued to it, urging it to crawl towards some nearby bushes. “That way! Go that way!” my sons took it in turn to shout excitedly. The millipede did not pay them a great deal of attention. “Do you think it understands English?” “No,” answered my younger son quite seriously. “Maybe it speaks Chinese.” My kids wouldn’t walk on until the millipede was safely inside the bushes. “Take a picture,” my older son suggested. “Maybe you can blog about it.” Where did a seven-year old learn what a blog was? I quickly whipped out my phone and snapped a picture. The millipede looks like a burgundy twig, albeit a straight one. Over the years, I can’t tell you how many snails, slugs, caterpillars, and other variety of creepy crawly creatures we have rescued from certain doom. I have a soft spot for these tiny beings, and even on my own have been known to bend down, scoop up a snail, and replace it safely in a neighbouring bush. I am devastated when I find a snail shell crushed by someone’s erring foot. And hardly without thinking about it, I have taught my kids the same. They admonish other children about picking leaves, damaging trees and flowers, and stepping on colonies of ants. They are not alone, of course. Outside school the other day, seven or eight children stood in a semi-circle, fascinated by the antics of an earthworm. I was gratified to see that they held a great respect for life, and no one tried to meddle or injure the earthworm. I am partway through Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv. It is a sobering view at how a paucity of Nature affects children. So when Nature comes visiting, even in the minuscule form of an errant millipede, I am thankful.


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

幾個星期前,我和我的孩子在從學校回來的路上,遇到了一隻蜈蚣,就在人行道邊 上。我的兩個孩子足足望著牠超過5分鐘,仿佛要看著牠直至牠爬回附近的灌木叢中 才肯罷休。 「那邊,走那邊!」我的孩子們看到牠方向不對立馬大叫。但這蜈蚣似乎對他們毫無 反應。 「你覺得牠聽得懂英文嗎?」「應該聽不懂」小兒子很認真地回答,「讓我試一試中 文。」就這樣,直至蜈蚣真的爬入灌木叢中,我兩個孩子才肯起身回家。 「拍張照吧!」我的大兒子突然建議,「你可以在你的blog寫一寫牠。」噢,一個7歲 的小男孩知道甚麼是blog嗎?我立即掏出我的手提電話,拍了一張相。相片中這條蜈蚣 像一條深紫紅色的枯枝,不過是直溜溜的枯枝。 過去這些年來,我們不知道將多少蝸牛、鼻涕蟲、毛毛蟲及各種各樣的小昆蟲小生 物,從瀕死的厄運中解救出來。我對這些小生物有一種慈悲之心,就算是我自己,也 常常在看到蝸牛趴在人行道的時候,會彎下腰來,將牠們安全地送回附近的草叢樹叢 中。如果我看到有蝸牛的殼被行人的腳踩碎,我會很難過。所以不用講,我也是這樣 教導我的孩子的。 所以當他們見到其他小朋友亂摘花草、踩死螞蟻,他們都會上前勸誡。當然,像他倆這 樣的好孩子還有很多。有天在學校外,就有7、8個孩子圍著半圈,齊齊對著一隻蚯蚓望 到出神。我很欣慰他們都對生命懷有敬畏之心,沒有人試圖上前打擾或傷害這隻蚯蚓。 我想我一定程度上受了Richard Louv.所著的《Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder》一書啟發,該書清楚地指出現在的孩子是多麼 缺乏來自大自然對他們的影響。 所以當大自然來拜訪我們,即使像蜈蚣這樣小小的一隻生物,我亦是非常感恩的。

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惠氏媽媽會 X 楊婉儀



咦,楊婉儀老師同小朋友們在幹什麼? 惠氏媽媽會主辦的「惠氏媽媽會 X 楊婉儀親子遊學日」 在1月份於Discovery Learning Academy (DLA) 舉行。伴 著動聽的音樂,DLA創辦人楊婉儀小姐 (Winnie) 帶領著 小朋友正式開始精彩繽紛的遊學日活動。一班小朋友一 起唱歌、跳舞、玩波波、做小手工、聽故事做動作非常 開心;家長們亦參與其中,細心聽取Winnie解釋每項活 動對小朋友的好處,及相應的一些指引。很多媽媽都覺 得今次惠氏媽媽會的活動十分有意義,會推薦其他媽媽 朋友一同入會。這個下午,大人小朋友都過得十分開心! 朋 長和小 節,家 春! 活動環 在手工 ,設計靚靚揮 作 分工合

是次活動共分為4個環節:音樂、圖片咭、手工及講故事, 更特別設了歲半至兩歲半、兩歲半至三歲兩個年齡組別。楊 婉儀解釋說:兩個年齡組別的小朋友在語言及大小肌肉活動 的發展有差異,所安排的活動亦會迎合他們學習的發展及需 要。對較小的小朋友,會安排多些親子活動,例如媽媽拖住 小朋友一齊跳舞、學習活動多圍繞顏色、形狀等。而兩歲半 以上的小朋友,媽媽可鼓勵小朋友自己嘗試去做。他們認知 能力較高,可學習動物名、地名等。 Winnie希望這次的遊學日不單能提升小朋友的語言、音樂、 認知及社交等多方面能力,爸爸媽媽亦藉此體會和小朋友一 起學習的快樂!


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Winnie用不同的兒歌和活動令小朋友 和爸媽都開心地動起來! 小朋友 跟 這本《 著 Te Little Mon n key Ju m p in g O ff th e B ed 》一 起做動作 。

楊婉儀(Winnie Young)為Discovery Learning Centre創辦人,兩個 孩子的母親,擁有廣播信息/傳播學位、兒童發展學證書、兒童心理 學課程文憑、及兒童學前教育文憑。

圖片咭活動: 我們用的圖片咭並非坊間常用的 flash card。我們會利用圖片咭做 一些具學習性的有趣活動。例如我 擺張「屋子」圖片咭在地上,然後


問小朋友:「屋子在那裡呢?」讓 他們走去該咭的位置。圖片咭如使 用於遊戲活動形式中能和小朋友建


立一種互動關係,小朋友會較易將 圖片中的物體記住。家長們可利用







部份小朋友都鍾意聽音樂和唱歌, 可以跟住節奏跳或做動作。例如唱 「Jump! Jump! Jump!」時,他們 會跟住做Jump這個動作,從而學到 這個字。媽媽可嘗試在家中播多些 兒歌給小朋友聽,和他們放鬆地一



手工活動可幫助及加強小朋友和家 長的親子關係,提升小朋友自信心 和成就感。 小朋友會好記得這個與 爸爸媽媽一齊做的作品。若家長只 叫小朋友做,或家長全部自己做, 小朋友很快就會忘記,因為對作品 無歸屬感。其實在家時家長可以 同小朋友一起砌拼圖、做簡單的 繪畫等。家長可以和小朋友說明 每個步驟,令他們容易把步驟和 詞彙聯繫。

百家寶親子集 團為入場的爸媽 準備了總值超過 HK$300豐富福袋!

閱讀故事: 閱讀有助小朋友建立語言基礎、加強聆聽能力。所以閱讀是很重要的! 我會建議安排一個reading routine(閱讀日程表),以建立小朋友的閱讀習慣,令他們更投入閱讀的過程。其實這個年齡小 朋友的集中力很短暫,10至15分鐘是很正常的。我們做家長反而要嘗試在這段時間加強他們閱 讀能力。 家長可嘗試找一個輕鬆舒服的環境和小朋友一起閱讀,講故事時可以生動一點,容易 引起小朋友的興趣。在講故事當中家長可以不時問小朋友一些關於故事的問題令他們想出一些



Patty 囝囝Issac現時2歲 很開心可以參加惠氏金裝用家 專享活動呢。這個遊學日以英 文為主導,如有粵語會更加 好。Issac也玩得很開心,他很 享受和一大班小朋友一起玩和

Angel 囝囝Michael現時2歲7個月

Fanny 囡囡Megan現時20個月


環境舒服, 老師及助教都面帶



囝最鍾意歌曲《Going to the














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World Read Aloud Day is on March 7, here’re some recommendations of good read aloud books for families!

For 0-3 yrs

3月7日為「世界朗讀日」,以 下是給你和孩子的一些精彩 好介紹﹗

Hooray for Fish! Lucy Cousins


Swim with Little Fish on a fun underwater adventure to meet his many friends. The splashy riot of colour and rhyme will have the kids excited, shouting: hooray for fish!

五味太郎 孤單的小金魚逃出魚缸,躲在糖果罐、 玩具堆、花叢間,最後躲在大魚池裡! 書中除了傳達故事的深意,也充滿設 計的巧思,引領孩子觀察環境,學習 辨認形狀和色彩。

For 4-6 yrs Koala Lou

Animals should definitely not wear clothing.

Mem Fox Ko a l a L o u’s m o t h e r becomes so busy to tell her firstborn how much she loves her, so Koala Lou enters the Bush Olympics to win her mother’s love again. A lovely story to snuggle u p a n d re a d to g e th e r, reminding your child just how much “I love you”.

Judi Barrett Barrett wittily defenses the motion (as suggested by title) with creative and humourous illustrations, showing children why animals’ clothing is perfect...just as it is. A great story to laugh out loud with your child!

雞蛋哥哥 請問一下,踩得到底嗎?



雞蛋哥哥一點兒也不想長 大,他 希望一直保持雞蛋的模樣,因為這 樣就能一直讓媽媽抱着睡,浮在水 面玩,而且大家都不會生他的氣。 可是,有一天,他聽到一聲恐怖的 「啪…」。充滿創意的情節,加上可 愛的圖畫,能讓孩子有勇氣面對成 長中的變化。

「請問一下,踩得到底嗎?」小貓、小 狗和小豬一路擔心的問着。雖然恐 龍、大象和黑熊的回答不太一樣,但 大家都說踩得到底。不過,當他們跳 入水中時,卻發現甚麼?故事淺顯易 明,幼兒容易理解,能讓他們主動參 與故事,不斷預測情節。

For parents Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever Mem Fox Renowned literacy expert Mem Fox explains the incredible impact of reading aloud to children and unveils the secrets of reading. This book is filled with practical advice, activities, and inspiring true read-aloud miracles for parents.


餵故事書長大的孩子? 汪培珽 親子教育實踐家汪培珽,提醒 父母如何藉「唸故事書給孩子 聽」陪伴孩子在充滿愛、智慧 和溫暖的環境中成長。在本書 中她 亦分享了私 房 書單 和實 用貼士。

Supplied by: Bring Me A Book Hong Kong Ltd. PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Monkey See Monkey Do Vol. 1

Mumuhug Vol. 3 《姆姆抱抱》第3集

Ages: 3+ yrs DVD: HK$72

Ages: 5+ yrs

Monkey See Monkey Do is an animation program specifically designed for pre-school children. Using CG animated character combining real children, your child will learn a variety of interesting animal dance in the forests, farms, ponds, savannas, and the Arctic! Each episode will guide children in understanding the characteristics of different animals, learning their moves and

DVD: HK$72 MuMu is an innocent sweet, curious creature who lives alone on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean – and he

dancing together with the music. Don’t miss the fun, volume 1 is out!

loves to hug! Everybody receives MuMu’s hugs and his most sincere friendship. Whenever you encounter frustration, just remember MuMu is always there in your heart and ready to give you his most affectionate embrace!

專為學前幼兒設計的《Monkey See Monkey Do》,以先進的CG動









Special thanks to: Deltamac (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd

Puss In Boots 《無敵貓劍俠》

The Adventures of Tin Tin in 3D 《丁丁歷險記》

Ages: 3+ yrs DVD: HK$128 You loved him in Shrek, now see the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend, where the one-and-only swashbuckling feline found his fame – and a very big pair of boots – in this animated epic! Lover, fighter and outlaw Puss In Boots is off on the

Ages: 5+ yrs DVD: HK$128


The curious young reporter Tintin and his fiercely loyal dog Snowy discovered a model shop, The Unicorn, carrying an explosive secret. He finds himself in the sightlines of Sakharine, a villain who believes Tintin stolen a priceless treasure. Tintin will travel half the world outwitting enemies in a breathless chase to find a shipwreck that hold the key to vast fortune.





adventure of his 9 lives as he teams up with Kitty Softpaws and Humpty Dumpty for the ultimate showdown with the notorious Jack and Jill. 《史力加》系列中最受歡迎人物貓劍俠,腳踏長靴、劍法一流。 但這次他在偷取傳說魔豆,爭奪會生金蛋的金鵝的途中,遇到一


Special thanks to: Intercontinental Video Ltd. Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a DVD! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「Jetso」區,並回答簡單問題,贏取DVD一隻﹗

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Toy Monkey Organic Children Clothing Made in Japan 日本純天然有機嬰孩服裝 Purely made in Japan, Toy Monkey aims at giving safe, attractive and quality clothing to babies and children with sensitive skin. All Toy Monkey items are perfectly made with top-notch organic cotton; dyed with crystal clear water and the traditional Japanese natural indigo dyes (Tokushima’s specialty: Awa Ai); and sewn up into the dedicated least irritable design. Understanding the harms caused by chemical substances from ordinary cotton and chemical dyes on children’s clothing, Toy Monkey only chooses 100% natural and organic materials for the best to children, the move also shows their respect to the environment. Toy Monkey針對嬰兒敏感肌膚,設計出一系列既安全又可愛的高品質 嬰兒服裝。該品牌從選料到設計都一絲不苟,無論一針一線,一鈕一 扣,以至洗滌標籤的選擇,每一個細節都帶著日本人的細密心思,呵 護每位寶寶的幼嫩肌膚,讓寶寶從此跟皮膚過敏和紅腫說再見。而Toy Monkey藍染系列,均以日本傳統天然藍染而成(德島:阿波藍),帶 給寶寶們多一分色彩。Toy Monkey一直秉承著天然及安全的宗旨,產 品只採用100%全天然材料,絕不使用任何含有害物質的棉料及化學染 料,是對環境、各位家長及下一代一份應有的尊重。 www.jollybazaar.com

My Toolbox Discovers Children’s Artistic Talents 發掘小朋友美術天賦 Rocking into its 14th year, My Toolbox has evolved itself to an interactive atelier, continues its mission to offer a full range of art classes for children. The little ones are introduced to a step-by-step drawing and painting class at a spacious and caring environment. The classes are beneficial to their development of creativity and fine motor skills. It’s an ideal place for children who wish to leisurely to discover, explore and develop their artistic talent and interest at their own pace. My Toolbox teachers are delighted to make beautiful things happen in their discovery journey. 成立至今已14個年頭的My Toolbox,已蛻變成一個全方位的互動工作 室,並繼續不負使命,為小朋友提供多元化的美術課程,讓孩子們根 據自己的步伐,去探索和發展他們的藝術天賦和興趣。小朋友們在寬 敞而充滿愛的環境中循序漸進地學習繪畫,創意及小肌肉群皆會得到 發展。這裡是一個能讓孩子按自己的節奏,自由地探索、盡情發揮美 術天份的理想去處。My Toolbox的導師更會悉心為孩子的探索旅途注 入多元、繽紛的學習體驗。 2234 0025 / 2234 0027 www.mytoolbox.com.hk


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Perfect Pitch Music Centre Nurtures the Future Musicians 培育未來音樂家 Perfect Pitch Music Centre has everything an aspiring musician could possibly need. It offers lessons on almost any instruments and for any ages, it is a great place to bring your child to begin their musical education. Perfect Pitch has become a hub for many families who would like to bring music into their children’s lives. Ms. Brenda Wong, owner of Perfect Pitch Music Centre and Do Re Mi Studio, understands that raising children’s interest in music is the best way to make them appreciate music. She believes that under appropriate guidance, even a little child can develop musical sensation. 靜儀音樂中心具備一切培育「未來音樂家」的優質條件,是小孩子接觸和學習音樂 的最佳起點。中心負責人黃靜儀小姐是資深兒童音樂家,精心設計一系列循序漸進 的音樂課程,並聘請具專業資格的導師,讓小孩子在趣味中學習及愛上音樂。黃小 姐表示,只有透過引起孩子對音樂的興趣,才能讓他們真正欣賞音樂。她認為即使 是年幼的孩子,若能在適當的引導下,也可以培養音樂感。 2894 9825 / 2522 7081

Amma, Tell Me About Ramayana! The family rhyming does not stop after Holi and Diwali! A new book is spreading the great virtues of Rama, a righteous prince! Amma, Tell Me About Ramayana continues the colourful setting, making it an easy to read tale celebrating the faith and the brave. Gather your kids now for a a great rhyming time that brings tons of glee! 繼Holi和Diwali後,《Amma, Tell Me About Ramayana》是另一本讓你 和孩子學習印度傳統美德的精美圖書,故事關於一個性格正直的印度 王子。色彩繽紛的圖畫、易記及生動的詞彙,絕對是一家大小睡前的 輕鬆好讀物! Available for HK$98 at all Bookazine branches Written by: Bhakti Mathur; Illustrated by: Maulshree Somani

Francesca Chocolate Gift Set For a Special One 獨特的朱古力禮物 Swiss Master Chocolatier FRANCESCA brings the true chocolate lovers a unique experience that goes beyond tasting chocolate. They are now offering an exclusive combo: a book written by founder Francesca Maeder, which empowers you to enrich the soul while enjoying the indulgence of their best assorted chocolate eggs. It serves as a special gift to the beloved ones and an early call to celebrate Easter with these delightful sweet set for the greatest satisfaction. (Limited offer available until April 3) 瑞士朱古力大師FRANCESCA為真正愛朱古力的你,帶來獨一無二的雙重享受體驗。他們現推出 獨家禮品套裝:創辦人Francesca Maeder的最新著作將給熱愛朱古力的人帶來心靈力量,再加上 經精心挑選的各式優質朱古力蛋,讓你能一邊看書,一邊細意品嚐。這份獨特的禮品套裝,是送 給摯愛及預祝復活節的不錯選擇。(優惠期限至4月3日) Order:

2522 7689



Special offer to PJ readers: FRANCESCA Gift Set: Enriched by Soul Food + 12pc Chocolate Eggs: HK$388 (Original price HK$618). Please present this news upon ordering. 讀者優惠:FRANCESCA禮品套裝現售HK$388 (原價HK$618),請於訂購時出示此資訊。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


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Learning Centres

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Health Centres

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百家寶親子集團 視像呈獻

CEO劉雪文Michelle Liu 對話星級父母 台上星星




攝影機前 講盡湊仔教仔苦與樂 同為父母


第一期: 李樂詩 Joyce Lee



一曲《無悔愛你一生》,讓她歌手身 份深入民心。09年誕下兒子Maxton之後 就鮮有現身公眾場合,最近卻開始籌備兒歌專 輯。身為音樂人的她,會怎樣教兒子音樂?出生 音樂世家的Michelle又會分享甚麼音樂教育的心得?



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