Pj 143

Page 1

04 2012

Issue 143



Editor’s Note


Our Readers


Say Cheese!


What’s On


Monthly Notepad


Global Eye


Our Picks

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Come Join Our EXPO! THE FAMILY EVENT of the Year! 一家大細都要嚟嘅展覽會

提升育兒智慧 掃盡最抵優惠 34

Pregnancy Keeping Your Best Tummy Moments 留下最美懷孕寫真


Baby Zone Vaccine: Not One Less? 一針都不能少?


Learning The Real Deal about International Schools Vs. Mainstream Schools 國際學校Vs.本地學校:這山望著那山高?

Helping Your Forgetful Child Remember 孩子是怎樣記東西的?


Health Epilepsy: Parents Ask 癲癇症 家長有疑問


Expert Says Repetitious Practice = Dullness? 重複練習 = 沉悶?


Playground Wits-ual Combat 鬥智海陸空


Healthy Recipe Cinnamon Raisin Bread 肉桂提子飽


Out & About Discover the Sakura Wonder with Your Kids 帶孩子賞櫻


Event Highlight








What’s Hot

Simple Like a Child Publisher Michelle Liu

Chief Editor Emily Choi

Editor Ealon Li, Wendy Choi

Reporter Angie Lee

Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Villy Leung

Sales and Marketing Manager Desmond Lam, Ronald Li

Marketing Manager Esme Tang

Marketing Executive Candy Chan

Web Master Daniel Tse

Senior Designer Chow Kwok Wang

Designer Natalie Wong

Scandals have stirred up the Hong Kong leadership race. I couldn’t help sighing with regret that a dignified Chief Executive Selection has turned into an entertainment show. Right or wrong, true or false, it all seems too obscure to rely on . . . I love kids because I appreciate their simplicity. The other day, I heard a funny story about my aunt and her three-year-old grandson Paco. Auntie said one day she received a selection form from the kindergarten Paco studies at. Parents were invited to vote for “Outstanding Teachers”. Aunt: Who shall we choose? Paco: Ms Chan. Aunt: Why Ms Chan? Paco: Because she never punishes me. It is kids’ frankness that wins my heart, and makes me laugh. Bringing up kids requires simplicity and frankness just like a child; keeping the sparks alive in a marriage likewise needs a true hear t. I believe “Being True” is still the ultimate weapon for success, no matter when and where.

Photography Art Direction Chow Kwok Wang

Photography Baby da Vinci Photography

Administration & Subscriptions Ariel Ng

Advertising Department (852) 3741 1720 sales@peegaboo.com

童真,最真﹗ 特首選舉活動鬧得滿城風雨,身為香港的一份子,不禁慨嘆一件莊嚴的盛事,變成一場 場娛樂表演。誰是誰非,誰最「真」?一切都變得模糊了…… 我喜歡孩子,欣賞他們的「真」。那天,聽到阿姨分享她三歲半孫仔Paco的一個故事, 令我會心一笑。阿姨說有天收到Paco就讀幼稚園的一張「好老師選舉」投票表格。

Published by: Peegaboo Corporation Limited 10/F, Jonsim Place 228 Queen’s Road East Wai Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3741 1720 Fax: (852) 3741 1725 Email: info@peegaboo.com Printed by: Asia One Printing Limited 13/F, Asia One Tower, 8 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2889 2320 www.asiaone.com.hk

阿姨:選哪個老師好呢? Paco:陳主任。 阿姨:為甚麼揀陳主任? Paco:因為他無罰過我。 孩子就是這麼直接,引人發笑,贏得歡心。教育孩子要先有童真,夫妻相處要坦誠真心, 我認為「真」仍然是最強的致勝武器,不論何時何地。

Emily Choi Chief Editor

All rights reserved. No part of The Parents’ Journal may be reproduced or used in any form – graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopied – without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher, editors and authors accept no responsibility in respect to any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue, or for any errors, omissions or mistakes in any such advertisements or references. 本刊保留一切版權。未經出版人同意,不能複印或以任何形 式(包括圖像、電子、技術和影印)使用《育兒天地》任何部 份。出版人、編輯和作者對本刊廣告或相關文字的任何錯 漏,及所介紹之產品、貨物或服務一概毋須負上法律責任。 www.facebook.com/Peegaboo


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What’s up

Claire Wong I am an Advertising Manager in a publishing company, and a mother to two little monsters: 3-year-old Ethan and 1-year-old Tasha. My overseas education background once influenced my lifestyle and my world was completely changed after I found out I was pregnant with my son during the Chinese New Year in 2008. Since then, there were no more ball games, parties, and drinking. However, whenever I think about the smiles on those little faces, all the unpleasant memories would fade. Their first cry in the delivery room and their first calling of “mama” are the most wonderful experiences I ever had. I feel bad when I act like a recorder repeating the words everyday but not really cultivate the character of being a good mother. I wish I could have spent more quality time with my kids – not only 3 hours daily on weekdays after work. And that I try not to rely on my maid to assist their homework. I love you Ethan & Tasha!

What is the best parenting advice you ever got? The best parenting advice came from my childhood neighbour. She told my parents to spend more time with us, bringing the family to do as many sightseeings as possible. Otherwise, children will grow up and will not stay close to parents, or share with parents their feelings; they will also tend not to care as much when parents grow old.

Send an email to editor@peegaboo.com with the subject ‘What’s Up’. Then we will send out the questions for you to answer. If your sharing is published, you will receive a Sponsor: HK$1,000 voucher from Moments Child & Baby Portraiture. 你只需以「What’s Up」為主旨,電郵至editor@peegaboo.com, 我們即會寄出問題供你回答。你的分享一經刊登,即可獲得由 兒童凝像攝影送出價值港幣1,000元禮券。

Your Voice

Fashion Shoot

Wonderful short film and it finally won the Oscar! Hurray! - Kelvin

Want to see your kids being the cover model of The Parents’ Journal or The

Baby’s Journal? Dress them up and let them shine at our Expo!

BB委屈的樣子真係惹人憐愛…… 我個仔喺我鬧佢果陣就係呢種表 情!搞到我唔忍心再鬧落去! - 萬太

Every year, new star models were born through our Cover Model Contest. This year, we further divide it into 4 age groups: 0-9 months, 9-18 months,18-36 months, and 3-6 years, hoping to capture their sweet childhood memories. The winners from each group will be invited to participate in our fashion shoot! Please refer to p.33 for more details. 想你的孩子登上《育兒天地》或《育嬰天地》雜誌封面嗎?記得 於5月4-6日來到會展的百家寶BB展現場,參加我們的「小小封 面模特兒比賽」!

原來香港有出品這 樣的性教育教材, 畫得好靚! - Cecilia Fung

每年都有許多小朋友透過我們的比賽,成為小小模特兒界的新星。 今年我們更加設置了0-9個月、9-18個月、18-36個月、3-6歲4個 年齡組別,希望能捕捉他們與別不同的可愛與童真。表現優勝的 小朋友,就有機會被我們邀請參加我們的Fashion Shoot啦!想了 解更多詳情,請留意P.33。

Give us your voice at: editor@peegaboo.com


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Gori Leung 13 mths Tseung Kwan O

Chan Wing H ang Ethan 4 yrs Tseung Kwan O

我愛復 活蛋 I Love Easter Egg

Cheng Wing Yi 3 mths Tseung Kwan O

陳泳迦 1 yr Tseung Kwan O

James Cheung 3 yrs Yuen Long

Gift of the Month

: Theme for May: I Love Mama (Closed)

Theme for June: Hello Sunshine! (Recruiting) 5月主題:我愛媽媽(經已截止上載)



lavera HAIR Organic Cornflower Shampoo lavera HAIR 有機玉米花洗髮露一支 (Valued at HK$129)

Want to upload your kid’s photos and receive the update on the monthly theme in time? Go to Peegaboo.com and join the “Say Cheese” group now! 想上載孩子照片並即時知道每月主題更新,並了解參加辦法,請即上 Peegaboo.com,加入「Say Cheese」群組!


趙浩然 10 mths Sham Tseng

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俊俊&妍妍 7 mths Kwun Tong

Submitted by Parent Chung Yin Siu

Abigail Wong 3 yrs Taipo

Abigail Tsang 7.5 mths Yuen Long

Will 1 yr

All these winning photos would be uploaded to facebook.com/peegaboo. Don’t forget to click “Like” to spread the joy! 得獎照片將會上載至 facebook.com/peegaboo,記得上嚟 click「Like」,讓全世界知道!


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Bonus gift for Star of the Month 「每月之星」額外獎賞 Fun with Phonics from Pearson (Book & DVD) (Valued at HK$146)


Discovery Bay Easter Egg Hunt on the Beach + Fun Fair 2012 愉景灣沙灘獵蛋奇兵+繽FUN天地2012

“Umbilical Cord and Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking” Talk & Laboratory Visit 臍帶及臍血幹細胞 免費講座及實驗室參觀

As the storage of cord blood and umbilical cord stem cells has become increasingly popular, in order to further understand cord blood and umbilical cord stem cells, CordLife Hong Kong is inviting you for a free seminar and a visit to their laboratory. Seminar will be held by CordLife Cord Blood Banking consultant to explain the current applications

Celebrate Easter holiday at the Discovery Bay with your kids to discover

of stem cells and case studies, and the umbilical cord/cord blood

30,000 colourful eggs hidden in thesand of Tai Pak Beach and win

collection, processing and storage. A guided laboratory tour will be

fabulous prizes with the eggs they hunt. You can also enjoy the Fun Fair

held after the talk at the Hong Kong Science Park Biotech Centre.

at DB Plaza at the same time.










When: Apr 6-7

When: Apr 14, 2– 4pm

Where: Discovery Bay Tai Pak Beach 愉景灣大白灣沙灘

Where: Unit G11-12&15, G/F, Biotech Centre 2,

Enquiries: 8212 3373

11 Science Park West Avenue, HK Science Park 香港科學園科技 大道西11號生物科技中心2座地下 G11-12,15室

International Magic Show 國際大型魔術盛會

Enquiries: 3980 2888

Spanish Fair: Hong Kong “LA FERIA” 西班牙“LA FERIA”繽紛嘉年華2012

ical moment for Ope n your eyes! It’s a mag experience the the whole family to come and s to ic wor ld’s top mag indic ator cha rm of magic with the ic show. redefine Hong Kong’s mag , 斯維加斯的魔術,大開你的眼界 來拉 你帶 社為 香港專業魔術 徹底扭轉你對魔術的觀感!

Bring your family to celebrate the cultural extravaganza held by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce to bring this cultural celebration to Hong Kong. There will be traditional dancin g performances and special kids’ areas, among others. 香港西 班牙商會舉辦第二屆LA FERIA 繽紛嘉 年華,為 延續西班牙南部傳統節慶的歡騰氣氛,當日除邀請 了本 地多位佛蘭明高舞蹈專家,為大家展示西班牙傳 統舞藝 之外,更特別設有兒童天地,適合一家大小的歡 樂盛事。 When: Apr 20-21 Where: 3/F, Happy Valley Racecourse

When: Apr 8 m, HKPU Where: Jockey Club Auditoriu 藝館 會綜 香港理工大學賽馬 com Website: www.hkticketing.

香港跑馬地馬場會員看台3樓 Enquiries: 3622 3072 Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a family package (2 adults + 2 children tickets per set, valued at HK$50 0).

www.pee gab oo.c om

360°分娩全接觸 婦產科專科醫生將以專業角度分享 有關產前檢查、分娩知識、產後護理 及母乳哺飼須知等等,各位孕媽媽萬 勿錯過。該講座由雀巢香港有限公司 贊助。(詳情見p.35) When: Apr 13 , 6:30-8pm Where: Peegaboo Academy 百家寶學府 Enquiries: 3741 1720

2012 Bun Carnival 包山嘉年華2012 The Bun Carnivals have been well received by the public since it re-launched at 2005. It offers a variety of programmes including the Selection of Finalists for the Bun Scrambling Competition, the Climbing Carnival, and Bun Scrambling Competition. 華及連串活動 自2005年長洲復辦搶包山比賽以來,其舉辦的「包山嘉年華」深受市民歡迎。搶包山選拔賽、攀爬嘉年 吸引成千上萬的本地家庭及海外遊客參與,當中的「搶包山比賽」更是萬眾矚目的焦點。 When: Apr 28-29 Where: Pak Tai Temple Playground, Cheung Chau 長洲北帝廟遊樂場足球場 Enquiries: 2981 0542


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PJ Promotion

Celebrating Birthday the Science Way!

和孩子過一個「科學」生日會 When your child’s special birthday comes around, you know you want it to be a special and unforgettable occasion. Has it ever been difficult planning something new and exciting? Think no longer! Science-themed birthday parties are the new hottest thing in town. Science Workshop® can help you turn your child’s birthday party into a day to remember by providing customizable science-themed activities, as well as educational entertainment that kids will really love. 孩子的生日就快到了,做父母的當然想他在這一天過得特別而難 忘。但你是否苦於想不到甚麼新奇有趣的點子為他慶祝?不用煩, 來個城中最特別的科學主題生日會吧!Science Workshop®將為你 孩子的生日會帶來特別準備的趣味科學小遊戲,讓他和朋友仔在有 玩有學中度過愉快的一天!

• Science concepts are delivered to children in a simple and an interesting way. 把複雜的科學概念簡單有趣化

Complicated terms like polymerization can be explained simply by making slime! 透過簡單、有趣的實驗來教授一些複雜的科學概念,就例如在製 造「Slime」的活動中讓小朋友理解到何謂「聚合作用」。絕對 是簡單又有效的教育方式!

• Experiments are not just for kids. 家長可一起參與

• Fun, hands-on activities, of course! 小朋友親身參與其中

Whether experimenting with the chemical properties of dry ice, or the physical properties of bubbles, everyone is guaranteed to get their hands wet and make a big mess! 乾冰實驗、特製肥皂泡,這一個個精心設計的趣味小實驗,絕對 能把小朋友的目光深深吸引住!讓每個孩子都親身參與其中,落 手落腳感受科學的有趣吧。

Science has no age limit and there is always something new to learn and discover! Parents can spend some quality time by doing experiments together with their children. 科學沒有年齡的界限,在生日會上家長亦可參與其中,享受親子樂, 一起發掘新事物!

• Experiments are held in a fun and safe way. 安全和快樂的環境

Team Science Workshop® welcomes your input and we will make sure your party will be a memorable one! Please feel free to contact us for more information. Science Workshop® 的所有成員一定會盡力為小朋友們 帶來難忘的生日會!歡迎向我們查詢更多詳情。 Tel: 2523 5533 / 3118 6787 Website: www.scienceworkshophk.com/birthday-parties

Science experiments require safety precautions and special equipment are carried out under close supervision. 所有科學實驗都是在安全和快 樂的環境下進行的,Science Workshop®會提供所有的實驗用 品,在經驗的導師指導下進行所 有實驗,絕對安全又放心。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


iPad app


Where’s My Water? 鱷魚小頑皮愛洗澡 USD 0.99

• A diaper brand in the US was

• 美 國一個尿片品牌被迫擱

compelled to pull out an ad

置 廣 告宣傳活動,因其要

campaign asking “nominated”


daddies to show their diaper


changing skills. It resulted in


backlashes from other fathers against labelling them as


incompetent parents.

A hugely popular Disney award-winning game app in giving kids a lot of liquid physics fun. It also serves as a useful lesson on what it means to swipe and clean as well as keeping eyes off for algaes and toxic junk, in a brainy way! 這個極受歡迎的迪士尼得獎ipad遊戲app,絕對可以帶給 小朋友無限的樂趣!他們可透過這個app開啟腦筋,將藻 類和有毒物通通趕走,從而學習怎樣清潔。

@農夫陸永:陸一穎今天滿月了,她跟我說今 月的生日願望是盡快戒夜奶,平時喊少d,同 埋生活健康一點,不再夜蒲玩通頂,她還說 最重要是孝順父母,也表示希望盡快工作賺 錢減輕爸媽負擔,乖女!!



transformation of woman’s tummy


during her pregnancy to illustrate


how fascinating childbirth can be.


• A rumour about child kidnapping

• 早 前網上盛傳有一小孩在

in Shenzhen was spread on the


web. It was later found that it was


actually a child custody fight from




成績算是不錯,想不到今時今日 還再有機會用得上!

@楊婉儀Winnie:正在使用新買的榨 汁機榨果汁!!

In my job, people tell you that all the time: ‘This shoot was great. You look amazing.’ But you never know what they say when you turn away. But the kids don’t edit anything. When they kiss you and tell you they love you and say, ‘Mama, you’re the best’ – that’s really the only thing you care about. Model Heidi Klum revealed on the time she sees herself as the most beautiful person. We have a two-week rule – we can’t be apart as a family for longer – and so far we haven’t gone beyond a week. Bourne Identity star Matt Damon talked about how he keeps his family close together. 終於有一日佢自己換衫,仲話『爸爸叫我換衫嘛』,我直 頭攬住佢喊住話:『我真係好愛你,阿仔!』 郭晉安說他每晚臨睡前都叮囑囝囝醒來要自己「換衫、 刷牙、洗面、飲水,然後同人講早晨」,講了2個月約50 次後,孩子終於做到了。


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• 美國一對伴侶花9個月時間

making a 90-second film on the

Great Quotes

Micro Blog


• A US couple spent 9 months in


早兩年最低潮時他甚麼也不知道,有時我會想,我的世界 已經塌下來喇,為何阿仔你仍可以這樣無憂無慮?後來發 覺,我和他根本生存在同一世界,開不開心,是自己選 擇,無必要去看塌下來那一面。 謝安琪說是她5歲兒子張瞻帶她走出抑鬱症的。小孩子的 世界很光明,給她很多正能量。


Portrait of Future Professions 我的志願相片展

We all have our childhood wis he s, a nd onc e we have kids we might imagine what they will become one day. Paris-based photographer Malo is taking this imagination into a quirky photographic series One day you will be my child, where he dressed up adorable little tots in all kinds of occupation. It seems that Malo wants to tell these babies to keep their inner kid spirits alive, regardless of their future jobs. 回看我們人仔細細時候寫下的《我的志願》,很 多時都夾雜了父母的期望。巴黎攝影師Malo以 專業攝影技巧,為出世不久的孩子拍下這輯「寶 貝,有一天你將成為……」,當中裝扮跨越各行 各業,似乎攝影師想用相片跟孩子說:無論你將 來做甚麼職業,都要快樂如初。 www.mondaymonday.fr


Food for Transport 創意瓷碟運食物

In a child’s world, everything can be used for play, and of course food is no exception! Polish designer Boguslaw Sliwinski is taking the ceramic plates to play. Combining his artistic creativity with food, he designed a variety of ceramic plates with kids-inspired drawing of trains, boats, and helicopter that “transport” your kids’ favourite food in fulfilling their playful appetites. 美食,當然要用美的東西來襯托;小朋友的美食世界,還要好玩!來自波 蘭的設計師Boguslaw Sliwinski以交通工具為主題,在白色陶瓷碟面畫 上火車、渡船、直升機等等,它們將各式食物「運載」到小朋友面前。如 何卸貨?就把他們吃進肚子裡吧! www.besign.eu

5 Minutes Counting Stool 五分鐘罰坐木櫈 Einstein once said, “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour.” Asking little kids to sit still for 5 minutes can seem like a lifetime to them. This “Time Out Timer Stool” made by Wisteria, a US home products company, contains an hourglass that can serve as a good 5-minute grounding discipline for kids who lack a bit of attentiveness. 罰企?我們不提倡體罰,但小朋友如果真的瘋狂扭計,讓他嚐嚐罰坐的 滋味吧!美國傢具店Wisteria獨家販賣的Time Out Timer Stool,以堅 固的芒果木製成沙漏造型,你可在需要孩子冷靜時要求他坐上去,不 許出聲,也不跟他說話,直至沙子漏完。這個安靜的過程需時5分鐘, 但對小朋友來說已彷如一世紀。 www.wisteria.com/Time-Out-Timer-Stool-Navy-New/productinfo/W6796/


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Fun Trivial Knowledge 好玩解讀小知識

We are not all-wise. But your kids assume you know everything. Questions like “Do fish go to sleep?” or “Hens or eggs, which comes first?” sound trivial but still left you speechless. You will find More Interesting than Your Teacher written by Stuart Wright useful as it offers answers to all those questions in an informative and entertaining way for a delightful parent-kid discussion, and at the same time rekindles our curiosity about the world around us. 小朋友會認為父母學識廣博,但事實上爸媽並不是甚麼也懂,往往就是 那些看似微不足道的問題如「魚會去睡覺嗎?」或「先有雞定先有蛋 ?」令到大人無言以對。要解答這些問題需要深厚的知識,Stuart Wright的著作《More Interesting than Your Teacher》能為孩子提供深入 淺出和富趣味性的答案。讓你我都重燃好奇心,對世界了解多一點吧。 Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a copy of More Interesting than Your Teacher ( Valued at approx. HK$120)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取《More Interesting than Your Teacher》一本(價值約HK$120)。



Scalp-ready for Spring 讓頭皮適應春天

Before we open our arms to welcome the arrival of spring, daily temperature differences between seasons is putting our skin to test, including our scalp. We can make our best protection on every hair wash using quality hair products. The natural organic extracts from lavera HAIR Organic Cornflower Shampoo helps soothing your scalp against dandruff and leaving your locks feeling amazing refreshed and prepares your scalp for the seasonal change. 當我們迎接春天到來之際,氣溫的差異亦彷彿在測試著皮膚的承受能力,包括我 們的頭部皮膚。使用優質的美髮產品可以為頭皮提供最佳的保護。lavera HAIR 有機玉米花洗髮露所包含的天然有機提取物,有助於舒緩頭皮,令你頓感清新, 幫你的頭部皮膚準備好去適應季節變化。


Eyes on the Babies 分秒見住小Baby

Every departure from their babies is not easy to every parent; the babies’ safety is one and top concern once parents step out from the house. iBaby Monitor becomes a granted gift where each iBaby camera len is controlled by the iOS touchscreen from parents’ Apple gadgets by up/down and left/right swipe, or clicks of their PC mouse. With this gadget, you need not worry about your little ones’ whereabouts. 對爸媽來說,最難受的莫過於每次要跟寶寶say bye bye,而寶寶的一 舉一動及他的安全,絕對是父母最為緊張的。iBaby Monitor也許會成 為蘋果用家的你一個好幫手的免費app,iBaby的鏡頭可由爸媽的iOS 觸摸屏或電腦滑鼠控制,能夠上下左右作廣角度掃瞄。現在你可以安 心工作,因你無論身在何處,也可以對家中寶寶的動向瞭如指掌。


Info: ① Available at local major bookstores, www.blackdogonline.com ② 2159 4840 / www.lavera.com.hk ③ Golden Way International, 2690 2790, www.golden-way.com.hk PJ | www.peegaboo.com

PJ Promotion

Little Aristle is well-known for its comprehensive programmes which provide as many as 16 activities per lesson, far exceeding the 6 activities that are typical for most playgroups. The Aristle MIT AcceleratorTM Certificate Programme nurtures 8 main areas in fostering children’s learning, where instructors also cater to individual abilities and needs. In this way children can develop an interest in learning and in handling interviews with ease! Ms. Yoky and Ms. Kate – this dynamic taskforce has designed and created more than 100 separate teaching tools in the past year. 單是Ms. Yoky及Ms. Kate的教學隊 伍,於過去一年已設計及製作超過 100件教材。

小小雅士圖的課程出名內容豐富,每堂遊戲多達16個, 遠多於坊間一般Playgroup水平(約6個)。為6個月至6 歲兒童開設的「多元智能證書課程」更是融匯8大範疇 學習,同時因材施教,根據學生水平和需要而設計出各 類手造教材,助你孩子開心學習,輕鬆面試!

Inspiring Multi-intelligence Programme

Caters to Individual Needs

導師因材施教 啟發多元智能 Educational Consultant from Little Aristle:


5 Steps to Interview Success 面試成功要5步 1 Discuss with parents about choosing the right school for their children according to personality, ability, and education plans.

Most students pass admission interviews with ease after having spent a little more than half a year in the Aristle MIT AcceleratorTM Certificate Programme. Last year, there were numerous cases in which students were successfully admitted to prestigious local schools, or received 4 offers after having undergone 5 admission interviews. 大多數小朋友經過半年以上多元智能課程訓練後,都能輕鬆通過 名校入學試。上年度獲傳統名校取錄,或者面試5間學校獲4間取 錄的例子多不勝數。

先按小朋友性格、能力及升學計劃,與家長商討,一同為孩子選 擇合適的學校;

2 Offer appropriate learning adjustment and training to children according to their strengths and weaknesses prior to interviews. 就小朋友的強項、弱項,於其面試前提供適當的調整及進行額外 訓練;

3 Prepare a detailed assessment report for every child according to individual learning performance and personality. Guide parents to create an impressive enrollment application and portfolio. 根據小朋友的學習表現及性格製作一份詳細的評估報告,並指導 家長如何準備一份令校方「加印象分」的申請表以及portfolio;

4 Provide recommendation letters for students according to the various requirements of different schools. 因應不同學校的要求,為小朋友撰寫推薦信;

5 Guide parents to choose the best school for their children, since most children receive letters of acceptance from more than one school. 為家長提供意見,幫助選擇出最適合的學校,因為絕大多數小朋 友都會獲得多間學校同時取錄。

思澄 An outstanding student 優秀學生代表 She became highly motivated to learn after going through the Aristle MIT AcceleratorTM Certificate Programme. Her English proficiency was also greatly enhanced. Most notably, she was accepted by 7 schools out of the 10 she had registered for. 經過多元智能課程訓練後,變得主動學習,英文水平更大大提升;入學面 試報考10間,獲其中7間取錄。

小小雅士圖 Little Aristle Aristle MIT AcceleratorTM Certificate Programme


(in English 英語授課)

Address: Unit A & B, 10/F., Coda Plaza, 51 Garden Road, Mid-Levels Central 中環半山花園道51號科達中心10樓A至B室 (Tsim Sha Tsui centre will open in June 尖沙咀校於6月開班) Tel: 2801 7920 Tuition: $4,100 (12 hours per month, 6 months per semester 每月12小時,每學期共6個月) Website: www.aristle-gifted.com www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Free admission for kids. Yeah!! 好嘢﹗ 小朋友 免費入場!

Come Join Our EXPO!

May 4-6

See you @ HKCEC!

5月4-6日 會展見!



提升育兒智慧 掃盡最抵優惠 Our annual Children & Baby Brands Expo is here once again! This is where you can find

the craziest deals, the strongest academic parenting seminars, the hottest family activities . . . all in one spot! This Children & Baby Expo is the biggest family extravaganza ever. You won’t wanna miss it! With 300+ booths, 10,000+ products with the lowest deals in town, our family Expo is satisfaction guaranteed! Your family is sure to benefit from 100+ academic seminars with specialists and professionals from a wide range of parenting-related sectors, and numerous hands-on interactive workshops and activities. These will serve to enhance your intellectual parenting skills and exercise your kids’ development in all areas! 一年一度的「百家寶BB展」又快到了!集結

至筍購物優惠、至強育兒學堂、至 熱親子活動,這個展覽會絕對會是你一家 大小都必須參與的盛會!近 300個攤位 、 過萬件激減價貨品,保證讓你買到最稱 心滿意的心頭好!而過百場權威專家講 座、多項讓孩子親身參與的互動工作坊及活 動,亦將提升你的育兒智慧,鍛煉你孩子的 多元智能!

Like Peegaboo Facebook Page now for updates on our Expo and free admission ticket redemption! 想緊貼百家寶BB展最新動向,收取免費攞飛的情 報,即Like百家寶facebook page!

peegaboo All activities are subject to change without prior notice. 所有活動之詳情以展覽會當日安排為準。



Top Jetso Giveaways to Mummies + 10,000 + Products@Slashing Prices!


This year, as our Expo falls one week before Mother’s Day, we have


special gifts ready for all precious mummies in Hong Kong! Whether


you are an expectant mum, a new mum, or an experienced mum,


you will all have a chance to take away our “3 Top Jetso Giveaways”!


Also, don’t miss out on the crazy sale brought by the online group


buying site “I Love Mama”.


Mums-to-Be Sign-up: FREE Diapers! 孕媽媽現場登記

 Huggies紙尿片 玩法 Details

Head to the Organiser’s booth and fill in your personal information. You can instantly receive a pack of Huggies diapers. 展覽會期間,孕媽媽前往主辦機構攤位登記個人資料,即可拎走Huggies紙尿片一包!


• Note: Only pregnant women can redeem the gifts;

• 留意:只有孕媽媽才可以換!

• Limit: one redemption per person daily;

• 每人每日只限換領1次;

• Offer valid on first come first served basis, while stocks last.

• 名額有限,先到先得!

PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Photo is for reference only. 圖片只供參考之用。

Coupons from Newspapers/ Magazines: FREE Goodie Bags! 剪報章雜誌 Coupon

換 親親媽咪百寶袋 玩法 Details Beginning in April, you can find our “Mummy Goodie Bag” coupons at: Sky Post, Sharp Daily, Headline Daily, Metro Daily, and Sudden Weekly. Bring the coupon to the Organiser’s booth, click LIKE on Peegaboo Facebook in your Facebook account for an instant Free Goodie Bag which is worth HK$500! 4月起,留意《晴報》、《爽報》、《頭條日報》、《都市日報》及《忽然一週》內有 關「百家寶BB展」的廣告,便會找到「親親媽咪百寶袋」換領coupon;展覽會期間憑 coupon前往主辦機構攤位,並即場以閣下本人Facebook戶口為主辦機構的Facebook專 頁按下「LIKE」,即可拎走價值約HK$500的親親媽咪百寶袋! • Distributed daily from 11:00am to 5:00 pm; limit 55 bags per hour; • Limit: one bag only per person; • Offer valid while stocks last. • 每日11:00am – 5:00pm派發,每小時限量派發55個; • 每人每日只限換領一次; • 名額有限,想攞著數就趁早啦!

Milk Formula: FREE Samples 排隊免費

攞 奶粉試用裝 玩法 Details Head to the Organiser’s booth for a chance to get a free

sample pack of milk formula. Check our website and media coverage for redemption details. 展覽會期間,只要前往主辦機構攤位,即有機會免費 換得國際知名品牌奶粉試用裝一包。更多換領詳情, 請留意主辦機構之網站及雜誌報導。 • Limit: one redemption per person daily; • Offer valid on first come first served basis, while stocks last. • 每人每日只限換領一次; • 名額有限,先到先得! The Organiser reserves the right of final decision in case of any disputes. 有關以上活動的任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ



Entry to each Classroom is limited and is on a

first come first served basis; FREE OF CHARGE!


Dynamic Classrooms:



Meet Your Parenting Mentors

大教室 育兒專家教路

Our Expo is a lot more than just a smashing sale of goods! We offer a wide range of interactive and educational workshops catered to parents at different stages of their parenting lives. Everyone is sure to spend a meaningful day at our Expo having fun and gaining some useful information all in one spot! This year, we are collaborating with our partners in forming the “Four Classrooms”, providing a variety of topics that everyone will find pertinent. Let’s take a tour to see each of them. 適合一家大小的展覽會,點可以淨係「有嘢買」?我們為入場人士特備多項精彩活動,希望他們 盡享購物樂之餘亦「有嘢玩、有嘢學」,在這裡渡過有意義、有得著的一天。今年的重頭戲是我 們聯同各方夥伴合力打造的「4大教室」。一齊來睇睇各教室的情況吧。


Mock Delivery Room



Who: Expectant Parents 準父母 When: 12:00nn - 6:00pm (6 sessions/day, 45 minutes/session 每日6場,每場約45分鐘) What: • A must-go workshop for all expectant mummies! Daddies should also come forward to participate in this informative session! • A mock delivery room with close-up illustrations by registered nurses and assistants about what goes on inside the delivery room; • The whole delivery process is unveiled for the purpose of having mummies and daddies prepared to welcome this moment with cheers and joy. • 孕媽媽必聽,建議各位準爸爸亦陪同參與! • 現場特設模擬產房,由資深助產士、註冊護士教學; • 以互動手法展示模擬生產過程,務求令各位準爸媽做足十全準備,以最佳身心迎合新 生命降臨的一刻。


PJ | www.peegaboo.com


Mock Interview Room



Who: 2-6-year-old children and parents 2-6歲小朋友及其家長 When: 12:00nn - 6:00pm • Kindergarten Admission Interviews: 6 sessions/day, 15 minutes/session 幼稚園入學:每日6場,每場約15分鐘 • Primary School Admission Interviews: Primary 1: 11 sessions/day; Primary 2: 3-6 sessions/day 小一入學:每日11場;小二入學:每日3-6場 45 minutes/session 每場約45分鐘 What: • Hosted by instructors from Infinity Learning who are specialised in admission interviews; • A mock interview with your children is done on site; • Certification and interview assessment will be given to advise you and your children on how to prepare for actual admission interviews. • 美國雅培

教室呈獻的入學面試教室,是由Infinity Learning星級入學入學面試訓練導師主理;

• 即場為你的小寶寶進行模擬入學面試,預演面試現場,感受面試氣氛; • 因應表現提供證書及面試評估,教你與小寶寶在入學面試前如何做足準備。 RGB color tonal


Parenting Corner

RGB color tonal on color background


Liberal Studies Playground

家長匯習 星級父母學堂


Who: All parents 所有家長 When: 12:00nn - 6:00pm(6 sessions/day 每日6場) What: Enhancing parents’ mentality and ability

Who: Children and parents of all ages 任何年齡的 小朋友及其家長 When: 12:00nn - 7:00pm(non-stop 無間斷放送) What:

• Hosted by renowned former TV artist Ms. Chan Man Yee (Barbara Chan);

• Children are free to choose their favourite educational cartoons

• Celebrity parents will be present to share their parenting tips;

and stories through a giant on-site touchscreen visual display;

• A range of family therapies concerning parents’ physical,

• Storytelling sessions will be hosted by representatives from

psychological and mental health to parents of children aged 0-12 will be provided. 強化你成為有心有力的父母: • 由電視女藝人陳敏兒小姐率領其跨界別專業團隊親自教授; • 一眾影視紅星父母親臨分享育兒心得; • 為育有0-12歲子女的家長提供一站式身、心、靈輔導:包括 「身」—爸媽和孩子的飲食智慧;「心」—提升正向情緒, 建立良好的夫妻及親子關係;「靈」—強化精神健康,促進

The Hong Kong Institute of Education; • Children will get to learn liberal studies in an interesting and fun manner through music, body movement, and storytelling. • 由EVI兒童教育資訊網傾力打造,現場設有輕觸式互動大電 視,讓小朋友親自選擇卡通、兒童故事等; • 來自香港教育學院的「故事姐姐」更會現場大講通識故事, 以輕鬆手法讓小朋友更易明白故事中的正面道理; • 透過唱歌、簡單動作、輕鬆故事讓小朋友學習通識課題。


www.peegaboo.com | PJ



Kindergarten Pre-graduation Ceremony


When: Sunday, May 6, 10:30am-2:00pm What: • A collaboration of Peegaboo and EVI which will attract more than

• 由百家寶與EVI攜手打造的「幼稚園精英畢業預演巡禮」,

10 early childhood institutions from every part of Hong Kong as


well as more than 300 performers.


• It will showcase all kinds of performances including musical,

• 他們將施展渾身解術,帶來唱歌、跳舞、合奏、戲劇等各

dance, ensemble, drama, etc. and become the largest


kindergarten pre-graduation ceremony ever seen in Hong




Top 10 P-Mark Educational Institution Award


When: Saturday, May 5, 1:30pm-2:00pm What: The first Top 10 P-Mark Educational Institution Award held


last year received enormous response. This year, we continue


our mission in selecting the best institutions according to 5


main areas which include: recognition, quality of products/


services, innovation, well-rounded facilities/programmes, and convenience.


Top 10 B-Mark Baby Brand Award


When: Saturday, May 5, 2:00pm-2:30pm What: The newly established Top 10 B-Mark Baby Brand Award is to


acknowledge and motivate newly established brands in their


continuing efforts for innovation and positive competition within


the parenting sector. Their mission is clear: they want the best


for the next generation. So who are the winners? Let’s find out at the Expo!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Exciting Events

for Family Fun

精彩活動 親子同樂


Final 決賽!

Fit Baby Obstacle Race

第3屆全港至Fit小超人 BB障礙賽

When: Saturday, May 5, 3:00pm-4:30pm What: • This is our third year hosting the Fit Baby Obstacle Race. As

• 已經是第3屆的「至Fit小超人BB障礙賽」為展覽會的頭炮活

the warm-up event for the Expo, this year we are making it




• We are taking the two semi-finals to KidX at Harbour City,

• 綜合兩場準決賽成績,各組別將選出最快的頭10

where the first semi-final has already attracted almost 2,000


people! And the real showdown will be held at the Expo!


• The 10 winners from each category of the two semi-finals will engage in the final combat for the ultimate title of “Fit Baby”, and win stunning prizes! • Each category has its own obstacle course and difficulty level. We welcome everyone to share the joy and be cheerleaders on the stage!

及贏取豐富獎品; • 各組別的決賽賽道將和準決 賽略有不同,難度亦稍有增 加; • 歡迎所有入場人士屆時前往舞 台區,齊為小超人們加油打氣 吧﹗

Event Sponsor 活動贊助

Official Camera 指定相機 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


More in the Hall 場內其他精彩節目 Fit Baby Charity Marathon 全港至Fit小超人BB體驗賽(慈善馬拉松)


Due to the exploding registration of more than 2,000 people signing up for the Fit Baby Obstacle Race, far exceeding the 600-people limit, we decided to hold a 3-day “Fit Baby Charity Marathon” during the Expo for more babies to experience how it feels like to cross the finish line! Join this meaningful charity event and receive a certificate for completing the race! 本屆「全港至Fit小超人BB障礙賽」的網上報名破紀錄地突破2,000人,遠高於600人的限定 名額。為提供更多機會予一眾至Fit Baby於賽道上一展所長,大會決定於展覽會現場舉行一連 3日的「全港至Fit小超人BB體驗賽(慈善馬拉松)」,讓更多BB體驗向前衝的競技感覺,同 時又可做善事,還可獲得證書,一次過滿足3個願望! • We welcome 10-18-month-old toddlers to join this race from 1-6pm each of the 3 days. Registration will be done on site for the first 200 toddlers daily on a first come first served basis. Registration fee is HK$20, and all proceeds will be donated to the SKH St. Christopher’s Home. 體驗賽歡迎10-18月大嬰兒參加,每日下午1點至6點舉行,限定200名,現場報名,報名費為HK$20, 收益全數捐贈予聖基道兒童院。

“I love Mama” Crafting Exhibition 「我愛Mama」親子作品展 More than 100 children and their parents have taken part in this endeavour: assembling an artistic masterpiece using “I love Mama” as the theme. This exhibition is the best Mother’s Day gift for mummies! 這裡將展出過百位1-3歲的孩子與他們媽媽的親子勞作,集結成這約200幅以「我愛 Mama」為主題的親子作品展。這將是他們獻給媽媽的最好母親節禮物。

SAY Something to Mama! 媽媽我有SAY ~ 有讚有彈民主牆 What do you want to say to your mummy? Mark down your thoughts of what you LIKE and DISLIKE about your mum on this giant Wall at our Expo! 想對母親大人表達內心深處的說話?快來展覽會特設的巨型民主牆,寫上對 媽媽心中的LIKE和DISLIKE!


PJ | www.peegaboo.com

‘ Want to see your child’s face on The Parents’ Journal or The Baby’s Journal cover? Remember to dress up your kids and let them shine at our Expo. Bring them to join the “Be Our Cover Model” Contest. Your child’s lovely face may appear in our magazines, and winners from different age groups will even become the cover model of our upcoming issue. 想你的孩子登上《育兒天地》或《育嬰天 地》封面?記得為孩子作至潮至靚的裝 扮,到百家寶BB展參加「小小封面模特 兒」比賽,即有機會在我們的雜誌見到他/ 她的可愛樣子!各組別的優勝者將成為雜 誌未來幾期的封面模特兒!

Categories 參賽組別

• 0-9 month old babies 0-9個月大之嬰兒 • 9-18 month old babies


• 18-36 month old toddlers 18-36個月大之幼兒

You can even choose to have your child’s photo taken on the spot made into a PJ/BJ magazine cover! (charges apply) 當日你更可選擇將現場拍下的照片製成《 育兒天地》或《育嬰天地》封面印出來! (需收取費用)

• 3-6 year old children 3-6歲之兒童

Step 1

2 Step

? ?

Go to the appointed booth and fill in a form to join our snapshot session. 前往指定攤位排隊填form,參 加現場snapshot環節。

Peegaboo panel of judges will select the winners of each category and invite them to our fashion shoot. 百家寶評審團將選出各組優勝者參加 fashion shoot。

Step 3 The child of the best performance in front of the camera will eventually become our Cover Girl/Boy! 表現最優秀者將最終登上封面!

Event Sponsor 活動贊助 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


I Love Mama Crazy Bargain 我愛Mama瘋狂特賣 This year, online group buying site “I love Mama” will have 1000+ parenting related products that include food, toys, learning tools and resources and other essential accessories which have been slashed to an incredible 90% off! The best bargain ONLY to be found at our Expo! 今次展覽會,我愛Mama團購網(shop.ilovemama. com)會將近千件網上熱賣的母嬰食品、湊仔用品、 玩具教材、生活百貨通通帶到會展現場,並以低至1 折的價格發售,讓各位媽咪親身感受優質團購貨品的 平、靚、正!

Cutting-edge Innovation 新潮育兒產品發售 You will get to see the newest parenting innovations from different regions of the world. “yoomi Self-Warming Baby Bottle” is from the UK, and is one such example. It can warm up to the temperature of breast milk (32-34℃); it was a breakthrough innovation created in 2011. The warmer can be used repeatedly by putting it in boiled yommi Self-Warming Baby Bottle yommi 溫暖奶瓶 8oz bottle size (limit 5 sets/daily) will be available on the Expo for a special price of HK$320 (original price HK$410). 展覽會期間8oz裝將以特價HK$320每日限量5套發售 (原價HK$410)。

water and placing it back into the bottle. Press the button for 60 seconds when it’s time to feed. It is easy and convenient for mummies to use! 在今次的百家寶BB展,你亦將見識到來自世界各地的最新育兒 產品。英國製造的「yoomi溫暖奶樽」就是其中之一!該產 品能於60秒內將奶樽內的奶自動加熱至母乳溫度(3234℃),被譽為育兒界的突破性發明,2011年於

Expo News Coming Soon 展覽會快訊 不日發佈


We have created a special Expo booklet to inform you of the great deals from


some of our exhibitors and the activity highlights during our 3-day Expo. Armed


with this booklet, you will be ready to shop for the best bargains and have


the most fun in each seminar and workshop. This booklet will be distributed at appointed commercial areas for free. Stay tuned for details and updates in on our facebook page and website (www.peegaboo.com).



備,掃盡最平最抵心頭好,逛盡必去熱門講座及 工作坊。該小冊子將於各重點商業區免費派發, 發佈日期等詳情請留意我們的facebook page及網 站www.peegaboo.com。

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Keeping Your Best

Tummy Moments

留下最美懷孕寫真 Text I Maseedis Kay

Far before I became a photographer, I used to think that a pregnant look is one of the worst looks in a girl’s lifetime. Believe me, most girls generally don’t feel sexy and beautiful while their bodies gained extra 20-25 pounds! However, pregnant women are indeed BEAUTIFUL, SEXY and GORGEOUS! I’ve been shooting maternity photos for a while, and I still love it more than ever. Let me help you out here with some useful tips! 我為成為攝影師之前,我跟大多數的女生一樣,覺得懷孕的樣子不性感、不漂亮,肯定是一生中最 難看的時刻。其實女人在這個時候才是最美、最性感、最動人的。我這一段時間以來都在拍攝孕婦 寫真,而且我比以往更愛這份工作了。讓我給你一些有用的建議吧!

Maseedis Kay Maseedis Kay is a lifestyle photographer specializing in family photos, maternity photos and pre-wedding photos. “Today’s moments, tomorrow’s treasures”. Nothing’s more satisfying than seeing a finished image that conveys the true beauty in life. 攝影師Maseedis Kay擅長家庭攝影、孕婦攝影、婚紗攝影,她相信今天的每一刻都將成為明天的一筆財富, 將生命中的美好化為相片是讓她最滿足的事情。



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Feeling beautiful 自信最美

Trust me, my clients normally are not confident enough for being sexy and great before the photography session. However, an expected mother doesn’t feel sexy and beautiful, that doesn’t mean she is not. Tell them that they are gorgeous; encourage them during the shooting by saying something like: “that’s perfect!” “That’s a lovely shot!” I put this tips in the first place because it is so important. If she feels pretty, then she is pretty. In fact, they really are.

通常來找我拍照的人在拍照前都不覺得自己能表現得 性感、漂亮。但其實,準媽媽們不覺得自己性感美 麗,並不意味她不具備這樣的條件。稱讚她們有魅 力,在拍攝時多說些鼓勵的話吧,譬如「你太完美 了!」、「這姿勢很好!」。這非常重要,我把這條 建議放在第一位。如果她覺得自己美麗,她自然會展 現出美麗的一面。而事實證明她們能做到這一點。

Right timing 抓準時機

The best time of shooting maternity photos is around 30 to 34 weeks. The tummy is large and round during these periods. The other reason of taking photos around this time is because pregnant women still feel good and well. In the later time of pregnancy, the belly is dropping downward, and has a greater chance of retaining water, getting hormonal skin issues etc. 拍攝孕婦照最好的時期是懷孕30到34週。腹部在這段時間大而圓。 在這段時間拍照的另一個原因,是孕婦在此時仍是較為自在的。在 懷孕後期,腹部會有所下垂,同時有極大可能會水腫,出現荷爾蒙 變化帶來的皮膚問題等。

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Indoor portraits 室內寫真

• Indoor is great for sexy shots. Try to wear something sexy, such as lingerie, tube top dresses showing the belly. Maternity boudoir photo is one of my favourites. Who says that pregnant women are not sexy? • Lighting is important for indoor photos. If you do not know how to use remote flash or bounce back flash, the best light source is always “the window”. Place her near the window or next to the lamps. Avoid direct flash shooting on the face because that will make the picture too flat. Do not afraid to ramp up ISO if the light is relatively dim. It might come out with a nice photo with silhouette, well, we called it “moody.” • Use wide aperture lens. Wide aperture lens not only allows you to take photos in dim environment, but also allows you to focus on your subject and blur the background. Remove the distracting items at home to create a warm and clean environment.

• 室內很適合拍攝性感照片。穿著性感的內衣、tube top,展現出腹部。我最愛室內拍攝的懷孕照。誰 說懷孕的女人不能性感?

• 室內拍照,燈光很重要。如果你不會使用遙控閃光 或反射閃光,那麼「窗」就是最好的光源。讓孕婦 站在靠近窗口或接近燈光的地方。避免臉部的直接 閃光,因為這會令照片看起來缺乏層次感。如果光 線相對較昏暗,應該提高ISO(相機感光度)。出 現剪影的照片效果會很有mood。

• 使用大光圈鏡頭。大光圈鏡頭不僅可以在昏暗環境 中拍照,還可以令主體清析、背景膜糊。你可以把 家中的雜物暫時移開,創造一個溫暖乾淨的環境。


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Outdoor portraits 室外寫真

I love outdoor maternity photos. The natural beauty of a woman who’s ready to bring new life fits perfectly in the majesty of the natural environments such as lakes, parks and little hills. Afternoon around 4pm to 5pm is one of the best time of taking outdoor photos. The natural sidelight will give you a breath taking effect! 我亦喜歡室外拍攝的孕婦照。孕育新生命的女人, 置身湖邊、公園及山野等自然環境中,是最自然的 美麗。下午四至五點是進行室外拍照是最好時段之 一,自然光將帶給你意想不到的效果。

Stress Relationships 強調關係

• Include the daddy-to-be in the photos. A loving hug, tender kiss and sweet smiles, all these are important elements that shouldn’t be missed. • Include the kids. Your elder kid will become the elder brother or the elder sister, how can you exclude them? Ask them to hug you, kiss your belly, or tenderly touch his/her little brother/sister by putting hands on your belly. Those are all sweet little things that you always do at home, right? • Include your pet. The dog or the cat is after all a family member of yours. They can be so adorable. I’m sure they are also expecting their new little master to arrive. • 讓準爸爸入鏡吧!他的一個愛的擁抱、一個溫柔的吻,或一個會心微笑,都是不 可忽略的重要元素。 • 讓你的大孩子也入鏡。他們將成為哥哥或姐姐,你怎可以忘了他們呢?讓他們擁 抱媽媽、親吻媽媽的肚子,或把手放在媽媽肚子上輕撫未來的弟弟或妹妹。這些 都是你們在家經常做的甜蜜小事,不是嗎? • 照片中還可以有你的寵物。小貓小狗也是家中成員,他們十分可愛。我保證他們 也很期待新主人的到來。

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Not One Less?

一針都不能少? Text | Dr. Jacky Chang

Many parents encounter similar questions about taking proper vaccines: My child has taken all the vaccinations at the Child Health Centre. But there are parents who take their children to private doctors for “five-in-one” or even “six-in-one” combined vaccines instead. Why do they do this, and is it necessary? Indeed, there are different ways for infectious diseases to be transmitted from one place to another. Infants and toddlers are among the higher risk age group. The mortality rate related to infectious diseases has gone down since the invention of vaccines. As long as babies are vaccinated according to the current immunisation plan, its effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases is accomplished. Due to the numerous types of vaccines available for children, it is common to either fail to take the vaccines, or else be unable to take the vaccines on time. With the help of technological advancements, the immunisation plan has been refined, “five-in-one” or “six-in-one” combined vaccines being some examples. 常常遇到很多父母會問這樣一個問題:我們孩子所有的疫苗皆在健康院中注 射,可是有些人會自行到私家醫生處注射叫「五合一」或「六合一」的疫苗。 為何呢?我的孩子是否需要呢? 事實上,傳染病可經由不同的途徑傳播,尤其是初生嬰兒,更是高危一族。在傳 染病疫苗發明後,許多與傳染病相關的死亡率已大大減低。只要能夠依照現今 的注射計劃,預防的效果必能做到。問題是由於幼兒疫苗的種類繁多及頻密, 忘記注射及不能去依時注射亦是常見的問題。但是隨著科技進步,疫苗計劃已 有不少改善。其中「五合一」或「六合一」混合疫苗更是表表者。

Dr. Jacky Chang 張傑醫生 Dr. Jacky Chang is a specialist in paediatrics. He has also acquired other qualifications such as a Masters in Family Medicine and a diploma in Practical Dermatology from the UK. In his leisure time, Dr. Chang loves to share information with other parents on Dr. Kit’s Blog. 張傑醫生除了是兒科專業醫生外,亦擁有多個不同範疇的醫學學歷,包括家庭醫生碩士及英國 實用皮膚科文憑等專業資格。張醫生閒時喜愛以Dr. Kit身份寫Blog,跟父母們交流育兒心得。


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“Five-in-one” combined vaccine contains immunisation against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine components; whereas “sixin-one” has added an immunisation against Hepatitis B on top of the five aforementioned ones. The benefits of these combined vaccines are: • They offer all the required vaccines plus the one against Haemophilus influenzae type B that prevents meningitis and other related illnesses. • Reduce the frequency and pain from multiple injection dosages. In effect, they are lessened from 8 dosages (five-in-one) or 10 dosages (six-in-one) to 4. • Lower the chance of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis by changing oral dosage against poliomyelitis to injection (the chance is pretty rare). • Lower the chance of missing vaccinations. • Fewer side effects from whole cell vaccines such as swelling and fever, etc.

Parents’ common misunderstandings

• Vaccinations provided by the government are not reliable.


• The risk of taking the oral form against poliomyelitis is high.


• Low effectiveness from taking a combined injection.

• 能夠提供政府原有疫苗之外,再加上額外的乙型流感

• There have been no prior cases of Haemophilus influenzae type B in Hong Kong.

• 減少注射次數及相關的痛苦。由原本的8針(五合一)




• 將小兒麻痹口服劑轉為注射形式,減少因為口服疫苗 In fact, the free vaccinations provided by the Child Health Centre should be sufficient. But if you want to get further protection and reduce the number of vaccinations for your baby, you should consider taking the new vaccines.


• 減少遺漏打針的機會。 • 減少全細胞疫苗的副作用,例如紅腫、發燒等。

家長對疫苗的常見誤解: • 政府提供的免費疫苗並不可靠。 • 口服小兒麻痹疫苗存在高危險性。 • 混合針可能會令疫苗效果減低。 • 乙型流感嗜血桿菌在香港沒有病例。 其實,政府經由健康院提供各種免費疫苗已經很完備。但 是,如果想得到更多的保護及減少打針的次數,新一代的 疫苗是值得考慮的選擇。

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Parents should be alert for certain signs and symptoms in their children. They should take their child to seek professional consultation if: 如果家長發現以下問題,就要立即響起「危險訊號」 ,儘快為小寶寶跟進及尋求專業協助:

• Have not been following vaccination schedule.


• Children show symptoms of weakness, lethargy, fever (39.5°C), twitching, convulsions, restlessness, etc. after shots.

注射混合針後出現四肢無力、嗜睡、發高燒 (39.5°C)、抽搐或抽筋、不安等不適症狀。

• Baby’s vaccination schedule is not wellrecorded.



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10 Ways to Ease Baby’s Pain with Needles 10招減少BB疼痛 Before shots 打針前


Hold the baby on your lap so she is comfortable..

在打針時,爸爸可以把BB放在腿上,使他們感到舒 服。


Instead of being nervous, stay calm and take it easy. Your anxiety may escalate her fear.

爸爸自己要鎮定,以平常心面對,切勿顯露緊張不安 情緒,若BB感到你擔心,這可能會增加他的恐懼。


Sing her favourite songs or use toys to distract her attention from the needles.


If you breastfeed your baby, you can try feeding her before, during, and after the vaccination. Breastfeeding can ease baby’s fear and pain.

如果BB是餵哺母乳,在打針前、打針時和打針後餵哺 BB。母乳可紓緩嬰兒的情緒,減少嬰兒的疼痛。



If breastfeeding is not an option, you can consider giving your baby a little taste of sugar. Add a teaspoon of sugar to 10 ml of water, and dip a pacifier into the sugar solution for your baby to suck on before the injection. 如果BB不是餵哺母乳,可以把糖水給BB喝。把一包 (1茶匙)糖放入10毫升(2茶匙)的水內。在打針前 用杯子、調羹或吸管給BB喝(在家不要使用糖來安撫 哭鬧不安的嬰兒)。

After shots 打針後


Hold your baby to slowly calm her down if she happens to be crying after the injection.



If small lumps appear after the injection, do not try to forcibly press or rub them.

若BB針口出現硬塊,不要刻意去按壓或大力揉擦打針 的位置。


Lightly press the injection spot for a minute.



Do not attempt to massage the spot for the first two days, as rubbing the lump will not speed up its recovery.

起初第一、二天不要嘗試去按摩,用力去揉硬塊並不 能加快其痊癒。


Apply a warm towel to the lump for five minutes twice per day. The temperature of the towel should not be hot enough to redden the spot.

用溫暖的毛巾去敷在硬塊的位置。每日2次,每次5分 鐘,毛巾溫度以不會燙紅皮膚為佳。

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The Real Deal about

Is the grass always greener on the other side? 這山望著那山高?

International 本地學校 Schools Vs. Mainstream 國際學校 Schools Text I Wendy Lau

Human nature leads us to think greener pastures always lie yonder. From wherever we happen to be, the “other side” always seems to be more appealing. And never is this more evident than when it comes to education and the decision whether to go the mainstream or international route. Having been in the teaching field for many years, with experience of teaching students from both sectors, not to mention having two teenagers of my own, I’ve come to learn a lot about both systems. I’ve seen parents switch their children from mainstream to international school. I’ve witnessed countless mainstream students buckling under the pressure of incessant exams and tests complaining and hankering after the “easier” life at international school. But is the grass really greener on the other side? It’s time to debunk some of the myths that pervade Hong Kong mindsets. 我們常常會「這山望著那山高」,在選擇本地學校抑或國際學校的問題上,這種心 態更明顯。作為兩個十多歲孩子的母親,我從事教學活動多年,擁有豐富的教學經 驗,對本地學校和國際學校的教育系統皆有較深入的認識。我曾經目睹學生家長們 將他們的孩子由本地學校轉去國際學校,也見過無數來自本地學校的學生不堪日益 增加的考試壓力,抱怨本地學校的學習任務繁重,渴望到國際學校過「更輕鬆」的 生活。難道那山真的比這山高嗎?我想是時候來個「真相大搜查」了!

Wendy Lau Wendy came to Hong Kong from England 21 years ago. Passionate about education, she is a published author with over 16 books in print. Her informative website www.elite-kids-hk.com provides support to help students in Hong Kong excel. 由英國來港已21年的Wendy熱愛教學, 出版過16本書。其網站www.elite-kids-hk. com刊有許多幫助香港孩子取得好成績的 文章。

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Myth #1

International school students have less homework. 國際學校學生家庭作業較少。

The truth International school students have just as much homework as local school students but the focus is different. For primary school students, rather than endless pages of grammar drilling worksheets or workbooks, the focus is on reading, creative writing or doing research for projects, activities which have been proven to provide the foundation for strong literacy skills. For secondary school students, the homework workload in international schools often surpasses that of mainstream students, especially for students pursuing International Baccalaureate programs. The work is rigorous, requiring students to be self-motivated inquirers, responsible for managing study time carefully. 國際學校學生的家庭作業量同本地學校一樣,只是側重點不同而已。對於國際學校的小學生來說,家庭 作業不是幾頁幾頁的語法練習,而是側重閱讀、創意寫作或做一些項目研究,都是一些可以幫助學生培 養讀寫能力的活動。對於國際學校的中學生來說,家庭作業量通常比本地學校的學生還要大,參加學習 國際學士學位項目(IB)的學生更甚。而且, IB課程要求非常嚴格,每個學生都必須自覺完成,並好好地管 理自己的學習時間。

Myth #2

International school students have less exams and tests. 國際學校學生考試較少。

The truth International school students are assessed just as frequently as children studying in mainstream schools. The difference is the assessments take place on a continuous basis sometimes without formal schedules or detailed syllabus coverage sent to parents. As a result parents, do not spend hours making their children memorize model answers in order to regurgitate them during an exam and promptly forget them after. Rather than providing a snapshot of a child’s ability to perform in an exam with heavy marks deduction for the smallest of errors, the assessments check whether the children are making genuine progress and retaining knowledge. In upper secondary, there are just as many assessments as in mainstream schools in the form of mock exams and formal tests. 國際學校的學生也要與本地學校的學生一樣接受定期考核。其不同之處,在於前者的考核有時會持續進行, 且不會向家長發出正式的考核時間表或詳細的考核課程範圍。這樣,家長就不需要花費時間讓孩子們記住 問題的標準參考答案,好讓他們在考試的時候可以用到,而考後則全部忘掉。考試不是為了在考試過程中 為學生所犯的錯誤扣除分數,而是檢測學生是否有進步,是否掌握了知識。到了高中階段,國際學校學生 的模擬和正式考試與本地學校的一樣多。


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Myth #3

Children in mainstream schools are taught more than those in international schools. 在本地學校的孩子比在國際學校的孩子學到的東西更多。

The truth Both systems share the same goal - giving children the best education. The difference lies in approaches. Traditionally, children in mainstream schools are “taught” materials from textbooks resulting in what some would label a spoon-feeding approach. By contrast, at international school, the focus is on children as learners and inquirers, taking part actively in lessons and getting involved in hands-on learning rather than passively receiving information. In the lower years, there are generally less textbooks than in mainstream schools but this does not mean that children are learning less. Additionally, many mainstream schools are now adopting an approach which requires learners to be more active in their learning. 不論是本地學校還是國際學校,其目的都只有一個——為孩子們提供最好的教育。其不同之處在於實現這一 目的之方法不同。通常,本地學校主要「教」學生們教科書上的教學材料,即是部分人所說的「填鴨式教 育」。與此相反地,國際學校則比較注重學生個體,引導其作為學習者也作為調查者積極參與課堂活動,主 動學習,而不僅僅是被動地接收資訊。國際學校低年級的學生,教材較少,但這並不表示他們學得較少。 除此之外,許多本地學校現在也採用這一種教育方法,鼓勵學生更積極地參與學習。

Myth #4

Parents have less involvement and pressure if their children are in international school. 國際學校學生的家長們參與較少,壓力較小。

The truth On the surface, this seems the case because in mainstream schools, exams and tests are scheduled in the handbooks and a syllabus is provided even for very young children. This results in parents feeling the need to spend hours doing revision with their children, helping them to rote-memorize material and thus encourages a results-orientated system. However, parents of children in international schools also play an important role in guiding their children towards good habits such as encouraging reading and assisting with projects. 從表面上看來,確實如此。因為在本地學校,學生所有的考試、測試都詳細記入手冊裡,甚至是年齡非常小 的學生,也會有課程提綱。這就讓家長覺得應該花時間幫助孩子們複習,記住哪些死記硬背的學習資料, 從而助長了以結果為導向的教育系統。但是,國際學校學生的家長們在引導孩子培養良好習慣方面,也一 樣扮演著非常重要的角色,如鼓勵他們閱讀,協助孩子們完成項目任務等。

Myth #5

If my child goes to international school, he or she will be unable to learn Chinese. 進入國際學校的孩子可能較難有機會學中文。

The truth Most international schools incorporate Putonghua into their learning program, with many offering it at IB level. Since students have different levels of the language, most international schools differentiate according to ability to ensure that students are learning at appropriate levels. 大多數國際學校也將普通話納入學習課程中,很多甚至納入IB課程。由於每個學生的語言層次不同,大多 數國際學校會根據學生具體能力級別進行區分,確保學生學習適度水準的普通話。

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Myth #6

Students who switch from mainstream school to international school find it easy. 學生從本地學校轉向國際學校很容易。

The truth This very much depends on the timing of the switch and the personality of the student. Many older students make the switch and suffer what is similar to “culture shock.” Some may even flounder under these conditions. For example, a student who has spent many years in a mainstream school may find it overwhelming to be put into a situation where there are no black and white model answers and no “boxes.” They may feel less secure and find it hard to adjust to the different learning methods, especially when it requires a great deal of self-initiative, abstract thinking and the synthesis of information. 這主要取決於轉換的時間和學生的性格。很多高年級學生轉換後都要經歷一種類似「文化衝擊」的經歷, 有些甚至還受困於此。例如,有些長期待在本地學校的學生,在進入沒有絕對標準答案的環境後,覺得無 法適應。他們會缺乏安全感,很難適應不同的學習方法,特別是在需要很強的自主性、抽象思維和資訊整 合的時候。

Myth #7

There is no discipline in international schools and students have too much freedom. 國際學校紀律不嚴,學生太自由。

The truth The majority of International schools have very strict school codes which students are required to adhere to. These codes cover aspects such as uniform, conduct and other aspects such as Internet etiquette. Just as in mainstream schools, students are admonished for inappropriate behavior. Most international schools also have a prefect system. Creativity and self-expression are encouraged in international schools and this can be misguidedly construed as a lack of discipline when in fact it is helping students to develop as individuals. 大多數國際學校的校規都非常嚴,學生必須遵守。校規涉及的範圍廣闊,包括校服、行為以及其它準則, 如網絡文明準則等。就像在本地學校,學生被教導不能有不當行為那樣,很多國際學校也有自己完善的體 系。它們強調學生的創造性和自我表達能力。而這種創造性和自我表達能力,恰好容易被誤解為是缺乏組 織紀律性。但實際上這有助於培養學生的自主性。

Myth #8

Local public exams are more difficult than international school exams. 本地公開考試比國際學校考試要難。

The truth This is far from the truth. In fact, many international schools adopt the highly challenging IB programs, which are designed to develop internationally-minded people. According to the IB learner profile, learners are described as being inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, reflective, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers and balanced. A number of mainstream schools are offering the IB program to their students. More information on the IB is available at www.ibo.org/index.cfm and www.ibo.org/programmes/profile/. 事實並不是這樣的。實際上,很多國際學習採用具有高度挑戰性的IB項目課程,旨在培養具有國際思維的 人才。根據IB學習手冊,學習者必須好學、多見識、善於思考、善於溝通、自律、開放、有同情心、敢於 冒險以及各方面都得到均衡發展。很多本地學校都有向學生提供IB課程。更多IB資訊,請登錄: www.ibo.org/index.cfm及www.ibo.org/programmes/profile/。


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So how do parents make the choice? 因此,家長應如何選擇呢?

It really depends on the child and the parents. Some children thrive in mainstream schools because they prefer to learn passively and memorize answers for exams. Parents like to know which page of which book has been “taught” on which day and feel more secure with a constant stream of assessment results and being able to compare their children’s results with other classmates. This reflects the competitive nature of learning in Hong Kong. On the other hand, international school suits creative and inquisitive students with high levels of self-motivation. Parents who want their children to become independent thinkers who approach learning with joy and enthusiasm may be more suited to this route. Both systems turn out well-educated children with an equal chance of excelling in their chosen futures. The difference lies in the process of learning. It pays for parents to carefully consider their child’s personality and the different options allowing them to make an informed choice. 選擇本地學校還是國際學校,這主要取決於學生和家長。有些孩子更喜歡被動學習, 能記住試題答案,因此在本地學校裡學得更好。家長希望知道在哪一天教某一本書上 的某一頁,而且對經常性考核結果比較有安全感,能夠將他們孩子的考試成績與其它 同學進行比較。這也體現了香港教學的競爭性。從一方面來說,國際學校適合比較有 創意、好學、高度自覺的學生。希望孩子能培養獨立思考能力,通過寓教於樂之方法 學習的家長,可能比較適合選擇國際學校。但是,不論是本地學校還是國際學校都表 明,教育良好的學生在未來都一樣出色,只是學習過程不同而已。家長應充分考慮孩 子的性格和不同選擇,以便作出正確的選擇。

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Queenie Tan An early childhood education professional who has worked with children from ages 0-6 for the past 12 years. Aside from being an experienced Montessori directress and lecturing kindergarten teacher training courses, she also has a company dedicated to parent education. 過去12年一直在0-6歲兒童早期教育領域工作的專家,不但是經驗豐富的蒙特梭利導師、幼稚園教 師訓練導師,她亦正經營一間致力於父母教育的公司。


Helping Your Forgetful Child Remember



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Text | Queenie Tan

Do your kids constantly forget what you said? To properly understand why some young children are often considered forgetful, we first need to understand how children process and retain information as they make sense of their world. We will be drawing on research from two very famous child education psychologists Jean Piaget and Maria Montessori, to get a more holistic view about children. 你的孩子是否常常「個心唔知飛咗去邊」,上一秒說 過、學過的東西下一秒便不記得了。要理解兒童為何會 出現這種情況,我們首先要明白兒童在他們的世界裡如 何處理及記住資訊。讓我們來看看兩位著名 兒童教育心理學家皮亞傑(Jean Piaget) 和蒙特梭利(Maria Montessori)的研 究,你或會對孩子的行為有更全面的認 識。

Piaget's concept of Assimilation and Accommodation


Swiss cognitive theorist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) who was famous for his cognitive development theory postulates that young children use the process of accommodation and assimilation to create a mental framework for learning (Berk, 2000). According to Piaget, assimilation is when the child uses his current understanding to interpret his world, where else accommodation is referred to a process where the child adjusts his current way of thinking or create new ones when they realise that there is a misfit between what they already know with what they are learning about. For example, a young toddler who has learnt about horses may point to a zebra and call it a “horse”. When he is promptly corrected by someone who takes the time to point out the differences between a horse and a zebra, he may have to change his existing understanding of horses to include zebras which may look similar but have some different characteristics. 瑞士認知心理學家皮亞傑(Jean Piaget, 1896-1980)因提出認知發展理論而聞名,該理論假設兒童 通過調適和同化的過程為自身學習創建精神架構(Berk,2000)。根據他的理論,當外界產生與兒 童本身認知模式不協調的現象時,兒童將會根據已有知識去解釋這些外來資訊,並整合到原有認知 結構中,這個過程便叫同化。若原有知識體系於解釋這類資訊時產生矛盾,兒童便會修正自己的原 先認知結構以重新解釋外來資訊,此過程稱作調適。例如,剛學走路的孩子可能會指著一匹斑馬稱 它為「馬」。而當有人花時間為他指出「斑馬」和「馬」的分別時,他將會改變自己原先對馬的認 知,懂得斑馬看起來與馬相似但有所不同。

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How can I apply this to my teaching/parenting approach? 我如何在教育/育兒中應用這個原理? Now that we have figured out how young children learn, we can help them acquire and remember new information by drawing on things which they have already known (assimilation), and helping them to draw connections to new ones (accommodation). This is similar to the concept of mind mapping where we find a way to tie together unrelated chunks of information into a single big picture that makes sense and is easily remembered. However, with young children, a lot more attention needs to go into finding out their knowledge base before we can find ways to help them make meaningful connections with new information so that they can internalise the new info. To gauge what they already know, be patient and ask them simple questions. From their responses, one would be able to gauge the level of the child’s understanding and how he sees a particular subject. Then, help them draw connections between what they already know with the new info by helping them draw comparisons to identify similarities and differences. For example, you can ask a child to identify visual differences and similarities between a horse and a zebra. This way, once the new information is being successfully integrated into the child’s existing memory, his chances of retaining this new info is significantly optimised.


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既然我們已經知道兒童是如何學習的,我們 就可以通過他們已知的事物,幫助他們掌握 以及記住新的知識(同化),同時幫助他們 建立與新知識的聯繫(調適)。這與思維導 圖概念相似,我們找到一種方法把沒有聯繫 的資訊整合成一張簡單的圖,從而易於理解 和記憶。不過對於兒童,在我們幫助他們同 化新知識、建立與新知識體系的有效聯繫之 前,我們需要花更多精力了解他們的知識基 礎。想要測試他們已知的知識,我們需要耐 心地問他們一些簡單的問題。從他們的回應 中,我們可以看出一個孩子的知識程度,以 及他怎麼看待一項具體的事物。然後,通過 比較鑒別出異同點,以幫助兒童建立與新知 識的聯繫。例如,你可以讓一個孩子從外觀 上鑒別出馬和斑馬的異同。通過這種方法, 一旦新知識被整合進兒童已有的記憶,那麼 他將很有可能保留此知識。

Montessori’s Conscious and Unconscious Absorbent Mind 蒙特梭利的「無意識」到「有意識」 A c c o rd i n g t o c h i l d e d u c a t i o n a l psychologist Maria Montessori (1870-1952), children are born with an absorbent mind which enables them to learn effortlessly from their environment and from those around them (Montessori, 1988). From age 0-3 years, young children are theorised to have an unconscious absorbent mind where they are able to absorb stimuli unconsciously from their surrounding environment. As such, infants and toddlers are often unable to “shut out” stimuli when they have had enough of it. This is rather obvious in young children who often cry when they are over stimulated or tired when they have been in a stimulating environment for too long. Montessori also stipulated that when children reach the age of between 3-6 years, they develop a conscious absorbent mind which enables them to learn and absorb stimuli consciously depending on what they are most sensitive to learning at a particular point in time. For example, a child may have

an interest in singing or learning about cars or animals and he will learn and remember most of the things that are related to these areas of interest. 根據兒童教育心理學家瑪麗亞•蒙特梭利 (Maria Montessori, 1870-1952)的理論, 兒童天生就具有「吸收性心智」,使他們 能輕易地從外部環境及周圍人中進行學習 (Montessori,1988)。0至3歲間的兒童 具有無意識心理,他們能夠從外部環境中 無意識地進行學習。例如,嬰兒及剛學走路 的孩子通常在盡興時仍無法停止活動。這在 兒童中也顯而易見,他們在刺激的環境中待 了太久,會感到過分刺激,或疲憊時就會一 直哭。蒙特梭利也指出,當兒童達到3至6歲 時,他們的心理逐漸有意識,這種心理使他 們能夠在特定時間通過他們最敏感的事物進 行有意識地學習。例如,一個兒童對唱歌、 汽車或動物感興趣,那麼他們就會學習並記 住與興趣有關的大部分東西。

Again, how can I apply this to my teaching/parenting approach? 我又如何在教育/育兒中應用這個原理呢? A good educator would be sensitive to the child’s interest, be it in learning a new skill like acquiring a new language, singing, climbing, or a new subject such as dolls, trucks or rainbows. Once the child’s interest is discovered, we can capitalise on his areas of interest to teach him all sorts of other skills and subjects. For example, if a child is interested in dinosaurs, we can teach him math concepts (by counting all the dinosaur toys which he may have), language skills (by identifying all the names of the body parts of a dinosaur), introduce the concept of time (by drawing out a timeline dating back to the era of the dinosaurs), science concepts (why certain dinosaurs have different body parts which enable them to move, eat and find food in different ways) etc. By doing so, the child is very likely to remember and retain a lot of this information and internalise the concepts which he has learnt because it is of interest to him. On the contrary, if we intend to teach different subject matters, skills or even concepts separately and not related to his area of interest, he is unlikely to remember what he has been taught.

一個好的教育學家應該對兒童的興趣十分敏 感,包括學習一種新語言、唱歌、爬山或新 東西如洋娃娃、卡車或彩虹。一旦發掘到兒 童的興趣,我們可以通過他的興趣領域及意 識,教他其餘各種技能及事物。例如,孩子 如對恐龍感興趣,我們可以教他數學概念( 通過算出他擁有的所有恐龍玩具數量)、語 言技能(通過識別恐龍身體各部分的名稱) 、引入時間的概念(通過追溯恐龍時代劃出 時間軸)、科學概念(為甚麼一些特定的恐 龍有不同的身體構造,從而用不同的方式行 動、進食以及找尋食物)等等。通過這樣 做,兒童將更容易記住並保留資訊,內化 這些概念,因為他們對此感興趣。反之, 如果我們並沒有將這些新事物、技能甚至 概念與他們的興趣相連,他們不太可能記 得這些知識。

Where do I start? 我應該怎開始?

1. Have realistic expectations for your child. Do not expect him to have a good memory beyond his mental capacity and attention span.


2. If you want him to remember something important (be it your mobile number or home address), present it to him in a fun way which will interest him (like singing it as a song or breaking it down into a number pattern or drawing a picture) so that he can internalise it better.

如果你想讓他記得一些重要的事情(如你的手機號碼或家庭地址),通過他會感興趣的有 趣方式告訴他(如編成歌曲或分解成數型或圖畫),這樣他能更好地吸收。

3. Set predictable routines. Children love routines...if you keep to it! It helps them predict what they need to do next, thus minimising the extra effort spent on trying to remember what they need to do.

設定可預期的慣例。孩子都喜歡慣例,如果你堅持做的話!這可以讓他們預測下一步需要 做甚麼,不需花更多精力記住該做哪些事。

4. Provide short and clear instructions. Since young children have relatively short attention span, keep your instructions “short and sweet.” So instead of saying “don’t make noise” (in which case the child will likely only remember the last word he heard), try “be quiet”.

提供簡短而清晰的指導。因為兒童集中注意力時間通常較短,所以要讓你的指示「簡短而 親切」。不要說「別吵了」(孩子們通常只記得他們聽到的最後一個詞),而應該說「請 安靜」。 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Epilepsy Parents Ask…

腦癇症家長有疑問 Text I Stephanie Wong

Parent asks:

My son had a seizure after running a high fever. Does it mean he has epilepsy? 我兒子在一次高燒後發生了一次身體抽搐,這表示他已患有 腦癇症嗎? Stephanie says:

Seizures that are triggered due to a huge spike in body temperature are called “febrile seizures.” These seizures are more common in young children and infants. To witness your child having a “febrile seizure” can be a frightening experience for parents as the child might experience twitching, stiffening of muscles, rolling of eyes, etc., but having a febrile seizure does not mean that your son has epilepsy. Epilepsy is the tendency to have recurrent seizures and they are not related to running a high fever. But if you are worried about your son’s febrile seizure, you should seek your doctor’s advice.

因體溫的大幅度升高引發的突然發作稱為 「熱痙攣」(俗稱發燒抽筋)。這種突然發 作常見於幼兒和嬰兒。 見到孩子發燒抽筋,父母當然會害怕。因 為他們可能會出現抽搐、肌肉發硬、眼睛 來回轉動等情況。然而,有過一次發燒抽 筋並不表示他們患有腦癇症,因為腦癇症 與高燒無關。如果你對孩子的發燒抽筋感 到憂慮,你應該尋求醫生的建議。

Stephanie Wong As the Senior Social Worker of Enlighten-Action for Epilepsy, Stephanie Wong has extensive experience counseling people living with epilepsy. She has worked with a lot of children and youth, as well as parents and caregivers of those affected by epilepsy. 資深社工,現服務於專為腦癇症患者提供服務的香港啟迪會,8年多來一直為 兒童、受影響的家長及關心腦癇症的人士提供專業的諮詢。


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Parent asks:

Recently I noticed that my young daughter looks blank and doesn’t respond for few seconds, but soon after she is perfectly fine. Is there something wrong with her, should I take her to see a doctor? 最近我發現我年幼的女兒會突然呆視,像失去知覺幾秒鐘,但很快就完 全沒事了。她身體會有甚麼問題嗎?我應該帶她去看醫生嗎?

Stephanie says:

When epilepsy and seizures are mentioned, most people think of the typical convulsive seizures (tonic-clonic seizures), where the person’s body stiffens, fall to the ground and convulse. But indeed, there are more than 40 different kinds of seizures with “absence seizure” being one of them. Absence seizures are a sudden lapse of consciousness, a loss of awareness (just for few seconds) and the person looks spaced out. Since they happen so subtly and so quickly, most people do not notice the seizures, and the person having the seizure is not aware and does not remember due to the momentary loss of consciousness. These seizures are also called Petit mal. Unfortunately, this seizure is not easy to recognise and is usually overlooked. Many parents or teachers think the child is day-dreaming, and are surprised to know that the child was having a seizure. I suggest that you speak with her teachers to know if they also noticed your daughter blanking out. This will help you have a better idea of how often and how long the blanking out lasts, in case it is a seizure. It might also be beneficial for you to keep track of the time and duration. If possible, take a short video with your phone. All these information is always helpful to neurologists and doctors.

What is epilepsy?

許多人將腦癇症歸為全腦性強直陣攣式腦癇 (或稱大發作),即出現身體發硬、倒在地上、 抽搐等情況。 其實現時世界上有40種不同的腦癇,「失神」 是其中一種。患者會有呆視,像失去知覺幾秒 鐘,因為這些症狀是快速發生的,所以很難被注 意到。這種突然發作也被稱為「小發作」,由於 是短暫失去意識,連孩子自己也不會意識到,而 許多父母或老師會誤以為孩子在做白日夢,所以 當他們被診斷出患有腦癲症時他們會感到驚訝。 我建議你應該向老師詢問上學期間,孩子發生 這種狀況的頻率和持續時間,這些資料是非常 重要的。可能的話,更可用手機將發作的情況 拍攝下來。這些資訊都有助腦科醫生更準確分 析孩子的病情。


Epilepsy is a common neurological (brain) disorder that affects people of all ages, and both sexes around the world.


Epilepsy is basically defined as the tendency to have recurrent seizures i.e. where someone has been medically diagnosed as having two or more seizures.


A seizure is caused by abnormal excessive electric discharges leading to a sudden burst of excess electrical activity in the brain, causing a temporary disruption in the normal message between brain cells. This disruption results in the brain’s messages becoming halted or mixed up.

何年齡、性別的人士身上,而且此症已影響了全世界很 在醫學上診斷為有起碼兩次或以上的腦癇發作。而腦癇 發作是指當腦神經細胞異常放電,導致短暫大腦神經功 能紊亂,大腦資訊傳遞出現混淆或終止。

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Parent asks:

My four year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. It is frightening for him and us when he has a tonic-clonic seizure. What should I do? 我四歲的兒子最近被診斷為腦癇症。當他一出現強直陣攣性發作,我們和 他都很害怕。我應該做些甚麼呢?

Stephanie says:

The tonic-clonic seizure includes two phases: Tonic Phase and Clonic Phase. The seizure usually begins with the child making a loud cry, then the body stiffens (tonic phase),the child lose consciousness and falls down. Then the clonic phase takes over and his arms and legs will begin to jerk rapidly. Slowly, he regains his consciousness and awareness, but feels very drowsy and tired. Witnessing a tonic-clonic seizure can be a frightening and difficult experience. Most parents we speak to are besieged by a feeling of helplessness. The best thing you can do is for both you and your son to get a better understanding about epilepsy and be aware of the steps of “seizure first-aid.”


• Stay calm and note the time (to know the duration of the seizure); • Check for difficulties in breathing and loosen any tight neckwear; • Cushion the head with something soft; • Gently lay him on his side in the recovery (semi-prone) position.


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全腦性強直陣攣式腦癇 (大發作) 分為兩個階段。孩 子首先會大聲哭喊,然後身體發硬,失去知覺,然 後倒地。接著,他們會發生陣攣。他們的四肢會開 始快速顫動。慢慢地,他們會重新恢復意識,並感 到昏昏欲睡和疲倦。 目睹孩子全腦性強直陣攣式腦癇(大發作)是令父母 感到驚嚇和難過的事情,他們亦通常感到無助。作 為父母,你們最好能夠對腦癇症有充分了解,認識 腦癇發作的急救步驟。

你應該: • 保持冷靜並記錄下腦癇症發作持續時間; • 檢查呼吸是否困難,解開任何緊身的領帶、圍巾之類; • 用柔軟的東西將頭部墊起來; • 將患者轉身至復原臥式的姿勢 (側臥)。


Causes of Epilepsy

• Try to restrain/stop the seizure as it may cause injury. Many mums believe that a tight hug could stop the seizure. But in fact it may injure him. Please wait for the seizure to run its course. • Put anything in his mouth. • Give him anything to eat or drink immediately after a seizure. He may feels sick and unable to swallow properly.

你絕不應該: • 許多父母可能會不知所措,以為將孩子緊緊抱住可以停止孩 子的腦癇發作,這樣做可能會傷害到他們,建議讓發作順其 自然發生,絕不要強行制止抽搐。

Epilepsy can happen to anyone at any age! Unfortunately in most cases, there is no known cause for the seizures (idiopathic epilepsy), but some of the known causes are: • Brain damage during birth due to birth trauma, lack of oxygen or infection. • Infectious diseases such as meningitis (infection of the covering of the brain and the spinal fluid), encephalitis (infection of the brain), and other malarial and tuberculous infections. • Benign or malignant tumours. • Scarred brain tissue resulting from a severe head injury or trauma.

• 把東西放進他的嘴裡。

• Genetic conditions such as tuberous sclerosis that might cause non-malignant brain tumors.

• 出現腦癇後,孩子可能會感到不舒服,且不能順利吞咽。因

• Strokes.


If your son has already started school, you should communicate with his teachers regarding your son’s condition. This is important to ensure your son’s safety as he might has seizures at school. 你應該將孩子的情況告訴老師,以確保他在學校發作時的安全。

• Alcohol and drug abuse. • Consumption of food infested with tapeworm eggs (cysticercosis) is a cause of epilepsy in some parts of Asia. 腦癇症產生的原因 任何年齡都有可能患上腦癇症。而大部份患者的發作是成因 不明,不過一些已知的原因包括: • 因產傷、缺氧或者感染導致的初生嬰兒腦部損傷。 • 傳染病,例如腦膜動脈炎(腦部和脊椎液的覆蓋物的感 染)、腦炎(腦部感染)及瘧疾和結核感染。

Supplied by: Enlighten-Action for Epilepsy Enlighten-Action for Epilepsy strongly believe that ignorance breeds fear leading to misunderstandings. Hence they offer free training courses, information booklets and first-aid posters to the general public, as well as to schools in Hong Kong to raise epilepsy awareness. They also have easy-to-read children’s books on epilepsy to help you explain about epilepsy to your children. Please do not hesitate to contact them for any information that you may need.

• 腦部受傷或精神創傷導致的腦部組織受損。 • 遺傳因素,例如結節性腦硬化可能造成非惡性腦瘤。 • 中風。 • 酒精和藥物濫用。

知識的匱乏只會帶來恐懼和誤解,所以啟迪會致力想公眾、學校提供 免費課程、資訊及宣傳海報,以增加大家對腦癇症的認識,當中更包 括適合兒童閱讀的簡易版書籍。如你需要有關協助,敬請與他們聯繫。 www.enlightenhk.org

• 良性或惡性腫瘤。

• 食用寄生了絛蟲卵的食物(豬囊蟲病),在亞洲部分地區 有部分案例。

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Repetitious Practice = Dullness? 重複練習=沉悶?



he latest NBA sensation Jeremy Lin used to be a backup basketball player, but his recent astounding skills on the court have surpassed the expectations of many. In fact, inspirations come out of every practice. Therefore, repetitious practice is not as dull as it sounds, rather it is the only way to further build a solid foundation in learning. Even virtuoso pianist Lang Lang once said, “There is no way for children to become pianists without practicing; it is unavoidable.” When practicing a new musical piece, children break the work into parts and practise each part repetitively until they become familiar with the fingering and master the song’s arrangement. It is only through repetitious practice that children can understand the techniques. The end result is virtually flying fingers over the keyboard as they perform their masterpiece. Some say “Success is not about luck,” and this applies to everything, regardless of whether it is sports, music or any subjects of learning. Continuous training is essential to attain successful results. The same concept is applied to mathematics and languages. Children first become familiar with the content, and then strengthen their ability through repetitious practice so that they are able to capture the essence of what they have learnt. Repetitious practice and dullness are not equivalent. Parents can explain the importance of practice using simple comparisons so that children can understand the advantages and benefits. Below are some suggestions for reference: • We must first become familiar with the basic concept we want to learn in order to explore it more in depth and

BA 新貴林書豪一直是後備球 員,但他正式上陣比賽時所 展現的超凡球技,卻令全球

觀眾刮目相看。事實上,每次重複練習都 可得到新的領會及啟發。重複並不是大眾 誤以為的沉悶,反而是進一步打穩基礎的 不二法門。 郎朗亦曾說過:「沒有任何一種方法能令 小朋友不練琴而成為鋼琴家,每天練習是

attain mastery. When children learn the same content repetitively, they are in fact reaching the essence of learning that they might have missed beforehand. • The same rule applies to winning a TV game where repetitious practice is the only way to pass from one stage to another. A solid foundation enables one to move on and acquire new knowledge. • Practice makes perfect. Children need continuous practice to become familiar with the learning content. When they are able to strengthen their memorization skills, they will be well prepared and reach a high standard.

避免不了。」彈奏新曲時,孩子需先分段 練習,重複彈奏,以熟練指法及掌握整首 歌的編排。只有透過反覆練習,孩子才能 深入了解當中技巧,把原本的曲風淋漓盡 致地演繹出來。 所謂「成功非僥倖」,不論體育、音樂或 學習任何科目,都需要持之以恆的訓練, 才能獲取佳績。學習數學、語文也是一 樣,為讓孩子熟練課題,都需要透過重複 練習加強基礎能力,繼而掌握每個課題的 精髓。重複練習不等於沉悶,家長可利用 淺白的比喻,讓孩子明白當中的益處與重 要性。以下是一些指引供參考: • 不論學習甚麼都必須充分掌握基本概念 方能探索更深入的內容,達到融會貫 通。當孩子反覆學習同一課題時,其實

Repetitious Assignments ≠ Mechanical Practicing 重複做功課 ≠ 機械式練習 Kumon believes learning is like climbing a ladder, where one should fully grasp a concept before taking the next step in understanding the content. Therefore proper repetitious practice for students is necessary. But Kumon never involves students engaging in meaningless repetitions . Instructors observe and understand students in class to provide suitable repetition for them, and offer a detailed explanation to parents as to the purpose of practicing. 公文式相信學習就如階梯,只有充分掌握課題的重點, 方能進入下一個學習內容。因此適當的複習對學生來說 是必須,但公文式絕不會讓學生毫無意義地重複做功 課。導師會透過平日堂上對學生的觀察,安排適當的複 習,並細心與家長講解孩子的學習進度。

能領略到之前所忽略的精髓。 • 讀書與「打爆機」的道理一樣,要透過 反覆練習才能過關。基礎部分夠熟練, 才能掌握新知識。 • 熟能生巧是複習的好處,孩子要透過不 斷練習才能更熟悉學習內容,不斷加深 記憶,時刻作好準備,以發揮應有水 準。

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Trucky 智趣反“斗”車 Ages: 3-8 yrs Stack everything properly so it all fits in the back of these 3 cheery trucks. 試試將積木填入貨車吧,有 助鍛煉視覺空間感!

Wits-ua l C 鬥智海 ombat 陸空

SmartCar 智叻醒“木”車 Ages: 3+ yrs Eyes on the road! Assemble challenges with truckload of fun! 積木砌車車,記得「眼睛」向前 看就至「醒目」!

Smart G ames fr om Belg stages ium de . These signs a games variety 想訓練 excite k of brain 孩子的 ids’ min y game 解 難能 d in ev s for kid 力?比利 思考的 ery wa s to solv 幼兒,各 y – up 時品牌 e the p in the a Smar t 款 遊 uzzles 戲 主題 更 ir G 皆 to dow a 有 m at differe 不同難 e 是上山 s 設 n 計 to the s 度的關 nt 生 下海,趣 產 的 ea! 卡,讓小 一系列 味無窮! 智力遊 朋友在 戲,十分 玩具中 享受逐 適合開 級闖關 始愛 的成就 感。而遊 戲的

Cannibal Monster 擊退食人怪 Ages: 7+ yrs Stack the monsters so that they will eat each other. Who will be the last survivor? 根據挑戰咭提示,把食人怪疊起,看看誰吃掉 誰,誰是最後生還者?

Available from: Babyboom Learning Co. Ltd. 2498 9101 www.babyboom.com.hk facebook.com/babyboom.learning.co

Chicken Shuffle 極速孵雞蛋 Ages: 6+ yrs Brainy challenge for kids to shuffle the chickens around until there is one chicken nesting on each egg. 如何讓每隻雞蛋都得到雞隻孵化?快來玩這特 別的滑塊拼圖。

Penguins on Ice 企鵝寶寶齊滑冰 Ages: 6+ yrs Pack these 5 pentomino pieces so that all the penguins can float on the ice. 如何利用獨特的滑動五格拼板設計,令每隻企 鵝都安全站在浮冰上呢? www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Cinnamon Raisin Bread 肉桂提子飽 Ingredients • 3 tsp of active dried yeast • 2 tsp of Demerara sugar • 1 ¾ cups of warm water • 1 tsp of salt • 2 tbsp of olive oil • 2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour • 1 cup of whole-wheat flour • 2 tsp of ground flaxseed, optional • 1 ½ cups of Thompson raisins • 2 handfuls of ground cinnamon or to taste Method 1. In a large bowl, place the active dried yeast, the brown sugar, and the warm water together. Set aside and wait for about 10 minutes or when the mixture is starting to bubble. 2. Stir the salt, the cinnamon and the oil in the mixture. Add flour to the mixture. Add the raisins mix with your hands until the raisin are well incorporated to the dough. 3. Turn dough out onto a clean, well floured surface, and knead in more flour until the dough is no longer sticky. Place the dough into a well oiled bowl, and cover with a cloth. Let the dough rise until double; this should take about 1 hour. Punch down the dough, and let the dough rise for another 30 minutes. 4. Preheat oven to 175℃ (350℉). Lightly oil your baking sheet. Punch down the dough, and form 6 equal parts of round dough. Line the dough an inch apart from one another. Brush the top of the dough with olive oil

材料 • 活性乾酵母3茶匙 • Demerara紅糖2茶匙 • 溫水1 ¾杯 • 鹽1茶匙 • 橄欖油1湯匙 • 普通麵粉2 ½杯 • 全麥麵粉1杯 • 亞麻籽2茶匙(可選) • Thompson提子乾1 ½杯 • 肉桂少許,依口味而定 做法 1. 於大碗中放入酵母、紅糖、溫水,放置10分 鐘或至起泡。 2. 加入鹽、肉桂、橄欖油攪拌,再加入麵粉, 用手將提子乾均勻加入麵團中。 3. 在乾淨的表面灑上麵粉,搓麵團至不黐手, 放入上油的碗中,蓋上布。待麵團發至兩倍 大後(約需1小時),再捶打麵團,然後讓 它再發30分鐘。 4. 預熱焗爐至175℃(350℉),烤盤上稍稍搽 上油,將麵團分為6小團,每團間距離一吋地 擺好,搽一層橄欖油。 5. 放入焗爐焗20分鐘或至變金黃色。

5. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until the rolls become golden.

The above recipe (in English) are extracted from Homespun cookbook published by Morningstar Preschool and Kindergarten to raise money for Room to Read Local Language Publishing Program. Available at Bookazine • MetroBooks • Swindon Book Co. Ltd. • Kelly & Walsh • Hong Kong Book Centre • il Bel Paese • Just Green Convenience Stores • www.ShoppeTales.com www.MorningstarSchools.com


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百家寶親子集團 視像呈獻

CEO劉雪文 Michelle Liu 對話



親子時間 怎樣過?


成長趣事 特別多?

攝影機前 講盡湊仔教仔苦與樂 同為父母


今期嘉賓:李樂詩 孩子需要multi task



一曲《無悔愛你一生》,讓她歌手身 份深入民心。09年誕下兒子Maxton後李 樂詩就好少現身公眾場合,聽聞她最近正籌 備兒歌專輯。想知道她的孩子讀甚麼play group 嗎?她對孩子的未來又有甚麼期望呢?去片!


帶孩子 Discover


the Sakura Wonder with Your Kids

Text | Angie, Ealon

Photo | Allan Lee, Thinkstock

It’s officially cherry blossom (sakura) season again in Japan, another occasion for many Hong Kong families to spend a vacation gazing at falling and fluttering petals. In fact, this non-official national attribute carries a deep historical and cultural legacy that embodies the spirit of Japan. During the visit, you might experience pop-up questions from your kids about the nature of sakura. Are your ready to answer? Let’s examine some possible questions. 又到櫻花時節,很多香港家庭都會趁假期到日本一覽群櫻 綻放或落櫻飄零的美景。作為日本人的精神寄託,櫻花承 載了許多的意義。帶孩子賞櫻,他們可能會問你各種的問 題,你會怎麼回答呢?讓我們為你先備備課。

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? time of year oms at this ss lo b ry er view ch we go and 櫻花呢? Why should rthern 假期來日本看 個 這 在 要 ones in the no 定 一 rly April. The 為甚麼我們 March and ea rt in whether

er plays a pa between late soms bloom ay. The weath is only os M bl as ry te er la ch t as ry blossoms m Mos ido can bloo span of cher ka life e ok H le. Th . ab as le e du when we ar regions such behind sche to see them ty be ahead or ni ill w rtu s po m op so e the blos ,但會受天 ould seize th 會在5月才開 erefore we sh 地區如北海道 方 7-10 days. Th 北 , 花 看櫻花,要 開 至4月上旬 10天,所以要 數在3月下旬 花謝只有7至 多 到 花 開 櫻 花 的 從 本 花 日 地區的櫻 推遲。而一個 氣影響提前或 。 好好把握時間

ssom tree? e cherry blo th f o it u fr e Is cherry th 果實嗎? completely 櫻桃是櫻花的

o soms are tw d cherry blos an s sakura is also ie at rr th he C d you know di ut B . ts in making an different pl ue fragrance se use its uniq ne pa all to be Ja s, e ie Th ac edible?! d more delic crackers, an e, in w a, te ry cher ly! this season on 遠房 found during ,最多算是「 全不同的植物 完 種 兩 的芬 是 特 花 櫻桃和櫻 本人將它獨 可以吃哦,日 也 花 櫻 而且 但 , 。 親戚」吧 、櫻花餅等 花茶、櫻花酒 櫻 成 製 , 物 芳融入食 到。 在這個季節吃 很多東西只能

s to gaze at ple joined u eo p y an m Why have so s? om cherry bloss 起賞櫻? 多人跟我們一 麼 這 family 為甚麼有 friends and

picnic with d se custom to , singing, an It is a Japane on, drinking as se m i”. so am os erry bl stom as “Han during the ch fer to this cu som, time. They re t ea gr e cherry blos a th g of havin g the beauty rival tin ia ar e ec th pr g ap in rs in celebrat In addition to ve to time with othe lo g in es ni nd pa bo m t d co it is a grea y families an erefore, man of spring. Th outings. 高歌, arrange such 親友良朋舉杯 白花樹下,與 粉 於 坐 ,叫「 席 鋪 字 有專門的名 在花開季節, 要的習俗,還 重 人 本 是增進 日 更 是 日到來,這 笑談春日, 美景,迎接春 花 櫻 櫻。 賞 賞 欣 來 了 會全員出動 花見」。除 家庭、公司都 多 很 以 所 , 感情的活動


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sp ry blossom Are all cher 的呢? 櫻花都是粉色

t light pink, bu tals appear pe r ei th or of te Most that are whi her varieties there are ot ur. yellow in colo 或黃色 但也有白色 是淺粉色, 大多數櫻花 的品種。

, t from ours look differen at th ts tfi u go girls wearin I saw some 沒有…… .. e. n yo 賞花,有些則 來 服 e 衣 but not ever 的 別 wear to go se 孩子穿了特 nese women 我看見有些女 adays imono) Japa

. Now l costume (k eir costumes is a traditiona ought into th th of t cely for this Hanagoromo lo ni a s t love to dres ms. Girls pu ill so st os bl ey th ry t er bu the ch t for girls, is not a mus hanagoromo 自己, 花前如何打扮 celebration. 統上,在去賞 傳 本 日 。不過 。 事 」 的 花衣 心思斟酌 裳,被稱為「 是一件需要費 都 , ) 賞花時穿的衣 子 孩 。 是女 統沒有變 去賞花(尤其 賞花衣著的傳 穿怎樣的衣服 但日本人注重 , 服 和 穿 要 一定 現時已不講究

of Sakura ing beauty se consider The underly . The Japane for your kids 花 on ss 櫻 ring of its le 賞 tte life 欣 flu n and on the 教孩子 m, but also art appreciatio e,

oo rly ty. Furthermor mply on its bl serve as an ea iating its beau pends not si Hanami can ec de pr ra ap ku to sa es a lesson tic merit of various angl iency of life, that the artis that there are lity and trans bi ds ta ki ic ur ed yo pr h n teac flect the un petals. You ca bloom also re e ephemeral th d an y lit 賞它綻放時 t. gi en its fra 日本人不單欣 如 present mom e 正 th 。 e 會 ur 機 as 的角度都是 教育」的好 for kids to tre 事物、欣賞美 學教育+生命 的 美 美 「 子 行 孩 進 訴 子 次對孩 寸光陰。 可由此告 賞櫻或許是一 珍惜眼前每一 是一種美,你 能提醒孩子要 瓣隨風散落也 更 花 , 的 程 它 過 為 的 認 凋謝 的美,亦 爛後隨即壯烈 花經歷短暫燦 多樣的。而櫻 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Cherry blossom viewing spots 櫻花前線沿途名跡 Text & Photo | Allan Lee

Shosei-en Garden, Kyoto 京都•涉成園 You can first check the status of the cherry blossoms at the tourist centre at Kyoto Station and decide on your sightseeing path. Shosei-en Garden is fairly close to the station and with less people. It’s a nice viewing site as cherry blossoms bloom early here. 來到京都,可先到京都站的遊客中心看看京都各處開花的 情況,然後再定下遊覽路線。涉成園靠近京都站,但遊人 相對較少。這裡的櫻花盛開亦較早,是一處賞櫻的好地方。

Kiyomizu-dera, Kyoto 京都•清水寺 This historical heritage site maintains its quaint landscape and is open for nocturnal viewing of cherry blossoms. There is an added touch of mystery as you view them under the night sky. 「世界遺產」清水寺古意盎然,依山而建。每逢櫻花時節,清水 寺都會在晚上開放,供遊人觀賞夜櫻。在燈光的映照下,別有一 份神秘的美感!

Okayama-Jo, Okayama 岡山•岡山城 This is the city’s notable attraction. It is nicknamed “Ujou”, or Crow Castle, as the walls are filled with ink made with coal and persimmon to prevent further storm erosion and decay.


大家可順道遊岡山城。它的城牆壁漆黑一遍,故有「烏城」之 稱。這是因為外牆上所貼木板皆塗了用煤和柿汁製成的墨,以防 止風雨侵蝕和腐化。 PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Allan Lee 李家輝 Allan ardently loves travelling and writing. He is a newspaper and magazine columnist. Allan熱愛旅遊及寫作,乃報章雜 誌的專欄作者。

Korakuen, Okayama 岡山•後樂園 Korakuen is a world-renowned landscape garden. It is emblematic of the Chisan Kaiyu Style from the Edo Period, and has become an intrinsic part of Japan’s cultural heritage. The name comes from the spirit of “grieve earlier than others, enjoy later than others”. 後樂園是聞名世界的庭園,擁有江戶時代「回 遊式」的建築特色,乃日本重要文化遺產,名 字來自我們中國的「先憂後樂」精神。

Kenrokuen, Kanazawa 金沢•兼六園 The name literally translates to “the garden with six sublimities”: spaciousness, seclusion, artificiality, antiquity, abundance of water and broadness of view. Remember to catch some fresh seafood after your visit to the garden! 顧名思義,兼六園一園兼有六大特色,包括宏大、幽 邃、人力、蒼古、水泉及眺望。到這裡賞櫻前後別忘記 到近江町市場品嘗海鮮丼,非常新鮮!

Info日本實用資料 If you want to have the latest cherry blossom forecast, you can check with the Japan Weather Association website (tenki.jp/ sakura/) and weather map (sakura.weathermap.jp). Affected by cold spells this year, there was a 3-4-day blooming delay. The picture on the right shows data for the forecast on March 14. 想知最新櫻花情報,可瀏覽日本氣象協會網站(tenki.jp/ sakura/)及weather map網站(sakura.weathermap.jp)。 今年受寒流影響,各地花期均遲了三四天左右。右圖為3月 14日預測數據。 Visa

No visa required for HKSAR or BNO passport holders. 持有特區護照或BNO,到日本無須簽証。

Transportation Japan Rail Pass can be redeemed at appointed JR Travel Service Centres by passports and “Exchange

Order” that can be used throughout Japan for unlimited travel on JR trams and the Shinkansen. 憑護照及「Exchange Order」可在指定JR旅遊服務中心換領日本鐵路周遊券Japan Rail Pass, 全日本通用,限期內可無限次乘搭國營(JR)的電車及新幹線追櫻。 Information

www.welcome2japan.hk(Japan National Tourism Association web site 日本國家旅遊局網頁)

www.peegaboo.com | PJ




s d n e i r F & Thomas



農曆新年前夕,百家寶與HIT Entertainment 合辦了「拍住Thomas & Friends過龍年」攝影 比賽。Thomas果然是孩子們的好朋友,短短幾 個星期,我們就收到一張張孩子和Thomas的得 意合照。許多爸媽都在facebook大力宣揚,希 望孩子的相片能share給更多的人看到,有更 多Like。活動截止當日,根據「Like」票數選 出的至Like金、銀、銅獎已即時有了結果;而 經過評審團的熱烈討論,另外兩個大獎的得獎 者亦火熱出爐。快來睇睇你孩子的相片有沒有 得獎!

至Like 金

至Like 銀 獎




PJ | www.peegaboo.com




整個龍年 Thomas都陪住你!




Day at the Dieselworks Thomas & Friends貨運中心套裝

The Dieselworks Take-n-Play Playset套裝

每年4月的Thomas & Friends電影都是小朋




Mega Bloks跟據電影場景,設計了這套



Thomas & Friends貨運中心積木套裝。小朋

內休息和維修,Happy Hook幫其他小火車維


修,而Diesel 10就看管車廠。最新Take-n-Play






Happy Hook的吊臂升起貨品。

受,讓不懷好意的Diesels柴油車隊伍有機 可乘,設法使Percy加入柴油車隊伍進行他 們的秘密行動!Percy最終能否識破Diesels 的真面目,保衛家園?大家一起到電影院 找出答案吧!

至Like 銅 獎


爸爸的攝影技術好勁 啊!不過我個笑容都 攞好多分!

Honey Berries呈獻 暖笠笠龍年大獎

你睇我哋一家三口餅 印咁款,幾溫馨!

www.peegaboo.com | PJ


For 0-3 yrs The Most Amazing Hide-and-Seek Alphabet Book

Book Recommendations

Robert Crowther With so many alphabet books out there, which one to choose? Pulling tabs and lifting flaps to find the hidden animals is a fantastic and original take on the traditional alphabet book, keeping your little ones entertained over and over again.

彩色溫泉 增田裕子 和孩子一起泡彩色溫泉,豐富幼 兒的色彩感覺!簡明易懂的情節 富有幼兒喜愛的重複性,更充滿 了色彩變換的樂趣,對刺激幼兒 的「色彩感覺」有很大的幫助。

For 4-6 yrs 鯨魚! 五味太郎


五味太郎是著名的日本兒童圖畫 書大師,他的作品充滿創意、趣 味和幽默感,令大人小朋友都愛 不釋手。這本書以鯨魚的形狀、 輪廓和顏色來發展故事的架構, 結局出人意表!除了文字外,一 定要細看圖畫,才能感受及明白 它的趣味。

木村研 池塘變擠了,999隻青蛙兄弟決定 搬新家。可是,蛇和老鷹都跑出來 了,他們會遇上甚麼危險?最後能 找到新家嗎?故事精彩有趣,圖畫 線條簡單可愛,能令大人小朋友都 棒腹大笑!

Picasso and the Girl with a Ponytail Laurence Anholt

Giraffes Can’t Dance

A remarkable true story about Sylvette, a shy little girl, whose neighbour happens to be the artist Pablo Picasso. Attracted by Sylvette’s facial profile and her lovely ponytail hair style, Picasso convinces her to pose for a series of ar t works. These ar t works soon become world famous, and encourage Sylvette to abandon her shyness, and embark on a career as a fine artist.

Watch your child giggle, move and shake to this fun rhyming story. Gerald the giraffe longs to dance, but his knees buckle whenever he tries to wheel. At the Jungle Dance, all animals jeer when it’s Gerald turn to prance. But the little cricket believes in Gerald and encourages him to find his own sweet tune.

Giles Andreae, Guy ParkerRees

For parents What to Read When: The Books and Stories to Read with Your Child – and All the Best Times to Read Them


朗讀手冊: 大聲為孩子讀書吧

Pam Allyn


Choosing the right books can shape thoughtful, creative, curious children with a love of reading to last a lifetime. What to Read When is a guide to the life cycle of children that offers opportunities for parents to bond most with their children through words and pictures.

美國著名親子閱讀專家吉姆‧ 崔利斯在「朗讀手冊」中教大家 如何使孩子成為愛書之人。崔利 斯分享激 勵人心的訊息,佐以 趣聞軼事,更提供最新研究為 堅實基礎。

Supplied by: Bring Me A Book Hong Kong (www.bringmeabook.org.hk) PJ | www.peegaboo.com

Thomas and Friends Vol. 37 Happy Hiro

Bob the Builder Vol. 7 Travis’ New Garage Ages 3+ yrs HK$72 Farmer Pickles had left a list of Travis favourite things to be put in his new garage to make it feel homely – but it’s gone! But when Roley puts the lost property skills he’s learned to the test, he finds the list stuck to the bottom of Bob’s foot! Soon everything is gathered and Travis gets the garage he’s always

Ages 3+ yrs HK$96 Thomas tries to cheer Hiro up when he sees that he doesn’t look very happy. Hiro tells Thomas he is sad because he missed his home. Thomas decides to bring Hiro to Misty Island to cheer him up. Thomas learned he needs to listen to what Hiro wants to make him happy.

dreamed of!

Thomas asks Hiro to puff quietly with him and Hiro cheers at last!








做。後來,Thomas發現自己需要用心聆聽Hiro的需要,就在此 時,Thomas最後都成功令Hiro笑了!

Special thanks to: Deltamac (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

Jake Never Land Pirates: Peter Pan Returns 《傑克與夢幻島海盜: 小飛俠回來了》

The Muppets 《慈善星輝布公仔》

Ages: 5+ yrs

Everyone’s favourite Muppets cast in a comic adventure! Walter, the biggest Muppet fan, his brother Gary, and friend Mary, while visiting Los Angeles, uncover the diabolical plot of destroying the Muppet Theatre by a greedy oil millionaire. The trio must reunite Kermit and their friends to stage a telethon to save their beloved theater!

Ages: 3+yrs HK$128


The most famous Never Land hero of all time, Peter Pan returns to lead Jake And The Never Land Pirates! During a game of “catch-me-ifyou-can,’’ Peter Pan’s mischievous shadow slips away...and winds up in the clutches of that sneaky snook, Captain Hook! Now it’s up to Jake, Izzy, Cubby – and YOU – to help Peter rescue his shadow! 鼎鼎大名的小飛俠彼得潘,終於回到夢幻島跟一班同伴團聚,可 是這位英雄卻遇上一大難題:之前他跟自己的影子玩捉迷藏時, 竟不知它溜到哪裡去了,最後更被卑鄙的鐵鈎船長俘虜,威脅他 永遠離開夢幻島!為了奪回這個調皮的影子,小飛俠於是聯同傑 克、琦琦、阿比,還有你,動腦筋對付鐵鈎船長和他的手下!

迪士尼合家歡鉅獻,120隻布偶巨星輪流現身,絕對星光熠熠!布 公仔超級粉絲華特,與哥哥加利與其女友瑪莉一同到洛杉磯參觀 布公仔片場,卻發現石油大亨暗中計劃剷平片場來開採石油的驚 天陰謀!華特決心游說隱居多年的青蛙卻迪,去找尋各散東西的 舊拍檔,合力炮製一場慈善籌款騷去力保布公仔片場!

Special thanks to: Intercontinental Video Ltd.

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a DVD! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「Jetso」區,並回答簡單問題,贏取DVD一隻﹗

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Director and Choreographer ROGER HANNAH

Annie Family Favourite Musical is Back With More! 經典音樂劇 5月登陸香港 Best loved family musical Annie will be shown at the Lyric Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts for a limited season from May 31. Inspired by the famous comic strip Little Orphan Annie, Annie made its Broadway debut in April 1977 and became one of the musical classics of all times and has won 7 Tony Awards before curtains down in 1983. Annie’s inspirational journey from the hard-knock New York orphanage to the luxurious home of billionaire business Oliver Warbucks has been told all over the world for decades. 將於5月31日假香港演藝學院歌劇院隆 重公演的舞台劇《小安妮》可說是歷史 悠久的經典音樂劇。故事以著名連載漫 畫「小孤女安妮」為創作藍本,於1977 年4月在百老匯首演,至1983年閉幕前 共演出過2,000場,並獲得7個東尼獎。 小安妮由住進冷峻嚴厲的紐約孤兒院, 到成為億萬富商Oliver Warbucks豪華大 宅小主人的故事更是風靡世界各地。


Can you tell us anything new and fascinating to this year’s run? Annie remains new and fresh because of its charm and message of positivity for the future, something that is quite poignant today. This production has all of the favourite songs loved by all but with the addition of a new Warbucks song specially written by the original writers. This lively production I am sure will be enjoyed by all.

Annie is a story about persistence and not giving up hope at times of hardship in the 1930s that brings positive inspiration to all ages. What do you think about today’s children in terms of facing obstacles and challenges? Every generation has its obstacles and challenges to face and each feels that theirs is the hardest. My only advice would be to work hard, believe in yourself and be kind to others but most important is to be happy.

We heard the production company will cast the role of the orphan children locally. What kinds of characteristics are you looking for? What will the young actors gain from this experience? Yes, I am looking for the ones who can dance and sing well and have a very good acting ability. (Hopefully they will also be able to put on an American ascent). They all need to have full of energy and fun. Successful candidates will be joining Britain’s hilarious star of stage and screen Su Pollard, who plays the role of Miss Hannigan, the Principal of the New York Orphanage, as well as David McAlister, a veteran of the West End stage and TV dramas, who plays billionaire businessman Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks.

31 288 288



《小安妮》能保持其新鮮感,在於小主角的魅力以及故事對未 來的正面信息,對現今社會也十分重要的信息。今次製作團隊 仍除了帶給觀眾經典的歌曲,還會加多一首由原創編劇親自炮 製的Warbucks的新歌。相信觀眾一定會非常喜歡。

小安妮面對逆境仍堅持、不放棄希望的故事,在上世紀 30年代帶來了積極的信息。你怎樣看現今的小朋友, 尤其是當他們面對障礙和挑戰的時候? 其實每一代人都有其面對的障礙和挑戰,每個人都覺得他們當 時是最艱苦的。我唯一對他們的的建議是要努力工作,相信自 己,善待他人,但最重要的是要快樂生活。

我們知道今次製作團隊會親自招募本地演員做孤兒的 角色。他們需要有甚麼特點? 這些小演員從中又將獲 得到甚麼經驗? 沒錯,我希望能找能唱能跳、擁有很好的表演能力的香港小演 員加入我們的演出團隊(最好是能操美國英文口音的)。我希

Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a family ticket set (3 x A-reserve tickets, valued at HK$2,250/set) 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區並回答簡單問題,便有機會贏取《小安妮》 音樂劇家庭套票一份(包含3張A-reserve門票,總值HK$2,250)!



PJ | www.peegaboo.com

望找到有活力、夠開朗的孩子。獲選的小演員將會與多位巨星 合作:英國舞台劇及影視喜劇天后Su Pollard將會飾演紐約市 孤兒院院長Miss Hannigan;活躍於城西舞台和多齣電視劇的 David McAlister則會飾演億萬富翁Oliver Warbucks。

Branam Natural Toothpaste Kids-Friendly Swallowable Toothpaste 「可以吞」牙膏 爸媽可放心 Although most of the children toothpastes contain fluoride that is dangerous to swallow or will cause plaque or even fluorosis, children in their early years tend to swallow toothpaste. Therefore, parents should choose toothpastes for children that are fluoride-free. Developed by professional dentists, Branam Natural Tooth Gel/Toothpaste are safe to swallow. They do not contain fluoride and other chemical substances that might irritate gum and oral area. Natural cavity fighter xylitol is added for a thorough teeth cleansing to avoid dental plaques and prevent tooth decays. With a refreshing fruity flavour, Branam Natural Tooth Gel/Toothpaste are formulated for babies (age under 4) and for kids (age above 4) respectively. 一般的兒童牙膏都含有氟化物,註明不可吞服,否則會引 致幼兒出現牙斑甚至氟中毒。幼兒在剛學習刷牙的階段, 經常會將牙膏誤吞下肚,父母應選擇不含氟化物的幼兒專 用牙膏。Branam天然護齒牙膏由兒童牙科醫生發明,可 吞嚥安全配方,不含氟化物(Fluoride)、SLS、三氯沙 (Triclosan)或任何有害化學成份,且性質溫和,絕不刺激牙肉或口腔,令 父母加倍安心。其特效天然成份亦加入了Xylitol,全面清潔牙齒及去除牙菌 膜,鞏固牙齒並防止蛀牙。該牙膏更具有清新低甜果味,備有嬰兒(4歲以 下)及幼童(4歲或以上)兩款配方。 2329 8817


I Hate Veggies Kid Music Video Debut by Joyce Lee 李樂詩首個兒歌音樂MV Having a son (with another one coming on the way) does not stop Joyce Lee’s singing passion; instead she takes her love to a whole new level – children’s music video! I hate Veggies is her debut kid’s music video composed with lyrics in English and Mandarin. She thanked her long time friend, Crystal Kwok, in brainstorming ideas to break out from typical nursery style in children songs, with lyrics that are easy for both Western and Chinese children to grasp. Joyce revealed that the song is about children hate eating veggies and “want to use a kind of reverse psychology to say that veggies is actually good for them.” It seems like the kids were having a fun time making this music video where they got to dance, occupied food market, and had a fruit fight! I Hate Veggies music video will be launched in early April on the website stated below. 有了第一個兒子(肚裡還有一個將出世呢),並不會令李樂詩對歌 唱事業的熱情減退,反而把她對音樂的那份熱愛昇華至另一個層 次——兒歌MV!《我不愛吃菜》是李樂詩首個以英語和普通話編成 的兒歌MV。她感謝好友郭錦恩跟她一起構思這個MV,打破了典型 的兒歌風格,令中西方小朋友都容易產生共鳴。李樂詩以小孩子不 喜歡吃蔬菜為MV主題,「用一種逆反心理去表達菜,吃菜其實是對 孩子有益的。」小朋友們在這個MV中,似乎玩得十分開心,跳舞之 餘又佔領菜市場,還加入水果之戰呢!《我不愛吃菜》將於四月初 在以下網站推出。 www.mandarinmonkeys.com

www.peegaboo.com | PJ


Ma Mere Ma Dit Dancing in the Rain 日本品牌兒童雨衣 Ma mere ma dit is a Japanese rain gear brand with a strong European touch. Their raingear collection includes pattern designed umbrellas, rubber and environmental friendly rain boots hand made with 70 processes, and waterproof and water-resistant raincoats. Their collection consists of 10 colours printing with selected material with excellent workmanship to impress your kids in the rainy weather. 日本品牌Ma mere ma dit兒童雨衣充滿強烈歐洲風格,其 雨具系列包括:圖案設計的雨傘、人手製造環保膠雨鞋、 以及用抗水布料製成的防水雨衣。Ma mere ma dit由10種 不同的顏色印圖,配合做工精良的材料打造而成,其有趣 的圖案設計與鮮豔顏色,能令孩子於每一個下雨天,也充 滿活力和生氣。 Available at Sogo • Yata • bu mpstobabes • other local shops • launch at Harvey Nichols & New Yaohan in April. www.green-cosmo.com

Subscribe PJ now to get a raingear from Ma mere ma dit (Valued at HK$228 / $399 )! 訂閱《育兒天地》,有機會獲得Ma mere ma dit雨具一份(價值HK$228 / $399),詳見p.79。


ABC Pathways School 10th Anniversary Party Celebration 慶祝10週年慶典 In celebrating their efforts over the past 10 years in building a solid English foundation for children, ABC Pathways School held a celebration party in February at the Leo Lee Arts Centre of the Canadian International School of Hong Kong. Parents, students, teachers and staffs of the ABC Pathways School spent a delightful afternoon filled with wonderful programmes including parents’ live and video sharing, and children piano performances. The markdown of the event was the award presentation for 5-year and 7-year Continuous Study to students. Principal and Founder Bally Wong expressed her deepest gratitude to the hard work of teachers and staff, and also the trust and support of parents over these 10 years. Looking ahead, she said, “We are looking forward to expand our exposure in other regions across Asia so that more children can learn and study English in an interactive environment filled with joy and fun.” ABC Pathways School於2月假座加拿大國際學校李東海藝術中心舉行10週年慶 典,紀念ABC Pathways School 過去10年為小朋友建立鞏固英語基礎所作出的努 力。當日參與的家長、學生、教師和工作人員皆度過了一個愉快的下午,精彩活 動及表演包括:學生與家長分享、學校生活片段,以及學生鋼琴表演等。當黃林 趣玲校長頒發5年及7年持續學習大獎時,現場氣氛高漲。黃校長更向辛勤工作的 教師和工作人員表示最深切的感謝,亦感激家長這10年間的信任和支持。展望未 來,她說:「我們期待著擴大我們在亞洲其他地區的版圖,讓更多的孩子可以在 一個互動的環境中學習英語。」 www.abcpathways.com


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Honey Berrie Made in Japan Baby Beddings 日本製嬰兒床上用品 Honey Berrie brings you the best made in Japan baby beddings. All made of high quality materials to ensure good ventilation and to suit the dedicate skin of babies. The “Donut Pillow” one of their best sellers, is ergonomically designed for healthy head shape development. Honey Berrie為寶寶帶來優質的日本製床上用品。所 有床上用品均選用最高級材料,除可保證透氣度外, 又可保護到寶寶幼嫩的肌膚。當中人氣第一的「冬甩 枕頭」,更能幫助寶寶保持最靚頭型。 2957 8662 www.honeyberrie.com

WWF x A and Th Company The Nature Loves Us Collection 大自然愛我們系列 World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong (WWF) collaborates with A and Th Company to launch a clothing collection themed on environmental protection. Recognising that more people are becoming aware of environmental concern, they make “love of nature” the focus of the design. Made with 100% Organic Exchange Certified Organic Cotton Fabric, the collection is available to both adults and kids. And the proceeds of every purchase will go into WWF to be used in conservation work and education. 世界自然基金會 (WWF) 和A and Th Company合作推出一系列以保育為主題的服裝,他們意識到愈來愈 多人關注環境保護,其圖案設計亦圍繞著愛護大自然。系列中衣服的用料均以100%驗證有機棉製造, 獲Organic Exchange (OE) 認證,並提供成人和兒童尺碼,讓你一家大小享受有機棉帶來的健康舒適之 餘,同時為WWF增加收入,以作支持教育環保工作。 Available at Children Section @Yata • Fruit Punch @Pearl City G/F 2633 2990


Logon to Peegaboo.com, click into the “Jetso” section and answer a simple question to win a set of parent-kid tees from WWF (Valued at HK$527)! 立即登入Peegaboo.com,click入「優惠」區,並回答簡單問題,有機會贏取 WWF送出的親子tees一套(價值HK$527)。


Perfect Pitch Music Centre Nurtures the Future Musicians 培育未來音樂家 Perfect Pitch Music Centre has everything an aspiring musician could possibly need. It offers lessons on almost any instruments and for any ages, it is a great place to bring your child to begin their musical education. Perfect Pitch has become a hub for many families who would like to bring music into their children’s lives. Ms. Brenda Wong, owner of Perfect Pitch Music Centre and Do Re Mi Studio, understands that raising children’s interest in music is the best way to make them appreciate music. She believes that under appropriate guidance, even a little child can develop musical sensation. 靜儀音樂中心具備一切培育「未來音樂家」的優質條件,是小孩子接觸和學習音樂 的最佳起點。中心負責人黃靜儀小姐是資深兒童音樂家,精心設計一系列循序漸進 的音樂課程,並聘請具專業資格的導師,讓小孩子在趣味中學習及愛上音樂。黃小 姐表示,只有透過引起孩子對音樂的興趣,才能讓他們真正欣賞音樂。她認為即使 是年幼的孩子,若能在適當的引導下,也可以培養音樂感。 2894 9825 / 2522 7081 www.peegaboo.com | PJ


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各精彩講座現已於 www.peegaboo.com 4月精選講座


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360° 分娩全接觸 婦產科專科醫生將以專業角度分享有關產前檢查、分娩知識、產後護理及母 乳哺飼須知等等,各位孕媽媽萬勿錯過。該講座由雀巢香港有限公司贊助。 講師 : 莫漪薇醫生 莫醫生現於婦產科中心擔任婦產科專科醫生,擁有墨爾本大學內外全科醫學 士、英國皇家婦產科醫學院院士、香港婦產科學院院士及香港醫學專科學院 院士(婦產科)學位。她擁有多年產前檢查及分娩之專業知識及經驗,更於 香港大學擔任名譽助理教授,教授婦產科學通論及指導臨床實習。 費用 : HK$50(按金,出席活動後全數退回) 時間 : 4月13日 6:45pm-8:15pm





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