peep magazine 'ALL CITY' Issue 20. Magazine Of The Year North England. Lonely Hearts Column / Missing You is another deeply personal and subjective piece from our residential writer and Photographer - Gwen Brinton. Gwen, reflects on a chance meeting with another girl at a LGBTQ Club night called 'Down An Alley' Somewhere in London or Bristol, or was it Nottingham..
Wild Walls. Subjective. Great to read . . 'Long Live peep' spray painted on a 'soon to be demolished' Electrical Box in Newcastle upon Tyne. It's probably not connected, but who cares, it looks great. HIV . You couldn't make this level of stupidity up ! Someone thought it would be a bit of a laugh to re-arrange mirrored left - over letters within a B&M Store. Newcastle Destroyed. I have been steadily documenting the complete demise and demolition of Newcastle's Concrete landscape. Look at Newcastle slowly disappear before your very eyes. Submitted for your consideration. Full photography archive will be available within out Flickr account.