MEDIA EMASCULATION Flicking through the channels desperately trying to stave of boredom, a thousand images whirl on by. Freezing on an advert, some cleaning product or other, I’m told that I’m lazy. I carry on channel travelling. Reaching another rest stop. This time I’m stupid. Onward again, this time worthless, then pointless, idiotic, emotionally backward, buffoon like, beautiful, ugly, muscle bound, wimpy, ego ridden and on and on it goes. The objectification of the male has been coming to the fore for as long as I can remember, but this isn’t the point. Once the beautiful male was strong, silent, sensitive or whatever emotional disposition was needed to sell stuff. Now though, the nouveau Adonis’s suffer the fate of male negativity, as their self-centred, ego-ridden selves are worth nothing more than a snigger, slightly titillated, but a snigger none the less. The male, average, amazing or abhorrent is only a nano second away from a put down or a scornful look from the average female- clever, witty and mature.
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