Social Selling
– Reach new customers more effectively through LinkedIn
Social Selling
– Reach new customers more effectively through LinkedIn
Social selling is about leveraging your social network
LinkedIn can be used as a tool for
to find the right prospects, build trusted relationships
raising your professional profile,
and ultimately, achieve your sales goals. Mastering this
lead generation, lead nurturing and
sales technique - thus thoroughly understanding both
appointment setting.
the “do’s” and the “don’ts” – yields material results as
LinkedIn in short: Globally, the current
it enables a more intelligent sales lead generation and
number of LinkedIn users has recently surpassed
sales prospecting process and reduces the need for
400 million. Thus, a wide range of strong commercial
cold calling. Building and maintaining relationships
opportunities exist within LinkedIn, including
is easier within a network that both you and your
professional use of the personal profiles, enrichment
customer trust.
of the network, booking meetings and generating new leads.
Social Selling
Together with Digital Works, Future Group has designed a 2 day training workshop in LinkedIn as a lead generator.
What does this training include: High degree of hands-on. A 2 day training workshop for the sales reps and other roles in contact with customers in order to increase their level of knowledge, ensure the professionalism of their personal profiles and secure a professional and focused effort with the commercial opportunities on LinkedIn. To be prepared for the training the participants must spend a little time reading some basic information about LinkedIn.
Agenda Day One
Agenda Day Two
• Introduction to the LinkedIn project and
• Catching up from last time – Have we met the
presentation of the desired outcome and wins (aligned and agreed with the partner) • What is social selling? • The look and feel of a professional profile • How to grow your network with relevant
objectives from day one? • Sharing content– The participants will share relevant content with help from the trainer. • LinkedIn for lead generation – The participants will in advance have chosen a minimum of five
companies they wish to engage in dialogue with.
How to use LinkedIn for networking
They should have no connection with anyone
The professional behavior on LinkedIn
relevant at the company at the time. During the day,
How to communicate on LinkedIn
we will work towards finding the right entry to each
Lead generation on LinkedIn
company and plan specific actions to engage in
LinkedIn for meetings
The position as “visible expert”
LinkedIn Pulse
• Presentation of KPIs – predetermined in •
• Lead generation through groups – We work with groups that the participants are already members of, but we also research the market for new
accordance with the partner
groups, and learn how these groups can be used
Tasks and objectives for the second training day.
commercially. • The use of shared connections – We will specify how to generate leads and qualify dialogue through shared connections. • Booking of meetings – In advance, the participants will have chosen at least five leads which they are connected with and with whom they wish to book a meeting. We will work with the specific communication and send it during the workshop. • How to affect new influencers and decision makers.
Social Selling
The investment for the 2 day training workshop is
Number of attendees:
9.500 EUR ex VAT.
The maximum number of participants is 15 people.
• including participation of max. 15 people,
This will ensure the possibility for individual assistance,
preparation, evaluation of the project, and a
focus on the specific target group of each participant
LinkedIn book (in Danish or English) for each
and time for questions.
participant. • excluding travel and accommodation (if outside Copenhagen area). As an Autodesk partner you can apply for CDF funding for this training. Up to 50% of the amount you will be able to get from Autodesk.
About the trainer: The trainer of the LinkedIn workshops is Nicolai Hæggelin ( nicolaihaeggelin/). He has had extensive experience with online media since 1998. He is the founder of Digital Works (, has been using LinkedIn since 2004 and is the author of the book “The
Free-way to LinkedIn”. Nicolai has trained more than 6,000 people in using LinkedIn for business
• Awareness of the value of social selling • A solid and professional presence on LinkedIn for the participants. • An in-depth knowledge and understanding of how LinkedIn can be used as a sales tool. • Competencies for using the platform to book meetings. • KPIs to measure the long term efforts. • Tools for lead generation in regards to specific business segments.
Nicolai Hæggelin Founder of Digital Works
Contact If the above is of interest, please contact your Partner Manager.