Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital April 2016 Event Calendar

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Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital StretchAround Mondays & Fridays, April 1 - 29, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, 95 Court Street, Belfast Designed to include older adults and those with physical limitations. Interactive, social activity and basic movement with balance practice and ball circle. Collaborative activities help maintain strength, balance and coordination. Includes Matter of Balance, Chair Yoga and Brain Gym exercises. Facilitated by Marshall Mittnick and Carolyn Pressley. Free, drop-in class, registration not required. Spring Baby Fair Saturday, April 2, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Troy Howard Middle School Gym, 173 Lincolnville Avenue, Belfast Find great bargains on clothing, furniture and toys for children of all ages. $1 admission for adults and table fees benefit Belfast Public Health Nursing. Tables for exhibitors are available to rent at $25 each. Sell your used baby and children’s items. Please no recalled furniture or car seats that have an expired use date. For more information or to reserve a table, please call 930-6713. Strengthen & Lengthen Mondays, April 4 - May 16 (no class April 18) 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. First Church of Belfast, 8 Court Street, Belfast Are you looking to increase your strength and flexibility? Join personal trainer Mirja Pitkin for this low-impact exercise class to learn easy routines you can do at home. Appropriate for all fitness levels. Registration fee is $37.50 for the six-week class. Space is limited so pre-registration is required. Please visit or call 921-3950 to register. *Click event title for more information

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Events: April

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

April Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting Tuesday, April 5, Noon to 1:45 p.m. Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden The group’s April meeting will focus on the use of deep brain stimulation to treat movement-related symptoms of Parkinson’s. Janelle Michaud of Medtronic, the company that developed deep brain stimulation, will discuss and answer questions about the technique. Free & open to those living with Parkinson’s, their family members and caregivers. Registration not required. For information, please contact Carol Witham at 594-1637. Mother’s Milk Support Group Tuesdays, April 4 - 25, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Pen Bay Medical Center, Chapel Room, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport A support group for breastfeeding families. The informal group provides interaction as well as individual assistance when needed. Women wanting more information about breastfeeding are also welcome. Facilitated by a lactation consultant from OB/GYN. This class is free. For more information, please call 921-8345. Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group Tuesday, April 5, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. (First Tuesday of each month) Anderson Inn, Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden The Alzheimer’s Support Group provides information and support to area residents who have loved ones coping with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. For details, please contact Cheri Alexander, LSW at 921-6237. Introduction to Meditation Wednesdays, April 6, 20 & May 4, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, Classroom, Ground Floor 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast Are you interested in meditation but don’t know where to begin? Join Health & Wellness Coach Barbara Crowley for this three-session series to learn about meditation: what it is; the physical, mental and spiritual health benefits of practicing; and how to incorporate it into your life. Registration fee is $15 for the series. Space is limited so pre-registration is required. Please visit or call 921-3950 to register.

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Events: April

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Foxtrot for Beginners Wednesdays, April 6 - 27, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Midcoast Recreation Center, Studio A 535 West Street, Rockport Are you looking for a fun way to get some exercise? Do you want to dance to classic songs performed by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Michael Buble? Join this four-week beginner dance class to learn basic foxtrot steps you can use at weddings, parties or even in your own living room. Individuals and pairs welcome. No experience necessary. Registration fee is $20 for individuals or $30 for pairs. Space is limited so pre-registration is required. Please visit or call 930-2514 to register. Family Caregiver Education & Support Group Thursday, April 7, Noon to 1:00 p.m. Home Health Conference Room, 125 Northport Avenue, Belfast The group meets monthly and is for all family caregivers, including those caring for family members with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Come share your wisdom and experiences with other people who are caregivers, while learning more about how you can do the job effectively and keep yourself healthy at the same time. The group is facilitated by social worker, Margie Spencer-Smith, LCSW. For more information, please call 930-2500, ext. 4795. Move it to Lose it Thursdays, April 7 - May 19, 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. East Belfast Elementary School Gym, 14 Swan Lake Avenue, Belfast This low-impact exercise class is designed for participants with a BMI of 30 or higher and is led by Mirja Pitkin. Registration fee is $37.50 for the six-week session. Space is limited so pre-registration is required. Please visit or call 921-3950 to register. Breastfeeding Basics Thursday, April 7, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (First Thursday of every month) Pen Bay Physicians Building, Conference Room D 4 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport This two hour class provides a pre-birth opportunity to ask questions and learn about breastfeeding and returning to work. $17 for mom and partner. Registration required, please call 921-8345. *Click event title for more information

better. together.

Events: April

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Childbirth Preparation Class Saturday, April 9, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast Topics covered include signs of labor, what to expect at the hospital, stages of labor, pain relief options including relaxation, breathing, medications, epidural, complications, Caesarean birth and other questions you may have. Registration required, please call 338-9348. Successful Breastfeeding Class Monday, April 11, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, Classroom, Ground Floor 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast Topics to be covered include benefits of breastfeeding, preparing to breastfeed, exploring myths of breastfeeding, breast care, breast milk storage and returning to work. Please call 338-9348 to register. Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Education & Support Group Tuesday, April 12, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Home Health Conference Room, 125 Northport Avenue, Belfast The group meets monthly and is for adults with Parkinson’s disease and their families and friends. Barbara Crowley, RN, will present at the session and focus on mindfulness presence. Come share your wisdom and experiences with others, while learning more about how you can live better with Parkinson’s. Facilitated by social worker, Margie SpencerSmith, LCSW. For more information, please call 930-2500 ext. 4795. Health Matters with Kno-Wal-Lin: Lyme Disease: What You Should Know Thursday, April 14, Noon to 1:00 p.m. Picker Family Reource Center, 756 Commercial Street, Rockport Join Paula Jackson Jones, president and co-founder of the Midcoast Lyme Disease Support & Education organization to learn more about what you and your family can do to protect yourselves. Topics to be covered include prevention, identifying symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options. Community resources for those diagnosed will also be discussed to help sufferers cope and manage the disease. Feel free to bring your lunch. Beverages and dessert will be provided. Program is free, space is limited. Please call 921-3950 to register.

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Events: April

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Fresh Salads in a Jar Thursday, April 14, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Rockland Congregational Church, 180 Limerock Street, Rockland Mason jars aren’t just for canning - they make portable, portion-control meals simple and keep salads fresh for up to a week. Join the Community Health & Wellness team to learn how to make perfect and tasty mason jar salads. Participants will create their own salads to take home. Registration fee is $10. Space is limited so pre-registration is required. Visit or call 921-3950 to register. AARP Drive Safety Course Monday, April 18, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden Designed for drivers age 50 and over, AARP’s Smart Driver curriculum covers defensive driving, existing and new rules of the road, the impact of recent changes in automotive technology on the driving environment and age-related changes affecting driving performance. Instructor: Paul Sheridan. Registration required; please call 921-6116. $15 for AARP members, $20 for non-members. Women’s Cancer Support Group Tuesday, April 19, 6:00 p.m. (Third Tuesday of every month) Picker Family Resource Center, 756 Commercial Street, Rockport Join facilitator Colleen Kinney, LICSW, for a women’s cancer support group. The group meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Space is limited, please call 542-4985 or email to register. Advance Care Planning Open House Wednesday, April 20, 9:00 a.m. to Noon Cobb Medical Building, Second Floor, 16 Fahey Street, Belfast Attendees will receive help filling out advance directives and will have the opportunity to ask questions about advance care planning. Free. For more information, please call 930-2570.

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Events: April

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Adventures in Living Well: Olive Oil and Pasta in a Healthy Italian Kitchen Wednesday, April 20, 10:30 to Noon Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden Camden’s own Nancy Harmon Jenkins, an internationally known Mediterranean cuisine author and speaker, will discuss her 40-year love affair with Italy’s culinary traditions and offer tastings of recipes from her two most recent cookbooks. Copies of Harmon Jenkins’s newest titles will be available for purchase and signing (cash only please). Registration is required; please call 921-6116 or visit to register. Free & open to adults age 50-plus. Hospital Aid Yard Sale Saturday, April 23, 8:00 a.m. to Noon Methodist Church Fellowship Hall 23 Mill Lane, Belfast Large indoor yard sale, to be held rain or shine. Donations welcome at the church on Friday, April 22, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. No televisions, computers or large appliances. Open to the public. For more information, please call 323-3901 or 548-0232. Lung Health Education, Prevention and Wellness Support Group Tuesday, April 26, Noon to 1:00 p.m. (Last Tuesday of every month) Pen Bay Medical Center, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport Held in the Pulmonary Rehab Education Room. Please call 921-8880 for additional information. Fresh Salads in a Jar Tuesday, April 26, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, Classroom, Ground Floor 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast Mason jars aren’t just for canning - they make portable, portion-control meals simple and keep salads fresh for up to a week. Join the Community Health & Wellness team to learn how to make tasty mason jar salads. Participants will create their own salads to take home. Registration fee is $10. Space is limited so pre-registration is required. Visit or call 921-3950 to register.

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better. together.

Events: April

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Varicose Vein Screening Wednesday, April 27, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 756 Commercial Street, Rockport Get your varicose veins evaluated before summer. Pen Bay Surgery with Julie White, MD will be hosting a free vein screening. Please call 921-5722 to schedule your appointment. A Peaceful Night's Sleep Thursday, April 28, 5:00 to 6:15 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, Classroom, Ground Floor 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast Sleep is important for overall health. Learn how much you should be getting and why it’s important, find out what happens when you don’t get enough and learn practices that can help you sleep better. Space is limited so registration is required. Please visit to register. Please call 921-3950 for more information. This program is free.

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