Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital January 2016 Event Calendar

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Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital StretchAround Mondays & Fridays, January 4 - 29, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (ongoing until 4/1) St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, 95 Court Street, Belfast Designed to include older adults and those with physical limitations. Interactive, social activity and basic movement with balance practice and ball circle. Collaborative activities help maintain strength, balance and coordination. Includes Matter of Balance, Chair Yoga and Brain Gym exercises. Facilitated by Marshall Mittnick and Carolyn Pressley. Free, drop-in class, no registration necessary. F.I.T. (Fun Interval Training) Mondays, January 4 - 25, 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. (ongoing until 4/1) East Belfast Elementary School gym, 14 Swan Lake Avenue, Belfast A fun fitness class intended for all levels led by Mirja Pitkin. F.I.T. is structured to improve the three primary aspects of fitness: strength, cardiovascular capability and range of motion. Class includes a comprehensive warm-up followed by cardiovascular intervals alternating with strengthening exercises. The class ends with abdominal work and stretching. Drop-in class, no registration necessary. For more information, please call Hester Kohl at 930-2514. January Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting Tuesday, January 5, Noon to 1:45 p.m. Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden The challenges of getting a good night’s sleep will dominate the agenda as the support group holds its first meeting of the new year. Cindy Roth, RPSGT, RT, lead sleep technician at Pen Bay Medical Center's for Sleep Medicine, will outline “sleep hygiene” habits that can help anyone— especially those with Parkinson’s—achieve the restorative sleep that’s essential for good health. Free & open to those living with Parkinson’s, their family members and caregivers. No registration necessary. *Click event title for more information

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Events: January

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Mother’s Milk Support Group Tuesdays, January 5 - 26, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Pen Bay Medical Center Chapel Room, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport A support group for breastfeeding families. The informal group provides interaction as well as individual assistance when needed. Women wanting more information about breast feeding are also welcome. Facilitated by a Lactation Consultant from OB/GYN. This class is free. For more information, please call 921-8345. Beginner Zumba Tuesdays, January 5 - 26, 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. (ongoing until 4/1) Belfast Dance Studio, 109 High Street, Belfast Led by Nicki Dunbar, the class is tailored to the beginner exerciser and blends Latin and International music with the songs you know and love. The goals are to increase strength, flexibility, agility and balance while burning calories. Chairs will be provided for those that need a quick break. Wear indoor fitness shoes. Drop in class, no registration required. For more information, please call Hester Kohl at 930-2514. Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group Tuesday, January 5, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. (First Tuesday of each month) Anderson Inn, Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden The Alzheimer’s Support Group provides information and support to area residents who have loved ones coping with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. For details, please contact Cheri Alexander, LSW at 921-6237. Gentle Yoga Wednesdays, January 6 - 27, 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. (ongoing until 4/1) Belfast Dance Studio, 109 High Street, Belfast This basic yoga class, led by Lisa Newcomb, is geared for the beginner yoga student but all levels are welcome. We will spend this time easing into our bodies through breath work & gentle connecting postures. There will be time in each class for a restorative posture and a final deep relaxation. No previous experience needed. Drop-in class, no registration required. For more information, please call Hester Kohl at 930-2514.

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Events: January

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Family Caregiver Education & Support Group Thursday, January 7, Noon to 1:00 p.m. Home Health Conference Room, 125 Northport Avenue, Belfast The group meets monthly and is for all family caregivers, including those caring for family members with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Come share your wisdom and experiences with other people who are caregivers, while learning more about how you can do the job effectively and keep yourself healthy at the same time. The group is facilitated by social worker, Margie Spencer-Smith, LCSW. For more information, please call 930-2500 ext. 4795. Move it to Lose it Thursdays, January 7 - 28 , 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. (ongoing until 4/1) East Belfast Elementary School Gym, 14 Swan Lake Avenue, Belfast This free, low-impact exercise class is designed for participants with a BMI of 30 or higher and is led by Mirja Pitkin. To register or for more information, please contact Hester Kohl at Hypnobirthing Thursdays, January 7 - February 4, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Pen Bay Physicians Building, Conference Room C 4 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport Mothers and their partners learn techniques for safe and satisfying birthing through guided imagery, visualization and special breathing. A tour of the birth center is included. $102 for mom and partner, 5 weeks. Breastfeeding Basics Thursday, January 7, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (First Thursday of every month) Pen Bay Physicians Building, Conference Room D 4 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport This two hour class provides a pre-birth opportunity to ask questions and learn about breast feeding and returning to work. $17 for mom and partner. Registration required, please call 921-8345. Childbirth Preparation Class Saturday, January 9, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast Topics covered include signs of labor, what to expect at the hospital, stages of labor, pain relief options including relaxation, breathing, medications, epidural, complications, Caesarean birth and other questions you may have. Registration required, please call 338-9348. *Click event title for more information

better. together.

Events: January

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Education & Support Group Tuesday, January 12, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Home Health Conference Room, 125 Northport Avenue, Belfast Margie Spencer-Smith, LCSW facilitates the group. For more information, please call 930-2500 ext. 4795. Health Matters with Kno-Wal-Lin: Veritgo and Dizziness Thursday, January 14, Noon to 1:00 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 756 Commerical Street, Rockport Join physical therapist Nancy Coyne, MSPT, of Pen Bay Medical Center Outpatient Rehabilitation as she explains the various causes of vertigo and how vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) can help control and often eliminate the associated symptoms that can be so challenging. Nancy is one of only a handful of physical therapists in Maine with expertise in the emerging field of VRT, an exercise-based program designed to train the nervous system to compensate for inner-ear deficits. Feel free to bring your lunch. Beverages and dessert will be provided. Program is free, space is limited. Please call 921-3950 to register. Your Life, Your Choice: Advance Care Planning Thursday, January 14, 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 756 Commercial Street, Rockport Participants will learn about the decisions people often face at the end of life and will be guided through a discussion to better understand their goals and wishes for end of life care. Participants will review the Maine Health Care Directive form and will have the opportunity to ask questions and work one on one with a trained facilitator to begin completing an advance directive. Space is limited, please call 921-3950 or email to register. Successful Breastfeeding Class Saturday, January 16, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast Topics to be covered include benefits of breastfeeding, preparing to breastfeed, exploring myths of breast eeding, breast care, breast milk storage and returning to work. Registration required, please call 338-9348.

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better. together.

Events: January

Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital

Women’s Cancer Support Group Tuesday, January 19, 6:00 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 756 Commercial Street, Rockport Join us for an informational session about our new women’s cancer support group. Meet facilitator Colleen Kinney, LICSW, ask questions and discuss the format of the group. Going forward, the group will meet on the third Tuesday of each month. Space is limited, please call 921-3950 or email to register. Diabetes Healthy Lifestyle Program Mondays, January 25 - March 14, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 756 Commercial Street, Rockport The 8-week diabetes self management program will cover what it means to have diabetes, treatment options, what can be done to prevent complications, blood sugar monitoring, staying motivated, label reading, nutrition and more. Participants must have an initial appointment with a registered dietitian and a registered nurse before attending the classes. If you are not currently a patient, please call for more information. Space is limited, registration is required. Please call 921-3999 for more information or to register. Moonlight Snowshoe Hike Monday, January 25, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 500 High Street (Upper Bridge Station parking lot) Belfast Journey to Health is sponsoring a moonlight snowshoe hike on the Belfast rail trail. Limited free snowshoe rentals are available, please fill out the request form at the bottom of our snowshoe page at: to reserve. Please dress warmly. Bringing a thermos with hot tea or hot chocolate is encouraged. For more information, please call 930-2514. Lung Health Education, Prevention and Wellness Support Group Tuesday, January 26, Noon to 1:00 p.m. (Last Tuesday of every month) Pen Bay Medical Center, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport Held in the Pulmonary Rehab Education Room. Please call 921-8880 for additional information. For a full list of our upcoming events visit us online at or

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