#09 March
Colleague News & PBMC Updates………………..……….Pg. 1 - Pg. 3 You Asked for it. We Got it……………..…..Pg. 2 PBMC Spotlight…………………………...........Pg. 3 Around Our Community…………....Pg. 4 - Pg. 6
Values in Action at Pen Bay Medical Center Over the past few months, colleagues across MaineHealth and Pen Bay Medical Center have been preparing for the introduction of our common values. Thanks to the hard work of our values delegates and employee engagement committee, we officially launched Values in Action at Pen Bay Medical Center in February. Each month, a new value is introduced beginning with Patient Centered in February and Respect in March. The program has been designed to engage colleagues across the campus in recognition of behaviors that exemplify each value. Artwork has gone up around the hospital featuring colleagues who exemplify these values and programs have launched to recognize behaviors associated with the value of the month. Colleagues also have the opportunity to win a prize each month by completing an activity that focuses on the monthly value. Below are a few examples of Values in Action at Pen Bay Medical Center.
Display on the Medical Surgical Unit
Grateful Patient Award presented to Betsy Connelly, DO
Betsy Connelly, DO
The Grateful Patient Program is supported by the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation and recognizes healthcare workers for their excellent patient care. When grateful patients have expressed appreciation and/or made a donation or gift to the Foundation in their honor, these special colleagues are acknowledged amongst their peers in a few different ways. These colleagues are awarded a certificate and are presented with a golden schooner pin symbolizing the hospitals logo that easily identifies them as a grateful patient recognition recipient. Pen Bay Medical Center would like to congratulate Betsy Connelly, DO from the Cancer Care Center for being recognized in the month of February. For more information on the Grateful Patient Program, how to honor a caregiver, or to support the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation, please contact the Development Office at 207-921-6707 or visit us online at www.penbaywaldofoundation.org.
You asked for it. We got it. In this section of the Wellness Wire, Pen Bay Medical Center will provide a list of capital projects from across the system. We would like to highlight investments that are made back into our systems, our employees and ultimately our patients. In January and February 2017, we invested capital into 22 projects totaling almost $600,000. Please see below for a few highlights. Proposed new building Knox Center Emergency Room Information Services Quarry Hill Knox Center Internal Medicine Medical Surgical Unit
Prep work Floor replacement Patient monitors Technology replacement Independent living apartments Ice maker Exam tables Sleeper chairs
PBMC Spotlight: Imaging The Pen Bay Medical Center imaging department has made many exciting changes over the last year. You asked for better access to healthcare and we delivered. We now have expanded hours of operations in most departments to meet our patient’s needs. Mammography, ultrasound, CAT scan (CT) and MRI now offer early morning, late afternoon and evening appointments. CAT scan and MRI now offer weekend hours as well. Additional services are now located at Pen Bay Medical Center so you can stay local for your imaging needs. The exciting new services now located on Pen Bay Medical Center’s campus include: Breast 3D Tomography- 3D high definition mammography which provides better detail and frequently leads to earlier detection of issues and lower recall rates Breast MRI- part of a comprehensive breast program, breast MRI offers a high definition view of breast tissue used in conjunction with mammography and ultrasound Nuclear SPECT- This new high definition machine offers amazing advancements for our cardiac patients. These advancements allow us to image every patient in our community without limitations.
Nuclear SPECT machine
The three technology advances above were all generously funded by the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation.
Values in Action Star – Lynn Kelley, Social Worker Each month, colleagues are asked to submit examples of their coworkers who exemplify the value of the month. For the month of February, Lynn Kelley of the PARC Unit was recognized by Kathleen Leach, Psychiatric UR Coordinator of the PARC Unit for exemplifying patient centered: “Lynn Kelley demonstrates all of the qualities of being patient centered every day. She is a social worker who truly does whatever it takes in order to provide her patients with the care they deserve. One example: A patient with chronic mental illness was homeless and unable to access local housing. Lynn worked tirelessly for several weeks and coordinated housing with representatives from several state agencies, our local community mental health center, and the landlord. The patient was discharged to the apartment she wanted, in the town she wanted to live in. Lynn inspires us all with her commitment and dedication.” Pen Bay Medical Center would like to thank Lynn for her dedication and commitment to her patients.
Join Pen Bay Medical Center for our spring Community Health & Wellness featured events Mission: Good Nutrition Wednesday, April 5, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Rockland Congregational Church 180 Limerock Street, Rockland Join the Community Health & Wellness team to explore growing your own healthy foods, building better meals and snacks, jazzing up your lunchbox and more. Registered dietitians and health coaches will share tips, recipes and tasty samples during this fun-filled, interactive event. Come taste something new and take home seedlings, smoothie packets, and more. Family friendly. Please call 921-3950 or visit journeytohealth.coursestorm.com to register. Healthy & Well Women’s Conference Hosted by LincolnHealth, Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital Saturday, May 6 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Point Lookout Resort & Conference Center Northport Please join LincolnHealth, Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital for our half-day conference on women’s health and wellness. Learn about the impact women have on the health of our communities, have your health questions addressed by our providers and walk away with the information and tools you’ll need to live a healthy and well life. Please visit journeytohealth.coursestorm.com or call 921-3950 to register.
March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month Did you know colon cancer is the second leading cause of overall cancer deaths in the United States? Early detection through screening can dramatically reduce your risk. This means having your colon checked regularly starting at age 50 or sooner if you are at higher risk. Pen Bay Medical Center has an endoscopy unit that provides colonoscopies. If you are over the age of 50, or have a family history of colon cancer or precancerous polyps, you are at risk for colon cancer. The early stages of colon cancer may not cause any symptoms. So even if you feel well, testing is the only way to ensure your colon is healthy. In Maine, most insurance plans cover the cost of screening colonoscopy. For people without insurance, there are programs in the state to help cover the cost of the procedure. Early detection can save your life. To find out how you can schedule your colonoscopy talk to your primary care provider or call Pen Bay Surgery at 921-5737 or Pen Bay Surgical Skin Center at 921-3939.
Cooking for Health – Practical Plant-Based Cooking Are you curious about what it means to eat a plant-based diet? It does not mean that you are a vegetarian. Join this free two-session class in April to explore the practicality and health benefits of eating more plants. Classes will be held in Brooks, Liberty, Rockland and St. George. Practical Plant-Based Cooking is part of the Cooking for Health series, made possible by a generous $60,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation. Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital would like to thank the Walmart Foundation for the grant, which will allow the Journey to Health program to offer 40 free hands-on healthy cooking classes throughout Knox and Waldo counties. The classes are designed to be accessible to everyone, with a focus on rural populations, low-income families and those with chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Other classes in the Cooking for Health series will include: Learn to Be Sugar Savvy Quick & Healthy Family Meals Eating Well with Diabetes Heart Healthy Cooking For more information or to register for any of the Cooking for Health classes, please visit journeytohealth.coursestorm.com or call 921-3950.
Journey to Health Spring Class Guide Now Available The Community Health & Wellness team at Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital is excited to announce our spring class schedule. Programs offered this spring include new meditation and decluttering classes, homemade healthy pizza, gardening workshops and opportunities to walk, bike or learn to run a 5k! The Journey to Health spring class guide is now available and will be distributed throughout the community. You can access an electronic version of the guide at http://bit.ly/J2HSpringGuide All class offerings are also detailed at journeytohealth.coursestorm.com. Please stop by the Picker Family Resource Center in Rockport at 756 Commercial Street to pick up a copy of the guide today.