Natasha Lawrence with daughters Juanita and Maddilynn
Belfast Public Health Nursing Making a Difference: One Family at a Time
With an influx of new businesses, a year-round arts calendar and a growing reputation as a tourist destination, Belfast is experiencing a wonderful rejuvenation. Unfortunately, this growing prosperity is not shared by all Nurse Susan Dupler with in our community. Maddilynn Lawrence In fact, U.S. Census data reports that right now more than 27% of Belfast residents are living in poverty. For many, securing food, healthcare and a safe place to sleep at night is a daily challenge. continued on back page ‌
EV E RY GI FT MAT T ER S. EVERY D O LLA R C O UNT S . With charitable donations from generous individuals, businesses and foundations, the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation provides critical funding to keep quality care close to home. Serving 80,000 people in the Midcoast region of Knox and Waldo counties, the Foundation helps fund institutional priorities at Waldo County General Hospital, Pen Bay Medical Center, Quarry Hill, Waldo County Dental Care, Knox Center, Belfast Public Health Nursing Association and the Sussman House. All donations to the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of federal and state law.
SPOTLIGHT ON COMMUNITY PARTNERS Each year, the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation partners with dozens of organizations to raise funds to support high quality healthcare for Midcoast Maine.
The Gift of a Smile
Becky and Walter Woods of Lincolnville, Maine
In 2017, Waldo County Dental Care provided over 4,000 low-cost dental visits to local residents. With donations from community members, local businesses and a recent $10,000 award from United Midcoast Charities, Waldo County Dental Care continues to make a big difference in the health of our community.
“Waldo County Dental Care has made a huge difference to us. All of the staff are exceptionally friendly and caring. They provide us with excellent dental care and treat us like valued patients.” — BE C K Y A N D WA LT E R W O O D S
SPOTLIGHT ON COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS: IT TAKES A VILLAGE In 2017, volunteers donated over 20,000 hours at Waldo County General Hospital, Pen Bay Medical Center and the Sussman House. Their time, smiling faces and willingness to help add to patient care beyond measure.
Wally Towne, Sussman House Volunteer
Wally Towne of Owls Head, Maine
The Sussman House is a free-standing hospice facility located on the Pen Bay Medical Center campus. It was built entirely with donations from community members, local businesses and health-focused foundations, and continues to garner strong community support. In 2017, 51 community members volunteered 3,649 hours to the Sussman House. Wally Towne has been volunteering since the House opened three years ago. He answers phones and greets patients and visitors. “Most rewarding for me is just being able to help visitors any way I can, realizing that they are facing a most trying time; lending an ear, if necessary, answering questions, and just being someone to talk with.” For more information about becoming a Sussman House volunteer, contact Joy Chamberlin at 207-542-4991.
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New Patient Navigator Program
With a recent three-year grant from the Maine Cancer Foundation, Pen Bay Medical Center will implement a new program to improve health outcomes for cancer patients. The new patient navigator will work closely with patients, family members and healthcare professionals to expedite treatment for newly diagnosed cancer patients, ensuring patients receive the right care, at the right time, and in the right place. Last spring, the Maine Cancer Foundation awarded Waldo County General Hospital a two-year grant to increase colorectal cancer screening rates among the communities served by the hospital, its four affiliated healthcare centers and 19 primary care providers.
Waldo County Oncology Walk
More than a hundred people gathered at Waldo County General Hospital this past October and raised more than $13,000 for the hospital’s Oncology Patient Assistance and Mammography Funds. Patient Assistance funds help community members with costs not covered by health insurance. The Mammography Fund provides cancer screening and mammograms for uninsured Waldo County residents. Oncology Walk
Serving the Island Communities of Penobscot Bay
North Haven is located almost 12 miles off the coast of Rockland. In the best of circumstances, it takes an hour to get to the mainland. When faced with a medical emergency, medical help can seem like a lifetime away. Grateful patient and North For Gail Bach, Haven resident, Gail Bach, pictured with her husband, North Haven Dr. Robert Bach. resident for the past 20 years, the emergency department at Pen Bay Medical Center has been a lifeline. “When you are on North Haven, and need to get to the nearest hospital, you are so grateful Pen Bay Medical Center is there.” Gail and her husband, Dr. Robert Bach, recently made a Grateful Patient donation, honoring Dr. Crosslin, Michelle Burtis and the wonderful care Gail received at the PBMC Emergency and Medical Surgery Departments. Gail shares: “Twice I was flown over and met at Owls Head airport by an ambulance. Once I took a ferry in the middle of the night. Each time, upon arriving at PBMC I felt incredibly cared for. I am so impressed with the doctors and nurses.” “I always make a point of giving because I know it is important— I don’t know where this community would be without Pen Bay Medical Center. I have a sense of security knowing Pen Bay is close by.” —GAIL BACH
Making a Difference: One Family at a Time … continued from front page
Joanne Billington, Rockland Chair
For more than a century, the Belfast Public Health Nursing Association (now a program of Waldo County General Hospital) has provided a safety net of healthcare and support for the city’s most vulnerable residents. In 2017, Belfast Public Health Nursing provided medical care and support to more than 1,600 disadvantaged community members whose medical and social needs would otherwise not be met. Belfast Public Health Nurse Susan Dupler grew up in Belfast Wayne Lawrence with son Kingston and is committed to improving the lives of our community’s at-risk and underserved populations. Whether it is administering flu shots at local food pantries, providing a walker to a frail elder living in subsidized housing, securing firewood for a family with no heat, or spearheading a food backpack program for children so they don’t go hungry over the weekend, Sue is out in the community each day. This past fall, Belfast Public Health Nursing helped the Lawrence Family connect with an affordable apartment. After spending 18 months in a motel, and the summer in a donated tent, the family of five now has a warm place of their very own. With generous gifts from community members, the ongoing support of the hospital and the city, as well as community partners such as United Midcoast Charities, Belfast Public Health Nursing will continue to strengthen our community— one family at a time.
Ann Bresnahan, Hope Mark Breton, Rockport Micki Colquhoun, Camden Jane Conrad, Tenants Harbor Mark Eggena, MD, Rockport Dale Kuhnert, Belfast Jane Merrill, Camden Caroline Morong, Camden Nathan Perkins, Camden Mark Fourre, MD Chief Executive Officer, Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital
PEN B AY WA LD O HEA LTHC A R E FO U N DAT IO N STAF F Eleanor Willmann, Vice President of Development 207-921-6710 Sherry Gagne, Director of Prospect Management and Research 207-921-6711 Jamie Geretz, Development Officer 207- 921-6707 Jody Herbert, Development Information Specialist 207- 921-6713 Deb Schilder, Director of Grants and Foundation Relations 207-921-6712 207-921-6713 Post Office Box 287 Belfast, Maine 04915 22 White Street Rockland, Maine 04841
At the Pen Bay Waldo Healthcare Foundation, we celebrate your generosity. One hundred percent of your gift will be applied to improve healthcare in Midcoast Maine. Please use the enclosed envelope to make your tax-deductible contribution today.
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