Penchant02 01

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ISSUE 2 V1: 31 March 2017



BY ryan doolittle, lily yang, devon huge , and daniel huang.



The Sterling Lining: Hugh An Excerpt By Ryan Doolittle, Daniel Huang, Devon Huge, and Lily Yang

Pit, pat, pit, pat Hugh curled up on his bed and watched the rain fall through his bedroom window. The gray streaks splattered against the glass on the tiny window, and dripped down to pool into the mud. The oak trees thrashed in the wind, throwing their leaves spastically with each oncoming gust, as their great trunks heaved to keep upright in the heavy winds. “Hugh! Hugh, there’s people to see you!” the caretaker called. Hugh continued to stare out the window, imagining the caretaker’s voice drowning in the storm outside, being carried away by the wind or lost among the sweet cacophony of rain. That was the beauty of rain, he thought. Even on a sunny days you couldn’t always be certain that the rain wouldn’t come, but when it finally rained you knew it couldn’t get any worse. The rain would never pretend to be anything other than cold, and freeze you in its icy embrace. Unlike A rough hand grabbed Hugh by the shoulder, and spun him around. Hugh found himself staring at the face of Mr. Ghaun, the slim caretaker of the orphanage. “I called out to ya’, boy,” Mr. Ghaun said, “Why did you not respond?”

Synopsis: Hugh may just be the most pitiful human alive. Being orphaned at only two years of age and as a child with autism, Hugh visualizes the world in a distinctively different way, causing him to face difficulties from corner to corner. However, his fate changes as a seemingly caring family with a son of their own decides to adopt him. Although he finally feels the privileges of having loving parents and a friend, he begins to notice strange things about his adoptive family after the sudden death of his new brother.

Hugh threw his gaze to the cramped bed in the side of the room, and said nothing. Mr. Ghaun waited a couple of seconds, then sighed noisily. “How will you ever be a fine young man if you can’t talk to people?” he said. He then turned and walked to the closet, small and packet with Hugh’s stitched and ragged clothes that had once belonged to kids he had never met. "There's a


family here to see ya’ in the main room,” Mr.

wooden floor, and smacked into the ground. He

Ghaun said. “Go to them and… just smile,

lifted himself up slowly. “What on earth did you


do that for!” the father shouted at the boy.

Hugh walked out the door and made his way to

“He doesn’t belong here!” said the boy. “He

the main lobby. When he arrived, he could hear

shouldn’t be with us at all!”

the receptionist talking. “...been here for all his

The father shook his head. “That is nonsense,

life, yes, since he was about one or two years old.

my boy, and you know it.” He then turned his

He has a fine temperament, and doesn’t really

gaze over to Hugh. “I am very sorry about that,

seem to get angry, but he has issues maintaining

my son gets excited sometimes and I don’t know

eye contact or speaking to others. You know, the

why. That’s why we want another child to help

usual symptoms…” The receptionist trailed off as

play with him, and help calm him down. Would

she saw Hugh. “Hey, there he is!” she exclaimed,

you be willing to come with us, as long as you can

in a brightness that hurt Hugh’s ears. “Look,

play with him?”

Hugh, this fine family wanted to see you!”

Hugh hesitated. Of course it would be great to

Hugh dragged his eyes to gaze at the family

get out of the cramped orphanage, to finally have

that stood before him. There was a man and

a bed his own size, with his own clothes, and even

woman standing next to each other, formally

a family, but… he didn’t know these people. Of

dressed, with a kid around Hugh’s age standing

course, he really didn’t know many people at the

next to him. As Hugh looked at the kid, the kid

orphanage, so it didn’t really matter to him. This

started shaking his head vigorously, and Hugh

family could be his ray of sunshine out of this

found himself looking away to the receptionist’s

raincloud of life here at the orphanage, and the


least he could do was take the chance and try to

“So, you are Hugh, correct?” the man who was

have a new life. “I… sure” Hugh spluttered.

the father said to Hugh. Hugh slowly raised his

The father smiled wide. “I am sure that you

eyes to the man’s face and smiled sheepishly. The

will enjoy living with us. My name is Mr.

man looked at Hugh for a few seconds, then

Sterling, and this is Mrs. Sterling, but you can call

turned back to the receptionist. “Yes, I think he

us dad and mom. And the boy is our son, James.”

would fit into our family just fine”, the man said.

He then turned, and Hugh followed his gaze to see

“Are you so certain already?” the receptionist

Mr. Ghaun standing by the desk, with a clean

asked. She glanced at Hugh, then back to the man.

duffel bag in his hand. Mr. Ghaun set the bag

The man turned to his wife, who stared at Hugh

down on the ground.

and nodded, but said nothing.

“ I packed up all of your clothes, Hugh, plus a

The silence was broken by the boy, who ran up

few extra clothes that haven’t really been

to Hugh and, without warning, pushed him away.

worn before” Mr. Ghaun said. He stared at Hugh,

Hugh found himself falling backward on the old

then wiped his eyes. “I figured you


would be leaving with them, so I wanted to get

sleeve that James finally released his hand.

everything ready for you.” He hesitated for a

Expecting to see James sneering, Hugh was

moment, then picked up the bag and set it down

surprised that James’ transparent gray eyes were

next to Hugh. “...I know you didn’t really like it

glazed and red. Confused, Hugh opened his

here, Hugh, but I’m sure your new family will

mouth to ask, but no sound came out. He quickly

treat you great, alright? ...go on then.” Mr. Ghaun

averted his glance back at the speeding world

stepped back from the duffel bag, and he and the

outside his window. This time, the running

father exchanged glances. The father nodded at

droplets only reminded him of James and the


future terror he would have to face.

“Come on Hugh, it’s time to go,” the father

As minutes passed, the world outside slowed,

said, gathering up the duffel bag and walking out

and the blurs of color began to obtain definition,

the front door of the orphanage, with the boy

finally displaying a slightly downtrodden

following close behind. Hugh looked at Mr.

two-storied house. “And we’re here! I hope you

Ghaun for a moment, and slowly smiled before

don’t mind that our house isn’t the newest. But, I

hurrying quickly to follow the mother out the

can guarantee you’ll find it comfortable here,”

door, and move on to a new and better life.

Mr. Sterling exclaimed as he looked back from

Smiling and filled with hope, Hugh could not

the driver’s seat, smiling.

wait to finally get out of the cramped, little car.

Hugh nodded as the corners of his mouth

For once in his life, Hugh felt that his destined

involuntarily bent up. Fumbling with the car door,

doom was no longer. He stared contently outside

Hugh tripped his way out and took a deep breath,

the window, watching glittering drops of rain race

letting the earthy aromas fill his lungs.

as blurs of reds, greens, and blues splattered

Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling and James

endlessly. Clutching his canvas bag with his

were arguing over something that Hugh could not

clothes and a few keepsakes from his estranged


parents, a sense of warmth dissipated throughout

After James was finally dragged out of the car,

his small frame.

Mr. Sterling happily came up to the door. His

Suddenly, a cold hand snatched the corner of

weather-laden hands held Hugh’s pale ones as he

Hugh’s sleeve, waking Hugh from his trance. He

bent down to Hugh’s height. “Hugh, my boy, I

turned away from the window to see the

just want to say how thankful I am to have you

menacing face of his new brother.

become part of my family. From now on, Hugh,

“Go. Go far away,” James muttered under his

you will be Hugh Sterling and I will be your

breath as his grip on Hugh’s sleeve tightened.

father. I hope you can accept me.”

Hugh, too afraid to respond, could only stare at

Mrs. Sterling also walked to the doorstep,

James’ hand. His eyes began to fill with tears.

planting a kiss on Hugh’s forehead. “Welcome to

Seconds passed, but the hand would not move

the family. Please accept me, too.”

away. It was not until the tears covered the

Overjoyed and slightly paralyzed from the


amount of care he is receiving in such a short

“I mean, thank you, M-mother.” Hugh never

time, Hugh managed to stutter, “Yes! No… I--of

thought that he would have the chance to say such

course I will accept you both! I’m sorry. I’m not

words. Hearing it roll of his tongue felt foreign,

very good with expressing myself.”

but nonetheless, it felt right.

“Atta boy!” Mr. Sterling said as he gave Hugh a tight hug. Over Mr. Sterling’s shoulder, Hugh caught a glimpse of James standing alone as rain pelted him relentlessly. Although feeling obligated to also accept James as family, this moment of seeing him suffer, seeing him isolated, made Hugh feel satisfied that James, who has been nothing but cruel to him, is receiving a deserved punishment. At last, the new family of four entered through the humble red door. Inside, the place was slightly disheveled, but the lemon yellow walls and the pale blue and white tiles splattered across the floor made the house feel lively and cozy. Leading Hugh upstairs, Mrs. Sterling showed him his new room, a small studio bedroom with venetian blinds and a small work desk next to James’ room. Taking him to the closet, she shows him racks of clothes---a sight that Hugh has never seen before. “We weren’t sure how our boy would be like, so we bought clothes around the same size as James. I hope it fits you. Also, you’ll be starting school with James in a few days.” “Okay.” “Call me any time if anything gets uncomfortable or if anything comes up! Dinner is at seven! ” “Alright, thank you.” Mrs. Sterling stayed at the door for a while, looking at Hugh fondly.




Malcolm stood up, frowning as he saw his close friend Gordon walk towards the angels standing in front of the Sanctuary of Perfection, which of course was completely empty. He decided to walk towards Gordon, his eyes following as Gordon stopped in front of the angels. They appeared to talk for a few moments,

Malcolm sat by the riverbank, gazing across

and then Gordon frowned and started to walk

the water. He was a young man, in his early

away. Malcolm smiled thinly. Serves him right,

twenties, with short brown hair, and covering his

Malcolm thought. “Hey Gordon!” Malcolm called

visible skin were hundreds of little stickers, for

out, “What happened?”

stickers were how you proved your own worth in

Gordon turned, and walked over to meet

this life, and he had plenty to count. He had

Malcolm. “Hey, Malcolm, how’s it going?”

stickers to prove how he was an amazing guitarist,

Gordon said. “I was just trying to see if I could be

piano player, and drummer, stickers for all the

evaluated by the angels over there before my

awards his own songs had won, stickers for all the

twenty-first birthday.” He sighed. “But sadly, they

times he had been named the most handsome,

won’t let me, even though I’m only a couple of

most talented, whatever you care to name. But

months away.”

here he sat, gazing across the water, and yearning

Malcolm smirked. “Hey Gordon,” he said,

for the one thing that he wanted on this Earth: the

“Guess what day it is today?”

sticker of perfection.

Gordon stared at him for a few seconds,

He had seen the angels themselves, with

uncertain, before his eyes gaped open. “Is it your

wings made of feathers strung along poles that

twenty-first birthday?!” he exclaimed.

jutted from their backs. Malcolm knew that one

Malcolm nodded, and turned his back to

sticker was all he wanted, for if he got that one

Gordon. He had more important business. Smiling

sticker, then he could truly prove to himself that

widely, he strode up the angels, and nodded as he

he was absolutely better than anyone else that had

arrived. They nodded in return. “You are

ever existed. You see, no one had ever gotten that

Malcolm, we trust?” they said. “Here for your

sticker of Perfection before, since no one had ever


been perfect enough in this world to earn it, and

“Of course,” Malcolm replied, eager to

as Malcolm believed, no one who existed before

prove to the world that he was the most perfect

stickers invented ever mattered, since how could

person of all time.

they be worth anything without having any

“Then right this way,” they said, and lead

stickers? Yes, stickers were truly the only way to

Malcolm into a small hut before the Sanctuary,

eke out your existence in this world.

and down into a small room, dimly lit by a


blazing fire in a fireplace in the corner. They

The two angels nodded, a habit that was

strapped Malcolm into a small plastic chair,

beginning to annoy Malcolm. “Yes, of course, the

securing his arms and legs in thick leather straps,

sticker,” one of the angels said, and the other one

and set a sort of device on his head that looked

walked out of Malcolm’s sight, before returning

like a crown, but with electrical wires and lights

with a small box and an iron rod with a flat end.

buzzing through it. He frowned at the unfamiliar

They opened the box, and there it was. It was the

object as they put it on him, and flipped a switch

most beautiful, the most majestic sticker Malcolm

on the

had ever seen, with color that seemed to blaze

wall beside him. Suddenly, images burst onto the

with the sun’s ferocity in the dimly lit room. And,

wall in front of him, images of him playing guitar

most importantly of all, it was absolutely perfect.

perfectly, singing and hitting every note, painting

Malcolm stared, wide eyed, as they pulled back

masterpieces of songs with words and meanings,

part of his shirt, and stuck the sticker on the skin

smiling, laughing, saying the best joke possible at

right over his heart.

just the right moment to fill the room with an

Malcolm smiled as his mind flooded

uproar of laughter. He smiled, watching all the

with euphoria at the feeling of it, as the sticker

memories flood past him, and coat the metal walls

stuck to his skin. And he was still smiling when

of the dark and cold room where he sat. The

the other angel grabbed the metal rod, its flat end

angels watched with him, and when it was all

red hot from being in the fireplace, and pressed

over several hours later, they nodded and one

the burning steel against his skin.

turned off the screen. Then they both turned and

Malcolm screamed in agony, as the

faced him.

sticker fused with his skin. The angel pulled the

“You never made any mistakes, did

metal rod back, his face completely still, and they

you?” they said.

both watched as Malcolm collapsed in the chair,

Malcolm smiled widely, and shook his

still tied up and secured. The angels undid his

head. “No, I’m probably the most perfect human

bounds, and Malcolm fell to the floor. “You…”

being that ever was,” he said humbly.

Malcolm gasped, staring up at the angels through

The two angels looked at each other, and

a vision tinged with red.

nodded. “So what did you learn?” they said.

The angels both nodded. “You were

Malcolm hesitated. What was there to

perfect,” they both said in harmony, “But nothing

learn when you were always perfect? “Why does

is ever perfect. Your own perfection is what has

it matter?” he said, “I never made a mistake. Now

eroded your humanity, and now you are no longer

where’s my sticker?”


Malcolm gasped, and collapsed to the floor as his body turned to ash.


Laborer A-9-62 BY LILY YANG


A rooster cried its shrill call in the distance and

among a surprising amount of others, only applies

disrupted the serenity that the night has brought

to Laborers, who have not taken or passed The

for Village A-9. I woke up with a jolt and

Opportunity, at age 14. The Opportunity is a test

hesitated for I knew what was waiting for me: The

that can be taken to advance to the Elite rank. The

same continuous routine, designed for us Laborers

Elites on the other hand, do not have to spend

to suffer. I picked up my rusted, bent axe and

their hours in the quarry, they have absolute

went to wake my father. I opened his termite

freedom and wealth---or so I’ve heard.

bitten door, only to find a note on his ragged

I shook off my thoughts and started the route

pillow. It said:

to the quarry, the same familiar path that every


Laborer has memorized. First across the tiny

I have been summoned by King Aiden V and

Aidenite Forest, the only geographic landmark

three-quarters to work in the Elite’s quarry for a

that separated the villages from the quarry, then

new building. You still have to work in the

down a cliff that led to a canyon where the quarry

Laborers’ quarry and make yourself meals, for I

was. When I finally arrived, I was sent to a

will not return home until the next day.

section of the quarry designated for 10-12 year

Your Father,

olds. I hated it there with all my heart. Everyone


was expected to chop off as much stone as

I listlessly put the note back on his pillow, for I

required, or else we would not be given the

was long used to it. Ever since my mother passed

precious food, water, or clothes we were given as

away when I was four, I have been, and always

pay. Laborers were not allowed to talk to others,

will be the cook and the worker, and there is no

or interact with others in any way in the quarry.

way I can change that. The rules say so. This rule,

With this settled, I began my tedious work.


I struck at the towering wall of stone with my

“Pathetic… Even your father was more

weather-beaten axe. Hours passed, sweat dripped,

promising in terms of strength. You on the other

and my skin tore, yet I produced only five cases

hand, only inherited his curly, dirty-blonde hair

full of stone, three cases less than the

and grotesque brown eyes. Ugh...Ugly and weak.

requirement. I continued, but lost effort at every

Now for your payment- oh can’t have

swing of the axe. The pain was unbearable, and I

any. Run along now, you,” Jauc smirked.

couldn’t stand it any more. I decided to leave, for

“Y-yes sir,” I said I bit down on my tongue,

I fulfilled the four hour requirement of every

forcing myself not to curse at him.

Laborer. I sighed as I carried the cases of stone to

When I was on the way back home, I let out

Jauc, the 16 year old Elite manager who always

my bottled in anger. I kicked at the nearest tree,

had a menacing look that was conveyed by his

making sure to deprive it of its leaves. Then

eagle-like hazel eyes and impossibly sleek

slowly I regained my composure, and I walked

midnight black hair.

into the fenced in area with a flashy title of

“A-9-63! I see that you, once again did not fill

Village A-9. I strolled toward the house marked

the required eight cases. I don’t think you ever

9.2 and unlocked it with my rusted key. As I sat

had… what a weak boy you are,” Jauc said

on my bed I thought of the pleasures of being an


Elite. Just two more years until I will get a letter

“I-I’m sorry, sir,” I whimpered.

saying that I, A-9-63, will be eligible to choose to take The Opportunity to become an Elite. Just two I repeated to myself.

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