SAFER Streets PARTNERSHIP WORKING IS MAKING THE STREETS SAFER IN WEST RHYL The group made a successful bid to the Home Office Safer Streets Fund and were allocated 517,000 to design and deliver crime prevention interventions, helping residents feel safer in their community. One of the projects this funding has enabled is the provision of security equipment for 600 homes in the area, including alarms, padlocks, external lights and CCTV cameras. ClwydAlyn committed to delivering and installing the equipment at the properties they own, with North Wales Police undertaking the work on the remaining properties. Staff volunteered to deliver the internal equipment to residents, whilst Travis Perkins provided the tools needed to install the external items, including stepladders, safety goggles and drills. Jenni Griffiths, Housing Services Manager at ClwydAlyn, said:
Crime prevention packs have been delivered to homes across West Rhyl, thanks to a new initiative aimed at reducing crime in the area. Last year, local housing association ClwydAlyn helped to form the Safer Streets initiative along with Denbighshire County Council and The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
“This is such an important partnership initiative for West Rhyl. We really want to address the fact that the area has higher crime rates than other nearby towns and make a real difference to the people who live here.” Police statistics from March this year show that the number of crime incidents in Rhyl is more than six times higher than the next most problematic area. Jenni added: “Residents deserve to feel safe in their homes and we are committed to making that happen, along with the other partners in this scheme.
“We’d like to thank Travis Perkins for lending us the equipment we needed to install external security items, and all of our staff who volunteered their time to carry out the work.” Stephen Hughes, Chief Executive of the Office of the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner said: “Partnership working is very important in making our communities safer and this is a perfect example of how different groups can come together. “People have a right to safety and security in their homes and on the streets of their neighbourhoods and our work with ClwydAlyn and the County Council has borne fruit with over half a million pounds now going into preventing crime in West Rhyl.” Travis Perkins Queensferry branch was delighted to be able to provide ladders, drills, tools and PPE to support this worthy cause. Andy Craig, Account Manager for Travis Perkins Managed Services, the arm of Travis Perkins who support supply chain and procurement solutions for social housing, said: “Myself and the Managed Services team donated our time to assist volunteers in installing security items in over 40 properties. We are proud to be playing our part to help the residents of West Rhyl feel safer in their homes.” Residents of West Rhyl are invited to get involved with the Safer Streets initiative by becoming Community Champions. The role includes providing practical crime prevention advice, assisting with the delivery of a community watch scheme and actively participating in community initiatives.