Cooking delicious low cost meals.
INGREDIENTS: 1 medium /large white cabbage (savoy cabbage works well, too) 500-700g minced pork meat 1 onion (chopped) 1 bag of rice 1 stock cube Tomato puree Salt, Pepper
Our summer recipe has been shared by our resident Hanna… This is a polish dish and can be created by you for under £5
COOKING METHOD: Cook the whole cabbage in salted water in a large, covered pot until the leaves get slightly soft (about 5 minutes). Remove the cabbage from the pot taking care not to break the leaves. Allow to cool. Cut off the leaves from the bottom of the cabbage and gently peel off the head one by one. Gently flatten and cut off the thick stem of the leaf to make rolling over the meat easier. Fry the chopped onion until soft but not coloured. Cook the rice following the instructions on the pack. When cooked, cool down and mix with the meat and onion. Season with salt and pepper generously. Once the ingredients are evenly combined, you can start putting the stuffing on the cabbage leaves. Place the meat mixture towards the base of the leaf and wrap it like you’d fold an envelope, first folding the bottom, then the sides on top, finally rolling up towards the top of the leaf. Place with the top of the leaf underneath the roll.
Use any leftover cabbage to line the bottom of the pan. Then place the cabbage rolls inside. Cover with water to cover and add the stock cube, salt and pepper. If you have more cabbage leaves left, you can arrange them over the rolls, too. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down to medium gas mark (3 or 4) and gently simmer for about 1 hour. Add the tomato puree (you can pour a little water into the packet to get it all out). Mix gently by pushing down on the rolls or moving them slightly to the sides. Cook for further 30 minutes. Best served with mashed potatoes with a generous serving of the tomato sauce poured over. The loose cabbage leaves cooked with the rolls can be served, too.
Do you h ave a recipe you wou ld like to sh are? Sen d in your rec ipe and pictures to Comm unicatio ns@ clwyda lyn.couk