Penn Dental Journal For the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Community / Spring 2011
LIFE Center: Filling the Needs of Geriatric Patients in the Community, Building Educational Experiences | page 2 Researchers Taking Different Scientific Approaches; Achieving One Goal | page 6 Dual-Degree Programs Customizing a Dental Education | page 10 School Develops 10-Year Master Plan | page 14
in this issue
Features 2 LIFE Center: Filling the Needs
Penn Dental Journal Vol. 7, No. 2
of Geriatric Patients in the Community, Building Educational Experiences
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
by debbie goldberg
6 Different Scientific Approaches; One Goal
by amy biemiller
10 Customizing a Dental Education
Contributing Writers beth adams amy biemiller juliana delany debbie goldberg
14 School Develops 10-Year Master by beth adams
Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations maren gaughan Director, Publications beth adams
by juliana delany
Plan: Defining Facilities Needs, Setting Priorities
denis f. kinane, bds, phd
Departments On Campus: News and People
23 Scholarly Activity 26 Philanthropy Highlights 29 Alumni: News 34 Class Notes 36 In Memoriam
ON THE COVER: This fall, Penn Dental Medicine began providing dental care services at the LIFE Center, a program run by Penn’s School of Nursing that serves geriatric patients in the community. Penn Dental Medicine students complete rotations in the Center. Pictured: Dr. Alisa Kauffman (D’85), Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of Community Oral Health and Director of Dental Services at LIFE (back row) with LIFE clients Malcolm McLean (back row) and Ann Alexander (seated) and students Natalie Stinton (D’11, left) and Jessica Meier (D’12, right).
Design dyad communications Photography candace dicarlo mark garvin peter olson Penn Dental Journal is published twice a year for the alumni and friends of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. ©2011 by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. We would like to get your feedback and input on the Penn Dental Journal — please address all correspondence to: Beth Adams, Director of Publications, Robert Schattner Center, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030, Office of Development and Alumni Relations, 215-898-8951
A Message from the office of the dean
ith commencement 2011 upon us, I first want to extend my personal congratulations to the members of the Class of 2011, the 133rd graduating class. You can take great pride in your achievements as one of our most successful classes. You join a tremendous network of Penn Dental Medicine alumni advancing dental medicine across the country and the world.
As our newest graduates look ahead, so are we as a School. In this academic year, we took an important step in that process with the development of a 10-year master plan for facilities improvements (see story, page 14). For Penn Dental Medicine to remain competitive for the very best students and faculty, we need our clinical, teaching, and research facilities to match this high caliber of education and scholarship that make our institution stand out. We now have the road map for this goal, and while it will demand great support from many and a diligent management of resources, I am confident we will make these plans a reality. I am eagerly taking up that task with the help of our Board of Overseers, faculty, staff, and alumni leaders, and you will be hearing much more about these phased plans for building improvements in the months ahead. Independent of the projects proposed within the master plan, I am also pleased to report that we added an important new clinical facility this year with the opening of the William W.M. Cheung Advanced Dental Care Clinic in November (see story, page 26). This new state-of-the-art clinic, designed to manage advanced cases in restorative and esthetic dentistry, is a vital addition to the School and is already having a positive impact on patient care and our students’ clinical training. Within our academic program, we are continuing to exploit the rich resources of Penn’s many prestigious schools for our students by developing more interdisciplinary and interprofessional programs. This academic year, the School added a new dual-degree opportunity — an MS in Bioengineering — bringing the total of unique dual-degree offerings to four (see story, page 10). And partnering with Penn’s School of Nursing, Penn Dental Medicine is now providing dental care at the LIFE Center, serving geriatric patients in the community while providing our students with strong educational experiences treating this population in an interdisciplinary setting (see story, page 2). It has been an active academic year on many fronts. We are continuing our efforts to connect with and engage alumni in new ways with a growing number of events throughout the country, and we welcomed Sarah Burton as our new Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations to help build those activities (see story, page 21). In addition, a new advisory board, the Dean’s Council, convened for the first time this fall and is currently focused on revamping the School’s continuing education (see story, page 19). To the entire Penn Dental Medicine community, I thank you for your great work and commitment in support of our students, patients, and our mission of advancing dental medicine.
Denis F. Kinane, BDS, PhD Morton Amsterdam Dean
Filling the Needs of Geriatric Patients, Building Educational Experiences
t is Tuesday and that means the dentist is in at the LIFE Center, thanks to a new partnership launched this September between the School of Nursing and Penn Dental Medicine that has brought dental care services to the Center. One day each week, a group of Penn Dental Medicine students join Dr. Alisa Kauffman (D’85), Clinical Assistant Professor in Penn Dental Medicine’s Division of Community Oral Health and Director of Dental Services at LIFE, to treat senior citizens at the Center. The first patient this morning is a 66-year-old man getting partial upper and lower dentures. He is a typical patient — bags of dentures to be given out that day crowd a table. Dr. Kauffman, lively and talkative, inserts the dentures, asks about the fit, then hands him a mirror to see the outcome. “You look great. Go to lunch and come back if it hurts,” Dr. Kauffman advises as he leaves the room with a big smile. There are more than 20 patients on the schedule for dental care that day at LIFE, all of them elderly, many with infirmities, some with canes, and a few with dementia. LIFE, which stands for Living Independently for Elders, is a program run by Penn’s School of Nursing that provides a wide range of on-site services to help elderly residents receive care in the community, enabling them stay in their homes rather than moving to nursing homes. Now in its 12th year, the program is a nationally recognized innovative nursing model of care, according to Eileen Sullivan-Marx, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, RN, Shearer Term Associate Professor for Healthy Community Practices and Associate Dean for Practice and Community Affairs in the School of Nursing. The facility at 45th and Chestnut streets serves residents of West and Southwest Philadelphia. “I was introduced to the LIFE program and the nursing faculty involved many years ago through mutual involvement in the Bridging the Gaps program, an outreach program in which medical, nursing, dental, and social work students work in teams to provide health promotion activities at community sites,” says Dr. Joan Gluch, Director of Community Health at Penn Dental Medicine. When LIFE moved to its new, larger location in March 2007, space became available for a dental office, she adds, opening the door for a collaborative clinical program. The LIFE program previously utilized a mobile dental company to serve its members.
The collaboration at LIFE between Penn Dental Medicine and the School of Nursing benefits all the parties involved — along with elderly patients who receive high-quality dental care in a convenient location, there is a great educational benefit for both dental and nursing students. “Penn Dental expressed an interest in increasing learning opportunities in geriatric dentistry and we had a need to bring dental care within the LIFE Center,” says Dr. Sullivan-Marx, “so between conversations among faculty, associate deans and deans, we met and launched a contractual agreement for Penn Dental Medicine to provide dental services to our LIFE members.” Those discussions were first initiated last spring between Penn Dental Medicine’s Morton Amsterdam Dean, Dr. Denis F. Kinane, and the School of Nursing, and by summer, work was underway to turn Room 200 of the LIFE Center into a state-ofthe-art dental treatment room. THE HOUSE CALL GERIATRIC DENTIST COMES TO LIFE.
Enter Penn Dental Medicine alumnae Dr. Kauffman, who practices geriatric dentistry two hours north in New York City. Since her days as a student at Penn Dental Medicine, when she liked to spend time in the denture lab, and continuing to her first professional job treating nursing home patients, Dr. Kauffman has had a particular affinity for the needs and rewards of working with geriatric patients. So in 1988, she decided to establish “NYC House Call Dentist” — a home-based geriatric dentistry practice, providing care to frail, elderly patients who need dental treatment, but who cannot leave their homes. She notes that it is a challenge to practice under these circumstances — using mobile equipment, she does everything from general restorative care to extractions in chairs, sometimes even in beds — but most of her patients otherwise would not receive dental care at all. Dr. Kauffman spends three days each week treating geriatric patients in their homes through her practice, one day working at four nursing homes, and now since the fall, one day at the LIFE Center as the Director of Dental Services.
Students gain experience treating geriatric patients with Dr. Alisa Kauffman (D’85) at the LIFE Center, run by Penn’s School of Nursing. Center administrator Dianne Chappelle (bottom, right) helps to coordinate those clients needing dental care.
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Filling the Needs of Geriatric Patients, Building Educational Experiences
The opportunity for Penn Dental Medicine to partner with LIFE came up after Dr. Kauffman had met Dean Kinane at an alumni event in fall 2009 and expressed interest in becoming more involved with Penn Dental Medicine. Soon after, she lectured to last year’s sophomore class about her unusual practice. It was fortuitous timing and a perfect fit. Dr. Kauffman was thrilled at the thought of spending one day a week in her hometown and with her alma mater to help launch the dental collaboration at LIFE, treating patients and teaching dental students who rotate there each week. Despite having to get up at dawn on Tuesdays to catch the 7:25 a.m. train to Philadelphia, she relished the opportunity “to get involved in a fantastic Penn project,” as well as
disabled adults. Typically, two or three fourth-year students go to LIFE each week, and speaking to her in early March, Dr. Gluch estimated that at that time more than 60 Penn Dental Medicine students had completed a rotation at the Center. Isaac Alkolomber (D’11), one of the fourth-year dental students working at LIFE recently, said this and the School’s other community health rotations offer valuable experience and perspective. “It’s really important for dental students to work with lots of different populations,” he says. “And it encourages students to graduate and give back to the community.” “Providing clinical service in collaboration with nursing is a natural fit for dentistry within the philosophy of LIFE, which stresses healthy living and independence for seniors,”
the chance “to give back to Penn Dental the gift of knowledge they had given me 25 years ago.”
Dr. Gluch notes. “Although dental students gain experience with older patients in our dental school clinics and in their Oral Medicine rotations, we are very happy to have an additional community-based clinical rotation to allow students to treat older patients, given the demographic projections for growth with this population, especially in the community setting.” More fundamentally, she adds, “Penn Dental Medicine’s presence at LIFE signifies a commitment to the School of Nursing, LIFE, and the local community to provide increased access to oral health care at the highest quality level through interprofessional collaboration.” Nursing students benefit from the collaborative approach because the patients’ dental care is intricately linked to meeting their overall health care needs, notes Dr. Sullivan-Marx. “Patients with limited chewing and nutri-
A RICH LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. Indeed, the collaboration at LIFE between Penn Dental Medicine and the School of Nursing benefits all the parties involved — along with the elderly patients who receive high-quality dental care in a convenient location, there is great educational benefit for both dental and nursing students. For dental students, LIFE offers a hands-on learning opportunity to gain experience treating the geriatric population. It is one of three required community health rotations for Penn Dental Medicine students; the others are PennSmiles and the Elwyn Institute, which provide dental care, respectively, for Philadelphia public school students and
Filling the Needs of Geriatric Patients, Building Educational Experiences
tional intake due to oral and dental disease can have treatment to improve nutrition, chronic dental pain can be alleviated, and risk factors for poor health outcomes due to diabetes, hypertension, and smoking can be ameliorated by preventing deterioration in oral health.” At LIFE, “nursing students are learning increased skills in oral health assessment and dental students are learning about geriatric dental care,” she continues. “And both are learning to work across disciplines.” The experience also offers new opportunities for students who are beginning to plan their careers. Jessica Meier, (D’12) a third-year student who expressed an interest in geriatric dentistry to Dr. Gluch and got the opportunity to participate
at LIFE ahead of when she normally would rotate there, credits her positive experience at the Center for her decision to focus her career on geriatric dentistry. “It opened my eyes to an entire field of dentistry that I otherwise might not have been exposed to,” she says. She notes that not only did she get to practice such clinical skills as taking denture impressions, cementing crowns, and screening for oral cancer, Meier also learned about the challenges of working with an elderly population, particularly, she says, the need for patience and good communication skills with these clients. “The rewards of working with this underserved population are endless,” she says, while crediting Dr. Kauffman as an
“Penn Dental Medicine’s presence at LIFE signifies
excellent teacher. “It’s wonderful that students can work with her and learn her innovative methods of patient care and dentistry.” Back in Room 200 on that March morning, there is still a long day ahead for Dr. Kauffman — the hallway is crowded with waiting patients, but she greets each one like an old friend. Although she is working with a similar patient population as in her house-call practice, she appreciates that at LIFE she is working alongside other health care professionals and that she has access to state-of-the art equipment. “The program is working well; I love it,” says Dr. Kauffman. “The students are engaged and eager to learn the unique aspects of treating geriatric patients, and the LIFE members are delightful. It’s a productive, fun environment for all.” PDJ
a commitment to the School of Nursing, LIFE, and the local community to provide increased access to oral health care at the highest quality level through interprofessional collaboration.” Dr. Joan Gluch, Director of Community Health at Penn Dental Medicine
penn dental journal: fall 2010 5
ONE GOAL Dr. Kathleen Boesze-Battaglia and Dr. Claire Mitchell Taking a Hard Look at Vision While Illuminating Studies Across Disciplines by amy biemiller
Different Scientific Approaches; One Goal
ivide and conquer. In scientific research, applying this approach and collaborating on results can yield advances and applications across wide-ranging fields of study. Two Penn Dental Medicine researchers, Dr. Kathleen Boesze-Battaglia and Dr. Claire Mitchell, are doing just that in the fight against blindness. One researcher works predominantly on the question of “why” and the other investigates the “how” of cellular function and eye disease. Together they are producing a body of work focused on addressing genetic conditions like retinitis pigmentosa, the most common form of inherited retinopathy, characterized by progressive vision loss and eventual blindness; age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness of people over 50; and glaucoma. In the process, they are just as importantly shedding light on disease and cellular behavior and contributing a unique perspective to investigations with applications across disciplines, including the study of periodontal disease. While it may seem counterintuitive that researchers at Penn Dental Medicine are investigating approaches to treating and curing blindness, scientists like Drs. Boesze-Battaglia and Mitchell are in fact purposefully recruited to the School to build a research enterprise with a depth and breadth that brings together investigators with diverse expertise and experience. “Today’s research environment is moving at a pace faster than ever before. Effective science means using multiple approaches and technologies. The best research is that which is interdisciplinary and involves multiple investigators with a greater range of expertise,” says Dr. Bruce J. Shenker, Associate Dean for Research at Penn Dental Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Pathology. “These collaborative approaches also enhance overall research productivity and effectiveness as well as significantly contribute to making our entire faculty more competitive for extramural research funding.” Leveraging Biochemistry. Dr. Boesze-Battaglia is Professor of Biochemistry at Penn Dental Medicine and also holds a secondary appointment as Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics in Penn’s School of Medicine. Recruited to the School in 2002, she brought with her a body of research on how the RDS protein, which has over 160 different mutations, leads to retinal degeneration.
“Effective science means using multiple approaches and technologies. The best research is that which is interdisciplinary and involves multiple investigators with a greater range of expertise.” Dr. Bruce J. Shenker Associate Dean for Research at Penn Dental Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Pathology
As a biochemist, Dr. Boesze-Battaglia investigates why biological problems within retinal-specific cells occur. She is especially interested in protein structure-function relationships and lysosomes. Proteins often allow a cell to maintain its structure and lysosomes work to break down cell waste and debris. In the eye, these building blocks allow rods and cones to work as photoreceptors, giving us the capacity to not just see, but to perceive color, depth, and intensity. When the chemical process in these cell components goes wrong, eye disease and blindness can be the result. Working to uncover where in the process things go wrong is key to developing treatment for ocular diseases that, today, have no cure. It is a complex quest that requires much patience. “Understanding this protein and its contribution to the etiology of retinal degenerative disease is essential in the development of a viable therapeutic approach to slowing the progression of that degeneration,” she says. “Luckily, this work has been continuously funded for almost 20 years.” Dr. Boesze-Battaglia, who holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from SUNY at Buffalo, was on the faculty of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey for 10 years before coming to Penn Dental Medicine. “Our work specifically focuses on understanding why the chemical processes of retinal cells, including lysosome maturation, phagocytosis, and autophagy (a cell’s defensive processes) go awry and contribute to the degenerative phenotype,” she says. “Defects in these pathways not only contribute to retinal degenerative disease, but are also linked to several neurodegenerative phenotypes, an area we are expanding into.” penn dental journal: spring 2011 7
Different Scientific Approaches; One Goal
Her research holds promise of therapeutic potential; testing is underway to determine if a protein regulator of lysosome maturation can halt the progression of retinal disease by decreasing the accumulation of toxic lipids within the cell. Applying Physiology. One floor away from the BoeszeBattaglia lab, a newer recruit – Dr. Claire Mitchell, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology — is taking a different approach to eye disease and blindness. She investigates how healthy retinal cells carry out their chemical and physical functions and uses these mechanisms to repair the cells in pathological situations. “As a cell physiologist, the ‘how’ question drives my research forward; how do the processes work in a healthy cell, how are the sequences of pathological events connected,” explains Dr. Mitchell, who joined the School’s Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology in September 2009. Dr. Mitchell, who holds a Ph.D. in physiology from University College London, came from the Physiology Department of Penn’s School of Medicine, where for 11 years she developed her independent lab and where she holds a
“By interacting with my colleagues I have expanded my research interest into understanding how pathogenic bacteria, specifically perio-pathogens, are internalized, persist, and survive.” Dr. Kathleen Boesze-Battaglia 8
secondary appointment. The cause and effect of cellular strain is of great interest to Dr. Mitchell and here at Penn Dental Medicine she is investigating two areas: the consequences of strain on neurons, and how to acidify lysosomal pH in aging retinal cells. “We are testing different drugs to determine if we can lessen a cell’s normal inflammatory response to strain, thereby reducing the damage that strain does to neurons. While this work has direct application for glaucoma, we are working on a general level so that the mechanisms we are identifying may apply to cells throughout the whole body,” she says. “In the lysosomal research, we are investigating ways to restore the acidity to lysosomes so that waste material in a cell can be disposed of properly, thus alleviating cell inflammation and improving ocular health.” Collaborative Infrastructure. Both researchers agree that the collaborative environment at Penn Dental Medicine and throughout the University creates a fertile ground for research. “Collaborating here at Penn is incredibly easy – we all really want to help each other,” says Dr. Boesze-Battaglia. “I have been able to share my area of study with many other researchers at Penn Dental Medicine and across campus and benefit from their expertise as well. What keeps me here at Penn is the collegiality and intellectual and technical infrastructure of the University. You just can’t find or recreate everything Penn offers anywhere else.” Through her nine-year tenure with the School, Dr. Boesze-Battaglia has built strong collaborations with fellow investigators that have bolstered the School’s scholarship and led to new projects and funding. “By interacting with my colleagues I have expanded my research interest into understanding how pathogenic bacteria, specifically periopathogens, are internalized, persist, and survive,” says Dr. Boesze-Battaglia. Among her collaborative activities are studies with Drs. Edward Lally and Bruce Shenker, both Professors of Pathology, on understanding how toxins released by perio-pathogens lead to disease. “Our collaboration has helped us understand pathogenesis of periodontal infection that we have used to develop a new project in our lab looking at mechanisms of subversion of immune response,” says Dr. Boesze-Battaglia. Entering on the path of her colleague, Dr. Mitchell notes that she found the strength of the researchers within Penn Dental Medicine especially attractive in deciding to make a move across campus. “I moved here from the School of
Different Scientific Approaches; One Goal
“... the role of inflammation is increasingly recognized as important in both systems [oral and ocular]. So there is much to be learned and shared that can help advance our understanding across disease applications.” Dr. Claire Mitchell
Medicine because of the wonderful opportunities to work with top-rate researchers and to have the chance to strengthen my understanding of inflammatory processes and biomechanical forces,” she explains. “I really enjoy being one floor away from Kathy with frequent opportunities to bounce ideas off of one another.” One of Dr. Mitchell’s current collaborative projects is with Dr. Edward Macarak, Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Penn Dental Medicine. “Collaborating with Ed has really advanced my work on mechanosensitive processes in neurons,” she says. “As an engineer, he understands these forces at a deep level and has helped us understand how the mechanical strains on cells can activate processes that lead to the release of neurotransmitters and inflammatory signals.” By working together and with other researchers at Penn Dental Medicine, Drs. Boesze-Battaglia and Mitchell are forming a hypothesis that suggests that early stage macular
degeneration is a dysfunction of lysosomes. “This begins a cascade effect that results in damage down the line,” says Dr. Mitchell. “By targeting the lysosomes, we hope to be able to prevent that damage.” “Looking at degenerative eye disease and blindness from different angles and working together to find the answers, we leverage the collective knowledge and experience of scientists who all believe that basic science drives mechanisms that drive therapy,” says Dr. Boesze-Battaglia. “While we are focused on helping prevent the loss of sight encountered in genetic and age-related eye disease, I believe our work has much broader implications,” adds Dr. Mitchell. “Cellular processes are fundamental to all human health. There are many similarities in oral and ocular systems, and the role of inflammation is increasingly recognized as important in both systems. So there is much to be learned and shared that can help advance our understanding across disease applications. ” Encouraging New Researchers. Sharing their work and research perspective with students drives both Drs. Mitchell and Boesze-Battaglia as well. Each serve as preceptors in the School’s Summer Student Research Program, which gives students hands-on experience in basic and clinical science research, and Dr. Boesze-Battaglia oversees the research honors component of a new student honors program she helped to launch this academic year. This competitive opportunity enables students to form mentor relationships and plan, implement, and execute a hypothesis-driven research project over a span of one to two years. “The real joy of the job is encouraging students to ask their own questions, then see them try their own ideas and look at the outcomes,” says Dr. Mitchell, who also co-coordinates the research seminar series at the School, which is open to students, faculty, and researchers throughout the campus. “One of the best things I can do is inspire students who have an interest in research to pursue that work and develop their sense of intellectual curiosity,” adds Dr. Boesze-Battaglia. “Being a scientist isn’t a job. It’s a way of thinking.” PDJ
penn dental journal: spring 2011 9
by juliana delany
“My Master’s class professors are excited to have dental students in their classes. We bring a unique perspective and challenging opinions. The professors encourage us to incorporate dental school themes into the majority of our projects and papers.” MAUREEN KUHTA (D ’12), DUAL-DEGREE IN EDUCATION
iguel Padilla-Hernandez (D ‘13) views the practice of dentistry as an opportunity to be a part of something larger – a global health care community with a mandate to make the world a better place. He believes that with membership in this community comes responsibility: for educating others, advocating for the medically underrepresented, and taking an active role in creating policies that improve access to health care worldwide. To achieve these ambitious and inspirational goals, Miguel is earning two degrees simultaneously: a DMD from Penn Dental Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health from Penn’s School of Medicine. Miguel is one of a small but growing number of dualdegree students at Penn Dental Medicine who are choosing a longer, more demanding course of study in order to customize their education and pursue a highly specialized career. The School currently offers four dual-degree options: the MS in Public Health, the MS in Education, the MS in Bioethics, and its newest dual-degree program, the MS 10 features
in Bioengineering. Each program allows students to blend a full dental school experience with another professional specialty. The result: A broader perspective on dentistry as well as a distinctive career niche in the dental marketplace. AN IDEAL ENVIRONMENT FOR INTERPROFESSIONAL STUDY
Interdisciplinary study is a cornerstone of education at the University of Pennsylvania, and thus, at Penn Dental Medicine as well — one of the few dental schools in the nation to offer four dual-degree programs. “We are in a unique position to offer our students a superior array of programs,” says Dr. Uri Hangorsky, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. “Unlike many other urban universities, Penn’s professional schools are all located on the same campus, making it an ideal environment for dental students to take advantage of what the other schools have to offer.”
Customizing a Dental Education
In addition to the dual-degree programs, Dr. Hangorsky notes that the School is also working on the development of interdisciplinary/interprofessional enhancements to the educational curriculum through elective courses being planned with the School of Nursing and School of Veterinary Medicine. “While we are initiating this course development with the Nursing and Vet schools,” says Dr. Hangorsky, “there is in fact also a University-driven initiative underway to see how we can combine our teaching resources and enhance each others’ educational programs.” At a time when institutions of higher education around the world are recognizing and promoting the value of interprofessional education, Penn Dental Medicine is truly at the forefront of the trend. Through dual-degree programs, students are able to tailor their dental education to take on a specific role in research, consulting, education, or government when they graduate, a strategy that can set them apart and maximize their career options. For example, a graduate of the new dual-degree program in Bioengineering will be well prepared to work in research and development for a manufacturer of dental biomaterials, while an alumna with a degree in Bioethics might go on to serve on the ethics committee of a hospital. A dentist who also holds a degree in Education will be perfectly situated for a teaching or administrative post in a dental school, while a Public Health
student like Miguel could go on to work in city, state, or federal government as a policy maker or as a director of a community health clinic. A PASSION FOR LEARNING
Although careers like these are the goal of many dual-degree students, others plan to enter traditional practice, taking on the challenge of a dual-degree purely to satisfy an intellectual curiosity about a subject in which they have always been interested. Either way, says Caryn Stivelman, Director of Academic Affairs, dual-degree students have one thing in common: a passion for learning. “A dual-degree student is usually looking for an outlet for that passion, a dialogue with others who share that specific interest,” she says. “Our dualdegree students hold a distinctive place at the School because of their special knowledge. They are often asked questions about their area of study and drawn into discussion and debates by other students, which enriches the environment for us all.” A HIGHLY COLLABORATIVE PROCESS
All of the dual-degree programs offered through Penn Dental Medicine are less than a decade old, with the oldest, the Master’s in Education, dating to 2001. The Master’s in Bioethics was first offered in 2004, followed by the Master’s in Public Health in 2008. This year, the Office of Academic
“I face ethical dilemmas every day in dental school. My dual-degree training helps me analyze situations and arrive at an ethical decision that is amenable both to the patient and to the practice of dental medicine.” RAY SHUPAK (D’11), DUAL-DEGREE IN BIOETHICS
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Customizing a Dental Education
“The program keeps me extra busy, but the benefit is that I know I am receiving a wonderfully well-rounded education by pursuing these two career interests of mine at the same time.” LAUREN KATZEL (D’12), DUAL-DEGREE IN PUBLIC HEALTH
Affairs proudly introduced the dual-degree program in Bioengineering, one of the first of its kind and already a source of great student interest. Each of these programs was developed in response to a specific need in the professional community for dentists with a customized background, and Dr. Hangorsky adds that there are “ongoing efforts to expand the dual-degree offerings even further with other professional School’s at Penn.” All of the programs were created through a similar, highly collaborative process: after determining a need for and interest in the program, the Office of Academic Affairs met with its counterpart at the appropriate sister school and began to design a combined course of study. The partner schools analyzed their own curricula and each other’s, looking for holes and overlap, and investigating where dual credit might be given. Both schools then utilized the most stringent criteria in creating a program that meets the academic standards of the University of Pennsylvania. Dual-degree students find that the interdisciplinary nature of the programs enhances both curricula, and that the sum equals even more than its parts. “My Master’s class professors are excited to have dental students in their classes. We bring a unique perspective and challenging opinions,” says Maureen Kuhta (D ’12), a student in the dual-degree program in Education, who plans a career in both practice and teaching. “The professors encourage us to incorporate dental school themes into the majority of our projects and papers.”
12 features
Miguel Padilla-Hernandez has found connections in his classes from each side of his dual-degree program in Public Health that have helped him better understand both areas. For example, “In my Community Oral Health class, we were presented with clinical evidence promoting the use of sealants for young children to prevent decay,” he remembers. “Later on that evening, in my Master’s of Public Health class, I learned the techniques and procedures involved in research studies for dental sealants,” bringing him full circle in his exploration of the topic. Ray Shupak (D ‘11), a student in the dual-degree program in Bioethics, who hopes to pursue a career that combines surgery with medical ethics, has experienced far-reaching benefits from his program that he believes affect the way he practices dentistry. “I face ethical dilemmas every day in dental school,” he says. “My dual-degree training helps me analyze situations and arrive at an ethical decision that is amenable both to the patient and to the practice of dental medicine.” A RIGOROUS REVIEW PROCESS, AN INTENSIFIED SCHEDULE
Students are offered the chance to apply to a dual-degree program in their second year of dental school, after they have established themselves as capable, creative, and well-rounded students, who can multi-task and organize their time — all necessary qualities for the four dual-degree programs. Applicants must write an essay detailing their interest in the program and the reasons they feel they will make an ideal candidate. A faculty committee assembled by the Office of Academic Affairs reviews each application carefully.
Customizing a Dental Education
“We are looking for students with a GPA of at least 3.0 and good time-management skills,” says Dr. Hangorsky. “We want to feel confident that they will be successful in the rigorous demands of a dual-degree program.” Once that level of confidence is achieved, the Office of Academic Affairs sends a letter of application to the appropriate sister school at Penn requesting that the candidate be admitted into the master’s program. In addition to carrying out the same clinical and class schedules as their counterparts in the traditional DMD program, dual-degree students must complete about 14 master’s courses in their partner program to earn the accompanying degree. They must also complete a senior project, such as a thesis or capstone project, in that degree program. Dualdegree students take classes for their second degree in the evenings, on weekends, and during summers. They are able to complete two degrees in four to five years, depending on the program. Currently, there are a total of 12 students enrolled within the School’s four dual-degree programs. For those students accepted into a dual-degree program, Penn Dental Medicine funds the cost of the degree, with eight slots available each year. This year, the dual-degree program in Public Health received a boost in scholarship funds through a federal grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), which will support two additional students in the program. “The goal of HRSA is to
expand access to health care and build a strong health care workforce,” says Dr. Joan Gluch, Director of Community Health, Principal Investigator for the HRSA grant. “By funding students during their training, HRSA ensures that there are a sufficient number of dental graduates who understand public health issues and increase access to care”. “A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY”
While the intense schedule and organizational challenges of a dual-degree program are not for everyone, Ray Shupak says he jumped at the chance to earn two degrees during his dental school education. “I took a course in biomedical ethics in college and became fascinated with the subject,” says Ray, who, like his fellow dual-degree students, will receive two separate diplomas when he graduates. “Pursuing a dualdegree program provided me with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to combine two of my interests into four years of study. I couldn’t imagine not taking advantage of it!” Lauren Katzel (D’12), a dual-degree student in Public Health, concurs. “The program keeps me extra busy, but the benefit is that I know I am receiving a wonderfully well-rounded education by pursuing these two career interests of mine at the same time.” PDJ
AN INTERPROFESSIONAL EDGE: DUAL-DEGREE PROGRAMS AT PENN DENTAL MEDICINE In keeping with its belief in the value of interdisciplinary and interprofessional education, Penn Dental Medicine now offers the following four dual-degree programs with others being explored. MASTER’S IN BIOENGINEERING (with the School of Engineering) Students in this program will take courses such as Engineering Entrepreneurship, Engineering Economics, and Medical Radiation, and can look forward to working in fields such as industry, medicine, academia, or other fields related to biomedical technology. MASTER’S IN BIOETHICS (with the School of Medicine) The degree requires intensive coursework in Conceptual Foundations in Bioethics, Mediation, Research Ethics, Ethical and Legal Issues, and Cultural Competency in Medicine and Bioethics. Graduates may go on to pursue positions on ethical committees in hospitals and in regulatory affairs.
MASTER’S IN EDUCATION (with the School of Education) Students take a full complement of education courses including Contemporary Issues in Higher Education, Access and Choice in American Higher Education, Faculty and Academic Governance, and Student Development in College Environments, and are well prepared upon graduation for positions in dental school education and/or administration. MASTER’S IN PUBLIC HEALTH (with the School of Medicine) Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Policy, Ethics, and Law are a few of the courses required of students working toward this dual degree, which will provide the background and skills they need for positions in community oral health and public health.
penn dental journal: spring 2011 13
SCHOOL DEVELOPS 10-YEAR MASTER PLAN Defining Facilities Needs, Setting Priorities by beth adams
With a focus
on advancing its mission of excellence in education, research, and patient care, Penn Dental Medicine has undertaken a strategic review of its facilities, completing an extensive space study, and through it, developing a 10-year master plan for building renovations and campus improvements. “In order to continue to attract top students and faculty, we need our key clinic, research, and teaching spaces to meet the expectations of an institution of our stature,” says Dr. Denis Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine “This plan defines how we can achieve this and defines a clear strategy for phased building improvements.” Developed over a six-month period, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the existing use and condition of space throughout the School, assess space needs, evaluate alternative concepts, and define the optimum space program for the School’s facilities for the next 10 years. A design team of architects and engineers led by the architectural firm of Buell Kratzer Powell completed the study in consult with a Steering Committee of key Penn Dental Medicine administrators and Penn’s Office of Facilities and Real Estate Services. Generating input from the entire Penn Dental Medicine community was a priority as well with interviews and surveys conducted of faculty, staff, and students on facilities needs. The research findings and needs analysis defined five key program priorities through the facilities improvements: improve the student experience, select projects that fulfill the School’s mission and generate revenue, revitalize research, maximize the availability of clinical procedures for teaching, and improve way finding through the School. The resulting 10-year master plan, completed in November, groups a series of 15 proposed capital projects into five coherent phases. Phase One contains enabling projects for Phases Two and Three; while the projects in Phases Four and Five can be done in any sequence as funding becomes available.
14 features
“The strategic phasing utilized enables the School to maintain clinical, teaching, and research operations throughout the renovation period, and provides flexibility to complete projects as funding opportunities and priorities dictate,” notes Dean Kinane. PHASE ONE – Establishes a new predoctoral restorative teaching clinic in the lower concourse of the Evans Building, creates a new preclinical GRD lab on the third floor of the Evans Building that can function as a combined teaching facility and training center for continuing education, renovates and expands the Endodontic Clinic, and creates new study spaces within the School’s Library. PHASE TWO – Renovates the historic Main Clinic and updates and redesigns the School research labs/facilities with floor-by-floor renovations of the Levy Building. PHASE THREE – Establishes the Winter Garden and renovates the connecting lobby of the Levy Building, effectively bringing together clinical and research faculty for the first time. The Winter Garden is an extension of the Robert Schattner Center atrium that will provide a weather-protected public space for gathering and a visible physical link to the Levy Building. PHASE FOUR – Includes options for adding new spaces for teaching and meeting either on the lower concourse of the Evans Building with a Theater-in-the-Round, the first floor of the Levy Building with the Levy Conference Center, or the All-Campus Meeting Room on the second floor of Evans. All of these classroom options are also designed to improve the School’s ability to accommodate visitors, events, and seminars. PHASE FIVE – Renovates an existing student lounge on the first floor of the Evans Building and an adjacent courtyard – a project that can be done at any time to enhance student amenities.
PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS ENDODONTIC CLINIC RENOVATION – PHASE ONE Creating a new state-of-the-art Endodontic Clinic will reflect the state-of-the-art clinical instruction, research, and patient care that are the hallmarks of the Penn Dental Medicine endodontic program. Remaining on the second floor of the Evans Building, the Endodontic Clinic will be transformed into a modern clinic environment for optimum patient care and education. Expanding into adjoining space, the new clinic will: • Increase the number of patients and students served — growing to include 23 chairs, two surgical suites, and a consultation room. • Improve patient privacy with modular operatories that feature an operating microscope at each chair and computer monitors for accessing digital radiographs and patient records. • Streamline patient flow with a new handicapped-accessible reception room. Naming Opportunities Endodontic Clinic Surgical Suites Operatories Reception Room Consultation Room LOWER CONCOURSE CLINIC – PHASE ONE The Lower Concourse Clinic, to be situated on the lower concourse of the Evans Building, replaces two existing predoctoral restorative teaching clinics (Paletz and Myers clinics) and will provide a total of 59 dental operatories within a single space. This new facility will improve teaching efficiencies and provide needed swing space for subsequent phases of the master plan. The entry to this new space will be on the north side, allowing for a patient waiting area directly accessible from the lower level corridor and elevators in the Robert Schattner Center. The waiting area will also be bathed in natural light from an existing wall of windows that offer a view of the rock garden within the Robert Schattner Center courtyard.
Top and middle: The new Endodontic Clinic; expanding into adjoining space (top) the clinic will feature 23 chairs. Bottom: The waiting area of the new Lower Concourse Clinic.
Naming Opportunities Clinic Operatories
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On Campus news
School Names Three New Members to Board of Overseers
Penn Dental Medicine announces the appointment of three new members to its Board of Overseers – Robert Zou, Dr. Stephen Olitsky, and Patrik Eriksson. All three appointments are for three-year renewable terms with Zou and Olitsky officially approved by the University of Pennsylvania’s Board of Trustees at its October meeting and Eriksson at the Board’s February meeting. Robert Zou is the Founder and CEO of Arrail Dental Group, one of the largest private dental groups in China. Arrail launched its first dental clinic in Robert Zou Beijing in 1999, and today, Arrail Dental has 15 clinics in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Xiamen. Prior to founding Arrail Dental Group, Zou spent more than 14 years with SmithKline Beecham, Bankers Trust, and A.T. Kearney in China, Hong Kong, and the United States. Zou is a 1994 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and has served as Chairman of the Wharton Club of Beijing, co-chairing the June 2009 Wharton Global Alumni Forum. He is also a member of the Wharton Executive Board for Asia. Zou forged a relationship with Penn Dental Medicine through a faculty/staff exchange program between Arrail and the School, and in his role on the Board, he hopes to help support the expansion of Penn Dental Medicine’s continuing education offerings in Asia.
16 on campus: news
Dr. Stephen Olitsky, who serves as a Clinical Associate in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, has been part of the Penn Dental Medicine faculty Dr. Stephen Olitsky since 2007. Olitsky earned his DMD from Temple University’s School of Dentistry in 1990 and is also a graduate of Germantown Academy and Franklin and Marshal College, where he majored in both studio art and biology. He practiced general dentistry from 1990 through 2010, running a successful private practice in Montgomery County, Pa., and stepped away from active practice in 2010 to focus on his interests in teaching and philanthropy. Olitsky is the co-director of The Olitsky Family Foundation; a member of the board of Franklin’s Paine Park Fund, a nonprofit building skate parks throughout Philadelphia; and is also active with a number of other Philadelphia nonprofits. In addition, he was recently named Dental Director of the State of Pennsylvania for Dentaquest, a national dental benefits administrator, and is a co-owner of Rayskin LLC, a manufacturer of custom surfboards, snowboards, and skateboards. Since May 2006, Patrik Eriksson has served as President and CEO of PracticeWorks Patrik Eriksson Systems, LLC, the exclusive maker of KODAK Dental Systems. In this capacity, he is responsible for providing the vision and leadership for PracticeWorks.
Eriksson joined PracticeWorks in 1995, serving as the General Manager of European Operations for PracticeWorks International in Stockholm, Sweden, from 2000 - 2003, and as the Vice President of International PracticeWorks in Stockholm from 2003 – 2006. Prior to his tenure at PracticeWorks, Eriksson worked in IT consulting and the entertainment industry. He holds a Master of Science in Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, one of Northern Europe’s leading business schools. “Patrik, Stephen and Robert all bring diverse experiences to the Board,” says Dr. Denis Kinane, Penn Dental Medicine’s Morton Amsterdam Dean. “Their unique perspectives on dentistry and business practices will be invaluable to us going forward.” The 17-member Board of Overseers provides volunteer leadership to the School and acts as an advisory resource for the Dean and other administrative leaders, stewarding the missions of both Penn Dental Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania. Special Program Turns Students’ Focus to Career Planning
This January, when graduation may have felt like a far off goal, Penn Dental Medicine turned students’ focus to career planning with its inaugural Career and Professional Development Week, held January 13 21. The program, opened to all DMD and postdoctoral students, highlighted the different aspects associated with comprehensive career planning and how to explore and maximize opportunities available to dental graduates.
“Our goal was to present a multifaceted program that provided specific strategies and practical guidance,” says Susan Schwartz, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, who together with Regula Randolph in the Office of Student Affairs organized the program. “The week-long event was devoted to helping our students understand the range of employment opportunities available and the various components of a successful job search.” The week’s program featured presentations and workshops on CV writing, employment of international students, understanding employment contracts, career opportunities in military dentistry, and student debt and loan repayment. Other popular sessions included mock interviews coordinated by Dr. Barry Moskowitz, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, and conducted by the office manager of a busy dental practice, as well as an alumni panel led by Dr. Keith Libou (D’84), President of the Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society Executive Committee and President and Director
Among the offerings to students during Career and Professional Development Week was a CV review session conducted by Caryn Stivelman, Director of Academic Affairs.
of the Gentle Dental Group. The panel discussed their career paths and the twists and turns along the way; it included Dr. Robert Collins (D’71), Clinical Professor in the Division of Community Oral Health and former Chief of the Indian Health Service; Dr. Robert Weiner (D’79), currently a prosthodontist in Princeton, N.J. and former Director of the Graduate
Postdoctoral Match Results: 85.9% of Penn Dental Medicine Applicants Match
Penn Dental Medicine students continuing on to postdoctoral study in programs that participate in the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program met with great success this year with 85.9% — 55 of the 64 applicants — accepted into programs, as of the official release dates of match results on December 1, 2010 and January 31, 2011. Following is a review of the program matches; please note, at press time, final figures were not yet available on those students applying for post-match opportunities or postdoctoral programs that do not participate in the match program, including endodontics, periodontics, and oral medicine. Total Applied
Total Matched
% Matched
Advanced Education in General Dentistry
General Practice Residency
Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Periodontics course on Dental Implants at Temple University; Dr. Dean Sophocles (D’87), Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences and private practitioner; Dr. Tara Sexton (D’88), practicing cosmetic dentistry and a member of the Dean’s Council; Dr. Daniel Kubikian (D’01, DPH ’05), Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Periodontics and private practitioner in New Jersey; and Gautam Govitrikar (D’07), a member of the Alumni Society Executive Committee and private practitioner. The Career and Professional Development Day, held on January 20, brought representatives from a range of companies and organizations to the School for an afternoon, showcasing career opportunities within dental practice, research, and academics. Students could also have their CVs reviewed and critiqued by Penn Dental Medicine administrators and faculty. “We had great support and involvement of the School’s faculty, staff, and alumni that ensured the program’s success,” notes Schwartz. “We look forward to making this an annual event.”
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Penn Dental Medicine Hosts Global Symposium in Germany
Penn Dental Medicine has alumni in over 30 countries all over the world,” In January, Penn Dental Medicine says Dr. Syngcuk Kim, Chair of the hosted its third international endodon- Department of Endodontics and Associate tics symposium — the 2011 Penn Endo Dean for Global Affairs, who organized Global Symposium: Philosophy and the symposium. “The Penn Endo Global Practice — in Nuremberg, Germany. Symposia are our contribution to allow Held January 28 and 29, the event drew general dentists and endodontists worldapproximately 300 attendees from wide to gain access to the advanced throughout Europe. scientific concepts of Penn Dental Medicine that translate biological principles into daily endodontic practice.” The January 28 program presentations included Dean Kinane on “Biofilm in Dental Diseases;” Dr. Kim on “Pulp Biology – The Pulp in Health and Inflammation: A Clinical Perspective;” Dr. Martin Trope, Director of Postdoctoral The 2011 Penn Endo Global Symposium held in Nuremberg, Germany Endodontics at Penn in January drew approximately 300 attendees from throughout Europe. Dental Medicine on Another symposium is planned for Greece in June 2011 and for Poland in December 2011. “Treatment of Apical Along with Dr. Denis Kinane, Periodontitis — Biological Principles of Penn Dental Medicine’s Morton Amster- Endodontic Therapy;” Dr. Gilberto dam Dean,the presenters included Debelian, Associate Professor of EndoPenn Dental Medicine faculty and alumni dontics at the University of Oslo, Norway, of the School’s postdoctoral endodontics on “Revision Instrumentation and program and the Department of Obturation — Clinical Strategies for Preventive and Restorative Sciences. Microbial Control in Primary Treatment “The Department of Endodontics at and Retreatment;” and Dr. Markus
Blatz, Professor and Chair of the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at Penn Dental Medicine on “Restorative Options for the Endodontically Treated Tooth.” The second day included a morning presentation by Dr. Kim; Dr. Samuel Kratchman, Associate Clinical Professor of Endodontics at Penn Dental Medicine; and Dr. Francesco Maggiore of Aschaffenburg, Germany, Visiting Professor at the University of Ancona School of Dental Medicine, Italy, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Endodontics at Penn Dental Medicine, on “Surgical Retreatment: Endodontic Microsurgery — Why, When and How: Etiology and Decision Making and Techniques and Materials.” Concluding the day’s program was Dr. Helmut Walsch of Munich, Germany, an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Endodontics at Penn Dental Medicine, speaking on “When is an Implant Better than a Tooth? – Limitations vs. Advances and New Techniques in Endodontics;” and Dr. Frank Setzer, Assistant Postgraduate Program Director of Endodontics at Penn Dental Medicine on “Revascularization, Tissue Engineering and Pulp Regeneration.” Penn Dental Medicine launched its global symposia in March 2010 with one in Taipei, Taiwan, March 13 – 14, 2010 and one in Seoul, Korea, March 20 – 21, 210. Another Global Penn Endo Gets New Look, Enhanced Content
Penn Dental Medicine started the new year with a new face to the world, launching a redesign to the School’s website – – in late December. Along with a new graphic look, the content structure has been reorganized for enhanced usability and new content has been added, from student profiles to a central calendar of events for a quick overview of School and alumni activities on campus and throughout the country. You will also now find Penn Dental Medicine on Facebook and LinkedIn– another way to stay connected to news from the School. Explore the new site at – and a reminder to alumni – while there, take a minute to share your news with the School and fellow alumni by submitting a Class Note for inclusion in the next issue of the Penn Dental Journal. Web Design: Dyad Communications
18 on campus: news
Symposium is slated for Greece in June 2011 and in Poland in December 2011; plans for 2012 are underway for symposia in Japan, Brazil, and China. “Our future plans are to expand the nature of the symposia to incorporate presenters from the School’s biological science departments in addition to the clinical sciences,” notes Dr. Kim, “which will enable us to spotlight the comprehensive nature of the School’s scholarship across disciplines.” Students, Faculty Share in Treatment Planning Lessons
Penn Dental Medicine faculty members, DMD students, and postdoctoral residents are coming together to build their treatment planning skills through a new forum for case study discussions launched this academic year. “The idea is to have interdepartmental treatment planning sessions with a focus on open discussion of the cases – looking at the various alternatives, the treatment planning process, and the ultimate approach taken,” explains Dr. Syngcuk Kim, Chairman of the Department of Endodontics, who is working with the Chairs of the Departments of Preventive and Restorative Sciences and Periodontics, Drs. Markus Blatz and Joseph Fiorellini, respectively, to put these sessions together. To date, sessions have been held with restorative and endodontic cases and the next will be on periodontics. The goal is to have them grow to be held on a regular basis throughout the year. Two or three cases are presented at each session, and by bringing together students and faculty, it generates a lively discussion that is a valuable learning experience for all. The sessions are open to all students and full- and part-time faculty, and while attendance is not mandatory, Dr. Blatz sees them becoming another means of supporting faculty calibration and standardization. “By discussing the decisions that were ultimately made with these cases,” he says, “we are reinforcing more uniform practices throughout our teaching clinics.”
Commencement 2011
Date/Time: Monday, May 16, 2011, 1 p.m. Location: Irvine Auditorium, 3401 Spruce Street; a reception following the ceremony will be held in the Henry Schein Atrium of School’s Robert Schattner Center and the adjoining gardens, 240 S. 40th Street. Speaker: Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Henry Schein, Inc., Melville, N.Y. Presenting the keynote address at Penn Dental Medicine’s 133rd commencement will be Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Henry Schein, Inc. A Fortune 500® Company and member of the NASDAQ 100® Index, Henry Schein is reportedly the largest provider of health care products and services to office-based practitioners, with more than 14,000 employees and operations or affiliations in 25 countries. Henry Schein has a decades-long commitment to corporate social responsibility, which Bergman formalized with the creation of Henry Schein Cares and the Henry Schein Cares Foundation. Under Bergman’s leadership, Henry Schein Cares has made significant contributions to, and in support of, oral health and oral health education around the world. Henry Schein Cares supports a wide range of global health activities designed to enhance access to care among underserved populations through wellness, treatment and prevention; strengthen disaster preparedness and response; and increase health care capacity. Henry Schein Cares also works to enhance the infrastructure of professional schools, promoting centers that highlight the latest technologies, convening health professionals to advance their skills, and promoting health care diplomacy. Over the past decade, under Bergman’s leadership, Henry Schein Cares has provided over $18 million of support to programs and initiatives across the country and around the world. A native of South Africa, Bergman holds numerous leadership positions within a variety of nonprofit organizations, including serving on the Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers, on the Board of Directors of the Forsythe Institute and the Metropolitan Opera, and as Chair of the American Jewish Committee’s Board of Governors. Bergman and his wife, Marion, co-founded the Africa Institute of the American Jewish Committee.
Dean’s Council: New Advisory Board Taking Fresh Look at CDE
Penn Dental Medicine has established a new advisory board — the Dean’s Council — which convened for the first time in October of 2010. This new group will work in an advisory capacity on key topic areas defined by Dr. Denis Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine, lending their expertise to support targeted issues for growth and development within the School.
Chaired by Dr. Martin Levin (D’72, GD’74), the other Council members include Dr. Robert Brody (D’80, D’84), Dr. Joseph Gian-Grasso (C’67, D’71), Mr. Glenn Oxner, Dr. Louis Rossman (D’75, GD’77), and Dr. Tara Sexton (D’88). With its formation, the Council was first asked to work on helping Penn Dental Medicine re-imagine its continuing education program. Quickly taking up that task, the Council is examining other programs and researching the penn dental journal: spring 2011 19
continuing education needs and goals of alumni and other stakeholders. To date, they have held a series of meetings that have brought together experts from Penn Dental Medicine, Wharton, Penn’s central Office of Development and Alumni Relations, and the Dental Tribune Study Club to look at successful components of other programs and begin discussions on new directions for the Penn Dental Medicine continuing education program. “At Penn Dental Medicine, we are reexamining our role in the continuing education arena. Our goal is to provide lifelong learning opportunities in support of the University’s mission of local, national, and international engagement, taking advantage of our preeminent faculty to provide innovative academic and practical courses,” says Levin. Looking to the future, the Dean’s Council is exploring not only what clinicians want within continuing education offerings, but also looking at pending legislative changes that may greatly restrict industry in its ability to host continuing education courses. The Council recently sent a survey to all Penn Dental Medicine alumni to gain feedback on what they want to see in continuing education. Additionally, stakeholders in industry, business, and the general dental public will also be surveyed to help guide the future direction of the School’s programs. “Anecdotally, we have heard that clinicians would like more hands-on courses that can be applied immediately to help improve treatment outcomes,” adds Levin. “In support of Dean Kinane’s vision for continuing education, and the past successes under Dr. Elliot Hersh’s leadership, we intend to expand the program in new directions.” Levin notes that he also anticipates such future offerings as on-line courses and special combined programs with other Penn departments and organizations as part of the Penn Dental Medicine program. “There will be benefits for newly graduated alumni as well,” adds Levin. “We want to foster our young alumni and give them benefits for having attended one of the best dental schools in the country.” 20 on campus: news
Alumni Weekend May 13-15, 2011 Alumni Weekend is the time to connect with friends old and new. Whether you graduated one, five or 50 years ago, we hope that you will come celebrate with us and reconnect with Penn Dental Medicine! Alumni Weekend 2011 is May 13-15, and will celebrate the reunions for classes ending in “1” and “6.” Some of this year’s exciting activities include: • Continuing Education Program — “Oral Health Product Recommendations:
Their Evidence, Your Decision!” Sponsored by the Dental Hygiene Alumni Association. • “Why Rationing is Inevitable in Health Care and How It Should be Done” featuring
renowned bioethicist, Arthur Caplan, the Emmanuel and Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics, Chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the Goldin Lecture Series. • Student-Led Dental School Tours • Alumni Society Breakfast & State of the School Address — Join Dean Denis
Kinane for breakfast to hear about the School’s future plans that will renovate such areas as the GRD lab and will advance the School's research standings. • Educational Program — “Storytelling as a Marketing Strategy – Creating and
Leveraging Your Story” • Alumni Picnic • Reunion Class Dinners — Held at the Union League of Philadelphia!
For more information and the complete schedule of events, to see who’s coming, or to register, visit the Alumni Weekend web site
We look forward to welcoming you back!
On Campus people
Sarah Burton Named Director of Annual Giving, Alumni Relations
Students Named to Matthew Cryer Honor Society
Sarah Burton has been named Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations in the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at Penn Dental Medicine. Her appointment was effective November 15, 2010. In this position, Burton is responsible for managing the annual giving and alumni relations programs at the School, with emphasis on Alumni Weekend and devSarah Burton eloping new alumni engagement opportunities. As part of the School’s development program, she will also serve to enhance Penn Dental Medicine’s overall external affairs. Burton comes to Penn Dental Medicine from Cornell University, where she spent five and a half years in Alumni Affairs and Development, most recently serving as the Associate Director of Regional Programs. Prior to that, she held positions within the Cornell Annual Fund and Cornell Law School Annual Fund. Throughout her tenure at Cornell, Burton successfully led annual giving campaign efforts and volunteer programs, as well as facilitated high-level strategic events to engage alumni in the life of the university. “In this role, I look forward to indentifying unique opportunities to strengthen Penn Dental Medicine’s ties with our alumni and further build upon the traditions that make the School a leader in dental medicine,” she says. Burton holds a BS in Public Relations from West Virginia University and brings a wealth of alumni relations and annual giving experience to the School.
Students from the Class of 2012 have been recognized for their outstanding academic achievements as the newest inductees into the Matthew Cryer Honor Society. Membership in the Cryer Society is the highest scholastic honor conferred to Penn Dental Medicine students. The award is presented to the top 10 highest-ranked DMD candidates in each class at the completion of their second year (as determined by the general order of merit). Established in 1912, the Cryer Society honors the legacy of Dr. Matthew Cryer, a distinguished Professor of Oral Surgery, researcher, and clinician. The Society’s main functions are to acknowledge and honor academic achievements, while serving as a body of reference and resource to new students entering the School. This year’s inductees include Laura M. Barunas, Marni P. Glick, Ashley E. Gonsky, Alyssa R. Nielubowicz, Brad R. Pieszala, Michael D. Segall, In Hee Song, Chad A. Speirs, Kelly Weikert, and Joseph Yang. Dr. Andres Pinto Appointed to Editorial Board of OOOOE
Dr. Andres Pinto, Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine at Penn Dental Medicine, has been appointed to the editorial board of the Oral Medicine section of Oral Dr. Andres Pinto Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology (OOOOE). His appointment was effective January 1, 2011. Published by Elsevier, OOOOE is the only major dental journal that pro-
vides a complete overview of the medical and surgical techniques of dental practice in five areas and is the official publication for five societies. Topics covered range from such issues as dental implants and treatment of HIV-infected patients to evaluation and treatment of TMJ disorders. “Dr. Pinto was invited to join the board because of his expertise, knowledge, and willingness to serve the profession” said Craig S. Miller, DMD, MS, Editor of the Oral Medicine section of OOOOE, on Dr. Pinto’s appointment. The editorial board includes leading clinicians and educators from around the world. Students Become National Health Service Corps Scholars
Two Penn Dental Medicine students — Ngozi Okoh (D'12) and Asha Patel (D'13) — received National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarships for the 2010-2011 academic year. This competitive program open to students from schools of dental medicine, medicine, nursing, and physician assistant programs pays recipients’ tuition, required fees, and other education costs, tax free, for as many as four years. A total of 200 scholarships were awarded nationwide this year. Upon graduation, NHSC scholars serve one year for each year of support at an approved site in a high-need Health Professional Shortage Area. Many types of health care facilities are approved NHSC sites, including federally-supported health centers, rural health clinics, Indian Health Service clinics, public health department clinics, hospital-affiliated primary care practices, managed care networks, prisons, and U.S. Immigration, Customs & Enforcement sites.
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“Service has always been a big part of my life and upon learning what this scholarship entailed, I knew it was the perfect thing for me,” says Patel, now one of a total of 6 current NHSC scholars at Penn Dental Medicine. “For many years, I have given back to the community through various projects, and with this scholarship, I believe I will be able to embark on another stepping stone in the field of oral health care. I will be given the opportunity to not only expand and gain valuable clinical experience, I will also be able to educate those in the community about the importance of oral health care and hygiene.” The Clement C. and Sandra K. Alpert Scholarship Awarded to Second-Year Students
Second-year students Jeffrey Pace (D’13) and Matthew Ryskalczyk (D’13) were selected as recipients of the Clement C. and Sandra K. Alpert Scholarship for the 2010-2011 academic year. Penn Dental Medicine alumnus Dr. Clement Alpert (C’32, D’34) and his wife Sandra established this endowed scholarship fund to annually award financial support to second-year students who demonstrate financial need and the drive and commitment to excel. “By the second year,” says Dr. Alpert, “it’s clear whether the student is going to continue in his or her studies at the School, and it’s clear whether the student is showing strong potential.” The scholarship contributes to a portion of tuition, with Dr. Alpert’s intention to “help out as many students as we can” as the fund grows. First awarded in the 2006-07 academic year, it was given to one student the first year and to two students each subsequent year, with each student receiving a $10,000 scholarship for one year.
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Preventive Dentistry Scholars Cherissa Chong (D’12), Lauren Katzel (D’12), and Stephanie Acevedo (D’11).
Students Named ADEA/Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Preventive Dentistry Scholars
Penn Dental Medicine students Stephanie Acevedo (D’11), Cherissa Chong (D’12), and Lauren Katzel (D’12) were among 12 students nationwide selected as 2011 American Dental Education Association (ADEA)/Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Preventive Dentistry Scholars, recognized for their activities and achievements in preventive dentistry and community health and their academic excellence. The annual scholarship program awards $2,500 toward tuition and fees to recipients, who were recognized in an awards presentation held March 15 during the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition in San Diego. “We are especially pleased that three Penn Dental Medicine students were among the 12 national scholarship winners,” says Dr. Joan Gluch, Director of Community Health. “Stephanie, Lauren, and Cherissa have made substantial contributions in community health and preventive dentistry in our Philadelphia community and are well deserving of the recognition they have received.”
At Penn Dental Medicine, Acevedo and Katzel have been active with the health promotion and clinical care programs at Puentes de Salud, a clinic run by Penn’s School of Medicine to serve Mexican immigrants in south Philadelphia. Both students are officers within the student chapter of the Hispanic Dental Association and have also worked with the Mexican consulate and on a number of other projects to increase access to care for Hispanic individuals in the Philadelphia region. Chong has been active with health promotion programs at the Eliza Shirley House and the Chinatown Clinic community programs. She has also participated with the Department of Periodontics in a research project at Magee Rehabilitation. In addition, both Chong and Katzel are participating in the community honors program for the 2010-2011 academic year, which involves an in-depth community health experience of at least 120 hours.
Scholarly Activity Awards & Achievements Dr. Sherrill Adams, Professor of Biochemisty • Recipient of the Elizabeth Bingham Mentoring Award, presented by the Philadelphia chapter of the Association of Women in Science. Dr. Joseph B. Breitman, Clinical Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry • Named a Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics and a Fellow of the American College of Prosthodontists. Dr. Raul H. Figueroa, Clinical Associate of Restorative Dentistry • Named a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. Dr. Joseph Newell, Clinical Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry • Elected President of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators. Dr. Peter Quinn, Schoenleber Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery • Serving as President of the American Society of Temporomandibular Joint Surgeons; Society co-sponsored a joint meeting with the European Society of Temporomandibular Joint Surgeons (on Internal Derangements of the TMJ: Current Management) Rome, Italy, April 13 – 16. Dr. Louis Rossman, Clinical Professor of Endodontics • Recipient of the Distinguished Lecturer Award from the Turkish Association of Endodontists, presented at the EndoIstanbul 2010, September 2010.
Dr. Robert Vanarsdall, Professor and Chair of Orthodontics • Recipient of the Distinguished Service Award for recognition of outstanding commitment and meritorious contributions, presented by the E.H. Angle Society of Orthodontics, March 2011. • Elected to serve as the Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontics (MASO) representative to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Council of Scientific Affairs, effectiive May 2011.
Selected Publications A selection of recently published work by Penn Dental Medicine faculty (indicated in bold). Alawi F, Lin P. Dyskerin is required for tumor cell growth through mechanisms that are independent of its role in telomerase and only partially related to its function in precursor rRNA processing. Mol Carcinog. 2010 Dec 10. Alawi F, Lin P, Ziober B, Patel R. Correlation of dyskerin expression with active proliferation independent of telomerase. Head Neck. 2010 Dec 8. Alptekin T, Ozer F, Unlu N, Cobanoglu N, Blatz MB. In vivo and in vitro evaluations of microleakage around class I amalgam and composite restorations. Oper Dent. 2010 NOV-DEC;35(6):641-8. Arava-Parastatidis M, Alawi F, Stoopler ET. Multifocal pigmentation of the oral cavity. oral melanoacanthoma. J Am Dent Assoc. 2011 Jan;142(1):53-6. Atanasiu D, Saw WT, Cohen GH, Eisenberg RJ. Cascade of events governing cell-cell fusion induced by herpes simplex virus glycoproteins gD, gH/gL, and gB. J Virol. 2010 DEC;84(23):12292-9. Barton ER, DeMeo J, Lei H. The insulinlike growth factor (IGF)-I E-peptides are required for isoform-specific gene expression and muscle hypertrophy after local IGF-I production. J Appl Physiol. 2010 MAY;108(5):1069-76.
Bennion K, Pinto A, Roath J, Lindemeyer RG. A survey of senior dental students' experiences with young dental patients in pennsylvania. Pa Dent J (Harrisb). 2010 SepOct;77(5):26-31. Blatz MB, Bergler M, Ozer F, Holst S, Phark J, Chiche GJ. Bond strength of different veneering ceramics to zirconia and their susceptibility to thermocycling. Am J Dent. 2010 AUG;23(4):213-6. Chen X, Li Y, Alawi F, Bouchard JR, Kulkarni AB, Gibson CW. An amelogenin mutation leads to disruption of the odontogenic apparatus and aberrant expression of Notch1. J Oral Pathol Med. 2011 Mar;40(3):235-42. Chou SJ, Alawi F. Expression of DNA damage response biomarkers during oral carcinogenesis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2011 Mar;111(3):346-53. Cook DR, Gleichman AJ, Cross SA, Kolson L, Jordan-Sciutto KL, Lynch DR, et al. Apelin-mediated neuroprotection through regulation of NMDA receptor function: Implications for HIV-associated excitotoxic injury. J Neurovirol. 2010 OCT;16:20-1. Cross SA, Cook DR, Vance P, Kolson L, Ruzbarsky J, Akay C, JordanSciutto KL, et al. The relationship between adaptive stress responses and HIV replication in macrophages and its impact on neurotoxicity. J Neurovirol. 2010 OCT;16:21-2. Damek-Poprawa M, Volgina A, Korostoff J, Sollecito TP, Brose MS, O'Malley BW,Jr, Akintoye SO, Dirienzo JM. Targeted inhibition of CD133+ cells in oral cancer cell lines. J Dent Res. 2011 Jan 10. Druck Shudofsky AM, Silverman JE, Chattopadhyay D, Ricciardi RP. Vaccinia virus D4 mutants defective in processive DNA synthesis retain binding to A20 and DNA. J Virol. 2010 Dec;84(23):12325-35.
English JD, Briss BS, Jamieson SA, Kastrop MC, Castelein PT, Deleon E,Jr, Dugoni SA, Chung CH, Greco PM. Common errors in preparing for and completing the american board of orthodontics clinical examination. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011 Jan;139(1):136-7. Floratos S, Kratchman SI. Conventional and surgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary first molar with unusual anatomy - a case report. Int Endod J. 2011 Apr;44(4):376-84. Garza LA, Yang C-, Zhao T, Blatt HB, Lee M, He L, Stanton, DC, et al. Bald scalp in men with androgenetic alopecia retains hair follicle stem cells but lacks CD200-rich and CD34positive hair follicle progenitor cells. J Clin Invest. 2011;121(2):613-22. Golub EE. Biomineralization and matrix vesicles in biology and pathology. Seminars in Immunopathology. 2010:1-9. Gondim E Jr, Setzer FC. The Dental Operating Microscope. Endodontics Int. J Microdent 2010;2:20-27 Gottehrer NR, Martin JL, Casullo D. The future of dental care: Maintaining patient health. Dent Today. 2010;29(11):132-7. Graves DT, Li J, Cochran DL. Inflammation and uncoupling as mechanisms of periodontal bone loss. J Dent Res. 2011 Feb;90(2):143-53. Greco PM, English JD, Briss BS, Jamieson SA, Kastrop MC, Castelein PT, Chung CH, et al. Posttreatment tooth movement: For better or for worse. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2010 Nov;138(5):552-8. Greenberg JR. A call to all teachers of esthetic restorative dentistry. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2010 Apr;22(2):79-81. Greenberg, JR, Bogert, MC. A dental esthetic check list for treatment planning in Esthetic Dentistry. Comp. Cont. Ed. October 2010; 31(8):630-638.
penn dental journal: spring 2011 23
Greenberg MS, Hodgson T, Jontell M, Kerr R, Lockhart P, Peterson D, Wray D,(eds) Proceedings of the Fifth World Workshop on Oral Medicine: Systematic Reviews and Position Papers on Future Directions for International Specialty Training. 2011 April ; 17 (suppl 1) Hendler,BH, Carrasco, LR. Patient evaluation. In: Laskin D.M, editor. Clinician's Handbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 1st ed. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc; 2010. p. 1-12. Hersh EV, Giannakopoulos H. Betaadrenergic blocking agents and dental vasoconstrictors. Dent Clin North Am. 2010;54(4):687-96. Hersh EV, Golubic S, Moore PA. Analgesic update: Tapentadol hydrochloride. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2010 Oct;31(8):594,9; quiz 600, 603. Hersh EV, Lindemeyer RG. Phentolamine mesylate for accelerating recovery from lip and tongue anesthesia. Dent Clin North Am. 2010;54(4):631-42. Hu H, Lu W, Zhang M, Zhang X, Argall AJ, Patel S, Mitchell CH, et al. Stimulation of the P2X(7) receptor kills rat retinal ganglion cells in vivo. Exp Eye Res. 2010 SEP;91(3):425-32. Jeffcoat M, Parry S, Sammel M, Clothier B, Catlin A, Macones G. Periodontal infection and preterm birth: Successful periodontal therapy reduces the risk of preterm birth. Bjog-an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2011 JAN;118(2):250-6. Kao DWK, Fiorellini JP. An interarch alveolar ridge relationship classification. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2010 SEP-OCT;30(5):523-9. Killian CM, Croll TP. Nano-ionomer tooth repair in pediatric dentistry. Pediatr Dent. 2010 NOV-DEC;32(7):530-5.
Lee S-, Lee Y-, Zimmers TA, Soleimani A, Matzuk MM, Tsuchida K, Barton ER, et al. Regulation of muscle mass by follistatin and activins. Molecular Endocrinology. 2010;24(10):1998-2008.
Maggio MP, Villegas H, Blatz MB. The effect of magnification loupes on the performance of preclinical dental students. Quintessence Int. 2011 Jan;42(1):45-55.
Levin MD, Mischenko A. Limited field cone beam computed tomography: Evaluation of endodontic healing in three cases. Alpha Omegan. 2010 Dec;103(4):141-5.
Moore PA, Hersh EV. Local anesthetics: Pharmacology and toxicity. Dent Clin North Am. 2010;54(4):587-99.
Levine, RA, Nack, G, Team Treatment Planning for the Replacement of Esthetic Zone Teeth with Dental Implants. Accepted for publication Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry. Levine, RA., Zalewsky, JD, Treatment of Bilateral Mandibular Lingual Recession Defects Resulting from a Poorly Fitting RPD Using Emdogain® with CTGs and Coronally Positioned Flaps. Accepted for publication Implant Realities. Li A, Leung CT, Peterson-Yantorno K, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. Pathways for ATP release by bovine ciliary epithelial cells, the initial step in purinergic regulation of aqueous humor inflow. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology. 2010 DEC;299(6):C1308-17. Lincoln AE, Pincus SH, Leboy PS. Scholars' awards go mainly to men. Nature. 2011 Jan 27;469(7331):472. Lindemeyer R. Bruxism in Children. Dimens Dent Hyg. 2011 Feb;9(2): 60-63. Lindemeyer RG, Gibson CW, Wright TJ. Amelogenesis lmperfecta due to a mutation of the enamelin gene: Clinical case with genotype-phenotype correlations. Pediatr Dent. 2010 JAN-FEB;32(1):56-60. Lipton JA, Kinane DF. Total NIH support to US dental schools, 2005-2009. J Dent Res. 2011 Mar;90(3):283-8.
Komine F, Blatz MB, Matsumura H. Current status of zirconia-based fixed restorations. J Oral Sci. 2010;52(4):531-9.
Liu F, Dangaria S, Andl T, Zhang Y, Wright AC, Damek-Poprawa M, Akintoye SO, et al. Beta-catenin initiates tooth neogenesis in adult rodent incisors. J Dent Res. 2010 SEP;89(9):909-14.
Leboy, PS. Improving Work-Life Balance for Women Scientists. (2010) American Society for Cell Biology Newsletter 33 (10): 15-16.
Madani M, Madani FM, Frank M. Psychological issues in sleep apnea. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America. 2010;22(4):503-9. Madani M, Madani FM, Peysakhov D. Reoperative treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America. 2011;23(1):177-87.
24 scholarly activity
Moore PA, Hersh EV. Oral paresthesia. J Am Dent Assoc. 2010 NOV;141(11):1300-1. Morine KJ, Bish LT, Selsby JT, Gazzara JA, Pendrak K, Sleeper MM, Barton ER, et al. Activin iib receptor blockade attenuates dystrophic pathology in a mouse model of duchenne muscular dystrophy. Muscle Nerve. 2010 NOV;42(5):722-30. Morine KJ, Sleeper MM, Barton ER, Sweeney HL. Overexpression of SERCA1a in the mdx diaphragm reduces susceptibility to contraction-induced damage. Hum Gene Ther. 2010 DEC;21(12):1735-9. Ostrovsky O, Eletto D, Makarewich C, Barton ER, Argon Y. Glucose regulated protein 94 is required for muscle differentiation through its control of the autocrine production of insulinlike growth factors. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research. 2010 FEB;1803(2):333-41. Saito A, Komine F, Blatz MB, Matsumura H. A comparison of bond strength of layered veneering porcelains to zirconia and metal. J Prosthet Dent. 2010;104(4):247-57. Sankar V, Hearden V, Hull K, Juras DV, Greenberg MS, et. al., Local Drug Delivery for Oral Mucosal Diseases: challenges and opportunities. 2011, Oral Dis, 17:73-84 Sathish N, Yuan Y. Functional characterization of kaposi's sarcomaassociated herpesvirus small capsid protein by bacterial artificial chromosome-based mutagenesis. Virology. 2010;407(2):306-18. Sathish N, Zhu FX, Golub EE, Liang Q, Yuan Y. Mechanisms of autoinhibition of IRF-7 and a probable model for inactivation of IRF-7 by kaposi's sarcomaassociated herpesvirus protein ORF45 . J Biol Chem. 2011 Jan 7;286(1):746-56. Schmid SL, Carnes M, Goodenough U, Hopkins N, Leboy P, Masur S, et al. A richer and more diverse future for cell biology. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Nov;21(22):3821-2.
Selsby J, Pendrak K, Zadel M, Tian Z, Pham J, Carver T, Barton ER, et al. Leupeptin-based inhibitors do not improve the mdx phenotype. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2010 NOV;299(5):R1192-201. Serra C, Bhasin S, Tangherlini F, Barton ER, Ganno M, Zhang A, et al. The role of GH and IGF-I in mediating anabolic effects of testosterone on androgenresponsive muscle. Endocrinology. 2011 JAN;152(1):193-206. Setzer FC. Endodontische Zahnerhaltung oder Extraktion und Implantatversorgung? Ein Beitrag zur Entscheidungsfindung. Quintessenz 2010;61:929–93 Setzer FC, Boyer KR, Jeppson JR, Karabucak B, Kim S. Long-term prognosis of endodontically treated teeth: A retrospective analysis of preoperative factors in molars. J Endod. 2011 Jan;37(1):21-5. Setzer FC, Shah SB, Kohli MR, Karabucak B, Kim S. Outcome of endodontic surgery: A meta-analysis of the literature - part 1: Comparison of traditional root-end surgery and endodontic microsurgery. J Endod. 2010 NOV;36(11):1757-65. Shenker BJ, Boesze-Battaglia K, Zekavat A, Walker L, Besack D, Ali H. Inhibition of mast cell degranulation by a chimeric toxin containing a novel phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate phosphatase. Mol Immunol. 2010 Nov-Dec;48(1-3):203-10. Shima A, Barton ER, Sweeney HL, Matsuda R. Mouse and human skeletal muscle cells differentiate in a temperature-dependent manner. Neuromuscular Disorders. 2010 OCT;20(9-10):647-. Shima A, Pham J, Blanco E, Barton ER, Sweeney HL, Matsuda R. IGF-I and vitamin C promote myogenic differentiation of mouse and human skeletal muscle cells at low temperatures. Exp Cell Res. 2011;317(3):356-66. Shudofsky AMD, Silverman JEY, Chattopadhyay D, Ricciardi RP. Vaccinia virus D4 mutants defective in processive DNA synthesis retain binding to A20 and DNA. J Virol. 2010 DEC;84(23):12325-35.
Stampfer SD, Lou H, Cohen GH, Eisenberg RJ, Heldwein EE. Structural basis of local, pH-dependent conformational changes in glycoprotein B from herpes simplex virus type 1. J Virol. 2010 DEC;84(24):12924-33.
Wadenya R, Smith J, Mante F. Microleakage of nano-particle-filled resin-modified glass ionomer using atraumatic restorative technique in primary molars. N Y State Dent J. 2010;76(4):36-9.
Yamano S, Al-Sowygh ZH, Gallucci GO, Wada K, Weber HP, Sukotjo C. Early peri-implant tissue reactions on different titanium surface topographies. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2010 Dec 27.
Stefanos S, Secchi AG, Coby G, Tanna N, Mante FK. Friction between various self-ligating brackets and archwire couples during sliding mechanics. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2010 OCT;138(4):463-7.
Wadenya RO, Lopez N, Berthold P. Chewing stick use among african immigrants in west philadelphia: Implications for oral health providers. Community Dent Health. 2010 MAR;27(1):60-4.
Zabor EC, Klebanoff M, Yu K, Zhang J, Nansel T, Andrews W, Jeffcoat M, et al. Association between periodontal disease, bacterial vaginosis, and sexual risk behaviours. J Clin Periodontol. 2010 OCT;37(10):888-93.
Wadenya R, Pinto A, Lindemeyer, R. Oral Factitious Injury in a Child Diagnosed with Kabuki Syndrome. Comp Contin Educ Dentistry, 2011 Jan-Feb; 32(1).
Zeiger U, Mitchell CH, Khurana TS. Superior calcium homeostasis of extraocular muscles. Exp Eye Res. 2010 NOV;91(5):613-22.
Stiles KM, Whitbeck JC, Lou H, Cohen GH, Eisenberg RJ, Krummenacher C. Herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D interferes with binding of herpesvirus entry mediator to its ligands through downregulation and direct competition. J Virol. 2010 NOV;84(22):11646-60. Stoopler ET, Greenberg MS, Drugs used for Connective Tissue Disorders and Oral Mucosal Disease, ADA Guide to Dental Therapeutics, 2010 (4th Ed) p 753-776 Stoopler ET, Vogl DT, Alawi F, Greenberg MS, Sollecito TP, Salazar G, et al. The presence of amyloid in abdominal and oral mucosal tissues in patients initially diagnosed with multiple myeloma: A pilot study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2011 Mar;111(3):326-32. Uppal A, Uppal S, Pinto A, Dutta M, Shrivatsa S, Dandolu V, et al. The effectiveness of periodontal disease treatment during pregnancy in reducing the risk of experiencing preterm birth and low birth weight A meta-analysis. J Am Dent Assoc. 2010 DEC;141(12):1423-34. Vanarsdall Jr RL. Efficient management of unerupted teeth: A timetested treatment modality. Semin Orthod. 2010 9;16(3):212-21. Volk SW, Wang Y, Mauldin EA, Liechty KW, Adams SL. Diminished type III collagen promotes myofibroblast differentiation and increases scar deposition in cutaneous wound healing. Cells Tissues Organs. 2011 Jan 19. Wadenya R, Fulcher M, Grunwald T, Nussbaum B, Grunwald Z. A description of two surgical and anesthetic management techniques used for a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Spec Care Dentist. 2010 May-Jun;30(3):106-9.
Wadenya RO, Stout AM, Gupta A, Monge J. Hurler syndrome: A case report of a 5-year follow-up of dental findings after bone marrow transplantation. Spec Care Dentist. 2010 Jan-Feb;30(1):14-7. Wadenya RO, Yego C, Mante FK. Marginal microleakage of alternative restorative treatment and conventional glass ionomer restorations in extracted primary molars. J Dent Child (Chic). 2010 Jan-Apr;77(1):32-5. Wang B, Yang Z, Brisson BK, Feng H, Zhang Z, Welch EM, Barton ER, et al. Membrane blebbing as an assessment of functional rescue of dysferlin-deficient human myotubes via nonsense suppression. J Appl Physiol. 2010 SEP;109(3):901-5. Wang Y, Sathish N, Hollow C, Yuan Y. Functional characterization of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus open reading frame K8 by bacterial artificial chromosome-based mutagenesis. J Virol. 2011 Mar;85(5):1943-57. Wen D, Qing L, Harrison G, Golub E, Akintoye S. Anatomic site variability in rat skeletal uptake and desorption of fluorescently labeled bisphosphonate. Oral Dis. 2010 Dec 2. White MG, Wang Y, Akay C, Lindl KA, Kolson DL, Jordan-Sciutto KL. Parallel high throughput neuronal toxicity assays demonstrate uncoupling between loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and neuronal damage in a model of HIV-induced neurodegeneration. Neurosci Res. 2011 Feb 1.
Zhao J, Benakanakere MR, Hosur KB, Galicia JC, Martin M, Kinane DF. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates TLR3 induced cytokines in human oral keratinocytes. Mol Immunol. 2010 Nov-Dec;48(1-3):294-304.
Grants Recently awarded research grants. Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology The Molecular Basis of CMD Types Ullrich and Bethlem 12/1/2010 – 6/30/2011 Principal Investigator: Elisabeth R. Barton, Assistant Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology Funding Source: National Institutes of Health
Mechanisms for Impaired Diabetic Oral Wound Healing 9/1/2010 – 8/31/2014 Principal Investigator: Dana T. Graves, Professor of Periodontics Funding Source: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS Recognition of Commensal and Pathogenic Bacteria by Oral Epithelium 9/1/2010 – 6/30/2012 Principal Investigator: Dana T. Graves Funding Source: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences In-vitro Comparative Bond Strength and Interfacial Microscopic Analyses of a New Self-etch Adhesive to Alumina, Zirconia, and Feldspathic Ceramics after Different Surface Treatments 2/1/2011 – 4/30/2011 Principal Investigator: Markus B. Blatz, Professor and Chair of Preventive & Restorative Sciences Funding Source: 3M GLOBAL A Clinical Evaluation of Nobel Procera Crown Shaded Zirconia and Full Contour Crown (T-158) 11/15/2010 – 11/14/2012 Principal Investigator: Markus B. Blatz, Professor and Chair of Preventive & Restorative Sciences Funding Source: NOBEL BIOCARE Office of the Dean American Association for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Implant Conference 12/1/2010 – 1/31/2011 Principal Investigator: Denis F. Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean and Professor of Pathology & of Periodontics Funding Source: Stryker Corporation
Department of Oral Medicine Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009; Part A for FY2011 3/1/2011 – 5/31/2011 Principal Investigator: Andres A. Pinto, Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine Funding Source: AIDS Activities Coordinating Office Dental Reimbursement Program 9/1/2010 – 2/28/2011 Principal Investigator: Andres A. Pinto, Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine Funding Source: Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Department of Periodontics Diabetes-enhanced Experimental Periodontitis 9/1/2010 – 6/30/2012 Principal Investigator: Dana T. Graves, Professor of Periodontics Funding Source: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS
penn dental journal: spring 2011 25
Philanthropy highlights
The new William W.M. Cheung Advanced Dental Care Clinic, a state-of-the-art facility designed to manage advanced cases in restorative and esthetic dentistry, was made possible through a gift from The World Dental Education Foundation, Ltd., Hong Kong. Located on the third floor of the Robert Schattner Center, it features 15 operatories. Pictured: Dr. William Cheung (D’81, GD’82), right, head of the Foundation and Chairman of the Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers; Dr. Denis Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean, center; and Stefani Cheung (D’11), left, who is completing an honors program in the clinic.
$500,000 Gift Funds Advanced Dental Care Clinic
Penn Dental Medicine has a new resource for clinical care and instruction thanks to the generosity of The World Dental Education Foundation Ltd., Hong Kong. A gift of $500,000 from the Foundation has made possible the creation of the William W.M. Cheung Advanced Dental Care Clinic, a state-of-the-art facility designed to manage advanced cases in restorative and esthetic dentistry.
26 philanthropy
“I was excited when Dean Kinane shared with me his intention to create this type of facility and honored to help make it a reality,” says Dr. William Cheung (D’81, GD’82), head of the Foundation and Chairman of the Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers. Located on the third floor of the School’s Robert Schattner Center, the new clinic features 15 operatories, outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment and technology. Also supporting the project with equipment donations for the clinic is A-dec, Benco, Carestream Dental, DentalEZ, Kerr Corporation,
and Midmark Corporation. The new facility opened for patient care in November 2010. “We needed a forum and facility for elevated cases that teach our students the very high end of esthetic and restorative care and that is what we will now have with this new clinic. It will also tie in to our CAD/CAM and Ceramic Center,” says Dr. Markus Blatz, Chairman of the Department of Preventive and Restoratives Sciences, who oversees the clinic with Dr. Najeed Saleh, Clinical Professor of Restorative
Dentistry. “We have the technology in care provided at Penn Dental Medicine. the Center to create the highest quality My patients walk into the clinic and are ceramic restorations, and with this new quick to comment on the new facilities, clinic, we now have an environment the soothing environment, and the equipped to apply that state-of-the-art feeling of privacy that makes them feel work through a state-of-the-art clinical like they're getting VIP treatment,” says setting.” Stefani Cheung (D’11). “As part of the Patients are being referred to the Clinical Honors Program, I've enjoyed Advanced Dental Care Clinic from the the opportunity to undertake more other general restorative and specialty complex cases, to be mentored by some clinics within the School, and Dr. Blatz of the best faculty in the School, and to notes that there will also be cases selected work with cutting edge technology and from the clinic that will be used for materials,” she adds. “This clinic teaching showcases in conjunction with the CAD/CAM Center. Plans call for all DMD students to have a required rotation through the Clinic, so all students gain exposure to the advanced cases that will be handled there. In addition, the Clinic houses the School’s clinical honors program; this new competitive honors program, launched —Victoria Seto (D’11), clinical honors student this academic year, is open to qualifying fourth-year students, who will complete advanced case demonstrates that integrating all the requirements within the Clinic. resources available at Penn Dental “It is a natural fit for our new clinical Medicine can greatly improve comprehonors program – those students who hensive care of our patients. I feel are strong clinically and who are going privileged to be a part of the inaugural above and beyond their required dental group of students in this new clinic." education and really want to participate Clinical honors students Alex Paul in more clinical training,” says Dr. (D’11) and Victoria Seto (D’11) agree Saleh, who also oversees the clinical that the close interaction the faculty honors program. “Yet, the Clinic will within the Advanced Dental Care Clinic be a valuable learning resource for all has enhanced their educational experiof our students.” ence. “I believe the low student-faculty The first group of clinical honors ratio and being able to work closely with students started working in the clinic some of the strongest faculty in the since soon after its opening. “The new School has helped me to develop more Advanced Dental Care Clinic gives us, quickly as a dentist,” says Paul. as students, and our patients an all-new “Additionally, I appreciate the varied perspective on the standard of dental techniques that I have been exposed to while in the clinic. As a result, I have learned to consider a greater number of alternative treatment planning options than I may have previously.”
“It’s so beneficial to be able to work with so many different treatment philosophies, and to gain experience and the confidence to handle complex cases,” adds Seto. “I also love the facility and how we are trained on a variety of equipment. I feel that my experience in this clinic and the honors program have better prepared me for a future career as a general dentist.” For honors student Vincent Foring (D’11), the added exposure to state-ofthe-art esthetic dentistry stands out. “The Advanced Dental Care Clinic has been an amazing experience with teaching excellence in treatment planning and a superb level of technique-sensitive clinical skills,” he says. “The cases that are treated in this clinic are met with the highest quality of esthetic and functional dentistry. This experience has also allowed us to work intimately with the School’s CAD/CAM Center. The technicians are amazing; the clinical skills being taught to the students combined with their mastery in various ceramic systems allows for optimal esthetic outcomes.” Looking to the future, Dr. Cheung notes the new Clinic could also accommodate students and residents from other departments and specialties, visiting scholars and exchange faculty from other institutions who are here for advanced training, and potentially be utilized for a future residency program.
“It’s so beneficial to be able to work with so many different treatment philosophies, and to gain experience and the confidence to handle complex cases.”
penn dental journal: spring 2011 27
SHAPING THE FUTURE Support Penn Dental Medicine with a Gift Through Your Estate
A enn Dental Medicine, we kno w that history doesn’t just happen; it Att P Penn know is made. We make histo ry by shaping the future. Estate Estate gifts provide provide history scholarships and professo rships, fund capital projects projects and provide provide the professorships, resources needed to create extraordinary extraordinary opportunities opportunities and preserve Penn Penn Dental Dental Medicine’s Medicine’sfuture. future. You can make a bequest by including language in your will that names Penn It’s Penn Dental Medicine as the beneficiary of your estate. It’s that easy. A bequest can be made in the form of a specific gift of cash or property, or a percentage of the remainder of your estate. With wise and thoughtful thoughtful planning, we all have the power to make history.
BENEFITS OF A BEQUEST INCLUDE: E Enables contribution ntribution that may nables you to make a significant co otherwise o therwise not not have been possible during your lifetime R Removes emoves assets from your your taxable estate When set up as a percentage o off the estate, allows for changes off your assets in the value o
The renovation of the Brainerd F. Swain Orthodontic Clinic in the Paul V. Reid Department of Orthodontics was made possible in part thanks to the generous bequest of Eleanor B. Reid, in memory of her husband, a former faculty member. Her legacy has helped to create a stateof-the-art environment for patient care and clinical instruction.
Frank Barr, JD | Office of Gift Planning 3535 Market Street, Suite 500 | Philadelphia, PA 19104-3309 800.223.8236 | 215.898.6171 | 28 penn alumni: dental news journal ©University of Pennsylvania, Office of Gift Planning, 2011
Alumni news
ALUMNI PROFILE: Teresa DeStefano, D’89
Editor’s Note: While we normally feature a story on a Penn Dental Medicine graduate in this section of the Journal, in this issue, we are pleased to share a story by a Penn Dental Medicine alumna – Dr. Teresa DeStefano (D’89) — who tells of the special bond she formed with one of her dental school patients and offers a reminder of the important role all patients play in dental education. Today, Dr. DeStefano and her husband and fellow Penn Dental Medicine alumnus, John F. Raziano (D’88), have a private practice together in Raritan, N.J. Letters from Mrs. Siddell
by Teresa DeStefano, D’89 The year was 1987, and I was beginning my clinical rotations at Penn Dental Medicine, looking forward to putting into practice what had only been done to dentoform teeth. Time to work on real patients! Lucky for me and my future husband, John, the chart that landed on my lap from the “lottery” of patients with no doctors belonged to Mrs. Siddell — a special woman, who would quickly become my favorite patient. A lovelier person you could not imagine. There she was with short, curly, strawberry blonde hair, rosy cheeks, Mrs. Siddell sparking blue eyes, and a big smile to match. Soon after we met, she consented to sit for John’s mock board — a gesture he never forgot. Month after month, year after year, she came in — always on time. She sat through instructor checks, terribly placed rubber dams, and extremely
long procedures. We celebrated John’s graduation together, and then, she was there for me. It seemed amazing to me what she did for us, so when it was my turn to graduate and say good-bye, I passed her to a good friend in the class behind me. And I kept her address! I don’t know if it was unusual or not to keep in touch with patients after graduation. I suspect we were not the only ones to form strong bonds with them. So, after I graduated, and John and I moved back to New Dr. Teresa DeStafano (D’89) and her husband Dr. John Raziano Jersey, Mrs. Siddell and I became pen pals. She would (D’88) have a private practice together in Raritan, N.J. hand write in a lovely cursive, As I think of Mrs. Siddell, I hope pages and pages of news from her life that the current Penn Dental Medicine in Philadelphia. She would report on students are building special bonds with her new dental students and what she their patients, and more importantly, was having done to her teeth — all appreciate that they are helping them described in glorious detail. Then she on their journey. Admittedly, treating would tell me about her family — who got married, what grandchild was born, patients in dental school was not always a blissful situation. Many times, I how she and her husband, Bill, were waited on patients that never showed doing. Good times and tragedies have all been recounted. Normally, our letters up, I agonized over getting procedures done, and spent many sleepless nights pass in the mail over the Christmas hoping that my “last crown” would season. As they grew, my children come in. But most memories are of the would ask, “did your patient send her good times — appreciative patients, who letter yet this year?” for it became an depended on us for their care and who annual tradition to read it aloud waited for us to hone our skills. When I together at dinner. whiz through procedures today, I often Over the last few years, sadly, Mrs. Siddell and her husband have had more think back on those 3-hour amalgam visits — did that really happen? They health issues than good news. And so, surely did, and we have our patients to this year, she finally had to leave her beloved Penn Dental Medicine, because thank for their help and patience in our growth as professionals. she physically could not make the trip. I advised her that it was fine to see a local dentist, as the trip and the waiting would be too stressful on them. Reluctantly, she agreed. penn dental journal: spring 2011 29
Alumni Gatherings overseers’ invitational golf & tennis outing >
The Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers and Dean Denis Kinane hosted a special golf and tennis event for alumni March 27 and 28. The event launched with a welcome dinner the evening of March 27; the March 28 activities included a breakfast workshop, golf and tennis tournaments, and a cocktail reception. 1 Right: Front row:
Alisa Kauffman (D’85), Lee Durst-Roisman (D’83), Richard Roisman, Paul Feldman (D’83), and Perri Feldman. Back row: Dean Denis Kinane, Steven Rosenstein (D’75), Tara Sexton (D’88), David Tarica (D’83), and Michelle Tarica.
2 2 Left to right: Paul Feldman (D’83), Lee Durst (D’83), Umit Yigit (C’81, D’86), and Pam Arms.
3 Left to right: David Siegel, John Siegel (D’02), David Kessler (C’96, D’00, RES’00, M’02, GD’05), and Larry Kessler (C’66, D’70).
4 Left to right: Richard Roisman, David Tarica (D’83), Michele Tarica, and Allen Pearlman (D’83).
5 Front row: Howard Rosa (D’82), Richard Copell (D’80), Isaac Garazi (D’81, GD’84), Jeffrey Ganeles (GD’87), and Lori Berman. Back row: David Shen (D’79, GD’81) and Dean Denis Kinane.
30 alumni: news
penn dental medicine dinner & discussion with hosts dr. & mrs. bud rothstein (c’38, d’41)
On March 10, Dr. & Mrs. Bud Rothstein (C’38, D’41) hosted a special dinner and discussion for Penn Dental Medicine alumni at the Woodmont Country Club in Rockville, Md. Dr. Denis Kinane, the Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine, made a presentation on current projects and future plans within the School and visited with alumni and friends.
1 Left to right: Irving “Bud” Rothstein (C’38, D’41), Dale
2 Left to right:
3 Left to right:
Irving “Bud” Rothstein (C’38, D’41), Robert Schattner (D’48), and Harry Galblum (C’42, D’43).
Lorain Rothstein and Irving “Bud” Rothstein (C’38, D’41).
international association for dental research alumni reception
Citron, and Albert Citron (D’68).
On March 17, Penn Dental Medicine hosted a reception for alumni during the IADR General Session & Exhibition and the AADR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition, held in San Diego, Calif. 1 Left to right: Deborah Waugh (D’80), Alan 1
Slutsky (D’80 WG’81), and Marilyn Slutsky.
2 Left to right: Keisuke Wada,
Joseph Fiorellini,
and David Han (D’07, GD’11).
3 Dean Denis Kinane visiting with students and alumni at the IADR General Session & Exhibition and the AADR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
penn dental journal: spring 2011 31
Alumni Gatherings (continued) >
greater philadelphia alumni reception
On March 2, Keith Libou (D’84), President of the Alumni Society Executive Committee, hosted a reception presented by the School’s Office of Development and Alumni Relations in conjunction with the Valley Forge Dental Conference.
2 1 Left to right: John Worsley (D’75) and Jeffrey Sameroff (D’71).
2 Left to right: Ronald Bushick with Bernie Kurak (D’73, WMP’03, WEV’04).
academy of osseointegration annual meeting >
On March 3, Denis Kinane, the Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine; Joseph Fiorellini, Chair of the Department of Periodontics; and Joseph Gian-Grasso (D’71), a member of the Dean’s Council, hosted an intimate dinner for alumni and friends in the Washington, D.C., area in conjunction with the Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting.
1 & 2 Penn Dental Medicine alumni and friends visiting with Dean Denis Kinane and Dr. Joseph Fiorellini over dinner at a gathering held in conjunction with the Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting in March 2011.
32 alumni: news
penn dental journal: spring 2011 33
Alumni class notes
Joseph Gorelick (D’52) continues to teach general dentistry residents at his local county hospital after closing his private practice in 2005. In 2007, Dr. Gorelick started providing dental services at the county jail and continues to work part-time. He writes that he enjoys swinging a golf club and spending time with their children and grandchildren who live close-by.
Allen Findley (D’61, GD’62) passed away on March 28, 2011, in Newport News, Va., after a short illness. Throughout his time at Penn Dental Medicine, Dr. Findley served as class president and graduated with highest honors. He began his orthodontics practice in Newport News in 1963, where he served the community for 25 years, also treating cleft pallet patients through the Speech and Hearing Clinic. He was deeply invested in his work and the Class of 1961, serving as the Penn Dental Medicine class representative for 50 years. After retiring in 1988, Dr. Findley spent his time doing what he loved most; playing golf, hunting, fishing, and traveling. The Findley's spent much of their time at a beloved family home in Bowdoinham, Maine, surrounded by family and friends. Dr. Findley, is survived by his wife of 56 years, Sarah Elizabeth Browne Findley and his two children, Allen Fiske Findley of California and Sarah Elizabeth (Beth) Findley of Washington D.C.
Miles G. Lazerwitz (D’55) was accepted to Stanford Who's Who as a result of his outstanding efforts in the health care industry, running his own dental practice for more than 50 years. Dr. Lazerwitz offers restorative and cosmetic dentistry services. Dr. Lazerwitz is a member of the American Dental Association, New Jersey Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, International Academy of Gnathology, American Academy of Gnathologic Orthopedics, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the American College of Dentists. In addition, Dr. Lazerwitz has been named one of America's Top Dentists. He is also the founder of Donated Dental Services, which provides needy individuals with free dental service. Paul G. Mosch (D’56) is retired from general dentistry and has volunteered for 10 years with Hosanna Industries, which builds and repairs homes for the needy. Dr. Mosch also sings in the church choir and has served as deacon and elder. He flew a Beech V’tail Bonanza for 38 years, allowing him and his wife to visit their sons and grandchildren in Orlando, Fla., and Nazareth, Pa. Dr. Mosch recently celebrated his 55th anniversary with his wife, Dorothy McMurray Mosch (HUP’55, NU’55), who he met at the University of Pennsylvania. Richard P. Dakin (D’59) was accepted into the International College of Dentists on July 13, 2009.
34 alumni: class notes
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Myron Allukian, Jr. (D’64) is currently serving as President of the American Association for Community Dental Programs and Treasurer of the North East Regional Boards of Dental Examiners. Last year, Dr. Allukian was honored at the State House by the Massachusetts Dental Hygienists Association for improving access to oral health care for Massachusetts residents and for lecturing at Schools of Public Health in Armenia, Cyprus, and Lebanon. In December, Dr. Allukian completed 15 performances of the Urban Nutcracker in Boston.
Richard Cassie (D’61) was inducted as a Fellow of the International College of Dentists at its Annual Convocation in Orlando, Fla., on October 8, 2010. The College presented Dr. Cassie in recognition of outstanding and meritorious service rendered to the art and science of dentistry and to the community. Dr. Cassie practiced general dentistry in Florham Park, N.J., and was the Coordinating Director of the AEGD Dental Residency Program at Penn Dental Medicine; presently he is a member of the Oral Diagnosis Faculty at UMDNJ Dental School.
Peter J. Abell (D’65) retired from his orthodontic practice in Brattleboro, Vt. In 1999, he co-founded Pure Water for the World, a 501c3 nonprofit corporation dedicated to sanitation, hygiene education, and solving the problem of contaminated drinking water in developing countries. Pure Water has been at the forefront of providing portable water and saving thousands of lives in Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake in January 2010; as well as in Honduras and El Salvador. Additional information can be found on the organization’s website:
1970’s Allan C. Goldfeder (D’71) writes he is still in private practice and looking forward to his Penn Dental Medicine class reunion this year at Alumni Weekend, May 14, 2011. Sharen S. (Paster) Peters (DH’73) and her husband, Tom, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their first date by renewing their wedding vows on June 28, 2010. Their first date was on June 28, 1985. The sunset ceremony took place at the Ocean Cliff Hotel in Newport, R.I., overlooking Narragansett Bay. On October 9, 2010, a semi-formal reception was held at The Colonnade Banquet and Conference Center in Glastonbury, Conn. Over 100 guests enjoyed music, food, and dancing. Several University of Pennsylvania alumni were present, including Marc Czarnowski (D’82) and Robert Rosner (D’82 GED’82), whom Mrs. Peters met in 1997 while working for their practice. Today, Mrs. Peters and her husband live in Mansfield, Conn., where she owns her own company called Dental Office Solutions LLC. Mrs. Peters coaches dental offices on employee relations, documentation, scheduling, and improving productivity and cash flow. She writes, “I want to say hi to my classmates and let you know I am on Facebook — now if I can just learn how to use it!”
Gary N. Steinberg (D’75) received the Maine Primary Care Association 2010 Excellence in Dentistry Award for Contributions to Community Oral Health. Dr. Steinberg practices part-time at the Katahdin Valley Health Center. After 32 years in private practice limited to prosthodontics, Joseph B. Breitman (D’78) has completed the certification process of the American Board of Prosthodontics and is now a Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics and a Fellow of the American College of Prosthodontists.
1980’s After practicing pediatric dentistry for 26 years, Jeffrey Ginsberg (D’81) writes that he “decided to finally go through with board certification” and was named a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry in September 2009. He has been practicing in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., for the last 15 years and lives nearby with his wife, Elena Gizang-Ginsberg (C’81), and their younger daughter, Eliza. Dr. Ginsberg is looking forward to visiting Penn for his 30th Reunion so the family can visit their older daughter, Keira, who is a junior at Penn.
Frank Celenza (GD'85) received commendation from the City of New York in a ceremony held at City Hall. It recognized “his excellence in the field of dentistry, for educating and mentoring our city's young people as an Associate Clinical Professor at New York University.”
Mark A. Latta (D’83) has been named Dean of Creighton University School of Dentistry. His appointment is effective July 1, 2011. Dr. Latta, who has been on the Creighton faculty since 1995 as Associate Dean for Research and Professor of General Dentistry, becomes the 18th dean of the School of Dentistry since its founding in 1905. He succeeds Wayne W. Barkmeier, D. D.S., M.S., who will support the transition and continue as Professor of General Dentistry.
Marc P. Gimbel (D’88) became a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics on November 15, 2010. After graduation, Dr. Gimbel completed his education at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, where he earned his Certificate in Endodontics in 1992. Dr. Gimbel now lives in Boonton Twp., N.J., with his wife, Melanie, and three children — Molly age 16; Maxine, age 14; and Macy, age 10. The work of Mark Gutt (D’89, GD’91) was awarded recognition with one of his cases selected as one of the 10 winning cases in Straumann’s Growth Against Recession — Worldwide Esthetic Case Competition. The cases will be published in a 2011 Straumann Emdogain Case Book.
Laurene Marks-Wolf (D’94) continues to recognize local children who are giving back to the community through the Giving Smiles Foundation Inc.’s annual “Giving Smiles” program, sponsored by Dr. Wolf. This February, as part of National Children’s Dental Health Month, children kindergarten through 12th grade could enter an essay contest describing their community service and were eligible to win one of several valuable prizes including, for the first place winner, free braces and a $1,000 charitable donation made in the child’s honor to the charity of their choice. Additional contest information and details about Dr. Wolf’s foundation can be found at
Salvatore L. Franco (D’90) writes that since 1993 he has been in private practice in midtown Manhattan. He practices restorative dentistry with an emphasis on aesthetic dentistry.
Neil Vadecha (D’04) and his wife happily announce the birth of their daughter, Sohl Vadecha, born on August 17, 2010. Dr. Vadecha currently has two offices in Claremont and Lakewood, Calif.
John J. Roche (D’92) writes that he and fellow alumni Aaron Milchman (D’92) and Kevin Jong (D’93) went on vacation to Howe Caverns with their wives and combined 12 children. It was their first vacation since the mid-1990’s.
SHARE YOUR NEWS We want to hear from you. Share your news on personal and professional accomplishments with your fellow Penn Dental Medicine alumni through the Class Notes section of the Penn Dental Journal. We have made it easy for you to make a submission — simply go to where you can quickly send us your information — we welcome photos as well. Or, you can send your submissions to: Robert Schattner Center University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Office of Development and Alumni Relations 240 South 40th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030 215-898-8951 (p)
penn dental journal: spring 2011 35
In Memoriam George E. Barker (D’19) Newark, NJ; January 1, 2010
James L. Francis (D’40) Clinton, NY; March 3, 2010
Reid H. Porter (D’52) Venice, FL; August 20, 2010
Gary S. Lessin (D’63) Stamford, CT; January 13, 2008
Tai Chi Lau (D’19) Kowloon, Hong Kong; January 1, 2010
Herbert A. Ecker, Sr. (D’42 M’46 RES’53) Williamsport, PA; December 18, 2009
Martin A. Ackerman (D’53) Pleasantville, NY; November 30, 2009
Jill Kaplan (D’81) New York, NY; December 4, 2009
Philip H. Moll (D’19) Afghanistan; January 1, 2010
Francis Pavlovsky (D’42) Flemington, NJ; October 29, 2010
Elisabeth Nordentoft (D’19) Copenhagen, Denmark; January 1, 2010
Norman A. Halper (D’43) Fort Lee, NJ; October 25, 2010
Carlos J. Da Silva (D’20) Maritime, France; January 1, 2010
E. Earl Doyne (D’45 GD’48) Oradell, NJ; October 23, 2010
Paul L. J. Dondey (D’20) Grenoble, France; January 1, 2010
Harold D. Neuwirth (D’46) Boca Raton, FL; May 9, 2009
Robert M. Gillies (D’20) Victoria, Australia; January 1, 2010
James H. Freeman (D’50) Murrysville, PA; October 31, 2010
Leo Von Moos (D’20) Lucerne, Switzerland; January 1, 2010
Bernard R. Heitman (D’50) Boynton Beach, FL; August 1, 2009
Paul T. Wohlsen, Jr (D’53) Farmingdale, NY; January 2, 2010 Henry D. Rohrer, Jr (D’54) Fairport, New York; April 1, 2010
David J. Chiron (GD’85) Boca Raton, FL; December 16, 2009 Joseph Lamendella (D’04) Staten Island, NY; October 10, 2010
Robert A. Arner (D’56) Andreas, PA; October 24, 2010 Allen Findley (D’61, GD’62) Newport News, VA, March 29, 2011 Kathleen O. Golub (DH’61) Haddonfield, NJ; November 3, 2006 Herbert N. Appel (D’62) New York, NY; August 15, 2010
Robert F. Gallagher (D’52) Philadelphia, PA; November 17, 2010
Making History ... One Gift at a Time ne of the nonfinancial goals of Making History: The Campaign for Penn is to grow the number of alumni who support Penn’s commitment to educational excellence through their annual gifts. Please help sustain Penn Dental Medicine’s leadership in the profession by making your gift before June 30, the end of Penn’s fiscal year. Whatever the level of your support, your gift will make a difference to our students. For your convenience, gifts to the Penn Dental Medicine Annual Giving Fund can be made in several ways:
• call the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 215-898-8951 and make a gift with a credit card.
• visit for a secure online credit card
For transfer instructions, please contact the Office of the Treasurer at 215-898-7254 or This will help to ensure both timely receipt and appropriate allocation of the gift.
• send your check, made payable to the “Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania,” to: Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Robert Schattner Center, University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030. • transfer appreciated securities for substantial tax benefits. You will receive an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock on the effective date of the gift, while also avoiding capital gains tax on the transfer.
36 in memoriam
For more information, please contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 215-898-8951.
Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society 2010–11 Executive Committee
Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers 2010–11
Dean’s Council Academic Year 2010–11
Keith D. Libou, D’84 President
William W. M. Cheung, D’81, GD’82, Chair Linda J. Gilliam, D’89, Vice Chair
Martin D. Levin, D’72, GD’74, Chair
Bernard W. Kurek, D’73, WMP’03, WEV’04 First Vice-President
Stanley M. Bergman Laurence B. Brody, C'52, D'56 Richard Copell, D’80 Matthew J. Doyle, Ph.D. Patrik Eriksson Lawrence Kessler, C’66, D'70 Stephen Olitsky, D.M.D. Lewis E. Proffitt, D’73, WG’80 Irving M. Rothstein, C’38, D’41 Robert I. Schattner, D’48 David S. Tarica, D’83 Umit Yigit, C’81, D’86 Robert Zou, WG’94
David Richard Silver, D’85, GD’86, GD’88 Secretary-Treasurer Members-at-Large John David Beckwith, D’87 Jeffrey R. Blum, D’80 D. Walter Cohen, C’47 D’50 Marc Anthony Cozzarin, D’87 Howard P. Fraiman, D’91 GD’93 Marshall J. Goldin, C’60 D’64 Gautam Govitrikar, D’07 Lawrence M. Levin, D’87 Michael B. Rulnick, D’74 GD’76 Donald H. Silverman, D’73 WG’74 Thomas L. Snyder, D’71, WG’74 Dean Ford Sophocles, D’87 Robert Marc Stern, D’87 Robert J. Tisot, GD’70 Orhan C. Tuncay, GD’74 Robert E. Weiner, C’72 D’79 Patti Lee Werther, D’78 GED’78 GD’81
Robert Brody, C’80, D’84 Joseph E. Gian-Grasso, C’67, D’71 Glenn R. Oxner Louis Rossman, D’75, GD’77 Tara Sexton, D’88
Ex officio Members Martin D. Levin, D'72, GD'74 Chair – Dean’s Council Keith Libou, D’84 President – Alumni Society
Past Presidents (last 7 years) Ronald Gutman (D’74) Spencer-Carl Saint‑Cyr, D’97 Tara Sexton, D’88 Marc B. Ackerman, D’98 Anna Kornbrot, D’79, GD’82 Lewis E. Proffitt, D’73, WG’80 Margrit M. Maggio, D’87 Ex officio Member Dr. Jaclyn M. Gleber, DH’74 Student Representatives Kim Farrell, D’11 Student Council President Stefani Cheung, D’11 Class of 2011 President Matt Sones, D’12 Class of 2012 President Matt Ryskalczyk, D’13 Class of 2013 President Lamarr Holland, D’14 Class of 2014 President
The 10-year master plan developed for facilities renovations within the School includes the addition of study rooms within the School’s library. This project is part of Phase One of the master plan, which groups a series of 15 proposed capital projects into five phases, see page 14.
School Administration Denis F. Kinane, B.D.S., Ph.D. Morton Amsterdam Dean Professor of Pathology and Periodontics Maren Gaughan Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations Sarah Burton Director of Annual Fund and Alumni Relations Dana Dimitri Annual Giving and Alumni Programs
The University of Pennsylvania values diversity and seeks talented students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds. The University of Pennsylvania does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected class status in the administration of its admissions, financial aid, educational or athletic programs, or other Universityadministered programs or in its employment practices. Questions or complaints regarding this policy should be directed to the Executive Director of the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs, Sansom Place East, 3600 Chestnut Street, Suite 228, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6106; or (215) 898-6993 (Voice) or (215) 898-7803 (TDD). Specific questions concerning the accommodation of students with disabilities should be directed to the Office of Student Disabilities Services located at the Learning Resources Center, 3820 Locust Walk, Harnwell College House, Suite 110, 215.573.9235 (voice) or 215.746.6320 (TDD).
penn dental journal: spring 2011 37
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 2563 Philadelphia, PA
Robert Schattner Center University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine 240 South 40th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030
Calendar of events May 16, 2011 Class of 2011 Commencement Irvine Auditorium Philadelphia, PA 1:00 p.m.
Alumni Programs & Events May 13–15, 2011 Alumni Weekend 2011 Reunions for classes ending in “1” and “6” Philadelphia, PA May 14, 2011 American Association of Orthodontists 2011 Annual Session Alumni Reception Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers Arkansas Room 301 East North Water Street Chicago, IL 6:45 – 8:45 p.m.
June 24, 2011 Penn Dental Medicine New Jersey Alumni Reception Ocean Place Resort & Spa 1 Ocean Boulevard Long Branch, N.J 7 – 8:00 p.m.
Continuing Dental Education Penn Dental Medicine alumni receive a 25% discount on course tuition. Penn Dental Medicine will begin a new season of continuing education courses in Fall 2011. Visit for information on the courses as the program is developed or call toll free to 866-736-6233.
August 22, 2011 Class of 2015 White Coat Ceremony Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts Zellerbach Theatre Philadelphia, PA For more information on these and other alumni events, please visit or call 215-898-8951. 38 penn dental journal