2022 Annual Report

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Principal Kalea Haran

Head of Secondary School Victoria Kelleher

Head of Junior School Wayne Revitt

Dean of Academics Nicole Blyth

Dean of Discovery Shannon Armitage

Dean of Students Michelle Taylor

Dean of Studies Patrick Moore

Deputy Head of Junior School Tracy Heldt

Director of Finance and Administration Stephen Cooper

Director of Marketing and Communications Pip Lapelms

Director of Operations and Co-Curricular Bernadette Pangrazio

Director People Services June Benson

2022 is our 70th Anniversary – our platinum jubilee. This year we celebrated the founding of Penrhos (originally MLC South Perth) in 1952 and acknowledge all those who have played a part in making it the great College it has become.

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Penrhos College creates a time to reflect on who we are, and the fact we belong to such a unique and special community. It’s also a time to be excited about who we are becoming and what the future holds for us.

Penrhos is a place of great happiness, where our students thrive, explore their passions and realise their full potential. At Penrhos, we grow in character and independence; we develop deep and real connections, and we form friendships that last for a lifetime.

Our 70th Year, the platinum year, is the perfect time for Penrhos to celebrate all we have achieved and thank the Penrhos community for what we have built over the last seven decades. It is also a time to reflect and reassess as we move into our future.

To do this, we had to look both outside and within – at what the world, and our key stakeholders, will need from us, as well as at our existing strengths and how to build on them.

Our imperative was clear:

We needed to develop a compelling vision and purpose

We needed to understand how we could bring that vision to life, in real, tangible terms.

And we needed to bring our community along the journey and seek their input.

With support from some fantastic experts, we engaged the Penrhos community – from Council, our fantastic staff, students and parents to do just that.

What we heard both delighted and sometimes surprised us; and showed us while we have long been on the right track, that there was an opportunity to build on our success by evolving our strategy.


Our students told us they felt they had unlimited opportunities and feel like they can do anything. They told us they loved and valued the community that had been built, and felt respected, cared for and included; a true part of the Penrhos ‘team’.

Our staff told us their goals included acting as coaches and mentors and supporting our students to become positive rebels. They emphasized the value of courage, curiosity, mastery and confidence, grounded in social responsibility. We heard their vision for the future included supporting our girls to set the world on fire - with no ceilings; only sky.

Engagement with our staff also told us we had the building blocks that are needed to achieve this, but we need to change our focus. When understanding the differences between what they see Penrhos is today, and what they want Penrhos to be in the future, all the elements were there – elements including inclusive, progressive, and innovative –they just need to be amplified.

Our parents told us they were proud of the diverse opportunities and sense of community Penrhos provides their daughters. They spoke of our warm and nurturing environment, that simultaneously provides girls with opportunities to develop and grow and challenges them across their learning and personal development.

Penrhos’ motto is ‘Strive for the highest’ and after 70 years these ideals still hold strong. Our impressive alumni demonstrate this, as they include leading scientists, Olympians, entrepreneurs, managing directors, actors and humanitarians, and global citizens who aim to make a positive contribution to the lives of others.

My vision, as seventh Principal, is to steward a school where we continue to ‘Strive for the highest’ and aim to create a future where we can ‘live a future without boundaries’ and I look forward to sharing more of our newly developed strategic direction in 2023.

Happy 70th Anniversary to all our Penrhos community. I look forward to an exciting future, based on the foundations we have built here together.

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College strategyCourage Starts Here

After significant consultation across our extended College community, next year we will commence implementation of our new strategic direction 2023-2025.

Penrhos has an audacious vision for the future – to revolutionise girls’ education, so we can all live a future without boundaries. Our purpose – is limitless – and will take courage and commitment to achieve. Grounded in four pillars – Embrace, Create, Soar, Blaze, and Impact – the strategy will provide the College with a strong framework to extend our holistic offering to students, staff and the community.

As part of this strategy, Penrhos College’s commitments to our students are these: no ceilings; make your own adventure, find the fun, and be a force for good.

As the strategy begins to be implemented in 2023, more information and progress will be shared.

RAP implementation

After officially launching our Reconciliation Action Plan late this year, in 2023 we look forward to implementing the actions we have set for ourselves along our journey towards reconciliation.

Our vision, and our goal, through this RAP is to develop a strong sense of belonging, cultural identity, pride and aspirations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of the Penrhos community. It is about embracing an inclusive learning environment - where we will nurture and create positive change.

United, we set a path towards a future where reconciliation is a lived reality and not simply an idea. Our Reconciliation Action Plan is to become a part of the core of who we are at Penrhos College. We have already achieved some outcomes, including appointing Reconciliation Captains for 2023. We look forward to seeing what these students achieve, the College’s support.

Other key reconciliation action items include bringing more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into our classrooms, with a goal to develop meaningful experiences for our students; supporting the development of cultural competence in staff, and ensuring all have the opportunity to learn, understand and use more inclusive language.

International Baccalaureate –Primary Years Program

In 2023 the Penrhos Junior School becomes a Candidate School for the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) Primary Years Program (PYP). This process of becoming authorised can take anything up to two years and will result in a high-quality program for families.

An IB education has a focus on the awareness of different cultural perspectives. It considers what the global impact could be if schools successfully develop leaders who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right; and how that might positively benefit a world where conflict regularly emerges from cultural, religious, economic, and political differences.

The PYP is designed for students aged from three to 12. It focuses on encouraging children to be interested and motivated in their own learning by helping them to investigate subjects that they have a natural curiosity about. Students are encouraged to make connections between disparate sources of information and increase their understanding of how the world works.

Parents and students within our Junior School will begin to see and experience some fantastic new initiatives related to the PYP throughout 2023.

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The 2022 year has, once again, been a busy and significant period for Penrhos College. Our College community came together on a number of occasions over the year to celebrate our 70th anniversary and this has allowed us to reflect on the Penrhos College journey, from our beginnings as Methodist Ladies College South Perth on Angelo St, to the renaming of the school in 1975 as Penrhos College, and the extraordinary development of our current home among the pines in Como. Penrhos now counts around 10,000 graduates as Alumni of the College.

In early 2022, we recognised and celebrated the academic achievements of the previous year’s leavers, the Year 12 class of 2021. Full details of the Penrhos 2021 ATAR results can be viewed on page 20 of this Annual Report, and we congratulate all of our girls on completing their secondary school education with Penrhos. We also acknowledge the resilience and perseverance shown by these students, as they navigated the impact of COVID-19 on their schooling for the second consecutive year.

While many of the College’s social events during the early parts of the year were hampered by the pandemic, our community was able to enjoy a number of significant events in the second half of the year, including the fantastic production of The Wizard of Oz, Founders’ Day celebrations in early September, our Volunteer Sundowner and Maths Night in November, as well as the Junior School Christmas Concert and Picnic. It has been a pleasure to be able to join the Penrhos community on campus for many of these special events, and I look forward continued connections in 2023.

This year we welcomed new staff to key leadership positions within the College. Chaplain Paul Whitfield joined us at the beginning of the year and in October we were pleased to celebrate his Commissioning as Chaplain as well as appointment as Pastor of the Uniting Church.

Dr Victoria Kelleher also commenced at the start of 2022 in the newly created position of Head of Secondary School, and we have welcomed the new perspectives she brings to the role.

College Council is incredibly proud that this year has seen the formal endorsement and launch of Penrhos’ inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan. There has been a significant amount of work, consultation, conversations and learnings which have underpinned this process, and I look forward, both personally and on behalf of the College, to formally commencing the reconciliation journey.

Over the course of 2022, we have continued to work hard on evolving our College Strategy. Thank you to all those who contributed to the consultation process, which has allowed us to evaluate our strengths and identify opportunities for improvement. Penrhos is proud of its history, its motto ‘Strive for the Highest’, and its mission to inspire girls to become extraordinary women, and we look forward to building on these principles as part of our new strategic direction.

College Council is responsible for reviewing the fees and charges levied by the College on an annual basis and an increase of 4.5% for tuition and boarding fees has been approved for 2023. This increase is directly linked to the impact of salary increases and inflation on operating costs, the longer-term reduction in government funding and a commitment to maintaining the College’s inspirational learning environment.

The table to the right lists the detail of all fees for 2023.

Please note that families of students not returning at the beginning of a school year must advise the College of this by the close of business on the last day of the Term 3 holidays of the previous year.

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Tuition and boarding Annual fee Resource fee Technology levy

Early Learning Centre

Pre-Kindergarten (2 days)

Pre-Kindergarten (3 days)

Pre-Kindergarten (4 days) Kindergarten (4 days) Kindergarten (5 days)

Junior School

Pre-Primary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 - 6

Secondary School

Year 7 - 9 Year 10 - 12 Boarding Year 7 - 12

$ 4,641 -$ 6,963 -$ 9,283 -$ 9,105 $ 243$ 11,381 $ 270 -

$ 14,996 $ 370$ 18,252 $ 370$ 18,252 $ 370 $ 100 $ 18,252 $ 370 $ 300 $ 18,252 $ 370 $ 500 $ 18,923 $ 370 $ 500

$ 25,315 $ 215 $ 750 $ 27,115 $ 155 $ 750 $ 27,307 - -

Council also sets and closely monitors key performance targets, and I am pleased to share that the College continues to track well against all key indicators. We have been particularly pleased to see enrolment growth in 2022 and we anticipate a further increase in enrolment numbers for 2023.

I am indebted to my fellow Council members for their hard work over the past year and I extend, on behalf of College Council, our gratitude to all staff of the College for their deep commitment to the education of each and every student. To Ms Kalea Haran and her leadership team,


The Penrhos College Council is responsible to the Uniting Church in Australia for the governance of Penrhos College. The Principal is appointed by, and accountable to the Council for delivery of the College’s teaching and learning program and the management of the school.

thank you for your stewardship of the College Motto ‘Strive for the Highest’, and for ensuring that all Penrhos girls are supported in their aspirations to become extraordinary women.

As 2022 comes to a close I wish every member of our College community a safe and joyful break, and I look forward to a successful 2023.

Dr Peta Sanderson


Ms Susy Thomas Chair


Mr Ian Parker Secretary

Mr Evan Hillard Treasurer

Ms Nike Gozali

Principal Ms Kalea Haran

Foundation Representative Mr Chris Gee Members

Mr Kristian Stratton

Ms Jodie Wallace

Ms Natalie Dawson

Ms Felicity Kermode

Ms Antiopi Orkopoulos

Peta Sanderson Deputy Chairperson
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The role of the Foundation at Penrhos is an important one, and one that is often a balance between providing security for the long term, whilst supporting College projects to ensure Penrhos remains firmly at the forefront of girls’ education - with cutting-edge facilities and the very best resources.

With College tuition fees providing just 70% of the College’s operating costs, and the balance made up of government funding and grants, the Foundation plays a part in ensuring the College delivers against its value proposition and promise to students and families.

One of the Foundation’s longer-term aims is to be able to support the College, students and parents (current and future) by enabling a sustainable level of tuition fees in the event of changes to College funding as well as continuing to provide an avenue for community support to the College.

This year, the College celebrated our 70th anniversary. Our Annual Giving campaign to commemorate this special occasion asked each family and member of our community to please donate $70 (or any multiple thereof) towards our Red Dragon bursaries, so that we may give more girls the opportunity to access the wonderful learning environment Penrhos offers. The Foundation will match each donation towards the target of $50,000.

An important part of the Foundation’s support for the College is working closely with the Penrhos Development Office on building and encouraging a range of initiatives including Annual Giving and Tuition Fee Raffle for the benefit of all. Our fundraising approach is designed to ensure the Foundation consistently and proactively supports the College and current students, whilst at the same time promoting a culture of reciprocal support from students, staff, parents, alumni and the wider community.

The Foundation is excited and supports the new Strategic Plan being launched in 2023! The Foundation has continued to work closely with College Leadership and the College Council to provide support the future growth of the College, and we believe the new strategy sets the College up well to enable our students to live a future with no limits.

In line with the Foundation’s virtuous circle of giving, we have this year grown the Penrhos College Foundation’s Helping Hand initiative, whereby students and staff are encouraged to submit ideas for funding.

This year, we have supported:

• The Penrhos Full Circle wellbeing initiative led by College psychologist Tracy Hart

• Sponsorship of the Ngala Maya alumni mentoring program, to support current Aboriginal students and young alumni

• Funding to showcase more Ngala Maya student dance performances in 2022

• Celebration of our historic sister school Kobeelya’s centenary

• The class anthology of picture books project, in which Year 11 General English students created picture books to teach/show a reader of all ages an issue or experience that is not familiar to them including and not limited to the following range of extensive topics/ideas: mental illness, single parenting, learning difficulties and silent illness/disabilities

• The safeTALK training project, to give students in Year 9 – 12 and/or staff the opportunity to be safeTALK trained to allow students and staff to have more education on suicide prevention

• The Margaret Way Courtyard furniture upgrade project with new tables and chairs

• The Insight Timer @ Work project, providing staff with access to Insight Timer @ Work app, using mindfulness and mediation techniques to support mental health and wellbeing

• The Drumbeat program, purchasing drums and covers to enable the facilitation by the College of the Drumbeat/intervention strategy. Holyoake’s DRUMBEAT program is based on documented research that identifies key issues related to health and social outcomes. It also incorporates recent development in neurological research which notes the beneficial impact of rhythmic interventions on primal brain systems associated with anxiety and emotional control

The Helping Hand initiative is in addition to our existing support for Parent Support Groups and the Foundation’s ongoing support for Penrhos’ Round Square membership which commenced in 2020.

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In 2022, the Foundation was pleased to support the new fundraising initiative and annual tradition for Year 12 boarders, the Boarding House Flock of Birds. This year, and moving forward, Year 12 families will have the opportunity to gift a bird to their Year 12 boarders, symbolising spreading their wings into life after Penrhos College, whilst leaving their legacy within the corridors of the Boarding House for the lifetime of the building. All money raised through the fundraising initiative will be invested back in the Boarding House buy the Foundation for programs and initiatives the following year.

In addition, the Foundation was pleased to contribute $106,000 towards Capital Expenditure to the College to benefit the large student base and to build the College’s culture of giving. The funding enabled new digital signage for the Junior School, upgrading and purchasing new sporting equipment, refurbishments of classrooms and more.

It is a privilege to have served the College in the capacity of President of the Penrhos College Foundation for the last year. As I learn more about our wonderful community and the opportunities for Foundation support, we are firmly committed to encouraging and growing more alumni and community engagement as part of our work.

I would like to thank all of my fellow board members, who generously give their time and expertise each year. In particular, I would like to acknowledge staff members who departed Penrhos this year, Paula Barrow and Sarah Woods, for their hard work and support and wish them success in their new roles.

A special thank you to the members of the Investment Committee for their continued work and communication with the Foundation’s Investment Adviser over a challenging year for investment markets. The Committee have continued to secure a long-term and disciplined approach, to manage the Foundation’s funds for the benefit of our current and future students.

I would additionally like to pass on my thanks to everyone beyond the Foundation Board for their support in 2022 –particularly to College staff, members of Council, members of the Alumni Committee, the many Parent Support Group representatives and to our generous donors.

I wish everyone a happy, safe and restful holiday break, and look forward to returning with a renewed vigour in 2023.

Board members President Chris Gee
Vice-President Sally Audeyev Secretary Alistair Baron Treasurer Kay Kelly Members Kay Lee Helen Jones Bruce Broadbent Simon Woods Molly Delaney
2022 PENRHOS COLLEGE FOUNDATION Representatives from the College Principal Kalea Haran Director of Finance and Administration Stephen Cooper Director of Marketing and Communications Pip Lapelms Development Coordinator Jaimi Rumbold Minutes Secretary Karen Ambrose 9 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022



• Supported by the Penrhos College Foundation, the Year 11 General English students created children’s books addressing important issues and challenges they had faced, such as mental health. The project allowed them to share their creations with the younger students, breaking down barriers in communicating about these tough topics.

• The Penrhos Ngala Maya students attended the AFL Indigenous round, forming a guard of honour as players ran out onto the ground, held the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags during the Welcome to Country, and performed their dance, sharing important cultural stories and knowledge.

• Students participated in a series of meaningful activities and events to mark NAIDOC Week as a College community, focused on the 2022 theme: Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

Ahead in 2023:

• We will be trialling Skodel, a safety and wellbeing platform, with our Year 6 and 7 students. The aim being to empower the individual to make positive changes in her life and support and maintain a safe and connected school community.

• We will continue to build on the ideas, initiatives and actions of the 2022 Student Advisory Panel who worked with the Commissioner for Children and Young People with a continued focus on girls’ wellbeing.


• Our team of Year 9 students received the gold medal at the middle school Ethics Olympaid regional round and have been chosen to represent Penrhos at the International final in February 2023.

• AFL students participated in training sessions with the Perth Demon’s Women’s Academy, part of an ongoing partnership with the Perth Football Club, enhancing the next generation of AFLW.

• Music students had the opportunity to perform alongside WASO, Deborah Cheetham and the Dhungala Children’s choir in Eumeralla. Various orchestras and ensembles performed at the opening of ‘Concerts at One’ held at St George’s Cathedral.

• A selection of volleyballers represented the College in the Australian Volleyball League, travelling the country and competing for the National Women’s Title.

• Ten students represented WA at the Australian Youth Volleyball Champion held in Bendigo in September. Four students received WA U18 gold medals.

• Our Secondary School Philosophy Club had outstanding results in the 2022 Perth Philosothon, and the Year 10 Creative and Critical Thinking student were invited to attend a session with Dr Matt Beard, a moral philosopher and podcaster for the ABC’s Short and Curly podcast series.

• The Penrhos boarders finished their netball season as premiers at the 2022 finals held in Fremantle.

• 130 students represented Penrhos at the 2022 Volleyball Schools Cup, competing against 38 WA schools across four days of competition. Our students placed a close second in the Overall Female School Championship, and six teams were entered into Honours divisions.

• In a stunning sequel to the College’s 1999 rendition, the 2022 Penrhos production of The Wizard of Oz mesmerized audiences over three magical evenings in July.

• The College continued its engagement in the global Round Square initiative:

» Secondary students collaborated digitally with students from more than 200 schools across 50 countries.

» Our Junior School and ELC students participated in the second year of the Round Square IDEALS Day, with each year group exploring the pillars.

» Year 1, Internationalism through international dress and immersion; Year 2, Democracy through ‘Day on Country’; Year 3, Environmentalism through construction of bee and bird hotels; Year 4, Adventure through battling a commando course at Swan Valley, Year 5 Leadership through creative theatre; Year 6, Service through various local community activities.

• IGSSA pennants were won in Volleyball, Golf, Basketball, Softball and Tennis.

• A number of girls received The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bronze Award.

• A broader offering of Co-Curricular activities for our Primary school students catering to a range of interests and passions.

• 17 students, supported by three staff and two alumni travelled to Queensland to compete in the 2022 Australian Volleyball Schools Cup, with our Year 10 girls crowned Division 1 champions and our Open Girls Honours team being named runners up in their competition.

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Ahead in 2023:

• Further immersion in the Round Square program, its IDEALS and collaboration events with other schools in the network as an affirmed member school.

• Continued partnerships with local sporting bodies to continue to benefit and grow our programs.

• Exploration of the re-engagement of tours across various areas of specialisation.

• Continuation of showpiece events for dance, drama and music.


• The Secondary School moved to a Continuous Feedback Model providing students with an opportunity to receive feedback from each of their teachers following a learning task, and then consider their learning through active reflection.

• Assessment Schedules provided across the Secondary School from Year 7 to Year 12 supported our students’ organisation and planning for busy terms.

• The Year 7 Penrhos-Wesley Collaboration ran for its third year, providing co-educational learning and pastoral opportunities for our Year 7 students.

• We have had and will continue to have several students on alternative pathways such as the completion of Certificate IV. We continue to create personalised learning journeys for students to achieve their personal goals in a breadth of areas including Nursing, Early Childhood Studies, Educational Assistant, Fitness and Exercise Science, Business, Forensic Science and Live Theatre Production (WAAPA).

• Students undertake Workplace Learning and ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network) and several other Endorsed Programs to support their personalised learning journey.

Ahead in 2023:

• Three new ATAR courses will be offered, as part of our ongoing commitment to a personalised approach to our students’ learning experiences. In 2023, students can now study ATAR Psychology and ATAR Business Management and Enterprise. Also, in a first for our College, Year 11 ATAR Outdoor Education is available in collaboration with our brother school Wesley College.

• Year 7 students will complete a Personal Project over the course of the year, where they will explore an area of personal interest. This course will provide them with the opportunity to consolidate their learning, celebrate their personal interests and develop important skills outlined in our Penrhos Learner.

• Penrhos is partnering with the University of Western Australia for the pilot of the UWA Starter Program, commencing in February 2023. The initiative allows Secondary students to kick-start their university experience by completing micro-credentials.

• In an expansion to our Athlete Development Program launched for Year 7 and 8 students this year, in 2023 we will expand the program to have a combined specialist class in Year 9 and 10. This class will provide an opportunity for our students to access a program that focusses on their individual development across specialist Volleyball and Basketball specific modules. The aim for 2023 is a personalised program that will focus on the individual’s achievement, excellence, and aspirations, giving them a focus across the journey of secondary school.

• We already have students doing subjects off grid through the School of Isolated and Distance Education and University courses through Curtin University. In 2023, students will also be able to access additional courses through University of Western Australia.

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Achievements in 2022

• The opening of the Western Australian borders saw the Principal providing almost daily updates to staff on evolving COVID-19 policy during Term 1, 2022. College policies and procedures were adjusted as a response to the changing COVID-19 landscape in WA including the requirement to provide evidence of vaccination for appointments during Semester 1.

• Staff were further supported with the introduction of COVID-19 leave when required to isolate due to their close contact with people who had COVID-19, in line with protocols around this time, in addition to their sick leave.

• The opening of the WA borders saw an increase in sick leave accessed by staff of 1,300% (in addition to the oneoff provisions around leave associated with quarantining as a consequence of being a close contact) in Semester 1. This significant increase in sick leave affected the relief budget, but at no time were any Penrhos classes or courses compromised. An outstanding achievement at this time was the Penrhos staff commitment to continue to teach our students either remotely, or face to face.

• Recruitment in 2022 has seen a greater focus on client stewardship. During 2022 approximately over 1,800 applications for the 85 positions (internal and external) advertised in 2022, having had 4,745 visitors to the employment page of the Penrhos website. Accompanying the processing of these applications are approximately 250 external referee checks supported by the associated paperwork required for appointment.

• People Services conducted an audit of all contracts during 2022, to assist in the development of template contracts for all roles. These contract templates have been circulated for comment and these suggestions incorporated into each document. These documented adjustments will assist in ensuring the continuing high levels of contractual efficiency and accuracy for new appointments at the College.

• A new structure introduced into the Secondary School, at the start of 2022, has seen the commencement of the new Head of Secondary School (Dr Victoria Kelleher). This change in structure as well as the review and realignment of senior positions piloted during 2022 saw the reduction in the non-teaching executive ranks by one position (25%) and the change in titles of the Dean of Discovery and Dean of Studies.

• A review of the ICT Department has occurred that has seen the senior role now reporting to the Director, Finance & Administration.

• 3 Teaching Staff have been supported with study assistance, with 2 of the 3 Operational Services Staff in receipt of study assistance currently completing teaching qualifications.

• Of particular note are the departures of staff who held significant roles, or with 20+ years of service

» Brenton Marlow – Head of Science – promoted to the Assistant Principal, Teaching & Learning at Rehoboth College.

» David Ballantyne – Head of Drama – retiring

» Jane Clarke – Psychologist – retiring

» Julie Kenny – Teacher of Photography and Media.

» Kerry Jenke – Junior School Teacher – retiring

• The continuing uptake of the new system Orgview has seen continued streamlining of the College HR, WHS and Workers Compensation processes.

Ahead in 2023

• The Creative Arts and Design and Digital Design and Technology Departments have commenced a review of their operations and deliverables, with outcomes to be understood in Term 2 2023.

• The new strategic plan has given direction to the recalibration of the performance review process with the introduction of SOAR (Staff Opportunities and Active Reflection) program. This program, along with a new staff induction program, developed in junction with the Head of Secondary School, Dean of Discovery and Director of People Services will be implemented in 2023.

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Achievements in 2022

• Inspirational branding was rolled out across the College, with signage, decals and quotes updated throughout the campus.

• The Aboriginal bush tucker garden, and Aboriginal mural have both been completed outside the Principal’s office.

• Secondary School windows and windowsills were replaced with new, updated windows and sills on the northern side of Block A.

• The Secondary School entry was refreshed and updated with new clear, glazed aluminum doors replacing the older wooden doors.

• New bike racks have been installed alongside the Anglesey Centre and swimming pool entrance providing additional usability for students and staff.

• After damage was experienced to ceilings in the Junior School reception area, all ceilings within the Junior School reception, offices and kitchen open area have been replaced, with new materials which have the benefit of being maintenance free in the future.

• Work completed to terraced space overlooking Laurie Packham oval to enhance spectator experience

• Ahead in 2023

• Maintenance and repairs will take place on the toilets within the Junior School and across Years 8 and 9.

• Ceilings within the Year 5 and 6 classroom areas will be replaced to ensure safety and low maintenance requirements in the future

• Roof and ceilings across T11 and T12 will be replaced and retiled to ensure safety and low maintenance requirements in the future

• Fandry Centre roof tiling will be redone in areas, and resarked to address leaking issues

• Additional furniture will be purchased for the Early Learning Centre due to increased growth in student numbers for 2023 with an emphasis on natural materials

• Tables and chairs in the Margaret Way Courtyard will be replaced with new, longer lasting and more aesthetically pleasing options

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Achievements in 2022

• At the beginning of the year we were joined by 58 new Year 7 students and we look forward to welcoming 70 new Year 7s in 2023.

• We welcomed 28 new boarders in 2022 and we look forward to welcoming a further 20 at the beginning of 2023.

• Demand for enrolments across the College have grown, and there are now waitlists for Year 2, 7, 10 and 11.

• Penrhos College was able to thank everyone who generously offered their time, services and expertise in support of the programs and activities of our College at the Thank You Sundowner. Over 200 people enjoyed freshly shucked oysters, canapés and refreshments, while the DJ set the atmosphere in the lead-up to the highly anticipated raffle draw. Erin Gower was the lucky winner of our annual Tuition Fees Raffle, receiving $20,000 towards her daughter’s future tuition at the College. Thank you to the Penrhos Foundation for supporting this event.

• We celebrated our 70 year anniversary in a number of ways, including our most successful ever Founders’ Day event, for the first time combining with our 50 and 60 year reunions.

• Due to the high demand of enrolments, we were excited to open an additional stream of Year 3 students in 2022.

• The College supported or hosted a number of events, including reunions for 18 months, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years and 40 years, as well as our annual Shakers and Stirrers event in conjunction with the Wesley Alumni.

• We joined Kobeelya, our former sister school in Katanning, in celebrating their 100th anniversary in 2022. These celebrations included a special commemorative Garden Party and the official naming of the Boarding House lawn. Founded in 1922, the school was known as Penrhos Kobeelya from 1976 until its closure in 1986.

Ahead in 2023

• Due to increased enrolment growth in our Early Learning Centre we are pleased to be opening additional classes in Pre-Primary and Year 1 in 2023.

• After a COVID-impacted 2022 we look forward to welcoming more of our community on campus again in 2023 for events including the Welcome Sundowner, a new Night in White in conjunction with Friends of Penrhos, and other events throughout the year.

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From our Support Groups


Our Alumni Committee aims to perpetuate school and community spirit among our nearly 10,000 alumni members. Penrhos Old Girls are based in over 40 countries around the world, and our ever-growing network means ties to each other and the College reach far and wide.

This year the Penrhos Alumni Committee hosted or supported the following events and initiatives:

• Shakers and Stirrers annual networking event at the Windsor Hotel in South Perth (with Wesley Old Boys) with another huge turnout

• Leavers’ 18 month, 10, 20, 30 and 40-year reunions, with the 50- and 60-year reunions as a special part of our Founders’ Day celebrations.

• Combined Independent Girls’ School (CIGS) tennis and golf competitions including alumni from both Penrhos and Kobeelya Colleges

• Alumni pre-show soiree on the opening night of this year’s College Production, The Wizard of Oz.

• Penrhos College Founders’ Day celebrations

• Centenary celebrations for our former sister school Kobeelya, including the Kobeelya Garden Party held on our campus

• Pleiades annual meeting of seven sister schools to discuss alumni initiatives

• Year 12 Mother Daughter Dinner where graduates are welcomed to the alumni community with a keepsake gift

• The inaugural Leavers’ Coffee Morning to kick off Valedictory Week, at which our 2022 graduates were presented with a special alumni mug

• Presentation of the Meg Melville Alumni Endeavour Award to Brooke Nield, in support of her plans to produce a photobook to commemorate those lost and educate future generations on the Sandakan death camp.

• The Penrhos College Business Directory continues to grow, with over 100 businesses listed.

• Preparations to launch the Alumni Mentoring Program

We look forward to kicking off 2023 with International Women’s Day celebrations and the launch of the Alumni Mentoring Program. The success of our Shakers and Stirrers alumni networking event with Wesley will see us moving to a bigger venue next year. We hope to see record numbers of our alumni community at The Camfield on Friday, 31 March 2023.


Friends of Penrhos is a relatively new parent support group born of the shared vision and resulting amalgamation of the Penrhos College P&F and Auxiliary, both with a long history providing support and opportunities to the Penrhos community. Friends of Penrhos aims to foster connections, host events and develop initiatives to bring the community together in support of our College and our students.

While a number of events in the College calendar were again unable to take place due to the impact of COVID-19, Friends of Penrhos proudly hosted and supported the following College events and traditions:

• Junior School Disco and Parent Sundowner following Jeans for Genes Day

• Year 12 Valedictory Week events – Friends of Penrhos hosted a Flower Day morning tea for guests after the Year 12 assembly. We also supplied colourful named tubs for each Year 12 student to collect their flowers on Flower Day

• Friends of Penrhos have continued their support of the Year 12 yearbook publication. This year the group committed to providing this keepsake full of memories as a gift for our Leavers to reflect upon following graduation

• Meet the Author afternoon tea –a reading hour event in the Junior School Library during Book Week with guest speaker, author Fiona Burrows

• Together with the Wesley P&F, Friends of Penrhos hosted cohort combined parent sundowners on campus while students attended socials.

• Assisting with the annual Picnic and Pictures outdoor movie event

• Support of the inaugural Penrhos College Christmas Concert – an afternoon of performances by our Junior School students, followed by a community picnic on the Amphitheatre Lawn. We are delighted with the success of this event, which saw many Penrhos families come together to celebrate the festive season.

Despite the challenges, it has been another fun and exciting year for Friends of Penrhos, with plenty to look forward to in 2023. In February, we invite the Penrhos community to enjoy ‘A Night in White’ – a new event in the calendar and one for everyone to enjoy. Due to popular demand, the traditional Spring Lunch event will return in 2023 – bigger and better than ever!

We encourage new and current parents/caregivers from across the College to attend the next meeting of Friends of Penrhos, where we work together to build and nurture connections within the College community and to support our students, families and friends of the College. College.

15 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022


The Friends of Drama and Dance (FoDD) is made up of volunteers who aim to support the work of students and staff of the Drama and Dance Department, especially at the main performing arts events of the year – Dramafest, College Production, Dance Showcase, IGSSA Dance, Variety Night, Artsfest and Kaleidoscope. The Friends of Drama and Dance is open to all interested parents and guardians –daughters need not be taking Drama or Dance as a subject for parents to join the group.

FoDD have proudly supported the following events and initiatives this year:

• Assistance with costume making and laundering of costumes throughout the year

• Financial assistance for workshops, purchase of costumes and equipment for both Junior and Secondary School.

• Support for servery and the Box Office at a number of events throughout the year

• Fundraising via the servery, raffles and flower sales, including online sale of these for the College Production

• Financial assistance towards food for the cast and crew at the after party following the final performance of the College production and a thank you cake for drama, dance and technical staff


Friends of Music (FoM) assists and supports the College’s Junior and Secondary Music programmes at calendared music events throughout the year. Our objective is to create opportunities for parents to support the music staff and to foster the enjoyment and promotion of music throughout the College. FoM is open to anyone interested in music at Penrhos, particularly those whose daughters are involved in the College Music co-curricular programmes or who are studying Music as a subject. FoM welcomes the involvement of both Junior and Secondary School parents.

Throughout 2022, FoM provided support to events in the Music department calendar including Junior and Senior School Eisteddfods, Junior School Spring Showcase and Jazz Night at the Llew Woodford Centre, which replaced the Ellington Jazz Night which was cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

At the end of each year, Friends of Music presents certificates and lapel pins to recognise Year 6 students who have participated in music programmes during their time in Junior School.

At the annual Gala Night Concert, Friends of Music recognise the contribution of Year 12 music ensemble students to the College Music Programme, with the presentation of flowers and the Friends of Music Alumni keychain.

FoM members have continued to show strong support for the College Music Programme, giving generously of their time and contributions in support of raffles and fundraising initiatives at music events throughout the year.

16 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022


Penrhos Friends of Rowing is a voluntary parent support group which aims to raise funds by organising rowing related and other events, to purchase boats and equipment to maintain a successful rowing program. FoR provides support to the Head Coach to create opportunities for Penrhos students to participate in rowing, as both a competitive and recreational sport.

FoR provided support for the following events and activities throughout 2022 :

• Sales of uniforms and a wide range of supporter merchandise

• Annual Manure Drive major fundraiser

• Fundraising via sausage sizzles at College events, including the Junior School Disco, cohort socials with Wesley, Picnic and Pictures and the Penrhos College Christmas Concert

• Assisting with organising the Head of the River dinner, to celebrate the rowing season and our exceptional rowers

• Ongoing fundraising to support the construction of the new rowing shed shared with Wesley College

Congratulations to our amazing Rowers on achieving second place overall in the regatta season. We look forward to another wonderful year of competition, connection and community!


Menrhos is the only Parent Support Group made up of Penrhos dads and father-figures. Our purpose is threefold;

1. To create great opportunities for Dads to spend quality time with their daughters – school years are such a precious time and Dads have an important role to play in helping their daughters to successfully navigate the many challenges they will face through these formative years

2. To help build the community of Penrhos by giving dads and father-figures regular opportunities to connect

3. To help raise funds and support initiatives of the College to ensure we are always at the cutting edge and can continue to offer the very best learning experience for now and future generations of Penrhos students

This year, Menrhos events and initiatives included:

• Family mini golf competition

• Dad and daughter adventure camps for Year 5 and 7

• Monthly themed dads’ dinner nights at local venues

• Dad and daughter Go-Kart Challenge

• Family Fun Day at Adventure World

Next year promises more of the above, together with other new and exciting events. We encourage all dads and father-figures to join us at our next dinner night, these take place on the third Wednesday of each month, during term time.

17 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022


The Penrhosian Club is a group of past Penrhos students, parents, grandparents and staff members. We meet bimonthly, beginning in February each year.

At our meetings, we enjoy the friendship of those who share a love of Penrhos and wish to stay in touch with the College; we are also entertained, informed and inspired by a variety of guests including students from all age groups.

While our regular meeting schedule in 2022 was unfortunately impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, we were delighted to maintain our connection with each other and the Penrhos community at a variety of events throughout the year:

• We enjoyed the matinee of another fantastic College production, The Wizard of Oz

• Attending the annual Founders’ Day celebrations

• The Penrhosian Club has a special connection with Wesleyana – whose members are past mothers of Wesley students. We joined them at their annual High Tea event in July

• Penrhosian Club members are delighted to volunteer as special guests of students at the Junior School Grandparents and Friends Day and Artsfest performance

• We were proud to contribute funds for the garden seat and arch in the newly named Kobeelya Lawn, which commemorates the shared history and special relationship shared of Penrhos and Kobeelya in this, their centenary year

• Christmas luncheon and celebration of the festive season at Penrhos with College staff and friends from the Wesleyana Club members in November

• Thank You Sundowner

• Penrhos College Christmas Concert and community picnic was a wonderful way to end the year

It is wonderful to come together in friendship and fellowship each year to participate in the above activities and events - we look forward to welcoming new members to the Perhosian Club in 2022.

18 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022


Congratulations to the Class of 2021

At Penrhos, we reflect on 108 success stories; the remarkable stories of attainment of each one of our 108 graduates. These results are the outcome of incredible commitment, courage, grit and ambition.

Of the 108 Year 12 students eligible, 107 achieved the West Australian Certificate of Education (Graduation). 84 students studied the ATAR Pathway and 24 students studied the Vocational Pathway.

We achieved 95% graduation of our Vocational and Educational Training (VET) students.


Ranked 5th in Western Australia and the 2nd highest performing girls’ school


We achieved a Median ATAR for 2021 of 91.45, as compared to the state mean of 81.75


99% of 108 eligible Year 12 students achieved the West Australian Certificate of Education

ATAR PATHWAY 84 students studied the ATAR Pathway

» 30 students achieved ATAR scores of 95.00+

» 2 student awarded General Exhibition Top 50 students in Western Australia

» 4 students awarded Subject Certificates of Excellence Top 0.5% of students based on their examination score

» 24 students awarded Certificates of Distinction

» 26 students awarded Certificates of Merit

ATAR* Achieved

Number of Students 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

95.00+ 30 (35.7%) 30 (26%) 22 (21%) 35 (25%) 37 (31%) 47 (38%) 45 (31%) 25 (26%) 90.00-94.99 13 (15.5%) 29 (25%) 22 (21%) 25 (18%) 27 (23%) 24 (20%) 21 (15%) 19 (20%) 80.00-89.99 20 (23.8%) 27 (23.3%) 24 (23%) 43 (31%) 28 (24%) 27 (22%) 43 (30%) 26 (27%) 70.00-79.99 13 (15.5%) 15 (12.9%) 20 (19%) 23 (17%) 16 (13%) 16 (13%) 19 (13%) 14 (15%) 60.00-69.99 4 (4.75%) 10 (8.5%) 8 (8%) 7 (5%) 4 (3%) 6 (5%) 10 (7%) 11 (11%) Below 60 4 (4.75%) 5 (4.3%) 7 (7%) 5 (4%) 7 (6%) 3 (2%) 5 (4%) 1 (1%)

*ATAR – every student sitting the WACE Examinations is awarded a ranking; the students achieving the highest score being awarded a ranking of 99.95.

Performance of the Year 12 students with an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) who applied for university entrance. This data is sourced from the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) 2021 University Admissions Qualification Register.


24 students studied the VET pathway

» 95% graduation of VET students

All successful in completing at least one Certificate II or higher


In 2021, Penrhos ranked among the top schools in WA in eight courses, based on the percentage of students whose marks were in the top 15% of all students state-wide.

• Chemistry

• Drama

• English

• French Second Language

• Geography

• Modern History

• Physics

• Politics and Law

20 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022


Awarded to eligible students who obtain the 50 highest WACE award scores. The WACE award score is based on the average of five equated examination scores in ATAR courses. At least two of the examination scores must be from each of List A and List B subjects.

• Nahyun Kim

• Amelia Huxtable


Subject Certificate awarded to eligible candidates who are in the top 0.5 per cent of candidates in each ATAR course examination set by the Authority, based on the examination score

• Chemistry - Nahyun Kim

• English - Gabrielle Della Franco

• Mathematics Applications - Cassandra Baron


Congratulations to the following Class of 2021 graduates who attained a place on the Principal’s List for achieving an ATAR of 95 or higher:

• Cassandra Baron

• Priya Bhasin

• Alyssa Gottardo

• Megan Grayden

• Brigitte Gredziuk

• Eva Hajigabriel

• Sophie Harvey-Lissienko

• Aleta Houden

• Alexandra Huxtable

• Harriet Jones

• Nahyun Kim

• Lauretta Lee

• Hai Leow

• Jessica Mahar

• Kate Marquis


• Anabel Melang

• Abigail Moorhouse

• Kaitlin Otley

• Natasha Paul

• Olivia Penney

• Katherine Qiu

• Anya Rajan

• Monique Rossi

• Tayla Sedgwick

• Sarah Shipman

• Aimee Soudure

• Golshid Tarom

• Madison Tong

• Emily Wallace

• Chantelle Wheatley

A Certificate of Merit or Certificate of Distinction is awarded to each eligible student who, in their last three consecutive years of senior secondary WACE enrolment, achieves a certain point score. The points are accrued from 20 Year 11 and Year 12 units of which 10 are at Year 12. Unit equivalents from AQF VET certificates achieved can be used to meet the requirements.


Awarded to each eligible student who, in their last three consecutive years of senior secondary WACE enrolment, achieves 150–189 points.

• Sophie Harvey-Lissienko

• Abigail Moorhouse

• Kaitlin Otley

• Tayla Sedgwick

• Aimee Soudure

• Madison Tong

• Emily Wallace

• Chantelle Wheatley


A Certificate of Distinction is awarded to each eligible student who, in their last three consecutive years of senior secondary WACE enrolment, achieves190–200 points.

• Cassandra Baron

• Priya Bhasin

• Alyssa Gottardo

• Megan Grayden

• Brigitte Gredziuk

• Eva Hajigabriel

• Aleta Houden

• Harriet Jones

• Lauretta Lee

• Hai Leow

• Jessica Mahar

• Kate Marquis

• Anabel Melang

• Natasha Paul

• Olivia Penney

• Katherine Qiu

• Anya Rajan

• Monique Rossi

• Sarah Shipman

• Golshid Tarom (also awarded a UWA Winthrop Scholarship)

21 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022



National Penrhos Year 3 Penrhos Year 5 Penrhos Year 7 Penrhos Year 9

Top 20% 41 37 34 51

Middle 60% 53 55 60 48 Bottom 20% 6 8 6 1


National Penrhos Year 3 Penrhos Year 5 Penrhos Year 7 Penrhos Year 9

Top 20% 43 45 45 53

Middle 60% 54 55 48 45 Bottom 20% 3 5 7 2


National Penrhos Year 3 Penrhos Year 5 Penrhos Year 7 Penrhos Year 9

Top 20% 22 46 31 41 Middle 60% 69 51 60 57 Bottom 20% 9 3 9 2



National Penrhos Year 3 Penrhos Year 5 Penrhos Year 7 Penrhos Year 9

Top 20% 34 35 29 41

Middle 60% 60 60 61 57 Bottom 20% 6 5 10 2


National Penrhos Year 3 Penrhos Year 5 Penrhos Year 7 Penrhos Year 9

Top 20% 25 37 27 56

Middle 60% 72 58 65 44

Bottom 20% 3 5 8 0

22 Penrhos College | Annual Report 2022


• Continued reduction in Commonwealth Government per-student funding due to transition to direct measure of income funding model

• Significant increase in cost of insurance and outdoor education camps

• Impact of inflation on salary and non-salary costs

• Low student to staff ratio maintained

• 4.5% increase in tuition and boarding fees

• Overall staffing increase of 8.6 FTE in line with new classes being opened for Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1 and Year 3

• iPad and Notebook refreshment program for Years 4, 7 and 10


• Lighting upgrade for Rixon Theatre

• New desktop computers for Media and Music

• New furniture for Early Learning Centre

• Ongoing replacement of classroom audio-visual equipment

• Continued investment in upgraded information technology infrastructure (switches and cabling)

• Second stage of replacement of Secondary School classroom windows

• Classroom ceiling upgrades

• Function Centre cool room and air conditioning upgrade BUDGET


6 Morrison Street Como Western Australia 6152 Locked Bag 690 Como Western Australia 6952 Telephone: (08) 9368 9500 Facsimile: (08) 9368 9677 Email: feedback@penrhos.wa.edu.au Website: www.penrhos.wa.edu.au Penrhos College is a Uniting Church day and boarding school for girls, Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12

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