A boarding parent’s perspective by Amanda York Mother of Ruby and Chelsea (Year 9 and Year 12 boarders)
e have now been a Penrhos boarding family for six years - our oldest daughter Chelsea is currently in Year 12 and our youngest Ruby, is in Year 9. We live on a wheat and sheep farm in Tammin, which is two and a half hours east of Perth.
“Sending your kids to a school like Penrhos is one of the best gifts you can give them.”
When it was time to start looking for options for our children’s secondary education, the boarding aspect was our highest priority - we figured if the kids are happy in boarding it will ultimately have a positive effect on their schooling. We ideally needed a school that would suit our ‘chalk and cheese’ daughters – as soon as we toured Penrhos College, we felt an instant connection and knew it was a perfect fit for us.
I now appreciate how true this is. My girls have thrived as boarders - they have become such independent and confident young ladies. I look forward to their phone calls, updating us on their daily adventures and keeping us entertained with lots of extremely funny stories from boarding.
Our daughters were instantly drawn to the beautiful single rooms and we loved that all the boarders took such pride in their rooms’ appearance. We loved the wonderful spaces for each year group - fantastic common rooms and outdoor areas, yet it’s designed so the girls can still have their own space when they need some time out. It was also very important to us to know that all year groups mix well and look out for each other – we know first-hand that the Penrhos Boarding House has 100% achieved this, it’s just like a giant family. The added bonus for us was the fact that the girls keep the same room for the whole year. Believe me, you do not want to be packing up those rooms every term - it is decoration overload! For our girls, there are bedside tables, lights, pot plants, fish, hockey and cricket bags, ottomans, mirrors… and even an air fryer! Our family’s end-of-year pick up takes three carloads! I can still remember leaving Chelsea on the first day in boarding - it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, and dropping Ruby was no easier! I cried the whole way to Northam, an hour from Perth and ended up having to pull over for a break. At that time a very wise friend called me, her words were…
We always said that when they got to Perth, they should give anything a go – we told our daughters not to worry about being or not being the best, we encouraged them to just go and have fun. Between our two daughters, they have played nearly all the IGSSA sports and they have also tried out rowing and athletics - they just love being involved and representing Penrhos. They have also participated in so many other wonderful opportunities fantastic camps, excursions, drama nights, a trip to Laos and Cambodia, a day on the Leeuwin, trade fairs, dress up days … the list has been endless over the years! Then, on top of all that, there are the routine boarding activities like boarders netball at Fremantle on a Saturday, which the girls absolutely love. There are rec activities most weekends, offering our daughters lots of different experiences and the chance to mix with other schools – these activities are such a great opportunity to catch up with friends from home who attend other boarding schools. Our son is at Wesley and we love the ways Penrhos and Wesley often collaborate, doing so many activities together, which gives our kids the chance to spend time with one another. The boarding staff are fabulous – they care so much for the girls and get to really know each one individually. I like to allow extra time when picking the girls up, so