The Discipleship Project Preview

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Table of Contents About the Curriculum.........................................................................2 ADULT Adult Leader’s Guide..........................................................................5 Adult Personal Discipleship Guide...................................................13 YOUTH Youth Leader’s Guide.......................................................................17 Youth Personal Discipleship Guide...................................................24 ELEMENTARY Early and Late Elementary Leader’s Guide.......................................29 Elementary Activity Papers ..............................................................36 TODDLER-KINDERGARTEN Toddler and Kindergarten Leader’s Guide.......................................37 Toddler and Kindergarten Activity Papers .......................................44 Pricing and Details............................................................................45 Additional Resources........................................................................49 Scope and Sequence.......................................................................50


About the Curriculum Teaching was a key ingredient of Jesus’ instructions for the ongoing work of evangelizing and discipling all nations (Matthew 28:20). One of the ways pastors live out their calling is by equipping teachers who serve under their leadership with the skills and resources necessary to help ensure the transformative power of the gospel reaches everyone who attends a local church. Therefore, the selection of resources is critical to this calling. Are your teaching tools . . . Apostolic? Good curriculum intentionally weaves key doctrines throughout teaching resources and student activities. That’s great when the curriculum is Apostolic. It’s harmful when the materials are not. Avoid doctrinal landmines by using Apostolic curriculum. Systematic? Ongoing teaching is the most effective way to ensure students are grounded in God’s Word. The systematic teaching plan of curriculum helps more thoroughly cover the whole of Scripture rather than leaving the gaps that sometimes occur when there is no overarching scope and sequence. Easy to Use and a Time Saver? Teaching tools that are biblically accurate, infused with creativity, and easy to use enable teachers to focus on spiritual preparation and building relationships with students rather than scrambling to find lesson content each week. Affordable? You get what you pay for. If you do the math and calculate the price of your time, you may be surprised to see that the work of creating your own material or reworking nonApostolic material is staggering. Let Apostolic designers, writers, and editors create solid material you can customize for your unique needs.





• A study of doctrine for the whole church with a variety of topics such as faith, grace, the Oneness of God, stewardship, and much more • Three different month-long series plus a family Sunday released every quarter • Print and digital delivery including video resources and a Children’s Church Guide

Trailer video introducing each monthly series

Kids’ music video for each monthly series

Early Elementary Winter 2016 | Resource Packet




Winter 2016 | Personal Discipleship Guide

Winter 2016 | Leader’s Guide












Membership Has Its Privileges | Brent Randal

Membership Has Its Privileges | Scott Graham

GOD Hard Choices | John Lagas

Membership Has Its Privileges | Scott Graham

© 2015 Pentecostal Publishing House, 8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042 Our Big God | John Lagas • All rights reserved. Do not reproduce, distribute, or transmit any part of this publication in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without possessing prior documented approval from Pentecostal Publishing House. To request permission, contact Hard Choices | J. Mark Jordan

3221560 Winter TDP EERP.indd 1

3921511 Winter TDP ALG.indd 1

Song reinforcing each series’ theme

(Includes versions with and without vocals)

3621521 Winter TDP SPDG.indd 1


GOD Hard Choices | J. Mark Jordan

The Omni | Daniel Koren

The Omni | Daniel Koren

6/24/15 9:36 AM

6/24/15 9:37 AM

6/24/15 9:36 AM

Full complement of leader and student resources

(Available in print and digital delivery)


Š 2018 Pentecostal Publishing House, 36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, MO 63304 • All rights reserved. Do not reproduce, distribute, or transmit any part of this publication in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without possessing prior documented approval from Pentecostal Publishing House. To request permission, contact


The Discipleship Project


Adult Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide


Adult Leader’s Guide



Each quarter includes three different four-week series and a thirteenth Family Sunday lesson.

The Gift of Repentance | Stan Gleason


Practice Makes Perfect | Travis Miller

The Power to Be Witnesses | Ryan Franklin





Lesson 1.1

The Gift of Repentance:

The same Big Idea is shared for every lesson across every age level so families can have a unified conversation about the topic.

The Gift of Repentance A series by Stan Gleason

Lesson Big Idea: Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God has given us the gift of repentance .

Foundation Scripture Focus: Hebrews 9:22 Tell the story of Adam and Eve on page 10 . »

When have you discovered God’s anger or His mercy or both?


What has helped you understand the impact of repentance?

Frame A . God does not want one single human to suffer eternity without Him . 1 . The Line of No Return 2 . Esau »

Hebrews 12:15–17

B . God’s reaction to human sin is first anger and then mercy. 1 . Shame and fear are the dominant emotions that follow acts of disobedience toward God . »

How do you think Adam and Eve felt when God found them hiding from Him?


Share a time when God called you to repentance.

2 . The essential nature of God is love . »



II Peter 3:9

The Discipleship Project


C . Sin is the reality of our broken world, and we must learn what to do when we succumb to temptation . »

Romans 3:23

1 . The result of Adam and Eve’s transgression is they lost direct contact with God . »

What has typically been your reaction when you have disobeyed God?


What is your concept of how God views us when we are disobedient?

Each lesson includes an outline format for teachers who prefer to teach from an outline.

2 . Repentance is a gift to us from God . »

I John 3:21


Proverbs 28:1


How has God’s gift of repentance shaped your walk with Him?


How has repentance impacted your confidence or uncertainty toward God?

Finish Tell the story of the old master potter on page 13 .






The Leader’s Guide includes full lesson commentary for each week.

Foundation Scripture Focus: Hebrews 9:22

Each lesson begins with a story in the Foundation section to capture the heart.


hey were newlyweds . How exciting it was for them to set up their first home together . They discussed their new normal as a married couple and how they would work with each other to make their new life together happy and fulfilling . He was gainfully employed, and his boss had taken a real liking to him . He had been promoted, given great responsibility, and was quickly rising in the company . His job was not especially difficult, but it did require his rapt attention to detail and vigilance in keeping the workplace safe . They gladly shared the responsibilities of keeping their home . She was a stay-at-home wife . They did not need a second income with no children to raise as yet, and living expenses were kept to a minimum . His role at home was to keep the yard and landscaping manicured . As the man of the house, he well understood it was also his responsibility to protect his wife and property from any intruders . They lived in a nice neighborhood, but one could never be too careful . Her job was to clean and straighten the home and prepare meals . This arrangement sounds stereotypical, if not archaic, by some of today’s expectations, but it worked well for them . They keenly understood they owed everything they were to God . After all, He was the one who had brought them together, and there was no denying it . Consequently, they determined they would be people of faith and walk with God . Their plan was to serve God as a team and do all He called them to do . It was their practice to rise early and spend the first part of their morning with God . They often remarked that it felt as though God would be waiting for them as they approached Him in prayer . One fateful day the husband, whose name was Adam, let down his guard . While he was distracted, danger entered his home . He turned just in time to see Eve, his wife, succumb to temptation . Why he didn’t say anything as he stared in horror, we may never know . And more mystifying yet was why he followed her lead and fell to the same temptation . She seemed to be far more bewildered than he, however . Instantly their perception changed . They suddenly felt vulnerable, exposed, and ashamed . Once again they had a new normal . Instinctively they ran far out into the heavy growth area of their garden and hid . It wasn’t long until God came looking for them, all the while calling their names . God asked them where they were, as if He didn’t know . This was His gentle way of giving them a chance to call out to Him in humility . God knew well their need to cover their nakedness and shame . Without consulting them He slaughtered an innocent animal, shed its blood, took the hide, and made them clothing . They would never be the same again as they experienced God’s judgment upon their disobedience . But they also encountered His mercy as He covered their nakedness, made a way for them to continue to exist within His creation, and gave them the promise of redemption (Genesis 3:15) . When have you discovered God’s anger or His mercy or both? What has helped you understand the impact of repentance?

The Frame section provides the major teaching points of the lesson.



od does not want one single human to suffer an eternity without Him . His nature is not to destroy but to redeem . His patience can be exhausted, but few have ever reached this zone of separation from God . Let us consider a powerful question: Is there a line individuals or groups can cross to be permanently exiled from God? On the Niagara River in New York is a certain place in the



The Discipleship Project


rushing rapids the locals call “the line of no return .” They say if you are in the water at that point, the current is so strong that you have thirteen seconds before plunging over Niagara Falls, usually to your demise . In extremely rare scriptural cases, some have apparently crossed such a line of no return . Esau is one who throughout his entire life demonstrated no tenderness or respect toward God . Hebrews 12:15–17 provides valuable insight into what happened within Esau: “Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright . For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears” (NKJV) . The key descriptive term concerning Esau is that he was profane . The Scripture defends this pejorative reference by citing the selling of his birthright . Why would Jacob even attempt to wrest such a priceless gift from Esau unless he perhaps had heard him speak of it disparagingly? Had Esau’s tears been more inspired by conviction than self-pity, perhaps he would have found that coveted place for repentance . There is no concrete theology that uniformly and emphatically informs us exactly when we run out of God’s mercy, but we can be sure there is such a place . One young man was worried he had crossed the line of no return after making light of one major doctrine of Scripture . But after seeking wise counsel from his spiritual authority, he was assured that because this behavior had not been a pattern and his heart had been smitten by conviction, he would be fully restored into right relationship with God after a heartfelt session of repentance . On more than God’s reaction to human sin is first anger and then mercy (Psalm 30:5) . one occasion, the anger of God was dissuaded by the human response to His disapproval, followed by a merciful act of God . God sent a prophet to a wicked city with a message of doom and no hope (Jonah 3:4) . The pagan king of that city called for a citywide fast and humility before this strange God, and the Lord changed His mind and withheld His judgment (Jonah 3:5–10) . God’s justice requires judgment for disobedience, but His response to the king of Nineveh demonstrates that God is always looking for any justifiable reason to extend mercy . After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they experienced shame as their eyes were opened and they recognized their nakedness . Secondly, as they heard His voice calling them, they experienced a fear of God and went and hid themselves . Shame and fear are the dominant emotions that Shame and fear are healthy emotions if they turn us follow acts of disobedience toward God . toward God and are properly disposed of through seeking Him for forgiveness . If disobedience is not confronted, the emotions of shame and fear can become debilitating, if not destructive .

Icons indicate when a PowerPoint slide should be displayed, when a question should be asked and discussed, and when the class should be directed to the Personal Discipleship Guide, such as for fillin-the-blank answers to major lesson points.

How do you think Adam and Eve felt when God found them hiding from Him? Share a time when God called you to repentance. II Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is . . . not willing that any The essential nature of God is love . God’s default when dealing with should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (KJV) . disobedience in humanity is to be patient (Romans 15:5), to supernaturally draw us to Himself (John 12:32), and to be quick to forgive (I John 1:9) . God’s resources are unlimited . So immediately after confronting Adam and Eve, He made a way for them to survive His judgment . When Peter asked how many times we should be willing to forgive and then suggested seven times, Jesus multiplied that by seventy (Matthew 18:22) . If Jesus declared that it is within us to be able to forgive 490 times (the sense seems to be within one day), how much more capacity does God possess to forgive us?






LESSON BIG IDEA: Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God has given us the gift of repentance .

Sin is the reality of our broken world, and we must learn what to do when we succumb Paul addressed the universal battle we face by virtue of our entrance into this to temptation . fallen world when he wrote, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, John wrote that we are deceived if we live under the pretense of living sinless (I John 1:8– NKJV) . 10) . Opportunity is all around us to transgress God’s Word . It is as dangerous to live under the false assumption that we are untouchable by sin as it is to have a cavalier attitude about living righteously . Both mind-sets are a trap set by the enemy . We should never have a sense that we are mature enough in Christ that we are no longer capable of transgression (I Corinthians 10:12) . We also must not become so relaxed that we play with temptation rather than stand guard and be vigilant (I Peter 5:8) . They The result of Adam and Eve’s transgression is they lost direct contact with God . were driven from the Garden of Eden (Paradise on earth), and God placed a curse upon each of them and upon the ground . There were many hardships they heretofore had never suffered, but their disobedience opened a whole new world for them . They would exude physical labor, experience pain in childbirth, and encounter new threats all around . Perhaps the most difficult new normal for this husband and wife was they no longer would have the close communication with God that they had once enjoyed . Prior to their sinful act, no sacrifice was needed . The only thing necessary to communicate with God was to show up at the special place at their special time every day . Talking and walking with God was easy and natural . But after their sin, the relationship was much different . What they had done actually estranged them from their Creator who desired fellowship with them (Ephesians 2:14–18) . From then on a blood sacrifice would be required to appease God’s judgment before communication could commence . By God killing an animal to make them a covering, He was demonstrating the principle that the innocent must die for the guilty (Hebrews 9:22) .

Discussion questions are placed throughout the body of the lesson to engage students and help them apply the principles being taught.

What has typically been your reaction when you have disobeyed God? What is your concept of how God views us when we are disobedient? ; it begins to remove hostilities between God and Repentance is a gift to us from God our broken flesh . Humans cannot repent of their own volition . It takes the grace of God to draw us into repentance . No flesh will glory or take credit for making a turn toward God alone; God gives us permission and the desire to approach Him . Hebrews 12:2 calls Jesus the “author” of our faith, which means He is the initiator . Paul said Jesus Christ is the one who has “begun a good work in you” (Philippians 1:6, KJV) . So if Christ gave us the desire to repent, then we cannot take the credit for it . According to Philippians 2:13, God is working in us, giving us both the desire to do what He wants and the power to do it . There is no better feeling in the world than having a close and fulfilling relationship with God . I John 3:21 says, “Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God” (NKJV) . When our conscience is clear and our heart is clean, John said we should feel good about our relationship with God . Having confidence toward God empowers us to walk worthy, to pray boldly, to do ministry, to engage the lost, and to serve Him in every way, feeling good . Proverbs 28:1 says, “The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion” (NKJV) .



The Discipleship Project


The Finish section closes the lesson with a compelling story to prepare hearts for a time of prayer.

How has God’s gift of repentance shaped your walk with Him? How has repentance impacted your confidence or uncertainty toward God?



certain man went to a pottery shop looking for a beautiful piece of art . All of the clay vessels had been designed and created by one man, the owner . After viewing the beautifully crafted works, the man’s eye kept coming back to a peculiar piece on the top shelf . One of the employees came over to the man, asking if there was something she could show him . He said, “I’ve noticed the unusual piece perched high above and back in the corner . I’m interested in buying it .” The worker explained, “Well, you’ll have to speak to the master potter about that one . Others have also made inquiry about purchasing it, but as yet he has not relented .” The worker disappeared through a door behind the counter . In a few minutes, an aged man emerged from the back shop where he created his beautiful masterpieces . “I understand you are interested in buying one of my pieces? As you can see I have many to choose from and all are guaranteed by me .” The customer replied, “Well, I’m actually not interested in any of these vessels, but I am particularly intrigued by that one right up there hiding behind all the others .” “May I ask why you want that one and none of the others?” the potter asked . The customer replied, “It possesses perhaps a common shape and capacity, but the coloring is unusual .” The old master potter placed his hands on the counter and knowingly looked down for a moment before speaking . “I’m sorry, sir, but that vessel is not for sale .” The customer bristled in shock and exclaimed, “But sir, everything is for sale . Just name your price .” There was a trace of regret in the potter’s smile as he announced, “I have created thousands of vessels in my career and have painted them all to my heart’s delight . But that vessel and its color may never be created again, therefore making it special to me and irreplaceable .” “But sir, I don’t understand . How could one clay vessel be so special?” The potter started to explain, “As I began to work that piece of clay, it resisted the will of my hands . I kneaded it roughly and I worked it softly, but nothing I did seemed to make it yield to my plan .” “But why didn’t you just throw it away and begin working with another lump of clay?” the customer asked incredulously . “You see, sir, when I begin to create a vessel, I already have the finished product in my mind . I know what I want to do with it and what it can be . So when a piece of clay resists my plan, I am not quick to throw it away, because I know how to mold and help the clay eventually become valuable .” “That seems like a waste of time to me,” the customer grunted . Then he quickly added, “So how did you salvage that piece of clay?” “Well, this is where the value of the vessel comes into play . When I reached my fingers into the mass of clay to pull out the part that was resisting my design, there was something sharp that cut my hand . I did not realize it at first, but after I removed the piece that caused the trouble, I began to notice the clay taking on an unusual color . I pulled my hands away from the clay as it whirled on the wheel and noticed that my hand had been bleeding . My red blood had been mixing with the grey clay, not only helping to mold it, but also producing the unusual color . So now you understand, my good man, why that vessel is not for sale . It may be just another vessel to anyone else, but to me it is priceless .”






Whether you lead a small group or simply would like to use the small group format for your class, each Leader’s Guide lesson contains a one-page Small Group Leader’s Guide. (This guide is also available digitally for download.)

Lesson 1.1

Small Group Leader’s Guide The Gift of Repentance: The Gift of Repentance Opening Question: What is the best gift you have ever given to someone?

An icebreaker to get the group talking.

Scripture Focus: Hebrews 9:22 Tell the story of Adam and Eve on page 10 .

The biblical foundation for launching into discussion A story to set the stage for the main idea of the session. Fifteen questions the leader may wish to use in facilitating the group discussion. Suggested prayer direction to give the group focus.

Group Discussion: • What has helped you understand the impact of repentance? • How do you think Adam and Eve felt when God found them hiding from Him? • Share a time when God called you to repentance . • What has typically been your reaction when you have disobeyed God? • What is your concept of how God views us when we are disobedient? • How has God’s gift of repentance shaped your walk with Him? • How has repentance impacted your confidence or uncertainty toward God? • What is mercy? • What is the difference between mercy and grace? • Why are you thankful for God’s mercy? • What are some ways to avoid temptation? • In what ways do you find strength and help from the Lord when you are tempted? • How is repentance a gift? • What are some of God’s promises regarding repentance? • Why are you thankful for repentance? Prayer Focus Lord, I want to spend eternity with You . Thank You for mercy . Be my strength and help during times of temptation . Thank You for the gift of repentance . Thank You for the great work You are doing in my life .

To download a Small Group Leader’s Guide and Participant’s Guide, see the instructions on page 2 . are included in the Small Group Participant’s Guide . Questions marked with



The Discipleship Project


Adult Personal Discipleship Guide

Lesson 1.1

The Gift of Repentance: The Gift of Repentance

A study by Stan Gleason

The Personal Discipleship Guide helps students engage with the lesson during class and then continue to apply the biblical points to their lives throughout the week.

Personal Discipleship Guide Read Hebrews 9:22. When have you discovered God’s anger or His mercy or both?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ What has helped you understand the impact of repentance?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Reflection questions prompt students to apply the lesson material on a personal level. These questions also appear in the Leader’s Guide, so the teacher can facilitate discussion during class.

_______________________________________________________________ God does not want one single human to suffer an ___________________ without Him. God’s reaction to human sin is first ________________ and then _________________. ______________ and _______________ are the dominant emotions that follow acts of disobedience toward God.

Adult Fall 2018 | Personal Discipleship Guide




The Gift of Repentance | Stan Gleason


© 2018 Pentecostal Publishing House, 36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, MO 63304 • All rights reserved. Do not reproduce, distribute, or transmit any part of this publication in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without possessing prior documented approval from Pentecostal Publishing House. To request permission, contact



Practice Makes Perfect | Travis Miller

The Power to Be Witnesses | Ryan Franklin


How do you think Adam and Eve felt when God found them hiding from Him?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Share a time when God called you to repentance.

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ The essential nature of God is ______________. What has typically been your reaction when you have disobeyed God?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ What is your concept of how God views us when we are disobedient?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________ is a gift to us from God.

Devotional guides are provided for adults to dig into the Bible each day of the week and conduct further study.

Prayer Focus

Scripture Focus Reflection

Lord, I want to spend eternity with You.

Lord, thank You for mercy.

I Thessalonians 4:17; 5:10

II Chronicles 20:21; Psalm 106:1

What do you think of when you consider the idea of eternity?

What is mercy?

How does your understanding of eternity affect the way you live in the present?



Why do you want to be with Jesus for eternity?

What is the difference between mercy and grace? Why are you thankful for God’s mercy?

The Discipleship Project


How has God’s gift of repentance shaped your walk with Him?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ How has repentance impacted your confidence or uncertainty toward God?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Lord, be my strength and help during times of temptation.

Lord, thank You for the gift of repentance.

Lord, thank You for the great work You are doing in my life.

Matthew 6:13; I Corinthians 10:13

James 1:17; I John 1:9

Philippians 1:6; Hebrews 12:2

What are some ways to avoid temptation?

How is repentance a gift?

How have you seen God at work in your life?

How can we rely on the Lord when we are tempted? In what ways do you find strength and help from the Lord when you are tempted?

What are some of God’s promises regarding repentance? Why are you thankful for repentance?

What does it mean that God is both the author and finisher of your faith? Is it encouraging to know that God will finish what He has started? Explain.






The Family Connection equips parents to have a unified conversation as a family. With a summary of the lesson for each age group, discussion question prompts, and activity ideas, families have the tools they need to grow in discipleship beyond the walls of the church.

The Gift of Repentance: The Gift of Repentance

Lesson Big Idea: Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God has given us the gift of repentance. Bible Story: God’s Gift of Repentance (Genesis 3:1–21) Use the conversation starters below to help create spiritual discussions with your family.

Memory Verse: I John 1:9 • How can our sins be forgiven? • Why is repentance considered a gift? • Why should we be thankful for the gift of repentance?

This week we learned that Jesus has a gift for all of us—the gift of repentance. Because of the gift of repentance, all our sin can be gone. God covered Adam and Eve with animal skins; God covers our sins too. Discuss how Adam and Eve thought they could hide their sin from God, but God knew all of their hiding spots. Work the activity on the take-home paper and discuss the gift of repentance with your family.

Join us on Facebook! Search “The Discipleship Project” your feedback and pictures of the action. You can also Facebook This week, your Share family is encouraged • curriculum Why areinyou thankful foruserepentance? to ask any something questions, or contact to plan a night doing thatus at • What are some ways to avoid everyone enjoys doing together. During temptation? that time discuss the importance of • How has God’s gift of repentance repentance and how we should lean on shaped your walk with Him? it consistently. Consider the following questions for discussion:



The Discipleship Project



Youth Leader’s Guide

Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide




Each quarter includes three different four-week series and a thirteenth Family Sunday lesson.

The Gift of Repentance


Practice Makes Perfect

The Power to Be Witnesses




Features The same Big Idea is shared for every lesson across every age level so families can have a unified conversation about the topic.

The Gift of Repentance


Finding a Place of Repentance BLUEPRINT

SERIES BIG IDEA Because we all battle with temptation and sin, we must make the gift of repentance part of our daily lives. LESSON BIG IDEA Because we all battle with temptation and sin, we must find a place to repent.

Simple supplies are used each week and compiled in a list at the beginning of each lesson.

LEARNING TARGET To realize that God has given us a means to fight against temptation and sin, even after we have failed. KEY SCRIPTURE PASSAGE II Kings 22:18–20 SUPPLIES image or model of an altar

The Foundation section presents a compelling story to begin each lesson by capturing students’ hearts.



he restoration project had begun. It had been years since this magnificent building had received any maintenance or care. Looking at it now, it was difficult to believe that at one time people came from all over the world to gawk

at this amazing structure, a wonder of the world. In fact, one queen from Africa was so overcome by the splendor of this center of worship and the appointments of those who cared for it, she literally fainted. On the day this structure was dedicated, there was such an ovation from God that the ceremony had to be suspended due to this divine interruption. But not so any more. The Northern Kingdom of Israel had already been taken captive by the Assyrians. This heathen amalgamation of nations had swooped down upon the ten tribes occupying Israel and had taken everything sacred, precious, and redeemable. This captivity was prophesied and allowed by God due to Israel’s reoccurring theme of backsliding and idolatry. After the united kingdom of Israel had been divided following the death of Solomon, there had been no righteous kings leading the northern nation. Their kings continually led them into sin, evil, and apostasy. For 250 years God had been merciful and patient, enduring Israel’s rebellion. They neglected God, His Word, and His house. The same judgment that was to fall on Israel was also prophesied over the Southern Kingdom, Judah. The only difference between the nations was: mixed in among their evil kings, at least the southern nation of two tribes had seen a few godly leaders. Josiah was one such king. Amazingly, he became a king at only eight years of age. He departed from the evil ways of his father by demonstrating a great heart for God. At the age of nineteen, he took a tour of his nation. It didn’t take him long to make the right decision after personally witnessing Judah’s spiritual climate. He immediately began destroy-



The Discipleship Project



Victory over Sin

ing pagan idols and tearing down the coveted high places of worship. He went so far as to exhume bones of idolatrous priests who were being worshiped and burned them to ashes. At the age of twenty-five, Josiah made a big announcement. It was not enough to demolish every vesture of idolatrous worship in his nation. The slate had been wiped clean, but there was still an important step for this young reformer to take. The house of God had fallen into severe disrepair and had become an embarrassment to the name of God and His reputation. The spectacle of this broken-down edifice was only a physical manifestation of what had been going on in the hearts of God’s people for generations. As the people’s hearts go, so goes the house of God. The young king made it clear the next major reform would be to repair God’s house and bring it up to current standards. One day, during the restoration project, while piles of rubble were being removed from an abandoned area of the Temple, one of the workers suddenly noticed a scroll that appeared to be significant. Immediately they brought it to a chief priest of the Temple named Hilkiah, who turned it over to Shaphan, a Temple scribe. After examination they soon determined it was the Torah, the first five books of the Word of God. It is hard for us to imagine that these ancient Jews were strangers to God’s Word, but we can well imagine their excitement upon its rediscovery. Josiah commanded the Word of God to be read. When he heard the simple reading of the Law, with deep contrition he tore his clothes as he realized Judah’s severe backslidden and rebellious position against God. He quickly commanded the priest to inquire of the Lord and see what judgment might lie ahead for them. The priest returned to Josiah with a message saying the Lord would bring destruction upon them because they had forsaken Him and had burned incense to strange gods in worship unto them. But then God had a special message for Josiah: “‘Because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before the Lord when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants, that they would become a desolation and a curse, and you tore your clothes and wept before Me, I also have heard you,’ says the Lord. ‘Surely, therefore, I will gather you to your fathers, and you shall be gathered to your grave in peace; and your eyes shall not see all the calamity which I will bring on this place’” (II Kings 22:19–20, NKJV).

Opening Discussion • What may have been some of the difficulties Josiah faced when implementing those changes?

Middle-School Exercise 1. Prepare an image of an altar or build a small altar to provide a visualization for your students. 2. Allow students time to analyze the makeup of an altar and discuss what items go into its creation and what is needed for a sacrifice. 3. Now have students think about the modern equivalents of the items that go into creating an altar and what sorts of fire and sacrifices are needed. 4. Allow time for reflection and talk to your students about building an altar in their personal lives.

Senior-High Exercise

Interactive exercises are split into age-appropriate adaptations for middle school and senior high students.

1. Prepare an image of an altar or build a small altar to provide a visualization for your students. 2. Allow students time to analyze the makeup of an altar and discuss what items go into its creation and what is needed for a sacrifice. 3. Now have students think about the modern equivalents of the items that go into creating an altar and what sorts of fire and sacrifices are needed.

Instructions help teachers carry out break-out activities to interact with the lesson on a deeper level.

4. How do we build an altar that is purely spiritual? 5. What materials go into building it? 6. What sacrifice is needed for a spiritual altar? 7. Where does the fire come from?

Have one or two of your students share a story of a time when an altar seemed like their only option for the


situation they were going through. Likewise, consider sharing your own story.





The Frame section provides the main body of the lesson in an easy-to-follow outline format.

FRAME I. Understanding Sin A. Perhaps the most basic definition of sin could be “disobedience to God’s Word.” 1. The nation of Judah certainly represented this definition. Years of idolatry, misuse, abuse, and neglect of God’s house had been building up a reproach to the Lord. 2. Had not the Word of God been rediscovered, and had not Josiah responded so immediately and humbly before God, judgment would soon have fallen. 3. Josiah’s response to the rebellion of Judah touched and changed the heart of God. In fact, God spared Josiah’s entire generation because of his repentance. 4. Judah was eventually conquered and taken captive as prophesied, but only after the death of Josiah. B. The sins of our flesh are rebellion and disobedience against God. 1. Romans 8:7 tells us our carnal mind is the enemy of God. This is a serious position to be in. Who in their right mind would want God as their enemy? 2. There is only one option to change God’s heart and action toward us when we fall into this category: repentance. 3. Repentance changes our hearts and actions toward God, and repentance changes God’s heart and actions toward us. C. The gift of God contained within repentance is that God, who is omnipotent, has empowered sinful humanity to change His attitude toward them. 1. The first thing we learn in Scripture about God is that He is a “moving” God (Genesis 1:2), which means He is a God of action. 2. The aforementioned biblical narrative describes numerous acts of aggression (if not violence) that God ordained in an attempt to turn rebellious people, cities, and nations around. 3. God does not mind inflicting temporary pain if the end result is a change of heart and a change in one’s eternal destiny. D. Read Psalm 30:5. 1. God drove Adam and Eve from Eden with an angel brandishing a flaming sword. 2. He flung fire and brimstone at Sodom and Gomorrah as judgment against their sin, but also as a warning for the rest of humanity to repent and turn from sin. 3. He sent a violent storm on the Mediterranean to arrest a backslidden preacher asleep in a boat. 4. He startled Saul of Tarsus with a brilliant light, knocked him to the ground, and struck him with blindness. This arrogant man was bruised, broken, blinded, and bent as he was led by the hand into Damascus (Acts 9). Has God ever had to deal harshly with you so you would receive His gift of repentance? II. The Process of Repentance A. Repentance should not be minimized, glossed over, or rushed through. 1. Repentance is a type of death, and sometimes it takes a while to die. If spiritual death is not complete, then the new man in Christ cannot fully rise from the watery grave of baptism. 2. We should not be in a hurry to rush sinners to the waters of baptism until repentance is complete. To be sure, repentance can spiritually transact in a moment, but perhaps it could better be understood as a journey.



The Discipleship Project


LESSON BIG IDEA: Victory over Sin B. In Saul’s case there is strong scriptural evidence to support the idea that God has been working on him for quite some time . 1. Barnabas was from the Island of Cypress, which was a short boat ride from Tarsus. Perhaps they had connected in previous years, which could explain his eagerness to go after Saul upon his rejection by the church in Jerusalem. 2. We are told that Stephen’s tormentors laid their coats at Saul’s feet. Saul would never forget seeing Stephen’s angelic-like face as he “fell asleep” (Acts 6:15; 7:57–60). We also have the testimony of Jesus, who told Saul that he had been kicking against the goads for some time. 3. Finally God let Saul repent in blindness, brokenness, and humility for three days before He sent Ananias to baptize Saul and pray that he might receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 9:10–19). C. One man was caught in a trap of sin. 1. He engaged this sin for several months, living a life of deceit around those who loved him. When he was confronted by someone he respected, he categorically denied any involvement in the sin. 2. Months later he faced the reality of his egregious transgression, and his world caved in because of the shame and disgrace. After remaining in seclusion for several months, he tried to process how he had arrived at such a place. 3. He found it difficult to break free from the spell that sin had cast on him. He concluded that the only way to break the stronghold in his flesh was to go on a fast. 4. On the eighth day of his fast, the yoke of sin was finally broken and his healing and restoration began. Today he is profitable for the kingdom of God. D. Although no systematic formula could be prescribed regarding the severity or duration of someone’s repentance, perhaps it should in some way relate to the person’s sinfulness. 1. For example, how long and intense would the repentance of a child be who has suddenly realized he is a sinner as compared to an adult processing repentance from a life of sin? II Corinthians 7:10 says, “Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation” (KJV). 2. Repentance cannot and should not be casually approached; rather, we should allow conviction from God to produce sorrow that induces brokenness and contrition within us. 3. One way we will know if our repentance has properly “worked” is if it is followed by a sense of relief and refreshing (Acts 3:19). E. Read II Corinthians 7:10.

Discussion questions prompt students to personalize lesson information.

How does a sinner know when initial repentance is complete? How long do you think it should take for someone to repent? III. Sincerity in Repentance A. If repentance is not sincere, heartfelt, or complete, it will not bear fruit. 1. John the Baptist declared that the evidence of the Pharisee’s change of heart would be fruit worthy of their repentance (Luke 3:8). True repentance will manifest an immediate change in attitude and behavior. 2. Not only should the one who has repented see and feel an immediate change in attitude and behavior, but so should those around this person. This is the fruit of repentance.


B. Zacchaeus 1. No sooner had Jesus called Zacchaeus down from the sycamore tree than Zacchaeus began the process of fully restoring (with interest) the money he had cheated his clients out of as their tax collector.





2. Even people who never go on to experience the new birth (repentance and baptism of water and Spirit) can manifest a remarkable change by sincerely repenting of their sins. C. The Backslider 1. He had been backslidden for fifty years. After growing up in an Apostolic home, he walked away from his relationship with God while in his twenties. His parents had passed away, but their prayers never died. 2. His younger brother had been a Bible school teacher and taught Minor Prophets among other subjects. All his lessons from the Minor Prophets (about Israel’s chronic backsliding) had been recorded on video. 3. Upon seeing numerous VHS videos stacked up in a closet one day, the backslidden brother asked if he could watch one. A few days later, he brought the tape back and asked for another one. 4. It was not long until he was making his way to the altar and pouring out fifty years of wasted time in repentance to the Lord. He died at the age of ninety-one, but the last twelve years of his life, he had made every effort to make up for lost time by loving God, loving His Word, loving His house, loving His people, and loving the lost. 5. He never felt like he had done or could ever do enough for a merciful God who had taken him back into relationship after he squandered all those years. Repentance was truly the greatest gift he had ever

The Finish section provides a closing story to weave together the lesson concept in a way that moves hearts.

been given, because it opened back up the door of relationship with God.



pastor secured a Bible study with a young mother of two children who began attending their church. During the first few Bible studies in the home, the husband sat in the living room watching TV while they studied and prayed

at the kitchen table. One afternoon when the pastor knocked on the door, their four-year-old son, Jason, answered the door. When he saw the pastor, his eyes got big and he ran back into the house yelling, “Hey Mom, God is here.” No truer words were ever spoken. This family desperately needed God, and He was showing up every week at the door. The man of the house had been an alcoholic for twenty-eight years. He was not ready to change, much less listen to a Pentecostal preacher for an hour every week. His addiction was destroying his relationship with his wife and children. They were terrified of his behavior while under the influence. He was verbally abusing all of them without any sign of remorse. After several Bible studies over the next few weeks, the pastor received a call from this man. He was in a medical detox center and was reaching out for help. The pastor was glad for the call and told him he would come and visit him. After prayer the pastor felt led of God to wait and see how sincere this man’s desire was to change. Two weeks later he walked into a dark room where this broken man was sitting. He hung on to every word the pastor spoke. He was ready to accept God’s gracious gift of repentance. The pastor taught him how to repent, citing Scriptures like, “Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation” (II Corinthians 7:10, NKJV), and “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9, KJV). This large, strapping man got down on his knees and began pouring his sinful heart out to God. It wasn’t long until his voice began to quiver and tears began to flow. Suddenly he was face down on the floor, desperately reaching for the mercy of God. It was not a pretty scene. He rolled back and forth, crying out to God for help and forgiveness. He admitted his sin, his wrong treatment of his family, and his shame. After two hours of agonizing prayer, the pastor quietly slipped out of the room. The man later told the pastor he continued praying most of the night. He said that when he was finished, he felt changed and determined to begin to allow God to work in his life. Within a few days, he was proud to bring his family to church rather than watch them drive off without him. He made his way to his first altar call to publicly acknowledge his need of God. He was baptized for the remission of his sins that morning, and a short time later he was filled with the Holy Spirit.



The Discipleship Project



Victory over Sin

Discussion Questions • What makes repentance so powerful?

Middle-School Finish

Senior-High Finish

1. Can you think of a time in your life when an instance or

1. Can you think of a time in your life when an instance

tragedy caused you to rethink your spiritual lifestyle or

or tragedy caused you to rethink your spiritual lifestyle

relationship with God and others?

or relationship with God and others?

2. How important is repentance to you?

2. What caused you to make a change?

3. Do you see a need for it?

3. Why does tragedy often cause us to look at our lives

4. Why do you think some are unwilling to admit they need repentance?

objectively? 4. What changes can we make today as Christians to

5. How can we avoid going down a path with a hard heart?

make sure we place ourselves on the best path and not have to wait on tragedy to cause us to see where our lives are headed? 5. What disciplines can we pour ourselves into to change for the better?

The Big Picture • As long as there is sin in this world, we will continue to struggle with temptation. • God gives us access to repentance, as He knows that sometimes we will fail.

Final Reflections • What is painful about repentance? • What is joyful about repentance? • In what sense was or has repentance been a journey for you? • How does God help us after we repent? Allow students time to share what they have written.

A Selah section closes every lesson with final prayer directions to guide teachers in a time of prayer with students.


Using the following points, take this time to guide your students in prayer.

• Lord, forgive me of any rebellion or disobedience to You. Help my heart to be obedient and not stubborn. • Keep working on me. I want my life to reflect the change true repentance brings. Thank You for breaking the power of sin in my life. • Thank You for giving me the choice of repentance each and every day with full access to You, dear Lord. Allow time for students to update their Personal Discipleship Guide.






Youth Personal Discipleship Guide The Personal Discipleship Guide helps students engage with the lesson and continue to apply it to their lives throughout the week.

The first page for each week provides the key components of the lesson.

SERIES BIG IDEA Because we all battle with temptation and sin, we must make the gift of repentance part of our daily lives. LESSON BIG IDEA Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God has given us the gift of repentance. LESSON LEARNING TARGET To realize that repentance is expected and necessary. KEY SCRIPTURE PASSAGE Hebrews 9:22





The Discipleship Project


Core Points from Today’s Lesson 1. God does not want one single human to suffer_________________ without Him. 2. God’s reaction to human sin is first _________________ and then __________________.

To help grasp and retain teaching concepts, students fill out the missing key words of main lesson points.

3. ________________ and ____________ are the dominant emotions that follow acts of disobedience toward God. 4. The essential nature of God is ___________. 5. _____________________ is a gift to us from God.

Final Thought Repentance is a beautiful thing that goes hand in hand with divine mercy and grace. When God offers repentance to humanity in spite of our ongoing sin, He offers us all a way out of the cycle. Even though we must wrestle with our flesh every moment of every day, we can rest assured that when we inevitably fail, God is ready to embrace us in love and acceptance, as long as we come with a repentant heart.

Final Reflections from the Lesson What has typically been your reaction when you have disobeyed God? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Reflection questions prompt students to grapple with the concepts of the lesson and apply them on a personal level.

What is your concept of how God views us when we are disobedient? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How has God’s gift of repentance shaped your walk with Him? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How has repentance impacted your confidence or uncertainty toward God? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________





Next Week’s Big Idea: Journaling prompts direct students to a deeper level of reflection on the lesson concept.

Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God gives us the space to repent.

Spiritual Growth Why is it important to give people space sometimes? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

A Family Connection prepares students for the activities they will participate in as a family during the week.

This week, your family is encouraged to plan a night doing something that everyone enjoys doing together. During that time discuss the importance of repentance and how we should lean on it consistently. Consider the following questions for discussion: » Why are you thankful for repentance? » What are some ways to avoid temptation? » How has God’s gift of repentance shaped your walk with Him?

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The Discipleship Project



Am I quick to repent when I make a mistake?

Final reflections help students analyze how they are applying doctrine comprehensively to every area of their lives.


How can I prepare my heart to be more embracing of repentance and God’s mercy?


How willing am I to show mercy to others in light of God’s mercy toward us?


How can I show God’s love to others through mercy and grace?






The Discipleship Project


Early & Late Elementary Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide


Early and Late Elementary Leader’s Guide



Each quarter includes three different four-week series and an additional thirteenth lesson.

The Gift of Repentance

Lessons are created by children’s ministry workers and correspond with what the adults and youth are studying as well.

Practice Makes Perfect

The Power to Be Witnesses





Lesson 2.3

Practice Makes Perfect: It’s What We Do BLUEPRINT

The Blueprint provides an overview of the unit and the lesson.


Because we are called to be righteous, we must practice those things that lead to righteousness.

SERIES MEMORY PASSAGE “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

LESSON BIG IDEA Because we are called to be righteous, we must choose to take action in our walk with God.

STUDENTS WILL relate how works show faith in action.

The Toolbox provides a supply list to help teachers see at a glance what items will be needed for each area of the lesson.

Early Elementary (Grades 1–3) Tool Box FOCUS • PowerPoint 2.3 • Series 2 memory verse poster (trp) • Posterboard containing verse cut into a puzzle, basket or bucket • Per student: paper, 10-inch (or longer) piece of red yarn, glue, crayons FOUNDATION • Piece of red yarn taped under chair, prize • Piggy bank, $1 bill • Whiteboard and marker FRAME • Visual: Rahab’s Faith (trp) • A few feet of red rope or yarn FINISH • Per student: Activity paper, crayons, strand of red yarn, glue • Biblical costumes, props for Bible story reenactment SELAH • Series song, lyrics, and video: “Over and Over” • Per student: jar, label, 4 slips of paper, markers • Red yarn or rope from lesson • Per student: clothespins, index cards, markers



Late Elementary (Grades 4–6) Tool Box FOCUS • PowerPoint 2.3 • Series 2 memory verse poster (trp) • Posterboard containing verse cut into a puzzle, basket or bucket • Per student: Journal from previous lesson, pen, 5-inch piece of red yarn FOUNDATION • Piece of red yarn taped under chair, prize FRAME • Visual: Rahab’s Faith (trp) • A few feet of red rope or yarn FINISH • Per student: Activity paper, pencil SELAH • Series song, lyrics, and video: “Over and Over” • Per student: jar, label, 4 slips of paper, markers • Per student: Faith Prayer heart (trp)

The Discipleship Project



Early Elementary (1–3)

The Focus section provides several memory work options to do as students arrive. Because students will stagger in for the first ten to fifteen minutes, open with these fun memorization activities that will not be hindered by the interruptions. Once most students have arrived, move on to the next section.

Late Elementary (4–6)

Memory Work “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Puzzled Prior to Class On posterboard, write the verse with a marker. Then cut the posterboard into ten or so jigsaw puzzle pieces. Put all the pieces in a basket or bucket. Guided Practice . Choose three teams of two students each. Separate Rehearse the series 2 memory verse poster (trp) teams 2 and 3. Let team 1 assemble the puzzle as you time them. Return the pieces to the basket and let teams 2 and 3, assemble the puzzle. The team who assembles it the fastest is the winner. In today’s Bible lesson, we will hear about a woman who exemplified this verse. She feared God and kept a commandment she was given by godly men who came to her home.

Fear God, Have Faith Read the series 2 memory verse poster (trp) . Give each student a sheet of paper, a ten-inch (or longer) piece of red yarn, glue, and crayons. Discuss the connections between fearing God and having faith. If we reverence God, we will have faith in Him. With crayon, students write FAITH on the paper in large letters. Then they trace over the letters with glue and place the yarn over the letters.

“Practice Makes Perfect” Journal Discuss the connections between fearing God and having faith. If we reverence God, we will have faith in Him. Hand out students’ journals, pens, and five-inch strands of red yarn. Instruct students to write FAITH in large letters on a page in their journals. Then students brainstorm what faith means to them by drawing or writing what comes to mind. Tell students to use the red yarn as a bookmark to remind them of Rahab’s faith.







The Foundation section contains several potential activities to introduce the lesson. The first activity is age-appropriate for all students grades 1–6. Then two focused activities introduce the lesson for specific developmental levels: Early Elementary (grades 1–3) and Late Elementary (grades 4–6). Read this section, keeping your students and teaching style in mind. Then select the opening activities that will have the greatest impact.

Early Elementary (1–3) The Winning Seat

Prior to Class Tape a piece of red yarn to the bottom of one chair. Bring a prize to give to the “winning seat.” Guided Practice Tell students a personal story about a time you won a prize. Explain the emotions you felt when you won. Today we are going to hear about a woman and her family who were saved because of her act of faith. In obedience to God’s direction, the woman hung a red rope in her window. Because of this, her home was the only one among the hundreds in the city to be saved from destruction. Her window is much like the chairs in this room. I have a prize to give out, but I can only give it to the student who has a red rope attached to his or her chair. Nobody else gets a prize; only the one with the red rope. Let students look under their chairs and award the prize. Today we will learn about a woman who followed God’s instructions and, as a result, saved herself and her family.

Faith and Action Show a piggy bank. Talk about a time when you saved money to buy something you wanted. Explain how you had faith in action. The piggy bank wouldn’t fill itself. You had to fill it with money. You believed you could save enough money and your actions helped you accomplish it. Write faith on a whiteboard. Show a dollar bill. • Who would like this dollar bill? Tell students to take it if they want it. Let the first student who grabs it keep it. Discuss how the student had faith you would give him the dollar bill. Everyone in the class had a choice whether or not to go after the dollar. Discuss the meaning of faith. When we have faith, we believe God will take care of us no matter what happens. Ask students to share stories about a time they had faith in God and God took care of them. Today we will learn about a woman who had faith in God. God spared her life and the lives of her loved ones.



Late Elementary (4–6)

Prayers without Faith Tell this humorous story: A Christian was once caught in rising floodwaters, so he climbed onto the roof of his house and trusted God to rescue him. A neighbor came by in a canoe and said, “The waters will soon be above your house. Hop in and we’ll paddle to safety.” “No thanks,” replied the Christian. “I’ve prayed to God and I’m sure He will save me.” A short time later the police came by in a boat. “The waters will soon be above your house. Hop in and we’ll take you to safety.” “No thanks,” replied the Christian. “I’ve prayed to God and I’m sure He will save me.” A little while later a rescue service helicopter hovered overhead, let down a rope ladder, and announced, “The waters will soon be above your house. Climb the ladder and we’ll fly you to safety.” “No thanks,” replied the Christian. “I’ve prayed to God and I’m sure He will save me.” The floodwaters continued to rise until soon they drowned the man. When he arrived in Heaven, he stormed into God’s throne room and said, “God, I prayed for You to save me! I trusted You to save me from that flood!” “Yes, you did, my child,” replied God, “and I sent you a canoe, a boat, and a helicopter, but you never got in.” Did the man have faith? Yes. Did he act on his faith? No. Today we will learn the importance of having faith and taking action.

The Discipleship Project



Early Elementary (1–3)

The Frame section builds the Bible lesson. First a fun activity or discussion question accesses students’ prior knowledge of the topic. Next comes the telling of the historical, biblical events. Finally, discussion questions determine if students understood the narrative before moving on to the next section.

Late Elementary (4–6)

Bible Lesson: Rahab Shows Her Faith (Joshua 2; 6) • Have you ever been in a dangerous situation where you needed to have faith in God’s protection? Whisper. “Have you heard the news? God is performing miracles for the children of Israel! The God who is fighting their battles is mighty. They are headed our way. They are coming to Jericho!” Jericho’s citizens were shaking in their sandals as they nervously peered over the massive stone wall, scanning the horizon for the Israelite people. They heard about Israel’s military victories. They knew the Israelites’ quest to conquer the Promised Land was unstoppable. Their fears escalated when they saw the Israelites’ camp dangerously close to their walls. Faint of heart, the people of Jericho knew they were probably next on the list of Israel’s foes to be conquered. Jericho’s defenses were on high alert, watching for any sign of trouble. One night, the watchmen saw suspicious activity. Two strange men entered the city and went into Rahab’s home, which was located directly along the wall. Rahab had a bad reputation, so the watchmen suspected something was amiss. When the strange men entered her house, Rahab immediately realized these strangers were Israeli spies who were on a mission from God. She perceived the spies had been spotted when they entered her home, so she hid them on the roof of her house under stalks of flax. Sure enough, the guards came pounding on Rahab’s door, demanding to see the strangers. Rahab knew they would hurt them, so she misled the guards, saying the Israelites had already left the city. “If you hurry,” she said, “you can probably catch them in the direction of the Jordan River.” Jericho’s guards ran off in hot pursuit toward the river. Whew! They were safe. Now the spies needed to return to their leader, Joshua, to tell him that Jericho could easily be conquered. But before the spies exited Rahab’s house via the window, she requested a huge favor. Rahab wanted

assurance that, when Israel attached Jericho, she and her family would be spared. Show the length of red rope or yarn. The spies replied, “If you will hang this red rope from your window, anyone in your house during the attack will be spared. But if the rope is not visible, we cannot make any promises.” Rahab trusted the God of Israel to protect her. The spies climbed down the rope and disappeared into the night. From that day on, Rahab kept that red rope visible in her window and told her family about the promise she had received. “When the Israelites attack, run to my house and you will be safe.” The day came when the Israelites conquered Jericho by following God’s orders. Show Rahab’s Faith visual (trp) . They marched around the walls of the city every day for a week. On the seventh day, as they marched seven times around, the walls came tumbling down. Every brick and stone fell to the ground, with one notable exception. Rahab’s house stood intact, its red rope displayed prominently in the window. Rahab and her family were saved! Before she met the spies, Rahab had made a lot of wrong choices in her life. But somewhere in her heart, she found faith in the God of Israel, believing He was the only true God. God honored Rahab’s faith. James 2:20 states, “Faith without works is dead.” Yes, Rahab said she had faith, but then she acted on that faith. Discussion Questions: • Why were Jericho’s citizens on high alert? • Why did Rahab hide the spies? • What did Rahab want in return for keeping the spies safe? • What did Rahab have to do to save her family? How did Rahab show she had faith? What were her actions? Why do we need works and actions to show our faith? What are some actions we could do to show our faith?






F inish

The Finish section provides the finishing work where students personalize biblical principles and applications and apply them to their personal walk with Jesus Christ.

Early Elementary (1-3)

Late Elementary (4-6)

Acts of Faith Charades Each student chooses a biblical character who showed faith. Students take turns playing Charades as class members guess.

Testimony Time Share the story of someone in contemporary times who acted out his or her faith (e.g., Billy Cole, Nona Freeman, T. W. Barnes, or someone you know personally). • How can you show your faith this week?

Activity Paper: Rahab’s Faith Give each student an activity paper, a strand of red yarn, glue, and crayons. Ask students to color the picture and then glue the red yarn on the wall from the window, showing how Rahab had faith in action.

Lights! Action! Faith! Reenact the story of the battle of Jericho and Rahab’s faith. Give students biblical costumes and any other desired props to act out the story. • How did Rahab’s works show her faith in action? • What actions can we do to show our Christian faith?



Activity Paper: Women of Faith Give each student an activity paper and a pencil. Discuss how the Bible speaks of many women who acted on their faith. Using the references, ask students to look up the name of each woman in a KJV Bible and place her name in the crossword. Use the PowerPoint to go over the answers.

The Discipleship Project


Early Elementary (1-3)


With Selah, each lesson ends with a time of reflection as students prayerfully seek immediate application of the lesson material. These closing activities facilitate a quiet, prayerful ending to the interactive lesson.

Late Elementary (4-6)

Family Connection Go over the back page of the activity paper with students, discussing some of the students’ favorite biblical heroes of faith. Consider offering a small prize if students bring back the completed assignment next week.

Worship Provide lyrics (trp) video .

for students to sing along with the song “Over and Over”

, or show the lyric

Faith Jars In the same way Rahab’s actions of faith saved her family, our prayers can help others be saved. Give each student a jar, a label, four slips of paper, and a marker. Students write Faith on the label and affix it to the jar. On slips of paper, students write names of family and friends who need salvation and place them in the jar. Instruct students to take the jars home, add names to the jars, and pray every day for these loved ones.

Faith Prayers

A Prayer for Faith

Attach the red rope from the lesson to a wall. Give students clothespins, index cards, and markers. Ask them to write prayer requests on the cards and then use clothespins to clip the cards to the rope. Explain that students are showing faith in action by praying for needs. Spend five minutes of prayer, reflecting on today’s lesson and recognizing how we can act on our faith.

Prior to Class Make copies of the Faith Prayer hearts (trp) and cut them apart.

so each student has one

Guided Practice Distribute the hearts and lead the class in this prayer: “God, help me show my faith by my works this week. Help me do more than just say I believe in You. Help me show those around me that I am Your disciple. Give me opportunities to show Your love to others.” Give quiet prayer time for students to reflect on how to act on their faith this week. Students take their prayer hearts home to remind them to look for ways to show their faith.






Elementary Activity Papers Activity Papers reinforce the lesson and offer a way for parents to interact with children during the week.

Early Elementary Fruits of Repentance

Late Elementary Fruits of Repentance

Lesson Big Idea: Because we all battle with temptation and sin, we must live a life of repentance.

Series Memory Verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9).


Lesson Big Idea: Because we all battle with temptation and sin, we must live a life of repentance. Series Memory Verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9).

Early Elementary

Zacchaeus Repents

A Repentant Heart

Zacchaeus changed after he repented. Order the events of Zacchaeus’ life from 1–4.

Zacchaeus changed after he repented. Draw a line from the phrases to their appropriate category.

On the front page, separate activities are provided for early and late elementary students that are age-appropriate for students’ learning levels.





Draw a picture showing your actions before and after you repented.








Today we learned that when we repent, others will see the fruit of our repentance. Everyone knew Zacchaeus repented because he changed his ways. As a family, help your child make a fruit salad and discuss the fruits others should see in us when we repent.



Today we learned that when we repent, others will see the fruit of our repentance. Everyone knew Zacchaeus repented because he changed his ways. As a family, help your child make a fruit salad and discuss the fruits others should see in us when we repent.


The Family Connection on the back page directs parents on how to follow up on the lesson with their children.



We need to repent every day.

Our actions show our repentance.







Late Elementary

Fruitful Repentance

Fruitful Repentance

Find these words in the word search.

Find these words in the word search.

Early Elementary Fall 2018 | Activity Paper




The Gift of Repentance

Practice Makes Perfect


The Power to Be Witnesses






















The Discipleship Project


Toddler-Kindergarten Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide


Toddler and Kindergarten Leader’s Guide



Each quarter includes three different four-week series and a thirteenth Family Sunday lesson. Lessons are created by children’s ministry workers and correspond with what the adults and youth are studying as well.

The Gift of Repentance

Practice Makes Perfect

The Power to Be Witnesses





Lesson 1.1

The Gift of Repentance: The Gift of Repentance BLUEPRINT

The Blueprint provides an overview of the unit and the lesson.

SERIES BIG IDEA Because we all battle with temptation and sin, we must make repentance part of our daily lives .

LESSON BIG IDEA Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God has given us the gift of repentance .

BIBLE WORDS Jesus wants to forgive me .


SERIES MEMORY VERSE Jesus will “forgive . . . our sins” (I John 1:9) . STUDENTS WILL state that when we are sorry for our sins, Jesus will forgive us .

Each lesson begins with a supply list to help teachers see at a glance what items will be needed for each area of the lesson.

TOOLBOX FOCUS • Series 1 memory verse poster (trp) • Series song: “All for Me” , chairs FOUNDATION • Heavily gift-wrapped box containing “I forgive you!” (or drawing of a cross) • Clear glass, water, dark food coloring, bleach FRAME • Visual: Garden of Eden (trp) • Sound effect: Peaceful Forest • Essential oil diffuser and floral scented oil or air freshener, rubber snake or sock puppet snake, piece of fruit, soft blanket(s) FINISH • Per student: Activity paper, crayons • Variety of fruits and vegetables • Toys to build the Garden of Eden, action figures or dolls to play Adam and Eve • Book: Falling into Sin (Arch Books) by Martha Jander • Song: “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” • Series song, lyrics, and video: “All for Me” SELAH • Clear glass, can of Coke, large buttons




SERIES MEMORY VERSE “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” (I John 1:9) . STUDENTS WILL explain the importance of repentance . TOOLBOX FOCUS • Series 1 memory verse poster (trp) • Set(s) of Styrofoam cups containing memory verse FOUNDATION • Heavily gift-wrapped box containing “I forgive you!” (or drawing of a cross) • 2 bath towels, empty chair FRAME • Visual: Garden of Eden (trp) • Sound effect: Peaceful Forest • Essential oil diffuser and floral scented oil or air freshener, rubber snake or sock puppet snake, piece of fruit, soft blanket(s) FINISH • Per student: Activity paper, crayons • Per student: Construction paper sheet, 2-inch green tissue-paper squares, 2" x 6" brown construction-paper rectangle, red pom-poms, glue, small paper plate • Song: “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” • Series song, lyrics, and video: “All for Me” SELAH • Clear glass, can of Coke, large buttons

The Discipleship Project




The Focus section provides several memory work options to do as students arrive. Because students will stagger in for the first ten to fifteen minutes, open with these fun memorization activities that will not be hindered by the interruptions. Once most students have arrived, move on to the next section.


Consider using the memory work activity to greet students as they arrive . If you do not wish to open with memory work, consider doing the activity elsewhere in the lesson .

Series Memory Verse Jesus will “forgive . . . our sins” (I John 1:9) .

Series Memory Verse “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” (I John 1:9) .

One Hand Seat students in a circle and introduce the series 1 memory verse poster (trp) . While reading the verse aloud, hold up one hand . Each finger will represent a word in the verse . Have students hold up one hand and say the words along with you: Jesus (thumb) will (pointer) forgive (middle) our (ring) sins (pinky) I John 1:9 (make a fist)

Memory Verse Musical Chairs Play musical chairs but vary it so every student has a chair . Play the series song “All for Me” to indicate when students should walk . Stop the music at intervals and have students sit down and say the memory verse with you . Once they have said it, start the music and have them stand and walk again .

Memory Verse Cup Stacking Prior to Class Turn ten Styrofoam cups upside down . Using a marker, write the memory verse on the lip of the cups, one word per cup . If you have a larger group, make two or more sets . Guided Practice Starting with the first word at the bottom, demonstrate how to stack the memory verse . Let students take turns building the memory verse . Once everyone has had a turn, ask the class to recite the memory verse . If you have enough students, divide them into groups and have a versestacking race .







The Foundation section contains several potential activities to introduce the lesson. Read this section with your students and teaching style in mind. Then select the opening activity (or a combination of activities) that will have the greatest impact.


A Gift for All Prior to Class On a piece of paper, write: “I forgive you!” (or draw a cross for younger students) . Place it inside a box and wrap the box with multiple layers of paper . Guided Practice Sit students in a circle . • How many of you have done something that was wrong? Everyone has, because we all are tempted to sin . But God has given us a gift to help us . Let’s open the box to find out what the gift is . Pass around the box and let each student open a layer of gift wrap until the box is completely unwrapped . Pull out the paper and read it aloud . When we ask God to forgive us, it is called repentance . He has given us the gift of repentance, so when we do something wrong, we can have another chance .

My Sins Are Gone • What is it called when we do something we know is wrong? Sin Name several sins (bad things), such as lying, cheating, and so on . Each time a student names a bad thing, place a drop of dark food coloring in a glass of water . This is how you start to look inside when you have done bad things . The good news is, we do not have to stay this way because Jesus forgives us . When we say we are sorry to Jesus, He forgives us and we become clean again . (Add bleach until the color disappears . Then dispose of the liquid so students do not drink it .) Jesus loves us even when we do bad things . His cross tells us He forgives us .




Separated from God Place two bath towels on the floor end to end as a path . Place an empty chair at one end; stand students at the other . The towels represent the path God used to visit Adam and Eve . Before sin entered the world, God would enter the Garden to be with Adam and Eve . Adam and Eve could walk and talk with God . Move the towels far apart to break the path . One day something terrible happened . Adam and Eve were bad—they disobeyed God . The path was broken . It was the saddest day of all . However we have good news . God made the path whole again . That’s why we love Jesus . His cross tells us He forgives us .

The Discipleship Project




The Frame section builds the Bible lesson, telling the historical, biblical events in a fun, ageappropriate way.


Bible Lesson: God’s Gift of Repentance (Genesis 3:1–21) Use a rubber snake or sock puppet for the serpent. You will also need a piece of fruit and a soft blanket to cover students. Individual blankets will work best if they are available. • What is your favorite hiding place? Use an essential oil diffuser with a floral scent, or lightly spray an air freshener. Play the Peaceful Forest sound effect . Show the Garden of Eden visual (trp) . The Book of Genesis tells us that God made an amazing place called the Garden of Eden . It was so beautiful . It had the greenest trees and grass . The flowers were so colorful and smelled so wonderful . The birds sang beautiful songs, and the animals all lived happily together with Adam and Eve, the first man and woman . Hold up the fruit. God gave only one rule: “Don’t eat from the tree in the middle of the Garden . If you do, you will surely die .” Unfortunately, in the middle of all these wonderful things was a sneaky serpent . Show the snake. He slithered around looking to cause trouble . One day while Adam was out and about, that sneaky serpent talked Eve into breaking God’s only rule . • What was that rule again? Eve believed the serpent’s lies and the next thing you know, she was taking a big bite out of the fruit of that tree . Take a bite of the fruit as students say, “Oh no!” Right away she knew she was naughty . Her tummy felt funny . She ran to Adam to tell him what she had done . Instead of making a good choice, Adam decided to break God’s only rule too . • What was that rule again? Adam took that fruit out of Eve’s hand and also took a big bite . Take another bite of fruit as students say, “Oh no!” Right away he knew he was naughty . Now his tummy felt funny .

Rules are made to keep us safe . God made this rule to protect them . But they broke God’s only rule and now this fruit was making their tummies feel funny . Suddenly they realized they weren’t wearing any clothes . Before this they didn’t know the difference, but now, all of a sudden, they felt naked, so they made some clothes using big leaves from the trees . Their tummies felt like a painful knot . Then they remembered that God would be coming to visit them in the cool part of the day . Now their tummies really rumbled . Instead of telling God what they did, Adam and Eve hid from God . • Do you think Adam and Eve could hide from God? Of course they couldn’t hide from God . God knew exactly where they were and what they had done . • Do you remember what God said would happen if they ate the fruit? Adam and Eve were so scared . They were really sorry . Their tummies were flipping and flopping, but do you know what God did? God knew they felt bad inside, so He killed an animal and used its skin to give them new clothes . Cover each student with a soft blanket. God didn’t want them to die; He wanted to forgive them . Suddenly their tummies felt a lot better . When our tummies feel funny because we have been naughty, instead of hiding, we need to repent, telling God we are sorry . Then He will forgive us, just like He covered Adam and Eve . • What was God’s only rule in the Garden of Eden? • How did Adam and Eve feel when they broke God’s only rule? • What did God do after Adam and Eve felt sorry? What happens when we tell God we are sorry?

For kindergartners, discussion questions determine if students understood the narrative before moving on to the next section.






In the Finish section, children learn through play, making this the most important section of the lesson. A variety of activities help children play through the Bible lesson. Provide as many of these options as possible and let children creatively explore as they learn through play.

F inish



This section has a variety of activities from which to choose . Children learn during playtime . Freely choose the activities that will work best with your students .

Activity Paper: Jesus Gives Me a Gift

Activity Paper: Jesus Gives Us Gifts

Ask students to trace the dotted lines to finish the picture and then color it .


Ask students to connect the dots to finish the picture and then color it .

Forgiveness Craft

Bring in a variety of fruits and vegetables . Set one piece of fruit aside and explain, “You may eat any of these fruits and vegetables except this one . This fruit is off limits . This is the only rule .” As students taste the fruit, discuss how God made such a wonderful garden for Adam and Eve . Use the snake from the lesson to occasionally tempt children to eat the forbidden fruit . Discuss how Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s only rule by eating the fruit, but God didn’t want them to die . He wanted to forgive them .

Drama and Role-Play Let students design a garden in a portion of the play area . Designate one item to be the tree in the middle that God said not to eat from . Using action figures or dolls, let students reenact the Bible lesson .

Book Time From an age-appropriate Bible, read about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, or read a book such as Falling into Sin (Arch Books) by Martha Jander .

Prior to Class Cut green tissue paper into two-inch squares . Cut brown construction paper into 2” x 6” rectangles . Prepare a sample of the activity . Guided Practice Give each student a sheet of construction paper, a small paper plate, squares of green tissue, a glue stick, red pom-poms, and a precut brown rectangle . Students glue the brown rectangle and paper plate onto the construction paper to make a tree shape . Then students glue green tissue squares onto the paper plate and add red pom-poms for fruit . As students finish their craft, write the memory verse on their papers as a reminder that even though Adam and Eve sinned, God was ready to forgive them .

Music and Motion Teach the sign language for Jesus. Encourage students to make the sign every time they hear His name as you sing “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus .” What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow; No other fount I know; nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Series Song Introduce the series song “All for Me” by showing the lyric video parents of students for them to practice the song at home .



. Consider emailing the MP3 and lyrics to

The Discipleship Project




Selah always provides a time at the end of the lesson for prayer.


Nothing Hidden Object Lesson and Prayer Prior to Class Practice this object lesson to make sure the buttons you choose will work and to determine how long you have until they resurface . Guided Practice Open a can of Coke and pour it into a clear glass . Drop in several large buttons (consider choking hazards) . They should sink to the bottom—“hidden .” Explain how this glass represents us while the buttons represent our sin . Just like Adam and Eve could not hide their sin, neither can we . We might think our sins are hidden, like these buttons we dropped into the Coke . But God knows everything, so we should not try to hide anything from Him . Sooner or later, if we do not repent, the sins will be right out in the open for everyone to see . After a few moments, the buttons will pop up to the surface . Remind students that Jesus is ready to forgive our sins as soon as we repent . Lead students in a prayer: “Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of repentance . I know that when I make a mistake, You will forgive me . In Jesus’ name, amen .”






Toddler and Kindergarten Activity Papers Activity Papers reinforce the lesson and offer a way for parents to interact with children during the week.



Space to Repent Lesson Big Idea: Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God is patient and gives us the time to repent.

Series Memory Verse: Jesus will “forgive . . . our sins” (I John 1:9). Bible Words: Jesus wants to forgive me.

Space to Repent

1.2 Toddler

Lesson Big Idea: Because we all battle with temptation and sin, God is patient and gives us the time to repent.

Series Memory Verse: “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” (I John 1:9).

John the Baptist Had a Message

1.2 Kindergarten

John the Baptist: God’s Messenger

When people heard John the Baptist share God’s message, some were happy and some were sad. In the green circle, draw a happy face. In the blue circle, draw a sad face. In the yellow circle, draw how God’s message makes you feel.

When people heard John the Baptist share God’s message, some were happy and some were sad. In the green circles, draw happy faces. In the blue circles, draw sad faces. In the yellow circle, draw how God’s message makes you feel.

You must repent and be baptized!

You must repent and be baptized!



Today we learned that John the Baptist was a messenger sent to tell people to repent and be baptized so that their sins could be forgiven. To illustrate repentance and forgiveness, write on your arms with a washable marker. You may wish to write bad choices, such as lying. Then use soap and water to represent God’s forgiveness and wash the sins away.





The Family Connection on the back page directs parents on how to follow up on the lesson with their children.


On the front page, separate activities are provided for toddler and kindergarten students that are age-appropriate for students’ learning levels.




Today we learned that John the Baptist was a messenger sent to tell people to repent and be baptized so that their sins could be forgiven. To illustrate repentance and forgiveness, write on your arms with a washable marker. You may wish to write bad choices, such as lying. Then use soap and water to represent God’s forgiveness and wash the sins away.

It’s Time to Repent!

It’s Time to Repent!

You must repent and be baptized!

You must repent and be baptized!

Color the picture of John the Baptist.

Color the picture of John the Baptist.

Toddler Fall 2017 | Activity Paper




The Imitation of Christ | Brent Randall

I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee | Chad Casey

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This Is Not as Good as It Gets | Jana Ellingsworth

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New Kit Options TO BETTER SERVE YOU You’ve shared feedback about The Discipleship Project and how it can best serve your church. The PPH team has listened and updated the purchase options with your flexibility in mind. The children’s kit has been adjusted so you may now purchase smaller kits to serve a smaller group.


ELEMENTARY STARTER KIT $99 Includes: •2 Elementary Leader’s Guides •5 Late Elementary Activity Papers •5 Early Elementary Activity Papers •2 Elementary Resource Packets •Access to the digital resources


TODDLER-KINDERGARTEN STARTER KIT $99 Includes: •2 Toddler-Kindergarten Leader’s Guides •5 Kindergarten Activity Papers •5 Toddler Activity Papers •2 Toddler-Kindergarten Resource Packets •Access to the digital resources



CHILDREN’S STARTER KIT $189 The children’s kit will continue to be offered at a new reduced price. It includes all the features of both the Elementary and Toddler-Kindergarten kits described above.




Youth Starter Kit


$79 per quarter


er’s Guide

Fall 2018 | Lead



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Geared for ages 12-18, with activity options for younger teens and older teens Included in the Youth Starter Kit: Youth Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide




The Gift of Repentance

Join us on Facebook! Search “The Discipleship Project” Share your feedback and pictures of the curriculum in action. You can also use Facebook to ask any questions, or contact us at

Practice Makes Perfect


The Power to Be Witnesses

© 2015


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Ten Personal Discipleship Guides














Adult Starter Kit $79 per quarter



Fall 2018 | Leader’s


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Practice Makes Perfect

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Versatile resources for small groups and traditional class settings Included in the Adult Starter Kit: Adult Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide




The Gift of Repentance | Stan Gleason

© 2018 Pentecostal Publishing House, 36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, MO 63304 • All rights reserved. Do not reproduce, distribute, or transmit any part of this publication in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without possessing prior documented approval from Pentecostal Publishing House. To request permission, contact

Practice Makes Perfect | Travis Miller

The Gift


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Practic e Makes 3911521 TDP




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Ten Personal Discipleship Guides

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The Power to Be Witnesses | Ryan Franklin

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• Weekly family connection activities for children and youth levels 47



Master Starter Kit


$249 per quarter

+ Intentionally priced to encourage whole church participation Save over $100 by purchasing a Master Starter Kit

Included in the Master Starter Kit: D

Early & Late Elementary

Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide

Toddler &



Fall 2018 | Resource






Fall 2018 | Leader’s Guide







Early and




Fall 2018 | Resource


Early Elem Kinderga Late Elementary entaryrten Todd Fall 2015 | Activity ler Fall 2015 Fall 2015 | Activity Fall | Activity Paper



Late Elem



PROJECT The Gift of Repentanc e

The Call to Discipleship The Call to Discipleship Brent Randall The| Gift of Repentan | Brent Randall The Call to Discipleship ce | Brent Randall

The Gift of Repentance

Practice Makes





The Power to

Practice Makes Perfect Entrusted with a Treasure | Jennifer Jones Entrusted with a Treasure | Jennifer Jones Entrusted with a Treasure | Jennifer Jones

Be Witnesses

The Gift of Repentanc e The Gift of Repentance


3211521 TDP

The Power to Be Witnesses

Practice Makes Perfect

3411521 TDP

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In His Image The Power to | LLoyd SquiresBe Witnesses In His Image In His Image | LLoyd | LLoyd Squires Squires



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3/27/15 12:40 PM 3/27/15 12:51 3/27/15 12:52 PM PM

Practice Makes

Perfect The Power to

The Power to Be Witnesses

Practice Makes Perfect

Be Witnesses

Youth Fall 2018 | Leader’s






3611521 TDP SPDG.indd

One Children’s Starter Kit

• 2 Elementary Leader’s Guides • 2 Toddler–Kindergarten Leader’s Guides • 5 Activity Papers per age level (20 total) • 2 Resource Packets • Digital Resources

14 | Jonathan McClintock The Power In His Image | Jonathan McClintock to Be Witne In In HisHis Image | Jonathan Image sses Jonathan McClintoc In His|Image McClintoc | Jonath k k 6/19/15 an 10:25 AM McClin tock


The Power to Be Witnesses 3611521 TDP SPDG.indd 1

Practice Makes Perfect

One Youth Starter Kit

• 1 Leader’s Guide • 10 Personal Discipleship Guides • Digital Resources

© 2018 Pente Do not costa l Publi shing photocopreproduce ying, , distribute, www.pent House, 36 from or trans ecostalpub Research Pente recording, Park Court lishin © 2015costal Publi or other elect mit any part shing Pentecostal • All right , Weldon Do not House. ronic or mech of this Sprin Publis reprod g, MO reque anica publicatio s reserved. www.pente hingToHouse photocopyin uce, distrib 63304 , st permission l methods n in any from Pente g, recording, ute, or transm costalpublis 8855 Dunn form The Gift , conta without Road, or by ©2015 ©costal 2015Pentecos or other it posse ct custo Pentecos any mean of Repe • All rights Hazel Publis wood electronic any part of talPublishin merservice ssing prior Publishin The Call to The Discipleship |toL.Discipleship J. Harry ThetoThe hingtalHouse Call Call ntance Discipleship The s, inclu reserved. , MO g House, or mech8855 this public DoDonotnotreproduc 63042 g House, CalltoThe docu Call www.pentecosta reproduce, Call| L.toJ.|Harry toDisciple @pen . To reque Disciple 8855anical ation in Harry Dunn Dunn ntecosta tecostalpu mented approding distribute, Discip shipL.| J.|L.leship distribut Road,Hazelwo ship metho photocopying,©e,2015 Road, lpublishi st permi photoco lpublishi Hazelwoany L.J. J.Harry e, or form or ds witho or pying, Pentecostal transmit Harry blishi transmit od,MOMO ssion, recording, 1 TDP recordin •conta Publishing Allrights | L. J. Harry • All 63042by any val rightsreserved utod, anyanypart from 63042 SPDG partof8855 g, ororother from posse otherelectron reserved Pentecos ofthisthisDunn m. Pentecos .indd mean electronic House, of talRepentance custom Road, ct www.penteco tal publicat . . ssing prior publicat Hazelwood, Publishin DoThe 1 Publishin not Gift icstalpublishing © 2015 reproduce, orormechan mechanical ionionin 10 MO 63042 Pentecostal inanyany erserv docum s, including g House. g House. distribute, .com • All rights reserved. formorice@p House, 8855ical methods form ented orPublishing methods ToTorequest request transmit 11 Dunn enteco orbybyany photocopying, Road, Hazelwood, 10 without possessi any permissi anymeans, without permissi part MO stalpublishin approval 63042 recording, orwww.pentecostalpubl means, of this 12 10 publication other electronic ishing.comon,on, includin contact includin 11 contact ng prior docume Do not in anypossessi • All fromreproduce, rightscustome custome reserved. form ng Pentecostal 13 or mechanical methods gg distribute, Practic or prior docume 11 by any 3611521 or House. rservice@ Publishing transmit 3611521 rservice@ nted 12 10 means, any8855 e Makes nted 1014 partDunn TDP approval . of this including without ©SPDG.ind 2015 Pentecostal Publishing House, Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042 pentecostalpublis TDP approva publication photocopying, To request SPDG.ind possessing 12 in any recording, Perfec l form 13 permission, talpublis prior or bypentecos any means, d d1 1 or other electronic or documented 11 11 10 t contact including mechanical customerserv • All rights reserved. approval 13 methods from Pentecostal Publishing 14 . without . ice@pentecos possessing Entrust 12 12 11 14 prior House. request permission, talpublishing. ed with approval Do not reproduce, distribute, or transmit anyTopart of this publication in any form or by any means,documented including com. contact Entrusted customerservice@pen a Treasur Entrusted 13 13 3611521 with Entrusted 12 with e | Darrin a Treasure SPDG.indd Treasure a aTreasure photocopying,TDP recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without possessing prior documented approval Entrusted with with | Darrin 14 14 | |Darrin 1 Treasure Darrin Williams | Darrin WilliamsWilliams Williams 13 Williams Entrusted with a Treasure | aDarrin Williams In His Image | Jonathan McClintock from Pentecostal Publishing House. To request permission, contact In His Image

Facebook can also use in action. You Discipleship Search “The of the curriculum ostalpublish and pictures vice@pentec Share your feedback contact us at customerser or to ask any questions,


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Paper2018 | Activity

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6/19/15 10:25 AM 6/19/15

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Adult Fall 2018 | Leader’s







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3911521 TDP

Practice Makes Perfect

| Travis Miller


APDG.indd 1

The Power to Be Witnesses

| Ryan Franklin

The Call to Disciplesh

ip | L.J. The Call to Disciplesh Harry ip | L.J. Harry The CallThe to Discipleship Gift of Repen | L.J. Harry The Call toThe tance | Stan Call to Discipleship Discipleship | The L.J. Gift Harry| L.J. Harry 10 Gleaso

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n11 | Stan 10 12 Glea11son 13

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In His Image 14 | Jonathan McClintock 14 In His Image | Jonathan McClintock In His Image | Jonathan McClintock His In His Image | InJonathan TheImage | Jonathan McClintock Power McClintock to Be


The Power

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sses |

Ryan Frankl




hip Guid


One Adult Starter Kit

• 1 Leader’s Guide • 10 Personal Discipleship Guides • Digital Resources

Additional Resources Additional Resources After purchasing a kit, the following items are available

Additional Resources

for individual purchase if you need additional copies: After purchasing a kit, the following items are available After purchasing a kit, the items are available for individual purchase if following you need additional copies: for individual purchase if you need additional copies:

Adult Leader's Guide


Leader's Guide Adult Personal Discipleship Guide Adult Leader's Guide Adult Guide YouthPersonal Leader's Discipleship Guide Adult Personal Discipleship Guide Leader's Guide Youth Personal Discipleship Guide Youth Leader's Guide Youthand Personal Discipleship Guide Guide Early Late Elementary Leader's Youth Personal Discipleship Guide Early Elementary Activity Paper and Late Elementary Leader's Guide Early and Late Elementary Leader's Guide EarlyElementary ElementaryActivity ActivityPaper Paper Late Early Elementary Activity Paper Late Elementary Activity Paper Early and Late Elementary Resource Packet Late Elementary Activity Paper Early andand Late Elementary Leader's ResourceGuide Packet Toddler Kindergarten Early and Late Elementary Resource Packet Kindergarten Leader's Guide Toddler and Activity Paper Toddler and Kindergarten Leader's Guide Kindergarten Activity Toddler Activity PaperPaper Toddler Activity Paper Kindergarten Activity Paper Toddler and Kindergarten Resource Packet Kindergarten Activity Paper Toddler and Kindergarten Resource Packet Toddler and Kindergarten Resource Packet

$5.99 $3.99 $5.99 $3.99 $5.99 $3.99 $5.99 $3.99 $5.99 $3.99 $9.99 $3.99 $3.99 $9.99 $9.99 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 $19.99 $3.99 $19.99 $9.99 $19.99 $9.99 $3.99 $9.99 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 $19.99 $3.99 $19.99 $19.99

Purchase bundles of five Activity Papers or ten Personal Discipleship Guides (in addition to your starter kit) and receive a 20% discount.








Scope and Sequence Fall 2018–Summer 2019 (2018–2019) FALL (Sept–Nov)

The Life of Repentance by Stan Gleason Practice Makes Perfect (Spiritual Disciplines) by Travis Miller Power to Be Witnesses by Ryan Franklin

Family Sunday

WINTER (Dec–Feb)

Blessing Sunday: The Prayer of Jesus – by David Norris The Big Story (Creation, Fall, Calvary, Heaven) by Lee Ann Alexander The Heart of Worship by Carl McLaughlin, Ron Trimmer, and Jonathan McClintock Living Unselfishly by Darin Sargent

Family Sunday

SPRING (Mar–May)

Christmas Sunday: Marveous – Steven Schobert Reflecting God’s Character by Daniel Segraves When Jesus Prayed by John Hanson Living a Blessed Life by Ron Wofford

Family Sunday

SUMMER (Jun–Aug) Family Sunday


Easter Sunday: Empty Tombs Speak Louder Than Words – L.J. Harry The Great I Am by Jeff Brickle The Posture of a Disciple by Stan Gleason Good Friends (Relationships) by Terry Baughman Our Apostolic Heritage – Don Martin



Visit for videos about the philosophy behind the curriculum. To discuss the teaching needs of your church, contact us: 1-866-819-7667

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