GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Τοις Εντευξομένοις Definition, of intervention, Η΄ ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ευθύνης ConcernsΠερί αστικής του κράτους για παράνομες πράξεις
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS των of οργάνων του Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Του κ. Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Student of the School of Architecture Καθηγητού Σχολ. Νομικών και Κοινωνικών Technical University Επιστ. of Crete
Kε�άλαι� ΙΣΤ’ και Μεταπτ. Προγραμμάτων Kε�άλαι� ΙΣΤ’ ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Πανεπιστημίου ΑστικήDefining Ευθύνηthe τ�υ Κράτ�υς για παράν�µες 1. Introductory approach: concept Καθηγητού Επισκ. Προγρ. Σπ. Πανεπ. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Αθηνών, Athens), Αστική Ευθύνη τ�υ Κράτ�υς για παράν�µες πρά�εις τωνΜετ. �ργάνων τ�υ ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC,Π.Κ.Π.Ε., Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Ομοτ. Καθηγητού ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟΥ πρά�εις των �ργάνων τ�υ among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content Ex Ch. L.of“principle”: U.concepts. L. Bruxelles, acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Ex. Int. I.I.A.P., Paris 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Γενική πρ�σέγγιση gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification T� “refining” ιδια��ντως εύρ�ς των συνν�µων δράσεων της Γενική πρ�σέγγιση Sociology as well), as the of εκτενές a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), asT� the “refining” ofεκτενές aκαι cityτων area, the removal fromthere this, (inartists, various ∆ηµ�σιας ∆ι�ίκησης εκ�ρα��ντων «την τεκµαιρ�µένη» ιδια��ντως εύρ�ς των συνν�µων δράσεων της ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement of ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ��ύλησή της Oργάνων της, ενδε��µένως, ενί�τε, πέραν τ�υ ν�µι∆ηµ�σιας ∆ι�ίκησης και των εκ�ρα��ντων «την τεκµαιρ�µένη» the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of κώς παραδεκτ�ύ έργ�υ «να εκτείνεται» εκτ�ς τωνprices �ρίων της ν�µι��ύλησή τηςrestaurants, Oργάνων της, ενδε��µένως, πέραν τ�υ the operation ofconsequences art galleries, etc.also However “change”, regardless whatever other has, results risingthis ofενί�τε, land (and theof µ�τητας, (διά πρά�εων ή παραλείψεων), να επι�έρει µη συνν�µως κώς παραδεκτ�ύ έργ�υ «να εκτείνεται» εκτ�ς των �ρίων της ν�µιwhatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). 1 �λά�ες σε δικαιώµατα και ένν�µα συµ�έρ�ντα Π�λιτών κ.ά. µ�τητας, (διά πρά�εων ή παραλείψεων), να επι�έρει µη συνν�µως potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to 1 Eπ�µένως, τίθεται θέµα κατα��λής �λά�ες σε και ένν�µα συµ�έρ�ντα Π�λιτών The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in earlyευθυνών, 1960s and itκ.ά. refers the then observed trend ofisδικαιώµατα wealthy toεπιµερισµ�ύ buy property in poor areas ofto απ��ηµιώσεων, επανα��ράς πραγµάτων στηνinπρ�τερη κατά-of Eπ�µένως, τίθεται θέµα των επιµερισµ�ύ ευθυνών, κατα��λής the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus oldpoor residents are σταση κ.ά. απ��ηµιώσεων, επανα��ράς των πραγµάτων στην πρ�τερη κατάLondon, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. T� κ.ά. ισ�ύ�ν Σύνταγµα (άρθρ� 20) πρ�ν�εί εν πρ�κειµένω και σταση being indirectly “squeezed”. A description ofπέραν this phenomenon is included in20) theπρ�ν�εί work ofενSociologist Ruth της συγκεκριµµένης επιταγής κατευθυντήριες T� ισ�ύ�ν Σύνταγµα (άρθρ� και A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the«εισάγει» work of πρ�κειµένω Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major �δηγίες πρ�ς N�µ�θετ�ύντες και ∆ι�ικ�ύντες: κάθε ένας έ�ει πέραν της συγκεκριµµένης επιταγής «εισάγει» κατευθυντήριες GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. δικαίωµαby στην παρ��ή ένν�µηςκαι πρ�στασίας απ�κάθε τα ∆ικαστήρια �δηγίες πρ�ς N�µ�θετ�ύντες ∆ι�ικ�ύντες: ένας έ�ει cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, theδικαίωµα issue has preoccupied andτα for more και µπ�ρεί να αναπτύ�ει σεseveral αυτάπρ�στασίας τιςscholars απ�ψειςαπ� τ�υ για ταitsδικαιώστην παρ��ή ένν�µης ∆ικαστήρια Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from µαταµπ�ρεί ή συµ�έρ�ντά τ�υ,σε�πως �ρί�ει.τ�υ T� για δικαίωµα της και να αναπτύ�ει αυτάν�µ�ς τις απ�ψεις τα δικαιώcomprehensive approach areακρ�ασης being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: πρ�ηγ�ύµενης ενδια�ερ�µέν�υ και για κάθε µατα ή συµ�έρ�ντά τ�υ,τ�υ �πως ν�µ�ς �ρί�ει.ισ�ύει T� δικαίωµα της interpretations the phenomenon theλαµ�άνεται following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is ακρ�ασης dueof to aµέτρ�, trend of �π�ί� a new category of σε social groups δι�ικητική ενέργεια ήgentrification, τ� �άρ�ς των πρ�ηγ�ύµενης τ�υ ενδια�ερ�µέν�υ ισ�ύει και για κάθε to “return” to the city, leaving ενέργεια theή purlieus for several reasons: high costs in(άρθρ� money δικαιωµάτων συµ�ερ�ντων τ�υ,�π�ί� και ακ�µη τ� Σύνταγµα δι�ικητική ή µέτρ�, τ� λαµ�άνεται σε �άρ�ς των and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, work place is,τ�υ lack(άρθρ� of the 4) διακηρύσσει, �τι �ι Έλληνες είναι ίσ�ι τ� ενώπι�ν ν�µ�υ, δικαιωµάτων ή συµ�ερ�ντων τ�υ,where και ακ�µη Σύνταγµα termat comes from Sociologist Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in συνεισ�έρ�ντες στα δηµ�σια �άρη ανάλ�γα µε τιςsearch δυνάµεις τ�υς... 4) διακηρύσσει, �τι �ι GLASS, Έλληνες είναι ίσ�ι ενώπι�ν τ�υ ν�µ�υ, sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: συνεισ�έρ�ντες στα δηµ�σια“at �άρη τιςcity”, δυνάµεις τ�υς... services of health, education, entertainment theανάλ�γα heart ofµε the (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where 1.studies Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Περί In της1950 εννοίας του ετερόκλητες in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. she teacher in the to another the is due tobecame aδικαίου: systematic and 1. Bλ.approach, και A. PAΪKOΣ: Θεµελιώδη ∆ικαιώµατα. Aθήναι, 2002, σ. 203. υφέρποντες προβληματισμοί. ΝΟΜΙΚΟbrokers ΒΗΜΑ, έκδ. Δικηγ. University informal College ofπροσεγγίσεις, London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 1. Bλ. A. PAΪKOΣ: Θεµελιώδη ∆ικαιώµατα. 2002, σ.ΡΑΪΚΟΣ: 203. her work are characterized byκαι a passion for65, justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Συλλόγου Αθηνών, τόμ. τεύχος 9, Νοέμβριος 2017,Aθήναι, σ. 2185 επόμ. Α. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Θεμελιώδη Δικαιώματα, Αθήναι, 2002, σ. 203. Αρτ. Δ. ΣΑΒΒΙΔΟΥ: Οι ειδικώτερες 250 246 G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in orderπερί to Ανθρωπίνων achieve the “assisted”, (actually ρυθμίσεις Δικαιωμάτων του “voluntary”, Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης και 250 246
της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, Πάφος, 2017, σ. 23 επόμ.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr.πρ�στασίας George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect H πρ��λεπ�µένη ως άνω παρ��ή ένν�µης «καλύStudent of the School of Architecture πτει» και τις περιπτώσεις εκείνες κατά τις �π�ίες η ευθύνη για την Technical University of Crete πρ�σ��λή ενν�µων δικαιωµάτων και συµ�ερ�ντων των ∆ι�ικ�υµένων «�αρύνει» τηνapproach: ∆ηµ�σια ∆ι�ίκηση �ργανά της. Eν 1. Introductory Definingκαι theταconcept πρ�κειµένω ως ευθύνη ν�είται η ευθύνη τ�υ Kράτ�υς εν γένει, των 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the (αδιακρίτως ancientDefining Greek (444υπ� BC - 370 BC, Athens), N�µικών Πρ�σώπων τ�υ, εάνphilosopher, αυτά διέπωνται ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the καν�νων ∆ηµ�σί�υ ή Iδιωτικ�ύ ∆ικαί�υ), των Oργανισµών T�πιamong other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. κής Aυτ�δι�ίκησης α’ και �’ �αθµ�ύ κ.ά., συνε�ελκ�µένη την υπ�acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term �ρέωση κατα��λής απ��ηµίωσης, επανα��ράς των πραγµάτων 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onκ.ά., this inindicated a first, if (in notπράfinal, approach, the term gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification στην πρ�τερη κατάσταση σε“principle” περιπτώσεις µη σύνν�µης 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various �ης ή παράλειψης των εκ�ρα��ντων την ��ύλησή τ�υς Oργάνων. Sociology well), as the “refining” of aαστική city area, the this, of (inartists, various ways), groups, usually of low-income and theremoval there Ως εικ�ςofη social ενas λ�γω ευθύνη, καλ�υµένη και ευθύνη ηplacement έ�ω - from ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of διά��ρ�ς art galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless of συµ�ατική, είναι εκείνης, η �π�ίαetc. απ�ρρέει ε�this άλλης the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless αιτίας, π.�. απ� δι�ικητική σύµ�αση.has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever other consequences whatever other consequences has, results risingδιαof land prices (and the H ευθύνη τ�υ Kράτ�υς εν γένει ρυθµί�εται υπ�also σ�ετικών potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). τά�εων N�µ�υ τ�υ at Aστικ�ύ Kώδικ�ς, Theτ�υ termEισαγωγικ�ύ gentrification is found first in the UK in άρθρα early 1960s and it refers to Theεκλαµ�άνεται term gentrification found atpeople first in the UKαπαιτ�υin early 1960s and itareas refersofto 104-106, πάντ�τε «αντικειµενική», the then observed trend ofisως wealthy to(µη buy property in poor the υπαιτι�τητας then observed wealthy people toσειρά buy property in poor areas µένης τ�υtrend Oργάν�υ), «παράγεται» υπ� πρ�ϋLondon, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are π�θέσεων, �πως,“squeezed”. (συν�πτική ανα��ρά, των ενδια�ερ�µένων being indirectly παραπεµπ�µένων έργα2): being indirectlyσε “squeezed”. A description of�ικεία this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth HA γεν�µένη ήthis η σηµειωθείσα παράλειψη να πρ�έρ�εται description ofperiod, phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theπρά�η same while similar in other major απ� �ργαν� τ�υ Kράτ�υς, ή άλλ�υ συσταθέντ�ς υπ’ αυτ�ύ N�µιGLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. κών Πρ�σώπων, αυτά πρ�ηγ�υµένως την and for its more cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,�πως the issueανα�έρθησαν has severalκατά scholars άσκηση ανατεθείσας αρµ�δι�τητας, να είναι παράν�µη, ναscholars είναι Since then, the issue has preoccupied several andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from �ηµι�γ�ν�ς για τ�ν ∆ι�ικ�ύµεν�, υ�ισταµέν�υ αιτιώδ�υς συνδέcomprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: σµ�υ µετα�ύ πρά�ης ή παράλειψης και πρ�κληθείσης �ηµίας, να interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups πρ��λέπεται υπ� των ισ�υ�υσών διατά�εων � σε �άρ�ς τ�υ ∆ηµ�to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money σί�υ, των N�µικών Πρ�σώπων τ�υ κ.ά. καταλ�γισµ�ς της κ.ά. and to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where Σεtime περίπτωση καταλ�γισµ�ύ σε �άρ�ς τ�υ ∆ηµ�σί�υ και work των place is, lack of the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Oργάνων τ�υ της πρά�ης ή παράλειψης η πρ��λεπ�Berlin, where she�ηµι�γ�ν�υ made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled:
services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 2. Bλ. Γ. ΠAΠAXATZHΣ: Σύστηµα τ�υ ισ�ύ�ντ�ς στην Eλλάδα ∆ι�ιin According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and κητικ�ύ ∆ικαί�υ. έκδ. 1991. Aνατ. 1996. Aθήνα. Eπ. Her public action and University College E�δ�µη of London, where she continued her social research. long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying ΣΠHΛIOTOΠOYΛOΣ: Eγ�ειρίδι� ∆ι�ικητικ�ύ ∆ικαί�υ. 2002. Π. ENGLISH DICTIONARY. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. SeeAθήνα, also: COLLINS and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in ∆AΓTOΓΛOY: Γενικ� ∆ι�ικητικ� ∆ίκαι�.Aθήνα, 2004.A.TAXOΣ: Eλληνι10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually κ� ∆ι�ικητικ� ∆ίκαι�. Θεσσαλ�νίκη, 2005.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atείναι first in the UK�ρηµατική, in early 1960s and it refers to µενη απ��ηµίωση καλύπτ�υσα ενδε��The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople firstσυνήθως in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers to the then observed trend of to buy property in poor of µενη θετική, απ�θετική �ηµία ή ηθική �λά�η τ�υ ∆ι�ικ�υµέν�υ. the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents are Tέλ�ς, σηµειώνεται, �τι η άλλ�τε ισ�ύ�υσα ρύθµιση, �άσει της London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. �π�ίας ευθύν�νταν «εις �λ�κληρ�ν», τ�σ� τ� Kράτ�ς, �σ� και τα being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of �ργανά this phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth τ�υ, έναντιis τ�υ ∆ι�ικ�υµέν�υ, σε περίπτωση επενε�θείA description ofσας thisσεphenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while �λά�ης similar in other major αυτ�ν (άρθρ� 105 τ�υ recorded Eισαγωγικ�ύ N�µ�υ τ�υ GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Aστικ�ύbyKώδικα), έ�ει ήδη καταργηθεί, πρ��λεπ�µένης πλέ�ν cities in Western countries, by other διατά�εων Researchers. Since then, the issueτων has preoccupied several scholars for its more υπ� �ικείων της ευθύνης τ�υand �ργάν�υ κατά την Since then, the issue has preoccupied several σε scholars andthe for various itsµ�ν�ν more άσκηση των ανατεθέντων αυτ� from καθηκ�ντων comprehensive approach are ν�µίµως being summarized below, comprehensive approach are being summarized from έναντι τ�υ Kράτ�υς, των N�µικών Πρ�σώπων κ.ά. γιαthe τηνvarious απ��ηinterpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: µίωση την �π�ία αυτά έ��υνofκατα�άλει σε Tρίτ�υς ε� α��ρµής In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend a new of social groups πρ�κληθείσης �ηµίας, �λά�ης κ.ά. reasons: υπ� Oργάνων των in καιmoney µ�ν�ν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several high costs λ�γω δ�λ�υ ή �αρείας αµελείας των. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the H πρ�σωπική ευθύνη τ�υ �ργάν�υ πλέ�ν ειδι-in termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasσε born sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town πρ��λέπεται centres, for better Berlin, where she made her first studies.�πως In 1932 she published an τ�υ important studyΣυντάγentitled: κές περιπτώσεις, π.�. στ� άρθρ� 95 ισ�ύ�ντ�ς services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements µατ�ς: η ∆ι�ίκηση έ�ει υπ��ρέωση ναaccess συµµ�ρ�ώνεται πρ�ς τις lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, ∆ικαστικές Aπ��άσεις. H παρά�αση της υπ��ρέωσης αυτής in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and γεννά ευθύνη γιαcontinued κάθε αρµ�δι� ν�µ�ς �ρί�ει. University informal College of London, where she her social�ργαν� research.�µως Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by�ρί�ει a passion for justice. µέτρα See also: COLLINS ENGLISH της DICTIONARY. N�µ�ς τα αναγκαία για την διασ�άλιση συµµ�ρand selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: �ωσης της ∆ι�ίκησης. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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