GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Design Types and Construction: Definition, of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification The role of new technologies Concerns Georgios - Spyridon C. ATHANASOPOULOS By Mr. Candidate George-Sp.Cambridge C. ATHANASOPOULOS PhD University, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Engineering Department By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Master ofStudent Architecture in Urban Design of the School of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Technical University of Crete Bachelor of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient From Renaissance to the Greek 21st Century ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other heritage he left us, he established a great the One ofwise the main characteristics ofphilosopher, the design profession is the ability to among wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of synchronical knowledge starts with of the content concepts. adapt toother its changes in society. These changes take place in acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term various fields such as the economic realm or the social organization of a state, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,the if (in not final, approach, the and term gentrification) is the of Planning) (or gentrification as well as in technology and the sciences. Since ages ofarea ancient Egypt 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various its Pyramids, the role of the architect, a term that can be translated from the Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofengineer, low-income theremoval placement greek language as the primary wasand to try to invent tools, processes, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operationtechniques of art galleries, etc.common Howeverneeds this “change”, regardless of or material thatrestaurants, would serve and would provide the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the solutions to particular problems. In a similar way, this is also the role of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). technology in general, and that would be the creation of knowledge, materials potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found life. at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to and The methods that aim to facilitate term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the thenOne observed trend of to buy poor fundamental change thatpeople happened atproperty the timeinof Renaissance the then observed trend of wealthy to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof was the invention of thestay perspective drawing. Thisthere wasand seen as old a cutting-edge London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. technology and it“squeezed”. altered the way in which space was perceived. An equivalent being indirectly A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth shiftAthat takes place would be the extensive use ofofdigital toolsRuth in ofperiod, thistoday phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist GLASSdescription at the same while similar in other major design and architecture. Digital tools offer a wide range of options in GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. reinterpreting design and in creating particular architectural languages and cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more syntaxes. However, they has also provide the opportunity toand simulate the Since then, the issue several scholars for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the structure of a desirable building in order to explore the performable aspects of comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: the design. In that way, one of the main attempts of this essay is to argue that interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups the new tools not only can be used as form-finding vehicles that to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highwould costs inexplore money new aesthetics, but at the same time, they can contribute to the and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work placedevelopment is, lack of the of new tectonic principles. 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Simulation lower living cost of, tools “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, role of studies the approach, designer and architect isIn to1950 try to adopt theteacher new tools in According 1943As shethe published regarding city planning. she in the to another the phenomenon is due tobecame a systematic and University College of emerge, London, where she continued her socialhis research. Her public and that continuously itorganized should be noted that role would also be to long-term informal effort by groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. critically engage withetc., thefor new and being able accept or decline and selling realCOLLINS estate, thetechniques depreciation initially of parttoof the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: the outcomes of the digital world. As the new simulation tools may enable the G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
designer to interpret his design in terms of functionality, weather and light conditions, and stability, the results of that should not be accepted per se. They should be critically filtered in order to provide feedback for the design. The generation of statistical analysis and data should only be used as way to redefine the strategies and principles that guide the design process.
Computation vs Computerization | The Traces of Computational Design By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS At this point there is an important distinction that needs to be made Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, between the terms “computational” By and “computerized” One aspect of Mr. George-Sp. C. design. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect the “computerized” design method would Student be the ofexact replication of an the School of Architecture analytical set of information. In addition to that, Technical and according to Achim University of Crete Menges, computerized design follows the traditional methods of design, just 1. Introductory approach: DefiningOn thethe concept through the interface of a computer. other hand computational design 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept shifts the discourse the of design, challenging the conventional and ANTISTHENIS, ancient by Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370methods BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370models, BC, Athens), among other heritage he left us, he established a great the processes of wise design through the introduction of (444 parametric and among through other wise left us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with the ofcomputer. the content concepts. the directly the heritage programming language of the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, thewas term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Design1computation and the broader range of all its relevant tools gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various primarily adopted by the fields of naval and aerospace engineering. The main Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social usually of low-income and the placement of artists, target ofwas to groups, generate models of simulation that throughthere analysis and ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andincrease thethis placement there of artists, the operation ofof art galleries, restaurants, etc.to However “change”, regardless of interpretation their results would lead the in performance and the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the efficiency of structures. The outcomes of the use of applied physics andof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative applied sciences also introduced new techniques and methods in fabrication potential relative speculation). term gentrification is found at first the UK early 1960s andcame it refers to andThe construction. The first attempts to in follow theinadvancements from The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor the industries, as they tried to respond to market demands for customization the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves andof thus residents areof ofLondon, products. At that particular point, the fordist there model theold assembly-line upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. production was “squeezed”. questioned and redefined. Interventions could take place being indirectly A description of thisprocess phenomenon is included in the work of of Sociologist Ruth during the production in order broaden the the products. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon isto included inwere thevariety work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. the discourse computational design dates way back to cities inNevertheless, Western countries, bypreoccupied other of Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more the Since invention ofthe analytical geometries and third degree algebraic equations then, issue has several scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various form Leibniz. It could be argued that, at summarized a certain degree the emergence of the comprehensive approach are being below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: new tools came as the outcome of applied mathematics through the extensive interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups use of computer resources. In other words, computers offered possibility to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highthe costs in money to represent non-euclidean geometries that would take a great amount of and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the effort to produce bydistributed hand. Computer offered a wide range of potentials tobetter mapin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born sense safety the residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where she made hergeometries first studies. and In 1932 she published an important study entitled: analytical and complex this was about to bring fundamental services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and continuous changes in the way space could be perceived, and asafter result intothe way itetc. could lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where be built. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252165 11
Redefining Tectonics GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, At this point, before shifting to an understanding of the new design and simulation tools in terms of their practical values, it might worth to Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification interpret their outcomes in terms of design and aesthetics. The new design Concerns techniques have offered new ways to design space and can be criticized for
form-finding obsessions. The result of that could be the fetishization of the architectural object. But the idea that architecture should demonstrate itself By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS and expose its ambitions to lead the aesthetics discourse is a perception that Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, goes back in time. It dates back to the andC.it ATHANASSOPOULOS even goes way more ByRenaissance Mr. George-Sp. Architect back to the construction of the Parthenon. From that point of view the new Student of the School of Architecture design tools are just being used as the contemporaryTechnical vehicle that enables the University of Crete architect-designer to express his aesthetic language and vocabulary. In other 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept words, a computational design language is not necessarily a premise for an 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept expressive architectural vocabulary, the computer be the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greekand philosopher, (444just BC happens - 370 BC,to Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the latest method of designing. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition ofisknowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aseek first, the if of not final, term What important, however is into way in approach, which anythe design1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification artistic obsession or performative expression is related to a crucial aspectterm of 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various architecture, and that would be the one of tectonics. Structure was always a Sociology as as the “refining” of a city from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually low-income andthe theremoval placement there parameter inwell), architecture andofdesign thatarea, defined the final outcome. In the ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofdiscourse, art galleries, etc.technologies However this can “change”, of contemporary therestaurants, use of digital greatlyregardless contribute the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the to the field of tectonics. Even if this seems to be obvious, as engineering wasof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential always a relative discipline closely related to computation and mathematics, it could potential relative speculation). term that gentrification is found at first infor thedifferent UK in early 1960s Structure and it refers to be The claimed it is actually happening reasons. and The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor tectonics are redefined, not because of the use of the new tools by the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and residents areof engineers, but basically of the use of thesethere tools bythus theold designers. The London, upgrade them, because stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. new tools have“squeezed”. offered the designers the possibility of an architectural being indirectly A description this phenomenon is included in thecalculate work of Sociologist Ruth vocabulary thatofofconventional tectonics cannot by simplistic A description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major simulation andsame analytic models. As an extension to that, form-finding GLASS at the period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. techniques have definitely lead to the emergence of what could be named as cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more “tectonic-finding” techniques. This would be an investigation offor principles Since then, the issue has several scholars and its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various that, through the engagement of the digital tools, could lead to the realization comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: ofinterpretations any unconventional design, and at the same time would manage to the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups overcome construction issues. It should be pointed out, however, that the to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money collaboration between the purlieus engineertoand the architect, wellplace as theis,blurring of and time to travel from the downtown, whereaswork lack of the the boundaries between disciplines a crucial factor for success. And thisin 1.of The termat comes from the Sociologist Ruth is GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better Berlin,only where she happened made her first studies.the In 1932 shea published an important study entitled: could have through use of common language between the services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth which Unemployment. Thethe same year she left Germany and after continuous fields, would be one of mathematics. In other words, it might be afor lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, point in she history where it’s not tectonics define In design, but actually design in According 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and informs tectonics in by that way it challenges engineering and science. And long-term informaland effort organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. probably this could beetc., an for irony ofdepreciation our times, the fact that a discipline cannot and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCo initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
any longer challenge itself on its own, but only through the feedback of other disciplines.
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Concludingly, it may be worth to George-Sp. recall Mies C. van der Rohe’sArchitect words By Mr. ATHANASSOPOULOS regarding the advancements that were taking place, back in the beginning of Student of the School of Architecture the twentieth century. Even if the great architect’s words refer to Technical University of Crete
industrialization, his ideas might be still relevant today: 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept of our “yes” or “no.” Yet it “The new era is a fact: it exists,the irrespective 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept is neither better northe worse thanGreek any other era. [...] (444 One BC thing willBC, be decisive: ANTISTHENIS, ancient philosopher, - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370problems BC, Athens), among wise ourselves heritage he us, he a great the the wayother we assert in left the face of established circumstance. Here the of among wise leftthe us,definition hetoestablished a greatbut the acquisition of knowledge startshe with ofnot the “what” content of“principle”: concepts. the spiritother begin. Theheritage important question ask is “how.” What acquisition of knowledge starts with the content of concepts. Based, onwhat this “principle” indefinition aare first, not final, approach, thevalue. term goods we therefore, produce or tools wethe use notif of questions of spiritual 1 (and urban Based, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, thenew term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification [...] Yet it istherefore, just the question of value that is decisive. We must set up 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various values, fix our ultimate goals so that we may establish standards. For what is Sociology as well), asfor the “refining” of a city area, this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of— low-income and theremoval placement there artists, right and significant any era including thethe new era —from is this: toof give the ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of spirit the opportunity for existence.” the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor BIBLIOGRAPHY the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Mario. Alphabet and the Cambridge, ACarpo, description of thisThe phenomenon is included in theAlgorithm. work of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2011. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major citiesCarpo, in Western countries, by other Mario. Ten Years of Researchers. Folding, in Greg Lynn (ed.), Folding in cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Architecture, Architectural Design. Chichester, 1993 revised edition Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2004. comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: Frampton, Kenneth. Modern Architecture : A Critical History. Rev. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups and enl. ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Kara, Hanif,from et the al.purlieus Interdisciplinary New Lessons from and time to travel to downtown,Design: where work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in Architecture and Engineering. Cambridge, MA: Barcelona: Harvard sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) University Graduate Schoolentertainment of Design, Actar, 2012. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. Luca Digital Fabrication inNew Architecture, and studies andCaneparo. research in Geneva, Prague, London and York she cameEngineering back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Construction. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, 2014. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Menges, Achim, and Design DICTIONARY. Thinking. her work are characterized by a Sean passionAhlquist. for justice. Computational See also: COLLINS ENGLISH and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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