τεύχος 94

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Τοις Εντευξομένοις GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Definition, Types ofIntervention, intervention, Η΄ Concerns of Gentrification Δημόσιες Διοικήσεις Κρατών Τοις Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Τοις Εντευξομένοις Εντευξομένοις Concerns Μελών και Οργάνων τηςή ή Concerns Ε.Ε.: Σχέσεις στοργής ή Μεταναστευτικές ροές και Σχέσεις των Οργάνων Περί υποχρεώσεων της Ελληνικής Δημόσιας

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αντιπαράθεσης; Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα: της Ευρωπαϊκής Διοίκησης έναντι του Ένωσης Δικαίου Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ετερόκλητες προσεγγίσεις και τωνΤου Διοικήσεων των Κρατών Μελών και των Οργάνων Ε.Ε. κ. Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ School of Design, Design,της Student, Harvard University, Graduate School of Student, Student of the School of Architecture

Καθηγητού Σχολ. Νομικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστ. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Kε�άλαι� ΙΗ΄ Architect Technical University of Crete κ. Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ και Μεταπτ. Προγραμμάτων of the School of Architecture Architecture ΤουΤου κ. Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Student of the School of Technical University of Crete �ι υπ��ρεώσεις της Ελληνικής ∆ηµ�σιας 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Technical University of Crete Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, Καθηγητού Νομικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστ. Καθηγητού Μετ.Σχολ. Πρ. Σπ. Παντείου Πανεπιστ. Κοιν. Πολιτ. Επιστ., 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Καθηγητού Προγρ. Σπ. Πανεπ. Αθηνών, Μετ. Πρ. Σπ. Πανεπ. Αθηνών ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, έναντι τ�υ δικαί�υ 1.ANTISTHENIS, Introductory∆ι�ίκησης approach: Defining the concept και Μετ. Πρ. Σπ. Πανεπ. ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), Ομοτ. Καθηγητού ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟΥ Π.Κ.Π.Ε., among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Καθηγητού Επισκ. Μετ. Προγρ. Σπ. Πανεπ. Αθηνών, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept και των �ργάνων της Ε.Ε. BC 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), Ex Ch. L., U.L. Bruxelles, Ex Int. I.I.A.P., Paris among other wise heritage left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with the definition of the content of concepts. Ex Ch. L. U. L. Bruxelles, Ex. Int. I.I.A.P., Paris, Ομοτ. Καθηγητού ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟΥ Π.Κ.Π.Ε., BC --“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), great “principle”: the among other heritage he left us, established a great the acquisition ofwise knowledge starts with thehe definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term ΚατόχουaΤιμητικής Διακρίσεως Ex Ch. L.definition U. Bruxelles, Ex. Int. I.I.A.P., Paris great “principle”: the among other wise heritage he left us, he established great “principle”: the content of concepts. acquisition of with the of the content of 1knowledge Based, therefore, on starts this “principle” inLE aL. first, ifEUROPEEN notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in area ofconcepts. Planning) (or gentrification PRIX DES 12 ETOILES Γενική πρ�σέγγιση content of concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. 1 approach, the term Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various 1 (and urban final, approach, the term Based, as therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aarea, first,the if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification area of Planning) (or Sociology well), as the “refining” of a city removal from this, (in various ways), of social1groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, area of Planning) (or gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και µε from this, (inofvarious various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aασ��ληθεί city theκατ’επανάληψη removal (in Ο Έλλην κυνικός Φιλόσοφος ΑΝΤΙΣΘΕΝΗΣ, μαςthis, κληροδότησε ways), ofαρχαίος social groups, usually ofέ�ει low-income and the placement there artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.area, However this “change”, regardless of removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τ� θέµα των Εθνικών ∆ηµ�σίων ∆ι�ικήσεων, επί σκ�πώ, µέσω placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually ofhas, low-income andrising the placement there of artists, μία επιστημονική «αρχή»: «Αρχή σοφίας ονομάτων επίσκεψις», ενώ theσπουδαία operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results also of land prices (and theof placement there of artists, ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of οpotential ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΗΣ διετύπωσε την άποψη, ότι «Ορισμός ουσίας τινός τ�υof κατά τ� δυνατ�ν εκσυγ�ρ�νισµ�ύ τ�υς, αυτές να �δηγηθ�ύν whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the relative speculation). theσε operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of “change”, regardless of land prices (and the whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). γνωρισμός». δι�ικητικές τείν�υσες σε «�µ�γεν�The συγκλίν�υσες term gentrification is found at ρυθµίσεις, first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to land prices (and the whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). TheΜε term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers βάση, λοιπόν, τις επιστημονικές προτροπές, παρατίθενται εν the then observed trendαυτές ofiswealthy toτων buy property in poor ofto π�ίηση» των δι�ικητικών συστηµάτων Κρατών Μελών. potential relative speculation). 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buyυπεισερχομένων property in poor areas of συνεχεία οριοθετήσεις μερικών εννοιών, στο υπό London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus των old residents are Είναι αυτ�ν�ητ�, �τι ηβασικών «�µ�γεν�π�ίηση», πέραν άλλων early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of property inold poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus residents are διαπραγμάτευση θέμα: Πρόσφυγες στην Κύπρο και ανά τον Κόσμο. being indirectly “squeezed”. συνεπειών της, θα διευκ�λύνει τα µέγιστα την ε�αρµ�γή κ�ινών property in poor areas of the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of thus old residents residents are London, upgrade them, stay themselvesissometimes there and thus old are being indirectly “squeezed”. Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα. Aπρακτικών description of this phenomenon included the work of Sociologist και δράσεων, επ’ω�ελεία τωνin δι�ικ�υµένων και διακι-Ruth thus old residents residents are London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old are being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth χρόνου ο λόγος είναιsituations αποσπασματικός. GLASSΕλλείψει at the same period, whileθα similar were recorded in other major being indirectly “squeezed”. ν�υµένων ε� �ίας δήπ�τε αιτίας εντ�ς τη επικράτειας της Ένωσης. ofφαινόμενα Sociologist Ruth A in description of phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other Ruth major Σπεύδω να this σημειώσω, εξ αρχής, ότι ταof της cities Western countries, bywhile otherευθύς Researchers. work of of Sociologist Sociologist Ruth A in description ofperiod, thisπρ�σ�ατων phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Ruth Εκ των πλέ�ν ρυθµίσεων ανα�έρ�νται εδώ �ι recorded in other major GLASS at the same while similar in other major cities Western countries, by other Researchers. προσφυγιάς καιtheτης μετανάστευσης εμφανίζονται ακόμη and και σε Since then, issue has preoccupied several scholars for πρώϊμες its more recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major citiesρυθµίσεις inτης Western countries, by other Researchers. των Συν�δων Κ�ρυ�ής της Ε.Ε. της Λισσα�ώνας Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from various εποχές ανθρώπινης ιστορίας, ενώ π.χ. κατά τονbelow, προηγούμενο αιώνα, οι cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various (Μάρτι�ς 2000), ηΜεγάλη �π�ία Βρετανία �δήγησε και ηστην διαµ�ρ�ωση των κειinterpretations of the ηphenomenon of gentrification, the following: Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, και Γερμανία υπεδέχθησαν πλήθος scholars andthe forvarious its more more Since then,of the has preoccupied severalthe scholars and for its below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized from interpretations theissue phenomenon of following: της Συνθήκης, τηςofΦέϊρα (Ι�ύνι�ς 2010). Inµένων a sense, the�µώνυµης phenomenon isπρώτες, due togentrification, aκαι trend a newbelow, category of social groups ατόμων, (40.000.000 ψυχές, οιare οιsummarized Η.Π.Α.). comprehensive approach being below, from the various below, from the various interpretations ofcity, the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: following: to “return” to the leaving the purlieus several reasons: high(ως costs in money Κατά την Σύν�δ� της Λισσα�ώνας απε�ασίσθη, απ�ρΚατά την σύγχρονη περίοδο, η for Ευρώπη είναι ο πλέον επιθυμητός interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups category of is, social groups and ρ�ια time to travel from theτης purlieus downtown, where work place lack of the προορισμός προσφύγων Ασίας,toτης Αφρικής, κ.ά. περιοχών. µακράς σειράς πρ�ηγηθεισών δια��υλεύσεων µετα�ύ των to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money reasons: high costs in money 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Κατά τους συγχρόνους καιρούς, όπως γνωρίζετε, οι πληθυσμιακές Κρατών-Μελών), �τι ηstudies. �ικ�ν�µική και κ�ινωνική ανάπτυ�η της Berlin, where she made her first Indowntown, 1932 she published an important study entitled: and time to travel from the purlieus to where work place is, lack of the work place is, lack of the services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of theκατάσταση city”, (possibly) μετακινήσεις οφείλονται ή συνδέονται, με την οικονομική της in Youth Unemployment. The year she leftµε Germany and after continuous movements Ένωσης στερρώς και τ�ν εκσυγ�ρ�νισµ� των παρε1.of The termσυνδέεται comes fromsame Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter bornfor in sense safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, for centres, search for better lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where χώρας προέλευσης, (υπανάπτυξη, ποσοστά ανεργίας κ.ά.), με Berlin, where she made her first studies. Inμεγάλα 1932 she published an important study entitled: 1932 she published an important study entitled: ��µενων υπηρεσιών υπ� των ∆ηµ�σίων ∆ι�ικήσεων των Κρατών services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) the city”, (possibly) in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the is due a systematic and Youth Unemployment. The same year she leftphenomenon Germany and after continuous movements for Germany and after continuous movements for εμφύλιες ή διακρατικές περιφερειακές συγκρούσεις, ή to με την επιθυμία Μελών. University College of London, where she continued social Her public action and lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc. access to markets, etc. studies andinformal research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to where London andher New York research. she cameto back to London, London, where long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying αναζήτησης καλλίτερης τύχης σε άλλους τόπους. her work are characterized byapproach, a passion for justice. See also: ENGLISH DICTIONARY. in According 1943 she published regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the city planning. InCOLLINS 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another the phenomenon is due aa systematic and to systematic and Υπ’αυτή τηνstudies ένν�ια �Co δι�ικητικ�ς εκσυγ�ρ�νισµ�ς, ως συνιand selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Ενδεικτικώς σημειώνεται, ότι ο πληθυσμός του πλανήτη αυξάνεται University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and continued her social research. Her public action and informal effort byAbstract. organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of manufacturers, brokers of buying buying στών condicio sine qua non για την �λων των καταGentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm along-term variety of ways, in order to achieve theε�υπηρέτηση “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See ENGLISH DICTIONARY. justice. See also: also: COLLINS COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. κατά 250.000 ψυχές την ημέρα. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: στατικών στ��ων τηςδηλαδή Ένωσης, είναι αναγκαί� να απ�τελέσει Στην περιοχή μας, στην λεκάνη της Μεσογείου, μέχρι(actually τοα-έτος 2521 311 G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm “voluntary”, (actually 2025 η αύξηση του πληθυσμού, των έξι μεσογειακών Κρατών Μελών της 21 21311 25 25 11 Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, θα ανέλθει σε 5.500.000 ψυχές, ενώ η αύξηση του 254 πληθυσμού στις χώρες του Μεσογειακού Νότου θα προσεγγίσει τα



GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Definition, Types ofIntervention, intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns Concerns

competence of state affairs in their Region, based on Article 101 of current Constitution.3of state affairs in their Region, based on Article 101 of current competence ντικείµεν� πρ�τεραι�τητας για τα Κράτη Μέλη, τα �π�ία Abolition3ofπρώτης the 13 Regions of the Government Decree of 6/3/1987. 13 new Constitution. υπ��ρε�ύνται σε σειρά ενεργειών, µερικές των �π�ίων ανα�έρ�Regions come in their place (Organizations of second grade local government) Abolition of the 13 Regions of the Government Decree of 6/3/1987. 13 new νται εδώ: along with the municipalities (Organizationsofofsecond first grade) as an expression of Regions come in their place (Organizations local government) Παρ��ή δυνατ�τητας στ�υς Π�λίτες institution να έ��υνgrade γενική ηλεκτρ�popular sovereignty, they consist a fundamental of the Greek public life, along with the municipalities (Organizations of first grade) as an expression of νική πρ�σ�αση στις παρε��µενες υπ� των Κρατών υπηρεσίες. 4 and the as guaranteed by the provisions of Article 102 of the current Constitution popular sovereignty, they consistα�ι�λ�γησης a fundamental institution of the Greek public life, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Θέσπιση διαδικασιών της απ�δ�τικ�τητας των 5 European Charter ofprovisions Local Self-Government. 4 and the Harvard University, Graduate SchoolConstitution of Design, Student, as guaranteed by the of Article 102 of the current ∆ηµ�σίων Υπηρεσιών. ByMr. Mr.George-Sp. George-Sp. C.ATHANASSOPOULOS ATHANASOPOULOS Abolition from 1/1/2011 of the Prefecture, Local Government of second grade, 5 By C. Architect European Charter of Local Self-Government. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Άρση των γρα�ει�κρατικών εµπ�δίων �π�υ δήπ�τε και �π�τε Student of thewas School Architecture as it was provided by Law of 1622/1986 (which ultimately not implemented Abolition from 1/1/2011 the Prefecture, Local Government ofof second grade, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect δήπ�τε αυτά εντ�πί��νται στα δι�ικητικά συστήµατα των ΚραTechnical University of Crete

of thewas School Architecture as it wasΜελών. provided by Law 1622/1986 (whichStudent ultimately not of implemented τών Technical University of Crete 1. Introductory approach: Defining theπρ�σ�ασης concept ∆ιασ�άλιση της δυνατ�τητας στ� ∆ιαδίκτυ� και 1. approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), 3. Introductory Article 101 of current Constitution 1975/1986/2001/2008: ANTISTHENIS, theΠ�λυµέσων ancient Greek philosopher, 1.στις approach: Defining the concept άλλες πηγές �λων των ñIntroductory State’s administration is organized according to theΣ��λείων decentralizedεκάστ�υ system. ΚράANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other101 wise heritage heDefining left 1975/1986/2001/2008: us,ishe established a great the 1. Introductory approach: the concept 3. Article of current Constitution ñ Administrative division of the country formed on the basis of geo-economic, social and τ�υς. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us,definition he established a great “principle”: the ñ State’s administration is organized according to the decentralized system. transport conditions. acquisition of knowledge starts with the of the content of concepts. theofancient Greek philosopher, (444 -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established acompetence great Ε� άλλ�υ, �ι συµµετέ��ντες στην Σύν�δ� της Φέϊρα, επανα�εñANTISTHENIS, division of the country is formed ondecisive the basis ofBC geo-economic, social and ñ Administrative Regional the State generally have on issues ofthe their acquisition ofInstitutions knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the transport conditions. province. Central Government, apart from special cases, has the general direction, coordination acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. �αίωσαν τις απ��άσεις της Συν�δ�υ της Λισσα�ώνας, απε�άσι1 Based, therefore, onthe this “principle” inindicated ahave first, if (in notby final, approach, the term (and urban is the area ofofon Planning) gentrification ñ control Regional Institutions ofgentrification) the State generally decisive competence issues of(or their and ofof legitimacy Regional institutions as provided law. acquisition starts with thein definition the content concepts. Based, therefore, onof this “principle” acases, first, if of not final, approach, the term 1knowledge σαν νέα µέτρα για περαιτέρω ε�αρµ�γές της Πληρ���ρικής, υπεgentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or province. Central Government, apart from special has the general direction, coordination ñ Common legislator and Administration, when they act normative, they are obliged to take Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) ismountainous indicated (in the area ofthis, Planning) (or gentrification and control ofthe legitimacy of the Regional institutions as provided by law. into account special conditions of island and areas, ensuring their growth. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from (in various γράµµισαν τ�ν σηµαντικ� ρ�λ� των ∆ηµ�σίων ∆ι�ικήσεων των ways), of social1groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom area of (or ñArticle Common legislator and Administration, when theythe act removal normative, they this, arePlanning) obliged to take Sociology well), as the “refining” of a city (inofvarious 101A ways), of as social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Κρατών Μελών (και) στην ενίσ�υση της ανταγωνιστικ�τητας εinto account the special conditions of island and mountainous areas, ensuring their growth. Where Constitution provides for the establishment and operation of an Independent Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement the operation ofgroups, art galleries, restaurants, However this regardless of Article 101A whatever other consequences has, also rising of land prices (and the Authority, its Members areκ.ά. appointed aresults fixedetc. tenure and they are“change”, governed by personal and ντ�ς Ένωσης, ways), ofτης social groups, usually offorlow-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Where Constitution provides for the establishment and operation of an Independent functional independence, as specified by law. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). Υπενθυµί�εται, �τι ηrestaurants, Συνθήκη Λισσα�ώνας επανα�ε�αίωthe 4. operation ofofconsequences art galleries, etc. However this regardless of whatever other has, also rising of land prices (and the Authority, its Members are appointed for aresults fixedτης tenure and they are“change”, governed by personal and Article 102 the Constitution 1975/1986/2001/2008: potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atlaw. first in Government thealso UK in early 1960s and itτιν�ς refers to functional independence, as specified by whatever other consequences has, results rising of land prices (and the ñ Administration of local affairs belongs to Local Organizations of first and second σε την υπ��ρέωση των Κρατών Μελών για την άνευ άλλ�υ potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor 4. Article 102 of the Constitution 1975/1986/2001/2008: grade. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification isoffound atto first inGovernment the UK in property early itυπ� refers to ε�αρµ�γή των ν�µικώς δεσµευτικών Πρά�εων της1960s Ένωσης theñTo then observed trend wealthy people buy inand poor areas of Administration of local affairs belongs Local Organizations of first and second Local Government Organizations there isto presumption of competence for the London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in extend the UKand in early 1960s and itareas refers to the then observed trend of to buy property in poor of grade. administration of local affaires. Law defines the types of local affairs and the των ∆ηµ�σίων ∆ι�ικήσεων των Κρατών Μελών. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of To Local Government Organizations there is to presumption of competence forare the distribution between each grade. Law maysometimes delegate Local the London, upgrade them, stay themselves thereGovernment and thus oldorganizations residents being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in there the Ruth administration of that local affaires. Lawmission. defines the extend andwork types of Sociologist local and the exercise ofupgrade powers consist state’s London, them, stay themselves sometimes and of thus oldaffairs residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth �ι σ�ετικές ρυθµίσεις έ��υν ως ε�ής:to Local distribution between each grade. Law may delegate Government organizations the ñ Local Government Organizations have administrative and financial autonomy. Their GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth authorities are elected by universal and secret voting, as provided by law. exercise ofat powers that consist state’s mission. GLASS the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major 1.Τα Κράτη Μέλη �λα τα µέτρα εσωτερικ�ύ δικαί-of Ruth citiesñA in Western countries, byθεσπί��υν other Researchers. description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere work of Sociologist ñ Local Law may provide the establishment ofiscompulsory orthe voluntary associations Local Government Organizations have administrative and financial autonomy. Their GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major cities inτα Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more �υ, �π�ία είναι αναγκαία για την ε�αρµ�γή των ν�µικώς δεGovernment Organizations for works or provision of services. These associations may be authorities are elected by universal and secret voting, as provided by law. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various itsofmore administrated by elected bodies ñ Law may provide the establishment of compulsory or voluntary associations Local comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from σµευτικών πρά�εων της Ένωσης. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since the issue for has preoccupied several scholars and for more ñ Statethen, exercises supervision over Local Government which concerns solely to Government Organizations works or provision of Organizations, services. These associations may be comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from theitsvarious interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more 2. �ταν απαιτ�ύνται ενιαίες πρ�ϋπ�θέσεις για την legitimacy control and it is not allowed to block their initiative and freedom ofεκτέλεση action. Legitimacy administrated by elected bodies are being summarized comprehensive approach below, from the interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: Inñ aState theof phenomenon is due to a trend ofOrganizations, asanctions new of concerns social groups control is exercises exercised as provided byLocal law. Disciplinary to which bodies of local supervision over Government solely to comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from theαυvarious τωνsense, ν�µικώς δεσµευτικών πρά�εων της Ένωσης, �ιelected πρά�εις interpretations ofand the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: administration, apart from cases involving automatic deduction or idleness, are being applied legitimacy control it is not allowed to block their initiative and freedom of action. Legitimacy tointerpretations “return” to theof city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Inτές a sense, the phenomenon is due to a majority trend ofofsanctions aregular new category social groups αναθέτ�υν αρµ�δι�τητες στην Επιτρ�πή ήbodies σε ειonly with consent ofεκτελεστικές aprovided Council, consisted at judges, asof provided by control isthe as by law. Disciplinary to elected oflaw. local and time toexercised travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the ñ The State takes all the legislative, regulatory andseveral fiscal measures needed to ensure economic apart from cases involving automatic deduction or idleness, are being applied toadministration, “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for reasons: high costs in money δικές περιπτώσεις δε�ντως αιτι�λ�γηµένες και σε περιπτώσεις 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search forby better independence and provides the necessary resources for the accomplishment ofprovided the tasks and only with the consent of a Council, consisted at majority of regular judges, as law.the and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: π�υ πρ��λέπ�υν άλλα άρθρα της Συνθήκης, (�πως π.�. τα άρθρα exercise of competences of Local Government Organizations with simultaneous ensuring of ñ Theof State takes education, all the legislative, regulatory and fiscal measures needed to ensure economic services health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 1.of The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for transparency in the management of these resources. Law defines the relative with the and independence and provides the necessary resources for the accomplishment of the tasks and the 24living (Π�λιτική ασ�αλείας), 26London (Πρ�σδι�ρισµ�ς των στρατηγικών lower cost “withdrawal” from car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, and New York she came back totheir London, where Berlin, where sheof, made her firstPrague, studies. Inprivate 1932 she published an important study entitled: distribution, among Local Government Organizations of taxes orheart fees, determined in favour, and exercise of competences of Local Government Organizations with simultaneous ensuring of services of health, education, entertainment “at the of the city”, (possibly) in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher the Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and συµ�ερ�ντων της Ένωσης, κ.ά. για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση), στ� collected by State. Each transferral of competences from state’s central or regional bodies toin Local transparency in the management of these resources. Law defines the relative with the and lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where University College of London, where she continued social research. Her public and studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came brokers back totheir London, Government implies transfer of organized corresponding resources. Law provides the relative regarding distribution, among Local Government Organizations ofher taxes or fees, determined in favour, and long-term informal effort by groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying Συµ��ύλι�. her work she are characterized byapproach, arevenues passion for justice. See also: ENGLISH DICTIONARY. in 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. InCOLLINS 1950 she teacher the According to Each another the is due tobecame a systematic and definition and collecting of local directly from Local Government organizations. collected by State. transferral of competences from state’s central or regional bodies toin Local and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 5.edit. Because of their importance, issues of Local Government Organizations have become 10th Wil. COLLINS SONSof AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Encyclopedia: University College of transfer London, where she continued her social Her public action and Government implies corresponding resources. Lawresearch. provides theFree relative regarding long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying subject series of International Conferences asorganizations. well as regulations G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety ofa characterized ways, inofConferences, order to achieve the “voluntary”, (actuallyat her work of are by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. definition and collecting local revenues directly from“assisted”, Local Government and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban in 5.edit. Because of their importance, issues Local 2009. Government Organizations haveweb, become 10th Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. of London WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 255 24 414asubject of a series of Conferences, International Conferences as well as regulations at 11 Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 2521

414 24

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, 3. Για τ�υς ως άνω σκ�π�ύς τ� Ευρωπαϊκ� Κ�ιν���ύλι� και τ� GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Συµ��ύλι�, απ��ασί��ντας, µέσω Καν�νισµών, σύµ�ωνα µε την Definition, Types of intervention, συνήθη ν�µ�θετική διαδικασία, θεσπί��υν εκ των πρ�τέρων γενιConcerns of Gentrification Concerns κ�ύς καν�νες και αρ�ές σ�ετικώς µε τ�υς τρ�π�υς ελέγ��υ απ� Concerns τα Κράτη Μέλη της άσκησης των εκτελεστικών αρµ�δι�τήτων α-

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS π� την Επιτρ�πή. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, 4. Τ� επίθετ� «εκτελεστικ�ς» ή «εκτελεστική» παρεµ�άλλεται ByMr. Mr. George-Sp.C. C.ATHANASSOPOULOS ATHANASOPOULOS By George-Sp. Architect Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, στ�ν τίτλ� των εκτελεστικών πρά�εων. Student of the School of Architecture By Mr. George-Sp. C. στις ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ε� άλλης πλευράς, η Επιτρ�πή ανεκ�ίνωσε Βρυ�έλλες Technical University of Crete Student of the School of Architecture τ�ν Ιαν�υάρι� 2007 ειδικ� Πρ�γραµµα ∆ράσης Μείωσης των ∆ιUniversity of Crete 1.�ικητικών Introductory approach: Defining the concept Technical Βαρών µε τ� π�σ�στ� κλιµακ�ύµεν�, τ� �π�ί� στις αρ1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, 1.�ές Introductory Defining the conceptτ� 25% εκτιµώντας, �τι τ�υ έτ�υς approach: 2013 πρέπει να πρ�σεγγίσει ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage heDefining left us, he established a great the 1. Introductory approach: the concept µία µείωση αυτ�ύ τ�υ µεγέθ�υς (25%) θα �δηγήσει σε αύ�ηση ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ANTISTHENIS, theΕγ�ώρι�υ ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other heritage he with left us, he established acontent great the τ�υ Ακαθάριστ�υ Πρ�ϊ�ντ�ς της Ε.Ε. κατά 1,4% (πεacquisition ofwise knowledge starts thein definition of the of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of starts with content concepts. ρίπ�υ ευρώ). 1knowledge Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,of if the notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) is (in area ofofPlanning) (or gentrification acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” inis a indicated first, if not approach, the term 1 (and urban Τ�as Πρ�γραµµα έ�ει υι�θετηθεί τελικώς, (και είναι σεthis, ε�έλι�η), gentrification gentrification) (infinal, thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology well), as the of a cityin area, theifremoval (in various 1 (and Based, therefore, on“refining” this “principle” a first, notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is indicated (in area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various κατά την Σύν�δ� Κ�ρυ�ής τ�ν Μάρτι� 2007. ways), of social1groups, usually of low-income and the placement of artists, gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathere of Planning) (or Sociology well), as the “refining” a cityisarea, the the removal this, (inofvarious 1artists, ways), of as social groups, usually of of low-income and placement there the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of , Με δεδ�µένη την εκ των θεσµών πρ��λεπ�µένη αυτ�ν�µία Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement theτ�σ� operation ofgroups, art galleries, restaurants, etc.και However this regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of “change”, landΜελών prices (and theof Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, �σ� των Κρατών της, ways), ofτης social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). η Ένωση δεν διαθέτει ίδια �ργανα, επι��ρτισµένα να ε�αρµ�the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is foundhas, at first in the UKrising in early and it refers whatever other consequences results also of1960s land�π�τε prices (and the σ�υν τ� Κ�ιν�τικ� ∆ίκαι� εντ�ς των Μελών, υ- to potential relative speculation). The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in Κρατών the UK in early 1960s and itη refers the then observed trend of to buy property in poor areas ofto potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in theto UK in property early 1960sin and itτων refers to π��ρέωση ε�αρµ�γής τελικώς τ�υ Κ�ιν�τικ�ύ ∆ικαί�υ εντ�ς the then observed trend wealthy people buy areas London, them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus oldpoor residents areof The upgrade term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers to the then observed trend of to buy property in poor of Κρατών Μελών ¨µετα�έρεται¨ στις Εθνικές ∆ηµ�σιες ∆ι�ικήσεις London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there andσε thus old residents are �ι �π�ίες, κατά µία άπ�ψη, ανάγ�νται ¨Ε�ωτερικές being indirectly “squeezed”. Aτ�υς, description ofthem, this phenomenon is included in there theέτσι work Sociologist Ruth London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes and of thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. 2 A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth Υπηρεσίες της ‘Ενωσης. GLASS at the same while similar in other major being indirectly “squeezed”.

A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other Ruth major cities indescription Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. A of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, by while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue haswhile preoccupied several were scholars and for its more GLASS at the same period, similar situations recorded in other major citiesSince in Western other Researchers. then, countries, the issue by has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach areother being summarized from cities in Western countries, by Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for itsvarious more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the interpretations ofthe the phenomenon of gentrification, thescholars following: Since then, issue has preoccupied several andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social comprehensive approach are being summarized from the groups various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: tointerpretations “return” to theof city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new category of social groups and time to travel fromΚων.ΓΕ.ΑΘΑΝΑΣ�Π�ΥΛ�Υ the purlieus to downtown, where place is, lackΕλ. of the Β. ∆ΕΛΗ∆Σ�Υ, ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ, 1.Βλ. καιwork to “return” toγενικώς: the city,from leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costswas in money 1.of The termat comes Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, better ΚΑΒΒΑ∆ΙΑ (Επιστ. Συµ��λή): Τ� ∆ίκαι� τηςpublished Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Νέα and time to travel fromher the purlieus toIndowntown, where work place is,study lack of the Berlin, where she made first studies. 1932 she an important entitled: services of term health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The year she left Germany and after continuous movements έκδ. Αθήναι 2008. 1.of The fromsame Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter bornfor in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, London and New York she an came back to London, where Berlin, 2. where she made her firstPrague, studies. In 1932 she published important study entitled: Βλ. Ι. ΑΝΑΣΤ�Π�ΥΛ�Σ: ∆�µές και Λειτ�υργίες της Εθνικής ∆ηµ�services of health, education, entertainment “at theInheart of the city”,movements (possibly) in 1943Unemployment. she published studies regarding city planning. 1950 she teacher in the Youth The same year she left Germany and after continuous for According to another approach, the phenomenon is due tobecame a systematic and σιας ∆ι�ίκησης στ� πλαίσι� των Ευρωπαϊκών Κ�ιν�τήτων. Ε.Ε. Ευρ.∆. : where lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work she are1996, characterized byapproach, a passion for justice. See also: DICTIONARY. in According 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. InCOLLINS 1950 sheENGLISH teacher in the Αθήνα, σ.635. to τ.2-3, another the is due tobecame a systematic and and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of characterized ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually her work are by a Abstract. passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 256 Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 2521 511 2521511



GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Με �άση τηςGENTRIFICATION ισ�ύ�υσες ρυθµίσεις: Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, Types ofτης intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Η �ρι�θέτηση των αρµ�δι�τήτων Ένωσης διέπεται απ� Types intervention, την Definition, αρ�ήConcerns της δ�τής αρµ�δι�τητας. Ηof άσκηση των αρµ�δι�τήτων of Gentrification Concerns της Ένωσης διέπεται απ� τις αρ�ές της επικ�υρικ�τητας και της Concerns αναλ�γικ�τητας.

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Σύµ�ωνα µε την αρ�ή της δ�τής αρµ�δι�τητας, η Ένωση εHarvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, νεργεί µ�ν�ν εντ�ς των �ρίωνBy των αρµ�δι�τήτων, π�υ της απ�νέBy Mr. George-Sp.C. C.ATHANASSOPOULOS ATHANASOPOULOS Mr. George-Sp. Architect Harvard Graduate School of Design, Student, µ�υν τα Κράτη Μέλη µε τιςUniversity, Συνθήκες για την επίτευ�η των στ�Student of the School of Architecture By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Technical University of Crete �ων, π�υ �ι Συνθήκες αυτές �ρί��υν. Κάθε αρµ�δι�τητα, η �π�ία Student of the School of Architecture δεν απ�νέµεται στην Ένωση µε τις ΣυνθήκεςTechnical ανήκει στα Κράτη University of Crete 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Μέλη. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek the philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), 1.ANTISTHENIS, Introductory Defining concept (444 Σύµ�ωναapproach: µε την αρ�ή της επικ�υρικ�τητας στ�υς τ�µείς, �ι the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept �π�ί�ι υπάγ�νται στην απ�κλειστική της η the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established aαρµ�δι�τητα, great acquisition ofδεν knowledge startshe with of the content of“principle”: concepts. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he with left us, he acontent great the Ένωση µ�ν� ε�’�σ�ν και κατά τ�ν �αθµ�, π�υ acquisition ofπαρεµ�αίνει knowledge starts thein definition the of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aestablished first, if of not final, approach, the�ιterm among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term στ���ι της(and πρ��λεπ�µενης δράσης δεν µπ�ρ�ύν να επιτευ�θ�ύν urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in the area ofσε Planning) (or επαρκώς απ� Κράτη Μέλη, σε κεντρικ�, �σ� και περιSociology as well), asτα the “refining” of a τ�σ� cityisarea, the removal from this, (in various 1 (and urban Based, as therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if removal notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology well), as the “refining” of a city area, the from this, (in various ways), of social1και groups, usually of low-income and the placement of artists, �ερειακ� τ�πικ� επίπεδ�, µπ�ρ�ύν �µως, λ�γω τηςthere κλίµακας gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology well), as the “refining” a city the the removal this, (inofvarious ways), of as social groups, usually of of low-income and placement there artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.area, However this “change”, regardless of ή των απ�τελεσµάτων της πρ��λεπ�µενης δράσης, να επιτευSociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usuallyrestaurants, of low-income andrising the placement there of artists, the operation ofgroups, art galleries, etc.also However this regardless whatever other consequences has, results of “change”, land prices (and theof �θ�ύν καλύτερα στ� επίπεδ� της Ένωσης. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andrising thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also of land prices (and the potential Τα relative speculation). θεσµικά �ργανα της Ένωσης ε�αρµ���υν τηνprices αρ�ή της theof the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other has, results rising of land (and potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the επικ�υρικ�τητας σύµ�ωνα µε τ� σ�ετικά µε την ε- of potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found atpeople firstΠρωτ�κ�λλ� in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers to the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to �αρµ�γή των αρ�ών της επικ�υρικ�τητας και της αναλ�γικ�τηthe then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents are The term gentrification found 3atµεριµν�ύν first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersare the then observed trend ofisthemselves wealthy people to buy property inold poor ofto London, upgrade them, stay sometimes there and thus residents για την τήρηση της αρτας. Τα Εθνικά Κ�ιν���ύλια being indirectly “squeezed”. the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, themselves and thus old residents areof being indirectly “squeezed”. της επικ�υρικ�τητας σύµ�ωνα µε την διαδικασία, π�υ πρ�-Ruth A�ής description of thisstay phenomenon issometimes included inthere the work of Sociologist London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being “squeezed”. Aindirectly description of this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major �λέπεται στ� εν λ�γω Πρωτ�κ�λλ�. being indirectly “squeezed”. A in description of this phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist GLASS at the same period, while situations were recorded in other Ruth major cities Western countries, byαρ�ή othersimilar Researchers. Σύµ�ωνα µε της αναλ�γικ�τητας, τ�of περιε��µεν� A in description ofperiod, thisτην phenomenon is included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major cities Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, theτης issue has preoccupied several scholars andτα forαπαιits more και η µ�ρ�ή δράσης της Ένωσης δεν υπερ�αίν�υν GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major citiesSince in Western other Researchers. then, countries, the issue by has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from τ�ύµενα για την επίτευ�η των στ��ων των Συνθηκών. cities in Western countries, byare other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars more comprehensive approach being summarized below, and fromfor theitsvarious

interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Since then, the has preoccupied severalthe scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach are being below, from interpretations theissue phenomenon of following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, asummarized trend of a new category of socialvarious groups comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: a sense, theof phenomenon is due a trend ofwhere a new of is, social andIn time to travel from the purlieus toto downtown, work place lackgroups of the 3 Βλ. Θ. ΚΑΛΛΙΑΝ�Σ : Η αρ�ή της επικ�υρικ�τητας, τα Εθνικά Κ�ιto “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better ν���ύλια καιmade ηfrom Συνθήκη της Λισσα�ώνας: µία νέα διάσταση Ευρωπαϊκής Berlin, where she her first studies. Indowntown, 1932 she published an important study entitled: and time to travel the purlieus to where work place is, lack of the services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The year she left Germany and after continuous Συνεργασίας. ΕΠΙΘΕΩΡΗΣΗ ΑΠ�ΚΕΝΤΡΩΣΗΣ, 1.of The termat comes fromsame Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. RuthΤ�ΠΙΚΗΣ GLASS for wasbetter bornfor in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, London and New York she came back to London, Berlin, where she made her ΚΑΙ firstPrague, studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: ΑΥΤ�∆Ι�ΙΚΗΣΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑΚΗΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥ�ΗΣ. (Επιστ. services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) in 1943Unemployment. she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due tobecame a systematic and Youth The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Υπευθ. Καθηγητήσς Κωνστ. ΓΕ.ΑΘΑΝΑΣ�Π�ΥΛ�Σ). Αθήναι, 2011 University College of London, where she continued social Her public action and lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London andher New York research. she came brokers back to London, long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying her work σ. are19. characterized byapproach, a passion for justice. See also: DICTIONARY. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. InCOLLINS 1950 sheENGLISH teacher in the τ.64, to another the is part due tobecame a systematic and and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and informal effort by to organized groups, manufacturers, brokers(actually of buying Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm along-term variety of ways, in order achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, her work are characterized by a Abstract. passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 257 6 a Gentrification: 2521 11 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


2521 11


Περί Types Οίκων Αξιολόγησης GENTRIFICATION Definition, of Intervention, Pierre MOSCOVICI πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας Κρατών Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification European Commissioner for Economic and Του κ. Ναπ. ΜΑΡΑΒΕΓΙΑ Concerns Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Καθηγητού Ευρωπαϊκής Ολοκλήρωσης,

Speech at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Αντιπρύτανη του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού 15 February 2017 By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, GraduateΠανεπιστημίου School of Design,Αθηνών Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon. Student of the School of Architecture Καθώς η χώρα μας έχει εξέλθει ήδη από το τρίτο Μνημόνιο τον Technical University of Crete It is a pleasure and a great honour to stand before you here today and Αύγουστο του παρελθόντος έτους, η σημασία των διεθνών

accept your Doctor Honoris Causa. IΟίκων have Αξιολόγησης long had a deep affection for χρηματοπιστωτικών αγορών και των γίνεται και πάλι 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Greece and its people, with their unparalleled history. More recently, I have κρίσιμη. Η προσπάθεια της ελληνικής οικονομίας να σταθεί στα πόδια της 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), been personally, andthe still am, at the forefront of the collective effort to help μετά από οκτώ χρόνια μνημονίων, θα συνοδευθεί βεβαίως από ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise emerge heritagefrom he left us, hethat established great this proud nation a crisis has lasteda far too“principle”: long. And I the am ενισχυμένη εποπτεία της ΕΕhe πάνω στην εφαρμοσμένη εθνική οικονομική among other wise heritage leftthe us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with definition of the content of confident that Greece is closer than ever to turning the page onconcepts. this difficult acquisition of knowledge starts with definition of the content of concepts. πολιτική, όπως προβλέπεται γιαtheόλες τις ifυπερχρεωμένες χώρες της Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, not final, approach, the term chapter, to emerging with a stronger and more stable economy, and with its 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Ευρωζώνης. gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification place confirmed in the eurozone and the European Union. 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Πέρα όμως από την ofΕυρωπαϊκή εποπτικό και Sociology as well), as the “refining” a cityisarea, theΕποπτεία, removal this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various But today, here at the oldest university of the modern Greek state, I want ways), of social groups, usually ofρόλο low-income and the placement artists, ενδεχομένως τιμωρητικό αναλαμβάνουν και there οι of διεθνείς ways), of to social groups, usually of low-income and placement there of artists, to speak you much more broadly about ourthe shared European future. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές καθοδηγούμενες από τους Οίκους the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless Because, as we prepare to mark the sixtieth anniversary the Treaty of whatever other has, results alsoτων rising of landofχωρών. prices (and Αξιολόγησης τηςconsequences πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας διαφόρων Αυτήthe ηof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Rome, therelative European Union faces unprecedentedαγορών challenges. potential speculation). εποπτεία των διεθνών χρηματοπιστωτικών συνδέεται άμεσα με potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to την βαθμολογία της ελληνικής οικονομίας από τους διεθνείς Οίκους I was born the same yearisasfound that Treaty signed - I will notand ask you toto The term gentrification first inwas the UK in early 1960s itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthyatpeople to buy property in poor of Αξιολόγησης. comment on whichtrend of us has agedpeople better!to My the first in the then observed wealthy buygeneration property inispoor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Western Europe not to have lived through the devastation of war, or the Κάθε παρεκτροπή από τη δημοσιονομική ισορροπία και την London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. cruelty of undemocratic regimes. My mother andέχουν fatherσυμφωνηθεί - both Jewish, one παραγωγή πρωτογενών πλεονασμάτων, που being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist(3,5% Ruth born in France of Polish parents, one born in Romania knew those things του AΑΕΠ μέχρι το 2022 και 2% στη συνέχεια), οδηγεί description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere theθα work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded inτου otherΟίκους major first hand. For me, those times are memories conveyed to me by my parents. Αξιολόγησης να υποβαθμίζουν την πιστοληπτική ικανότητα της χώρας GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. μας και συνεπώς οι διεθνείς χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές απαιτούν Since then, issue has and itsnewer more Of course, forthe Greeks, and even moreseveral so forscholars citizens ofθαfor our Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its υψηλότερα επιτόκια για να δανείσουν την ελληνική οικονομία. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Member States, the transition or return to democracy after yearsmore of comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Βέβαια,and ανthe ηtotalitarianism ελληνική δημοσιονομική καιthe γενικότερα η οικονομική interpretations of phenomenon ofisgentrification, following: dictatorship more recent. But for anyone turning 18 interpretations of theμακριά phenomenon of gentrification, the following: In a in sense, the is due to a trend of a new category of social groups πολιτική κρατηθεί από πειρασμούς, οι isανάγκες today any of phenomenon our countries, theψηφοθηρικούς only Europe they have known one of to “return”democracy toτης theχώρας city, and leaving theborders. purlieus for several reasons: high in -money δανεισμού μας δεν θα είναιThat μεγάλες. Ωστόσο, μιαcosts υποβάθμιση freedom, open is of course a happy thing but it and to travel the purlieusτης to because downtown, where is, lack of the της πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας χώρας the μας απόwork τουςplace διεθνείς alsotime presents us from with a challenge, counterfactual of a Οίκους Europe 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, without the European Unionμεγάλο is for them abstractκαθώς and intangible. Many young Αξιολόγησης θα προκαλεί αντίκτυπο, οι οίκοι αυτοί έχουν Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services ofthe health, education, entertainment “at the heart of theκαι city”, (possibly) people in south of our continent have also come to associate Europe withfor αναδειχθεί διεθνείς «χωροφύλακες» της δημοσιονομικής γενικότερα Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, and York she came back to London, the economic crisis and the hugeLondon levelsεπίπεδο. of New unemployment we have seen in οικονομικής ορθοδοξίας σεPrague, παγκόσμιο in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the isand due asee systematic and recent years. For them, the European ideal has failed, they austerity as ΕίναιCollege γεγονός ότιwhere οι she χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορέςHerκαι οιaction Οίκοι University of London, continued her social research. public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying aher very heavy price to pay being the euro. And the populists know that work are characterized by afor passion forin justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Πιστοληπτικής Αξιολόγησης, τα τελευταία χρόνια κρίσης στην and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of partτης of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: very well. Ευρώπη, έχουν αποκτήσει τεράστια σημασία, καθώς η Ευρωπαϊκή G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

2521 711


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Κεντρική Τράπεζα (ΕΚΤ) δεν μπορεί από το καταστατικό της να Concerns λειτουργεί ως δανειστής τελευταίας ευκαιρίας. Μ’ άλλα λόγια η ΕΚΤ, «κατ’


εικόνα και ομοίωση» της πάλαι ποτέ Γερμανικής Ομοσπονδιακής Τράπεζας, δεν μπορεί να δανείζει By τα Mr. Κράτη, να αγοράζει δηλαδή κρατικά George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ομόλογα, όταν το επιτόκιό τους ξεπεράσει ένα όριο που επιβάλλουν οι Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS διεθνείς χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές. Architect Studentηofελληνική the Schoolοικονομία of Architecture Εξάλλου, σ’ αυτήν την κατάσταση βρέθηκε το Technical University of Crete 2009-2010, όταν τα επιτόκια δανεισμού, (εξαιτίας της υπερχρέωσης της χώρας μας και της συρρίκνωσης διεθνούς ρευστότητας, λόγω της 1. Introductory approach: Definingτης the concept διεθνούς κρίσης του 2007-2008), αυξήθηκαν σε (444 μη βιώσιμα επίπεδα. Την 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), κρίσιμη εκείνη ώρα θα ηus,Χώρα μας να απευθυνθεί στην για ANTISTHENIS, theμπορούσε ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC,ΕΚΤ, Athens), among other wise heritage he left he established a great the να πωλήσει τα ομόλογά της με λογικά επιτόκια, αν η Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Τράπεζα να this ταstarts αγοράσει. acquisition of knowledge with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, μπορούσε therefore, on “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aκαι, first,συνεπώς, if (in notthe final, the term Τέτοια δυνατότητα δεν υπήρχε οapproach, μόνος τρόπος (and urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification δανεισμού ήταν η the δημιουργία ενός Ευρωπαϊκού Ταμείου Sociology as well), as “refining” of a cityπροσωρινού area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aγια cityνα area, the fromthere this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement artists, Χρηματοπιστωτικής Σταθερότητας δανειστεί η Χώρα μας, πράγμα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the of artσυνοδεύτηκε galleries, restaurants, etc. However thisπεριοριστικούς “change”, regardless of πουoperation έγινε, αλλά από τους γνωστούς όρους the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results rising of επέβαλε land prices theof του περίφημου πρώτου Μνημονίου, πουalso εν πολλοίς το (and Διεθνές whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Νομισματικό Ταμείο για πρώτη φορά σε ευρωπαϊκή χώρα. potential relative speculation). TheΑπό termτότε gentrification is found at first the UK inζητούμενο early 1960s είναι, and it refers to και μέχρι σήμερα τοin μεγάλο όχι να The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor τροποποιηθεί το Καταστατικό της ΕΚΤ, ώστε να μπορεί να in χρηματοδοτεί the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof με νομισματικά μέσα δημοσιονομικά ελλείμματα απαράδεκτο London, upgrade them,τα stay themselves sometimes there (πράγμα and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. για τηindirectly νομισματική ορθοδοξία, καθώς θεωρείται αιτία πληθωρισμού), being “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth αλλάA description να εκδίδονται ώστε ναinwere μοιράζεται, μεταξύ των ofperiod, thisευρωομόλογα, phenomenon is situations included the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major οικονομικά ισχυρών και των οικονομικά λιγότερο ισχυρών ευρωπαϊκών GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. χωρών, οthen, κίνδυνος και has έτσι να αγοράζονται ταscholars ομόλογα αυτά από τις Since the issue several and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more διεθνείς χρηματοπιστωτικές με λογικά επιτόκια. Μέχρι comprehensive approach areαγορές being summarized below, from theστιγμής, various comprehensive approach are καθώς being summarized below, fromχώρες the various αυτό δεν έχειof γίνει εφικτό, αντιδρούνtheοι ισχυρές του interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations of the με phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of (έστω a new social groups Ευρωπαϊκού Βορρά πρώτη τηof Γερμανία, και αν of η πιθανότητα to “return”του to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high in money αύξησης πληθωρισμού είναι ασήμαντη), αρνούμενες ναcosts μοιραστούν and to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the την time αναμενόμενη αύξηση του κόστους δανεισμού τους. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for born in sense1.of safety the outside town centres, better Έτσι, όταν η distributed Χώρα μας residencies χρειασθεί και πάλι δανεισμό από τις was διεθνείς Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,πρέπει (possibly) χρηματοπιστωτικές μετά τοGermany τέλος του Μνημονίου, ναfor Youth Unemployment. Theαγορές same year she left and after continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, studies and σε research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York sheπράγμα came backπου to London, where κρατηθεί απόλυτη δημοσιονομική ισορροπία, θαetc.την in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and αναγκάσει να συνεχίσει να εφαρμόζει περιοριστική οικονομική πολιτική, University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her μόνο work are characterized by a passionεποπτείας, for justice. Seeαλλά also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. όχι λόγω της ευρωπαϊκής και λόγω του φόβου της and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: αύξησης των επιτοκίων δανεισμού από τις διεθνείς χρηματοπιστωτικές G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually αγορές.

2521 11


Post ‘’BREXIT - ΣΧΕΔΙΟ’’: ‘’IN’’, Πόσο ‘’OUT’’?1 GENTRIFICATION Definition, TypesΠόσο of Intervention,

Η μακροχρόνια και πολύπλοκη διαδικασία αποχωρήσεως του Ηνωμὲνου Βασιλεὶου από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση2 (The long and complex process of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union)

Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

By Mr.Του George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS κ. Θεοδώρ. Α. ΚΑΛΛΙΑΝΟΥ Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Διδάκτ. Οικονομ. και Κοινων. Επιστημ. Πανεπιστημίου Αμβούργου By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Πτυχ. Οικ. Επιστ. Ε.Κ.Π.Α., Student of the School of Architecture Επισκ. Καθηγητού Ευρωπαϊκής Ολοκληρώσεως Παν/μίου Βόννης, Technical University of Crete

π. Στελέχους της Ε.Ε.

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Abstract: among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Posttherefore, "BREXIT-PLAN": How much "OUT"? acquisition of knowledge starts withmuch theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a"IN", first, how if of not final, approach, the term 1 On 29 March 2017, the majority Government the UK Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of of Planning) (or gentrification 1 gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom area of the Planning) (or (Conservative, PM Theresa May) theremoval Article 50 of Sociology as well), as the “refining” of atriggered cityisarea, the this, (inLisbon various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Treaty to withdraw from the EU. After an appropriate response to this ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of from social groups, usually of low-income thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of request the European Council, a and negotiation period started the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever results rising of landMid. prices (and theof between other EU27consequences and the UK. has, At the end also of this period, November whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential 2018, a relative BREXIT draft agreement was proposed from the EU 27 (Chief potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Coordinator Michel isBARNIER) another Government The term gentrification found atpeople firstto in the UK in earlyUK 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor (Conservative supported by the DUP party of Northern PM the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property inIreland, poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Theresa May).“squeezed”. This describes the process and London, upgrade them,article stay themselves sometimes there and thusdevelopments old residents are being indirectly being indirectly “squeezed”. during this period and looks at a is “new co-operation A description of this phenomenon included in the workpartnership” of SociologistpostRuth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth BREXITatasthe this was the main the UK Government following the GLASS same period, whiletarget similarofsituations were recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western by other Researchers. Referendum ofcountries, June 2016. cities Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue preoccupied scholars itsstatus more Itinseems that afterhas aby period of moreseveral than two years and the for final Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from ofcomprehensive the relations EU-UK beyond 29/3/2019 is notbelow, clear from neither the approach are being summarized thefor various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: UK Government, the norphenomenon for the lawmakers of the House of Commons while interpretations thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups people initiatives and media advocate for ex macina alternatives like “a to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin,1.where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Προδημοσίευση εκ του τεύχους 93/2018 της ΕΠΤΑΠΑ, Epitheorisiservices of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for athanasopoulos.webnode.gr lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 2. she Βλ. published επὶσης σχετικό άρθρο τουthe Ιδίου στο τεύχος 90/2017 της Αποκ. Τοπ. in According 1943 studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due a Επιθ. systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and Αυτ. και Περιφ. Αναπτ.: Θ.Α.ΚΑΛΛΙΑΝΟΥ: "ΕΕ: ανακάμπτοντας από την οικονομική κρίση long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying herηwork are characterized by aBREXIT" passion Epitheorisi-athanasopoulos.webnode.gr for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. και αντίστροφη μέτρηση του and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 2521 911


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

new referendum”, extention of art 50 (!) or Brexit with “no-deal”. The result sofar is a rise of economic uncertainty about the future. Η πρόταση/σχὲδιο συμφωνίας (draft Withdrawal Agreement η BREXIT deal), για την οριστική αποχώρηση του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου (ΗΒ) από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (ΕΕ 28), ανακοινώθηκε επίσημα στις 14 Νοεμβρίου 2018, από τον ‘’Επικεφαλής Διαπραγματευτή’’ Michel By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS BARNIER, εκ μέρους των 27 υπολοίπων Κρατών Μελών βάσει του Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, άρθρου 50 της Συνθήκης της Λισαβόνας, όπου ορίζεται η διαδικασία By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect για την αποχώρηση κράτους μέλους από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, Student of the School of Architecture εφόσον το επιθυμεί. Το άρθρο ενεργοποιήθηκε για πρώτηUniversity φορά στις 29 Technical of Crete Μαρτίου 2017 από το ΗΒ, ως αποτέλεσμα του «οριακού» (51,9% πρὸς 1. Introductory approach: the concept 2016.(2) 48,1) δημοψηφίσματος τηςDefining 23ης Ιουνίου 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, Greek philosopher, Το κείμενο the τηςancient πρότασης ήταν αποτέλεσμα προηγούμενων ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the συζητήσεων, επαφών και διαπραγματεύσεων, σε ‘’αχαρτογράφητα among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ύδατα’’, εφόσον δεν starts υπήρξε στην Ιστορία της ΕΕ. acquisition of knowledge withπροηγούμενο theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Ουδέποτε δηλαδή είχε συζητηθεί, μεisinβάση τιςif Συνθήκες, η δυνατότητα 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated (in area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 αποχωρήσεως από μια εθελούσια ένωση κρατών, η οποία gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, ofδιευρύνετο Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various συνεχώς. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, Τοof σχέδιο αυτό (BREXIT deal) ένα ενιαίο κείμενο the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.περιελάβανε However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other3consequences rising of land (and theof 585 σελίδων, πρωτόκολλαhas, και results πολλά also παραρτήματα. Ταprices πρωτόκολλα whatever other consequences has, results also«διευθετήσεως rising of land prices (and the potential relative αφορούν στις speculation). ιδιαίτερες περιπτώσεις συνόρων», potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK early 1960s andΒασιλείου it refers to δηλαδή μεταξύ Δημοκρατίας της Ιρλανδίας καιinΒ. Ιρλανδίας, The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor της και Γιβραλτάρ και τέλος, τηςinΚύπρου καιof the Ισπανίας then observed trend wealthy peopleΔημοκρατίας to there buy property poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου. Βάσεις Δεκέλειας Αγίου London, upgrade them, stay(Στρατιωτικές themselves sometimes there and thus oldκαι residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Ευστρατίου). being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth τέλος, παραρτήματα μια πρώτη προσέγγιση για τις A Υπάρχει, description ofperiod, thisστα phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major μελλοντικές σχέσεις τουbyΗΒ με την ΕΕ μετὰ την «οριστική αποχώρηση» cities in Western countries, other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue several scholars and for σχεδίου its more του ΗΒ, γεγονός, πουhas προβλέπεται βάσει του υπάρχοντος Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various (BREXIT deal) πέραν του 2021. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of thedeal phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Το BREXIT υιοθετήθηκε από το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο του interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: a sense, phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trendπαραιτήσεων. of a new social groups ΗΒ,Inεν μέσωthe διαφωνιών καιisΥπουργικών Ενofσυνεχεία και to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money εν μέσω αμφίπλευρου κλίματος δυσπιστίας, (ο Πρωθυπουργός του and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Βασιλείου Ισπανίας εκφράζει ήδη επιφυλάξεις τηνin 1.of The termτης from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASSγια wasbetter born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she του made βρετανικού her first studies.Γιβραλτάρ In 1932 she published an important study entitled: «διευθέτηση» επι ισπανικού εδάφους), ο services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Πρόεδρος τουof,Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου Donald Tusk κάλεσε lower living cost “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car New(ΕΣ) York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the έκτακτη συνάντηση κορυφής της ΕΕ 27 μe την του in ΗΒ to another approach, the phenomenon isΠρωθυπουργό due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Theresa May, στις Βρυξέλλες, την 25 Νοεμβρίου 2018, προκειμένου το her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

ΕΣ των 27 Κρατών Μελών να αποφασίσει επί του τελικού πλέον ‘’BREXIT deal’’3. Σκοπός του άρθρου αυτού, είναι να περιγράψει και, κατά το δυνατόν, να αναλύσει, τις τάσεις σε πολιτικό και οικονομικό επίπεδο, που συνόδευσαν και συνοδεύουν την πολύπλοκη και χρονοβόρα αυτή πρωτόγνωρη διαδικασία για τα Ευρωπαϊκά Όργανα και τους Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS Ευρωπαίους. Τέλος, αποσκοπείBy στο να δείξειC. τις διαφαινόμενες Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, μελλοντικές σχέσεις και πολλαπλές επιπτώσεις της αποχωρήσεως του By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect ΗΒ από την ΕΕ. Student of the School of Architecture Υπενθυμίζεται, ότι το Συμβούλιο της ΕΕ 27 είχε εγκαίρως Technical Universityορίσει of Crete τον κ. MICHEL BARNIER ως «επίσημο διαπραγματευτή» υπό την 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Task Force Art.50, που ιδιότητα του επικεφαλής της Υπηρεσίας 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, δημιούργησε η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή. Ανάλογο ρόλο εκ μέρους του ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου ανέλαβε ο Πρόεδρος των Φιλελευθέρων among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. (ALDE) κ. GUY VERHOFSTADT. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Μετάtherefore, επίσημη κατάθεσηisinindicated της 29/3/2017 εκof μέρους 1την Based, on this “principle” a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the της term (and urban gentrification) area Planning) (or gentrification 4, της πρόθεσης για αποχώρησή του από την ΕΕ οι 1 Κυβερνήσεως του ΗΒ gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various πολιτικές διαδικασίες ήταν σαφείς σε γενικό πλαίσιο βάσει των Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, «κατευθύνσεων του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου». Τα δύο Μέρη έπρεπε να the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, resultsτους» also rising land29/3/2019 prices (and και theof ολοκληρώσουν την «διαπραγμάτευσή μέχριofτην whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative να επιτύχουν: potential relative speculation). Theα) term gentrification is found at first in the UK and itΒόρειας refers to Μια Συμφωνία Αποχωρήσεως τουin early ΗΒ 1960s και της The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Ιρλανδίας από την trend ΕΕ (συντεταγμένη αποχώρηση) και την the then observed wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in Ευρωπαϊκή poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Κοινότητα Ατομικής και sometimes there and thus old residents are London, upgrade them,Ενέργειας, stay themselves being indirectly “squeezed”. β) Το πλαίσιο μελλοντικής Συμφωνίας γιαofμια «βαθύτερη being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this μιας phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist Ruth σχέση συνεργασίας» δύο Μερών δηλαδή, τηςofΕΕ ΗΒ. A description ofperiod, thisμεταξύ phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whileτων similar inκαι other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major ότι Researchers. το κλίμα, που επικράτησε στο ΗΒ ήταν cities inΧαρακτηριστικό Western countries,είναι, by other cities in Western countries, byispreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and forεπίπεδο. its more το σχεδόν δόγμα ‘’Brexit Brexit’’, τουλάχιστον σε πολιτικό Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Ταυτόχρονα η εντύπωση που εδίδετο στο Βρετανικό Κοινοβούλιο comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the following: (House of Commons) ήταν of ότι τις διαπραγματεύσεις θα τις interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, theof dueof to a trend of a new groups «υπαγόρευε» ηphenomenon Επιστολή isτης Πρωθυπουργού T. Mayof social και όχι οι to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 3 Βλ.Press statement Michel Barnier 50), Brussels Ruth 19 November 2018 και in termat comes fromby Sociologist Ruth (Article GLASS, 1912-1940. GLASS for was born sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better the_withdrawal_agreement https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/ Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for _explained.pdf lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where 4 studies and research Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Προηγήθηκε in τηςGeneva, κατάθεσης η παραίτηση του Sir Ivan Roger, έμπειρου Βρετανού in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Διπλωμάτη, επικεφαλής τηςby Μόνιμης Αντιπροσωπείας του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου και University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and long-term effort organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Βόρειας Ιρλανδίας στις Βρυξέλλες. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

252111 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

κατευθύνσεις του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου των 27, όπως αυτές ανακοινώθηκαν εγκαίρως, τον Απρίλιο του 2017. Η Κυβέρνηση του ΗΒ δημιούργησε και όρισε περαιτέρω έναν State Secretary for the Exit from the EU, επίσημο εκπρόσωπό της για τις διαπραγματεύσεις με την ΕΕ των 27, ο οποίος αντεκατεστὰθη τρείς φορές (!) έως σήμερα. (David Davis from 13/7/17 to 8/7/18, Dominique Raab from 9/7/18 to By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS 15/11/18, Stephen Barcklay from 16/11/18 in C. function). Πρέπει να Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, σημειωθεί εδώ η αδυναμία επίσης του Συντηρητικού Κόμματος να By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect συγχρονίσει τα μέλη του με την κυβερνητική στρατηγική, λόγω κυρίως Student of the School of Architecture των εμποδίων και συνεχών αντιρρήσεων ακόμαTechnical και διενέξεων μεταξύ University of Crete μελών της Κυβερνήσεως, της ισχυρής κομματικής ομάδας ERG 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept (European Research Group) καιtheτου κυβερνητικού εταίρου DUP 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the Party) ancient της Greek philosopher, (Democratic Unionist Β. Ιρλανδίας. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage left us, he established a great the Το κύριο σημείο τηςhe διαφωνίας ήταν, μεταξύ άλλων, η συνοριακή among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. διευθέτηση την Ιρλανδία μετὰ οριστική αποχώρηση του ΗΒ acquisition ofμε knowledge starts with theinτην definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term προκειμένου ναurban εξασφαλισθεί λειτουργία 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle”ηis inindicated aαπρόσκοπτη first, if (in notthe final, approach, the της term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 εσωτερικής αγοράς μεταξύ των 27 Κρατών της ΕΕ. gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Σε επίσημη ανακοίνωση η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή με τίτλο: Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, Προετοιμασία για τηνusually αποχώρηση τουHowever Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου από την the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results2019: also rising of land pricesέκτακτης (and theof Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στις 30 has, Μαρτίου σχέδιο δράσης whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative ανάγκης, (COM 2018/880 final) διαπὶστωνε: potential relative speculation). The«Από term gentrification in theκαι UK in 1960s and it refers to τον Μάιοis found 2017,at first η ΕΕ τοearly Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor διαπραγματεύονται μια συμφωνία αποχώρησης. Πρόοδοςinεπιτεύχθηκε the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof σε επίπεδο διαπραγματευτών όσονsometimes αφορά στο νομικό κείμενο, καθώς London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. και σχετικά με τις ρυθμίσεις για τη μεταβατική περίοδο μέχρι την 31 being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Δεκεμβρίου 2020, και τα αποτελέσματα ανακοινώθηκαν τηνmajor 19 A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other 5 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Μαρτίου 2018 countries, . Την 19by Ιουνίου 2018, αναφέρθηκε περαιτέρω πρόοδος cities in Western other Researchers. cities in Western countries, byδιαπραγματευτών other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied severalτης scholars and for και its more σε κοινή δήλωση των Επιτροπής του Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more 5 comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου . comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: social groups In aΤην sense, phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aΕυρωπαϊκό trend of a new 17theΟκτωβρίου 2018, το Συμβούλιοof (άρθρο 50) to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money κάλεσε την Επιτροπή ως διαπραγματευτή της Ένωσης, να συνεχίσει τις and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the προσπάθειές τηςdistributed γιαSociologist την επίτευξη συμφωνίας βάση τιςin 1.of The termat comes from Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthμε GLASS wasbetter born sense safety the residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her firstτου studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: κατευθυντήριες γραμμές Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου, που έχουν ήδη services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for συμφωνηθεί. Οιin εν λόγω διαπραγματεύσεις συνεχίζονται και η lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she ως published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the Επιτροπή της ΈνωσηςInπαραμένει toδιαπραγματευτής another approach, the is due aπροσηλωμένη systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying στην επίτευξη συμφωνίας για μια εύτακτη αποχώρηση. Παρά το her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 5


Βλὲπε Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή - Δελτίο Τύπου της 18/2/2019

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

γεγονός, ότι έχει επιτευχθεί πρόοδος σε πολλούς τομείς, και παρά τις σημαντικές προσπάθειες και τις εντατικές διαπραγματεύσεις, παραμένουν ορισμένα σημεία διαφωνίας. Επιπλέον, η επίτευξη συμφωνίας με την Κυβέρνηση του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου δεν αποτελεί εγγύηση ότι το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο θα επικυρώσει τη συμφωνία αποχώρησης μέχρι την 29 Μαρτίου 2019. By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή αποφάσισε, τέλος, C. την 18/2/20196 «να Harvard University, Graduate of Design, της Student, εντείνει τις δραστηριότητες ενημέρωσης των School επιχειρήσεων ΕΕ By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect στον τομέα των τελωνείων και της έμμεσης φορολογίας, όπως ο ΦΠΑ, Student of the School of Architecture λόγω του διαφαινόμενου κινδύνου να αποχωρήσει το Ηνωμένο Technical University of Crete Βασίλειο από την ΕΕ την 30 Μαρτίου του τρέχοντος έτους χωρίς 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept συμφωνία». 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Η εκστρατεία αυτή Greek θα συμβάλει στην ενημέρωση των ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the επιχειρήσεων που επιθυμούν να συνεχίσουν τις εμπορικές τους among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. συναλλαγές το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο μετά την 30 Μαρτίου, σχετικά με acquisition ofμε knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term το τι πρέπει να κάνουν για να εξασφαλίσουν μιαthe όσο τοofδυνατόν 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the πιο term urban gentrification) is area Planning) (or gentrification 1 ομαλή μετάβαση. Η προετοιμασία ενόψει της αλλαγής του καθεστώτος gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου σε τρίτη χώρα πρέπει να συνεχισθεί. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and να thethis placement of artists, Στόχος πρωτοβουλίας αυτής είναι ευαισθητοποιήσει την the operation ofτης art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, ΕΕ, results rising land prices theof επιχειρηματική κοινότητα της καιalso ιδίως τιςofμικρές και (and μεσαίες whatever other consequences has, resultsγια alsoένα rising of land«αποχώρησης prices (and the potential relative speculation). επιχειρήσεις. Για να προετοιμαστούν σενάριο potential relative speculation). The συμφωνία» term gentrification found at first in UK in early 1960s and it refersμε to χωρίς και ναis συνεχίσουν τιςthe εμπορικές τους συναλλαγές The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor το Βασίλειο, οι εν λόγω θαin poor πρέπει να the Ηνωμένο then observed trend wealthy peopleεπιχειρήσεις to there buy property areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof προετοιμαστούν κατάλληλα για οποιαδήποτε κατάσταση προκύψει London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. μετά τις 29 Μαρτίου 2019. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ανακοίνωση AΌπως description ofperiod, this phenomenon isπρώτη included inwere the recorded work ofτης Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theυπογραμμίστηκε same while στην similar situations in Επιτροπής other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major της 19ης Ιουλίου 2018byσχετικά με την προετοιμασία για το Brexit, cities in Western countries, other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,από the issue has severalη scholars its more ανεξάρτητα το προβλεπόμενο σενάριο, επιλογή and τουfor Ηνωμένου Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Βασιλείου να αποχωρήσει από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα προκαλέσει comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: σημαντικές αναταράξεις. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In aΤα sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trendκαι of aοι new of social groups ενδιαφερόμενα Μέρη, καθώς εθνικές και ενωσιακές to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Αρχές, πρέπει να προετοιμαστούν για δύο πιθανά βασικά σενάρια: and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The Αν η συμφωνία κυρωθεί πρινcentres, από την 30 Μαρτίου term from αποχώρησης Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town search for Berlin, where she made her ΕΕ first θα studies. In 1932 sheισχύει published anπρος important study entitled: 2019, το Δίκαιο της παύσει να ως το Ηνωμένο services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Βασίλειο αυτούPrague, από την 1ηandΙανουαρίου 2021, δηλαδή μετά lower living costεντός of, in “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc. studies andκαι research Geneva, London Neweasier York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the από μεταβατική περίοδο 21 μηνών· Η συμφωνία αποχώρησης to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

περιλαμβάνει τη δυνατότητα μιας μόνο παράτασης της μεταβατικής περιόδου το πολύ κατά ένα ή δύο έτη.  Αν η συμφωνία αποχώρησης δεν κυρωθεί πριν από την 30 Μαρτίου 2019, δεν θα υπάρξει μεταβατική περίοδος και η νομοθεσία της ΕΕ θα παύσει να ισχύει ως προς το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και εντός αυτού από την 30 Μαρτίου 2019. Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Ύστερα από εκκλήσεις τουBy Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου (άρθρο 50) Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, του Νοεμβρίου και Δεκεμβρίου 2018 για την εντατικοποίηση των By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect εργασιών ετοιμότητας σε όλα τα επίπεδα, η Επιτροπή ενέκρινε, την 19 Student of the School of Architecture Δεκεμβρίου 2018, σχέδιο δράσης έκτακτης Technical ανάγκης University και διάφορα of Crete νομοθετικά μέτρα, μεταξύ άλλων και στον τομέα των τελωνείων. Τούτο 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept που δημοσιεύτηκαν τον έπεται των προηγούμενων ανακοινώσεων 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Νοέμβριο και τον Ιούλιο 2018. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), amongΗother wise heritage he Μελών left us, he established a great the δράση των Κρατών είναι επίσης (444 ουσιαστικής σημασίας. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Οι εθνικές αρχές διαδραματίζουν καίριο ρόλο στην παρακολούθηση και acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term την Based, καθοδήγηση των προετοιμασιών Σ'area αυτή τη βάση, η 1 (and urban therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated aτου first,τομέα. if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Επιτροπή διεξήγαγε τεχνικές συζητήσεις με τα Κράτη Μέλη της ΕΕ των gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various 27, τόσο για γενικά θέματα ετοιμότητας όσο και για τομεακά, νομικά Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andξεκίνησαν thethis placement there of artists, και διοικητικά μέτρα ετοιμότητας. Επίσης, επισκέψεις στα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, resultsνα alsoδιασφαλιστεί, rising of land prices theof 27 Κράτηother Μέλη της ΕΕ προκειμένου ότι ο (and εθνικός whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land pricesκαι (andνα the potential relative speculation). σχεδιασμός έκτακτης ανάγκης βρίσκεται σε καλό δρόμο potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UKσχετικά in early 1960s it refers to διευκρινιστούν, εν ανάγκη, τυχόν ερωτήσεις με τηand διαδικασία The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor ετοιμότητάς τους. trend Φαίνεται, όμως people ότι σε πολλά Κράτη Μέλη όπως καιof the then observed wealthy to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are στο ΗΒ upgrade αυτού του η παρακολούθηση και είναι London, them,είδους stay themselves sometimes there andκαθοδήγηση thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ακόμη σε πολύ χαμηλό βαθμό ετοιμότητας λίγες μόνο ημέρες πριν από being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth την Aσυμπλήρωση τωνphenomenon δύο για την αποχώρηση ΗΒ όπως description ofperiod, this is included inwere the recorded work ofτου Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whileετών similar situations in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major προβλέπεται. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Το άμεσο μέλλον προβλέπεται να επιφέρει σοβαρές εκπλήξεις Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for itsμὲσα more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the ιδίως στις συνεδριάσεις του Βρετανικού κοινοβουλίου σταvarious comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon following: Μαρτὶου 2019, γεγονός που of θαgentrification, επηρεάσει,the κατὰ την αποψὴ μου, interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new social groups περαιτέρω δυσμενώς τις οικονομικές εξελίξεις. «Οι καιροίofου μενετοὶ» to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money για την λὺση του αδιεξόδου και της πρωτόγνωρης δοκιμασίας που and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the υφίσταται ήδη ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση, ως centres, αποτέλεσμα κυρὶως 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born in sense safety atcomes theηdistributed residencies outside town better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: λαϊκιστικών ρητορικών ανεύθυνων πολιτικών… services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for

lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the Συνεχίζεται… to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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ΤΙΤΙΝΑ ΛΟΪΖΙΔΟΥ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, intervention, Ο Definition, Άνθρωπος πίσωTypes από την of Δικαστική Απόφαση1 Concerns of Gentrification Concerns

Η υπόθεση «Λοϊζίδου V. Τουρκίας» ξεκίνησε μετά τις πορείες της Κίνησης «Οι Γυναίκες Επιστρέφουν». Οι ειρηνικές πορείες, την άνοιξη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS του 1989, προς την κατεχόμενη Κύπρο βρήκαν εμπόδιο στον δρόμο Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, τους τις κατοχικές αρχές: η σύλληψή μου σταC.Λύμπια στάθηκε η By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture αφορμή να αποταθώ στο Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο Ανθρωπίνων Technical University of Crete Δικαιωμάτων. Η νομική διέξοδος ήταν για μένα η διεκδίκηση, με αξιοπρέπεια, τουapproach: βασικού Defining μου ανθρώπινου δικαιώματος της ελεύθερης 1. Introductory the concept πρόσβασης και σεβασμού των δικαιωμάτων της περιουσίας μου. 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Ηother αίτηση τον Ιούλιο του 1989 με -Δικηγόρο - και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among wiseκαταχωρήθηκε heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the διαχρονικά ένθερμο υποστηρικτή τον Αχιλλέα Δημητριάδη. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts.Δύο acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. χρόνια μετά, τον Ιανουάριο τουif of 1991, έγιναν οι the πρώτες Based,περίπου therefore, on this “principle” a first, not final, approach, term 1ενώπιον Based, therefore, onτης this “principle” inindicated aΑνθρωπίνων first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term ακροάσεις Επιτροπής Δικαιωμάτων, οι (and urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various οποίες κράτησαν μέχρι τον Νοέμβριο του 1993. Στο πλαίσιό τους Sociology asαποδείξουμε, well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, (in various ways), of να social groups, usually of ο low-income andστρατός theremoval placement artists, έπρεπε ότι τουρκικός ελέγχει τοof βόρειο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc.προσπαθούσαμε However this “change”, regardless of τμήμα της Κύπρου. Παράrestaurants, το ότι εμείς να αποδείξουμε the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof το αυτονόητο με την κατοχή, Ιούλιοofτου η whatever otherσχετικά consequences has, results τον also rising landίδιου pricesέτους (and the potential relative speculation). Επιτροπή εξέφρασε τη γνώμη, δενinυπήρχε παράβαση με τη potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found ότι at first the UK in early 1960sσχετικά and it refers to συνεχιζόμενη παραβίαση του δικαιώματος ιδιοκτησίας. Το επόμενο The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy peopleκαι to there buy property in poor areas βήμα τοupgrade έκανε ηthem, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, η ατομική αυτή προσφυγή London, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residentsμε are διαβιβάζεται ενώπιον του ΕΔΑΔ από την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist νομικό επίκεντρο τη διαρκή παραβίαση βασικών δικαιωμάτων μουRuth και A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar other major τη συνεχιζόμενη τουρκική στρατιωτική κατοχήthe τηςrecorded βορείαςinΚύπρου. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities inΟιWestern countries, by other Researchers.ενστάσεις και για την ουσία ακροάσεις για τις προδικαστικές cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more της Since προσφυγής ενώπιον του Δικαστηρίου τρία then, the issue has preoccupied severalκράτησαν scholars and for χρόνια. its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various η Μαρτίου 1995, όταν λήφθηκε η απόφαση, Βασικός σταθμός ήταν η 23 comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups 1 Η Νομική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, οργάνωσε 20η to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inτην money Μαρτίου ειδική εκδήλωση με θέμα: Η υπόθεση Τιτίνα κατάis,Τουρκίας και and timeτρ. to έτ. travel from the purlieus to downtown, whereΛΟΪΖΙΔΟΥ work place lack of the η επίκαιρη σημασία της. Σχετικούς χαιρετισμούς απηύθυναν ο κ. Μιχαλάκης ΛΕΠΤΟΣ, 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin Berlin, where she made herΠανεπιστημίου first studies. InΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ 1932 she published an important study κ. entitled: Ιδρυτής και Πρόεδρος του και heart ο Κοσμήτωρ Σχολής Αντ. services of health, education, entertainment “at the of theτης city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for ΜΑΝΙΤΑΚΗΣ, ενώ ο συντονισμός της εκδήλωσης είχε ανατεθεί στον κ. Θ. Ν. lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, ΠΑΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΥ, Καθηγητή. Ομιλητές ήταν In η 1950 κυρία ΛΟΪΖΙΔΟΥ με θέμα: Ο in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. she teacher in the to Επίκουρο another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and Universityπίσω College of την London, where she continued socialΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΑΔΗΣ, research. brokers Her public and Άνθρωπος από δικαστική απόφαση και οher κ.manufacturers, Αχιλ. Δικηγόρος και long-term informal effort by organized groups, ofaction buying her work are characterized byΑνθρωπίνων a passion for justice. See also:του COLLINS ENGLISHΔικηγορικού DICTIONARY. Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Δικαιωμάτων and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of Παγκυπρίου part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Συλλόγου ως Δικηγόρος της υπόθεσης. Επακολούθησε ιδιαιτέρως ενδιαφέρουσα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually συζήτηση. Εδώ παρατίθενται κύρια σημεία της ομιλίας της κυρίας ΛΟΪΖΙΔΟΥ.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


ότι οι προδικαστικές ενστάσεις που έθεσε η Τουρκία ήταν άκυρες. Κατ’ επέκταση, εξετάστηκε η ουσία της υπόθεσης. Την 18η Δεκεμβρίου 1996, η απόφαση, που εκδόθηκε στο Στρασβούργο βρίσκει ένοχη την Τουρκία, ότι παραβιάζει το ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα χρήσης της περιουσίας μου ειρηνικά στην Κερύνεια. Επίσης, αποφασίζεται ότι: By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS University, School of Design, Student, Η Τουρκία είναι Harvard υπεύθυνη για τηGraduate συνεχιζόμενη παραβίαση του By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect δικαιώματος ιδιοκτησίας, λόγω άρνησής της να επιτρέψει στην Student of the School of Architecture αιτήτρια να κάνει χρήση της περιουσίας της. Technical University of Crete Η αιτήτρια είναι η νόμιμη κάτοχος των τίτλων ιδιοκτησίας της 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept περιουσίας της στην Κερύνεια. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Η μόνη νόμιμη Κυβέρνηση της Κύπρου είναι η Κυπριακή ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Δημοκρατία, ενώ η «Τουρκική Δημοκρατία της(444 Βορείου Κύπρου» δεν among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. έχει νομικήof υπόσταση και είναι υποτελής διοίκηση της Τουρκίας. acquisition knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Η Τουρκία την αιτήτρια να απολαμβάνει ειρηνικά 1 (andεμποδίζει Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, theτην term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 περιουσία της και η παραβίαση είναι συνεχιζόμενη. gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Η Τουρκία οφείλει αποζημίωση για την απώλεια χρήσης της Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, περιουσίας της αιτήτριας. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of η the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever results also rising of land (and για theof Νοεμβρίου has, 1997, λαμβάνει χώρα η prices ακρόαση Τηνother 27 consequences whatever other consequences has, results also risingχρόνο of landμετά pricesτην (and η potential relative speculation). επιδίκαση αποζημιώσεων, και ενάμιση περίπου 27the potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Ιουλίου 1998, έχουμε την απόφαση για τις αποζημιώσεις. Τότε άρχισε The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend to buy property in poor ένας άλλος αγώνας, γιαofεφαρμογή της απόφασης του ΕΔΑΔ, υπό τηνof the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents are εποπτεία της Επιτροπής Υπουργώνsometimes του Συμβουλίου της old Ευρώπης. London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus residents Η are being indirectly “squeezed”. διαδικασία ήταν επίσης χρονοβόρα, ενώ τον ρόλο του έπαιξε και το being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth πολιτικό A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atπαρασκήνιο. the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major την αποζημίωση για την απώλεια χρήσης της περιουσίας cities inΜέχρι Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherσημαντικά Researchers. Since then, the issueτέσσερα has several scholars andενώ for its more μου υιοθετήθηκαν ψηφίσματα, έκτοτε Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various παραμένει ανοικτό το θέμα της απόδοσης και ειρηνικής απόλαυσης more της comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the of gentrification, thebelow, following: περιουσίας μου. Ηphenomenon Τουρκία εκτέλεσε τον Δεκέμβριο του 2003 την interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is dueχρήσης togentrification, a trend a new of social groups υποχρέωση μόνο της απώλειας τηςofπεριουσίας παραμένοντας ο to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money νόμιμος ιδιοκτήτης της στην Κερύνεια. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Η απόδοση της εκκρεμεί στην Επιτροπή Υπουργών The termat comes fromπεριουσίας Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin,σήμερα. where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: μέχρι services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Έχοντας πάντοτε επίγνωση της σπουδαιότητας της υπόθεσης και lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published regarding city planning. In 1950 she teacher την in the της δυναμικής της, studies προσπάθησα μεphenomenon κάθε τρόπο προστατεύσω to another approach, the isνα due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying ατομικότητά της. Η αγωνία μου ήταν πάντα η μεγάλη ευθύνη που είχα her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, for theCodepreciation initially part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd.με London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: και ελπίζω, ότι την etc., έχω χειριστεί σεβασμό καιofαγάπη, τόσο προς τον Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aτόπο variety ways, order to Οικογένειά achieve the μου. “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually μου,ofόσο καιinπρος την

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Γιώργος ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΑΚΗΣ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, ο καλλιτέχνης, ο παιδαγωγός, ο άνθρωπος Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Του κ. Γ. ΓΕΩΡΓΗ Concerns

Κοσμήτορος Σχολής Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, Τεχνών και Ανθρωπιστικών Σπουδών By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Πρώην τηςC. Κύπρου στην Architect Ελλάδα By Mr.Πρέσβη George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School of Architecture

Το βιβλίο της Βάντας Οικονόμου – Κωνσταντίνου, Γιώργος Αρβανιτάκης. Technical University of Crete Ο καλλιτέχνης, ο παιδαγωγός, ο άνθρωπος, δεν είναι μια απλή βιογραφία, είναι Introductory approach: theδάσκαλο concept και δημιουργό και συνάμα μια1.κατάθεση ψυχής για έναDefining κορυφαίο 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), the ancient philosopher, έναANTISTHENIS, χρονικό της μουσικής στηνGreek Κύπρο από τα χρόνια της Αγγλοκρατίας. Η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC βιογραφικό -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherβιογραφία wise heritage left us, he established a στο great the καθ’ αυτό του heΑρβανιτάκη εξαντλείται του among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition heστο established a great the acquisition of knowledge starts with of theΕίναι content of“principle”: concepts. σημείωμα που παρατίθεται ως εισαγωγή βιβλίο. βασικής σημασίας acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term για να μπορέσει να κατανοήσει κανείς στη συνέχεια τη δομή και το 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification περιεχόμενο του βιβλίου: 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ΟofΓιώργος Αρβανιτάκης (1917 γεννήθηκε στην from Αθήνα από Sociology as well), as the “refining” of– a2002) city area, this, (inαστική various ways), social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement there of artists, οικογένεια, με πλούσια πνευματική παράδοση. Σπούδασε νομικά στο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, παρακολουθώντας ταυτόχρονα μαθήματα μουσικής στο the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever other consequencesπιάνο has, results alsoτου rising of landΑντώνη prices (and the Ωδείο Αθηνών. Παρακολούθησε στην τάξη καθηγητή Σκόκου potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). καιThe θεωρητικά στην τάξη του Κωνσταντίνου Αργότερα, πήρε term gentrification is found at first in the UKΚυδωνιάτη. in early 1960s and it refers to TheΦούγκας term gentrification foundΑποφοίτησε atpeople first in the UK1942 in early andτέλος itareas refers πτυχίο και Αντίστιξης. και1960s με το του the then observed trend ofiswealthy to το buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend of wealthy people toÉcole buy property in poor areas πολέμου, το 1945,them, εισήλθε σπουδαστής στην Normale de Musique του London, upgrade stayως themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are Παρισιού, στην“squeezed”. τάξη της Yvonne Lefébure (1898there – 1986), διαλέγοντας έτσι, being indirectly being indirectly “squeezed”. οριστικά, τον δρόμο της Μουσικής. Το 1948 ξεκίνησε η σχέση του με την Κύπρο A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included theπαίξει work σε of ρεσιτάλ. Sociologist Ruth αν και η at πρώτη του άφιξη έγινε 1945 απλώς γιαinwere να GLASS the same whileτο similar recorded in otherΌμως, major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major το 1948 ήρθε στο νησί ύστερα από πρόσκληση, για να διδάξει στο Ωδείο του cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other και Researchers. Since then, the issue has and ανέλαβε for its more Λυκείου Ελληνίδων Αμμοχώστου τρίαseveral χρόνιαscholars αργότερα, την Since then, preoccupied several below, scholars andthe forΜουσική its more comprehensive approach are being from various διεύθυνσή του. the Το issue 1953 has ίδρυσε στηsummarized Λευκωσία την «Ελληνική comprehensive approach are being summarized from theΚύπρου, various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: Ακαδημία» (ΕΜΑ). Τον ίδιο χρόνο ιδρύθηκε το Ραδιοφωνικό Ίδρυμα interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: Inτου a sense, theτην phenomenon is due togentrification, a trendμε of aτοnew of που έδωσε ευκαιρία να συνεργαστεί ραδιόφωνο σεsocial κάθε groups είδους to “return” to theσοβαρής city, leaving the purlieus severalπαντρεύτηκε reasons: high costs money προγράμματα μουσικής. Τοfor1957 τη in Ναταλία and time to travel the purlieus to downtown, where work is, lack the Μιχαηλίδου από from την Αμμόχωστο, ανώτερη λειτουργό του place ΡΙΚ και μαζίofτης 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, απέκτησε δυο γιούς, τον Λέανδρο και τον Κωνσταντίνο. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for YouthΕγκαταστάθηκε Unemployment. Theστην same Αθήνα year she το left 1974 Germany and after continuous και διορίστηκε καθηγητής του lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, πιάνου στο Ωδείο Αθηνών, χωρίς να πάψει να έχει την ευθύνη των δυο Ωδείων in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued social Her public and στην Κύπρο. Παράλληλα, διεύθυνε το groups, 1980,her για έναresearch. χρόνο, brokers την Φιλαρμονική long-term informal effort by organized manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Εταιρεία Πατρών καιetc., κατά την 1982initially – 93 την Σχολή του Μουσικού and selling realCOLLINS estate, for theCoπερίοδο depreciation of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Συλλόγου του Αγίου Νικολάου στην Κρήτη. Έχει δώσει μεγάλο αριθμό ρεσιτάλ G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252117 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

πιάνου στην Αθήνα και άλλες πόλεις της Ελλάδας, της Κύπρου και της Αιγύπτου, συναυλίες μουσικής δωματίου, παίρνοντας ταυτόχρονα μέρος ως σολίστ σε συναυλίες με ορχήστρες της Κύπρου (ορχήστρα Συλλόγου Μότσαρτ, Κρατική Ορχήστρα Κύπρου) καθώς και με τις συμφωνικές ορχήστρες της ΕΡΤ και της Βορείου Ελλάδος. Έχει δώσει πολλές διαλέξεις με θέματα σοβαρής μουσικής, μεταξύ αυτών και η ομιλία του για την Ελληνική Μουσική, το 1983, στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Βόννης στη Γερμανία κατά την οποία ερμήνευε και έργα By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Ελλήνων συνθετών. Έχει γράψει έργα για πιάνο, έργα για χορωδία και Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ορχήστρα, καθώς και τη μουσική πολλά C.θεατρικά έργα, που By Mr.για George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect παρουσιάστηκαν επί σκηνής, από το ραδιόφωνο και την τηλεόραση. Η Student of the School of Architecture μακρόχρονη συνεργασία του με το ΡΙΚ, του έδωσε την ευκαιρία να γράψει ένα Technical University of Crete μεγάλο αριθμό παιδικών τραγουδιών, πολλά από τα οποία κυκλοφόρησαν σε 1. Introductory approach: conceptΠρώτες Ύλες. Έχει βραβευθεί δίσκους. Εξέδωσε το 1998 τηνDefining ποιητικήthe συλλογή 1. Introductory approach: Defining the με ANTISTHENIS, πολλές τιμητικές the διακρίσεις, μεταξύphilosopher, τωνconcept οποίων(444 και BC με το γαλλικό αργυρό ancient Greek - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC 370 BC,Κυπρίων Athens), among other wise heritage he left he established a great “principle”: the «Μετάλλιο Τεχνών, Επιστημών και us, Γραμμάτων». Το (444 2001 το -Κέντρο among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he ανακήρυξε established a great the acquisition of starts with of the τον content of“principle”: concepts. Συνθετών, σε knowledge ένδειξη τιμής και εκτίμησης, Γιώργο Αρβανιτάκη acquisition ofεπίτιμο knowledge starts with theindefinition the content ofΠρόεδρο concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first,τιμήθηκε if of not final, approach, the term ως το πρώτο μέλος του. Την ίδια χρονιά από τον της 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, not final, approach, the στα term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, Γλαύκο Κληρίδη, γιαif (in τηνthe προσφορά του 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various καλλιτεχνικά δρώμενα του τόπου. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Ο Γιώργος Αρβανιτάκης και η σύντροφος της ζωής του Ναταλία ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Αρβανιτάκη έχουν γράψει τη δική τους σελίδα στη μουσική Παιδεία the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and της theof Κύπρου. Η συμβολή τους στην ανάπτυξη τηςalso μουσικής νησίprices αποτελεί whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results rising στο of land (andμια the potential relative από τις καλύτερες στιγμές της μουσικής ιστορίας του τόπου μας. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrificationofiswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed toκαταθέτει buy property in poor Στο πρώτο trend κεφάλαιο η συγγραφέας τις προσωπικές της the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof μνήμες από την γνωριμία της με τον Αρβανιτάκη και συμπληρώνει με μια London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. νότα προσωπικής ευαισθησίας το βιογραφικό του σημείωμα: being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth Φρόντισα ναofperiod, μάθω κάποια πράγματα για τον Δάσκαλο. Ότι γεννήθηκε GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major στην Αθήνα στις 25 Ιουνίου του 1917, τον πατέρα του τον έλεγαν Λέανδρο cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Αρβανιτάκη καιthe τη μητέρα του Αγλαΐα Περαντζάκη. Ο πατέρας τουfor καταγόταν Since then, issue has several scholars and its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe forμάλιστα, its more από την Σίφνο, αλλά μεγάλωσε στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, σπούδασε, comprehensive approach are being summarized from various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various στη Μεγάλη τουofΓένους Σχολή και ακολούθησε το επάγγελμα του χρηματιστή. Η interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: μητέρα του the μεγάλωσε στην isΑίγυπτο, αλλάofγνωρίστηκε μεofτον Λέανδρο In a sense, phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend a new social groups Αρβανιτάκη στην παντρεύτηκαν κι’ έκαναν τέσσερα παιδιά. Η to “return” to the city,Αθήνα, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to Αρβανιτάκη travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work is, lack of the οικογένεια ήταν μια μεσοαστική οικογένεια τωνplace Αθηνών, η οποία The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth GLASSπαιδί wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for έδινε1.of έμφαση στην καλλιτεχνική παιδεία των 1912-1940. παιδιών. Το πρώτο τηςin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, “at ηthe heart of the city”, (possibly) οικογένειας Αρβανιτάκη, ήτανentertainment η Μαίρη Αρώνη, γνωστή πρωταγωνίστρια του Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. θεάτρου. Μελέτησε κι’ αυτή πιάνο, αλλά αργότερα την κέρδισε η Υποκριτική. Η studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Μαίρη Αρώνη σπούδασε στην Σχολή του Εθνικού Θεάτρου, του τότε Βασιλικού University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying θεάτρου καιcharacterized είχε παντρευτεί νέα τον ηθοποιό Θεόδωρο Αρώνη, εξ’ DICTIONARY. ου και το her work are by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH and selling real estate,αδελφός, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in επίθετο. δεύτερος οCo Κωνσταντίνος ήταν τραπεζικός υπάλληλος και 10th edit.ΟWil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. wetzel/gentry.htm aαπό variety ofέπαιζε ways, in order toπου achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually μικρός βιολί, κάτι τοhttp://www.uncanny.net/ έκανε ερασιτεχνικά σε όλη του τη ζωή. Ο


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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Types ofάσχημα intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Ο Definition, Γιώργος Αρβανιτάκης είχε ζήσει πολλά γεγονότα στην ζωή του. Έχασε τον πατέρα του όταν ήταν έντεκα μόλις χρονών κάτι που τον στιγμάτισε Concerns σε όλη του την ζωή. Γύρω στο 1930 ξέσπασε η Μεγάλη Οικονομική Ύφεση η Κωνσταντίνος μαζί με τον αδελφό του Γιώργο (που ήταν ο τρίτος στη σειρά) παίζανε Μουσική Δωματίου. Τέταρτος στη σειρά ήταν ο Μιχάλης Αρβανιτάκης.

οποία ξεκίνησε από την Αμερική, αλλά έφτασε παντού, καθώς και στην Ελλάδα. Με την κρίση τα πάντα κατέρρευσανBy και τοGeorge-Sp. πρώτο – πρώτο το Χρηματιστήριο. Mr. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Ο Λέανδρος Αρβανιτάκης,Harvard που ήταν χρηματιστής, βρέθηκε σεDesign, πολύ δύσκολη University, Graduate School of Student, By Mr. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect οικονομική κατάσταση. Μη μπορώντας ναGeorge-Sp. το αντέξει C. αυτό, έθεσε τέρμα στη Student of the School of Architecture ζωή του. Αυτό το μεγάλο κτύπημα τραυμάτισε ανεπανόρθωτα την ψυχή του Technical University of Crete μικρού Γιώργου. Αυτό το τραύμα, ίσως να μη θεραπεύτηκε ποτέ. Το κρατούσε καλά κρυμμένο μέσα στη ψυχή του καιthe ποτέ κανένας δεν έμαθε το παραμικρό 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept γι’ αυτό. 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCγιού -“principle”: 370του BC,Γιώργου Athens), Αφού wise παρεμβάλλει προσωπική μαρτυρία among other heritage μια he left us, he established aτου great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: Αρβανιτάκη, συνεχίζει: acquisition of Λέανδρου, knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Οι δύσκολοι μετά το τέλοςinτου Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, 1 (and καιροί Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification βάζουν φρένο 1στα όνειρα και τις επιδιώξεις του νεαρού τότε του gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in the areaαπόφοιτου of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal from this, (in various Ωδείου Αθηνών καιasτης École Normale. Κατά τηthe διάρκεια του 1945 η(in αδελφή Sociology as well), the “refining” of a city area, removal from this, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, του Γιώργου η μεγάλη ηθοποιός Αρώνη, μαζί με τους ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andΜαίρη thethis placement there of artists, the operation ofΑρβανιτάκη, art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of ηθοποιούς Βάσω Μανωλίδου καιhas, Δημήτρη Χορν, βρίσκονταν στην Κύπρο, the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this regardless whatever other results also rising of “change”, land prices (andμετά theof από τουρνέ στηνspeculation). Αίγυπτο και Κωνσταντινούπολη. Η Μαίρη με prices τις γνωριμίες whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land (and the potential relative που είχε κατάφερε να στείλει μια πρόσκληση στον νεαρό πιανίστα ώστε potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refersνα to μπορέσει να βγάλει διαβατήριο και να έρθει Κύπρο για συναυλίες. The term gentrification found atpeople first inστην the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof Η Ελλάδα εκείνη τηνof εποχή, 1945 – 1948, βρισκόταν στην πιο δύσκολη London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. καμπή της ιστορίας της. Μετά το τέλος του Δευτέρου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου οι being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon included the work τον of Sociologist Μεγάλες Δυνάμεις μοίρασαν τον is κόσμο και inάφησαν ελληνικό Ruth λαό A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major απληροφόρητο. Τον έσπρωξαν στον εμφύλιο σπαραγμό και άδικα χύθηκε αίμα GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. αδελφικό. Για τους νέους by που τελείωναν τις σπουδές τους, όπως τον Γιώργο cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several της scholars and for itsγια more Αρβανιτάκη, δεν υπήρχε μέλλον. Η πρόσκληση αδελφής να Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andτου for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from the επισκεφτεί την Κύπρο, βοήθησε τον νεαρό πιανίστα ώστε να μπορέσει να φύγει comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: από την Ελλάδα, με απώτερο σκοπό να βρεθεί στην Ευρώπη για περαιτέρω interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups σπουδές. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Όταν ήρθεfrom στηνthe Κύπρο έδωσε συναυλίες where στο Βρετανικό Συμβούλιο and time to travel purlieus to downtown, work place is, lack ofστη the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasΈτυχε born in Λευκωσία και at στο Ελληνίδων Αμμοχώστου (ΛΕΑ), στο search Βαρώσι. sense of safety theΛύκειο distributed residencies outside town centres, for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: τεράστιας προβολής από ταentertainment μέσα μαζικής“atενημέρωσης και city”, οι πόρτες της services of health, education, the heart of the (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. επιτυχίας άνοιξαν. Από το σκοτάδι της Ελλάδας και την απελπιστική studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and κατάσταση που επικρατούσε εκεί, βρήκε στην Κύπρο ατμόσφαιρα ευγένειας, University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying καλοσύνης, ηρεμίας, προθυμίας. Από την αρχή ένιωσε πως εδώ στην Κύπρο her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the initially of part of the urban web, in υπήρχε πρόσφορο έδαφος για ναCodepreciation υπηρετήσει κανείς την Τέχνη. 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252119 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Το κεφάλαιο κλείνει με στίχους του Αρβανιτάκη που δείχνουν την Concerns καλλιτεχνική του ευαισθησία και τις ποιητικές δυνατότητες ενός μεγάλου Το 1948 παίρνει από το ΛΕΑ πρόσκληση για να διδάξει εκεί. Αποδέχεται την πρόσκληση με την ελπίδα να φύγει σύντομα για την Ευρώπη. Όπως μας έλεγε: «Ήρθα προσωρινά, αλλά έμεινα πενήντα χρόνια».

μουσικού. Αποσπώ μια στροφή:


Byνα Mr.μπω George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Στο τρεχαντήρι μου κι’ απόψε θε Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Στο τρεχαντήρι το γοργό μου θα γυρέψω By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Τη λήθη, μεσ’ στο δείλι το θαμπό Student of the School of Architecture Στο τρεχαντήρι μου θα μπω και θ’ αλαργέψω Technical University of Crete Και θ’ ανοιχτώ στην πελαγίσια καταχνιά 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Στη θαλασσιά την απεραντοσύνη, μόνος 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Θα μου γεμίζειthe η μνήμη τα Greek πανιά philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, ancient ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), μπρος μου ανοιχτόςheθάναι ο δρόμος amongΚαι other wise heritage left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aφτερά first, if of not final, approach, the term Και σα θ’knowledge απλώσει η starts νύχτα μαύρα τα 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification κι’ η οργισμένη βουερή ανεμοζάλη is 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τα σκοτεινά σκληρά θα τυραννάει νερά Sociology as well), as μου the “refining” of aκεφάλι city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of κουρασμένο social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement το θα γείρω το ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, However of κι’ απορριγμένος στουrestaurants, σκαριού μουetc. μια μεριά this “change”, regardless the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof τ’ αστέρια πάνω, εντός μου θ’ αγναντέψω whatever other consequences has, στεριά results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). Δίχως σκοπό, δίχως ποθούμενη potential relative speculation). TheΣτο term gentrification at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to τρεχαντήρι μου is θαfound μπω και θ’ αλαργέψω. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο παραθέτει μαρτυρία σκηνοθέτη the then observed trend wealthy peopleμια to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thusτου old residents areof Κωνσταντίνου Αρβανιτάκη για τον πατέρα του, μια σύντομη της London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusπεριγραφή old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. προσωπικής τους σχέσης που την κυριαρχούσε η πατρική αγωνία και A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, thisτων phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth φροντίδα μέλλον παιδιών του. GLASS at για the το same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by otherμε Researchers. Στα επόμενα κεφάλαια, άξονα την παρουσία ή με αφορμή την cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several της scholars and στην for itsΚύπρο. more παρουσία, το βιβλίο μετατρέπεται σ’ ένα χρονικό μουσικής Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Πρόκειται για κεφάλαια γραμμένα μετά από κοπιαστική και comprehensive approach are being summarized below, fromέρευνα the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: συγκέντρωση πολύτιμου υλικού. of Το τρίτο κεφάλαιο με τίτλο «Λύκειον interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trendείναι of a new ofκατάθεση social groups Ελληνίδων Αμμοχώστου – Μαρία Ιωάννου» μια πολύτιμη για to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money το πρώτο μεγάλο πολιτιστικό ίδρυμα στην Κύπρο, το ρόλο και την προσφορά and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the του και την εθνική ευεργέτιδα καιRuth παιδαγωγό Μαρία Ιωάννου. Μόνο όσοι termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, περπάτησαν στη Λεωφόρο Δημοκρατίας δίπλα από το επιβλητικό πρόπυλο Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left μόνοι Germany and έζησαν after continuous του Λυκείου Ελληνίδων Αμμοχώστου, όσοι στην Αμμόχωστοfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, μέχρι το 1974toμπορούν να συνειδητοποιήσουν το δέος και τη που in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the another approach, the is due aσυγκίνηση systematic and προκαλεί κάθε αναφορά σ’ αυτό. University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in ΜεWil. αφετηρία τηνfor πρόσκληση και 2009. την πολύχρονη διδασκαλία του 10th edit. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aΑρβανιτάκη variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, σ’ αυτό, ξετυλίγει την πολύχρονη ιστορία και την (actually τεράστια

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

προσφορά του στον κόσμο της Αμμοχώστου, στην μουσική παιδεία, την αισθητική καλλιέργεια και τον πολιτισμό. Παράλληλα εξαίρει και αναδεικνύει τη φυσιογνωμία της ιδρύτριάς του Μαρίας Ιωάννου. Συγκέντρωσε μαρτυρίες για τη δράση, το όραμα και τη συμβολή της «πνευματικής δέσποινας της Αμμοχώστου», όπως τη χαρακτήρισε ο Κύπρος Χρυσάνθης». Με τη σχέση του Αρβανιτάκη με το ΛΕΑ συνδέεται και το επόμενο κεφάλαιο, όπου αναδημοσιεύεται μια συνέντευξη του Αρβανιτάκη, του 1998, με αφορμή τη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συμπλήρωση 50 χρόνων συνεργασίας με το ΛΕΑ, ενώ η συγγραφέας ξετυλίγει Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, την ιστορία του Λυκείου στην προσφυγιά. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect

Student School of Architecture Στο επόμενο κεφάλαιο, το πέμπτο, με τίτλο: of «Ηthe μουσική στην Κύπρο Technical University of Crete από το 1920 ως τις μέρες μας. Οι βάσεις για την ίδρυση της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας», περιλαμβάνει πρώτο μια επιτομή της ιστορίας της 1. Introductory approach:στο Defining theμέρος concept μουσικής εκπαίδευσης με πολύτιμες πληροφορίες τα ωδεία και τις 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444για ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), μουσικές σχολές σ’ όλες τις πόλεις της Κύπρου. Στο δεύτερο μέρος του ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the κεφαλαίου αναφέρεται σε κάποια γεγονότα της δεκαετίας του ’60 όπως ήταν among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the ηacquisition κάθοδος στην Κύπρο της Παιδικής Χορωδίας της Βιέννης και το ρεσιτάλ της of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term κορυφαίας ελληνίδας πιανίστριας Τζίνας Μπαχάουερ στη Λευκωσία στις 25 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Οκτωβρίου 1963. Μαθήτρια Γυμνασίου η Βάντα θυμάται: gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),Θυμάμαι of social groups, usuallyπαρουσιαστικό of low-income and placement there artists, το επιβλητικό της the Τζίνας. Εξέπεμπε μιαofγαλήνη, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andΦορούσε thethis placement there of artists, the operation ofμεart galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of μια σιγουριά μια αυτοκυριαρχία μοναδική. μια μαύρη μακριά the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences of land prices (and the τουαλέτα other ταντελλωτή και είχεhas, τα results μαλλιά also της rising μαζεμένα πίσω σε κότσο. Οof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). κόσμος ενθουσιάστηκε και την κάλεσε πολλές φορές στην σκηνή. Τα βήματα potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960sτο and it refers to της αργά και η υπόκλιση της βαθειά. Προτού υποκλιθεί, ατένιζε ακροατήριο The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor σοβαρή και υποκλινόταν αργά. Δεν μπορούσα να κρίνω τότε, αλλά τώρα που the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof την σκέφτομαι, θα πρέπει να υπεραγαπούσε τον Beethoven. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Η αναφορά στοphenomenon ρεσιτάλ τηςisΜπαχάουερ τηςwork δίνειofτην ευκαιρία να A description of this included in the Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth αναφερθεί στις συναυλίες που οργάνωσε ο Αρβανιτάκης σ’ όλες τις κυπριακές GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major GLASS at the period, similar situationsστην wereΚύπρο recorded in το other major πόλεις αλλά καιsame για τις μουσικές μετά 1974. cities in Western countries, bywhile otherδραστηριότητες Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. SinceΤοthen, has preoccupied scholars and for its more έκτοthe καιissue το έβδομο κεφάλαιο several αποτελούν την ραχοκοκαλιά του Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from βιβλίου αφού αναφέρονται στον Αρβανιτάκη ως μουσικό και παιδαγωγό, comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: στην ίδρυση της Ελληνικής Μουσικής Ακαδημίας το 1953, κορυφαία δωρεά interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend τις of aσυναυλίες new social groups τουInστην Κύπρο, στη δράση της Ακαδημίας, της,ofτο διδακτικό to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money προσωπικό, τους αποφοίτους της αλλά και τη δυναμική παρουσία, δράση και and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the συστράτευση της from συζύγου τουRuth Ναταλίας, που συνυπήρξε μαζί του termat comes Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, πρωτοπόρα στις μουσικές εκδηλώσεις και την μουσική αγωγή στη Κύπρο. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of,κεφάλαιο “withdrawal” private car access markets, etc. Το έχει from τίτλο «Ηand Ελληνική Ακαδημία χωρίς studies and όγδοο research in Geneva, Prague, London Neweasier YorkΜουσική she came to back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the to another approach, the due a systematic and τον Αρβανιτάκη» είναι σχετικά ψευδεπίγραφο γιατί οis Αρβανιτάκης μπορείin να University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying μετεγκαταστάθηκε στην Ελλάδα μετά την εισβολή αλλά η καρδιά του έμεινε her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of the urban web, in στη Λευκωσία, ως σύμβουλος και συνεργάτης. Μετά τοpart ’74 of όπως σημειώνει η 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. wetzel/gentry.htm aΒάντα variety of ways, in orderστα to achieve theκομμάτι “assisted”, (actually «ήταν μοιρασμένος δυο, http://www.uncanny.net/ το ένα του “voluntary”, στην Ελλάδα και το

252121 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification άλλο του μισό στην Κύπρο». Χάρις στη νοερή παρουσία και τη φροντίδα των συνεργατών και των μαθητώνConcerns του που ’χαν γίνει δάσκαλοι, η Ακαδημία συνέχισε με επιτυχία το έργο της για κάποια χρόνια.

Ο Αρβανιτάκης έφυγε το 2002. Η Ακαδημία είχε τη ζωή By Mr. George-Sp. C. ολοκληρώσει ATHANASOPOULOS της το 2000. Έτσι έκλεισεHarvard η μεγάλη συνοδοιπορία τους. University, Graduate School of Design, Student,

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect


Το προτελευταίο κεφάλαιο, το ένατο, μεof the τίτλο «Η ofοικογένεια Student School Architecture Αρβανιτάκη στην Αθήνα» είναι ένα οδυνηρό ρέκβιεμTechnical στη μνήμη του μεγάλου University of Crete δασκάλου με τη δοκιμασία της υγείας του και το τραγικό δυστύχημα που 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept άφησε τετραπληγικό το γιό του Λέανδρο. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, ancientηGreek Στο τελευταίο the κεφάλαιο Βάνταphilosopher, συγκέντρωσε μαρτυρίες για το Γιώργο ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherΈνα wiseπολύτιμο heritage ανθολόγιο he left us, για he established a great the Αρβανιτάκη. τη ζωή και το έργο του. Τη δική του among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the ζωή έκλεισε of ο ίδιος σ’ ένα starts μικρόwith του ποίημα, που έγραψε το 1999: acquisition knowledge theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Based, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Ήπια’therefore, π’1 (and το ξέχειλο urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ποτήρι της ζωής Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of ήταν social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement κι’ από αστείρευτη πηγή. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of κρύσταλλο art galleries,νερό restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Κι’ ήτανε the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever από other ρυάκι consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). κι’ ήταν κρασί από τον potential relative speculation). Theγάμο termεν gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Κανά. The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Κι’ ήταν σταγόνες the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof απ’ το κώνειο του Σωκράτη. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Το βιβλίο κυκλοφόρησε από τις εκδόσειςin«Αφή» καιof έχει τη σφραγίδα A description of this phenomenon is included the work Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth της αρτιότητας και της καλλιτεχνικής ευαισθησίας που ταιριάζει στο GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major περιεχόμενο του.countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars for itsβιβλίο. more Η Βάντα Οικονόμου - Κωνσταντίνου μας έδωσε ένα and πολύτιμο Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from Στις σελίδες του ψηλαφείς τον ερευνητικό της μόχθο, τη συγγραφική της comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: φροντίδα και την αγάπη της για το δάσκαλο της. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Ένα to βιβλίο που προορίζεται όχι for μόνο για τους φίλους της μουσικής to “return” the city, leaving the purlieus several reasons: high costs in money and travel from the purlieus to επαρκή downtown, whereπου work place να is, lack the αλλάtime γιαtoκάθε φιλότεχνο, για κάθε πολίτη, πρέπει ξέρειofτην 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruthαυτούς GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes theτου distributed residencies outside town centres, for ιστορία του τόπου και να γνωρίζει που διακόνησαν τον πολιτισμό Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) του. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Κλείνω, to λέγοντας ότιregarding το βιβλίο περιλαμβάνει σελίδες. Αν όμως, in According 1943 she published studies cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the another approach, the is 296 due a systematic and σύμφωνα με τοof London, ρητό, by κάθε φωτογραφία 1000 λέξεις, brokers τότε οιofaction σελίδες University informal College where she continued her social research. Her public and long-term effort organized groups, manufacturers, buying her work are characterized a passion for justice. See also: ENGLISH DICTIONARY. τριπλασιάζονται με etc., τοbyfor φωτογραφικό υλικό πουCOLLINS ιδιαίτερη φροντίδα and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCodepreciation initially ofμεpart of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: συνέλεξε και παρέθεσε η συγγραφέας. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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Νικόλαος Μάντζαρος Ύμνος. GENTRIFICATION Definition, Typesκαι of Εθνικός Intervention, Επιχειρώντας μία αποτίμηση Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification της συνεισφοράς του Mουσουργού Concerns

Του Δρος Αθαν. ΤΡΙΚΟΥΠΗ Προέδρ. Συλλόγου Μουσικών Εκπαιδευτικών By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Αν.School Μακεδονίας – Θράκης Harvard University, Graduate of Design, Student,

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect

Student of the School of Architecture Εισαγωγή Technical of Crete Ο Ύμνος εις την Ελευθερίαν γράφτηκε το 1823 απόUniversity τον Διονύσιο 1 Σολωμό (Ζάκυνθος 1798 Defining – Κέρκυρα 1. Introductory approach: the 1857) conceptστη Ζάκυνθο . Το ποίημα που 158 στροφές εκδόθηκε Μεσολόγγι 1.αποτελείται Introductory από approach: Defining the concept το ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (4441824 BC - στο 370 BC, Athens), και μέχρι το 1825 είχε μεταφραστεί ολόκληρο στην ιταλική από τον ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established aF.great “principle”: the Gaetano Grassetti, στη γερμανική από τους J. content H. of Schlosser acquisition of knowledge starts with of the concepts. και acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Wilhelm στη από τονindefinition N. Gneditch, στην αγγλική από τον Based, Müller, therefore, onρώσικη this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,γλώσσα if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area ofτον Planning) (or gentrification Charles Brinsley Sheridan και στη γαλλική από Stanislas 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification 2 Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Julien. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), groups, usually of low-income theremoval placement Οofofsocial Σολωμός εγκαταστάθηκε στην and Κέρκυρα τον Δεκέμβριο του ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of 1828. Εκεί γνωρίστηκε με τον Νικόλαο Μάντζαρο (Κέρκυρα 1795 – the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof Κέρκυρα 1872), ο οποίος ήδηhas, είχε μελοποιήσει τηofΦαρμακωμένη του whatever otherspeculation). consequences results also rising land prices (and the potential relative ποιητή το 1826. Αναφέρεται ότι: «Τακτικός φοιτητής του Μαντζάρου potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The gentrification found atpeople firstέμαθε in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto ήτοthen καιterm ο Σολωμός. Εκεί Σολωμός τα μυστήρια αρμονίας. the observed trend ofisοwealthy to buy property inτης poor the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas Τόσον ηγάπα την μουσικήν ο μέγας ποιητής, ώστε πολλάκις London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes andόχι thusμόνον old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. τραγουδούσε στιχουργών, αλλά και εις τον Μάντζαρον έλεγε ότι being indirectly “squeezed”. A descriptionείχε of this is included in the workενέκυπτεν of Sociologist ευκολώτερον τηνphenomenon έμπνευσιν όσον περισσότερον ειςRuth την A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major 3 μουσικήν». GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Από όσα γνωρίζουμε, ο Μάντζαρος ασχολήθηκε για πρώτη φορά cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more με τη μελοποίηση του από το τέλος του 1829 έως τοthe καλοκαίρι Since then, the issueύμνου has several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various

comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: 1 interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: Άρθρο the στοof περιοδικό Εθνικές Επάλξεις, αρ. 114, 10-12/2015, 15-18.groups In a sense, phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of aΑθήνα new of social 2 Ντίνος Χριστιανόπουλος, «Οι 17 πλήρεις μεταφράσεις του Ύμνου την to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in εις money Ελευθερίαν του Σολωμού σε ξένες γλώσσες», Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Συμποσίου Διονυσίου and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Σολωμού (1798-1857). Διακόσια χρόνια απόGLASS, τηoutside γέννηση καιcentres, εκατόν πενήντα από τονin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born sense safety the distributed residencies town better Berlin, του, where she made herΑθηνών, first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: θάνατό Πανεπιστήμιο 7-10 Οκτωβρίου 1998, εκδ. Σύλλογος «Οι Φίλοι του services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Μουσείου Σολωμού επιφανών Ζακυνθίων, Αθήνα 597-611. lower living cost of,και “withdrawal” from private car2003, easier access to markets, etc. studies 3 and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where Δε Βιάζης, «Ο Μάντζαρος», Παναθήναια, έτ. Ε΄, Ι΄,teacher Αθήνα in 15in According 1943 Σπυρίδων she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became the to another approach, the is due a τ.systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 30/6/1905, 129-136. Αναδημοσίευση στο Γιώργος Κεντρωτής (επιμ.), long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofΝικόλαος buying her work are characterized byΦιλαρμονική a passion for justice. See Κέρκυρας, also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Χαλικιόπουλος Μάντζαρος, Εταιρεία Κέρκυρα 2003, 186. in Ο and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Βιάζης υπήρξε μαθητής του Μάντζαρου από το 1871 μέχρι τον θάνατο του δασκάλου το G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 1872.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


του 1830. Το πρωτότυπο έργο είναι γραμμένο για τετράφωνη ανδρική χορωδία με συνοδεία πιάνου. Εκδόθηκε το 1873 στο Λονδίνο από τον οίκο Clayton & Co με έξοδα των ομογενών της Αγγλικής πρωτεύουσας. Η πρώτη μελοποίηση γράφτηκε σε ύφος «λαϊκό και απλό» με σκοπό τη διάδοση του ποιήματος στον ευρύτερο ελληνικό πληθυσμό. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε κατά κύριο λόγο η ομοφωνική υφή, δηλαδή η υφή, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS στην οποία προΐσταται μία κύρια μελωδική φωνή που συνοδεύεται Harvard University, Graduate School Student, από δευτερεύουσες φωνές, οι οποίες ενοποιούνταιof Design, σε αρμονικές By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect συγχορδιακές οντότητες. Η αντιγραφή του αρχικού χειρογράφου για Student of the School of Architecture τις ανάγκες της έκδοσης έγινε από το μαθητή τουUniversity Μάντζαρου, Technical of Crete Σπυρίδωνα Δε Βιάζη. Σύμφωνα με τα όσα αναφέρει ο Δε Βιάζης: 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept ήθελε να εκδώση τον «Η οικογένεια, ζώντος του the Μάντζαρου, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Ύμνον. Αλλ’ επειδή ηρνείτο ο Μελοποιός, του είπον ότι εζήτουν ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great αντίγραφον. Συγκατανεύσαντος αυτού λόγος εγένετο περίthe among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. αντιγραφέως. … Τότε,starts ως μαθητής του, ανέλαβον την αντιγραφήν. acquisition of knowledge with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term …Based, Μετάtherefore, τινα χρόνον αισθανόμενος οindicated Μάντζαρος ότι η approach, του Σολωμού 1 (and on this “principle” is in a first, if (in notthe final, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 ποίησις έχρηζεν υψηλοτέρας και τελειοτέρας μουσικής, gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various εμελοποίησεν εκ δευτέρου τον Ύμνον. … Πολλάκις ηκούσαμεν τον Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually ofοσάκις low-income and thethis placement of artists, Μάντζαρον λέγοντα ότι, κατά την σύνθεσιν των δύο the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results also rising of εις land prices (and theof μελοποιήσεων του Ύμνου has, επαιάνιζεν απόσπασμα τον Σολωμόν, whatever other consequences has,έθετεν resultsεπί also rising of land potential relative speculation). ή ενώπιον αυτού εμπνεόμενος του χάρτου ταςprices νότας(and και the potential relative speculation). The termτας gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to έπειτα έκρουεν εις το πιάνο τραγουδώντας, ο ποιητής εσκίρτα The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto theεκ then observed trend of to buy property in poor τουobserved ενθουσιασμού. Ετραγούδαε και αυτός μετά in του φίλου the then trend wealthy people to there buy property poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof μουσουργού. Βλέπων Ποιητής sometimes ότι η μουσική ήτοthus αντάξια της are London, upgrade them, stayοthemselves there and old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. ποιήσεως, ότι οι νότες διερμήνευον ιδέαν της being indirectlyδηλαδή “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the workτην of Sociologist Ruth ποιήσεως, ανελύετο ειςwhile δάκρυα εκ της συγκινήσεως. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded workΤότε of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same similar inεξαφθείς other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major υπό εκστάσεως και byοother Μελοποιός και έτι πλέον εμπνευσθείς cities in Western countries, Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherήτο Researchers. Since then, the issue has several and for its more εξηκολούθει γράφων. “Τόσον μεγάλη κατάscholars την στιγμήν εκείνην Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various η συγκίνησίς μας”, εξηκολούθει λέγων ο Μάντζαρος, “που comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon the following: ενομίζαμενofότι δεν ήμεθα of ειςgentrification, την γην και κλαίοντες ο ένας interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend προερχόμενα of a new social groups κατησπάζετο τον άλλον. Ήσαν δάκρυα το of μεν εκ του to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ενθουσιασμού της επιτυχίας του έργου, το δε ότι η τέχνη and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the κατόρθωνε πρεπόντως ναRuthυμνήση την centres, ελευθερίαν της 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town better Berlin, where she madeπατρίδος her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: αναγεννωμένης δια του αίματος τόσων αγίων ηρώων.” services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Άκρος έρως προς Prague, την from πατρίδα τουcar Μαντζάρου. Αδύνατον ήτο, lower living costο of, “withdrawal” private easier access to markets, etc.where studies andήτο research in Geneva, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 sheανεφέρετο published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the οσάκις ηapproach, Επανάστασις του Εικοσιένα, να μη δακρύση, to another the is due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying αναφέρων τα ονόματα ηρώων, μεθ’ ων έθετεν εις τον Σολωμόν την her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. The Free Encyclopedia: προσθήκην: “Καιetc., ο Ποιητής επολέμησε με WIKIPEDIA: την πέναof του”. … Την G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order to achieve the ο “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually νέαν μελοποίησιν του Ύμνου ετήρει Μάντζαρος εις φύλαξιν και,

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

ως ο ίδιος έλεγε, μόνον ο Ποιητής την ήξευρεν. Κατά τον Φεβρουάριον του 1844 την έδειξεν εις ειδήμονας. Τότε ο φιλόσοφος Βράιλας τον παρεκίνησε να την αφιερώση εις τον πρώτον Άνακτα της αναγεννωμένης Ελλάδος».4 To 1831 ή το 1837 ο συνθέτης πραγματοποίησε μία νέα μελοποίηση του ύμνου, πάλι για τετράφωνη ανδρική χορωδία με George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συνοδεία πιάνου, αυτή τη φοράBy σεMr. πολυφωνική υφή, δηλαδή με την Harvard University, Graduate School of ταυτόχρονη χρήση ανεξάρτητων και ισοδύναμων φωνών.Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Μία τρίτη μελοποίηση πραγματοποιείται το 1842-1843, πάλι για Student of the School of Architecture το ίδιο χορωδιακό σχήμα με πιανιστική χορωδία, στην οποία Technical University of Crete χρησιμοποιούνται μέρη τόσο πολυφωνικής όσο και ομοφωνικής υφής. Introductoryέστειλε approach:τη Defining the concept Ο 1.Μάντζαρος χειρόγραφη παρτιτούρα της εν λόγω 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, ancient Όθωνα Greek philosopher, μελοποίησης στονthe βασιλιά με αφιέρωση τον Δεκέμβριο του ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wiseτίμησε heritage he left us, he established a great the 1844.Ο Όθων τον Μάντζαρο με τον (444 Αργυρό Σταυρό των among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Ιπποτών του Βασιλικούstarts Τάγματος του Σωτήρος για τη συνθετική του acquisition of knowledge with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term εργασία Ιούνιο του 1845. Το έργο στο σύνολό 1 (and Based,τον therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aμεταφράστηκε first, if (in notthe final, approach, theτου term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 από τον Γερμανό φιλέλληνα Joseph Mindler (1808-1868), ο οποίος gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various ήρθε στην Ελλάδα ως αξιωματικός με το στρατιωτικό σώμα των Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, 5 ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, Βαυαρών εθελοντών που συνόδευε τον βασιλιά Όθωνα. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results also land prices (andίδιο theof Ακολουθεί μία τέταρτηhas, απόπειρα το rising 1844,ofπάντα για τον whatever other consequences has,οργανικού results also rising of land prices (andσε the potential relative speculation). συνδυασμό φωνητικού και σχήματος, κυρίως potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the in early 1960s and itτο refers to πολυφωνική υφή, τα δύο πρώτα μέρη τηςUK οποίας εκδόθηκαν 1884 The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor και 1885 από τον ιταλικό οίκοpeople Venturini με ιταλική έμμετρη the το then observed trend wealthy to there buyκαι property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof μετάφραση τουthem, Νικόλαου Γονέμη (1825-1894). διάφορα London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and Επίσης thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. αχρονολόγητα μελοποιημένα αποσπάσματα του ύμνου σώζονται σε being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth διάφορα (στο Χαλικιόπουλου στα A description of thisΑρχείο phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Μάντζαρου of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at αρχεία the same period, whileΝικόλαου similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Ιστορικά Αρχεία του Μουσείου Μπενάκη, στο Αρχείο της τρισέγγονης cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups 4 Σπυρίδων Δε Βιάζης, «Εκατονταετηρίς του Ύμνου εις την Ελευθερίαν, Μάιος 1823 to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money -and Μάιος 1923. Μελοποίησις του Ύμνου – Αφιέρωσις εις τον βασιλέα Όθωνα», time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Επτανησιακή Επιθεώρησις, Β΄, residencies τέυχ.Ruth 3, 7/1923, 33-34. Αναδημοσίευση στο Γιώργος 1.of The term fromέτ. Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS was born in sense safety atcomes the distributed outside town centres, for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Κεντρωτής (επιμ.), Νικόλαος Χαλικιόπουλος Μάντζαρος, Φιλαρμονική Εταιρεία Κέρκυρας, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Κέρκυρα 2003, 211-213. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies 5 and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where έφερε τηνregarding επιστήμη της στενογραφίας στην Υπήρξε in According 1943 Ο sheMindler published studies cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a Ελλάδα. systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social Her public action and καθηγητής της στενογραφίας στο Πολυτεχνείο Αθηνών καιresearch. διευθυντής του of γραφείου long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. στενογράφησης στη Βουλή των Ελλήνων. Βλ. Mindler - Solomos - Mantzaros, Hymne and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web,an in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: die Freiheit [Ύμνος εις την Ελευθερίαν], επιμ. Hans-B. Schlumm Andreas Kertscher G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actuallyΚωνσταντίνος Ζερβόπουλος, εκδ. Έψιλον, Αθήνα 2010.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

του συνθέτη, Φρόσως Γκέλη, στο Κέντρο Ερεύνης της Ιστορίας του Νεωτέρου Ελληνισμού της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών, κ.α.).6 Οι δύο πρώτες στροφές του Σολωμικού ύμνου με την πρώτη μελοποίηση του Μάντζαρου (πρώτα 24 μέτρα χωρίς την υπάρχουσα τετράμετρη πιανιστική εισαγωγή) καθιερώθηκαν ως Εθνικός Ύμνος της Ελλάδος τον Ιούνιο του 1865 από τον Γεώργιο Α΄. Τον ίδιο μήνα ο ByΣταυρό Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Μάντζαρος τιμήθηκε με τον Χρυσό των Ιπποτών του Βασιλικού Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Τάγματος του Σωτήρος. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Μουσικολογική προσέγγιση του Εθνικού Ύμνου Student of the School of Architecture Η συνθετική εργασία του Μάντζαρου αποδεικνύει το σεβασμό Technical University of Crete του στην ποιητική δομή του Σολωμού. Παράλληλα αντικατοπτρίζει την 1. Introductory the concept προσπάθεια του approach: συνθέτη Defining να αποδώσει το νοηματικό περιεχόμενο του 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, ποιήματος με τη βοήθεια των μορφοπλαστικών χαρακτηριστικών της ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the μουσικής τέχνης (ρυθμός, μελωδία, αρμονία κ.τ.λ.) κατά τέτοιο τρόπο among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ώστε το αποτέλεσμα ναstarts είναι κατανοητό και εύληπτο στο ευρύ κοινό acquisition of knowledge with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term χωρίς τηνtherefore, κάποιας is ιδιαίτερης μουσικής παιδείας. Η 1προϋπόθεση Based, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 ανάλυση που ακολουθεί προορίζεται για τον μέσο αναγνώστη που gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various φέρει τη στοιχειώδη εγκυκλοπαιδική μουσική κατάρτιση και για τον Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, λόγο αυτό δεν χρησιμοποιούνται εξειδικευμένοι μουσικοί όροι. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences results also συνταιριάζει rising of land prices (and theof Η other μελοποίηση του has, Μάντζαρου τετράμετρες whatever other consequences has, results also ποιητικά rising of landδίστιχα. prices (and the potential relative speculation). αυτοτελείς μουσικές προτάσεις στα Στη potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is foundτα at first in the UK δίστιχα in early 1960s it refers to συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση ποιητικά τουand Σολωμού The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor αντιστοιχούν στις προτάσεις του ποιητικού λόγου. Συνεπώς η μουσική the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof δομή που χρησιμοποιεί ο συνθέτης υποστηρίζει την old υπάρχουσα London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ποιητική δομή. “squeezed”. being indirectly A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth της πρώτης στροφής A Οι description ofperiod, this phenomenon isποιητικής included inwere the recorded work είναι of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atδύο theπροτάσεις same while similar situations inπαρόμοιες, other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major τόσοinαπό δομική άποψη, και από περιεχόμενο, αφού σκιαγραφούν cities Western countries, byόσο other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more τα έντονα χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα της «Ελευθερίας»: Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη του σπαθιού την from τρομερή, comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations σε of the phenomenon of όψη gentrification, theμετράει following: γνωρίζω από την που με βια την γη. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In aΟι sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups εν λόγω προτάσειςisαποδίδονται καταλλήλως από αντίστοιχα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money παρόμοιες μουσικές προτάσεις, που βασίζονται στην ίδια μελωδική and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the γραμμή, τοποθετημένη σε residencies διαφορετικά τονικά ύψη, όπως εύκολα 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born in sense safety atcomes the distributed outside town centres, better Berlin, where she made her first studies.τραγουδώντας In 1932 she published an αρχή important study entitled: μπορεί να αντιληφθεί κανείς την του Ύμνου. services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Μάλιστα ηcostπρώτη μουσική πρόταση κορυφώνεται μελωδικά στο lower living of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc. studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came to back to London, where in According 1943 she της published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the τελείωμά τονίζοντας τη λέξη «τρομερή», οποία αποτελεί τη to another approach, the isηdue a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 6 Κώστας Καρδάμης, Νικόλαος Χαλικιόπουλος Μάντζαρος, fagotto books, Αθήνα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


2015, 325.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

νοηματική κορύφωση της ποιητικής πρότασης, ενώ η δεύτερη μουσική πρόταση κορυφώνεται με μελωδικό άλμα στο μέσον της τονίζοντας τη λέξη «βια», που επίσης αποτελεί τη νοηματική κορύφωση της δεύτερης ποιητικής πρότασης. Επιπρόσθετα, όπως ο Σολωμός μέσω του ποιητικού ρυθμού τονίζει τις λέξεις «γνωρίζω, κόψη, σπαθιού, τρομερή» στην πρώτη Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS πρόταση και τις λέξεις «γνωρίζω,Byόψη, βια, γη» στη δεύτερη πρόταση, Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Student, γεγονός που γίνεται αντιληπτό κατά την απαγγελία ofτου ποιήματος, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect κατ’ αντιστοιχία ο Μάντζαρος μέσω τουStudent μουσικού ρυθμού τονίζει τις of the School of Architecture ίδιες λέξεις δίνοντάς τες τις μεγαλύτερες χρονικές διάρκειες. Technical University of Crete Η έναρξη της δεύτερης ποιητικής στροφής σκιαγραφεί με σαφή 1. Introductory approach: concept εικόνα: πρόθεση του Σολωμού μίαDefining εντελώςthe διαφορετική 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, Greek philosopher, Απ’the τα ancient κόκκαλα βγαλμένη των Ελλήνων τα ιερά ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), amongΑυτή other η wiseμεταβολή heritage heαποδίδεται left us, he established a great the από τον Μάντζαρο με την among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. χαρακτηριστικότερη αλλαγή που εμπεριέχει ηtheαρμονία τονικής acquisition of knowledge starts with thein definition content ofτης concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term μουσικής: με1 (and τη μεταφορά από τον isin μείζονα ελάσσονα τρόπο. Το Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, στον if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 σύνολο του προαναφερόμενου δίστιχου αποδίδεται μουσικά στον gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various ελάσσονα τρόπο, ακριβώς για να τονισθεί αρμονικά η απαιτούμενη Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, θυσία που οδηγεί στον θρίαμβο καιHowever στη δόξα. Επιπροσθέτως, ο the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has,και results also risingτις of land prices (and theof Μάντζαρος τονίζει ρυθμικά μελωδικά λέξεις «κόκκαλα, whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices the potential relative speculation). Ελλήνων» εισάγοντάς τες με έντονο μελωδικό άλμα και δίνοντάς (and τες τις potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at firstστο in theσύνολο UK in early 1960s and it refers to μεγαλύτερες χρονικές is διάρκειες της συγκεκριμένης The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in πρότασης. Επίσης δεν είναιwealthy τυχαία people η ταυτόσημη μελωδικήinpoor εκφορά τωνof the then observed trend to there buy property areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus oldpoor residents are δύο στίχων του them, συγκεκριμένου δίστιχου απόthere τον and Μάντζαρο μέσω δύο London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. πανομοιότυπων μελωδικών φράσεων. Κατ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο ο being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ακροατής λαμβάνει τιςphenomenon δύο λέξεις μεsituations την ίδιαinwere έμφαση ταυτόχρονα A description ofperiod, this is included the recorded work και of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major τις συνδέει συνειρμικά τους ως μία ενότητα («κόκκαλα των cities in Western countries, byμεταξύ other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars ηand for its more Ελλήνων») παρά τη χρονική απόσταση που δημιουργεί μελοποιημένη Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the απόδοση του κειμένου. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the following: Βάσει της μεταβολής τηςofποιητικής εικόνας το δεύτερο δίστιχο interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a μεταφέρεται trend of a new of social groups τηςIn δεύτερης ποιητικής στροφής εξ ολοκλήρου στον to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money μείζονα τρόπο: and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, χαίρε, ω χαίρε, Ελευθεριά!, term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin,δηλαδή where sheστον made τρόπο her first studies. In 1932 she publishedγια an important study entitled: που χρησιμοποιήθηκε την απόδοση της services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for πρώτης στροφής. Εδώ όμως παρατηρούνται κάποια lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies andποιητικής research Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher the εξαιρετικά φαινόμενα. Μέχρι αυτό το σημείο Μάντζαρος με in τις to another approach, the is οdue tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying μελωδικές του φράσεις ακολούθησε πιστά τη δόμηση των στίχων του her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., theCodepreciation initially ofπου part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ποιήματος: δηλαδή οιfor παύσεις (αναπνοές) χρησιμοποιεί ο Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aσυνθέτης variety ofστο ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually μουσικό κείμενο της ανδρικής χορωδίας αντιστοιχούν 252127 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


στα σημεία αλλαγής των ποιητικών στίχων, συνεπώς η κάθε μουσική φράση αποδίδει επακριβώς έναν ποιητικό στίχο. Αντιθέτως η πρώτη μελωδική απόδοση του τελικού δίστιχου δομείται με όμοιες μικρές φράσεις που αντιστοιχούν στα τέσσερα ημιστίχια: και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, ByωMr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS χαίρε, χαίρε, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Ελευθεριά! By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Οι φράσεις αυτές διαχωρίζονται Student σαφώς μεταξύ τουςArchitect μέσω of the School of Architecture παύσεων - αναπνοών της ανδρικής χορωδίας. Ταυτόχρονα, οι Technical University of Crete μελωδικές γραμμές των φράσεων αυτών λαμβάνουν την τονική 1. Introductory Defining the conceptστον τελικό τους φθόγγο, κορύφωσή τους approach: μέσω μελωδικού άλματος 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient σύμφωνα Greek philosopher, στον οποίον ο συνθέτης, με όσα καταγράφονται στην ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the παρτιτούρα του έργου, ζητά επιπλέον και δυναμικό τονισμό. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Αποτέλεσμα της σαφούς πρόθεσης του the Μάντζαρου είναι ο acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term «μελοποιητικός των λέξεων των the τριών 1 (andπαρατονισμός» Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aτελευταίων first, if (in notthe final, approach, term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 πρώτων ημιστιχίων («πρώτα, ανδρειωμένη, χαίρε»). Επειδή όμως αυτές gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various οι λέξεις είναι ορθά τοποθετημένες εντός του μουσικού μετρικού Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andτης thethis placement there of artists, σχηματισμού, δηλαδή η τονισμένη συλλαβή κάθε λέξης βρίσκεται the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof σε ισχυρόother μέρος του μέτρου, αποφεύγεται η πιθανότητα ακουστικής whatever other consequences results also rising ofτου landπαρατονισμού prices (and the potential relative speculation). παρανόησης τους. Όμως ποιοhas, είναι το ζητούμενο potential relative speculation). gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to καιThe τουterm κατά ημιστίχιο διαχωρισμού; The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Οι δύο πρώτες στροφές τουpeople ποιήματος του Σολωμού υμνούν the then observed trend wealthy to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof αινιγματικά τηνthem, «Ελευθερία» αφούsometimes παρουσιάζουν διάφορα ποιητικά London, upgrade stay themselves there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. χαρακτηριστικά και ιδιότητές της, ενώ η ίδια αποκαλύπτεται μόλις being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth στηνA τελευταία λέξη, οποία αποτελεί τη νοηματική κορύφωση των description of this ηphenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major δύο στροφών. Ο Μάντζαρος, γνωρίζοντας cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. την πρόθεση της ποιητικής cities inεπιχειρεί Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and πλάθει for its more δομής, με ανάλογο τρόπο στη μουσική δομή: ένα Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various μουσικό σχηματισμό που οδηγεί στο ζητούμενο, δηλαδή στην ανάδειξη comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: της λέξης «Ελευθερία», μέσα από τη σταδιακήthe συμπύκνωση της δομής. interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups Η δομική πύκνωση, η οποία μπορεί να επιτελεσθεί με διάφορους to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money τρόπους, αποτελεί από παλιά, πολύ πριν την εποχή του Μάντζαρου, ένα and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the καθιερωμένο εργαλείο διαμόρφωσης σημείων κορύφωσης, είτεin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where sheέργα made αμιγώς her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: πρόκειται για μουσικά, είτε για έργα στα οποία η μουσική services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for συνοδεύει και of, υποστηρίζει τον λόγο. Ο Μάντζαρος εκμεταλλεύεται το lower living cost “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came back to London, in According 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the εν λόγωsheδομικό εργαλείο και χτίζει τα αρχικά χορωδιακά μέτρα to another approach, the is16 due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying (αντιστοιχούν σταθερά 2 μέτρα ανά ποιητικό στίχο) μετά την her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web,8μ in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd.ως London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: τετράμετρη πιανιστική εισαγωγή μουσικές ενότητες διαστάσεων Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a(4μ+4μ) variety of ways, in order to the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually + 4μ (2μ+2μ) + Abstract. 4μachieve (1μ+1μ+1μ+1μ), όπως διαπιστώσαμε από

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

την έως τώρα ανάλυση. Στο τέλος της προαναφερόμενης δομής παρουσιάζεται ως μουσική κορύφωση η ποιητική κορύφωση των δύο στροφών, η λέξη που υμνείται, δηλαδή η λέξη «Ελευθερία». Επιπλέον ο «μελοποιητικός παρατονισμός» που υφίσταται στα τρία προτελευταία μουσικά μέτρα του εν λόγω μουσικού σχηματισμού σε συνεργασία με τη δομική πύκνωση που έχει οδηγήσει στην ελάχιστη Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS μουσική φράση διάρκειας ενός By μέτρου προετοιμάζει τον ερχομό της Harvard University, Graduate School of Student, ζητούμενης λέξης στην ιδιαίτερη ποιητική της μορφή:Design, «Ελευθεριά». By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Εμφανώς τα τρία προτελευταία μουσικάStudent μέτρα ofπου αντιστοιχούν στα the School of Architecture τρία προτελευταία ημιστίχια της δεύτερηςTechnical ποιητικής στροφής University of Crete προδιαγράφουν τη χαρακτηριστική μουσική απόδοση της 1. Introductoryλέξης. approach: Defining theαυτή concept συγκεκριμένης Με την τριπλή προετοιμασία του μουσικού 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek «σκελετού» της the κρίσιμης λέξης, philosopher, μέσω των ομοειδών μουσικών ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the φράσεων, η τελική διατύπωση της ιδιαίτερης ποιητικής μορφής του among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Σολωμού με τη μουσική επένδυση του Μάντζαρου εκλαμβάνεται acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term ακουστικά ως έναurban εντελώς φυσικό επακόλουθο. 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Μετά την επιτευχθείσα διπλή επανάληψη του gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” ofκορύφωση, a cityisarea, theηremoval this, (in various τελευταίου δίστιχου μέσω δύο νέων παρόμοιων μουσικών προτάσεων Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income thethis placement there of artists, επιφέρει εκτόνωση της έντασης αφού οand Μάντζαρος μεταφέρει τους the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever otherδυναμικούς consequences has, resultsστο alsoισχυρό rising ofμέρος land prices theof ζητούμενους τονισμούς του (and μέτρου, whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). δηλαδή στις τονισμένες συλλαβές των λέξεων. Παράλληλα λειτουργεί potential relative speculation). term gentrification is found at first in theπου UK in early 1960sτο andεπίκεντρο it refers to ωςThe εμφατική επανάληψη της πρότασης εμπεριέχει The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor του τηνtrend «Ελευθερία», καιtoως επιβεβαίωση του τέλους the ποιήματος, then observed wealthyαλλά people buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof του έργου. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Σχετικά αγωγή του εθνικού ύμνου ο Επτανήσιος being indirectlyμε “squeezed”. A description of τη thisρυθμική phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth συνθέτης Γεώργιος Λαμπελέτ παραθέτει τα ακόλουθα: A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while μας similar were recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major λοιπόν, by ο other πάππος μου στον πατέρα μου ότι, όταν cities in«Διηγείτο, Western countries, Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for more επήγε κάποτε στη νεαρή του ηλικία να επισκεφθή στο σπίτι τουitsτον Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Μάντζαρο, με τον οποίον τον ένωνε στενή φιλία, παρέστη μάρτυςmore comprehensivethe approach are being summarized from the various interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: αυτόπτης τηςofεξής χαρακτηριστικής σκηνής: είδε τον Μάντζαρο να interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, phenomenon is dueμε togentrification, a trend of a new ofΎμνο social και groups κάθεται στοthe πιάνο και να παίζει ενθουσιασμό τον εθνικό to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money τον Σολωμό, που βρισκότανε εκεί, να βηματίζη με μεγάλα βήματα σε and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the όλη 1.την έκτασι του δωματίου και ναGLASS, παρακολουθή με τοsearch βηματισμό termat comes from Sociologist Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: του το ρυθμό του Ύμνου. services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Από ό,τι of, αντελήφθη ο from πάππος μου όσαto άκουσε ναwhere lower living cost “withdrawal” private car easier access markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Newκαι Yorkαπό she came back to London, in According 1943 sheαπό published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the λέγωνται δύο δημιουργούς, φαίνεται ότι Σολωμός ήθελε ναin toτους another approach, the isοdue a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying είχεν ο Ύμνος τέτοια ρυθμική αγωγή, ώστε με το άκουσμα της her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: μελωδίας του να ειμπορή οCoστρατιώτης ή οποιοσδήποτε άλλος να in Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aβηματίζη variety ofκαλά, ways, in order Abstract. to δε achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, εδοκίμαζε έτσι ρυθμικά βηματίζοντας, αν(actually στη 252129 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

μελωδία του Ύμνου ημπορούσε να προσαρμοσθή ο χρόνος της marche. Τούτο, αν δεν αποδεικνύη άλλο τι, ασφαλώς όμως αποδεικνύει ότι στη σύλληψί της στη διάνοια του Μάντζαρου η μελωδία του Ύμνου δεν ήτανε δυνατόν να έφερνε βραδεία κίνηση, αλλά κίνηση ρυθμική τέτοια, που αν δεν ήτανε ακριβώς εκείνη της marche, πάντως θα επλησίαζε πολύ προς αυτήν. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, School Design, Student, Δυστυχώς το μέτρο των τριών Graduate τετάρτων, στοof οποίον έχει By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect συντεθή ο Ύμνος, δεν προσφέρεται πολύ Student για το χρόνο μιας marche, η of the School of Architecture δε επιθυμία του Σολωμού να βηματίζη ο στρατιώτης αυτής ofμεCrete Technicalεπ’ University ευκολία στο άκουσμά της, μένει ανεκπλήρωτη. Από όσα όμως 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept θετικό συμπέρασμα: ελέχθησαν εξάγεται, νομίζω, το the ακόλουθο 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, Δεδομένου ότι ο Ύμνος έχει Greek ενθουσιώδη χαρακτήρα, αποκλείεται η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ρυθμικώς βραδύτερη απόδοσί του. Ρυθμική αγωγή που προσεγγίζει among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. προς την κίνησι της marche, νομίζω ότι είναι εκείνη που ακριβέστερα acquisition of knowledge starts with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term αποδίδει Ύμνο τοthis ρυθμικό πνεύμα της ενθουσιώδους μελωδίας 1 (and Based,στον therefore, on “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 7 1 του.» gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Πράγματι, τόσο στην κύρια μελωδική γραμμή του Ύμνου, όσο και Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, στο συνοδευτικό οργανικό σχήμα, το ρυθμικό μοτίβο που the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.βασικότερο However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising χρονικής of land prices (andπου theof παρατηρείται είναι αυτό της παρεστιγμένης αξίας whatever otherαπό consequences results also rising of land pricesρυθμικό (and the potential relative speculation). ακολουθείται τη δυαδικήhas, υποδιαίρεσή της. Το εν λόγω potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found τα at first in the UK in early 1960s μοτίβα and it refers to σχήμα αποτελεί ένα isαπό χαρακτηριστικότερα των The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor εμβατηρίων. Όσονtrend αφορά wealthy τη ρυθμική αγωγή έργου,inστην πρώτη the then observed people to there buyτου property poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof μελοποίησή ο Μάντζαρος αντ’ αυτής άφησε την που London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereένδειξη and thusMaestoso old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. σημαίνει «Μεγαλοπρεπώς». being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth παππούς του Λαμπελέτ, ο Ελβετός μουσικός Ευτύχιος AΟ description of thisΓεωργίου phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Λαμπελέτ μετοίκησε στην Κέρκυρα το 1832. Συνεπώς η σκηνή που cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherκάποια Researchers. Since then, the issue several and for its more περιγράφει μπορεί να has αφορά από τις scholars επόμενες μελοποιήσεις Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various του Μάντζαρου, αφού η αρχική, από την οποία προέκυψεthe ο Εθνικός comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Ύμνος πραγματοποιήθηκε μεταξύ του 1829 και του 1830. Μάλλον η interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, the togentrification, a trendτον of a new of αφού social groups απαίτηση τουphenomenon Σολωμού is due επηρέασε Μάντζαρο στη to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money μεταγενέστερη πολυφωνική μελοποίησή του χρησιμοποίησε νέα and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the μελωδία σε atcomes τετραμερή ρυθμό (4/4) στις πρώτες 4 search στροφές τουin 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: ποιήματος ενώ περιόρισε τη χρήση της αρχικής μελωδίας, που services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for χρησιμοποιείται σημερινό Εθνικό Ύμνο, στις επόμενες στροφές lower living cost of, στο “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came to back to4London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 7 her work are characterized by a passion forΜάντζαρος», justice. See also: ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Γεώργιος Λαμπελέτ, «Νικόλαος Το COLLINS Νέον Κράτος, έτ.urban Γ΄, τεύχ. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the web,21, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 5/1939, 276-282, αναδημοσίευση στο Γιώργος Κεντρωτής (επιμ.), Νικόλαος G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


Χαλικιόπουλος Μάντζαρος, Φιλαρμονική Εταιρεία Κέρκυρας, Κέρκυρα 2003, 107-108.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns Συμπεράσματα

(στροφές 5-8). Σημειωτέον ότι στην αρχική μελοποίηση η καθιερωμένη μελωδία χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την απόδοση και των 8 αρχικών ποιητικών στροφών. Όπως αποδεικνύεται από τη στοιχειώδη προηγηθείσα ανάλυση, ο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Μάντζαρος εργάστηκε πάνω στη μελοποίηση του Ύμνου εις την Harvard University, Graduate School of Student, Ελευθερίαν σεβόμενος τον Σολωμό και το έργο τουDesign, σε όλες τις By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect παραμέτρους. Έλαβε σοβαρά υπ’ όψιν του τις προθέσεις του ποιητή Student of the School of Architecture και προσπάθησε να υποστηρίξει με τη μουσική του τέχνηUniversity τη μορφή και Technical of Crete το περιεχόμενο του ποιήματος. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Κατά καιρούς υποστηρίχθηκε η άποψη ότι η μουσική του 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, Μάντζαρου δεν κατάφερε να ανέλθει στο επίπεδο της ποίησης του ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Σολωμού, χωρίς δυστυχώς να ληφθεί υπ’ όψιν η 370 πρόθεση του among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. μουσουργού, ούτε τα starts δεδομένα συγκεκριμένου χωροχρονικού acquisition of knowledge with theτου the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term πλαισίου όσον τη μουσική Κρίνοντας την αρχική 1 (and αφορά Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aτέχνη. first, if (in not final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 μελοποίηση του Μάντζαρου, που αναδείχθηκε στον Εθνικό Ύμνο της gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various πατρίδας μας και γνωρίζοντας τον στόχο του δημιουργού που δεν είναι Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually low-income and placement there of ευρύ artists, άλλος από το συνθέσει μίαofμουσική θαthe γίνει αποδεκτή στο the operation ofνα art galleries, restaurants, etc.που However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results rising land prices (and theof κοινό καιother θα διαδώσει στο μέγιστο τονalso Ύμνο τουofΣολωμού μπορούμε whatever other consequences results also rising landποιότητα prices (and the potential relative speculation). να είμαστε βέβαιοι εκ του has, αποτελέσματος για ofτην του potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first απλή in the UK in early and it refers to εγχειρήματος. Παρά τη is φαινομενικά μορφή της1960s μελοποίησης που The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor επί επιδίωξε ο συνθέτης, ώστε εύκολα να αποστηθίζεται καιof theπροθέσει then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents are να τραγουδιέται από όλους ο Ύμνοςsometimes και να γοητεύει ακροατές, London, upgrade them, stay themselves there andτους thus old residentsτο are being indirectly “squeezed”. έργο εσωκλείει τόσες μορφοπλαστικές αρετές και υποστηρίζει σε being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth τέτοιο βαθμό ταofperiod, εγγενή ρυθμικά μελωδικά χαρακτηριστικά του A description this phenomenon isκαι included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major ποιήματος που είναι by βέβαιο ότι μπορεί να συγκαταλέγεται στα cities in Western countries, other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars for its more πραγματικά καλλιτεχνήματα του είδους, δηλαδή and μεταξύ των Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more 8 comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various ομορφότερων και αρτιότερων εθνικών ύμνων. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the τομή following: Επίσης δεν πρέπει να ξεχνάμε ότι η χρυσή που επιβάλλει ο interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new social groups συνθέτης στο έργο του, δηλαδή η μέση λύση που επιφέρειofεπιλέγοντας to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money τη δημιουργία μιας σύνθεσης που έχει τα «υψηλά» μορφοπλαστικά and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the χαρακτηριστικά ναSociologist ικανοποιήσει τον γνώστη και ταυτόχρονα τηνin 1.of The termat comes from Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense safety theγια distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, whereγια sheνα made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: απλότητα είναι προσιτή στον αδαή ή στον ερασιτέχνη, αποτελεί services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for ίσως τη δυσκολότερη επιλογή στη πρακτική και lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Newσυνθετική York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheπαγκόσμιο teacher in the τεκμηριωμένα ζητούμενο κορυφαίων συνθετών σε to το another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 8 Πρβλ. Γιάννης Ιωαννίδης, Γλώσσα και Μουσική, Μουσική Εταιρία Αθηνών, Αθήνα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

2002, 58.

252131 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach:οDefining concept επίπεδο. Για παράδειγμα, Mozart the γράφει σε γράμμα που στέλνει στον 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek BC - 370 Athens), πατέρα του στις 28/12/1782 για ταphilosopher, κοντσέρτα(444 για πιάνο KVBC, 413-415: ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great «Αυτά τα κοντσέρτα είναι ακριβώς το ενδιάμεσο μεταξύ τουthe among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startsπολύ with of the content concepts. πολύ δύσκολου και του … μπορούν ακόμαofκαι μόνον acquisition of knowledge starts withεύκολου. theindefinition the content concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term οιBased, γνώστες να βρίσκουν ευχαρίστηση αυτά …the καιarea οιapproach, μη γνώστες 1 (and therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a σ’ first, if (in not final, the term urban gentrification) is of Planning) (or gentrification 9 1 θα πρέπει να μείνουν ικανοποιημένοι χωρίς να ξέρουν το γιατί». gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Τέλος, όσον αφορά το χωροχρονικό πλαίσιο που κινείται ο Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Μάντζαρος, δεν πρέπει να ξεχνάμε ότι το αιτούμενο για την επίτευξη the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other has, results of εποχή land prices (and εθνικής ελληνικής μουσικής στον τόπο καιrising στην του είναιthe ηof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). χρήση της ελληνικής γλώσσας και η αποτύπωση της μορφής και η potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at firstελληνικού in the UK in ποιητικού early 1960s and it refers to απόδοση του περιεχομένου του λόγου στη The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of 10 Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν μπορεί να υποσκελίζεται ο μουσική δομή. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof εθνικός ζήλος του συνθέτη και διάφορα ετεροχρονισμένα κριτήρια, London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. περί πραγμάτωσης εθνικής μουσικής με χρήση στοιχείων της ελληνικής being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth δημοτικής παράδοσης, μας in οδηγούν λανθασμένα A description ofperiod, this phenomenon isνα included the recorded work σε of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theμουσικής same while similar situations were in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major συμπεράσματα. Η μελοποίηση του Ύμνου εις την Ελευθερίαν από τον cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue preoccupied several scholars for its more Μάντζαρο ενέχει σαφήhas πρόθεση και αποτελεί σαφή and πράξη εθνικής Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various μουσικής. comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money 9 Γιάννης σκέψη. Wolfgang Amadeus and timeΠρβλ. to travel from Ιωαννίδης, the purlieusΗtoμουσική downtown, where work place is, lackMozart, of the Μουσική Εταιρία Αθηνών, Αθήνα 2004, 29. 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin,10where sheΚαρδάμης made her first studies.«Οι In 1932 she published an importantμελοποιίας», study entitled: Πρβλ. Κώστας, απαρχές της Μαντζαρικής services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Κερκυραϊκά Χρονικά, περίοδος Β΄, τόμ. Ε΄, private «Σολωμός – Μάντζαρος – Πολυλάς» Πρακτικά lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου, 10-12 Νοεμβρίου 2006, Εταιρεία Κερκυραϊκών Σπουδών, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her socialποίηση research. Her public and Κέρκυρα 2010, 164 και Αθανάσιος Τρικούπης, «Εθνική και μελοποίηση στα long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized byηa passion for See στο also:έργο COLLINS DICTIONARY. Επτάνησα του 19ου αιώνα: Ελληνίς ωςjustice. σύμβολο των ENGLISH Γεωργίου Κανδιάνου and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Ρώμα, Νικόλαου Μάντζαρου και Γεωργίου Λαμπίρη», Ιονικά Ανάλεκτα, τεύχ. 3, Οι Φίλοι G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


του «Μουσείου Δ. Σολωμού και επιφανών Ζακυνθίων», Αθήνα 2013, 187.

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Team 10 GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of1 Intervention, Definition, ofκυρίας intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Της Ελ. ΧΑΤΖΗΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ Αρχιτέκτονoς, MSc UCL (University College London) Concerns Special Teaching Staff Σχ. Αρχιτεκτ. Πανεπ. ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος

By Mr. ATHANASOPOULOS Το 1928 με πρωτοβουλία του Le George-Sp. CORBUSIERC.διοργανώνεται στην Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Ελβετία το πρώτο από έντεκα Διεθνή Συνέδρια Αρχιτεκτονικής (C.I.A.M.).2 By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Στόχος των Συνεδρίων αυτών ήταν η ανάδειξη και καταγραφή της Student of the School of Architecture ρήξης του Μοντέρνου κινήματος με την παράδοση και η μεταφορά των Technical University of Crete αρχών του, σε Διεθνές επίπεδο. 1. Introductory approach: the concept τοDefining 1956 στο Ντουμπρόβνικ ο Le CORBUSIER Στο 10ο Συνέδριο 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept απουσίαζε. Σε επιστολή που έστειλε υποστήριξε τη - νέα γενιά των ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), Αρχιτεκτόνων «σαν τους μόνους ικανούς να βρίσκονται άμεση επαφή among other wise heritage he left us, he established a greatσε“principle”: the 3a greatof among other wise της heritage leftthe us,definition he established “principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the με τα προβλήματα μεταπολεμικής κατάστασης». acquisition ofμεταξύ knowledge starts with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, onτης this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Η ρήξη νέας γενιάς Αρχιτεκτόνων και της παλιάς γενιάς 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification επισημοποιείται το 1959 στο Συνέδριο του Otterlo. Κύρια αιτία της ρήξης 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various αποτελεί η διαπίστωση από τη νέα γενιά ότι «η κακή ερμηνεία του βιβλίου Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income theremoval placement της Χάρτας των Αθηνών προκάλεσε μια and άψυχη, φτωχή, μονότονη και ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants,3 etc. However this “change”, regardless of ιδίως κερδοσκοπική αρχιτεκτονική». the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof Η ομάδα νέων αυτών Αρχιτεκτόνων πολλοί από prices τους οποίους whatever otherτων consequences has, results also rising of land (and the potential relative speculation). δούλεψαν στο γραφείο του Le CORBUSIER, αποτέλεσε την ομάδα ‘Team potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to 7 10’. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Η upgrade κοινή αντίληψη ότι υπήρχε σεold σχέση με την the then observed trend of wealthy people στασιμότητα to there buy property in poor areas London, them, stayτους, themselves sometimes and thus residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are εξέλιξη της αρχιτεκτονικής σκέψης του Μοντέρνου κινήματος της being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. περιόδου 40-50 και ότι ο καθένας χωριστά βρήκε μια νέα αρχή σε σχέση A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded workτους of Sociologist Ruth με διάφορα και similar αρχιτεκτονικά θέματα, σε GLASS at the πολεοδομικά same while inοδήγησε other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. τακτικές συναντήσεις στις οποίες αντάλλασσαν απόψεις σε σχέση με τις cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more ιδέες και τα projects τους. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various Μέρος των συναντήσεων και απόψεων των μελών τουthe Team 10 comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the gentrification, theεκδόθηκε following: το 1962 αποτυπώνονται στοphenomenon αντίστοιχοofβιβλίο το οποίο και interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theτο phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of aSmithson. new of social groups 4 επανεκδόθηκε 1968 με επιμέλεια της Alison to “return” to the for several reasons: high costs in money 1 city, του leaving Team the 10purlieus αυτοαποκαλούνται ως οι Ουτοπικοί της Τα μέλη and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the τρέχουσας πραγματικότητας, με την έννοια της κατανόησης του termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, πνεύματος της εποχής, και αλλαγής και της Berlin, where she made her firstπνεύμα studies. Inκινητικότητας 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year ανθρώπινων she left Germanyομάδων and after continuous προσπάθειας ανάπτυξης των και ανάδειξης των lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 1 her work are characterized by Holland, a passionAldo for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Μέλη: J.estate, B. Bakema van Eyck Holland, G. Candilis France, A & in P and selling realCOLLINS etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Smithson England, Shad Woods France, Giancarlo de Carlo Italy, J. Coderch Spain, C. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

Pologni Hungary, J. Soltan Poland, S.Wewerka Germany.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


δημιουργικών τους δυνάμεων, μέσα από συγκεκριμένες σε πολεοδομικό, αστικό και αρχιτεκτονικό επίπεδο υλοποιημένων προτάσεων. Ο Γιώργος Κανδύλης αναφέρει χαρακτηριστικά στο βιβλίο του «Ζωή και Έργο»: 3 «Ο Le CORBUSIER έλεγε: Τοποθετώ το σπίτι στο κέντρο του διώνυμου: ατομικό + συλλογικό δηλ. οικογένεια + κοινωνία και αφού εξασφαλίσω την οικογενειακή ελευθερία (σπίτι) οργανώνω κάθε τι που By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS μπορεί να προσφέρει τοHarvard συλλογικό (πολεοδομία). Αλίμονο, έχουν περάσει University, Graduate School of Design, Student, George-Sp. την C. ATHANASSOPOULOS τόσα χρόνια και το συλλογικό By έχειMr.προσφέρει σύγχυση και την Architect Student of the School of Architecture παραμόρφωση των πολεοδομικών συστημάτων.» of Crete Θα μπορούσε, επίσης, να επισημανθεί, Technical ότι στο University έργο του Le CORBUSIER δεν υπάρχουν υλοποιημένες παρεμβάσεις σε πολεοδομικό και 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αστικό επίπεδο, εκτός από καταθέσεις απόψεων μέσα από προτάσεις 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), (σχέδια) και μέσα από ANTISTHENIS, theκείμενα. ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Μερικά από τα χωρικά ζητήματα με τα οποία τα μέλη του Team 10 among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. απασχολήθηκαν σεon διαγραμματικό, αλλά και στην πραγματική υλοποίησή acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term τους, είναι:therefore, gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) 8 gentrification indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or 1. Αστική ταυτότητα Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),2. of Αστική social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there η of έννοια artists, αναγνωσιμότητα, Δίκτυο ανθρώπινων σχέσεων, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and placement of artists, 9 the the operation ofΑριθμού art galleries, restaurants, However this “change”,there regardless of του Μεγάλου (αξίες και νόμοιetc. αυτού). the operation ofconsequences art τρόπος galleries, διαβίωσης, restaurants, etc. However whatever other has, results also risingthis of “change”, land (and theof 3. Μαζικός Αρχιτεκτονική για prices τον regardless ανώνυμο whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative πελάτη Ιδεολογία και αρχιτεκτονική, ανθρώπινη καθημερινότητα, potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atκαι firstαλλαγή, in the UK in early 1960s andκοινωνική it refers to κινητικότητα και ροή, επέκταση πόλη σύμπλεγμα, The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor και κινητικότητα, ο wealthy αυτοκινητόδρομος ωςproperty όριο, street in the sky,of theφυσική then observed trend people to there buy in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are ελευθερία, ευελιξία, αλλαγή, βιολογικήsometimes συνέχειαthere πολιτισμική συνέχεια, όλο London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. 10 σε σχέση με το μέρος και τ’ αντίθετο κ.τ.λ. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 11 Διαφορετικότητα A4. description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Παράλληλα με την ενεργή δραστηριότητα των μελών του Team 10 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. κατά την περίοδο των δεκαετιών 50 και 60, περίοδο της μεγάλης Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for its more κοινωνικής ανοικοδόμησης, οpreoccupied Le CORBUSIER ασχολείται μεταξύ άλλων, με comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various τη Chandigarch, την εκκλησία of της Ronchamp,theτηfollowing: La Tourette και το interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, interpretations the phenomenon of following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend a new category social groups Firminy, ο JACOBSEN με το SAS Royal Hotelofκαι οthe Mies VANofDE ROHE με to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money το“return” SeagramtoBuilding. and time to travel from the purlieus downtown, where placeτου is, lack of the Η αισθητική έκφραση της to αρχιτεκτονικής τωνwork μελών Team 10 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, ταυτίζεται με την αισθητική του Μπρουταλισμού, κύρια αισθητική Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart ofκατά the city”, (possibly) έκφραση στην αρχιτεκτονική, αλλά στην Τέχνη την περίοδοfor Youth Unemployment. The same year she left και Germany and after continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, αυτή. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Ο όρος προέρχεται από she το continued Beton –brut(ακατέργαστο μπετόν) και University College of London, where her social research. brokers Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying work την are characterized by a passion justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ενherγένει ακατέργαστη σχέση for υλικών. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Σύμφωνα με τον Βρεττανό Ιστορικό Reyner BANHAM5 ο Μπρουταλισμός δεν είναι στυλ, αλλά η έκφραση ατμόσφαιρας ηθικής σοβαρότητας μιας ομάδας αρχιτεκτόνων. Η αισθητική αυτή ταυτίζεται με απόψεις ειλικρίνειας, αντισυμβατικές και αντιεξουσιαστικές εκφρασμένες μέσα από γλυπτικές ποιότητες. Τα πράγματα αλλάζουν, οι προβληματισμοί και τα ερωτήματα υπάρχουν εξελίσσονται αναθεωρούνται. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ο Bill HILLIER ‘Ο Στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του ’80 Graduate Harvard University, School ofυποστηρίζει: Design, Student, By Mr.συνδυαστικά George-Sp. C.μέσα ATHANASSOPOULOS χώρος είναι η μηχανή η οποία παράγει στο χρόνο όλες Architect the School of Architecture τις πιθανές μορφές της κοινωνίας. Τα Student κτήρια ofείναι μεταξύ των πιο Technical University of Crete 6 ισχυρών μέσων αναπαραγωγής κοινωνικών σχέσεων στον χώρο – χρόνο’ 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept – Βιβλιογραφία – Εικόνες: 1. Σημειώσεις Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, 1) Η εισήγηση ‘Team 10’ παρουσιάστηκε στα πλαίσια της εκδήλωσης ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the ‘Οι Δεκαετίες 50’ 60’ & ο χώρος’ στις 10/05/2018. Η διοργάνωση among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. της εκδήλωσης τη with Σχολή Μηχανικής και acquisition ofέγινε knowledge starts theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, onαπό this “principle” a Αρχιτεκτονικής first, if of not final, approach, the term Γεωπεριβαλλοντικών Επιστημών, Πανεπιστήμιο Πάφος. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,Νεάπολις if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification ο 1 ιδρυτικό Συνέδριο των C.I.A.M. έγινε στην Ελβετία στον πύργο 2) Το 1 gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various της La Sarraz το 1928. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ο και το 3ο Συνέδριο έγιναν στη Φραγκφούρτη το 1929 και στις Τοof2social ways), groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of Βρυξέλλες το 1930. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Συνέδριο έγινε στοhas, ατμόπλοιο «Πατρίς ΜασσαλίαςΤο relative 4οother whatever consequences results also rising2»ofμεταξύ land prices (and the potential speculation). potential relative speculation). Πειραιά και στην Αθήνα το 1933. The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The gentrification iswealthy found first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto Τοterm 5ο Συνέδριο έγινεofτο 1937 at στο Παρίσι. the then observed trend people to buy property in poor ο Συνέδριο the then trend of wealthy people to there buy property inστη poor areas το είχε προγραμματιστεί να thus γίνειold Λέσχη τοof Τοupgrade 6observed London, them, stayοποίο themselves sometimes and residents are London, them, stay themselves and thus old residents are 1939, δεν upgrade πραγματοποιείται. Γίνεται τοsometimes 1947 στο there Bridgewater. being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. γίνεται το 1949isστο Μπέργκαμο. To 7o Συνέδριο A description of this phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ο A description of this phenomenon is included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth Συνέδριο γίνεται το 1951 στο Hoddesdon. Τοat8the GLASS same period, while similar situations in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major ο γίνεται το 1953 στο Aix-en Provence. 9 Συνέδριο cities inΤο Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. ο Συνέδριο Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more γίνεται το 1956 στο Ντουμπρόβνικ. Το 10 Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized 3) Γιώργος Κανδύλης, ‘Ζωή και Έργο’, Εκδόσεις Ερμής,from 1985. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, following: 4) Team of 10the meetings: 1953-1984 edited bythe Alison SMITHSON, Rizzoli, interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In York, a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups New 1991. to “return” to the BANHAM, city, leaving‘The the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money 5) Reyner new Brutalism: Ethic or Aesthetics?’, London, and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Architectural Press, 1966. The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed outside town centres, 6) Bill Hillier, ‘Space is residencies the Ruth machine’, University of Cambridge Press, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Cambridge, 1996. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/3881/1/SITM.pdf Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 7)and εικresearch 1. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and 8) εικ 2. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 9) εικ 3. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 10) εικ COLLINS 4.estate, etc., G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

252135 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). in the εικ.The 1 term gentrification is found at firstεικ. 2 UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th SONS AND Ltd. London The Free Encyclopedia: εικ. 3 edit. Wil. εικ.2009. 4 WIKIPEDIA: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Νικόλαος ΡΑΠΤΗΣ Concerns

Κριτικό σημείωμα

Το διαδίκτυο ως εργαλείο ανάπτυξης της επιχειρηματικότητας και καινοτομίας By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS University, Graduate School of Design, Student, τωνHarvard νεοφυών επιχειρήσεων

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Της Δρος Βασιλικής ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ Technical University of Crete

Τακτικής Επίκουρης Καθηγήτριας

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept T.O.Π.Α. Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου Κ.Π.Ε. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this aΔιπλωματική first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Η“principle” εν λόγωisinindicated Εργασία του κ. gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining”ΡΑΠΤΗ of a city area, the removalστο from πλαίσιο this, (in various Νικόλαου εκπονήθηκε των Sociology as well), as Μεταπτυχιακών the “refining” of a city area, from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement there σπουδών του, σε Πανεπιστήμιο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this regardless of της Κύπρου, παρουσιάστηκε και“change”, αξιολογήθηκε από the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the τριμελή has, Επιτροπή με rising άριστα. Η εργασία whatever other consequences results also of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). πραγματεύεται το θέμα της συμβολής του potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to διαδικτύου με The term gentrification found στην atpeople first νεοφυή in the UK επιχειρηματικότητα, in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto στόχο, να εξετάσει τρόπο με τον οποίο τοof the then observed trend wealthy peopleτον to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there thus old residents are διαδίκτυο έχει επηρεάσει την and επιχειρηματικότητα being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this in the έχουν work of αξιοποιηθεί Sociologist Ruth μεphenomenon καινοτόμεςis included ιδέες που ή A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major αποτελούν ευκαιρίες για αξιοποίηση από GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. διαδικτυακές επιχειρήσεις προς όφελος της cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars for its more εμπορικής ηλεκτρονικής αγοράς στηνand Ελλάδα. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Στο πρώτο Μέρος της μελέτης πραγματοinterpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations theποιείται phenomenon the following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, aθεωρητική trend of a new category of social groups μίαof προσέγγιση βασικών to “return” to the city, leaving theοι purlieus several reasons: high costs in money εννοιών, οποίεςforαποτελούν αντικείμενα μελέτης and time to travel fromτης the έρευνας. purlieus toΣυγκεκριμένα downtown, where work place is, lack of the στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, αναφορά στις Berlin, where she made γίνεται her first studies. In 1932 she έννοιες published επιχειρηματικότητα, an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she Germany and after continuous καινοτομία καιleft νεοφυείς επιχειρήσεις. Ακολουθεί η lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, σημαντικότητα της χρήσης του υπολογιστή στις in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social Her public and επιχειρήσεις καιgroups, η χρήση τουresearch. διαδικτύου σε αυτές, long-term effort by organized manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. και ενtheCo συνεχεία ηthe διαδικτυακή and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for depreciation initially of part of urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. Londonπεριγράφεται 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in επιχείρηση order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually στην Ελλάδα.

252137 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete


1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept δεύτεροapproach: Μέρος παρατίθεται ερευνητική 1. Στο Introductory theηconcept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), υπόθεση: διαδίκτυο αποτελεί εργαλείο ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other «Το wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ανάπτυξης της επιχειρηματικότητας και among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the of concepts. καινοτομίας νεοφυών επιχειρήσεων» ηcontent Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, ifκαι not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle”της inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term συσχέτιση τωνurban μεταβλητών ανωτέρω gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various υπόθεσης. Ακολούθως γίνεται ανάλυση των Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement αποτελεσμάτων της ποσοτικής έρευνας. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless Στο τελευταίο Μέρος της εργασίας, whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherτα consequences has, από results rising of land prices (and the παρατίθενται συμπεράσματα τα also εξαγόμενα potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). gentrification is found at first in the UK εκ The τηςterm βιβλιογραφικής ανασκοπήσεως καιin early της 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor συλλογής των εκ της ερευνητικής διαδικασίας the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof δεδομένων, καθώς επίσης και προτάσεις για την London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ορθότερη και “squeezed”. καταλληλότερη χρήση της δύναμης being indirectly A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth του διαδικτύου στην επιχειρηματικότητα A description ofperiod, thisσύγχρονη phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major και την εξέλιξη της καινοτομίας και πρωτοπορίας GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. αυτής. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Εν κατακλείδι, ο Συγγραφέας αυτής της καλά comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: δομημένης και καλογραμμένης εργασίας τονίζει interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups πως, στο μέλλον, ο ρόλος του διαδικτύου θα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money καταστεί ακόμα ισχυρότερος and time to travel from the purlieus toυποβοηθώντας downtown, where σε work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in ακόμα μεγαλύτερο βαθμό την εύρυθμη λειτουργία, sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) την περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη και επιχειρηματική Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where επέκταση κυρίως τωνPrague, startLondon up and οικονομικών studies and research in Geneva, Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and οντοτήτων, την ενίσχυση τουshe πλεονεκτήματός τους University informal College of London, where continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying και τηνare περαιτέρω ενίσχυση των ENGLISH DICTIONARY. her work characterized byμεγαλύτερη a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: επιπέδων καινοτομίας τους. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

2521 11


Το Definition, Ερώτημα της Αστικότητας Κυπριακής Πόλης: GENTRIFICATION Types ofτης Intervention, πολεοδομικές και αρχιτεκτονικές διερευνήσεις

Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Του κ. Ιωάννη Α. ΠΙΣΣΟΥΡΙΟΥ Concerns

Λέκτορος Σχολ. Αρχιτεκτ. , Μηχανικής και Γεω-Περιβαλλ. Επιστ., By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Πανεπιστ. ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, ΠΑΦΟΣ Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, και By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Του κ. Νικολ. Χ. ΠΑΤΣΑΒΟΥ Student of the School of Architecture University of Crete Εντετ. Λέκτορος Τμήμ.Technical Αρχιτεκτ. Μηχανικών, Πολυτεχν. Σχολ. Πανεπιστ. Ιωαννίνων

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the 1. Η κυπριακή πόλη ως ένα νέο πεδίο σπουδών among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts withείναι theindefinition the content of concepts. Αφορμή για τοonπαρόν άρθρο ηa έκδοση του συλλογικού τόμου «Το Based, therefore, this “principle” first, if of not final, approach, the term 1της Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, ifΑστικότητας notthe final, approach, the term Παράδειγμα Πόλης: Ζητήματα Χωρικό (andΚυπριακής urban gentrification) is (in area ofστον Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Σχεδιασμό» τον Σύλλογο Αρχιτεκτόνων Κύπρου και τιςfrom ΔΟΜΕΣ (Patsavos Sociology as από well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal this, (in various as 2018), well), asτοthe “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement of &Sociology Pissourios οποίο περιλαμβάνει 25 άρθρα Ελλαδιτών και Κυπρίων ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of the operation of art restaurants, However this “change”, of αρχιτεκτόνων καιgalleries, πολεοδόμων που etc. αναπτύσσονται σε μια regardless σειρά artists, από the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever has, results also rising ofπόλη. land prices (and theof επίκαιρες other και μηconsequences επίκαιρες συζητήσεις για την κυπριακή whatever otherαυτή consequences has, results also rising land prices για (andτην the potential relative speculation). Η έκδοση εισάγει ένα νέο γνωστικό πεδίο,ofτις σπουδές potential relative speculation). Theστην term κυπριακή gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itΔεν refers to πόλη, βιβλιογραφία, ελληνόφωνη και αγγλόφωνη. είναι The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of παράδοξο ότι η πρωτοβουλία ανήκει στο Σύλλογο Αρχιτεκτόνων Κύπρου καιto theόπως then observed trend wealthy people buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents areof όχι, θα ήταν αναμενόμενο αλλού,sometimes σε ένανtoακαδημαϊκό φορέα, ή κάποιον London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. εξειδικευμένο εκδοτικό οίκο. Το εκδοτικό παρελθόν του ΣΑΚ συνηγορεί σε being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon in the Sociologist νέων Ruth αυτό, καλλιεργώντας, διαρκώς, τηνis included προσδοκία γιαwork τηνofπαραγωγή A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major αρχιτεκτονικών εκδόσεων με αξιώσεις καθολικότητας και GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by Researchers. αντιπροσωπευτικότητας. Ο other ΣΑΚ έχει αποδείξει ότι αποδέχεται με απόλυτη cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since issue has several and for its more θέρμη τοthen, ρόλοthe ενός οργάνου που συμβάλει στη scholars συλλογική αρχιτεκτονική Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the διάνοια και δεν approach περιορίζεται σε καθήκοντα αμιγώς ρυθμιστικά και comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: συντεχνιακά. Υπ’ αυτήν την έννοια, ο ΣΑΚ προσομοιάζει περισσότερο στην interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: social groups In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a ως trend of a new ιστορική φυσιογνωμία της συντεχνίας κέντρου παραγωγήςofτης κλαδικής to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money γνώσης, διαφοροποιείται όμως ως προς την ευρύτητα με την οποία τη and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the διαχειρίζεται και την κοινοποιεί Ruth κοινωνικά. Παράλληλα, ηGLASS άνθηση των termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for αρχιτεκτονικών σπουδών στην Κύπρο έρχεται να προσφέρει ένα πιο Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous ολοκληρωμένο πεδίο διαμόρφωσης του λόγου για την αρχιτεκτονική και την lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, πόλη στην Κύπρο. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Δεν informal είναι ofσύμπτωση ότιsheη continued επιμέλεια έδωσεresearch. βήμα brokers σε public έναofaction σύνολο University College London, where her social Her and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, buying her work are characterized by a passion justice. See also: επαγγελματικό COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. διακεκριμένων συναδέλφων μεfor ρόλο τόσο όσοweb, και and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: παιδαγωγικό. Είναι ίσως η πρώτη φορά που διδάσκοντες από όλες τις G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


αρχιτεκτονικές σχολές του νησιού, μαζί με συναδέλφους τους από την Ελλάδα, αρχιτέκτονες με διαρκές και έμπρακτο ενδιαφέρον για τα κυπριακά πράγματα καθώς και ενεργό συμμετοχή σε αυτά, συναντιούνται γύρω από την θερμή εστία της ίδιας έκδοσης. Η καλλιέργεια των αρχιτεκτονικών σπουδών στην Κύπρο είναι μια υπόθεση πρόσφατη όσο και ιδιαίτερου ενδιαφέροντος. Συνδεδεμένη αφενός με τη ραγδαία οικοδομική και οικονομική ανάπτυξη του τόπου, αφετέρου με παγιωμένες κοινωνικές By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αντιλήψεις για το θετικό 'προφίλ' του αρχιτεκτονικού επαγγέλματος, η Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, αρχιτεκτονική εκπαίδευση αποτέλεσε ένα από τα κύρια αντικείμενα στο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect οποίο επένδυσαν τόσο η Κυβέρνηση όσο καιStudent μεγάλοιofιδιωτικοί εκπαιδευτικοί the School of Architecture και επιχειρηματικοί όμιλοι. Ταυτόχρονα, πολλοί Technical νέοι αντιμετώπισαν τις University of Crete αρχιτεκτονικές σπουδές ως μια ευκαιρία για μελλοντική επαγγελματική 1. Introductory the concept εξασφάλιση αλλά approach: και ως μιαDefining δυνατότητα επαφής με ένα γοητευτικό, αν και, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept εν ANTISTHENIS, πολλοίς, άγνωστο, Οι δεδομένες συνθήκες ένα theαντικείμενο. ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCδημιούργησαν - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other και wise δημιουργικό heritage he left us, he established a great the ελπιδοφόρο περιβάλλον το οποίο έχει ήδη προσφέρει among other wise τόπο heritage he leftthe us,definition heτην established aγενιά greatof“principle”: acquisition ofστον knowledge starts with of the content concepts. the σημαντικά παράγοντας πρώτη αρχιτεκτόνων acquisition of knowledge starts with the content concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first,σημασία if of not final, the term εκπαιδευμένων στο νησί∙ γεγονός μεthe μοναδική για approach, την of αρχιτεκτονική 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ταυτότητα της1 Κύπρου, αν και οι επιπτώσεις στο επίπεδο αυτό είναι αδύνατο gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ακόμα να εκτιμηθούν. Η προσφορά των κυπριακών αρχιτεκτονικών σχολών Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, low-income the placement of artists, στα πρώτα χρόνια τηςusually πορείαςofτους έγκειταιand ταυτόχρονα στηνthere ενίσχυση του ways), of εντός social groups, usually of πλέον, low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of διαλόγου της διευρυμένης, αρχιτεκτονικής κοινότητας αλλά και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the στην ευρύτερη προβολή της αρχιτεκτονικής στη δημόσια σφαίρα. Ίσως, τοof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential τελευταίοrelative να είναι και το σημαντικότερο δεδομένου ότι οι σχολές δεν potential relative speculation). The termαπλά gentrification found at firstούτε in theέστω UK inγια earlyνα1960s and it refersτο to υπάρχουν για τον isεαυτό τους τροφοδοτούν The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor αρχιτεκτονικό επάγγελμα και την οικοδομική παραγωγή. Η αρχιτεκτονική the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade stay of themselves and thus old residents areof παιδεία είναι, ήthem, ορθότερα οφείλει να είναι, μία ίδιας της London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereανάγκη and thusτης old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. κοινωνίας. Αυτό“squeezed”. είναι, ιστορικά, και το μοναδικό της έρεισμα, και η being indirectly A description this phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth διαπίστωση αυτήofof καθίσταται έκδηληisisσε κάθε περίοδο κρίσης∙ περίοδο κατά A description this phenomenon included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations in other major την οποία, η αρχιτεκτονική καλείται, όπως θα were έλεγεrecorded ξανά σήμερα οmajor Le GLASS at the same period, while similar situations in other cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Corbusier (Le Corbusier 2005), να ανοίξει ξανά τα μάτια της, να συγχρονιστεί cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more με το πνεύμα τηςthe νέας εποχής και να ορίσειseveral ξανά τους σκοπούς Since then, issue has scholars andκαι forτα itsμέσα more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various της, τη μορφή και το περιεχόμενό της. summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Η τρέχουσαthe κατάσταση είναι gentrification, όμως, ήδη, παντελώς διαφορετική. Σε interpretations phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend of a new of social groups μεγάλο βαθμό, οι συνθήκες που γέννησαν τον αρχικό ενθουσιασμό έχουν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money μεταβληθεί, με δεδομένες τόσο την ευρωπαϊκή νομισματική κρίση όσο και τις and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the εμπεδωμένες αυτή είχε χώρα. Η κρίση στοsearch αρχιτεκτονικό 1.of The termσυνέπειες fromπου Sociologist Ruthστη GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where sheτον made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: επάγγελμα και ευρύτερο χώρο των κατασκευών και των επενδύσεων στη services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same yearΣε she left Germany and after continuous γη, είναι τετελεσμένο γεγονός. ποια βάση θα μπορούσε να θεμελιωθεί ηfor lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, αναδιοργάνωση τωνstudies στόχων καιthe του περιεχομένου της in According 1943 she published regarding city planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, phenomenon is due tobecame aαρχιτεκτονικής systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and παιδείας ώστε να effort απαντήσει στα αιτήματα της κρίσης; Ηbrokers απάντηση στο long-term informal by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. καίριο αυτό ερώτημα απαιτεί την ανάλυση initially τόσο των ευρύτερων συνθηκών and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: (οικονομία, κοινωνία, θεσμοί, πολιτισμός) όσο και μια αξιολόγηση των μέχρι G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

τώρα κατακτήσεων αλλά και αστοχιών. Πάνω σε αυτήν την κριτική, θα αναζητηθούν νέοι σκοποί, στόχοι και στρατηγικές που, αναμφισβήτητα, έχουν να κάνουν με τον προσδιορισμό, τελικά, ενός νέου ρόλου για την ίδια την αρχιτεκτονική παιδεία και πρακτική στην μεταλλασσόμενη κυπριακή κοινωνία. Συνεπώς, ένας δεύτερος σκοπός της επιμέλειας ήταν η προσφορά μιας έκδοσης άμεσα χρήσιμης ως αναφορά των κυπριακών αρχιτεκτονικών οικιστικών σπουδών. Η συγκυρία της κρίσης είναι εξαιρετική ως προς τη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS δυνατότητα που προσφέρει για μια πλήρη όσο και ανοιχτή χαρτογράφηση Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, του ανεξερεύνητου παραδείγματος τηςGeorge-Sp. κυπριακής πόλης, μια Architect πρώτη By Mr. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS συλλογική διατύπωση ενός μοντέλου που Student σπάνια ofείχαμε, μέχρι τώρα, το the School of Architecture χρόνο και τη διάθεση να συλλογιστούμε. Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 2. Το ευρύτερο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο της αστικότητας 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Αν δεχθούμε τις απόψεις του Henri Lefebvre ότι ο χώρος είναι ένα ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise (1974) heritage heότι left he established a great the κοινωνικό προϊόν και ηus, πόλη είναι η προβολή της κοινωνίας στο among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. έδαφος (1968), τότε δεν είναι καθόλου τυχαίο ή απροσδόκητο ότι η πρώτη acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term μελέτη τωνtherefore, ιδιαίτερων εκείνων χαρακτηριστικών που προσδιορίζουν 1 (and urban Based, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, theέναν term gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification χώρο ως αστικό προήλθε από το πεδίο της κοινωνιολογίας καιof όχι από αυτό 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom area Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal this, (in various της πολεοδομίας. Ηas Σχολή του Σικάγου και area, συγκεκριμένα ο Louis Wirth ήταν ο Sociology as well), the “refining” of a city the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, πρώτος που το 1938 προσδιόρισε ορισμένες από τις ιδιότητες του χώρου, οι ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of οποίες αθροιστικά οδηγούν στη διαμόρφωση της αστικότητας (urbanity). Ως the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof κύρια μεταξύ αυτών των ιδιοτήτων προσδιόρισε την αρκούντως υψηλή whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). πυκνότητα του χώρου και, παρά το γεγονός ότι η παρατήρησή του αφορά στο potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to κτισμένο περιβάλλον, οιofεπιπτώσεις τηςin υψηλής πυκνότητας έχουν τόσο The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend to buy property in poor ofto σημαντικές κοινωνιολογικές προεκτάσεις, ώστε η αστικότητα να γίνεται the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof κατανοητή όχι “squeezed”. απλά ωςstay μιαthemselves ιδιότυπη sometimes κατάστασηthere του and πολεοδομικού χώρου, London, upgrade them, thus old residents are being indirectly αλλά ως ένας διαφορετικός τρόπος ζωής. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Jane (1961) απόsimilar την is πλευρά τηςinwere εστίασε των AHdescription ofperiod, this phenomenon included the recorded workστην of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theJacobs same while situations inποικιλία other major ερεθισμάτων που αναπτύσσονται στον αστικό χώρο, υπογραμμίζοντας με GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. αυτόν τον τρόπο δύο επιμέρους άξονες προβληματισμού: τον ρόλο του Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, issueανάπτυξη has several below, scholars andαπαραίτητη for various its more δημόσιου χώρουthe στην της αστικότητας και from την comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various ζωντάνια ενός of χώρου που είναι αναγκαία για την κατανόησή του ως αστικού. interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: Αφορμή των the παραπάνω παρατηρήσεων ήτανofηa εμφάνιση μεγάλων, In a sense, phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend new of socialενιαίων groups και μονολειτουργικών αναπτύξεων στα προάστια των αμερικάνικων πόλεων, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money δηλαδή χαρακτηρίζονταν από ομοιομορφία, τυποποίηση and time αναπτύξεων to travel from που the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born και, of πολλές από αυτές, από εσωστρέφεια. Αντίθετα ταin sense safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres,προς searchαυτά for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: διαδεδομένα χαρακτηριστικά εκείνης της περιόδου, αλλά και city”, της σημερινής, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where τουλάχιστον για την Κύπρο, η Jacobs υποστήριξε ότι ο αστικός χώρος studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 sheνα published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher the to another approach, is due a systematic and χρειάζεται χαρακτηρίζεται από the ποικιλία, όχι In μόνο στις μορφές, αλλά in και University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying στις λειτουργίες του, έτσι ώστε η αλληλοεπικάλυψη, η πολλαπλότητα και η her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially ofδομικά part of the urban web, in συμπληρωματικότητα των τελευταίων να αποτελούν χαρακτηριστικά 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aτου. variety of ways, in order toτα achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Συμπληρωματικά προςAbstract. παραπάνω, ο Christopher Alexander (1965)

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


ανέδειξε, μέσα από τη θεώρησή του περί της μη δενδροειδούς οργάνωσης του αστικού χώρου, ότι αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά χρειάζεται να αποτελούν τις βασικές συνιστώσες ενός βιώσιμου αστικού χώρου, υπογραμμίζοντας παράλληλα την αφθονία τους σε εκείνους τους αστικούς χώρους που αναπτύσσονται εξελικτικά και την έλλειψή τους σε αυτούς που σχεδιάζονται μονομιάς. Φυσικά οι χρήσεις του χώρου, είτε αυτές είναι σταθερές, είτε By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS προσωρινές, συγκροτούνται ως τέτοιες επειδή υπάρχει μια δεδομένη ανάγκη Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, των ανθρώπων που ικανοποιείται από τηνGeorge-Sp. προσέλευσή σε αυτές.Architect Έτσι, η By Mr. C.τους ATHANASSOPOULOS πολυπλοκότητα και η πολλαπλότητα τωνStudent χρήσεων του αστικού χώρου of the School of Architecture μετατρέπεται και γίνεται συχνά αντιληπτή ως συγκέντρωση ετερογενών Technical University of Crete ατόμων που προσέρχεται το καθένα τους στις διάφορες χρήσεις με 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept διαφορετικές αφορμές και απομακρύνεται από αυτές, αφού έχει ικανοποιήσει 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept διαφορετικές ανάγκες. αυτό το πλαίσιο κατανόησης η ANTISTHENIS, theΣε ancient Greek philosopher, (444 του BC -αστικού 370 BC,χώρου, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherτων wiseχρηστών heritage he left us, he established a great the ετερογένεια αναδεικνύεται ως ακόμα μια βασική διάσταση της among other wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. αστικότητας, άμεσα παρατηρήσιμη σεdefinition οποιοδήποτε κέντρο πόλης διεθνώς. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, ηtherefore, on this “principle” a πληθυσμού first, if of not final, the term Βέβαια, ετερογένεια του αστικού έχειapproach, και πρόσθετες 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inποικιλία a first, if των notthe final, approach, the gentrification) indicated (in area of Planning) (or gentrification επιπτώσεις, άλλες θετικές, όπως η is ερεθισμάτων καιterm η 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various καλλιέργεια της ανεκτικότητας στο διαφορετικό, και άλλες αρνητικές, όπως ο Sociology as και well), as the “refining” of a city area, this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement there of ατομικισμός η κατάτμηση των κοινωνικών σχέσεων. Σεfrom κάθε περίπτωση ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc. However this “change”, of όμως, η συνθετότητα καιrestaurants, πολυλειτουργικότητα του χώρου,regardless οι οποίες the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the βρίσκουν τη γνήσια έκφρασή τους στο αστικό περιβάλλον, αποτέλεσανof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative αφορμή για τη διατύπωση της θεωρίας και της τεχνικής του space syntax από potential relative speculation). gentrification is foundηat first in theεπιτρέπει UK in early 1960s and it refers to τονThe Billterm Hillier κ.ά. (1983, 1984), οποία μας να μελετήσουμε και να The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor κατανοήσουμε αυτήν την τόσο ιδιαίτερη δομή. the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stayσεof themselves andπου thusέχει old residents areof Παραδόξως, όμως, σχέση μεsometimes τον όγκο μελέτης London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus oldδιαχρονικά residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. αφιερωθεί στην κατανόηση της αστικότητας και την προσπάθεια being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this is included in the work ofσχεδιασμού, Sociologist Ruth αναδιαμόρφωσης ήthisphenomenon αναπαραγωγής της μέσω τα A description ofperiod, phenomenon is situations included inwere the του work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in otherΠολλές major αποτελέσματα του τελευταίου δεν είναι πάντοτε ικανοποιητικά. GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. φορές μάλιστα ούτε κανby ενθαρρυντικά, δεδομένης της συνεχιζόμενης cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more αστοχίας προσπαθειών μας διεθνώς να several κατανοήσουμε μεand ολοκληρωμένο Sinceτων then, the issue has scholars for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the τρόπο τις χωρικές και κοινωνικές διαστάσεις της αστικότητας ή να comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: υπερνικήσουμε την εγγενή αδράνεια των συνήθως δύσκαμπτων συστημάτων interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups σχεδιασμού του και τις δυνάμεις της ελεύθερης οικονομίας που λειτουργούν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money προς ικανοποίηση άλλων αντίθετων στόχων. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Θα ήταν άδικο όσοSociologist και άτοπο να GLASS, αναζητηθούν συγκεκριμένες ευθύνες The termat comes from Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: για τα παραπάνω. Παρ’ όλα αυτά, δεδομένου ότι ο ρόλος των ατόμων που services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. Theστην same year she left Germany and after continuous συμμετέχουν άμεσα παραγωγή του χώρου είναι κεντρικός, οιfor lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, αρχιτέκτονες καιanother οι studies πολεοδόμοι είναι αυτοί πουIn θα πρέπει να in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the to approach, the is due a πρωτίστως systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and αναλάβουνinformal την επιχειρησιακή ευθύνη γιαmanufacturers, τον επαναπροσδιορισμό του long-term effort by organized groups, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. αστικού χώρου και etc., τηνforτροχοδρόμησή του προςof μια νέα, πιο βιώσιμη and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCodepreciation initially part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: κατεύθυνση. Η υποβοήθηση του πιο πάνω σκοπού ήταν βασικός στόχος κατά G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification 3. Αστικότητα και πολεοδομία Concerns Ένα από τα πλέον χαρακτηριστικά γνωρίσματα του αστικού χώρου

την αρχική σύλληψη, τη συγγραφή και τη μετέπειτα έκδοση του Παραδείγματος της Κυπριακής Πόλης.

στην Κύπρο είναι η χαμηλή πυκνότητά του, δηλαδή ο αραιοδομημένος και αραιοκατοικημένος χαρακτήρας του. το γνώρισμα αυτό δεν συνάδει, ByΌμως, Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ούτε με το μέγεθος της Κύπρου και την ανάγκη περιορισμού έκτασης των Harvard University, Graduate School ofτης Design, Student, πόλεών της, ούτε με τις τοπικέςByκλιματολογικές ούτεArchitect με τις Mr. George-Sp. συνθήκες, C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of theκαι School of Architecture σύγχρονες απόψεις περί βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης, αλλά ούτε με τον κυπριακό Technical University of από Crete πολιτισμό που διαχρονικά δημιουργούσε τόπους που χαρακτηρίζονταν ζωντάνια. Οι λόγοι που οδήγησαν σε αυτή τη στρεβλή οργάνωση του 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept σύγχρονου κυπριακού αστικού χώρου the απορρέουν, τόσο από τις στρατηγικές 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 χωρικές επιλογές που υιοθετήθηκαν τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, όσοBC, καιAthens), από τις ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the σύγχρονες πολιτισμικές εξελίξεις. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, αλλά αρκετά επιγραμματικά, φαίνεται ότι η acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term οικονομική ανάπτυξη προηγούμενων δεκαετιών αποτυπώθηκε 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onτων this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the στο term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification κτισμένο περιβάλλον ως επιθυμία/«ανάγκη» για ανάπτυξη μονοκατοικιών. Η 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal this, (in various παραπάνω επιθυμία, σε συνδυασμό με τις κερδοσκοπικές τάσεις που Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, συνδέονται με την ανάπτυξη γης είναι εγγενείς κάθε σύγχρονη ways), of social groups, usually of και low-income and theσε placement ofδυτική artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”,there regardless of κοινωνία, οδήγησαν αθροιστικά σε χαλάρωση των τεθέντων πολεοδομικών the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof στόχων και,other αναπόφευκτα, σε σημαντική αστική εξάπλωση, σεprices απώλεια των whatever consequences has, results also rising of land (and the potential relative speculation). τοπικών κέντρων γειτονιάς, σε ατονία της ζωντάνιας των αστικών κέντρων potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to και, then εν τέλει, σε απώλεια χαρακτηριστικού αστικότητας, ως The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UKτης in early 1960s and τόσο itareas refers the observed trend ofisτου wealthy to buy property in poor ofto μορφολογικού γνωρίσματος, όσο και ως κατεξοχήν τρόπου ζωής σε μία πόλη. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Θεωρούμε ότι η αναστροφή των παραπάνω αλληλένδετων επιπτώσεων London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. δεν μπορεί παρά να εκκινήσει από τη ρίζα του προβλήματος, δηλαδή απόRuth την being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist προσπάθεια μεταβολής της επικρατούσας εικόνας της κυπριακής κοινωνίας A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major σε σχέση μεthe την ποιότητα σύγχρονου αστικούwere χώρου και τις GLASS at same period, while similar situations recorded in τρέχουσες other major cities in Western countries, byτου other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. προβεβλημένες επιλογές κατοίκησης. Άλλωστε, για αυτόν τον λόγο Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more πιστεύουμε ότι ηapproach προβληματική οργάνωση του υφιστάμενου αστικού χώρου comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various δεν μπορεί ναofδιορθωθεί αποκλειστικά και μόνοtheμεfollowing: χρήση πολεοδομικών interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: εργαλείων συζητήσεις χωρικού καθώς πρωτίστως In a sense,και theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aπροσανατολισμού, trend of a new of social groups χρειάζεται να αναδειχθεί ο αστικός τρόπος ζωής, ο οποίος όχι μόνο δεν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money υστερεί, αλλά, απεναντίας, υπερτερεί, κατά την προσωπική μας άποψη, του and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The termπου from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born τρόπου ζωής τις υφιστάμενες πρακτικές κατοίκησης. Για τηνin sense safety atcomes theσυνοδεύει distributed residencies outside town centres, better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: επίτευξη στόχου entertainment ο ρόλος της αρχιτεκτονικής κομβικός, μιας services ofαυτού health,του education, “at the heart ofείναι the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. και ο χώρος αποτελεί τον φορέα κάθε προσωπικής ή κοινωνικής studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and δραστηριότητας. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Τα οφέλη που θα προκύψουν από μια τέτοια προσπάθεια θα είναι her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in σημαντικά, μιας και etc., σχετίζονται, τόσο με την υφιστάμενη καθημερινή ζωή 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G.τη ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aμας, variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, όσο και με διασφάλιση υψηλής ποιότητας ζωής “voluntary”, των επόμενων(actually γενεών.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


Συγκεκριμένα, ορισμένα μόνο από τα ζητήματα που σχετίζονται με μία τέτοια προσπάθεια φαίνεται να αφορούν:  Την ανάγκη προστασίας, εξυγίανσης και αναβάθμισης των ιστορικών κέντρων των πόλεων που διαχρονικά αποτελούσαν πυρήνες εργασίας, αναψυχής, δημιουργικότητας και κοινωνικοποίησης, αλλά και τόπους σημειολογικής αναφοράς για το σύνολο της πόλης.  Την εφαρμογή ενός πολυκεντρικού μοντέλου ανάπτυξης της πόλης, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS κατόπιν περαιτέρω ισχυροποίησης των υφιστάμενων αστικών κέντρων και Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ενίσχυσης υφιστάμενων ή δημιουργίας νέων τοπικώνC.κέντρων γειτονιάς, τα By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect οποία θα εξυπηρετούν σε σημαντικό βαθμό τις καθημερινές ανάγκες των Student of the School of Architecture κατοίκων τους. Technical University of Crete  Τον μορφολογικό εμπλουτισμό του αστικού χώρου, όπου είναι 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept επιθυμητό ή χρήσιμο, με την εισαγωγή νέων αστικών μορφών και τύπων 1. Introductory approach: Defining theπαραδοσιακών concept (444 BC (όπως τα ψηλά κτίρια), ή με τη χρήση μορφών καιAthens), τύπων ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCδόμηση). -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among heritage he left us,μέτωπο he established a great the (όπως ηother στοά,wise το μορφολογικά ενιαίο και η συνεχής among other wise heritage he leftthe us, he established a greatεκ the acquisition ofεπέκταση knowledge starts with definition of the of“principle”: concepts.είναι  Την των περιοχών μικτής χρήσης, οι content οποίες φύσεως acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aαπό first,ανθεκτικότητα if of not final, approach, the term ιδιαίτερα ζωντανές και χαρακτηρίζονται (resilience) και 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a και first,αφομοίωσης if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification σημαντική δυνατότητα αναπροσαρμογής νέων αναγκών, 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various προκλήσεων και μεταβολών, τόσο στην κοινωνική, όσο και στην οικονομική Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement οργάνωση της πόλης. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc. However “change”, regardless of  Στην κατανόηση τηςrestaurants, υψηλής πυκνότητας τουthis πολεοδομικού χώρου ως the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the βασικού εργαλείου επιτυχούς πραγμάτωσης ή υποστήριξης των παραπάνωof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative προθέσεων και υλοποίησης του στόχου περί συμπαγών πόλεων. potential relative speculation). Theterm found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Στηνgentrification ανάδειξη τουisδημόσιου αστικού χώρου ως ισχυρού συνδετικού The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor κονιάματος μίας αστικής κατασκευής, αλλά και ως βασικού αρωγού για την the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents εδραίωση ενός αστικού τρόπου ζωής. sometimes there and thus old residentsare London, upgrade them, stay themselves are being indirectly “squeezed”. Στη βάση των παραπάνω προθέσεων και προβληματισμών, το Μέρος Α being indirectly “squeezed”. description of thisτης phenomenon in the work of Sociologist Ruth τουAAΠαραδείγματος Κυπριακήςisisincluded Πόλης θέλησε να δύο description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the recorded workεξυπηρετήσει of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations inκαταγραφής other major στόχους. Ο πρώτος σχετίζεται με την προσπάθεια ανάλυσης και GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. εκείνων ζητημάτων που της αστικότητας της κυπριακής πόλης, cities in των Western countries, byάπτονται other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more ενώ Since ο δεύτερος αφορά πιθανούς τρόπους επηρεασμού της. then, the issueστους has severalθετικού scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from Εξαιρουμένου τουapproach εισαγωγικού άρθρου του Κωνσταντίνου Ιωαννίδη, το comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: οποίο διατρέχει την πολεοδομική εξέλιξη της Κύπρου τα τελευταία 70 έτη και interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups συνεισφέρει στην κατανόηση της πορείας έως το σήμερα, τα υπόλοιπα εννέα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money άρθρα οργανώνονται ισομερώς σε τρεις ενότητες. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Συγκεκριμένα, η πρώτη ενότητα τα άρθρα Ερμή The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth συμπεριλαμβάνει GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASSτων wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In Πουλίκου 1932 she published an important study entitled: Κλόκκαρη, Απόστολου Λαγαριά, Πραστάκου και Γλαύκου services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The sameπραγματεύονται year she left Germany andεφαρμογή after continuous Κωνσταντινίδη, τα“withdrawal” οποία την της πολιτικής lower living cost of, from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, συμπαγών και τηapproach, μελέτη της αστικής διάχυσης στην μιας in και in According 1943 sheπόλεων published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the to another the phenomenon is due aΚύπρο, systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and η τελευταία φαίνεται αποτελεί groups, την ισχυρότερη ανασταλτική long-term informal effortνα by organized manufacturers, brokers ofδύναμη buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. υλοποίησης της πιο πάνω πολιτικής. Η δεύτερη ενότητα συμπεριλαμβάνει and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web,τα in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: άρθρα των Παύλο Φιλίππου Ανδρέα Σαββίδη και Ιωάννη Πισσούριου, τα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

οποία εστιάζουν στη διερεύνηση του ρόλου, τόσο της υφιστάμενης δομής των περιοχών κατοικίας, συνδυαστικά προς την οργάνωση των κεντρικών περιοχών και του οδικού δικτύου, όσο και των ψηλών κτιρίων, στη διαμόρφωση των αστικών χαρακτηριστικών των κυπριακών πόλεων. Τέλος, η τρίτη ενότητα περιλαμβάνει τα άρθρα των Βύρωνα Ιωάννου, Λώρα Νικολάου, Ηρακλή Αχνιώτη και Γιώργου Χατζημιχαήλ, τα οποία παρουσιάζουν καλές πρακτικές συμπαγούς αστικής ανάπτυξης στο εξωτερικό By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS και στην Κύπρο, καθώς και συγκεκριμένες προτάσεις ποιοτικής αστικής Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ανάπτυξης του κυπριακού αστικού χώρου. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Το σαφές ενδιαφέρον των πιο πάνω άρθρων το κυπριακό γίγνεσθαι Studentγια of the School of Architecture συνεπάγεται την ανάπτυξη των συγγραφέων και σεTechnical μια σειρά από κομβικά University of Crete και εξαιρετικά θετικά στοιχεία του κυπριακού συστήματος χωρικού 1. Introductory approach: των Defining the καθιστά concept τα άρθρα αυτά εξαιρετικά σχεδιασμού, η παρουσίαση οποίων 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept επίκαιρα και γόνιμα για τηνGreek ελληνική και διεθνή και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, (444 BCαρχιτεκτονική - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other εμπειρία. wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the πολεοδομική among other wise πρώτο heritage he leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition ofτέτοιο knowledge starts with definition of the content concepts. the Ένα θετικό στοιχείο της κυπριακής πολεοδομικής acquisition of knowledge starts with ευελιξία theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term πρακτικής αφορά στην εξαιρετική κατά την άσκηση πολεοδομικού 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ελέγχου και 1κατά τη λήψη πολεοδομικών αποφάσεων, απόρροιαtheενός gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various εργαλείου που απουσιάζει πλήρως από το ελληνικό σύστημα χωρικού Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, of low-income placement of artists, σχεδιασμού: αυτού τηςusually διακριτικής ευχέρειας.and Το the εργαλείο αυτόthere επιτρέπει την ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of κατά περίπτωση χαλάρωση πολεοδομικών κανονισμών, χαλάρωση που the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the ολοκληρώνεται με πρωτοβουλία του εκάστοτε δημόσιου λειτουργού, δίχωςof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative την εμπλοκή πρόσθετης γραφειοκρατίας. Πιστεύω ότι μια τέτοια διαδικασία potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first inμεthe UKπου in early 1960sκαθημερινά and it refers οι to φαντάζει εξαιρετικά απόμακρη σεatσχέση αυτό βιώνουν The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor συνάδελφοι μηχανικοί στην Ελλάδα, όπου ο οικοδομικός και πολεοδομικός the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, themselves thusβάση old residents areof έλεγχος διεξάγεται πιοstay συχνά με βάση sometimes το γράμμαthere απόand ότι το πνεύμα London, upgrade them, stay themselves andμε thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. του εκάστοτε κανονισμού. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the πολεοδομικής work of Sociologist Ruth δεύτερο χαρακτηριστικό είναι η άσκηση πολιτικής AΈνα description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major μέσω κινήτρων. Σήμερα στην Κύπρο είναι σε were ισχύ recorded περισσότερα από 5 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. διαφορετικά Σχέδια Πολεοδομικών Κινήτρων, που αφορούν στη δημιουργία cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more δημόσιων χώρωνthe στάθμευσης, στη προστασία των διατηρητέων οικοδομών, Since then, issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from στην ανάκαμψηapproach της οικοδομικής δραστηριότητας, στη the στέγαση comprehensive are being summarized below, from various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: εκτοπισθέντων και στη χρήση Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας. Επιπλέον, interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups περισσότερα από 20 επιμέρους κίνητρα περιέχονται στα κατά τόπους to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inΤοπικά money Σχέδια Σχέδιαfrom Περιοχής, τα οποία προωθούν την work ανάπτυξη επιθυμητών and timeκαι to travel the purlieus to downtown, where place is, lack of the χρήσεων σε at συγκεκριμένες περιοχές της πόλης, ενδυνάμωση τωνin 1.of The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town την centres, search Berlin, where εμπορικών she made her first studies. In 1932 she published anενιαίων important οικιστικών study entitled: κεντρικών περιοχών, τη δημιουργία services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for συγκροτημάτων και άλλα. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Τέλος, ένα τρίτο χαρακτηριστικό είναι ο Inισχυρός πραγματισμός και in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and ορθολογισμός έχειorganized καλλιεργηθεί στη δημόσια long-term informalπου effort by groups, manufacturers, brokers διοίκηση, of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. συμπεριλαμβανομένης και τηςdepreciation πολεοδομίας. Για of παράδειγμα, η έγκαιρη and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the initially part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: δημοσίευση του «Σχεδίου Παροχής Πολεοδομικών Κινήτρων για σκοπούς G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

ανάκαμψης της αναπτυξιακής δραστηριότητας στην Κύπρο» το 2013 βοήθησε ουσιαστικά στην ταχεία ανάκαμψη της οικοδομικής δραστηριότητας και, μάλιστα, σε τέτοιο βαθμό που σήμερα η συζήτηση στην Κύπρο να αφορά την επεξεργασία διαφόρων προτάσεων ώστε να αντιμετωπιστούν οι υπερβολικά μεγάλες αυξήσεις των ενοικίων που προκλήθηκαν από την ξέφρενη ανάπτυξη της οικοδομικής δραστηριότητας.

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Στο δεύτερο συνθετικό του τίτλου του τόμου, συναντάμε την By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture εμπρόθετη αναφορά στη γενική –χωρίς κλίμακαέννοια του «χωρικού of Crete σχεδιασμού». Αν και, εσωτερικά, διατηρείται Technical η πάγιαUniversity διάκριση σε

4. Αστικότητα και αρχιτεκτονική


προσεγγίσεις πολεοδομικού και αρχιτεκτονικού χαρακτήρα, η σύμπραξη των 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept δύο 1. επιμελητών είναι προϊόν Defining μιας απόπειρας συνθετικής (αλλά όχι ενιαίας) Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCκαι - 370 BC, Athens), θεώρησης της κυπριακής πόλης. Εδώ ακριβώς έγκειται η σημασία της ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the αναφοράς στην έννοια του «παραδείγματος» ως αναφορά στην among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. επιστημολογία του Thomas Kuhn και του Michel Foucault (Kuhn 1962 και acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Foucault Αντικειμενικός στόχοςin της έκδοσης είναιapproach, η περισυλλογή 1 (and urban Based,2001). therefore, on this “principle” a first, if (in notthe final, the term gentrification) is indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification εκείνων των 1διαλεκτικών (discursive) isαναλυτικών στοιχείων που είναι gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in the areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from (in various αναγκαία γιαwell), τη as διαμόρφωση μιας κοινής αντίληψης, γλώσσας, σειράς Sociology as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, αναφορών, όρων, μεθόδων καιofεργαλείων που δυνητικά, ways), of social groups, usually low-income andθαtheσυγκροτήσουν, placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”,there regardless of ένα νέο δυναμικό, όσο και αναγκαίο πεδίο σπουδών και πρακτικής. Τα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof στοιχεία που ‘ηρωική’ whatever otherσυλλέγονται, consequencesστην has, results alsoαυτή risingφάση, of landείναι pricesσίγουρα (and the potential relative speculation). διαφοροποιημένα και, εν πολλοίς, δύσκολο να συναρμοστούν. Έχουν potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to διαφορετική προέλευση. Εντός του νέου, αναδυόμενου, πεδίου, καλούνται να The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto παράγουν νέους,them, ίσως καιof απρόβλεπτους, συσχετισμούς και old συμπεράσματα the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade stay themselves and thus residents areof και να κατασταλάξουν σε μια νέα αποδεκτή «κανονικότητα». Το εγχείρημα London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residentsθα are being indirectly “squeezed”. παραμείνει ανοικτό μέχρι, μια νέα κρίση, ανάλογη αυτής που βιώθηκε το 2013 being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth και εκείνης που, ενδεχομένως ορίσει το άνοιγμα in της Αμμοχώστου, να ωθήσει A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar were recorded in other major την κοινότητα των αρχιτεκτόνων στην ανάγκη για ένα συντεταγμένο GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other από Researchers. παράδειγμα οποίοhas πολλά ταseveral ήδη scholars υπαρκτά and συστατικά θα Since then,στο the issue preoccupied for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more μετασχηματιστούν σε ένα νέο αξιών (Τζώνος 2002). Μέτρο comprehensive approach are κοινό being σύστημα summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach areτης being summarized various επιτυχίας της ofεπιμέλειας και ιδέας της έκδοσης θα from είναι the ο βαθμός interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: ενεργοποίησης διαλόγου και της διαδικασίας που περιγράφηκε. Τοgroups κατά In a sense, theτου phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social πόσο δηλαδή, η μελέτη και η κριτική των κειμένων και των αναφορών της to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money έκδοσης, θα οδηγήσει στην ανάδειξη της μοναδικότητας της κυπριακής πόλης and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The termat comes from Ruth GLASS, Ruth GLASS wasbetter born και τη λειτουργία ωςSociologist ένα residencies παράδειγμα που1912-1940. επιτρέπει την search παραγωγή τηςin sense safety theτης distributed outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: από εδώofκαι πέρα.education, Πώς δηλαδή, το μοναδικό θαthe καταστεί και services health, entertainment “at heart ofπαραδειγματικό the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. γενικό, μέχρι κι αυτό, εν τέλει, να ανατραπεί. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due a systematic and Ιστορικά, ανάλογο ήταν το the εγχείρημα του Κωνσταντίνου Δοξιάδη ο University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying οποίος επιχείρησε μέσω της «νέας οικιστικής επιστήμης» να προτείνει μια her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in σύγχρονη ολιστική θεώρηση του χώρου με οικουμενική αξία και μεEncyclopedia: βάση την 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Gentrification: G. ερμηνεία ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aκατανόηση variety of και ways, in order toιστορικής achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually της εξέλιξης της πόλης (με αφετηρία την

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

αρχαία ελληνική) και της πρόβλεψης της μελλοντικής της δυναμικής. Η παρούσα έκδοση, αν και δύσκολα μπορεί να ισχυριστεί ότι εκκινεί με σκοπό μια αντίστοιχα διεθνή σημασία θέτοντας την κυπριακή πόλη ως οικουμενικό παράδειγμα, μπορεί, ταυτόχρονα, να προτάξει την αναγκαιότητά της στη βάση των ίδιων αρχικών διαπιστώσεων που καθοδήγησαν και τον Δοξιάδη. Η Κύπρος, αν και φαντάζει αποκομμένη γεωγραφικά, κατέχει, οιωνεί, κομβική θέση στη δικτυακή δίνη της Οικουμενόπολης. Τουλάχιστον πολιτικά, αυτό το By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS γνωρίζαμε ήδη. Παράλληλα, μέχρι τώρα, η δόμηση στην Κύπρο εξακολουθεί Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, να διέπεται από την περιορισμένη οπτική τοπικώνC.σχεδίων, απουσία του By Mr. των George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect περίφημου, ήδη από την εποχή της συνάντησης Δοξιάδη και Μακάριου, Student of the School of Architecture «Σχεδίου Νήσου». Technical University of Crete Η αρχιτεκτονική σήμερα δημιουργείται κυρίως εντός των ευρύτερων 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept αστικών περιοχών… Είναι εντός του the αστικού περιβάλλοντος που πρέπει να 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αναζητήσουμε για τοthe γενικότερο πλαίσιο της αρχιτεκτονικής δημιουργίας του ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other heritage he left us, he established a great the σήμερα, καιwise ακόμα περισσότερο, του μέλλοντος… Οφείλουμε να among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition heεγγράφουμε established a great the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content of“principle”: concepts. μας συμπεράνουμε ότι το πλαίσιο στο οποίο την αρχιτεκτονική acquisition of knowledge starts withμας, theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, not final, approach, the term είναι λανθασμένο, περιορίζοντας έτσι, μεifτο πλέον θεμελιώδη τρόπο. 1 (and urban Based, on this inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the νέα term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification Πρέπει να therefore, βρισκόμαστε στο“principle” λάθος δρόμο. Οφείλουμε να βρούμε μια 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various σύλληψη της πόλης. [μετάφραση Ν. Πατσαβός] (Doxiadis 1968, 99). Sociology as well), as the “refining” a city area, fromthere this,δε (inartists, various ways), of ‘καλή’, social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement of Η αναγνωρισμένη καιof υποδειγματική, αρχιτεκτονική λείπει ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation art galleries, etc. However this “change”, regardless of στην Κύπρο.ofΚάθε άλλο. restaurants, Η μέχρι τώρα βιβλιογραφία (Πανέτσος 2012, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Στρατής 2007, Τζιρτζιλάκης 2011), περιορισμένη ποσοτικά αλλά σημαντική,of whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential τεκμαίρειrelative απόλυτα κάθε σχετικό ισχυρισμό, τονίζοντας, ταυτόχρονα, την potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at του first ζητήματος in the UK inτης early 1960s του and ιδιωτικού it refers to ανάγκη άμεσης κριτικής θεώρησης σχέσης The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor (πχ. της κατοικίας) με το δημόσιο. Το ζήτημα είναι ότι ευρισκόμενοι, σήμερα, the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof στη φάσηupgrade της επανεκκίνησης της οικονομίας της there γης, αναγκαία προϋπόθεση London, them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. είναι η indirectly μελέτη της πόλης - του αστικού πλαισίου που γεννά και νοηματοδοτεί being “squeezed”. description of thisΗphenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist τηνAAαρχιτεκτονική. αρχιτεκτονική δημιουργία πλέονRuth να description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere theδεν workμπορεί of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major λειτουργήσει χωρίς την πόλη∙ είναι άμεσα συνδεδεμένη με μια βαθιά GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. κατανόηση του αστικού φαινομένου και των παραγόντων του. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Η αρχιτεκτονική ματιά, την οποία επικαλείται ως προμετωπίδα το Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from δεύτερο μέρος της παρούσας έκδοσης, διακατέχεται από ένα εγγενές comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: παράδοξο. Αντιστέκεται στον καθορισμό συγκεκριμένων εργαλείων. Δε interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups φοβάται την πολυσημία και την αμφισημία, αντίθετα καταφεύγει αυτές to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs σε in money στρατηγικά. Το αρχιτεκτονικό μέρος της έκδοσης του ΣΑΚ έρχεται να and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the υποσκάψει κριτικά τα στέρεα θεμέλια πολεολογίας και αποδεικτικό 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth της GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthτον GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: λόγο του πρώτου. Τα κείμενα του δεύτερου μέρους συνδέθηκαν με τη λογική services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left and after continuous του συναρμολογήματος (assemblage) ωςGermany μιαcar σύνθετη ανοικτή πολλαπλότητα lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, της οποίας η to φύση διαρκώς μεταβάλλεται όσο Inαυτή, μέσα τη διαρκή in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the another approach, the is due aαπό systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social Το research. Her διατηρεί public and εξέλιξη και επανενεργοποίησή της, επεκτείνεται. καθένα την long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. αυτοτέλεια καιestate, την αυτάρκειά του. Όλα μαζί συγκροτούν ένα αποτελεσματικό and selling real for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS etc., SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: όσο και απρόβλεπτο σύνολο που μπορεί, σημειακά και κατά συνθήκη, G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


ανάλογα την περίσταση, να λειτουργήσει σε εφήμερα δυναμικά υποσύνολα. Η ευθύνη για την παραγωγή των τελευταίων, του νοήματος, περνά στον αναγνώστη. Το δεύτερο μέρος του βιβλίου, επενδύει στην επιστημολογική «αδυναμία» (Cousins 1998, 16-17) του αρχιτεκτονικού πεδίου-στην πορώδη μη τεχνοκρατική ταυτότητά του. Η αρχιτεκτονική, λοιπόν, ως ένα εναλλακτικό αναλυτικό-συνθετικό σχήμα οργάνωσης του λόγου, της ματιάς By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS στην και για την πόλη. Αναπόφευκτα, κατά τη διαδικασία σύλληψης και Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, υλοποίησης της έκδοσης, ο τρόποςBy οργάνωσης των περιεχομένων της πήρε Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect διαφορετικές μορφές. Η αρχική πρόταση προς τους συγγραφείς ήταν να Student of the School of Architecture εντάξουν τη συνεισφορά τους σε ένα από τα τρίαTechnical παγιωμένα – κατά τον University of Crete Βιτρούβιο- κέντρα οργάνωσης του αρχιτεκτονικού προβλήματος: Μορφή 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept– Τεχνική κ, Οικονομική και (Αντίληψη) – Λειτουργία (πρόγραμμα, γεγονός) 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 Κοινωνική Βιωσιμότητα. Στη συνέχεια, παράλληλα μεBC την- 370 υλοποίηση των ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCσε -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage heτεκμηρίων left us, he που established a great the πρωτότυπων φωτογραφικών πλαισιώνουν, μεγάλο βαθμό, among other wise leftthe us,definition he established aβάση greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of στη the content concepts. την έκδοση τα heritage κείμενα αναδιατάχθηκαν ενός δυνάμει acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, term προγράμματος σπουδών για την κυπριακή πόλη: θεωρία, ιστορία καιthe κριτική 1 (and urban therefore, on this “principle”προΐόν inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification όπουBased, το αρχιτεκτονικό σχεδιαστικό προτάσσεται ως αντικείμενο 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various μελέτης αλλά και ως επακόλουθο της συνολικής τελικά πρότασης της Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a ένα city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement έκδοσης. Οι συγγραφείς καλύπτουν ευρύτατο και αντιπροσωπευτικό ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation art galleries, restaurants,προσεγγίσεις etc. However this regardless of φάσμα που of εκφράζει διαφορετικές σε “change”, ό,τι αφορά συνήθεις the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the κατηγοριοποιήσεις όπως: χωρική κλίμακα, τοπικότητα, χρονικότητα,of whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative χρησιδάνεια από διάφορα γνωστικά πεδία, αφηγηματικούς τρόπους και στυλ. potential relative speculation). gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s andΣτρατή it refersκαι to Τα The τρίαterm πρώτα κείμενα, του Φίλιππου Ωραιόπουλου, του Σωκράτη The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor του Νικόλα Πατσαβού, προτείνουν, κλιμακώνοντας κατά σειρά την the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade stay of themselves and thus old residents areof προσέγγισή τουςthem, με τρόπο εστιάζειsometimes όλο και πιο κοντά London, upgrade them, stayπου themselves there andστην thus αρχιτεκτονική old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. διάσταση του “squeezed”. προβλήματος, ένα πλαίσιο βασικών θεωρητικών αρχών being indirectly A description ofιδιαίτερης this phenomenon is included the work ofπόλης. Sociologist Ruth προσέγγισης της φυσιογνωμίας τηςinin κυπριακής Στο λόγο A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar were in other major τους δε λείπουν οι ιστορικές αναφορές, αν και αποσκοπούν σε μιαinθεωρητική GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. διαχρονία γενικότερης ερμηνευτικής ισχύος. Ο Παναγιώτης Τουρνικιώτης και cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more ο Πέτρος οργανώνουν, συστηματικά, ιστορικά δεδομένα την Since Φωκαΐδης then, the issue has several scholars andthe forαπό its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various πολυτάραχη όσο approach και ‘γενναία’ μοντέρνα ιστορία της αρχιτεκτονικής της comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Κύπρου, μέσα από δύο αφηγήσεις διαφορετικού ύφους αλλά κοινής, interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups ενδεχομένως στόχευσης. Η κριτική συνιστώσα εισάγεται, πλέον, ρητάin από την to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs money Παναγιώτα Πύλα η οποία θέτει τους όρους μιας σχεδόν πολιτισμικής and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the θεώρησης τωνatcomes μηχανισμών παραγωγής του δομημένου περιβάλλοντος στοin 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: νησί. Ο Γιώργος Χατζηχρίστου, οι Γιώργος Αρτόπουλος και Μιχάλης Σιούλας, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly)for Unemployment. The same she left Germany and after continuous movements οYouth Χάρης Χριστοδούλου και ηyear Γιάννα Παπαπαύλου, εμβαθύνουν, κινούμενοι lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, στο ενδιάμεσο της αστικής κλίμακας και της κατοικίας, στα ποικίλα, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where continued her social research. Her and ευαίσθητα όσο και κρίσιμα, όριαshe ανάμεσα στο συλλογικό καιbrokers το public ιδιωτικό που long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. καθορίζουν τηestate, δομή καιforτην εμπειρία της ατελούς αρχιτεκτονικής της and selling real theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS etc., SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: κυπριακής πόλης. Το δεύτερο μέρος και η έκδοση συνολικά, κλείνουν (;) με το G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

στοχαστικό οδοιπορικό της Ακριβής Αναγνωστάκη που, στέκοντας η ίδια στο όριο ενός θεωρητικού υποκειμένου που αναλαμβάνει να εκφέρει κριτικό λόγο, μας επιστρέφει (σχεδόν) στο αρχικό σημείο εκκίνησης, αυτό της έλλογης-σοφής απορίας. 5. Συμπεράσματα

Ολοκληρώνοντας την προηγηθείσα περιήγησηC. στις συμβολές των By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS συγγραφέων που συνθέτουν το πρώτο και το δεύτερο μέρος της έκδοσης «Το Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Παράδειγμα της Κυπριακής Πόλης: αστικότητας στον Architect χωρικός By ζητήματα Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student theσημαντικό School of Architecture σχεδιασμό», και αναδεικνύοντας ένα μέρος μόνο απόofτον όγκο της Technical University of Crete δουλειάς τους, θα θέλαμε να αναφερθούμε εν συντομία σε όλα τα υπόλοιπα ζητήματα που, αν και δεν θίγονται στην παρούσα ανθολογία, αποτελούν 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept εξίσου ουσιώδεις διαστάσεις της προσπάθειας για κατανόηση της κυπριακής 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), αστικότητας στο πολεοδομικό επίπεδο. Ζητήματα(444 πουBCσχετίζονται με τον ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the δημόσιο χώρο και με το επίπεδο του αστικού σχεδιασμού στην Κύπρο, με την among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. πολεοδομική νομοθεσία και την προκύπτουσα πολεοδομική πρακτική, με acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term ποσοτικές διαστάσεις του “principle” υφιστάμενου πολεοδομικού χώρου, όπως η 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification χωρητικότητα οurban κορεσμός του, με τη γεωγραφικά επαρκέστερη μελέτη 1 και gentrification (and gentrification) indicated (in the areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal from (in various της κυπριακής επικράτειας (μιας και υπήρξε άνιση κατανομή του ερευνητικού Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ενδιαφέροντος υπέρ των δύοof μεγαλύτερων κέντρων), of μεartists, την ways), of social groups, usually low-income andαστικών thethis placement the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of κοινωνιολογική διάσταση της αστικότητας, την οποία θεωρώ ότι πρωτίστως the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof αποτελεί διακριτό τρόπο ζωής ήhas, με την περιβαλλοντική διάστασή της,(and καθώς whatever otherspeculation). consequences results also rising of land prices the potential relative και πολλά άλλα, δεν μπόρεσαν να αναδειχθούν ενδελεχώς από την παρούσα potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to συλλογή κειμένων, αν και επιμέρους προβληματισμοί σεin σχέση με τα The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property poor ofto παραπάνω βρίσκονται σε πλείστα άρθρα συγγραφέων. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Φυσικά, κάθε επιλογή για μελέτη μιας διάστασης τηςold αστικότητας London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. αναπόφευκτα οδηγεί σε αποκλεισμό κάποιας άλλης, χωρίς αυτόRuth να being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist αλαφραίνει στο ελάχιστο την προσωπική μου ευθύνη για τη συνολική A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major επιμέλεια. ακριβώς και στην επιλογήwere της συγγραφικής ομάδας, GLASS atΤο theίδιο same period, while situations recorded in other major cities in Western countries, byαφορά othersimilar Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. μιας και μια σειρά από νέους όσο και πιο έμπειρους μελετητές δεν είχε την Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more ευκαιρία να συνεισφέρει σεare αυτήν τη summarized συλλογική προσπάθεια. Από άλλη comprehensive approach being below, from theτην various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, fromποικίλα the various μεριά, η προσπάθεια αυτή ευελπιστούμε, αφενός να την interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, theεμπλουτίσει following: interpretations of the phenomenon of the following: κατανόηση των πόλεών μας of καιa την πολεοδομική σκέψη μας In a sense,της theαστικότητας phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend new category of social groups και, αφετέρου, αποτελέσει βάσηfor διατυπωμένων θέσεων ως in προς το to “return” to theνα city, leaving theμια purlieus several reasons: high costs money πολεοδομικό γίγνεσθαι, καθώς και την αφετηρία εκκίνησης ενός σχετικού and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in διαλόγου. sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Στην εισαγωγή της αγγλικής μετάφρασης των “Milles Plateaux” των services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. Gilles Deleuze και Félix Guattari (Massumi 2002, xiii-ix), ο μελετητής τους studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Brian Massumi προτείνει την ανάγνωση του εν λόγω βιβλίου με τρόπο University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying ανάλογο της ακρόασης ενός μουσικού δίσκου. Τα κεφάλαιά του μπορούν, her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part Μπορούν of the urban web,να in φυσικά, διαβαστούν με βάση την προτεινόμενη σειρά. όμως 10th edit.να Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aλειτουργήσουν variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually ακόμα πιο παραγωγικά και κριτικά, αν ο δυνητικός

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


αναγνώστης ορίσει το δικό του μονοπάτι και ρυθμό ανάγνωσης, κινούμενος ανάμεσά τους, διαπερνώντας τα ίδια τα όριά τους. Επιπρόσθετα, το σύμπλοκο της ιστορίας, θεωρίας και κριτικής της αρχιτεκτονικής και της πολεοδομίας, ως γνωστικό πεδίο, δεν κρίνεται ιστορικά, δεν αναφέρεται στις ανάγκες και την πειθαρχία της θεωρητικής γνώσης καθαυτής. Το κρίσιμο βρίσκεται στην λέξη ‘κριτική’. Στόχος είναι η ίδια η ανθρώπινη κατοίκιση (για να δανειστούμε για μία ακόμα φορά τα λόγια του Δοξιάδη), το σπουδαιότερο ανθρώπινο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS δημιούργημα. Το ζήτημα της σχέσης του τοπικού με το εθνικό και το διεθνές Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, έχουν κεντρική θέση σε έναν τέτοιο προβληματισμό. δεδομέναArchitect και τα By Mr. George-Sp. C. Τα ATHANASSOPOULOS ερωτήματα που μας θέτει ο κυπριακός Student χώρος, ofαποτελούν ταυτόχρονα the School of Architecture πρόκληση και ευκαιρία. Η μελέτη του μάς φέρνει αντιμέτωπους με μια σχεδόν Technical University of Crete μοναδική διαδικασία ασυνεχούς όσο και διαρκούς συγκρότησης της 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept ταυτότητας της αρχιτεκτονικής τουthe τόπου. Αυτό που μπορούμε σήμερα, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept εμπειρικά και διαισθητικά, να αποκαλούμε «Κυπριακή όσο κι Athens), αν είναι ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444Πόλη», BC - 370 BC, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370Αξίζει, BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he κάτι left us, he established a great the ως σύνολο διακριτό, δεν είναι προφανές και σίγουρα αξίζει. απλά among wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with ofαυτό the content concepts. και μόνο,other τελικά, γιατί μας αφορά. Το δυναμικό οφείλουμε τόσο να το acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, “principle” a first, not final, approach, theναterm ενστερνιστούμε και on ναthis το κατανοήσουμε όσο ifκαι να επιχειρήσουμε το 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, notthe final, approach, the μην term gentrification) is (in area of Για Planning) (or gentrification μετασχηματίσουμε κριτικά στο πνεύμα της ifεποχής μας. να 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various μακρηγορούμε όμως. Αυτό που καλούμαστε να κάνουμε μαζί, εκδότης, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this,είναι (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement of επιμελητές, συγγραφείς, φωτογράφοι καιthe αναγνώστες, να ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of artτο galleries, restaurants, “change”, regardless of μετατοπίσουμε ερώτημα από etc. το However επίπεδοthisτης περιγραφής και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the αρχειοθέτησης της κυπριακής πόλης σε εκείνο του προσδιορισμού τωνof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential δυνατών relative νοημάτων της της ιδιοπροσωπίας της∙ μιας ταυτότητας μοναδικής potential relative speculation). termδυναμικά gentrification is found atστο first in the UK in early and it refers to όσοTheκαι μπλεγμένης ενδιάμεσο του 1960s υπερτοπικού, του The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor παγκόσμιου, του εθνικού, του τοπικού και, τελικά, του σολωμικού "αληθινού". the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Βιβλιογραφία being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Alexander, Ch. (1965), A city is is not a tree. in Architectural 122(1): A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included the recorded work of Forum, Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations were in other major 58-62. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other an Researchers. Cousins, (1998), “Building Architect”, στο: J. Hill (επιμ.), Since then, M. the issue has several scholars and forOccupying its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more Architecture, London: Routledge, σελ. 16-17. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Δοξιάδης,ofΚ.Α. (2006) [1972], «Ο Δικέφαλοςthe Αετός: Από το Παρελθόν interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: στο των Ανθρώπινων Οικισμών», στο: Αλ. Αν. Κύρτσης In Μέλλον a sense, the phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social(επιμ.), groups Κωνσταντίνος Α. Δοξιάδης: Κείμενα, Σχέδια, Οικισμοί, Αθήνα: Ίκαρος. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Doxiadis, [1963], Architecture Transition, London: and time to travelC.A. from(1968) the purlieus to downtown, whereinwork place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in Hutchinson. sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Foucault, (2001) entertainment [1969], The “at Archaeology Knowledge, A.M. services of health,M.education, the heart ofofthe city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. Sheridan Smith (μτφ.), London: Routledge. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies cityphenomenon In 1950 sheto became teacher The in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Kuhn, Th. (1962), Theregarding Structure ofplanning. Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying University of Chicago Press. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate,(2005) etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in Le Corbusier [1923], Μια2009. Αρχιτεκτονική, Π. Τουρνικιώτης 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd.Για London WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a(μτφ., variety of ways, inΕκκρεμές. order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually επιμ.), Αθήνα:

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370Pleasures BC, Athens), amongMassumi, other wise he leftμτφ.), us, he established(444 aForeword: great the Br.heritage (2002) (επιμ., “Translator’s of among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he aPlateaux: greatof“principle”: acquisition of στο: knowledge starts of the content concepts. Philosophy”, Deleuze, G. he κ’with Guattari, F.,established A Thousand capitalism the & acquisition of London: knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on Continuum. this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term schizophrenia, 1 (and urban Based, on this “principle” in a first, J., if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated the area Planning) (or gentrification Hilliertherefore, B., Hanson J., Peponis J., is Hudson Burdett R. of(1983), Space 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various syntax: a different urban perspective. Architects’ Journal 48(178): 49-63. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of The a citySocial area, removal fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social usually of low-income andthe the placement of Hillier B.,groups, Hanson J. (1984), Logic of Space. Cambridge: ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, of Cambridge University Press.restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Jacobs, J. (1961), The Death and Life of Great American Cities. London:of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential Jonathan relative Cape. speculation). potential relative speculation). TheLefebvre, term gentrification found àatlaville. first inParis: the UK in early 1960s and it refers to H. (1968),isLedroit Anthropos. The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Lefebvre, H. (1974), La production de l'espace. Paris: Anthropos. the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof Πανέτσος Γ. - stay Α. themselves (2012) (επιμ.), ΔΟΜΕΣ Διεθνής Επιθεώρηση London, upgrade them, sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Αρχιτεκτονικής, Πανόραμα Κυπριακής Αρχιτεκτονικής, 01.12, τ.106, Ιάν.being indirectly2012 “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Φεβ.. A description of this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while I.similar in other major Patsavos N. &period, Pissourios A. (Eds, 2018), The Cypriot City Paradigm: GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Urbanity Issues incountries, Design and Planning / Το Παράδειγμα της Κυπριακής Πόλης: cities in Western bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Ζητήματα Αστικότητας στον Χωρικό Σχεδιασμό (bilingual edition). Athens, Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from Nicosia: DOMES, CAA. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Στρατής Σ. (2007) (επιμ.), αφιέρωμα: «Η Αρχιτεκτονική Στην Κύπρο: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Σχέσεις Δημόσιου-Ιδιωτικού», στο: Αρχιτεκτονικά Θέματα, τ.41, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highΑθήνα. costs in money Τζιρτζιλάκης (2011), to downtown, «ECCENTRI-CITIES: Διασταυρούμενες and time to travel fromΓ. the purlieus where work place is, lack of the αναγνώσεις της σύγχρονης αρχιτεκτονικής στην Κύπρο», στο:search Στα Όρια: Νέεςin 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where sheστην made Κύπρο, her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Αρχιτεκτονικές Κτίρια και Μελέτες της Nice Day Developments, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Τζώνος, (2002), Επιστήμη καιphenomenon Σχεδιασμός, Δεν Είμαστε Εντελώς in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the toΠ.another approach, the isήdue a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and Μόνοι. Αθήνα: Παπασωτηρίου. long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Wirth, (1938), Urbanism as a way initially of life. of The American Journal and selling realL. estate, etc., for theCodepreciation part of the urban web, of in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Sociology 1: 1-24. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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Η θέση της Ελλάδας στηνof Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types Intervention, Η πρώιμη περίοδος 1975-1990 Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification ConcernsΤου Δρος Γεωργίου ΜΑΡΗ Λέκτορος Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Της κυρίας Νικολίνας ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ανεξάρτητης Ερευνήτριας Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

Εισαγωγή 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ελληνική ιστορία κρύβει μια the σημαντική ιδιαιτερότητα, την οποία 1. Η Introductory approach: Defining concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, - 370 του BC, Athens), οφείλουμε να διατυπώσουμε εξαρχής. Η Ελλάδα, το BC θεμέλιο δυτικού ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ευρωπαϊκού πολιτισμού, ιστορικά, δεν άνηκε εξ ολοκλήρου στον ευρωπαϊκό among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. κόσμο, και για αυτό το λόγο άλλωστε πολλές φορές, ακόμα και σήμερα, η acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term χώρα προκαλεί σύγχυση στους ευρωπαίους (Κωστής, 2013). Αυτή η εικόνα 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) of Planning) (or gentrification της διχασμένης Ελλάδας, έστω και εάν ο isδιχασμός είναι ενarea μέρει 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in the area ofαποτέλεσμα Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various της οικονομικής κρίσης στην Ελλάδα, μεταφέρεται μέχρι σήμερα καθώς Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, σύμφωνα με έρευνες του Eurobarometer, οι Έλληνες κατά ένα ποσοστό που ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of φτάνει στο 47% έχουν αρνητική εικόνα για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof (Eurobarometer, 2016), ενώ το 26% πιστεύειalso ότιrising το ευρώ είναιprices κακό πράγμα whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results of land (and the potential relative για την χώρα τους (Eurobarometer, 2018). Για να κατανοήσουμε όμως τις potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to βαθύτερες αιτίες των γεγονότων καθώς το τοποθετείται η θέση καιof ηto The term gentrification found atpeople firstκαι in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to πώς buy property in poor επιρροή της Ελλάδας μέσα στην Ένωση πρέπει να μελετήσουμε τη διαχρονική the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof θέση της Ελλάδας σε σχέση την ένωση. Για αυτό λόγο σεthus αυτό τοresidents κεφάλαιο London, upgrade them, stay με themselves sometimes there and old are being indirectly “squeezed”. θα διερευνήσουμε πτυχές της πρώιμης περιόδου 1975-1990. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Η πρώιμη περίοδος 1975-1990 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Αμέσως το τέλος της δικτατορίας, η ουσιαστική οικονομική και cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, μετά the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more πολιτική αναγέννηση της χώρας ταυτίστηκε με την ένταξη της στην comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach being summarized from the various Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα (ΕΚ).are Ο Κωνσταντίνος Καραμανλής αντιλήφθηκε τη interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon the following: σημασία που the θαof έπαιζε ο εξευρωπαισμός της χώρας στην πολιτικοοικονομική In a sense, phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups ανάπτυξη Γιαcity, αυτό το λόγο, η πρώτηfor αίτηση ένταξης στην κατατέθηκε to “return”της. to the leaving the purlieus several reasons: highΕΚ costs in money στις 12 Ιουνίου 1975 ενώ οι επίσημες διαπραγματεύσεις για την and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is,ένταξη lack ofτης the 1.of The termat comes from Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born χώρας άρχισαν από τιςSociologist 27 residencies Ιουλίου 1976. Αναφορικά μεsearch το θέμα τηςin sense safety the distributed outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published important study ευρωπαϊκής προοπτικής δημόσια συζήτηση στο an εσωτερικό καιentitled: στο services of health, education,η entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for εξωτερικό της χώρας δεν ήταν ομαλή καθώς εκφράστηκαν διαφορετικές lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where 1. Επιπλέον, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the to another approach, is due a systematic and εκείνη την the πρώιμη περίοδο δεν υπήρχε και in ένα απόψεις University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 1 Στο εσωτερικό το πιο χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα είναι η διαμάχη στα μέσα της G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


δεκαετίας του 1970 των δύο μεγαλύτερων πολιτικών παραδειγμάτων της χώρας, του 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

συγκεκριμένο χρονοδιάγραμμα για την πορεία και το τελικό αποτέλεσμα των διαπραγματεύσεων (Θεοδωρόπουλος, 2012, p. 36). Όμως εξαιτίας της διαπραγματευτικής ικανότητας του Κωνσταντίνου Καραμανλή καθώς και της πολιτικής τακτικής του η Ελλάδα στις 21 Δεκεμβρίου 1978 (επίσημα από τη 1η Ιανουαρίου 1981) αποτέλεσε το δέκατο μέλος των ΕΚ (Tsalicoglou, 1995). Λίγα διάστημα αργότερα, ο χαρισματικός Ανδρέας Παπανδρέου ανήλθε στην εξουσία με τις εκλογές της 18ης Οκτωβρίου 1981 γοητεύοντας το By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS εκλογικό σώμα με τις σοσιαλιστικές ιδέες του, οι οποίες ερχόταν σε Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, σύγκρουση με τη δημοσιονομική πειθαρχεία,C. ATHANASSOPOULOS την αύξηση της By Mr. George-Sp. Architect ανταγωνιστικότητας και της έμφασης στη σκληρή δουλειά που επιχειρήθηκε Student of the School of Architecture την προηγούμενη περίοδο (Βερεμής & Κολιόπουλος, Technical 2015, p. 326). Εκείνη την University of Crete περίοδο το ΠΑΣΟΚ ανέπτυξε ένα ριζοσπαστικό πολιτικό λόγο το οποίο 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ενσωμάτωνε στο πρόγραμμα του ορισμένες από τις κύριες ιδέες της παλιάς 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept κομμουνιστικής Αριστεράς (Lyrintzis, 2005, p. 244). ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444Στην BC - πραγματικότητα 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherαυτό wiseτο heritage he left us, he established a great the όμως, ούτε σοσιαλιστικό του πρόγραμμα κατάφερε να υλοποιήσει, amongαμέσως other wise he left us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge with ofιδεολογία the content of“principle”: concepts. από καθώς μετάheritage τις starts εκλογές ηthe σοσιαλιστική εκφυλίστηκε acquisition of knowledge starts theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, the term τα στοιχεία του λαϊκισμού, τωνwith πελατειακών σχέσεων, και approach, τις ριζοσπαστικής 1 (and urban Based, therefore, “principle” inindicated a first, ifκαι notνα final, approach, term gentrification) is (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ρητορικής, έτσι ώστε on το this ΠΑΣΟΚ να προσελκύσει κατευνάσει τιςthe μάζες 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various και να εδραιώσει την κομματική οργάνωση και την εκλογική του βάση Sociology as well), the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of andthe theremoval placement of (Lyrintzis, 2005, pp.as246-247). Η low-income λαικιστική ρητορία του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of the art galleries, restaurants, However this “change”, of περιoperation ύπαρξηςofμη-προνομιούχων όπως etc. εκφράστηκε μέσα από τοregardless σχέδιοartists, του the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the περι πατερναλιστικού καπιταλισμού (Παπανδρέου, 1974), κατάφερεof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative ουσιαστικά να συσπειρώσει όλους τους δυσαρεστημένους Ελληνες, υπέρ του potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found firstπαράδοξο in the UK τρόπο in earlyτην 1960s andπερίοδο it refersμε to ΠΑΣΟΚ, πραγματοποιηθηκε κατάatένα ίδια The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor την ένταξη της χώρας στην ΕΚ (Βερεμής & Κολιόπουλος, 2015, pp. 327-328). the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Η upgrade επαναστατική του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου δημιούργησε ήδη London, upgrade them, ρητορική stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. από την πρώιμη “squeezed”. εκείνη περίοδο την πρώτη ουσιαστική σύγκρουση απόψεων being indirectly description of thisστην phenomenon is included theΦεβρουάριο work of Sociologist Ruth καιAθέσεων ανάμεσα Ελλάδα και ΕΚ. in Τον του 1982, η A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is την included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major κυβέρνηση του ΠΑΣΟΚ, εξαιτίας των ιδιαιτεροτήτων και των δομικών GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. ευπαθειών της χώρας, απέστειλε στην Επιτροπή υπόμνημα αναφορικά με τις cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more θέσεις τηςthen, ελληνικής κυβέρνησης σχετικά several με τις scholars σχέσεις της με την ΕΚ Since the issue has andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from (Καζάκος, 2010). approach Η ελληνικήare πλευρά υποστήριζε ότιbelow, οι κανόνες της κοινής comprehensive being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: αγοράς επηρέαζανthe αρνητικά την ελληνική οικονομία τις περιφέρειές της, interpretations phenomenon theκαι following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups σε τέτοιο βαθμό μάλιστα που αυτές δεν μπορούσαν να αντισταθμιστούν από to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money τα κοινοτικά μέτρα στήριξης (Καζάκος, 2010, p. 366). Για αυτό το λόγο, η and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Ελλάδα πρότεινε την εξαίρεση τηςRuth απόGLASS, τους κανόνες τηςRuth κοινής αγοράς καιin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist 1912-1940. GLASS wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she madeστήριξης, her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: περισσότερα μέτρα πρόταση η οποία ασφαλώς και απορρίφθηκε services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youthτην Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and Βερεμής after continuous από Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή (Καζάκος, 1982; &markets, Κολιόπουλος, lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, 2015). όμως που έγινε από Inτην πλευρά των ΕΚ in της in According 1943 Η sheπαραχώρηση published studies regarding city planning. 1950 sheto became teacher the to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Κωνσταντίνου Καραμανλή και του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου, αναφορικά με την ένταξη της G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually χώρας στην ΕΟΚ (Βλέπε, κεφάλαιο 12 (Βερεμής & Κολιόπουλος, 2015).

252153 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

δυνατότητας της Ελλάδας λάβει επιπλέον χρηματοδότηση στα «Ολοκληρωμένα Μεσογειακά Προγράμματα» που επρόκειτο να δημιουργηθούν, έδωσε στην ελληνική πλευρά τη δυνατότητα να παρουσιάσει το γεγονός αυτό ως τεράστια νίκη στο σοσιαλιστικό ακροατήριο και στο εσωτερικό της χώρας (Βερεμής & Κολιόπουλος, 2015; Καζάκος, 2010). Η στάση της Ελλάδας καθόρισε τόσο τις προτιμήσεις της όσο και την στρατηγική της συμπεριφορά. Η σοσιαλιστική κυβέρνηση όχι μόνο έβλεπε τη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συμμετοχή της χώρας στην ΕΚ υπό το πρίσμα της εξυπηρέτησης των Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, συμφερόντων της, αλλά και ουσιαστικά δεν διαμόρφωσε κανέναArchitect σχέδιο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS αναφορικά με το ρόλο που θα έπρεπε να παίξει η χώρα μέσα στην Κοινότητα Student of the School of Architecture (Kazakos, 1992). Η Ελλάδα στο ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδοTechnical ενδιαφερόταν μόνο για University of Crete την αύξηση των ευρωπαϊκών κονδυλίων στήριξης καθώς και την διεκδίκηση 1. Introductory «παρατάσεων approach: Defining the conceptκαι «εξαιρέσεων», τα οποία «παρεκκλίσεων», προσαρμογής» 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept συσχέτιζε όχι μόνο the με την απειλή αποχώρησης αλλά μιαBC, γενικότερη ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444και BCμε - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370μάλιστα BC, Athens), among otherστάση wise heritage he left us,pp. he established a great the αντιδυτική (Καζάκος, 2010, 371-372). (444 Στα μέσα της among other wise leftthe us, heάλλαζαν established a great the acquisition of knowledge with definition of the content concepts. δεκαετίας του 1980,heritage τηνstarts ίδιαhe στιγμή που οι ιδέες καιof“principle”: το οικονομικό acquisition ofστο knowledge starts withστο thein definition the content concepts. Based,τόσο therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term πλαίσιο διεθνές όσο και ευρωπαικό επίπεδο, για of παράδειγμα η 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification υιοθέτηση της1 Ενιαίας Ευρωπαικής Πράξης, εκείνη ακριβώς την περίοδο, η gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various Ελλάδα δημιουργούσε ένα πενταετές πρόγραμμα σταθεροποίησης στο οποίο Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), ofσημασία social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, δινόταν στον αυξανόμενο ρόλο του κράτους, στις κοινωνικοποιήσεις, ways), social groups, usually of low-income thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of και στιςof κρατικοποιήσεις (Καζάκος, 2010b). Σεand αυτό το πενταετές πρόγραμμα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the είναι χαρακτηριστικό πως δεν γινόταν καμία αναφορά στην Ευρωπαϊκήof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Κοινότητα (Καζάκος, 2010, p. 358) potential relative speculation). TheΟιterm gentrification is found at first της in theΕλλάδας UK in early it refersκαι to συνεχιζόμενες παρεκκλίσεις από1960s τις and διεθνείς The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor ευρωπαϊκές πρακτικές τόσο στο πολιτικό όσο και στο οικονομικό επίπεδο the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof είχαν σαν αποτέλεσμα ενός εκρηκτικού οικονομικών London, upgrade them,την stayεμφάνιση themselves sometimes thereμείγματος and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. συνθηκών μέσα στην χώρα. Οι υποτιμήσεις της δραχμής ήταν συνεχόμενες, τα being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work ofαυξανόταν, Sociologist Ruth ελλείματα στο ισοζύγιο τρεχουσών συναλλαγών τα A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major συναλλαγματικά διαθέσιμα της χώρας μειωνόταν, ο πληθωρισμός παρέμενε GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. σε έναinυψηλό επίπεδο άνωbyτου 18%, η ανεργία είχε σταθεροποιηθεί πάνω cities Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more από Since το 7.5% και ο issue καθαρός δανεισμός τηςseveral χώρας scholars αυξήθηκεand από σε then, the has for2.6% its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various 16.1% σε μια δεκαετία (Sklias & Maris, 2016) Σαν αποτέλεσμα ήταν να comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: χειροτερέψει κατάthe πολύ η θέση της Ελλάδας αναφορικά με τους ρυθμούς interpretations phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups ανάπτυξης, τα δημόσια ελλείμματα, και το δημόσιο χρέος (see, Table 3). Οι to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money εκρηκτικές αυτές συνθήκες έφεραν την χώρα ένα βήμα πριν τη χρεοκοπία. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Στη 1.βάση αυτών συνθηκών ηRuth ελληνική κυβέρνηση, επικαλούμενη τονin term from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense ofThe safety atcomes theτων distributed residencies outside town centres, search ης Μαρτίου Berlin, whereτης she ΕΟΚ made her first studies. In16 1932 she published an 2important study με entitled: Κανονισμό 682/1981, της 1981 , αναφορικά το services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The κοινοτικών same year she δανείων left Germany and after continuous for μηχανισμό χορήγησης για τη στήριξη του ισοζυγίου lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2 See, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legalG. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually



2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Table 3. Macroeconomic conditions in Greece 1980-1990 Concerns 1975 1980 1990 1993 1996 2000 2004

πληρωμών των κρατών μελών, στις 9 Δεκεμβρίου 1985, πήρε δάνειο ύψους 1750 εκ. δολαρίων από την Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα3. Ρυθμός Ανάπτυξης (%) Δημόσιο Έλλειμμα (%) Δημόσιο Χρέος (%)

6.4 2.9


Source: Eurostat







2009 -3.1

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate of Design, 2.6 14.2 12 6.7School3.8 7.5 Student, 15.6 By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect 100. Student of the School of Architecture 22.5 71.7 99.2 104.4 99.8 129.7 3Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, theδάνεια ancient Greek philosopher, Ουσιαστικά, τα της Ελλάδας ξεκίνησαν να παίρνονται από την ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wise heritage he left us,εποχή he established a great the εποχή other του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου, όπου ξεκινάει η πολιτική και among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. οικονομική περίοδο μνημονίων της χώρας. Εξαιτίας των πολιτικών του acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term κυβερνώντος1 κόμματος, ήδη από εκείνη την πρώιμη εποχή επήλθε, μια Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area Planning) (or gentrification χειροτέρευση (and διαπραγματευτικής θέσης της χώρας, ενώ of παράλληλα, το 1της gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various ίδιο το κόμμα εκτός όλων των ofάλλων, δενthe εξέφραζε κάποια αξιόλογη Sociology as well), as the “refining” a city area, removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, δέσμευση υπέρgroups, της ευρωπαϊκής προοπτικής χώρας. Έστω και εάν, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andτης thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of εξαιτίας της επικράτησης των λαϊκίστικών πολιτικών και των συντεχνιακών the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof διευθετήσεων (Clogg, 1993), τοhas, ελληνικό πλαίσιο αυτό που whatever other consequences resultsπολιτικό also rising of landήταν prices (and the potential relative speculation). δημιουργούσε αυτούς τους περιορισμούς (Tsakalotos, 1998), η επιρροή της potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Ελλάδας στο ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο αναζήτηση The term gentrification found atpeople first inπεριορίστηκε the UK in early στην 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor βραχυπρόθεσμων μάλλον στόχων που κατά κύριο λόγο επικεντρώθηκαν στην the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof αναζήτηση και αύξηση των χρημάτων που εισέρρεαν στην χώρα με London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residentsτα are being indirectly “squeezed”. κοινοτικά πακέτα στήριξης. Η σύλληψη δηλαδή της σχέσεως Ελλάδας-ΕΚ being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth έγινεAμόνο στην βάση ανταμοιβών (Μεσογειακά Προγράμματα, Δάνεια, description ofperiod, thisτων phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Πακέτα Ντελόρ) που θα δεχόταν η ίδια η χώρα. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more Συμπεράσματα comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Παρουσιάσαμε παραπάνω ofσημαντικές πτυχές πολιτικοοικονομικής interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the following: interpretations of theΕλλάδα phenomenon thecategory following: κατάστασης στην της πρώιμης περιόδου 1975-1990. In a sense, the phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of socialΒασικό groups συμπέρασμα αυτών των πτυχών είναι πως η πολιτικοοικονομική υποτίμηση to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money της time χώρας παρουσιάστηκε για πρώτη φορά where εκείνηwork τηνplace πρώτη περίοδο and to travel from the purlieus to downtown, is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in γεγονός που επηρέασε την θέση και την outside διαπραγματευτική της sense of safety at the distributed residencies town centres,ισχύ search forχώρας better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: μετέπειτα. Αυτές education, οι διχαστικές λογικές είναι αυτές που προσδιόρισαν και services of health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for συνεχίζουν να προσδιορίζουν το πολιτικό και οικονομικό μέλλον της χώρας lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies city planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the και οδήγησαν κατά τον ένα ήregarding το άλλο τρόπο στην In οικονομική κρίση. to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 3 See, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EL/TXT/?uri=CELEX:31985D0543

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


Βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard1981-89: University,The Graduate School of Design, Student, Clogg, R., 1993. Greece, Populist Decade. Basingstoke: By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Macmillan. Student of the School of Architecture Eurobarometer, 2016. Standard Eurobarometer 86. Public opinion in the Technical University of Crete European Union, Brussels: European Comission . Eurobarometer, 2018.Defining Flash the Eurobarometer 473. The Euro Area, 1. Introductory approach: concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Brussels: European Commission. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Kazakos, P., 1992. Attitudes toward European in the ANTISTHENIS, theSocialist ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCIntegration -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Eighties. In: T. Kariotis, ed. The Greek socialist experiment: Papandreou's among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Greece, 1981-1989. New York: Pella, 257-278. acquisition of knowledge starts with pp. thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1P. Based, on this in a first, if (in not final, approach, the and term Sklias,therefore, & Maris, G., “principle” 2016. The is Maastricht Convergence Criteria (and urban gentrification) indicated the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Greece in as the 1980s and 1990s. of In:a S. & P. Sklias, Greek Sociology well), as the “refining” cityRoukanas area, the removal fromeds. this, The (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various Political 2000-2015. Delf: Eburon, pp. 25-39. ways), ofEconomy: social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Tsakalotos, E., 1998. The Political Economy of the Social Democratic the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless Economic other Politcies: The PASOK Greece. Oxford ofof whatever consequences has,Experiment results also in rising of land pricesReview (and the whatever other14(1), consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Economic Policy, pp. 114-138. potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). TheTsalicoglou, term gentrification found at first inEntry. the UK in Accession early 1960sofand it refers to I., 1995.isNegotiating for The Greece to the The term gentrification found atpeople first inCollege the UKPress. in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor European Community. Aldeshot: Darmouth the then observed wealthy people to there buy Ελλάδα. property in poor areas London, upgrade stay of themselves sometimes and thusΜια old residents areof Βερέμης, Θ.them, & trend Κολιόπουλος, Ι., 2015. Νεότερη Ιστορία απο London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. το 1821. Αθήνα: Πατάκη. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work Μια of Sociologist Θεοδωρόπουλος, Β., 2012. Τριάντα Χρόνια Ενταξη: ΑφήγησηRuth της A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theΕλλάδας same while similar in other major Πορείας της προς την Ευρώπη. Στο: Σ. Ντάλης, επιμ.ofΑπο την Ενταξη GLASS at the same period, situations wereΑθήνα: recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. στην Κρίση. Ελλάδα και Ευρωπαικη Ενωση: 1981-2011. Παπαζήση, pp. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more 31-42. Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized Καζάκος, Π., 1982. Παρατηρήσεις στο Μνημόνιο για from την Αναρρύθμιση comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: των Σχέσεων ofΕλλάδας και Ευρωπαικών Κοινοτήτων. Επιθεώρηση των interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon due227-247. togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Ευρωπαικών Κοινοτήτων, 3(2),ispp. to “return” to the Π., city,2010. leavingΑνάμεσα the purlieus severalκαι reasons: highΟικονομία costs in money Καζάκος, σε for Κράτος Αγορά. και and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place lack of the Οικονομική Πολιτική στη Μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα. 1944-2000. Αθήνα:is,Πατάκη. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the residencies outside town centres, Π., distributed 2010. Απο τον Ατελή Εκσυγχρονισμό στην Berlin,Καζάκος, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important studyΚρίση. entitled: services of health, education, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after (1993-2010). continuous movements Μετταρυθμίσεις, Χρέη και entertainment Αδράνειες στην Ελλάδα Αθήνα:for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Πατάκη. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Κωστής, Κ.,of2013. Ταwhere κακομαθημένα Παιδιά τηςresearch. Ιστορίας: Η public Διαμόρφωση University College London, she continued her social Her and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her Νεοελληνικού work are characterized by a 18ος passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. του Κράτους, - 21ος Αιώνας. Αθήνα: Πόλις. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Παπανδρέου, Α., 1974. Πατερναλιστικός Καπιταλισμός. Αθήνα: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Καρανάση.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, TypesSCRIABIN of Intervention, Alexander Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Της κυρίας Ευγ. - Μαρ. Κ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Concerns 

Ο Αλεξάντερ Σκριάμπιν γεννήθηκε την 6 Ιανουαρίου 1872, στη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Μόσχα της Ρωσίας (σύμφωνα με τοGraduate παλαιόSchool ημερολόγιο 25 Harvard University, of Design,την Student, Δεκεμβρίου 1871) και απεβίωσε τηνGeorge-Sp. 27 Απριλίου έτους 1915 στη By Mr. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect 1. of Student the School of Architecture Εμπνεύστηκε από τους Ρωσία (παλαιό ημερολόγιο 14 Απριλίου 1915) Technicalκαθώς University of Crete προγενέστερούς του, Σοπέν, Σούμαν, Λιστ και Βάγκνερ αυτοί οι Συνθέτες κινήθηκαν πολύ κοντά στις ιδέες του, στην εποχή τους, τόσο 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the συνένωση concept (444των στην αισθαντικότητα, όσοDefining και στην σε ένα ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - τεχνών 370 BC, Athens), μουσικό δρώμενο που αργότερα και προς το τέλος της ζωής τουthe ο ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the Σκριάμπιν προσπαθούσε να εξελίξει καιofνα στο εκλεκτό acquisition ofθα knowledge startshe with theπροβάλει content concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term κοινό του.therefore, 1 (and urban Based, this “principle” inindicated a first, ifχωρίζονται notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in area ofσε Planning) (or gentrification Τα therefore, έργα τουonΑλεξάντερ Σκριάμπιν τέσσερις 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various χρονικές περιόδους σύμφωνα με την Ρωσίδα Μουσικολόγο, Anna Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, removal fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, of low-income andthe the placement 2:usually πρώιμος ρομαντισμός (1889-1899), μεταβατικό Ivanova Nikolayeva ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of στάδιο (1899-1903), μέσο στάδιο με ορχηστρικά έργα (1904-1908) και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof τελικό στάδιο με ατονικό στοιχείο (1908-1915). whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). Ο Συνθέτης συνέθεσε έργα για ορχήστρα, πιάνο potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK inγια early 1960sκαι andορχήστρα, it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early and itareas refers έργα μουσικής δωματίου έργα για σόλο πιάνο. Στα 1960s γνωστότερά του the then observed trend ofisκαι wealthy to buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stayοι themselves andοιthus old residents areof έργα συγκαταλέγονται σπουδές του για πιάνο, σονάτες του για London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. πιάνο, και οι συμφωνίες του, όπωςsometimes και ο Προμηθέας. Άλλα από αυτά being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this included in the workστοιχείου of Sociologist είναι γνωστά για τηνphenomenon έξαρση τουis συναισθηματικού καιRuth τις A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major τεχνικές τους πιανιστικά κατά την περίοδο του GLASS at απαιτήσεις the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. Ρομαντισμού στην οποία γράφτηκαν και άλλα από αυτά έχουν cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more παραμείνει γνωστά για τον τουςbelow, χαρακτήρα το Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe forκαι its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied beingατονικό summarized from various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various μυστικιστικό τους περιεχόμενο, τα οποία γράφτηκαν κατά την interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations theτης phenomenon thecategory following: τελευταία περίοδο ζωήςisτου Συνθέτη. In a sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, Το where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published anστο important study entitled: κείμενο αποδίδει βασικά σημεία πρόσφατης διάλεξης Ρωσσικό Ινστιτούτο services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Αθηνών. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies 1 and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where intoactuality, Easter Sundaythe came early thatIn year, March in According 1943When she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 she teacher in the another approach, is on due tobecame a 29. systematic and 2 University College of London, where she‘Scriabin’s continued her social Her public and Characteristic features of A.N., piano styleresearch. as foundbrokers in his compositions long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying work are characterized by a passion for justice. See11-16, also: COLLINS ENGLISHDissertation, DICTIONARY. inher small forms’/ Moscow:Sovetskii kompozitor, 1983, inofAnna and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially partGawboy, of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ‘Alexander Scriabin’s Theurgy in Blue: Esotericism and the Analysis of Prometheus:Poem of G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Fire Op.60’, Yale University, 2010.

252157 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Το μουσικό ιδίωμα του Συνθέτη βασιζόταν στη προσωπική ιδίως δημιουργία του, ιδιαίτερων ατονικών αρμονιών με χαρακτηριστικές συγχορδίες που περιέχονται περισσότερο στα ώριμα έργα του και στην συναισθησία, ως ιδιαιτερότητα σχετικά με τα χρώματα και την αντίληψη της μουσικής και του ήχου, που χρησιμοποίησε περισσότερο εκφραστικά βασιζόμενος στις αρχές του φιλοσοφικού ρεύματος της By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS εποχής του, την Θεοσοφία, δημιουργός του οποίου ήταν η Έλενα Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Πέτροβνα Μπλαβάτσκυ (1831-1891). By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect «Ο Σκριάμπιν οραματιζόταν ένα έντονα μετα-βαγκνερικό Student of the School of Architecture πολύτεχνο, ένα Μυστήριο, όπου θα συμμετείχαν όλες οι τέχνες,ofπου Technical University Crete όμως δεν καρποφόρησε εξαιτίας του πρόωρου θανάτου του, στα 43 Introductory approach: theοράματός concept του στον Βάγκνερ, όσον 3. Πέρα από τηDefining βάση του του1.χρόνια» 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, αφορά στην υλοποίησή του, ο Σκριάμπιν είχε εμπνευστεί από τον ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a Γκαίτε, great the Πλάτωνα, τον Σοπενχάουερ, τον Νίτσε, τον(444 την Έλενα among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Πέτροβνα Μπλαβάτσκυ και άλλους, όπως ο Λίστ και ο Ντεμπυσύ, μέχρι acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term πουBased, τελικάtherefore, αποτύπωση του αυτούthe προς 1ξεκίνησε onτην this “principle” inindicated aτου first,οράματός if (in notthe final, approach, term (and urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 συνένωση των τεχνών το 1909, με την σύνθεση του έργου του, gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various 4. “Prometheus, The Poem of Fire”, ή «το Μυστήριο» Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), groups, ofήταν low-income and thethis placement there of artists, Τοof social Έργο αυτό,usually θα μιαHowever μουσική ιεροτελεστία, ένα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever otherδράμα consequences has, also rising of land μεγαλειώδες το οποίο θαresults βιωνόταν από όλο το prices κοινό (and του, the θαof whatever other consequences has,θα results also rising land pricesτου (andσε the potential relative συνένωνε όλεςspeculation). τις τέχνες και εξύψωνε τους ofαποδέκτες potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found firstανθρώπινη in the UK in early 1960s and refersθα to πνευματικές σφαίρες πέρα απόatτην υπόσταση. Τοitέργο The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor λάμβανε χώρα στην Ινδία, με people οδηγίες τουproperty Συνθέτη περίareas τηςof the then observed trend wealthy to there buy in poor London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are διαμόρφωσης του τοπίου και τηςsometimes ορχήστρας, ναόresidents που θα London, upgrade them, stay themselves thereσε andέναν thus old are being indirectly “squeezed”. χτιζόταν ειδικά για την επιτέλεση του έργου αυτού, με συγκεκριμένες being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ενδυμασίες άλλα όπωςinwere χορός, τραγούδι, οπτικά A description of this ειδικά phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theκαι same period, whileδρώμενα, similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major εφέ inκ.λ., και countries, φυσικά byτηother συνένωση πολλαπλών τεχνών που θα cities Western Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherστην Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more οδηγούσαν τους συμμετέχοντες ένωσή τους με το «θείο». Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andιδίωμα for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the Το όραμα του Σκριάμπιν και κυρίως το ατονικό της comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, the following: μουσικής του,ofδεν προέκυψαν of τυχαία, αλλά μέσα από την τριβή του interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, is due togentrification, aαπό trendτην of a new of social συνθέτη με the τηphenomenon μουσική και μέσα έμπνευσή του απόgroups έργα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money άλλων συνθετών αρχικά, όπως ο Σοπέν και ο Βάγκνερ. Περνώντας από and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the τον 1.Ρομαντισμό ο town Σκριάμπιν στην termat comes fromπρωτοπορία, Sociologist Ruth τελικά GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthκατέληξε GLASS for wasbetter born in sense ofThe safety theστην distributed residencies outside centres, search Berlin, where sheκαι made her first studies.τη In 1932 she published an important study entitled: ατονικότητα δημιούργησε «μυστική συγχορδία» του, έγινε ο services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for

lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies 3 and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where C., «Ιστορία της Δυτικής Μουσικής την Αρχαιότητα ως τις Μέρες in According 1943Headington, she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning.από In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and μας/ Από τον Γερμανικό Ρομαντισμό και εφεξής», Αθήνα, 1993, σελ.149. long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying 4 her work are characterized by a passion for justice. also: COLLINSleENGLISH DICTIONARY. Scriabin Alexander 1911. Autograph ScoreSee of ‘Promethee, Poeme du Feu’ pour and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: grand orchestre et piano avec orgue, choeurs et clavier a lumiers, Op.60. Berlin and G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


Moscow, Edition Russe de Musique, Cover Design by Jean Delville.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

προάγγελος του Schoenberg που θα εισάγει αργότερα την ατονικότητα και το δωδεκαφθογγισμό, και έφτασε στην δημιουργία του «Προμηθέα», με επιρροή του φιλοσοφικού κινήματος της Θεοσοφίας, που έχαιρε αποδοχής την εποχή του Σκριάμπιν. Εκείνη την εποχή, η καλλιτεχνική δημιουργία ήταν συνδεδεμένη με τις μυστικιστικές τέχνες καθώς επικρατούσε και η ιδέα του καλλιτέχνη ως ‘high priest’. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Ειδικώτερα, ο Συνθέτης δημιούργησε τον τροχό των χρωμάτων5 Harvard University, Student, και συσχέτισε τις τονικότητες στη Graduate μουσική,School με of τιςDesign, χρωματικές By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect αντιστοιχίες που περιγράφονταν στο έργο «Μυστική Διδασκαλία», της Student of the School of Architecture Μπλαβάτσκυ. Παρόλα αυτά όμως, αξίζει ναTechnical σημειωθεί, ότιof Crete δεν University παρουσιάζει ενδιαφέρον ο τροχός των χρωμάτων, μόνο ως προς το 1. Introductory Defining theκυρίως concept ως προς την αρμονία της μυστικιστικό τουapproach: περιεχόμενο, αλλά 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek μουσικής την οποία διεύρυνε καιphilosopher, χρησιμοποίησε ο Συνθέτης όπως ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the διαφαίνεται από την πρώτη κιόλας συγχορδία του «Προμηθέα», η among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. 6. οποία είναι η «μυστική συγχορδία» σε αναστροφή, σε λα μείζονα acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Η ατμόσφαιρα στη Ρωσία κατά την εποχή του Σκριάμπιν 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1σε διακρινόταν φάσεις, η a μία ήταν της gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in theτου areaυλισμού, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), asδύο the “refining” of cityisarea, theεκείνη removal from this, (in various κουλτούρας και του θετικισμού, της κβαντικής μηχανικής, της θεωρίας Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, της σχετικότητας του Αϊνστάιν, τηςHowever εφεύρεσης του σινεμά, του the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever otherκαι consequences results also rising of land (and theof αεροπλάνου άλλων, καιhas, η δεύτερη ήταν εκείνη τηςprices φιλοσοφίας, whatever other consequences results also rising ofτου land κόσμου, prices (and the potential relative speculation). όπως του Νίτσε, της πιο has, σκοτεινής πλευράς του potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in theήταν UK inηearly 1960s andδράματος it refers to εσωτερισμού, όσον αφορά στις τέχνες, εποχή του The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor βασισμένου στο μύθο, όπως στα έργα τουto Βάγκνερ και, τέλος, ήταν μιαof the then observed trend wealthy people buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are χρονική περίοδος πουstay απασχολούσαν τους εκφραστές τουoldπνεύματος, London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes there and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. οιbeing ψυχικές επιστήμες με κύριουςisεκπροσώπους τους of τον ΦρόυντRuth και indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon included in the work Sociologist τον AΓιούνγκ. Επίσης, σημαντικό έπαιξε και το της description ofperiod, this phenomenon is ρόλο included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations inκίνημα other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Θεοσοφίας Έλενας Πέτροβνα Μπλαβάτσκυ. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has severalοποία scholars and for its more Κατ΄αυτή τη χρονική περίοδο στην κυριαρχούσαν οι Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various αναφερθείσες δύο τάσεις και που οι ηθικές αξίες της Ρωσικής comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: κοινωνίας εξαφανίζονταν, οι επιδημίες και η the φτώχεια εξαπλώνονταν interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups και επικρατούσε ο αντισημιτισμός, τα πολιτικά καθεστώτα δεν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ανταποκρίνονταν επαρκώς στις τρέχουσες ανάγκες, με αποτέλεσμα and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the τελικά να ξεσπάσει επανάσταση το 1905, της οποίας αποτέλεσμα λίγαin 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and 5 University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Scriabin-Circle.png long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. http://prometheus.kai.ru/IMAGES/Fig1b.jpg. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 6 Bowers, F., The New Scriabin:Enigma and Answers. New York, N.Y:St. Martin’s G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

Press, 1973, pp.170.

252159 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

χρόνια αργότερα ήταν και η επανάσταση των Μπολσεβίκων, όπως και ο εμφύλιος πόλεμος, μέσα στο σκηνικό ενός Παγκοσμίου πολέμου. Υπό αυτό το κλίμα, η Ρωσική ιντελιγκέντσια, προσπάθησε να στραφεί στη δημιουργία μέσω της τέχνης έτσι, ώστε να αποδράσει από την πραγματικότητα και να καθορίσει ένα νέο πεδίο αξιών που θα βοηθούσε στην αντιμετώπιση της κρίσης αυτής, που είχε ξεσπάσει By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS ανάμεσα στις τέχνες, τη θρησκεία, την κοινωνίαC.και την εξουσία. Ο Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Σκριάμπιν, ως άμεσος εκφραστής της μουσικής, του συμβολισμού και By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect των μυστικιστικών τάσεων της εποχής του, προσπάθησε να δώσει μια Student of the School of Architecture διέξοδο από το χάος μέσα από τα έργα του υπογραμμίζοντας τηνofαξία Technical University Crete του ανθρώπου κυρίως μέσα από την πνευματική εξέλιξη και υπόσταση, 1. Introductory Defining the concept πράγμα όμως το approach: οποίο ήταν αποκλειστικό πλεονέκτημα μόνον της ελίτ 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), 7 the ancient Greek philosopher, τηςANTISTHENIS, εποχής του Συνθέτη.

ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Tables: acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Ο Bowers ολοκληρώνει την ανάλυση έναν πίνακα 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,παραθέτοντας if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 που περιλαμβάνει τις μουσικές και χρωματικές αντιστοιχίες στον gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various 8area, : Προμηθέα κατά τον ίδιο τον Σκριάμπιν Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless C 256other vibrations per second Red results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever consequences has, whatever otherspeculation). consequencesViolet has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative C# 277 potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to D Yellow The298 term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor D# 319 Steel sometimes the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old as residents are E indirectly 341upgrade Pearly white (alternately described being “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included the work of pearl) Sociologist Ruth moonshine, frostincolor, bluish A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar major F 362at the same period, while Dark red situations were recordedininother GLASS similar other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. F# in383 BlueResearchers. cities Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more G 405 comprehensive approach are Rosy beingorange summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: G#426 Violet purple interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In sense, theof phenomenon is Green dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups A a447 to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money 469 Steel (the glint ofwhere metal)work place is, lack of the and A# time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, B1.of 490 Pearly blue or white The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Bowers (1996:205) YouthΠηγή: Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 7 her work characterized by‘Fashionable a passion for justice. See also: ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Inarereal Maria Carlson, Occultism: The COLLINS World Russian Composer and selling estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of partofof the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Alexandr Scriabin, Vol 7, The Journal of the International Institute, Issue 3, Summer 2000. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 8


Ό.π., σελ.205.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, ‘Prometheus: Χρώματα και Types Θεοσοφικός Χρώματα Αρχές Definition, of intervention, Concerns ofσυμβολισμός/ Gentrification Poem of Fire, νέες Blavatsky Blavatsky op.60 τονικότητες Concerns Leadbeater Scriabin Πίνακας: Προμηθέας «Ποίημα της Φωτιάς»


Ντο# Λα♭


Θρησκευτικό By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συναίσθημα Graduate School -of Design, Student, Ιώδες Harvard University, Υψηλά ιδανικά By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Βιολετί μωβ Πνευματική αγάπη Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept

Μεταλλικό Ιδιοτέλεια Μι♭ 1. Introductory the concept (444 BC -- 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS,approach: the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, μπλε ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC- -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great Μεταλλικό Φιλαργυρία, θλίψη (444 - the Σι♭ among other wise γκρι heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the

acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Φα Αισθησιασμός, Πράσινο Ζωώδης 1 (andΣκούρο Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) gentrification κόκκινο εγωισμός Ψυχή(or 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Ντο Κόκκινο Θυμός Κόκκινο Κάμα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, Ρούπα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, Υπερηφάνεια, results also rising of land theof Σολ Ρόδινο Μπλεprices (and Αυρικό whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative πορτοκαλί φιλοδοξία Περίβλημα potential relative speculation). in the UK in early 1960s and it Ζωϊκή refers to Ρε The term gentrification Κίτρινο is found at first Διανόηση Πορτοκαλί The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Αρχή the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Λα Πράσινο Προσαρμοστικότητα Σκούρο Ανώτεροare London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. μπλε Μανά being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ofperiod, thisμπλεphenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth Μι A description Σκούρο Ευσπλαχνία, συμπάθεια Κίτρινο Ανώτερη GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major πράσινο Ψυχή cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Σιcities Ανοικτό Ανώτερη Ιώδες Διπλό Since then, the issueμπλε has several scholars and for its more πνευματικότητα Αιθερικό Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of Βαθύ the phenomenon of gentrification, Φα# μπλε Βαθύ θρησκευτικό the following: interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend of a new of social groups συναίσθημα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252161 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252163 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Design Types and Construction: Definition, of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification The role of new technologies Concerns Georgios - Spyridon C. ATHANASOPOULOS By Mr. Candidate George-Sp.Cambridge C. ATHANASOPOULOS PhD University, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Engineering Department By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Master ofStudent Architecture in Urban Design of the School of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Technical University of Crete Bachelor of Architecture Technical University of Crete


1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient From Renaissance to the Greek 21st Century ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other heritage he left us, he established a great the One ofwise the main characteristics ofphilosopher, the design profession is the ability to among wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of synchronical knowledge starts with of the content concepts. adapt toother its changes in society. These changes take place in acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term various fields such as the economic realm or the social organization of a state, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,the if (in not final, approach, the and term gentrification) is the of Planning) (or gentrification as well as in technology and the sciences. Since ages ofarea ancient Egypt 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various its Pyramids, the role of the architect, a term that can be translated from the Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofengineer, low-income theremoval placement greek language as the primary wasand to try to invent tools, processes, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operationtechniques of art galleries, etc.common Howeverneeds this “change”, regardless of or material thatrestaurants, would serve and would provide the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the solutions to particular problems. In a similar way, this is also the role of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). technology in general, and that would be the creation of knowledge, materials potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found life. at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to and The methods that aim to facilitate term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the thenOne observed trend of to buy poor fundamental change thatpeople happened atproperty the timeinof Renaissance the then observed trend of wealthy to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof was the invention of thestay perspective drawing. Thisthere wasand seen as old a cutting-edge London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. technology and it“squeezed”. altered the way in which space was perceived. An equivalent being indirectly A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth shiftAthat takes place would be the extensive use ofofdigital toolsRuth in ofperiod, thistoday phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist GLASSdescription at the same while similar in other major design and architecture. Digital tools offer a wide range of options in GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. reinterpreting design and in creating particular architectural languages and cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more syntaxes. However, they has also provide the opportunity toand simulate the Since then, the issue several scholars for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the structure of a desirable building in order to explore the performable aspects of comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: the design. In that way, one of the main attempts of this essay is to argue that interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups the new tools not only can be used as form-finding vehicles that to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highwould costs inexplore money new aesthetics, but at the same time, they can contribute to the and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work placedevelopment is, lack of the of new tectonic principles. 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Simulation lower living cost of, tools “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, role of studies the approach, designer and architect isIn to1950 try to adopt theteacher new tools in According 1943As shethe published regarding city planning. she in the to another the phenomenon is due tobecame a systematic and University College of emerge, London, where she continued her socialhis research. Her public and that continuously itorganized should be noted that role would also be to long-term informal effort by groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. critically engage withetc., thefor new and being able accept or decline and selling realCOLLINS estate, thetechniques depreciation initially of parttoof the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: the outcomes of the digital world. As the new simulation tools may enable the G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

designer to interpret his design in terms of functionality, weather and light conditions, and stability, the results of that should not be accepted per se. They should be critically filtered in order to provide feedback for the design. The generation of statistical analysis and data should only be used as way to redefine the strategies and principles that guide the design process.

Computation vs Computerization | The Traces of Computational Design By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS At this point there is an important distinction that needs to be made Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, between the terms “computational” By and “computerized” One aspect of Mr. George-Sp. C. design. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect the “computerized” design method would Student be the ofexact replication of an the School of Architecture analytical set of information. In addition to that, Technical and according to Achim University of Crete Menges, computerized design follows the traditional methods of design, just 1. Introductory approach: DefiningOn thethe concept through the interface of a computer. other hand computational design 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept shifts the discourse the of design, challenging the conventional and ANTISTHENIS, ancient by Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370methods BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370models, BC, Athens), among other heritage he left us, he established a great the processes of wise design through the introduction of (444 parametric and among through other wise left us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with the ofcomputer. the content concepts. the directly the heritage programming language of the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, thewas term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Design1computation and the broader range of all its relevant tools gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various primarily adopted by the fields of naval and aerospace engineering. The main Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social usually of low-income and the placement of artists, target ofwas to groups, generate models of simulation that throughthere analysis and ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andincrease thethis placement there of artists, the operation ofof art galleries, restaurants, etc.to However “change”, regardless of interpretation their results would lead the in performance and the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the efficiency of structures. The outcomes of the use of applied physics andof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative applied sciences also introduced new techniques and methods in fabrication potential relative speculation). term gentrification is found at first the UK early 1960s andcame it refers to andThe construction. The first attempts to in follow theinadvancements from The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor the industries, as they tried to respond to market demands for customization the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves andof thus residents areof ofLondon, products. At that particular point, the fordist there model theold assembly-line upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. production was “squeezed”. questioned and redefined. Interventions could take place being indirectly A description of thisprocess phenomenon is included in the work of of Sociologist Ruth during the production in order broaden the the products. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon isto included inwere thevariety work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. the discourse computational design dates way back to cities inNevertheless, Western countries, bypreoccupied other of Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more the Since invention ofthe analytical geometries and third degree algebraic equations then, issue has several scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various form Leibniz. It could be argued that, at summarized a certain degree the emergence of the comprehensive approach are being below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: new tools came as the outcome of applied mathematics through the extensive interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups use of computer resources. In other words, computers offered possibility to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highthe costs in money to represent non-euclidean geometries that would take a great amount of and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the effort to produce bydistributed hand. Computer offered a wide range of potentials tobetter mapin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born sense safety the residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where she made hergeometries first studies. and In 1932 she published an important study entitled: analytical and complex this was about to bring fundamental services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and continuous changes in the way space could be perceived, and asafter result intothe way itetc. could lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where be built. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252165 11


Redefining Tectonics GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, At this point, before shifting to an understanding of the new design and simulation tools in terms of their practical values, it might worth to Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification interpret their outcomes in terms of design and aesthetics. The new design Concerns techniques have offered new ways to design space and can be criticized for


form-finding obsessions. The result of that could be the fetishization of the architectural object. But the idea that architecture should demonstrate itself By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS and expose its ambitions to lead the aesthetics discourse is a perception that Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, goes back in time. It dates back to the andC.it ATHANASSOPOULOS even goes way more ByRenaissance Mr. George-Sp. Architect back to the construction of the Parthenon. From that point of view the new Student of the School of Architecture design tools are just being used as the contemporaryTechnical vehicle that enables the University of Crete architect-designer to express his aesthetic language and vocabulary. In other 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept words, a computational design language is not necessarily a premise for an 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept expressive architectural vocabulary, the computer be the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greekand philosopher, (444just BC happens - 370 BC,to Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the latest method of designing. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition ofisknowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aseek first, the if of not final, term What important, however is into way in approach, which anythe design1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification artistic obsession or performative expression is related to a crucial aspectterm of 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various architecture, and that would be the one of tectonics. Structure was always a Sociology as as the “refining” of a city from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually low-income andthe theremoval placement there parameter inwell), architecture andofdesign thatarea, defined the final outcome. In the ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofdiscourse, art galleries, etc.technologies However this can “change”, of contemporary therestaurants, use of digital greatlyregardless contribute the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the to the field of tectonics. Even if this seems to be obvious, as engineering wasof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential always a relative discipline closely related to computation and mathematics, it could potential relative speculation). term that gentrification is found at first infor thedifferent UK in early 1960s Structure and it refers to be The claimed it is actually happening reasons. and The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor tectonics are redefined, not because of the use of the new tools by the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and residents areof engineers, but basically of the use of thesethere tools bythus theold designers. The London, upgrade them, because stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. new tools have“squeezed”. offered the designers the possibility of an architectural being indirectly A description this phenomenon is included in thecalculate work of Sociologist Ruth vocabulary thatofofconventional tectonics cannot by simplistic A description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major simulation andsame analytic models. As an extension to that, form-finding GLASS at the period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. techniques have definitely lead to the emergence of what could be named as cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more “tectonic-finding” techniques. This would be an investigation offor principles Since then, the issue has several scholars and its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various that, through the engagement of the digital tools, could lead to the realization comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: ofinterpretations any unconventional design, and at the same time would manage to the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups overcome construction issues. It should be pointed out, however, that the to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money collaboration between the purlieus engineertoand the architect, wellplace as theis,blurring of and time to travel from the downtown, whereaswork lack of the the boundaries between disciplines a crucial factor for success. And thisin 1.of The termat comes from the Sociologist Ruth is GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better Berlin,only where she happened made her first studies.the In 1932 shea published an important study entitled: could have through use of common language between the services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth which Unemployment. Thethe same year she left Germany and after continuous fields, would be one of mathematics. In other words, it might be afor lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, point in she history where it’s not tectonics define In design, but actually design in According 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and informs tectonics in by that way it challenges engineering and science. And long-term informaland effort organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. probably this could beetc., an for irony ofdepreciation our times, the fact that a discipline cannot and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCo initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

any longer challenge itself on its own, but only through the feedback of other disciplines.

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Concludingly, it may be worth to George-Sp. recall Mies C. van der Rohe’sArchitect words By Mr. ATHANASSOPOULOS regarding the advancements that were taking place, back in the beginning of Student of the School of Architecture the twentieth century. Even if the great architect’s words refer to Technical University of Crete

industrialization, his ideas might be still relevant today: 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept of our “yes” or “no.” Yet it “The new era is a fact: it exists,the irrespective 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept is neither better northe worse thanGreek any other era. [...] (444 One BC thing willBC, be decisive: ANTISTHENIS, ancient philosopher, - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370problems BC, Athens), among wise ourselves heritage he us, he a great the the wayother we assert in left the face of established circumstance. Here the of among wise leftthe us,definition hetoestablished a greatbut the acquisition of knowledge startshe with ofnot the “what” content of“principle”: concepts. the spiritother begin. Theheritage important question ask is “how.” What acquisition of knowledge starts with the content of concepts. Based, onwhat this “principle” indefinition aare first, not final, approach, thevalue. term goods we therefore, produce or tools wethe use notif of questions of spiritual 1 (and urban Based, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, thenew term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification [...] Yet it istherefore, just the question of value that is decisive. We must set up 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various values, fix our ultimate goals so that we may establish standards. For what is Sociology as well), asfor the “refining” of a city area, this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of— low-income and theremoval placement there artists, right and significant any era including thethe new era —from is this: toof give the ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of spirit the opportunity for existence.” the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor BIBLIOGRAPHY the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Mario. Alphabet and the Cambridge, ACarpo, description of thisThe phenomenon is included in theAlgorithm. work of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2011. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major citiesCarpo, in Western countries, by other Mario. Ten Years of Researchers. Folding, in Greg Lynn (ed.), Folding in cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Architecture, Architectural Design. Chichester, 1993 revised edition Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2004. comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: Frampton, Kenneth. Modern Architecture : A Critical History. Rev. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups and enl. ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Kara, Hanif,from et the al.purlieus Interdisciplinary New Lessons from and time to travel to downtown,Design: where work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in Architecture and Engineering. Cambridge, MA: Barcelona: Harvard sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) University Graduate Schoolentertainment of Design, Actar, 2012. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. Luca Digital Fabrication inNew Architecture, and studies andCaneparo. research in Geneva, Prague, London and York she cameEngineering back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Construction. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, 2014. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Menges, Achim, and Design DICTIONARY. Thinking. her work are characterized by a Sean passionAhlquist. for justice. Computational See also: COLLINS ENGLISH and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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Καλές πρακτικές στον Ευρωπαϊκό Νότο από την Τοπική GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Αυτοδιοίκηση για την ενίσχυση της καινοτομίας: Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Οι περιπτώσεις των Δήμων Λισαβόνας, Βαρκελώνης και Concerns Πειραιά Της κυρίας Σαβ. ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΥ

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Abstract Student of the School of Architecture Το άρθρο μελετάει τις καλές πρακτικές τριώνTechnical Δήμων του Ευρωπαϊκού University of Crete


Νότου, του Δήμου Λισαβόνας, του Δήμου Βαρκελώνης και του Δήμου Πειραιά, οι 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept και των επενδύσεων στις οποίες αφορούν την ενίσχυση της καινοτομίας 1. Introductory approach: Defining the περιοχές. Μέσα από την ανάλυση πηγών καιconcept τη συλλογή ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444στατιστικών BC - 370 BC,στοιχείων Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCεξέταση -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), και συνεντεύξεων με εμπλεκόμενους φορείς στις υπό περιοχές, among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the εντοπίζονται πολιτικές πρωτοβουλίες οι οποίες δύνανται να υιοθετηθούν among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. από περισσότερους Ο.Τ.Α.onκαι αποτελούν καλές πρακτικές. Μέσα από την the εξέταση acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, term 1 (and urban ανακύπτουν κοινοί παράγοντες, ευκαιρίες για τουςif Ελληνικούς Ο.Τ.Α. αλλά και Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and απειλές για ανταγωνιστικότητα προσέλκυση ευρωπαϊκών πόρων gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology asτην well), as the “refining” ofτους a cityστην the removal (in various για την προσέλκυση επενδύσεων. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of Πρόλογος the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Μέσα από τη χρηματοπιστωτική κρίση also του 2008, επακόλουθη κρίση whatever other consequences has, results rising την of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). της ευρωζώνης, η οποία έπληξε βαρύτατα την Ελλάδα, και διανύοντας, ήδη, τον potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to όγδοο κρίσης, Οργανισμοί επλήγησαν Theχρόνο term gentrification found atpeople firstΤοπικής in the UKΑυτοδιοίκησης in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trendοιofiswealthy to buy property in poor σημαντικά, ενώ χρόνιες δυσλειτουργίες της διοίκησης ανεδείχθησαν, ένεκα της the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof οικονομικής τους δυσπραγίας. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Την ίδια περίοδο, και στρατηγικές ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, όπως η being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this πολιτικές phenomenon is included inσεthe work of Sociologist Ruth Πολιτική Συνοχής και η στρατηγική «Ευρώπη 2020», χάρασσαν την ευρωπαϊκή A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major πορεία προς τοsame 2020, επιθυμώντας να situations δημιουργήσουν μια νέαinευρωπαϊκή GLASS at the period, while similar were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. οικονομία, στηριγμένη στη βιωσιμότητα, στην άρση του αποκλεισμού και στην cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more ανταγωνιστικότητα έναντι της συνοχής. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Δημιουργήθηκε, κατά αυτόν τον summarized τρόπο, μια προγραμματική περίοδος comprehensive approach are being below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: (20142020) από χρηματοδοτικά εργαλεία και προγράμματα, τα οποία interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups διακατέχονται από αυτήν την νοοτροπία και τα οποία δύνανται να υποστηρίξουν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ένα ευρύ φάσμα δράσεων για την Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Η δυναμική αυτή, των περιορισμένων εθνικών πόρων και της κατεύθυνσης 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety theπόρων, distributed residencies outside town centres, των ευρωπαϊκών σε studies. συνδυασμό μεsheτην τεχνολογική εξέλιξη καιentitled: την Berlin, where she made her first In 1932 published an important study services of των health, education, entertainment “at που the heart of the city”, (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year left Germany andχαρακτήρισε after continuous κυριαρχία εφαρμογών και τουshe διαδικτύου τηνmovements τελευταία lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came back to London, δεκαετία, οδήγησε στη δημιουργία καινοτόμων πολιτικών, οι οποίες αποτελούν in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and καλές πρακτικές υιοθέτηση, ιδιαίτερα από τους ελληνικούς Ο.Τ.Α. Στοaction παρόν University College προς of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying άρθρο παρουσιάζονται τριώνSee Δήμων από τονENGLISH Ευρωπαϊκό Νότο: her work are characterizedοι byπεριπτώσεις a passion for justice. also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: του Δήμου Λισαβόνας, του Δήμου Βαρκελώνης και του Δήμου Πειραιά. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Δήμος Λισαβόνας Η Λισαβόνα αποτελεί το οικονομικό κέντρο της Πορτογαλίας με το 45% του ΑΕΠ της χώρας να παράγεται στη μητροπολιτική της περιοχή, ενώ το 2012 αποτελούσε την 32η πιο πλούσια πόλη παγκοσμίως, με βάση το παραγόμενο ΑΕΠ. Η οικονομία της περιοχής στηρίζεται κυρίως στον τριτογενή τομέα, καθώς η πρωτεύουσα της Πορτογαλίας είναι η έδρα πολλών πολυεθνικών επιχειρήσεων. Σημαντικό ρόλο διαδραματίζει επίσης ο τουρισμός, με το αεροδρόμιο της By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS Λισαβόνας να είναι το τρίτο στην Ιβηρική χερσόνησο σε C. επιβατική κίνηση και τη Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Λισαβόνα να ανακηρύσσεται κορυφαίος τουριστικός προορισμός για το 2017. ByηMr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ο δευτερογενής τομέας, κυρίως βιομηχανία, βρίσκεται κατά μήκος του Student of the School of Architecture ποταμού Τάγου, ενώ και το εμπόριο είναι ιδιαίτερα ανεπτυγμένο, καθώς αποτελεί Technical University of ενώ Crete τον τρίτο κατά σειρά τομέα ως προς τη συμβολή του στο ΑΕΠ της περιοχής, το 1. λιμάνι της πόληςapproach: είναι το τρίτο μεγαλύτερο λιμάνι της χώρας και ένα από τα Introductory Defining the concept πλέον σημαντικά λιμάνια στον Ατλαντικό για τη γηραιά ήπειρο (Presstur, 2018). 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient BC - 370 BC, Athens), Ο Δήμος Λισαβόνας έχει Greek σαφή κατεύθυνση (444 τα τελευταία χρόνια στην ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the προώθηση της «έξυπνης» ανάπτυξης της πόλης, ιδιαίτερα στον τομέα του among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. περιβάλλοντος και της διαχείρισης των ενεργειακών πόρων. Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term έχουν δημιουργηθεί επιμέρους στρατηγικές για την ανάπτυξη της πόλης με 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if της notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) (in area of Planning) (or gentrification κυριότερη τη στρατηγική για την έξυπνη εξειδίκευση πόλης. 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Το 2014 η Λισαβόνα έγινε η πρώτη πόλη στην Ευρώπη που διέθεσε 1 εκ. € Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, σε συμμετοχικό προϋπολογισμό για τη δημιουργία επιταχυντών νεοφυών ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of επιχειρήσεων. the operation ofπολιτική art galleries, etc.also However this whatever other consequences results of “change”, land prices (and theof Κεντρική για restaurants, τηνhas, καινοτομία και rising την ανάπτυξη της regardless Λισαβόνας whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (andτης the potential relative speculation). είναι η Lisbon Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy 20142020. Όραμα potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found τη at first in the UK early 1960s andκέντρο it refersμε to στρατηγικής είναι να αναδείξει Λισαβόνα σεinμητροπολιτικό The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of παγκόσμια εμβέλεια, το οποίο παίζει πρωτεύοντα ρόλο στη διεθνοποίηση τηςto the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people buyη property in poor London, upgrade them, stayΠαράλληλα, themselves there and thus old residents areof Πορτογαλίας γενικότερα. στόχος to είναι ενσωμάτωση τηςareas πόλης London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. στην κοινωνία της γνώσης και η αξιοποίηση της θέσης της ως Ευρώ- Ατλαντικού being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon included inδυναμικό. the work of Sociologist Ruth κέντρου με σημαντικό και ανεπτυγμένοisανθρώπινο AΗdescription ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major στρατηγική εστιάζει σε έξι πυλώνες σημασίας για την ανάπτυξης της GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities Western countries, by otherβ) Researchers. πόλης:inα) τουρισμός και φιλοξενία, κοινωνία της πληροφορίας, γ) πολιτιστικές cities in Western countries, byκαι other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars its more βιομηχανίες, δ) κινητικότητα μεταφορές, ε) υπηρεσίες προςand τουςfor πολίτες και Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from στ) θαλάσσιοι πόροι. comprehensive approach being summarized from the various Για κάθε έναν από are τους πυλώνες έχουν δημιουργηθεί άξονες interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: προτεραιότητας οι οποίοι ωστόσο στους α) In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueμπορούν togentrification, a trendναofομαδοποιηθούν a new of socialεξής: groups υποστήριξη συνεργασιών μεταξύ των επιστημονικών, τεχνολογικών και to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money επιχειρηματικών κλάδων· β) υποστήριξη της επιχειρηματικότητας, ιδιαίτερα and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in εκείνης που ενσωματώνει τις νέες τεχνολογίες· υποστήριξη των πολιτικών sense of safety at the distributed residencies outsideγ)town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: έρευνας of και ανάπτυξης στις entertainment επιχειρήσεις· “at δ) the υποστήριξη διεθνοποίησης της services health, education, heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for παραγωγής γνώσης και τεχνολογίας· ε) ανάπτυξη του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where Συνολικά 58 δράσεις οι οποίες In μεταξύ άλλων in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the toπροβλέπονται another approach, the is due a περιλαμβάνουν systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and τη μεταφορά τεχνολογίας και γνώσεις στις επιχειρήσεις, τη διαφύλαξη και την long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ανάδειξη της κληρονομίας της πόλης, τη of βελτίωση της διαχείρισης and selling realπολιτιστικής estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ενεργειακών πόρων, τη μείωση εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Καλές πρακτικές για την καινοτομία και τις επενδύσεις Start-up Lisboa Η Start-up Lisboa είναι μια αστική μη κερδοσκοπική εταιρία, που δημιουργήθηκε από το Δήμο Λισαβόνας και λειτουργεί ως επιταχυντής επιχειρήσεων. Στο πλαίσιο της πρωτοβουλίας αυτής, παρέχονται συμβουλευτική, επίβλεψη, χώροι και δάνεια σε επιχειρήσεις για την ανάπτυξή τους στο ιστορικό κέντρο της πόλης. By Mr.μεγαλύτερους George-Sp. C.επιταχυντές ATHANASOPOULOS Σήμερα αποτελεί έναν από τους νεοφυών Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, επιχειρήσεων στην Πορτογαλία. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Η Start-up Lisboa παρέχει χρηματοδότηση έως το 100% σε επιχειρήσεις με Student of the School of Architecture πάνω από τρία χρόνια λειτουργίας και ως 85% σε επιχειρήσεις με λιγότερο από Technical University of Crete τρία χρόνια λειτουργίας. Χώρος Fab Lab Lisboa Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Ο χώρος Fab Lab Lisboa παρέχει χώρο στις επιχειρήσεις για τη δημιουργία 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444στο BCιστορικό - 370 BC, Athens), πατεντών και προϊόντων με τη χρήση νέων τεχνολογιών κέντρο της ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the πόλης. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Αρχικός στόχος ήταν η ανάδειξή του ως χώρου ανταλλαγής απόψεων και acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term γνώσεων μεταξύ επιχειρηματιών, καλλιτεχνών και επιστημόνων, ενώ σήμερα 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onταthis “principle” is inindicated a first, ifΙδρύματα notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) (in area Planning) (or gentrification συνεργάζεται στενά Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά τηςofπόλης για την 1 (and με gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various παραγωγή πρωτότυπων τεχνολογικών προϊόντων. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),Πάρκο of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Tagus ways), social groups, usually of low-income thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of Τοof Πάρκο Tagus ιδρύθηκε το 1992 ωςand ιδιωτική επιχείρηση από την the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising 22 of land (and στο theof πορτογαλική κυβέρνηση με μεικτό κεφάλαιο σχεδόν εκ. €.prices Συνολικά whatever other consequences has,από results rising land prices (and the potential relative πάρκο έχουν γίνειspeculation). επενδύσεις πάνω 250also εκ. €, ενώ of στεγάζει επιχειρήσεις, potential relative speculation). The term is found at firstνεοφυείς in the UKεπιχειρήσεις in early 1960s it refers to κοιτίδες και gentrification επιταχυντές επιχειρήσεων, καιand τεχνολογικά The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor και επιστημονικά εργαστήρια. the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Συμπεράσματα από ποιοτική αξιολόγηση συνεντεύξεων London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Κατά τη διάρκεια της συνέντευξης με την κα. Alina Margolina, Project being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Manager του Smart City Innovation isLab του Πανεπιστημίου Católica Lisbon A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the workτοof διάστημα Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major School of Business & Economics, η isοποία έλαβε χώρα 8-11 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western by other Researchers. Νοεμβρίου 2017,countries, συζητήθηκε η σχέση μεταξύ του Δήμου Λισαβόνας και των cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more ευρωπαϊκών έργων που προωθούν την καινοτομία. Since then, the issueείναι has preoccupied several scholars andαφορούν for various its more comprehensive approach areιδιαίτερα being summarized below, from the Ο Δήμος Λισαβόνας θετικός σε επενδύσεις που την comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various καινοτομία στην πόλη, ιδιαίτεραofσε ό,τι αφοράtheτο περιβάλλον και την interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: προσαρμογή κλιματική αλλαγή, αλλά και τις μεταφορές. In a sense,στην theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend ofβιώσιμες a new of social groups Ο Δήμος με purlieus τα ΑΕΙ της περιοχής και συγκεκριμένα με το to “return” to theσυνεργάζεται city, leaving the for several reasons: high costs in money Πανεπιστημίου Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics συνεργάζεται and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack ofστο the 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruthτων GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born πλαίσιο της ενεργειακής αναβάθμισης δημοτικών κτιρίων, ένα έργο πουin sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where sheπλαίσιο made her first studies. In 1932HORIZON she published an important study entitled: εντάσσεται στο του προγράμματος 2020. services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Η στάση αυτή του Ο.Τ.Α. και το ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον τουto στους τομείς lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.που studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where αναλύθηκαν, συνάδει μεapproach, την γενικότερη στάση Inπου διαφαίνεται κατά in την in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher the to another the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and περίπτωση μελέτης του Δήμου. long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Δήμος Βαρκελώνης Η Βαρκελώνη είναι πόλη της Ισπανίας και η μεγαλύτερη στην περιφέρεια της Καταλονίας, ευρισκόμενη στο νοτιοανατολικό σημείο της χώρας. Γεωγραφικά η πόλη της Βαρκελώνης βρέχεται από τη Μεσόγειο και εκτίνεται στα 101 τετραγωνικά χιλιόμετρα. Η πόλη χαρακτηρίζεται από υψώματα, τα οποία ωστόσο αποτελούν μέρος του αστικού ιστού της.1 Ο συνολικός πληθυσμός της Βαρκελώνης είναι 1.620.000 κάτοικοι, ενώ By Mr. George-Sp. C.Ευρωπαϊκή ATHANASOPOULOS είναι μια εκ των πλέον πυκνοκατοικημένων πόλεων στην Ένωση με Harvardανά University, Graduate School ofΣύμφωνα Design, Student, σχεδόν 16 χιλιάδες κατοίκους τετραγωνικό χιλιόμετρο. με το By Mr. George-Sp. ωστόσο, C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο2 της πόλης της Βαρκελώνης, η πραγματική Studentηofμισή the School Architecture πυκνότητα του πληθυσμού είναι διπλάσια, καθώς έκτασηof της πόλης Technical University of Crete αποτελείται από τη βιομηχανική περιοχή και δάσος, καθιστώντας τις περιοχές αυτές μη κατοικήσιμες. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Σημαντικό ρόλο στην ανάπτυξη έχει η ηλικιακή κατανομή του 1. Introductory approach: Definingτης theπόλης concept ANTISTHENIS, the1/3 ancient philosopher, (444 ηλικιακή BC - 370 ομάδα BC, Athens), πληθυσμού, καθώς το των Greek κατοίκων ανήκει στην 15-64 ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ετών, ενώ τα 2/3 του πληθυσμού της πόλης είναι άνω των 16 ετών. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Παράλληλα, το ισοζύγιο μετανάστευσης για τη Βαρκελώνη, η διαφορά acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term ανάμεσα στις εισερχόμενες και εξερχόμενες μεταναστευτικές ροές ανεξαρτήτως 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, ifαπό notτο final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in the area of gentrification εθνικότητας, είναι θετικό και σταθερά αυξανόμενο 2012, σεPlanning) αντίθεση (or με 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τον εθνικό μέσο όρο, ο οποίος από το 2012 έως και το 2015 παρουσιάζει ραγδαία Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, πτώση,ofενώ το 2016 ελαφριά αύξηση. ways), social groups, of low-income thethis placement there ofμεartists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. “change”, regardless of Η of Βαρκελώνη έχειusually χαρακτηριστεί ως However «τοand διαμάντι της Ισπανίας», τη the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising land (and theof συνολική συνεισφορά της Καταλονίας στο ισπανικό ΑΕΠofγια το prices 2014 να αγγίζει whatever other consequences also rising of land prices (and the potential speculation). το 19,8% relative και το κατά κεφαλή ΑΕΠhas, της, results τις 40 χιλιάδες Ευρώ. potential relative speculation). TheΟterm gentrification found at firstανεπτυγμένος, in the UK in early 1960s and itτο refers to τριτογενής τομέαςisείναι ο πλέον απασχολώντας 89,3% The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of του απασχολούμενου πληθυσμού, ενώ υπάρχει παντελής έλλειψη του πρωτογενήto the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof τομέα. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Σημαντική είναι η παρουσία της βιομηχανίας στην περιοχή με το 61,3% του being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist συνολικού απασχολούμενου πληθυσμού στη βιομηχανία γιαof την περιοχήRuth της A description ofperiod, this στην phenomenon isμητροπολιτική included inwere theπεριοχή work ofτης Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the while similar situations recorded inΒαρκελώνης. other major Καταλονίας να same βρίσκεται ευρύτερη GLASS at the same period, similar situations recorded in other major cities inΙδιαίτερη Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. αναφορά θα πρέπει να γίνει στους were τομείς του τουρισμού, του cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the μεταφορών, issue has preoccupied several αναλογούν scholars and its more εμπορίου και των καθώς αθροιστικά στοfor 25,8% του Since then, issue has several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the συνολικού ΑΕΠ the της Βαρκελώνης. Η Βαρκελώνη αποτελεί το δημοφιλέστερο comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various προορισμό στηνofΙσπανία και τον πρώτο τουριστικό προορισμό στην κρουαζιέρα interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: στην Ένωση. Παράλληλα, εξαιτίας τηςofτοποθεσίας, η In Ευρωπαϊκή a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trendτης of στρατηγικής a new social groups οποία λειτουργεί ως γέφυρα μεταξύ Βορείου Αφρικής και Ευρώπης, αποτελεί ένα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 1 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα στατιστικών στοιχείων για την Καταλονία: http:// her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. www.idescat.cat/emex/?lang=en&id=080193#h180ffffc00200000, Τελευταία προβολή: 05/02/2018. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2 Ιστοσελίδα της πόλης της Βαρκελώνης: http://www.barcelona.cat/en/, Τελευταία G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually προβολή: 05/02/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

ισχυρό ναυτιλιακό κέντρο, με την κίνηση στο εμπορικό λιμάνι της πόλης να παρουσιάζει αύξηση 18% για το πρώτο εξάμηνο του 2017. 3 Είναι αξιοσημείωτη η χρόνια καταβολή προσπάθειας για την πόλη της Βαρκελώνης στη δημιουργία μιας «έξυπνης πόλης». Το 2011 δημιουργείται το ειδικό συμβούλιο για το συντονισμό και τη δημιουργία μιας ολιστικής στρατηγικής για την καινοτομία στην πόλη, το Urban Habitat. Η μεταμόρφωση της Βαρκελώνης σε μια «έξυπνη πόλη» είναι μια Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συλλογική προσπάθεια που εμπλέκει By φορείς, ενώσεις, επιχειρήσεις, ΑΕΙ και αρχές Harvard University, of Design, Student, κεντρικής και τοπικής διοίκησης, ενώ τη Graduate περίοδο School 2013-2016 οδηγεί στην Byεπίτευξη Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect αφιέρωση περί των 600 δις € προς την του στόχου αυτού. Student the School of Architecture Το 2014 η Βαρκελώνη αναδείχθηκε 4η πόλη στηνofΕυρωπαϊκή Ένωση στην Technical University of Crete η επιστημονική παραγωγή (Science Citation Index, 2014) και 4 ευρωπαϊκή «έξυπνη πόλη» (Fast Company,Defining 2014). the concept 1. Introductory approach: Τέλος η πόλη της Βαρκελώνης έχειconcept καταβάλει προσπάθειες για την 1. Introductory approach: Defining the ANTISTHENIS, theκαι ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC της, - 370μέσα BC, Athens), προσέλκυση ταλέντου επιχειρήσεων στην επικράτειά από τη ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great δημιουργία ενός ελκυστικού εργασιακού και κοινωνικού περιβάλλοντος.the Η among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. πρωτοβουλία «ΒαρκελώνηΚαταλονία», μια συνεργασία μεταξύ του Δημοτικού acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this a first, not final, approach, the term Συμβουλίου της πόλης της “principle” Βαρκελώνης και τηςifΚυβέρνησης της Καταλονίας, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification στοχεύει στην1 παροχή κινήτρων για τη δημιουργία νέων οικονομικών gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various δραστηριοτήτων στο πλαίσιο της οικονομίας της γνώσης (Barcelona City Council, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), 2015). of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), social groups, usually of and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of Τοof2011 δημιουργήθηκε η low-income στρατηγική «Βαρκελώνη Έξυπνη Πόλη» με the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequencesμια has,αυτάρκη results also rising of land pricesγειτονιών, (and theof φιλοδοξία other να δημιουργήσει πόλη, παραγωγικών whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results alsoστο risingευρύτερο of land prices (andμια the potential relative προσαρμοσμένων στις ανθρώπινες ανάγκες, πλαίσιο potential relative speculation). 4 to The term gentrification is found at περιβάλλον first in the UK in early 1960sπεριοχής. and it refers διασυνδεδεμένης και φιλικής προς το Μητροπολιτικής The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas ofto Η στρατηγική έχει διττό στόχο. Αφενός τη χρήση Τεχνολογιών the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών για τη βελτίωση της διοίκησης και τωνof London, upgrade them, themselves there thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. υπηρεσιών της προς τουςstay πολίτες και τις sometimes επιχειρήσεις και and αφετέρου την ενίσχυση being indirectly “squeezed”. description of this phenomenon is included in the workτης of Sociologist τηςAανταγωνιστικότητας της πόλης μέσω της προώθησης καινοτομίας.Ruth Οι A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded workυποδομές, of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the while in other major θεματικές της same στρατηγικής είναιsimilar τέσσερις: Πληροφορική, έξυπνες GLASS atανθρώπινο the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. υπηρεσίες, δυναμικό. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since the issue preoccupied scholars and for its more Η then, στρατηγική έχειhas οδηγήσει στην several υιοθέτηση αρκετών καινοτόμων Since then, the issue has severalέκτασης scholars and forελεύθερη its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various εφαρμογών. Με ένα δίκτυο οπτικών ινών συνολικής 500 χλμ., comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the ασύρματη πρόσβαση στο διαδίκτυο μέσω του the οδοφωτισμού, τη various χρήση interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: αισθητήρων τον έλεγχο τηςisποιότητας του αέρα, τη διαχείριση όμβριων In a sense,για theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of των social groups υδάτων, καιthe τηpurlieus διαχείριση αποβλήτων, στρατηγική έχει to “return”τηto στάθμευση the city, leaving for several reasons:ηhigh costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 3 lower living cost City of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies Barcelona and research Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came back to London, Council, 2015, “Barcelona Data Sheet 2015: Main Economic Indicators for in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and the Barcelona Area”, Διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά: http://barcelonacatalonia.cat /b/wpUniversity informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying content/uploads/2016/03/BarcelonaEnXifres_eng.pdf, τελευταία προβολή: 05/03/2018. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 4 Ferrer J.COLLINS R.,2017, Barcelona’s Smart vision: an opportunity forof transformation», Field and selling real estate,«etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd.City London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Actions Science Reports, Special Issue 16 | 2017, Διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


http://journals.openedition.org/factsreports/4367, Τελευταία Προβολή 09/01/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

καταστήσει τη Βαρκελώνη πόλη- παράδειγμα (Financial Times, 2017) στη χρήση του Διαδικτύου των Πραγμάτων.5 Καλές πρακτικές για την καινοτομία και τις επενδύσεις Barcelona Urban Lab Η πρωτοβουλία «Barcelona Urban Lab» προωθεί την ιδέα της χρήσης του δημόσιου χώρου της πόλης ως αστικό εργαστήριο. Στόχος είναι να διευκολυνθεί η χρήση του δημόσιου χώρου για την πιλοτική εφαρμογή καινοτόμων προϊόντων Byπρώιμο Mr. George-Sp. C.τα ATHANASOPOULOS και υπηρεσιών, τα οποία βρίσκονται σε στάδιο και οποία συνάδουν με Graduate School of Design, Student, τη στρατηγική και τους Harvard στόχουςUniversity, του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου της πόλης και By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect προωθούν το αστικό συμφέρον. Student of the School of Architecture iCity Project Technical University of Το 2012, η Βαρκελώνη συνασπίστηκε με τη Γένοβα και τη Μπολόνια γιαCrete τη δημιουργία του iCity Project, το οποίο χρηματοδοτήθηκε από την Ευρωπαϊκή 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Επιτροπή. Πέρα απόapproach: τις πόλειςDefining στην κοινοπραξία, συμμετείχαν επίσης ιδιωτικές 1. Introductory the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - κέντρα 370 BC,ιδιωτικών Athens), επιχειρήσεις (Cisco Systems, Abertis Telecom) και ερευνητικά ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great και δημόσιων οργανισμών (Citilab, Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta the de among other wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the 6. definition Catalunya, Fraunhofer Institute Fokus) acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on αποτέλεσε this “principle” a first,της if of not final, approach, the term Στόχος του έργου η προώθηση δημιουργίας εφαρμογών από 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification τρίτους παρόχους για τη λειτουργία των έξυπνων πόλεων και η διαθεσιμότητά 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τους και δυνατότητα εφαρμογής τους, μέσω ανοιχτού λογισμικού, σε όσο το Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city οδηγώντας area, fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of περισσότερες social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement of δυνατόν Ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις, σε απόθεμα εφαρμογών ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the artτην galleries, etc.στην However this “change”, of και operation πολιτικώνof για Τοπικήrestaurants, Αυτοδιοίκηση Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.regardless the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof 22@Barcelona: Περιοχή Καινοτομίας whatever other22@Barcelona consequencesδόθηκε has, results rising of land prices (andτου the potential speculation). Το relative όνομα στην also πρώην βιομηχανική περιοχή potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found ξεκίνησε at first inτο the2000 UK in 1960sτου andΔημοτικού it refers to Poblenou, η ανάπλαση της isοποίας μεearly απόφαση The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor Συμβουλίου της πόλης. Στόχος ήταν η μεταμόρφωση της περιοχής σεitareas κέντρο the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof καινοτομίας και τεχνολογίας, διαθέτοντας επίσης χώρους ψυχαγωγίας και London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are 7 being indirectly “squeezed”. εστίασης. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon includedπαράδειγμα in the work of Ruth Η αστική ανάπλαση του χώρουisαποτελεί γιαSociologist άλλες περιοχές A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at της the Βαρκελώνης, same whileάλλες similar were in other major της πόλης ενώ πόλεις έχουνin επίσης υιοθετήσει παρόμοιες GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Westernόπως countries, by other Researchers. προσεγγίσεις η Κωνσταντινούπολη και το Κέιπ Τάουν. Ο χώρος cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, διαφοροποιείται the issue has several scholars and its more 22@Barcelona από Researchers. παρόμοιες πρωτοβουλίες στηνfor Ευρωπαϊκή Since then,δεν the issue has several scholars andμέσο for various its comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the Ένωση, καθώς προσεγγίζει την ανάπλαση της περιοχής ως γιαmore τη comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various χωρική συγκέντρωση παρεμφερών of οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων, interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the following: αλλά προωθεί interpretations theκαι phenomenon theτη following: ένα δράσεων πολιτικών που διασφαλίζουν βιωσιμότητα την Inμείγμα a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of socialκαι groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 5 lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies Το andΔιαδίκτυο research Geneva, Prague, London Neweasier York she came to back to London, των Πραγμάτων (Internet ofand Things) αφορά καθημερινά αντικείμενα και in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and μηχανές που χρησιμοποιούν αισθητήρες για τη συλλογή δεδομένων και την ανάληψη δράσης εντός University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and ενός δικτύουinformal (Πηγή: https://www.sas.com/el_gr/insights/big-data/internet-of-things.html long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of).action buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 6 Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα έργου: http://www.icityproject.eu/content/icity-project-europeanand selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: opportunity-smart-cities , Τελευταία προβολή: 05/03/2018. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 7 Ιστοσελίδα του Catalunya Construye: http://catalunyaconstruye.com /pdf/22@01.pdf.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

κοινωνική συνοχή στην περιοχή, προσελκύοντας διαφορετικές οικονομικές δραστηριότητες και επιχειρήσεις.8 Τελικός στόχος του έργου είναι η ανάπλαση 4 εκ. τετραγωνικών χιλιομέτρων, εκ των οποίων 3,2 εκ. θα χρησιμοποιηθούν για παραγωγικές δραστηριότητες και 800 χιλ. για στέγαση και υπηρεσίες.9 Τα αποτελέσματα της έως τώρα υλοποίησης είναι 22,8% αύξηση του πληθυσμού της περιοχής σε σχέση με το 2002, 62,5% αύξηση των εργαζόμενων Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS στην περιοχή σε σχέση με το 2000 καιBy 42,5% αύξηση τωνC.επιχειρήσεων σε σχέση Harvard Graduate Design, Student, με το 2002. Αξιοσημείωτο είναι University, επίσης πως το 31%School των of επιχειρήσεων που C. ATHANASSOPOULOS εδράζουν στην περιοχή ασχολούνται By με Mr. τονGeorge-Sp. κλάδο της τεχνολογίας, ενώArchitect σχεδόν Student of the κατά το ήμισυ, 47,3%, είναι νεοφυείς επιχειρήσεις (Garcia κ.α.,School 2013).of Architecture Technical University of Crete Πρωτοβουλία «Η Βαρκελώνη στην τσέπη σου» Κατά τον Ferrer (2017) δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει «ευφυής πόλη» χωρίς 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept «ευφυείς πολίτες». Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο η πόλη της Βαρκελώνης έχει δρομολογήσει 1. Introductory approach: the concept theεφαρμογών ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 Athens), καιANTISTHENIS, υλοποιήσει πλήθος κινητών για την ενημέρωση, την BC, εξυπηρέτηση ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great και τη συμμετοχή των πολιτών της στη διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων. Αυτέςthe οι among otherknowledge wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition starts with of the content concepts. εφαρμογές of αποτελούν τον κορμό της γενικότερης πρωτοβουλίας «Η Βαρκελώνη acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term στην τσέπηtherefore, σου». 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) gentrification Στην ιστοσελίδα της πόλης της Βαρκελώνης οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν (or να 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various βρουν διαθέσιμες εφαρμογές, ανεπτυγμένες τόσο από το Δήμο όσο και από Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), ofσε social groups, of low-income and the placement there of artists, τρίτους, τομείς όπωςusually η ιστορία, ο πολιτισμός, οι μεταφορές, η στάθμευση και η ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of 10 of art τεχνολογία. the operation art galleries, restaurants, However this regardless whatever other consequences has, results also risingμια of “change”, land prices (and theof Τέλος η of πόλη της Βαρκελώνης έχειetc. υιοθετήσει υβριδική προσέγγιση whatever otherspeculation). consequences results also rising of land prices (andκαι the potential relative δημόσιας διαβούλευσης με τηhas,διοργάνωση τοπικών συνελεύσεων potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first in the UK in earlyνα1960s and it refers to ηλεκτρονικής διαβούλευσης, όπουatοι πολίτες μπορούν συμμετέχουν στη The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων και να γνωστοποιήσουν τυχόν προβλήματα στιςto the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas 11 them, London, upgrade stay of themselves and thus old residents areof αρμόδιες αρχές. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Συμπεράσματα από ποιοτική αξιολόγηση συνεντεύξεων being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this included in the of της Sociologist Ruth Η επικοινωνία μεphenomenon εκπροσώπουςis και φορείς στηνwork πόλη Βαρκελώνης A description of this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded workκατά of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the το same period, while similar inτη other major έλαβε χώρα διάστημα 07/11/2017 – 11/11/2017, διάρκεια GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. επίσκεψης εργασίας στην περιοχή. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then,επικοινωνίας the issue has several scholars for its more Κατόπιν μεpreoccupied το Γραφείο Δημάρχου τη πόληςand της Βαρκελώνης, Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are με being below, from the various κας. Ada Colau, και συνομιλίας τον summarized κ. Tioseveral Sauleda, Πρόεδρο του Barcelona comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Cluster Nautic, είναι η συνεργατική νοοτροπία που προκρίνεται για την interpretations of theεμφανής phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of the thecategory following: ανάπτυξη της the πόλης τηςphenomenon Βαρκελώνης. In a sense, phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 8 ECPA Urban Planning, «Case Study: Barcelona Innovation District», Citiesin term from 2012, Sociologist Ruth 22@ GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASSSmart wasbetter born sense1.ofThe safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Dive, Διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά: https://www.smartcitiesdive.com/ex/ Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published ansustainablecitiescollective/ important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany after continuous case-study-22-barcelona-innovation-district/27601/, Τελευταίαand προβολή: 05/03/2018. 9 lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies Επίσημη and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Ιστοσελίδα έργου: http://www.22barcelona.com/content/ blogcategory/34/438/ in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and lang,en/ , Τελευταία προβολή: 05/03/2018. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 10 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Επίσημη Ιστοσελίδα της πόλης της Βαρκελώνης για τις εφαρμογές κινητών: her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/apps/en/ , Τελευταία 05/03/2018 and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. Londonπροβολή: 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 11 Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της πόλης της Βαρκελώνης για την ηλεκτρονική συμμετοχή: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


http://www.barcelona.cat/en/getinvolved , Τελευταία προβολή: 05/03/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Αναμφίβολα η Βαρκελώνη θα μπορούσε να λειτουργήσει ως παράδειγμα για την ανάπτυξη των πόλεων του ευρωπαϊκού νότου, συνεχίζοντας τη δική της προσπάθεια για περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη και βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής των κατοίκων. Παρατηρείται επίσης στροφή σε ανθρωποκεντρικές πολιτικές και προσπάθεια ανάπτυξης εκ των κάτω πολιτικών, η οποία συνδέεται με την αλλαγή εξουσίας στην πόλη της Βαρκελώνης το 2015. Έκτοτε παρατηρείται σημαντική By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αύξηση εφαρμογών και μορφών ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης. Harvardστην University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Τέλος, σημαντική συμβολή ανάπτυξη της πόλης παίζουν τα Ανώτατα Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα, τα οποίαBy πέρα από σημαντική συμβολή στην Student of the2015), School συμμετέχουν of Architecture προσέγγιση νέων επιστημόνων(Barcelona City Council, Technical of Crete ενεργά σε συμπράξεις ιδιωτικού και δημοσίου τομέα, αλλά και ηUniversity Κυβέρνηση της Καταλονίας και η Κεντρική Κυβέρνηση της Ισπανίας, με πολιτικές που 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept υποστηρίζουν την εξωστρέφεια και την ανάληψη πρωτοβουλιών από τις πόλεις. 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Δήμος Πειραιά among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Η πόλη του Πειραιά αποτελεί σήμερα κέντρο με χαρακτηριστικά acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term μητροπολιτικής εμβέλειας, το δεύτερο σημαντικότερο μητροπολιτικό κέντρο 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notσημαντικό final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is the area of ρόλο Planning) (or gentrification μετά την Αθήνα(and εντός της Περιφέρειας Αττικής, με πολύ στη ζωή 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various και στην οικονομία της χώρας, καθώς αποτελεί διεθνή πύλη συναλλαγών και Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and της the placement of artists, εμπορίου διαθέτοντας το μεγαλύτερο λιμάνι Ευρώπης there και το τρίτο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andτην thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless of μεγαλύτερο σε επιβατική κίνηση, ενώ etc. συνδέει Αττική με τα νησιά του the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof Αιγαίου. whatever otherμε consequences has, results also rising of landπληθυσμός prices (andτου the potential relative speculation). Σύμφωνα την απογραφή του 201112 ο πραγματικός potential relative speculation). The Πειραιά term gentrification is found atΗfirst in theτου UKπραγματικού in early 1960sπληθυσμού and it refers to Δήμου είναι 162.084 άτομα. εξέλιξη του The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of Δήμου Πειραιά την τελευταία 30ετία βαίνει, ωστόσο, διαρκώς μειούμενη, με τηto the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof συνολική μείωση να ανέρχεται σε ποσοστό 17,46%. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Παρατηρείται αξιοσημείωτη απόκλιση μεταξύ του μόνιμου, πραγματικού being indirectly “squeezed”. description of this is included in the work of καιAνόμιμου αριθμού τωνphenomenon απογραφέντων στον Δήμο Πειραιά, μεSociologist τον αριθμόRuth των A description of this phenomenon is situations included theεμφανίζεται work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar were recorded in other καταγεγραμμένων δημοτών του Πειραιά (νόμιμοι)in να κατά major 8.410 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities Western countries, by other άτομαin μικρότερος από εκείνο τωνResearchers. μονίμων, και 6.806 μικρότερος από των cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more πραγματικών κατοίκων. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, various Σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα για το Δήμο Πειραιά αποτελεί ηfrom μέση ηλικία των comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various μόνιμων κατοίκων του, καθώς ανέρχεται στα 42,5 έτη. interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon the following: Δήμος Πειραιά αποτελούσε διαχρονικά ναυτικό, εμπορικό και In aΟsense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups βιομηχανικό κέντρο της Αττικής, με την υψηλή συγκέντρωση πληθυσμού και to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money πρώτων υλών να from αποτελούν βασικό παράγοντα where της θέσης αυτής. Από το and time to travel the purlieus to downtown, workτου place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born 1980, of ωστόσο, και μετά παρατηρείται μεταστροφή κατάστασης αυτής, τηνin sense safety at the distributed residencies outside της town centres, search forμε better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: οικονομία Δήμου να στηρίζεται ολοένα“at και στον (possibly) τριτογενή services of του health, education, entertainment theπερισσότερο heart of the city”, Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for τομέα, τάση που ακολουθεί την ευρύτερη πορεία της Ελληνικής οικονομίας. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Η she τάση εκφράζεται και στην απασχόληση, το χρονικό in According 1943 published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheκαθώς teacher in the toαυτή another approach, the phenomenon is due tobecame a systematic and University1971-2011 College of London, where she continued her socialτων research. Her public and διάστημα μειώνεται σημαντικά ο αριθμός απασχολούμενων στον long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 12 Απογραφή Πληθυσμού 2011: http://www.statistics.gr/2011-census-pop-hous , Τελευταία G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually προβολή: 15/03/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

πρωτογενή και δευτερογενή τομέα, ενώ αυξάνεται ο αριθμός των απασχολούμενων στον τριτογενή τομέα, ο οποίος την περίοδο αυτή συνιστά την κυρίαρχη οικονομική δραστηριότητα.13 Η διαδικασία αυτή της αποβιομηχάνισης κληροδότησε στον πολεοδομικό ιστό του Πειραιά και στη λιμενική του ζώνη, πολλούς εγκαταλελειμμένους βιομηχανικούς χώρους, που λόγω των πρότερων χρήσεών τους διαθέτουν συνήθως μεγάλο μέγεθος με αποτέλεσμα να δημιουργούν νεκρές ζώνες και θύλακες μέσα στην πόλη (Δήμος Πειραιά, 2014). Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Κατά την τελευταία εξαετία ο By Δήμος Πειραιά εμφανίζεται ολοένα και πιο University, Graduate School ofκαι Design, Student, δυναμικός στην ανάπτυξηHarvard και την προσέλκυση επενδύσεων εθνικών και Architect ευρωπαϊκών πόρων στην περιοχή. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Studentμέσα of the School of Architecture Η στρατηγική του Πειραιά εκφράζεται κυρίως από το Επιχειρησιακό Technical University of Crete Πρόγραμμα του Δήμου Πειραιά για την περίοδο 2015-2019 και από τη Στρατηγική για τη Γαλάζια Ανάπτυξη του Δήμου Πειραιά για την περίοδο 20181. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 2024. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, theτη ancient Greek philosopher, Η Στρατηγική για Γαλάζια Ανάπτυξη του Δήμου Πειραιά χαρακτηρίζεται ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wiseπροσέγγιση heritage he leftαφορά us, he established a great the από μιαother ολιστική που όλους τους κλάδους που αφορούν την among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Γαλάζια Οικονομία, ενώ ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίνεται στη διαδημοτική και acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term υπερτοπική συνεργασία, τόσο μέσα από τη δημιουργία μιας κοινής προσέγγισης 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) the area of Planning) gentrification μεταξύ των Ο.Τ.Α. με κοινό παράκτιο μέτωπο με το(in Δήμο Πειραιά, όσο και (or με 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various όμορους Ο.Τ.Α. και Ο.Τ.Α. με κοινά αναπτυξιακά χαρακτηριστικά. Η περίοδος Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually λαμβάνει of low-income and την the placement there of artists, αναφοράς της groups, Στρατηγικής υπόψη περίοδο αναφοράς του ways), ofΕπιχειρησιακού social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. “change”,there regardless of επόμενου Προγράμματος τουHowever Δήμου. the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, However whatever other has, also rising of “change”, land prices (and theof Όραμα της Στρατηγικής είναιresults «Ο etc. Πειραιάς να this καταστεί ένα regardless Καινοτόμο, whatever other consequences has,Οργάνωσης results also of land prices (and the potential relative Ανταγωνιστικό καιspeculation). Ανθεκτικό Κέντρο καιrising Ανάπτυξης Δραστηριοτήτων potential relative speculation). 14 to The term gentrification is foundμε atΔιεθνή first inΠροσανατολισμό the UK in early 1960s and it refers σχετικών με τη Γαλάζια Οικονομία, και Εμβέλεια». The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas ofto Για την επίτευξη της στρατηγικής έχουν καθοριστεί πέντε άξονες the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are προτεραιότητας, οι οποίοι διαιρούνται σε 14 μέτρα και 73 δράσεις. Οι άξονεςof London, upgrade them, themselves και sometimes there and old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. προτεραιότητας είναι: α)stay διακυβέρνηση βιωσιμότητα της thus στρατηγικής για τη being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the workστις of Sociologist Γαλάζια Ανάπτυξη, β) ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων και γνώσης θεματικέςRuth της A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atΟικονομίας, the same whileεπιχειρηματικότητα similar in other major Γαλάζιας γ) Γαλάζια καιrecorded καινοτομία, δ) αστικές GLASS at the same period, while situations recorded other major cities in Western countries, by othersimilar Researchers. παρεμβάσεις και έξυπνες υποδομές για τη Γαλάζιαwere Ανάπτυξη, ε)inμάρκετινγκ, cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Sinceδικτύωση, then, theενημέρωση issue has και preoccupied several scholars and for its more διεθνής ευαισθητοποίηση. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach areκαινοτόμα being summarized from Η Στρατηγική φέρει στοιχεία, διακλαδικού χαρακτήρα, comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various τονίζοντας τηνofανάγκη ανάπτυξηςofμιας ολοκληρωμένης προσέγγισης για τις interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: δραστηριότητες που σχετίζονται μεgentrification, τη Γαλάζια Οικονομία. Ενδεικτικά In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend of a new of social groups προβλέπεται παροχή συμβουλευτικής σεfor επιχειρήσεις της Γαλάζιας Οικονομίας, to “return” toηthe city, leaving the purlieus several reasons: high costs in money η δημιουργία δομών ναυτικής εκπαίδευσης, η ανάπτυξη Κέντρου Ψηφιακής and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The term fromΑνάπτυξη, Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. RuthCrowdsourcing, GLASS for wasbetter bornηin Καινοτομίας στη Γαλάζια ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 13 she published in According 1943 studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Επίσημη Ιστοσελίδα Ελληνικής Στατιστικής Αρχής: http://www.statistics.gr /statistics/eco , University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Τελευταία προβολή: 15/03/2018. her work 14 are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Δήμος Πειραιά, «Στρατηγική γιαLondon τη Γαλάζια Ανάπτυξη του of Δήμου Πειραιά για την and selling realCOLLINS estate,2018, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: περίοδο 2018-2024», Διαθέσιμο Διαδικτυακά: http://www.pireasnet.gr/ LinkClick.aspx?fileticket= G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


q%2filCZnX2Io%3d&tabid=36 , Τελευταία Προβολή: 02/04/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

λειτουργία «έξυπνων» γειτονιών στον Πειραιά και η εκπόνηση Ειδικού Χωρικού Σχεδίου στις ζώνες ενδιαφέροντος της Γαλάζιας Οικονομίας. Εντός του 2018 αναμένεται να υλοποιηθούν 36 δράσεις και από τους πέντε άξονες προτεραιότητας, ενώ από 5 αναμένεται να υλοποιηθούν το 2019 και το 2020 αντίστοιχα. Η Στρατηγική είναι ιδιαίτερα φιλόδοξη, έχοντας ωστόσο συγκεκριμένο χρονοδιάγραμμα ανά δράση, ενώ πολλές από τις δράσεις στηρίζονται σε By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS μεμονωμένες πρωτοβουλίες των προηγούμενων ετών,C. δυο εκ των οποίων Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, παρουσιάζονται σε επόμενη υποενότητα. By Mr.και George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Καλές πρακτικές για την καινοτομία τις επενδύσεις Student ofΧωρική the School of Architecture Ο Δήμος Πειραιά υλοποίει την Ολοκληρωμένη Επένδυση στον Technical University of Crete Πειραιά. Η πρόταση του Δήμου Πειραιά για την Ολοκληρωμένη Χωρική Επένδυση έλαβε την υψηλότερη βαθμολογία και σχεδόν 80 εκ. €. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Στην ΟΧΕ έχουν προβλεφθεί δράσεις προώθησης καινοτομίας και της 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444της ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), επιχειρηματικότητας ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), among other wise Πρόκειται γιαheritage τις εξής: he left us, he established a great “principle”: the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. • Π-1.1 Δράσεις Πρόκλησης επίδειξης και αριστείας που ενισχύουν, acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term καθοδηγούν και διαχέουν τη διάδοση, αποδοχή και τον έλεγχο καινοτομιών σε 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on(Living this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification πραγματικό περιβάλλον labs, Testbeds και Field Labs) στους Τομείς της 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ΠΣΕΕ. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),•ofΠ-1.2 social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Αξιοποίηση Συγκριτικών Πλεονεκτημάτων της Οικονομίας και ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. Στήριξη However this “change”,there regardless of Κοινωνίας του Πειραιά: Δημιουργία και «Κοινοτήτων Γνώσης και the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other has, results rising ofμε land prices (and theof Καινοτομίας» (Knowledge Innovation Communities - KICs) έμφαση στην ΠΣΕΕ. whatever other consequences has, resultsΝεωτερισμού also rising ofκαι land prices (and the potential relative speculation). • Π4-1 Πιλοτικό Δίκτυο Στρατηγικού Επιχειρηματικών potential relative speculation). The term gentrification at firstΣυνεργασιών, in the UK in early and Τομείς it refersτη to Σχηματισμών Οριζόντιων is/found Κάθετων ιδίως1960s στους The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of Γαλάζιας Οικονομίας. the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are • Π-4.2 Υποστήριξη της εκκόλαψης και ίδρυσης νεοφυών επιχειρήσεων, London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old τους residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας, πρόσβαση σε κοινά εργαλεία και δικτύωσή για τη being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the of Sociologist Ruth διαμόρφωση και προώθηση συλλογικών καινοτομιών μεwork έμφαση στις εφαρμογές description ofperiod, this (Living phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whilelabs, similar in τεχνολογίες other major των A «έξυπνων πόλεων» Testbeds και Field Labs) σε GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. έξυπνης και πράσινης πόλης, γαλάζιας οικονομίας, Πολιτιστικών και cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for –itsCCAs), more Δημιουργικών Δραστηριοτήτων (Cultural and Creative Activities Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive are being summarized from Τουρισμού, καθώςapproach και Κοινωνικής Καινοτομίας comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various Οι δράσεις βρίσκονται σε εξειδίκευσης. interpretations ofαυτές the phenomenon of διαδικασία gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: Blue Growth15 In aΠρωτοβουλία sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Η πρωτοβουλία Blue Growth είναι ένα πλέγμα δράσεων to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highπου costsπροωθούν in money επιχειρηματικές ιδέες που σχετίζονται με την τοπική ανάπτυξη μέσωof της and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack the 1.of The term comes from Sociologist Ruth με GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born θάλασσας καιat των υδάτινων πόρων, γνώμονα περιβάλλον καιbetter τηνin sense safety the distributed residencies outside townτο centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: οικονομική ανάπτυξη. services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Στόχος της πρωτοβουλίας είναι η υποστήριξη επιχειρηματιών στην lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier Yorkνέων she came back to London, where υλοποίηση σχεδίων πουthe σχετίζονται με1950 τη Γαλάζια Οικονομία. Σε in According 1943 sheκαινοτόμων published studies regarding city planning. In sheto became teacher in the to another approach, phenomenon is due a systematic and University College of υλοποιούνται London, where she her socialα) research. Her public and αυτό το πλαίσιο οι continued εξής δράσεις: Διαγωνισμός Ναυτικής long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 15 Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα πρωτοβουλίας Blue Growth: http://www.bluegrowth.gr/ , Τελευταία G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually προβολή: 14/04/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Πρόκλησης «Blue Growth», β) Διαγωνισμός Κρουαζιέρας «Get Cruise INN», γ) Διήμερο Νεοφυών Επιχειρήσεων που σχετίζονται με τη Γαλάζια Οικονομία «Startup Weekend Piraeus». Ο Δήμος Πειραιά, εκτός της υλοποίησης και της φιλοξενίας των δράσεων, στεγάζει, επίσης, τον επιταχυντή επιχειρήσεων «Blue Growth Incubator», όπου παρέχεται συμβουλευτική σε νεοφυείς επιχειρήσεις που έχουν δημιουργηθεί κατά τη διάρκεια των διαγωνισμών. By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS Σημαντικό στοιχείο στην πρωτοβουλία, αποτελεί ηC. σύμπραξη του Δήμου με Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ιδιωτικές επιχειρήσεις, οργανισμούς και επιταχυντές επιχειρήσεων για τη Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect διοργάνωση και το πολλαπλασιαστικόByαποτέλεσμα της πρωτοβουλίας. of the School Architecture Η πρωτοβουλία έχει επίσης ενταχθεί Student στη Στρατηγική για ofτη Γαλάζια Technical University of Crete Ανάπτυξη του Δήμου (Μέτρο 5.2.1.), με σκοπό την επέκτασή της σε εθνικό και διεθνές επίπεδο, ενώ ήδη υλοποιείται για δεύτερη φορά και στο Δήμο Πατρέων. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept το Piraeus BlueDefining Growth the Digital Innovation Hub αποτελεί μια 1. Τέλος, Introductory approach: concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), πρωτοβουλία του Δήμου ΠειραιάGreek για τηνphilosopher, παροχή πληροφοριών, εκπαίδευσης και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the εξοπλισμού σε επιχειρήσεις και νέους επιχειρηματίες για την ανάπτυξη among otherknowledge wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition starts with the content concepts. the καινοτόμωνofπροϊόντων και υπηρεσιών στον κλάδοof της Γαλάζιας Ανάπτυξης. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, term Η κοιτίδα καινοτομίας για τη Γαλάζια Ανάπτυξη του Δήμου the Πειραιά 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification αναμένεται να 1είναι εξοπλισμένη με τεχνολογικό εξοπλισμό, όπως τρισδιάστατη gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various εκτύπωση, αισθητήρες και συστήματα ρομποτικής, και χώρο επιδείξεων με Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, of low-income the placement there artists, σκοπό of την διάχυση καιusually την εξοικείωση τουand τοπικού πληθυσμού μεofτις νέες ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of galleries, restaurants, etc.που However “change”, regardless of τεχνολογίες καιart τις νέες δυνατότητες προσφέρουν. Παράλληλα θα the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However “change”, regardless whatever other has, results of land prices (and theof προσφέρεται συμβουλευτική επιχειρήσεων γιαrising τηνthis τοπική επιχειρηματική whatever other consequences has,και results also risingμιας of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). κοινότητα στα στάδια της ωρίμανσης της ανάπτυξης επιχείρησης. potential relative speculation). TheΗterm gentrification found at first in the in early 1960s and itΑνάπτυξη refers to κοιτίδα εντάσσεταιisστη Στρατηγική τουUK Δήμου για τη Γαλάζια The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas ofto και αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκεται στο στάδιο της ανάπτυξης, ενώ αναμένεται να the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are λειτουργήσει εντός του 2018. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Πρωτοβουλία Destination Piraeus16 being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist Ruth Το Destination Piraeus αποτελεί τη μετουσίωση του of στόχου του Δήμου A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded workκόμβος of Sociologist Ruth GLASS same whileπέρα similar in other major Πειραιά at ναthe καταστεί η περιοχή, από διαμετακομιστικός μεταξύ της GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Αθήνας και της νησιωτικής Ελλάδας, ένας αυτόνομος τουριστικός προορισμός, με cities inστην Western countries, bypreoccupied other ρόλο Researchers. Since then, the issue Σημαντικό has several scholars and forαποτέλεσε its more έμφαση κρουαζιέρα. στον προσανατολισμό αυτό Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various itsμε more comprehensive approach are και being summarized below, η θέση του λιμανιού του Πειραιά η επιβατική του κίνηση, σεfrom συνδυασμό το comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various χαμηλό μέσο χρόνο παραμονής στονofΠειραιά των επισκεπτών. interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the following: interpretations the αποτελείται phenomenon of the following: πρωτοβουλία από μια ιστοσελίδα και από εφαρμογές για τα In aΗsense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups δυο πλέον διαδεδομένα λειτουργικά συστήματα, Android και IOS. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Εκεί, προσφέρονται πληροφορίες για τον Πειραιά, την is, ιστορία, τη and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born διασύνδεσή με distributed την ηπειρωτική και νησιωτική χώρα, τονsearch πολιτισμό, ταin sense of safetyτου at the residencies outside town centres, for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: αξιοθέατα και τα education, μουσεία του Δήμου. Παράλληλα περιπατητικές services of health, entertainment “at the προτείνονται heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for διαδρομές εξερεύνησης, ενώ παρέχεται πληθώρα οπτικοακουστικού υλικού, lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, υψηλής in According 1943ανάλυσης. she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 16 Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα πρωτοβουλίας Destination Piraeus: http://www.destinationpiraeus. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


com/ , Τελευταία προβολή: 14/04/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Η πρωτοβουλία παρέχει ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις στους επισκέπτες του Πειραιά, καθιστώντας την πόλη περισσότερο φιλική προς τους επισκέπτες, ενώ μέσα από προτάσεις και πληροφορίες, υποστηρίζει τις εμπορικές επιχειρήσεις και τις επιχειρήσεις εστίασης της περιοχής. Συμπεράσματα από ποιοτική αξιολόγηση συνεντεύξεων Η συνέντευξη που αφορούσε το Δήμο Πειραιά πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 13/02/2018 με την κ. Νατάσσα Καναβού, Επικεφαλής του Γραφείου του By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Εντεταλμένου Δημοτικού Συμβούλου Τοπικής Οικονομικής Ανάπτυξης & Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Επιχειρηματικότητας,, κ. Πέτρου Κόκκαλη. By Mr.αναδείχθηκαν George-Sp. C.τα ATHANASSOPOULOS Κατά τη διάρκεια της συνέντευξης κυριότερα Architect στοιχεία Student ofκαι the της School of Architecture που ανακύπτουν μέσα από τη μελέτη του Δήμου Πειραιά στρατηγικής του Technical University of Crete ως προς την καινοτομία, συγκεκριμένα η προσοχή που δίνεται στη Γαλάζια Ανάπτυξη και στη approach: στήριξη της καινοτόμου επιχειρηματικότητας στην περιοχή, 1. Introductory Defining the concept αλλά1. και η ανάγκη διαφοροποίησης των χρηματοδοτικών πηγών για την Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, theτου ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), υλοποίηση των στόχων Δήμου. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Σημαντικό ρόλο για τον Πειραιά διαδραματίζει η κρουαζιέρα και η ανάδειξη among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. του Δήμου Πειραιά σε αυτόνομο τουριστικό προορισμό. Η κ. Καναβού έθεσε τρεις acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term στόχους ως προς την κρουαζιέρα για το Δήμο Πειραιά: η βελτίωση των υποδομών 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification κρουαζιέρας για την ανάπτυξη του «home-porting» και την αναβάθμιση της 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various εξυπηρέτησης των κρουαζιερόπλοιων, η συνολική αναβάθμιση του ρόλου του Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Πειραιάofστο Ευρωπαϊκό λιμενικό σύστημα και βελτίωση της επισκεψιμότητας ways), of social groups, usually ofως low-income andπροορισμού. thethis placement of artists, the operation of ηart galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of του Πειραιά και αναβάθμισή του τουριστικού the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results alsoκαι rising of land prices (and theof Τέλος, η αξιοποίηση των has, νεκρών ζωνών θυλάκων που εμφανίζονται whatever otherspeculation). consequences has,Πειραιά results also risingσημαντικό of land prices (andτου the potential relative στον πολεοδομικό ιστό του Δήμου αποτελεί μέλημα potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atτων first in the UK in early 1960s it refers to Δήμου Πειραιά, με την ανάπλαση πρώην εμπορικών και and βιομηχανικών The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto κτιρίων, τα οποία θα ξαναζωντανέψουν με νέες σύγχρονες χρήσεις και the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are λειτουργίες τοπικού, υπερτοπικού και μητροπολιτικού χαρακτήρα,of London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. συμβάλλοντας ενεργά στην αναζωογόνηση όλης της περιοχής. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of πως this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Είναι έκδηλο ο Δήμος Πειραιά έχει αναπτύξει την στρατηγική γιαRuth την A description ofανάπτυξή this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at same period, while were in other major βιώσιμη καιthe έξυπνη του.similar Η πολιτική αυτήin πρωτοβουλία σε συνδυασμό GLASS at theεπενδυτική same period, while other major cities in έντονη Western countries, by othersimilar Researchers. με την παρουσία τόσοsituations εγχώριωνwere όσο recorded και ξένωνinεπενδυτών cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. then, theένα issue has preoccupied several scholars and τα for100 its more έχειSince δημιουργήσει επενδυτικό πρόγραμμα το οποίο ξεπερνάει εκ. € then, issue has preoccupied scholars andthe for various its comprehensive approach areτο being below, στηνSince περιοχή τουthe Πειραιά και οποίοsummarized έχει several καταστήσει τηνfrom πόλη ένα απόmore τα comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various 17 ταχύτερα αναπτυσσόμενα λιμάνια παγκοσμίως. interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Συμπεράσματα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Παρατηρείται μιαthe κοινή κατεύθυνση των στρατηγικών των is, υπό εξέταση and time to travel from purlieus to downtown, where work place lack of the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth«Ευρώπη GLASS for was born in Ο.Τ.Α., οιsafety οποίες συμβαδίζουν μεresidencies τουςRuth στόχους της στρατηγικής 2020». sense the distributed outside town centres, search better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Η σύγκλιση αυτή, education, πέρα από τα προφανή οφέλη της, όπως της services of health, entertainment “at the heart of τη theδιευκόλυνση city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for συνεργασίας και της ανταλλαγής καλών πρακτικών, είναι δυνάμει αρνητική για lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where τους Ο.Τ.Α., καθώς ενισχύεται ο ανταγωνισμός γιαInχρηματοδότηση σχεδίων, με in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College ofΕίναι London, where she continued her social research. Her public and κοινούς στόχους. πως για τους Ο.Τ.Α. πλέον brokers σημαντικό ρόλο long-term informal effortεμφανές by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 17 Πηγή: Die Zeit Online, https://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2018-04/neue-seidenstrasse-chinaG. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually griechenland-europa-containerhafen-piraeus , Τελευταία προβολή: 10/05/2018.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


διαδραματίζει η διεθνοποίηση και η συνεργασία, σε ευρωπαϊκό τουλάχιστον επίπεδο, καθώς πολλές από τις πρωτοβουλίες και τις καλές πρακτικές έχουν διεθνικό χαρακτήρα. Σημαντική είναι η διαφορά, ωστόσο, ως προς την εκμετάλλευση πόρων της Ε.Τ.Επ. και των προγραμμάτων στο πλαίσιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Εδαφικής Συνεργασίας, όπου η ελληνική Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση, θα μπορούσε να υιοθετήσει καλές πρακτικές και τεχνογνωσία για να ενισχύσει την παρουσία της. By Mr. ATHANASOPOULOS Συγκεκριμένα, δράσεις που αφορούν τηGeorge-Sp. διαχείριση C.όμβριων υδάτων, τις Harvard University, Graduate of Design, Student, υποδομές και την ενεργειακή αναβάθμιση είναι School ιδιαίτερα σύνηθες να Mr. George-Sp. C. περιορισμένων ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect χρηματοδοτούνται από την Ε.Τ.Επ. ΟιBy ελληνικοί Ο.Τ.Α., των πόρων the επωφεληθούν School of Architecture και των συγκρατημένων προϋπολογισμών, Student μπορούνof να στην Technical University of Crete άσκηση πολιτικής από τέτοιου είδους ευκαιρίες για έργα και επενδύσεις. Επιπροσθέτως, όπως έγινε αντιληπτό μέσα από τις περιπτώσεις μελέτης, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept βρισκόμαστε σε μια προγραμματική περίοδο που οι στόχοι, η στρατηγική και οι 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 έχουν BC - 370 BC, Athens), πολιτικές, ακολουθώντας τις ευρωπαϊκές κατευθύνσεις, εναρμονιστεί σε ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the σημαντικό βαθμό ανάμεσα στους οργανισμούς Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης των among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the κρατών μελών. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, theμεterm Είναι, επομένως, μια ιδανική συγκυρία η καινοτομία να συνδυαστεί την 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, theστην term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification εξωστρέφεια που απαιτείται σε πολλά από τα υπό εξέταση προγράμματα 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various παρούσα έρευνα, για τη δημιουργία κοινών δικτύων, είτε στη βάση φυσικών Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityδίκτυο area, removal fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe the placement of χαρακτηριστικών (δίκτυο της Μεσογείου, της βαλκανικής χερσονήσου) ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the art galleries, restaurants, etc. (δίκτυο Howeverγια thisτη“change”, of είτεoperation στη βάσηofποιοτικών χαρακτηριστικών δια βίουregardless μάθηση και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences results also rising of land prices theof την ενεργόother γήρανση, δίκτυο για has, την ενσωμάτωση των γυναικών στους (and κλάδους whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative STEAM κ.ά.). potential relative speculation). TheΤέλος, term gentrification is found at firstκαι in the UK in early 1960s and to οι συστάδες επιχειρήσεων η παρουσία κοιτίδων καιit refers πάρκων The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of καινοτομίας παρουσιάζεται και στους τρεις υπό εξέταση Ο.Τ.Α. ως σημαντικόςto the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property inεπενδύσεων. poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof παράγοντας ανάπτυξης και προσέλκυσης εργατικού δυναμικού και London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this Αναφορές phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Βιβλιογραφικές A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included of inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the P. same while similar inthe other major Almeida and Kogut B., (1999), «Localization Knowledge and Mobility of GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Engineers in Regional Networks» Management Science, Vol. 45, No. 7 (Jul., 1999), pp. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. 905-917, Διαθέσιμο ηλεκτρονικά: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2661691, Since then, the issue has several scholars and forΤελευταία its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more προβολή: 22/03/2018. comprehensive approach are being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Anselin L.,ofVarga A., Acs Z., (2002), «Geographical Spillovers and University interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Research: A Spatial Econometric Perspective», Growth and Change, A journal of Urban interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups and Regional Policy, Volume31, Issue4, Fall 2000, Pages 501-515. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Barca F., (2009), «An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy: A Place-Based and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Approach to Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations», European termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Commission, Brussels. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, “atA., the heart of the case city”,movements (possibly) F., McCann andentertainment RodriguezPose (2012), «The for regionalfor YouthBarca Unemployment. TheP.same year she left Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London New York she approaches», came back to London, development intervention: place-based versusand place-neutral Journal of in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Regional Science 52(1), 134– 152. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Barcelona City Council, (2015),for“Barcelona DataCOLLINS Sheet 2015: MainDICTIONARY. Economic her work are characterized by a passion justice. See also: ENGLISH and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially ofhttp://barcelonacatalonia. part of the urban web, in Indicators the Barcelona Area”, Διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά: 10th edit. for Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm acat/b/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/BarcelonaEnXifres_eng.pdf variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually .

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Barcelona City Council, 2015, “Barcelona Data Sheet 2015: Main Economic Indicators for the Barcelona Area”, Διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά: http://barcelonacatalonia. cat/b/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/BarcelonaEnXifres_eng.pdf, τελευταία προβολή: 05/03/2018. Center for Development, Environment and Policy, (2013), «Understanding Sustainable Development», University of London. Committee of the Regions, (2009), «Λευκή Βίβλος για την Πολυεπίπεδη Διακυβέρνηση της Επιτροπής τωνBy Περιφερειών», ηλεκτρονικά: Mr. George-Sp. Διαθέσιμο C. ATHANASOPOULOS http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/regi/dv/cdr89Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, 2009_/cdr89-2009_el.pdf , Τελευταία προβολή: 24/04/2018. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Committee of the Regions, (2015), «Success Factors in of Implementing Student of for theLRAs School Architecture Europe 2020», Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Technical University of Crete Culture for Cities and Regions, (2015), «Successful investments in culture in European cities andapproach: regions: aDefining cataloguethe of concept case studies», Διαθέσιμο ηλεκτρονικά: 1. Introductory 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), https://ec.europa.eu/epale/en/resource-centre/content/successful-investmentsANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, culture-european-cities-and-regions-catalogue-case, Τελευταία ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC,προβολή: Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the 08/05/2018. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the ECPA Urban Planning,starts (2012), «Case Study: 22@ Barcelona Innovation District», acquisition of knowledge with thein definition the content of concepts. Based,Cities therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Smart Dive, Διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά: https://www.smartcitiesdive. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification com/ex/sustainablecitiescollective/case-study-22-barcelona-innovation1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various district/27601/. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, removal fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe the placement European Commission, (2017), «Lisbon’s engines of growth”, Digital ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofMonitor, art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Transformation Διαθέσιμο ηλεκτρονικά: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/toolsthe operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land .prices (and theof databases/dem/monitor/sites/default/files/DTM_Lisbon%20v1.pdf whatever otherspeculation). consequences(2017), has, results also risingπίνακας of land αποτελεσμάτων prices (and the potential relative European Commission, «Ευρωπαϊκός potential relative speculation). The termτου gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to καινοτομίας 2017 Συνοπτική παρουσίαση», Διαθέσιμο ηλεκτρονικά: http://www. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto mlsi.gov.cy/mlsi/kepa/kepa_new.nsf/0971B9AB2CD95049C22581D20034D44D/$fil the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthyΤελευταία people toπροβολή: buy property in poor areas e/EIS2017_Executive_summmary_el.pdf, 20/05/2018 London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stayBank themselves sometimes and thus old «The residents European Investment & Committee of thethere Regions., (2016), role are of being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. EFSI in financing urban and regional projects The European Fund for Strategic A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Investments (EFSI) toolphenomenon towhile accelerate investment Europe, An major online A description ofaperiod, this is included in inwere the workFactsheet, of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same similar situations recorded in other course for regional and local authorities», Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. European Investment Bank, (2003), «Evaluation the impact of for EIB its financing cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has severalofscholars and more on Regional Development in has Greece», Διαθέσιμοseveral ηλεκτρονικά: http://www.eib.org/ Since then, the issue preoccupied scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various attachments/ev/ev_greece_en.pdf, προβολή: 20/04/2018. comprehensive approach areΤελευταία being summarized from the various interpretations ofInvestment the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: European Bank, (2008), «Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων 50 interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In aστην sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend ofτης a new ofχρόνια», social groups χρόνια υπηρεσία της Ευρώπης, ισχυρός εταίρος Ελλάδας επί 45 ΕIB to “return” to theInvestment city, leavingBank, the purlieus several reasons: costs in money European (2016), for «EIB Group Survey high on Investment and and time to travel from the purlieus downtown, where work place is, lack of the Investment Finance 2016/ Country toOverview: Greece», Διαθέσιμο ηλεκτρονικά: 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better Τελευταία προβολή: http://www.eib.org/attachments/efs/eibis_2016_greece_en.pdf, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) 12/04/2018. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living costInvestment of, in “withdrawal” from private access to markets, etc.where European Bank, (2016), «Surveying Corporate Investment Activities, studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came back to London, in According 1943and she Financing published studies cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the Needs in approach, theregarding EU», the Διαθέσιμο ηλεκτρονικά: http://www.eib.org to another is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and /attachments/efs/eibis_2016_report_en.pdf, Τελευταία προβολή: 12/04/2018 long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. European Investment Bank, Projects Directorate & part Economics Department, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: (2016), «Restoring EU Competitiveness», 2016 Updated Version, EIB. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Ferrer J. R., (2017), «Barcelona’s Smart City vision: an opportunity for transformation», Field Actions Science Reports, Special Issue 16 | 2017, Διαθέσιμο διαδικτυακά: .http://journals.openedition. org/factsreports/4367 Ferrer J. R.,2017, «Barcelona’s Smart City vision: an opportunity Byfor Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS transformation», Field Actions Science Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Reports, Special Issue 16 | 2017, Διαθέσιμο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect διαδικτυακά: Student of the School of Architecture http://journals.openedition.org/factsreports Technical University of Crete συγκρούσ εις,Τελευταία ανισότητε ς, εντάσεις /4367, Προβολή 09/01/2018 και αντιφάσεις.1.Ένας Garofoli G. approach: (1992), «Endogenous τέτοιος Εκπαιδευτ Introductory Defining the concept ικός, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Development and Southern Europe», παράλληλα με την προσπάθε ιά του ναphilosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek Athenaeum Press Ltd, Newcastle. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), μεταλαμπα δεύσει among other wise heritage left us, he established(444 a great the τη γνώσηheFlorestas στους Ministerio da Agricultura, e among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Μαθητές του, επιδιώκει Rural, να αναπτύξει Desenvolvimento (2015), acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term μέσω αυτής την 1νοημοσύνη και 2014 «Especialização Inteligente de Lisboa την–in a first, if not final, approach, the term Based, therefore, on this “principle” (and urban gentrification) (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification 2020», Lisbon, Portugal. ηθική τους στάση. 1 (and urban gentrification)isisindicated gentrification indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal (in various Nijcamp P., Poot J. (1998), «Spatial Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usuallyofofeconomic low-income and the placement there of artists, perspectives on new theories Ενδεικτική βιβλιογρα φία ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, “change”,there regardless of growth», The Annals of Regional Science, 32etc. However the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless Γκότοβος Αθ., Μαυρογιώργος Γ., whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof (1): 7-38, Springer-Verlag. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Παπακωνσ Δεληθέου Β. (2007), Πλαίσιο potential relative speculation). ταντίνου Παν.:«Θεσμικό Κριτική potential relative speculation). Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης καιική της in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The και term gentrification isΟργάνωσης found at first Παιδαγωγι κή Εκπαιδευτ Πράξη. The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto Διοίκησης του Κράτους», Αυτοέκδοση, Α΄ in the the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Εκδόσεις Gutenberg, Αθήνα, 1996. the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas έκδοση, Αθήνα, σ.σ. 12, 23-24. London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof Κασσωτάκ ης Β., Μιχ., Φλουρής Γ.:sometimes there and thus old residents are Δεληθέου (2012), London, upgrade them, stay«Περιφερειακή themselves being indirectly “squeezed”. ΜάθησηΑνάπτυξη και Διδασκαλία :phenomenon σύγχρονες μέσω Ειδικών Οικονομικών Ζωνώνbeing indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth προσεγγίσειςΗ ελληνική καιisηsituations απόψειςΑμφιλεγόμενες για τις διαδικασίε A description of this phenomenon included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth ς μάθησης και GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major διεθνής εμπειρία», Αθήνα GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major τη μέθοδο της διδασκαλία cities in Western countries,ς.by Ιδιωτική other Researchers. Δεληθέου Β., Δούρου Δ. &byΣταυρακάκη cities in2006. Western countries, other Researchers. έκδοση, Ε., Αθήνα, Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more (2017), «Η Εξέλιξη τωνhasειδικότερων Since then, the issue preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Φλουρής Γ.: Αναλυτικά ρυθμίσεων περί Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations ofτα the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Προγράμμ στην Ελλάδα κατά τελευταία 35 χρόνια», ατα για μια νέα εποχή στην interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: a sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Αυτοέκδοση, Α’ έκδοση, Αθήνα. isΑθήνα, Εκπαίδευσ η.InΕκδόσεις Γρηγόρης, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Δήμος Πειραιά, (2014), «Επιχειρησιακό 2010. and time to travel the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Πρόγραμμα Δήμου from Πειραιά 2015-2019», Χατζηγεωρ γίου Γνώθι το GLASS, term from Sociologist Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety atcomes the Ι.: distributed residencies outside town centres, Πειραιάς. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: curriculum : Δήμος γενικά καιeducation, ειδικά entertainment Πειραιά, (2018), «Στρατηγική θέματα services of health, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for για τη Γαλάζια Ανάπτυξη του Δήμου Πειραιά Αναλυτικώ lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where ν Προγραμμ άτων και studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, για την περίοδο 2018-2024», Διαθέσιμο in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Διδακτικής. Εκδόσεις Άτροπος, Αθήνα, University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and Διαδικτυακά: http://www.pireasnet. long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 2004. gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=q%2filCZnX2Io her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: %3d&tabid=36 . G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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Γεωπολιτική και Γεωστρατηγική By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Ανατομία της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, και οι Επιπτώσεις μιας Μεγάλης Γεωπολιτικής Δίνης Architect By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School of Architecture σε Κύπρο και Ελλάδα Technical University of Crete

Πρόλογος 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Κων. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where sheΠάφος continued social research. brokers Her public and 2019 her long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


Γεωπολιτική και Γεωστρατηγική Ανατομία της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου και οι Επιπτώσεις μιας Μεγάλης Γεωπολιτικής Δίνης σε Κύπρο και Ελλάδα

GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Ανδρέας Π. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ Concerns

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ Concerns Το ανα χείρας κείμενο αποδίδει εν πολλοίς τον πυρήνα Διπλωματικής By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Εργασίας εκπονηθείσης υπό τον University, αυτόν τίτλον υπό του Συγγραφέως στα Harvard Graduate School of Design,του, Student, πλαίσια περαιτέρω ευδοκίμων σπουδών του Μεταπτυχιακού Επιπέδου, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of Οργάνων, the School of Architecture κατόπιν επιλογής του υπό των Οικείων Κυπριακών στην Σχολή Technical University of Crete Εθνικής Αμύνης της Ελλάδος.


1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Στέλεχος των Κυπριακών Ο κ. Ανδρέας Π. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ, 1. Introductory approach: the θέμα, concept Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων,theεπέλεξε το εν λόγω ως(444 θέμα Διατριβής του, ANTISTHENIS, ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BCτης - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left του, us, heη established a great the λόγω της ιδιάζουσας σημασίας οποία (σημασία) διευρύνεται έτι among other wise heritage leftthe us, he της established a great the acquisition of knowledge with definition of the content of“principle”: concepts. περαιτέρω τώρα, από τοstarts έτοςhe 2016, λόγω κατ’ αυτάς τρέχουσας Εθνικής acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term / Κυπριακής και διεθνούς συγκυρίας εν γένει και της περί την Κύπρο 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification εξελισσομένης(and κατάστασης, εν αναφορά τόσον the προς τις εσωτερικές 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various πολιτικές, κοινωνικές και οικονομικές διεργασίες και εξελίξεις, όσoν και Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, προς τιςof γειτνιάζουσες περιοχές, τινέςetc.των οποίων τελούν υπόregardless καθεστώς ways), social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”,there of εμπολέμων καταστάσεων, ανασχεδιασμού των εξωτερικών the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof προσανατολισμών, νέων ουτοπικών ή μη καιprices εσωτερικών whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results alsoοραμάτων rising of land (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). κλυδωνισμών. The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then trend ofiswealthy to buy in poor Το observed οίο δήποτε ενδιαφέρον περί αυτής τηςproperty δεδομένης κατάστασης the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof ενέχει αφ΄εαυτής ιδιάζουσα σημασία, πέραν there των and οίων άλλων London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thusδήποτε old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. παραμέτρων, και εξ εμφανούς εμπλοκής Τρίτων, είτε προς δημιουργία being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth συμπράξεων, είτεof προς ιδίων συμφερόντων. A description thisεξυπηρέτηση phenomenon is included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities inΈτσι, Western countries, byπλουσίων other Researchers. ο εντοπισμός κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων στην cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and forεντός its more λεκάνη της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου, πέραν εκείνων της Αιγύπτου, της Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from Αποκλειστικής Οικονομικής Ζώνης (ΑΟΖ) της Κύπρου και του comprehensive approach are being summarized from theΙσραήλ, various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: έχει αναβαθμίσει ακόμη περισσότερο το γεωπολιτικό ενδιαφέρον για τον interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups ευρύτερο οποίος έχει προσκτηθεί βαρύνουσα to “return”χώρο to theτης city,Μέσης leavingΑνατολής, the purlieusοfor several reasons: high costs in money σημασία, αναδειχθείς ως «ένα από τα πλέον νευραλγικά σημεία and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack ofτου the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in πλανήτη». sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for YouthΚαι Unemployment. The same year Germany and after continuous είναι ακριβώς αυτή η she sui left generis κατάσταση, η οποία οδηγεί τον lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, διαθέτοντα στερρώς δομημένη αρτία προσωπικότητα και βαθύ γνώστη του in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and θέματος Συντάκτη του ανά χείρας κειμένου σε πολυεδρικές προσεγγίσεις University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. του υπό διερεύνηση and selling realCOLLINS estate, αντικειμένου. etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the συνοπτικώς “assisted”, “voluntary”, Ενδεικτικώς αναφέρεται εδώ,http://www.uncanny.net/ όλως η wetzel/gentry.htm διάρθρωσή (actually του: 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Εν αρχή γίνεται λόγος περί Γεωπολιτικής, Γεωστρατηγικής και Συστημικής Γεωπολιτικής Concerns Ανάλυσης και παρατίθενται σχετικά

συμπεράσματα, κατά το Αρχαιοελληνικόν «αρχή Σοφίας ονομάτων επίσκεψις» του Φιλοσόφου ΔΙΟΓΕΝΟΥΣ. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Student, Ακολουθεί ο γεωγραφικός προσδιορισμός της of υπό διερεύνηση By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect περιοχής της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου μετάStudent των ομόρων Κρατών και εν of the School of Architecture συνεχεία τονίζεται η Γεωπολιτική και Γεωστρατηγική σημασία της Technical University of Crete Ελλάδος, της Κύπρου και της Τουρκίας.

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ακολούθως διαμορφωθέν διεθνές 1. Καταγράφεται Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek το philosopher, (444 BC -τρέχον 370 BC, Athens), περιβάλλον εν λόγω το ενδιαφέρον «αυτοβούλως» ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherπερί wiseτην heritage heπεριοχή, left us, he established aΤρίτων great the εμπλεκομένων και δρώντων «επ΄αγαθώ» Τοπικών Δομών και ακολουθεί among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. σειρά συμπερασμάτων. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is in a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Τέλος, Γεωπολιτικόisindicated Υπόδειγμα Ισορροπιών Ισχύος, 1παρατίθεται gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in the areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from (in various επισημαίνονται οι ενδεχόμενες επιπτώσεις του επί της Ελλάδος και της Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Κύπρου, Παραρτήματα και Ενδεικτική Βιβλιογραφία. ways), ofακολουθούν social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Το έργο διακρίνεται για τον πλούτο των σχετικών στοιχείων, τηνof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative πλήρη τεκμηρίωση των διατυπουμένων απόψεων, την σαφήνεια και το potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to ευκρινές των gentrification σημαντικώνisστοχεύσεών του. The term found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people to την buy διαθέσιμη property inΒιβλιογραφία poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Mutatis mutantis, τοof έργο συμπληρώνει London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. επί των συγκεκριμμένων θεματικών περιοχών και, εν τίνι μέτρω, ανάγεται being indirectly “squeezed”. description of this phenomenon is included με in the of Sociologist Ruth σε A πολύτιμο βοήθημα σε όσους ασχολούνται τηνwork καταγραφή, ανάλυση, A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major αξιολόγηση, χάραξη και συγκρότηση σχετικών Στρατηγικών, Πολιτικών, GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Μέσων Μέτρων. cities inκαι Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Καθηγητής Κωνσταντίνος ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Πρόεδρος Σχολής Νομικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lackΠάφος of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born in Καθηγητής Αθηνών sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside townΠανεπιστημίου centres, better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the Καθηγητής heart of the Πανεπιστημίου city”, (possibly) Ομότιμος Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Επιστημών, New York she came back to London, Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟ, Αθηνών in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Επίwhere τιμήshe Διαλέκτης Σχολής Εθνικής Αμύνης Ελλάδος University informal College of London, continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Ex Ch.forL.U.L. Bruxelles, Ex Inter. I.I.A.P., Paris her work are characterized by a passion justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. The Free Encyclopedia: Κάτοχος Τιμητικής Διακρίσεως «LE WIKIPEDIA: PRIX EUROPEEN DES 12 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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ΓΕΩΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΓΕΩΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΤΟΜΙΑ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, ΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΟΙ ΕΠΙΠΤΩΣΕΙΣ Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns Gentrification ΜΙΑΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣof ΓΕΩΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΝΗΣ ΣΕ ΚΥΠΡΟ ΚΑΙ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Γενικά Student of the School of Architecture α. Η Μεσόγειος είναι μια κατ' εξοχήν Technical κλειστή University θάλασσα,of που Crete


βρίσκεται ανάμεσα σε τρεις ηπείρους: την Ευρώπη, την Ασία και την 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Αφρική. Επικοινωνεί στα δυτικά μεthe τονconcept Ατλαντικό Ωκεανό μέσω των 1. Introductory approach: Defining ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), στενών του Γιβραλτάρ, ενώ στα ανατολικά επικοινωνεί με την Ερυθρά ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Θάλασσα διαμέσου της διώρυγας του Σουέζ. Τμήμα της, μπορεί να among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the θεωρηθεί ο ofΕύξεινος Πόντος (βορειοανατολικά), με τονapproach, οποίο ενώνεται acquisition knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, the term μέσω των Δαρδανελίων, της Προποντίδας και του Βοσπόρου. Η διαίρεσή 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 γίνει της μπορεί σε “refining” δύοgentrification) μέρη,ofτην Δυτική καιremoval την Μεσόγειο. gentrification (and urban isarea, indicated (inΑνατολική thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as να well), as the a city the (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Η διαίρεση γίνεται βάζοντας μία νοητή γραμμή από την Κέρκυρα έως την ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Κυρηναϊκή (Λιβύη). Έτσι, η Δυτική Μεσόγειος ξεκινά από τα στενά του the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever has,Αδριατική results alsoΘάλασσα, rising of land (and theof Γιβραλτάρother και consequences φτάνει έως την ενώprices η Ανατολική whatever other consequences resultsκαι alsoφτάνει rising έως of land (andτου the potential relative speculation). Μεσόγειος ξεκινά από το Ιόνιοhas, Πέλαγος τηνprices διώρυγα potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Σουέζ.

The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy(ΠΑΡ. property poor areas β. upgrade Ηobserved λεκάνη της Μεσογείου Α old /inΧάρτης 1,2) London, them, stayΑνατολικής themselves and thus residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus oldσήμερα residentsτο are αποτελεί κατά“squeezed”. κοινή παραδοχή, απόsometimes την αρχαιότητα μέχρι being indirectly being indirectly “squeezed”. A description κομβικό of this phenomenon included in the workστην of Sociologist Ruth σημαντικότερο σημείο τηςis υδρογείου, καθώς περιοχή αυτή A description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work ofοικονομίες Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major αναπτύχθηκαν οιofσημαντικότεροι πολιτισμοί, θρησκείες, και GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. κουλτούρες. Πρόκειται για μια περιοχή, η οποία γεωγραφικά ενώνει τρεις cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, issue has scholars and for και its more ηπείρους, την the Ευρώπη, τηνpreoccupied Ασία και several Αφρική, όπως επίσης δύο Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from θάλασσες, την Μαύρη Θάλασσα και Ερυθρά Θάλασσα. Έτσι λόγω της comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: γεωγραφικής της θέσης αποτελεί διαχρονικά το σημείο ενδιαφέροντος, τόσο interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups των κρατών που την περιβάλλουν, όσο και των εκάστοτε to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs μεγάλων in money δυνάμεων οιtoοποίες επιδιώκουν συνεχώς ανάμειξη and time to (Διεθνών travel fromΔρώντων), the purlieus downtown, where work placeτην is, lack of the τους1.στα διάφορα καιRuth γεωστρατηγικά τηςcentres, δρώμενα. termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense ofThe safety theγεωπολιτικά distributed residencies outside town Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services ofΑπό health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youthγ. Unemployment. Theαιώνα, same year left Germany and after continuous το education, 19ο η she Μεγάλη Βρετανία είχε κυριαρχήσει στηνfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, περιοχή αυτή, ελέγχοντας τη διώρυγα του Σουέζ, τα στενά του Γιβραλτάρ, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and τις νήσους Κύπρο, Μάλτα και τα Επτάνησα, με σκοπό να αποκόψει την University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work characterized by a passion for justice. also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. έξοδο τηςarereal Ρωσίας προς τα θερμά νερά της See Μεσογείου. ΟιENGLISH ΗΠΑ, μετά το Β΄ and selling estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο επιδίωξαν να έχουν ικανή στρατιωτική και ναυτική G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification δ. Σήμερα, η περιοχή Concerns αυτή αποτελεί ζώνη αντιπαραθέσεων

δύναμη στην περιοχή, για να είναι εύκολη τόσο η πρόσβαση, όσο και ο έλεγχος της νευραλγικής, για τα αμερικανικά συμφέροντα περιοχής, αλλά και στην ευρύτερη Μέση Ανατολή. και πολιτικής αστάθειας. Υπάρχουν πολεμικές αντιπαραθέσεις που είτε είναι σε ύφεση όπως τα Ελληνοτουρκικά, το πρόβλημα της Κύπρου, η By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αραβοϊσραηλινή διένεξη και ο πόλεμος στο Λίβανο, είτε βρίσκονται σε Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, εξέλιξη όπως στην Συρία, ο παρατεταμένος εμφύλιος μεταξύ Σουνιτισμού By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect η τρομοκρατική δράση των και Σιιτισμού,1 (ΠΑΡ. Α / Χάρτης 3),Student of the School of Architecture 2 Technical of Crete μεUniversity τη δημιουργία τζιχαντιστών και η ανακήρυξη του λεγόμενου χαλιφάτου Ισλαμικού κράτους (ΠΑΡ. Α / Χάρτης 4) και οι Κούρδοι που μάχονται για 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept την 1.δημιουργία Κουρδικού Κράτους. Τα γεγονότα αυτά, IntroductoryΑνεξάρτητου approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, theστην ancient Greekκαι philosopher, (444ότι BCθα - 370 BC, Athens), προκαλούν αστάθεια περιοχή αναμένεται μεταβάλουν το ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the γεωπολιτικό της Μέσα από αυτές τις aαντιπαραθέσεις, έχει among other wiseχαρακτήρα. heritage leftthe us,definition he established greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the αναδυθεί και ο στρατηγικός στόχος της Τουρκίας, για τη δημιουργία ενός acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 συστήματος ηγεμονικού ελέγχου «νέο-οθωμανισμός» στην περιοχή, Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification παρόμοιου αυτού της“refining” «πάλαι ποτέ Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας». Sociology asμε well), as the of a city area, the removal from this, (in various

Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ε. Οsocial εντοπισμός πλούσιων κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων στην ways), of groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of λεκάνη της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου, πέραν των υφισταμένων της Αιγύπτου, the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof εντός τηςrelative Αποκλειστικής Οικονομικής Ζώνης Κύπρου whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also(ΑΟΖ) rising ofτης land prices και (andτου the potential Ισραήλ (ΠΑΡ.Α/ Χάρτης 5), έχουν αναβαθμίσει ακόμη περισσότερο το potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UKτης in early 1960s and itareas refers γεωπολιτικό ενδιαφέρον για τον ευρύτερο χώρο Μέσης και the then observed trend of to buy property inΑνατολής poor ofto the then observed trend of wealthy σημασία, people toαναδεικνύοντας buy property in τον poor συνάμα έχει αποκτήσει βαρύνουσα ωςareas «ένα London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof London, them, σημεία stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being “squeezed”. από ταindirectly πιοupgrade νευραλγικά του πλανήτη». being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in2.Western countries, by other Researchers. ΣΚΟΠΟΣ cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has scholars and for various its more Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι several η επισκόπηση της γεωπολιτικής comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various και γεωστρατηγικής ανατομίας της προκειμένου να interpretations of the phenomenon of Ανατολικής gentrification,Μεσογείου, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: διαπιστωθεί τοof υφιστάμενο περιβάλλον, όπως αυτόgroups έχει In a sense, the phenomenon is γεωπολιτικό dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social to “return” to the city, leaving the for several -reasons: high costsδυναμικές in money διαμορφωθεί καταλήγοντας σεpurlieus συμπεράσματα γεωπολιτικές and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense1.of 1 safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Παρίσης, Η Καθ΄ημάς Θάλασσα, Γεωστρατηγική Ανάλυση της Μεσογείου, Αθήνα, Berlin, Ιωάννης where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,study (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after 2013, σελ. 87, Τα δύο κύρια δόγματα του Ισλάμ είναι ο Σουνιτισμός πουcontinuous θεωρεί ότι οmovements χαλίφης δενfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from access markets, etc.where studies and in Geneva, London and car Neweasier Yorkθεωρεί she came back to London, χρειάζεται να research είναι απόγονος του Prague, Μωάμεθ καιprivate ο Σιιτισμός που ότι to ο χαλίφης πρέπει να in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and είναι απόγονος του Μωάμεθ. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 2 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Napoleoni Loretta, Ο Ισλαμιστικός Φοίνικας, Αθήνα, 2015, σελ.182, Χαλιφάτο είναι η her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. επικράτεια ασκεί τηνetc., εξουσία του, οLtd. χαλίφης, δηλαδή οWIKIPEDIA: πολιτικός θρησκευτικός ηγέτης and selling realCOLLINS estate, for the depreciation initially of partκαι of the urban web, in 10th edit.όπου Wil. SONS AND Co London 2009. The Free Encyclopedia: των μουσουλμάνων, ο οποίος θεωρείται διάδοχος του Μωάμεθ και προστάτης της ακεραιότητας G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually της πίστης και του κράτους.

252187 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

(Γεωπολιτική Ανάλυση) και διατυπώνοντας προτάσεις, που θα προκύψουν από την μελέτη των αποτελεσμάτων της γεωπολιτικής ανάλυσης (Γεωστρατηγική Σύνθεση), ο προσδιορισμός και η ανάλυση των παραγόντων, που επηρεάζουν την ασφάλεια και τη σταθερότητα στον χώρο αυτό, καθώς και οι κυριότερες επιπτώσεις σε Κύπρο και Ελλάδα στα πλαίσια μιας γεωστρατηγικής δίνης. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect 3. ΠΑΡΑΔΟΧΕΣ Student of the School of Architecture Για την ολοκλήρωση της παρούσας μελέτης, Technical τίθενται προϋποθέσεις – University of Crete

παράγοντες, οι οποίοι κρίνεται ότι δεν θα μεταβληθούν ή εάν μεταβληθούν, approach: Defining the concept δεν1. Introductory θα επηρεάσουν την γεωπολιτική - γεωστρατηγική κατάσταση της 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Ανατολικής Μεσογείου κατά την εκπόνηση της παρούσας μελέτης : ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the α. Οι σχέσεις Ελλάδας – Τουρκίας, Τουρκίας – Κύπρου και Ισραήλ – among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Τουρκίας δεofθαknowledge διαφοροποιηθούν. acquisition starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 Based, on this “principle” Ελλάδας inindicated a first, if-(in not final, approach, the term β. Ηtherefore, ενεργειακή συνεργασία Κύπρου –of Planning) Ισραήλ και (and urban gentrification) is the area (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Αιγύπτου θα συνεχιστεί - θα βελτιωθεί και σε άλλους τομείς. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of Η social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement γ. πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στη Μέση Ανατολή, δεν θα επηρεάσουν τη ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of υφιστάμενη κατάσταση, δημιουργία Ισλαμικού κράτους ή ανεξάρτητου the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof Κουρδιστάν και speculation). επίλυση Παλαιστινιακού. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). Η gentrification Ελλάδα, Κύπρος θαearly εξακολουθήσουν Theδ.term is found atκαι first Τουρκία in the UK in 1960s and it refersνα to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed ofiswealthy to buy property in poor συμμετέχουν στουςtrend διεθνείς οργανισμούς. the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, them, stay themselves and thusτης old residents areof ε. upgrade Το περιβάλλον ασφάλειας στην ευαίσθητη περιοχή London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus oldΑνατολικής residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Μεσογείου θα παραμένει ρευστό και διαρκώς μεταβαλλόμενο. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A στ. description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth και τοsimilar ενδιαφέρον τωνinwere ΗΠΑ και της Ρωσίας στην GLASS atΤα theσυμφέροντα same while in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major περιοχή παραμένουν αμετάβλητα. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several andπολιτική for its more ζ. Η then, Ελλάδα και Κύπρος θα συνεχίσουν τηνscholars εξωτερική τους Since the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from για διατήρηση της σταθερότητας και ασφάλειας στην ασταθή περιοχή της comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: Ανατολικής Μεσογείου - Μέσης Ανατολής, επιδιώκοντας καλές σχέσεις με interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups χώρες του Αραβικού κόσμου και το Ισραήλ. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money η. toΗtravel Τουρκία συνεχίσει την επεκτατική της στρατηγική, and time from theθαpurlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The termνα from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed outside town search for προκειμένου εδραιωθεί ωςresidencies ηγεμονική δύναμη, μεcentres, ότιRuth αυτό συνεπάγεται Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) στις σχέσεις της με τα Youth Unemployment. Theάλλα same κράτη year sheτης leftπεριοχής. Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back London, θ. Το Ισραήλ,studies θα παραμείνει οplanning. βασικός εταίρος των toΗΠΑ στην in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and περιοχή, οι δε σχέσεις του με την Τουρκία, θα παραμείνουν στο σημερινό University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. επίπεδο. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia:

G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


2521 11


ΕΠΙΛΟΓΟΣ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, ofτηςintervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ΤοDefinition, γεωστρατηγικό περιβάλλον Ανατολικής Μεσογείου διαμορφώνεται κατ' αρχήν από τις πολιτικές, τα συμφέροντα, τις δράσεις Concerns και τις συνεργασίες ή τις αντιπαραθέσεις των κρατών που την περιβάλλουν.

Επιπλέον, το περιβάλλον αυτό επηρεάζεται από τις πολιτικές, τα αντικρουόμενα συμφέροντα και τους ανταγωνισμούς των μεγάλων By Mr. George-Sp. C.ισχύος ATHANASOPOULOS University, Graduate School Design, Student, δυνάμεων, οι οποίες, μεHarvard τον έναν ή τον άλλο τρόπο, είναιofπαρούσες ή παBy Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect ρεμβαίνουν ή ασκούν επιρροή στη μεσογειακή περιοχή. Student of the School of Architecture Ευρισκόμενη στο κέντρο ενός σχετικά ασταθούς περιφερειακού Technical University of Crete πλαισίου, η Ανατ. Μεσόγειος διαδραματίζει κεντρικό ρόλο στη μορφή του 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept γεωστρατηγικού περιβάλλοντος ολόκληρης της Ευρώπης, της Βόρειας 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Αφρικής, της Μέσης Ανατολής αλλά και ευρύτερα. Στη διάρκεια των ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage heη left us, he established(444 a great the προηγούμενων δεκαετιών, Ανατ. Μεσόγειος αποτέλεσε κύριο χώρο among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ενδιαφέροντος των διεθνών συνασπισμών και the των μεγάλων διεθνών acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term δρώντων. Παραλλήλως αναπτύχθηκαν σημαντικές πρωτοβουλίες 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the συterm gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 νεργασίας, με στόχο τη σταθερότητα και την επίλυση θεμάτων gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various τρομοκρατίας, λαθρομετανάστευσης, ενεργειακών πόρων, ρύπανσης κ.ά. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement of artists, the operation of galleries, restaurants, However this “change”, regardless of Κατά ταart τελευταία έτη, νέεςetc.διεθνείς απειλές και there προκλήσεις the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever has, resultsπεριοχή, also rising of land prices (andστον theof ανέκυψανother στηνconsequences ευρύτερη μεσογειακή ενώ οι εξεγέρσεις whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative αραβικό κόσμο δημιούργησαν ένα εντελώς νέο γεωπολιτικό σκηνικό. Η potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atκύριο first in αντικείμενο the UK in early 1960s and it refers to ενεργειακή ασφάλεια αποτελεί ενδιαφέροντος στην The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ευρύτερη μεσογειακή περιοχή, δεδομένου αυτήν, υπάρχουν τεράστια the then observed trend wealthy peopleότι toσ' buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof αποθέματα ενεργειακών πόρων, καθώς επίσης και δίκτυα αγωγών που London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. μεταφέρουν την ενέργεια στις ακτές της Μεσογείου. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A Στο description ofperiod, this phenomenon is μία included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth πόνημα αυτό, επιχειρείται γεωπολιτική καιofγεωστρατηγική GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by(ανατομία) other Researchers. ανάλυση και αξιολόγηση του περιβάλλοντος της Ανατολικής cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andκατανόηση for its more Μεσογείου, με σκοπό την εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων για την ή Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from ακόμη και την εκτίμηση του τρόπου που σε κάθε περίπτωση ενήργησαν ή comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of ενεργήσουν the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: αναμένεται να οι διάφοροι γεωστρατηγικοί δρώντες. Ένας interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups αριθμός έγχρωμων χαρτών, διαγραμμάτων και πινάκων που ακολουθούν το to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money κείμενο πληρέστερη κατανόηση των place στοιχείων and time toβοηθούν travel fromστην the purlieus to downtown, where work is, lack ofπου the παρατίθενται. Είναι ευνόητο ότι, ελήφθησαν υπ'town όψινcentres, όλα ταsearch νέα στοιχεία, 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important entitled: πληροφορίες, γεγονότα, μεταβολές ισχύος, γεωπολιτικές απειλές services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart ofανατροπές, the city”,study (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for και προκλήσεις που έχουν ανακύψει καιand έχουν δημιουργήσει νέες συνθήκες lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the στο γεωστρατηγικό περιβάλλον τηςthe Μεσογείου. to another approach, phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, (actually Ανδρέας “voluntary”, Π.wetzel/gentry.htm ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ

252189 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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Η ψηφιακή κληρονομία: Περίπτωση της GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types ofΗIntervention, Διαδικτυακής Πλατφόρμας DSL Portal του Τμήματος Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας της Κύπρου Concerns

Του κ. Γεωργίου ΙΩΑΚΕΙΜ Υποψηφ. Διδάκτορος, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Πρόλογος Student of the School of Architecture Η ψηφιοποίηση αντικειμένων, φωτογραφιών και κειμένων της δημόσιας Technical University of Crete

κληρονομιάς αντιπροσωπεύει νέα υλικά και νέα πλαίσια έρευνας και πρακτικής. Ο 1. Introductory approach: conceptκληρονομιά αναπτύχθηκε και τομέας που αναφέρεται στηνDefining ψηφιακήthe δημόσια 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept διευρύνθηκε μετά την των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών σε BC, μια κοινωνία ANTISTHENIS, theεξέλιξη ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCκαι - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wise τεχνολογία heritage heγίνεται left us, μέρος he established a great the όπου ηother ψηφιακή της ζωής, αφού ασχολήθηκε με among other wise heritage he left us,definition he established a και great the acquisition of knowledge starts with the of the content of“principle”: concepts. (Mc ζητήματα που σχετίζονται με την ψηφιοποίηση συλλογών αντικειμένων acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Donald, 2006). 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the των term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification Η ψηφιοποίηση αναλαμβάνει το ρόλο της ενίσχυσης και της επέκτασης 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various προηγουμένων μέσων και την ψηφιακή αντιπαραβολή όλο και περισσότερο σε Sociology as επικοινωνία, well), as the “refining” of a city the from this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andαφοσίωση theremoval placement there artists, σχέση με την τη συμμετοχή καιarea, την των θεατών και των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of the operationσεofιδρύματα art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this(De “change”, of επισκεπτών και περιοχές δημόσιας διοίκησης Lusenet,regardless 2002).artists, Στο the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the εν λόγω άρθρο θα αναλυθούν ορισμένες πτυχές των υποχρεώσεων που θα ανοίξειof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative η ψηφιακή τεχνολογία σχετικά με μια καινοτόμα διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα με potential relative speculation). The περίπτωσης term gentrification foundτου at first in the Κτηματολογίου UK in early 1960s it refers to μελέτη το DSLisPortal Τμήματος καιand Χωρομετρίας The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor της Κύπρου. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. 1.indirectly Εισαγωγή being “squeezed”. A description this phenomenon included in the Sociologist Ruth Η ψηφιακήofδημόσια κληρονομιάisis δημιουργείται όχιwork μόνοofof ως θέμα ορισμών A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major σε θεσμούς δημόσιας διοίκησης, αλλά και πρακτικών σε όλες inτις μορφές GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. οργανώσεων της countries, δημόσιαςbyκληρονομιάς εμπλέκοντας παράλληλα ιδιωτικούς cities in Western other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more συνεισφέροντες υπάρχουν στον τομέα (Lor, Britz, 2012).and Εκτός την Since then, που the issue has several scholars forαπό its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various υποστήριξη νέων πρακτικών που σχετίζονται με την τεκμηρίωση, τηthe διαχείριση comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: συλλογής και την the ανάλυση πολιτιστικών ιστορικώνthe κειμένων, φωτογραφιών, interpretations phenomenon following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups αντικειμένων, διαδικασιών και θέσεων, η ψηφιακή τεχνολογία φέρνει επίσης νέες to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money μορφές συλλογής, κατηγοριοποίησης, κατανόησης και ανάληψης της πολιτιστικής and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the κληρονομιάς. συμμετοχής και εμπλοκής εισάγονται από εικονικούς 1.of The termΝέες from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes theμορφές distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important studyαρχεία, entitled: χώρους, κινητά μέσα και διαδραστικά εργαλεία μέσα σε ιδρύματα, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous βιβλιοθήκες, γκαλερί καθώς και εκτός αυτών των ιδρυμάτων. Ηtoσυμμετοχή αυτή lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where καλεί επίσης τις νέες κοινωνικές ομάδες να συμμετάσχουν τόσο σε σωματικές in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and αλληλεπιδράσεις, όσο και σε ψηφιακά ενισχυμένες περιοχές πουbrokers σχετίζονται με τη long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. δημόσια κληρονομιά 2009). and selling realCOLLINS estate,(Stuedahl, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


Σήμερα, η έρευνα στον τομέα της ψηφιακής δημόσιας κληρονομιάς φέρνει συζητήσεις για την ανταλλαγή μεταξύ πρακτικών δημοσίων κληρονομιών και θεωριών για τον ψηφιακό πολιτισμό, θεωρίες σχετικά με τους θεσμικούς μετασχηματισμούς, θεωρίες που σχετίζονται με τις πρακτικές τεκμηρίωσης και αρχειοθέτησης, νέες επικοινωνιακές πρακτικές και ανάπτυξη του είδους στην επικοινωνία της δημόσιας κληρονομιάς ως νέες σχέσεις με το κοινό. Στο πλαίσιο αυτών των συζητήσεων λειτουργούν οι μετασχηματισμοί των εννοιών που By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS σχετίζονται με την αντιπροσώπευση και την ερμηνεία της δημόσιας κληρονομιάς Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, (Cameron & Kenderdine, 2007). By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Τα διαδραστικά εργαλεία, τα κινητά μέσα,Student οι υπηρεσίες διαδικτύου και of the μέσω School of Architecture άλλα ψηφιακά εργαλεία και λύσεις προσδίδουν με πρακτικό τρόπο στα Technical University of Crete πρωτοποριακά ζητήματα της κοινωνικής, πολιτιστικής και πολιτικής εξουσίας 1. Introductory approach: Είναι Defining the concept στην πολιτιστική κληρονομιά. ενδιαφέρουσα η σχέση μεταξύ κοινοτήτων και 1. Introductory approach: Defining theδιαμεσολαβούνται concept (444 BC - μέσω φορέων πολιτιστικής που ψηφιακών ANTISTHENIS, theκληρονομιάς ancient Greek philosopher, 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370ζήτημα BC, Athens), among otherκαι wise heritage he left us, he established a great τεχνολογιών δημιουργούν ένα ιδιαίτερα ενδιαφέρον(444 ερευνητικό γιαthe τη among διοίκηση other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge with of the content concepts. the δημόσια (Kalay etstarts al, 2007). acquisition of knowledge starts with the content ofτης concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term Το εν λόγω κείμενο συνιστά μιαthe βιβλιογραφική επισκόπηση ψηφιακής 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification κληρονομιάς, κάνοντας ξεχωριστή αναφορά στην πρωτοποριακή και καινοτόμο 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα DSL Portal του Τμήματος Χωρομετρίας και Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Κτηματολογίου της Κύπρου. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the 2. Η Ψηφιακή Κληρονομία: Βιβλιογραφική Επισκόπηση whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential speculation). 2.1.relative Κατανοώντας την ψηφιακή κληρονομία potential relative speculation). TheΚάνοντας term gentrification is found at firstμνημεία in the UK early 1960sηand it refersτης to αναφορά σε μνημειώδη τουinπολιτισμού, αντίληψη The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor κληρονομιάς περιλαμβάνει σταδιακά νέες κατηγορίες όπως η άυλη, η εθνογραφική the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stayκαι themselves and thus old residents areof και η βιομηχανική αλλά δημόσια sometimes κληρονομιά. Επομένως, London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus οι oldέννοιες residentsτης are being indirectly “squeezed”. κληρονομιάς σήμερα είναι πιο ανοιχτές και αντικατοπτρίζουν τους ζωντανούς being indirectly “squeezed”. A description this phenomenon is included in the work συμμετοχής of Sociologistκαι Ruth πολιτισμούς. Η of σταδιακή ενσωμάτωση της κοινωνικής η A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major διαδικαστική αντίληψη του πολιτισμού ανοίγουν το πεδίο της κληρονομιάς σε GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. πολλαπλούς ορισμούς. Συνεπώς, η εκτεταμένη αντίληψη της δημόσιας cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more κληρονομιάς σε ορισμένες έρχεταιseveral σε αντίθεση με τις καθιερωμένες Since then, the issueπεριπτώσεις has scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the αντιλήψεις που είναι ζωντανέςare στην πολιτιστική πολιτική και τους θεσμούς, αλλά comprehensive approach being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: και σε δημόσιους οργανισμούς (Rahaman, Tan, 2011). interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Μολοταύτα, από τη σκοπιά της δημόσιας διοίκησης, η ψηφιακή to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inδημόσια money κληρονομιά δείχνειfrom ενδιαφέροντα εμπειρικά θέματα που work μπορούν ναis, δώσουν and time to travel the purlieus to downtown, where place lack of νέα the κατανόηση των πολιτισμικών διαδικασιών και των σχέσεων με search την κληρονομιά 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her φαίνεται first studies. In 1932 sheηpublished an important studyμέσων entitled: και το παρελθόν. παραπάνω, χρήση των κοινωνικών services of health, Όπως education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she leftστο Germany and after continuous for επικοινωνίας της δημόσιας κληρονομιάς τέλος της ημέρας δείχνει την έννοια lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, του συλλογικού κεντρικού για τη the δημόσια διοίκηση (Lor, Britz, Αυτές οι in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the toκαι another approach, is due tobecame a 2012). systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and συλλογικέςinformal δραστηριότητες σχετίζονται με τη δημόσια κληρονομιά long-term effort byπου organized groups, manufacturers, brokersβασίζονται of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. στην επικοινωνία των etc., πολλαπλοτήτων και όχι στην ομοιομορφία ή την ετερότητα. and selling realCOLLINS estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Τα φαινόμενα της πολλαπλότητας που έρχονται στο προσκήνιο στις συλλογικές G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

δραστηριότητες μπορεί να παράσχουν τις υπάρχουσες θεωρίες για το συλλογικό όργανο της δημόσιας διοίκησης - και δείχνουν την ανάγκη για περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη της κατανόησης των συλλογικών διαδικασιών και της μνήμης που σχετίζονται με τη δημόσια κληρονομιά που μπορεί να προσφέρει η δημόσια διοίκηση (Lor, Britz, 2012). Αυτό κινείται προς την κατεύθυνση της κατανόησης της πολυπλοκότητας της λήψης διαμεσολαβούμενου περιεχομένου, με βάση τη σχέση μεταξύ του τύπου By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS των μέσων ενημέρωσης, της μορφής του περιεχομένου και της συμμετοχής Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, διαφόρων μέσων ενημέρωσης. Η By χρήση των μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect σχετίζεται περισσότερο με τις ικανότητες κατά τον χειρισμό πολλαπλών πηγών Student of the School of Architecture πολυμέσων ή με μεικτά μέσα επικοινωνίας, που μαζί δημιουργούν το έδαφος για Technical University of Crete τη δημιουργία νοήματος. Αρκετές θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις από τις ανθρωπιστικές 1. Introductory the concept επιστήμες τονίζουνapproach: αυτό τον Defining πολυτροπικό και μικτό χαρακτήρα της χρήσης και 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept τωνANTISTHENIS, ικανοτήτων των the ψηφιακών et al, 2004). ancientμέσων Greek(Song philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he ηleft us, he established a great the Υφίσταται η αντίληψη ότι κατανόηση ότι οι ρητορικές μορφές ως σύνδεση amongγλώσσας other wise leftthe us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content of“principle”: concepts. μεταξύ καιheritage εικόνας, προσφέρουν μια πολύτιμη κατεύθυνση για την acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition aσυνδέεται first, if of not approach, the term κατανόηση της ψηφιακής επικοινωνίας που μεfinal, τις ψηφιακές μνήμες και 1 (and urban Based,Ηtherefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, term gentrification) is of Planning) (or gentrification το κοινό. εστίαση στην ανάπτυξη του είδους ερμηνεύει τονarea τρόπο με τονthe οποίο 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τα στοιχεία των μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης συνδυάζονται για να σχηματίσουν Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, from this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually of (έγγραφα) low-income andthe theremoval placement there συμβάσεις, δομές και μηνύματα ορισμένων τύπων (είδη) καιartists, είναι ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries,του restaurants, etc. Howeverτων thisμορφών “change”, regardless of σημαντικά στην κατανόηση τρόπου επικοινωνίας της μνήμης και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the της ψηφιακής κληρονομιάς καθώς και ως μέσο αντιμετώπισης των προκλήσεωνof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative της δημιουργίας συνδέσεων με πολλαπλές ατομικές ερμηνείες των αφηγήσεων και potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the UKetinal,early 1960s and it refers to αντικειμένων της δημόσιας is κληρονομιάς (Andreadis 2015). The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof 2.2.upgrade Πρόσβαση στην κληρονομία London, them, stayψηφιακή themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Σημαντικό κίνητρο για τους μετασχηματισμούς εντός των ιδρυμάτων being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the workτου of Sociologist Ruth πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς είναι η καθιέρωση της πρόσβασης σε υλικό A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of κοινού Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major δημόσιας κληρονομιάς, καθώςwhile και ηsimilar κάλυψη των αυξανόμενων προσδοκιών προς GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. τα αρχεία, τα ιδρύματα και τις σε δημόσιο επίπεδο. Υποστηρίζεται ότι cities in Western countries, byβιβλιοθήκες other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more τα αρχεία, τα ιδρύματα οι συλλογές δημόσιας κληρονομιάς που Since then, the issue και has several below, scholars andthe for its είναι more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from various προσβάσιμα από τοapproach κοινό θα αυξήσουν το summarized ενδιαφέρον γιαbelow, τις αρχικές συλλογές και comprehensive are being from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: είναι επιθυμητά για τους επισκέπτες, διότι αυξάνουν την πολιτιστική και ιστορική interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups τους συνείδηση καθώς και την παιδεία στην κοινωνία της πληροφορίας to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in (Parry, money 2013). and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Μια συνέπεια αυτού είναιresidencies ότι Ruth τα θεσμικά όργανα τηςRuth δημόσιας The term from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. GLASS διοίκησης wasbetter born in sense1.of safety atcomes the distributed outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she στις published an important study entitled: μετασχηματίζονται από το να επικεντρώνονται συλλογές στην εστίαση, στη services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same συνδέσεων year she left Germany and after continuous for δημιουργία αφηγηματικών με το περιεχόμενο της δημόσιας lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, κληρονομιάς. Σε ιδρύματα αυτό έχει λάβει In τη1950 μορφή πρόσκλησης κοινού in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. sheto became teacher in the toορισμένα another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and και επισκεπτών συμμετοχή σε αφηγηματικές δραστηριότητες είτε στο long-term informalγια effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. διαδίκτυο είτε στο χώρο του θεσμού. Αυτό περιλαμβάνει επίσης τηνurban εστίαση στη and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: μάθηση και την εμπειρία ως μέρος των νέων επικοινωνιακών πρακτικών. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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Θεωρείται ότι στο μέλλον, οι χρήστες πολιτιστικών πόρων θα μπορούν να απολαμβάνουν νέες διαδραστικές δημόσιες κληρονομιές και προϊόντα που σχετίζονται με την προσωπική τους ζωή. Θα είναι σε θέση να διαχειρίζονται ψηφιακά αντικείμενα online και να συμμετάσχουν σε κοινότητες κοινού ενδιαφέροντος (Kuroczynski et al, 2014). Το όραμα αυτό εκφράζεται ως ένα από τα ευρύτερα ευρωπαϊκά σχέδια ψηφιακής κληρονομιάς και απεικονίζει τις προσδοκίες που συνδέονται με τον ρόλο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών για μια ευρύτερη και περισσότερο εμπλεκόμενη Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, επικοινωνία της δημόσιας κληρονομιάς μέλλον. C.Το όραμα μπορεί να By Mr. στο George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect αναγνωριστεί σε πολλές χώρες και σε πολλά εθνικά και περιφερειακά έργα και Student of the School of Architecture βασίζεται στο γεγονός ότι ένα μεγάλο μέρος του περιεχομένου της δημόσιας Technical University of Crete κληρονομιάς στις συλλογές βιβλιοθηκών, αρχείων και φορέων καθίσταται 1. Introductory the conceptτεχνολογιών, μόνο και μόνο προσβάσιμο μέσω approach: ψηφιακώνDefining και διαδραστικών 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept επειδή αντιπροσωπεύονται σε ψηφιοποιημένες μορφές. Ο Χάρτης τηςBC, UNESCO για ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, όπου Athens), among other wise heritage Κληρονομιάς, he left us, he established aνέα great the τη Διατήρηση της Ψηφιακής καθορίζει μια κληρονομιά, οι among other wiseτης heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with definition of the content concepts. που ψηφιακοί πόροι πληροφορίας και της δημιουργικής έκφρασης acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term παράγονται, διανέμονται, προσφέρονται και διατηρούνται σε ψηφιακή μορφή, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ορίζουν την ψηφιακή κληρονομιά. Από την πλευρά του κοινού, έχουμε λίγους μόνο 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various δείκτες που θα μπορούσαν να μας βοηθήσουν να καθορίσουμε μια γενικότερη Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of λογιστική low-income andthe theremoval placement of κατανόηση της συμμετοχής στη δημόσια κληρονομιά με ψηφιακούς ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However this “change”, regardless of τρόπους (Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών Κύπρου,etc. 2018). the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Οι θεσμοί της δημόσιας διοίκησης γίνονται όλο και περισσότερο αντιληπτοίof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative στις κοινότητες και τους πολιτισμούς που εκπροσωπούν. Αν και το δημόσιο potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s andαντικείμενα it refers to κληροδότημα έχει διαμορφωθεί μέχρι τώρα σε φυσικά κτίρια όπου The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor και αφηγήματα δημόσιας κληρονομιάς παρουσιάζονται με αποσυγκροτημένους the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof τρόπους, ηupgrade τάση γιαthem, επαναπροσδιορισμό και επανατοποθέτηση τωνold αντικειμένων London, stay themselves sometimes there and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. και γνώσεων της“squeezed”. δημόσιας κληρονομιάς έχει πάρει πολλές και αποκλίνουσες being indirectly A description of this phenomenon is included the work ofεν Sociologist μορφές. Η σύγκλιση εργαλείων καιinσυστημάτων τω μεταξύRuth έχει A description ofτων thisψηφιακών phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major φέρει στο προσκήνιο άλλες και πιο σοβαρές διαδικασίες απόκλισης που GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. σχετίζονται με τιςcountries, πρακτικέςbyτεκμηρίωσης και επικοινωνίας. Τα πρότυπα για τα cities in Western other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more μεταδεδομένα με κατηγορίες, several ταξινομίες και τυπολογίες που Since then,συνδέονται the issue has scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from χρησιμοποιούνται για την επισήμανση ψηφιακών δημόσιων κληροδοτικών comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: αντικειμένων και εγγράφων και ωςofεργαλεία αναζήτησης και πρόσβασης από interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups πολλά ιδρύματα καθώς και από το κοινό (Singh, 2012). to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Η καθιέρωση κοινών προτύπων και κατηγοριών μεταξύ των θεσμικών and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the οργάνων και χωρών θεωρείται απαραίτητο στοιχείο για την επίτευξη ενόςin 1.of The termτων from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she περιεχομένου made her first studies. In 1932 κληρονομιάς. she published an important study entitled: ολοκληρωμένου της δημόσιας Αυτό όμως απαιτεί μια services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same yearσε she leftεπίπεδο Germany and afterτης continuous for διεθνή διαδικασία ενσωμάτωσης ένα ορισμού γνώσης: Απαιτείται lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, τεράστια προσπάθεια γιαapproach, την επίτευξη συμφωνίας in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In μεταξύ 1950 sheαντιπροσωπευτικής teacher in the to another the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and διεθνούς ομάδας εμπειρογνωμόνων σχετικά με manufacturers, τον καθορισμό brokers τυχόν προτύπων. long-term informal effort by organized groups, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Είναι σαφές ότιestate, η τεκμηρίωση, ηdepreciation εγγραφή, η initially αρχειοθέτηση καιthe η urban κατανάλωση and selling real for theCo of part of web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS etc., SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ψηφιακού περιεχομένου βασίζονται σε κατηγορίες που αναπαράγονται από ήδη G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

υπάρχοντα - αν δεν μετασχηματίζονται ενεργά. Σε έργα όπου οι ΤΠΕ χρησιμοποιούνται για να κατηγοριοποιήσουν τη γνώση από μη δυτική και μη θεσμική προοπτική, γίνεται σαφές πόσο έντονα οι τυπικές κατηγορίες βασίζονται στις παραδόσεις της κεντρικής δυτικής επιστημονικής γνώσης (Thwaites, 2013). Αρκετές μελέτες έχουν δείξει πώς οι ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες, αντί να αντιπροσωπεύουν αντικείμενα, είναι ανοιχτές για πολλαπλότητα γνώσης, όπως ναφορές από έργα όπου ομάδες γηγενών πληθυσμών καταδεικνύουν την By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ανεπάρκεια τυποποιημένων εγγράφων συλλογής που βασίζονται σε Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ευρωκεντρικές χρονολογίες και κατηγορίες και αρχίζουνC.ναATHANASSOPOULOS κατηγοριοποιούν τη By Mr. George-Sp. Architect δημόσια κληρονομιά σύμφωνα με τις γνώσεις τους (Howell, Chilcott, 2013). Student of the School of Architecture Αυτές οι μελέτες δείχνουν σαφώς πώς μπορούν Technical να ενσωματωθούν Universityπολλές of Crete κατηγορίες και να διαδραματίσουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην ψηφιοποίηση 1. Introductory approach: Defining αντικειμένων. Είναι ενδιαφέρον ότι the οι concept μελέτες δείχνουν επίσης πως η 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 κατηγοριοποίηση τουtheπεριεχομένου τηςphilosopher, κληρονομιάς μπορεί να επηρεάσει τη ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, theενδιαφέρον ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC κληρονομιάς -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wiseκαι heritage he left us, περιεχόμενο he established a great the δημόσια εμπλοκή το για ψηφιακής (Lor, among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition heκαι established a great the acquisition ofΑυτό knowledge starts with of the content of“principle”: concepts. Britz, 2012). καθιστά τιςhe κατηγορίες τα πρότυπα ενδιαφέροντα σημεία acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aμεfirst, if of not final, the term για μια αντανακλαστική συζήτηση σχετικά τις γνώσεις καιapproach, τις αντιλήψεις που 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification δημιουργούν ένα υπόβαθρο για την αντίληψή μας για τονthe ψηφιακό πολιτισμό ως 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τέτοιο, καθώς και τις έννοιες που ενημερώνουν τις πρακτικές στον τομέα. Οι Sociology asκαι well), the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andσυλλογής theremoval placement of κατηγορίες τα as πρότυπα τεκμηρίωσης και μπορούν εύκολα να ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc. Howeverεπικοινωνία this “change”, of θεωρηθούν αντικειμενικά καιrestaurants, καθώς η παραδοσιακή τηςregardless γνώσης της the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the δημόσιας κληρονομιάς επικεντρώνεται στα υλικά χαρακτηριστικά τωνof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative αντικειμένων της κληρονομιάς, αμφισβητείται το πλαίσιο των κατηγοριών που potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at firstκαι in the UK in τους early (Munster, 1960s and it refers to χρησιμοποιούνται για την isευρετηρίαση ερμηνεία Ioannides, The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor 2015). the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof Η αναδυόμενη εκτεταμένη αντίληψη της δημόσιας London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereκληρονομιάς and thus oldπροκαλεί residentsτο are being indirectly “squeezed”. γεγονός αυτό και “squeezed”. ζητά την επανεξέταση των σημερινών επιστημολογικών βάσεων being indirectly A description of this phenomenon included in theτου work of Sociologist Ruth όπου διατυπώνεται τεκμηρίωσηisisκαι η εξέταση τρόπου με τον οποίο Aκαι description ofperiod, thisηphenomenon included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major διάφορες πολιτιστικές και θεωρητικές ιδέεςsituations θα μπορούσαν να αναθεωρήσουν την GLASS at the same period, while similar were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. τεκμηρίωση λαμβάνοντας υπόψη αυτές τις τεχνολογικές δυνατότητες (Lor, Britz, cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more 2012). Η ψηφιοποίηση αντιπροσωπεύει μετασχηματιστικές δυνατότητες γιαmore την Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from ευρετηρίαση, την approach αρχειοθέτηση και τη διαμεσολάβηση της πολιτιστικής comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: κληρονομιάς. Μία από τις μετασχηματιστικές δυνατότητες σχετίζεται στην interpretations the αυτές phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups πραγματικότητα με την αναθεώρηση των υπαρχουσών κατηγοριών, καθώς η to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ψηφιοποίηση καθιστά εφικτή τη συλλογή πολλαπλών, συμφραζόμενων γνώσεων and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the και ερμηνειών του Αυτό τη σύνδεση των search υλικώνfor και τηςin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruthανάγει GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense safety theαντικειμένου. distributed residencies outside town centres, better Berlin,γνώσης where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published anαρχεία important study entitled: άυλης της κληρονομιάς σε ψηφιακές συλλογές και (Barreau et al, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 2014). lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Οι she πιθανές νέες studies κατηγορίες, καθώς και η πιθανή μεσολάβηση τηςteacher σύνδεσης in According 1943 published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and πολλαπλών γνώσεων πουby σχετίζονται με το αντικείμενο κληρονομιάς, αλλάζουν long-term effort organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. επίσης τηνreal κατάσταση καιforτην αρχή του αντικειμένου επικοινωνία. Αυτό and selling estate, etc., theCo depreciation initially of στην part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: γίνεται σαφές στην έκθεση αντικειμένων δημόσιας κληρονομιάς σε ψηφιακό G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


περιβάλλον. Η κατάσταση του αντικειμένου και η εξουσία του να μιλάει αμφισβητείται από τη συμπερίληψη σε εκθέσεις μη αντικειμένων, mockups, οπτικοακουστικών τεχνολογιών και διαδραστικών σημείων πληροφοριών υπολογιστών. Τα αντικείμενα δημόσιας κληρονομιάς μπορούν να εκτίθενται με βάση τις πολλαπλές γνώσεις και ερμηνείες που σχετίζονται με αυτές, οι οποίες θεωρητικά μπορούν να ανοίξουν την ερμηνευτική διαδικασία και να φέρουν πολλαπλότητα στην ταξινόμηση και επικοινωνία της δημόσιας κληρονομιάς By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS (European Commission, 2017). Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Εν τω μεταξύ, σε μελέτες συστημάτων ταξινόμησης εκτός του τομέα της By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect δημόσιας κληρονομιάς, τίθεται μια πιο ρεαλιστική άποψη για τα συστήματα Student of the School of Architecture ταξινόμησης. Προσεγγίζοντας τα συστήματα ταξινόμησης ως εργαλεία εργασίας, οι Technical University of Crete μελέτες δείχνουν πώς η κατανόηση των κατηγοριών μπορεί να είναι ετερογενής, 1. Introductory Defining the των concept επειδή λειτουργούνapproach: ως όρια, υπό την έννοια ευέλικτων εννοιών και του κοινού 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept πλαισίου για την ταξινόμηση σε καθορισμένες κοινότητες (Rahaman, Tan, 2011). ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us,ταξινόμηση he established a great the Ένα ANTISTHENIS, παράδειγμα χρησιμοποιείται στην της φυλής, στις ασθένειες στην amongήother wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ιατρική στις ταξινομίες και στη ζωολογία ή τη βοτανική. Ηa ανάπτυξη κατηγοριών acquisition of knowledge starts withκληρονομιάς theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the στον τομέαtherefore, της ψηφιακής δημόσιας μπορεί να ενημερωθεί απόterm την 1 (and urban Based, on this “principle” inindicated a first,για if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification έννοια των therefore, οριακών αντικειμένων στο δοκίμιο τηνthe καθιέρωση ευέλικτων 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various κατηγοριών που μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν ως ένα κοινό πλαίσιο τόσο εντός Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement of καθορισμένων κοινοτήτων κοινής κληρονομιάς όσο και κοινωνικών ομάδων που ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation art galleries, etc. Howeverσχετικά this “change”, of βασίζουν τηνofερμηνεία της restaurants, δημόσιας κληρονομιάς με τηνregardless υπάρχουσα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the πολιτισμική αντίληψη εκτός των κοινοτήτων και των θεσμών (Parry, 2013). whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). The2.3 term found at first inκληρονομία the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Ταgentrification social media is και η ψηφιακή The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Εκτός από την ανάπτυξη της ψηφιακής πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς, μέσα σε the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents θεσμούς της δημόσιας οι συζητήσεις πολλαπλών αφηγήσεων καιare η London, upgrade them,διοίκησης, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ατομική δόμηση νοημάτων έχουν καταστεί ένα γενικότερο ζήτημα. Αυτό οφείλεται being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisπρακτική phenomenon includedκαθώς in the work of Sociologist στην μεταβαλλόμενη τωνisis θεσμών και αλλαγές Ruth που A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the recorded workστις of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major σχετίζονται με την ανάπτυξη των θεσμών ως αρένες για τη συμμετοχή του κοινού. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Ηcities μετατόπιση πουcountries, μπορεί να συνδεθεί με τη συζήτηση του νέου θεσμού δίνει in Western bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more ιδιαίτερη προσοχή στην has πολιτισμική ποικιλομορφία και την πολιτιστική Since then, the issue several below, scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from various βιωσιμότητα, σχεδιάζοντας εκθέσεις σχετικές με τηbelow, διαμόρφωση στόχων comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: κοινωνικής πολιτικής και σύγχρονων πολιτισμικών συνθηκών. Η πολιτισμική interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups ποικιλομορφία και πολυμορφία διαδραματίζει έναν αυξανόμενο ρόλοin- money και ο to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs επισκέπτης του θεσμού θεωρείται ότι επηρεάζεται από πολλαπλά κοινωνικά and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the περιουσιακά στοιχεία και ταυτότητες. Αυτό δίνει επίσης εμπλοκή καιin 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthστην GLASS wasbetter born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside townέμφαση centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: τη συμμετοχή του κοινού, η οποία με την υποστήριξη των ψηφιακών μέσων έχει services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The τη same year she left Germany and after continuous υλοποιηθεί ως έργο για δημιουργία και τηcar διανομή κοινού περιεχομένου της lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, κληρονομιάς (Rahaman, Tan, 2011). in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Herτη public and Οι ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες δημιουργούν μια υποδομή για δημιουργία long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. κοινού περιεχομένου κληρονομιάς μεταξύ ιδρυμάτων και κοινού, ηweb, οποία and selling realCOLLINS estate,δημόσιας etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ανοίγει τη συμμετοχή των επισκεπτών σε απευθείας σύνδεση και επιτόπου με G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

ικανότητες και γνώσεις που δεν αποτελούν μέρος της επίσημης εμπειρίας του ιδρύματος. Σε αυτή τη συμμετοχή, η οικοδόμηση της ταυτότητας, της μνήμης και των αφηγήσεων δημιουργούν σημαντικά ζητήματα για την κατανόηση του τρόπου με τον οποίο το ψηφιακό περιεχόμενο της κληρονομιάς αποτελεί μέρος των κοινωνικο - πολιτιστικών διαδικασιών μετασχηματισμού (Lor, Britz, 2012). Σήμερα τα κοινωνικά μέσα και η κοινωνική δικτύωση έχουν καταστεί κεντρική εστίαση στην επικοινωνία ψηφιακής δημόσιας κληρονομιάς, ειδικά σε By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS σχέση με τα φαινόμενα των μέσων όπως το web 2.0, το blog, το wiki, το facebook, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, το myspace, το YouTube κλπ. δείχνoντας πώς μπορούν να ενσωματωθούν By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect διαφορετικές μορφές συμμετοχής και συν-δημιουργίας στην επικοινωνία της Student of the School of Architecture δημόσιας κληρονομιάς - αλλά προκαλώντας τις υπάρχουσες επικοινωνιακές Technical University of Crete πρακτικές μέσα στο ίδρυμα. Μερικά παραδείγματα αυτού του είδους θα 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept απεικονίσουν σε γενικές γραμμές την the ποικιλία του τρόπου με τον οποίο τα 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept διαφορετικά θεσμικάtheόργανα αυτό(444 το BC μετασχηματισμό της ANTISTHENIS, ancient ενσωματώνουν Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise he(Stanco left us,ethe a great the επικοινωνιακής τουςheritage πρακτικής al,established 2011). among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first,DSL if of not final, approach, the term 3. therefore, Ηof knowledge Διαδικτυακή Πλατφόρμα Portal του Τμήματος 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας της Κύπρου 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Η διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα DSL Portal του Τμήματος Κτηματολογίου και Sociology as της well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually low-income and theremoval placement artists, Χωρομετρίας Κύπρου είναι of μία περίπτωση ψηφιακής κληρονομιάς. Επίσημα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of artτου galleries, this DLS “change”, of ξεκίνησε τη χρονιά 2016, restaurants, τον Ιούνιο. Ηetc. νέαHowever πλατφόρμα Portal,regardless συνιστά μία the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the πλατφόρμα eServices του Τμήματος Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας (DLS). Οof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative σκοπός της είναι η επικαιροποίηση των υπηρεσιών οι οποίες παρέχονται στους potential relative speculation). The term gentrification at first inυπηρεσίες the UK in που earlyείναι 1960sδιαθέσιμες and it refersκαι to πολίτες, μεγαλώνοντας τιςis found ηλεκτρονικές The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor κάνοντας ευκολότερη την πρόσβαση στις πηγές δεδομένων της DLS. Ειδικότερα, the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof μεLondon, βάση upgrade την Eurogeographocs.org (2016), η καινούρια πλατφόρμα υπηρεσιών upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. διαδικτύου της Κύπρου συνιστά καίριο σημείο αναφοράς στην ιστορία του being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in theΠρωταρχικό work of Sociologist Τμήματος Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας (DLS). μέλημαRuth της A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major πολιτιστικής κουλτούρας και του οράματος του Τμήματος, είναι η διαδικτυακή GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. πύλη να διατίθεται όλο τοby24ωρο και προσφέρει μια σωρεία ηλεκτρονικών cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more υπηρεσιών. Η επιδίωξη είναιhas να διαγραφούν οιseveral γραφειοκρατικές διαδικασίες για Since then, the issue scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the εφαρμογές που χρειάζονται πολύ χρόνο και να γίνει πιοbelow, εύκολη from η πρόσβαση στα comprehensive approach are being summarized the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: βασικά δεδομένα της DLS. Η νέα of πύλη DLS απαρτίζεται από 4 κύρια μέρη interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups (Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, 2017, eurogeographics.org, 2016): to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money  Δωρεάν για σερφάρισμα σε ιδιότητες σε αληθινό μέσω and time to travelonline from ισχύ the purlieus to downtown, where work place is,χρόνο lack of the αγροτεμαχίων, κτιρίων, πλέγματος σχεδίων, αεροφωτογραφιών, ζωνών 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, whereκαι sheάλλων made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: σχεδιασμού χωρικών χαρακτηριστικών. Οι ιδιότητες με services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the καθορίζονται city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she leftτις Germany and after των continuous for ποικίλους τρόπους, ενσωματώνοντας ιδιομορφίες κτηματολογικών lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, σχεδίων, των αποτίμησης και τωνIn 1950 αγροτεμαχίων. Άλλες in δύο in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. sheto became teacher the toιδιομορφιών another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and θεματικές informal ηλεκτρονικές (α) groups, η τοπογραφική και (β)brokers η υδρογραφική, long-term effortυπηρεσίες, by organized manufacturers, of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. είναι κι αυτές διαθέσιμες με αρκετές καίριες ιδιομορφίες, με εναλλακτικές and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ανίχνευσης, εκτύπωσης και πρόσβασης σε υπηρεσίες διαδικτυακές. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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 Ισχύ της οδηγίας INSPIRE, ειδικής πλατφόρμας γεωπολιτικών μεταφορών η οποία περιλαμβάνεται στην πύλη DLS. Το INSPIRE έχει τις βάσεις του στις υποδομές χωρικών στοιχείων που δημιουργούνται από τις χώρες μέλη. Αποδέχονται τους κοινούς όρους ισχύς και συμπληρώνονται με μέτρα σε κοινοτικό επίπεδο. Οι υπηρεσίες δικτύου επιτρέπουν την ανακάλυψη, μετασχηματισμό, προβολή και λήψη χωρικών δεδομένων καθώς και την επίκληση χωρικών δεδομένων και υπηρεσιών ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου από ποικίλες By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS κυβερνητικές πηγές, με βάση την οδηγία INSPIRE. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student,  Αίτηση μέσω ηλεκτρονικής By πλατφόρμας μέσωC.του πίνακα οργάνων Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect ηλεκτρονικών εφαρμογών, η οποία φιλοξενεί και προσωπική ανάλυση παρέχει Student of the School ofκαι Architecture παρατήρηση εφαρμογών που είναι καταγεγραμμένες. Οι χρήστες έχουν τη Technical University of Crete δυνατότητα ακόμα να αγοράσουν χάρτες, να εξαγάγουν και να μεταφορτώσουν 1. Introductory the concept να τροποποιήσουν λάθη, να στοιχεία στο Τμήμα,approach: να θέσουνDefining οριακές πληροφορίες, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, the ενστάσεις, ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 Athens), εκφράσουν ενδεχόμενες να αποδεσμεύσουν υποθήκες καιBC, να ζητήσουν ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 Athens), among otherπιστοποιητικών wise heritage he left us, established a great the αντίγραφα τίτλου. Η he αίτηση περικλείει και-“principle”: τηνBC, ικανότητα among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition heτοπική established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with ofηγεσία the content concepts. εξαγωγής στοιχείων φορολογίας στην και of στις επιτροπές acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term αποχέτευσης. Δίνει τη δυνατότητα της ηλεκτρονικής πληροφόρησης των νέων 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on και this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification ιδιομορφιών των κτιρίων των δρόμων.is 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various  Σελίδα με ενημερώσεις για το Τμήμα, π.χ. γραφεία, υποκαταστήματα και Sociology asπολιτών, well), as όπως the “refining” of a cityοι area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually low-income and theremoval placement Χάρτη των καιofυπηρεσίες οποίες περικλείουν πρόσβαση σε ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of δωρεάν χάρτες, κτηματολογικά σχέδια και ένα εργαλείο υπολογισμού τελών. the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless of whatever other has, results rising of land prices (and the Μετά την κυκλοφορία της δικτυακής, η DLS παραμένει αφοσιωμένη στη whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). συνεχή βελτίωση των υπηρεσιών της και στην ανάπτυξη νέων εφαρμογών potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to (Stuedahl, 2009). The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Η υπό συζήτηση πλατφόρμα είναι αρκετά πρωτοποριακή. πλατφόρμα the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buy property inΗpoor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof βραβεύτηκε στο διάστημα μιας τελετής, ηsometimes οποία έλαβε μέρος Σκηνή London, upgrade them, stay themselves there andστην thusΚεντρική old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. του ΘΟΚ στη Λευκωσία τον Νοέμβριο του 2018, από την Ομοσπονδία Εργοδοτών being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth και Βιομηχάνων (ΟΕΒ). εν λόγω τελετή, δόθηκαν «Βραβεία Καινοτομίας A description ofperiod, thisΣτην phenomenon is situations included inwere theταrecorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major και Έρευνας ΟΕΒ 2018». Στο πεδίο των «Βραβείων Καινοτομίας ΟΕΒ 2018», το GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Βραβείο Ευρύτερο Δημόσιο Τομέα δόθηκε στο Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου και cities in στον Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Χωρομετρίας για τη δημιουργία της καινοτόμου Since then, the issue has preoccupied severalΔιαδικτυακής scholars andΠλατφόρμας for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the Ηλεκτρονικών Υπηρεσιών, με το όνομα "DLS PORTAL". comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Τα Κυπριακά Βραβεία Καινοτομίας αποσκοπούν να τιμήσουν φορείς, interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups εταιρείες και υπηρεσίες οι οποίες διακρίθηκαν και ξεχωρίζουν σύμφωνα τους to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inμε money νεωτερισμούς και from τις ξεχωριστές εφαρμοσμένες and time to travel the purlieus to downtown,αντιλήψεις where workτους. placeΟis,θεσμός lack ofτου the Κυπριακού Βραβείου Καινοτομίας συνιστά την ανώτατη διάκριση στην γιαin 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, searchΚύπρο for Berlin, she made her first studies. Inεφαρμοσμένες 1932 she published an important study entitled: τις πιο where πρωτοποριακές και επιτυχώς πρακτικές ενέργειες σε services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of theκαι city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for κυπριακές επιχειρήσεις και οργανισμούς (ως άνω). lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Ορόσημο ιστορικό του νέουthe Κτηματολογίου συνιστά η Νέα Διαδικτυακή in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the toστο another approach, phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of και London, where she continued her social research. Her public and Πλατφόρμα καθώς το επιστέγασμα μιας πολυετούς επιχείρησης του Τμήματος long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. για παροχή ηλεκτρονικών υπηρεσιών προς τουςinitially πολίτες Διαδικτύου. Μέσω and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation ofμέσω part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: του "DLS PORTAL" υπάρχει η προοπτική υποβολής και "online" διεκπεραίωσης G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

αιτήσεων σε όλους τους πολίτες και πρόσβασης μέσω του Διαδικτύου στις πληροφορίες του Τμήματος. Συνολικά, φορείς και πολίτες μπορούν να πλοηγηθούν στο χώρο και στα ακίνητα μέσω της πλατφόρμας αυτής, να καταθέσουν τα αιτήματά τους προς το Τμήμα, να εξαγάγουν λίστες και στοιχεία, να αγοράσουν χάρτες, να εγγραφούν σε υπηρεσίες κλπ (ως άνω). Επομένως, η Διαδικτυακή Πλατφόρμα DLS Portal του Τμήματος Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας της Κύπρου, συνιστά την πρώτη και μεγαλύτερη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ηλεκτρονική βιβλιοθήκη γεωγραφικών και αναλυτικών ενημερώσεων για όλη την Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία στην Κύπρο και μια μοναδικέςC. στο είδος της σεArchitect επίπεδο Byαπό Mr.τις George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Ευρωπαϊκών Κτηματολογίων, ενώ παράλληλαStudent αποτελεί υπόδειγμα εφαρμογής of the School of Architecture ειδικής συναφούς Ευρωπαϊκής Οδηγίας και συσσωρεύει πληθώρα γεωγραφικών Technical University of Crete δεδομένων από τα Τμήματα και τις Υπηρεσίες του Κράτους (ως άνω). 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Περαιτέρω προνόμια από την επιβολή της εν λόγω καινοτομίας (ως άνω) 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), είναι τα κάτωθι: ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, theτων ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wise heritage he left us, he established aτου great the  other Επικαιροποίηση επιχειρησιακών λειτουργιών Τμήματος. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a great acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content of“principle”: concepts. the  Τόνωση της αγοράς ακινήτων και προσέλκυση νέων αγοραστών. acquisition of knowledge starts thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a Τμήματος first, if of not final, the term  Εξοικονόμηση πόρων καιwith χρόνου του και τωνapproach, πολιτών. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification  Καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση των πολιτών, διαύγεια, αξιοκρατία και the δίκαιη 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various αντιμετώπιση. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement  ofΑνέλιξη της αγοράς και της οικονομίας, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art restaurants, etc. However thisανάμεσα “change”,σεregardless of  Τόνωση τηςgalleries, διαλειτουργικότητας των στοιχείων εφαρμογές the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the πληροφορικής. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation).  Επέκταση του κανόνα των Ανοικτών Δεδομένων. potential relative speculation). TheΗterm gentrification is found atDLS firstPORTAL in the UKσυνιστά in early 1960s and σημαντική it refers to Διαδικτυακή Πλατφόρμα την πιο The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor υπηρεσία η-Διακυβέρνησης, η οποία παρέχεται από την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία και the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof αντιπροσωπεύει την εκτέλεση της νέας τακτικής, οποία London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimesτην there andέχει thusενστερνιστεί old residentsτο are being indirectly “squeezed”. Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας στους τεχνολογικούς και being indirectly “squeezed”. A description ofκλάδους, this phenomenon is included the work Sociologist πληροφοριακούς αποσκοπώντας στηνinin ώθηση καιofofτην αύξησηRuth της A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar were in other major οικονομίας του κράτους (ως άνω). GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more 4. Συμπεράσματα Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from Ταχέως, η ποσότητα πληροφοριών στον κόσμο γίνεται τόσο μεγάλη ώστε comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: το ανθρώπινο μυαλό να μην μπορεί να τις συλλάβει: εκτιμάται ότι η συνολική interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups ετήσια παραγωγή πληροφοριών είναι τώρα περίπου ισοδύναμη ή 2 to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costsμεin 1money δισεκατομμύρια Gigabytes. Εκτιμάται επίσης ότι το 90% αυτού υπάρχει σε and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the ψηφιακή μορφή. Καιdistributed πάλι Sociologist ένα μεγάλο ποσοστό αυτού υπάρχει μόνο σε for ψηφιακή 1.of The termat comes from Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense safety the residencies outside town centres, search better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: μορφή, από ιατρικά αρχεία μέχρι DVD ταινιών, από δορυφορικά δεδομένα services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. Theιστοσελίδες same year she left Germany and after continuousτέχνης, παρακολούθησης έως που παρουσιάζουν πολυμέσα lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.από studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where δεδομένα σχετικά με τη συμπεριφορά των καταναλωτών που συλλέγονται από τα in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and σούπερ μάρκετ σεeffort μια επιστημονική βάση δεδομένων πουbrokers τεκμηριώνει το long-term informal by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ανθρώπινο γονιδίωμα (Rahaman, Tan, 2011). initially of part of the urban web, in and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Για όσους έχουν επιφορτιστεί με τη συλλογή και τη διατήρηση της δημόσιας κληρονομιάς, το ερώτημα έχει καταστεί εξαιρετικά πιεστικό ως προς το τι θα πρέπει να διατηρηθεί γι’ αυτές τις τεράστιες ποσότητες υλικών για τις μελλοντικές γενιές και πώς να το επιλέγουμε και να το διατηρήσουμε. Με την έλευση των ψηφιακών μέσων δημιουργήθηκε ένα νέο και περίπλοκο περιβάλλον. Όχι μόνο τα μέσα ενημέρωσης είναι καινούργια, το περιεχόμενο και τα μέσα διανομής έχουν αλλάξει δραματικά και νέοι παίκτες - μεταξύ των χρηστών και των δημιουργών By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS πληροφοριών - έχουν εισέλθει στο στάδιο. Με τόσους πολλούς νέους τύπους Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, περιεχομένου που παρουσιάζονται μεBy νέους τρόπους, το C. πρώτο ερώτημαArchitect είναι: τι Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS αξίζει να διατηρηθεί και ποιος πρέπει να το φροντίσει (De Lusenet, 2002); Student of the School of Architecture Στον ψηφιακό κόσμο έχουν δημιουργηθεί νέοιTechnical τύποι υλικών πουofείναι University Crete δύσκολο να ταξινομηθούν με συμβατικά κριτήρια. Τα υλικά πολυμέσων 1. Introductory approach:τύπους Defining the conceptμε διαφορετικές λειτουργίες. συνδυάζουν διαφορετικούς περιεχομένου 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ΜιαANTISTHENIS, βάση δεδομένων δεν είναι ένα philosopher, σταθερό αντικείμενο πουBC, μπορεί να the ancient Greek (444 BC - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -τα 370 BC, Athens), among otherσε wise left us, heμπορεί established a great “principle”: the αποθηκευτεί μια heritage οριστική he μορφή, ούτε να διαχωρίσει δεδομένα από among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition heμπορούν established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition ofμεταξύ knowledge with of the concepts. τις σχέσεις τους.starts Οι he ιστότοποι να content συνδυάζουν αρχεία με acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term διάφορους τύπους περιεχομένου - δεδομένα, κείμενα, εικόνες, ήχοof- concepts. ή μπορεί να 1 (and urban therefore, this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, theείναι term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification είναιBased, τοποθετημένοι σεonιστότοπους συμπεριλαμβανομένων των υλικών που 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various αποθηκευμένα σε διαφορετικούς διακομιστές σε διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες του Sociology as well), as the ofυλικά a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of Τέτοια social groups, usually of low-income andταιριάζουν theremoval placement κόσμου. μικτά ή “refining” δυναμικά δεν στις παραδοσιακές ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofδεν art galleries, restaurants, However regardless of κατηγορίες και είναι άμεσα προφανέςetc. ποιος πρέπειthis να “change”, είναι υπεύθυνος για τη the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the συλλογή και τη διατήρησή τους (Stanco et al, 2011). whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). δεν θα λύσουν τις άμεσες προκλήσεις που Αυτές οι πρωτοβουλίες potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found αλλά at firstείναι in the UK in early 1960s and refers to αντιμετωπίζουν σήμερα οι isθεσμοί, εξαιρετικά σημαντικό να itαυξηθεί η The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor συνειδητοποίηση σε πολιτικό επίπεδο του τι διακυβεύεται. Χωρίς νομική βάση, the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay thus old residents areof κεντρικούς κανονισμούς καιthemselves επαρκή χρηματοδότηση, οιand προσπάθειες του τομέα London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. της κληρονομιάς θα αποδειχθούν μάταιες. Και ταυτόχρονα, καμία από αυτές τις being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth πολιτικές πρωτοβουλίες δεν θα έχειisis πραγματικό αποτέλεσμα χωρίς σοβαρή A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major άσκηση πίεσης με κυβερνήσεις και οργανισμούς της ΕΕ για τηνin κατάλληλη GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. εφαρμογή. Υπάρχουν εντυπωσιακά εμπόδια στην πορεία, αλλά υπάρχει η cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more υπόσχεση το θέμα αρχίζει να αναγνωρίζεταιseveral και τώρα που γίνονται ταits πρώτα Since ότι then, the issue has scholars andthe for more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various βήματα, εναπόκειται στον τομέα της κληρονομιάς να δώσει κατευθύνσεις σεvarious αυτές comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: τις εξελίξεις (Rahaman, 2011). of gentrification, the following: interpretations the Tan, phenomenon In a sense, theof phenomenon is due to a trend of a new category of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Βιβλιογραφία and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Andreadis, A., Papaioannou, G., Mavridis, P. (2015). Generalized digital 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, reassembly using registration. Heritage, 2, 549-556. Berlin, where she geometric made her first studies. InDigital 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) J. B.,education, Gaugne, R., entertainment Bernard, Y., Le Cloirec, G., Gouranton, V. (2014, April).for YouthBarreau, Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies reality and research Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Virtual toolsinfor the west digital conservatory of archaeological heritage. 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the According tothe another approach, the phenomenon is due a4). systematic and IninProceedings of 2014 Virtual Reality International Conference (p. ACM. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Cameron, F., Kenderdine, S. (2007). Theorizing digital cultural A her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH heritage: DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in critical discourse. 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

De Lusenet, Y. (2002). Preservation of digital heritage. Draft Discussion Paper Prepared for UNESCO. Eurogeographics. (2016). ‘Cyprus unveils window on its work with new web portal’. Eurogeographics Annual Review 2016. Διαθέσιμο στο: https://eurogeographics.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ EGAR-2016-Cyprus.pdf Πρόσβαση στις 3/1/2019. European Commission. (2017). eGovernment in Cyprus. Factsheet. March 2017, sites/default/files/inlineEdition 1.00. Διαθέσιμο στο: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/ By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS files/eGovernment_in_Cyprus_2017_0.pdf Πρόσβαση στις 2/1/2019. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Howell, R., Chilcott, M. (2013). ABysense of place: Re-purposing and impacting Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect historical research evidence through digital heritage and Student of the Schoolinterpretation of Architecture practice. International Journal of Intangible Heritage, 8, 165-177. Technical University of Crete Kalay, Y., Kvan, T., Affleck, J. (Eds.). (2007). New heritage: New media and cultural heritage. Routledge. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept Kuroczyński, Hauck, O.Defining B., Dworak, D. (2014). reconstruction of ANTISTHENIS,P., the ancient Greek philosopher, (444Digital BC - 370 BC, Athens), cultural heritage–questions of documentation and visualisation standards for 3D ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the content. Digital Heritage. Progressleft in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation amongInother wise heritage us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with the of the content concepts. the and Protection. 5th International Conference, EuroMed (pp. 3-8). acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based, this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Lor, therefore, P. J.,1 Britz, J.on J. (2012). An ethicalin perspective on political‐economic issues in Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification the long‐term preservation of digital heritage. Journal of the American Society for 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology well), as the “refining”63(11), of a city2153-2164. area, the removal from this, (in various InformationasScience and Technology, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways),MacDonald, of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement L. (2006). Digital Heritage. Routledge. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation artIoannides, galleries,M. restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Münster,ofS., (2015, September). A scientific community of digital the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results2015 also(Vol. rising of 267-274). land prices (and theof heritage in other time and space. In Digital Heritage, 2, pp. IEEE. whatever other consequences has, also rising land pricesof(and the Parry, R. (2013). The Practice of results Digital Heritage andofthe Heritage Digital potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). Practice. In Museums in a Digital Age (pp. 18-24). Routledge. The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy foundInterpreting atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers Rahaman, H., Tan, B. K. heritage: a in conceptual model the then observed trend of(2011). todigital buy property poor ofto the end-users' then observed trend wealthy sometimes people buy property in poor areas with perspective. International Journaltoofthere Architectural Computing, 9(1), London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof 99-113. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Singh, A. (2012). Digital preservation of cultural heritage resourcesRuth and being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist manuscripts: An Indian government initiative. IFLA journal, 38(4), 289-296. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Song, T., Martinovic, I., Mueller-Wittig, W., Chan, T. K. in (2004, GLASS at M., the Elias, same period, situations were recorded otherJune). major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. Digital heritage application as an edutainment tool. In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andapplications for its more SIGGRAPH conference on Virtual Reality continuum and its in Sinceinternational then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from industry (pp. 163-167). ACM. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon following: Stanco, F.,ofBattiato, S., Gallo, of G. gentrification, (Eds.). (2011).the Digital imaging for cultural interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups heritage preservation: Analysis, restoration, and reconstruction of ancient artworks. to “return” CRC Press. to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to heritageengagement: downtown, where work place is, lack of the Stuedahl, D. (2009). Digital public A new research field for 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, public administration. Ethnologia scandinavica, 39, 67-81. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Thwaites, H.education, (2013). Digital Heritage: “at What Happens When We Digitize services of health, entertainment the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Everything?. In Visual heritage in the digital age (pp. 327-348). Springer, London. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Υπουργείο Κύπρουthe (2018). Βραβείο στο Τμήμα in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. InΚαινοτομίας 1950 sheto became teacher in the to Εσωτερικών another approach, is due a2018 systematic and University informal Collegeκαι of London, where sheΔιαθέσιμο continued her social research. brokers Herdls.moi.gov.cy/elpublic and Κτηματολογίου Χωρομετρίας. στο: http://portal. long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY.

gr/news/%CE%91%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%B9%CE%BD%CF% and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free 8E%CF%83%CE%B5%CE%B9%CF%82/Pages/%CECE%A3.aspx Πρόσβαση στιςEncyclopedia: 4/1/2019. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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Οι Πράσινοι Φόροι ως Αειφορίας GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types ofΜοντέλο Intervention, και Μοχλός Αναπτυξιακής Πολιτικής Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification σε επίπεδο Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης Concerns

Της κυρίας Βασιλικής ΜΕΛΕΤΗ Οικονομολόγου, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Μsc Οικονομ. και Harvard Περιφερ. Ανάπτ. Graduate ΠαντείουSchool Πανεπιστημίου Κ.Π.Ε. University, of Design, Student,

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect


Student of the School of Architecture Περίληψη Technical University of Crete Το παρόν πραγματεύεται το επίκαιρο θέμα των Πράσινων Φόρων, οι οποίοι, με σημαντικές περιβαλλοντικές δράσεις, θεωρούνται αλληλένδετοι με 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept την 1.αειφόρο ανάπτυξη. Αρχικά, με δεδομένο, ότι οι ΟΤΑ αποτελούν μια Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ανοιχτή οικονομική και οικολογική οντότητα, υποστηρίζεται, ότι κύριος ρόλος ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the τους είναι η ανάπτυξη μιας συλλογικής τοπικής περιβαλλοντικής δράσης, among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. γεγονός, που μπορεί να επιτευχθεί με τους Πράσινους Φόρους. Στη συνέχεια, acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term καθώς οι ΟΤΑ1 παρουσιάζουν συνεχώς και πιο αυξημένες ανάγκες για Πράσινη Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Ανάπτυξη καταγράφεται η αναγκαίαisisindicated λειτουργία αναπτυσσόμενου 1 (and urban gentrification) gentrification indicated (inτου thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal this, (in various θεσμού τωνasΠράσινων Φόρων στην Ευρώπη, μεthe αναφορά και στη χώρα μας, Sociology well), as the “refining” of a city area, removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ενώ στοofτέλος παρατίθενται συμπεράσματα και the σκέψεις για το μέλλον της ways), social groups, usually of low-income and placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”,there regardless of Πράσινης Περιβαλλοντικής Μεταρρύθμισης. the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Λέξεις Κλειδιά: ΟΤΑ, Πράσινοι Φόροι, Φορολογία, Περιβάλλον potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Εισαγωγή the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Οι Πράσινοι Φόροι πρωτεύοντα ρόλο Ευρώπη, London, upgrade them, stayδιαδραματίζουν themselves sometimes there and thusστην old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. καθώς εστιάζουν στη συλλογή και διαχείριση κονδυλίων, που προορίζονται being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth για A τηdescription στήριξη περιβαλλοντικών δράσεων. Ενδεικτικά, οι of Πράσινοι ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in otherΦόροι major στοχεύουν παγκοσμίως στην καταπολέμηση της μόλυνσης, στη GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. βελτιστοποίηση των περιβαλλοντικών συνθηκών, στην and προστασία των cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more θαλασσών, στην ορθολογική διαχείριση των δασικών περιοχών και στην comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various αποτελεσματική ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας. interpretations of χρήση the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Πράσινη Ανάπτυξη και Αναπτυξιακός Ρόλος των ΟΤΑ to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time travelαίτημα from theτου purlieus downtown, whereείναι workτοπικές place is, lack of the Το to μείζον αιώναtoμας παγκοσμίως κοινωνίες 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, δίκαιες και περιβαλλοντικά υγιείς, In που καταλαμβάνουν θέσηentitled: στο Berlin, where she made her first studies. 1932 she published an κυρίαρχη important study services of ζήτημα health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left and after continuous movements for κρίσιμο της μείωσης τωνGermany επιπτώσεων στοcity”, περιβάλλον, lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London andκαι Neweasier York she came to back to London, εξοικονομώντας ενεργειακούς πόρους συντονίζοντας τις τοπικές in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and εταιρικές σχέσεις, τις τεχνολογικές καινοτομίες και τις οργανωτικές University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH δυνατότητες, προς το σκοπό να καταστούν ελκυστικότερες και ωςDICTIONARY. προς τις and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: οικονομικές τους δραστηριότητες. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Ο λόγος γίνεται για την αειφόρο ανάπτυξη, δηλαδή τη βιωσιμότητα του κοινωνικού συνόλου, που αφορά στην εκμετάλλευση των πηγών, την κατεύθυνση των επενδύσεων, τον προσανατολισμό της Πράσινης Ανάπτυξης, αλλά και τον εξορθολογισμό του θεσμικού πλαισίου των ΟΤΑ (Δεληθέου, 2012)1. Η ανάπτυξη αυτή μπορεί υπό προϋποθέσεις να επιτευχθεί μέσω της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης. Δεν υπάρχει άλλωστε αμφιβολία ότι ο στόχος ανάπτυξης των ΟΤΑ μπορεί να υποβοηθήσει το στόχο εκδημοκρατισμού By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συνολικά των κοινωνιών.

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student,

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Ωστόσο, η εικόνα που επικρατεί στη χώρα μας, αναφορικάArchitect με τη Student of και the School of Architecture φορολογική εξουσία της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης της φορολογικής Technical University of Crete αποκέντρωσης είναι κατά βάση αρνητική, δεδομένης της ευρύτερης πορείας της1. φορολογικής λειτουργίας των the ΟΤΑconcept (Πετράκος & Ψυχάρης, 2016)2. Introductory approach: Defining Ιστορικά, το ήδη χαμηλό ποσοστό (4,78%) της φορολογικής αποκέντρωσης 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), που ANTISTHENIS, επιτεύχθηκε το the 1950, σημειώνει έως σήμερα σταθερή τιμή ancient Greek philosopher, BC -πτώση 370 BC,(με Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great “principle”: the 0,67%), σύμφωνα με επίσημα καταγεγραμμένα στοιχεία συσχετισμού among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the φορολογικών εσόδων starts μεταξύ Αυτοδιοίκησης και Κεντρικής acquisition of knowledge withΤοπικής theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Διοίκησης. 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Επειδή, λοιπόν, οι ΟΤΑ στην Ελλάδα δεν μπορούν να αναζητήσουν Sociology asφορολογία, well), as the “refining” of a cityκαι area, the fromthere this, of (in various ways), ofστη social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement artists, διέξοδο σε εισπρακτικό παράλληλα επενδυτικό επίπεδο, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, 3 the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However thisμια “change”, regardless of σε έργα και δράσεις (Δεληθέου, 2008) etc. , παρατηρείται διαχρονικά σαφής the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other results rising of land (and theof συρρίκνωση τηςconsequences φορολογικής has, δράσης τουςalso σε συνδυασμό μεprices την κρατούσα whatever other consequences results also rising of στηρίζεται land prices«εκ (and the potential relative speculation). άποψη για το υπάρχον πρότυποhas, τοπικής ανάπτυξης, που των potential relative speculation). TheΕιδικότερα, term gentrification is found in the UKΕγχώριο in early 1960s andτης it refers to άνω». συγκριτικά με at τοfirst Ακαθόριστο Προϊόν χώρας The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor μας, τα φορολογικά έσοδα των ΟΤΑ παρουσιάζουν μεταπολεμικά, εξαιρετικά the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, stay themselves thus old residents areof χαμηλές upgrade τιμές μεthem, έντονα διαγραφόμενη πτωτική τάση.and Εδώ είναι απαραίτητη London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. η επισήμανση της διαφοροποίησης μεταξύ των φορολογικών εσόδων being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Κεντρικής και Κοινωνικής Διοίκησης σε αντίθεση με τα αντίστοιχαRuth της A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης: τα εν λόγω έσοδα αποτυπώνονται με θετικό GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. πρόσημο ως προς τα έσοδα της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης (Παπαδάκη & cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the has preoccupied several scholars for itsεποχή more 4. Ηissue Ψυχάρης, καταγραφή αυτή εξακολουθεί ισχύειand και στην Since 1996) then, the issue has severalνα scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from μας με αμείωτη ένταση. comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1 Δεληθέου, Β. distributed (2012) Περιφερειακή μέσω Οικονομικών termat comes from Sociologist Ruth Ανάπτυξη GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasΖωνώνborn in sense1.ofThe safety the residencies outside townΕιδικών centres, search better Αμφιλεγόμενες Ελληνική και ηIn Διεθνής Εμπειρία, Αθήνα. Berlin, whereΠροσεγγίσεις-Η she made her first studies. 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly)for Youth2Unemployment. The same year Περιφερειακή she left Germany and after continuous movements Πετράκος, Γ., Ψυχάρης, Γ. (2016) Ανάπτυξη στην Ελλάδα, 2η Έκδοση, Αθήνα, lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Κριτική. 3 she published in According 1943 studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due aκαιsystematic and Δεληθέου, Β. (2008) Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης Οργάνωσης της University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Διοίκησης του Κράτους, Αθήνα. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 4 Παπαδάκη, Ο., Ψυχάρης, Γ. (1996) Κίνητρα και Περιφερειακή Ανάπτυξη and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd.«Αναπτυξιακά London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: στην Ελλάδα Τάσεις κατά την Τρέχουσα Δεκαετία», στο Επιθεώρηση Αποκέντρωσης Τοπικής G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Αυτοδιοίκησης και Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης, τ. 5.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Πιο συγκεκριμένα, οι λόγοι που οδήγησαν στη σταδιακή μείωση των φορολογικών εσόδων των ΟΤΑ, θα πρέπει να αναζητηθούν κυρίως στο γεγονός της λειτουργίας μεγάλου πλήθους ΟΤΑ με πολύ μικρό πληθυσμό, κάτω των 500 κατοίκων, με αποτέλεσμα την αδυναμία στη διαχείρισή τους, αλλά και στην εν γένει φιλοσοφία του κράτους που θεωρεί την επιβολή φορολογίας ως αρνητικό μέτρο, με αποτέλεσμα την κατάργηση τοπικών φόρων και την αντικατάστασή τους από τέλη ή οποιαδήποτε άλλη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ονοματολογία επιβάλλεται «κεντρικά» (Βαρδάκα, κ.ά., 2004)5. Το κράτος στην Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, προκειμένη περίπτωση δε λειτουργεί πελατειακά, ασκεί σε Architect μεγάλο By Mr. George-Sp. αλλά C. ATHANASSOPOULOS βαθμό εξουσία ως προς τη λειτουργία των δήμων. Student of the School of Architecture

University of Crete Σχετική προβληματική έχει εκκινήσει ήδη με Technical το Ν. 1828/1989, βάσει του1.οποίου συνδέθηκε το σύστημα επιχορηγήσεων και οι ΟΤΑ με Introductory approach: Definingκρατικών the concept την απόδοση συγκεκριμένων φόρων και τελών. Η μεταρρύθμιση αυτή είχε ως 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), αποτέλεσμα από τη μια πλευρά να βελτιωθεί ο έλεγχος τουBC, κρατικού ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the προϋπολογισμού, ενώ από την άλλη, κατέληξαν οι ΟΤΑ να απολέσουν την among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the ανεξαρτησία και η starts διαχείριση οικονομικών τους να μη γίνεται acquisition ofτους knowledge with theτων the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term σύμφωνα με αντικειμενικά κριτήρια των ΟΤΑ, αλλά με κριτήρια οριζόμενα 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 6 (Σαπουνάκης, 2013)7. 1κράτος από το ίδιο (Δεληθέου, 2008) gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology asτο well), as the “refining” of a city,isarea, the removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),Οofβαθμός social groups, usuallyαρμοδιοτήτων of low-income σε andκατώτερα the placement thereδιοίκησης, of artists, εκχώρησης επίπεδα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of όπως λόγου χάρη στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση, ονομάζεται βαθμός the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever otherκαι consequences has, από results rising ofτην land prices (and theof αποκέντρωσης χαρακτηρίζεται δύοalso διαστάσεις: ποσοτική και την whatever consequences has, results also of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). ποιοτική. Ηother ποσοτική διάσταση εκτιμάται από τοrising μέγεθος των εσόδων ή των potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first in theτων UK in early 1960s and it refersτης to δαπανών της Αυτοδιοίκησης ωςatποσοστό αντίστοιχων μεγεθών The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Κεντρικής Διοίκησης ή του συνολικού Δημόσιου Τομέα (Ψυχάρης & Σιμάτου, the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stayβαθμό themselves and thus old residents areof μεγαλύτερο αποκέντρωσης there σημειώνει ένα κράτος, τόσο 2003)8. Όσο London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ισχυρότερη αναδεικνύεται η Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση. Η ποιοτική διάσταση, από being indirectly “squeezed”. description of thisσε phenomenon included in theεξουσίας work of Sociologist Ruth τηνAάλλη, εκτιμάται συνδυασμόis με το βαθμό – δυνατότητα A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major παρέμβασης της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης στη λήψηwere αποφάσεων. Ο ρόλος που GLASS at the same period, while similar situations recorded in other major cities in Western by other Researchers. καλείται λοιπόνcountries, να διαδραματίσει Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση στη διακυβέρνηση cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherηResearchers. Since then, the issue has scholars and της for its more ενόςSince κράτους, δεν προκύπτει μόνο από τοseveral πηλίκο εσόδων τα then, the issue has severalτων scholars andthe forπρος its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various έσοδα της Κεντρικής Διοίκησης. Έτσι,summarized π.χ., όταν ταbelow, έσοδαfrom των the ΟΤΑvarious μιας comprehensive approach are being interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: χώρας είναι υψηλά σε σχέση με τα έσοδα του κράτους, αλλά το μεγαλύτερο interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups μέρος προέρχεται από κρατικές επιχορηγήσεις, τότε η Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly)for Youth5Unemployment. The same she Κ., left Χάβου, Germany after continuous movements Βαρδάκα, Δ., Θεοχάρη, Σ.,year Καρρά, Ε. and (2004) Χρηματοοικονομική Ανάλυση lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies andΑπολογισμών research in Geneva, Prague,ΟΤΑ, London and New York she came to back to London, Οικονομικών Πρωτοβάθμιων Αθήνα. 6 she published in According 1943 studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Δεληθέου, Β. (2008) Θεσμικό πλαίσιο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης και Οργάνωσηςin της University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Διοίκησης του Κράτους, Αθήνα. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 7 Σαπουνάκης, Τ. (2013) Οικονομικά της Τοπικής ΕΚΔΔΑ. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. LondonΑυτοδιοίκησης, 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 8 Ψυχάρης, Γ., Σιμάτου, Ε. (2003) Η Οργάνωση της Δημόσιας Διοίκησης σε Περιφερειακό και G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


Τοπικό Επίπεδο στην Ελλάδα Σειρά Ερευνητικών Εργασιών, 9 (29).

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns Αν και, εντός των ετών της κρίσης, κατέστη αναγκαία η ενδυνάμωση

είναι άμεσα εξαρτημένη από την Κεντρική Διοίκηση και δεν είναι σε θέση να επηρεάσει τη λήψη αποφάσεων, γεγονός που ισχύει και στην Ελλάδα, όπου οι περισσότεροι δήμοι θεωρούνται εξαρτημένοι από το κράτος (Doumpos & Cohen, 2014)9.

της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης ως λύση στην αντιμετώπιση της καθίζησης της οικονομίας10, στην πράξη, δενBy υπάρχει ουσιαστική πρόθεση για Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αποκέντρωση, αλλά τρόπον τινάUniversity, για μετατροπή των ΟΤΑ of σεDesign, «πράκτορες – Harvard Graduate School Student, By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS αντιπροσώπους» της Κεντρικής Διοίκησης. Συνεπώς, ηC.εκτίμηση του Architect βαθμού Student the Schoolμεταβλητών, of Architecture αποκέντρωσης απαιτεί το συνυπολογισμό και άλλωνofποιοτικών Technical University όπως τη συμμετοχή στον προγραμματισμό, τη λειτουργία of Crete του αυτοδιοικητικού θεσμού ως εκτελεστικής βαθμίδας που επηρεάζει ή όχι τη 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept λήψη αποφάσεων, την απουσία ή την παρουσία διοικητικής παρέμβασης της 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, Κεντρικής Διοίκησης the στοancient έργο της Αυτοδιοίκησης καθώςBC και 370 τη φορολογική ANTISTHENIS, Greek philosopher, BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great-“principle”: the εξουσία. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theότι the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a οι first, if of not final, approach, the term Η οικονομική θεωρία διδάσκει, φόροι και ο βαθμός εκχώρησης 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onκράτος this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification αρμοδιοτήτων από το στους ΟΤΑ εξαρτώνται από συγκεκριμένους 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various παράγοντες, όπως π.χ.: ο βαθμός οικονομικής ανεξαρτησίας που κρίνεται Sociology as well), the “refining” of a city στην area, removal fromthere this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofΔιοίκηση, low-income andthe the placement of σκόπιμο από τηνasΚεντρική πραγματικότητα από τους ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of αιρετούς της of Κεντρικής Διοίκησης, να εκχωρηθεί στους ΟΤΑ, το μέγεθος των the operation ofconsequences art restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has,που results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof ΟΤΑ καθώς και οι galleries, αρμοδιότητες έχουν αποκεντρωμένα μεταβιβαστεί whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices2015) (and 11 the potential relative speculation). στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση (Kyriacou, Muinelo-Gallo & Roca-Sagalés, . potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in με early 1960s andοδηγεί it refers to Η πάσης φύσης ελεγχόμενη κατάσταση αναφορικά τους ΟΤΑ, στα The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor εκ διαμέτρου αντίθετα από τα αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα ως προς τη the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων, δεδομένου ότι η εκάστοτε κυβέρνηση London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. καθορίζει -ανάλογα με τη στρατηγική που ακολουθεί- και την being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon αποτελεσματική λειτουργία τους. is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Οι ΟΤΑ, επίσης, δεν έχουν συνολικά την ίδια δυνατότητα άντλησης cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. φορολογικών διαφορετικής φοροδοτικής ικανότητας των Since then, εσόδων, the issue λόγω has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for its more δημοτών, ούτε approach τις ίδιες ανάγκες. με κάθεbelow, ενδεχόμενη εκχώρηση comprehensive are beingΈτσι, summarized from various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various φορολογικής εξουσίας στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση, άλλοι ΟΤΑ βρίσκονται με interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of the phenomenon of the following: περισσότερα έσοδα από όσα χρειάζονται, άλλοι μεofλιγότερα. Η In a sense, the phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of ενώ a new category social groups οικονομική ανισότητα που εύλογα προκύπτει εξ αυτού του γεγονότος, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth9Unemployment. The same yearApplying she leftdata Germany and after continuous Doumpos , M., Cohen, S. (2014) envelopment analysis on accounting data tofor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies research Geneva,ofPrague, London and New York she46. came back to London, assess andand optimize the in efficiency Greek local governments. Omega, 10 she published in According 1943 studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Αθανασόπουλος, Γ. Κ. (2009) Τοις Εντευξομένοις ή το Αληθές Διακύβευμα in της University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Οικονομικής Κρίσης, Επιθεώρηση Αποκέντρωσης Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης και Περιφερειακής her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ανάπτυξης (55). and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 11 Kyriacou, A. P., Muinelo‐Gallo, L., & Roca‐Sagalés, O. (2015) Fiscal Decentralization and G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Regional Disparities: The Importance of Good Governance. Papers in Regional Science, 94 (1).

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

αποτελεί πάγιο φαινόμενο στη χώρα μας. Έτσι, σε μια χώρα, όπως η Ελλάδα, που δε διαθέτει βιομηχανία, ενώ ο πολιτισμός θα μπορούσε να αποφέρει σπουδαία κέρδη, δυστυχώς δεν καταγράφεται αξιόλογο θετικό πρόσημο, εξαιτίας των πολλαπλών «τοπικών κρουσμάτων» κακοδιαχείρισης ή λανθασμένης διαχείρισης σε επίπεδο Αυτοδιοίκησης (Δεληθέου, Μποράνα & Τσαλαβούτας, 2012)12. Στο εύλογο ερώτημα, εάν υπάρχουν δυνατότητες αντιμετώπισης του προβλήματος, είναι σαφές ότι οι Πράσινοι Φόροι θα By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS μπορούσαν να οδηγήσουν υπό προϋποθέσεις σε βιώσιμη λύση, καθώς, μέσω Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ορισμένης ορθής διαχείρισής τουςByαπό τους ΟΤΑ, C. μπορεί να επιτευχθεί Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect ικανοποιητική βελτίωση της περιβαλλοντικής ανάπτυξης, βιωσιμότητα των Student of the School of Architecture δήμων και εισροή οικονομικών πόρων προς νέεςTechnical επενδύσεις. Ακολουθεί University of Crete επεξήγηση της Περιβαλλοντικής Φορολογικής Μεταρρύθμισης. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), Χρήση των Φόρων amongΑποτελεσματική other wise heritage he left us,Πράσινων he established a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Η Περιβαλλοντική Φορολογική Μεταρρύθμιση αποτελεί από τα acquisition of knowledge starts with thein definition the content of ένα concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term ισχυρότερα τόσο για“principle” την προστασία περιβάλλοντος και 1μέσα Based, therefore, on this inindicated a first,του if (in not final, approach, the την term (and urban gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής, όσο και για την εύρεση πόρων σε 1 gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various επίπεδο ΟΤΑ, ώστε να επαναπροσδιοριστούν αθροιστικά τα επίπεδα Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, λειτουργίας τους. Αναμφίβολα, η low-income περιβαλλοντική κρίση οδηγεί there στη συνεχώς ways), of social groups, usually of and the placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of αυξανόμενη συνειδητοποίηση των πολιτών ως προς τα περιβαλλοντικά the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the 13. Στόχος μιας θέματα στις κατά τόπους κοινωνίες (European Eco Fund, 2017) whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). τέτοιας Μεταρρύθμισης είναι ναatεκριζώσει περιβαλλοντική potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first in theτη UKχρονίζουσα in early 1960s and it refers to κρίση, παρότι έρχεται αντιμέτωπη με τη δυστοκία των ελεύθερων αγορών να The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto λάβουν υπόψη τους το δυσμενή αντίκτυπο της καταστροφικής δράσης τους the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof 14. old Όπου έχουν στο περιβάλλον (Von stay Weizsäcker Jesinghaus, London, upgrade them, themselves&sometimes there2014) and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. αξιολογηθεί οι Πράσινοι Φόροι, τα στοιχεία κινούνται συντριπτικά προς την A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth κατεύθυνση αποτελούν τελεσφόρο μέσο μείωσης της of περιβαλλοντικής GLASS at theότι same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major επιβάρυνσης, καθώς δημιουργούν επιπλέον φορολογικά έσοδα για την cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. κυβέρνηση, πουthe μάλιστα τείνουν εν καιρώseveral να γίνονται σταθερά (Croson & Since then, issue has preoccupied scholars and for its more 15. the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, Treich, 2014) comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, theαντιληπτό, following: Οι Πράσινοι Φόροι είναι, όπως γίνεται φόροι που interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 12 Δεληθέου, Β., distributed Μποράνα, Λ.,residencies & Τσαλαβούτας, Δ. (2012)centres, Πολιτιστική Βιομηχανία καιin termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense1.ofThe safety the outside town for Ανάπτυξη: Στόχος τηςmade Ενιαίας Πολιτιστικής Πολιτικής. Αξιοποιώντας τα Πλεονεκτήματα Berlin, where she herΕλληνικής first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The sameΣυνεδρία year she Germany and afterΑνάπτυξης. continuous movements for του Ελληνικού Πολιτιστικού Τομέα, 2.left Πολιτικές Πολιτιστικής 13 lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and in Geneva, Prague, London and στην New York sheΑυτοδιοίκηση, came to back to European London, EEF research (2017) Χρηματοδότηση Πράσινων Έργων Τοπική Eco in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Fund. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 14 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Von Weizsäcker, E. U., & Jesinghaus, J. (2014) Ecological tax Reform. In Ernst Ulrich von her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Weizsäcker. Springer International Publishing. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 15 Croson, R., & Treich, N. (2014) Behavioural Environmental Economics: Promises and G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


Challenges. Environmental and Resource Economics, 58 (3).

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

επιβάλλονται σε όλες τις επιβλαβείς προς το περιβάλλον οικονομικές δραστηριότητες και αποσκοπούν στην προώθηση φιλοπεριβαλλοντικών δραστηριοτήτων, μέσω οικονομικών κινήτρων. Η χρήση Πράσινων Φόρων μπορεί να συγκρατήσει τα συνολικά φορολογικά έσοδα, μειώνοντας αναλογικά τους άλλους φόρους. Οι προτάσεις αυτές είναι γνωστές ως Μετατόπιση προς την Πράσινη Φορολογία16. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, η αξιολόγηση οικονομικών και περιβαλλοντικών επιδράσεων μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS με τη χρήση ενός ειδικού μακροοικονομικού μοντέλου (Lanoie, et al, 2011)17. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Προς επίρρωση της εν λόγω Byδιαπίστωσης, Πράσινης Mr. George-Sp.η C.Επιτροπή ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Δημοσιονομικής Πολιτικής έχει αξιοποιήσει Student ένα τέτοιο οικονομικό μοντέλο, of the School of Architecture προκειμένου να εκτιμήσει τις ακριβείς συνέπειες μιας Πράσινης Φορολογικής Technical University of Crete Μετατόπισης με χρονικό ορίζοντα έως το 2020 (Kaygusuz, 2012)18. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept προκειμένω, μια εκτενήςtheανάλυση των συνεπειών των 1. Εν Introductory approach: concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), Περιβαλλοντικών Φορολογικών Μεταρρυθμίσεων σε ευρωπαϊκό είχε ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370επίπεδο BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the 19. πραγματοποιηθεί από το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα COMETR (COMETR, 2016) among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Κεντρικός στόχος του έργου ήταν να definition εκτιμηθούν the ενδεικτικά οι concepts. επιπτώσεις acquisition of knowledge starts with the content of Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if of not final, approach, the term στηνBased, ανταγωνιστικότητα των περιβαλλοντικών φορολογικών 1 therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and μεταρρυθμίσεων, στα 6 of κράτη μέλη της ΕΕthe που σε gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in areaεπένδυσαν of Planning) (or Sociology as well), asιδίως the “refining” a cityisarea, the removal from this, (in various περιβαλλοντικές μεταρρυθμίσεις, όπως η Δανία, η Φινλανδία, η Γερμανία, η Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Ολλανδία, η Σουηδία και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο. μελετήθηκαν και ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and Επιπλέον, thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of περιβαλλοντικά ζητήματα με βάση ένα ειδικό μακροοικονομικό οικολογικό the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof μοντέλο γνωστό ως E3ME. Από την εικόνα των of αποτελεσμάτων whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising land prices (andτου the potential relative εφαρμοσθέντος μοντέλου προέκυψε ότι οι Περιβαλλοντικές Φορολογικές potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Μεταρρυθμίσεις, που αφορούν κυρίως σεinφόρους ενέργειας /to The term gentrification found atpeople first the UK κατανάλωσης in early 1960s and itareas refersof the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy peopleαερίων to there buyτου property in poor areas CO2, έχουν επιφέρει μείωση των εκπομπών σε όλες London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes andθερμοκηπίου thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus residents are τις ενindirectly λόγω χώρες. Το σχήμα εκφράζειsometimes τη διαφορά μεταξύ τηςold πραγματικής being “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. κατάστασης των Περιβαλλοντικών Φορολογικών Μεταρρυθμίσεων, της A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth βασικής περίπτωσης και μιας αντιφατικής περίπτωσης αναφοράς χωρίς GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major GLASS atΠεριβαλλοντικών the same period, situations were recorded in other major εισαγωγή Μεταρρυθμίσεων. cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: 16 interpretations of theM., phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, theY., phenomenon is dueS.of to(2016) a trend of a new social groups Psycharis, Zoi, & Iliopoulou, Decentralization and Local of Government Fiscal Autonomy: Evidence from the Greek Municipalities. Environment and Planning C: Government and to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Policy, 34 (2). and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 17 Lanoie, P., Laurent-Lucchetti, J., Johnstone, N., & Ambec, (2011) Environmental Policy, termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside townS. centres, search Innovation and she Performance: Insights In on 1932 the Porter Hypothesis. Journal of study Economics & Berlin, where made her New first studies. she published an important entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. Management Strategy, 20 The (3). same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 18 and research lower living cost of, “withdrawal” private car markets, etc.where studies in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came back to London, Kaygusuz, K. (2012) Energy for from sustainable development: Aaccess case of to developing countries. in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16 (2). University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 19 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying COMETR, (2016) Policy Brief (a summary of COMETR findings), Available at: her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. http://www2.dmu.dk/cometr/Partner%20only/Brussels/policy%20brief/COMETR_Policy_Brief_Mar and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: _2007.pdf [7-8-2018]. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Η επίδραση των Περιβαλλοντικών Φορολογικών Μεταρρυθμίσεων στην ποσοστιαία διαφορά των εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Πηγή: Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), COMETR 2016 ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Πράσινη Φορολογία και ΟΤΑ among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Συνοψίζονται στοthis σημείο αυτόthe ορισμένοι τους κυριότερους λόγους acquisition of knowledge starts with the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on “principle” indefinition a first, από if of not final, approach, the term 1 χρήσης Πράσινων στην ενίσχυσηis των Αρχικά, οι ενthe λόγω Based, therefore, on this “principle” inδράσης a first, if notΟΤΑ. final, approach, term (andΦόρων urban gentrification) indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (andιδιαίτερα gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or φόροι αποτελούν αποδοτικά μέσα την εσωτερίκευση του Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, theγια removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various εξωτερικού κόστους, δηλαδή την ενσωμάτωση του κόστους των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually ofζημιών, low-income and the placement there of artists, περιβαλλοντικών υπηρεσιών και καθώς και της αποκατάστασής τους, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless άμεσα στις τιμέςconsequences των αγαθών,has, τωνresults υπηρεσιών ή τωνofδραστηριοτήτων, whatever other also rising land prices (andπου theof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land της prices (and «ο the δημιουργούν το speculation). κόστος, ενώ συμβάλλουν στην εφαρμογή αρχής potential relative potential relative speculation). ρυπαίνων στην ολοκλήρωση των 1960s οικονομικών The term πληρώνει» gentrificationκαι is found at first in the UK in early and it refersκαι to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto περιβαλλοντικών πολιτικών. Παράλληλα, παρέχουν τόσο για τους the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy inσυμπεριφορά poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof καταναλωτές όσο και τουςof παραγωγούς, κίνητρα ναproperty αλλάξουν London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. στην κατεύθυνση μιας ανεπτυγμένης και οικολογικά αποδοτικής χρήσης being indirectly “squeezed”. A description this phenomenon includedκαι in the work of Sociologist Ruth πόρων. Στον ίδιοof βαθμό, μπορούν να is αυξήσουν το επίπεδο των εσόδων, τα A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major οποία χρησιμοποιούνται με σκοπό τη βελτίωση στη ofδιαχείριση των GLASS at the same period, while situations were recorded in other major 20. cities in Western countries, by(Krass, othersimilar Researchers. περιβαλλοντικών δαπανών Nedorezov & Ovchinnikov, 2013) cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, theΦορολογία issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Η Πράσινη είναι επομένως ένα μέσο αλλαγής νοοτροπίας Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from και, συνδυαστικά με την περιβαλλοντική εκπαίδευση, είναι σε θέση να comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, theΟΤΑ following: δημιουργήσει of μιαtheνέα τάξη πραγμάτων για τους (Psycharis, Zoi, & interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense,2016) theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups 21. Όμως, οι Iliopoulou, Πράσινοι Φόροι αυτονόητα δεν πρέπει να to “return” toτυχαία. the city,Ηleaving the purlieus for several reasons: high και costsανάπτυξη in money εισάγονται ενημέρωση και εκπαίδευση στη χρήση and to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of και the τωνtime Πράσινων Φόρων είναι απαραίτητη για να επέλθει η ορθή χρήση τους termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 20 she published in According 1943 studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Krass, D., Nedorezov, T., & Ovchinnikov, A. (2013) Environmental Taxes and the Choice of University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Green Technology. Production and Operations Management, 22 (5). her work 21 are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Psycharis, Y., Zoi, etc., M., &for Iliopoulou, S. (2016) Decentralization and Local Government Fiscal and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Autonomy: Evidence from the Greek Municipalities. Environment and Planning C: Government and G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


Policy, 34 (2).

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

η ανάπτυξη των δήμων μέσα από τη βελτίωση της εικόνας και λειτουργίας τους (Παλαιοκρασσάς, 2010)22. Ο αντίκτυπος των Πράσινων Φόρων στη συμπεριφορά καταναλωτών και παραγωγών, καθώς και στην τεχνολογία, ενισχύεται, όταν σχεδιάζονται και προσδιορίζονται προσεκτικά πολύ πριν την επιβολή τους. Σημειωτέον ότι ορισμένοι Πράσινοι φόροι, π.χ. για τα καύσιμα θέρμανσης ή για τη βενζίνη των οχημάτων, δεν μπορούν να κλιμακωθούν By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ανάλογα με την κατανάλωση και ασκούν αρνητική επίδραση στη διανομή Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, εισοδήματος στα νοικοκυριά χαμηλού εισοδήματος. Αυτό μπορεί να By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect διορθωθεί με τη διανομή κουπονιών χαμηλής τιμής ή φορολογικών Student of the School of Architecture ελαφρύνσεων ή άλλων κατάλληλων μέσων. Η βελτίωση του προϋπολογισμού Technical University of Crete είναι επείγουσα, ως εκ τούτου, μια Πράσινη Φορολογική Μεταρρύθμιση 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept μπορεί να εκκινήσει με την άμεση the αύξηση των υφιστάμενων Πράσινων 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Φόρων και την ταυτόχρονη κατάργηση των επιβλαβών επιδοτήσεων για το ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the Greek philosopher, (444 BCΦόρων -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other καθώς wise heritage he left us, he established a great the περιβάλλον, και ancient την εισαγωγή νέων Πράσινων που δεν among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the απαιτούν προπαρασκευαστική περίοδο. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Επίσης, υπάρχουν άλλοι Πράσινοι Φόροι που χρειάζονται ορισμένη 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification τεχνική ή δημοσιονομική προετοιμασία, όπως διόδια αυτοκινήτων σε αστικές 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various περιοχές. Η ανακύκλωση των φορολογικών εσόδων για τη μείωση της Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement φορολογίας της εργασίας αποτελεί απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση γιαartists, την ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of αλλά art galleries, etc. However this “change”, regardless of μεταρρύθμιση, μπορείrestaurants, να είναι σταδιακή σε συνάρτηση με τον επείγοντα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the χαρακτήρα της δημοσιονομικής εξυγίανσης. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential speculation). Εκ relative των ανωτέρω προκύπτει ότι η Πράσινη Φορολογία αποτελεί potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in theχάρη UK in and it refers οι to δυναμικό εργαλείο για κάθε κράτος, καθώς σεearly αυτή1960s επιτυγχάνονται The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor εκάστοτε περιβαλλοντικοί στόχοι (π.χ. μείωση της κατανάλωσης καυσίμων) the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof και η φορολογική βάση μειώνεται. Οι Πράσινοι πρέπει London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimesΦόροι there and thusακολούθως old residentsνα are being indirectly “squeezed”. μετατοπιστούν σε πολλά άλλα «επιβλαβή», που δημιουργούν being indirectly “squeezed”. A description ofήthis phenomenon is includedπαράγοντες, in the work από of Sociologist Ruth περιβαλλοντικούς κοινωνικούς εξωτερικούς τα επικίνδυνα A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major χημικά μέχρι την αισθητική ρύπανση και την ηχορύπανση. Η «Πράσινη GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Μεταρρύθμιση», τέλος, δεν by μπορεί αντιγραφεί από τη μια χώρα στην άλλη. cities in Western countries, otherνα Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from Η Περιβαλλοντική Πολιτική ως πρόκληση γιαfrom τηνtheΤοπική comprehensive approach are being summarized below, various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Αυτοδιοίκηση interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Στην εποχή της πολύπλευρης κρίσης που διανύουμε, η περιρρέουσα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ανησυχία των τοπικών κοινωνιών εδράζεται στην ταχύτητα των αλλαγών and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the που 1.συντελούνται, οι δημογραφικές και1912-1940. λοιπές αλλαγές συμβαδίζουν termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense ofThe safety the καθότι distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she madeνέων her first studies.και In 1932 she published an ένα important study entitled: με την εισαγωγή ιδεών προτάσεων για ολοκληρωμένο services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The sameαπό year την she left Germany and after continuous περιβαλλοντικό σχεδιασμό πλευρά της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, με lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, κινητήρια δύναμη, την «Πράσινη Οικονομία». Οι νέοι στόχοι και δράσεις, που in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 22 Παλαιοκρασσάς, Γ. (2010), Γιάννης Παλαιοκρασσάς: Η... μετά φαγοπότι εποχή. Εφημερίδα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Καθημερινή.

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υιοθετούνται σε ευρωπαϊκό αλλά και παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, στοχεύουν στον εξορθολογισμό της περιβαλλοντικής απόδοσης των ΟΤΑ, στη βάση μιας νέας αντίληψης, που φωτίζεται από τη λεγόμενη οικολογική πρακτική. Αναμφίβολα, οι υπέρμαχοι της Αυτοδιοίκησης, από την αρχή του 20ού αιώνα και μέχρι σήμερα, κατέβαλλαν κάθε προσπάθεια, με πιέσεις ή και αντιπαραθέσεις προς την Κεντρική Διοίκηση και την εκάστοτε πολιτική ηγεσία, αποσκοπώντας στη μέγιστη κατοχύρωση και αναβάθμιση του By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αυτοδιοικητικού θεσμού (Μελέτη, 2018)23. Οι λειτουργίες των ΟΤΑ Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, αναλαμβάνουν, υπό το πρίσμα αυτό, και μεγαλύτερο μερίδιο ευθύνης Byολοένα Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect αναφορικά με τη συμμετοχή τους σε παγκόσμια περιβαλλοντικά Student of the Schoolπροβλήματα, of Architecture όπως είναι η κλιματική αλλαγή. Γεγονός είναι ότι Technical η ορθή αξιοποίηση University of των Crete Πράσινων Φόρων μπορεί να επιφέρει θετικά αποτελέσματα στην οικονομία. 1. Introductory approach: concept Παράλληλα, αληθές είναι ότιDefining η ύφεσηthe έχει ασκήσει πίεση στις κεντρικές και 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept τοπικές κυβερνήσειςthe ανά τον πλανήτη για να εξαλείψουν τις- 370 περιβαλλοντικές ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherτων wise heritage he left us, he established a great the επιπτώσεις παραδοσιακών επιδοτήσεων και να(444 προωθήσουν το μοντέλο among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the της βιώσιμης αειφόρου ανάπτυξης. acquisition of knowledge starts with the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the μέσο term Συμπερασματικώς, οι Πράσινοι Φόροι είναι τοthe πολλά υποσχόμενο 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification πολιτικής που1 μπορεί να οδηγήσει τις οικονομίες να εκπληρώσουν term τις gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various δεσμεύσεις τους για μείωση του άνθρακα, καθότι βοηθούν στη μεταβολή των Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income the placement there of artists, προτύπων κατανάλωσης και παραγωγής τωνand κοινωνιών. Επίσης, μπορούν να ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of βάση artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. “change”, regardless of λειτουργήσουν ως κίνητρα ανάπτυξης τηςHowever τεχνολογίας, αλλά there και ως the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the δημιουργίας νέων θέσεων εργασίας. Είναι αυτονόητο ότι η προσθήκηof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Περιβαλλοντικών Φόρων πρέπει να συνοδεύεται από ισόποσες μειώσεις, potential relative speculation). Theνα term is found at firstτους in theπολίτες UK in early andκοινωνίες. it refers to ώστε μηνgentrification επιβαρύνουν περαιτέρω στις 1960s τοπικές The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Οπωσδήποτε, ο προβληματισμός ως προς το τι θα επακολουθήσει της the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof υιοθέτησης των them, περιβαλλοντικών μέτρων στην Ελλάδα, που London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and thus old είναι residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. συρρικνώνει το “squeezed”. δικαίωμα μιας ρεαλιστικής αξιοποίησής τους ως μέσου being indirectly A description thisΠράγματι, phenomenon is includedκρίση, in the ηwork of Sociologist Ruth ανάπτυξης των of ΟΤΑ. η προϊούσα υπερφορολόγηση και A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar inεφαρμοστεί, other major κάθε αναποτελεσματικό μέτρο που έχει κατά καιρούς GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. δημιουργούν κλίμα δυσπιστίας στη χώρα μας σχετικά με τη χρήση των cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Πράσινων Φόρων. Ηissue χρήση κάθε τέτοιου μέτρου θαscholars πρέπει να ακολουθείται Since then, the has several and for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the από κατάλληλη ενημέρωση και being εκπαίδευση στην ανάπτυξη των the Πράσινων comprehensive approach are summarized below, from various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Φόρων, προκειμένου να επέλθει η πολυπόθητη ανάπτυξη των ΟΤΑ. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Ολοκληρώνοντας, διαπιστώνεται ότι οι επιβλαβείς δράσεις το to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inγια money περιβάλλον και οι Πράσινοι Φόροι είναι δύο ανταγωνιστικές έννοιες. Οι and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the πρώτες απορροφούν χρήματα απόRuth τον προϋπολογισμό και είναι υπαίτιες γιαin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where ανεπιθύμητες she made her firstεπιπτώσεις studies. In 1932 she περιβάλλον, published an important study entitled: πολλαπλές στο ενώ οι δεύτεροι services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 23 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Μελέτη, Β. (2018) Οι Πράσινοι Φόροι ως Μηχανισμός Φορολογικής Αποκέντρωσης και her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Μέσο Χρηματοδότησης ΟΤΑ: Διεθνής Εμπειρία Εφαρμογή στηνof Ελλάδα, Διπλωματική and selling realCOLLINS estate,των etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. Londonκαι 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Εργασία ΤΟΠΑ, Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κ.Π.Ε., Αθήνα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

μετριάζουν τις εξωτερικές περιβαλλοντικές επιπτώσεις και επομένως πρέπει να επεκταθούν περαιτέρω. Οι Πράσινοι Φόροι μπορούν να βοηθήσουν στην προστασία του ευάλωτου περιβάλλοντος και συμβάλλουν στην αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής. Επιπρόσθετα, έχουν επιφέρει σημαντικά δημοσιονομικά οφέλη, ενώ περιορίζουν και τη φοροδιαφυγή. Να σημειωθεί ότι στην υπόλοιπη Ευρώπη η ευστοχία των μεταρρυθμίσεων που πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε σχέση με τους Πράσινους Φόρους εδράζεται στη μη By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αύξηση της φορολογίας για τους πολίτες, δεδομένου ότι επετεύχθη Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, εξισορρόπηση από μειώσεις στο φόρο εισοδήματος και στα δημοτικά By Mr. George-Sp.καθώς C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect τέλη. Student of the School of Architecture Στην Ελλάδα, οι Πράσινοι Φόροι μπορούν ρεαλιστικά αποτελέσουν Technicalνα University of Crete λύση για την τόνωση της εγχώριας οικονομίας, ώστε να της προσδώσουν την 1. Introductory approach: the concept απαιτούμενη ώθηση, που θα Defining την καταστήσει ανταγωνιστική στο μέλλον. Στην 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept κατεύθυνση αυτή, οιtheΟΤΑ είναιGreek αναγκαίοι πρωταγωνιστές ANTISTHENIS, ancient philosopher, (444 BC - και 370 συνομιλητές, BC, Athens), the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherεθνικά, wise heritage he στα left us, he established a great the τόσοANTISTHENIS, στα όσο και ευρωπαϊκά και (444 διεθνή περιβαλλοντικά among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge starts with of theαειφόρου content concepts. the προγράμματα, με στόχο την προώθηση στρατηγικών ανάπτυξης. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Ελληνόγλωσση Βιβλιογραφία 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Αθανασόπουλος, Γ. Κ. (2009) Τοις Εντευξομένοις ή το Αληθές Sociology as της well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually ofΚρίσης, low-income andthe theremoval placement artists, Διακύβευμα Οικονομικής Επιθεώρηση Αποκέντρωσης Τοπικής ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofκαι art Περιφερειακής galleries, restaurants, etc. However of Αυτοδιοίκησης Ανάπτυξης (55). this “change”, regardless the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Βαρδάκα, Δ., Θεοχάρη, Σ., Καρρά, Κ., Χάβου, Ε. (2004) whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). Χρηματοοικονομική Ανάλυση Οικονομικών Απολογισμών Πρωτοβάθμιων ΟΤΑ, potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Αθήνα. The term gentrification is found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property inΑνάπτυξης poor Δεληθέου, Β. trend (2008)ofwealthy Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο καιof the then observed wealthy sometimes people toΠεριφερειακής buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus old residents Οργάνωσης της Διοίκησης του Κράτους, sometimes Αθήνα. there and thus old residentsare London, upgrade them, stay themselves are being indirectly “squeezed”. Δεληθέου, Β. (2012) Περιφερειακή Ανάπτυξη μέσω Ειδικών being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Οικονομικών Ζωνών-Αμφιλεγόμενες Προσεγγίσεις - the Η Ελληνική και η Διεθνής A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major Εμπειρία, Αθήνα. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Δεληθέου, Β., Μποράνα, Λ., Researchers. & Τσαλαβούτας, Δ. (2012) Πολιτιστική cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Βιομηχανία και the Ανάπτυξη: Στόχος της Ενιαίας Ελληνικήςand Πολιτιστικής Since then, issue has several below, scholars for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from the Πολιτικής. Αξιοποιώντας ταare Πλεονεκτήματα του Ελληνικού Πολιτιστικού comprehensive approach being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Τομέα, Συνεδρία 2. Πολιτικές Πολιτιστικής Ανάπτυξης. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Μελέτη, Β. (2018) Οι Πράσινοι Φόροι ως Μηχανισμός Φορολογικής to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Αποκέντρωσης Μέσο Χρηματοδότησης τωνwhere ΟΤΑ:work Διεθνής and time to travelκαι from the purlieus to downtown, placeΕμπειρία is, lack of και the Εφαρμογή στην Ελλάδα, ΤΟΠΑ, Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο 1.of The term from Διπλωματική Sociologist RuthΕργασία GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, Αθήνα. where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Κ.Π.Ε., services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Παπαδάκη, Ο.,Geneva, Ψυχάρης, Γ. private (1996) «Αναπτυξιακά Κίνητρα και lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from access markets, etc.where studies and research Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Περιφερειακή Ανάπτυξη στην Ελλάδα Τάσεις κατά την Τρέχουσα Δεκαετία», in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of Αποκέντρωσης London, where sheΤοπικής continued her social research. HerΠεριφερειακής public and στο Επιθεώρηση Αυτοδιοίκησης και long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ανάπτυξης, τ.COLLINS 5.estate, etc., and selling real for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

111 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

Πετράκος, Γ., Ψυχάρης, Ι. (2016) Περιφερειακή Ανάπτυξη στην Ελλάδα, 1. Introductory Έκδοση, Αθήνα,approach: Κριτική. Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Σαπουνάκης, Τ. (2013) Οικονομικά της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC,ΕΚΔΔΑ. Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370Διοίκησης BC, Athens), amongΨυχάρης, other wise heritage Ε. he(2003) left us,Ηhe established aΔημόσιας great the Γ., Σιμάτου, Οργάνωση της σε among other wise heritage he left us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the of the content concepts. Περιφερειακό και Τοπικό Επίπεδο στην Ελλάδα. Σειρά Ερευνητικών Εργασιών, of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 9acquisition (29). 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Ξενόγλωσση Βιβλιογραφία Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city fromthere this,findings), (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement of COMETR, (2016) Policy Brief (a area, summary of COMETR ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation at: of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Available http://www2.dmu.dk/cometr/Partner%20only/Brussels/ the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the policy%20brief/COMETR_Policy_Brief_Mar_2007.pdf [7-8-2018]. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Croson, R., speculation). & Treich, N. (2014) Behavioural Environmental Economics: potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in theResource UK in early 1960s and58it (3). refers to Promises and Challenges. Environmental and Economics, The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Doumpos, M., Cohen, S. (2014) Applying data envelopment analysis on the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof accounting data them, to assess and optimize the there efficiency ofoldGreek local London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. governments. Omega, 46. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisΧρηματοδότηση phenomenon is included in the Έργων work of Sociologist Ruth (2017) Πράσινων στην Τοπική AEEF description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Αυτοδιοίκηση, European Ecowhile Fund similar situations were recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Kaygusuz, K. (2012)byEnergy for sustainable development: A case of cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more developing countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (2).its more Since then, the issue has several scholars and16 for comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various Krass, D., Nedorezov, T.,are & Ovchinnikov, A. (2013) Environmental Taxes comprehensive approach being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: and the Choice of Green Technology. Production and Operations Management, interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups 22 (5). to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Kyriacou, P., the Muinelo‐Gallo, L., & Roca‐Sagalés, O. (2015) and time to travelA. from purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack Fiscal of the Decentralization Disparities: The Importance Good 1.of The termat comes fromRegional Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASSof wasbetter born in sense safety theand distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where Papers she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Governance. in Regional Science, 94 (1). services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for YouthLanoie, Unemployment. The same year she left and after continuous P.,of,Laurent-Lucchetti, J., Germany Johnstone, N.,access & Ambec, S. (2011) lower living cost “withdrawal” from private car easier to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Environmental innovation and performance: new insights on in the in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the to policy, another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and Porter hypothesis. Economicsgroups, & Management Strategy, 20 (3). long-term informal Journal effort byoforganized manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Von real Weizsäcker, E. for U., the & Jesinghaus, J. initially (2014) of Ecological tax Reform. and selling estate, etc., depreciation part of the urban web,In in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker. Springer International Publishing. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 2η


2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types ofIntervention, Intervention, GENTRIFICATION KENTPO EPEYNA™ Definition, Types of Definition, Types ofintervention, intervention, ConcernsTypes ofGentrification Gentrification ¶EPIºEPEIAKH™ ANA¶TY•H™ Definition, of Concerns of «IÂÚÒÓ˘ÌÔ˜ ¢. ¶INTO™ Concerns Concerns Î·È AÓ·ÛÙ·Û›· IÂÚ. ¶INTOY»

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate Aνάπτυ�ης, School of Design, Student, Mε σκ�π� την πρ�ώθησηHarvard της Iδέας της Περι�ερειακής (Oικ�ν�µικής, University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect K�ινωνικής και Π�λιτιστικής), έ�ει συσταθεί σήµερα στην Aθήνα απ� Oµάδα KαθηγηBy Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture τών Πανεπιστηµίων και Eιδικών Eπιστηµ�νων τ� Kέντρ� Έρευνας Περι�ερειακής AνάStudent of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete Technical University of Crete πτυ�ης «Iερώνυµ�ς ∆. ΠINTOΣ και Aναστασία Iερων. ΠINTOY» (αστ. µη κερδ�σκ. εταιρ.), ως �υσιαστικ�ς διάδ���ς, (κατ’ επιθυµία της αειµνήστ�υ Aναστασίας Iερων. Introductoryapproach: approach:Defining Definingthe theconcept concept 1.1.1. Introductory Introductory approach: Defining the concept ΠINTOY), τ�υ Kέντρ�υ Έρευνας Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης Iερών. ∆. ΠINTOΣ, συANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444BC BC--370 370 BC,Athens), Athens), 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC, σταθέντ�ς εν Aθήναις τηνthe 28ηancient Aυγ�ύστ�υ ANTISTHENIS, Greek philosopher, (444 BC--“principle”: 370BC, BC,Athens), Athens), among other wiseheritage heritage heleft left us,1986. he established great the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 among other wise he us, he established aagreat “principle”: the O εκ των Πρωτ�π�ρων της Iδέας της Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης Kαθηγητής Πανεamong other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition ofof knowledge starts with ofof the content concepts. πιστηµίων Iερώνυµ�ς ∆. ΠINTOΣ απε�ίωσε την 5/8/1981, η δε διακριθείσα διά τ� π�λυacquisition knowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based,therefore, therefore, onthis this “principle” first,ififof not final, approach, theterm term acquisition of knowledge starts with theinin definition the content of concepts. Based, on “principle” aafirst, not final, approach, the 1 (and σ�ιδές κ�ινωνικ�, �ιλανθρωπικ� και π�λιτιστικ� έργ� της Σύ�υγ�ς τ�υ Aναστασία απεBased, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 �ίωσε την 14/4/2009. gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or 1 Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology asτων well), asas the “refining” ofσυγκαταλέγ�νται a city thethe removal (in various Sociology as well), the “refining” of a city area, removal from this, (in various Mετα�ύ σκ�πών τ�υ Kέντρ�υ και �ι ε�ής, εντ�ς πνεύµατ�ς ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), ofof social groups, usually ofof low-income and thethe placement ways), social groups, usually low-income and placement there ofartists, artists, πάντ�τε παραγωγής έργ�υ επ’ αγαθώ της Eπιστήµης καιthe τηςthis K�ινωνίας: the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and placement there of thethe operation ofof artart galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of operation galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of H συµ��λή στην πρ�αγωγή της Eπιστήµης και της Iδέας της Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυwhatever other consequences has,results results also rising of“change”, landprices prices (andthe the the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless of whatever other has, rising of land (and whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the �ης εν γένει, δι’ �ί�υ δήπ�τε ν�µίµ�υ τρ�π�υ, της Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης ν��υµένης potential relative speculation). has, results also rising of land prices (and the whatever otherspeculation). consequences potential relative potential relative speculation). ωςpotential Oικ�ν�µικής, K�ινωνικής, Π�λιτιστικής. The term gentrification foundatatfirst firstininthe theUK UKininearly early1960s 1960sand andititrefers refersto to relative speculation). The term gentrification isisfound The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of HThe µελέτη σ�έσεων Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης και συνα�ών ∆ράσεων και Π�λιτικών. term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofisof wealthy toto buy property inin poor the then observed trend wealthy people buy property poor areas of London, upgrade them, stayεν themselves sometimes there andthus thus oldpoor residents are H συµ��λή των them, Iδιωτικών γένει Eπενδύσεων στην υπ�στήρι�η στρατηγικών, π�λιthe then observed trend of wealthy people to there buy property in areas of London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes and old residents are London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. τικών και µέτρων «παραγωγής» Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. description ofthis thisηphenomenon phenomenon included thework work ofSociologist Sociologist Ruth H Mελετών, διενέργεια Eρευνών, η �ργάνωση Συνεδρίων, Hµερίδων, Σεbeing indirectly “squeezed”. AAεκπ�νηση description of isisis included ininin the of Ruth A description of this phenomenon included the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major µιναρίων, ∆ιαλέ�εων επί θεµάτων Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at at thethe same period, while similar situations were recorded in in other major GLASS same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities inWestern Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major H έκδ�ση Mελετών, Eρευνών, Περι�δικών, Eντύπων εν γένει, η παραγωγή σ�ετικ�ύ cities in countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issuehas has preoccupied severalscholars scholarsand andfor forits itsmore more cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. ραδι��ωνικ�ύ καιthe τηλε�πτικ�ύ υλικ�ύ. Since then, issue preoccupied several Since then, the issuehas has preoccupied severalscholars scholars andthe forits itsmore more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various Since then, the issue preoccupied several and for H ��ρήγηση υπ�τρ��ιών, η �ρά�ευση εργασιών Tρίτων below, και η έκδ�σή τ�υς. comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon ofgentrification, gentrification, thebelow, following: comprehensive approach being summarized from theπαρεµ�εvarious H συνεργασίαof µεthe �ί�ν δήπ�τε,are ανε�αρτήτως ν�µικής µ�ρ�ής, επιδιώκ�ντα interpretations phenomenon of the following: interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new category of social groups interpretations theεκτ�ς phenomenon thecategory following: ρείς σκ�π�ύς, και Eλλάδ�ς. In a sense,εντ�ς theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money H συνεργασία ∆ιεθνή M�ρ�ώµατα, (ενδεικτικώς) to “return” to the µε city, leaving the purlieus�πως for several reasons:Eυρωπαϊκή high costs inΈνωση, money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack ofthe the Oργανισµ�ς Συνεργασίας και Aνάπτυ�ηςwhere κ.ά. work place is, lack of and time to Oικ�ν�µικής travel from the purlieus to downtown, 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at thedistributed distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthπρ�ς GLASS was born in sense of safety residencies outside town centres, search for better H1.παρ��ή επί θεµάτων Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης �ί�ν δήπ�τε Berlin, whereυπηρεσιών shethe made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services ofhealth, health, education, entertainment “atpublished the heart thecity”, city”, (possibly) Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she anof important study entitled: Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and afterof continuous movements for services of education, entertainment “at the heart the (possibly) του Eνδια�ερ�µεν�, �άσει ειδικών συµ�ωνιών, µερίµνει τ�υ ∆ι�ικητικ�ύ Συµ��υλί�υ της εYouth living Unemployment. The same yearfrom she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower cost of, “withdrawal” private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. ταιρείας κ.ά. κέντρου κ.ά studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the toanother another approach, the due asystematic systematic and in∆ιεύθυνση: 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the According to isis due aHer and Ίµ�ρ�υ 6, 112approach, 57 Aθήναι, τηλ.: 2108647120, 6944626140, fax:public 2108658868. University College of London, where shethe continued her social research. action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effortby bya organized groups,See manufacturers, brokers DICTIONARY. of buying her work are characterized passion for justice. also: ENGLISH Aθήναι, 5 Aυγ�ύστ�υ 2009COLLINSENGLISH her work arereal characterized by afor passion for justice. Seeinitially also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. and selling estate,etc., etc., theCo depreciation ofpart partof of the urban web,inin 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London initially 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: and selling real estate, for the depreciation of the urban web, O Eπιστηµ�νικ�ς τ�υ Kέντρ�υ 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. Yπεύθυν�ς London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in orderKωνσταντίν�ς to achieve the “voluntary”, (actually Kαθηγητής ΓE.“assisted”, AΘANAΣOΠOYΛOΣ 141 2521 11 113 2521 10 24 11


Το βήμα τωνGENTRIFICATION Φοιτητών Definition, Types of Intervention,

Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns BREXIT: Ετερόκλητες προσεγγίσεις

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, GraduateΤου School of Design, Student, κ. Αθαν. ΤΣΙΦΤΣΗ By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect καιStudent του κ.ofΔημ. ΧΑΤΖΗΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ the School of Architecture Φοιτητών Σχολής TechnicalΝομικής University of Crete

Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος


1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), amongΟιother wise heritage he left περί us, he established a great the πρόσφατες εξελίξεις το θέμα της εξόδου ή μη του among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, έπειταofαπό σχετικό acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term αίτημά και urban ηon επ΄αυτού τηρούμενη των Βρυξελλών, 1 (and Based,του therefore, this “principle” inindicated a first, ifστάση notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 επαναφέρουν στην επιφάνεια και άλλα συναφή, κατά το και gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, ofμάλλον Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various ήττον, θέματα, όπως π.χ. εκείνο του Ευρωσκεπτικισμού. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, Κατά τις τρέχουσες εκτιμήσεις ο τελευταίος είναι έναthere φαινόμενο, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences rising of land prices (andτων theof το οποίοother λαμβάνει συνεχώςhas, καιresults νέες also διαστάσεις, συνισταμένες whatever other consequences has, of land των prices (and the potential relative οποίων είναι η speculation). αμφισβήτηση της results ορθής also και rising επ΄ωφελεία Πολιτών potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the UK in early 1960sσε and it refers to των Κρατών Μελών τηςisΈνωσης λειτουργία της ή ακόμη, ωρισμένες The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor περιπτώσεις, η αναγκαιότητα ύπαρξης τηςtoίδιας Ένωσης. the then observed trend wealthy people buy της property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Σύμφωνα με stay ωρισμένους Αναλυτέςthereως συστατικά του London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Ευρωσκεπτικισμού πρέπει να καταγραφούν από τους θιασώτες του η being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth επιδίωξη «επανάκτησης» υπόsimilar των επί μέρους Κρατών της A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while inΜελών other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Ένωσης, της countries, παραχωρηθείσας προς άσκηση υπό υπερκείμενων cities in Western by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherκρατικής Researchers. Since then, issue has several scholars more Οργάνων της the Ένωσης, εθνικής εξουσίας, αλλάand καιforη its ανάγκη Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various περιστολής των διαφόρων εκφάνσεων της Παγκοσμιοποίησης κ.ά. more comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, thebelow, following: Ως Κράτη Μέλη της ofΈνωσης, όπου το φαινόμενο του interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueαναφέρονται togentrification, a trend of a new of Βασίλειο, social groups Ευρωσκεπτικισμού «ακμάζει», το Ηνωμένο η to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Δανία, Κρατίδια της Γερμανίας κ.ά. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, ως έχει δρομολογήσει τιςin The term from Sociologist Ruth γνωστόν, GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born sense1.of safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies.από In 1932 she published an important studyχωρίς entitled: σχετικές διαδικασίες εξόδου την Ευρωπαϊκή Ενωση, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for βεβαίως ναin μπορεί να θεωρηθεί μόνον ωςshe αποτέλεσμα εντόνου lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies andαυτό research Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the Ευρωσκεπτικισμού. to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Εν προκειμένω πρέπει να προσμετρηθούν και άλλοι λόγοι, όπως her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially ofΒασιλείου part of the urban web, in 10th Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free π.χ. ηedit. διακηρυχθείσα επιθυμία του Ηνωμένου ναEncyclopedia: ελέγχει Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aαπολύτως variety ofτις ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, (actually μεταναστευτικές ροές προς αυτό κ.ά.“voluntary”,

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Άλλως τε, το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και κατά το παρελθόν είχε εκφράσει τάσεις διαφοροποίησης από κοινές πολιτικές της Ένωσης, με την υπογραφή σχετικών Πρωτοκόλλων, (όπως π.χ. εκείνο περί άσκησης ιδιαίτερης Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής, χρηματοδοτούμενης όμως από την Ε.Ε. κ.ά.), ή ακόμη και διενέργειας σχετικών δημοψηφισμάτων, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS όπως εκείνα των ετών 1975, 2016. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Στο δημοψήφισμα του 1975 το 33% των ψηφισάντων είχεStudent, ταχθεί By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect υπέρ της αποχώρησης από το ευρωπαϊκό εταιρικό σχήμα, Student of the School of Architecture (πρωτοστατούντος υπέρ της αποχώρησης του Technical Εργατικού Κόμματος), University of Crete ενώ στο δημοψήφισμα του 2016 ποσοστό 52,89% των ψηφισάντων 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept επέλεξε την αποχώρηση ως βέλτιστη λύση, παρά την παλαιότερη 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, theτης ancient Greek philosopher, πολιτική θέση υπέρ αναγκαιότητας συμμετοχής σε διεθνή εταιρικά ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the σχήματα, θέση τηνtheοποία πρώτος ο ΤΣΩΡΤΣΙΛ είχε370 διατυπώσει, among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. υπογραμμίσας την ιδέαstarts δημιουργίας των «Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών της acquisition of knowledge with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Ευρώπης». 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and Εν όψει της καταληκτικής εξόδου απόthis, gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom area ofτην Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aημερομηνίας cityisarea, the removal (inΈνωση, various (με ή χωρίς σχετική συμφωνία), τα στρατόπεδα, τόσο των Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, υποστηρικτών της εξόδου, όσο etc. και των υποστηρικτικών της the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and και theof παραμονής εντός της Ένωσης, καταγράφουν πλεονεκτήματα whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, τους, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative μειονεκτήματα των θέσεών εντός ιδιάζοντος κλίματος potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to αβεβαιότητας ή και ανασφάλειας. The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Έτσι, οι πιθανές «προσφερόμενες» συμποσούνται στιςof the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people toλύσεις buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents are ακόλουθες: έξοδος μεstay συμφωνία, χωρίς London, upgrade them, themselvesέξοδος sometimes thereσυμφωνία, and thus old ανάκληση residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. της εξόδου, τουis χρόνου με τα Όργανα being indirectly “squeezed”. Aαίτησης description of thisπαράταση phenomenon includedδιαβούλευσης in the work of Sociologist Ruth της A Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. description of this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major τούδε, ο by συσχετισμός των Πολιτικών Δυνάμεων δεν cities inΜέχρι Western countries, other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several its more επιτρέπει μετά βεβαιότητας τηνResearchers. επιλογή ιδίωςscholars εξόδουand με for συμφωνία, Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various αλλά δεν μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί όποια δήποτε λύση, κάτω από την comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the ή phenomenon ofπαραγόντων gentrification, the πίεση εσωτερικών εξωτερικών καιfollowing: συμφερόντων. interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In aΣε sense, theπερίπτωση phenomenon is dueτο togentrification, a trendζήτημα of a new of social groups κάθε όμως, τεθέν εξόδου του Ηνωμένου to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Βασιλείου από την Ένωση, θα αποτελέσει το ερέθισμα ευρέος κύκλου, and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the ενδεχομένως αναθεωρητικών, συζητήσεων περί του search Ευρωπαϊκού 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for 1. study entitled: Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important οικοδομήματος και των σχέσεών του με τα Κράτη Μέλη του services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for

lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 1 her work areκαι characterized by a passion forcontrol justice.of See also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. Βλ. THE ECONOMIST: Losing BREXIT. Vol. 430,ENGLISH N.the 9132, March 2-8, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2019, p.p. 24-25. THE ECONOMIST: Britain splinteres. Vol. 430, N. 9131, Febr. 23 March G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 1, p.p. 28-31.

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Η ΤΟΠΙΚΗ ΑΥΤΟΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΥΠΡΟ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, ΚΑΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟ ΤΗΣ ΑΓΓΛΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ConcernsΤης κυρίας Μαρ. ΜΙΧΑΗΛ Μετά από μια δύσκολη περίοδο τριών αιώνων (1571-1878) By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Οθωμανικής κυριαρχίας , η Κύπρος παραχωρήθηκε στηofΒρετανία με τη Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect 1878( “Convention of Defensive σύμβαση της 23ης Μάϊου/4ης Ιουνίου Student the School of Architecture Alliance”). Ο Σουλτάνος υπό την απειλή της of Ρωσίας ενέδωσε στην Technical University of Crete πρόταση της Βρετανίας για παραχώρηση της Κύπρου με αντάλλαγμα η Βρετανία να στήριζε την Τουρκία νέας επίθεσης από τη 1. Introductory approach: Defining σε theπερίπτωση concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Ρωσία. Η μεταβίβαση της διοίκησης της μεγαλονήσου έγινε στις 22 ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), Ιουλίουother 1878wise με heritage ειρηνικόheτρόπο άφιξη του πρώτου βρετανού among left us,μεheτην established a great “principle”: the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established aχαρακτηριστικό greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. της αρμοστή, υποστράτηγου Garnet Wolseley. Βασικό acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term βρετανικής αποικιακής πολιτικής ήταν η άσκηση συγκεντρωτικής 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification διακυβέρνησης. Παράλληλα, στη βάση της γενικότερης αποικιακής 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various τους πολιτικής και πρακτικής, οι area, Βρετανοί ήτανfrom πρόθυμοι να Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, παραχωρήσουν στην τοπική ένα μικρό μέρος της ευθύνης στη ways), of social groups, usually ofηγεσία low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of διαχείριση των υποθέσεων μέσω διορισμών εκλογών, the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this regardless whatever other has,της results also rising of “change”, land και prices (and theof whatever other consequences resultsτάξη, also rising of land prices (and the προκειμένου ναspeculation). διασφαλίζουνhas, πολιτική σταθερότητα και κάποιας potential relative 1 potential relative speculation). μορφής λαϊκή νομιμότητα. The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The found atpeople firstκάποια in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofisδιατήρησε wealthy to buy property in poor Ανterm καιgentrification η Βρετανία στοιχεία της Οθωμανικής the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Διοίκησης όπως το δυσβάστακτο για τα λαϊκά στρώματα φορολογικό London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. σύστημα, εντούτοις εισήγαγε κάποιες καινοτομίες. Εκσυγχρόνισε το being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth σύστημα δικαιοσύνης και διοικητικής οργάνωσης ταυτόχρονα A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded workκαι of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major εισήγαγε νέους θεσμούς πολιτικής αντιπροσώπευσης. Βέβαια αυτοί οι GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. νέοι θεσμοί απείχαν πολύ από το να είναι δημοκρατικοί. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issueτοπικής has several scholars andthe for its more Επικεφαλής της κυβέρνησης ήταν ο Ύπατος Αρμοστής comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various που διοριζόταν από τον Υπουργό Αποικιών με τις βασικές interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend of a new of social groups2 αρμοδιότητες να κατανέμονται σε διάφορα κυβερνητικά τμήματα. to “return” toτο theνησί city, leaving the purlieus several reasons: high costsδιοικητές in money Διοικητικά διαιρέθηκε σε έξιfor επαρχίες με βρετανούς and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the και ντόπιους διορισμένους σε θέσεις κατώτερου διοικητικού termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for  lower living cost of,Πανεπ. “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she cameΣπουδών back to London, Ερευνήτρια, ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, Kάτοχος Μεταπτ. Τίτλου επί θεμάτων in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Ελληνικού Πολιτισμού, Πανεπ. ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, Πτυχ. Φιλοσοφ. Σχ. Πανεπ. Κρήτης. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 1 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Βασίλης Πρωτοπαπάς, Εκλογική Ιστορία της Κύπρου. Πολιτευτές, κόμματα και εκλογές her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. στην Αγγλοκρατία 1878-1960, Αθήνα, 2012, σ.36.London 2009. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2 Γιώργος Γιωργαλλίδης, Αποικιοκρατία 1878-1960: σύντομη επανεκτίμηση, Διαλέξεις G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


Λαϊκού Πανεπιστημίου αρ. 4, Κάποιες κρίσιμες ώρες στην Κυπριακή Λευκωσία, 1994, σ. 79-92.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

προσωπικού. Συμβουλευτικό ρόλο για τον Αρμοστή είχε το Εκτελεστικό Συμβούλιο. Το Συμβούλιο αυτό είχε τη δυνατότητα να συναποφασίζει για την επιβολή της ποινής του θανάτου ή για την απονομή χάριτος, αλλά και στην περίπτωση αυτή τον τελευταίο λόγο είχε ο Κυβερνήτης. Τα μέλη διορίζονταν και ο Κυβερνήτης είχε την δυνατότητα να επιλέγει και προσωπικότητες εκτός του χώρου της By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS διοίκησης. Δεδομένου ότι οι συνεδριάσεις δενC.ήταν δημόσιες, το Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Συμβούλιο αυτό μπορούσε να ασχοληθεί με φλέγοντα ζητήματαStudent, χωρίς By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect 3 να υφίσταται την πίεση της κοινής γνώμης. Student of the School of Architecture Το Νομοθετικό Συμβούλιο (Legislative Council) ήταν ο Technical University of Crete σημαντικότερος θεσμός πολιτικής αντιπροσώπευσης παρόλο που δεν 1. Introductory approach: Defining the οconcept ήταν καθόλου δημοκρατικός, αφού Κυβερνήτης είχε δικαίωμα να 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, εγκρίνει ή να απορρίπτει νομοσχέδια χωρίς να υπάρχει συγκατάθεση the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage left us, he established a great the της ANTISTHENIS, πλειοψηφίας των he βουλευτών. Επίσης (444 ένα δεύτερο επίπεδο among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. πολιτικής αντιπροσώπευσης εκλογικής εμπειρίας παρείχε η acquisition of knowledge starts withκαι theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term διατήρηση και διεύρυνση της οθωμανικής για την Τοπική 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,νομοθεσίας if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Αυτοδιοίκηση με τα Δημοτικά Συμβούλια και τις Κοινοτικές Ένα gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, ofΑρχές. Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various τρίτο επίπεδο αποτελούσαν το Κεντρικό και τα Επαρχιακά Διοικητικά Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, Συμβούλια. Τα εκλογικά δικαιώματα αποδίδονταν σε άρρενες άνω των the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever has, results alsoόσοι risingπλήρωναν of land prices theof 18 ετών other και consequences δικαίωμα εκλέγειν είχαν 50 (and γρόσια whatever other consequences results also rising of land (and the potential relative speculation). ετησίως σε φόρους, ενώ has, δικαίωμα εκλέγεσθαι όσοιprices πλήρωναν potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960sεκλογές and it refers to τουλάχιστον 100 γρόσια ετησίως. Δεν γίνονταν γενικές αλλά The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor κάθε κοινότητα ή trend ενορία πόλης που είχεtoπέραν των 200 κατοικιών the then observed wealthy people buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof όριζε έναν αντιπρόσωπο που συμμετείχε στην εκλογή για τα London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Επαρχιακά Συμβούλια, τα οποία κατόπιν συνέρχονταν για να εκλέξουν being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth το Κεντρικό. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major πλαίσια της byγενικότερης διοικητικής αναδιάρθρωσης, η cities inΣτα Western countries, other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issueεπιχείρησε has several and for its more βρετανική διοίκηση με μια σειράscholars μεταρρυθμίσεων και Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various νομοθετημάτων να θέσει τη λειτουργία των Δημοτικών Συμβουλίων comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: στα αστικά κέντρα και σε ορισμένες μεγάλες κωμοπόλεις σε πιο interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups 4 Υπήρξαν ορθολογική βάση και με isαρκετές διαδικασίες ανάδειξης. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money χωριστοί εκλογικοί κατάλογοι για μουσουλμάνους και χριστιανούς and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the αφού υπήρχε χωριστή κοινοτική αντιπροσώπευση. Αυτοί οι κατάλογοι 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made herτα first studies. In 1932 she published an important οι study entitled: εφαρμόστηκαν για Δημαρχεία. Οι Τουρκοκύπριοι οποίοι services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for διεκδικούσαν ισάριθμη περιτροπής κατοχή lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva,αντιπροσώπευση Prague, London and car Newκαι Yorkεκ she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 3 Χάιντς Ρίχτερ, etc., Ιστορία της Κύπρου, Τόμος Α: 1878-1949, μτφ.of Κώστας Σαρρόπουλος, and selling realΑ. estate, for theCo depreciation initially of part the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Αθήνα , 2007, σ. 97. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 4

The Cyprus Gazette, αρ. 79, 25 Νοεμβρίου 1881και 6 Μαΐου 1882.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

των θέσεων δημάρχου και αντιδημάρχου, οδήγησαν δια της αποχής σε μια συγκρότηση του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου. Μέχρι και το 1907 στους Δήμους που οι Τουρκοκύπριοι είχαν αναλογία πέραν του 1/3 των Δημοτικών Συμβούλων, διορίζονταν Δημοτικές Επιτροπές. Μετά το 1908 τα Συμβούλια των Δήμων προέκυπταν μέσω σταθερών εκλογών ανά τριετία. Οι τελευταίες γενικές δημοτικές εκλογές έγιναν το 1929, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αφού μετά ακολούθησαν τα γεγονότα του 1931 και οι εκλογές 5 Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, σύμβουλοι ανεστάλησαν. Μέχρι το 1943 οι δήμαρχοι και οι δημοτικοί By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect ήταν διορισμένοι όπου και επανήλθε Student ξανά το εκλογικό σύστημα. of the School of Architecture Γενικά, εκλογές για δημάρχους έγιναν το 1943, το 1946, το 1949 και το Technical University of Crete 1953 αφού λόγω του απελευθερωτικού αγώνα του 1955-59 1. Introductory approach:εκλογές. Defining the concept ανεστάλησαν οι επόμενες 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Παρόλο που ανάλογοι θεσμοί τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the εφαρμόστηκαν και στις αγροτικές κοινότητες, εντούτοις υπήρχε among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. αστάθεια ωςknowledge προς τις διαδικασίες ανάδειξης των of κοινοτικών acquisition of starts with theindefinition the content concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term αξιωματούχων. Συγκεκριμένα μέχρι isin τοindicated κοινοτικές αρχέςthe ήταν 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” a 1891 first, ifοι(in not final, approach, term urban gentrification) the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 αιρετές, από το 1891 μέχρι το 1906 διορίζονταν, έγιναν ξανά αιρετές gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various από το 1907 μέχρι το 1923, για να επανέλθουν έκτοτε και μέχρι το Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, τέλος της Αγγλοκρατίας στο διοριστικό σύστημα. Το γεγονός της the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other has, results alsoαποικιακή rising of land pricesεπέτρεπε (and theof εξάρτησης τωνconsequences χωρητικών αρχών από την εξουσία whatever otherspeculation). consequences has,ιδιαίτερη results alsoεπίδραση rising of land prices (and the potential relative στους Βρετανούς να ασκούν στις αγροτικές potential relative speculation). The termκαι gentrification is found atπελατειακά first in the UKδίκτυα in early 1960s it refers to περιοχές να συντηρούν γύρωandαπό τους The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of 6 Οι μουχτάρηδες που διορίζονταν λόγω της ισχυρούς μουχτάρηδες. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof οικονομικής και them, πολιτικής δύναμηςsometimes που είχαν όπως επίσης και λόγω London, upgrade stay themselves there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. της νομιμοποίησής τους από τους Βρετανούς συμπεριφέρονταν με being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth υπεροψία και αρκετές φορές η isσυμπεριφορά υπόσκαπτε τη A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the τους work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major δημοκρατία. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its είχαν more Οι μουχτάρηδες που ασκούσαν την κοινοτική διοίκηση Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various αρμοδιότητες οι οποίες καθορίστηκαν από τους δύο νόμους του 1906 comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, the following: 7. the και του 1907of Είχαν την ευθύνη της διατήρησης της ειρήνης και της interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups τάξης στα όρια των κοινοτήτων του και σε περίπτωση τέλεσης to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ποινικών αδικημάτων στα όρια της κοινότητας ήταν υπεύθυνοι για την and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the ειδοποίηση του πλησιέστερου αστυνομικού σταθμού. Παράλληλα, ήταν 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where she made herέκδοση first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: υπεύθυνοι για την πιστοποιητικών κινητής και ακίνητης services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for περιουσίας, γιαof,την κατοχή σφραγίδας μεcar την οποία σφραγίζονταν όλα lower living cost “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 5 Βασίλης Πρωτοπαπάς, ό.π., σ. 44. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 6 Στο ίδιο, σ. 45. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 7


Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως , [επιταγή αρ.10],1906, [επιταγή αρ.10],1907.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification τα επίσημα κοινοτικά έγγραφα, για τη διατήρηση βιβλίων γεννήσεων Concerns και θανάτων και για την αποστολή κάθε μήνα αντίγραφου στους

διοικητές. Επίσης, οι μουχτάρηδες έπρεπε να δημοσιεύουν όλες τις By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS Ειδοποιήσεις, Διακηρύξεις και επίσημα έγγραφαC.που αποστέλλονταν Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, από τους Διοικητές, να εκτελούν όλες τις εντολές που προέρχονταν από By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect τους Sheriffs Officers, να ειδοποιούν τους Διοικητές ή τους Sheriffs Student of the School of Architecture Officers σε περιπτώσεις επιδημικών νόσων σεTechnical ανθρώπους και ofζώα. University Crete Επιπλέον, μέσα στις αρμοδιότητες τους ήταν να ειδοποιούν τις 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αρμόδιες υπηρεσίες στις περιπτώσεις χρησιμοποίησης παραποιημένων 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient μέτρων και σταθμών και Greek να καλύπτουν τα έξοδα διαμονής και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the διατροφής των κυβερνητικών υπαλλήλων, όταν βρίσκονταν σε among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. αποστολή, στα όρια της κοινότητας. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Οι αλλαγές των πόλεων των χωριών ήτανthe πολύ 1 (andστη Based, therefore, onδιοίκηση this “principle” inindicated a first,και if (in not final, approach, term urban gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 λίγες. Ναι μεν εξελέγησαν κοινοτικά συμβούλια στις μεγάλες πόλεις, gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various δεδομένου όμως ότι τα εκλεγόμενα μέλη τους προέρχονταν από τις Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of έθεταν low-income and thethis placement there of artists, ανώτερες κοινωνικές τάξεις, στη φορολόγηση των the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.εμπόδια However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has,τους results also rising of land prices (and theof εύπορων other ανθρώπων της τάξης και επέβαλλαν έμμεσους φόρους whatever otherόπως consequences has, results also rising of land prices (andΤο the potential relative speculation). που έπλητταν, πάντα, την πλειονότητα των φορολογουμένων. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at in the UK inελάχιστα early 1960sχρήματα and it refers to αποτέλεσμα ήταν οι πόλεις ναfirst διαθέτουν για The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor δημόσια έργα, η οδοποιία να παραμελείται η κατάσταση τουof the then observed trend wealthy people to there buyκαι property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are δικτύου υδρεύσεως και αποχετεύσεως να είναι κακή. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Για τις εκλογές τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης δικαίωμα ψήφου είχαν being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth μόνοA όσοι για ένα μικρό χρονικό των description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the διάστημα work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theκατοικούσαν same while similar recorded in εντός other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major δημοτικών κοινοτικών ορίων κατέβαλαν δημοτικά τέλη ή ενοίκιο cities in Western countries, by otherκαι Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue several scholars its more για κάποιο ακίνητο. Η has πρόνοια αυτή καταργήθηκε απόand τιςfor δημοτικές Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various εκλογές του 1943. Στα Δημοτικά Συμβούλια τις θέσεις δημάρχων και comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, theΟυσιαστικά, following: αντιδημάρχωνof καταλάμβαναν Ελληνοκύπριοι. η εκλογή interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of aγινόταν new of social groups τουIn δημάρχου και του αντιδημάρχου δεν με άμεση εκλογή, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money αλλά από τα μέλη του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου στην πρώτη τους σύνοδο. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Οι δημοτικοί σύμβουλοι κάθε κοινότητας εκλέγονταν ανάλογα μεbetter τονin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where που she made herηfirst studies. In 1932 she Η published an important study entitled: πληθυσμό είχε κάθε κοινότητα. μυστικότητα της ψήφου services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for διασφαλίστηκε 1906 Prague, γι’ αυτό καιand είχε συγκροτηθεί ένα σύστημα lower living cost of,το “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, London Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the πολιτικής αντιπροσώπευσης μεthe κυρίαρχο στοιχείο τις πελατειακές to another approach, phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 8 long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying σχέσεις και τις σχέσεις πολιτικής πατρωνίας. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 8 Στο ίδιο, σ. 46.

119 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα: Ομοφυλοφιλικές σχέσεις: νομοθετικό πλαίσιο Concerns

Το βήμα των Φοιτητών

Της κυρίας Χαρούλας ΣΙΜΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Φοιτήτριας Νομικής Σχολής Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ,Architect Πάφος By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete


Εισαγωγή Τα τελευταία χρόνια φαίνεται να εκδηλώνεται ένα ενδιαφέρον για την 1. Introductory approach: theεπιστημών concept ομοφυλοφιλία,τις θεωρίες Defining διάφορων και τις διατυπωμένες 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek απόψεις από την κοινωνία γύρω από philosopher, αυτό το θεμα.Τα ομοφυλόφιλα άτομα ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the αντιμετωπίζουν καθημερινά μη φιλικές συμπεριφορέςBC με-“principle”: επίκεντρο την among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. σεξουαλική τους ταυτότητα, αλλά την τελευταία δεκαετία παρατηρείται το acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term φαινόμενο η κοινωνία να δείχνει μεγαλύτερο ενδιαφέρον και θετική στάση 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of όχι Planning) (or gentrification προς τα ομοερωτικά δικαιώματα για την συντροφικότητα, αλλά τόσο στα 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various δικαιώματα που αφορούν την επιθυμία των ζευγαριών αυτών να Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, υιοθετήσουν άλλα άτομα. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless of Το κράτος φαίνεται να κάνει etc. άτολμα βήματα εκσυγχρονισμού και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the προόδου με την θέσπιση νομοθετικού πλαισίου καταδικάζοντας τι whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). ομοφοβικές συμπεριφορές και διακρίσεις που αφορούν στον σεξουαλικό potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to προσανατολισμό. Η πλήρηςisισότητα και1960s των ετερόφυλων The term gentrification found atτων firstομοφυλόφιλων in the UK in early and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ζευγαριών δεν μπορεί να επιτευχθεί, διότι το κράτος διακρίνει νομοθετικά τηνof the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents are παροχή δικαιωμάτων στα ομόφυλα ζευγάρια για υιοθεσία και ανατροφή London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. των παιδιών,στοιχείο το οποίο στερεί από τα ομόφυλα. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Ορισμός A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Ο σεξουαλικός προσανατολισμός αναφέρεται στη μόνιμη επιθυμία GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. ερωτικής έλξηςthe που νιώθει ένα άτομο για έναν άνδρα, μια γυναίκα, καιmore στα cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, issue has preoccupied several scholars and forήits δυο φύλα. Ακόμα, σχετίζεται με την προσωπική συνειδητότητα που έχει το Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various κάθε άτομο για την ταυτότητά του, τον τρόπο που σκέπτεται, αισθάνεται και comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: ζει την του κοινότητες ατόμων παρόμοια interpretations theσυμμετοχή phenomenon of thecategory following: Inκαθώς a sense,και theof phenomenon is due togentrification, aσε trend of a new ofμε social groups χαρακτηριστικά (American Phychological Association, 2008). to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Ο όρος ομοφυλοφιλία ερμηνεύεται ως ο σεξουαλικός and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work προσανατολισμός place is, lack of the ανδρών και γυναικών, που συγκροτούν την σεξουαλική τους μεin 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth ολοκλήρωση GLASS for wasbetter born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, του where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: άτομα ίδιου φύλου. services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Οι ομοφυλόφιλοι δέχονται πολύ έντονη κριτική και to γίνονται εύκολα lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came back to London, θύματα ρατσισμού λoγω, της διάθεσης της κοινωνίας που δεν είναι ακόμα in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her socialφαίνεται research. brokers Her public and έτοιμη να informal αποδεχθεί το διαφορετικό. Παρ όλα αυτά η ομοφυλοφιλία long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. και σήμερα να εμφανίζεται από etc., τη for αρχαιότητα και απαντάται and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCodepreciation initially of ακόμη part of the urban web,σε in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

πολλές φυλές που έχουν παραμείνει αναλλοίωτες από την εξέλιξη του πολιτισμού όπως για παράδειγμα η Νέα Γουινέα. Ο ΄Ελλην φιλόσοφος πίστευε, ότι οι σεξουαλικοί πόλοι καθορίζονται από τον διαχωρισμό σε αρσενικό και θηλυκό και διακρίνονταν με βάση τα πρότυπα τα οποία κάποιοι θεωρούσαν κοινωνικά και φυσικά. Η ιδιοσυγκρασιακή και μεμονωμένη αυτή στάση του έρχεται σε αντίθεση με το Αθηναϊκό σύνολο. Η ομοφυλοφιλία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα παρουσιάζεται ως By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS μορφή φιλίας και η ουσία της έγκειται στην ύπαρξη μια συντροφικότητας Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, μεταξύ ιδίως πολεμιστών. Επίσης, By σε Mr. πολλά μέρη τηςC.Ελλάδας λατρεύονταν George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect θεότητες διπλής σεξουαλικότητας και υπήρχαν περιπτώσεις τελετές Student of the School ofσε Architecture άνδρες και γυναίκες να αλλάζουν ρόλους και ενδύματα(Canterella,1998) Technical University of Crete Η ομοφυλοφιλία άρχισε να μελετάται συστηματικά ως φαινόμενο από Introductory Defining the conceptτην Επιστημονική Κοινότητα το 1. 1948. Απο τότεapproach: το ερώτημα, που απασχολεί 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αφορά τα αίτια της υπαρξής της.Στο αυτό(444 προσπάθησαν ναAthens), δώσουν ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greekερώτημα philosopher, BC - 370 BC, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the απάντηση διάφοροι Μελετητές προσεγγίζοντάς το(444 σε βιολογικό, γενετικό, among other wise left us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge startshe with the of the concepts. κοινωνιολογικό καιheritage ψυχιατρικό επίπεδο χωρίς εν content τελεί ναof“principle”: αποδεδειχθεί acquisition of knowledge starts withπαράγοντες. theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, this a first, if of not final, approach, the term ευθύνη κάποιου απόon τους εν“principle” λόγω 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is in a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification Νομοθετική εξέλιξη κατοχύρωσης των δικαιωμάτων των ομοφυλόφιλων 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ζευγαριών Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement there Ακόμη και σήμερα γίνονται πολλοί αγώνες για την from αναγνώριση των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofκατοχυρωμένων art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of συνταγματικά δικαιωμάτων των ομοφυλόφιλων. Η Ελληνική the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the κοινωνία κρίνεται ως αρκετά συντηρητική καθώς και το νομοθετικό πλαίσιοof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative που σχετίζεται με τους ομοφυλόφιλους διακρίνεται από εχθρότητα. potential relative speculation). TheΗterm is found5at first in the UKΣυντάγματος in early 1960s του and it refers to αρχήgentrification έγινε με το άρθρο του Ελληνικού 1975 που The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor προβλέπει την ίση μεταχείριση των Πολιτών από το κράτος, ως μελών του the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves andτης thus old residents areof κοινωνικού συνόλου καθώς και την ελεύθερη ανάπτυξη προσωπικότητας London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. τους (Σύνταγμα της Ελλαδος, 2001). Στη δεύτερη αναθεώρηση του being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth το εισήχθησαν ατομικά δικαιώματα, όπως η Συντάγματος A description of2001 this phenomenon is νέα included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations in other major προστασία της γενετικής ταυτότητας. Σημαντικό είναι το άρθρο 9 του Χάρτη GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. των Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων της Ευρωπαϊκής ‘Ενωσης1 που ορίζει «το cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more δικαίωμα γάμουtheκαι το has δικαίωμα ίδρυσης οικογενείας διασφαλίζονται Since then, issue several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from σύμφωνα με τις approach εθνικές νομοθεσίες, που διέπουν την from άσκησή τους». comprehensive are being summarized below, the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Συγκεκριμένα, αυτό το άρθρο εισχωρεί την πρωτοβουλία αναγνώρισης ή μη interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups των ομοφυλοφιλικών σχέσεων και το βαθμό αναγνώρισης στα κράτη-μέλη. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Ακόμα, η ανάγκη αντιμετώπιση ρατσιστικών εκδηλώσεων and time to travel from the για purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of και the μισούς για άτομα με διαφορετικές έφερε στοin 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth σεξουαλικές GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside townπροτιμήσεις centres, for Berlin, whereτη she made her first studies. In 1932 she anΠροτάθηκε study προσκήνιο εισαγωγή αντιρατσιστικού νομοσχεδίου. το entitled: 2001 services of health, education, entertainment “at published the heart ofimportant the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The sameΟyear she left Germany and after continuous και ψηφίστηκε το 2014. Ν.4285/2014 ο οποίος έχει ως στόχο τηνfor lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, καταπολέμηση ορισμένων μορφών και εκδηλώσεων ρατσισμού και in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 1 Βλ. Κωνστ. ΓΕ. Αθανασόπουλος (2010): Το Δίκαιο της Ευρωπαΐκής Ένωσης. Νέα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually έκδ. Εκδ. Κέντρου Επιμόρφ., Μελ., Έρευν., Ανάπτ. Αθήναι, σελ. 142 επόμ.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


ξενοφοβίας μέσω του ποινικού δικαίου και προβλέπει βαρύτατες ποινές σε όποιον υποκινεί, προκαλεί, διεγείρει ή προτρέπει σε πράξεις που μπορεί να προκαλέσουν διακρίσεις, μίσος ή βία κατά ενός προσώπου ή ομάδας προσώπων λόγω του σεξουαλικού προσανατολισμού του και την ταυτότητα φύλου. Πριν από μερικά χρόνια, η Ελληνική Πολιτεία θέσπισε το λεγόμενο Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης (Νόμος 3719/2008). Η ψήφιση ενός νέου που By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS εκσυγχρονίζει το δίκαιο μας θα μπορούσε να θεωρηθεί ως ένα θετικό μέτρο. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Παρά το γεγονός αυτό, δεν ικανοποίησε πραγματικές ανάγκες ρύθμισης By Mr. τις George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect της κοινωνικής συμβίωσης. Και αυτό επειδή αντί να φανείof κοινωνικά Student of the School Architecture ευαίσθητη, η τότε Κυβέρνηση αποδείχθηκε άτολμη αφ’ενός μεν απέναντι Technical University of στα Crete ετερόφυλα ζευγάρια τα οποία αφορούσε κατ’ αρχήν ο νόμος, αφ’ετέρου δε Introductory approach: Definingαπό the concept και1.στα ομόφυλα τα οποία απέκλεισε τις σχετικές ρυθμίσεις. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept του Πράγματι σύμφωνα με Greek τις προβλέψεις νόμου ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, (444 BC - 370το BC,Σύμφωνο Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370ετερόφυλων BC, Athens), among otherκαταρτίζεται wise heritage he left us, he established(444 aενήλικων great the Συμβίωσης μεταξύ δύο συναινούντων among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition ofμεknowledge startshe with of the καταχωρείται content concepts. προσώπων συμβολαιογραφικό έγγραφο το οποίο σε ειδικό acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term βιβλίο τουtherefore, ληξιαρχείου. Με το σύμφωνο συμβίωσης μπορεί να ρυθμίζονται οι 1 (and urban Based, therefore, this “principle” is inindicated a ηfirst, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification περιουσιακές σχέσειςon των συμβληθέντων, διατροφή του ενός συντρόφου 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various από τον άλλον, ενώ αναγνωρίζεται κληρονομικό δικαίωμα (αν και Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aστην city area, fromthere this, (inεκ various ways), of social groups, usually low-income andthe theremoval placement artists, περιορισμένο σε σχέση με το of γάμο), περίπτωση θανάτου ενόςof των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operationΌσον of art galleries, restaurants, However this “change”, regardless of συντρόφων. αφορά στα παιδιά, οetc. νόμος προβλέπει , όπως συμβαίνει και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the στο γάμο, τεκμήριο καταγωγής από το Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης, ενώ η γονικήof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative μέριμνα του παιδιού ασκείται από κοινού και από τους δύο γονείς. Παρ’όλα potential relative speculation). The το termσύμφωνο gentrification is found at first in the UK in διότι early 1960s it refers to αυτά, συμβίωσης ήταν ανεπαρκές ο εν and λόγω νόμος The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor αποστερεί αδικαιολόγητα από τους συμβιούντες από προνόμια που the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old areof απολαμβάνουν οι έγγαμοι. Έτσι π.χ., το ΙΚΑ έχει ναresidents χορηγήσει London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereαρνηθεί and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. βιβλιάριο ασθενείας σε έγκυο γυναίκα, η οποία έχει συνάψει σύμφωνο being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth συμβίωσης με τον στοisisΙΚΑ σύντροφό Σύμφωνα με το εν A description ofασφαλισμένο this phenomenon included inwere theτης. work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations recorded in other major λόγω παράδειγμα γίνεται κατανοητό γιατί τόσο μικρή ακόμα μερίδα GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. ζευγαριών επιλέγουν το Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης σε σχέση με τους δύο τύπους cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more γάμου.Ετσι απόthe τα issue επίσημα στοιχεία τηςseveral Ελληνικής Στατιστικής Αρχής, Since then, has scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from προκύπτει ότι το 2012 οι πολιτικοί γάμοι έφτασαν τις 25.730, θρησκευτικοί comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: τις 23.980 και τα σύμφωνα μόνο ταof 314. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Κυρίως όμως το Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης ήταν άτολμο και αυτό διότι ήταν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money το μοναδικό Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης σε όλη την Ευρώπη, το οποίο απευθυνόταν and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the αποκλειστικά και ετερόφυλα δηλαδή σε αυτούς που έτσιin 1.of The termat comes fromσε Sociologist Ruthζευγάρια, GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense safety theμόνο distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where, μπορούν she made her first studies.μεταξύ In 1932τους she published an important study entitled: και αλλιώς να τελέσουν γάμο. Όπως είχε τονίσει και η services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous for Ελληνική Ένωση για τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου, έχοντας την επίκληση lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, μιας κρατούσας κοινωνικής ηθικής και το φόβητρο τηςtobecame αντίδρασης της in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and Εκκλησίαςinformal που δενeffort έχασεbyτην ευκαιρία να μας θυμίσει, ότι θεωρεί long-term organized groups, manufacturers, brokers‘’πορνεία‘’ of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. κάθε άλληreal ‘’συζυγική‘’ σχέση εκτός γάμουinitially κατά of τοpart Ορθόδοξο τυπικό. Η and selling estate, etc., for theCo depreciation of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: πολιτεία για μια ακόμη φορά αγνόησε τις πραγματικές ανάγκες ρύθμισης της G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

κοινωνικής συμβίωσης. Τα ίσα δικαιώματα των ομοφυλόφιλων δεν είναι πρόβλημα μόνο των ίδιων. Είναι μέτρο μιας έννομης τάξης, που θέλει να είναι φιλελεύθερη, σεβόμενη την ελεύθερη επιλογή και ανάπτυξη της προσωπικότητας, την προσωπική και οικογενειακή ζωή του κάθε ατόμου. Αξίζει, επίσης να σημειωθεί ότι όταν ψηφίστηκε ο Ν. 3729/2008, η Ελλάδα ήταν η μοναδική χώρα στην Ευρώπη που είχε θεσπίσει ένα Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης αποκλειστικά για ετερόφυλα ζευγάρια. Για τα ζευγάρια, δηλαδή, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS που έτσι και αλλιώς είχαν τη δυνατότητα σύναψης γάμου. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Εν όψει αυτής της αδικαιολόγητης διάκρισης εναντίον τους ζευγάρια By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect προσώπων του ίδιου φύλου αντέδρασαν Student και προσέφυγαν του of the Schoolενώπιον of Architecture Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαστηρίου Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου. Το τελευταίο με Technical University of Crete απόφαση της Ολομέλειας του (Βαλλιανάτος και λοιποί κατά Ελλάδος 7-111. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 2003), δικαίωσε πανηγυρικά τους ισχυρισμούς των ομόφυλων ζευγαριών για 1. Introductory approach: Defining the και concept παραβίαση της οικογενειακής καταδίκασε βάσει ANTISTHENIS, the ancient τους Greekζωής philosopher, (444 BC την - 370Ελλάδα BC, Athens), the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other8wise heritage left us, he established(444 a great the των ANTISTHENIS, άρθρων και άλλων τηςheΕΣΔΑ. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content of“principle”: concepts.στην Γιατί είναι σημαντική ηhe απόφαση αυτή; Πρώτον, διότι επισημαίνει acquisition ofόταν knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based,ότι therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Ελλάδα, μια Πολιτεία νουθετεί, οφείλει να λαμβάνει υπόψη τις 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on και this “principle” in a δεν first,υπάρχει if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification εξελίξεις στην κοινωνία το γεγονός,is ότι μόνο ένας τρόπος να 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various διαμορφώσει κανείς την προσωπική και οικογενειακή του ζωή. Δεύτερον, Sociology as well), the “refining” of a city area, the from this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andπροσώπων theremoval placement artists, διότι τονίζει ότι η as σταθερή συμβίωση μεταξύ τουthere ιδίου φύλλου ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, However “change”,μεταξύ regardless of συνιστά οικογενειακή ζωή,restaurants, ακριβώς etc. όπως και ηthis συμβίωση μιας the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the γυναίκας και ενός άνδρα . Τρίτον, διότι υπογραμμίζει, ότι ο νόμος αυτόςof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential έρχεται relative σε αντίθεση με το δικαίωμα των ομόφυλων ζευγαριών να potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early and it refers to αναπτύξουν ελεύθερα την προσωπικότητά τους και 1960s να διαμορφώσουν The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor αυτόνομα την οικογενειακή τους ζωή. the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof Ύστερα απόthem, την stay καταδικαστική αυτή απόφαση τουthus Δικαστηρίου του London, upgrade themselves sometimes there and old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Στρασβούργου, η Ελληνική Πολιτεία καλείται να τροποποιήσει άμεσα την being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of να thisσυμπεριλάβει phenomenonστις is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth νομοθεσία της και ρυθμίσεις του σχετικού νόμου και τα A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major ομόφυλα ζευγάρια. Όσο για τις τυχόν ήδη εκφρασθείσες κυβερνητικές GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. επιφυλάξεις σχετικά με την έννοια της συμμόρφωσης σε καταδικαστικές cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more αποφάσεις του ΕΛΔΑ, το Δικαστήριο του Στρασβούργου είναι σαφές: το Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe forόπως its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from various ίδιο τόνισε, η υποχρέωση συμμόρφωσης προς μια ορισμένη απόφασή του δεν comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: εξαντλείται με την του gentrification, ποσού που the επιδικάσθηκε ως δίκαιη interpretations the καταβολή phenomenon following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend of a new category of social groups αποζημίωση. Αντίθετα, τα κράτη μέλη οφείλουν να επιλέξουν τα γενικά η και to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money τα ατομικά μέτρα, τα οποία θα πρέπει να νουθετηθούν στη Εθνική έννομη and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the τάξη1.of προκειμένου λάβει τέλος η παραβίαση που centres, διαπιστώθηκε από τοin The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born sense safety the να distributed residencies outside town better Berlin, where. she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Δικαστήριο services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for YouthΜε Unemployment. The same year sheτου left Germany and after continuous την αμετάκλητη απόφασή της 24ης Δεκεμβρίου 2003, το τμήμα lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Ευρείας Σύνθεσης του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαστηρίου των Δικαιωμάτων του in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and Ανθρώπουinformal στην υπόθεση ‘’Βαλλιανάτος και άλλοι κατά Ελλάδος‘’, έκρινε κατά long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. πλειοψηφία, ότι παραβιάσθηκε το άρθρο 14 (απαγόρευση διακρίσεων) and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web,σε in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: συνδυασμό με το άρθρο 8 (δικαίωμα σεβασμού στην ιδιωτική και G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

οικογενειακή ζωή) της Ευρωπαϊκής Συμβίωσης των Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου. Το Δικαστήριο σημείωσε, ότι σε 19 κράτη, που έχει προβλεφθεί κάποιο είδος καταχώρησης συμβίωσης πλην γάμου, η Λιθουανία και η Ελλάδα ήταν οι μόνες που είχαν επιφυλάξει τη δυνατότητα μόνο σε ετερόφυλα ζευγάρια. Έκρινε ότι το κράτος δεν τεκμηρίωσε, ότι αυτός ο αποκλεισμός ήταν αναγκαίος προς επιδίωξη νομικού στόχου. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Ο Ν. 3719/2008 περί Πολιτικής ένωσης των ζευγαριών εισήχθη στην Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Ελληνική νομολογία το 2008 και αναφέρεται ρητά στηC.ρύθμιση των σχέσεων By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect αποκλειστικά ετερόφυλων ζευγαριών. Χρειάστηκε να καταδικαστεί η χώρα Student of the School of Architecture από το ΕΔΑΔ το 2013 για να ‘’αναγκαστεί‘’ η κυβέρνηση να επαναφέρει στο Technical University of Crete προσκήνιο το ζήτημα του Συμφώνου συμβίωσης για τα ομόφυλα ζευγάρια. 1. Introductory concept Γνωρίζοντας,approach: ωστόσο,Defining πως η the Ελλάδα είναι επιρρεπής σε ατελείς 1. Introductory approach: Defining the διαδικασίες επιφυλάξεις θα μπορούσαν ναconcept διατηρηθούν για- 370 το κατά πόσο η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ψήφιση του νομοσχεδίου πραγματοποιείται για την (444 εξάλειψη της BC, κοινωνικής among other wise heritage leftthe he established a great the acquisition ofτου knowledge with definition of the content concepts. ανισότητας νόμου ή starts κατάhe πόσο ηus, Ελλάδα επεδίωξε να βγειof“principle”: από την μαύρη acquisition of knowledge starts theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on που this “principle” a first, if of not final, the term λίστα λόγω διακρίσεις της with καταλογίζουν κοινωνίες τηςapproach, Ευρώπης. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aήταν first, if notιστορική final, approach, the την term gentrification) is (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Η πρωία της 23ης Δεκεμβρίου 2015 μία στιγμή για 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Ελλάδα και την LGBT (Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual,Transsexual plus) Κοινότητα. Αν Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the from this, (inartists, various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement of και μεof πολλές ελλείψεις και χωρίς ναarea, περιλαμβάνει τηνthere δυνατότητα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of artπρώτη galleries, restaurants, etc.μας However this “change”, of τεκνοθεσίας, για φορά στην χώρα ψηφίστηκε από τηνregardless Ολομέλεια the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the της Βουλής το νομοσχέδιο που επιτρέπει στα ομόφυλα ζευγάρια να συνάψουνof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential σύμφωνοrelative συμβίωσης. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found first in the UKζευγαριών in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy people to buy property in poor Νομοθετική κατοχύρωση των at ομοφυλόφιλων στην Ευρώπη the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Σε πολλές χώρες της Ευρώπης ισχύει ο γάμος χωρίς να γίνεται κάποια London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. διάκριση ως προς τον σεξουαλικό προσανατολισμό των ζευγαριών, σε άλλες being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisκαθεστώς phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist ισχύει το νομικό του Συμφώνου Συμβίωσης για Ruth τους A description ofperiod, this is situations included in the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whileδεν similar were inκατοχύρωση other major ομοφυλοφιλους, ενώ σε phenomenon άλλες προβλέπεται κάποια νομική GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western σχέσεων. countries, by other Researchers. των ομόφυλων cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has Ενδεικτικά η κατάσταση έχει ως εξής:several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Ευρωπαϊκές ofΣύμφωνο Υιοθεσία interpretations the phenomenon ofΓάμος gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: Χώρες συμβίωσης In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Βέλγιο Από το 2000 Από το 2003 Από το 2006+ to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money τηplace αναγνωρίσει and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown,Αυτόνομα where work is, lack ofκαι theτου άλλου γονέα 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin Berlin, where she Από first studies. InΧ1932 she published study entitled: Αυστρία τοher 2010 2013: το an παιδί συντρόφου services of health,made education, entertainment “at the heart ofimportant theτου city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany2016: and after movements for απόcontinuous κοινού lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Βουλγαρία Χ Χ planning. In 1950 Χ she became teacher in the in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon to another approach, the is due to a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for το justice. Γαλλία Από το 1999 Από 2013See also: ΑπόCOLLINS το 2013 ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually


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Από το 2001 Types Από το 2017 Από το 2013 GENTRIFICATION Definition, of Intervention, Δανία Από το 1989 Από το 2012 1999: το παιδί του συντρόφου Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification 2010 από κοινού Ελλάδα Από το 2015 Χ Χ Concerns Γερμανία


Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο Ιρλανδία

Από το 2016

Χ 2016 το παιδί του συντρόφου + από By Mr. George-Sp. C. στείρα ATHANASOPOULOS κοινού τα ζευγάρια Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Από το 2005 ΑπόBy τοMr. 2014 2005: Αγγλία, Ουαλία Architect the School of Architecture εκτός της Β. Student 2009:of Σκωτία University of Crete Ιρλανδίας 2013:Technical Β. Ιρλανδία Από το 2011 Από το 2015 2016: από κοινού

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BCκοινού -“principle”: 370 BC, among established aαπό great the Ισπανία other wise Απόheritage το 1998he left Απόus, τοhe 2005 2005 (444 + Athens), αυτόματη among other wise leftthe us,definition he established a great “principle”: the στηνheritage αναγνώριση τουof β΄concepts. γονέα acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Καταλονία Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based, therefore, this “principle” inindicated a first,Χ ifαλλά notthe final, approach, the term Ιταλία Απόurban τοon 2016 Χ Αλλά αναγνώριση υιοθεσίας gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (orπου gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification τελέστηκε εξωτερικό Sociology as well), as the “refining”αναγνώριση of a city area, the removalστο from this, (in various γάμων πουarea, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement τελούνται στο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of εξωτερικό the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Κροατία το 2014 Χ Χ rising αλλά 2014 νόμιμη κηδεμονία στο whatever otherΑπό consequences has, results also of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). παιδί του συντρόφου potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Κύπρος Από το 2015is found at first Χ in the UK in Χ The term gentrification early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor Λετονία Χ Χ the then observed trend wealthy Χsometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Λιθουανία Χ Χ Χ being indirectly “squeezed”. A descriptionΑπό of this phenomenon is included in the Λουξεμβούργο το 2004 Από το 2015 Από τοwork 2015 of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Μάλτα Από το 2014 Από το 2017 Από το 2014 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the has Ολλανδία Απόissue το 1998 Από το 2001several Από scholars το 2001 and for its more Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from Ουγγαρία Από το 2009 are being Χ summarized below, Χ comprehensive approach from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the Χphenomenon theΧcategory following: Πολωνία In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof toΧgentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Πορτογαλία Από το 2001 Από το 2010 Από το 2016 to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Ρουμανία Χ and time to travel fromΧthe purlieus to downtown, where Χwork place is, lack of the Σλοβακία Χ Χ 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside townΧcentres, Berlin, where she Από madeτο her first studies. In 1932 she publishedΧ an important study entitled: Σλοβενία 2006 Από το 2017 services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Σουηδία Από το 1995 Από το 2009 car Από το access 2003 to markets, etc. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came back to London, where Τσεχική Από το 2006 Χ Χ in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Δημοκρατία University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for το justice. also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Φιλανδία Από το 2012 Από 2017See 2009: τοpart παιδί του συντρόφου and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2017: από κοινού G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


Το Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης σε αριθμούς Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία που έδωσε η επικεφαλής της Διεύθυνσης Αστικής και Δημοτικής Κατάστασης του Υπουργείου Εσωτερικών της Ελλάδος, από τον Δεκέμβριο του 2015 που ψηφίστηκε ο νόμος μέχρι και την 16 Νοεμβρίου 2016 έχουν υπογραφεί συνολικά 216 Σύμφωνα Συμβίωσης ομόφυλων ζευγαριών σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Από αυτά, τα 178 αναφέρονται σε ομόφυλα ζευγάρια ανδρών και τα 38 σε ζευγάρια γυναικών. Από τους Δήμους που απάντησαν σχετικά με τα By Mr.στα George-Sp. C. τους, ATHANASOPOULOS Σύμφωνα Συμβίωσης που έχουν κατατεθεί ληξιαρχεία προκύπτει ότι ο Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, κύριος όγκος έχει κατατεθεί στους Δήμους Αθηναίων και Θεσσαλονίκης. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ενδεικτικά αναφέρεται ότι από ο τρίτος σε μέγεθος Δήμος της χώρας, ο Πειραιάς, Student of the School of Architecture έχει μόλις 4 σύμφωνα συμβίωσης, όπως και ο Δήμος Νέας Σμύρνης. Ενώ μεγάλοι Technical University of Crete αστικοί δήμοι έχουν ακόμα λιγότερα: π.χ., το Χαλάνδρι τρία, το Μοσχάτο δύο, ο Βύρωνας ένα και τοapproach: Αιγάλεω ήDefining ο δήμος Νίκαιας-Ρέντη 1. Introductory the concept κανένα.(«Antivirus») 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), amongΣυμπέρασμα other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Παρατηρείται ότι η Ελλάδα σε ζητήματα κοινωνικών παροχών, απέχει acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term κατά πολύ από τις Ευρωπαϊκές προδιαγραφές. Ένα από τα αρνητικά στοιχεία του 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term area of των Planning) (or gentrification νόμου αποτελεί(and και urban ατελήςgentrification) ρύθμιση της νομικής προσωπικότητας σχέσεων 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various των ομόφυλων ζευγαριών. Σε κάθε προσπάθεια ρύθμισης του ζητήματος η Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually ofκαθοριστικά, low-income and the placement there ofτης artists, Εκκλησία φρόντιζε να ενίσταται βασίζοντας την αντίρρησή στο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of τρίπτυχο Πατρίς – Θρησκεία – Ετεροφυλία. the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof Αφορισμοί και πλήθος ομοφοβικών παραληρημάτων από υψηλόβαθμους whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Κληρικούς της συντροφεύουν πιστά κάθε προσπάθεια δρομολόγησης επίλυσης potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to του ζητήματος. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Ο upgrade αποκλεισμός από την απόκτηση κληρονομικών, the then observed trend of wealthy people toπεριουσιακών, buy property in poor areas London, them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof εργασιακών και“squeezed”. συνταξιοδοτικών δικαιωμάτων απέχει ερωτικά London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereμακράν and thusαπό oldτα residents are being indirectly σκάνδαλα και θανάσιμα αμαρτήματα για τα οποία οι Μητροπολίτες μέμφονται being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth τουςAομοφυλόφιλους . description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major σαφές νομικόbyπλαίσιο θα παρέχει όλα τα δικαιώματα που cities inΈνα Western countries, other Researchers. cities in Western countries, byζευγάρια other Researchers. απολαμβάνουν ετερόφυλα ωστόσο θα είναι μικρήςand σημασίας δεν Since then, τα the issue has preoccupied several scholars for itsαν more Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars andthe forθέμα its more συνοδευτεί βραχύχρονα από την αλλαγή στηνseveral Ελληνική νοοτροπία. Το δεν comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various comprehensive approach are being from the various είναι να έχει of μορφή παραχώρησης ηsummarized εκμοντερνισμού των ηθών, καθώς interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations theπραγματικότητα, phenomenon the following: αντικατοπτρίζει μια συνεχώς εξελίσσεται βαθύτερη In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aπου trend of a new category ofσε social groups κοινωνική πουleaving όχι μόνο να for εκφραστεί αλλά να high έχει και υπόσταση. to “return”ανάγκη, to the city, theπρέπει purlieus several reasons: costs in money and time travel from the purlieus downtown, where work place is,δεν lack of the Το to Σύμφωνο Συμβίωσης είναι to θέμα καθαρό ίσων δικαιωμάτων: είμαστε termat comes fromόλοι Sociologist Ruthλοιπόν GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town for όλοι1.ίδιοι αλλά, είμαστε ίσοι. Όταν τα νεαράcentres, άτομα καταφέρουν ναin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: απαλλαγούν απόeducation, συντηρητικές αντιλήψεις που κληροδοτούν και services of health, entertainment “at the heartτιςof the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for σταματήσουν να αποκαλούν τους ομοφυλόφιλους ‘’ανώμαλους‘’ και να τους lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the εξισώνει με παιδόφιλους, τότε πραγματικά θα έχει περάσει μια νέα αντίληψη για to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where sheΟι continued her social research. brokers Her public action and το θέμα στην Ελληνική γηραιότεροι δικαιολογούνται εν of μέρει: οι long-term informal effortκοινωνία. by organized groups, manufacturers, buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. εξελίξεις σε χρόνο, οιthe βιορυθμοί ανθρώπων φθίνουν ……. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit.αυξάνουν Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Βιβλιογραφία: Technical University of Crete

Αθανασόπουλος Κωνστ., ΓΕ. (2010) Το 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Εκδόσεις 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Κ.Ε.Μ.Ε.ΑΝ., Αθήναι. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the American Phychiatric Association (2013) among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge startsDSM-V.Διαγνωστικά with ofΚριτήρια. the content of“principle”: concepts. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term Λίτσας, Αθήνα. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, notthe final, approach, the της term gentrification) is (in area ofγυναίκες Planning) (or gentrification Canterella, E if(1998). Oι 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Αρχαίας Ελλάδας. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Παπαδήμα, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Αθήνα. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However of Κακαβούλης, Α., this Κ.,“change”, (1995) regardless Σεξουαλική the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the ανάπτυξη και αγωγή: Στερεότυπα και ρόλοι τωνof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation).φύλων: Γενετήσια ανάπτυξη. Σεξουαλική αγωγή potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first in Ιδιωτική the UK inέκδ., earlyΑθήνα. 1960s and it refers to στην at Ελλάδα. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Σκούταρη, Ρ. (2007) Στατιστικές για την the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof ομοφυλοφιλία και δικαιώματα τωνold λεσβιών London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus residentsκαι are being indirectly “squeezed”. ομοφυλόφιλων. Αθήνα. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in Γthe(2002). work of Sociologist Ruth Τζαμαλούκα, κοινωνικές A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work ofΟι Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major αναπαραστάσεις και οι αιτιακές αποδόσεις της GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. ομοφυλοφιλίας στην σύγχρονη Ελλάδα, cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Διδακτορική Διατριβή, ΤμήμαandΨυχολογίας, Since then, the issue has several below, scholars for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from the Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιοbelow, Κοινωνικών και comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Πολιτικών Επιστημών. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Ιστότοποι to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Antivirus magazine (https:// and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown,online where work place is, lack of the avmag.gr/) termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies.Σύμφωνο In 1932 sheσυμβίωσης published an important study entitled: και άλλες μορφές services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same καταχωρισμένης year she left Germany and after continuous συμβίωσης (https://europa.eu/ lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, registeredyoureurope/citizens /family/couple/ in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and partners/index_el.htm) long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Σύμφωνο initially συμβίωσης, Greece (https: and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation of partVice of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: //www.vice.com/gr/topic/symfwno-symbiwshs) G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

127 2521 11


Αρμοδιότητες των Δήμων ταφικά γλυπτά GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types ofκαι Intervention, «Η Κοιμωμένη του Χαλεπά» Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Concerns Της κυρίας Δήμητρας ΝΟΥΣΗ

Διευθύντριας Δημ. Περιουσίας Δήμου Αθηναίων, Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS ΚατόχουByΤίτλου Μετ. Πρ.C. Σπ. Νομικής Αθηνών, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design,Νομικού Student,

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University συχνά of Crete Οι σελίδες για τον πολιτισμό των αρχαίων λαών αναφέρονται

στη1.συμπεριφορά μιας κοινωνίας απέναντι στο θάνατο και στους νεκρούς Introductory approach: Defining the concept της,1.ενώ η αρχαιολογική έρευνα είναι εστιασμένη στην ανασκαφή και Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), μελέτη των νεκροπόλεων και τάφων, ώστε να αντλούνται πολύτιμες ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the πληροφορίες για την πολιτισμική πραγματικότητα του παρελθόντος. Η among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the σύνδεση του θανάτου με τη μεταφυσική αγωνία του ανθρώπου και τη acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and θρησκευτική αντίληψη κάθε εποχής,is ηa first, οποία απαντά, περισσότερο ή Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated if (in not final, approach, the term urban gentrification) the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 gentrification λιγότερο πειστικά παρηγορητικά μεταφυσική αγωνία, οδήγησε (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as και the “refining” of a cityστην the removal this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various στη δημιουργία ενός τεράστιου πλέγματος εθίμων και κανόνων ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, συμπεριφοράς, συχνά απαράβατων, που γεννήθηκαν, εμπλουτίστηκαν και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results rising κόσμο. of land Οprices (and theof σε αρκετάother μεγάλο βαθμό επιβιώνουν στο also σύγχρονο ενταφιασμός whatever otherείναι consequences has, results κανόνας also rising που of land prices (andμια the potential relative speculation). του νεκρού ένας πανάρχαιος επιτάσσει potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first in theτου UK Ομήρου in early 1960s it refers to υποχρεωτική συμπεριφορά από at την εποχή μέχριand σήμερα στο The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor δυτικό, τουλάχιστον, κόσμο. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Ο τάφος ωςthem, ορισμός συγκεκριμένου χώρου εναπόθεσης ανθρώπινης London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. σορού είναι ένα“squeezed”. θέμα στον εθιμικόinπολιτισμό καιSociologist στη συνέχεια, being indirectly A description of this σημαντικό phenomenon is included the work of Ruth όπως φυσικό, στον πολιτειακό σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του A ήταν description ofperiod, this phenomenon isνόμο, included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major ρωμαϊκού δικαίου περί την ιδιότητα του τάφου και το νομικό καθεστώς GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. 1 cities in. Στη Western countries, by other Researchers. διάρκεια της βυζαντινής αυτοκρατορίας, ενώand υπήρξε πλήθος αυτού Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more δικαιικών κανόνων αναφορικά με τον ενταφιασμό νεκρών, την comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from theανάληψη various comprehensive approach are τις being summarized below, from theπου various ευθύνης δαπανών της κηδείας, των θα interpretations of the phenomenon of κατηγορίες gentrification, theεπαγγελματιών following: interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: 2 In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new category of social groups συμμετείχαν στην κηδεία, την τέλεση των κηδειών απόρων κ.λ., δεν to “return” toαναφορές the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high in money υπάρχουν για την οργάνωση νεκροταφείων μεcosts ευθύνη της and time to3.travel from the purlieus to downtown, where με work the Οι χώροι ταφής νεκρών αποτελούσαν τηplace μία, is, ή lack την of άλλη πολιτείας 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, μορφή τους, αντικείμενο διαχείρισης της Εκκλησίας και μάλιστα, των Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart city”,movements (possibly) οικονόμων, σύμφωνα με σαφή διάταξη (Ν.59) για of ταtheκοιμητήρια τηςfor Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and 1 University College London, where she her social research. Her public and Νίκος Ελ. ofΕμμανουηλίδης, Το continued δίκαιο της ταφής στο Βυζάντιο, εκδ. Αντ. Ν. long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work Αθήνα are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Σάκουλα, 1989, σελ. 345 επ. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2 Ό.π., σελ. 140 επ. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 3


Ό.π., σελ. 232.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

Κωνσταντινούπολης4, γεγονός που προδίδει τη διάσταση της διαχείρισης γης στα κοιμητήρια και του οικονομικού μεγέθους αυτής. Είναι προφανές ότι οι σχετικές αναφορές στο νόμο περιέχουν την πολιτισμική έκφραση της ανθρώπινης συμπεριφοράς απέναντι στο νεκρό και το θάνατο, περικλείουσα μέσα της, αφενός, τη θρησκευτική αντίληψη της εποχής, αλλά και τη διαχειριστική – διαδικαστική ανάγκη, αφετέρου, την οποία καλούνται να καλύψουν οι παράγοντες Εκκλησίας. By Mr.της George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Η ταφή των νεκρών έχασε την εθιμική και κοινωνική διάστασή της Mr. George-Sp.όταν C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect από την εποχή της Γαλλικής By Επανάστασης, η διοίκηση των of the School of Architecture με συνέπεια να αποτελέσει μια νεκροταφείων ανατέθηκε στους Δήμους5, Student Technical University of Crete ευθύνη της Πολιτείας και συγκεκριμένα της τοπικής εξουσίας. Πρόκειται για1.μια ιστορική στιγμή γιαDefining την Ιστορία του Δικαίου κατά την οποία η επί Introductory approach: the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αιώνες κρατούσα κοινωνική συμπεριφορά και (444 αντίληψη, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370εξελισσόμενη BC, Athens), υπό την επίδραση θρησκευτικών πεποιθήσεων, καθίσταται, πλέον, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, ευθύνη Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the της Πολιτείας με γραπτή αποτύπωση του θεσμού. συγκεκριμένη αλλαγή acquisition of knowledge starts with of theΗcontent concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with thein definition the content of concepts. στην ελληνική Πολιτεία εντοπίζεται από τα πρώτα χρόνια της γέννησης Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, ifότι notμε final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification του Based, ελληνικού κράτους. Είναι χαρακτηριστικό το αριθ. 3 Βασιλικό 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ης ου Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Διάταγμα της 10 /1 /1834 συστήθηκαν στην ελληνική πολιτεία οι Δήμοι Sociology as well), as the “refining” of cityαριθ. area, from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement there ενώ, μερικούς μήνες αργότερα, μεa το 16 Βασιλικό Διάταγμα της ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the art galleries, etc. However this “change”, regardless of 5ου/1834 of ορίζεται ρητάrestaurants, ότι: 5ης/operation the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof Α) Απαγορεύεται να ενταφιάζονται νεκροί also σε εκκλησίες whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results rising of και, land prices (and the potential relative Β) Ανατίθεται πλήρως η ευθύνη της σύστασης και διαχείρισης των potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto νεκροταφείων στου Δήμους. the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed of wealthy people to there buy property inπου poor areas London, upgrade them, stayγνήσια themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof Πρόκειται γιαtrend μια αυτοδιοικητική αρμοδιότητα υπάρχει London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ακόμη, επιπλέον ενισχυμένη με την μονοπωλιακή δυνατότητα των Δήμων being indirectly “squeezed”. description of is included in the work of Sociologist να Aεπιβάλλουν καιthis ναphenomenon εισπράττουν σειρά τελών, σύμφωνα με όλεςRuth τις A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major διατάξεις περί Κοιμητηρίων οι οποίες θεσπίστηκαν από το 1834 μέχρι GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile other σήμερα, τα οποία αποτελούν για Researchers. του Δήμους έσοδα από την εκμετάλλευση cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more τηςSince δημοτικής περιουσίας. Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations theμνημεία phenomenon thecategory following: Τάφοι και In a1.sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the σε purlieus for several reasons: high costs inμε money Οι τάφοι διακρίνονται διάφορες κατηγορίες ανάλογα τον and timeχρήσης to travel from purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack the τρόπο που the καθιερώνεται από κανόνες, αναφορικά με of τους 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, δικαιούχους ενταφιασμού, τον καθορισμό του δικαιώματος χρήσης κ.λ. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly)for YouthΜια Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after ενδιαφέρουσα διαφοροποίηση ορίζεται ήδηcontinuous από τον movements Ουλπιανό6 lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, και αφορά στη ανάμεσα στο μνημείο και τον τάφο κριτήριο τη in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to διάκριση another approach, the is due aμε systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying 4 her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ό.π.,real σελ.estate, 233. etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in and selling 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 5 Ι. Κονιδάρη «Οικογενειακοί Τάφοι - νεκροταφεία», ΝΟΒ“voluntary”, 37, σελ. 887 επ.(actually G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, 6

Νίκος Εμμανουηλίδης, ό.π., σελ. 260 επ.

129 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

θρησκευτική προσέγγιση του δεύτερου σε αντιδιαστολή με το πρώτο. Συγκεκριμένα, ο «τάφος» περιβάλλεται από μια θρησκευτικού περιεχομένου προστασία, διότι εντός αυτού έχει τοποθετηθεί νεκρική σορός, σε αντίθεση με το «μνημείο» που αποτελεί κατασκευή η οποία αναδεικνύει τη μνήμη, ή τιμά τη μνήμη νεκρού, χωρίς, όμως να υπάρχει ενταφιασμένη η σορός εντός αυτού. Σύνθεση των δυο παραπάνω εννοιών (τάφου και μνημείου) υπάρχει με By θρησκευτική αναφορά στην κατασκευή Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS που ορίζεται ως «ταφικό μνημείο», το οποίο αποτελεί «εκτός συναλλαγής Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS σύμφωναC.με την κρατούσα στη ειδικής χρήσεως πράγμα»7 που εξυπηρετεί Architect Student of the School of Architecture νομολογία και θεωρία άποψη» θρησκευτικούς σκοπούς. Technical of Crete Τέλος, για την πληρότητα του λόγου θα πρέπει να University αναφερθεί ότι υπάρχει και η περισσότερο γνωστή έννοια του μνημείου, όπως σαφώς 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ορίζεται στον Ν.3028/2002 «Για την the προστασία τωνBC αρχαιοτήτων και εν 1. Introductory approach: concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), γένειANTISTHENIS, της πολιτιστικής στο άρθρο 2(444 του οποίου theκληρονομιάς», ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370αναφέρεται BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ότι: «Ως μνημεία νοούνται τα πολιτιστικά αγαθά που αποτελούν υλικές among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. μαρτυρίες και ανήκουν στην πολιτιστική κληρονομιά της Χώρας και των acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, term οποίων επιβάλλεται η this ειδικότερη προστασία». Πρόκειται μιαthe άλλη gentrification) is the area ofγια Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification διάσταση όρου που μπορεί να με τοfrom ταφικό ή Sociology asτου well), as the “refining” of aέχει cityομοιότητες area, the removal this,μνημείο, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, να μηνofέχει. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of Χαρακτηριστική των προαναφερόμενων περίπτωση αποτελεί η the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless 8, η οποία whatever has, results also rising of landαφορά prices στο (and πιο theof 868/1950other Ειρ. consequences Αθηνών δικαστική απόφαση whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative γνωστό, ίσως, ταφικό μνημείο της Ελλάδας, γνωστό ως «η Κοιμωμένη του potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Χαλεπά» που βρίσκεται στο Α΄ Νεκροταφείο Αθηνών και στην ευθύνη του The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Δήμου Αθηναίων. Το συγκεκριμένο γλυπτόtoείναι πάνω σε the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people buy τοποθετημένο property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents areof οικογενειακό τάφο, αφιερωμένο στηsometimes μνήμη της Σοφίας Αφεντάκη που London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. πέθανε το 1873 σε ηλικία 18 ετών, έχει ήδη αναγνωριστεί ως μνημείο being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth μεγάλης αξίας, ειδικής inwere προστασίας» σύμφωνα με A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atκαλλιτεχνικής the same while«χρήζον similar in other major την αριθ. 53315/22-5-1951 απόφαση του Υπουργού Εθνικής Παιδείας και GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Θρησκευμάτων (ΦΕΚ Β΄96) σεResearchers. εφαρμογή Ν.1469/1950 Since then, the issue has severalτου scholars and for its «περί more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more προστασίας ειδικής κατηγορίας καιfrom έργων τέχνης comprehensive approach are being οικοδομημάτων summarized below, the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various μεταγενέστερων του 1830». Από τα προηγούμενα προκύπτει ότι το interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of theτου phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is dueof toγνωστό a trend ofως a new of social εμβληματικό έργο Γ. Χαλεπά «Κοιμωμένη», έχει groups διπλή to “return” toκαι theείναι: city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ταυτότητα and time to travel the purlieus downtown, whereτης work place is, lack ofτου the 1. Ταφικό from μνημείο από τηtoχρονική στιγμή εγκατάστασής 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, στον τάφο. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth2. Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and και after μνημείο continuousεξαιρετικής Νομίμως αναγνωρισμένο έργο τέχνης lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, σημασίας. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 7 Ι. Κονιδάρη, ό.π., σελ. 887 επ. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 8


Ό.π., σελ. 887 επ.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns 2. Η μελέτη της δικαστικής απόφασης

Συμπερασματικά και κατά πλήρη ορισμό θα έπρεπε να αναφέρεται ως «εξαιρετικής σημασίας και προστασίας ταφικό μνημείο γλυπτικής τέχνης». Η 868/1950 απόφαση του Ειρηνοδικείου Αθηνών αφορά στην George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αντιδικία του Δήμου Αθηναίων με By τονMr. ιδιώτη Χ.Χ, ο οποίος, επικαλούμενος Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, το δικαίωμά του επί της κληρονομίας πώλησε το ταφικό μνημείο προς By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect τρίτο πρόσωπο. Σύμφωνα με την απόφασηStudent δεν έγινε δεκτή η σύμβαση της of the School of Architecture πώλησης του ταφικού μνημείου, δικαιώθηκε οTechnical Δήμος Αθηναίων, University of ενώ Crete ορίστηκε για το συγκεκριμένο ταφικό μνημείο ότι: 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept α) Είναι εκτός συναλλαγής. 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, β) «Δεν έχει περιουσιακό χαρακτήρα», κατά συνέπεια δεν ανήκει σε ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left υλικά us, he established(444 a great the μεταβιβάσιμα προς κληρονόμους αγαθά among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the γ) Το μνημείο ταφικό μνημείο και ωςthe τέτοιο acquisition ofσυγκεκριμένο knowledge starts with theείναι the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, term 1 αποτελεί μνημείο θρησκευτικού προορισμού με σκοπό να αναδείξει καιterm να Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or διατηρήσει τη μνήμη της νεκρής. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),Σύμφωνα, of social groups, usually of low-income the placement there of artists, δε, με την ίδια δικαστικήand απόφαση ο προορισμός του ways), ofμνημείου social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of ταφικού επιτελείται μόνο εντός του χώρου του κοιμητηρίου, ενώ operation ofconsequences art galleries,στη restaurants, etc. However this regardless whatever other has, results also rising of “change”, land (and theof οιtheπροληπτικές, ενάντια φθορά αυτού, ενέργειες καιprices απαραίτητες whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative συντηρήσεις μπορούν να λαμβάνουν χώρα εντός του κοιμητηρίου. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Αβίαστο συμπέρασμα των atπροηγουμένων είναι1960s ότι and η ανωτέρω The term gentrification found first in the UK in early refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy people to buy property in poor itareas δικαστική απόφαση έδωσε πλήρη απάντηση αναφορικά με: the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them,κυριότητας stay themselves there and thus old residents α) το καθεστώς επί sometimes του συγκεκριμένου μνημείου, και are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of στον this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth β) τον τόπο οποίο θα πρέπει να βρίσκεται, ώστε να επιτελεί το A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major σκοπό αυτού. GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more 2.1. then, Η δικαστική σεsummarized σχέση με την κυριότητα Since the issueαπόφαση has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being below, from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Μελετώντας αριθ. 868/1950 απόφαση του Ειρηνοδικείου interpretations of the την phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: Αθηνών παρατηρείται, ότιis due αυτή κρίνειof aτην δυνατότητα ύπαρξης In a sense, theof phenomenon togentrification, a trend new of social groups to “return” to the city, leavingμεthe for several reasons: δημιουργείται high costs in money δικαιώματος κυριότητας τηpurlieus διατύπωση: «τουτέστιν επ’ and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work όμως place is, δεν lack ofέχει the αυτών περιορισμένον δικαίωμα χρήσεως, όπερ 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better περιουσιακόν χαρακτήρα και Ruth καθιστά αδύνατον την επ’for αυτού Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at theτου heart of the city”,οίτινες (possibly) απεριόριστον άσκηση εννόμων προσώπου, θαfor Youth Unemployment. The των same year she leftσχέσεων Germany and after continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, Londonθρησκευτική and New York sheκαι came back to London, προσέβαλλον κατά την υφιστάμενην ηθικήν αντίληψιν in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and τον σύμφωνον προς τον προορισμόν τουherμνημείου σκοπόν..... Διάφορος University College of London, where she continued social research. Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work characterized by a passion forανεπιεική justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. λύσις θαare ήγεν εις συμπεράσματα και κοινωνικώς απαράδεκτα, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ούτω θα εβλέπαμεν τα αριστουργήματα της νεωτέρας τέχνης, τα οποία G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually βρίσκονται επί τάφων του Α΄ Νεκροταφείου του Δήμου Αθηναίων 131 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

αφιερωμένα εις μνήμην των νεκρών να λεηλατώνται υπό των αποτέρων κληρονόμων των ιδρυτών των ή των δανειστών τούτων, χωρίς να δυνάμεθα να αντιδράσωμεν». Συμπεραίνεται, λοιπόν, ότι, εφόσον το δικαίωμα του δικαιούχου οικογενειακού τάφου δεν γεννά δικαίωμα περιουσιακού χαρακτήρα επί του ταφικού μνημείου δεν είναι δυνατό αυτό να αποτελεί τμήμα της κληρονομίας, υλικό αγαθό μεταβιβάσιμο, είτε δωρεάν, με τίμημα. By Mr. George-Sp. C. είτε ATHANASOPOULOS

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student,


C. ATHANASSOPOULOS 2.2 Η δικαστική απόφαση By καιMr. ταGeorge-Sp. δικαιώματα των δικαιούχων Architect Student of the School Architecture Ωστόσο, η δικαστική απόφαση δεν αδιαφορεί για ofτη σχέση Technical University of Crete κληρονόμων της οικογένειας και ταφικού μνημείου. Η εν λόγω απόφαση προσδιορίζει το δικαίωμα κληρονόμων επί του μνημείου ως δικαίωμα 1. Introductory approach:των Defining the concept νομής «προς εκπλήρωσιν του θρησκευτικού και BC ιερού προορισμού» 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), λαμβάνοντας υπόψη: ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the α) Τη σύνδεση του μνημείου αυτού με τον προορισμό του. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the β) Την υποχρέωση των κληρονόμων και δικαιούχων χρήσης acquisition ofηθική knowledge starts with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 therefore, this “principle” inindicated a first, notthe final, approach, the term του Based, οικ. τάφου ναonελέγχει τις πράξεις με ifτις οποίες επιτελείται ο (and urban gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification προορισμός του μνημείου. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation art galleries,απόφαση restaurants,και etc.ηHowever this “change”, regardless of 2.3. Η of δικαστική θρησκευτικού περιεχομένου the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof άσκηση νομής whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential Η relative αριθ. 868/1950 απόφαση του Ειρηνοδικείου Αθηνών με potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first UK in early and it refers to ερμηνευτική προσέγγιση κρίνει καιin the αποδίδει το 1960s περιεχόμενο του The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor θρησκευτικού προορισμού των ταφικών μνημείων ως εξής: «κατά τη the then observed trend wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof σύγχρονον θρησκευτικήν και ηθικήν αντίληψιν, των London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and προορισμός thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. επιταφίων τούτων μνημείων είναι, ως εξετέθη, η εσαεί συντήρησις της being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth μνήμης των νεκρών υπό similar την is έννοιαν ταύτα κείνται A description ofperiod, thisκαι phenomenon includedαυτήν, inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while situations in other εκτός major αστικής συναλλαγής και δε δύνανται να εκποιηθώσιν ή αποθηκευθώσιν, GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherήResearchers. ουδέ οι δανεισταί του ιδρυτού, των κληρονόμων τούτου να Since then, the issue has several scholars andδύνανται for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more επιληφθώσιν και γενικώςare πάσα μεταβολή αίρουσα τον θρησκευτικόν comprehensive approach being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from theκρίθηκε various προορισμόν του μνημείου είναι Κατά συνέπεια, interpretations of the phenomenon ofαπαράδεκτος». gentrification, the following: interpretations theαμφισβητήθηκε phenomenon the following: In a sense,και theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aμεtrend of a new category groups δικαστικά δεν επόμενες δίκες ότι of η social προστασία, to “return” toκαι the ανάδειξη city, leaving theμνήμης purlieusνεκρού for several reasons: in money διατήρηση της έχει εντός high του costs κοιμητηρίου and time to travel fromκαι theπεριεχόμενο. purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the θρησκευτικό σκοπό The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Επισημαίνεται ότι η κρίση αυτή του Δικαστηρίου προηγείται κατά Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) δεκαοκτώ χρόνιαeducation, της ειδικής διάταξης ταφικών μνημείων τουfor Youth Unemployment. Theρητής same year she left Germany περί and after continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies research Geneva, New Α York she came back to London, αρθ. 5 and Α.Ν. 582 in της 28 Prague, Σεπτ. London 1968 and (ΦΕΚ 225)Περί δημοτικών και in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and κοινοτικών κοιμητηρίων: «Τα she επίcontinued των τάφων μνημεία, τα Her αφιερωμένα εις University informal College of London, where her social research. public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by σκοπού, a passion forχαρακτηρίζονται justice. See also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. μνήμην θρησκευτικού ως ENGLISH πράγματα εκτός and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: συναλλαγής μη επιτρεπομένης εντεύθεν της εκποιήσεως, υποθηκεύσεως ή G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually κατασχέσεως αυτών, ως και της μεταβολής του προορισμού των. Η επ’

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

αυτών ασκουμένη νομή είναι θρησκευτικού περιεχομένου και δεν έχει περιουσιακόν χαρακτήρα». Επισημαίνεται, δε, ότι ο θρησκευτικός προορισμός που σχετίζεται με την ανάδειξη και διατήρηση της μνήμης δεν επιτελείται μόνο μέσα από έργα τέχνης, αλλά και μέσα από απλές κατασκευές. Είναι, δε, προφανές ότι η απόσπαση του γλυπτού ταφικού μνημείου από τον τάφο και η τοποθέτηση αυτού σε εκθεσιακό χώρο αποστερεί πλήρως από αυτό την εκπλήρωση του προορισμού του και το By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS μετατρέπει από ταφικόHarvard μνημείο σε εκθεσιακό τέχνης, κατάStudent, πάσα University, Graduateέργο School of Design, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS πιθανότητα εντός συναλλαγής, διότι η καταβολή τιμήματος εισόδου στον Architect of the School of Architecture εκθεσιακό χώρο ίσως προϋποτίθεται Student προκειμένου να το δουν οι Technical University of Crete επισκέπτες του εκθεσιακού χώρου. Είναι γεγονός ότι οι διατάξεις αλλά και η θεωρία με τη νομολογία 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αποδέχονται ότι «ο νομοθέτης καθιερώνει τεκμήριο για όλα 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444αρμοδιότητας ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), 9 τα συναφή τα νεκροταφεία θέματα υπέρ των Δήμων και-“principle”: Κοινοτήτων» ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among otherμεwise heritage he left us, he established a great the. Κατόπιν αυτού, είναι λογικό και προφανές ότι η νομοθεσία που αφορά among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. στις υποχρεώσεις των Δήμων για μνημεία και νεκροταφεία είναι ειδική και acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (andγενικής Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notήthe final, approach, theπερί term υπερισχύει κάθε διάταξης, προγενέστερης μεταγενέστερης urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification μνημείων σύνδεσης αυτώνof aμε κληρονομιά. (Θα Sociology asκαι well), as the “refining” cityτην area,πολιτιστική the removal from this, (in various Sociology as as the “refining” of a cityμε area, from this, (inέννοια various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement artists, μπορούσε ναwell), υποστηριχθεί, σύμφωνα τα the παραπάνω, ότιthere στηνof ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the of artκληρονομιάς, galleries, restaurants, etc.έννοια, However this “change”, regardless of τηςoperation πολιτιστικής κατά μία περιλαμβάνονται οι χώροι the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has,ηresults rising land prices (and theof των κοιμητηρίων εν γένει, αλλά άποψηalso αυτή δεν of μπορεί να αποτελέσει whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative αντικείμενο της παρούσας αναζήτησης). Ως αναφέρθηκε προηγουμένως, η potential relative speculation). at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Theδιάταξη term gentrification ρητή του αρθ.5is found Α.Ν. 582 της 28/9/ 1968 (ΦΕΚ Α 225) Περί The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in άλλων poor δημοτικών και κοινοτικών κοιμητηρίων κάνει λόγο, μεταξύ για τοof the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents are δικαίωμα της νομής επίstay των ταφικώνsometimes μνημείων:there «Η επ’ London, upgrade them, themselves andαυτών thus oldασκουμένη residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. νομή είναι θρησκευτικού περιεχομένου». Είναι, δε, άκρως ενδιαφέρον το being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ιδιαίτερο νομής που χαρακτηρίζεται ως of«θρησκευτικού A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theείδος same while similar in other major περιεχομένου νομή» η οποία ασκείται επί του ταφικού μνημείου. Για τη GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. διερεύνηση αυτού του όρου είναι απαραίτητο να ληφθούν υπόψη: Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since the issue εθιμικό has several scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized various α) Τοthen, θρησκευτικό περιβάλλον μέσα below, από τοfrom οποίο προέκυψε comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: αυτός ο τύποςof νομής μη περιουσιακού χαρακτήρα επί πράγματος. various interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In aβ) sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Τα πρόσωπα τα οποία νομιμοποιούνται να ασκήσουν αυτήν την to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ιδιαίτερη νομή. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Αναφορικά μεfrom το Sociologist θρησκευτικό περιβάλλον του 1950 παρατηρείται termat comes Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, ότι το επί αιώνες ομοιογενές ορθόδοξο ιστορικά Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932χριστιανικό she published περιβάλλον, an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment.καθορίζει The same year she τρόπους left Germany and after continuous και παραδοσιακά τους σεβασμού και ανάδειξης της lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, μνήμης νεκρού. Με δεδομένη τη διαμόρφωση συμπεριφοράς και εθίμων in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her θρησκευτικό public and μέσα απόinformal ορθόδοξες και μόνο είναι λογικό brokers το long-term effortαντιλήψεις by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 9 Ό.π., σελ. 887 επ.

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns


περιεχόμενο της νομής επί των ταφικών μνημείων να ταυτίζεται με τις ορθόδοξες θρησκευτικές αντιλήψεις που επικρατούν μέσα στα νεκροταφεία της χώρας, τα οποία έχουν διαμορφωθεί και λειτουργούν με χριστιανικές ορθόδοξες αναφορές, κατά κύριο λόγο. Εύλογος προβληματισμός δημιουργείται εάν μπορεί να γίνει η χρήση του όρου «θρησκευτικού περιεχομένου» σε μια κοινωνία όπου θα έχει υποχωρήσει η θρησκευτική αντίληψη ως πανίσχυρος εθιμικής By Mr.παράγοντας George-Sp. C.καθιέρωσης ATHANASOPOULOS συμπεριφοράς και το φαινόμενο της αθεΐας ή αθρησκίας θα γνωρίσει Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS μεγάλη εξάπλωση. Σε μια τέτοια περίπτωση, ίσως C. κάποιος θα μπορούσε Architect Student ofπεριεχομένου the School of Architecture να αντιπροτείνει τον όρο «πολιτισμικού νομή» Technical University Crete διατηρώντας, μεν, την εθιμική κοινωνική συμπεριφορά, ofαλλά αποφορτίζοντας απόDefining τη μεταφυσική δογματική αναφορά. Παρόλα 1. Introductory αυτήν approach: the concept αυτά είναι, πιθανώς, παρακινδυνευμένη μια τέτοιου είδους προβολή στο 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), μέλλον, χωρίςwise να heritage έχουμε μια προφανή σε μέγεθος(444 περιεχόμενο τάση ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other he left us, he established aκαι great the προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Αναφορικά με τα πρόσωπα τη θρησκευτικού acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aπου first, ifασκούν not final, approach, the term 1 Based, therefore, on “principle” in a first, if (in not final, approach, the term περιεχομένου νομή, θα this μπορούσε να is απαντηθεί ότιthe αυτή αναφέρεται σε (and urban gentrification) indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification συγγενείς απογόνους των νεκρών. γεγονός ότι συναισθηματικά Sociology asκαι well), as the “refining” of a city Είναι area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology asοι well), as the “refining” ofπρόσωπα a city area, fromthere this, (inτρόπο various ways), of social groups, usually low-income andthe theremoval placement artists, και ηθικά οικείοι είναιofτα που επιλέγουν τονof ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art etc. However this “change”, regardless of υπεράσπισης τηςgalleries, μνήμηςrestaurants, νεκρού συγγενούς. Ωστόσο, οφείλουμε να the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land (and theof παρατηρήσουμε ότι το παραπάνω δικαίωμα υπόκειται σεprices περιορισμούς whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative όταν: potential relative speculation). TheΙ)term gentrification is found atτεθεί first inυπό the UK and it refers to Ένα ταφικό μνημείο τηνin early ειδική1960s προστασία της The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor πολιτείας, λόγω ένταξης αυτού στηνpeople πολιτιστική κληρονομιά της χώρας, the then observed trend wealthy to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof καλλιτεχνικής αξίας κ.λ.stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are London, upgrade them, being indirectly “squeezed”. ήbeing indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ΙΙ) έχει similar ενταφιαστεί έχει κριθεί την κοινωνία A description ofperiod, thisπου phenomenon is situations included inwere the workαπό of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atτο theπρόσωπο same while recorded in other major ως πρόσωπο με μεγάλη ιστορική προσφορά, την οποία οι απόγονοι αυτού GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. είτε αγνοούν, είτε δε συμμερίζονται, με several αποτέλεσμα να αδιαφορούν για Since then, the issue has scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more την προστασία της μνήμης,are είτεbeing είναιsummarized αδύνατο να ασκηθεί η θρησκευτικού comprehensive approach below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized various περιεχομένου επί του ταφικού μνημείου διότι from δεν the υπάρχουν interpretations ofνομή the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups απόγονοι. to “return” to the city, leaving the προκύπτει purlieus for για several reasons: high in money Στη δεύτερη περίπτωση τους Δήμους να costs λειτουργούν, and to travel the purlieus to downtown, where place is, lack of the μεν,time νόμω, ως from αποκλειστικοί διαχειριστές των work νεκροταφείων, αλλά 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, ταυτόχρονα και ως διαχειριστές ενός άλλου κοινωνικού αγαθού που θα Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) μπορούσε να ορίζεται «προγονική Youth Unemployment. Theως same year she leftμνήμη». Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London Neweasier York she came to back to London, Προϋπόθεση να καταστεί έναςand Δήμος διαχειριστής προγονικής in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and μνήμης και ασκών θρησκευτικού περιεχομένου επίHerτων ταφικών University College of London, where she continued her social νομή research. public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH μνημείων των νεκροταφείων αυτού θα μπορούσε να θεωρηθεί ότιDICTIONARY. είναι: and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: α) Η ανυπαρξία απογόνων συγγενών. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually β) Η παραίτηση των απογόνων - συγγενών από το σχετικό καθήκον.

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect of the School Architecture γ) Η καλλιτεχνική αξία του ταφικού Student μνημείου, είτε αυτήofέχει κριθεί Technical University Crete ειδικώς εκ του νόμου, είτε όχι, διότι μπορεί μια μικρής καλλιτεχνικής of αξίας

κατασκευή να αποτελεί πολύτιμο έκφρασης της τοπικής ιστορίας 1. Introductory approach: Definingδείγμα the concept που ο Δήμος οφείλει να προστατέψει και να αναδείξει. 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), δ)other Πιθανώς η the μεγάλη απόσταση των απογόνων κατά τη ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wise heritage he χρονική left us, he established a great the χρονική στιγμή που τίθεται το ζήτημα, από το θάνατο του συγκεκριμένου among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the προσώπου. και ηwith αριθ.868/1950 Απόφαση Ειρηνοδικείου acquisition of(Εξάλλου, knowledge starts theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based,κάνει therefore, onγια this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term Αθηνών λόγο τη συμπεριφορά των απώτερων urban gentrification) is the area ofκληρονόμων Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification θέλοντας πιθανώς να “refining” αναδείξει of ακόμη πιο χαλαρό το σύνδεσμο ανάμεσα Sociology as well), as the a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, this, of (in various ways), of social groups, usually of νεκρούς). low-income andthe theremoval placement there artists, σε μακρινούς απογόνους και Εάν μια τέτοιαfrom εκδοχή γινόταν ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art ως galleries, restaurants, etc.την However this “change”, regardless of ποτέ αποδεκτή, προϋπόθεση για υπεράσπιση της προγονικής the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising ofμε land pricesκανόνα. (and theof μνήμης από Δήμο, θα έπρεπε αυτή και να οριοθετηθεί σχετικό whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Συμπερασματικά, παρατηρείται, ότι η διαχείριση γης που καλούνται potential relative speculation). term gentrification found at της first in the UK in early 1960s it refersκαι to να The κάνουν οι Δήμοι στοisπλαίσιο αρμοδιότητας για τη and σύσταση The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor λειτουργία νεκροταφείων, αποτελεί, εκτός to από πηγή εσόδων για τοof the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people buyμια property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents are Δήμο απόupgrade την εκμετάλλευση τμήματος της δημοτικής του περιουσίας και London, them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ένα πλέγμα παροχής υπηρεσιών προς τον πολίτη, μια πλήρη σε being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth πολιτισμικό πολιτειακή συμπεριφορά, μοναδική σε τοπική A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theπεριεχόμενο same while similar in other major και ιστορική ευθύνη. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Τέλος, θαthe πρέπει επισημανθεί ότι η θρησκευτικού περιεχομένου Since then, issue να has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more νομή επί ταφικού μνημείου μπορεί σε βάθοςbelow, χρόνου ναthe καταστεί comprehensive approach are being summarized from various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various αδιάφορο ζήτημα την ανάδειξη της προγονικής μνήμης, εάν μετά από interpretations of theγια phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due toταφικά a trend of a new ofμέσα socialσε groups εκατοντάδες ή of χιλιάδες χρόνια ταof μνημεία βρεθούν ένα to “return” to the city, leaving purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money θρησκευτικό περιβάλλον μεthe άλλες δοξασίες, άλλες κρατούσες πολιτισμικές and time to travel the purlieus to νεκρών, downtown, where placeνα is,συμβαίνει lack of the αντιλήψεις περί from ανάδειξης μνήμης όπως π.χ.work μπορεί 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the σύγχρονο distributed residencies outside townεντός centres, και συμβαίνει στο κόσμο με τα μνημεία νεκροπόλεων της Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services ofή health, education, entertainment “at heart of the city”, (possibly) αρχαίας ρωμαϊκής περιόδου που στοthe φως η αρχαιολογική έρευναfor Youth Unemployment. The same year she φέρνει left Germany and after continuous movements lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, London and car New York she came back to London, και αναδεικνύονται εντόςPrague, των μουσείων. Σε αυτές τιςto περιπτώσεις η in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and πολιτισμική μεταβολή μέσα στο χρόνο είναι τέτοια που Her μετατρέπει την University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISHπλέον DICTIONARY. προγονική μνήμη σεby aιστορική μνήμη, αναδεικνυόμενη σε and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: μουσειακούς χώρους, με μεγάλη πραγματική και εννοιολογική απόσταση G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually από τις όποιες αρμοδιότητες των Δήμων. 135 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Χαράλαμπος ΤΡΑΣΑΝΙΔΗΣ Concerns Η Ηλεκτρονική Διακυβέρνηση στους Ο.Τ.Α.

Κριτικό σημείωμα

και η συμβολή τους στην τοπική ανάπτυξη. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Η περίπτωση του Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

Πρόκειται περί Διπλωματικής Εργασίας του κ.


1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Χαράλαμπου ΤΡΑΣΑΝΙΔΗ στο 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444εκπονηθείσης ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), πλαίσιο των σπουδών του στο Εθνικό Κέντρο ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και Αυτοδιοίκησης. Η εργασία among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. αξιολογήθηκε από Επιτροπή μεconcepts. «άριστα» acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a τριμελή first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term με Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια την Επίκουρη gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Καθηγήτρια Πανεπιστημίου Κ.Π.Ε. κ. Sociology as well), as the “refining” ofτου a cityΠαντείου area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups,Δεληθέου usually of low-income andΕργασία the placement there of artists, Βασιλική. Η πραγματεύεται το ways), of social groups, usually low-income and the placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”,there regardless of θέμα τηςof Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης και της the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless of whatever other has, results rising of land prices (and the συμβολής has, της results στην Δημόσια Διοίκηση με στόχο να whatever other consequences also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). αναδείξει τα πλεονεκτήματα, που δύναται να potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to αποκομίσει από την εφαρμογή The term gentrification foundηatΔημόσια first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy people toΔιοίκηση buy property in poor της Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης, τα εμπόδια και the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes and thus residents are τιςstay δυσλειτουργίες, που there πιθανόν ναold συναντήσει being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. κατά την διάρκεια της εφαρμογής καθώςRuth και A description of this phenomenon is included in the work ofτης, Sociologist A description ofperiod, this isτης included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major τηνphenomenon περιγραφή υπάρχουσας κατάστασης στην GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Δημόσια Διοίκηση και την Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more Στο πρώτοsummarized Μέρος της below, μελέτης καταγράφεται comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various μία θεωρητική προσέγγιση της Ηλεκτρονικής interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations theΔιακυβέρνησης, phenomenon the following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aγενικότερα. trend of a new category of social groups Ακόμη, αναφέρονται οι to “return” to the city, leaving theπου purlieus for αποδοθεί several reasons: high Ηλεκτρονική costs in money ορισμοί, έχουν για την and time to travel fromΔιακυβέρνηση the purlieus to downtown, where work is, lack of the διεθνώς, καιplace ακολούθως termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, η επικρατούσα στην Berlin, where she made περιγράφεται her first studies. In 1932 she published an κατάσταση important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she Ευρωπαϊκή left Germany and after continuous Ελλάδα, στην Ένωση καιtoγενικότερα σε lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying δεύτερο Μέρος παρατίθεται μία her work are characterized by a Στο passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: συγκριτική μελέτη της εφαρμογής της G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης σε Φορείς της

2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης στην Ελλάδα και Concerns αξιολογείται η συμβολή τους στην τοπική

ανάπτυξη, καθώς και στην εξέλιξη της ΗλεκτρονικήςBy Mr. Διακυβέρνησης στον ευρύτερο George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, δημόσιο τομέα.

By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect

Στο τελευταίοStudent Μέρος της ofεργασίας, of the School Architecture Technical of Crete παρατίθενται τα συμπεράσματα από University την εφαρμογή της Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης μέσω της χρήσης 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept των Τεχνολογιών Επικοινωνίας 1. Introductory approach: theΠληροφορικής concept (444 BCκαι ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), στους Φορείς της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, οι Athens), οποίοι ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the συμμετείχαν σε σχετική έρευνα, καθώς επίσης και among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content of“principle”: concepts. οιthisstarts προτάσεις βελτίωσης της εφαρμογής της acquisition of knowledge with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, theτους term Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης τόσο σεofαυτούς gentrification) is area Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Φορείς, όσοofκαι στον ευρύτερο δημόσιο τομέα. Sociology as well), as the “refining” a city area, the removal from this, (in various

Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Τέλος, ο Συγγραφέας τονίζει πως σε μια ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of περίοδοrestaurants, εύθραυστων κοινωνικών ισορροπιών the operation ofconsequences art galleries, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and και theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences results also risingπίεσης, of land prices (and the συνθηκώνhas, δημοσιονομικής η ελληνική potential relative potential relative speculation). Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση, εκμεταλλευόμενη The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itόλο refersτο to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy toεργαλείων buy property ofto φάσμα διαθέσιμων σεin poor εθνικό και the then observed trend wealthy people to there buyνα property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, μπορεί προσφέρει βιώσιμες London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. λύσεις για την ελληνική οικονομία, being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist ενσωματώνοντας τις νέες και Ruth τις A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere theτεχνολογίες work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major καινοτόμες καλές πρακτικές στην καθημερινότητα GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. των δημοτών. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, theΓΕ. following: Καθηγητής Κωνστ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Καθηγητής Σχολ. Νομικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστ. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Μεταπτ. Προγραμμάτων and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown,και where work place is, lack of the Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Καθηγητής Επισκ. Μετ. Προγρ. Σπ.the Πανεπ. Αθηνών, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where Ομοτ. Καθηγητής ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟΥ Π.Κ.Π.Ε., studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Ex Ch. L. U. L. Bruxelles, Ex. Int. I.I.A.P., Paris University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Κάτοχος Τιμητικής Διακρίσεως her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: LE PRIX EUROPEEN DES 12 ETOILES G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

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GOVERNMENT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT * Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Tριµηνιαία By Eπιστηµ�νική Έκδ�ση Harvard School of Design, Student, EditionUniversity, scientifiqueGraduate trimestrielle By scientific Mr. George-Sp. Quartely review C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect * Student of the School of Architecture Έτος ιρδύσεως έκδοσης1995 Α΄ τεύχους 1995 μ.Χ. Έτ�ςκαι ιδρύσεως µ.X.Technical University of Crete * 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 2018 Numb. Tεύ��ς / Numéro / Issue 94 68 // 2012 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Απρίλι�ς, Μάϊ�ς, Ι�ύνι�ς 2012 Οκτώβριος, Νοέμβριος, Δεκέμβριος 2018- 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC * ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Kωδικ�ς: 014297 among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the *a first, if of acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” not final, approach, the term Iδι�κτήτης / Propriétaire 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, /ifOwner notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification

1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area,EPEYNAΣ the removal from this, (in various KENTPO EΠIMOPΦΩΣHΣ MEΛETΩN KAI ANAΠTY�HΣ Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of µη low-income and Eταιρεία the placement there Aστική κερδ�σκ�πική ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless DE FORMATION ETUDES DE RECHERCHE ET(and DU theof whateverCENTRE other consequences has, DES results also rising of land prices whatever otherspeculation). consequencesDEVELOPPEMENT has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Société butUK lucratif potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atcivile first sans in the in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor CENTER OF EDUCATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT the then observed trend wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Civil not lucrative Association London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. * being indirectly “squeezed”. Yπεύθυν�ς κατά τ�ν ν�µ�, Eκδ�της /Editeur/Editor A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth Kαθηγητής ΓE. AΘANAΣOΠOYΛOΣ GLASS at the same whileKωνστ. similar situations in other major Prof. Const. GE. ATHANASSOPOULOS GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. * cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has scholars and for its more Eπιστηµ�νικ�ς Yπεύθυν�ς: Kαθηγητής several Kωνστ. ΓE. AΘANAΣOΠOYΛOΣ Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from Responsable Scientifique: Professeur Const. GE. ATHANASSOPOULOS comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Scientific Responsible: Professor Const. GE. ATHANASSOPOULOS interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: * In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Σύµ��υλ�ς Έκδ�σης to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money AΠOKENTPΩΣHΣ, and time to travel fromEΛΛHNIKO the purlieusKENTPO to downtown, where work place is, lack of the TOΠIKHΣ AYTO∆IOIKHΣHΣ KAI ΠEPIΦEPEIAKHΣ ANAΠTY�HΣ termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside Conseiller d’ éditiontown centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) CENTER HELLENIQUE DECENTRALISATION, Youth Unemployment. The same year she left DE Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where D’ ADMINISTRATION LOCALE ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT REGIONAL studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Edition Counsellor University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying HELLENICby CENTER DECENTRALIZATION, LOCAL her work are characterized a passionFOR for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in GOVERNMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. REGIONAL London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually




GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns

∆ιευθύνεται υπ� Συντακτικής Eπιτρ�πής εκ Kαθηγητών Πανεπιστηµί�υ και Eιδικών Eπιστηµ�νων. Σύστηµα Kριτών. Dirigée par Comité de rédaction de Professeurs d’ Université et de Scientifiques Spécialisés Directed by Edition Board of University Professors and Specialized Scientists System of external evaluators * Tιµή τεύ��υς: 9 f Συνδρ�µέςBy ετήσιες: Φιλίας: 300C. fATHANASOPOULOS ∆ηµ�σίων Mr. George-Sp. Yπηρεσιών, N.Π.∆. και I.∆., ∆ήµων, N�µαρ�ιακών Aυτ�δι�ικήσεων,Tραπε�ών, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Eταιρειών: 150 f Iδιωτών: 30 f Φ�ιτητών: 15 f By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect E�ωτερικ�ύ: US $ 100 Student of the School Morales of Architecture Prix: 9 f Abonnements: Prix d’ ami: 300 f Services Publics, Personnes de Technical University of Crete Droit Public ou Privé, Communes, Administrations Départementales, Banques, Sociétés: 150 f Individuels: 30 f Etudiants: 15 f 1. Introductory approach: Defining Etranger:the USconcept $ 100 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Price: 9 f Subscriptions: Friendship: 300 f Public Services, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Legal Persons of Publicthe or ancient Private Law, Communities, Prefecture ANTISTHENIS, Greek philosopher, (444 BCAdministrations, -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Banks, Societies: 150 f Individuals: 30 f among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Students: 15 f Abroad: US $ 100 acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term *in Υπεύθυνος Τυπογραφείου 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Yπεύθυν�ς Tυπ�γρα�εί�υ gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification ΕΚΤΥΠΩΣΕΙΣ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ 1 EI∆IKH EK∆OTIKH A.E.E.B.E. gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Μάρνη 25, Πλ. Βάθης, Αθήνα, Xαλκ�κ�νδύλη 35,Tηλε�. Kέντρ�: (210) 5242177, (210) 5226641, FAX: (210) 5232409 Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τηλ.: 210.5234559, φαξ: 2105203633, email: theogi@otenet.gr ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, * etc. However ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, “change”,there regardless of Tα δηµ�σιευ�µενα κείµενα απη��ύν τις απ�ψεις των Συντακτών τ�υς the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof καιother δεν δεσµεύ�υν την EΠIΘ. AYT. KAI ΠEP.prices AN. (and the whatever consequences has,AΠOK.,TOΠ. results also rising of land potential relative speculation). * potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Oι αναγγελίες εντ�ς πλαισί�υ των νέων εκδ�σεων απ�τελ�ύν πρ�σ��ρά The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early�ιλική 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor τ�υ Eπιστηµ�νικ�ύ Yπευθύν�υ τ�υ Περι�δικ�ύ πρ�ς τ�υς Συγγρα�είς τ�υς the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves* sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Bάσει τ�υ N. 2121/1993 και των σ�ετικών καν�νων τ�υ ∆ιεθν�ύς ∆ικαί�υ απαbeing indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Ruth γ�ρεύεται η αναδηµ�σίευση ή η αναπαραγωγή (�λική ή µερική) µε Sociologist �π�ι�ν δήπ�τε A description ofδήπ�τε this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of πρ�ηγ�ύµενη Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major τρ�π� και µε �π�ι� µέσ� των κειµένων τ�υ παρ�ντ�ς, �ωρίς GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major έγγρα�η άδεια τ�υ εκδ�τ�υ. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Toute reproduction un quelconque de cette Revue, cities in Western countries, byextrait other Researchers. Since then, the issued’has preoccupied several scholars andpar forquelque its more procédé que ce soit, et notamment par photocopie ou microfilm, est strictement Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the interdite. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations thematerial phenomenon of gentrification, following: The whole ofofthe appearing in this Review isthe a copyright and may not be interpretations of the gentrification, following: In a sense,inthe phenomenon is dueof to a permission trend of a new category reproduced whole orphenomenon in part without the ofthe the Editor. of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus * for several reasons: high costs in money ∆ιεύθυνση / Adresse / Address and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Ίµ�ρ�υ 6, 11257 Aθήναι, τηλ.: (210) 8647120, fax: centres, (210) 8658868 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town search IMVROY GR 11257, / ATHENS, teleph.: 8647120, Berlin, where she6,made her first ATHENES studies. In 1932 she published an (210) important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year left8658868 Germany and after continuous movements for fax:she (210) lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, * in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and http : // library.panteion.gr/pandemos • Eλληνικά περι�δικά University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying * her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theISSN depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 1106-91-71 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually

22 30

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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ΤΕΥΧΟΣ Ν. 94/2018/ ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ/SOMMAIRE/CONTENTS Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Σελ./P. Student of the School of Architecture - Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ / Const. GE. ATHANASOPOULOS: Τοις Technical University of Crete

Εντευξομένοις Ή Δημόσιες Διοικήσεις Κρατών Μελών και Όργανα της Ε.Ε.: στοργής ή αντιπαράθεσης;………………………….….…………………… 3 1. Σχέσεις Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept - Ναπ. ΜΑΡΑΒΕΓΙΑΣ: Περί Οίκων Αξιολόγησης πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Κρατών……….………………………………………….……………………………………………… ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the 7 -acquisition Θεοδ. ΚΑΛΛΙΑΝΟΣ: Post “BREXIT ΣΧΕΔΙΟ”: Πόσο “IN”, Πόσο “OUT”; Η among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the μακροχρόνια πολύπλοκη διαδικασία αποχωρήσεως του Ηνωμένου acquisition ofκαι knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based,από therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Βασιλείου την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση……………………………………………………. urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or 9 gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or - gentrification Τιτίνα ΛΟΪΖΙΔΟΥ: Άνθρωπος πίσω απόarea, την Δικαστική Sociology as well), asΟthe “refining” of a city the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various15 Απόφαση……………………….………………………………………………………………………. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of -the Γ.operation ΓΕΩΡΓΗΣ: Γιώργος ΑΡΒΑΝΙΤΑΚΗΣ ο καλλιτέχνης, ο παιδαγωγός, οartists, of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless άνθρωπος……………………….…………………………………………………………………….. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof17 otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the - whatever Αθ. ΤΡΙΚΟΥΠΗΣ: Νικόλαος Μάντζαρος και Εθνικός Ύμνος. Επιχειρώντας potential relative potential relative speculation). term gentrification is foundτου at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to 23 μίαThe αποτίμηση της συνεισφοράς Μουσουργού………………………………….. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto33 the observed trendΤeam ofiswealthy to buy property in poor - Ελ.then ΧΑΤΖΗΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ: 10……………………………………………………………. then observed trend of wealthy people to there buy in poor areas - the Βασ. ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ: Νικ. ΡΑΠΤΗΣ: Τοsometimes διαδίκτυο ως property εργαλείο ανάπτυξης London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay sometimes there and thus old residents are37 της επιχειρηματικότητας καιthemselves καινοτομίας των νεοφυών επιχειρήσεων……. being indirectly “squeezed”. indirectly “squeezed”. - being Ιωαν. ΠΙΣΣΟΥΡΙΟΣ, ΠΑΤΣΑΒΟΣ: Το Ερώτημα Αστικότητας τηςRuth A description of thisΝικ. phenomenon is included in theτης work of Sociologist Κυπριακής Πόλης: πολεοδομικές και αρχιτεκτονικές διερευνήσεις…………... A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth39 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major -cities Γεωρ. ΜΑΡΗΣ, Νικ. ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ: Η θέση της Ελλάδας στην Ευρωπαϊκή GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major in Western countries, by other Researchers. Ένωση: πρώιμη περίοδος 1975 - 1990…………...……………………………………. cities inΗWestern countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more 52 -comprehensive Ευγ. Μαρ.then, Κ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ: Alexander SCRIABIN…………………………... Since the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more57 approach are being summarized below, from -interpretations ΠανεπιστήμιοofΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος…………………………………………………………. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various62 the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: - interpretations G. - Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS: Design and Construction: The role of new the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, ………………………….………………………………………………………………. theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups 64 technologies to “return” to the city, leaving purlieus for several reasons: Νότο high costs money - Σαβ. ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΥ: Καλές the πρακτικές στον Ευρωπαϊκό απόinτην and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση για την ενίσχυση της καινοτομίας: Οι περιπτώσεις termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, των Δήμων Λισαβόνας, Βαρκελώνης και Πειραιά…………………………………….. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled:68 services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Unemployment. The same yearΣΟΦΑΔΩΝ…………………………………………….. she left Germany and after continuous movements for82 - Youth Δημοτικά Τραγούδια Περιοχής lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, - studies Ανδρέας Π. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ: Γεωπολιτική και Γεωστρατηγική Ανατομία in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and της Ανατολικής και οι Επιπτώσεις μιας Μεγάλης University CollegeΜεσογείου of London, where she continued her social research.Γεωπολιτικής Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY.83 Δίνης σε Κύπρο και Ελλάδα…………………………………………………………………….. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: -a 10th Αγγ. ΤΣΑΚΛΑΓΚΑΝΟΣ, Παρ. ΤΣΑΚΛΑΓΚΑΝΟΥ: Βασικές αρχές του Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Marketing……………………………………………………………………………………………… 90 140 2521 11


GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete

1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative - potential Γεωρ. ΙΩΑΚΕΙΜ: Η isψηφιακή κληρονομία: της to relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the UK in Η earlyΠερίπτωση 1960s and it refers Διαδικτυακής Πλατφόρμας DSL Portal του Τμήματος Κτηματολογίου και The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas Χωρομετρίας τηςthem, Κύπρου……………………………………………………………………….. London, upgrade stay of themselves and thus old residents areof91 upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus oldΜοχλός residents are - London, Βασ.indirectly ΜΕΛΕΤΗ: Οι Πράσινοι Φόροι ως Μοντέλοthere Αειφορίας και being “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Αναπτυξιακής Πολιτικής σε επίπεδο Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης…………………... A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth102 A description of this phenomenon is included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth -GLASS Κέντρο Έρευνας Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης «Ιερώνυμος Δ. ΠΙΝΤΟΣ και major at the same period, while similar situationsinwere in other GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Αναστασία Ιερ. ΠΙΝΤΟΥ»………………………………………………………………………... 113 cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. inΤΣΙΦΤΣΗΣ, Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. - cities Αθαν. Δημ. BREXIT: Since then, the issueΧΑΤΖΗΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ: has severalΕτερόκλητες scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more προσεγγίσεις…………………………………………..........................................................…… 114 comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the - Μαρ. ΜΙΧΑΗΛ:ofΗthe Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση στην Κύπρο την περίοδο various interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, theκατά following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: InΑγγλοκρατίας………………………………………………………………………………….. a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups116 της to “return” to the city, Ανθρώπινα leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highσχέσεις: costs in money - Χαρ. ΣΙΜΟΓΙΑΝΝΗ: Δικαιώματα: Ομοφυλοφιλικές and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the120 νομοθετικό πλαίσιο…………………………………………………………………………..……. 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town for - Δημ. ΝΟΥΣΗ: Αρμοδιότητες των GLASS, Δήμων και centres, ταφικά γλυπτά: Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly)128 «Η Κοιμωμένη τουeducation, Χαλεπά»……………………………………………………………....…… Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access to markets, in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier YorkΧαρ. she came back to London, - studies Κωνστ.and ΓΕ.research ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Κριτικό Σημείωμα: ΤΡΑΣΑΝΙΔΗΣ: Ηetc.where in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Ηλεκτρονική Διακυβέρνηση στους Ο.Τ.Α. και η συμβολή τους στην τοπική in University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying ανάπτυξη. περίπτωσηbyτου ΔήμουforΘεσσαλονίκης……………………….…………. 136 her work areΗcharacterized a passion justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in138 edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: - 10th Εκδότης, Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος……………………………………………………... G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a- Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually140 Περιεχόμενα………………………………………………………….……………………………...

141 2521 11

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